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International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 5(7), pp.

1110-1123, July 2010

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/IJPS
ISSN 1992 - 1950 ©2010 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Combined pinch and exergy analysis for energy

efficiency optimization in a steam power plant
Abtin Ataei* and ChangKyoo Yoo
Center for Environmental Studies / Green Energy Center, Department of Environmental Engineering, College of
Engineering, KyungHee University, Seocheon-dong 1, Giheung-gu, Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 446-701, South Korea.
Accepted 24 June, 2010

In this paper, the simulation of a 325 MW steam power plant was performed in a Cycle-Tempo 5.0
simulator and operational parameters of the Rankine cycle were optimized using the Exergy concept
combined with a Pinch-based approach. The Combined Pinch and Exergy Analysis (CPEA) first
considers the representation of the hot and cold Composite Curves of the Rankine cycle and defines
the energy and Exergy requirements. The basic assumption of the minimum approach temperature
difference (∆∆Tmin) required for the Pinch Analysis is represented as a distinct Exergy loss that increases
the fuel requirement for power generation. The exergy composite curves put the focus on the
opportunities for fuel conservation in the cycle. The application results of CPEA in the power plant
showed that its fuel consumption could be reduced by 5.3% and the thermal cycle performance could
be increased from 39.4 to 41.9%. In addition, the production drop problem in current power plants, due
to the inefficiency of the cooling system, especially in warm seasons, could be eliminated, thanks to an
18.77 MW reduction in the cooling load of the condenser.

Key words: Rankine cycle, composite curves, exergy loss, fuel conservation, cooling system, condenser.


Steam Power Plants (SPPs) are based on the Rankine varying cycle parameters such as the turbine inlet
cycle. However, after a century of research and develop- pressure, inlet temperature, reheat pressure, reheat
ment, current SPPs have become more complex than temperature, extraction pressure, and condenser
ideal Rankine cycles, in order to achieve thermal pressure, with respect to their optimum values (Azhdari et
efficiencies above 40%, based on the Low Heating Value al., 2009).
(LHV) of the fuel (Ataei, 2009). The SPP is known to Process integration, especially Pinch Analysis (PA) and
feature high flexibility, a long lifetime, high reliability Exergy Analysis (EA), are powerful analytical methods for
without complexity, and commercial applicability; SPPs identifying and selecting concrete technical solutions for
have become quite popular, in particular, in countries improving efficiencies and providing optimum manu-
where natural gas is sufficiently available for electricity facturing solutions (Ataei et al., 2009; Linnhoff, 1993).
generation. The recent increase in fuel prices, the The first step in the energy integration analysis is the
necessity for better environmental performance, and the calculation of the minimum heating and cooling require-
curbing of air pollution and greenhouse gases have ments for the heat exchanger network (HEN). A heat
stimulated the search for further improvements. The exchanger (HEX), exchanges heat between a hot and a
efficiency of the Rankine cycle can be improved by cold process stream; the hot stream needs to be cooled
and the cold stream needs to be heated (Linnhoff and
Flower, 1978).
Thermodynamic approaches in the form of PA were
*Corresponding author. E-mail: abtinataei@gmail.com. Tel: first introduced in the late 1970s, with the idea of setting
+82-31-201-2124. Fax: +82-31-204-8114. targets prior to design and were originally developed at
Ataei and Yoo 1111

