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Lecture Notes On Superconductivity

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Lecture Notes on Superconductivity:

Condensed Matter and QCD

(Lectures at the University of Barcelona, Spain, September-October 2003)

Roberto Casalbuoni∗
Department of Physics of the University of Florence,
Via G. Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy

(Dated: October 13, 2003)


I. Introduction 2
A. Basic experimental facts 3
B. Phenomenological models 6
1. Gorter-Casimir model 6
2. The London theory 7
3. Pippard non-local electrodynamics 9
4. The Ginzburg-Landau theory 10
C. Cooper pairs 11
1. The size of a Cooper pair 14
D. Origin of the attractive interaction 15

II. Effective theory at the Fermi surface 16

A. Introduction 16
B. Free fermion gas 18
C. One-loop corrections 20
D. Renormalization group analysis 22

III. The gap equation 23

A. A toy model 23
B. The BCS theory 25
C. The functional approach to the gap equation 30
D. The Nambu-Gor’kov equations 33
E. The critical temperature 36

IV. The role of the broken gauge symmetry 39

V. Color superconductivity 43
A. Hierarchies of effective lagrangians 46
B. The High Density Effective Theory (HDET) 47
1. Integrating out the heavy degrees of freedom 50
2. The HDET in the condensed phase 52
C. The gap equation in QCD 55
D. The symmetries of the superconductive phases 57
1. The CFL phase 57
2. The 2SC phase 63
3. The case of 2+1 flavors 64
4. Single flavor and single color 66

VI. Effective lagrangians 66

A. Effective lagrangian for the CFL phase 66
B. Effective lagrangian for the 2SC phase 68

VII. NGB and their parameters 70

A. HDET for the CFL phase 70
B. HDET for the 2SC phase 73
C. Gradient expansion for the U (1) NGB in the CFL model and in the 2SC model 74

∗ Electronic address: casalbuoni@fi.infn.it


D. The parameters of the NG bosons of the CFL phase 77

E. The masses of the NG bosons in the CFL phase 78
1. The role of the chemical potential for scalar fields: Bose-Einstein condensation 82
2. Kaon condensation 84

VIII. The dispersion law for the gluons 86

A. Evaluating the bare gluon mass 86
B. The parameters of the effective lagrangian for the 2SC case 87
C. The gluons of the CFL phase 89

IX. Quark masses and the gap equation 92

A. Phase diagram of homogeneous superconductors 95
B. Dependence of the condensate on the quark masses 100

X. The LOFF phase 103

A. Crystalline structures 105
B. Phonons 108

XI. Astrophysical implications 110

A. A brief introduction to compact stars 110
B. Supernovae neutrinos and cooling of neutron stars 114
C. R-mode instabilities in neutron stars and strange stars 115
D. Miscellaneous results 115
E. Glitches in neutron stars 116

Acknowledgments 117

A. The gap equation in the functional formalism from HDET 118

B. Some useful integrals 119

References 120


Superconductivity is one of the most fascinating chapters of modern physics. It has been a continuous source of
inspiration for different realms of physics and has shown a tremendous capacity of cross-fertilization, to say nothing of
its numerous technological applications. Before giving a more accurate definition of this phenomenon let us however
briefly sketch the historical path leading to it. Two were the main steps in the discovery of superconductivity. The
former was due to Kamerlingh Onnes (Kamerlingh Onnes, 1911) who discovered that the electrical resistance of
various metals, e. g. mercury, lead, tin and many others, disappeared when the temperature was lowered below some
critical value Tc . The actual values of Tc varied with the metal, but they were all of the order of a few K, or at
most of the order of tenths of a K. Subsequently perfect diamagnetism in superconductors was discovered (Meissner
and Ochsenfeld, 1933). This property not only implies that magnetic fields are excluded from superconductors, but
also that any field originally present in the metal is expelled from it when lowering the temperature below its critical
value. These two features were captured in the equations proposed by the brothers F. and H. London (London and
London, 1935) who first realized the quantum character of the phenomenon. The decade starting in 1950 was the
stage of two major theoretical breakthroughs. First, Ginzburg and Landau (GL) created a theory describing the
transition between the superconducting and the normal phases (Ginzburg and Landau, 1950). It can be noted that,
when it appeared, the GL theory looked rather phenomenological and was not really appreciated in the western
literature. Seven years later Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer (BCS) created the microscopic theory that bears their
name (Bardeen et al., 1957). Their theory was based on the fundamental theorem (Cooper, 1956), which states that,
for a system of many electrons at small T , any weak attraction, no matter how small it is, can bind two electrons
together, forming the so called Cooper pair. Subsequently in (Gor’kov, 1959) it was realized that the GL theory was
equivalent to the BCS theory around the critical point, and this result vindicated the GL theory as a masterpiece in
physics. Furthermore Gor’kov proved that the fundamental quantities of the two theories, i.e. the BCS parameter
gap ∆ and the GL wavefunction ψ, were related by a proportionality constant and ψ can be thought of as the Cooper
pair wavefunction in the center-of-mass frame. In a sense, the GL theory was the prototype of the modern effective
theories; in spite of its limitation to the phase transition it has a larger field of application, as shown for example by
its use in the inhomogeneous cases, when the gap is not uniform in space. Another remarkable advance in these years
was the Abrikosov’s theory of the type II superconductors (Abrikosov, 1957), a class of superconductors allowing a
penetration of the magnetic field, within certain critical values.

The inspiring power of superconductivity became soon evident in the field of elementary particle physics. Two
pioneering papers (Nambu and Jona-Lasinio, 1961a,b) introduced the idea of generating elementary particle masses
through the mechanism of dynamical symmetry breaking suggested by superconductivity. This idea was so fruitful
that it eventually was a crucial ingredient of the Standard Model (SM) of the elementary particles, where the masses
are generated by the formation of the Higgs condensate much in the same way as superconductivity originates from
the presence of a gap. Furthermore, the Meissner effect, which is characterized by a penetration length, is the origin,
in the elementary particle physics language, of the masses of the gauge vector bosons. These masses are nothing but
the inverse of the penetration length.
With the advent of QCD it was early realized that at high density, due to the asymptotic freedom property (Gross
and Wilczek, 1973; Politzer, 1973) and to the existence of an attractive channel in the color interaction, diquark
condensates might be formed (Bailin and Love, 1984; Barrois, 1977; Collins and Perry, 1975; Frautschi, 1978). Since
these condensates break the color gauge symmetry, the subject took the name of color superconductivity. However,
only in the last few years this has become a very active field of research; these developments are reviewed in (Alford,
2001; Hong, 2001; Hsu, 2000; Nardulli, 2002; Rajagopal and Wilczek, 2001). It should also be noted that color
superconductivity might have implications in astrophysics because for some compact stars, e.g. pulsars, the baryon
densities necessary for color superconductivity can probably be reached.
Superconductivity in metals was the stage of another breakthrough in the 1980s with the discovery of high Tc
Finally we want to mention another development which took place in 1964 and which is of interest also in QCD. It
originates in high-field superconductors where a strong magnetic field, coupled to the spins of the conduction electrons,
gives rise to a separation of the Fermi surfaces corresponding to electrons with opposite spins. If the separation is
too high the pairing is destroyed and there is a transition (first-order at small temperature) from the superconducting
state to the normal one. In two separate and contemporary papers, (Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964) and (Fulde and
Ferrell, 1964), it was shown that a new state could be formed, close to the transition line. This state that hereafter
will be called LOFF1 has the feature of exhibiting an order parameter, or a gap, which is not a constant, but has a
space variation whose typical wavelength is of the order of the inverse of the difference in the Fermi energies of the
pairing electrons. The space modulation of the gap arises because the electron pair has non zero total momentum and
it is a rather peculiar phenomenon that leads to the possibility of a non uniform or anisotropic ground state, breaking
translational and rotational symmetries. It has been also conjectured that the typical inhomogeneous ground state
might have a periodic or, in other words, a crystalline structure. For this reason other names of this phenomenon are
inhomogeneous or anisotropic or crystalline superconductivity.
In these lectures notes I used in particular the review papers by (Polchinski, 1993), (Rajagopal and Wilczek, 2001),
(Nardulli, 2002), (Schafer, 2003) and (Casalbuoni and Nardulli, 2003). I found also the following books quite useful
(Schrieffer, 1964), (Tinkham, 1995), (Ginzburg and Andryushin, 1994), (Landau et al., 1980) and (Abrikosov et al.,

A. Basic experimental facts

As already said, superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by Kamerlingh Onnes in Leiden (Kamerlingh Onnes,
1911). The basic observation was the disappearance of electrical resistance of various metals (mercury, lead and thin)
in a very small range of temperatures around a critical temperature Tc characteristic of the material (see Fig. 1).
This is particularly clear in experiments with persistent currents in superconducting rings. These currents have been
observed to flow without measurable decreasing up to one year allowing to put a lower bound of 105 years on their
decay time. Notice also that good conductors have resistivity at a temperature of several degrees K, of the order
of 10−6 ohm cm, whereas the resistivity of a superconductor is lower that 10−23 ohm cm. Critical temperatures for
typical superconductors range from 4.15 K for mercury, to 3.69 K for tin, and to 7.26 K and 9.2 K for lead and
niobium respectively.
In 1933 Meissner and Ochsenfeld (Meissner and Ochsenfeld, 1933) discovered the perfect diamagnetism, that is
the magnetic field B penetrates only a depth λ w 500 Å and is excluded from the body of the material.

One could think that due to the vanishing of the electric resistance the electric field is zero within the material and

1 In the literature the LOFF state is also known as the FFLO state.

R( Ω)
0.06 -5
0.04 10 Ω

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4


FIG. 1 Data from Onnes’ pioneering works. The plot shows the electric resistance of the mercury vs. temperature.

therefore, due to the Maxwell equation

1 ∂B
∇∧E=− , (1.1)
c ∂t
the magnetic field is frozen, whereas it is expelled. This implies that superconductivity will be destroyed by a critical
magnetic field Hc such that
Hc2 (T )
fs (T ) + = fn (T ) , (1.2)

where fs,n (T ) are the densities of free energy in the the superconducting phase at zero magnetic field and the density
of free energy in the normal phase. The behavior of the critical magnetic field with temperature was found empirically
to be parabolic (see Fig. 2)
" µ ¶2 #
Hc (T ) ≈ Hc (0) 1 − . (1.3)

H c (T)
H c (0)




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Tc

FIG. 2 The critical field vs. temperature.


The critical field at zero temperature is of the order of few hundred gauss for superconductors as Al, Sn, In, P b,
etc. These superconductors are said to be ”soft”. For ”hard” superconductors as N b3 Sn superconductivity stays up
to values of 105 gauss. What happens is that up to a ”lower” critical value Hc1 we have the complete Meissner effect.
Above Hc1 the magnetic flux penetrates into the bulk of the material in the form of vortices (Abrikosov vortices) and
the penetration is complete at H = Hc2 > Hc1 . Hc2 is called the ”upper” critical field.
At zero magnetic field a second order transition at T = Tc is observed. The jump in the specific heat is about three
times the the electronic specific heat of the normal state. In the zero temperature limit the specific heat decreases
exponentially (due to the energy gap of the elementary excitations or quasiparticles, see later).
An interesting observation leading eventually to appreciate the role of the phonons in superconductivity (Frolich,
1950), was the isotope effect. It was found (Maxwell, 1950; Reynolds et al., 1950) that the critical field at zero
temperature and the transition temperature Tc vary as
Tc ≈ Hc (0) ≈ , (1.4)

with the isotopic mass of the material. This makes the critical temperature and field larger for lighter isotopes. This
shows the role of the lattice vibrations, or of the phonons. It has been found that

α ≈ 0.45 ÷ 0.5 (1.5)

for many superconductors, although there are several exceptions as Ru, M o, etc.
The presence of an energy gap in the spectrum of the elementary excitations has been observed directly in various
ways. For instance, through the threshold for the absorption of e.m. radiation, or through the measure of the electron
tunnelling current between two films of superconducting material separated by a thin (≈ 20 Å) oxide layer. In the
case of Al the experimental result is plotted in Fig. 3. The presence of an energy gap of order Tc was suggested
by Daunt and Mendelssohn (Daunt and Mendelssohn, 1946) to explain the absence of thermoelectric effects, but it
was also postulated theoretically by Ginzburg (Ginzburg, 1953) and Bardeen (Bardeen, 1956). The first experimental
evidence is due to Corak et al. (Corak et al., 1954, 1956) who measured the specific heat of a superconductor. Below
Tc the specific heat has an exponential behavior

cs ≈ a γ Tc e−bTc /T , (1.6)

whereas in the normal state

cn ≈ γT , (1.7)

with b ≈ 1.5. This implies a minimum excitation energy per particle of about 1.5Tc . This result was confirmed
experimentally by measurements of e.m. absorption (Glover and Tinkham, 1956).

∆ (T)
_____ 1
∆ (0)

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Tc

FIG. 3 The gap vs. temperature in Al as determined by electron tunneling.


B. Phenomenological models

In this Section we will describe some early phenomenological models trying to explain superconductivity phenomena.
From the very beginning it was clear that in a superconductor a finite fraction of electrons forms a sort of condensate
or ”macromolecule” (superfluid) capable of motion as a whole. At zero temperature the condensation is complete over
all the volume, but when increasing the temperature part of the condensate evaporates and goes to form a weakly
interacting normal Fermi liquid. At the critical temperature all the condensate disappears. We will start to review
the first two-fluid model as formulated by Gorter and Casimir.

1. Gorter-Casimir model

This model was first formulated in 1934 (Gorter and Casimir, 1934a,b) and it consists in a simple ansatz for the
free energy of the superconductor. Let x represents the fraction of electrons in the normal fluid and 1 − x the ones in
the superfluid. Gorter and Casimir assumed the following expression for the free energy of the electrons

F (x, T ) = x fn (T ) + (1 − x) fs (T ), (1.8)

fn (T ) = − T 2 , fs (T ) = −β = constant, (1.9)
The free-energy for the electrons in a normal metal is just fn (T ), whereas fs (T ) gives the condensation energy
associated to the superfluid. Minimizing the free energy with respect to x, one finds the fraction of normal electrons
at a temperature T

1 γ2 4
x= T . (1.10)
16 β 2
We see that x = 1 at the critical temperature Tc given by

Tc2 = . (1.11)
µ ¶4
x= . (1.12)

The corresponding value of the free energy is

à µ ¶4 !
Fs (T ) = −β 1+ . (1.13)

Recalling the definition (1.2) of the critical magnetic field, and using
µ ¶2
γ T
Fn (T ) = − T 2 = −2β (1.14)
2 Tc

we find easily
à µ ¶2 !2
Hc2 (T ) T
= Fn (T ) − Fs (T ) = β 1− , (1.15)
8π Tc

from which
à µ ¶2 !
Hc (T ) = H0 1− , (1.16)

H0 = 8πβ. (1.17)

The specific heat in the normal phase is

∂ 2 Fn (T )
cn = −T = γT, (1.18)
∂T 2
whereas in the superconducting phase
µ ¶3
cs = 3γTc . (1.19)

This shows that there is a jump in the specific heat and that, in general agreement with experiments, the ratio of the
two specific heats at the transition point is 3. Of course, this is an ”ad hoc” model, without any theoretical justification
but it is interesting because it leads to nontrivial predictions and in reasonable account with the experiments. However
the postulated expression for the free energy has almost nothing to do with the one derived from the microscopical

2. The London theory

The brothers H. and F. London (London and London, 1935) gave a phenomenological description of the basic
facts of superconductivity by proposing a scheme based on a two-fluid type concept with superfluid and normal fluid
densities ns and nn associated with velocities vs and vn . The densities satisfy

ns + nn = n, (1.20)

where n is the average electron number per unit volume. The two current densities satisfy

∂Js ns e 2
= E (Js = −ens vs ) , (1.21)
∂t m
Jn = σn E (Jn = −enn vn ) . (1.22)

The first equation is nothing but the Newton equation for particles of charge −e and density ns . The other London
equation is

ns e2
∇ ∧ Js = − B. (1.23)
From this equation the Meissner effect follows. In fact consider the following Maxwell equation

∇∧B= Js , (1.24)
where we have neglected displacement currents and the normal fluid current. By taking the curl of this expression
and using

∇ ∧ ∇ ∧ B = −∇2 B, (1.25)

in conjunction with Eq. (1.23) we get

4πns e2 1
∇2 B = 2
B = 2 B, (1.26)
mc λL

with the penetration depth defined by

µ ¶1/2
λL (T ) = . (1.27)
4πns e2

Applying Eq. (1.26) to a plane boundary located at x = 0 we get

B(x) = B(0)e−x/λL , (1.28)
showing that the magnetic field vanishes in the bulk of the material. Notice that for T → Tc one expects ns → 0 and
therefore λL (T ) should go to ∞ in the limit. On the other hand for T → 0, ns → n and we get
µ ¶1/2
λL (0) = . (1.29)
In the two-fluid theory of Gorter and Casimir (Gorter and Casimir, 1934a,b) one has
µ ¶4
ns T
=1− , (1.30)
n Tc
λL (0)
λL (T ) = " . (1.31)
µ ¶4 #1/2

λ (T)
λL(0) 3.5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Tc

FIG. 4 The penetration depth vs. temperature.

This agrees very well with the experiments. Notice that at Tc the magnetic field penetrates all the material since λL
diverges. However, as shown in Fig. 4, as soon as the temperature is lower that Tc the penetration depth goes very
close to its value at T = 0 establishing the Meissner effect in the bulk of the superconductor.
The London equations can be justified as follows: let us assume that the wave function describing the superfluid is
not changed, at first order, by the presence of an e.m. field. The canonical momentum of a particle is
p = mv + A. (1.32)
Then, in stationary conditions, we expect
hpi = 0, (1.33)
hvs i = − A, (1.34)
ns e2
Js = ens hvs i = − A. (1.35)
By taking the time derivative and the curl of this expression we get the two London equations.

3. Pippard non-local electrodynamics

Pippard (Pippard, 1953) had the idea that the local relation between Js and A of Eq. (1.35) should be substituted
by a non-local relation. In fact the wave function of the superconducting state is not localized. This can be seen
as follows: only electrons within Tc from the Fermi surface can play a role at the transition. The corresponding
momentum will be of order
∆p ≈ (1.36)
1 vF
∆x & ≈ . (1.37)
∆p Tc
This define a characteristic length (Pippard’s coherence length)
ξ0 = a , (1.38)
with a ≈ 1. For typical superconductors ξ0 À λL (0). The importance of this length arises from the fact that
impurities increase the penetration depth λL (0). This happens because the response of the supercurrent to the vector
potential is smeared out in a volume of order ξ0 . Therefore the supercurrent is weakened. Pippard was guided by
a work of Chamber2 studying the relation between the electric field and the current density in normal metals. The
relation found by Chamber is a solution of Boltzmann equation in the case of a scattering mechanism characterized
by a mean free path l. The result of Chamber generalizes the Ohm’s law J(r) = σE(r)
3σ R(R · E(r0 ))e−R/l 3 0
J(r) = d r , R = r − r0 . (1.39)
4πl R4
If E(r) is nearly constant within a volume of radius l we get
3σ cos2 θ e−R/l 3 0
E(r) · J(r) = |E(r)|2 d r = σ|E(r)|2 , (1.40)
4πl R2
implying the Ohm’s law. Then Pippard’s generalization of
1 e2 ns (T )
Js (r) = − A(r), Λ(T ) = , (1.41)
cΛ(T ) m
3σ R(R · A(r0 ))e−R/ξ 3 0
J(r) = − d r, (1.42)
4πξ0 Λ(T )c R4
with an effective coherence length defined as
1 1 1
= + , (1.43)
ξ ξ0 l
and l the mean free path for the scattering of the electrons over the impurities. For almost constant field one finds as
1 ξ
Js (r) = − A(r). (1.44)
cΛ(T ) ξ0
Therefore for pure materials (l → ∞) one recover the local result, whereas for an impure material the penetration
depth increases by a factor ξ0 /ξ > 1. Pippard has also shown that a good fit to the experimental values of the
parameter a appearing in Eq. (1.38) is 0.15, whereas from the microscopic theory one has a ≈ 0.18, corresponding to
ξ0 = . (1.45)
This is obtained using Tc ≈ .56 ∆, with ∆ the energy gap (see later).

2 Chamber’s work is discussed in (Ziman, 1964)


4. The Ginzburg-Landau theory

In 1950 Ginzburg and Landau (Ginzburg and Landau, 1950) formulated their theory of superconductivity intro-
ducing a complex wave function as an order parameter. This was done in the context of Landau theory of second
order phase transitions and as such this treatment is strictly valid only around the second order critical point. The
wave function is related to the superfluid density by

ns = |ψ(r)|2 . (1.46)

Furthermore it was postulated a difference of free energy between the normal and the superconducting phase of the
Z µ ¶
1 1
Fs (T ) − Fn (T ) = d3 r − ∗ ψ ∗ (r)|(∇ + ie∗ A)|2 ψ(r) + α(T )|ψ(r)|2 + β(T )|ψ(r)|4 , (1.47)
2m 2
where m∗ and e∗ were the effective mass and charge that in the microscopic theory turned out to be 2m and 2e
respectively. One can look for a constant wave function minimizing the free energy. We find

α(T )ψ + β(T )ψ|ψ|2 = 0, (1.48)

α(T )
|ψ|2 = − , (1.49)
β(T )
and for the free energy density

1 α2 (T ) H 2 (T )
fs (T ) − fn (T ) = − =− c , (1.50)
2 β(T ) 8π
where the last equality follows from Eq. (1.2). Recalling that in the London theory (see Eq. (1.27))
ns = |ψ|2 ≈ , (1.51)
λ2L (T )
we find
λ2L (0) |ψ(T )|2 1 1 α(T )
2 = 2
= |ψ(T )|2 = − . (1.52)
λL (T ) |ψ(0)| n n β(T )

From Eqs. (1.50) and (1.52) we get

Hc2 (T ) λ2L (T )
nα(T ) = − (1.53)
4π λ2L (0)
Hc2 (T ) λ4L (T )
n2 β(T ) = . (1.54)
4π λ4L (0)
The equation of motion at zero em field is
− ∇2 ψ + α(T )ψ + β(T )|ψ|2 ψ = 0. (1.55)
We can look at solutions close to the constant one by defining ψ = ψe + f where
α(T )
|ψe |2 = − . (1.56)
β(T )
We find, at the lowest order in f
∇2 f − f = 0. (1.57)
4m∗ |α(T )|

This shows an exponential decrease which we will write as

f ≈ e− 2r/ξ(T )
, (1.58)

where we have introduced the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) coherence length

ξ(T ) = p . (1.59)
2m∗ |α(T )|

Using the expression (1.50) for α(T ) we have also

2πn λL (0)
ξ(T ) = . (1.60)
m∗ Hc2 (T ) λL (T )

Recalling that (t = T /Tc )

¡ ¢ 1
Hc (T ) ≈ 1 − t2 , λL (T ) ≈ 1/2
, (1.61)
(1 − t4 )

we see that also the GL coherence length goes to infinity for T → Tc

1 1
ξ(T ) ≈ ≈ . (1.62)
Hc (T )λL (T ) (1 − t2 )1/2

It is possible to show that

ξ(T ) ≈ . (1.63)
(1 − t2 )1/2

Therefore the GL coherence length is related but not the same as the Pippard’s coherence length. A useful quantity
λL (T )
κ= , (1.64)
ξ(T )

which is finite for T → Tc and approximately independent on the temperature. For typical pure superconductors
λ ≈ 500 Å, ξ ≈ 3000 Å, and κ ¿ 1.

C. Cooper pairs

One of the pillars of the microscopic theory of superconductivity is that electrons close to the FErmi surface can
be bound in pairs by an attractive arbitrary weak interaction (Cooper, 1956). First of all let us remember that the
Fermi distribution function for T → 0 is nothing but a θ-function
f (E, T ) = , lim f (E, T ) = θ(µ − E), (1.65)
e(E−µ)/T +1 T →0

meaning that all the states are occupied up to the Fermi energy

EF = µ, (1.66)

where µ is the chemical potential, as shown in Fig. 5.

The key point is that the problem has an enormous degeneracy at the Fermi surface since there is no cost in free
energy for adding or subtracting a fermion at the Fermi surface (here and in the following we will be quite liberal in
speaking about thermodynamic potentials; in the present case the relevant quantity is the grand potential)

Ω = E − µN → (E ± EF ) − (N ± 1) = Ω. (1.67)


EF = µ E

FIG. 5 The Fermi distribution at zero temperature.

This observation suggests that a condensation phenomenon can take place if two fermions are bounded. In fact,
suppose that the binding energy is EB , then adding a bounded pair to the Fermi surface we get

Ω → (E + 2EF − EB ) − µ(N + 2) = −EB . (1.68)

Therefore we get more stability adding more bounded pairs to the Fermi surface. Cooper proved that two fermions
can give rise to a bound state for an arbitrary attractive interaction by considering the following simple model. Let
us add two fermions at the Fermi surface at T = 0 and suppose that the two fermions interact through an attractive
potential. Interactions among this pair and the fermion sea in the Fermi sphere are neglected except for what follows
from Fermi statistics. The next step is to look for a convenient two-particle wave function. Assuming that the pair
has zero total momentum one starts with
ψ0 (r1 − r2 ) = gk eik·(r1 −r2 ) . (1.69)

Here and in the following we will switch often back and forth from discretized momenta to continuous ones. We
remember that the rule to go from one notation to the other is simply
→ d3 k, (1.70)

where L3 is the quantization volume. Also often we will omit the volume factor. This means that in this case we are
considering densities. We hope that from the context it will be clear what we are doing. One has also to introduce
the spin wave function and properly antisymmetrize. We write
ψ0 (r1 − r2 ) = (α1 β2 − α2 β1 ) gk cos(k · (r1 − r2 )), (1.71)

where αi and βi are the spin functions. This wave function is expected to be preferred with respect to the triplet state,
since the ”cos” structure gives a bigger probability for the fermions to stay together. Inserting this wave function
inside the Schrödinger equation
· ¸
1 ¡ 2 ¢
− ∇1 + ∇22 + V (r1 − r2 ) ψ0 (r1 − r2 ) = Eψ0 (r1 − r2 ), (1.72)

we find
(E − 2²k )gk = Vk,k0 gk0 , (1.73)
k0 >kF

where ²k = |k|2 /2m and

1 0
Vk,k0 = 3 V (r) ei(k −k)·r) d3 r. (1.74)
Since one looks for solutions with E < 2²k , Cooper made the following assumption on the potential:
−G kF ≤ |k| ≤ kc
Vk,k0 = (1.75)
0 otherwise

with G > 0 and ²kF = EF . Here a cutoff kc has been introduced such that

²kc = EF + δ (1.76)

and δ ¿ EF . This means that one is restricting the physics to the one corresponding to degrees of freedom close to
the Fermi surface. The Schrödinger equation reduces to
(E − 2²k )gk = −G gk0 . (1.77)
k0 >kF

Summing over k we get

1 X 1
= . (1.78)
G 2²k − E

Replacing the sum with an integral we obtain

Z kc Z EF +δ
1 d3 k 1 dΩ 2 dk d²
= 3
= k . (1.79)
G kF (2π) 2²k − E EF (2π)3 d²k 2² − E

Introducing the density of states at the Fermi surface for two electrons with spin up and down
dΩ 2 dk
ρ=2 k , (1.80)
(2π)3 d²k

we obtain
1 1 2EF − E + 2δ
= ρ log . (1.81)
G 4 2EF − E
Close to the Fermi surface we may assume k ≈ kF and
∂²k ¯¯
²k = µ + (²k − µ) ≈ µ + ¯ · (k − kF ) = µ + vF (k) · `, (1.82)
∂k k=kF

` = k − kF (1.83)

is the ”residual momentum”. Therefore

ρ= . (1.84)
π 2 vF
Solving Eq. (1.81) we find

E = 2EF − 2δ . (1.85)
1 − e−4/ρG
For most classic superconductor

ρG < 0.3, (1.86)


In this case (weak coupling approximation. ρG ¿ 1) we get

E ≈ 2EF − 2δe−4/ρG . (1.87)

We see that a bound state is formed with a binding energy

EB = 2δe−4/ρG . (1.88)

The result is not analytic in G and cannot be obtained by a perturbative expansion in G. Notice also that the bound
state exists regardless of the strength of G. Defining
N= gk , (1.89)

we get the wave function

X cos(k · r)
ψ0 (r) = N . (1.90)
2²k − E

Measuring energies from EF we introduce

ξk = ²k − EF . (1.91)

from which
X cos(k · r)
ψ0 (r) = N . (1.92)
2ξk + EB

We see that the wave function in momentum space has a maximum for ξk = 0, that is for the pair being at the Fermi
surface, and falls off with ξk . Therefore the electrons involved in the pairing are the ones within a range EB above
EF . Since for ρG ¿ 1 we have EB ¿ δ, it follows that the behavior of Vk,k0 far from the Fermi surface is irrelevant.
Only the degrees of freedom close to the Fermi surface are important. Also using the uncertainty principle as in the
discussion of the Pippard non-local theory we have that the size of the bound pair is larger than vF /EB . However
the critical temperature turns out to be of the same order as EB , therefore the size of the Cooper pair is of the order
of the Pippard’s coherence length ξ0 = avF /Tc .

1. The size of a Cooper pair

It is an interesting exercise to evaluate the size of a Cooper pair defined in terms of the mean square radius of the
pair wave function
2 |ψ0 (r)|2 |r|2 d3 r
R̄ = R . (1.93)
|ψ0 (r)|2 d3 r

Using the expression (1.69) for ψ0 we have

X 0
|ψ0 (r)|2 = gk gk∗ 0 ei(k−k )·r (1.94)

|ψ0 (r)|2 d3 r = L3 |gk |2 . (1.95)

|ψ0 (r)|2 |r|2 d3 r = [−i∇k0 gk∗ 0 ] [i∇k gk ] ei(k−k )·r d3 r = L3 |∇k gk |2 . (1.96)
kk0 k

P 2
2 k |∇k gk |
R̄ = P 2
. (1.97)
k |gk |

Recalling that
1 1
gk ≈ = , (1.98)
2²k − E 2ξk + EB
we obtain
X X ¯ ¯ X
1 ¯ ∂²k ¯2 1
|∇k gk |2 ≈ ¯2 ¯ = 4vF2 . (1.99)
(2ξk + EB ) 4 ¯ ∂k ¯ (2ξk + EB )4
k k k

Going to continuous variables and noticing that the density of states cancel in the ratio we find
Z ∞ ¯∞
dξ 1 1 ¯
− ¯
(2ξ + EB )4 3
3 (2ξ + EB ) 0 4 vF2
R̄2 = 4vF2 Z0 ∞ = 4vF2 ¯ = 2 , (1.100)
d² 1 ¯ ∞
3 EB
− ¯
0 (2ξ + EB )2 2ξ + EB 0
where, due to the convergence we have extended the integrals up to infinity. Assuming EB of the order of the critical
temperature Tc , with Tc ≈ 10 K and vF ≈ 108 cm/s, we get
R̄ ≈ 10−4 cm ≈ 104 Å. (1.101)
The order of magnitude of R̄ is the same as the coherence length ξ0 . Since one electron occupies a typical size of
about (2 Å)3 , this means that in a coherence volume there are about 1011 electrons. Therefore it is not reasonable
to construct a pair wavefunction, but we need a wave function taking into account all the electrons. This is made in
the BCS theory.

D. Origin of the attractive interaction

The problem of getting an attractive interaction among electrons is not an easy one. In fact the Coulomb interaction
is repulsive, although it gets screened in the medium by a screening length of order of 1/ks ≈ 1 Å. The screened
Coulomb potential is given by
V (q) = . (1.102)
q2+ ks2
To get attraction is necessary to consider the effect of the motion of the ions. The rough idea is that one electron
polarizes the medium attracting positive ions. In turn these attract a second electron giving rise to a net attraction
between the two electrons. To quantify this idea is necessary to take into account the interaction among the electrons
and the lattice or, in other terms, the interactions among the electrons and the phonons as suggested by (Frolich,
1952). This idea was confirmed by the discovery of the isotope effect, that is the dependence of Tc or of the gap
from the isotope mass (see Section I.A). Several calculations were made by (Pines, 1958) using the ”jellium model”.
The potential in this model is (de Gennes, 1989)
à !
4πe2 ωq2
V (q, ω) = 2 1+ 2 . (1.103)
q + ks2 ω − ωq2

Here ωq is the phonon energy that, for a simple linear chain, is given by
ωq = 2 sin(qa/2), (1.104)
where a is the lattice distance, k the elastic constant of the harmonic force among the ions and M their mass. For
ω < ωq the phonon interaction is attractive at it may overcome the Coulomb force. Also, since the cutoff to be used
in the determination of the binding energy, or for the gap, is essentially the Debye frequency which is proportional to
ωq one gets naturally the isotope effect.


A. Introduction

It turns out that the BCS theory can be derived within the Landau theory of Fermi liquids, where a conductor
is treated as a gas of nearly free electrons. This is because one can make use of the idea of quasiparticles, that is
electrons dressed by the interaction. A justification of this statement has been given in (Benfatto and Gallavotti,
1990; Polchinski, 1993; Shankar, 1994). Here we will follow the treatment given by (Polchinski, 1993). In order to
define an effective field theory one has to start identifying a scale which, for ordinary superconductivity (let us talk
about this subject to start with) is of the order of tens of eV . For instance,
E0 = mα2 ≈ 27 eV (2.1)
is the typical energy in solids. Other possible scales as the ion masses M and velocity of light can be safely considered
to be infinite. In a conductor a current can be excited with an arbitrary small field, meaning that the spectrum of
the charged excitations goes to zero energy. If we are interested to study these excitations we can try to construct our
effective theory at energies much smaller than E0 (the superconducting gap turns out to be of the order of 10−3 eV ).
Our first problem is then to identify the quasiparticles. The natural guess is that they are spin 1/2 particles as the
electrons in the metal. If we measure the energy with respect to the Fermi surface the most general free action can
be written as
£ ¤
Sfree = dt d3 p iψσ† (p)i∂t ψσ (p) − (²(p) − ²F )ψσ† (p)ψσ (p) . (2.2)

Here σ is a spin index and ²F is the Fermi energy. The ground state of the theory is given by the Fermi sea with all
the states ²(p) < ²F filled and all the states ²(p) > ²F empty. The Fermi surface is defined by ²(p) = ²F . A simple
example is shown in Fig. 6.




FIG. 6 A spherical Fermi surface. Low lying excitations are shown: a particle at p1 and a hole at p2 . The decomposition of a
momentum as the Fermi momentum k, and the residual momentum l is also shown.

The free action defines the scaling properties of the fields. In this particular instance we are interested at the physics
very close to the Fermi surface and therefore we are after the scaling properties for ² → ²F . Measuring energies with
respect to the Fermi energy we introduce a scaling factor s < 1. Then, as the energy scales to zero the momenta must
scale toward the Fermi surface. It is convenient to decompose the momenta as follows (see also Fig. 6)
p=k+l . (2.3)
Therefore we get
E → s E, k → k, l → sl . (2.4)
We can expand the second term in Eq. (2.2) obtaining
∂²(p) ¯¯
²(p) − ²F = ¯ · (p − k) = lvF (k) , (2.5)
∂p p=k

∂²(p) ¯¯
vF (k) = ¯ . (2.6)
∂p p=k
Notice that vF (k) is a vector orthogonal to the Fermi surface. We get
£ ¤
Sfree = dt d3 p ψσ† (p) (i∂t − lvF (k)) ψσ (p) . (2.7)

The various scaling laws are

dt → s−1 dt, d3 p = d2 kdl → sd2 kdl

∂t → s∂t , l → sl . (2.8)

Therefore, in order to leave the free action invariant the fields must scale as

ψσ (p) → s−1/2 ψσ (p) . (2.9)

Our analysis goes on considering all the possible interaction terms compatible with the symmetries of the theory and
looking for the relevant ones. The symmetries of the theory are the electron number and the spin SU (2), since we
are considering the non-relativistic limit. We ignore also possible complications coming from the real situation where
one has to do with crystals. The possible terms are:
1. Quadratic terms:

dt d2 k dl µ(k)ψσ† (p)ψσ (p) . (2.10)

This is a relevant term since it scales as s−1 but it can be absorbed into the definition of the Fermi surface (that
is by ²(p). Further terms with time derivatives or powers of l are already present or they are irrelevant.
2. Quartic terms:

¡ 2 ¢¡ ¢¡ ¢
d ki dli ψ † (p1 )ψ(p3 ψ † (p2 )ψ(p4 V (k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 )δ 3 (p1 + p2 − p3 − p4 ). (2.11)

This scales as s−1 s4−4/2 = s times the scaling of the δ-function. For a generic situation the δ-function does not
scale (see Fig. 7). However consider a scattering process 1 + 2 → 3 + 4 and decompose the momenta as follows:

p3 = p1 + δk3 + δl3 , (2.12)

p4 = p2 + δk4 + δl4 . (2.13)

This gives rise to

δ 3 (δk3 + δk4 + δl3 + δl4 ) . (2.14)

When p1 = −p2 and p3 = −p4 we see that the δ-function factorizes

δ 2 (δk3 + δk4 )δ(δl3 + δl4 ) (2.15)

scaling as s−1 . Therefore, in this kinematical situation the term (2.11) is marginal (does not scale). This means
that its scaling properties should be looked at the level of quantum corrections.

