63vural Gursel
63vural Gursel
63vural Gursel
where r is interest rate and n is the plant life. For a plant life of 10 years and interest rate of 10 % the
annualization factor is 0.162745. The calculated TAC of the design options for the three conversion cases
is given in Table 3. Design 1 is found to be the best design option for all three conversion cases. A grid
diagram is a graphical method for showing coupling of hot and cold streams where the remaining heat is
supplied or removed by utilities. In Figure 4 the HEN of design 1 for 50 % conversion case is presented
with a grid diagram. The hot streams are seen to run from left to right and cold stream from right to left. For
this design there are thirteen heat exchangers. Eight of them achieve process-to-process heat recovery
and the rest five is supplied with hot utility of LP steam seen at the bottom of the figure. There is no heat
exchanger utilizing cold utility of cooling water seen at the top of the figure.
The generated improved HEN design results are compared with the results of the initial network without
heat integration as seen in Table 4. In order to achieve process-to-process heat exchange more heat
exchangers are required in the improved HEN resulting in increased capital cost. However, the hot and
cold utility requirements are very much reduced indicating a reduced operating cost. The operating cost for
40 %, 50 % and 98 % conversion is calculated to be reduced by 70 %, 68 % and 50 % respectively. With
the increase in conversion the heat load in the system is reduced creating less room for improvement.
Accordingly, the benefit achieved with heat integration is seen to be reduced.
Pay-back time can be calculated to see how long it takes for the operating cost saving to pay back the
extra capital cost requirement. This is given in Table 5. It is seen that with the improvement of the HEN
major saving in operating cost is achieved which enables to pay back the extra capital cost requirement in
less than one year (4.5 8 month) in all cases. These results indicate that that heat integration is a useful
technique for efficient design of processes as it results in more sustainable and economical condition.
Table 3: TAC of best two HEN design options of direct flow oxidation process for three conversion cases
of 40 %, 50 % and 98 %
40 %
Design 1
40 %
Design 2
50 %
Design 1
50 %
Design 2
98 %
Design 1
Design 2
TAC, 10
/y 8.117 8.120 6.845 6.904 4.894 5.077
Figure 4: Combined composite curves of direct flow oxidation process (50 % conversion)
Table 4: Comparison of improved HEN with initial HEN for three conversion cases of 40 %, 50 % and 98 %
Area (m
) Capital cost (10
) Hot utility (kW) Cold utility (kW) Operating cost (10
40 % Initial HEN 11,836 3.73 60,105 42,189 19.80
40 % New HEN 43,515 13.02 18,516 600 6.00
50 % Initial HEN 9,257 2.99 48,859 32,299 16.08
50 % New HEN 30,084 9.12 16,560 0 5.36
98 % Initial HEN 4,278 1.60 26,773 13,281 8.77
98 % New HEN 9,400 3.24 13,492 0 4.37
Table 5: Pay-back time for three conversion cases of 40 %, 50 % and 98 %
Extra Capital cost (10
) Operating cost saving (10
/y) Pay-back time (months)
40 % 9.28 13.80 8.1
50 % 6.13 10.72 6.9
98 % 1.64 4.41 4.5
The heat exchanger selection is also very important. Pinch analysis is devised for conventional shell and
tube heat exchangers. This is mainly due to lack of readily available data on more advanced compact heat
exchangers. However, with the use of compact heat exchangers additional benefits to the heat integration
can be achieved. Compact heat exchanger are characterized by having a high area density. Micro heat
exchangers being the most compact have an area density greater than 10,000 m
(Polley and Rajiv,
2005) compared to 100 m
of typical shell and tube heat exchanger (Li et al., 2011). A major advantage
of compact heat exchangers is their high thermal effectiveness. A higher effectiveness implies a closer
temperature approach (Reay, 1994). This means that the hot and cold composite curves can be brought
closer to each other increasing the process-to-process heat integration leading to significant energy cost
saving with reduced utility loads. In contrast to 6-8C or even 10C approach of conventional shell and
tube heat exchangers, a 1C temperature approach is possible (Takats and Nemeth, 2011). Another major
advantage of compact heat exchangers is their reduced size and weight for the same heat transfer duty.
This makes installation less costly and also for a new plant a reduction in plant size enables reduced
investment cost. Some compact heat exchangers also enable multi-streaming (Reay, 1994). Most compact
heat exchangers allow the application of pure countercurrent flow. It is most valuable when there is a
temperature cross. For shell and tube heat exchangers the solution is to use multiple shells in series
whereas in case of compact this can be achieved with single heat exchanger (Haslego and Polley, 2002).
For example for the direct flow process example it is seen that (Table 6) three heat exchangers have high
number of shells due to presence of temperature cross and they make the major part of the capital cost
requirement. By replacing each with single compact heat exchanger it is estimated that the capital cost can
be cut at least by half making pay-back time even shorter. All these properties of compact heat
exchangers result in reduced plant complexity, increased cost effectiveness and also improved safety.
Table 6: Heat exchangers with temperature cross of direct flow oxidation process of new HEN (50% conv.)
No Number of shells Area (m
) Capital cost (10
2 10 4,627 1.4
4 20 9,375 2.7
11 20 9,177 2.7
4. Conclusions
The investigation of process-design intensification through flow processing is started for the first time by
our group. It is exemplified at a currently investigated process example of industrial relevance: direct
oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide for adipic acid synthesis. It is demonstrated previously that
the direct flow process leads to a more compact plant design owing to the need of much less process
apparatus compared to the conventional two-step air, nitric oxidation of cyclohexane process leading to the
total purchase cost of equipment to be cut approximately in half . In this study designing of an energy efficient
process for this novel direct route is in focus. Pinch analysis and software Aspen Energy Analyzer is
employed for this purpose. By following the stepwise procedure an improved HEN design is achieved for the
three conversion cases considered: 40% (representing primary result), 50% (representing current improved
result) and 98% (representing superficial best performance). Compared with the initial network where the
heating and cooling requirements are all satisfied by utilities, the improved HEN design enables 50 -70 %
operating cost saving. It is calculated that this saving pays back the extra capital requirement for the heat
exchangers in 4.5 8 months. The current use of pinch analysis consider only shell and tube heat
exchangers due to limited information on compact heat exchanger. However, the utilization of compact heat
exchangers (including microchannel-based) can provide additional saving in cost and reduced plant
complexity due to more efficient heat transfer. For the case of temperature cross they can achieve the
additional capital cost to be halved. Using such innovative tools means considering the effect of process
intensification also on the utility side aiming at decreasing the size of the plant, thereby rendering a true
holistic picture of the intensification. In conclusion, the use of micro-process or other smart-scaled technology
can achieve considerable capital cost and energy consumption reduction through process-design
intensification lowering the managements main decision barrier towards new technologies. Yet, considerable
challenges are expected when releasing the theoretical potential into industrial practice.
A detailed study of the heat integration for the direct route and the evaluation of the impact of using compact
heat exchangers (including microchannel-based) is a separate paper that is getting ready to be published in
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. The reader should refer to this paper for more details on this
study. Also in our group the environmental impact of the direct route in comparison with the two-step route is
analyzed using Life Cycle Assessment and it will appear in Energy & Environmental Science.
Funding by the Advanced European Research Council Grant Novel Process Windows Boosted Micro
Process Technology under grant agreement number 267443 is kindly acknowledged.
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