This document contains an 8 question exam on digital control systems. It covers topics such as:
1) The basic elements of a digital control system including sampling and hold operations. Sampling converts a continuous signal to discrete samples.
2) Comparison of different hold circuit types based on impulse and frequency response. Hold circuits are needed to reconstruct the continuous output signal from discrete samples.
3) Analysis of digital control systems using z-transforms and comparison to analog systems. Z-transforms are useful for digital system analysis while s-domain methods are not directly applicable.
4) Stability analysis methods for digital control systems including why the root locus method is not directly applicable. Stability is a key consideration.
This document contains an 8 question exam on digital control systems. It covers topics such as:
1) The basic elements of a digital control system including sampling and hold operations. Sampling converts a continuous signal to discrete samples.
2) Comparison of different hold circuit types based on impulse and frequency response. Hold circuits are needed to reconstruct the continuous output signal from discrete samples.
3) Analysis of digital control systems using z-transforms and comparison to analog systems. Z-transforms are useful for digital system analysis while s-domain methods are not directly applicable.
4) Stability analysis methods for digital control systems including why the root locus method is not directly applicable. Stability is a key consideration.
This document contains an 8 question exam on digital control systems. It covers topics such as:
1) The basic elements of a digital control system including sampling and hold operations. Sampling converts a continuous signal to discrete samples.
2) Comparison of different hold circuit types based on impulse and frequency response. Hold circuits are needed to reconstruct the continuous output signal from discrete samples.
3) Analysis of digital control systems using z-transforms and comparison to analog systems. Z-transforms are useful for digital system analysis while s-domain methods are not directly applicable.
4) Stability analysis methods for digital control systems including why the root locus method is not directly applicable. Stability is a key consideration.
This document contains an 8 question exam on digital control systems. It covers topics such as:
1) The basic elements of a digital control system including sampling and hold operations. Sampling converts a continuous signal to discrete samples.
2) Comparison of different hold circuit types based on impulse and frequency response. Hold circuits are needed to reconstruct the continuous output signal from discrete samples.
3) Analysis of digital control systems using z-transforms and comparison to analog systems. Z-transforms are useful for digital system analysis while s-domain methods are not directly applicable.
4) Stability analysis methods for digital control systems including why the root locus method is not directly applicable. Stability is a key consideration.
Total No. of Questions: 08) [Total No. of Pages : 02
( ~.// q0 ~/~ ~~ 1~ 0\'" M. Tech. DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS ~:PEE-504 Paper ID : [E0484] (Note: Please till subject code and paper, ID on OMR) Time: 03 Hours Instruction to Candidates: 1) Attempt any Five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Missing data, if any can be suitably assumed. Maximum Marks: 100 Ql) (a) What are Digital control systems and how are these different from Analog control systems? With an aid of a block diagram show basic , elements of a digital control system and give functioning of these elements. (b) What is meant by samplin&and hold operations? What are types of sampling operations? In case of an Ideal sampling show that L.T of sampled output, f*(t) is given by 00 F*(s)= "Lf(nT)e-nsT n=O where T is sampling period. Q2) (a) What are hold-operation? Why is hold operation needed in a digital control systems? Derive expression ofT.F. 01a simple type of hold-circuit. (b) Based on "impulse response" and 'frequency response" give a comparison of various hold-circuits. Q3) (a) Whyis z-transformuseful in analysis of digital control systems?Define Pulse T.F.Also mention limitations of z-transform. (b) Enumerate steps involved in obtaining z-transform of a function, f(t). Obtain z-transform of the following: J;(t) =e-fJlsin {3 t J;(t) = cos rot. Q4) (a) Define stability of digital control systems. Enumerate various methods used for stability investigation of such systems. Why is R-H criterion not directly applicable in stability analysis of such systems - explain. J-4196{8129} R T.O. (b) Solve the following difference equation using z-transform: y(k + 2) - 0.1y(k+ 1)- 0.2y(k) = u (k + 1)+ u(k)with- y (0) = 0& , y(l) = O,.k= 0;1,2, ,..... Q5) (a) Discuss working of a Digital position ,control systemwith a simplified block diagram. . (b) Discuss the stepping motor-operation with control action included and disk drive systemincorporated. . Q6) (a) What is need of compensator in a digital control system? Discuss the procedure of design of digital controllers. (b) The pulsed TF of a digital control system without compensation is (, -1 ) [ 880 ] given by GhoGp(z) = ,1- z Z S2(S +8.8) use Bilinear transformation & design a lead controller to meet the followingrequirements: Phase margin = 450& resonance peak Mp:: 6.7. Q7) (a) Show state variable representation of an analog control system described by an input-output re~ation in form of a differential equation. Also derive TF of the system from the state variable model so obtained. (b) An analog system is described by following SE and OE of the form [ Xl =X2 X2 =-2XI-3x2 +u SE Y=Xj: OE Obtain TF and find eigen values of the system. Q8) (a) Develop state variable description of a digital control system with u(k) = input signal at kth instant y(k) = output-signal at kth instant &x (k) = state variable at kth instant Also obtain TF of above system. (b) Give state variable model of a digital contr~l system if input-output relation of the system dynamics is described by differential ego y (k + 3) + 5y (k + 2) + 3Y (k + 1) + 2y (k) = u(k). 0*0* J-4196 2