Leeds University. PA reports significant changes in given pressure Po and temperature To, and with given amounts of
energy savings and has established a track record of chemical elements. The purpose of an EA is generally to identify
the location, source, and magnitude of true thermodynamic ineffi-
numerous successful applications in the chemical pro- ciencies in process plants such as power plants (Chao and Yan,
cess industries (Linnhoff and Flower, 1978; Smith, 2005). 2006). Disregarding kinetic and potential energy changes, the
During the last decades, PA has been developed in other specific flow Exergy of a fluid at any cycle state is given by
area of process industries, including power plants, and Equation 1:
has shown satisfactory results, with respect to energy
saving. Linnhoff and Alanis have done much research e = (h − ho ) − To ( s − so ) (1)
work on using PA in various power plants. Their research
model simulated the modification of an existing site. EA, The reversible work as a fluid goes from an inlet state to an exit
another useful method for process integration, predicts state is given by the Exergy change between these two states, as
the thermodynamic performance of an energy system follows (Kotas, 1995; Kwak, 2003):
and the efficiency of the system components by
accurately quantifying the entropy-generation of the eout − ein = (hout − hin ) − To ( s out − sin ) (2)
components (Kotas, 1995).
In steam power plants, it can be observed from cycle A simple Rankine cycle and the T-S diagram for it are shown in
thermodynamics that synthesis of an optimal HEN with Figure 1. As seen in the Figure 1, the SPP consists of two major
components: one is the heat transfer system and the other is the
minimization of utilities may reduce Exergy losses and turbine system. The chemical energy in the fuel provides the total
improve the cycle efficiency (Kwak, 2003; Rosen and Exergy for the plant, which is the original exergy source (Rosen and
Dincer, 2003; Sanjay, 2007). Therefore, a Combined Dincer, 2003). Part of the exergy from the fuel is lost in the heat
Pinch and Exergy Analysis (CPEA) can better make use transfer system, including the boiler, the bleeds heat exchangers,
of the Exergy concept instead of pure thermal analysis, the economizer and the condenser. The rest of the exergy goes into
the turbine system as the exergy input for generating power. Some
with the aid of PA’s design and targeting capabilities.
of the exergy input is lost in running the turbines and pumps. The
CPEA may represent a whole system, including individual amounts of these losses are defined by their machine efficiency.
units on one diagram, which helps to screen the pro- Also, a certain amount of the exergy is lost with the exhausted gas.
mising modifications quickly for improving a base-case The remaining exergy gives the shaft work, which is received by the
design. Therefore, the design of relating HEN for electrical generators, which become the final exergy sink (Sanjay et
minimum Exergy loss and optimum efficiency is one of al., 2007).
According to Figure 1, the exergy loss and exergy efficiency for
the main aims of applying CPEA in a power plant each of the Rankine cycle components can be calculated as
optimization project (Feng and Zhu, 1997). follows:
In this paper, we propose a method of improving
certain operational parameters, such as the pressure and
mass discharge of steam extractions, by using pinch and Boiler
exergy analyses. Also reported is a cycle performance
The Exergy loss in the boiler can be calculated as follows (Kotas,
increase that was calculated after a correction of opera- 1995):
tional parameters following this method. It is noteworthy
that the main problem of a power plant, that is, a
production drop due to inefficiency of the cooling system
elBoiler = Ein − Eout = ( me) in − (me) out (3)

(the cold end of the power plant), especially in warm

seasons, can be completely resolved by correcting the Ein is the sum of the fuel Exergy and air Exergy that is input to the
cycle in a power plant using CPEA.
Indeed, for constant power plant production, correcting boiler. Eout is Exergy of the combustion that produces in the
the power plant cycle using CPEA and reducing fuel boiler.
consumption in the boiler result in a smaller amount of
heat that needs to be discharged at the cold end of the
Steam turbine
power plant. The current capacity of the cooling towers is
therefore higher than that required by the cycle, after The Exergy loss in the steam turbine is defined as follows (Sanjay
correction. Thus, the cooling system is efficient, even in et al., 2007):
warm seasons.
elTurbine = (me) in − (me) out − W out (4)


Exergy analysis (EA)

Where, Wout is the actual produced shaft work, as shown in Figure
1. The maximum shaft work of the steam turbine is equal to the
Exergy is the maximum theoretical useful work attainable from an difference of the input and output steam enthalpies. Accordingly,
energy carrier under the conditions imposed by an environment at the exergetic efficiency of the turbine is defined as the ratio of the
1112 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Figure 1. A simple Rankine cycle and its T-S diagram.

actual shaft work to the maximum one as equation 5: Rankine cycle

The total exergy loss in the Rankine cycle is simply the sum of
ε Turbine = (5) exergy losses in the boiler, steam turbines, heat exchangers, and
(me) in − ( me) out pump. The overall exergetic efficiency of the cycle can be
calculated as follows (Kwak, 2003):

Heat exchangers Wnet

ε Cycle = (10)
Feed-Water Heaters (FWHs) and condensers are essentially heat E fuel
exchangers designed to perform different tasks. An Exergy balance
written on the heat exchanger should express the Exergy destroyed
in the system as the difference of Exergies of incoming and Where Wnet is expressed by Equation. 11:
outgoing streams, as follows (Chao, 2006):

elFWH = Ein − Eout = ( me)in − ( me) out (6)