3. Higher order terms Terms with 2n fermions (n > 2) scale as sn−1 times the scaling of the δ-function and
therefore they are irrelevant.
We see that the only potentially dangerous term is the quartic interaction with the particular kinematical configuration
corresponding to a Cooper pair. We will discuss the one-loop corrections to this term a bit later. Before doing that
let us study the free case.

δ l3 δl 4
p δk3
δl 4 2 δk 4 p
δk4 1

p =-p δk3
2 1
δ l3
irrelevant marginal

FIG. 7 The kinematics for the quartic coupling is shown in the generic (left) and in the special (right) situations discussed in
the text

B. Free fermion gas

The statistical properties of free fermions were discussed by Landau who, however, preferred to talk about fermion
liquids. The reason, as quoted in (Ginzburg and Andryushin, 1994), is that Landau thought that ”Nobody has
abrogated Coulomb’s law”.
Let us consider the free fermion theory we have discussed before. The fermions are described by the equation of

(i∂t − `vF )ψσ (p, t = 0. (2.16)

The Green function, or the propagator of the theory is defined by

(i∂t − `vF )Gσσ0 (p, t) = δσσ0 δ(t). (2.17)

It is easy to verify that a solution is given by

Gσσ0 (p, t) = δσσ0 G(p, t) = −iδσσ0 [θ(t)θ(`) − θ(−t)θ(−`)] e−i`vF t . (2.18)

By using the integral representation for the step function

i e−iωt
θ(t) = dω , (2.19)
2π ω + i²
we get
1 e−i`vF t £ −iωt ¤
G(p, t) = dω e θ(`) − eiωt θ(−`) . (2.20)
2π ω + i²

By changing the variable ω → ω 0 = ω ± `vF in the two integrals and sending ω 0 → −ω 0 in the second integral we
Z · ¸
1 −iωt θ(`) θ(−`)
G(p, t) = dωe + . (2.21)
2π ω − `vF + i² ω − `vF − i²

We may also write

G(p, t) ≡ dp0 G(p0 , p)e−ip0 t , (2.22)

G(p) = . (2.23)
(1 + i²)p0 − `vF

Notice that this definition of G(p) corresponds to the standard Feynman propagator since it propagates ahead in time
positive energy solutions ` > 0 (p > pF ) and backward in time negative energy solutions ` < 0 (p < pF ) corresponding
to holes in the Fermi sphere. In order to have contact with the usual formulation of field quantum theory we introduce
Fermi fields
ψσ (x) = bσ (p, t)eip·x = bσ (p)e−ip·x , (2.24)
p p

where xµ = (t, x), pµ = `vF , p) and

p · x = `vF t − p · x. (2.25)

Notice that within this formalism fermions have no antiparticles, however the fundamental state is described by the
following relations

bσ (p)|0i = 0 for |p| > pF

b†σ (p)|0i = 0 for |p| < pF . (2.26)

One could, as usual in relativistic field theory, introduce a re-definition for the creation operators for particles with
p < pF as annihilation operators for holes but we will not do this here. Also we are quantizing in a box, but we will
shift freely from this normalization to the one in the continuous according to the circumstances. The fermi operators
satisfy the usual anticommutation relations

[bσ (p), b†σ0 (p0 )]+ = δpp0 δσσ0 (2.27)

from which

[ψσ (x, t), ψσ† 0 (y, t)]+ = δσσ0 δ 3 (x − y). (2.28)

We can now show that the propagator is defined in configurations space in terms of the usual T -product for Fermi

Gσσ0 (x) = −ih0|T (ψσ (x)ψσ0 (0))|0i. (2.29)

In fact we have
Gσσ0 (x) = −iδσσ0 h0|T (bσ (p, t)b†σ (p, 0))|0ieip·x ≡ δσσ0 G(p, t), (2.30)
p p

where we have used

h0|T (bσ (p, t)b0σ (p0 , 0))|0i = δσσ0 δpp0 h0|T (bσ (p, t)b†σ (p, 0))|0i. (2.31)


h0|b†σ (p)bσ (p)|0i = θ(pF − p) = θ(−`),

h0|bσ (p)b†σ (p)|0i = 1 − θ(pF − p) = θ(p − pF ) = θ(`), (2.32)

we get
−iθ(`)e−i`vF t t>0
G(p, t) = (2.33)
iθ(−`)e−i`vF t t < 0.

We can also write

d4 p −ip·x
G(x) = e G(p), (2.34)

with G(p) defined in Eq. (2.23). It is interesting to notice that the fermion density can be obtained from the
propagator. In fact, in the limit δ → 0 for δ > 0 we have

Gσσ0 (0, −δ) = −ih0|T (ψσ (0, −δ)ψσ† 0 (0)|i ⇒ ih0|ψσ† 0 ψσ |i ≡ iρF . (2.35)

d4 p ip0 δ 1
ρF = −i lim+ Gσσ (0, −δ) = −2i e . (2.36)
δ→0 (2π)4 (1 + i²)p0 − `vF

The exponential is convergent in the upper plane of p0 , where we pick up the pole for ` < 0 at

p0 = `vF + i². (2.37)

d3 p d3 p p3
ρF = 2 θ(−`) = 2 θ(pF − |p|) = F2 . (2.38)
(2π)3 (2π) 3 3π

C. One-loop corrections

We now evaluate the one-loop corrections to the four-fermion scattering. These are given in Fig. 8, and we get
2 dE 0 d2 k dl 1
G(E) = G − G 4
, (2.39)
(2π) ((E + E )(1 + i²) − vF (k)l)((E − E 0 )(1 + i²) − vF (k)l)

where we have assumed the vertex V as a constant G. The poles of the integrand are shown in Fig. 9

p, E q, E p, E q, E
k, E+E'

-p, E -k, E-E'

-p, E -q, E -q, E

FIG. 8 The two diagrams contributing to the one-loop four-fermi scattering amplitude

l>0 l<0

E' E'

FIG. 9 The position of the poles in the complex plane of E 0 in the one-loop amplitude, in the two cases ` ≷ 0

The integrand of Eq. (2.39) can be written as

· ¸
1 1 1
− 0 . (2.40)
2(E − `vF ) E 0 + E − (1 − i²)`vF E − E + (1 − i²)`vF

Therefore closing the integration path in the upper plane we find

Z 2
2 d kd` 1
iG(E) = iG − G [(−2πi)θ(`) + (2πi)θ(−`)] . (2.41)
(2π)4 2(E − `vF )

By changing ` → −` in the second integral we find

d2 kd` `vF
iG(E) = iG + iG2 θ(`). (2.42)
(2π)4 E 2 − (`vF )2

By putting an upper cutoff E0 on the integration over ` we get

G(E) = G − G2 ρ log(δ/E), (2.43)
where δ is a cutoff on vF l and
d2 k 1
ρ=2 3
(2π) vF (k)

is the density of states at the Fermi surface for for the two paired fermions. For a spherical surface

ρ= , (2.45)
π 2 vF
where the Fermi momentum is defined by

²(pF ) = ²F = µ. (2.46)

From the renormalization group equation (or just at the same order of approximation) we get easily

G(E) ≈ , (2.47)
1+ log(δ/E)
showing that for E → 0 we have
• G > 0 (repulsive interaction), G(E) becomes weaker (irrelevant interaction)
• G < 0 (attractive interaction), G(E) becomes stronger (relevant interaction)
This is illustrated in Fig 10.

Therefore an attractive four-fermi interaction is unstable and one expects a rearrangement of the vacuum. This leads
to the formation of Cooper pairs. In metals the physical origin of the four-fermi interaction is the phonon interaction.
If it happens that at some intermediate scale E1 , with
³ m ´1/2
E1 ≈ δ, (2.48)
with m the electron mass and M the nucleus mass, the phonon interaction is stronger than the Coulomb interaction,
then we have the superconductivity, otherwise we have a normal metal. In a superconductor we have a non-vanishing
expectation value for the difermion condensate

hψσ (p)ψ−σ (−p)i. (2.49)


ρ G(E)


δ E

FIG. 10 The behavior of G(E) for G > 0 and G < 0.

D. Renormalization group analysis

RG analysis indicates the possible existence of instabilities at the scale where the couplings become strong. A
complete study for QCD with 3-flavors has been done in (Evans et al., 1999a,b). One has to look at the four-fermi
coupling with bigger coefficient C in the RG equation

dG(E) G
= CG2 → G(E) = . (2.50)
d log E 1 − CG log(E/E0 )

The scale of the instability is set by the corresponding Landau pole.


C1 > C 2

1 - C2G Log(E/E 0 ) G
1 - C1G Log(E/E 0 )

FIG. 11 The figure shows that the instability is set in correspondence with the bigger value of the coefficient of G2 in the
renormalization group equation.

In the case of 3-flavors QCD one has 8 basic four-fermi operators originating from one-gluon exchange
OLL = (ψ̄L γ0 ψL )2 , OLR
= (ψ̄L γ0 ψL )(ψ̄R γ0 ψR ), (2.51)

OLL = (ψ̄L γi ψL )2 , OLR
= (ψ̄L γi ψL )(ψ̄R γi ψR ), (2.52)

in two different color structures, symmetric and anti-symmetric

(ψ̄ a ψ b )(ψ̄ c ψ d )(δab δcd ± δad δbc ). (2.53)

The coupling with the biggest C coefficient in the RG equations is given by the following operator (using Fierz)

(ψ̄L γ0 ψL )2 − (ψ̄L~γ ψL )2 = 2(ψL CψL )(ψ̄L C ψ̄L ). (2.54)

This shows that the dominant operator corresponds to a scalar diquark channel. The subdominant operators lead to
vector diquark channels. A similar analysis can be done for 2-flavors QCD. This is somewhat more involved since
there are new operators

detf lavor (ψ̄R ψL ), ~ L ).

detf lavor (ψ̄R Σψ (2.55)

The result is that the dominant coupling is (after Fierz)

~ L )2 ] = 2(ψL
detf lavor [(ψ̄R ψL )2 − (ψ̄R Σψ iα jβ
CψL kγ
²ij )²αβI (ψR lδ
CψR ²kl )²γδI . (2.56)

The dominant operator corresponds to a flavor singlet and to the antisymmetric color representation 3̄.


In this Section we will study in detail the gap equation deriving it within the BCS approach. We will show also
how to get it from the Nambu Gor’kov equations and the functional approach. A Section will be devoted to the
determination of the critical temperature.

A. A toy model

The physics of fermions at finite density and zero temperature can be treated in a systematic way by using Landau’s
idea of quasi-particles. An example is the Landau theory of Fermi liquids. A conductor is treated as a gas of almost
free electrons. However these electrons are dressed by the interactions. As we have seen, according to Polchinski
(Polchinski, 1993), this procedure just works because the interactions can be integrated away in the usual sense of
the effective theories. Of course, this is a consequence of the special nature of the Fermi surface, which is such that
there are practically no relevant or marginal interactions. In fact, all the interactions are irrelevant except for the
four-fermi couplings between pairs of opposite momentum. Quantum corrections make the attractive ones relevant,
and the repulsive ones irrelevant. This explains the instability of the Fermi surface of almost free fermions against
any attractive four-fermi interactions, but we would like to understand better the physics underlying the formation
of the condensates and how the idea of quasi-particles comes about. To this purpose we will make use of a toy model
involving two Fermi oscillators describing, for instance, spin up and spin down. Of course, in a finite-dimensional
system there is no spontaneous symmetry breaking, but this model is useful just to illustrate many points which are
common to the full treatment, but avoiding a lot of technicalities. We assume our dynamical system to be described
by the following Hamiltonian containing a quartic coupling between the oscillators

H = ²(a†1 a1 + a†2 a2 ) + Ga†1 a†2 a1 a2 = ²(a†1 a1 + a†2 a2 ) − Ga†1 a†2 a2 a1 . (3.1)

We will study this model by using a variational principle. We start introducing the following normalized trial wave-
function |Ψi
³ ´
|Ψi = cos θ + sin θ a†1 a†2 |0i. (3.2)

The di-fermion operator, a1 a2 , has the following expectation value

Γ ≡ hΨ| a1 a2 |Ψi = − sin θ cos θ. (3.3)

Let us write the hamiltonian H as the sum of the following two pieces

H = H0 + Hres , (3.4)


H0 = ²(a†1 a1 + a†2 a2 ) − GΓ(a1 a2 − a†1 a†2 ) + GΓ2 , (3.5)


Hres = G(a†1 a†2 + Γ) (a1 a2 − Γ) , (3.6)

Our approximation will consist in neglecting Hres . This is equivalent to the mean field approach, where the operator
a1 a2 is approximated by its mean value Γ. Then we determine the value of θ by looking for the minimum of the
expectation value of H0 on the trial state

hΨ|H0 |Ψi = 2² sin2 θ − GΓ2 . (3.7)

We get

2² sin 2θ + 2GΓ cos 2θ = 0 −→ tan 2θ = − . (3.8)
By using the expression (3.3) for Γ we obtain the gap equation
1 1 GΓ
Γ = − sin 2θ = √ , (3.9)
2 2 ²2 + G2 Γ2
1 G
1= √ , (3.10)
2 ²2 + ∆2
where ∆ = GΓ. Therefore the gap equation can be seen as the equation determining the ground state of the
system, since it gives the value of the condensate. We can now introduce the idea of quasi-particles in this particular
context. The idea is to look for for a transformation on the Fermi oscillators such that H0 acquires a canonical form
(Bogoliubov transformation) and to define a new vacuum annihilated by the new annihilation operators. We write
the transformation in the form

A1 = a1 cos θ − a†2 sin θ, A2 = a†1 sin θ + a2 cos θ, (3.11)

Substituting this expression into H0 we find

H0 = 2² sin2 θ + GΓ sin 2θ + GΓ2 + (² cos 2θ − GΓ sin 2θ)(A†1 A1 + A†2 A2 )

+ (² sin 2θ + GΓ cos 2θ)(A†1 A†2 − A1 A2 ). (3.12)

Requiring the cancellation of the bilinear terms in the creation and annihilation operators we find
GΓ ∆
tan 2θ = − =− . (3.13)
² ²
We can verify immediately that the new vacuum state annihilated by A1 and A2 is

|0iN = (cos θ + a†1 a†2 sin θ)|0i, A1 |0iN = A2 |0iN = 0. (3.14)

The constant term in H0 which is equal to hΨ|H0 |Ψi is given by

µ ¶
2 2 ²2 ∆2
hΨ|H0 |Ψi = 2² sin θ − GΓ = ² − √ − . (3.15)
²2 + ∆2 G
The first term in this expression arises from the kinetic energy whereas the second one from the interaction. We define
the weak coupling limit by taking ∆ ¿ ², then the first term is given by

1 ∆2 ∆2
= , (3.16)
2 ² G
where we have made use of the gap equation at the lowest order in ∆. We see that in this limit the expectation value
of H0 vanishes, meaning that the normal vacuum and the condensed one lead to the same energy. However we will

see that in the realistic case of a 3-dimensional Fermi sphere the condensed vacuum has a lower energy by an amount
which is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi surface. In the present case there is no condensation since
there is no degeneracy of the ground state contrarily to the realistic case. Nevertheless this case is interesting due to
the fact that the algebra is simpler than in the full discussion of the next Section.
Therefore we get
µ ¶
²2 ∆2 p 2
H0 = ² − √ − + ² + ∆2 (A†1 A1 + A†2 A2 ). (3.17)
² +∆ 2 G
The gap equation is recovered by evaluating Γ
Γ = N h0|a1 a2 |0iN = − sin 2θ (3.18)
and substituting inside Eq. (3.13). We find again
1 1 GΓ
Γ = − sin 2θ = √ , (3.19)
2 2 ²2 + ∆2
1 G
1= √ . (3.20)
2 ²2 + ∆2

From the expression of H0 we see that the operators A†i create out of the vacuum quasi-particles of energy
E = ²2 + ∆2 . (3.21)

The condensation gives rise to the fermionic energy gap, ∆. The Bogoliubov transformation realizes the dressing of
the original operators ai and a†i to the quasi-particle ones Ai and A†i . Of course, the interaction is still present, but
part of it has been absorbed in the dressing process getting a better starting point for a perturbative expansion. As
we have said this point of view has been very fruitful in the Landau theory of conductors.

B. The BCS theory

We now proceed to the general case. We start with the following hamiltonian containing a four-fermi interaction
term of the type giving rise to one-loop relevant contribution
H̃ = H − µN = ξk b†σ (k)bσ (k) + Vkq b†1 (k)b†2 (−k)b2 (−q)b1 (q), (3.22)
kσ kq


ξk = ²k − EF = ²k − µ. (3.23)

Here the indices 1 and 2 refer to spin up and dow respectively. As before we write

H̃ = H0 + Hres , (3.24)

X X h i
H0 = ξk b†σ (k)bσ (k) + Vkq b†1 (k)b†2 (−k)Γq + b2 (−q)b1 (q)Γ∗k − Γ∗k Γq (3.25)
kσ kq

X ³ ´³ ´
Hres = Vkq b†1 (k)b†2 (−k) − Γ∗k b2 (−q)b1 (q) − Γq , (3.26)


Γk = hb2 (−k)b1 (k)i (3.27)


the expectation value of the difermion operator b2 (−k)b1 (k) in the BCS ground state, which will be determined later.
We will neglect Hres as in the toy model. We then define
∆k = − Vkq Γq , (3.28)

from which
X Xh i
H0 = ξk b†σ (k)bσ (k) − ∆k b†1 (k)b†2 (−k) + ∆∗k b2 (−k)b1 (k) − ∆k Γ∗k . (3.29)
kσ k

Then, we look for new operators Ai (k)

b1 (k) = u∗k A1 (k) + vk A†2 (k),

b†2 (−k) = −vk∗ A1 (k) + uk A†2 (k),


|uk |2 + |vk |2 = 1, (3.30)

in order to get canonical anticommutation relations among the Ai (k) oscillators. Expressing H0 through the new
operators we obtain
X £ ¤
H0 = ξk (|uk |2 − |vk |2 )A†σ (k)Aσ (k)

X h i
+ 2 ξk |vk |2 + uk vk A†1 (k)A†2 (k) − u∗k vk∗ A1 (k)A2 (k)
Xh ³ ´
+ (∆k uk vk∗ + ∆∗k u∗k vk ) A†1 (k)A1 (k) + A†2 (k)A2 (k) − 1
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ † i

+ ∆∗k u∗2 ∗2 2 ∗ 2 ∗
k − ∆k vk A1 (k)A2 (k) − ∆k uk − ∆k vk A1 (k)A2 (k) + ∆k Γk . (3.31)

In order to bring H0 to a canonical form we must cancel the terms of the type A†1 (k)A†2 (k) and A1 (k)Ak (2). This
can be done by choosing

2ξk uk vk − (∆k u2k − ∆∗k vk2 ) = 0. (3.32)

Multiplying this Equation by ∆∗k /u2k we get

vk2 vk
k + 2ξk ∆∗k − |∆k |2 = 0, (3.33)
u2k uk
µ ¶2
∗ vk
∆k + ξk = ξk2 + |∆k |2 . (3.34)

Ek = ξk2 + |∆k |2 , (3.35)

which, as we shall see, is the energy of the quasiparticles we find

∆∗k = Ek − ξk , (3.36)
¯ ¯
¯ vk ¯ Ek − ξk
¯ ¯= . (3.37)
¯ uk ¯ |∆k |

This equation together with

|vk |2 + |uk |2 = 1, (3.38)
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 ξk 1 ξk
|vk |2 = 1− , |uk |2 = 1+ . (3.39)
2 Ek 2 Ek
Using these relations we can easily evaluate the coefficients of the other terms in H0 . As far as the bilinear term in
the creation and annihilation operators we get
¡ ¢
ξk |uk |2 − |vk |2 + ∆k uk vk∗ + ∆∗k u∗k vk
¡ ¢
= ξk |uk |2 − |vk |2 + 2|uk |2 (Ek − ξk ) = Ek , (3.40)
showing that Ek is indeed the energy associated to the new creation and annihilation operators. Therefore we get
H0 = Ek A†σ (k)Aσ (k) + hH0 i, (3.41)

X£ ¤
hH0 i = 2 ξk |vk |2 − ∆∗k u∗k vk − ∆k uk vk∗ + ∆k Γ∗k . (3.42)

We now need the BCS ground state. This is obtained by asking for a state annihilated by the operators Aσ (k):

A1 (k) = uk b1 (k) − vk b†2 (−k),

A2 (k) = vk b†1 (k) + uk b2 (−k). (3.43)
It is easy to check that the required state is
Y³ ´
|0iBCS = uk + vk b†1 (k)b†2 (−k) |0i. (3.44)

Let us check for A1 (k)

A1 (q)|0iBCS =
Y³ ´³ ´³ ´
= uk + vk b†1 (k)b†2 (−k) uq b1 (q) − vq b†2 (−q) uq + vq b†1 (q)b†2 (−q) |0i =
Y³ ´³ ´
= uk + vk b†1 (k)b†2 (−k) uq vq b†2 (−q) − vq uq b†2 (−q) |0i = 0. (3.45)

We can now evaluate Γk . We have

D³ ´³ ´E
Γk = hb2 (−k)b1 (k)i = −vk A†1 (k) + u∗k A2 (k) u∗k A1 (k) + vk A†2 (k)
D³ ´E
= u∗k vk 1 − A†1 (k)A1 (k) − A†2 (k)A2 (k) , (3.46)

from which
Γk = u∗k vk . (3.47)
Therefore we can write Eq. (3.42) as
X£ ¤
hH0 i = 2 ξk |vk |2 − ∆∗k u∗k vk . (3.48)

By Eq. (3.39) we have

X· ξk2
∗ ∗
hH0 i = ξk − − ∆k uk vk . (3.49)

Before proceeding we now derive the gap equation. Starting from the complex conjugated of Eq. (3.36) we can write

uk vk∗
∆k = Ek − ξk , (3.50)
|uk |2

and using (3.39) we get

1 ∆∗k
uk vk∗ = (3.51)
2 Ek
1 ∆k
Γk = . (3.52)
2 Ek
By the definition of ∆k given in Eq. (3.28) we finally obtain the gap equation

1X ∆q
∆k = − Vkq . (3.53)
2 q Eq

We can now proceed to the evaluation of the expectation value of H0 . Notice that if the interaction matrix Vkq is
invertible we can write
" #
X ξk2 X
−1 ∗
hH0 i = ξk − + ∆k Vkq ∆q . (3.54)
Ek q

By choosing Vkq as in the discussion of the Cooper pairs:

−G |ξk |, |ξq | < δ
Vk,k0 = (3.55)
0, otherwise

with G > 0, we find

Xµ ξ2

hH0 i = ξk − k − , (3.56)
Ek G

since the gap equation has now solutions for ∆k independent on the momentum. In a more detailed way the sum can
be written as
X µ ξ2
¶ X µ ξ2

hH0 i = ξk − k + −ξk − k − , (3.57)
Ek Ek G
|k|>kF |k|<kF

X µ ξ2

hH0 i = 2 ξk − k − . (3.58)
Ek G

Converting the sum in an integral we get

Z Ã !
p2 ξ2 ∆2
hH0 i = 2 2F dξ ξ−p −
2π vF 0 ξ 2 + ∆2 G
" √ #
p δ+ δ 2 + ∆2 ∆2
2 2
= ρ δ −δ δ 2 + ∆2 + ∆ log − . (3.59)
∆ G

Let us now consider the gap equation

Z δ

1 p2F ∆
1 δ+ δ 2 + ∆2
∆= 2G dξ p = ρG∆ log , (3.60)
2 2π 2 vF 0
ξ +∆ 2 2 ∆

from which

1 δ+ δ 2 + ∆2
1 = ρG log . (3.61)
2 ∆
Using this equation in Eq. (3.59) we find
· p ¸
ρ 2 2∆2 ∆2
hH0 i = δ − δ δ 2 + ∆2 + − . (3.62)
2 ρG G

The first term in this expression arises from the kinetic energy whereas the second one from the interaction. Simplifying
the expression we find
ρh 2 p i
hH0 i = δ − δ δ 2 + ∆2 . (3.63)
By taking the weak limit, that is ρG ¿ 1, or ∆ ¿ δ, we obtain from the gap equation

∆ = 2δe−2/Gρ (3.64)

hH0 i = − ρ∆2 . (3.65)
All this calculation can be easily repeated at T 6= 0. In fact the only point where the temperature comes in is in
evaluating Γk which must be taken as a thermal average
£ ¤
T r e−H/T O
hOiT = £ ¤ . (3.66)
T r e−H/T

The thermal average of a Fermi oscillator of hamiltonian H = Eb† b is obtained easily since

T r[e−E b b/T
] = 1 + e−E/T (3.67)


T r[b† be−Eb b/T
] = e−E/T . (3.68)

hb† biT = f (E) = . (3.69)
eE/T + 1
It follows from Eq. (10.27)
D³ ´E
Γk (T ) = hb2 (−k)b1 (k)iT = u∗k vk 1 − A†1 (k)A1 (k) − A†2 (k)A2 (k) = u∗k vk (1 − 2f (Ek )). (3.70)

Therefore the gap equation is given by

X X ∆q Eq
∆k = − Vkq u∗q vq (1 − 2f (Eq )) = − Vkq tanh , (3.71)
q q
2Eq 2T

and in the BCS approximation

Z +δ q
1 dξp Ep
1= ρG tanh , Ep = ξp2 + ∆2 . (3.72)
4 −δ Ep 2T

C. The functional approach to the gap equation

We will now show how to derive the gap equation by using the functional approach to field theory. We start
assuming the following action
Z · ¸
G¡ † ¢¡ ¢
S[ψ, ψ † ] = d4 x ψ † (i∂t − ²(|∇|) + µ)ψ + ψ (x)ψ(x) ψ † (x)ψ(x) . (3.73)

We can transform the interaction term in a more convenient way (Fierzing):

1 1
ψa† ψa ψb† ψb = − ψa† ψb† ψa ψb = − ²ab ²ab ψ † Cψ ∗ ψ T Cψ = − ψ † Cψ ∗ ψ T Cψ, (3.74)
4 2

C = iσ2 (3.75)

the charge conjugation matrix. We obtain

Z · ¸
† 4 † G¡ † ∗
¢¡ T ¢
S[ψ, ψ ] ≡ S0 + SI = d x ψ (i∂t − ²(|∇|) + µ)ψ − ψ (x)Cψ (x) ψ (x)Cψ(x) , (3.76)

. The quantum theory is defined in terms of the functional integral


Z = D(ψ, ψ † )eiS[ψ, ψ ] . (3.77)

The four-fermi interaction can be eliminated by inserting inside the functional integral the following identity
Z · ¸· ¸
Z i G G
− d4 x ∆ − (ψ T Cψ) ∆∗ + (ψ † Cψ ∗ )
const = D(∆, ∆∗ )e G 2 2 . (3.78)

Normalizing at the free case (G = 0) we get

Z · ¸
Z † 4 |∆|2 1 † ∗ 1 ∗ T
Z 1 iS0 [ψ, ψ ] + i d x − − ∆(ψ Cψ ) + ∆ (ψ Cψ)
= D(ψ, ψ † )D(∆, ∆∗ )e G 2 2 . (3.79)
Z0 Z0
It is convenient to introduce the Nambu-Gorkov basis
µ ¶
1 ψ
χ= √ , (3.80)
2 Cψ ∗

in terms of which the exponent appearing in Eq. (3.79) can be written as

Z µ ¶
S0 + · · · = d4 x χ† S −1 χ − , (3.81)

where in momentum space

· ¸
p0 − ξp −∆
S −1 (p) = . (3.82)
−∆∗ p0 + ξp

We can now perform the functional integral over the Fermi fields. Clearly it is convenient to perform this integration
over the Nambu-Gorkov field, but this corresponds to double the degrees of freedom, since inside χ we count already
once the fields ψ ∗ . To cover this aspect we can use the ”replica trick” by integrating also over χ† as an independent
field and taking the square root of the result.We obtain
Z 1 £ ¤ −i d4 x
= detS −1
e G ≡ eiSeff , (3.83)
Z0 Z0

i |∆|2
Seff (∆, ∆∗ ) = − T r[log(S0 S −1 )] − d4 x , (3.84)
2 G
with S0 the free propagator (∆ = 0). The saddle point equation for ∆∗ gives
· ¸ µ· ¸ ¶
δSeff ∆ i δS −1 ∆ i ∆ 0 1
= − − Tr S = − + Tr , (3.85)
δ∆∗ G 2 δ∆∗ G 2 p0 + ξp 0 p20 − ξp2 − |∆|2

where we have used

· ¸
1 p0 + ξp ∆
S= . (3.86)
p20 − ξp2 − |∆|2 ∆∗ p0 − ξp

Therefore we get the gap equation (the trace gives a factor 2 from the spin)
d4 p ∆
∆ = iG , (3.87)
(2π)4 p20 − ξp2 − |∆|2

and performing the integration over p0 we obtain

G d3 p ∆
∆= q , (3.88)
2 (2π)3 ξ 2 + |∆|2

in agreement with Eq. (3.53). By considering the case T 6= 0 we have only to change the integration over p0 to a sum
over the Matsubara frequencies

ωn = (2n + 1)πT, (3.89)

+∞ Z
X d3 p ∆
∆ = GT . (3.90)
(2π)3 ωn2 + ξp2 + |∆|2

The sum can be easily done with the result

X 1 1
= (1 − 2f (Ep ) , (3.91)
n=−∞ n
+ ξp2 + |∆|2 2Ep T

where f (E) is the Fermi distribution defined in Eq. (3.69). From

1 − 2f (E) = tanh , (3.92)
we get the gap equation for T 6= 0
G d3 p ∆
∆= tanh(Ep /2T ), (3.93)
2 (2π)3 Ep

which is the same as Eq. (3.71).

If we consider the functional Z as given by Eq. (3.79) as a functional integral over ψ, ψ † , ∆ and ∆∗ , by its saddle
point evaluation we see that the classical value of ∆ is given by
∆= hψ Cψi. (3.94)
Also, if we introduce the em interaction in the action (3.76) we see that Z, as given by Eq. (3.77) is gauge invariant

ψ → eiα(x) ψ (3.95)

Therefore the way in which the em field appear in Seff (∆, ∆∗ ) must be such to make it gauge invariant. On the other
side we see from Eq. (3.94) that ∆ must transform as
∆ → e2iα(x) ∆, (3.96)
meaning that ∆ has charge −2e and that the effective action for ∆ has to contain space-time derivatives in the form
Dµ = ∂ µ + 2ieAµ . (3.97)
This result was achieved for the first time by (Gor’kov, 1959) who derived the Ginzburg-Landau expansion of the
free energy from the microscopic theory. This calculation can be easily repeated by inserting the em interaction and
matching the general form of the effective action against the microscopic calculation. We will see an example of this
kind of calculations later. In practice one starts from the form (3.79) for Z and, after established the Feynman rules,
one evaluate the diagrams of Fig. 12 which give the coefficients of the terms in |∆|2 , |∆|4 , |∆|2 A and |∆|2 A2 in the
effective lagrangian.

∆ ∆∗ ( ∆ ∆∗ ) 2 ∆ ∆∗ Α

+ +

∆ ∆∗ Α

FIG. 12 The diagrams contributing to the Ginzburg-Landau expansion. The dashed lines represent the fields ∆ and ∆∗ , the
solid lines the Fermi fields and the wavy lines the photon field.

An explicit evaluation of these diagrams in the static case Ȧ = 0 can be found, for instance, in the book of (Sakita,
1985). One gets an expression of the type
Z µ ¶
1 ∗ 1
H = d3 r −c ∆ (r)|(∇ + 2ieA)|2 ∆(r) + a|∆(r)|2 + b|∆(r)|4 . (3.98)
4m 2

By defining ψ = c∆ we obtain
Z µ ¶
1 ∗ 1
H = d3 r − ψ (r)|(∇ + 2ieA)ψ(r)|2 ψ(r) + α|ψ(r)|2 + β|ψ(r)|4 , (3.99)
4m 2
a b
α= , β = 2. (3.100)
c c
This expression is the same as the original proposal made by Ginzburg and Landau (see Eq. (1.47)) with
e∗ = 2e, m∗ = 2m. (3.101)
∗ ∗
However, notice that contrarily to e the value of m depends on the normalization chosen for ψ. Later we will
evaluate the coefficients a and b directly from the gap equation.

D. The Nambu-Gor’kov equations

We will present now a different approach, known as Nambu-Gor’kov equations (Gor’kov, 1959; Nambu, 1960) which
is completely equivalent to the previous ones and strictly related to the effective action approach of the previous
Section. We start again from the action (3.73) in three-momentum space

S = S0 + SBCS , (3.102)
S0 = dt ψ † (p) (i∂t − E(p) + µ) ψ(p) , (3.103)
Z 4
G dpk ¡ † ¢¡ ¢
SBCS = dt 3
ψ (p1 )ψ(p4 ) ψ † (p2 )ψ(p3 )
2 (2π)
× (2π)3 δ(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4 ) . (3.104)

Here and below, unless explicitly stated, ψ(p) denotes the 3D Fourier transform of the Pauli spinor ψ(r, t), i.e.
ψ(p) ≡ ψσ (p, t). For non relativistic particles the functional dependence of the energy is E(p) = p 2 /2m, but we
prefer to leave it in the more general form (3.103).
The BCS interaction (3.104) can be written as follows

SBCS = Scond + Sint , (3.105)

dpk h
Scond = − dt Ξ̃(p3 , p4 )ψ † (p1 )Cψ † (p2 )
4 (2π)3
k=1 i
− Ξ̃∗ (p1 , p2 )ψ(p3 )Cψ(p4 ) (2π)3 δ(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4 ) ,
dpk h † i
G † ∗
Sint = − dt ψ (p 1 )Cψ (p 2 ) + Ξ̃ (p 1 , p2 ) ×
4 (2π)3
h k=1 i
× ψ(p3 )Cψ(p4 ) − Ξ̃(p3 , p4 ) (2π)3 δ(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4 ) , (3.106)

where C = iσ2 and

Ξ̃(p, p0 ) =< ψ(p)Cψ(p0 ) > . (3.107)

In the mean field approximation the interaction term can be neglected while the gap term Scond is added to S0 . Note
that the spin 0 condensate Ξ̃(p, p0 ) is simply related to the condensate wave function

Ξ(r) =< ψ(r, t)Cψ(r, t) > (3.108)

by the formula
dp dp0 −i(p+p0 )·r
Ξ(r) = e Ξ̃(p, p0 ) . (3.109)
(2π)3 (2π)3
In general the condensate wavefunction can depend on r; only for homogeneous materials it does not depend on the
space coordinates; therefore in this case Ξ̃(p, p0 ) is proportional to δ(p + p0 ).
In order to write down the Nambu-Gor’kov (NG) equations we define the NG spinor
µ ¶
1 ψ(p)
χ(p) = √ c , (3.110)
2 ψ (−p)
where we have introduced the charge-conjugate field

ψ c = Cψ ∗ . (3.111)

We also define
0 G dp00
∆(p, −p ) = Ξ̃(p00 , p + p0 − p00 ) . (3.112)
2 (2π)6

Therefore the free action can be written as follows:

dp dp0 †
S0 = dt χ (p) S −1 (p, p0 )χ(p0 ), (3.113)
(2π)3 (2π)3

µ ¶
(i∂t − ξp )δ(p − p0 ) −∆(p, p0 )
S −1 (p, p0 ) = (2π)3 ∗ 0 . (3.114)
−∆ (p, p ) (i∂t + ξp )δ(p − p0 )


ξp = E(p) − µ ≈ vF · (p − pF ) , (3.115)

∂E(p) ¯¯
vF = ¯ (3.116)
∂p p = pF
is the Fermi velocity. We have used the fact that we are considering only degrees of freedom near the Fermi surface,

p F − δ < p < pF + δ , (3.117)

where δ is the ultraviolet cutoff, of the order of the Debye frequency. In particular in the non relativistic case

p2 p2 pF
ξp = − F, vF = . (3.118)
2m 2m m
S −1 in (9.5) is the 3D Fourier transform of the inverse propagator. We can make explicit the energy dependence by
Fourier transforming the time variable as well. In this way we get for the inverse propagator, written as an operator:
µ + −1 ¶
−1 (G0 ) −∆
S = , (3.119)
−∆∗ −(G− 0)


= E − ξP + i ² sign E ,

= −E − ξP − i ² sign E , (3.120)

with ² = 0+ and P the momentum operator. The i² prescription is the same discussed in Section II.B. As for the NG
propagator S, one gets
µ ¶
G −F̃
S= . (3.121)
−F G̃

S has both spin, σ, σ 0 , and a, b NG indices, i.e. Sσσ

ab 3
0 . The NG equations in compact form are

S −1 S = 1 , (3.122)

or, explicitly,

G + ∆F = 1 ,
− −1
−[G0 ] F + ∆∗ G = 0 . (3.123)


We note that the presence of the factor 1/ 2 in (3.110) implies an extra factor of 2 in the propagator: S(x, x0 ) = 2 < T χ(x)χ† (x0 ) >,
as it can be seen considering e.g. the matrix element S 11 : < T ψ(x)ψ † (x0 ) >= i∂t − ξ−i∇
~ − δµσ3 δ(x − x0 ), with (x ≡ (t, r)).

