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Sreerama's Birth Date - Article

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Dear all,

The following article on tracing back the year of Shri Ram's birth and period of his
life may be of stunning interest to all Indians. Regards,
almikis' stunningly accurate account

The story of Shri Rams' life was first narrated by Maharishi Valmiki in the
Ramayana, which was written after Shri Ram was crowned as the king of Ayodhya.
Maharishi Valmiki was a great astronomer as he has made sequential astronomical
references on imortant dates related to the life of Shri Ram indicating the location
of lanets !is"a"!is #odiac constellations and the other stars $nakshatras%.

&eedless to add that similar osition of lanets and nakshatras is not reeated in
thousands of years.

'y entering the recise details of the lanetary configuration of the imortant
e!ents in the life of Shri Ram as gi!en in the Valmiki Ramayan in the software
named ()lanetarium( corresonding e*act dates of these e!ents according to the
+nglish calendar can be known.

Mr )ushkar 'hatnagar, of the ,ndian Re!enue Ser!ice, had acquired this software
from the -S. ,t is used to redict the solar.lunar eclises and distance and location
of other lanets from earth. /e entered the rele!ant details about the lanetary
ositions narrated by Maharishi Valmiki and obtained !ery interesting and
con!incing results, which almost determine the imortant dates starting from the
birth of Shri Ram to the date of his coming back to Ayodhya after 01 years of e*ile.
Maharishi Valmiki has recorded in 'al 2aand, sarga 03 and shloka eight and nine
$0.04.4,3%, that Shri Ram was born on ninth tithi of 5haitra month when the
osition of different lanets !is"a"!is #odiac constellations and nakshatras $!isible
stars% were6

i% Sun in Aries7 ii% Saturn in 8ibra7 iii% 9uiter in 5ancer7 i!% Venus in )isces7 !%
Mars in 5aricorn7 !i% 8unar month of 5haitra7 !ii% &inth day after no moon7 !iii%
8agna as 5ancer $cancer was rising in the east%7 i*%Moon on the )unar!asu $:emini
constellation ; )llu* star%7 *% <ay time $around noon%.

This data was fed into the software. The results indicated that this was e*actly the
location of lanets.stars in the noon of 9anuary 0=, >001 '5. Thus, Shri Ram was
born on 9anuary 0=, >001 '5 $?0@0 years back%. As er the ,ndian calendar, it was
the ninth day of Shukla )aksha in 5haitra month and the time was around 0@ to 0
noontime. This is e*actly the time and date when Ram &a!mi is celebrated all
o!er ,ndia.
Shri Ram was born in Ayodhya. This fact can be ascertained from se!eral books
written by ,ndian and foreign authors before and after the birth of 5hrist " Valmiki
Ramayan, Tulsi Ramayan, 2alidasas' Raghu!ansam, 'audh and 9ain literature, etc.

These books ha!e narrated in great detail the location, rich architecture and beauty
of Ayodhya which had many alaces and temles built all o!er the kingdom.
Ayodhya was located on the banks of the Saryu ri!er with :anga and )anchal
)radesh on one side and Mithila on the other side.

&ormally ?,=== years is a !ery long eriod during which earthquakes, storms, floods
and foreign in!asions change the course of ri!ers, destroy the towns.buildings and
alter the territories. Therefore, the task of unearthing the facts is monumental.

The resent Ayodhya has shrunk in si#e and the ri!ers ha!e changed their course
about 1= km north.south. Shri Ram went out of Ayodhya in his childhood
$0Ath year as er Valmiki Ramayan% with Rishi Vishwamitra who li!ed in Tao!an
$Sidhhashram%. Brom there he went to Mithila, 2ing 9anaks' kingdom. /ere, he
married Sita after breaking Shi! <hanusha.

Researchers ha!e gone along the route adoted by Shri Ram as narrated in the
Valmiki Ramayan and found @A laces which ha!e memorials that commemorate
the e!ents related to the life of Shri Ram. These include 6

Shringi Ashram,
Tadka Van,
9anakur $now in &eal%,
Sita 2und, etc.
Memorials are built for great men and not for fictitious characters.
<ate of e*ile of Shri Ram6 ,t is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayans' Ayodhya 2and
$@.1.04% that <ashratha wanted to make Shri Ram the king because Sun, Mars and
Rahu had surrounded his nakshatra and normally under such lanetary
configuration the king dies or becomes a !ictim of consiracies.

<ashrathas' #odiac sign was )isces and his nakshatra was Rewati.

This lanetary configuration was re!ailing on the 9anuary >, >=43 '5,
and it was on this day that Shri Ram left Ayodhya for 01 years of e*ile.
Thus, he was @> years old at that time $>001">=43%.

There are se!eral shlokas in Valmiki Ramayan which indicate that Shri Ram
was @>"years"old when he left Ayodhya for e*ile. Valmiki Ramayan refers to the
solar eclise at the time of war with 2hardushan in later half of 0Ath year of Shri
Rams' e*ile. ,t is also mentioned it was ama!asya day and Mars was in the middle.
Chen this data was entered, the software indicated that there was a solar eclise on
Dctober ?, >=?? '5, $ama!asya day% which could be seen from )anch!ati.
The lanetary configuration was also the same " Mars was in the middle,
on one side were Venus and Mercury and on the other side were Sun and Saturn.

