Modern Physics
Modern Physics
Modern Physics
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................1
I. RELATIVITY.............................................................................................................................2
A. Frames of Reference................................................................................................................................................2
B. Special Relativity......................................................................................................................................................5
B. Photons....................................................................................................................................................................27
C. Matter Waves.........................................................................................................................................................31
D. Atoms.......................................................................................................................................................................38
B. One-Dimensional Potentials..................................................................................................................................48
E. Multi-electron Atoms.............................................................................................................................................61
I. Relativity
A. Frames of Reference
Physical systems are always observed from some point of view. That is, the displacement,
velocity, and acceleration of a particle are measured relative to some selected origin and
coordinate axes. If a
differentorigin and/or set of axes is used, then different numerical values
are obtained for r , v , and a , even though the physical event is the same. An event is a
physical phenomenon which occurs at a specified point in space and time.
a. Definition
An inertial frame is one in which Newton’s “Laws” of Motion are valid. Moreover, any frame
moving with constant velocity with respect to an inertial frame is also an inertial frame of
reference. While r and v would have different numerical values as measured in the two
frames, F = ma in both frames.
b. Newtonian relativity
Quote: The Laws of Mechanics are the same in all inertial reference frames. What does “the
same” mean? It means that the equations and formulae have identical forms, while the numerical
values of the variables may differ between two inertial frames.
c. Fundamental frame
It follows that there is no preferred frame of reference—none is more fundamental than another.
The S’-frame is moving with velocity v relative to the S-frame. As observed in the two frames:
′ ∆x ′
In S’ we’d measure ∆ t’, ∆ x’, and u x = .
∆t ′
In S we’d measure ∆ t, ∆ x, and u x = .
b. Galilean transformation
Implicitly, we assume that ∆t = ∆t ′ . Also, we assume that the origins coincide at t = 0. Then
x = x ′ + v x ∆t ′
y = y ′ + v y ∆t ′
z = z ′ + v z ∆t ′
∆t = ∆t ′
The corresponding velocity transformations are
dx dx ′
ux = = + v x = u x′ + v x
dt dt
dy dy ′
uy = = + v y = u y′ + v y
dt dt
dz dz ′ ′
uz = = + vz = u z + vz
dt dt
For acceleration
du x dv
ax = = ax′ + x
dt dt
du y dv y
ay = = a y′ +
dt dt
du dv
az = z = az′ + z
dt dt
Note that for two inertial frames, the a x = a x , a y = a y , and a z = a z ′ .
′ ′
du dp
F = ma = m = , if m is constant.
dt dt
dp ′ du dv du
F ′ = ma ′ = , where p ′ = mu ′ . But u ′ = u − v , so F ′ = m − =m = F . That is,
dt dt dt dt
a = a ′ , as they must for 2 inertial reference frames.
Notice the technique. Write the 2nd “Law” in the S’-frame, then transform the position and
velocity vectors to the S-frame.
B. Special Relativity
1. Michelson-Morley
a. Wave speeds
Midway through the 19th century, it was established that light is an electromagnetic (E-M) wave.
Maxwell showed that these waves propagate through the vacuum with a speed c ≈ 3x10 8 m/sec.
Now, wave motion was well understood, so it was expected that light waves would behave
exactly as sound waves do. Particularly the measured wave speed was expected to depend on the
frame of reference.
In the S-frame, the speed of sound is u ; in the S’-frame the speed is u ′ . The source and the
medium are at rest in the S-frame. We find (measure) that u = u ′ + v , in conformity with
Newtonian or Galilean relativity. We may identify a “preferred” reference frame, the frame in
which the medium is at rest.
b. Michelson-Morley
Throughout the latter portion of the 19th century, experiments were performed to identify that
preferred reference frame for light waves. The questions were, what is the medium in which
light waves travel and in what reference frame is that medium at rest? That hypothetical medium
was given the name luminiferous ether (æther). As a medium for wave propagation, the ether
must be very stiff, yet offer no apparent resistance to motion of material objects through it.
forming an interference pattern which is projected on the screen. Take a look at the two light
rays as observed in the ether rest frame.
2 1 v2
The total time to return to the splitter is twice this: t1 = 2t ≈ 1 + .
c 2 c 2
For the forward light ray, the elapsed time from splitter to mirror to splitter is
2 v2 2 v2
t2 = + = 1 − 2 ≈ 1 + 2 .
c −v c +v c c c c
The two light rays recombine at the beam splitter with a phase difference [letτ = .]:
∆t c 2 1 v 2 c v 2
= ( t 2 − t1 ) = = .
τ λ c 2 c2 λ λ c2
Since ≠ 0 , the two light rays are out of phase even though they have traveled the same
distance. By measuring ∆t one could evaluate v .
However, no such phase difference was/is observed! So, there is no ether, no v with respect to
such an ether. This null result is obtained no matter which way the apparatus is turned. The
conclusion must be that either the “Laws” of electromagnetism do not obey a Newtonian
relativity principle or that there is no universal, preferred, rest frame for the propagation of light
ether-drag theory—ether is dragged along with the Earth, so that near the Earth’s surface the
ether is at rest relative to the Earth.
Ultimately, the expedients were rejected as being too ad hoc; it’s simpler to say there is no ether.
This still implies that the “Laws” of electromagnetism behave differently under a transformation
from one reference frame to another than do the “Laws” of mechanics.
b. Second Postulate
The second postulate follows from the first. ‘The speed of light in a vacuum is (measured to be)
the same in all inertial reference frames.’
When the speed of light is measured in the two reference frames, it is found that c ≠ c ′ + v ,
rather c = c ′ . Evidently, the Galilean Transformation is not correct, or anyway not exact. In any
case, we assume the postulates are true, and work out the consequences.
C. Consequences of the Principle of Special Relativity
1. Time Dilation
a. Events
An event may be regarded as a single observation made at a specific location and time. One
might say that an event is a point in space-time (x,y,z,t). Two events may be separated by
intervals in either space or in time or in both.
b. Time intervals
Consider a kind of clock:
We observe two events: i) the emission of a flash at O’ and ii) the
reception of the flash at O’. In this case, ∆x ′ = ∆y ′ = ∆z ′ = 0 . The
2d ′
time interval between the two events is ∆t ′ = .
Now let’s view the same two events from the point of view of
another frame, S. As shown below, the S’-frame is moving to the
right with speed v relative to the S-frame. In the S-frame, ∆x ≠ 0 .
The elapsed time is ∆t =
, where 2 d = d ′ + 2 . Substitute for d ,
d ′ , and in terms of ∆t , ∆t ′ , c, and v.
c 2∆ t 2 c2∆ t′ 2 v 2∆ t 2
= +
4 4 4
c2 2
∆t ′
∆t = ∆t ′ 2 =
Solve for c −v
v2 .
example (prob. 1-11 in the text)
The lifetime of a pion in its own rest frame is ∆t ′ = 2.6 x10 −8 sec. Consider a pion moving with
speed v = 0.95 c in a lab—what will be measured as its lifetime in the lab?
c. Proper time
The proper time is the time interval measured by an observer for whom the two events occur at
the same place, so that ∆x ′ = ∆y ′ = ∆z ′ = 0 .
2. Length Contraction
a. “Contraction”
Consider an object, such as a meter stick, of length L in its
own rest frame, S.
As measured in the S’ frame, L ′ = v∆t ′ and ∆x ′ = 0 .
∆t ′
∆t = v2 v2
In the S frame, ∆x = L and v 2 . Therefore, L ′ = v∆t 1 − 2 = L 1 − 2 .
