Dha Last
Dha Last
Dha Last
c. Ketosis-prone diabetes
d. Accompanied by normal cell activity.
= Type I diabetes mellitus = insulin dependent diabetes mellitus = Ketosis-prone diabetes
40. Which of the following statement is true for the reported relationship of periodontal disease
and diabetes mellitus:
a. The reported incidence of periodontal disease in the diabetes is less than that for nondiabetic.
b. Pts with history of diabetes of less than 10 years have more periodontal disease destruction
than those with history of longer than 10 years.
c. The prevalence of periodontal disease increase with the advancing age of the diabetic.
d. The prevalence of periodontal disease increase with the better metabolic coronal of the diabetic
41. The spontaneous production of an electric current resulting from two dissimilar metal in the
oral cavity is called:
e. Nuclear reaction.
f. Galvanic action.
g. Precipitation reaction.
h. Thermodynamics.
i. Fission.
42. The first step in diagnostic work, up is obtaining the:
j. Medical history.
k. Present complaint.
l. Biographical data.
m. Restorative history.
n. Traumatic history.
43. The basic difference between K files and reamers is:
a. The number of spirals or flutes per unit length.
b. The geometric cross section.
c. The depth of flutes.
d. The direction of the spirals.
42. In case of traumatic intrusion of young permanent incisor, the treatment of choice is:
a. Surgical repositioning of intruded tooth and splinting.
b. To wait for re eruption of the intruded tooth.
c. Slow orthodontic extrusion using light force.
d. Only antibiotic prescription and wait for eruption.
43. Best treatment of choice for carious exposure of a primary molar in a 3 year old child who
complain of toothache during and after food taking:
a. Direct pulp capping with caoh.
b. Direct pulp capping with zoe paste.
c. Formocresol pulpotomy.
d. Caoh pulpotomy.
44. Which of the following statement about the mechanism of action for denture adhesive is not
a. It depends in part on physical force and viscosity.
b. Carboxyl group provide bio adhesion.
c. Greater water solubility increase duration of adhesion.
d. Zinc salts have been associated with stronger longer adhesion.
45. What is the proper cavity preparation for V-shaped cervical erosion lesion to be restored with
glass ionomer cement:
a. Cervical groove, incisal groove.
b. Cervical groove, incisal bevel.
c. 4 retention points, 90 margin.
d. No mechanical preparation is necessary.??
46. One week after filling of class II restoration, the Pt present with a complain of tenderness on
mastication and bleeding from the gingival. The dentist should initially:
a. Check the occlusion.
b. Check the contract area.
c. Consider the probability of hyperemia.
d. Explain to the Pt that the retainer irritated the surrounding soft tissue and prescribe an analgesic
and warm oral rinse.
47. It is recommended to avoid an intraligamental injection when the planned dental treatment is:
a. Pulp extirpation.
b. Pulpotomy.
c. Full crown preparation.
d. A and b.
48. Which one of the following is a disadvantage of autoclaving endodontics instruments:
a. It can dull the sharp edges of instruments.
b. All forms of bacteria are not destroyed by it.
c. Compared to other technique it takes too long to sterilize.
d. None of the above.
49. The root canal treated teeth has the best prognosis when the root canal is instrumented and
a. To the radiograph apex.
b. 1 mm beyond the radiograph apex.
c. 1-2 mm short of the radiograph apex.
d. 3-4 mm short of the radiograph apex.
50. Which of the following would be clinically un acceptable as a primary of isolating a tooth for
sealant placement:
a. Cotton roll.
b. Rubber dam.
c. Vac-ejector moisture control system.
d. None of the above.
51. Which one of the following is least likely to contribute to oral bad breath:
a. Periodontal disease.
b. Denture.
c. Faulty restoration.
d. Carious lesions.
52. Each of the following is correct EXCEPT which one:
a. Bad breath appears to be largely bacteria in origin.
b. Bad breath originating from the gastrointestinal tract is quite common.
c. Self-perceptions of bad breath appear to be unreliable.
d. Fear of having bad breath may be a severe problem for some people.
53. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of dentinal hypersensitivity:
a. It is one of the most successfully treated chronic dental problems.
b. Its prevalence range from 8 to 30%.
c. The majority of the Pts who experience it are from 20 to 40 years of age.
d. One source of the irritation that leads to hypersensitivity is improper tooth brushing.
54. Hypersensitivity is due to:
A- Exposed dentine with opened dentinal tubules.
B- Obliterated dentinal tubule
55. The most common form of oral ulcerative disease is:
a. HSV.
b. Major aphthous ulcer.
c. Bahjet disease.
d. Minor aphthous ulcer.
56. The majority of primary herpetic infections are:
a. Symptomatic.
b. Asymptomatic.
c. Proceeded by fever.
d. Accompanied by gingival erythema.
e. A, c and d.
57. The function of the anterior teeth is:
a. Disarticulate the posterior teeth.
b. Incise food.
c. Prevent attrition. d. Prevent food impaction.
58. When using the buccal object rule in horizontal angulation, the lingual object in relation to the
buccal object:
a. Move away from the x-ray tube head.
b. Move with the x-ray tube head.
c. Move in an inferior direction from the x-ray tube head.
d. Move in a superior direction from the x-ray tube head.
e. None of the above.
59. If the initial working length film shows the tip of a file to be greater than 1 mm from the ideal
location, the clinician should:
a. Correct the length and begin instrumentation.
b. Move the file to 1 mm short of the ideal length and expose a film.
c. Interpolate the variance, correct the position of the stop to this distance, and expose the film.
d. Confirm the working length with an apex locator.
e. Position the file at the root apex and expose a film.
60. In geriatric Pt, Cementum on the root end will:
a. Become thinned and almost nonexistent.
b. Become thicker and irregular.
c. Render apex to locater useless.
d. Often not be seen on the radiograph.
e. Indicate pathosis.
61. Which of the following endodontic failure may be retreated only with surgery:
a. Missed major canal.
b. Persistent inter appointment pain.
c. Post and core.
d. Short canal filling.
62. Which of the following failure may be treated nonsurgically:
a. Post filling that has removed.
b. Severe apical perforation.
c. Very narrow canal with a periapical lesion and the apex can not be reached.
d. None of the above.
63. Tobacco should be considered a risk factor when planning treatment for Pt who require:
a. Implants.
b. Periodontal surgery.
c. Oral surgery.
d. Esthetic treatment.
e. All of the above.
64. Pulpal pain may not be referred from:
a. The right maxilla to the left maxilla.
b. The third molar to the ear.
c. A max molar to the sinus.
d. An incompletely fractured tooth.
e. A max cuspid to ear.
65. Spontaneous pulpal pain is indicative of:
a. Reversible pulpitis.
b. Irreversible pulpitis.
c. Neurotic pulp.
d. Hyperplastic pulp.
e. Atrophic pulp.
66. Internal Resorption:
a. Painful.
b. Seldom differentiated external resorption.
c. Can occur in primary teeth.
67. Teeth that are discolored as a result of internal resorption of the pulp may turn:
a. Yellow.
b. Dark brown.
c. Pink. ***
d. Green
68. After completion of orthodontic treatment he came complaining of pain in 11 tooth
radiograph show absorption in the middle third of the root of 11 wt is the proper management:
a. Apply caoh at the site of resorption.
b. Do RCT in a single visit
c. Extract the tooth & reimplant it
d. Extract the tooth & do implantation
69. Treatment of internal resorption involves:
a. Complete extirpation of the pulp to arrest the resorption process.
b. Enlarging the canal apical to the resorbed area for better access.
c. Utilizing a silver cone and sealer to fill the irregularities in the resorbed area.
d. Filling the canal and defect with amalgam.
e. Sealing sodium hypochlorite in the canal to remove the inflammatory tissue necrotic in the area
of the resorption.
70. Sensitivity to palpation and percussion indicates:
a. Reversible pulpitis.
b. Irreversible pulpitis.
c. Neurotic pulp.
d. Hyperplastic pulpitis.
e. Inflammation of the periradicular tissues.