Wnet =Wout −Win (11)

The exergetic efficiency of a heat exchanger (HEX) is defined as

Pinch analysis (PA)
the ratio of the increase in the exergy of the cold fluid to the
decrease in the exergy of the hot fluid (Equation 7).
PA has become a general methodology for the targeting and design
of thermal and chemical processes, and associated utilities. When
[ meout − mein ]Cold Streams considering the energy efficiency of a process, pinch-based
ε HEX = (7) approaches target the identification of the possible energy recovery
[ mein − meout ]Hot Streams by heat exchange, and define the Minimum Energy Requirement
(MER) of the process. The Composite Curves (CC) and the Grand
Composite Curve (GCC) are two basic tools in PA, and they are
constructed using temperature versus enthalpy axes (Ataei et al.,
Pump 2009; Polley and Panjeshahi, 1991; Smith, 2005). The MER
targeting procedure with CC is shown in Figure 2.
The Exergy loss in the pump can be expressed as follows (Chao, The energy targeting in PA set by the CC and GCC are only in
2006): terms of heat loads. However, to deal with systems involving heat
and power, the concepts of both the CC and the GCC should be
elPump = (me)in − (me) out + Win (8) extended.

Win is the actual power consumed in the pump, as shown in Combined pinch and exergy analysis (CPEA)
Figure 1. The Exergetic efficiency of the pump can be defined as By allowing the comparison of the quality of the different forms of
the ratio of the minimum work input to the actual work input, using energy, exergy is a rigorous way of analyzing energy conversion
the following equation: systems such as SPPs. In the context of process integration
analysis, the exergy concept is combined with pinch analysis for
( me) out − ( me) in reducing the fuel requirement and optimizing the Rankine cycle in
ε Pump = (9) SPPs. The Exergy Composite Curve (ECC) and Exergy Grand
Win Composite Curve (EGCC) concepts have been introduced by Feng
Ataei and Yoo 1113

Figure 2. MER targeting procedure with cold and hot CC.

and Zhu (1997) for this purpose. For each linear segment in the areas in Figure 3 indicate the Exergy loss associated with the heat
CC, the heat Exergy delivered (e) by a stream delivering a heat transfer process.
load (Q) from the inlet temperature (Tin) to the outlet temperature The graphical representation of process units involving energy in
(Tout) is computed by Equation 12 (Feng and Zhu, 1997): terms of heat and power has been made possible with the
introduction of a variable referred to as energy level ( ) defined as
To follows (Feng and Zhu, 1997):
e = Q(1 − ) (12)
Tlm Exergy
Ω= (15)
Where, Tlm is the logarithmic mean of temperatures computed by
Equation 13 (Polley et al., 1990):
Thus, for the work, Ω is equal to 1 but for the heat can be
T −T calculated as follows (Feng and Zhu, 1997):
Tlm = in out (13)
T To
Ln( in ) Ω = 1− (16)
Tout T
When considering the hot CC, the heat delivered is represented by In the case of steady-state flow system, the is expressed as
the T-H diagram; the exergy delivered is computed by replacing the follows (Feng and Zhu, 1997):
temperature axis by the Carnot factor, as expressed in Equation 14.
It then corresponds to the area between the CC and the enthalpy
axis (Feng and Zhu, 1997). The same procedure is followed for the Ω= (17)
cold streams, to define the Exergy required by the cold streams
(Kotas, 1995).
In addition, all economic limitations and power generation process
T constraints can be considered in retrofit study of SPPs using CPEA
ηc = 1 − o (14) (Feng and Zhu, 1997). To achieve this aim, ECC and EGCC as two
T basic tools of this combined analysis should be calculated. Data
required for those plots can be extracted by simulation of the SPP
Figure 3 shows how the CC (T-H diagram) for a heat transfer using Cycle Tempo 5 (2006), which is powerful power plant
system can be converted into the ECC and the EGCC. The shaded simulation software.
1114 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Figure 3. Exergy transformation from CC to ECC and EGCC.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION load of the boiler, the minimum approach temperature
difference (∆Tmin) in the current CC and ECC should be
Plant description 5.8°C.