1− 2 c c
An observer in the S’ frame observes the stick to be shorter (contracted) than does the observer
in the S frame. Notice particularly that the stick is at rest in the S frame.
The contraction takes place in the direction of the relative motion. Lengths perpendicular to v
are not affected. So for instance in the situation discussed above the width and thickness of the
meter stick are still measured the same in both reference frames.
b. Proper length
The proper length of an object is that length measured in the rest frame of the object.
3. Simultaneity
a. Space-time
Each event has associated with it four numbers: x, y, z coordinates and a “value of time” which
we read off a clock located at that spatial location. There is no central universal clock, rather
there is a clock at every point in space.
b. Synchronization
We would like all clocks in a reference frame to display exactly the same reading
simultaneously, but can this be arranged? Only by the exchange of signals, which is another way
of saying only in terms of intervals. However, as we have seen, intervals are not the same for
observers in different inertial reference frames. Therefore, the concept of two events being
simultaneous has no absolute meaning.
c. Non-simultaneity
Two events viewed as simultaneous in one frame will not be seen as occurring simultaneously in
another frame.
example: a train moving with constant velocity on a straight, smooth track. One observer rides
on the train, the other observer stands beside the track.
Flashes of light are emitted at the points C1 and C2 when the origins (O & O’) of the two frames
coincide. To the trackside observer at O, the flashes are simultaneous. To the observer on the
train, however, the flash emitted at C’2 is received before the flash emitted at C’1. Yet both
observers measure the same speed of light, c.
4. Lorentz Transformation
Now we wish to derive the transformation equations for the displacement and velocity of an
object—the relativistic version of the Galilean transformation equations. In what follows, we’ll
γ =
be setting v2 .
a. Two frames
Consider two inertial reference frames, S & S’ and assume that O = O’ at t’ = 0.
What is the x-distance from O to the point P, as measured in the S’ frame? In effect, then, we’ll
have ∆t = t and ∆t ′ = t ′ .
′ = x ′ + vt ′
In the S frame, = x , so ′ = γ also. Set ‘em equal.
= x ′ + vt ′
x = γ ( x ′ + vt ′)
On the other hand, as measured in the S frame, x = vt + . Set them equal.
γ ( x ′ + vt ′) = vt +
Solve for t.
vt = γ ( x ′ + vt ′) −
t = γ t ′ + 2 x′
b. Transformation equations
We have, then, for relative motion along the x-axis:
x = γ ( x ′ + vt ′) ; y = y ′ ; z = z ′ ; t = γ t ′ + 2 x ′
c. 4-vectors
Suppose that when O = O’, a flash of light is emitted from the origin O. In the S frame, the
distance the light wave front travels in time t is r 2 = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = c 2 t 2 . Measured in the S’
frame, it’s
r ′ = x′ + y ′ + z ′ = c t ′
2 2 2 2 22 . Subtract the second expression from the first and collect the S frame
on one side of the equal sign, the S’ frame on the other side.
r − r′ = c t − c t′
2 2 22 2 2
r − c t = r′ − c t′
2 22 2 2 2
There is this quantity, a generalized displacement (call it s) which is the same in the two inertial
reference frames.
s =s ′ 2
We see that the quantity (ict) “acts like” a component of displacement along a fourth axis. The
interval between any two events in space-time is ∆s 2 = ∆x 2 + ∆y 2 + ∆z 2 − c 2 ∆t 2 . The interval is
invariant under the Lorentz Transformation. That is, as measured in any two inertial frames,
d. Transformation of velocities
Since displacements and time intervals are transformed, obviously relative velocities won’t add
simply, either.
dx ′
In the S’ frame an object moves with constant velocity along the x axis; u ′x = . Transform to
dt ′
γ ( dx − vdt ) dt u −v
the S frame; u x = = = x and similarly for the y and z components.
v 1 − v dx 1 − v u
γ dt − 2 dx x
c c 2 dt c2
While dy & dz are not contracted, dt is still dilated.
u A = −0.5c and u B = −0.8c , both as measured in the S frame. The S’ frame rides along with
spaceship B. Therefore, v = u B .
uA − v − 0.5c − (−0.8c) c
u ′A = = =
v 0.8c 2
1− 2 uA 1 − 2 0.5c
c c
Be careful with the directions of the velocities.
Note that when u < < c and v < < c , then → 0 and u ′ = u − v . On the other hand, if u = c,
c 1 −
then u ′ = =c.
cv v
1− 2 1−
c c
D. Energy and Momentum
We require that all the “Laws” of Physics be the same in all inertial reference frames. We
require further that when v << c, we recover the familiar Newtonian forms of the “Laws.” This
latter requirement is called a Correspondence Principle. What are those “Laws”?
1. Conservation of Momentum
2. Relativistic Energy
u2 2
2 1 − 2
u c
∆K = up u2
1 2 1
− 2
c u
mu 2 u2
∆K = + mc 2 1 − 2
2 c
c 2
2 2 2 2
mu + mc − mu = ∆ mc
∆K =
2 2
u 1−u
c2 u
c 2
mc 2
∆K = − mc 2
Now, if we started from rest, then u1 = 0 and u2 = u and u 2 . Therefore, we
define the relativistic kinetic energy to be
mc 2
K= − mc 2
u 2 .
The quantity mc2 is called the rest energy, because it’s independent of u. The total relativistic
energy is E = K + mc2 + V, where V is the potential energy, if any. If V = 0, then
E = K + mc 2 = γmc 2 .
b. Energy-momentum relation
Take a look at the quantity (V = 0)
2 4 2 2 2 2 2
m c m c u 2 m u
E 2 −m2c 4 = − 2 4
= =
m c c
u2 u2 u2
1− 2 1− 2 1 − 2
c c c
E 2 −m2c 4 = c 2 p 2
E 2 = c 2 p 2 + m2c 4
For photons, m = 0 and E = pc.
c. Units of mass-energy
It is convenient to express energy in units of electron-volts (eV). An electron-volt is the energy
gained by an electron upon being accelerated through a one Volt potential difference. Thus 1 eV
= 1.60x10-19Joules. The rest energy of an electron is
mc 2 = 9.11 x10 −31 kg (3 x10 8 m / sec ) = 8.20 x10 −14 J = 0.511 x10 6 eV = 0.511 MeV .
Often, mass is expressed in terms of MeV/c2 so that the electron mass is 0.511MeV/c2.
Sometimes, the c2 is dropped, but it’s understood to still be there. Similarly, momentum is
expressed in terms of MeV/c, since pc = units of MeV.
3. Relativistic Mechanics
a. Force
We want the “Laws” of Mechanics to be invariant under the Lorentz Transformation. Also, we
want to recover the classical result when u << c. So, we define the relativistic force component
mu x
dp x px =
to be Fx = , where u2 .
dt 1− 2
Let’s say the motion and force are entirely along the x-direction.
d mu = m du d 1
F = + mu
dt 2 2 dt dt 2
1 −u u
1− 2 1 −u
1 u2 2
m du 2u du
F= + mu − 1 − 2
− 2
u 2 dt 2 c c dt
−1 −3
u2 u2 u2
2 2
F =m 1 − + 2 1 −
1 du
F = m
u2 dt
1 − 2
Solve for the acceleration.
du F u2 2
= 1 −
dt m
The result is, that as u → c,
→ 0 , no matter how large the applied force. At the other
du F
extreme, when u << c, = .
dt m
b. Collisions—conservation of momentum
Consider the collision of two billiard balls. They have equal masses, m. Let’s say that one ball
is initially at rest while the second ball has momentum po and energy Eo before the collision.
After the collision, both balls have the same energy, E, and mass, m. It’s an elastic collision.