Note that we will use

< r |∆|r 0 >= Ξ(r) δ(r − r 0 ) = ∆(r) δ(r − r 0 ) , (3.124)

< p |∆|p 0 >= ∆(p, p 0 ) (3.125)

depending on our choice of the coordinate or momenta representation. The formal solution of the system (3.123) is

F = G− ∗
0∆ G ,
G = G+
0 − G+
0 ∆F , (3.126)

so that F satisfies the equation

¡ + ¢
F = G−

G0 − G+
0 ∆F (3.127)

and is therefore given by

F= ∆∗ . (3.128)
∆∗ [G+
−1 [∆∗ ]−1 [G− ]−1
0 + ∆∗ ∆

In the configuration space the NG Eqs. (3.123) are as follows

(E − E(−i∇) + µ) G(r, r 0 , E) + ∆(r)F (r, r 0 , E) = δ(r − r 0 ) ,

(−E − E(−i∇) + µ) F (r, r 0 , E) − ∆∗ (r)G(r, r 0 , E) = 0 . (3.129)

The gap equation at T = 0 is the following consistency condition

G dE
∆∗ (r) = −i TrF (r, r, E) , (3.130)
2 2π

where F is given by (3.128). To derive the gap equation we observe that

∗ G ∗ G dp1 dp2 i(p1 +p2 )·r ∗
∆ (r) = Ξ (r) = e Ξ̃ (p1 , p2 )
2 Z 2 (2π)3 (2π)3
G dE dp1 dp2 i(p1 +p2 )·r
= − e < ψ † (p1 , E)ψ c (p2 , E) >
2 2πZ (2π)3 (2π)3
G X dE dp1 dp2 i(p1 −p2 )·r 21
= +i e Sσσ (p2 , p1 )
2 σ 2π (2π)3 (2π)3
G X dE 21
= +i S (r, r) , (3.131)
2 σ 2π σσ

which gives (3.130).

At finite temperature, introducing the Matsubara frequencies ωn = (2n + 1)πT , the gap equation reads

X ¯
∆∗ (r) = T TrF (r, r, E)¯ . (3.132)
2 n=−∞

It is useful to specialize these relations to the case of homogeneous materials. In this case we have
Ξ(r) = const. ≡ , (3.133)
2∆ π 2
Ξ̃(p1 , p2 ) = (2π)3 δ(p1 + p2 ) . (3.134)
G p2F δ

Therefore one gets

∆(p1 , p2 ) = ∆ δ(p1 − p2 ) (3.135)


and from (3.124) and (3.133)

∆(r) = ∆∗ (r) = ∆ . (3.136)

Therefore F (r, r, E) is independent of r and, from Eq. (3.128), one gets

d3 p 1
T rF (r, r, E) = −2 ∆ (3.137)
(2π) E − ξp2 − ∆2
3 2

which gives the gap equation at T = 0:

dE d3 p 1
∆ = i G∆ , (3.138)
2π (2π)3 E 2 − ξp2 − ∆2

and at T 6= 0:
+∞ Z
X d3 p ∆
∆ = GT , (3.139)
(2π) ωn + ²(p, ∆)2
3 2

²(p, ∆) = ∆2 + ξp2 . (3.140)

is the same quantity that we had previously defined as Ep . We now use the identity
1 1
[1 − nu − nd ] = ²(p, ∆)T 2 + ²2 (p, ∆)
, (3.141)
2 ω
n=−∞ n

nu (p) = nd (p = ²/T
. (3.142)
e +1
The gap equation can be therefore written as
G∆ d3 p 1
∆= (1 − nu (p) − nd (p)) . (3.143)
2 (2π)3 ²(p, ∆)
In the Landau theory of the Fermi liquid nu , nd are interpreted as the equilibrium distributions for the quasiparticles
of type u, d. It can be noted that the last two terms act as blocking factors, reducing the phase space, and producing
eventually ∆ → 0 when T reaches a critical value Tc (see below).

E. The critical temperature

We are now in the position to evaluate the critical temperature. This can be done by deriving the Ginzburg-Landau
expansion, since we are interested to the case of ∆ → 0. The free energy (or rather in this case the grand potential),
as measured from the normal state, near a second order phase transition is given by
1 1
Ω= α∆2 + β∆4 . (3.144)
2 4
Minimization gives the gap equation

α∆ + β∆3 = 0 . (3.145)

Expanding the gap equation (9.7) up to the third order in the gap, ∆, we can obtain the coefficients α and β up to
a normalization constant. One gets
X∞ Z δ · ¸
∆ ∆3
∆ = 2 G ρ T Re dξ − + +··· , (3.146)
n=0 0
(ωn2 + ξ 2 ) (ωn2 + ξ 2 )2


ωn = (2n + 1)πT . (3.147)

The grand potential can be obtained, up to a normalization factor, integrating in ∆ the gap equation. The normal-
ization can be obtained by the simple BCS case, considering the grand potential as obtained, in the weak coupling
limit, from Eqs. (3.65)
Ω = − ∆2 . (3.148)
The same result can be obtained multiplying the gap equation (3.61) in the weak coupling limit

Gρ 2δ
1− log =0 (3.149)
2 ∆
by ∆ and integrating over ∆ starting from ∆ = 0, that is the normal state. We find
µ ¶
1 2 Gρ 2 Gρ 2 2δ Gρ 2 1 2 Gρ 2δ
∆ − ∆ − ∆ log =− ∆ + ∆ 1− log . (3.150)
2 8 4 ∆ 8 2 2 ∆

Using again the gap equation to cancel the second term, we see that the grand potential is recovered if we multiply
the result of the integration by 2/G. Therefore the coefficients α and β appearing the grand potential are obtained
by multiplying by 2/G the coefficients in the expansion of the gap equation. We get
à ∞ Z δ
2 X dξ
α = 1 − 2 G ρ T Re , (3.151)
G n=0 0
(ωn2 + ξ 2 )
X∞ Z ∞

β = 4ρ T Re 2 + ξ 2 )2
, (3.152)
n=0 0 (ω n

In the coefficient β we have extended the integration in ξ up to infinity since both the sum and the integral are
convergent. To evaluate α is less trivial. One can proceed in two different ways. One can sum over the Matsubara
frequencies and then integrate over ξ or one can perform the operations in the inverse order. Let us begin with the
former method. We get
" Z µ ¶#
2 gG ρ δ dξ ξ
α= 1− tanh . (3.153)
G 2 0 ξ 2T

Performing an integration by part we can extract the logarithmic divergence in δ. This can be eliminated using the
result (3.149) valid for δµ = T = 0 in the weak coupling limit (∆0 is the gap at T = 0)

Gρ 2δ
1= log . (3.154)
2 ∆0
We find
" Z #

2T 1 1
α = ρ log + dx lnx . (3.155)
∆0 2 0 cosh2 x

Z ∞
∆0 1 1
log = dx lnx , (3.156)
2Tc 2 0 cosh2 x

we get
α(T ) = ρ log , (3.157)

Performing the calculation in the reverse we first integrate over ξ obtaining a divergent series which can be regulated
cutting the sum at a maximal value of n determined by
ωN = δ ⇒ N ≈ . (3.158)
We obtain
à N
2 X 1
α= 1 − πGρT . (3.159)
G ω
n=0 n

The sum can be performed in terms of the Euler’s function ψ(z):

XN · µ ¶ µ ¶¸ µ µ ¶¶
1 1 3 1 1 δ 1
= ψ +N −ψ ≈ log −ψ . (3.160)
ω n 2πT 2 2 2πT 2πT 2

Eliminating the cutoff as we did before we get

µ ¶ µ ¶¶
T 1
α(T ) = ρ log 4π +ψ . (3.161)
∆0 2

By comparing with Eq. (3.155) we get the following identity

µ ¶ Z Ã !
1 1 ∞ 1
ψ = − log(2π) + dx lnx . (3.162)
2 2 0 cosh2 x

The equation (3.156) can be re-written as

µ ¶
∆0 1
log =ψ . (3.163)
4πTc 2

Using (C the Euler-Mascheroni constant)

µ ¶
ψ = − log(4γ), γ = eC , C = 0.5777 . . . , (3.164)

we find
α(T ) = ρ log , (3.165)
Therefore the critical temperature, that is the value of T at which α = 0, is
Tc = ∆0 ≈ 0.56693 ∆0 . (3.166)
The other terms in the expansion of the gap equation are easily evaluated integrating over ξ and summing over the
Matsubara frequencies. We get
X∞ µ ¶
1 ρ (2) 1
β(T ) = π ρ T 3
= − 2 2
ψ , (3.167)
n=0 n
16 π T 2

ψ (n) (z) = ψ(z) . (3.168)
dz n
µ ¶
(2) 1
ψ = −14ζ(3), (3.169)

where ζ(3) is the function zeta of Riemann

ζ(s) = k −s (3.170)

we get
7 ρ
β(T ) = ζ(3) (3.171)
8 π2 T 2
Close to the critical temperature we have
µ ¶
T 7ρ
α(T ) ≈ −ρ 1 − , β(T ) ≈ ζ(3). (3.172)
Tc 8π 2 Tc2

From the grand potential (or from the gap equation) we obtain
√ µ ¶1/2
2 α(T ) 2 2πTc T
∆ (T ) = − → ∆(T ) = p 1− , (3.173)
β(T ) 7ζ(3) Tc

in agreement with the results of Section I.B.4.


Superconductivity appears to be a fundamental phenomenon and therefore we would like to understand it from
a more fundamental way than doing a lot of microscopical calculations. This is in fact the case if one makes the
observation that the electromagnetic U (1) symmetry is spontaneously broken. We will follow here the treatment
given in (Weinberg, 1996). We have seen that in the ground state of a superconductor the following condensate is

h²αβ ψ α ψ β i. (4.1)

This condensate breaks the em U (1) since the difermion operator has charge −2e. As a matter of fact this is the only
thing that one has to assume, i.e., the breaking of U (1) by an operator of charge −2e. Thinking in terms of an order
parameter one introduces a scalar field, Φ, transforming as the condensate under a gauge transformation

Aµ → Aµ + ∂µ Λ, ψ → eieΛ ψ ⇒ Φ → e2ieΛ Φ, (4.2)

where ψ is the electron field. We then introduce the Goldstone field φ as the phase of the field Φ

Φ = ρ e2ieφ . (4.3)

Therefore φ transforms as the phase of the condensate under a gauge transformation

φ → φ + Λ. (4.4)

In the case of constant Λ this implies that the theory may depend only on ∂µ φ. Notice also that the gauge invariance
is broken but a subgroup Z2 remains unbroken, the one corresponding to Λ = 0 and Λ = π/e. In particular φ and
φ + π/e should be identified.
It is also convenient to introduce gauge invariant Fermi fields

ψ̃ = e−ieφ ψ. (4.5)

The system will be described by a gauge invariant lagrangian depending on ψ̃, Aµ and ∂µ φ. Integrating out the Fermi
fields one is left with a gauge invariant lagrangian depending on Aµ and ∂µ φ. Gauge invariance requires that these
fields should appear only in the combinations

Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ , Aµ − ∂µ φ. (4.6)

Therefore the lagrangian has the form

L=− d3 x Fµν F µν + Ls (Aµ − ∂µ φ). (4.7)
The equation of motion for the scalar field is
δLs δLs
0 = ∂µ = −∂µ = −∂µ J µ , (4.8)
δ∂µ φ δAµ
where Jµ is the em current defined as
Jµ = . (4.9)
Therefore the equation of motion for φ is nothing but the conservation of the current. The only condition on Ls is
that it gives rise to a stable state of the system in the absence of Aµ and φ. In particular this amounts to say that the
point Aµ = ∂µ φ is a local minimum of the theory. Therefore the second derivative of Ls with respect to its argument
should not vanish at that point.
The Meissner effect follows easily from the previous considerations. In fact, if we go deep inside the superconductor
we will be in the minimum Aµ = ∂µ φ, implying that Aµ is a pure gauge since

Fµν (∂λ φ) = 0. (4.10)

In particular the magnetic field inside the superconductor is vanishing, B = 0. We may refine this analysis by doing
some considerations about the energy. Close to the minimum we have
1 δ 2 Ls
Ls (Aµ − ∂µ φ) ≈ Ls (0) + (Aµ − ∂µ φ)2 . (4.11)
2 δ(Aµ − ∂µ φ)2

Notice that the dimensions of the second derivative are [E × E −2 ] = [E −1 ] = [L]. Therefore, in the static case, up to
a constant
Ls ≈ |A − ∇φ|2 , (4.12)
with L3 the volume of the superconductor and λ some length typical of the material. If a magnetic field B penetrates
inside the material, we expect

|A − ∇φ| ≈ BL, (4.13)

from which
B 2 L5
Ls ≈ . (4.14)
For the superconductor to remain in that state the magnetic field must be expelled with an energy cost of

B 2 L3 . (4.15)

Therefore there will be convenience in expelling B if

B 2 L5
À B 2 L3 , (4.16)

L À λ. (4.17)

λ is the penetration depth, in fact from its definition it follows that it is the region over which the magnetic field is
non zero. Repeating the same reasoning made in the Introduction one can see the existence of a critical magnetic
field. Notice that a magnetic field smaller than the critical one penetrates inside the superconductor up to a depth λ
and in that region the electric current will flow, since

J ∝ ∇ ∧ B. (4.18)

Consider now a thick superconductor with a shape of a torus. Along the internal line C (see Fig. 13) the quantity
|A − ∇φ| vanishes but the two fields do not need to be zero. However, going around the path C φ has to go to an
equivalent value, φ + nπ/e. Therefore

B · dS = A · dx = ∇φ · dx = , (4.19)
A C C e

where A is an area surrounded by C. We see that the flux of B inside the torus is quantized.

FIG. 13 Inside the toroidal superconductor the line C of integration is shown

Notice also that the electric current sustaining B flows in a layer of thickness λ below the surface of the torus. It
follows that the current cannot decay smoothly but it must jump in such a way that the variation of the magnetic flux
is a multiple of π/e. Therefore the electric resistance of a superconductor is rather peculiar. In order to understand
better the resistance let us consider the following equation
δLs δLs
=− = −J0 . (4.20)
δ φ̇ δA 0

This shows that −J0 is the canonical momentum density conjugated to φ. Therefore the Hamilton equations of motion
φ̇(x) = = −V (x), (4.21)
δ(−J0 (x))

where V (x), being the variation of energy per change in the current density, is the ”voltage” at x. If in the super-
conductor there is a stationary current (that is with time-independent fields), the previous equation shows that the
voltage is zero. But a current with zero voltage means that the electric resistance is zero.
We are now in the position of explaining the Josephson effect (Josephson, 1962, 1965). The effect arises at the
junction of two superconductors separated by a thin insulating barrier. At zero voltage difference between the two
superconductors a continuous current flows, depending on the phase difference due to the two different Goldstone
fields. Furthermore, if a constant voltage difference is maintained between the two superconductor an alternate current
flows. These two effects are known as the dc and the ac Josephson effects. Consider first the case of zero voltage
difference. By gauge invariance the lagrangian at the junction may depend only on the phase difference

Ljunction = F (∆φ). (4.22)

The function F must be periodic since the Goldstone fields in the two superconductors are defined mod π/e, that is

F (∆φ) = F (∆φ + nπ/e). (4.23)

To evaluate the current let us introduce a vector potential A. Then

∆A φ = dx · (∇φ − A), (4.24)

where the line ` is taken across the junction. Therefore we get

Jk = = nk F 0 (∆A φ), (4.25)

where nk is the normal unit vector at the junction surface. By putting A = 0 we get

J = nF 0 (∆φ), (4.26)

showing the dc Josephson effect. To get the second one, consider a constant voltage difference. From

φ̇ = −V, (4.27)

we get

∆φ(t) = |∆V |t + ∆φ(0). (4.28)

Since F has a period π/e it follows that the current oscillates with a frequency

e|∆V |
ν= . (4.29)
Using this relation one can get a very accurate measure of e/~ (going back to standard units, one has ν = e|∆V |/π~).
The current in the dc Josephson effect can be of several milliamperes for conventional superconductors. In the case
of the ac effect for voltages of the order of millivolts, the frequency can rise to hundreds and thousands of gigahertz.
When close to the phase transition the description of the theory in terms of the Goldstone boson is not enough.
In fact there is another long wave-length mode associate to the order parameter. This is because the U (1) symmetry
gets restored and its minimal description is in terms of a complex field. Therefore one introduces

Φ = ρ e2ieφ . (4.30)

Expanding Ls for small values of Φ we get (with an appropriate normalization for Φ)

Z · ¸
1 1 1
Ls ≈ d3 x − Φ∗ |(∇ − 2ieA)|2 Φ − α|Φ|2 − β|Φ|4
2 2 4
Z · ¸
1 1 1
= d3 x −2e2 ρ2 (∇φ − eA)2 − (∇ρ)2 − αρ2 − βρ4 . (4.31)
2 2 4

In this Section we have defined the penetration depth as the inverse square root of the coefficient of −(∇φ − A)2 /2.
λ= p . (4.32)
4e2 hρ2 i

hρ2 i = − , (4.33)
we get
1 β
λ= − , (4.34)
2e α
in agreement with Eq. (1.52) (notice that α and β are not normalized in the same way). Another length is obtained
by studying the behavior of the fluctuations of the field ρ. Defining

ρ = hρi + ρ0 , (4.35)

we get

∇2 ρ0 = −2αρ0 . (4.36)

This allows us to introduce the coherence length ξ as

ξ=√ , (4.37)

in agreement with Eq. (1.59). Using the definitions of λ and ξ we get

1 e 2 λ2
α=− , β=2 . (4.38)
2ξ 2 ξ2
Therefore the energy density of the superconducting state is lower than the energy density of the normal state by

1 α2 1 1
= . (4.39)
4 β 32 e λ2 ξ 2

The relative size of ξ and λ is very important, since vortex lines can be formed inside the superconductor and their
stability depends on this point. More precisely inside the vortices the normal state is realized, meaning ρ = 0 and a
flux-quantized magnetic field. The superconductors are therefore classified according to the following criterium:

• Type I superconductors: ξ > λ. The vortices are not stable since the penetration of the magnetic field is very
• Type II superconductors: ξ < λ. The vortices are stable and the magnetic field penetrates inside the super-
conductor exactly inside the vortices. This may happen since the core of the vortex is much smaller than the
region where the magnetic field goes to zero. In this cases there are two critical magnetic fields, Hc1 , where
for H < Hc1 the state is superconducting, whereas for H > Hc1 vortices are formed. Increasing the magnetic
field, more and more vortex lines are formed, up to a value Hc2 where the magnetic field penetrates all the
superconductor and the transition to the normal state arises.


Ideas about color superconductivity go back to almost 25 years ago (Bailin and Love, 1984; Barrois, 1977; Collins
and Perry, 1975; Frautschi, 1978), but only recently this phenomenon has received a lot of attention (for recent reviews
see ref. (Alford, 2001; Hong, 2001; Hsu, 2000; Nardulli, 2002; Rajagopal and Wilczek, 2001; Schafer, 2003)). The
naive expectation is that at very high density, due to the asymptotic freedom, quarks would form a Fermi sphere of
almost free fermions. However, as we know, Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer proved that the Fermi surface of free
fermions is unstable in presence of an attractive, arbitrary small, interaction. Since in QCD the gluon exchange in
the 3̄ channel is attractive one expects the formation of a coherent state of Cooper pairs. The phase structure of
QCD at high density depends on the number of flavors and there are two very interesting cases, corresponding to
two massless flavors (2SC) (Alford et al., 1998; Barrois, 1977; Rapp et al., 1998) and to three massless flavors (CFL)
(Alford et al., 1999; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999a) respectively. The two cases give rise to very different patterns of
α α
symmetry breaking. If we denote left- and right-handed quark fields by ψiL(R) = ψia(ȧ) by their Weyl components,
with α = 1, 2, 3, the SU (3)c color index, i = 1, · · · , Nf the flavor index (Nf is the number of massless flavors) and
a(ȧ) = 1, 2 the Weyl indices, the structure of the condensate at very high density can be easily understood on the
basis of the following considerations. Consider the matrix element
α β
h0|ψia ψjb |0i. (5.1)

its color, spin and flavor structure is completely fixed by the following considerations:
• The condensate should be antisymmetric in color indices (α, β) in order to have attraction;
• The condensate should be antisymmetric in spin indices (a, b) in order to get a spin zero condensate. The
isotropic structure of the condensate is generally favored since it allows a better use of the Fermi surface (Brown
et al., 2000c; Evans et al., 1999a; Schafer, 2000c; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999b);
• given the structure in color and spin, Pauli principles requires antisymmetry in flavor indices.

Since the momenta in a Cooper pair are opposite, as the spins of the quarks (the condensate has spin 0), it follows
that the left(right)-handed quarks can pair only with left(right)-handed quarks. In the case of 3 flavors the favored
condensate is
α β α β
h0|ψiL ψjL |0i = −h0|ψiR ψjR |0i = ∆ ²αβC ²ijC . (5.2)

This gives rise to the so-called color–flavor–locked (CFL) phase (Alford et al., 1999; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999a).
The reason for the name is that simultaneous transformations in color and in flavor leave the condensate invariant as
shown in Fig. 14.

<ψψ> <ψψ>


rotate left rotate color rotate right

FIG. 14 Color and flavor indices are represented by black and grey arrows respectively. In the lower part it is shown that we
can leave the left-handed condensate invariant if we perform a flavor rotation followed by a related color rotation. However this
rotates the color index in the right-handed condensate, so in order to have both condensates invariant we have to rotate also
the right- flavor index. In conclusion we have invariance under the diagonal product of the three SU (3) groups.

More generally the following condensate is formed (Alford et al., 1999; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999a)
hqiL(R) CqjL(R) i∝ ²ijC ²αβC + κ(δαi δβj + δβi δαj ). (5.3)

Due to the Fermi statistics, the condensate must be symmetric in color and flavor. As a consequence the two terms
appearing in Eq. (5.3) correspond to the (3̄, 3̄) and (6, 6) channels of SU (3)c ⊗ SU (3)L(R) . It turns out that κ is
small (Alford et al., 1999; Schafer, 2000b; Shovkovy and Wijewardhana, 1999) and therefore the condensation occurs
mainly in the (3̄, 3̄) channel. Also in this case the ground state is left invariant by a simultaneous transformation of
SU (3)c and SU (3)L(R) . The symmetry breaking pattern is

SU (3)c ⊗ SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R ⊗ U (1)B ⊗ U (1)A

↓ (5.4)
SU (3)c+L+R ⊗ Z2 ⊗ Z2 .

The U (1)A symmetry is broken at the quantum level by the anomaly, but it gets restored at very high density since
the instanton contribution is suppressed (Rapp et al., 2000; Schafer, 2000b; Son and Stephanov, 2000a,b). The Z2

symmetries arise since the condensate is left invariant by a change of sign of the left- and/or right-handed fields. The
electric charge is broken but a linear combination with the broken color generator T8 annihilates the ground state.
On the contrary the baryon number is broken. Therefore there are 8 + 2 broken global symmetries giving rise to 10
Goldstone bosons. The one associated to U (1)A gets massless only at very high density. The color group is completely
broken and all the gauge particles acquire mass. Also all the fermions are gapped. We will show in the following how
to construct an effective lagrangian describing the Goldstone bosons, and how to compute their couplings in the high
density limit where the QCD coupling gets weaker.
The previous one is the typical situation when the chemical potential is much bigger than the quark masses mu ,
md and ms (here the masses to be considered are in principle density depending). However we may ask what happens
decreasing the chemical potential. At intermediate densities we have no more the support of asymptotic freedom, but
all the model calculations show that one still has a sizeable color condensation. In particular if the chemical potential
µ is much less than the strange quark mass one expects that the strange quark decouples, and the corresponding
condensate should be
α β
h0|ψiL ψjL |0i = ∆²αβ3 ²ij . (5.5)

In fact, due to the antisymmetry in color the condensate must necessarily choose a direction in color space. Notice
that now the symmetry breaking pattern is completely different from the three-flavor case:

SU (3)c ⊗ SU (2)L ⊗ SU (2)R ⊗ U (1)B → SU (2)c ⊗ SU (2)L ⊗ SU (2)R ⊗ U (1) ⊗ Z2 .

The condensate breaks the color group SU (3)c down to the subgroup SU (2)c but it does not break any flavor symmetry.
Although the baryon number, B, is broken, there is a combination of B and of the broken color generator, T8 , which
is unbroken in the 2SC phase. Therefore no massless Goldstone bosons are present in this phase. On the other hand,
five gluon fields acquire mass whereas three are left massless. We notice also that for the electric charge the situation
is very similar to the one for the baryon number. Again a linear combination of the broken electric charge and of the
broken generator T8 is unbroken in the 2SC phase. The condensate (5.5) gives rise to a gap, ∆, for quarks of color 1
and 2, whereas the two quarks of color 3 remain un-gapped (massless). The resulting effective low-energy theory has
been described in (Casalbuoni et al., 2000, 2001a; Rischke et al., 2001).
A final problem we will discuss has to do with the fact that when quarks (in particular the strange quark) are
massive, their chemical potentials cannot be all equal. This situation has been modelled out in (Alford et al., 2001).
If the Fermi surfaces of different flavors are too far apart, BCS pairing does not occur. However it might be favorable for
different quarks to pair each of one lying at its own Fermi surface and originating a pair of non-zero total momentum.
This is the LOFF state first studied by the authors of ref. (Fulde and Ferrell, 1964; Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964) in
the context of electron superconductivity in the presence of magnetic impurities. Since the Cooper pair has non-zero
momentum the condensate breaks space symmetries and we will show that in the low-energy spectrum a massless
particle, a phonon, the Goldstone boson of the broken translational symmetry, is present. We will construct the
effective lagrangian also for this case (for a general review of the LOFF phase see (Bowers, 2003; Casalbuoni and
Nardulli, 2003).
Of course it would be very nice if we could test all these ideas on the lattice. However the usual sampling method,
which is based on a positive definite measure, does not work in presence of a chemical potential since the fermionic
determinant turns out to be complex in euclidean space. The argument is rather simple. We define euclidean variables
through the following substitutions

x0 → −ix4E , xi → xiE , (5.6)

γ0 → γE , γ i → −iγE i
. (5.7)

Then the Dirac operator, in presence of a chemical potential, becomes4

µ µ 4
D(µ) = γE DE + µγE , (5.8)
µ µ
where DE = ∂E + iAµE is the euclidean covariant derivative. In absence of a chemical potential the operator has the
following properties

D(0)† = −D(0), γ5 D(0)γ5 = −D(0). (5.9)

4 We neglect the mass term, since it correspond to an operator multiple of the identity, and all the following considerations can be trivially

Therefore the eigenvalues of D(0) are pure imaginary. Also if |λi is an eigenvector of D(0), the same is for γ5 |λi but
with eigenvalue −λ. This follows from

γ5 D(0)|λi = λγ5 |λi = −D(0)γ5 |λi. (5.10)

det[D(0)] = (λ)(−λ) > 0. (5.11)

For µ 6= 0 this argument does not hold and the determinant is complex. Notice that this argument depends on the
kind of chemical potential one has to do. For instance in the case of two degenerate flavored quarks, u and d, if we
consider the isospin chemical potential, which is coupled to the conserved charge τ3 in flavor space, we may still prove
the positivity by using, for instance, τ1 γ5 instead of γ5 . Therefore these cases can be treated on the lattice.

A. Hierarchies of effective lagrangians

QCD at high density is conveniently studied through a hierarchy of effective field theories. The starting point is the
fundamental QCD lagrangian. The way of obtaining a low energy effective lagrangian is to integrate out high-energy
degrees of freedom. As we have seen Polchinski (Polchinski, 1993) has shown that the physics is particularly simple
for energies close to the Fermi energy. He has shown that all the interactions are irrelevant except for a four-fermi
interaction coupling pair of fermions with opposite momenta. This is nothing but the interaction giving rise to the
BCS condensation. This physics can be described using the High Density Effective Theory (HDET) (Beane et al.,
2000; Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d; Hong, 2000a,b).

p+ δ

∆ << δ << p

p + ∆

L Golds

FIG. 15 The hierarchy of effective lagrangians entering in the discussion of high density QCD.

In this theory the condensation effects are taken into account through the introduction of a Majorana mass term.
The degrees of freedom are quasi-particles (dressed fermions), holes and gauge fields. This description is supposed
to hold up to a cutoff pF + δ, with δ smaller than the Fermi momentum but bigger than the gap ∆, ∆ ¿ δ ¿ pF .
Going at momenta much smaller than the gap energy ∆ all the gapped particles decouple and one is left with the
low energy modes as Goldstone bosons, ungapped fermions and holes and massless gauged fields according to the
breaking scheme. The corresponding effective theory in the Goldstone sector can be easily formulated using standard
techniques. In the case of CFL and 2SC such effective lagrangians have been given in refs. (Casalbuoni and Gatto,
1999) and (Casalbuoni et al., 2000; Rischke et al., 2001). The parameters of the effective lagrangian can be evaluated
at each step of the hierarchy by matching the Greens functions with the ones evaluated at the upper level.

B. The High Density Effective Theory (HDET)

We will present here the High Density Effective Theory (Beane et al., 2000; Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d; Hong,
2000a,b) in the context of QCD with Nf massless flavors. As already discussed we will integrate out all the fermionic
degrees of freedom corresponding to momenta greater than pF + δ with δ a cutoff such that ∆ ¿ δ ¿ pF . The QCD
lagrangian at finite density is given by
1 a aµν
/ ψ − Fµν
LQCD = ψ̄iD F + µψ̄γ0 ψ, a = 1, · · · , 8, (5.12)

Dµ = ∂µ + igs Aaµ T a , / = γµ D µ ,
D (5.13)

where T a = λa /2, with λa the Gell-Mann matrices. At asymptotic values of µ À ΛQCD quarks can be considered as
almost free particles due to the asymptotic freedom. The corresponding Dirac equation in momentum space is

/ + µγ0 )ψ(p) = 0, (5.14)


(p0 + µ)ψ(p) = α · pψ(p), (5.15)

where α = γ0 γ. From this we get immediately the dispersion relation

(p0 + µ)2 = |p|2 , (5.16)


p0 = E± = −µ ± |p|. (5.17)

For the following it is convenient to write the Dirac equation in terms of the following projectors
1 ± α · vF
P± = , (5.18)
∂E(p) ∂|p|
v ≡ vF = = = p̂. (5.19)
∂p ∂p
Decomposing p = µvF + ` we get

Hψ+ = α · ` ψ+ , Hψ− = (−2µ + α · `) ψ− . (5.20)

Therefore only the states ψ+ with energies close to the Fermi surface, |p| ≈ µ can be easily excited (E+ ≈ 0). On
the contrary, the states ψ− have E− ≈ −2µ. They are well inside the Fermi sphere and decouple for high values of
µ. In the limit µ → ∞ the only physical degrees of freedom are ψ+ and the gluons. After this quantum mechanical
introduction, let us consider the field theoretical version of the previous argument. The main idea of the effective
theory is the observation that the quarks participating in the dynamics have large (∼ µ) momenta. Therefore one
can introduce velocity dependent fields by extracting the large part µv of this momentum. We start with the Fourier
decomposition of the quark field ψ(x):
d4 p −i p·x
ψ(x) = e ψ(p), (5.21)

and then we introduce the Fermi velocity as

pµ = µv µ + `µ , (5.22)


v µ = (0, v), (5.23)


with |v| = 1. The four-vector

`µ = (`0 , ~`), (5.24)

is called the residual momentum. We define also
` = v`k + `⊥ , (5.25)
`⊥ = ` − (` · v)v. (5.26)
Since we can always choose the velocity v parallel to p, we have `⊥ = 0. We will now separate in Eq. (5.21) the light
and heavy fermion degrees of freedom. These are defined by the following restrictions in momentum space:
light d.o.f. µ − δ ≤ |p| ≤ µ + δ,
heavy d.o.f. |p| ≤ µ − δ, |p| ≥ µ + δ, (5.27)
or, in terms of the residual momentum
light d.o.f. − δ ≤ `k ≤ +δ,
heavy d.o.f. `k ≤ −δ, `k ≥ +δ. (5.28)
Here δ is the cutoff that we choose for defining the effective theory around the Fermi sphere. We will assume that
δ À ∆, with ∆ the gap. We will assume also that the shell around the Fermi sphere is a narrow one and therefore
δ ¿ µ. Let us start our discussion with the light fields. We will discuss how to integrate out the heavy d.o.f later on.
In this case we can write the integration in momentum space in the form
Z Z Z +δ Z +∞ Z Z
d4 p µ2 dv µ2 d2 `
= dΩ d`k d` 0 = , (5.29)
(2π)4 (2π)4 −δ −∞ 4π π (2π)2
where we have taken into account that we are interested in the degrees of freedom in a shell of amplitude 2δ around
the Fermi sphere, and that in the shell we can assume a constant radius µ. We have also substituted the angular
integration with the integration over the Fermi velocity taking into account that it is a unit vector. That is
dv ≡ d3 vδ(|v| − 1) = |v|2 d|v| dΩ δ(|v| − 1) = dΩ. (5.30)

In this way the original 4-dimensional integration in momentum has been factorized in the product of two 2-dimensional
integrations. In particular
d3 p dv µ2
= d`k . (5.31)
|p|∈shell (2π) 4π π

The Fourier decomposition (5.21) for the light d.o.f. takes the form
dv −iµv·x
ψ(x) = e ψv (x) , (5.32)

µ2 d2 ` −i`·x
ψv (x) = e ψv (`), (5.33)
π (2π)2
with ψv (`) ≡ ψ(p). Notice that the fields ψv (x) are velocity-dependent and they include only the degrees of freedom
corresponding to the shell around the Fermi sphere. Projecting with the operators P± we get
dv −iµv·x
ψ(x) = e [ψ+ (x) + ψ− (x)] , (5.34)

µ2 d2 ` −i`·x
ψ± (x) = P± ψv (x) = P± e ψv (`). (5.35)
π (2π)2

Let us now define

V µ = (1, v) , Ṽ µ = (1, −v) ,

γkµ = (γ 0 , (v · γ) v) , µ
γ⊥ = γ µ − γkµ . (5.36)

We can then prove the following relations

ψ̄+ γ µ ψ+ = V µ ψ̄+ γ 0 ψ+ ,
ψ̄− γ µ ψ− = Ṽ µ ψ̄− γ 0 ψ− ,
ψ̄+ γ µ ψ− = ψ̄+ γ⊥ ψ− ,
ψ̄− γ µ ψ+ = ψ̄− γ⊥ ψ+ . (5.37)

Now we want to evaluate the effective action in terms of the Rvelocity-dependent fields defined in Eqs. (5.32) and
(5.33). Substituting the expression (5.33) in terms of the type d4 xψ † ψ we find
d4 x ψ † ψ =
µ ¶2 Z
µ2 d~vF d~vF0 d2 ` d2 `0
(2π)4 δ 4 (`0 − ` + µv 0 − µv)ψv† 0 (`0 )ψv (`). (5.38)
π 4π 4π (2π)2 (2π)2
For large values of µ the integral is different from zero only if v = v 0 and the δ-function factorizes in the product of
two δ-functions one for the velocity and one for the residual momenta. Both these δ-functions are two-dimensional.
Therefore we obtain
4 † µ2 dv d2 ` †
d xψ ψ = ψ (`)ψv (`). (5.39)
π 4π (2π)2 v
Analogously one could start from (5.32) finding
4 † 4 dv †
d xψ ψ = d x ψ (x)ψv (x). (5.40)
4π v
In the following we will need also the expression d4 xψ T Cψ. We find
dv T µ2 dv d2 ` T
d4 xψ T Cψ = d4 x ψv (x)Cψ−v (x) = ψ (`)Cψ−v (−`). (5.41)
4π π 4π (2π)2 v
These expressions show that there is a superselection rule for the Fermi velocity.
Now we are in the position to evaluate the effective lagrangian for the fields ψ+ which should be the relevant degrees
of freedom in the high density limit. Since we have

i∂µ e−iµv·x = µvµ e−iµv·x , (5.42)

we get
¡ ¢ dv £ ¤
d4 x ψ̄ iD
/ + µγ0 ψ = d4 x (ψ̄+ + ψ̄− ) µ(v / (ψ+ + ψ− ).
/ + γ0 ) + iD (5.43)

Expanding and using Eqs. (5.37) we find
R ¡ ¢
³ d4 x ψ̄ iD
/ + µγ0 ψ =
R † † †
d 4 x ψ+ iV · Dψ+ + ψ− iṼ · Dψ− + 2µψ− / ⊥ ψ− + ψ̄− iD
ψ− + ψ̄+ iD / ⊥ ψ+ . (5.44)

The lagrangian is given by

dv h † †
LD = ψ+ iV · Dψ+ + ψ− / ⊥ ψ− + h.c.) .
(2µ + iṼ · D)ψ− + (ψ̄+ iD (5.45)

From which we get the equations of motion

iV · Dψ+ + iγ 0 D
/ ⊥ ψ− = 0,

(2µ + iṼ · D)ψ− + iγ 0 D

/ ⊥ ψ+ = 0. (5.46)

At the leading order in 1/µ

ψ− = 0, iV · Dψ+ = 0, (5.47)

proving the decoupling of ψ− . At this order the effective lagrangian is simply

dv †
LD = ψ iV · Dψ+ . (5.48)
4π +

Therefore the free propagator, hT (ψ+ ψ+ )i, is given by

. (5.49)
V ·`
This can be seen directly starting from the Dirac propagator

1 (p0 + µ)γ 0 − p~ · ~γ
= . (5.50)
p0 γ 0 − p~ · ~γ + µγ 0 (p0 + µ)2 − |~p |2

By putting p = µv + ` and expanding at the leading order in 1/µ we find

1 V/ 1
≈ , (5.51)
/p + µγ0 2 V ·`

where V · ` = `0 − ` · v. Therefore the propagator depends (at the leading order) only on the energy `0 and on the
momentum perpendicular to the Fermi surface `k = ` · v. Notice also that

V/ 1
= γ 0 (1 − α · v) = P+ γ0 . (5.52)
2 2

Recalling that the Dirac propagator is the ψ ψ̄ T -product, we see that the propagator hT (ψ+ ψ+ )i at this order is just
1/V · `.