A 325 MW SPP was considered as a case study. It

included eight steam extraction stages and one steam Plant modification
reheating stage. Details related to the Rankine cycle of
the power plant are shown in Table 1. In most cases, the The stream data for the HEN in the sample power plant,
maximum load of the sample SPP is less than 325 MW. calculated with Cycle Tempo 5, are shown in Table 3.
Thus, cycle conditions were studied for a 312-MW load. To modify the cycle, the steps of CPEA analysis were
In other words, all data related to water, steam, boilers, performed as follows:
and so on were recorded and studied for such a load. As
shown in Table 1, a flow rate of 83530 m /h of fuel was
required to obtain a sufficient heating load for the thermal Bringing pinches closer together
cycle of the power plant to generate 325 MW of
electricity. Thus, taking into account the LHV of the fuel, it Resolving the uncoordinated distribution of stimulant
was found that 823.77 MW of energy was transferred to forces is the first step in bringing the system to ideal
the feed water of the boiler. To compare the modified conditions and reducing fuel consumption. Figures 7 and
cycle with the actual cycle, the cycle of the power plant 8 display the CC and ECC after modification.
was simulated using the software cycle tempo for a 325 As a result of the modification, the input boiler water
MW load. The value of transferred energy that was temperature was increased. It follows that the heating
obtained was the reference value in our study. load for generating steam was decreased. The boiler-
Taking into account the gross cycle as well as the fuel heating load was changed to 782.22 MW (that is, a 5.3%
LHV, it was estimated that the electricity generation reduction relative to the base cycle). Fuel consumption
performance was 39.453% for a full load, under the was reduced to 79290 m /h (that is, a 5.3% reduction
conditions of our study. Data related to fuel analysis and relative to the current cycle). Figure 9 shows the
combustion calculations are given in Table 2. temperature driving force at a selected working point of
Figure 4 shows the power plant cycle flow diagram. Hot the HEN in the power plant. This figure clearly indicates
and cold flows that were extracted from the flow chart are that the heat exchangers are placed on the network
reported in Table 1. The data from Table 1 were used to temperature driving force plot. Such a placement was
plot the CC and ECC. These two curves are shown in used to minimize error from non-vertical heat transfer
Figures 5 and 6, respectively. According to the current between hot and cold flows.
Ataei and Yoo 1115

Table 1. Primary information of the sample power plant.

Power plant nominal capacity (MW) 325

High pressure turbine 82.14

Turbine isentropic performance (%) Medium pressure turbine 89.85
Low pressure turbine 86.17

Feed water pump performance (%) 82

Boiler heating performance (%) 92.34
Ambient temperature (°C) 10
Air pre-heater output temperature (°C) 269
Boiler flue gas temperature (°C) 126
Fuel demand (m /h) 83530
Nominal performance (%) 39.453

Table 2. Important results from analyzing gas fuel and combustion calculations.

Consumable fuel analysis (Mole %) Methane 88

Ethane 4.5
Propane 1.48
Iso butane 0.24
Normal butane 0.35
Iso pentane 0.11
Normal pentane 0.07
Normal hexane 0.05
Carbon dioxide 0.2
Hydrogen sulfide 3 ppm
Nitrogen 5

Fuel molecular mass (kg/kmol) 18.13

Fuel volume mass (kg/Nm ) 0.765
LHV (mJ/Nm ) 35.502
HHV (mJ/Nm ) 38.6
Air required for full combustion (Nm /kgfuel) 31
Excess air average percentage (%) 5
Combustion gas mass discharge (kg/h) 2095800
Flame adiabatic temperature (°C) 2200
Flue gas density (kg/Nm ) 1.2906
Flue gas specific heat capacity (kJ/kg°C) 1.10825

Optimization of extraction levels Economical cycle optimization

In this step, the pressure (or saturated temperature) and Accurate economical information is important. Indeed, if
extraction mass flows were determined so that the the information is inaccurate, the estimated and fore-
minimal amount of fuel necessary to generate 325 MW of casted return on investment cannot be met. For example,
electricity were consumed. considering an energy cost that is higher than the actual
It was found that the minimum temperature difference value results in a targeted investment that is higher than
was ∆Tmin = 5.6 o C . Table 4 lists different extraction the maximal value. Thus, although more energy is saved,
amounts, the optimal saturated temperatures, and the the value for the return on the investment will be higher.
amount of consumed fuel. On the other hand, lower energy costs will not promote
1116 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Figure 4. The process flow diagram of the sample power plant; before modification.

energy savings, as it will be hard to convince managers The operation costs of heating in the boiler and cooling
to fund new energy-saving, network-heating areas in in the condenser were assumed to be 12 and 3.17
process units. In sum, energy costs must be precisely $/kWyr, respectively. In addition, the hours of operation
determined (Ataei et al., 2009). per year (h/yr) were assumed to be 8000 h/y. The results
Ataei and Yoo 1117

Figure 5. Cycle CC; before modification.