Dn the basis of lanetary configurations described in !arious other chaters, the
date on which Ra!ana was killed works out to be <ecember 1, >=?E '5, and Shri
Ram comleted 01 years of e*ile on 9anuary @, >=?> '5, and that day was also
&a!ami of Shukla )aksha in 5haitra month. Thus Shri Ram had come back to
Ayodhya at the age of A3 $>001">=?>%.
A colleague, <r Ram A!tar, researched on laces !isited by Shri Ram during his
e*ile, and sequentially mo!ed to the laces stated as !isited by Shri Ram in the
Valmiki Ramayan, starting from Ayodhya he went right uto Rameshwaram.
/e found 03> laces which still ha!e the memorials connected to the e!ents
narrated in the Ramayana relating to the life of Shri Ram and Sita These include
Tamsa Tal $Mandah%, Shring!erur $Singraur%, 'hardwaF Ashram $situated near
Allahabad%, Atri Ashram, Markandaya Ashram $Markundi%, 5hitrakoot, )amakuti
$on banks of :oda!ari%, )anch!ati, Sita Saro!ar, Ram 2und in Triambakeshwar
near &asik, Shabari Ashram, 2ishkindha $!illage Annagorai%, <hanushkoti and
Rameshwar temle.
,n Valmiki Ramayan it is mentioned that Shri Rams' army constructed a bridge
o!er the sea between Rameshwaram and 8anka.
After crossing this bridge, Shri Rams' army had defeated Ra!ana. Recently,
&ASA ut ictures on the ,nternet of a man"made bridge, the ruins of which are
lying submerged in )alk Strait between Rameshwaram and Sri 8anka.

Recently the Sri 8ankan :o!ernment had e*ressed the desire to de!elo Sita
Vatika as a tourist sot. Sri 8ankans belie!e this was Ashok Vatika where Ra!ana
had ket Sita as a risoner $in >=?E '5%.
,ndian history has recorded that Shri Ram belonged to the Surya!ansh and he was
the E1th ruler of this dynasty. The names and other rele!ant articulars of re!ious
EA kings are listed in Ayodhya ka +tihaas written about 4= years ago by Rai
'ahadur Sita Ram. )rofessor Subhash 2ak of 8ousiana -ni!ersity, in his book, The
Astronomical 5ode of the Rig Veda, has also listed EA ancestors of Shri Ram
who ruled o!er Ayodhya.

Sri Rams' ancestors ha!e been traced out as6 Shri Ram, 2ing <ashratha, 2ing AFa,
2ing Raghu, 2ing <ili and so on. Brom 2ashmir to 2anyakumari and from
'engal to :uFarat, e!erywhere eole belie!e in the reality of Shri Rams' e*istence,
articularly in the tribal areas of /imachal, RaFasthan, Madhya )radesh and the

Most of the festi!als celebrated in these areas re!ol!e around the e!ents in the life of
Shri Ram and Shri 2rishna. The e!ents and laces related to the life of Shri Ram
and Sita are true cultural and social heritage of e!ery ,ndian irresecti!e of caste
and creed. Therefore, it is common heritage.

After all, Shri Ram belonged to the eriod when )rohet Mohammed or 9esus
5hrist were not born and Muslim or 5hristian faiths were unknown to the world.

The words /indu $resident of /industan% and ,ndian $resident of ,ndia% were
synonymous. ,ndia was also known as 'harat $land of knowledge% and Arya!arta
$where Aryans li!e% and /industan $land of (/indus( " deri!ed from word ,ndus%.
<uring Ram RaFya, the e!ils of caste system based on birth were non"e*istent. ,n
fact, Maharishi Valmiki is stated to be of Shudra class $scheduled caste%, still Sita
li!ed with him as his adoted daughter after she was banished from Ayodhya.

8u! and 2ush grew in his ashram as his disciles. Ce need to be roud of the fact
that Valmiki was erhas the first great astronomer and that his study of lanetary
configurations has stood the test of times. +!en the latest comuter softwares ha!e
corroborated his astronomical calculations, which ro!es that he did not commit
any error.

Shabri is stated to be belonging to the 'heel tribe. Shri Rams' army, which
succeeded in defeating Ra!ana, was formed by !arious tribals from 5entral and
South ,ndia.
The facts, e!ents and all other details relating to the life of Shri Ram are the
common heritage of all the ,ndians including scheduled castes, scheduled tribes,
Muslims, 5hristians, etc.

)rohet Mohammad was born 0,1== years ago.
9esus 5hrist was born @,=== years back.
:autam 'uddha was born @,E== years back,
whereas Ram was born ?,=== years back.
/ence, disco!ering the details relating to Shri Rams' life would be lot more difficult
as destruction caused by floods, earthquakes and in!asions etc., would be far
greater. 'ut, should that sto our quest for learning more about our cultural

As ,ndians, let us all take ride in the fact that the ,ndian ci!ilisation is the most
ancient ci!ilisation today. ,t is certainly more than 0=,=== years old. Therefore, let us
reFect the story of Aryan in!asion in ,ndia in 0,>== '5 as moti!ated imlantation.

,n fact Ma* Mueller, who was the creator of this theory had himself reFected it.
8et us admit that during the 'ritish Rule, we were educated in the schools based on
Macaulay school of thinking which belie!ed that e!erything ,ndian was inferior and
that entire (,ndian literature was not worth e!en one book rack in +ngland.( ,f
there were similarities in certain features of ,ndian eole and eole from 5entral
+uroe, then automatic inference drawn was that the Aryans coming from +uroe
in!aded ,ndia and settled here.

&o one dared of thinking in any other way. Therefore, there is urgency for the
historians and all other intellectuals to sto reducing ,ndian history to myth.
There is need to gather, dig out, search, unearth and analyse all the e!idences,
which would throw more light on ancient ,ndian ci!ilisation and culture.
There is need for the rint and the electronic media to take note of these facts and
create atmoshere which would moti!ate our young and educated youth to carry
out research and unearth true facts about the ancient ,ndian ci!ilisation and
wisdom and would also encourage them to ut across the results of their research
before the eole fearlessly and with a sense of rideH

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