1. Integrating out the heavy degrees of freedom

All the steps leading to Eq. (5.45) can be formally performed both for light and heavy degrees of freedom. However,
in order to integrate out the heavy fields we need to write the effective lagrangian at all orders in µ in the following
non-local form :
1 a aµν
L = − Fµν F + LD , (5.53)
Z · ¸
dv † † 1 2
LD = ψ+ iV · Dψ+ − ψ+ / ⊥ ψ+ .
D (5.54)
4π 2µ + iṼ · D

Using the identity

† µ ν † µν
ψ+ γ ⊥ γ ⊥ ψ+ = ψ+ P ψ+ , (5.55)


1h µ ν i
P µν = g µν − V Ṽ + V ν Ṽ µ , (5.56)

we can write (5.54) as:

Z · ¸
dv † µν † 1
LD = ψ+ iV · Dψ+ − P ψ+ Dµ Dν ψ+ . (5.57)
4π 2µ + iṼ · D

Notice that the Eq. (5.33) does not hold in this case. We need now to decompose the fields in light and heavy
l h
ψ+ = ψ+ + ψ+ . (5.58)

Substituting inside Eq. (5.57) we get

LD = LlD + Llh h
D + LD , (5.59)

where LlD is nothing but (5.48) at the leading order in µ:

l dv l† l
LD = ψ iV · Dψ+ , (5.60)
4π +
Z µ ¶
dv l† l† 1
D = ψ+ h
iV · Dψ+ − P µν ψ+ h
D µ D ν ψ+ + (l ↔ h) (5.61)
4π 2µ + iṼ · D
Z µ ¶
dv h† h† 1
LhD = ψ+ iV · h
Dψ+ −P µν
ψ+ h
Dµ Dν ψ+ . (5.62)
4π 2µ + iṼ · D

When we integrate out the heavy fields, the terms arising from Llh
D produce diagrams with two light fermions external
lines and a bunch of external gluons with a heavy propagator (see, for instance Fig. 16). Due to the momentum

FIG. 16 Some of the operators arising from integrating out the heavy degrees of freedom in Llh
D . The wavy lines represent the
gluons, the thin lines the light fermionic d.o.f. and the thick lines the heavy ones

conservation they can contribute only if some of the gluon momenta are harder than δ. However the hard gluons are
suppressed by asymptotic freedom. Notice that these terms may also give rise to pure gluon terms by closing the light
line in the loop, see Fig. 17.

On the other hand the second term in LhD can contribute to an operator containing only soft gluon external lines and
a loop of heavy fermions at zero momentum (see for instance in Fig. 18 the contribution to the two gluon operator).
Notice that the heavy fermion propagator comes from the first term in LhD and it coincides with the propagator
evaluated for the free Fermi gas in Section II.A. This is so also in case of condensation since we are assuming δ À ∆.
Furthermore, from Eq. (2.38) we know that the propagator at zero momentum is nothing but the density of states

FIG. 17 A contribution to hard gluon terms obtained by closing the light fermion lines in the diagrams of Fig. 16

FIG. 18 The two gluon operator arising from integrating out the heavy degrees of freedom in LhD . The wavy lines represent the
gluons, the thin lines the light fermionic d.o.f. and the thick lines the heavy oneslight

inside the Fermi surface. Therefore we expect an order µ3 contribution5 . At the leading order in µ this gives a term
of the type µ2 A2 , where A is the gluon field. We will evaluate this contribution later in Section VIII.A. Since this
is a mass term for the gluons and, as we shall see, gives a contribution only to the spatial gluons, it will be referred
to as bare Meissner mass. The result of this discussion is that the effective lagrangian for the light fields is simply
given by LlD , plus terms containing powers of soft gluon fields.

2. The HDET in the condensed phase

Let us now see what happens in the case of condensation after having integrated out the heavy fields. We will omit
from now on the superscript identifying the light fields since these are the only fields we will deal with from now on.
We will describe color and flavor with a collective index A = 1, · · · , N (N = Nc Nf ). The general structure of the
condensate, both for left- and right- handed fields is (we will neglect from now on the Weyl indices since we assume
the difermions in the spin 0 state)

hψ A Cψ B i ≈ ∆AB , (5.63)

with ∆AB a complex symmetric matrix.

We will now consider a four-fermi interaction of the BCS type
LI = − ²ab ²ȧḃ VABCD ψaA ψbB ψȧC† ψḃD† . (5.64)
We require LI to be hermitian, therefore

VABCD = VCDAB (5.65)

and furthermore

VABCD = VBACD = VABDC . (5.66)

As we have done in Section III.D we write

LI = Lcond + Lint , (5.67)

5 To be precise we should take out the volume of the portion of the shell inside the Fermi surface that goes in the light fields definition,
but since we are taking the limit of large µ this is negligible.

Lcond = VABCD ΓCD∗ ψ AT Cψ B − VABCD ΓAB ψ C† Cψ D∗ (5.68)
4 4
G ¡ ¢¡ ¢
Lint = − VABCD ψ AT Cψ B − ΓAB ψ C† Cψ D∗ + ΓCD∗ . (5.69)
We now define
G G ∗ G
∆AB = VCDAB ΓCD , ∆∗AB = VCDAB ΓCD∗ = VABCD ΓCD∗ . (5.70)
2 2 2
Clearly ∆AB is a symmetric matrix. We will assume also that it can be diagonalized, meaning that

[∆, ∆† ] = 0, (5.71)

where ∆AB = ∆AB . Therefore (C is the charge conjugation matrix, C = iσ2 )

1 ∗ 1
Lcond = ∆ ψ AT Cψ B − ∆AB ψ A† Cψ B∗ . (5.72)
2 AB 2
For the following it is convenient to introduce the following notation for the positive energy fields:

ψ± (x) = ψ+ (±v, x). (5.73)

One should be careful in not identifying ψ− with the negative energy solution with velocity v. The condensation
is taken into account by adding Lcond to the effective lagrangian of the previous Section (here we consider only the
leading term), see Sections III.C and III.D. Therefore we will assume the following Lagrangian
Z · ¸
dv X A† B 1 A B ∗ 1 A† B∗
LD = ψ+ (iV · D)AB ψ+ + ψ− Cψ+ ∆AB − ψ+ Cψ− ∆AB . (5.74)
4π 2 2

Using the symmetry v → −v of the velocity integration we may write the previous expression in the form
dv X 1 h A† B A† B A B ∗ A† B∗
LD = ψ+ (iV · D)AB ψ+ + ψ− (iṼ · D)AB ψ− + ψ− Cψ+ ∆AB − ψ+ Cψ− ∆AB . (5.75)
4π 2

We then introduce the Nambu-Gor’kov basis

µ A

A 1 ψ+
χ =√ A∗ (5.76)
2 Cψ−
in terms of which
Z · ¸
dv A† iV · DAB −∆AB
LD = χ χB . (5.77)
4π −∆∗AB ∗
iṼ · DAB

The lagrangian we have derived here coincides with the one that we obtained in Section III.D, that is the lagrangian
giving rise to the Nambu-Gor’kov equations.
The inverse free propagator in operator notations is (notice that since ∆ is symmetric we have ∆∗ = ∆† )
µ ¶
V · ` −∆
S −1 (`) = . (5.78)
−∆† Ṽ · `

From which
µ ¶
1 Ṽ · ` ∆
S(`) = . (5.79)
(V · `)(Ṽ · `) − ∆∆† ∆† V · `

Let us now consider the relation

∆∗AB = − VABCD hψ C† Cψ D∗ i. (5.80)

This Equation is the analogous of Eq. (3.112) in configuration space. Repeating the same steps leading to Eq. (3.130)
we find
G dv µ2 d2 ` ∗ 1
∆∗AB = i 2 × VABCD 2
∆CE , (5.81)
2 4π π (2π) DED

where we have made use of Eq. (5.31) and

µ ¶
1 1
= . (5.82)
DAB (V · `)(Ṽ · `) − ∆∆† AB

Notice that the factor 2 arises from the sum over the Weyl indices. The final result is
dv µ2 d2 ` ∗ 1
∆∗AB = iGVABCD ∆ , (5.83)
4π π (2π)2 CE DED

in agreement with the result we found from the Nambu-Gor’kov equations by identifying E with `0 and d3 p with the
integration over the velocity and `k . The same result can be found via the functional approach, see Appendix A.
Let us apply this formalism to the case of an effective four-fermi interaction due to one gluon exchange
LI = Gψ̄γµ λa ψ ψ̄γ µ λa ψ, (5.84)
where λa are the Gell-Mann matrices. Using the following identities
X 2
(λa )αβ (λa )δγ = (3δαγ δβδ − δαβ δγδ ) (5.85)


(σµ )ȧb (σ̃ µ )dċ = 2²ȧċ ²bd (5.86)


σ µ = (1, σ), σ̃ µ = (1, −σ), (5.87)

with σ the Pauli matrices, we find

LI = − V(αi)(βj)(γk)(δ`) ψiα ψjβ ψkγ† ψ`δ† (5.88)

V(αi)(βj)(γk)(δ`) = −(3δαδ δβγ − δαγ δβδ )δik δj` . (5.89)

Let us now consider the simple case of the 2SC phase. Then, as we have seen,

∆(αi)(βj) = ²αβ3 ²ij ∆. (5.90)

We get at once
dv µ2 d2 ` ∆
∆ = 4iG , (5.91)
4π π 2 2
(2π) `0 − `2k − ∆2

with `k = v · `. Performing the integration over `0 we obtain

Z δ
G ∆
∆= ρ dξ p . (5.92)
2 0 ξ2 + ∆2
Here we have defined the density of states as

ρ= , (5.93)

which is the appropriate one for this case. In fact remember that in the BCS case the density is defined as p2F /vF π 2 .
In the actual case pF = EF = µ and vF = 1. The factor 4 arises since there are 4 fermions, ψiα with α = 1, 2, which
are pairing.
It is worth to note that an alternative approach is to work directly with the Schwinger-Dyson equation (Rajagopal
and Wilczek, 2001). In that case there is no necessity to Fierz transform the interaction term. The reason we have not
adopted this scheme, although technically more simple, is just to illustrate more the similarities with the condensed
matter treatment.
In order to make an evaluation of the gap one can fix the coupling by the requirement that this theory reproduces
the chiral phenomenology in the limit of zero density and temperature. It is not difficult to show that the chiral gap
equation is given by
Z Λ 3
d p 1
1 = 8G 3
p . (5.94)
0 (2π) p + M2

Here Λ is the Nambu Jona-Lasinio cutoff and M is the constituent mass. Correspondingly one chooses δ = Λ−µ in the
gap equation at finite density. By choosing typical values of Λ = 800 M eV , M = 400 M eV and µ = 400 ÷ 500 M eV
one finds respectively ∆ = 39 ÷ 88 M eV 6 . Similar values are also found in the CFL case.

C. The gap equation in QCD

Having discussed the gap equation in the context of a four-fermi interaction we will now discuss the real QCD case.
However this calculation has real meaning only at extremely high densities much larger than 108 M eV , see (Rajagopal
and Shuster, 2000). Therefore we will give only a brief sketch of the main results. We will work in the simpler case
of the 2SC phase.

∆ ∆
FIG. 19 The gap equation in QCD at finite density. The light grey circle denotes the gluon self-energy insertion. The dark grey
ones a gap insertions. At the leading order there is no need of vertex corrections

As shown in Appendix A the gap equation can be obtained simply by writing down the Schwinger-Dyson equation,
as shown in Fig. 19. The diagram has been evaluated in (Brown et al., 2000b; Hong et al., 2000b; Pisarski and
Rischke, 2000a; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999d; Son, 1999). The result in euclidean space is
Z Z µ 3 1
g2 2 − 2 cos θ
∆(p0 ) = dq 0 d cos θ
12π 2 1 − cos θ + G/(2µ2 )
1 1 ¶
2 + 2 cos θ ∆(q0 )
+ p . (5.95)
1 − cos θ + F/(2µ2 ) 2
q0 + ∆(q0 )2

Here, ∆(p0 ) is the energy dependent gap, g is the QCD coupling constant and G and F are the self energies of
magnetic and electric gluons. The terms in the curly brackets arise from the magnetic and electric components of the
gluon propagator. The numerators are the on-shell matrix elements Mii,00 = [ūh (p1 )γi,0 uh (p3 )][ūh (p2 )γi,0 uh (p4 )] for

6 For a different way of choosing the cutoff in NJL models, see (Casalbuoni et al., 2003)

the scattering of back-to-back fermions on the Fermi surface. The scattering angle is cos θ = p1 · p3 . In the case of a
spin zero order parameter, the helicity h of all fermions is the same (see (Schafer and Wilczek, 1999d)).
The important difference between Eq. (5.95) and the case of a contact four-fermi interaction is due to the fact
that the self-energy of the magnetic gluons vanishes at zero energy. Therefore the gap equation contains a collinear
cos θ ∼ 1 divergence. One makes use of the hard-loop approximation (Le Bellac, 1996) and for q0 ¿ |q| → 0 and to
leading order in perturbation theory we have
π q0
F = m2D , G = m2D , (5.96)
4 |~q|
g 2 µ2
m2D = Nf . (5.97)
2π 2
In the electric part, m2D is the Debye screening mass. In the magnetic part, there is no screening of static modes, but
non-static modes are dynamically screened due to Landau damping. For small energies dynamic screening of magnetic
modes is much weaker than Debye screening of electric modes. As a consequence, perturbative color superconductivity
is dominated by magnetic gluon exchanges. We are now able to perform the angular integral in Eq. (5.95) finding
Z µ ¶
g2 bµ ∆(q0 )
∆(p0 ) = 2
dq0 log p , (5.98)
18π |p0 − q0 | 2
q0 + ∆(q0 )2
b = 256π 4 (2/Nf )5/2 g −5 . (5.99)
This equation has been derived for the first time in QCD in Ref. (Son, 1999). In ordinary superconductivity it was
realized by (Eliashberg, 1960) that the effects of retardation of phonons (taking the place of the gluons) are important
and that they produce the extra logarithmic term in the gap equation. The integral equation we have obtained can
be converted to a differential equation (Son, 1999) and in the weak coupling limit an approximate solution is (Brown
et al., 2000a,b,c; Pisarski and Rischke, 1999, 2000a,b; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999d; Son, 1999)
µ µ ¶¶
g b
∆(p0 ) ≈ ∆0 sin √ log , (5.100)
3 2π p0
µ ¶
3π 2
∆0 = 2bµ exp − √ . (5.101)
This result shows why it is important to keep track of the energy dependence of ∆. In particular neglecting the energy
dependence would give a wrong coefficient in the exponent appearing in ∆0 . Also we see that the collinear divergence
leads to a gap equation with a double-log behavior. Qualitatively
g 2 h ³ µ ´i2
1∼ log , (5.102)
18π 2 ∆
from which we conclude that ∆ ∼ exp(−c/g). The prefactor in the expression for ∆0 is not of easy evaluation. By
µ ¶
3π 2
∆0 ' 512π 4 (2/Nf )5/2 b00 µg −5 exp − √ . (5.103)
we have b00 = 1 in the previous case, whereas with different approximations in (Brown et al., 2000c; Wang and Rischke,
2002) it has been found
µ ¶
0 4 + π2
b0 = exp − . (5.104)
Numerically one finds at µ = 1010 M eV , g = .67 and b00 = 2/5, ∆0 ≈ 40 M eV . Extrapolating at µ = 400 M eV ,
g = 3.43, one finds ∆0 ≈ 90 M eV . It turns out that ∆0 decreases from 90 M eV to about 10 M eV for µ increasing
from 400 M eV to 106 M eV . Continuing to increase µ ∆ increases as it should be according to its asymptotic value.
In fact we see that for increasing µ, ∆ increases although ∆/µ → 0. In particular we notice that neither the four-
fermi interaction approach and the present one from first principles can be trusted at phenomenologically interesting
chemical potentials of the order 400 ÷ 500 M eV . Still it is of some interest to observe that both methods lead to gaps
of the same order of magnitude.

D. The symmetries of the superconductive phases

1. The CFL phase

α β
As we have already discussed we expect that at very high density the condensate hψiL CψjL i is antisymmetric in
color and in flavor. Also, if we require parity invariance we have
α β α β
hψiL ψjL i = −hψiR ψjR i. (5.105)
In fact in Dirac notation we notice that
hψ T Cγ5 ψi (5.106)
is parity invariant (ψ → ηP γ0 ψ) and its L and R components are precisely hψL ψL i and hψR ψR i. The required
antisymmetry implies
α β
hψiL ψjL i = ²αβγ ²ijk Akγ , (5.107)

with A a 3×3 matrix. In (Evans et al., 2000) it has been shown that A can be diagonalized by using an SU (3)c ⊗SU (3)L
global rotation
A → gSU (3)c AgSU (3)L = AD , (5.108)
à !
a 0 0
AD = 0 b 0 . (5.109)
0 0 c
Studying the gap equation (this calculation has been done in full QCD) it can be seen that three cases are possible
à !
1 0 0
(1, 1, 1) : AD = 0 1 0
0 0 1
à !
1 0 0
(1, 1, 0) : AD = 0 1 0
0 0 0
à !
1 0 0
(1, 0, 0) : AD = 0 0 0 . (5.110)
0 0 0
The corresponding gaps satisfy
∆(1,1,1) < ∆(1,1,0) < ∆(1,0,0) , (5.111)
but for the free energies the result is
F(1,1,1) < F(1,1,0) < F(1,0,0) . (5.112)
The reason is that although the gaps for the less symmetric solution is bigger, there are more fermions paired in the
more symmetric configurations.
The analysis of the gap equation shows that there is also a component from the color channel 6. In fact, under the
group SU (3)c ⊗ SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R we have
ψiL(R) ∈ (3c , 3L(R) ). (5.113)
£ ¤
(3c , 3L(R) ) ⊗ (3c , 3L(R) ) S = (3∗c , 3∗L(R) ) ⊕ (6c , 6L(R) ). (5.114)
Here the index S means that we have to take the symmetric combination of the tensor product since hψL CψL i is
already antisymmetric in spin. From the previous argument and in the absence of the (6c , 6L(R) ) component we have
α β
hψiL ψjL i = ∆²αβI ²ijI . (5.115)

The presence of the (6c , 6L(R) ) implies

α β
hψiL ψjL i = ∆²αβI ²ijI + ∆6 (δiα δjβ + δiβ δjα ), (5.116)

α β
hψiL ψjL i = ∆(δiα δjβ − δiβ δjα ) + ∆6 (δiα δjβ + δiβ δjα ) = (∆ + ∆6 )δiα δjβ + (∆6 − ∆)δiβ δjα . (5.117)

Notice that the (6c , 6L(R) ) term does not break any further symmetry other than the ones already broken by the
(3∗c , 3∗L(R) ). Numerically ∆6 turns out to be quite small. The analysis has been done in (Alford et al., 1999) using
the parameters ∆8 and ∆1 , defined as
µ ¶
1 1 1
∆ + ∆6 = ∆8 + ∆1 , ∆ − ∆6 = − ∆1 . (5.118)
3 8 8

µ ¶
1 1 1
∆ = (∆8 − ∆1 ) , ∆6 = ∆8 + ∆1 . (5.119)
3 6 2

The absence of the sextet is equivalent to require ∆1 = −2∆8 . The result found in (Alford et al., 1999), for the choice
of parameters, Λ = 800 M eV , M = 400 M eV and µ = 400 M eV is

∆8 = 80 M eV, ∆1 = −176 M eV, (5.120)


∆ = 85.3 M eV, ∆6 = −1.3 M eV. (5.121)

As already discussed the original symmetry of the theory is

GQCD = SU (3)c ⊗ SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R ⊗ U (1)B . (5.122)

The first factor is local whereas the other three are global since, for the moment, we are neglecting the em interaction
which makes local a U (1) subgroup of SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R . The condensates lock together the transformations of
SU (3)c , SU (3)L and SU (3)R , therefore the symmetry of the CFL phase is

GCFL = SU (3)c+L+R ⊗ Z2 . (5.123)

In fact, also the U (1)B group is broken leaving a Z2 symmetry corresponding to the multiplication of the quark fields
by -1. Also, locking SU (3)L and SU (3)R to SU (3)c makes SU (3)L and SU (3)R lock together producing the breaking
of the chiral symmetry. The breaking of GQCD to GCFL gives rise to

3×8+1−8=8+8+1 (5.124)

Nambu-Goldstone (NB) bosons. However 8 of the NG bosons disappear from the physical spectrum through the
Higgs mechanism, giving masses to the 8 gluons, whereas 8+1 massless NG bosons are left in the physical spectrum.
Of course, these NG bosons take mass due to the explicit breaking of the symmetry produced by the quark masses.
Since all the local symmetries are broken (but see later as far the electromagnetism is concerned) all the gauge bosons
acquire a mass.
Although the baryon number is broken no dramatic event takes place. The point is that we are dealing with a
finite sample of superconductive matter. In fact, applying the Gauss’ law to a surface surrounding the sample we find
that changes of the baryon number inside the superconductor must be accompanied by compensating fluxes. In other
words, inside the sample there might be large fluctuations and transport of baryonic number. Things are not different
from what happens in ordinary superconductors where the quantum number, number of electrons (or lepton number),
is not conserved. The connection between the violation of quantum numbers and phenomena of supertransport as
superfluidity and superconductivity are very strictly related.
α β
The condensate hψiL ψjL i is not gauge invariant and we may wonder if it is possible to define gauge invariant order
parameters. To this end let us introduce the matrices
α β ∗ β ∗
Xγk = hψiL ψjL i ²αβγ ²ijk , Yγk = hψiR
ψjR i ²αβγ ²ijk . (5.125)

The conjugation has been introduced for convenience reasons (see in the following). The matrix
(Y † X)ij = (Yαj )∗ Xαi (5.126)

is gauge invariant, since color indices are saturated and breaks SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R to SU (3)L+R . Analogously the
6-fermion operators
det(X), det(Y ) (5.127)
are gauge invariant flavor singlet and break U (1)B .
So far we have neglected U (1)A . This group is broken by the anomaly. However, the anomaly is induced by a
6-fermion operator (the ’t Hooft determinant) which becomes irrelevant at the Fermi surface. On the other hand this
operator is qualitatively important since it is the main cause of the breaking of U (1)A . If there was no such operator
we would have a further NG boson associated to the spontaneous breaking of U (1)A produced by the di-fermion
condensate. Since the instanton contribution is parametrically small at high density, we expect the NG boson to be
very light. Notice that the U (1)A approximate symmetry is broken by the condensate to a discrete group Z2 .

The spectrum of the CFL phase

Let us spend some word about the spectrum of QCD in the CFL phase. We start with the fermions. Since all the
fermions are paired they are all gapped. To understand better this point let us notice that under the symmetry group
of the CFL phase SU (3)c+L+R quarks transform as 1 ⊕ 8. Therefore it is useful to introduce the basis
1 X
ψiα = √ (λA )α A
i ψ , (5.128)
2 A=1

where λA , A = 1, · · · , 8 are the Gell-Mann matrices and

λ9 = λ0 = × 1, (5.129)
with 1 the identity matrix in the 3 × 3 space. With this normalization
Tr(λA λB ) = 2δAB . (5.130)
Inverting Eq. (5.128)
1 X 1
ψA = √ (λA )iα ψiα = √ Tr(λA ψ), (5.131)
2 αi 2

we obtain
1X ∆ X¡ ¢
hψ A ψ B i = (λA )iα (λB )jβ ∆²αβI ²ijI = Tr λA ²I λTB ²I , (5.132)
2 2

where we have defined the following three, 3 × 3, matrices

(²I )αβ = ²αβI , (5.133)
which have the following property valid for any 3 × 3 matrix g:
²I g T ²I = g − Tr[g]. (5.134)

This is a simple consequence of the definition of the ²I matrices. Using this equation it follows
hψ A ψ B i = ∆A δAB , (5.135)
A = 1, · · · , 8 ∆A = ∆,
∆A = (5.136)
A=9 ∆9 = −2∆,

There are two gaps, one for the octet (A = 1, · · · , 8) and a larger one for the singlet (A = 9). In each of these cases
the dispersion relation for the quasi-fermions is
²A (p) = (v · `)2 + ∆2A . (5.137)

The next category of particles are the gluons which acquire a mass through the Higgs mechanism. Therefore we
m2g ≈ gs2 F 2 , (5.138)
with gs the coupling constant of QCD and F the coupling constant of the NG bosons of the CFL phase. However
the situation is more complicated than this due to two different effects. First there is a very large wave-function
renormalization making the mass of the gluons proportional to ∆. Second, the theory is not relativistically invariant.
In fact being at finite density implies a breaking of the Lorentz group down to O(3), the invariance under spatial
The last category of particles are the NG bosons. As already discussed we expect 9 massless NG bosons from the
breaking of GQCD to GCFL , plus a light NG boson from the breaking of U (1)A . Again, this is not the end of the story,
since quarks are not massless. As a consequence the NG bosons of the octet acquire mass. The NG boson associated
to the breaking of U (1)B remain massless since this symmetry is not broken by quark masses. However the masses of
the NG bosons of the octet are parametrically small since their square turns out to be quadratic in the quark masses.
The reason comes from the approximate symmetry (Z2 )L ⊗ (Z2 )R defined by
(Z2 )L ψL → −ψL
(Z2 )R ψR → −ψR .
This is an approximate symmetry since only the diagonal Z2 is preserved by the axial anomaly. However the quark
mass term
ψ̄L M ψR + h.c. (5.140)
is such that M → −M (here we are treating M as a spurion field) under the previous symmetry. Therefore the mass
square for the NG bosons in the CFL phase must be quadratic in M . The anomaly breaks (Z2 )L ⊗ (Z2 )R through
the instantons. As a result a condensation of the type hψ̄L ψR i is produced. This is because 4 of the 6 fermions in
the ’t Hooft determinant (’t Hooft, 1976; Schafer and Shuryak, 1998; Shifman et al., 1980) condensate through the
operators X and Y (see Eq. (5.125)), leaving a condensate of the form hψ̄L ψR i (Alford et al., 1999; Rapp et al., 2000;
Schafer, 2000b). However it has been shown that this contribution is very small, of the order (ΛQCD /µ)8 (Manuel
and Tytgat, 2000; Schafer, 2000a).

In-medium electric charge

The em interaction is included noticing that U (1)em ⊂ SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R and extending the covariant derivative

Dµ ψ = ∂µ ψ̂ − igµa Ta ψ − iψQAµ , (5.141)

where Ta = λa /2 with λa the Gell-Mann matrices. The condensate breaks U (1)em but leaves invariant a combination
of Q and of the color generator. The result can be seen immediately in terms of the matrices X and Y introduced
before. In fact the CFL vacuum is defined by
Xαi = Yαi = δαi . (5.142)

Defining (T8 = (1, 1, −2)/2 3)
QSU (3)c ≡ − √ T8 = diag(−1/3, −1/3, +2/3) = Q, (5.143)
we see that the combination
QSU (3)c ⊗ 1 − 1 ⊗ Q = Q ⊗ 1 − 1 ⊗ Q (5.144)
leaves invariant the condensates
QhX̂i − hX̂iQ → Qαβ δβi − δαj Qji = 0. (5.145)

Therefore the in-medium conserved electric charge is

Q̃ = 1 ⊗ Q − Q ⊗ 1. (5.146)

The eigenvalues of Q̃ are 0, ±1 as in the old Han-Nambu model.

The in-medium em field Aµ and the gluon field gµ8 get rotated to new fields õ and G̃µ

Aµ = õ cos θ − G̃µ sin θ,

gµ8 = õ sin θ + G̃µ cos θ, (5.147)

with new interactions

gs gµ8 T8 ⊗ 1 + eAµ 1 ⊗ Q → ẽQ̃õ + gs0 G̃T̃ , (5.148)

2 e gs
tan θ = √ , ẽ = e cos θ, gs0 = ,
3 gs cos θ

3£ ¤
T̃ = − (cos2 θ) Q ⊗ 1 + (sin2 θ) 1 ⊗ Q . (5.149)

Therefore the photon associated with the field õ remains massless, whereas the gluon associated to gµ8 becomes
massive due to the Meissner effect.
We shall show that also gluons and NG bosons have integer charges, 0, ±1. Therefore all the elementary excitations
are integrally charged.
It is interesting to consider a sample of CFL material. If quarks were massless there would be charged massless
NG bosons and the low-energy em response would be dominated by these modes. This would look as a ”bosonic
metal”. However quarks are massive and so the charged NG bosons. Therefore, for quarks of the same mass, the
CFL material would look like as a transparent insulator with no charged excitations at zero temperature (transport
properties of massive excitations are exponentially suppressed at zero temperature). However making quark masses
different makes the story somewhat complicated since for the equilibrium one needs a non zero density of electrons
or a condensate of charged kaons (Schafer, 2000a). In both cases there are massless or almost massless excitations.

Quark-Hadron Continuity

The main properties we have described so far of the CFL phase are: confinement (integral charges), chiral symmetry
breaking to a diagonal subgroup and baryon number superfluidity (due to the massless NG boson). If not for the
U (1)B NG boson these properties are the same as the hadronic phase of three-flavor QCD:

CFL phase: U (1)B broken → N GB

hadr. phase at T = µ = 0 : U (1)B unbroken

The NGB makes the CFL phase a superfluid. For 3-flavors a dibaryon condensate, H, of the type (udsuds) ≈ det(X)
is possible (Jaffe, 1977). This may arise at µ such that the Fermi momenta of the baryons in the octet are similar
allowing pairing in strange, isosinglet dibaryon states of the type (pΞ− , nΞ0 , Σ+ Σ− , Σ0 Σ0 , ΛΛ) (all of the type
udsuds). This would be again a superfluid phase. The symmetries of this phase, called hypernuclear matter phase,
are the same as the ones in CFL. Therefore there is no need of phase transition between hypernuclear matter and
CFL phase (Schafer and Wilczek, 1999a). This is strongly suggested by complementarity idea. Complementarity
refers to gauge theories with a one-to-one correspondence between the spectra of the physical states in the Higgs and
in the confined phases, see (Banks and Rabinovici, 1979; Fradkin and Shenker, 1979) for U (1) theories and (Abbott
and Fahri, 1981; Dimopoulos et al., 1980a,b; ’t Hooft, 1980) for SU (2). Specific examples (Fradkin and Shenker,
1979) show that the two phases are rigorously indistinguishable. No phase transition but a smooth variation of the
parameters characterizes the transition between the two phases.
A way to implement complementarity is the following (Casalbuoni and Gatto, 1981). Suppose to have the following
spectrum of fields

ψi ∈ R of G, elementary states
Qα ∈ R̃ of G̃, composite states

CFL phase Hypernuclear phase

ψα hDkα i Bki = ψα

h(D∗ )iα igβα hDkβ i (D∗ )iα gβα Dkβ

Mesons = phases of (D∗ )iαL DjR α
Mesons = phases of ψ̄jL i

TABLE I This table shows the complementarity of the CFL phase and of the hypernuclear phase. The diquark fields Diα are
defined as Diα = ²ijk ²αβγ ψβj ψγk .