Figure 6. Cycle ECC; before modification.

1118 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Table 3. Stream data for the HEN in the sample power plant; before modification.

Supply Target Inlet Saturated

Mass flow
No. Flow title temperature temperature pressure temperature
(°C) (°C) (atm) (°C)
Feed water from ejector steam
1 219.881 47.18 173.5 8.614 173.5
2 Feed water from pump to the boiler 278.6 176.95 270 186.7 359.9
3 Steam reheat 0.42240 328.56 533 32.8 238.8
4 Steam extraction 1 216.9 391 245.6 54.26 269.08
5 Steam extraction 2 21.695 328.5 205.6 35.57 243.4
6 Steam extraction 3 7910 457 182.55 16.8 203.7
7 Steam extraction 4 9010.9 353.4 173.5 8.614 173.5
8 Steam extraction 5 8.085 301 137.6 5 151.85
9 Steam extraction 6 2376 217 119.6 2.553 128.13
10 Steam extraction 7 10.309 195.83 92.59 2.074 121.39
11 Steam extraction 8 11.27 97 87.99 0.6915 89.63
12 Input flow to the condenser 184.229 48.1 46.7 0.112 48.06

Figure 7. Cycle CC; after modification.

Ataei and Yoo 1119

Figure 8. Cycle ECC; after modification.

Figure 9. Temperature driving force in HEN of the cycle.

1120 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Table 4. Stream data for the HEN in the sample power plant; after modification.

Supply Target Inlet Saturated Optimum

Mass flow
No. Flow title temperature temperature pressure temperature pressure drop
(°C) (°C) (atm) (°C) (atm)
Feed water from ejector
1 228.54 44.63 176.6 9.27 176.62 4.604
steam condenser
Feed water from pump
2 280.558 179.79 537 173.4 353.84 1.6
to the boiler
3 Steam reheat 245.8 324.6 537 33.35 239.77 3.33
4 Steam Extraction 1 15.662 376.4 247.8 54.68 269.57 Negative
5 Steam Extraction 2 19.12 323.6 215 36.68 245.24 Negative
6 Steam Extraction 3 14.206 457 185.59 17.7 206.27 Negative
7 Steam Extraction 4 4.075 352.5 176.6 9.27 176.62 Negative
8 Steam Extraction 5 9.15 305.2 158.85 6.12 159.62 Negative
9 Steam Extraction 6 7.184 246 132.27 6.617 140.1 Negative
10 Steam Extraction 7 7.618 185.1 113.29 2 120.24 Negative
11 Steam Extraction 8 23.782 119.3 97.29 0.97 98.78 Negative
Input flow to the
12 179.787 45.45 44.6 0.098 45.45 Negative

Table 5. Targeting results for the power plant.

Selected working point: ∆Tmin = 5.6 o C

Gross cycle power generation MW 325
Cycle efficiency, after modification % 41.9
Increase in cycle efficiency % 2.5
Boiler load, after modification MW 782.22
Fuel consumption, after modification Nm /h 79290
Condenser pressure, after modification atm 0.0968
Input feed-water temperature to the economizer, after modification °C 271
Condenser load, after modification MW 420238
Minimum heat transfer area, according to the working point m 7279
Reduction in the boiler load MW 41.55
Reduction in the fuel consumption Nm /h 4240
Reduction in the condenser load MW 18.775
Area efficiency coefficient % 80
Addition heat transfer area m 1132
Fuel savings $/yr 518514
Condenser load savings $/yr 38266
Total savings $/yr 558177
Required investment $ 323116
Simple payback time yr 0.58

of targeting and economic calculations at the selected Design Method (PDM) (Polley and Panjeshahi, 1991;
working point ( ∆Tmin = 5.6o C ) for the power plant are Polley et al., 1990). In this study, the HEN of feed-water
heaters was modified and simulated using the cycle
given in Table 5.
tempo software and systemic parameters were obtained.
Figure 10 displays the process flow diagram of the cycle
Retrofit of HEN after modification. As indicated by Figure 10, new heat
transfer areas have to be placed in the network in order
After targeting, the HEN can be modified using the Pinch to maintain an allowable feed-water pressure drop in the
Ataei and Yoo 1121

Figure 10. The process flow diagram of the sample power plant; after modification.

preheating network. More specifically, one heater must heater 5, one in series with heater 6, and one in series
be placed in parallel with heater 8, one in parallel with with heater 3.
1122 Int. J. Phys. Sci.

