Genetic and Biochemical Background of Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Genetic and Biochemical Background of Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Genetic and Biochemical Background of Chronic Granulomatous Disease
PL ISSN 0004-069X Review
Received: 2003.11.10
Accepted: 2003.12.11 Genetic and biochemical background
Published: 2004.04.15
of chronic granulomatous disease
Monika Jurkowska1, 2, Ewa Bernatowska3 and Jerzy Bal1
National Research Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland
Postgraduate School of Molecular Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare inherited immunodeficency syndrome
caused by a profound defect in the oxygen metabolic burst machinery. Activity of NADPH
oxidase is absent or profoundly diminished, as at least one of its components (gp91phox,
p22phox, p47phox and p67phox) is lacking or non-functional. This review explains the mole-
cular basis of NADPH oxidase dysfunction by the effects of mutations in genes coding for
particular oxidase components. Among the four types of CGD, the most common is X-
-linked CGD (approximately 65%), with defects in the CYBB gene encoding gp91phox. A
wide spectrum of mutations has been described in the CYBB gene with no predominant
genotype. The second most common subtype of CGD caused by NCF1 mutation accounts
for 30% of CGD patients and is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, with pre-
dominance of a homozygotous ∆GT deletion in the genotype. The other two CGD sub-
types having an autosomal recessive pattern together account for no more than 10% of
CGD cases. A strategy for the molecular diagnostics in CGD patients is proposed and prin-
ciples of genetic counseling are discussed here.
Key words: CGD • NADPH oxidase • genes • molecular diagnostics
Arch Immunol Ther Exp, 2004, 52, 113–120
M. Jurkowska et al. – Genetics and biochemistry of CGD
secretory vesicle
or specific granules
phagosome activation rap1A
cytosol O2 • p22
gp91 Rac1/2
(FAD). The identity of the cytosolic component(s) tein constituents and their genes have been identified
responsible for causing the conformational change in and cloned.
gp91phox is a still an unsettled issue, as is the question
of whether this is the consequence of direct interac- The CYBB gene (GenBank see http://www.ncbi.nlm.
tion of the cytosolic component(s) with gp91phox or an accession number X04011), which
event secondary to its binding to the p22phox subunit. encodes gp91phox, was one of the first to be identified
by positional cloning34 following chromosomal local-
In resting neutrophils, this flavocytochrome is local- ization to Xp21.11. Other human genes encoding the
ized together with rap1A protein in the membranes major components of NADPH oxidase are mapped
of specific granules or a secretory vesicle. During cell each to a different chromosome: NCF1 (p47phox) to
activation, fusion of these organelles with the plasma 7q11.23, NCF2 (p67phox) to 1q25, CYBA (p22phox) to
membrane leads to re-allocation of the oxidase. At 16q24, and NCF4 encoding p40phox to 22q13.1. Up to
the same time, the p47-p67-p40 complex translocates now, mutations in four genes of the NADPH oxidase
to the plasma membrane and forms a complex with complex (except in NCF4) have been associated with
the cytochrome b558. p47phox and p67phox are phospho- CGD. A single missense mutation in Rac2 has
rylated upon activation of the enzyme complex17. In recently been reported to cause a CGD-like condi-
addition, one or more cytosolic GTP-binding pro- tion in one individual. The patient was heterozygous
teins appear to be required for oxidase activity16. For for the mutation but severely affected, suggesting
example, Rac-GTP not only binds to the regulatory that the amino acid substitution acts in a dominant,
p67phox, but also interacts directly with the oxidase negative fashion37.
flavocytochrome and can initiate a signaling pathway
leading to the translocation of cytosolic subunits and gp91phox
assemblage of the enzyme complex15. Binding of
p67phox to the cytochrome b permits electron flow Several studies have probed indirectly the structure
from NADPH to FAD, whereas p47phox-binding is of the gp91phox glycoprotein molecule and its molecu-
necessary for electron flow from FAD via the hemes lar interactions, but the locations of its functional
groups to the oxygen5. domains have been inferred mostly by sequence
homology rather than by direct demonstration.