ψα u d s
R 2/3 -1/3 -1/3
B 2/3 -1/3 -1/3
W 2/3 -1/3 -1/3

TABLE II The electric charges of the quark fields ψα .

with G the gauge group in the unbroken phase and G̃ the global symmetry group of the broken phase. We assume
that R and G are isomorphic to R̃ and G̃. We assume also that the breaking is such that the the effective Higgs fields
(φiα ) are such to map the two set of states
Qα (x) = ψi (x)φiα (x), α ∈ G̃, i ∈ G. (5.150)
In the broken phase, hφiα i ∝ δαi implying that the states in the two phases are the same, except for a necessary
redefinition of the conserved quantum numbers following from the requirement that the Higgs fields should be neutral
in the broken vacuum The gauge fields (gµ )βα go into the vector mesons of the confined phase
£ ¤ i
(Zµ )ij = −φ∗β
j ∂µ − (gµ )α
β φα . (5.151)

In the case of CFL phase and hypernuclear matter, we have G = SU (3)c and G̃ = SU (3) with the fermion fields in
three copies in both phases. The effective Higgs field is given by the diquark field
Dkγ = ²ijk ²αβγ ψαi ψβj , (5.152)
, with the property
hDkγ i ∝ δkγ . (5.153)
The two phases, as shown in Table I are very similar but there are also several differences (Schafer and Wilczek,
• In the hypernuclear phase there is a nonet of vector bosons. However if the dibaryon H exists the singlet vector
becomes unstable and does not need to appear in the effective theory
• In the CFL phase there are nine (8 ⊕ 1) quark states, but the gap of the singlet is bigger than for the octet.
The baryonic singlet has the structure
²ijk ²αβγ ψiα ψjβ ψkγ , (5.154)
and it is precisely the condensation of this baryon with itself which may produce the state H discussed before.
The CFL phase is a concrete example of complementarity. In the tables II, III, IV, V we show the electric charges
of the various states. In the CFL phase the charge Q̃ of diquarks is zero whereas for quarks, ψαi , and gluons, gαβ ,
coincides with the charge Q of baryons, Bki , and of vector mesons, Gik .

Dkγ R B W
u -2/3 -2/3 -2/3
d 1/3 1/3 1/3
s 1/3 1/3 1/3

TABLE III The electric charges of the diquark fields Dkγ = ²ijk ²αβγ ψα
i j
ψβ . However their Q̃ charges are integers and equal t0
0, ±1. This follows since the charges Q̃ of the fermions enjoy the same property.

Bki u d s
u 0 -1 -1
d 1 0 0
s 1 0 0

TABLE IV The electric charges of the baryon fields Bki = ψγi Dkγ = ψγi ²rsk ²αβγ ψα
r s
ψβ .

2. The 2SC phase

We remember that in this case

α β
hψiL ψjL i = ∆²αβ3 ²ij . (5.155)

Only 4 out of the 6 quarks are gapped, the ones with color 1 and 2 whereas the 2 quarks of color 3 remain ungapped.
The symmetry breaking pattern is

SU (3)c ⊗ SU (2)L ⊗ SU (2)R ⊗ U (1)B → SU (2)c ⊗ SU (2)L ⊗ SU (2)R ⊗ U (1)B̃ .

In this phase the baryon number is not broken but there is a combination of B and of the color generator T8 , acting
upon the color indices, defined as
µ ¶
2 1 1 1 1
B̃ = B − √ T8 = , , − (1, 1, −2) = (0, 0, 1), (5.156)
3 3 3 3 3

which is conserved by the condensate. In fact, although both B and T8 are broken, the condensate, involving only
quarks of color 1 and 2, is neutral under B̃. Also the electric charge is rotated. In fact consider the following
µ ¶
1 2 1 1
Q̃ = Q ⊗ 1 − √ 1 ⊗ T8 = ,− ⊗ 1 − 1 ⊗ (1, 1, −2). (5.157)
3 3 3 6

The B̃ and Q̃ quantum numbers of the quarks are given in Table VI We see that the condensate is neutral under Q̃
since it pairs together up and down quarks of color 1 and 2. Notice that quarks u3 and d3 have integer values of both
B̃ and Q̃. They look like proton and neutron respectively. We can understand why these quarks are ungapped by
looking at the ’t Hooft anomaly condition (’t Hooft, 1980). In fact, it has been shown in (Hsu et al., 2001; Sannino,
2000) that the anomaly coefficient does not change at finite density. The theory in the confined phase at zero density
has an anomaly SU (2)L(R) ⊗ U (1)B which is given by

1 1 1
× ×3= , (5.158)
4 3 4
whereas in the broken CFL phase at finite density there is an anomaly SU (2)L(R) ⊗ U (1)B̃ given by

1 1
×1= (5.159)
4 4
This anomaly is due entirely to the states ψi3 , therefore they should remain massless as the quarks in the zero density
phase. In the 2SC phase there are no broken global symmetries therefore we expect a first order phase transition

Gik u d s
u 0 -1 -1
d 1 0 0
s 1 0 0

TABLE V The electric charges of the vector meson fields Gik = (D∗ )iα gβα Dkβ .

Q̃ B̃
uα , α = 1, 2 1
dα , α = 1, 2 − 21 0
u3 1 1
d3 0 1

TABLE VI The electric charge (Q̃) and the baryon number (B̃) for the quarks in the CFL phase

to the nuclear matter phase with a competition between chiral and di-fermion condensates. Notice that there is no
superfluidity in the 2SC phase.

The spectrum of the 2SC phase

We have already discussed the fermionic part, the modes ψiα with α = 1, 2 are gapped, whereas ψi3 remain massless.
Since the gauge group SU (3)c is broken down to SU (2)c we get

8−3=5 (5.160)

massive gluons. However we have still 3 massless gluons belonging to the confining gauge group SU (2)c . With respect
to this group the gapped fermions ψiα with α = 1, 2 are confined, whereas the massless fermions ψi3 are un-confined.
Notice also that the electric charges of the confined states are not integers whereas the ones of the un-confined states
are integers.
As in 2SC no global symmetries are broken, there are no massless NG bosons. In conclusion the only light degrees
of freedom are 3 gluons and 2 fermions.

3. The case of 2+1 flavors

In nature the strange quark is much heavier than the other two and it may happen that µ ≈ ms with µ À mu,d .
In this situation neither of the discussions above applies. In practice we expect that decreasing µ from µ À mu,d,s
the system undergoes a phase transition from CFL to 2SC for values of µ in between ms and md,u . This is because
the Fermi momenta of the different Fermi spheres get separated. In fact remember that for massive quarks the Fermi
momentum is defined by the equation
q p
EF = µ = p2F + M 2 → pF = µ2 − M 2 . (5.161)

As a consequence the radius of the Fermi sphere of a given quark decreases increasing its mass. To see why such a
transition is expected, let us consider a simplified model with two quarks, one massless and the other one with mass
ms at the same chemical potential µ. The Fermi momenta are
pF1 = µ2 − m2s , pF2 = µ. (5.162)

The grand potential for the two unpaired fermions is (factor 2 from the spin degrees of freedom)
Z pF1 3 µq ¶ Z pF2 3
d p 2 2
d p
Ωunpair. = 2 3
~ + m s − µ + 2 (|~
p | − µ) . (5.163)
0 (2π) 0 (2π)3

In fact, the grand potential is given in general by the expression

X X³ ´nk X ³ ´
Ω = −T log e(µ−²k )/T = −T log 1 + e(µ−²k )/T , (5.164)
k nk k

where ²k is the energy per particle and nk is the occupation number of the mode k. The expression above refers to
fermions. Also
d3 p
→ gV , (5.165)

with g the degeneracy factor. In the limit of T → 0 and in the continuum we get
d3 p
Ω = gV (²p − µ)θ(µ − ²p ). (5.166)

In order to pair the two fermions must reach some common momentum pF comm , and the corresponding grand potential
can be written as
Z pFcomm 3 ³p ´ Z pFcomm 3
d p 2 + m2 − µ + 2
d p
Ωpair. = 2 p s (|p | − µ)
0 (2π)3 0 (2π)3
µ2 ∆2
− , (5.167)
4π 2
where the last term is the energy necessary for the condensation of a fermion pair, that we recall from Eq. (3.65) to
be given by

1 1 p2 µ 2 ∆2
− ρ∆2 = − 2F ∆2 = − . (5.168)
4 4 π vF 4π 2

This expression can be adapted to the present case by neglecting terms of order m2s ∆2 . The common momentum
pF F
comm can be determined by minimizing Ωpair. with respect to pcomm , with the result

comm = µ − . (5.169)

It is now easy to evaluate the difference Ωunpair. − Ωpair. at the order m4s , with the result

1 ¡ 4 ¢
Ωpair. − Ωunpair. ≈ 2
ms − 4∆2 µ2 . (5.170)
We see that in order to have condensation the condition
µ> (5.171)
must be realized. Therefore if ms is too large the pairing does not occur. It is easy to see that the transition must be
first order. In fact if it were second order the gap ∆ should vanish at the transition, but in order this to happen we
must have ∆ > m2s /2µ. It should be noticed that the value of ms appearing in this equations should be considered
density dependent. For ms ≈ 200÷300 M eV and chemical potentials interesting for compact stellar objects (see later)
the situation is shown in Fig. 20. We see that the gap should be larger than 40 ÷ 110 M eV in order to get the CFL
phase, whereas for smaller value we have the 2SC phase. These values of ∆ are very close to the ones that one gets
from the gap equation. Therefore we are not really able to judge if quark matter with the values of the parameters
is in the CFL or in the 2SC phase. The situation is far more complicated, because differences in the Fermi momenta
can be generated also from different chemical potentials (arising from the requirement of weak equilibrium, see later)
and/or from the requirement of electrical and color neutrality as appropriated for compact stars. Furthermore, at
the border of this transition a crystalline phase, the so-called LOFF phase, can be formed. We will discuss all these
questions later on.

∆ (MeV)
90 µ = 400 MeV
60 µ = 500 MeV

220 240 260 280 300

Ms (MeV)

FIG. 20 The minimal values of the gap in order to get pairing for two given values of µ vs. ms .

4. Single flavor and single color

According to the values of the parameters single flavor and/or single color condensation could arise. A complete
list of possibilities has been studied in (Alford et al., 2003) (for a review see (Bowers, 2003)). In general a single flavor
condensate will occur in a state of angular momentum J = 1. In this case rotational invariance is not broken since the
condensate is in an antisymmetric state of color 3∗ and and rotations and color transformations are locked together

hsα σ β sγ i = ∆²αβγ , (5.172)

where σ α is a spin matrix. This condensate breaks SU (3) ⊗ O(3) down to O(3). However, it is a general statement
that condensation in higher momentum states than J = 0 gives rise to smaller gaps, mainly due to a less efficient use
of the Fermi surface. The typical gaps may range from 10 to 100 keV . We will not continue here this discussion.
In (Rajagopal and Wilczek, 2001) it is possible to find a discussion of many other possibilities as Nf > 3, the case
of two colors (of interest because it can be discussed on the lattice) and the limit Nf → ∞.


In this Section we will derive the effective lagrangians relevant to the two phases CFL and 2SC. The approach will
be the classical one, that is looking at the relevant degrees of freedom at low energy (with respect to the Fermi energy)
and constructing the corresponding theory on the basis of the symmetries.

A. Effective lagrangian for the CFL phase

We will now derive the effective lagrangian for the light modes of the CFL phase. As we have seen such modes
are the NG bosons. We will introduce the Goldstone fields as the phases of the condensates in the (3̄, 3̄) channel
(Casalbuoni and Gatto, 1999; Hong et al., 1999) (remember also the discussion made in Section V.D)
j j
Xαi ≈ ²ijk ²αβγ hψβL k ∗
ψγL i , Yαi ≈ ²ijk ²αβγ hψβR k ∗
ψγR i . (6.1)

Since quarks belong to the representation (3, 3) of SU (3)c ⊗ SU (3)L(R) they transform as (gc ∈ SU (3)c , gL(R) ∈
SU (3)L(R) )

ψL → ei(α+β) gc ψL gL
, ψR → ei(α−β) gc ψR gR
, eiα ∈ U (1)B , eiβ ∈ U (1)A , (6.2)

whereas the transformation properties of the fields X and Y under the total symmetry group G = SU (3)c ⊗ SU (3)L ⊗
SU (3)R ⊗ U (1)B ⊗ U (1)A are
T −2i(α+β) T −2i(α−β)
X → gc XgL e , Y → gc Y gR e . (6.3)

The fields X and Y are U (3) matrices and as such they describe 9 + 9 = 18 fields. Eight of these fields are eaten
up by the gauge bosons, producing eight massive gauge particles. Therefore we get the right number of Goldstone
bosons, 10 = 18 − 10. In this Section we will treat the field associated to the breaking of U (1)A as a true NG boson.
However, remember that this is a massive particle with a light mass at very high density. These fields correspond to
the breaking of the global symmetries in G = SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)L ⊗ U (1)L ⊗ U (1)R (18 generators) to the symmetry
group of the ground state H = SU (3)c+L+R ⊗ Z2 ⊗ Z2 (8 generators). For the following it is convenient to separate
the U (1) factors in X and Y defining fields, X̂ and Ŷ , belonging to SU (3)

X = X̂e2i(φ+θ) , Y = Ŷ e2i(φ−θ) , X̂, Ŷ ∈ SU (3). (6.4)

The fields φ and θ can also be described through the determinants of X and Y
dX = det(X) = e6i(φ+θ) , dY = det(Y ) = e6i(φ−θ) , (6.5)
The transformation properties under G are
X̂ → gc X̂gL , Ŷ → gc Ŷ gR , φ → φ − α, θ → θ − β. (6.6)
The breaking of the global symmetry can be discussed in terms of gauge invariant fields given by dX , dY and
Σij = (Ŷαj )∗ X̂αi → Σ = Ŷ † X̂. (6.7)

The Σ field describes the 8 Goldstone bosons corresponding to the breaking of the chiral symmetry SU (3)L ⊗ SU (3)R ,

as it is made clear by the transformation properties of ΣT , ΣT → gL ΣT gR . That is ΣT transforms as the usual chiral
field. The other two fields dX and dY provide the remaining Goldstone bosons related to the breaking of the U (1)
In order to build up an invariant lagrangian, it is convenient to define the following currents
JX = X̂Dµ X̂ † = X̂(∂ µ X̂ † + X̂ † g µ ) = X̂∂ µ X̂ † + g µ ,
JYµ = Ŷ Dµ Ŷ † = Ŷ (∂ µ Ŷ † + Ŷ † g µ ) = Ŷ ∂ µ Ŷ † + g µ , (6.8)
gµ = igs gµa T a (6.9)
the gluon field and
Ta = (6.10)
the SU (3)c generators. These currents have simple transformation properties under the full symmetry group G:
µ µ
JX,Y → gc JX,Y gc† . (6.11)

The most general lagrangian, up to two derivative terms, invariant under G, the rotation group O(3) (Lorentz
invariance is broken by the chemical potential term) and the parity transformation, defined as:

P : X̂ ↔ Ŷ , φ → φ, θ → −θ, (6.12)
is (Casalbuoni and Gatto, 1999)
FT2 £¡ 0 ¢¤ F 2 £¡ 0 ¢¤ 1 1
L = − Tr JX − JY0 )2 − αT T Tr JX + JY0 )2 + (∂0 φ)2 + (∂0 θ)2
4 4 2 2
FS2 h 2
i F 2 h
i v2
φ v 2
+ Tr |JX − JY | + αS S Tr |JX + JY | − |∇φ|2 − θ |∇θ|2 .
4 4 2 2
FT2 h³ ´i F 2 h³ ´i
L = − Tr X̂∂0 X̂ † − Ŷ ∂0 Ŷ † )2 − αT T Tr X̂∂0 X̂ † + Ŷ ∂0 Ŷ † + 2g0 )2
4 ·¯ 4 ·
FS2 ¯2 ¸ F 2 ¯ ¯2 ¸
¯ † † ¯ S ¯ † † ¯
+ Tr ¯X̂∇X̂ − Ŷ ∇Ŷ ¯ + αS Tr ¯X̂∇X̂ + Ŷ ∇Ŷ + 2g¯
4 4
1 1 vφ2 v2
+ (∂0 φ)2 + (∂0 θ)2 − |∇φ|2 − θ |∇θ|2 . (6.13)
2 2 2 2

Using SU (3)c color gauge invariance we can choose X̂ = Ŷ † , making 8 of the Goldstone bosons disappear and giving
mass to the gluons. The properly normalized Goldstone bosons, Πa , are given in this gauge by
T a /FT
X̂ = Ŷ † = eiΠ , (6.14)
and expanding Eq. (6.13) at the lowest order in the fields we get

1 1 1 v2 vφ2 v2
L≈ (∂0 Πa )2 + (∂0 φ)2 + (∂0 θ)2 − |∇Πa |2 − |∇φ|2 − θ |∇θ|2 , (6.15)
2 2 2 2 2 2
v= . (6.16)
The gluons g0a and gia acquire Debye and Meissner masses given by
m2D = αT gs2 FT2 , m2M = αS gs2 FS2 = αS gs2 v 2 FT2 . (6.17)
It should be stressed that these are not the true rest masses of the gluons, since there is a large wave function
renormalization effect making the gluon masses of order of the gap ∆, rather than µ (see later) (Casalbuoni et al.,
2001c,d). Since this description is supposed to be valid at low energies (we expect much below the gap ∆), we could
also decouple the gluons solving their classical equations of motion neglecting the kinetic term. The result from Eq.
(6.13) is
1³ ´
gµ = − X̂∂µ X̂ † + Ŷ ∂µ Ŷ † . (6.18)
It is easy to show that substituting this expression in Eq. (6.13) one gets
FT2 ³ ´ ³
~ † ] + 1 φ̇2 − vφ2 |∇φ|
~ · ∇Σ
´ ³
~ 2 + 1 θ̇2 − vφ2 |∇θ|
~ 2 .
L= Tr[Σ̇Σ̇† ] − v 2 Tr[∇Σ (6.19)
4 2 2
Notice that the first term is nothing but the chiral lagrangian except for the breaking of the Lorentz invariance. This
is a way of seeing the quark-hadron continuity, that is the continuity between the CFL and the hypernuclear matter
phase in three flavor QCD discussed previously. Furthermore one has to identify the NG φ associated to the breaking
of U (1)B with the meson H of the hypernuclear phase (Schafer and Wilczek, 1999a).

B. Effective lagrangian for the 2SC phase

In Section V.D.2 we have seen that the only light degrees of freedom in the 2SC phase are the u and d quarks of
color 3 and the gluons belonging to the unbroken SU (2)c . The fermions are easily described in terms of ungapped
quasi-particles at the Fermi surface and we will not elaborate about these modes further. In this Section we will discuss
only the massless gluons. An effective lagrangian describing the 5 would-be Goldstone bosons and their couplings
to the gluons has been given in (Casalbuoni et al., 2000). The effective lagrangian for the massless gluons has been
given in (Rischke et al., 2001) and it can be obtained simply by noticing that it should be gauge invariant. Therefore
it depends only on the field strengths
Eia = F0i
, Bia = a
²ijk Fjk , (6.20)
where Fµν is the usual non-abelian curvature. As we know, Lorentz invariance is broken, but rotations are good
symmetries, therefore the most general effective lagrangian we can write at the lowest order in the derivatives of the
gauge fields is
3 µ ¶
1 X ² a a 1 a a
Leff = E · E − B · B . (6.21)
g 2 a=1 2 2λ

The constants ² and λ have the meaning of the dielectric constant and of the magnetic permeability. The speed of
the gluons turns out to be given by
v=√ . (6.22)

We will see later how to evaluate these constants starting from the HDET but we can see what are the physical
consequences of this modification of the usual relativistic lagrangian. The most interesting consequence has to do
with the Coulomb law and the effective gauge coupling. In fact, as we shall see, at the lowest order in 1/µ expansion,
λ = 1. The Coulomb potential between two static charges get modified
g2 gef f 2 g2
VCoul = = , gef f = . (6.23)
²r r ²
Furthermore, the value of αsef f , reintroducing the velocity of light c, and keeping /h = 1 is
g2 gef f g2
αs = → αs0 = = √ . (6.24)
4πc 4πv 4πc ²
If, as it is the case, ² is much bigger than 1, the gluons move slowly in the superconducting medium and
αs0 1
= √ ¿ 1. (6.25)
αs ²
Therefore the effect of the medium is to weaken the residual strong interaction. The same result can be obtained by
performing the following transformation in time, fields and coupling:
0 x0 0 √ g
x0 = √ , Aa0 = ²Aa0 , g0 = . (6.26)
² ²1/4
The effective lagrangian takes the usual form for a relativistic gauge theory in terms of the new quantities
1 0 0
Leff = − F a F µνa , (6.27)
4g 0 2 µν
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fµν = ∂µ Aaν − ∂ν Aaµ + f abc Abµ Acν . (6.28)

The calculation shows (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d; Rischke, 2000; Rischke et al., 2001) that

g 2 µ2 g 2 µ2
²=1+ ≈ , (6.29)
18π 2 ∆2 18π 2 ∆2
since typically ∆ ¿ µ. We recall also that at asymptotic values of µ the calculations from QCD show that (see Section

∆ = cµg −5 e−3π / 2g . (6.30)

Using Eqs. (6.29) and (6.24) we obtain

3 g∆
αs0 = √ . (6.31)
2 2 µ
This is the way in which the coupling gets defined at the matching scale, that is at ∆. Since SU (2) is an asymptotically
free gauge theory, going at lower energies makes the coupling to increase. The coupling gets of order unity at a scale
Λ0QCD . Since the coupling at the matching scale is rather small it takes a long way before it gets of order one. As a
consequence Λ0QCD is expected to be small. From one-loop beta function we get
à √ !
0 2 2π µ
Λ0QCD ≈ ∆e−2π/β0 αs ≈ ∆ exp − , (6.32)
11 g∆

where β0 is the first coefficient of the beta function. In SU(2) we have β0 = 22/3. Notice that it is very difficult to
give a good estimate of Λ0QCD since it depends crucially on the value of c which is very poorly known. In fact different
approximations give different values of c. In (Pisarski and Rischke, 2000a; Schafer and Wilczek, 1999c) it has been

c = 512π 4 , (6.33)

whereas in (Brown et al., 2000c; Wang and Rischke, 2002)

µ ¶
4 + π2
c = 512π 4 exp − . (6.34)
Using ΛQCD = 200 M eV to get g and µ = 600 M eV one finds Λ0QCD = 10 M eV in the first case and Λ0QCD = 0.3 keV
in the second case. Although a precise determination of Λ0QCD is lacking, it is quite clear that

Λ0QCD ¿ ΛQCD . (6.35)

Notice also that increasing the density, that is µ, Λ0QCD decreases exponentially. Therefore the confinement radius
1/Λ0QCD grows exponentially with µ. This means that looking at physics at some large, but fixed, distance and
increasing the density, there is a crossover density when the color degrees of freedom become deconfined.


In this Section we will evaluate the parameters appearing in the effective lagrangian for the NG bosons in the CFL
phase. Furthermore we will determine the properties of the gluons in the 2SC phases. A nice way of organizing this
calculation is to make use of the HDET which holds for residual momenta such that ∆ ¿ ` ¿ δ and to match, at
the scale ∆, with the effective lagrangian supposed to hold for momenta ` ¿ ∆. This calculation can be extended
also to massive gluons both in CFL and in 2SC. However the expansion in momenta is not justified here, since the
physical masses turn out to be of order ∆. On the other hand by a numerical evaluation we can show that the error
is not more than 30%, and therefore this approach gives sensible results also in this case. The way of evaluating the
propagation parameters for NG bosons and for gluons is rather simple, one needs to evaluate the self-energy in both
cases. The self-energy for the gluons is not a problem since we know the couplings of the gluons to fermions. However
we need the explicit expression of the interaction between NG bosons and quarks. This interaction can be easily
obtained since we know the coupling of the fermions to the gap and the phases of the gap are the NG boson fields.
Therefore we need only to generalize the Majorana mass terms (the coupling with the gap) to an interaction with the
NG bosons such to respect the total symmetry of the theory. We will illustrate the way of performing this calculation
in the specific example of the NG boson corresponding to the breaking of U (1)B and we will illustrate the results
for the NG bosons. Before doing that we will derive first the lagrangians for the HDET in the CFL and in the 2SC
phases. We have also to mention that the parameters of the NG bosons have been derived by many authors (Beane
et al., 2000; Hong et al., 2000a; Manuel and Tytgat, 2000, 2001; Rho et al., 2000a,b; Son and Stephanov, 2000a,b),
although using different approaches from the one considered here (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d, 2001c,d).

A. HDET for the CFL phase

In the CFL phase the symmetry breaking is induced by the condensates

hψαi Cψβj i = −hψαi Cψβj i ≈ ∆ ²αβI ²ijI , (7.1)

where ψ L, R are Weyl fermions and C = iσ2 . The corresponding Majorana mass term is given by (ψ ≡ ψL ):
∆X T
ψ− C²I ψ+ ²I + (L → R) + h.c., (7.2)

with the 3 × 3 matrices ²I defined as in Eq. (5.133)

(²I )ab = ²Iab . (7.3)
Expanding the quark fields in the basis (5.128)
1 X A
ψ± = √ λA ψ ± . (7.4)
2 A=1

and following Section V.B we get the effective lagrangian at the Fermi surface
Z 9 µ ¶
dv X A† 2i Tr[λA V · D λB ] −∆AB
LD = χ i ∗ χB + (L → R), (7.5)
4π −∆AB 2 Tr[λ A Ṽ · D λ B ]

∆AB = ∆ Tr[²I λTA ²I λB ], (7.6)

and we recall from Section V.B that

∆AB = ∆A δAB , (7.7)


∆1 = · · · = ∆8 = ∆, (7.8)

∆9 = −2∆. (7.9)

The CFL free fermionic lagrangian assumes therefore the form:

Z 9 µ ¶
dv X A† iV · ∂ −∆A
LD = χ χA + (L → R) . (7.10)
4π −∆A iṼ · ∂

From this equation one can immediately obtain the free fermion propagator in momentum space
µ ¶
δAB Ṽ · ` ∆A
SAB (p) = . (7.11)
V · ` Ṽ · ` − ∆2A ∆A V · `

We recall that the NG bosons have been described in terms of the fields X and Y of Eq. (6.1). Since we want
to couple the NG bosons with fermions in a G invariant way let us look at the transformation properties of the gap
term. We have
X 3
Tr[ψL C²I ψL ²I ] → Tr[gL ψL gc ²I gc ψL gL ²I ]. (7.12)
I=1 I=1

Using the following property, holding for any unitary 3 × 3 matrix , g

X †
g T ²I g = ²J gJI det[g], (7.13)

which follows from

²ijk gii0 gjj 0 gkk0 = ²i0 j 0 k0 det[g], (7.14)

we get
X 3
Tr[ψL C²I ψL ²I ] → (gc )†JI (gL )†KI Tr[ψL
²J ψL ²K ]. (7.15)
I=1 I,J,K=1

This expression shows not only that the gap term is invariant under the locked transformations gL = gc , but also
that it could be made invariant modifying the transformation properties of the fermions by changing gL to gc† . This
is simply done by using the matrices X and Y respectively for the left- and right- handed quarks

(ψL X † ) → gc (ψL X † )gc† , (ψR Y † ) → gc (ψR Y † )gc† . (7.16)

Therefore, the coupling of the left-handed Weyl spinors ψ’s to the octet of NG boson fields is:
∆ X
T r[(ψ− X † )T C²I (ψ+ X † )²I ] + (L → R) + h.c., (7.17)

Both X and Y have v.e.v. given by

hXi = hY i = 1 (7.18)

and we shall use the gauge

X =Y† . (7.19)

The lagrangian giving the the coupling of the quarks to the external fields can be obtained from (7.5) and is given by
Z 9 µ ¶
dv X A† i V · ∂δAB −Ξ∗BA
LD = χ χB + (L → R), (7.20)
4π −ΞAB i Ṽ · ∂δAB

X 1 h ¡ ¢T ¡ ¢i
ΞAB = ∆ Tr ²I λA X † ²I λB X † =
1 ¡ ¢
= ∆ Tr[λA X † λB X † ] − T r[λA X † ] Tr[λB X † ] . (7.21)

One can now expand X in terms of the NGB fields

µ ¶
λa Πa
X = exp i , a = 1, · · · , 8 , (7.22)
and obtain the 3-point χχΠ, and the 4-point χχΠΠ couplings. The result is, for the 3-point coupling
dv ∆ n X Πa h 9† i
LχχΠ = −i √ χ Γ0 χa + χa† Γ0 χ9 −
4π F a=1 6
X8 o
− dabc χa† Γ0 χb Πc . (7.23)

and for the 4-point coupling

dv n 4 X ∆ 9†
LχχΠΠ = χ Γ1 χ9 Πa Πa
4π 3 a=1 8F 2
r 8 µ ¶
2 X ∆ c† 9 a b
+3 dabc χ Γ1 χ Π Π + h.c.
3 8F 2
X ∆ o
c† d a b
+ h abcd χ Γ0 χ Π Π , (7.24)
8F 2

where we have defined

X 8 4
habcd = 2 (gcap gdbp + dcdp dabp ) − δac δdb + δcd δab , (7.25)
3 3


gabc = dabc + ifabc (7.26)

µ ¶ µ ¶
0 +1 0 1
Γ0 = , Γ1 = . (7.27)
−1 0 1 0

In the CFL case we have also the NG bosons associated to the breaking of the U (1) factors. Let us consider the
following fields

U = eiσ/fσ , V = eiτ /fτ , (7.28)



σ = fσ φ, τ = fτ θ, (7.29)

where φ and θ are the dimensionless U (1) fields transforming according to Eq. (6.6)7 . Clearly under U (1)B and
U (1)A groups we have

U → e−iα U, V → e−iβ V, (7.30)


ψL → ei(α+β) ψL , ψR → ei(α−β) ψR . (7.31)

We can make invariant couplings with the fermions simply by taking the combinations

U V ψL , U V † ψR . (7.32)

As a result we get full invariant couplings to the NG bosons modifying the quantity ΞAB appearing in Eq. (7.20) as

ΞAB → ΞAB U 2 V 2 . (7.33)

B. HDET for the 2SC phase

For the two flavour case, which encompasses both the 2SC model and the existing calculation in the LOFF phase
(see later) we follow a similar approach.
The symmetry breaking is induced by the condensates
hψαi Cψβj i = −hψαi Cψβj i ≈ ∆ ²αβ3 ²ij3 , (7.34)

corresponding to the invariant coupling (ψ ≡ ψ L ):

∆ T
ψ C² ψ+ ² − (L → R) + h.c. , (7.35)
2 −

² = iσ2 . (7.36)

As in the previous Section we use a different basis for the fermion fields by writing

(σA )αi A
ψ+,αi = √ ψ+ (i, α = 1, 2)
ψ+,31 = ψ+
ψ+,32 = ψ+ , (7.37)

where σA are the Pauli matrices for A = 1, 2, 3 and σ0 = 1.

A different, but also convenient notation for the fields ψ+, αi , makes use of the following combination of λ matrices,
as follows
(λ̃A )αi A
ψ+,αi = √ ψ+ . (7.38)

The λ̃A matrices are defined in terms of the usual λ matrices as follows:
1 2 λ4−i5 λ6−i7
λ̃0 = √ λ8 + λ0 , λ̃A = λA (A = 1, 2, 3), λ̃4 = √ , λ̃5 = √ . (7.39)
3 3 2 2

7 The couplings fσ and fτ have dimension 1 in units of mass.


Proceeding as before the 2SC fermionic lagrangian assumes the form:

Z 5 µ ¶
dv X A† 2i Tr[λ̃A V · D λ̃B ] −∆AB
LD = χ i ∗
χB + (L → R) . (7.40)
4π −∆AB 2 Tr[λ̃ A Ṽ · D λ̃B ]

∆ T
∆AB = Tr[ ²σA ²σB ] (A, B = 0, ...3),
∆AB = 0 (A, B = 4, 5) . (7.41)

We now use the identity (g any 2 × 2 matrix), analogous to (5.134):

²g T ² = g − Tr[g] ; (7.42)

and we obtain

∆AB = ∆A δAB (7.43)

where ∆A is defined as follows:

∆A = (− ∆, +∆, +∆, +∆, 0, 0) . (7.44)

Therefore the effective lagrangian for free quarks in the 2SC model can be written as follows
Z 5 µ ¶
dv X A† iV · ∂ −∆A
LD = χ χA + (L → R) . (7.45)
4π −∆A iṼ · ∂

From this equation one can immediately obtain the free fermion propagator that in momentum space is still given by
(7.11), with the ∆A given by (7.44).

C. Gradient expansion for the U (1) NGB in the CFL model and in the 2SC model

In order to illustrate the procedure of evaluating the self-energy of the NG bosons we will consider here the case of
the NG boson associated with the breaking of U (1)B . In particular, we will get the first terms in the effective action
for the NG bosons by performing an expansion in momenta, ` ¿ ∆. An expansion of this kind is also called gradient
expansion (see (Eguchi, 1976) for a very clear introduction).
To start with we consider the U (1)B NG boson within the CFL model. Therefore we can put to zero all the NG
fields in the HDET lagrangian except for the field U = exp iσ/fσ . Correspondingly the quark lagrangian of Eq.
(7.20)with the modification (7.33) becomes
Z 9 µ ¶
dv X A† iV · ∂ −∆A U † 2
LD = χ 2 χA + (L → R) . (7.46)
4π −∆ AU iṼ · ∂

At the lowest order in the field σ we have

 
2iσ 2σ 2
Z 9
X 0 + 2 
dv  fσ fσ  A
Lσ ≈ χA† ∆A 
  χ + (L → R) , (7.47)
4π 2iσ 2σ 2
A=1 − + 2
fσ fσ
which contains the couplings σχχ and σσχχ. Notice that σ does not propagate at tree level, however a non trivial
kinetic term is generated by quantum corrections. To show this we consider the generating functional where we take
only left-handed fields for simplicity. Also in this case we will make use of the replica trick to take into account the
fact that χ and χ† are not independent variables. Therefore we will have to take the square root of the fermion
determinant. In (Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d) this was taken into account by dividing by a factor 2 the sum over the
velocities appearing in the fermionic loops
dv dv
→ . (7.48)
4π 8π

The generating functional is

Z ½ Z ¾
† †
Z[σ] = DχDχ exp i χ Aχ (7.49)

where we have introduced (omit the indices of the fields for simplicity)

2iσ∆ 2σ 2 ∆
A = S −1 + Γ0 + Γ1 (7.50)
fσ fσ2
µ ¶ µ ¶
0 +1 0 1
Γ0 = , Γ1 = . (7.51)
−1 0 1 0

with S −1 the free propagator. Performing the integration over the Fermi fields we get
Tr[log A]
Z[σ] = (det[A])1/2 = e 2 . (7.52)

Sef f (σ) = − Tr[log A]. (7.53)
Evaluating the trace we get
µ ¶
2iσ∆ 2σ 2 ∆
− i T r log A = −i T r log S −1 1 + S Γ0 + S Γ 1
fσ fσ2
X∞ 2n−1
µ ¶n
−1 (−1) 2iσ∆ 2 σ2 ∆
= −i T r log S − i iS iΓ0 + iS iΓ1 . (7.54)
n fσ fσ2

This is a loop expansion. At the lowest order it produces the effective action
Z · ¸
i i S(y, x)2iσ(x)∆ i S(x, y)2iσ(y)∆
Sef f = T r dxdy i Γ0 i Γ0
4 fσ fσ
Z · ¸
i i S(x, x) 2 ∆ σ 2 (x)
+ Tr dx i Γ1 . (7.55)
2 fσ2

The two terms correspond to the diagrams in Fig. 21, i.e. the self-energy, Fig. 21 a), and the tadpole, Fig. 21 b).
They can be computed by the following set of Feynman rules to provide Sef f (σ) In momentum space the Feynman
rules are as follows:
1. For each fermionic internal line with momentum p, associate the propagator
µ ¶
i δAB Ṽ · ` ∆A
iSAB (p) = iδAB S(p) = ; (7.56)
V · ` Ṽ · ` − ∆2A + i² ∆A V · `

a) b)

FIG. 21 One-loop diagrams. External lines represent the NG boson field σ. Full lines are fermion propagators.