Momentum and energy are conserved.
cosθ =
E o2 − m 2 c 4
(E o )(
+ mc2 Eo − mc2 )
(E o + mc2 ) 2
− 4m 2 c 4 ( E + 3mc )( E
o − mc 2
E o + mc 2
cosθ =
Eo + 3mc 2
p o2 c 2 = p12 c 2 + p 22 c 2 − 2 p1 p 2 c 2 cos θ = 1034229 MeV 2
p o c = 1017 MeV
Now that we have the total energy and the kinetic energy, the mass is obtained from
E o2 = p o2 c 2 + mo2 c 4
mo c 2 = E o2 − p o2 c 2 = 765 MeV
Evidently, the incident particle was a ρ meson. What was its speed before it decayed? Well,
2 mo2c 4
E =
the total energy is also o u 2 , so solve that for u.
1− 2
u mo2 c 4
= 1− = 0 .8
c E o2
d. Mass-energy equivalence
When we speak of the total energy being conserved that includes the total rest energy. For
instance, consider the decay of a neutron that is initially at rest.
n → p + e +ν
The neutron decays into a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino. The three product particles
are observed to have total kinetic energy of K = 0.781 MeV. The initial energy is just the rest
energy of the neutron, Ei = 939.57 MeV. The total final energy is
E f = m p c 2 + me c 2 + K = 938 .28 MeV + 0.511 MeV + 0.781 MeV = 939 .57 MeV
Notes: i) The rest energy of the anti-neutrino is too small to bother with.
ii) Keep in mind the rounding of numbers and significant digits when substituting
numerical values into the formulae.
iii) Notice that mn ≠ m p + me . A portion of the neutron’s rest energy has been
converted into kinetic energy.
E. A Hint of General Relativity
1. Equivalence
In Special Relativity it is asserted that all inertial reference frames are equivalent—the “laws” of
physics are the same in all inertial reference frames. No experiment done in one frame can
detect its uniform motion relative to another frame. Can the same be said for reference frames
that have a relative acceleration?
a. Elevator
Recall the past discussion of a person standing in an
elevator. If the elevator moves perfectly smoothly and
there are no floor indicator lights, then the person inside
will have no perception of the elevator’s motion, except
for feeling perhaps the elevator floor pressing upward
on his or her feet. [Keep in mind: the person gets no
information from any source outside the reference frame
of the elevator.] Contrast this situation with that of
another person standing in a similar elevator, but this
elevator is simply resting level on the Earth’s surface.
The person in this elevator also feels the floor pressing
upward on his or her feet, also has no perception of the
elevator’s motion. We, as omniscient external observers, know that this second elevator is
resting on the surface of a planet, and that what the person inside is experiencing is the
gravitational force exerted by that planet. The point is that there is no experiment that either of
the persons inside the elevators could perform that would distinguish between the two situations.
Pendula would swing back and forth just the same; projectiles would follow the same kinds of
arcs, etc.
2. Curvature
Classically, we would say that a mass, such as a planet, exerts a gravitational force on another
mass, such as a moon or a person. However, a person in an “elevator” cannot determine whether
his or her “elevator” is in the gravitational field of a planet or is being accelerated at a constant
rate by, say rocket motors. If the “elevator” is in a gravitational field, we can nonetheless
mathematically transform the “laws” of physics into versions of the same mathematical form that
do not include gravity yet which make equally accurate predictions of the motions of particles
and of light beams.
What Einstein did was to formulate such a version of the “laws” of motion. Objects and light
beams move always in straight lines, but in a curved space-time. Empty space-time is flat, but
the presence of mass at any location curves space-time to a degree proportional to the amount of
mass that is present.
Precession of orbits—Mercury
II. Quantum Theory
a. Thermal equilibrium
Imagine a closed oven, maintained at a constant temperature, To. Inside, E-M waves bounce
from wall to wall, being absorbed and re-emitted over and over. Ultimately, the radiation is
rendered homogeneous, isotropic and unpolarized. A thermometer placed in the center of the
oven will stabilize at a temperature T = To . The radiation is said to be in thermal equilibrium
with the walls of the oven.
b. Emissivity
From thermodynamics (Kirchhoff) the power radiated by a body in thermal equilibrium with
radiation is expressed
J ( f ,T ) = ,
where J is the power radiated per unit area per unit frequency, Ef is the emissivity or intensity per
unit frequency of the radiation emitted by the body and , Af is the fractional absorption of the
body for radiation of frequency f. Notice that the substance of which the body is made is not
important. For a black body, A f =1.0 for all f. The observed spectrum of radiation emitted by
a black body looks qualitatively like this:
2. Stefan-Boltzmann “Law”
a. Emissivity
The total emissivity is obtained by integrating Efdf.
E = ∫ E f df
This quantity was found experimentally by J. Stefan to be proportional to T4.
E = σT 4
Subsequently, Boltzmann derived this result from Maxwell’s equations. The proportionality
−8 W
constant is called the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, σ = 5.67 x10 or Wm-2K-4. For non-
m2 K 4
black bodies, E = aσT 4 , where a < 1.
3. Rayleigh-Jeans “Law”
where A and β are constants. When tested by experiment, this expression fails at long
wavelengths. But, Wien’s exponential “law” fits well near the peak, at f max .
b. Rayleigh’s approach
Rayliegh proposed that the energy density be expressed as the product of the number of standing
wave modes in the cavity and the average energy of each mode. Let N(f)df be the number of
modes between f and f+df.
udf = N ( f ) E df
We need to obtain expressions for N(f) and for E . Picture standing waves in a cavity. In one
We imagine the whole volume of the cavity occupied with
standing E-M waves, of many different frequencies. The radiation
is in equilibrium with the walls of the cavity, at temperature T.
Classically, the probability that there will be a mode of energy, E,
in the cavity is given by the Boltzmann distribution.
k BT
P( E ) = e
The average energy per mode is therefore
∫ Ee
k BT
E = 0
( k BT ) 2 = k BT
−E k BT
k BT
As for N(f), the density of states, consider a cubical box of side L.
Inside the box, the x-component of the E-field satisfies the wave equation ∇2 E x + k 2 E x = 0 . If
we assume that E x = u ( x )v( y ) w( z ) , then we get three separated equations. The one for u(x) is
d 2u
+ k x2 u = 0 ,
dx 2
which has the solution u ( x ) = u o sin k x x . Similarly, v( y ) = vo sin k y y and w( z ) = wo sin k z z .
The quantity k2 is like the square of a radius in k-space: k 2 = k x2 + k y2 + k z2 . Since we must have
nπ n yπ
standing waves in the box, with the electric field vanishing at the walls, k x = x , k y =
and k z = z , where the nx, ny and nz are positive integers. In other words, only discrete points
in k-space designate the allowed energy modes in the cubical cavity. So, we count the number of
k-points lying in a spherical shell of radius k and thickness dk.
We see that each point occupies a volume so the number of points in the shell is
4πk 2 dk
8 Vk 2 dk
N (k )dk = =
2π 2 ,
where V = L3. Finally, there are two perpendicular polarizations for each mode, so the number of
modes per unit volume (the density of states) is
N (k ) k 2 dk
dk = .
V π2
N( f ) 8πf 2 df kc
In terms of frequency, df = , since f = .
V c 3 2π
4. Planck’s “Law”
a. Quantized energy modes
Rather than visualize standing E-M waves inside a cavity, consider the atoms that form the walls
of the cavity. These atoms vibrate and absorb or emit E-M waves. Let’s assume that the
energies of these oscillators can change only in discrete steps, rather than continuously.
Postulate: En = nhf where n is a positive integer. No other energy values are allowed.