The NADPH oxidase enzyme system forms a small
transmembrane electron-transport system that gp91phox functions as a flavodehydrogenase, and from
results in the oxidation of NADPH on the cytoplas- sequence comparison between the C-terminal half of
mic surface and the generation of superoxide on the gp91phox and the ferredoxin-NADP1 reductase
outer surface of the membrane, which in turn flavoenzyme family the putative location of the FAD-
becomes the inner surface of the phagosome when -binding and NADPH-binding domains within
invagination occurs during phagocytosis. gp91phox have been deduced33. A recent report, show-
ing that inward H+ currents are absent in cells from a
Analysis of the defects responsible for CGD has gp91phox-lacking patient, suggested that gp91phox
helped to define many of the biochemical and mole- behaves as an unusual H+ channel that allows H+
cular features of this complex system. Individual pro- influx and cytosolic acidification2. Expression of full-
Arch Immunol Ther Exp, 2004, 52, 113–120
Gene Location Size (kb) Exons mRNA size (kb) Amino acids Modifications
CYBB Xp21.1 30 13 4.7 570 glycosylated
NCF1 7q11.23 18 9 1.4 390 phosphorylated during activation
NCF2 1q25 40 16 2.4 526 phosphorylated during activation
CYBA 16q24 8.5 6 0.8 195 –
-length or N-truncated gp91phox and mutagenesis cytochrome b558 have been identified (X91+). Some
experiments were consistent with gp91phox being the of these have provided interesting information about
H+ channel itself13. the NADPH oxidase structure and activation mecha-
nisms. Rare cases describing X91+ CGD patients
Among the four types of CGD, the most common is have either mutations leading to substitutions in the
X-linked CGD (approximately 65%), with defects in N-terminal part of gp91phox, which affect heme bind-
the CYBB gene encoding gp91phox. The CYBB gene ing and stable interaction with p22phox 6, or bear muta-
encompasses 13 exons spanning 30 kb of genomic tions in the cytosolic C-terminal part of gp91phox. This
DNA (Table 2). A wide spectrum of mutations (sub- region of gp91phox is important for FAD- and
stitutions, deletions, insertions, and splice-site)32 has NADPH-binding and is also involved in the recruit-
been described in the CYBB gene, representing more ment of cytosolic phox proteins27 (Fig. 2). One case
than 200 different changes ( was reported where cytochrome b558 displayed abnor-
/bioinfo/CYBBbase/). mal distribution within the leukocytes: it was present
in the lysate but not on the surface of the cells. The
The heterogeneity of mutations and the lack of any mutation responsible for that phenotype was
predominant genotype indicate that the worldwide located within a probable FAD-binding sequence
incidence of the disease represents many different (His338Tyr)26.
mutational events, with no evidence for a founder
effect. Such a pattern is expected for a disorder with Several mutations were identified in the promoter
the phenotype of a severe immune-system defect and region of the CYBB gene, one leading to the interest-
recurrent infections. Mutations lead to complete lack ing phenomenon of oxidase activity restricted to
of cytochrome (gp910) or partial loss of CYBB expres- eosinophils with a mild course of CGD36. This indi-
sion (gp91–). In a very few rare cases, missense muta- cates the different mechanism of gp91phox expression
tions resulting in normal but nonfunctional levels of regulation in eosinophils.
inside NH2
537 309
339 335 325
546 500
369 360
gp91Ǧ phenotype
gp91+ phenotype
NADPH-binding site
FAD-binding site
M. Jurkowska et al. – Genetics and biochemistry of CGD
Figure 3. The membrane topology of p22phox subunit, as based on “peptide walking” approach10 (modified).
Arch Immunol Ther Exp, 2004, 52, 113–120
Missense mutations, resulting in complete lack of As in gp91phox and p22phox deficiencies, p67phox CGD
protein, cause amino acid substitutions within the patients show a high degree of heterogeneity in the
transmembrane regions, whereas mutations that do genetic defects that underlie their disease. The muta-
not affect the synthesis of p22phox, as well as polymor- tions in the p67phox gene identified in the patients
phisms, involve residues located outside the mem- reported lead to marked instability of the p67phox
brane30. Of the 10 different missense mutations mRNA or protein (or both). That results in unde-
known by the year 2000, only 1 results in the expres- tectable levels of p67phox, a profound loss of respira-
sion of stable protein (the A22+ phenotype)7. In this tory burst activity, and a relatively severe clinical phe-
case, the patient was homozygous for the substitution notype, despite the fact that the presence of other
of proline 156 with glutamine14. This particular sub- cytochrome b subunits remains intact28.
stitution was very informative functionally, as bio-
chemical analysis showed that it resulted in the fail- These findings are in good agreement with the pro-
ure of p47phox to translocate to the membrane. posal that p67phox is the protein directly responsible
Proline 156 is within a short proline-rich region in the for the induction of a conformational change in
cytoplasmic tail of p22phox (amino acids 151-160) and gp91phox and with the identification of an “activation
the profound effect of its alteration to glutamine domain” in p67phox responsible for interaction with
highlights the importance of this region of the p22phox cytochrome b558 27. It was implied that p67phox inter-
molecule in interactions with an SH3 domain in acts directly with the gp91phox subunit and exclusively
p47phox. transports Rac1 to the complex.
∆ ∆ ∆
M. Jurkowska et al. – Genetics and biochemistry of CGD
enables establishment of the carrier status. This is way of testing for such carriers is by molecular genet-
performed by molecular biology techniques such as ic analysis.
polymerase chain reaction, sequencing, or allele-spe-
cific restriction enzyme analysis. Also single-strand The approach to carrier status establishment in pre-
conformation polymorphism or simple restriction natal diagnosis involves identifying the particular
fragment length polymorphism can be informative in mutation in a given family and then analyzing fetal
defined cases (Fig. 4). DNA directly for the mutant allele(s).
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