2. Each vertex introduces a term iLint that can be obtained from the effective lagrangian; for example the σ
couplings to quarks can be derived from (7.47);
3. For each internal momentum not constrained by the momentum conservation perform the integration
Z Z +δ Z +∞
4πµ2 2 µ2
d ` = d`k d`0 ; (7.57)
(2π)4 4π 3 −δ −∞

4. A factor (−1) and a factor of 2 for each fermion loop to take into account the spin (L + R). Also a factor 1/2
is necessary due to the replica trick. This 1/2 will be associated to the sum over the velocities
5. A statistical factor arising from the Wick theorem if needed.
The result of the calculation of the effective lagrangian in momentum space is as follows:
1 µ2 1 dv X
iLI = −2 d2 `
2 4π 3 2 4π
· ¸
2i∆B σ 2i∆A σ
× T r iSAB (` + p) iΓ0 iSBA (`) iΓ0 ,
fσ fσ
Z Z · ¸
µ2 1 dv X 2 ∆B σ 2
i LII = −2 3 d2 ` T r iSAB (`) i Γ1 , (7.58)
4π 2 4π fσ2

corresponding to the two diagrams of Figs. 21 a) and 21 b) respectively. After some computation one has
1 dv X µ2 ∆2A
i Lef f (p) = i LI (p) + i LII (p) = −
2 4π π 3 fσ2
Z h Ṽ · (` + p)σV · ` σ + V · (` + p)σ Ṽ · `σ − 2∆2 σ 2 2σ 2 i
× d2 ` A
− , (7.59)
DA (` + p)DA (`) DA (`)

where we have defined

DA (p) = V · p Ṽ · p − ∆2A + i² . (7.60)

One can immediately notice that

LI (p = 0) + LII (p = 0) = 0 . (7.61)

This result implies that the scalar σ particle has no mass, in agreement with Goldstone’s theorem. To get the effective
lagrangian in the CFL model at the lowest order in the σ momentum we expand the function in p (|p| ¿ |∆) to get,
in momentum space
1 dv X 2µ2 ∆4A
i Lef f (p) = − (V · p)σ(Ṽ · p)σ I2 , (7.62)
2 4π π 3 fσ2

where we have defined

d2 `
I2 = 3 (`) . (7.63)

This and other integrals can be found in Appendix B. In getting this result we have used also the fact
(V · `)2 (Ṽ · `)2
= = 0. (7.64)
DA (`)3 DA (`)3

In fact, since the integral is convergent we can send the cutoff δ to ∞ and to use the Lorentz invariance in 2 dimensions
to prove that these integrals are proportional to V 2 = Ṽ 2 = 0. We have

I2 = − . (7.65)

Therefore we get, in configuration space,

9µ2 1 dv
Lef f (x) = (V · ∂σ)(Ṽ · ∂σ) . (7.66)
π 2 fσ2 2 4π

 
1 0 0 0
1 dv µ ν 1 0 − 13 0 0 
V Ṽ = 

 , (7.67)
2 4π 2 0 0 − 13 0 
0 0 0 − 13 µν

we obtain
9µ2 1 ³ 2 2 ~ 2
Lef f (x) = (∂0 σ) − vσ (∇σ) , (7.68)
π 2 fσ2 2

vσ2 = . (7.69)
This kinetic lagrangian has the canonical normalization factor provided

fσ2 = (CFL) , (7.70)
Therefore the effective lagrangian for the NGB σ particle is:
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 2 1 ~ 2 1 2 † 1 †
Lef f = (∂0 σ) − (∇σ) = fσ U̇ U̇ − ∇U · ∇U , (7.71)
2 3 2 3

We note that the value of the velocity (7.69) is a consequence of the average over the Fermi velocities and reflects the
number of the space dimensions, i.e. 3. Therefore it is universal and we expect the same value in all the calculations
of this type.
In the case of the 2SC model there is no σ field since the baryon number is not broken. However, neglecting the
mass of the τ field one can perform the same kind of calculation by using the invariant coupling derived for the CFL
case. The final result differs from the CFL case only in the coefficient in front of (7.70) which reflects the number of
color-flavor gapped degrees of freedom, 9 in the CFL case and 4 in the 2SC case; therefore one has

fτ2 = (2SC) , (7.72)
whereas the result (7.69), being universal, holds also in this case. The NGB effective lagrangian is still of the form
(7.71). The NGB boson is, in this case, only a would-be NGB because the axial U (1) is explicitly broken, though this
breaking is expected to be small at high µ since the instanton density vanishes for increasing µ. (Son et al., 2001).

D. The parameters of the NG bosons of the CFL phase

Using the Feynman rules given above and the interaction lagrangians (7.23) and (7.24) we get the effective lagrangian
as follows:
8 µ ¶
kin µ2 (21 − 8 ln 2) 1 X a a 1 ~ 2
Lef f = Π̇ Π̇ − |∇Πa | . (7.73)
36π 2 F 2 2 a=1 3

Comparing with the effective lagrangian in Eq. (6.19) we see that

µ2 (21 − 8 ln 2) 1
FT2 = F 2 = , v2 = . (7.74)
36π 2 3

Therefore the pion satisfy the dispersion relation

E = √ |p|. (7.75)
We notice that the evaluation of FT could be done just computing the coupling of the pions to their currents. To this
end one has to compute the diagram of Fig. 22 (Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d). The result is
µ ¶
h0|Jµa |Πb i = iF δab p̃µ , p̃µ = p0 , p , (7.76)
with F the same evaluated before. This result is particularly interesting since it shows how the conservation of the
color currents is realized through the dispersion relation of the pions. In fact
p · p̃ = E 2 − |p|2 = 0. (7.77)

Πb Jµa
FIG. 22 The one-loop contribution to the coupling of the NG bosons (dotted line) to their currents (wavy line). The fermions
in the loop are represented by a solid line.

E. The masses of the NG bosons in the CFL phase

Up to now we have considered massless quarks. In this Section we want to determine the influence of mass terms
at the level of NG bosons. Remember that the QCD mass terms have the structure

ψ̄L M ψR + h.c. (7.78)

where M is the quark mass matrix. In order to determine the structure of the NG boson masses it is convenient to
think to M as a field (usually called a spurion field) transforming in such a way that the expression (7.78) is invariant.
Recalling the transformation properties (6.2) of quark fields

ψL → ei(α+β) gc ψL gL
, ψR → ei(α−β) gc ψR gR
, eiα ∈ U (1)B , eiβ ∈ U (1)A , (7.79)

it follows that M transforms as

M → e2iβ gL M gR . (7.80)

In this Section we will make use of the U (3) fields

T −2i(α+β) T −2i(α−β)
X → gc XgL e , Y → gc Y gR e . (7.81)

In this discussion the U (1)A symmetry will play an important role. We recall again that this symmetry is broken by
the anomaly but this breaking goes to zero in the high density limit. If, in particular, we consider the subgroup (Z2 )A
we see that NG boson mass terms can be only even in the matrix M . Linear terms in M may arise only from this
breaking which is suppressed by (ΛQCD /µ)8 (see discussion in Section V.D). In order to build up the most general
mass term for the NG bosons let us introduce the gauge invariant U (3) field

Σ̃ = (Y † X)T = e4iθ ΣT , (7.82)

where θ is the U (1)A field and Σ was defined in (6.7). We have

Σ̃ → e−4iβ gL Σ̃gR . (7.83)

We recall also the other two gauge invariant fields defined in (6.5)

dX = det(X) = e6i(φ+θ) , dY = det(Y ) = e6i(φ−θ) , (7.84)

and transforming as

dX → e−6i(α+β) dX , dY → e−6i(α−β) dY . (7.85)

We have also

det(M ) → e6iβ det(M ), det(Σ̃) → e−12iβ det(Σ̃). (7.86)

Notice that since dX and dY are the only terms transforming under U (1)V , invariance requires that the effective
lagrangian should depend only on the combination

dX dY † = det(Σ̃). (7.87)

Other quantities that can be considered are

† †
M Σ† , → e6iβ gL M Σ† gL , M † Σ → e−6iβ gR M † ΣgR
† †
M −1 Σ → e−6iβ gR M Σ† gR , M −1† Σ† → e6iβ gL M −1† Σ† gL . (7.88)

One can build terms transforming only with respecto to U (1)A by taking traces of these quantities. However, taking
into account the Cayley identity for 3 × 3 matrices
A3 − T r(A) A2 + ((T r(A))2 − T r(A2 )) A − det (A) = 0, (7.89)
we see that multiplying this expression by A−1 and taking the trace we can express the trace of terms in the second
line of (7.88) as a combination of the trace of the terms in the first line, their second power and the determinants of
M and Σ̃. In the same way we see that it is enough to consider only the first and the second power of the terms in
the first line of (7.88). Summarizing, it is enough to take into considerations the following quantities

det(Σ̃), det(M ), det(M † ),

Tr[M Σ̃† ], Tr[M † Σ̃], Tr[(M Σ̃† )2 ], Tr[(M † Σ̃)2 ]. (7.90)

Therefore the most general invariant term involving the quark mass matrix M is of the form

I = (det(Σ̃))a1 (det(M ))a2 (det(M † ))ā2

×(Tr[M Σ̃† ])a3 (Tr[M † Σ̃])ā3 (Tr[(M Σ̃† )2 ])a4 (Tr[(M † Σ̃)2 ])ā4 . (7.91)

Requiring analyticity all the exponents must be integers. The term I is invariant under the full group except for
U (1)A . Requiring also U (1)A invariance we get the equation

−2a1 + (a2 − ā2 ) + (a3 − ā3 ) + 2(a4 − ā4 ) = 0. (7.92)

If we ask I to be of a given order n in the mass matrix we have also the condition

3(a2 + ā2 ) + (a3 + ā3 ) + 2(a4 + ā4 ) = n. (7.93)

If we subtract these two equations one by another we find

2a1 + 4a2 + 2ā2 + 2a3 + 4a4 = n, (7.94)

which implies that n must be even, as it should be by (Z2 )A invariance alone. This argument shows also that the it
would be enough to require the invariance under the discrete axial group. If we now select n = 2 (the lowest power
in the mass), Eq. (7.93) implies

a2 = ā2 = 0. (7.95)

Therefore the only solutions to our conditions are

a1 = 1, a3 = 2, ā3 = 0, a4 = 0, ā4 = 0
a1 = 1, a3 = 0, ā3 = 0, a4 = 1, ā4 = 0 (7.96)
a1 = 0, a3 = 1, ā3 = 1, a4 = 0, ā4 = 0 .

If the matrix M has no zero eigenvalues we can use the Cayley identity to write a linear combination of the first two
solutions in the following form
½³ ´2 ¾
−1 1 † † 2
Tr[M Σ̃]det(M ) = det(Σ̃) Tr[M Σ̃ ] − Tr[(M Σ̃ ) ] . (7.97)

In conclusion the most general invariant term is given by

³ ´ ³ ´
Lmasses = −c det(M )Tr[M −1 Σ̃] + h.c. − c0 det(Σ̃)Tr[(M Σ̃† )2 ] + h.c.
³ ´
−c00 Tr[M Σ̃† ]Tr[M † Σ̃] . (7.98)

The coefficients appearing in this expression can be evaluated by using the matching technique (Beane et al., 2000;
Hong et al., 2000a; Rho et al., 2000b; Son and Stephanov, 2000a,b) (see also the review paper (Schafer, 2003)). The
idea is to evaluate the contribution of Lmasses to the vacuum energy. One starts evaluating an effective four-fermi
interaction due to a hard gluon exchange and performing a matching between QCD and HDET as illustrated in Fig.
23. The contribution from QCD arises from a double chirality violating process producing a contribution proportional
to the square of the masses (Schafer, 2002).


FIG. 23 The effective four-fermi interaction produced by a chirality violating process in QCD. There are other contributions
obtained by exchanging the points where the gluon line is attached with the mass insertions.

Then one uses this effective interaction in HDET to evaluate the contribution to the vacuum energy to be matched
against the contribution from Lmasses obtained by putting Σ̃ = 1 (the vacuum state). This is illustrated in Fig. 24.


FIG. 24 The effective four-fermi interaction of Fig. 23 is used to evaluate the contribution to the vacuum energy of the terms
proportional to M 2 .

The result of this computation is

c= , c0 = c00 = 0. (7.99)
2π 2

There is a simple way of understanding why only the c contribution survives at the leading order. In fact, this is the
only term which arises working at the second order in perturbation theory and approximating the product of Fermi
fields with the corresponding NG fields X and Y . We find
(ψ̄L M ψR )2 = (ψLα Mij ψRj
α k†
)(ψLβ β
Mkl ψRl ) ≈ ²ikm ²αβγ Xm
Mij Mkl ²jlp ²αβδ Yδp∗
≈ ²ikm ²jlp Mij Mkl Σ̃pm = ²ikm ²jlp Mij Mkl Mm
(M −1 )ba Σ̃pb ≈ det(M )Tr[M −1 Σ̃]. (7.100)

There is also another interesting point about the quark masses. Starting from the complete QCD lagrangian
/ + µγ0 )ψ − ψ̄L M ψR − ψ̄R M † ψL − Gaµν Gµνa
LQCD = ψ̄(iD (7.101)
and repeating what we did in Section V.B for deriving the HDET expansion we find that at the leading order the
expression for the negative energy left-handed fields is
1 ¡ ¢
ψ−,L = / ⊥ ψ+,L + γ0 M ψ+,R .
−iγ0 D (7.102)

Substituting inside the lagrangian one finds (we neglect here the condensate terms for simplicity)

† 1 † £ ¤
LD = ψ+,L (iV · D)ψ+,L − ψ / ⊥ )2 + M M † ψ+,L + (L ↔ R, M ↔ M † ) + · · · .
(D (7.103)
2µ +,L
The new term that we have obtained is just what expected from the expansion of the kinetic energy of the quark. We
see that the mass terms in the effective lagrangian behave as effective chemical potentials. Notice that in presence of
a chemical potential a Dirac lagrangian has the form

ψ̄iγν (∂ ν − iµg ν0 )ψ, (7.104)

therefore the chemical potential acts as the fourth component of an abelian gauge field. This implies that the
lagrangian is invariant under the gauge transformation

ψ → eiα(t) ψ, µ → µ + α̇(t). (7.105)

This argument implies that the HDET lagrangian has the invariance8

ψL → L(t)ψL , ψR → R(t)ψR , (7.106)

where L(t) and R(t) are time dependent flavor transformation and with
1 1
XL = M M †, XR = M †M (7.107)
2µ 2µ
transforming as left- and right- handed gauge fields (Bedaque and Schafer, 2002). But then also the effective lagrangian
for the filed Σ has to satisfy this symmetry, meaning that we should substitute the time derivative with the covariant
µ ¶T µ † ¶T
∂0 Σ → ∇0 Σ = ∂0 Σ + iΣ −i Σ, (7.108)
2µ 2µ
where we have taken into account that
† †
M M † → gL M M † gL , M † M → gR M † M gL , ∗
Σ → gR T
ΣgL . (7.109)

This result has been confirmed by a microscopic calculation done in (Bedaque and Schafer, 2002). We can now see
that a generic term in the expansion of the effective lagrangian has the form
µ ¶n µ ¶m µ 2 ¶p
∂0 − iM M † /(2µ) ∇ M
F 2 ∆2 (Σ)q (Σ† )r . (7.110)
∆ ∆ F2

8 / ⊥ does not involve time derivatives.

Notice that D

The various terms are easily understood on the basis of the fact that the momentum expansion is a series in p/∆.
The factor ∆2 in front is just to adjust the normalization of the kinetic terms arising for n = 2 and m = 0 and
n = 0, m = 2, with q = r = 1. The term quadratic in the mass matrix, M , has also the correct normalization. We
now see that the contribution to the square masses of the mesons of the masses originating from the kinetic energy
expansion and the ones coming from the explicit quark mass terms might be of the same order of magnitude. In fact,
the contribution to the NG bosons square masses are (the extra 1/F 2 terms originate from the expansion of Σ)

m4 1 m4
kinetic energy : F 2 ∆22 2 2
≈ 2,
µ ∆ F µ
2 2m 1 ∆2 m 2
quark masses : F ∆ 2 2 ≈ , (7.111)
F F F2
and the two contributions are of the same order of magnitude for m ≈ ∆, since F ≈ µ. Before studying the mass
spectrum we will now introduce another subject which is relevant to the physics of the NG bosons of the CFL phase,
that is the subject of Boson-Einstein condensation.

1. The role of the chemical potential for scalar fields: Bose-Einstein condensation

Let us consider a relativistic complex scalar field (however similar considerations could be done for the non-
relativistic case) described by the lagrangian density

∂µ φ† ∂ µ φ − m2 ψ † φ − λ(φ† φ)2 . (7.112)

The quartic term gives rise to a repulsive interaction for λ > 0 as it is required by the stability of theory. The
lagrangian has a phase symmetry U (1) giving rise to a conserved current. A simple way of introducing the chemical
potential is to notice that we can promote the global U (1) to a local one by adding a gauge field. However, by
= −j µ , (7.113)

and therefore the charge density is obtained by varying the lagrangian with respect to the fourth component of the
gauge potential. But in a system at finite density the variation with respect to the chemical potential is just the
corresponding conserved charge, therefore the chemical potential must enter in the lagrangian exactly as the fourth
component of a gauge field. Therefore we get

L = (∂0 + iµ)φ† (∂0 − iµ)φ − (∇φ† ) · (∇φ) − m2 φ† φ − λ(φ† φ)2

= ∂µ φ† ∂ µ φ − (m2 − µ2 )φ† φ − λ(φ† φ)2 + iµ(φ† ∂0 φ − ∂0 φ† φ). (7.114)

Notice that the last term breaks the charge conjugation symmetry of the theory since µ multiplies the charge density.
As a result the mass spectrum is given by

p2 − (m2 − µ2 ) + 2µQp0 = 0, (7.115)

where Q = ±1 is the charge for particles and antiparticles. The dispersion relation can be written as

(E + µQ)2 = m2 + |p|2 (7.116)

with E = p0 . We see that the mass of particles and antiparticles are different and given by

mp,p̄ = ∓µ + m. (7.117)

This is what happens if µ2 < m2 . At µ2 = m2 the system undergoes a second order phase transition and a condensate
is formed. The condensate is obtained by minimizing the potential

V (φ) = (m2 − µ2 )φ† φ + λ(φ† φ)2 , (7.118)

from which
µ2 − m2
hφ† φi = . (7.119)


Notice also that at µ = m the mass of the particle mode goes to zero. In correspondence of the condensation the
system has a charge density given by
∂V µ
ρ=− = 2µhφ† φi = (µ2 − m2 ). (7.120)
∂µ λ
Therefore the ground state of the system is a Bose-Einstein condensate. Defining
v µ2 − m2
hφi = √ , v2 = , (7.121)
2 λ
we can derive the physical spectrum of the system through the replacement
φ(x) = √ (v + h(x))eiθ(x)/v . (7.122)
The quadratic part of the lagrangian is
1 1
L2 = ∂µ θ∂ µ θ + ∂µ h∂ µ h − λv 2 h2 − 2µh∂0 θ. (7.123)
2 2
The mass spectrum is given by the condition
µ ¶
p2 − 2λv 2 2iµE
det = 0. (7.124)
−2iµE p2

At zero momentum we get (pµ = (M, 0))

M 2 (M 2 − 2λv 2 − 4µ2 ) = 0. (7.125)
Therefore the antiparticle remains massless after the transition, whereas the particle gets a mass given by
M 2 = 6µ2 − 2m2 . (7.126)
At the transition point these two masses agree with the ones in the unbroken phase, Eq. (7.117). The masses in the
two phases are illustrated in Fig. 25.

massive mode

m broken phase

Goldstone mode
m µ

FIG. 25 This figure shows the evolution of the particle and antiparticle masses from the normal phase to the broken one.

It is interesting to find out the energies of these particles in the small momentum limit. We find for the Goldstone
µ2 − m2
EN G ≈ |p|, (7.127)
3µ2 − m2

whereas for the massive one

9µ2 − m2
Emassive ≈ 6µ2 − 2m2 + |p|2 . (7.128)
6µ2 − 2m2

The velocity of the Goldstone mode is particularly interesting since it is zero at the transition point and goes to 1/ 3
at large densities. Remember that this is just the velocity we have found in our effective lagrangian describing the
NG bosons in the CFL phase.

2. Kaon condensation

Starting from the mass terms for the NG bosons of the CFL phase obtained in Section VII.E one can easily
understand the results for the masses of the flavored NG bosons
m2d − m2u 2c
mπ ± = ∓ + (mu + md )ms ,
2µ F2
m2 − m2u 2c
mK ± = ∓ s + (mu + ms )md ,
2µ F2
m2 − m2d 2c
mK 0 ,K̄ 0 = ∓ s + (md + ms )mu . (7.129)
2µ F2

The two terms in this expression have their counterpart in Eq. (7.117). The first term arises from the ”chemical
potential” terms M M † /2µ whereas the second term comes from the ”true” mass term. Also in this case a Bose-
Einstein condensate might be formed. For simplicity consider the case ms À mu , md . Then we get
mπ ± ≈ 2cms (mu + md ),
m2 1√
mK ± ≈ ∓ s + 2cms md ,
2µ F
m2 1√
mK 0 ,K̄ 0 ≈ ∓ s + 2cms mu . (7.130)
2µ F

The pion masses are independent on the chemical potential terms, however the masses of K + and K 0 are pushed
down (whereas the ones of K − and K̄ 0 are pushed up) and therefore they become massless at
¯ µ ¶1/3 q µ ¶1/3 q p
¯ 12µ2 2
ms ¯ = 3
mu,d ∆2 = 6 3
mu,d ∆2 ≈ 3.03 3 mu ∆. (7.131)
crit π2 F 2 21 − 8 log 2

The critical value of ms can vary between 41 M eV for mu = 1.5 M eV and ∆ = 40 M eV and 107 M eV for
mu = 4.5 M eV and ∆ = 100 M eV . For larger values of ms the modes K + and K 0 become unstable. This is the
signal for condensation (Bedaque and Schafer, 2002; Schafer, 2000a). In fact if we look for a kaon condensed ground
state of the type9

Σ = eiαλ4 = 1 + (cos α − 1)λ24 + iλ4 sin α, (7.132)

we obtain from our effective lagrangian, in the limit of exact isospin symmetry, (subtracting the term for α = 0) the
à µ ¶2 !
2 1 m2s 2 0 2
V (α) = F − sin α + (mK ) (1 − cos α) , (7.133)
2 2µ

9 The most general ansatz would be to assume in the exponential a linear combination of λa , a = 4, 5, 6, 7, but it turns out that the
effective potential depends only on the coefficient of λ4 . This is related to the fact that, as we shall see, there are three broken symmetries
and therefore there must be three flat directions in the potential.

where m0K is the lowest order square mass of the kaon in ms , that is
2 c ms m
(m0K )2 = (7.134)
and m = mu = md . As in the example of a complex scalar field we see that the ”chemical potential” terms give
a negative contribution, whereas the ”mass” terms gives a positive one. Therefore it is convenient to introduce the
effective chemical potential

µef f = . (7.135)

We see that
µ ¶
V (α) = F 2 − µ2ef f sin2 α + (m0K )2 (1 − cos α) . (7.136)

Minimizing the potential we find a solution with α 6= 0, given by

(m0K )2
cos α = (7.137)
µ2ef f


µef f ≥ m0K . (7.138)

One can also derive the hypercharge density

à !
∂V (m0 )4
nY = − = µef f F 2 1 − 4K . (7.139)
∂µef f µef f

The mass terms break the original SU (3)c+L+R symmetry of the CFL ground state to SU (2)I ⊗ U (1)Y . The kaon
condensation breaks this symmetry to the diagonal U (1) group generated by
µ ¶
1 1
Q= λ3 − √ λ8 . (7.140)
2 3
In fact, one can easily verify that

[Q, Σ] = 0. (7.141)

This result can be simply understood by the observation that under SU (2)I ⊗ U (1)Y the NG bosons in Σ decompose
as a triplet, the pions, a complex doublet (K̄0 , K − ) and its complex conjugate (K + , K 0 ) and a singlet, η. The α 6= 0
solution for Σ gives rise to an expectation value for the doublets. We see that the symmetry breaking mechanism is
the same as for the electroweak sector of the Standard Model (SM). Therefore SU (2) ⊗ U (1) is broken down to U (1)
Notice that by the usual counting of NG bosons one would expect 3 massless modes. However we have seen from
the unbroken phase that only two modes become massless at the transition. This comes from the breaking of Lorentz
invariance due to the presence of the chemical potential in the original QCD lagrangian. A theorem due to Chada
and Nielsen (Nielsen and Chada, 1976) gives the key for the right counting of the NG physical bosons. The essence
of the theorem is that the number depends on the dispersion relation of the NG bosons. If the energy is linear in
the momentum (or a odd power) the counting is normal. If the energy depends on the momentum quadratically
(or through an even power), then there are two broken generators associated to a single NG bosons. Notice that in
relativistic theories the dispersion relations are always of the first type. A more recent discussion of this topics is in
(Miransky and Shovkovy, 2002; Schafer et al., 2001). In particular in (Schafer et al., 2001) it is proved a theorem
which helps to show algebraically when the dispersion relations are odd or even in the momenta. The behavior of the
masses with the effective chemical potential is represented in Fig. 26.
The effective lagrangian for the NG bosons in the CFL phase has been useful for the study of many phenomenological
interesting questions in the realm of compact stellar objects (Buckley and Zhitnitsky, 2002; Jaikumar et al., 2002;
Kaplan and Reddy, 2002a,b; Reddy et al., 2003; Shovkovy and Ellis, 2002).

2 massive mode

m broken phase

2 Goldstone modes
m µ eff
FIG. 26 This figure shows the evolution of the masses of the K modes in going from the normal to the broken phase.


In this Section will be evaluate the dispersion relations both for the gluons in the 2SC and in the CFL phase. In
the 2SC phase we will be able, in this way, of getting the parameters of the effective theory introduced in Section
VI.B. We will also show that the low-energy expansion is accurate at about 30% when compared with the numerical

A. Evaluating the bare gluon mass

In deriving the HDET we have so far neglected the heavy fields contribution to the leading correction in 1/µ given
by the operator

† Dµ Dν
−P µν ψ+ ψ+ . (8.1)
2µ + iṼ · D
Remember that in order to get the effective lagrangian we have integrated out all the fields with momenta greater
that δ. However these degrees of freedom give a contribution of order µ which compensates the µ in the denominator
leaving a finite contribution to the operator g 2 , where g is the gluon field. This contribution is called the bare gluon
mass (Son and Stephanov, 2000a,b) and it must be inserted in the HDET when one is studying the gluon properties.
In fact, as we shall see, this contribution is needed, in the case of unbroken gauge symmetries, to cancel a contribution
to the Meissner mass coming form the gluon polarization. To make a correct calculation of these contribution it is
necessary to evaluate the tadpole contribution from the interaction (8.1) for momenta greater than δ (see Fig. 18).
Since it appears a heavy propagator at zero momentum, which is essentially the density of the states (see Eq. (2.36)),
it is easier to derive the result in a first-quantization approach, where we sum over all the degrees of freedom within
the Fermi sphere in order to get the two-gluon contribution. Notice also that we are integrating over residual momenta
|`| > δ >> ∆, therefore we can neglect the gap. As a consequence this calculation applies to both cases of gapped
and/or ungapped fermions.
We start with the observation that in first-quantization we have H = |p|. Coupling the particle to a gauge field

g2 ¡ 2 ¢
H = |p − gA| + eA0 ≈ |p| + gA0 − gv · A + |A| − (v · A)2 . (8.2)

The first three terms correspond to the terms considered so far in the HDET lagrangian. The fourth term is nothing
but the operator sandwiched among the quark fields in Eq. (8.1) evaluated at the Fermi surface. In fact

Pµν Aµ Aν ≈ |A|2 − (v · A)2 . (8.3)


What we have to do now is just to sum over all the particles inside the Fermi sphere, which is equivalent to the tadpole
calculation. Notice that we should leave aside the fermions within the shell of momentum µ − δ < |p| < µ + δ, but
this give a negligible contribution since δ ¿ µ. Therefore we get
Z · ¸
g2 d3 p 1 2 (p · A)2
× 2 × Nf × 3
Tr A − , (8.4)
2 |p|≤µ (2π) |p| |p|2

where the factors 2 and Nf comes from the spin and the number of flavors. On the other hand the trace is over the
color indices. The result is simply
g 2 µ2 1 X a
Nf A · Aa . (8.5)
6π 2 2 a

Therefore in the effective lagrangian of HDET we have to introduce a term

1 X
− m2D Aa · Aa (8.6)
2 a

g 2 µ2
m2BM = Nf . (8.7)
6π 2
One could equally well perform this evaluation by using the Feynman rules for the heavy fields, which are easily
obtained, to determine the contribution to the polarization function Πab
µν . The contribution is the following
d`k (`k + µ)2 dv d`0 ig 2 δab i
= (−i)2 × 2 × Nf × (−1) Pµν . (8.8)
(2π) π 4π 2π 2(2µ + Ṽ · `) V · `

The different factors have the following origin. The first (−i) is due to the definition of Πµν such to reproduce the
mass term in the lagrangian. Then there is a factor 2 from the spin, a factor 2 from symmetry reasons (2 gluon
fields). A factor Nf from the trace over the heavy fermions, a (−1) from the loop. We have left the residual momenta
as integration variable, but the measure cannot be any more approximated as µ2 and we have put back the original
integration factors. There is no extra 2 in the velocity integration since we have now no necessity of introducing
the Nambu-Gor’kov fields. The next factor arises from the vertex 2 gluons-2heavy fields and it is the result after
the trace over the color indices. Finally we have the propagator of the ψ+ field. If we define the propagator at zero
momentum as in Section II.A we get a contribution from the integral over `0 proportional to θ(−`k ) (see Eq. (2.38)).
This restricts the integration over `k between −µ and 0. Performing the calculation one gets easily the result (8.7).
In fact we have
Z 0 Z
ab BM 2
d`k (`k + µ)2 1 (2πi) dv g2 µ2 2
Πµν = −2iNf g δab Pµν = δ ab (− δij )
−µ 2π π 2π 2(`k + µ) 4π 2π 2 2 3
= −m2BM δij δab . (8.9)

B. The parameters of the effective lagrangian for the 2SC case

We have now all the elements to evaluate the parameters appearing in the effective lagrangian for the 2SC case,
which amounts to evaluate the propagation properties of the gluons belonging to the unbroken color group SU (2)c .
We will need to evaluate the vacuum polarization function Πab
µν , a, b = 1, 2, 3, defined by the diagram in Fig. 27.

As usual we need the interaction term which is given by the coupling of the gauge field with the fermionic current

igAaµ Jaµ . (8.10)

One finds
Z 5 µ ¶
dv X A† i Vµ KAaB 0
Jµa = χ ∗ χB + (L → R) . (8.11)
4π 0 −i Ṽµ KAaB

g g

FIG. 27 The Feynman diagram corresponding to the vacuum polarization of the gluons.

where we have used the basis (7.38) for the quark fields, leading to the coefficients KAaB
KAaB = T r{λ̃A λa λ̃B } = (K)AB . (8.12)
Using our Feynman rules we can compute Πab 10
µν (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d) . From the self energy diagram of Fig. 27
(a, b = 1, 2, 3) we find:
dv µ2 d2 ` ³ (igV µ )(igV ν )iṼ · ` iṼ · (` + p) + (V ↔ Ṽ )
(p) = 2 × (−i)(−1) +
8π π (2π)2 D(` + p)D(`)
(igV µ )(ig Ṽ ν ) + (igV ν )(ig Ṽ µ ) ´
− ∆2 Tr[Ka Kb ] . (8.13)
D(` + p)D(`)


T r[Ka Kb ] = δab . (8.14)

In order to derive the effective lagrangian it is enough to expand this expression up to the second order in momenta
and add the contribution from the bare Meissner mass. The result is (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d)

µ2 g 2
ab (p) = δab p |2 ,
|~ (8.15)
18π 2 ∆2

µ ¶
µ2 g 2 p20 2 2
kl µ g
2 2 2
kl µ g p0
ab (p) = Πkl
+ Πkl
= δab δ kl 1+ − δab δ = δ ab δ , (8.16)
3π 2 6∆2 3π 2 18π 2 ∆2

µ2 g 2 0 k
ab (p) = δab p p . (8.17)
18π 2 ∆2
We see that the bare Meissner mass contribution Πkl ab
(p) just cancels the zero momentum contribution to the
gluon self-energy. As a consequence the unbroken gluons remain massless. These results agree with the outcomes of
(Rischke, 2000; Rischke et al., 2001).
We notice also that there is no contribution to the Debye mass (the mass associated to the component Π00 ab of the
vacuum polarization). This results reflects the fact that in the 2SC model the SU (2)c color subgroup generated by
the first three generators T c (c = 1, 2, 3) remains unbroken.
One can now compute the dispersion laws for the unbroken gluons. From the previous formulas one gets:
1 1
L = − Faµν Fµν
+ Πµν Aa Ab . (8.18)
4 2 ab µ ν
Introducing the fields Eia ≡ F0i
and Bia ≡ iεijk Fjk
, and using (8.15), (8.16) and (8.17) these results can be written as
follows (assuming gauge invariance the terms with 3 and 4 gluons are completely fixed, but see later):

1 a a k
L = (Ei Ei − Bia Bia ) + Eia Eia , (8.19)
2 2

10 For the same calculation using different methods see: (Rischke, 2000; Rischke et al., 2001).

g 2 µ2
k= . (8.20)
18π 2 ∆2
These results have been first obtained in (Rischke et al., 2001). As discussed in this paper, these results imply that
the medium has a very high dielectric constant ² = k + 1 and a magnetic permeability λ = 1. The gluon speed in this
medium is now
1 ∆
v=√ ∝ (8.21)
²λ gµ
and in the high density limit it tends to zero. We have already discussed the physical consequences of these results in
Section VI.B.
In (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d) we have also computed the vacuum polarization of the gluons belonging to the broken
part of the gauge group. That is the gluons with color index a = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. In Table VII we give the results at zero
momentum in all the cases. These results are in agreement with a calculation performed by (Rischke, 2000) with a

a Π00 (0) −Πij (0)

1−3 0 0

4−7 3
m2g 1

8 3m2g 1

TABLE VII Debye and Meissner masses in the 2SC phase; m2g = µ2 g 2 /3π 2 .

different method. In (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d) we have also made an expansion in momenta. A priori this expansion
cannot be used to derive the dispersion relation for the broken gluons. In fact their mass, taking into account the
wave function renormalization (of order g 2 µ2 /∆2 ), is of order ∆. Defining the mass of the gluon as the value of the
energy at zero momentum one finds from the expansion

mR = 2∆ (8.22)

for colors a = 4, 5, 6, 7, whereas the numerical calculation gives

mR = 0.894∆ (8.23)

and we see that the expansion overestimates the value of the mass. For the color 8 we find
mR = . (8.24)
The large value obtained of the mass for the gluon 8 in the small momentum expansion can be shown to be valid
at all orders in momentum. Except for the case a = 8 we see that generally there is a very large wave function
renormalization making the physical gluon masses of order ∆ rather than of order gµ. This result was shown for the
first time in (Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d) in the case of the CFL phase. In (Casalbuoni et al., 2002d) the one-loop
contributions to the three and four gluon vertices has been evaluated. It has been checked that the result gives rise
to the correct gauge invariant contribution when added to the tree level functions.