∞ En
∑ En e k BT
n =0
The average energy per vibration mode is a discrete sum E = ∞ En
∑e k BT
∞ −
Firstly, the denominator. . . ∑e =
k BT
hf . This follows from the series of the form
n =0
1−e k BT
1 hf
∑r n = 1 − r with
r =e
k BT .
n =0
b. Planck’s distribution formula
8πf 2 hf 8πhf 3
u( f , T ) = ⋅ =
c3 hf
c3 −1
k BT
e −1 k BT
What do we have?
i) Assume that oscillators or standing waves are limited to discrete values of energy,
En = nfh.
ii) For high f, the hf
→ 0 , therefore the probability that a high frequency or short
e k BT
wavelength mode is occupied or present is very low.
iii) An oscillator that emits energy can change its energy only in steps of ∆E = nhf ,
where f is the vibration frequency of the oscillator.
Fitting Planck’s formula to the observed black body radiation yields a value for Planck’s
constant, h = 6.626x10-34J sec.
B. Photons
1. Photo-electric Effect
a. Kinetic energy
When a metal surface is exposed to intense monochromatic E-M radiation, electrons are expelled
from the metal. A certain amount of energy, called the work function, is required to liberate an
electron from the metal. Once liberated, the photoelectrons have a distribution of kinetic
energies. We can evaluate the maximum, Kmax, of the kinetic energy distribution by applying a
voltage, Vs, large enough to stop the fastest-moving electron from escaping. Kmax = eVs.
Finding: Kmax is independent of the incident intensity, while the photocurrent is proportional to
the incident intensity.
Interpretation: Increasing the intensity of the incident radiation does not increase the left over
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons, only the number of electrons ejected from the metal.
b. Work function
Finding: Kmax is proportional to the frequency, f, of the incident radiation with an fo below which
no photoelectrons are produced (Kmax = 0).
Interpretation: K max = eV s = hf − φ , where φ is the work function of the metal, f is the
frequency of the incident radiation and h is Planck’s constant. That is, the light is absorbed in
discrete portions, ∆E = hf , only. If hf < φ , then no photoelectrons are produced; if hf > φ ,
increasing the intensity only liberates more electrons, each one absorbing one hf and no more. If
the incident frequency is such that hf ≤ φ , then Kmax = 0 and no electrons escape from the metal.
We conclude that E-M radiation is not a continuous wave form, but consists of discrete, localized
wave packets, called a photon. Either a photon is absorbed entirely, or not at all. Likewise, light
is emitted in the form of one or more discrete photons.
2. Compton Effect
Qualitatively, what is observed is that the frequency, f ′ , of the scattered photon depends only
on the scattering angle, θ . Usually, the effect is expressed in terms of the shift in wavelength,
λ′ − λ = (1 − cos θ ) .
me c
The quantity = 0.0243 Å is called the Compton wavelength of the electron.
me c
pe2 = p′ 2 + p 2 − 2 pp′ c oθ s .
E hf h
Square both sides and solve for For the photon, p = = = .
c c λ
On the other hand, the energy of the electron is also E e2 = p e2 c 2 + me2 c 4 . Substitute for Ee and pe.
hf ′ 2 hf 2
(hf − hf ′ + m c )
2 4 2
e = c 2
h 2 ff ′
+ − 2 2 cos θ + me c
2 4
c c c
2h 2 ff ′ + 2hfm e c 2 − 2hf ′me c 2 = −2h 2 ff ′ cos θ
− 2hme c 2 ( f − f ′) = 2h 2 ff ′(1 − cos θ )
f − f′ 1 1 h
= − = (1 − cosθ )
ff ′ f ′ f me c 2
λ′ − λ = (1 − cos θ )
me c
This Compton shift formula exactly matches the observations. We conclude, then, that a photon
behaves like a particle having relativistic energy hf and momentum .
C. Matter Waves
We find that light is quantized and may be regarded in some circumstances as being particles of
zero mass, momentum h/λ , and energy hf. Some persons use the quantum point of view
exclusively. Might it be useful to investigate whether non-zero mass particles can be treated as
having wave properties?
1. deBroglie’s Postulate
a. deBroglie wavelength
For a photon, p = h/λ . In a similar vein, define for any particle a wavelength λ = h/p, where p
is the momentum (magnitude) of the particle. Further, if E is the total relativistic energy of the
particle, a frequency is defined as f = E/h.
2. Group velocity
A particle occupies a limited volume, so if we are to represent it with a waveform, the waveform
amplitude must be non-zero only in a limited region of space. We accomplish this by
superimposing many waves of differing wavelengths and amplitudes and phases.
We define the angular frequency, ω = 2π f and the wave number, k = 2π /λ . Using these
y = A cos ( kx − ωt ) and v p = .
b. Beats
Superimpose two waves: y = y1 + y 2 = A cos( k1 x − ω1t ) + A cos( k 2 x − ω 2 t ) .
1 k + k2 ω +ω2
y = 2 A cos { ( k 2 − k1 ) x − (ω 2 − ω1 ) t} ⋅ cos 1 x− 1 t .
2 2 2
We have a traveling wave whose amplitude is not constant. y = A′ cos ( k ′x − ω ′t ) , where
k + k2 ω + ω2
k′ = 1 and ω ′ = 1 . The time-varying amplitude is A ′ = 2 A cos ( ∆kx − ∆ωt ) . This
2 2
A′ is also known as the envelope.
The envelope also travels at a speed called the group velocity, v g = 2 = ∆ω .
∆k ∆k
Evidently, from the form of A′ , ∆k ⋅ ∆x = 2π and ∆ω ⋅ ∆t = 2π . With sound waves, the regular
rises and falls of the amplitude are known as beats.
c. Wave packets
The beating waveform still extends to ± ∞ in x. That combination is constructed only of two
waves having the same amplitude but slightly different frequencies or wave numbers. We can
construct a wave packet that is non-zero only in a small region by superimposing many waves
having different amplitudes, and having a range of wave numbers centered on a ko. The
mathematics of the superposition will be explored in paragraph 4. For the time being, we are
concerned with the group velocity of the wave packet:
dω dv
, since ω = kv p .
vg = =v p +k
dk k o ko dk ko
d. Dispersion
If vp = vp(λ ), then the medium through which the waves are propagating is said to be dispersive.
The individual harmonic waves travel at different speeds, so the wave packet or wave group
spreads out with time.
The phase velocity is vp = fλ = E/p. Putting E in terms of p and p in terms of the wave number
p2 h
k yields [ E = and p = ]
2m 2πk
v p = c 1+ , where = h 2π .
From this expression, we obtain the group velocity
dω dv p
vg = =v p +k
dk k o ko dk ko
2 ( − 2) mc 13
mc c k o
v g = c 1 + + ko
ko 2 mc
k o
c c2
vg = =
2 vp .
1 +
k o
Previously, we saw that the phase velocity also equals c2/v. Therefore, the group velocity of the
wave packet coincides with the velocity of the massive particle: vg = v.
3. Davisson-Germer experiment
How might wave-like behavior of massive particles be observed? One of the prominent
characteristics of waves is the fact that they interfere with each other to form interference
patterns. When a monochromatic light beam is incident on a diffraction grating, a characteristic
interference pattern is observed, entirely understood in terms of the constructive and destructive
interference among the scattered light waves.
a. Electron diffraction
Consider a mono-energetic beam of electrons incident on a crystal lattice. The electrons will be
scattered from regularly spaced centers. We count the number of electrons that are scattered at
an angle ϕ from the incident direction.