71. Transverse fracture of developing teeth in the mixed dentition can be managed by:
a. Forced eruption.
b. Extraction and placement of a removable partial denture.
c. Placement of single tooth.
d. All of the above.
72. Apexification is procedure that:
a. Finds the most apical stop of the guttpercha in RCT.
b. Induce the formation of a mineral barrier in the apical region of incompletely root.
c. Is new in the endodontic field.
d. Involves the surgical removal of the apical region of the root and placement of a retrograde
filling material:
73. The preferred material used in apexification is:
a. Zinc phosphate cement.
b. Zinc polycarboxylate cement.
c. Calcium hydroxide.
d. Dycal.
74. What is the estimated incubation period of HIV infection:
a. 4 weeks. = ( 2-4 weeks )
b. 6 months.
c. 3 years.
d. 6 years.
e. 10 years.
75. Hydrogen peroxide is the ideal bleaching agent because:
a. It bleaches effectively at natural ph.
b. It bleaches faster than carbamide peroxide.
c. Protection for sensitive tissues can be incorporated into the hydrogen gel.
d. All of the above.
76. The most common cause of the angina is:
a. Stress.
b. Renal disease.
c. Arteriosclerotic plaques of the coronary vessels.
d. Hypoglycemia.
e. Hypertension.
77. Which of the following drugs is completely effective in eliminating angina episode:
a. Propranolol.
b. Nifedipine.
c. Diltiazem.
d. Transdermal nitroglycerin.
e. None of the above.
78. CPR = CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
a. Is best performed in the dental chair.
b. Should be performed on all patients experiencing chest pain.
c. Is more efficient when using a full mask, delivering 100% oxygen, than with the mouth to
mouth technique.
d. Is beyond the medico legal responsibility of the practicing dentist.
79. Which statement concerning sensitive teeth is false:
a. Small dentin exposure can result in sensitivity.
b. The extent of dental hard tissue loss (always) correlates with sensitivity.
c. A wide variety of clinical condition can cause teeth to become sensitive.
d. Oral hygiene habits and diet can contribute to clinical sensitivity problems.
80. Droplet nuclei containing mycobacterium tuberculosis:
a. Do not cause infection.
b. Settle out of room air quickly.
c. Do not spread widely in the building.
d. Remain airborn for prolonged period. ***
81. The most common activity associated with percutaneous injury of the dentist is:
a. Suturing.
b. Anesthesia injection.
c. Handpiece dig.
d. Trimming impressions.
82. The most common location of percutaneous injury among dentist is:
a. Hand.
b. Face.
c. Elbow.
d. Arm.
83. The normal response of a vital pulp to the thermal testing is:
a. No response.
b. Lingering painful response.
c. Hypersensitive painful response.
d. Painful response that disappears soon after stimulus is removed.
84. The normal response of a inflamed pulp to the thermal testing is:
a. No response.
b. Lingering painful response.
c. Hypersensitive painful response.
d. Painful response that disappears soon after stimulus is removed.
85. The normal response of a vital pulp to the electric pulp testing is:
a. No response.
b. Higher than that of the control teeth.
c. Lower than that of the control teeth.
d. In a range similar to that of the control teeth.
86. Asymptomatic tooth has a necrotic pulp, a broken lamina dura, and
circumscribed radiolucency of long duration. The periradicular diagnosis: -
a. Acute apical periodontitis.
b. Chronic apical periodontitis. No pain
c. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis.
d. Abscess.
87. A Pt with severe periradicular pain has a necrotic pulp, a broken lamina dura, and
circumscribed radiolucency of long duration. The periradicular diagnosis:
a. Acute apical periodontitis.
b. Chronic apical periodontitis.
c. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis.
d. Abscess.
88. A Pt present in severe pain. The periapical area over the involved tooth is inflamed and
swollen. The tooth is mobile and depressible in its socket with a diffused radiolucency. The
diagnosis is:
a. Acute apical periodontitis.
b. Chronic apical periodontitis.
c. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis.
d. Abscess.
89. Reduction of mandibular fracture is defined as:
a. Nonalignment and separation of the fracture segment.
b. Realignment of fracture segments.
c. Holding of the fracture segments in place.
d. Screw and bone places.
e. Internal fixation.