Simulation of the corrected design with the afore- exergy rate from fuel (kW); SPP, steam power plant; EA,
mentioned software showed that, by changing the steam exergy analysis; T, temperature (°K); ECC, exergy
extraction levels as described above and installing the composite curves; To, ambient temperature (°K); EGCC,
aforementioned new heaters, the performance of the exergy grand composite curves; Tlm, logarithmic mean of
studied power plant can be increased by exactly 5.3% for temperatures (°K); el Boiler , rate of exergy loss in the
the chosen energy target. Thus, without modifying the
electricity that is generated in the power plant, the natural boiler (kW); W, Work (kJ); el FWH , rate of exergy loss in
gas (fuel) consumption and load on the cold side of the the feed-water heater (kW); Win , rate of inlet work (kW);
power plant can be reduced by 4240 m /h and 18.77 MW,
respectively. These results indicate that the main problem elPump , rate of exergy loss in the pump (kW); Wnet , rate of
of the power plant, that is, an insufficient efficiency of the
cold side of the plant (at around 11 MW) can be solved. net work (kW), elTurbine , rate of exergy loss in the turbine
If the aforementioned modifications were applied in the
Rankine cycle of the sample power plant, a 33.92 million (kW), Wout , rate of outlet work (kW); FWH, feed-water
cubic meters yearly reduction in the fuel demand of the heater; GCC, grand composite curve.
power plant would be achieved. Applying RETscreen
software showed that 63226 tons of greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions-reduction per year would be obtained Greek letters
by this method. According to the RETscreen software,
that amount of reduction in GHG emissions is equivalent ∆Ε, Exergy changes (kW); GHG, greenhouse gases; ∆H,
to that of not using 11580 cars and light trucks. Heat load (kW); ho, enthalpy at ambient condition (kJ);
Tmin, minimum temperature approach on composite
curves (°C); h, enthalpy (kJ); ε Cycle , cycle overall
Exergetic efficiency; H, enthalpy rate (kW); ε HEX , heat
The Pinch analysis and Exergy analysis concepts were exchanger exergetic efficiency; HEN, Heat exchanger
used to design a power plant installation. The addition of network; ε Turbine , turbine exergetic efficiency; HEX, heat
four heaters, as shown in the modified process flow
exchanger; , energy level; HHV, high heating value
diagram, resulted in a 5.3% reduction in fuel consumption
(mJ/Nm ); η c , carnot factor; LHV; low heating value
in the Rankine cycle of the sample SPP. It was found that
3 3
the fuel consumption could be reduced by 4240 m /h. (mJ/Nm ).
This reduction leads to considerable savings in the power
plant running costs. In addition to a 2.5% increase in
cycle performance, a condenser-cooling load reduction of Subscripts
18.77 MW in the modified cycle of the power plant was
determined. This result indicates that the main cooling m , Mass flow rate (kg/s) cold streams, streams need to
tower is more efficient and no longer limits production be heated; MER, maximum energy recovery (kW) Hot
during warm seasons. streams, streams need to be cooled; Po, ambient
Applying the proposed modification to power plants pressure (atm); in, Inlet; P1, supply pressure (atm); out,
may result in a yearly reduction of GHG emissions of Outlet; P2, Target pressure (atm); PA, pinch analysis.
about 63226 tons, which is equivalent to not using 11580
cars and light trucks.

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University in 2010 (KHU- 20100188). Water Reuse and Energy Minimization. Int. J. Environ. Res., 3: 289-
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Optimization of Combined Heat and Power Generation in Edible Oil
NOMENCLATURE Plants. J. Appl. Sci., 9: 3813-3820.
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Feng X, Zhu XX (1997). Combining pinch and exergy analysis for
rate (kW); so, entropy at ambient condition (kJ/°K); E fuel , process modifications. Appl. Therm. Eng., 17: 250-260.
Ataei and Yoo 1123

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