We do not observe either a uniform distribution with scattering angle, nor a sharp peak at ϕ = 0
and no particles elsewhere. Rather, we observe a distribution of scattered electrons something
like this:
b. Interpretation
If this result is interpreted as wave-like interference, then the peak at ϕ = ϕ max occurs when
d ⋅sin ϕ = λ , where d is the spacing between neighboring atoms in the crystal. [We are
imagining that the rows of atoms forming the surface of the crystal correspond to the closely
spaced lines of a grating.] We might solve for the wavelength: λ = d∙sin(ϕ max).
Specifically, for 54 eV electrons impinging on a Ni crystal, ϕ max = 50o and d = 2.15Å whence we
obtain λ = 1.65Å. The question is, does this wavelength correspond to the deBroglie
wavelength of such an electron?
Firstly, it will be easier if the relativistic formulae are unnecessary. So check how fast the
electrons are moving. The kinetic energy is K = γ mc2 – mc2. We have K = 54 eV and mc2 = .
511 MeV. Thus γ – 1 = 0.0001. We can use the classical expression K = p2/2m. Therefore,
h 4.136 x10 −15 eV ⋅ s
λ= =
p = 2mK . The deBroglie wavelength is p MeV = 1.67Å. That is
2 ⋅ 0.511 2 ⋅ 54eV
close enough in view of the rounding used in the calculation. It appears that the deBroglie
postulate has some physical reality.
The observed result:
Note that at a specific location, x, the detector counts electrons one at a time. After counting for
a “long” time at several x-values, the interference pattern is obtained.
a. Probability
We have a stream of many electrons incident on the double slits, passing through them, and
being counted by the detector. The detector counts the number of electrons arriving at x per unit
time, so the intensity being measured is I(x) in particles per minute. The number of particles we
expect to count in the interval x’ to x’+∆ x is proportional to the probability that an electron will
be counted at x lying between x’ and x’+∆ x. Define a wave function, such that Ψ equals that
probability. This parallels the definition of intensity for light waves.
For a single slit we would obtain, with either one slit or the other open,
For two slits spaced a distance D apart, open however just one at a time in succession, we would
observe a superposition of the single-slit distributions. If both the slits are open while electrons
are being counted, we obtain, not the superposition of two single-slit distributions, but the
following interference pattern:
2 2 2 2
Evidently, Ψ = Ψ1 + Ψ 2 ≠ Ψ1 + Ψ2 , rather,
Those additional terms in the parentheses are called interference terms. Ψ * is the complex
conjugate of Ψ so that Ψ =Ψ* Ψ.
b. Uncertainty.
The wave function is interpreted as being related to the probability that a measurement will find
a particle at a specified location, x’. It is constructed by a superposition of plane waves
Ψ= ∫a
k ⋅ cos( kx −ωt ) dk , where k is the wave number and ak is a Fourier coefficient. As is
This wave packet is to be zero everywhere except within a region of width ∆ x. To illustrate,
consider a simple rectangular wave packet.
The wave function is non-zero for a region on the x-axis of width ∆ x centered on x = 0. The
total probability that the particle will be observed somewhere on the x-axis must be 1.0, so the
wave function is Ψ ( x) = .
The Fourier transform of Ψ will yield a momentum wave packet, a(k). That is, a ( k )
will tell
us the probability that a particle will be observed to have momentum p = hk.
2 ikx
1 e 2 2 .
a(k ) =
∫ ∆x
dx =
π∆x k
− ∆x
p∆x p∆x
sin sin
2 2 ∆x 2
a( p) = = .
π∆x p 2π p∆x
The height of the central peak is much greater than the side-peaks, and the width of the central
peak is roughly ∆p ≈ . Now, look at the product ∆x ⋅ ∆p ≈ ∆x = . This is an
∆x ∆x
uncertainty relation, saying that it is impossible to measure simultaneously both the position (x)
and momentum (p) of a particle to arbitrary precision.
In fact, a rectangular wave packet is not physical, since it is a discontinuous function. Much
theoretical work has gone into determining what sort of mathematical construction will give
smooth wave packets with minimum initial uncertainty, ∆ x. For a physically realistic wave
packet, it was found that ∆x∆p ≥ .
This relation holds for any pair of conjugate variables, e.g., ∆t∆E ≥ .
[ ∆x∆p = v∆t = ∆t∆E ] [The time rate of change of a particle’s kinetic energy: ∆E = v∆p .]
D. Atoms
The history of the concept of material objects being composed of small particles goes back to the
ancient Greeks, and is beyond the scope of this course. The “modern” picture of an atom was
assembled in a series of experiments during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
1. Charges/particles; e/m
b. Cathode Rays
J. J. Thomson showed that cathode rays are streams of electrons. As we know now, when a high
voltage is applied to the ends of a partially evacuated glass tube, a glowing path of ionized air is
formed inside the tube between the electrodes. The ionization is caused by collisions between air
molecules and fast-moving electrons. Those electrons escape from one electrode and are
accelerated toward the opposite electrode by the applied voltage. The ionized air molecules emit
the light seen along the glowing path. At the time, the glowing path was mysterious. Thomson’s
experiments established that cathode rays were caused by charged particles, subatomic in mass
and apparently present in all matter.
Pass a stream of electrons through a electric field and a magnetic field oriented at right angles to
each other, as shown here:
With no B-field, the electron stream hits the screen at the point D. The deflection angle is
vy eE ⋅ t L eEL eVL
tan θ = , where v y = a y ⋅ t = . But t = v , so v y = mv = mdv . Therefore,
vx m x x x
eVL e VL
tan θ = = 2 .
mdv x2 m dv x
So, knowing vx and measuring θ , we could obtain e/m, the charge to mass ratio of the electron.
To know vx, we turn up the B-field until there is no deflection—the magnetic force on the
e θ ⋅ d ⋅V 2 θ ⋅V
moving electrons balances the electrostatic force. eE = ev x B whence ≅ = .
m VL ( Bd ) 2
LdB 2
The electron as a universal constituent of matter is supported by the fact that the same e/m is
obtained when i) different gases are in the tube, ii) different metals are used for the electrodes,
and iii) the electrons are released via the photoelectric effect rather than by heating the cathode.
e/m for the electron is many orders of magnitude smaller than e/m for the Hydrogen nucleus, so
the electron mass is many orders of magnitude smaller than that of an atom.
c. Millikan’s experiment
The charge to mass ratio of a particle has two properties mixed together. We’d like to get them
separately. For instance, what is the smallest possible charge a particle might have? We suspend
a small object, such as a droplet of oil or a tiny plastic bead, between two plates. We may apply
a voltage between the plates and observe the vertical motion of the droplet or bead, and do the
same with zero applied voltage.
Forces on the droplet:
D is the air resistance, C is the drag coefficient, and W is the weight of the droplet.
Without E-Field With E-Field
Cv −mg = 0 qE − mg −Cv ′ = 0
Substitute for C in the right hand equation, qE − mg − mg = 0 , solve for q/m.
q g v′
= 1 −
m E v
Now, m is the mass of the droplet and q is the excess electric charge on the droplet. The volume
of the droplet can be obtained from Stoke’s “Law” for a sphere falling through a fluid medium.
From the volume and density of the droplet, we obtain its mass, m. We repeat the experiment for
many, many droplets and find that always q = -ne, where n is an integer and e = 1.602x10-19
2. Atomic architecture
If atoms are made of smaller building blocks, such as electrons, how are those blocks arranged?
We know, so far, that there are both positive and negative charges within an atom. The problem
is to arrange them in such a way that they stick together—the atom is stable.
a. Thomson
Atoms consist of a uniform, positively charged sphere throughout which are embedded tiny
negative particles—the electrons. This model gives a stable arrangement of +/- charges.