90. Wiring the upper and lower teeth together is called:
a. Internal fixation.
b. An open reduction.
c. Intermaxillary fixation.
d. Displacement.
e. External fixation.
91. The incidence of nerve damage following mandibular third molar surgery is estimated to be:
a. 5% or less.
b. 10% to 15%.
c. 15% to 20%
d. 20% to 25%.
92. The least likely mechanism for the nerve damage is:
a. Direct needle trauma.
b. Intraneural haematoma formation.
c. Local anesthetic toxicity.
d. Stretching and binding of the nerve.
93. Which of the following is the cause of immediat type allergic reaction to latex products:
a. Accelerator.
b. Antioxidants.
c. Latex protein.
d. Nickel.
= Immediate Type I hypersensitivity, which is an immunological reaction against latex protein
94. The best transport medium for avulsed tooth is:
a. Tap water.
b. HBSS (Hank's balanced salt solution).
c. Saliva.
d. Milk.
95. Which of the following is the longest in the dental arch:
a. Maxiliary central incisor.
b. Maxillary second premolar.
c. Mandibular canine.
d. Maxillary canine.
96. Chlorhexidine is used as mouth wash in the concentration of:
a. 0.1-0.2%
b. 1- % 2
c. 5-10%
d. 20%
97. Traumatically fractured crown of central incisor in an 8-years-old child with pulp exposure
(more than 1 mm) half hour ago, medical history is non- contributory and the tooth is not
displaced. What is your management:
a. Endodontics-pulpectomy and obturation.
b. Direct pulpcap with caoh and composite.
c. Caoh pulpotomy.
d. Total extirpation of pulp and caoh.
98. The oral lesions of the lichen planus:
a. Are usually painful.
b. Rarely appear before lesion elsewhere on the body.
c. May be part of a syndrome in which lesions also appear on the skin, conjunctiva and genitalia.
*** = Stevens-Johnson syndrome
d. Often appear in nervous, high-strung individuals.
e. Heals with scarring.
99. Which of the following is a benign epithelial neoplasm:
a. Rhabdomyoma.
b. Fibroma.
c. Lipoma.
d. Granular cell tumor.
e. Keratoacanthoma.
Q For maximum health of gingiva, finishing line : above the crest of gingiva
... self threaded- friction.- coted cemented
MTA = EXCELLENT FOR : Apexification root canal obturation
= MTA is excellent material for apexification because it creates a permanent apical plug at the
outset of treatment
Mechanism of saliva for prevention = remeneralization clearing bacteria - both
Deffer periaoical abscess than periodontal xray vitality test palpation
Step before pit fissure sealant = Etchant
SAMPLE 2 16-36-42-46
sample 3 41-
sample 4 2-50
sample 5 25
sample 6 12: glass ionomer contains si -al-naf ??? -20-37
sample 6b : 31 moon face?-
sample 8: 7
PAGE 67 Q13?????
Q) In primary tooth for restoration before putting the filling you will put
1. Base.
2. Calcium hydroxide.
3. varnish
10 years pt come with necrotic pulp in upper central with root apex not close yet best treatment
a) calciumhydroxide
b) calcifuic barrier
c) apexfication with gutta percha filling
d) gutta percha filling
3-The distal palatal termination of the maxillary complete denture base is dictated by the:
1. Tuberosity.
2. Fovea palatine.
3. Maxillary tori.
4. Vibrating line.
5. Posterior palatal seal.
1-Use of dental elevator is for all except:
1. Wheel and axis.
2. Wedging.
3. Lever.
4. Wedging of socket wall.
2-Compomer restorative materials are:
1. Glass ionomers with polymer components.
2. Resin systems with fluoride contacting glasses.
3. Composite resins for cervical restorations only.
36- In primary teeth, the ideal occlusal scheme is:
1. Flush terminal.
2. Mesial step.
3. Distal step.
38-hairy leukoplakia may be caused by:
