Cdma: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Systems Use
Cdma: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Systems Use
Cdma: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Systems Use
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Code division multiple access (CDMA) systems use
exactly these codes to separate different users in code space
and to enable access to a shared medium without
A code for a certain user should have a good autocorrelation
and should be orthogonal to other codes.
Two vectors are called orthogonal if their inner product is 0,
as is the case for the two vectors (2, 5, 0 and (0, 0, !"# (2,
5, 0$(0, 0, !" % 0 & 0 & 0 % 0.
'ut also vectors li(e (), *2, + and (*2, ), ) are orthogonal#
(), *2, +$(*2, ), ) % *, * , & !2 % 0.
'y contrast, the vectors (!,2,) and (+,2, *, are not
orthogonal (the inner product is *!0, and (!, 2, ) and (+, 2,
*) are -almost. orthogonal, with their inner product being
*! (which is -close. to /ero.
The 'ar(er code (&!, *!, &!, &!, *!, &!, &!, &!, *!, *!, *!,
for example, has a good autocorrelation, i.e., the inner
product with itself is large, the result is !!. This code is used
for 0123 and 0444 502.!!. 'ut as soon as this 'ar(er code
is shifted ! chip further (thin( of shifting the !! chip 'ar(er
code over itself concatenated several times, the correlation
drops to an absolute value of !.
Two senders, A and ', want to send data. 627A assigns the
following uni8ue and orthogonal (ey se8uences# (ey A( %
0!00!! for sender A, (ey '9 % !!0!0! for sender '. 1ender
A wants to send the bit Ad % !, sender ' sends 'd % 0. To
illustrate this example, let us assume that we code a binary 0
as *!, a binary ! as &!.
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'oth senders spread their signal using their (ey as chipping
se8uence (the term :spreading; here refers to the simple
multiplication of the data bit with the whole chipping
se8uence. 0n reality, parts of a much longer chipping
se8uence are applied to single bits for spreading. 1ender A
then sends the signal As % Ad$A( % &!$(*!, &!, *!, *!, &!,
&! % (*!, &!, *!, *!, &!, &!.
1ender ' does the same with its data to spread the signal
with the code# 's % 'd$'( % *!$(&!, &!, *!, &!, *!, &! %
(*!, *!, &!, *!, &!, *!.
'oth signals are then transmitted at the same time using the
same fre8uency, so, the signals superimpose in space
(analog modulation is neglected in this example.
2iscounting interference from other senders and
environmental noise from this simple example, and
assuming that the signals have the same strength at the
receiver, the following signal 6 is received at a receiver# 6 %
As & 's % (*2, 0, 0, *2, &2, 0.
The receiver now wants to receive data from sender A and,
therefore, tunes in to the code of A, i.e., applies A;s code for
C*Ak = (2, , , 2, !2, )*(", !", ", ", !", !")
= 2 ! ! ! 2 ! 2 ! = #$
As the result is much larger than 0, the receiver detects a binary
!. Tuning in to sender ', i.e., applying ';s code gives
C*%k = (2, , , 2, !2, )*(!", !", ", !", ", !")
= 2 ! ! 2 2 ! = #$
The result is negative, so a 0 has been detected.
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Additionally, both spread bits were precisely superimposed
and &oth signals are e'uall( strong when they reach the
receiver. <hat would happen if, for example, ' was much
stronger= Assume that ';s strength is )ive times A*s strength.
6> % As ! +*%s % (*!, &!, *!, *!, &!, &! & (*5, *5, &5, *5, &5, *
5 % (*,, *+, &+, *,, &,, *+.
Again, a receiver wants to receive
%: C,*%k = # - - # # -= .$
0t is easy to detect the binary 0 sent by '.
3ow the receiver wants to receive
A: C,*Ak = # - - ! # ! # - = #$ , is 8uite close to /ero and
could be interpreted as noise.
Although simplified, this example shows that power control
is essential for 627A systems. /his is one o) the &iggest
pro&lems CDMA s(stems )ace as the power has to be
ad?usted over one thousand times per second in some
systems * this consumes a lot of energy.
@igure ).!+ shows a sender A that wants to transmit the bits !0!.
The (ey of A is shown as signal and binary (ey se8uence A(. 0n
this example, the binary -0. is assigned a positive signal value,
the binary -!. a negative signal value.
After spreading, i.e., ABCing Ad and A(, the resulting signal is
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A receiver now tries to reconstruct the original data from A,
Ad. Therefore the receiver applies A;s (ey, A(, to the
received signal and feeds the result into an integrator.
The integrator adds the products (i.e., calculates the inner
product, a comparator then has to decide if the result is a 0
or a ! as shown in @igure ).!,. As we can see, although the
original signal form is distorted by ';s signal, the result is
still 8uite clear.
The method wor(s (in theory for arbitrarily different signal
0pread Aloha multiple access: (CDMA ! /DMA)