However, it fails to account for the observed emission & absorption spectra.
b. Rutherford
To determine the size of something too small to see, we can bombard that something with tiny
projectiles and observe how those projectiles are scattered. Rutherford (et al.) sent a beam of
heavy particles (alpha particles) into a thin gold foil. The result was the following:
Most α -particles are undeviated, which means that the target gold atoms are not big mushy
balls. As the scattering angle, φ , increases, fewer α -particles are scattered through that angle,
but not zero, and some even bounce backward, φ > π /2. We conclude that the target atoms are
several times more massive than the α -particle and compact. Just how compact we can estimate
by using conservation of energy in a collision. In a direct, head-on collision the α -particle
reaches closest approach to the target atom when
1 Ze ⋅ 2e
mα vα2 = k .
2 r
kZe ⋅ 2e
r= = f (Z )
Solve for that 1 . We find that r ≈10 −14 meters and that Z is roughly ½ the
mα vα2
atomic weight of the target atom. In other words, we find that the positive charge is confined to
a very tiny volume. However, the experiment does not tell us how the electrons in the target
atom are arranged within the atom’s structure. Rutherford proposed that either the electrons
were indeed mixed in the positive nucleus, or they orbited the positive nucleus. Just how the
positive nucleus could stay together was still a puzzle. Also still a puzzle was the emission &
absorption spectra of atoms.
c. The problem of atomic spectra
Certainly, an electron could orbit a positively charged nucleus just as planets orbit the Sun. After
all, the form of Coulomb’s “Law” is exactly the same as the “Law” of Universal Gravitation.
But, according to classical Electro-Magnetism, an accelerated charge emits radiation. That’s
how radio signals are generated, for instance. An electron in an orbit is certainly accelerated; it
should continuously emit radiation. Further, the emitted radiation should increase in wavelength
as the electron continuously loses energy and spirals inward toward the nucleus. What is
observed? i) Atoms do not emit continuous spectra nor ii) do atoms collapse—they are stable
During the latter part of the 19th century, many individuals measured the spectra of many
substances. Their findings are summarized by the following relation:
1 1 1
= R ⋅ 2 − 2 ,
λ ni
where ni and nf are integers and R is the Rydberg constant, R = 1.0973732x107m-1.
For Hydrogen:
Balmer series: nf = 2 and ni = 3, 4, 5, 6, . . .
etc. see the Table 4.1 in the text.
Note the spacing of the lines in each series, and that the series fall in different regions of the E-M
spectrum. These are the experimental results that Bohr set out to explain in his model of the
Bohr inferred certain properties of the atom from the observed spectra.
a. Assumptions/Postulates
i) The electron moves in stable circular orbits about the proton. The attractive force is the
Coulomb force.
ii) Only certain orbits are stable. In a stable orbit, the electron does not radiate, so the
energy is constant.
iii) Radiation is emitted when the electron makes a transition from one stable orbit to
another, and ∆E =hf .
iv) The angular momentum of the electron in its orbit is quantized, mvr = n . This
postulate arises in part from the idea of a standing deBroglie matter wave filling the
orbital circumference.
1 e2
The total energy is E = mv 2 − k . Now, the v and r are not independent, since for a circular
2 r
e2 mv 2 e2
orbit Newton’s 2nd Law says that k r = , or mv 2 = k . Substitute this for mv2 in E,
r r r
1 ke 2 ke 2 ke 2
E= − =− .
2 r r 2r
This is the total mechanical energy of an electron in a circular orbit of radius, r. However, we
know that not all values of E are to be permitted, so at this point we invoke the quantization of
n2 2 ke 2
angular momentum, setting mvr = n , which leads to v 2 = . At the same time, v 2 = .
m2r 2 mr
So we have two expressions for v2; set ‘em equal.
n 2 2 ke 2
m2r 2 mr
Solve for r = rn
n 2 2
rn = , n = 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .
mke 2
Finally, substitute this rn for r in the expression for E
ke 2 ke 2 mk 2 e 4 1
E=− =− =− ⋅
2rn n 2 2 2 2 n 2 .
mke 2
Notice the factor of ! These are the allowed energy states of the H-atom, according to the
Bohr Model, where m = mass of the electron, e = electric charge of the electron, k = coulomb
constant, and n is the principle quantum number. The lowest energy, and the smallest orbit, is
for n = 1. The radius of that n = 1 orbit is called the Bohr Radius, ao.
r1 = a o = 2 = 0.529 Å.
The corresponding lowest, or ground state energy is E1 = -13.6 eV. The first excited state is for
−13 .6eV
n = 2, E 2 = = −3.4eV , etc.
c. H-atom spectrum in the Bohr Model
Often we chart the allowed energy states on an energy level diagram:
In terms of wavelength, λ ,
1 f ke 2 1 1 1 1
= = ⋅ − 2 =R⋅ 2 − 2 .
λ c 2a o hc n 2f ni nf ni
ke 2
The quantity is exactly equal to the experimentally derived Rydberg constant, R. So, the
2a o hc
Bohr Model of the H-atom can reproduce the observed emission/absorption spectrum.
d. Hydrogenic atoms
We may imagine extreme conditions wherein an atom is almost completely ionized, so that a
single electron orbits a nucleus with charge Ze. Then the Bohr Model would say:
a ke 2 Z 2
rn = n 2 o and E n = − .
Z 2a o n 2
An atom having a single electron orbiting a nucleus is called a hydrogenic atom.
4. Correspondence Principle
Classical, or preModern, Physics is not incorrect, only approximate and inaccurate for atomic-
scale systems, just as it was for fast-moving systems. Thus, we would expect to be able to
extend quantum-based predictions to macroscopic systems and recover the classical result, again
just as the classical equations of motion were recovered for speeds small compared to c. This
expectation is called a correspondence principle. Such a principle serves as a check on
quantum-based reasoning and derivations.
E.g. In the case of a quantized oscillator (such as a mass vibrating on a spring), where
k N
E n = nω and ω = , on the macroscopic scale, we might have m ≈1kg and k ≈1 , so
m m
that ω ≈1 . The spacing between energy levels would be ∆E ≈ ≈1x10 −34 J . Similarly,
the spacing between adjacent energy levels of the H-atom approaches zero as the principle
quantum number, n, increases. To put it another way, in macroscopic systems, the level spacing
is too fine to be perceived by the human observer, so the energy appears to be a continuous
III. Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Structure (abbreviated)
We now seek a full treatment of particle dynamics in terms of matter-waves. That is, we want a
scheme of producing equations of motion.
1. Free Particle
A free particle is one subject to no external forces.
a. Einstein-deBroglie relation
px − i p2
E = ω and p =k . A plane wave with this E and p would be written: ,
y =e
p2 p
p is the momentum, m is the mass, E = is the kinetic energy and k = is the wave
p2 p2
number. An alternative form is y = A sin px − t + B cos px − t. Which form is used
2m 2m
in a given case is a matter of convenience.
a. Claim
The wave function contains all the information that can be known about a particle—its mass,
charge, energy, momentum, etc.
b. Proposed interpretation
The probability that the particle will be observed to be at a location between x and x+dx at time t
is given by P ( x, t )dx =Ψ 2 2
( x, t ) dx , where Ψ =Ψ* Ψ and P(x,t) is the probability density.
To be realistic, Ψ must be continuous and single valued and must be normalized, since
dx =1 . That is, the particle must be somewhere on the x-axis. This proposed
a. Schrödinger equation
2 ∂ 2 Ψ ∂Ψ
− +U ( x )Ψ = i ,
2m ∂x 2
where U(x) is the potential energy function for the external conservative force. The solution of
this equation may be easy or difficult, depending on the form of the U(x). Even so, we’re
assuming the potential energy function is constant in time.