C. The gluons of the CFL phase

We will discuss here some of the results obtained in (Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d) for the CFL case. We will skip
many technical details. We will only give the coupling of the currents to fermions which are again obtained from the
gauge coupling. Working in the basis χA we use Eq. (7.5) to write

L1 = i g Aµa Jµa , (8.25)


Z 9 µ ¶
dv X A† i Vµ hAaB 0
Jµa = χ χB + (L → R), (8.26)
4π 0 −i Ṽµ h∗AaB

hAaB = T r[TA λa TB ] . (8.27)
Performing the trace we find
r µ µ ¶ ¶
i 2X Vµ 0
Jµa = χ9† χa + h.c. +
2 3 0 −Ṽµ
8 µ ¶
i X X b† Vµ gbac 0
+ χ ∗ χc , (8.28)
2 0 −Ṽµ gbac
v b,c=1


gabc = dabc + ifabc . (8.29)

and dabc , fabc are the usual SU (3) symbols. The result of the self energy diagram (see Fig. 27) can be written as
Z 2 Z h
µν self dv X 2 µ d2 `
i Πab (p) = −2 (−ig) T r iSCD (` + p)×
8π π (2π)2
µ ¶ µ ¶i
Vν hDbE 0 Vµ hAaC 0
× iSEA (`) , (8.30)
0 −Ṽν h∗DbE 0 −Ṽµ h∗AaC

where the propagator is given by Eq. (7.56). We note the minus sign on the r.h.s of (8.30), due to the presence of a
fermion loop and the factor 2 due to the spin (L + R). To this result one should add the contribution arising from
the bare Meissner mass (see Eq. (8.7)):

g 2 µ2
= − δab δ jk δ µj δ νk . (8.31)
2π 2
To derive the dispersion law for the gluons, we write the equations of motion for the gluon field Abµ in momentum
space and high-density limit:

£¡ ¢ ¤ b
−p2 g νµ + pν pµ δab + Πνµ
ab Aµ = 0 . (8.32)

We define the rotational invariant quantities Π0 , Π1 , Π2 and Π3 by means of the following equations,

 Π00 = Π0 (p0 , p~)
Π (p0 , p~) = Π0i = Πi0 = Π1 (p0 , p~) ni (8.33)

 Πij = Π (p , p~) δ ij + Π (p , p~) ni nj
2 0 3 0

with n = p/|p| . It is clear that in deriving the dispersion laws we cannot go beyond momenta of order ∆, as the Fermi
velocity superselection rule excludes gluon exchanges with very high momentum; it is therefore an approximation, but
nevertheless a useful one, as in most cases hard gluon exchanges are strongly suppressed by the asymptotic freedom
property of QCD.
By the equation

pν Πνµ b
ab Aµ = 0 , (8.34)

one obtains the relation

(p0 Π0 − |~ ~ (p0 Π1 − |~
p| Π1 ) A0 = ~n · A p| (Π2 + Π3 )) , (8.35)

between the scalar and the longitudinal component of the gluon fields. The dispersion laws for the scalar, longitudinal
and transverse gluons are respectively
¡ ¢¡ 2 ¢
Π + Π3 + p20 |~ p| + Π0 = p0 |~ p| (2 Π1 + p0 |~
p|) ,
¡ 2 ¢ ¡ ¢
Π2 + Π3 + p20 (|~ p| 2 Π1 + p20 + Π21 ,
p| p0 + Π0 ) = p0 |~
p20 − |~p|2 + Π2 = 0 . (8.36)
The analysis of these equations is rather complicated (Gusynin and Shovkovy, 2002) and we will give only the results
arising from the expansion of the vacuum polarization up to the second order in momenta. The relevant expressions
can be found in (Casalbuoni et al., 2001c,d). The results at zero momentum are the same for all the gluons and they
are summarized in the Debye mass (from Π00 ) and in the Meissner mass (from Πii
µ2 g 2
m2D = (21 − 8 ln 2) = g 2 F 2 , (8.37)
36π 2
µ ¶
µ2 g 2 11 2 1 m2
m2M = − − ln 2 + = D , (8.38)
π2 36 27 2 3
where the first two terms are the result of the diagram of Fig. 27, whereas the last one is the bare Meissner mass.
These results agree with the findings of other authors as, for instance, (Son and Stephanov, 2000a,b; Zarembo, 2000).
Recalling Eqs. (6.17)
m2D = αT g 2 FT2 , m2M = αS v 2 g 2 FT2 (8.39)
derived from the effective lagrangian for the CFL phase and the results already obtained for the parameters FT2 and
v 2 we see that
αS = αT = 1. (8.40)
This completes the evaluation of the parameters of the effective lagrangian for the CFL phase.
The Debye and Meissner masses do not exhaust the analysis of the dispersion laws for the gluons in the medium.
We will give here the result for the rest mass defined as the energy at zero momentum. Due to the large wave function
renormalization, of order g 2 µ2 /∆2 , the rest mass turns out to be of order ∆. Precisely we find that for large values
of µ one has
A ≈ √ . (8.41)
µ ¶
µ2 gs2 16
α1 = 7+ ln 2 . (8.42)
216∆2 π 2 3
mD 21 − 8 ln 2
A ≈√ = 6 ∆ ≈ 1.70 ∆ . (8.43)
3α1 21 + 16 ln 2
It is interesting to notice that the gluons are below threshold for the decay g → q q̄ since in the CFL all the quarks are
gapped with rest masses ∆ or 2∆. The rest mass can be also evaluated numerically without expanding in momenta.
One finds
m ≡ mR = 1.36 ∆ . (8.44)
A comparison with (8.43) shows that the relative error between the two procedures is of the order of 20% and this
is also the estimated difference for the dispersion law at small p~. We notice that also in this case the momentum
expansion approximation overestimates the correct result (Gusynin and Shovkovy, 2002).
The result about the large renormalization of the gluon fields can be easily understood by using the chiral expansion
of Eq. (7.110) (Jackson and Sannino, 2003). To this end let us first notice that the renormalizion factor for the fields
to be canonical is

gµ → gµ , (8.45)


which implies a coupling renormalization

∆ ∆
g→ g= . (8.46)
gµ µ

Therefore, after renormalization the coupling becomes ∆/µ. Now let us go back to the effective theory for the CFL
phase and precisely to the equation used to decouple the gluon fields, Eq. (6.18)
1 ³ ´ 1
gµa = − X̂∂µ X̂ † + Ŷ ∂µ Ŷ † ≡ ωµa . (8.47)
2g g
Now consider the kinetic term for the gluon fields
Fµν F µνa , (8.48)

Fµν = g∂µ gνa − ∂ν gµa − gfabc gµb gνc (8.49)

and fabc the structure constants of the gauge group. Substituting the expression (8.47) inside the kinetic term we find
" ¶2 #
X µ1 1 1
a a b c
kinetic rem ≈ (∂µ ων − ∂ν ωµ − g 2 fabc ωµ ων ≈ 2 × four derivative operator. (8.50)
g g g

However the chiral expansion gives a coefficient for a four derivative operator given by

1 µ2
F 2 ∆2 × = . (8.51)
∆4 ∆2
Comparing these two results, obtained both for canonical gluon fields, we see that the coupling must be of the order
∆/µ, recovering the result obtained from the explicit calculation.


We have discussed in Section V.D.3 the more realistic case of 2 massless flavors and a third massive one, showing
that for µ < m2s /2∆ the condensate of the heavy quark with the light ones may be disrupted. In this Section we
will investigate more carefully this problem but limiting ourselves two the case of two flavors (one massless and one
massive). We know (always from Section V.D.3) that the radii of the Fermi spheres are
pF1 = µ2 − m2s , pF2 = µ. (9.1)

In the case ms ¿ µ we can approximate the radius of the sphere of the massive fermion as

pF1 ≈ µ − . (9.2)

At the lowest order the effect of the mass is to split by a constant term the Fermi momenta. Also, the splitting is
the ratio m2s /2µ that we have already encountered in Section VII.E, and we see from here in a simple way why this
expression is an effective chemical potential. In this approximation we can substitute the problem with another one
where we have two massless fermions but with a split chemical potential. This problem has received a lot of attention
in normal superconductivity in presence of a magnetic field. The coupling of the field to the spin of the electrons
produces a splitting of the Fermi surfaces related to spin up and spin down electrons. In practice this coupling is
completely dominated by the coupling of the magnetic field to the orbital angular momentum, but it is possible to
conceive situations where the effect is important11

11 For recent reviews about this point and the LOFF phase that will be discussed later, see (Bowers, 2003; Casalbuoni and Nardulli, 2003)

Measuring the splitting from the middle point we define the chemical potentials for the two species of fermions as

µu = µ + δµ, µd = µ − δµ, (9.3)

where we have denoted by u and d the two species of fermions under study. To describe the situation we can add the
following interaction hamiltonian

HI = −δµψ † σ3 ψ, (9.4)

where σ3 is a Pauli matrix acting in the two-dimensional space corresponding to the two fermions. Notice that in
the case of normal superconductivity δµ is proportional to the magnetic field. Let us start considering the case of
normal superconductivity. In this case we have a simple modification in the diagonal terms of the Gor’kov equations,
introduced in Section III.D, leading to the inverse propagator
µ ¶
−1 (i∂t − ξp + δµσ3 ) −∆
S (p) = . (9.5)
−∆∗ (i∂t + ξp + δµσ3 )

Then, evaluating the gap equation, as given in Eq. (3.130, one gets easily at T = 0:
dE d3 p 1
∆ = i g∆ , (9.6)
2π (2π)3 (E − δµ)2 − ξp2 − ∆2

and at T 6= 0:
+∞ Z
X d3 p ∆
∆ = gT , (9.7)
(2π)3 (ωn + iδµ)2 + ²(p, ∆)2

where, we recall that

²(p, ∆) = ∆2 + ξp2 . (9.8)

We now use the identity

1 1
[1 − nu − nd ] = ²(p, ∆)T 2 + ²2 (p, ∆)
, (9.9)
2 n=−∞
(ωn + iδµ)

1 1
nu (p) = (²+δµ)/T
, nd (p = (²−δµ)/T
. (9.10)
e +1 e +1
The gap equation can be therefore written as
g∆ d3 p 1
∆= 3
(1 − nu (p) − nd (p)) . (9.11)
2 (2π) ²(p, ∆)

In the Landau theory of the Fermi liquid nu , nd are interpreted as the equilibrium distributions for the quasiparticles
of type u, d. It can be noted that the last two terms act as blocking factors, reducing the phase space.
Before considering the solutions of the gap equations in the general case let us consider the case δµ = 0; the
corresponding gap is denoted ∆0 . At T = 0 there is no reduction of the phase space and we know already the solution
∆0 = . (9.12)

ρ= (9.13)
π 2 vF

is the density of states and we have used ξp ≈ vF (p − pF ), see Eqs. (3.115)-(3.118). In the weak coupling limit (9.12)

∆0 = 2δ e−2/ρg . (9.14)

Let us now consider the case δµ 6= 0. By (3.143) the gap equation is written as
g d3 p 1 g d 3 p nu + nd
−1 + = . (9.15)
2 (2π)3 ² 2 (2π)3 ²
Using the gap equation for the BCS superconductor, the l.h.s can be written, in the weak coupling limit, as
gρ ∆0
l.h.s = log , (9.16)
2 ∆
where we got rid of the cutoff δ by using ∆0 , the gap at δµ = 0 and T = 0. Let us now evaluate the r.h.s. at T = 0.
We get
¯ Z
¯ gρ δ dξp
r.h.s.¯ = [θ(−² − δµ) + θ(−² + δµ)] . (9.17)
T =0 2 0 ²
The gap equation at T = 0 can therefore be written as follows:
∆0 δµ2 − ∆2
log = θ(δµ − ∆)arcsinh , (9.18)
∆ ∆

log p 0 = 0. (9.19)
δµ + δµ2 − ∆2

One can immediately see that there are no solutions for δµ > ∆0 . For δµ ≤ ∆0 one has two solutions.

a) ∆ = ∆0 , (9.20)
b) ∆2 = 2 δµ∆0 − ∆20 . (9.21)

The first arises since for ∆ = ∆0 the l.h.s. of the Eq. (9.18) is zero. But since we may have solutions only for δµ ≤ ∆0
the θ-function in Eq. (9.18) makes zero also the r.h.s..
The existence of this solution can also be seen from Eq. (9.6). In fact in this equation one can shift the integration
variable as follows: E → E + δµ, getting the result that, in the superconductive phase, the gap ∆ is independent of
δµ, i.e. ∆ = ∆0q . Notice that the shift is admissible only if no singularity is found. However, since the integrand has
poles at −δµ ± ξp2 + ∆2 − i sign(E), when δµ > ∆0 the pole corresponding to the sign plus becomes negative and
therefore it goes into the upper plane together with the other pole. In this case by closing the path in the lower half
plane we find zero
We take this occasion to compute the contribution of the free energy to the grand potential again in a different way.
To compute this contribution we make use of a theorem asserting that for small variations of an external parameter
all the thermodynamical quantities vary in the same way (Landau and Lifshitz, 1996). We apply this to the grand
potential to get
∂Ω D ∂H E
= . (9.22)
∂g ∂g
From the expression of the interaction hamiltonian (see Eq. (3.104) with G = g) we find immediately (cfr. (Abrikosov
et al., 1963), cap. 7)12 :
Ω=− |∆|2 . (9.23)

12 We will use indifferently the symbol Ω for the grand potential and its density Ω/V .

Using the result (9.14) one can trade the integration over the coupling constant g for an integration over ∆0 , the BCS
gap at δµ = 0, because d∆0 /∆0 = 2dg/ρg 2 . Therefore the difference in free energy between the superconductor and
the normal state is
ρ ∆0 2 d∆0
Ω∆ − Ω0 = − ∆ . (9.24)
2 ∆f ∆0

Here ∆f is the value of ∆0 corresponding to ∆ = 0. ∆f = 0 in the case a) of Eq. (9.20) and ∆f = 2δµ in the case
b) of Eq. (9.21); in the latter case one sees immediately that Ω∆ − Ω0 > 0 because from Eq. (9.21) it follows that
∆0 < 2δµ. The free energies for δµ 6= 0 corresponding to the cases a), b) above can be computed substituting (9.20)
and (9.21) in (9.24). Before doing that let us derive the density of free energy at T = 0 and δµ 6= 0 in the normal non
superconducting state. Let us start from the very definition of the grand potential for free spin 1/2 particles
Z ³ ´
d3 p (µ−²(p))/T
Ω0 (0, T ) = −2V T ln 1 + e . (9.25)

Integrating by parts this expression we get, for T → 0,

Ω0 (0) = − dΩp p3 d² θ(µ − ²) . (9.26)
12π 3
From this expression we can easily evaluate the grand-potential for two fermions with different chemical potentials
expanding at the first non-trivial order in δµ/µ. The result is

Ω0 (δµ) = Ω0 (0) − ρ. (9.27)
Therefore from (9.20), (9.21) and (9.24) in the cases a), b) one has
a) Ω∆ (δµ) = Ω0 (δµ) − (−2 δµ2 + ∆20 ) , (9.28)
b) Ω∆ (δµ) = Ω0 (δµ) − (−4 δµ2 + 4δµ∆0 − ∆20 ) . (9.29)

Comparing (9.28) and (9.29) we see that the solution a) has lower Ω. Therefore,√ for δµ < ∆0 / 2 the BCS supercon-
ductive state is stable (Chandrasekhar, 1962; Clogston, 1962). At δµ = ∆0 / 2 it becomes metastable, as the normal
state has a lower free energy. This transition is first order since the gap does not depend on δµ.
The grand potentials for the two cases a) and b) and for the gapless phase, Eq. (9.27), are given in Fig. 28, together
with the corresponding gaps.

This analysis shows that at δµ = δµ1 = ∆0 / 2 one goes from the superconducting (∆ 6= 0) to the normal (∆ = 0)
phase. However, as we shall discuss below, the real ground state for δµ > δµ1 turns out to be an inhomogeneous one,
where the assumption (3.136) of a uniform gap is not justified.
The considerations made in this Section may be repeated for the 2SC case in color superconductivity. In fact, as
we have seen, the only difference is in the density at the Fermi surface which is four time the one considered here with
vF = 1, pF = µ.

A. Phase diagram of homogeneous superconductors

We will now study the phase diagram of the homogeneous superconductor for small values of the gap parameter,
which allows to perform a Ginzburg-Landau expansion of gap equation and grand potential. In order to perform a
complete study we need to expand the grand-potential up to the 6th order in the gap. As a matter of fact in the
plane (δµ, T ) there is a first order transition at (δµ1 , 0) and a second order one at (0, Tc ) (the usual BCS second
order transition). Therefore we expect that a second order and a first order line start from these points and meet
at a tricritical point, which by definition is the meeting point of a second order and a first order transition line. A
tricritical point is characterized by the simultaneous vanishing of the ∆2 and ∆4 coefficients in the grand-potential
expansion, which is why one needs to introduce in the grand potential the 6th order term. For stability reasons the
corresponding coefficient should be positive; if not, one should include also the ∆8 term.

∆ 1.4

0.2 ∆0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2



_____ -0.6
ρ∆ 0

FIG. 28 Gap and grand potential as functions of δµ for the two solutions a) and b) discussed in the text, see Eqs.(9.20), (9.21)
and (9.28), (9.29). Upper solid (resp. dashed) line: Gap for solution a) (resp. solution b)). In the lower part we plot the grand
potential for the solution a) (solid line) and solution b) (dashed line); we also plot the grand potential for the normal gapless
state with δµ 6= 0 (dashed-dotted line). All the grand potentials are referred to the value Ω0 (0) (normal state with δµ = 0).

We consider the grand potential, as measured from the normal state, near a second order phase transition
1 1 1
Ω= α∆2 + β∆4 + γ∆6 . (9.30)
2 4 6
Minimization gives the gap equation:

α∆ + β∆3 + γ∆5 = 0 . (9.31)

Expanding Eq. (9.7) up to the 5th order in ∆ and comparing with the previous equation one determines the coefficients
α, β and γ up to a normalization constant. One gets
X∞ Z δ · ¸
∆ ∆3 ∆5
∆ = 2 g ρ T Re dξ − + 2 + ··· , (9.32)
n=0 0
(ω̄n2 + ξ 2 ) (ω̄n2 + ξ 2 )2 (ω̄n + ξ 2 )3


ω̄n = ωn + iδµ = (2n + 1)πT + iδµ . (9.33)

As we have discussed in Section III.E the grand potential can be obtained, integrating in ∆ the gap equation and
integrating the result provided that we multiply it by the factor 2/g. Therefore
à ∞ Z δ
2 X dξ
α = 1 − 2 g ρ T Re , (9.34)
g n=0 0
(ω̄n2 + ξ 2 )
∞ Z ∞
X dξ
β = 4ρ T Re 2 + ξ 2 )2
, (9.35)
n=0 0
∞ Z ∞
X dξ
γ = −4ρ T Re 2 + ξ 2 )3
. (9.36)
n=0 0
(ω̄ n

Notice that for δµ = 0 we recover the expressions of Section III.E. In the coefficients β and γ we have extended
the integration in ξ up to infinity since both the sum and the integral are convergent. To evaluate α we proceed as

in Section III.E first integrating over ξ and then summing over the Matsubara frequencies (Buzdin and Kachkachi,
1997). In Eq. (9.34) we first integrate over ξ obtaining a divergent series which can be regulated cutting the sum at
a maximal value of n determined by
ωN = δ ⇒ N ≈ . (9.37)
We obtain
à N
2 X 1
α= 1 − π g ρ T Re . (9.38)
g ω̄
n=0 n

The sum can be performed in terms of the Euler’s function ψ(z):

XN · µ ¶ µ ¶¸
1 1 3 y 1 y
Re = Re ψ +i +N −ψ +i
n=0 n
2πT 2 2π 2 2π
µ µ ¶¶
1 δ 1 y
≈ log − Re ψ +i , (9.39)
2πT 2πT 2 2π
y= . (9.40)
Eliminating the cutoff and using the gap equation at T = 0 we find
µ µ ¶¶
1 v
α(v, t) = ρ log(4πt) + Re ψ +i . (9.41)
2 2πt
δµ T v
v= , t= , y= . (9.42)
∆0 ∆0 t
Let us introduce the function Tc (y) defined by
µ ¶
∆0 1 iy
log = Re ψ + . (9.43)
4πTc (y) 2 2π
Then we find
α(v, t) = ρ log , (9.44)
tc (v/t)
Tc (y)
tc (y) = . (9.45)
The line where α(v, t) = 0, that is

t = tc (v/t) (9.46)

defines the second order phase transitions (see discussion later). In particular at δµ = 0, using (C the Euler-Mascheroni
µ ¶
ψ = − log(4γ), γ = eC , C = 0.5777 . . . , (9.47)

we find from Eq. (9.41)

α(0, T /∆0 ) = ρ log , (9.48)

reproducing the critical temperature for the BCS case

Tc = ∆0 ≈ 0.56693 ∆0 . (9.49)
The other terms in the expansion of the gap equation are easily evaluated integrating over ξ and summing over the
Matsubara frequencies. We get
X∞ µ ¶
1 ρ (2) 1 δµ
β = π ρ T Re = − Re ψ + i , (9.50)
ω̄ 3
n=0 n
16 π 2 T 2 2 2πT
X∞ µ ¶
3 1 3 ρ (4) 1 δµ
γ = − π ρ T Re = Re ψ +i , (9.51)
4 n=0 n
ω̄ 5 4 768 π 4 T 4 2 2πT

ψ (n) (z) = ψ(z) . (9.52)
dz n
Let us now briefly review some results on the grand potential in the GL expansion (9.30). We will assume γ > 0 in
order to ensure the stability of the potential. The minimization leads to the solutions

∆ = 0, (9.53)

1 ³ p ´
∆2 = ∆2± = −β ± β 2 − 4αγ . (9.54)

The discussion of the minima of Ω depends on the signs of the parameters α and β. The results are the following:

1. α > 0, β > 0

In this case there is a single minimum given by (9.53) and the phase is symmetric.

2. α > 0, β < 0

Here there are three minima, one is given by (9.53) and the other two are degenerate minima at

∆ = ±∆+ . (9.55)

The line along which the three minima become equal is given by:
Ω(0) = Ω(±∆+ ) −→ β = −4 . (9.56)

Along this line there is a first order transition with a discontinuity in the gap given by
4α 3β
∆2+ = − =− . (9.57)
β 4γ

To the right of the first order line we have Ω(0) < Ω(±∆+ ). It follows that to the right of this line there is the
symmetric phase, whereas the broken phase is in the left part (see Fig. 29).

3. α < 0, β > 0

In this case Eq. (9.53) gives a maximum, and there are two degenerate minima given by Eq. (9.55).
Since for α > 0 the two minima disappear, it follows that there is a second order phase transition along the line
α = 0. This can also be seen by noticing that going from the broken phase to the symmetric one we have

lim ∆2+ = 0 . (9.58)



second-order line

broken phase symmetric phase


tricr. point

first-order line

FIG. 29 The graph shows the first order and the second order transition lines for the potential of Eq. (9.30). We show the
tricritical point and the regions corresponding to the symmetric and the broken phase. Also shown is the behavior of the grand
potential in the various regions. The thin solid line is the locus of the points β 2 − 4αγ = 0. In the interior region we have
β 2 − 4αγ < 0.

4. α < 0, β < 0

The minima and the maximum are as in the previous case.

Notice also that the solutions ∆± do not exist in the region β 2 < 4αγ. The situation is summarized in Fig. 29.
Here we show the behavior of the grand potential in the different sectors of the plane (α/γ, β/γ), together with the
transition lines. Notice that in the quadrant (α > 0, β <p 0) there are metastable phases corresponding to non absolute
minima. In the sector included between the line β = −2 α/γ and the first order transition line the metastable phase
is the broken one, whereas in the region between the first order and the α = 0 lines the metastable phase is the
symmetric one.
Using Eqs. (9.41), (9.50) and (9.51) which give the parameters α, β and γ in terms of the variables v = δµ/∆0
and t = T /∆0 , we can map the plane α and β into the plane (δµ/∆0 , T /∆0 ). The result is shown in Fig. 30. From
this mapping we can draw several conclusions. First of all the region where the previous discussion in terms of the
parameters α, β and γ applies is the inner region of the triangular part delimited by the lines γ = 0. In fact, as already
stressed, our expansion does not hold outside this region. This statement can be made quantitative by noticing that
along the first order transition line the gap increases when going away from the tricritical point as
2 4α 3α
∆+ = − = . (9.59)
β γ

Notice that the lines β(v, t) = 0 and γ(v, t) = 0 are straight lines, since these zeroes are determined by the functions
ψ (2) and ψ (4) which depend only on the ratio v/t. Calculating the first order line around
√ the tricritical point one gets
the result plotted as a solid line in Fig. 30. Since we know that δµ = δµ1 = ∆0 / 2 is a first order transition point,
the first order line must end there. In Fig. 30 we have simply connected the line with the point with a grey dashed
line. To get this line a numerical evaluation at all orders in ∆ would be required. This is feasible but we will skip
it since the results will not be necessary in the following, see (Sarma, 1963). The location of the tricritical point is
determined by the intersection of the lines α = 0 and β = 0. One finds (Buzdin and Kachkachi, 1997; Combescot and

Mora, 2002)

δµ ¯¯ T ¯¯
¯ = 0.60822, ¯ = 0.31833 . (9.60)
∆0 tric ∆0 tric
We also note that the line α = 0 should cross the temperature axis at the BCS point. In this way one reobtains the
result in Eq. (9.49) for the BCS critical temperature, and also the value for the tricritical temperature

= 0.56149 . (9.61)
The results given in this Section are valid as long as other possible condensates are neglected. In fact, we will see
that close to the first order transition of the homogeneous phase the LOFF phase with inhomogeneous gap can be

γ < 0

α > 0 __
∆ 0 0.7 γ = 0
α = 0
β > 0 γ > 0
α < 0
0.4 β = 0
0.3 Homogeneous γ > 0
β < 0
γ = 0
δµ γ < 0
0 __
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 ∆ 0

α < 0 α = 0 α > 0

FIG. 30 The curve shows the points solutions of the equation ∆ = 0 in the plane (v, t) = (δµ/∆0 , T /∆0 ). The tricritical point
at (δµ, T ) ≈ (0.61, 0.32) ∆0 is also shown. The upper part of the curve (solid line) separates the homogeneous phase from the
normal one. Along the dashed line ∆ = 0 but this is not the absolute minimum of the grand potential.

B. Dependence of the condensate on the quark masses

In the previous Section we have ignored all the mass corrections but for the ones coming from the shift of the
chemical potential. However there is a small mass dependence on the condensate itself. This is because the presence
of the mass gives rise to a reduction of the density of the states at the Fermi surface weakening the gap. This problem
has been studied in (Casalbuoni et al., 2002a; Kundu and Rajagopal, 2002). We will follow here the approach given
in (Casalbuoni et al., 2002a). Let us consider the QCD lagrangian

/ + µ γ 0 − m) ψ = ψ̄ (i D
LQCD = ψ̄ (i D / + µ γ 0 − xµ) ψ, (9.62)

where we will keep

x= , 0<x<1 (9.63)

fixed in the µ → ∞ limit. This particular limit is convenient when one discusses problems related to compact stellar
objects where the strange quark mass is not very far from the relevant chemical potential (of order of 400 M eV ).
This lagrangian and the one at zero quark mass can be related by making use of the Cini-Touschek transformation
(Cini and Touschek, 1958) that was invented to study the ultra-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation for a massive
In order to describe the method used we need to discuss a little kinematics. In the massive case, as we have seen,
the Fermi momentum is given by

p2F = µ2 (1 − x2 ) (9.64)

and the Fermi velocity by

∂E(p) ¯¯ pF pF
vF = ¯ = = . (9.65)
∂p p=pF EF µ
Introducing the unit vector
n= , (9.66)
|pF |
we get
vF = 1 − x2~n. (9.67)

Now let us do again the decomposition of the momentum in the Fermi momentum plus the residual momentum
p = pF + ` = µ 1 − x2 n + `. (9.68)

Substituting inside the Dirac hamiltonian

H = p0 = α · p − µ + mγ0 , (9.69)

we get
H = −µ + µ( 1 − x2 α · n + xγ0 ) + α · `. (9.70)

We proceed now introducing the following two projection operators

¡ √ ¢
1 ± xγ0 − 1 − x2 α · n
P± = . (9.71)
These are projection operators since the square of the operator in parenthesis is one. In terms of the projected wave
functions the Dirac equations splits into the two equations

Hψ+ = α · `ψ+ , Hψ− = (−2µ + α · `) ψ− . (9.72)

Therefore we reproduce exactly the same situation as in the massless case (see Section V.B) and all the formalism
holds true introducing the two four-vectors

V µ = (1, vF ), Ṽ µ = (1, −vF ), (9.73)


|vF |2 = 1 − x2 . (9.74)

Without entering in too many details we can now explain the results found in (Casalbuoni et al., 2002a). One starts
from the same four-fermi interaction of Section V.B.2 and writes the Schwinger-Dyson equation obtaining a gap
equation which is the same obtained in Section V.B.2 with a few differences. Since the main interest of the paper was
to understand how the condensate varies with quark masses the assumption was made that the chemical potentials

∆/∆ 0

10 20 30 40
δµ (MeV)

FIG. 31 The ratio of the gap for finite masses ∆ over the gap for massless quarks ∆0 as a function of δµ. The lines give the
ratio for values x1 = 0 (dotted line), x1 = 0.1 (dash-dotted line), x1 = 0.25 (dashed one). The values used are µ = 400 MeV,
δ = 400 M eV , G = 10.2 GeV −2 , corresponding to ∆0 ≈ 40 M eV .

of the up and down quarks were arranged in such a way to make equal the two Fermi momentum. This gives the
q q
pF = pF1 = pF2 = µ21 − m21 = µ22 − m22 , (9.75)

from which
m21 − m22
δµ = . (9.76)
Then we have the main modifications come from a change of the density at the Fermi surface. Precisely
µ2 → p2F = (µ + δµ)(µ − δµ)α(x1 , x2 ), (9.77)
α(x1 , x2 ) = (1 − x21 )(1 − x22 ). (9.78)

Also there is a factor

1 + α(x1 , x2 )
Ṽ2 · V1 = (9.79)
coming from the interaction, and finally a modification of the propagator (where the product (Ṽ2 · `)V1 · `) appears.
Putting everything together we find that the gap is given by
4α + β 2 −2/ρN G
∆=2 δe (9.80)
q q
β(x1 , x2 ) = 1 − x21 − 1 − x22 (9.81)

µ ¶
4µ2 δµ2 α(x1 , x2 )(1 + α(x1 , x2 ))
ρN = 1− 2 p . (9.82)
π2 µ 4α(x1 , x2 ) + β(x1 , x2 )2
In Fig. 31 we plot the condensate normalized at its value, ∆0 , for m1 = m2 = 0 as a function of δµ in different
situations. We have chosen µ = 400 M eV , δ = 400 M eV and G = 10.3 GeV −2 in such a way that ∆0 = 40 M eV . The
diagram refers to one massive quark and one massless. Notice also that plotting δµ is the same as plotting m22 − m21 .


We will review here briefly the so called LOFF phase. Many more details can be found in two recent reviews
(Bowers, 2003; Casalbuoni and Nardulli, 2003). We have already discussed the fact that when the chemical potentials
of two fermions are too apart the condensate may break. In particular we have shown (see Section IX) that when the
difference between the two chemical potentials, δµ, satisfies
δµ = √ , (10.1)
where ∆0 is the BCS gap at δµ = 0, the system undergoes a first order phase transition, with the gap going from
∆0 to zero. However just close at this point something different may happen. According to the authors (Fulde and
Ferrell, 1964; Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964) when fermions belong to two different Fermi spheres, they may prefer
to pair staying as much as possible close to their own Fermi surface. When they are sitting exactly at the surface, the
pairing is as shown in Fig. 32. We see that the total momentum of the pair is p1 + p2 = 2q and, as we shall see, |q |

p 2q
ψ0 2



FIG. 32 Pairing of fermions belonging to two Fermi spheres of different radii according to LOFF.

is fixed variationally whereas the direction of q is chosen spontaneously. Since the total momentum of the pair is not
zero the condensate breaks rotational and translational invariance. The simplest form of the condensate compatible
with this breaking is just a simple plane wave (more complicated functions will be considered later)

hψ(x)ψ(x)i ≈ ∆ e2iq·x . (10.2)

It should also be noticed that the pairs use much less of the Fermi surface than they do in the BCS case. In fact, in
the case considered in Fig. 32 the fermions can pair only if they belong to the circles drawn there. More generally
there is a quite large region in momentum space (the so called blocking region) which is excluded from the pairing.
This leads to a condensate smaller than the BCS one.
Let us now begin the discussion. Remember that for two fermions at different densities we have an extra term in
the hamiltonian which can be written as

HI = −δµσ3 . (10.3)

In the original LOFF papers (Fulde and Ferrell, 1964; Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964) the case of ferromagnetic alloys
with paramagnetic impurities was considered. The impurities produce a constant magnetic exchange field which,
acting upon the electron spin, gives rise to an effective difference in the chemical potential of the opposite fields. In
this case δµ is proportional to the exchange field. In the actual case δµ = (µ1 − µ2 )/2 and σ3 is a Pauli matrix acting
on the space of the two fermions. According to (Fulde and Ferrell, 1964; Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964) this favors
the formation of pairs with momenta

p1 = k + q, p2 = −k + q. (10.4)

We will discuss in detail the case of a single plane wave (see Eq. (10.2)) and we will give some results about the
general case. The interaction term of Eq. (10.3) gives rise to a shift in the variable ξ = E(p) − µ due both to the
non-zero momentum of the pair and to the different chemical potential

p) − µ → E(±~k + ~q) − µ ∓ δµ ≈ ξ ∓ µ̄,

ξ = E(~ (10.5)


µ̄ = δµ − ~vF · ~q. (10.6)

Here we have assumed δµ ¿ µ (with µ = (µ1 + µ2 )/2) allowing us to expand E at the first order in q (see Fig. 32).
The gap equation has the same formal expression as Eq. (3.143) for the BCS case
g d 3 p 1 − nu − nd
1= , (10.7)
2 (2π)3 ²(~ p, ∆)
but now nu 6= nd
nu,d = , (10.8)
e(²(~p,∆)±µ̄)/T +1
where ∆ is the LOFF gap. In the limit of zero temperature we obtain
g d3 p 1
1= (1 − θ(−² − µ̄) − θ(−² + µ̄)) . (10.9)
2 (2π)3 ²(~
p, ∆)
The two step functions can be interpreted saying that at zero temperature there is no pairing when ²(~ p, ∆) < |µ̄|.
This inequality defines the so called blocking region. The effect is to inhibit part of the Fermi surface to the pairing
giving rise a to a smaller condensate with respect to the BCS case where all the surface is used.
We are now in the position to show that increasing δµ from zero we have first the BCS phase. Then at δµ ≈ δµ1
there is a first order transition to the LOFF phase (Alford et al., 2001; Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964), and at
δµ = δµ2 > δµ1 there is a second order phase transition to the normal phase (with zero gap) (Alford et al., 2001;
Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964). We start comparing the grand potential in the BCS phase to the one in the normal
phase. Their difference, from Eq. (9.28), is given by
ρ¡ 2 ¢
ΩBCS − Ωnormal = − ∆BCS − 2δµ2 . (10.10)
We have assumed δµ ¿ µ. The situation is represented in Fig. 33. In order to compare with the LOFF phase we

Ωnormal δµ δµ
1 2 ∆
Ω LOFF δµ ∆

ΩBCS ~ .23 ∆ BCS

δµ δµ
1 2

FIG. 33 The grand potential and the condensate of the BCS and LOFF phases vs. δµ.

will now expand the gap equation around the point ∆ = 0 (Ginzburg-Landau expansion) exploring the possibility of
a second order phase transition. Using the gap equation for the BCS phase in the first term on the right-hand side of
Eq. (10.9) and integrating the other two terms in ξ we get
∆BCS dΩ C(θ)
ρ log =ρ arcsinh , (10.11)
∆ 4π ∆

C(θ) = (δµ − qvF cos θ)2 − ∆2 . (10.12)
For ∆ → 0 we get easily
Z ³
∆BCS 1 +1
u´ δµ
− log + log 1 − = 0, z= . (10.13)
2δµ 2 −1 z qvF

This expression is proportional to the coefficient α in the Ginzburg-Landau expansion (recall the discussion in Section
IX.A). Therefore it should be minimized with respect to q. The minimum is given by
1 1
tanh = 1, (10.14)
z z
qvF ≈ 1.2 δµ2 . (10.15)

Putting this value back in eq. (10.13) we obtain

δµ2 ≈ 0.754 ∆BCS . (10.16)

From the expansion of the gap equation around δµ2 it is easy to obtain
∆2 ≈ 1.76 δµ2 (δµ2 − δµ). (10.17)
Recalling Eq. (9.23), we can express the grand potential of the LOFF phase relatively to the one of the normal phase
Z g
dg 2
ΩLOFF − Ωnormal = − 2
∆ . (10.18)
0 g

Using Eq. (3.64) for the BCS gap and Eq.(10.16) we can write
dg ρ d∆BCS ρ dδµ2
= = . (10.19)
g 2 ∆BCS 2 δµ2
Noticing that ∆ is zero for δµ2 = δµ we are now able to perform the integral (10.18) obtaining

ΩLOFF − Ωnormal ≈ −0.44 ρ(δµ − δµ2 )2 . (10.20)

We see that in the window between the intersection of the BCS curve and the LOFF curve in Fig. 33 and δµ2 the
LOFF phase is favored. Furthermore at the intersection there is a first order transition between the LOFF and the
BCS phase. Notice that since δµ2 is very close to δµ1 the intersection point is practically given by δµ1 . In Fig. 33 we
show also the behaviour of the condensates. Altough the window (δµ1 , δµ2 ) ' (0.707, 0.754)∆BCS is rather narrow,
there are indications that considering the realistic case of QCD (Leibovich et al., 2001) the window may open up.
Also, for different structures than the single plane wave there is the possibility that the window opens up (Leibovich
et al., 2001).

