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PEE-504 IDdcsE0484

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Roll No. ......................

Total No. of Questions: 08) [Total No. of Pages : 02

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M. Tech.
Paper ID : [E0484]
(Note: Please till subject code and paper, ID on OMR)
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Missing data, if any can be suitably assumed.
Maximum Marks: 100
Ql) (a) What are Digital control systems and how are these different from
Analog control systems? With an aid of a block diagram show basic
, elements of a digital control system and give functioning of these elements.
(b) What is meant by samplin&and hold operations? What are types of
sampling operations? In case of an Ideal sampling show that L.T of
sampled output, f*(t) is given by
F*(s)= "Lf(nT)e-nsT
where T is sampling period.
Q2) (a) What are hold-operation? Why is hold operation needed in a digital control
systems? Derive expression ofT.F. 01a simple type of hold-circuit.
(b) Based on "impulse response" and 'frequency response" give a
comparison of various hold-circuits.
Q3) (a) Whyis z-transformuseful in analysis of digital control systems?Define
Pulse T.F.Also mention limitations of z-transform.
(b) Enumerate steps involved in obtaining z-transform of a function, f(t).
Obtain z-transform of the following:
J;(t) =e-fJlsin {3 t
J;(t) = cos rot.
Q4) (a) Define stability of digital control systems. Enumerate various methods
used for stability investigation of such systems. Why is R-H criterion
not directly applicable in stability analysis of such systems - explain.
R T.O.
(b) Solve the following difference equation using z-transform:
y(k + 2) - 0.1y(k+ 1)- 0.2y(k) = u (k + 1)+ u(k)with- y (0) = 0& ,
y(l) = O,.k= 0;1,2, ,.....
Q5) (a) Discuss working of a Digital position ,control systemwith a simplified
block diagram. .
(b) Discuss the stepping motor-operation with control action included and
disk drive systemincorporated. .
Q6) (a) What is need of compensator in a digital control system? Discuss the
procedure of design of digital controllers.
(b) The pulsed TF of a digital control system without compensation is
(, -1
] given by GhoGp(z) = ,1- z Z S2(S +8.8)
use Bilinear transformation & design a lead controller to meet the
Phase margin = 450&
resonance peak Mp:: 6.7.
Q7) (a) Show state variable representation of an analog control system described
by an input-output re~ation in form of a differential equation. Also derive
TF of the system from the state variable model so obtained.
(b) An analog system is described by following SE and OE of the form
Xl =X2
X2 =-2XI-3x2 +u
Y=Xj: OE
Obtain TF and find eigen values of the system.
Q8) (a) Develop state variable description of a digital control system with
u(k) = input signal at kth instant
y(k) = output-signal at kth instant
&x (k) = state variable at kth instant
Also obtain TF of above system.
(b) Give state variable model of a digital contr~l system if input-output
relation of the system dynamics is described by differential ego
y (k + 3) + 5y (k + 2) + 3Y (k + 1) + 2y (k) = u(k).

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