B. One-Dimensional Potentials
a. U(x)
∞ x ≤0
U (x ) = ∞ x ≥L
0 0 < x < L
b. Conditions on ψ
0 x ≤0
ψ = 0 x ≥L
ψ ( x ) 0 <x <L
c. Solution
We have 3 regions in which the Schrödinger equation must be solved. Two regions are taken
care of already in this case, as ψ = 0 outside the potential well. Inside the well, U = 0, so the
particle is free.
d 2ψ 2mE
= − 2 ψ = −k 2ψ
This is the equation for a plane wave, so for 0 < x < L,
ψ( x) = A sin( kx ) + B cos( kx ) .
To evaluate the coefficients, A & B, we apply the boundary conditions. We require that
ψ (0) = 0 and ψ (L) = 0.
0 = A sin( 0) + B cos( 0) ⇒B = 0
0 = A sin( kL ) + B cos( kL ) ⇒sin( kL ) = 0 ,
since B = 0.
If both A & B are zero, we have the trivial solution, ψ = 0 .
d. Energy levels
Because sin(kL) = 0, there is a restriction on the energy of the particle in the well.
Evidently, kL = nπ , where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . Substitute for k in the total energy
2 k 2 2 n 2π 2 2 π
2 2
E= = = n , n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
2m 2mL2 2mL2
Note: i) the quantized energy levels arise from the boundary conditions and ii) the lowest
π 2 2
possible energy is E1 = ≠ 0 . This lowest possible energy is called the zero-point energy,
2mL 2
even though it isn’t zero.
e. Normalization
The wave functions corresponding to the energy levels are ψ n = A sin . We evaluate A by
2 nπx
setting ∫ψ ∫ψdx = ∫ A 2 sin 2 dx = 1
dx =1 .
Use the identity 2 sin 2 θ = 1 − cos 2θ .
A2 n 2πx A2
∫ 1 − cos dx = ( L − 0) = 1 ; solve for A = 2
2 L 2 L
Because the wave function is zero outside the well, we integrate from 0 to L rather than ±∞ .
2 nπx
Finally, we have ψ n = sin . [See Fig. 5.7 and 5.9 in the text.]
2. Expectation Values
a. Weighted averages
When averaging a list of values, we say
∑p A
i =1
i i
< A >= N , where pi is the number of times the value Ai appears in the list having N
i =1
different values.
This is called the expectation value of x. The standard deviation of many observations of x is
(∑ xi− x>< ) 2
x =∆
∆x =
∑x 2
i −2< x > ∑x i + m < x >2
where we could calculate <x 2 >
= 2
ψ dx .
c. particle momentum
d< x>
We define the expectation value of the particle momentum as < p > =m . For
macroscopic objects, this expression reduces to p = mv. Also, ∆ p = < p 2 > − < p > 2 .
C. Three-Dimensional Potentials
2 ∂2 2 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂ ∂ 2
− 2 + + 2 2 + cot θ + csc 2 θ 2
ψ ( r ) + U ( r )ψ ( r ) = Eψ ( r )
2m ∂r r ∂r r ∂θ ∂θ ∂ϕ
For central potentials, U ( r ) =U ( r ) and we can separate the variables by assuming that
ψ = R (r )Θ(θ)Φ(ϕ) .
∂2 2 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂ ∂ 2
− +
2 + 2
+ cot θ + csc 2
θ 2
ψ ( r ) + (U ( r ) − E )ψ ( r ) = 0
2m r r r ∂θ 2
∂θ ∂ϕ
2mr 2
Multiply through by −
2 ∂2 ∂ ∂2 ∂ ∂2 2mr 2
∂r 2 + 2 r ψ + + cot θ + csc 2
θ ψ − (U (r ) − E )ψ = 0
∂r ∂θ 2
∂θ ∂ϕ 2
Collect the terms depending on r and divide through by ψ .
r 2 ∂2 2r ∂ 2mr 2 1 ∂2 cot θ ∂ csc 2 θ ∂ 2
R+ R− (U (r ) − E ) + Θ+ Θ+ Φ=0
R ∂r 2
R ∂r 2
Θ ∂θ 2
Θ ∂θ Φ ∂ϕ 2
1 ∂2 cot θ ∂ csc 2 θ ∂ 2
Θ + Θ + Φ = −C
Θ ∂θ 2 Θ ∂θ Φ ∂ϕ 2
-C is the separation constant.
Multiply by sin 2 θ
sin 2 θ ∂ 2 cos θ sin θ ∂ 1 ∂2
Θ + Θ + Φ = −C sin 2 θ
Θ ∂θ 2 Θ ∂θ Φ ∂ϕ 2
Separate again
sin 2 θ ∂ 2 cos θ sin θ ∂ 1 ∂2
Θ + Θ + C sin 2
θ = − Φ = m2, another separation constant.
Θ ∂θ 2 Θ ∂θ Φ ∂ϕ 2
1 ∂2
Set − Φ = m 2 , which equation has familiar solutions
Φ ∂ϕ 2
Φ = e ±im ϕ .
Substitute this into the θ -equation
sin 2 θ ∂ 2 cos θ sin θ ∂
Θ+ Θ + C sin 2 θ = m 2 , rearrange
Θ ∂θ Θ ∂θ
sin θ
sin θ
( )
Θ + C sin 2 θ − m 2 Θ = 0 .
This is a standard, “well known” differential equation—the Associated Legendre Equation. The
solutions are bounded and differentiable (the physical requirements) if
C = ( +1) and m = −,− +1,..., −1, .
We identify m with the angular momentum about the ẑ -axis, which is quantized:
L z = m , m = 0,±1,±2,±3,..., ±
The other constant is identified with the magnitude of the total angular momentum
L2 = ( +1) 2 , = 0,1,2,3,...
Note: C sin 2 θ − m2 ⇒ combination of angular momentum about the x̂ - and ŷ -axes.
c. Spherical harmonics
The “well known” solutions to the Associate Legendre Equation are the Spherical Harmonics:
d. Radial equation
The radial part of the wave equation remains.
2 d 2 2 d L2
− 2 R + R + R + U ( r ) R = ER .
2m dr r dr 2mr 2
The allowed energy levels are obtained from the boundary conditions applied to R(r); this will
give the principle quantum number, n. The details depend on the exact form of U(r). In the case
ke 2
of the Hydrogen atom, U (r ) = − .
D. The Hydrogen Atom
ke 2
U (r ) = −
So far we have Ψ(r ,θ , ϕ, t ) = R (r )Y (θ , ϕ )e −iωt . Given U(r), we have to find R(r). Notice
that many , m combinations may apply to the same energy state, R(r)—degeneracy.
1. Radial Equation
2 d 2 2 d L2 ke 2
− R + R + R − R = ER
2m dr 2 r dr 2mr
The whole equation is multiplied by r. Then the second derivative term can be collapsed to
2 d 2 L2 ke 2
− ( rR ) +
2mr 2 − ( rR ) = E ( rR ) .
2m dr 2 r
It follows that the allowed orbital (angular momentum) states are =0, 1, 2, 3, . . ., n-1.
2. Spectroscopic Notation
For a specified n, the allowed values of and m label states having the same energy, En.
These states are said to form a shell; the allowed values of m for a specified form a
subshell. We still use the naming scheme created by the preModern spectroscopists who
measured atomic spectra in the 19th century. As shown in the following table, the letter K stands
for the n = 1 shell, while a lower case d stands for an = 2 subshell.
n(shells) symbol (subshells) symbol
1 K 0 s
2 L 1 p
3 M 2 d
4 N 3 f
5 O 4 g
6 P 5 h
We see that the quantum numbers ( n, , m ) arise from physical restrictions placed on the
mathematical solutions to the Schrödinger equation. Further, there is one quantum number for
each degree of freedom.
