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Basic Dfwmac

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The mandatory access mechanism of IEEE 802.11 is based

on carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
(CSMA/CA) !hich is a random access scheme !ith carrier
sense and co""ision a#oidance thro$%h random bac&off.
If the medi$m is id"e for at "east the d$ration of 'I(S (!ith
the he") of the CCA si%na" of the )hysica" "ayer) a node can
access the medi$m at once.
If the medi$m is b$sy nodes ha#e to !ait for the d$ration of
'I(S enterin% a contention )hase after!ards.
Each node no! chooses a random baco!! time !ithin a
contention window and de"ays medi$m access for this
random amo$nt of time.
The node contin$es to sense the medi$m.
As soon as a node senses the channe" is b$sy it has "ost this
cyc"e and has to !ait for the ne*t chance i.e. $nti" the
medi$m is id"e a%ain for at "east 'I(S.
+$t if the randomi,ed additiona" !aitin% time for a node is
o#er and the medi$m is sti"" id"e the node can access the
medi$m immediate"y
The contention !indo! starts !ith a si,e of e.%. C-min .
Each time a co""ision occ$rs indicatin% a hi%her "oad on the
medi$m the contention !indo! do$b"es $) to a ma*im$m
of e.%. C-ma* . 200 (the !indo! can ta&e on the #a"$es
/ 10 11 21 12/ and 200).
The "ar%er the contention !indo! is the %reater is the
reso"$tion )o!er of the randomi,ed scheme.
-hi"e this )rocess describes the com)"ete access mechanism
for broadcast frames an additiona" feat$re is )ro#ided by
the standard for $nicast data transfer.
'ia%ram sho!s a sender accessin% the medi$m and sendin%
its data. +$t no! the recei#er ans!ers direct"y !ith an
acnowledgement "AC#$.
DFWMAC-DCF with %&S/C&S e'tension:
3idden termina" )rob"em occ$rs if one station can recei#e
t!o others b$t those stations cannot recei#e each other.
The t!o stations may sense the channe" is id"e send a frame
and ca$se a co""ision at the recei#er in the midd"e.
To dea" !ith this )rob"em the standard defines an additiona"
mechanism $sin% t!o contro" )ac&ets 4TS and CTS.
The $se of the mechanism is o)tiona"5 ho!e#er e#ery
802.11 node has to im)"ement the f$nctions to react )ro)er"y
$)on rece)tion of 4TS/CTS contro" )ac&ets.
After !aitin% for 'I(S ()"$s a random bac&off time if the
medi$m !as b$sy) the sender can iss$e a re(uest to send
"%&S$ contro" )ac&et.
The 4TS )ac&et inc"$des the recei#er of the data
transmission to come and the d$ration of the !ho"e data
E#ery node recei#in% this 4TS no! has to set its net
allocation vector ")A*$ in accordance !ith the d$ration
If the recei#er of the data transmission recei#es the 4TS it
ans!ers !ith a clear to send "C&S$ messa%e after !aitin%
for SI(S.
This CTS )ac&et contains the d$ration fie"d a%ain and a""
stations recei#in% this )ac&et from the recei#er of the
intended data transmission ha#e to ad6$st their 7A8.
9ne !ay to decrease the error )robabi"ity of frames is to $se
shorter frames.
In this case the bit error rate is the same b$t no! on"y short
frames are destroyed and the frame error rate decreases.
The IEEE 802.11 standard s)ecifies a !ragmentation mode
DFWMAC-+CF with polling:
The t!o access mechanisms )resented so far cannot
%$arantee a ma*im$m access de"ay or minim$m
transmission band!idth.
To )ro#ide a time:bo$nded ser#ice the standard s)ecifies a
point coordination !unction "+CF$ on to) of the standard
'C( mechanisms.
;sin% <C( re=$ires an access )oint that contro"s medi$m
access and )o""s the sin%"e nodes.
The point co-ordinator in the access )oint s)"its the access
time into s$)er frame )eriods
A super !rame com)rises a contention !ree period and a
contention period.

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