1. Broad spectrum antibiotic.
2. H2O2 mouths wash.
3. Systemic steroids.
4. Heavy smokers.
5. All the above.
43- Buccal object rule in dental treatment of maxillary teeth:
1. MB root appear distal to P if cone is directed M to D.
2. DB root appear mesial to P if cone is directed Mto D.
= SLOB rule- same lingual opposite buccal
50- 6 years old child have 74 and 84 extracted best space maintainer is:
1. Lingual arch.
2. Bilateral band and loop.
3. Bilateral distal shoe.
4. No need for space maintainer.
51 -(6 years) child with bilateral loss of (Lower) deciduous molars &the anterior teeth not erupted yet ,the
space maintainer for choice is:
a-lingual arch
B-bilateral band and loop
c-bilateral band and loop with distal shoe
d-removable partial denture
*if anteriors are present & the missing is bilateral D&E lingual arch used
if the missing is bilateral D bilateral band and loop used
if the missing is bilateral E bilateral band and loop with distal shoe used
2-Which of following may cause gingival enlargement?
1. Phenyntion (Dilantin).
2. Cyclosporine.
3. Nifedipine (a calciumchannel blocker).
4. Aspirin.
5. None of the above.
Q) Which of the following drugs induces gingival hyperplasia:
A. Phenytoin(Dilantin).
B. Cyclosporine = immunosuppressants
C. Nifedipine (+Nitrendipine) = calcium-channel blockers
D. All of the above
Q) All of the following drugs cause gingival enlargement except
a. Cyclosporine
b. Phenytoin
c. Nifedipine
d. Aspirin
4-Periodontal involved root surface must be root planned to:
1. Remove the attached plaque and calculus.
2. Remove necrotic cementum.
3. Change the root surface so it becomes biocompatible.
4. All of the above.
5. A and B are correct.
20-Reliability of measurements reflects that property of the measurements which:
1. Measures what is intended to be measured.
2. Produces repeatedly the same results under a variety of conditions.
3. Detects reasonably small shifts, I either direction, in group condition.
4. All the above.
11 The oral lesions of the lichen planus:
1. Are usually painful.
2. Rarely appear before lesion else where on the body.
3. May be part of a syndrome in which lesions also appear on the skin, conjunctiva and
4. Often appear in nervous, high-strung individuals.
5. Heal with scarring.
39- Amalgam is used in extensive cavities :
a- When the cusp is supported by dentine and proper retentive preparation
b- When Cusps lost and thin supported wall
c- When one cusp is lost and need to apply restoration to replace it
d- I dont remember
44- Epliptic pt should not take which drug
a) aspirin
b) metronidazole
Drugs used in dentistry that can increase anticonvulsant activity, leading to overdose aspirin
and other NSAIDs
Drug problems in epilepsy Drugs that can be epileptogenic and therefore are contraindicated
alcohol chlorpromazine enflurane flumazenil fluoxetine ketamine lidocaine (large
doses) metronidazole
1. The most desirable finished surface composite resin can be provided by:
a. Whi te stones.
b. Hand instrument.
c. Carbi d finishing burs.
d. Di amond fi nish burs.
Cel l uloid matrix band.
27-Over extended GP should remove using:
- ultrasonic vibrating.
- dissolving agent.
- rotary or round bur
- surgery
32- In prevention of dental caries, the promotion of a healthy diet is:
1- low effective measure
2- moderately effective measure
3- high effective measure
4- mandatory measure
38-Child with previous history of minor trauma with excessive bleeding we do test the result is
prolong PT & slightly increase clotting time &. Test is +ve. the diagnosis is:
a.hemophelia B.
c.vit.K deficiency.
44- Female patient came to your clinic with continous severe pain related to 1st maxillary molar.
After examination dentist diagnose the tooth is carious and has irreversible pulpitis. He decides to
do RCT. After enough time for anaesthisation, the patient wont allow the dentist to touch the
tooth due to severe pain. Dentist should:
A) give another appointment to the patient with description of antibiotics..
B) Extraction.
C)Intra-pulpal anaesthia.
60 - dental implant are successfully with min failure:
a-premaxilla area in the upper arch
b-posterior area of the maxillary arch
c-mandible between the mental foramen
d-buccal shelf of the mandible.