A. Crystalline structures

The ground state in the LOFF phase is a superposition of states with different occupation numbers (N even)
|0iLOF F = cN |N i. (10.21)

Therefore the general structure of the condensate in the LOFF ground state will be
hψ(x)ψ(x)i = c∗N cN +2 e2iqN ·x hN |ψ(x)ψ(x)|N + 2i
= ∆N e2iqN ·~x . (10.22)

The case considered previously corresponds to all the Cooper pairs having the same total momentum 2q. A more
general situation, although not the most general, is when the vectors qN reduce to a set qi defining a regular
crystalline structure. The corresponding coefficients ∆qi (linear combinations of subsets of the ∆N ’s) do not depend
on the vectors qi since all the vectors belong to the same orbit of the group. Furthermore all the vectors qi have the
same length (Bowers and Rajagopal, 2002) given by Eq. (10.15). In this case
h0|ψ(x)ψ(x)|0i = ∆q e2iqi ·x . (10.23)

This more general case has been considered in (Bowers and Rajagopal, 2002; Larkin and Ovchinnikov, 1964) by
evaluating the grand-potential of various crystalline structures through a Ginzburg-Landau expansion, up to sixth
order in the gap (Bowers and Rajagopal, 2002)

β 4 γ 6
Ω = α∆2 + ∆ + ∆ . (10.24)
2 3
These coefficients can be evaluated microscopically for each given crystalline structure by following the procedure
outlined in Sections IX.A and III.E. The general procedure is to start from the gap equation represented graphically
in Fig. 34. Then, one expands the exact propagator in a series of the gap insertions as given in Fig. 35. Inserting

FIG. 34 Gap equation in graphical form. The thick line is the exact propagator. The black dot the gap insertion.

= + +

+ + ...

FIG. 35 The expansion of the propagator in graphical form. The darker boxes represent a ∆∗ insertion, the lighter ones a ∆

this expression back into the gap equation one gets the expansion illustrated in Fig. 36.

= + + + ...

FIG. 36 The expansion of the gap equation in graphical form. Notations as in Fig. 35.

On the other hand the gap equation is obtained minimizing the grand-potential (10.24), i.e.

α∆ + β∆3 + γ∆5 + · · · = 0. (10.25)


Comparing this expression with the result of Fig. 36 one is able to derive the coefficients α, β and γ. Except for
an overall coefficient (the number of plane waves) the coefficient α has the same expression for all kind of crystals.
Therefore the results obtained for the single plane wave and depending on the properties of this coefficients are

0.5 Normal

0.3 Tricr.
δµ 1 δµ 2

0 δµ
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 ∆0
first order

FIG. 37 The phase diagram for the LOFF phase in the plane (δµ, T ). It is shown the tricritical point. Here three lines meet:
the second order transition line from the normal case to the BCS phase, the first order transition line from the BCS phase to
the LOFF phase and the second order transition line from the LOFF phase to the normal one.





0.608 0.754 δµ
0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.74 ∆0

FIG. 38 The behavior of the length of the vector q along the second order transition line from the LOFF phase to the normal
phase is shown, vs. δµ/∆0 .

In ref. (Bowers and Rajagopal, 2002) more than 20 crystalline structures have been considered, evaluating for each
of them the coefficients of Eq. (10.24). The result of this analysis is that the face-centered cube appears to be the
favored structure among the ones considered (for more details see ref. (Bowers and Rajagopal, 2002)). However it
should be noticed that this result can be trusted only at T = 0. In fact one knows that in the (δµ, T ) phase space,
the LOFF phase has a tricritical point and that around this point the favored crystalline phase corresponds to two
antipodal waves (see (Buzdin and Kachkachi, 1997; Combescot and Mora, 2002) and for a review (Casalbuoni and
Nardulli, 2003)). Therefore there could be various phase transitions going down in temperature as it happens in the
two-dimensional case (Shimahara, 1998). For completeness we give here the phase diagram of the LOFF phase in the
plane (δµ, T ), in Fig. 37, and the behavior of the length of the vector q along the second order critical line in Fig 38.

B. Phonons

As we have seen QCD at high density is conveniently studied through a hierarchy of effective field theories, see
Section V.A. By using the same procedure in the case of the LOFF phase one can derive the analogue of the HDET
(Casalbuoni et al., 2001b, 2002c) and the effective lagrangian for the Goldstone bosons (phonons) associated to the
breaking of translational and rotational symmetries in the LOFF phase (Casalbuoni et al., 2002b,e). The number and
the features of the phonons depend on the particular crystalline structure. We will consider here the case of the single
plane-wave (Casalbuoni et al., 2001b) and of the face-centered cube (Casalbuoni et al., 2002e). We will introduce the
phonons as it is usual for NG bosons (Casalbuoni et al., 2001b), that is as the phases of the condensate. Considering
the case of a single plane-wave we introduce a scalar field Φ(x) through the replacement

∆(~x) = exp2iq·x ∆ → eiΦ(x) ∆. (10.26)

We require that the scalar field Φ(x) acquires the following expectation value in the ground state

hΦ(x)i = 2 q · x. (10.27)

The phonon field is defined as

φ(x) = Φ(x) − 2q · x. (10.28)
Notice that the phonon field transforms nontrivially under rotations and translations. From this it follows that non
derivative terms for φ(x) are not allowed. One starts with the most general invariant lagrangian for the field Φ(x) in
the low-energy limit. This cuts the expansion of Φ to the second order in the time derivative. However one may have
an arbitrary number of space derivative, since from Eq. (10.27) it follows that the space derivatives do not need to
be small. Therefore
à !
f2 X
Lphonon = Φ̇2 + ~ 2 )k Φ .
ck Φ(∇ (10.29)

Using the definition (10.28) and keeping the space derivative up to the second order (we can make this assumption
for the phonon field) we find
1³ 2 2 ~ ~ kφ · ∇
~ ⊥ φ − v2 ∇
~ kφ ,
Lphonon = φ̇ − v⊥ ∇⊥ φ · ∇ k (10.30)

~ k = ~n(~n · ∇),
~ ~⊥ =∇
~ −∇
~ k, ~q
∇ ∇ ~n = . (10.31)
|~q |

We see that the propagation of the phonon in the crystalline medium is anisotropic.
The same kind of considerations can be made in the case of the cube. The cube is defined by 8 vectors qi pointing
from the origin of the coordinates to the vertices of the cube parameterized as in Fig. 39.
The condensate is given by (Bowers and Rajagopal, 2002)
X 3
∆(x) = ∆ e2i~qk ·~x = ∆ e2i|~q |²i xi . (10.32)
k=1 i=1,(²i =±)

(-1,-1,1) (1,-1,1)

(-1,1,1) (1,1,1)


(-1,-1,-1) (1,-1,-1)

(-1,1,-1) (1,1,-1)

FIG. 39 The figure shows the vertices and corresponding coordinates of the cube described in the text. Also shown are the
symmetry axes.

We introduce now three scalar fields such that

hΦ(i) (x)i = 2|~q |xi , (10.33)

through the substitution

X (i)
∆(x) → ∆ ei²i Φ (x)
i=1,(²i =±)

and the phonon fields

1 (i)
φ (x) = Φ(i) (x) − 2|~q |xi . (10.35)
Notice that the expression (10.34) is invariant under the symmetry group of the cube acting upon the scalar fields
Φ(i) (x). This group has three invariants for the vector representation
~ = |X|
I2 (X) ~ 2, ~ = X 2X 2 + X 2X 3 + X 2X 2
I4 (X) 1 2 2 3 3 1
~ = X 2X 2X 2.
I6 (X) (10.36)
1 2 3

Therefore the most general invariant lagrangian invariant under rotations, translations and the symmetry group of
the cube, at the lowest order in the time derivative, is

f2 X
Lphonon = (Φ̇(i) )2
2 i=1,2,3
~ (i) ), I4 (∇Φ
+ Ls (I2 (∇Φ ~ (i) ), I6 (∇Φ
~ (i) )). (10.37)

Expanding this expression at the lowest order in the space derivatives of the phonon fields one finds (Casalbuoni et al.,
1 X a X ~ (i) 2
Lphonos = (φ̇(i) )2 − |∇φ |
2 i=1,2,3 2 i=1,2,3
b X X
− (∂i φ(i) )2 − c ∂i φ(i) ∂j φ(j) . (10.38)
2 i=1,2,3 i<j=1,2,3

The parameters appearing in the phonon lagrangian can be evaluated following the strategy outlined in (Casalbuoni
et al., 2002b,c) which is the same used for evaluating the parameters of the NG bosons in the CFL phase. It is enough

to calculate the self-energy of the phonons (or the NG bosons) through one-loop diagrams due to fermion pairs. Again
the couplings of the phonons to the fermions are obtained noticing that the gap acts as a Majorana mass for the
quasi-particles. Therefore the couplings originate from the substitutions (10.26) and (10.34). In this way one finds
the following results: for the single plane-wave
à µ ¶2 ! µ ¶2
2 1 δµ δµ
v⊥ = 1− , vk2 = (10.39)
2 |~q | |~q |

and for the cube

à µ ¶ !
1 1 δµ
a= , b = 0, c= 3 −1 . (10.40)
12 12 |~q |


Should we look for a laboratory to test color superconductivity, we would face the problem that in the high energy
physics programmes aiming at new states of matter, such as the Quark Gluon Plasma, the region of the T − µ
plane under investigation is that of low density and high temperature. On the contrary we need physical situations
characterized by low temperature and high densities. These conditions are supposed to occur in the inner core of
neutron stars, under the hypothesis that, at the center of these compact stars, nuclear matter has become so dense
as to allow the transition to quark matter. A schematic view of a neutron star is in Fig. 40.


10.3 Km
core 9.7 Km 10.6 Km

FIG. 40 Schematic view of a neutron star as computed by an equation of state with three nucleon interaction (Shapiro and
Teukolski, 1983).

In the subsequent sections we shall give a pedagogical introduction to the physics of compact stars and we shall review
some possible astrophysical implications of the color superconductivity.

A. A brief introduction to compact stars

To begin with, let us show that for a fermion gas high chemical potential means high density. To simplify the
argument we assume that the fermions are massless and not interacting, so that µ = ²F = pF . From the grand
potential in Eq. (5.166)
d3 p
Ω = gV (²p − µ)θ(µ − ²p ), (11.1)

one finds (g is the number of species of fermions times 2 for the spin)
gV 4
Ω=− µ . (11.2)
24π 2
It follows that
∂Ω gV 3
ρ=− = µ , (11.3)
∂µ 6π 2

which means that the chemical potential increases as ρ1/3 : This is the reason why we should search color supercon-
ductivity in media with very high baryonic density.
In the general case, the equation of state is determined, for instance, by evaluating the pressure as a function of
the other thermodynamical quantities. This can be done starting from the grand potential. For the simple case of
free massless fermions we obtain
gV 4
P = −Ω = µ , (11.4)
24π 2
and therefore the equation of state has the form
P = Kρ 3 . (11.5)

Clearly this result also holds for massive fermions in the Ultra Relativistic (UR) case where the mass is negligible. In
the Non Relativistic (NR) case one has

4 gV m3/2 5/2 2 g m3/2 3/2

P = √ µ , ρ= √ µ (11.6)
15 π 2 2 3 π2 2
from which
P = Kρ 3 , (11.7)

. More generally the equation of state can be approximated by the expression

P = Kργ , (11.8)

and the two cases discussed above are characterized as follows:

µ ¶ ρ ¿ 106 g/cm3 {electrons}

NR γ =
ρ ¿ 1015 g/cm3 {neutrons}

µ ¶ ρ À 106 g/cm3 {electrons}

UR γ =
ρ À 1015 g/cm3 {neutrons} . (11.9)

Let us note explicitly that, at T = 0, P 6= 0. This is a quantum-mechanical effect due to the Pauli principle and the
Fermi Dirac statistics (for comparison, for a classical Maxwell Boltzmann gas P → 0 when T → 0). In absence of
other sources of outward pressure it is the pressure of the degenerate fermion gas that balances the gravity and avoids
the stellar collapse.
One can see that the densities that can be reached in the compact stars are very different depending on the nature
of the fermions. The two cases correspond to two classes of compact stars, the white dwarfs and the neutron stars.
White dwarfs (w.d.s) are stars that have exhausted nuclear fuel; well known examples are Sirius B, or 40 Eri B. In
the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram w.d.s fill in a narrow corner below the main sequence. In a w.d. stellar equilibrium
is reached through a compensation between the inward pressure generated by gravity and the outward pressure of
degenerate electrons. Typical values of the central density, mass and radius for a w.d. are ρ = 106 g/cm3 , M ∼ M¯ ,
R ∼ 5, 000km. Notice that the nuclear saturation density, defined as the density of a nucleon of radius 1.2 f m. is
about 1.5 × 1014 g/cm3 .

Suppose now that in the star higher values of ρ are reached. If ρ increases, inverse beta decay becomes important:

e− p → nν . (11.10)

This process fixes the chemical composition at equilibrium

µe + µp = µn . (11.11)

In the cases of ultrarelativistic particles we get

e + ρ1/3
p = ρ1/3
n . (11.12)

On the other hand one has to enforce neutrality:

ρe = ρp , (11.13)

ρp 1
= . (11.14)
ρn 8
This number should be seen as a benchmark value, as it is derived under simplifying hypotheses, most notably the
absence of interactions and the neglect of masses. In any event it suggests that, for higher densities, the star tends
to have a relatively larger fraction of neutrons and therefore it is named a neutron star. It must be stressed that
one of the relevant facts about neutron stars is that the general relativity effects cannot be ignored and the relevant
equilibrium equations to be used are the Oppenheimer-Volkov equations of hydrostatic equilibrium.
The following simple argument, due to Landau (1932) can be used to evaluate the relevant parameters of white
dwarfs and neutron stars (see the textbook (Shapiro and Teukolski, 1983); more recent reviews of compact stars are in
(Heiselberg and Pandharipande, 2000; Page, 1998; Tsuruta, 1998)). Let us consider N fermions in a sphere of radius
R at T = 0; the number of fermion per volume unit scales as n ∼ N/R3 ; the volume per fermion is therefore ∼ 1/n
and the uncertainty on the position is of the order of n−1/3 ; the Fermi momentum is of the order of the uncertainty
on the fermion momentum and therefore

pF ∼ n1/3 ~ , (11.15)

a result we obtained already under more stringent hypotheses (Fermi-Dirac distribution) and derived again here using
only the uncertainty relations. The Fermi energy of the baryons is therefore

~cN 1/3
²F ∼ , (11.16)
if N is the total number of baryons. Note that this applies both to neutron stars and to electron stars, because also in
stars where the pressure mainly come from electrons there will be a considerable amount of protons and neutrons and
the largest part of the energy comes from the baryons, not from the electrons. On the other hand the gravitational
energy per baryon is
GN m2B
EG ∼ − , (11.17)
and the total energy can be estimated as

~cN 1/3 GN m2B

E = EG + EF ∼ − . (11.18)
Now equilibrium can exist only if E ≥ 0. As a matter of fact if E < 0 (N large) then limR→0 E = −∞, which means
that the energy is unbounded from below and the system is unstable. Therefore, E ≥ 0 gives the maximum number
of baryons as follows:
µ ¶3/2
N ≤ Nmax = ∼ 2 × 1057 . (11.19)
As a consequence the maximum mass is

Mmax = Nmax mB = 1.5M¯ . (11.20)


This mass can be estimated better and its better determination (∼ 1.4M¯ ) is known as the Chandrasekhar limit; for
our purposes the estimate (11.20) is however sufficient. Notice that the Chandrasekhar limit is similar for compact
stars where the degeneracy pressure is mainly supplied by electrons and also where it is supplied by baryons.
One can estimate the radius of a star whose mass is given by (11.20). One has
µ ¶1/2
~c 1/3 ~c ~c
²F ∼ Nmax ∼ (11.21)
R R Gm2B

and, therefore,
µ ¶1/2 n 5 × 108 cm {m = me }
~ ~c
R∼ = (11.22)
mc Gm2B 3 × 105 cm {m = mn }.

If a neutron star accretes its mass beyond the Chandrasekhar limit nothing can prevent the collapse and it becomes
a black hole13 . In Table VIII we summarize our discussion; notice that we report for the various stars also the value
of the parameter GM/Rc2 i.e. the ratio of the Schwarzschild radius to the star’s radius. Its smallness measures the
validity of the approximation of neglecting the general relativity effects; one can see that for the sun and the white
dwarfs the newtonian treatment of gravity represents a fairly good approximation.

g GM
M R ρ
cm3 Rc2

Sun M¯ R¯ 1 10−6

White Dwarf ≤ M¯ 10−2 R¯ ≤ 107 10−4

Neutron Star 1 − 3M¯ 10−5 R¯ ≤ 1015 10−1

Black Hole arbitrary ∼ R3

TABLE VIII Parameters of different stellar objects.

Neutron stars are the most likely candidate for the theoretical description of pulsars. Pulsars are rapidly rotating
stellar objects, discovered in 1967 by Hewish and collaborators and identified as rotating neutron stars by (Gold,
1969); so far about 1200 pulsars have been identified.
Pulsars are characterized by the presence of strong magnetic fields with the magnetic and rotational axis misaligned;
therefore they continuously emit electromagnetic energy (in the form of radio waves) and constitute indeed a very
efficient mean to convert rotational energy into electromagnetic radiation. The rotational energy loss is due to dipole
radiation and is therefore given by

dE dω B 2 R6 ω 4 sin2 θ
= Iω =− . (11.23)
dt dt 6c3
Typical values in this formula are, for the moment of inertia I ∼ R5 ρ ∼ 1045 g/cm3 , magnetic fields B ∼ 1012 G,
periods T = 2π/ω in the range 1.5 msec-8.5 sec; these periods increase slowly14 , with derivatives dT /dt ∼ 10−12 -
10−21 , and never decrease except for occasional jumps (called glitches).

13 The exact determination of the mass limit depends on the model for nuclear forces; for example in (Cameron and Canuto, 1974) the
neutron star mass limit is increased beyond 1.4M¯ .
14 Rotational period and its derivative can be used to estimate the pulsar’s age by the approximate formula T /2(dT /dt), see e.g. (Lorimer,

Glitches were first observed in the Crab and Vela pulsars in 1969; the variations in the rotational frequency are of
the order 10−8 − 10−6 .
This last feature is the most significant phenomenon pointing to neutron stars as a model of pulsars in comparison
to other form of hadronic matter, such as strange quarks. It will be discussed in more detail in Section XI.E, where we
will examine the possible role played by the crystalline superconducting phase. In the subsequent three paragraphs
we will instead deal with other possible astrophysical implications of color superconductivity.

B. Supernovae neutrinos and cooling of neutron stars

Neutrino diffusion is the single most important mechanism in the cooling of young neutron stars, i.e. with an age
< 105 years; it affects both the early stage and the late time evolution of these compact stars. To begin with let us
consider the early evolution of a Type II Supernova.
Type II supernovae are supposed to be born by collapse of massive (M ∼ 8 − 20M¯ ) stars15 . These massive
stars have unstable iron cores16 with masses of the order of the Chandrasekhar mass. The explosion producing the
supernova originates within the core, while the external mantle of the red giant star produces remnants that can be
analyzed by different means, optical, radio and X rays. These studies agree with the hypothesis of a core explosion.
The emitted energy (∼ 1051 erg) is much less than the total gravitational energy of the star, which confirms that the
remnants are produced by the outer envelope of the massive star; the bulk of the gravitational energy, of the order of
1053 erg, becomes internal energy of the proto neutron star (PNS). The suggestion that neutron stars may be formed
in supernovae explosions was advanced in 1934 by (Baade and Zwicky, 1934) and it has been subsequently confirmed
by the observation of the Crab pulsar in the remnant of the Crab supernova observed in China in 1054 A.D.
We do not proceed in this description as it is beyond the scope of this review and we concentrate our attention on
the cooling of the PNS17 , which is mostly realized through neutrino diffusion. By this mechanism one passes from the
initial temperature T ∼ 20 − 30 MeV to the cooler temperatures of the neutron star at subsequent stages. This phase
of fast cooling lasts 10-20 secs and the neutrinos emitted during it have mean energy ∼ 20 MeV. These properties,
that can be predicted theoretically, are also confirmed by data from SN 1987A.
The role of quark color superconductivity at this stage of the evolution of the neutron stars has been discussed
in (Carter and Reddy, 2000). In this paper the neutrino mean free path is computed in a color super-conducting
medium made up by quarks in two flavor (2SC model). The results obtained indicate that the cooling process by
neutrino emission slows down when the quark matter undergoes the phase transition to the superconducting phase
at the critical temperature Tc , but then accelerates when T decreases below Tc . There should be therefore changes in
the neutrino emission by the PNS and they might be observed in some future supernova event; this would produce
an interesting test for the existence of a color superconducting phase in compact stars.
Let us now consider the subsequent evolution of the neutron star, which also depends on neutrino diffusion. The
simplest processes of neutrino production are the so called direct Urca processes

f1 + ` → f2 + ν` ,

f2 + ` → f1 + ` → f2 + ν̄` ; (11.24)

by these reactions, in absence of quark superconductivity, the interior temperature T of the star drops below 109
K (∼ 100 KeV) in a few minutes and in 102 years to temperatures ∼ 107 K. Generally speaking the effect of the
formation of gaps is to slow down the cooling, as it reduces both the emissivity and the specific heat. However not
only quarks, if present in the neutron star, but also other fermions, such as neutrons, protons or hyperons have gaps,
as the formation of fermion pairs is unavoidable if there is an attractive interaction in any channel. Therefore, besides
quark color superconductivity, one has also the phenomenon of baryon superconductivity and neutron superfluidity,
which is the form assumed by this phenomenon for neutral particles. The analysis is therefore rather complicated;
the thermal evolution of a late time neutron star has been discussed in (Blaschke et al., 2000; Page et al., 2000),
but no clear signature for the presence of color superconductivity seems to emerge from the theoretical simulations
and, therefore, one may tentatively conclude that the late time evolution of the neutron stars does not offer a good
laboratory to test the existence of color superconductivity in compact stars.

15 The other supernovae, i.e. type I supernovae, result from the complete explosion of a star with 4M¯ ≤ M ≤ 8M¯ with no remnants.
16 Fusion processes favor the formation of iron, as the binding energy per nucleon in nuclei has a maximum for A ∼ 60.
17 See (Burrows and Lattimer, 1986; Colgate and White, 1966; Imsshennyk and Nadyozhin, 1973; Keil and Janka, 1995; Pons and et al,
1999) for further discussions.

C. R-mode instabilities in neutron stars and strange stars

Rotating relativistic stars are in general unstable against the rotational mode (r-mode instability) (Andersson,
1998). The instability is due to the emission of angular momentum by gravitational waves from the mode. Unless
it is damped by viscosity effects, this instability would spin down the star in relatively short times. More recently it
has been realized (Andersson et al., 2000; Bildsten and Ushomirsky, 1999) that in neutron stars there is an important
viscous interaction damping the r-mode i.e. that between the external metallic crust and the neutron superfluid. The
consequence of this damping is that r-modes are significant only for young neutron stars, with periods T < 2 msec.
For larger rotating periods the damping of the r−mode implies that the stars slow down only due to magnetic dipole
All this discussion is relevant for the nature of pulsars: Are they neutron stars or strange stars?
The existence of strange stars, i.e. compact stars made of quarks u, d, s in equal ratios would be a consequence
of the existence of stable strangelets. This hypothetical form of nuclear matter, made of a large number of u, d, s
quarks has been suggested by (Bodmer, 1971) and (Witten, 1984) as energetically favored in comparison to other
hadronic phases when a large baryonic number is involved. The reason is that in this way the fermions, being of
different flavors, could circumvent the Pauli principle and have a lower energy, in spite of the larger strange quark
mass. If strangelets do exist, basically all the pulsars should be strange stars because the annihilation of strange stars,
for example from a binary system, would fill the space around with strangelets that, in turn, would convert ordinary
nuclear stars into strange stars.
An argument in favor of the identification of pulsars with strange stars is the scarcity of pulsars with very high
frequency (T < 2.5 msec).
This seems to indicate that indeed the r−mode instability is effective in slowing down the compact stars and
favors strange stars, where, differently from neutron stars, the crust can be absent. Even in the presence of the
external crust, that in a quark star can be formed by the gas after the supernova explosion or subsequent accretion,
the dampening of the r − mode is less efficient. As a matter of fact, since electrons are only slightly bounded, in
comparison with quarks that are confined, they tend to form an atmosphere having a thickness of a few hundred
Fermi; this atmosphere produces a separation between the nuclear crust and the inner quark matter and therefore
the viscosity is much smaller.
In quark matter with color superconductivity the presence of gaps ∆ À T exponentially reduces the bulk and shear
viscosity, which renders the r−mode unstable. According to (Madsen, 2000, 2002) this would rule out compact stars
entirely made of quarks in the CFL case (the 2SC model would be marginally compatible, as there are ungapped
quarks in this case). For example for ∆ > 1 MeV any star having T < 10 msec would be unstable, which would
contradict the observed existence of pulsars with time period less than 10 msec.
However this conclusion does not rule out the possibility of neutron stars with a quark core in the color super-
conducting state, because as we have stressed already, for them the dampening of the r−mode instability would be
provided by the viscous interaction between the nuclear crust and the neutron superfluid.

D. Miscellaneous results

Color superconductivity is a Fermi surface phenomenon and as such, it does not affect significantly the equation
of state of the compact star. Effects of this phase could be seen in other astrophysical contexts, such as those
considered in the two previous paragraphs or in relation to the pulsar glitches, which will be examined in the next
paragraph. A few other investigations have been performed in the quest of possible astrophysical signatures of color
superconductivity; for instance in (Ouyed and Sannino, 2001) it has been suggested that the existence of a 2SC phase
might be partly responsible of the gamma ray bursts, due to the presence in the two-flavor superconducting phase of a
light glueball that can decay into two photons. Another interesting possibility is related to the stability of strangelets,
because, as observed in (Madsen, 2001), CFL strangelets, i.e. lumps of strange quark matter in the CFL phase may
be significantly more stable than strangelets without color superconductivity.
Finally we wish to mention the observation of (Alford et al., 2000) concerning the evolution of the magnetic field
in the interior of neutron stars. Inside an ordinary neutron star, neutron pairs are responsible for superfluidity, while
proton pairs produce BCS superconductivity. In this condition magnetic fields experience the ordinary Meissner effect
and are either expelled or restricted to flux tubes where there is no pairing. In the CFL (and also 2SC) case, as we
know from V.D, a particular U (1) group generated by

Q̃ = 1 ⊗ Q − Q ⊗ 1 (11.25)

remains unbroken and plays the role of electromagnetism. Instead of being totally dragged out or confined in flux
tubes, the magnetic field will partly experience Meissner effect (the component õ ), while the remaining part will

remain free in the star. During the slowing down this component of the magnetic field should not decay because,
even though the color superconductor is not a BCS conductor for the group generated by (11.25), it may be a good
conductor due to the presence of the electrons in the compact star. Therefore it has been suggested (Alford et al.,
2000) that a quark matter core inside a neutron star may serve as an ”anchor” for the magnetic field.

E. Glitches in neutron stars

Glitches, that is very sudden variations in the period, are a typical phenomenon of the pulsars, in the sense that
probably all the pulsars have glitches (for a recent review see (Link et al., 2000)), see Fig. 41. Several models have
been proposed to explain the glitches. Their most popular explanation is based on the idea that these sudden jumps
of the rotational frequency are due to the the angular momentum stored in the superfluid neutrons in the inner crust
(see Fig. 40), more precisely in vortices pinned to nuclei. When the star slows down, the superfluid neutrons do not
participate in the movement, until the state becomes unstable and there is a release of angular momentum to the
crust, which is seen as a jump in the rotational frequency.

Period (s)
PSR 0833-45 (VELA)
1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980

FIG. 41 The variation of the period of the pulsar PSR 0833-45 (VELA) with the typical structure of glitches shown.

The presence of glitches is one of the main reasons for the identification of pulsars with neutron stars; as a matter of
fact neutron stars are supposed to have a dense metallic crust, differently from quark stars where the crust is absent
or, if present, is much less dense (≈ 1011 g cm−3 ).
Since the density in the inner of a star is a function of the radius, it results that one has a sort of laboratory to
study the phase diagram of QCD at zero temperature, at least in the corresponding range of densities. A possibility
is that a CFL state occurs as a core of the star, then a shell in the LOFF state and eventually the exterior part made
up of neutrons (see Fig. 42). Since in the CFL state the baryonic number is broken there is superfluidity. Therefore
the same mechanism explained above might work with vortices in the CFL state pinned to the LOFF crystal.

This would avoid the objection raised in (Friedman and Caldwell, 1991) that excludes the existence of strange
stars. This objection is based on the following observation: strange stars cannot have a metallic crust, and in that
case they can hardly develop vortices, so no glitches would arise. However, if the strange matter exists, strange stars
should be rather common, as we discussed in Section XI.C, in contrast with the widespread appearance of glitches in
pulsars. Therefore, if the color crystalline structure is able to produce glitches, the argument in favor of the existence
of strange stars would be reinforced.
Considering the very narrow range of values for δµ in order to be in the LOFF phase one can ask if the previous
possibility has some chance to be realized (Casalbuoni and Nardulli, 2003). Notice that using the typical LOFF value
δµ ≈ 0.75∆BCS one would need values of δµ around 15 ÷ 70 M eV . Let us consider a very crude model of three free
quarks with Mu = Md = 0, Ms 6= 0. Assuming at the core of the star a density around 1015 g/cm3 , that is from
5 to 6 times the saturation nuclear density 0.15 × 1015 g/cm3 , one finds for Ms ranging between 200 and 300 M eV
corresponding values of δµ between 25 and 50 M eV . We see that these values are just in the right range for being




FIG. 42 A model of a neutron star with an inner shell in the LOFF phase.

within the LOFF window. Therefore a possible phase diagram for QCD could be of the form illustrated in Fig. 43.
We see that in this case a coexistence of the CFL, LOFF and neutron matter would be possible inside the neutron

T m s >> m u,d =/ 0



hadrons CFL

neutron stars µ
FIG. 43 A possible QCD phase diagram showing the end point of the first order transition phase, labelled as ”tricr”. The hadron
phase with the transition to the nuclear phase, the Quark-gluon plasma, the CFL, the 2SC and the LOFF phase are also shown.


I would like to thank the CERN Theory Division, the DESY Theory Group and the Department of Physics of the
University of Barcellona for the kind hospitality offered during the preparation and the completion of these lecture
notes. I would like to thank also all my collaborators to the work I have done in this subject. In particular I would
like to thank G. Nardulli, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli and M. Ruggieri.

APPENDIX A: The gap equation in the functional formalism from HDET

We will now derive the gap equation by using the functional formalism within the general formalism of Section
V.B. The method used is a trivial generalization of the one used in Section III.C. We start again from Eq. 5.64
LI = − ²ab ²ċd˙VABCD ψaA ψbB ψċC† ψdD†
˙ (A1)
For simplicity we suppress the notation for fixed velocity. We will insert inside the functional integral the following

Z i
− d4 xF [∆AB , ∆∗AB , ψ A , ψ A† ]
const = ∗
D(∆AB , ∆AB )e G (A2)

· ¸ · ¸
G GT H ∗ G E† F∗
F = ∆AB − VGHAB (ψ Cψ ) WABCD ∆CD + VCDEF (ψ Cψ ) (A3)
2 2

The quantity WABCD is defined in such a way that


Then we get
G 1 1
F = VABCD ψ CT Cψ B ψ C† Cψ D∗ + ∆∗CD ψ CT Cψ D − ∆AB ψ A† Cψ B∗
4 2 2
− ∆AB WABCD ∆∗CD (A5)

Normalizing at the free case (G = 0) we get

Z 1 †
= D(ψ, ψ † )D(∆, ∆∗ )eiS0 [ψ, ψ ]
Z0 Z0
Z · ¸
∆AB WABCD ∆∗CD 1 1
+i d4 x − − ∆AB (ψ A† Cψ B∗ ) + ∆∗AB (ψ AT Cψ B )
× e G 2 2 (A6)

Going to the velocity formalism and introducing the Nambu-Gor’kov field we can write the fermionic part in the
exponent inside the functional integral as
4 dv A† −1 B
d x χ SAB χ (A7)

µ ¶
−1 V · ` δAB −∆AB
SAB = (A8)
−∆∗AB Ṽ · ` δAB

Using again the replica trick as in Section III.C we perform the functional integral over the Fermi fields obtaining
Z 1 £ ¤ − d4 x∆AB WABCD ∆∗CD
= detS −1 e G ≡ eiSeff (A9)
Z0 Z0
i i
Seff = − Tr[log S0 S −1 ] − d4 x∆AB WABCD ∆∗CD (A10)
2 G

Differentiating with respect to ∆AB we get immediately the gap equation (5.83).

APPENDIX B: Some useful integrals

We list a few 2-D integrals which have been used in the text (Nardulli, 2002). Let us define
dN ` i (−i)n+1 π 2 Γ(n + 1 − N2 )
In = = ; (B1)
(V · ` Ṽ · ` − ∆2 + i²)n+1 n! ∆2n+2−N

therefore, for N = 2 − ² and denoting by γ the Euler-Mascheroni constant, we get

I0 = − + iπ ln π∆2 + iπγ ,
iπ iπ iπ
I1 = + 2 , I2 = − 4 , I3 = + 6 . (B2)
∆ 2∆ 3∆
Moreover defining
d2 `
In, m = , (B3)
(V · ` Ṽ · ` − ∆2 + i²)n (V · ` Ṽ · ` − ∆02 + i²)m

we find
iπ ∆2
I1, 1 = ln ,
∆2·− ∆0 2 ∆0 2 ¸
1 1 ∆2
I2, 1 = iπ 2 2 02
− 2 02 2
ln 0 2 ,
·∆ (∆ − ∆ ) (∆ − ∆ ) ∆ ¸
iπ −1 2 2 ∆2
I3, 1 = − + ln ,
2 ·µ∆4 (∆2 − ∆0¶2 ) ∆2 (∆2 − ∆0 2 )2 (∆2 − ∆0 2 )3 ¸ ∆0 2
1 1 1 2 ∆2
I2, 2 = iπ 2
+ 02 2 0 2 2
+ 2 0 2 3
ln 0 2 . (B4)
∆ ∆ (∆ − ∆ ) (∆ − ∆ ) ∆

Of some interest is the following infrared divergent integral:

(V · `)2 d2 `
I˜1 = . (B5)
(V · ` Ṽ · `)2

We can regularize the divergence by going to finite temperature and then taking the limit T → 0 (`0 = iωn , ωn =
πT (2n + 1); T → 0, µ → ∞):
Z +µ +∞
X µ ¶
(iωn − x)2 1 µ
I˜1 = 2πT i dx = 2πT i − tanh → −2πi . (B6)
−µ −∞
(x2 + ωn2 )2 T 2T

Other divergent integrals, such as

d2 `
I˜ = (B7)
(V · ` Ṽ · `)(V · ` Ṽ · ` − ∆2 )

are treated in a similar way.

Finally, useful angular integrations are:
dv j k δ jk
v v = , (B8)
4π 3
dv i j k ` 1 ij k`
vv v v = (δ δ + δ ik δ j` + δ i` δ jk ) . (B9)
4π 15


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