3. Probability Densities
ψ n,,m = Rn, (r )Ym (θ , ϕ )
a. Ground state
1 1 2 − ao
ψ1,0,0 = R1,0Y00 = e
π a o
This function is spherically symmetric, since = 0 --i.e., it’s an s-state. In fact, all states with
= 0 are spherically symmetric. The probability density is
2 e ,
ψ 1,0,0 =
P ( r ) dr =ψ 4πr 2 dr
We define the Radial Probability Distribution, P(r) such that .
− 2r
For ψ100 , P(r ) = P (r ) = e 4 2 − ao .
1s 4πr 2
= r e
πa o3 a o3
Note that P( r ) =r 2 R (r ) and that
∫ P(r )dr =1 .
We can calculate the expectation value of r, the
distance of the electron from the atomic nucleus.
< r >= ∫ rP (r )dr
∞ 2r 2r
− −
4 4
< r >1s = ∫ r 2
r e ao
dr = ∫ 3
r e ao
0 a o3 a o3
4 3! 24
< r >1s = 3 4
= a o = 1.5ao
ao 2 16
Notice: While r = ao is the most probable radius, the expectation value of the radius is <r> =
1.5ao, that is, averaged over a large number of observations of r.
a. Magnetic moments
Viewed in preModern terms, in circulating about
the proton, the orbiting electron creates a
magnetic dipole field. The dipole moment is µ, having a magnitude of µ = jA , where j is the
time-averaged electrical current and A is the area of the
closed orbit. If T is the orbital period, then j = . On
the other hand, the magnitude of the orbital angular
2 me A
momentum, according to Kepler, is L = . The
− e LT − eL
magnetic moment vector becomes µ = = .
T 2me 2me
It’s convenient to define the quantity called the Bohr Magneton, thus:
e Jouls eV
µB = = 9.274 x10 −24 = 5.788 x10 −9 .
2m e Tesla Gauss
Notice the charge-to-mass ratio: e/me. The quantity that appears in the magnetic moment is ½
the charge-to-mass ratio. For any charged particle, we define the geomagnetic ratio to be ,
where q is the particle charge and m is the particle mass. The z-component of µ, like Lz, is
quantized: µ z = −µ B ⋅ m .
b. Larmor precession
In an externally applied magnetic field, a magnetic dipole will experience a torque,
dL .
τ = µ×B =
The µ vector precesses around an axis aligned along the B ,
since the ⊥ µ and B .
dL = L sin θdϕ = τ dt = LB sin θdt .
2 me
dL e LB sin θ eB
ωL = = =
L sin θ 2me L sin θ 2 me
This precession rate is called the Larmor Frequency.
5. Fine Structure
c. Electron spin
We propose that a magnetic moment is produced by the electron itself, visualized as spinning. In
analogy to orbital angular momentum, we define a spin quantum number, s, such that the number
of possible angular momentum z-components is 2 s +1 .
The spin magnetic moment is µ s = g S . The quantity g is
called the g-factor, which is a kind of a fudge factor. For electrons, the g-factor is found
experimentally to be g = 2 . This value indicates that the electric charge is not uniformly
distributed in a tiny solid rotating sphere as our classical visualization depicts it.
6. Spin-Orbit Interaction
b. Total angular momentum, J
The total angular momentum of the isolated Hydrogen atom is conserved: J = L + S . Let us
examine the possible values J can have, based on the quantum restrictions on L and on S .
By analogy (again), we introduce a new quantum number, such that J 2 = j ( j +1) 2 and
J z = m j , with mj = j, j-1, . . ., -j+1, -j. What is the range of j? J is the sum of L and S , so
j takes on the values ± for atomic electrons.
e.g. =2, s =±
1 5 1 3
then j = 2 + = and j = 2 + − 1 =
2 2 2 2
e.g. =4, s =±
1 9 1 7
then j = 4 + = and j = 4 + − 1 =
2 2 2 2
1 1
The number of mj values is 2j + 1. In terms of , j = ± , so there are 2 ± +1 values
2 2
of mj—the projection of J on the z-axis.
1 1 1
e.g. j= ⇒ = 0 ⇒ m j = ± . [ 2 ⋅ +1 = 2 ]
2 2 2
3 3 1 3
j = ⇒ = 1 ⇒ m j = ± ,± . [ 2 ⋅ + 1 = 4 ]
2 2 2 2
3 3 1
j = ⇒ = 2 ⇒ m j = ± ,± .
2 2 2
9 9 7 5 3 1 9
j = ⇒ = 4 ⇒ m j = ± ,± ,± ,± ,± . [ 2 ⋅ + 1 = 10 ]
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Each mj level has slightly different energy since the angle between µs and B is different---
fine structure.
c. Spectroscopic notation
number for n
capital letter for orbital angular momentum
subscript for total angular momentum
n = 2 n = 3
e.g. = 0 ⇒ 2S 1 = 2 ⇒ 3D 5
j = 1 2
j = 5 2
2 2
The usages of the 2 schemes of spectroscopic notation goes as follows: for orbital subshells we
use the lower case letters s, p, d, f, etc; for the energy states we use the capital letters S, P, D, etc.
E. Multi-electron Atoms
Two effects are important: i) screening of the nucleus and ii) the exclusion principle.
1. Nuclear Screening
In a multi-electron atom, each electron interacts not only with the atomic nucleus, but also with
every other electron in the atom. For instance, the two-electron Helium atom:
The net effect is that electrons farther from the nucleus “see” a nuclear charge of something less
than Ze. The energy states are not simply the same ones found for the H-atom. This means in
practice that it is practically impossible to solve for the multi-electron energy states exactly—
they have to be approximated to some degree.
2. Exclusion principle
It turns out that no two electrons within an atom can be in exactly the same quantum state. This
is a property of a class of subatomic particles called fermions. That is, no two electrons in an
atom can have exactly the same set of values for their quantum numbers. This has implications
for the electronic structure of multi-electron atoms and the periodic table of elements. Namely,
no more than 2 electrons can occupy an atomic subshell, with m s = ± .
In the atomic ground states, the subshells are filled in order of increasing energy. Commonly,
the outermost subshell is partially filled. These are the valance electrons.
b. Hund’s Rule
Each orbital (subshell) holds two electrons, spin up and down. However, within a shell, lower
energy is usually obtained if the spins are aligned, but in different subshells.
e.g. for Carbon 2p shell
↑ ↑
m = −1 0 +1
This is Hund’s Rule: a shell is filled first with one electron in each orbital, spins aligned. Then
the second electron, with opposite spin, is placed in each orbital.
Oxygen ↑ ↑ ↑
Fluorin ↑ ↑ ↑
c. Notation
The electronic configuration is written out by listing the occupied orbitals, and the number of
electrons in each orbital. See Table 8.2 for the ground states of the elements. e.g.,
atom config 1s 2s 2p 3s
H 1s1 ↑
He 1s2 ↑
Li 1s22s1 ↑ ↑
Na 1s22s22p63s1 ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
As n increases, the spacing between levels decreases. So there are quirks in the order in which
shells are filled up.
e.g. see the elements 18 – 30. K is not [Ne] 3s23p63d1, but [Ne] 3s23p64s1. The 4s level is of
lower energy than 3d, so the 4s level fills before the 3d level is occupied.
e.g. worse, look at V, Cr, and Mn. The outer most shells are 3d34s2 for V; 3d54s1 for Cr; 3d54s2
for Mn.