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Cellular Light Weight Concrete Blocks
About many years ago two ideas were developed to produce lightweight concrete Aerated Autoclave
Concrete (AAC) and Cellular ightweight Concrete (CC). !ach is based on the idea that adding air
bubbles to mortar would lower its weight while at the same time improving the product.
"he di##erence between AAC and CC lies in how the air bubbles are generated.
AAC uses aluminum powder to cataly$e a reaction that generates hydrogen gas bubbles #ormed #rom
the reaction and are trapped in a lime% sand% gypsum and very small percentage o# cement slurry. "he
slurry is allowed to set and then the product is cut into panels or blocks and placed in an autoclave to cure
(an autoclave is re&uired because the slurry has low cement contents).
CC is a process based on making air bubbles in the #orm o# a #oam and then mi'ing the #oam into a
cement / sand slurry. "he slurry is then poured into moulds. (ince CC slurries have higher cement
contents% no autoclave curing is required instead% the #inished product is cured like normal concrete
or (teamed Cured with low pressure to achieve early strength.
As compared to AAC lightweight products% CC air bubbles are signi#icantly smaller% stronger% and each
bubble is part o# a closed cell system which means !nviro)*+, block products have lower water
absorption - about hal# o# the water absorption as AAC And )rick. Compared% CLC in-creases it strength
in#initely under atmospheric conditions and there- #ore does not have to be protected against humidity.
Enviro Build Resources Pvt Block manufacturing Technology is based on the CLC method. -e
have selected the best technology #or all aspects o# production and product &uality: #rom .C control to
placing methods and #oam additive to mi' designs. /i'er /achine to Cutting /achine. making
!nviro)*+, )locks.
"he di##erence between AAC and CC lies in how the air bubbles are generated.
AAC uses aluminum powder to cataly$e a reaction that generates hydrogen gas bubbles #ormed #rom
the reaction and are trapped in a cement% sand% gypsum slurry. "he slurry is allowed to set and then the
product is cut into panels or blocks and placed in an autoclave to cure (an autoclave is re&uired because
the slurry has low cement contents).
CC describes a process based on making air bubbles in the #orm o# a #oam and then mi'ing the #oam
into a cement/ sand slurry no reaction. "he slurry is then poured into moulds. (ince CC slurries have
higher cement contents% no autoclave curing is re&uired instead% the #inished product is cured like
normal concrete.
"he advantage in using #oam additives is that the #oam now becomes a raw material. And as a raw
material% the &uality o# the bubbles used can be controlled. "he #oam additive that 0 )lock uses is uni&ue
as we have designed the air bubbles so that% compared to AAC lightweight products% they are
signi#icantly smaller% stronger% and each bubble is part o# a closed cell system which means that 0 )lock
products have signi#icantly lower water absorption - about hal# o# the water absorption as AAC products.
0 )lock "echnology is based on the CC method% but it is a #ull system approach. -e have selected the
best technology #or all aspects o# production and product &uality: #rom .C control to placing methods and
#oam additive to mi' designs making 0 )lock "echnology a great and uni&ue lightweight concrete
production system.
Advantages o# CC )ricks
CC )ricks have e'cellent compressive strength in e'cess o# regular clay bricks / solid blocks%
guarantees min. Compressive strength o# 12/mm3.
)ending strength is 45 to 367 o# compressive strength.
CC )ricks density is 866kg/m3 which reduces dead load on structures.
9uge saving in #oundation and structure savings upto 167 on beam costs.
:ood earth &uake resistance properties.
!asy handling.
;aster construction.
9uge saving o# labour.
CC )ricks o##er highest thermal insulation making cool summers and warm winters.
<educed Air conditioning e'penses.
CC )ricks are #ire resistant.
2on to'ic #umes in case o# #ire.
!'cellent acoustic barrier. /ore peace o# living% 2o disturbance #rom your neighbours home
9ighly accurate and smooth walls reduction in plastering.
=pt #or any #inish on walls e'ternal plastering% tiling% cladding% internal tiling% dry lining% spray
plaster or anything o# your choice.
Cellular Concrete
Cellular Concrete is a cementitious paste o# neat cement or cement and #ine sand with a multitude o#
micro/macroscopic discrete air cells uni#ormly distributed throughout the mi'ture to create a lightweight
+t is commonly manu#actured by two di##erent methods.
/ethod A% consists o# mi'ing a pre-#ormed #oam >sur#actant? or mi'-#oaming agents mi'ture into the
cement and water slurry. As the concrete hardens% the bubbles disintegrate leaving air voids o# similar
/ethod )% known as Autoclaved Aerated Concrete >AAC? consists o# a mi' o# lime% sand% cement%
water and an e'pansion agent. "he bubble is made by adding e'pansion agents >aluminum powder or
hydrogen pero'ide? to the mi' during the mi'ing process. "his creates a chemical reaction that
generates gas% either as hydrogen or as o'ygen to #orm a gas-bubble structure within the concrete.
"he material is then #ormed into molds. !ach mold is #illed to one-hal# o# its depth with the slurry. "he
gasi#ication process begins and the mi'ture e'pands to #ill the mold above the top. (imilar to baking a
cake. A#ter the initial setting% it is then cured under high-pressured-steam >486@ to 346@C / 15A@to
B46@;? CautoclavedD #or a speci#ic amount o# time to produce the #inal micro/macro-structure.
<ecently% a direction to concrete compositions prepared by using a&ueous gels >a&uagels? is being
considered as all or part o# the aggregate in a concrete mi'. A&uagel spheres% particles% or pieces are
#ormed #rom gelatini$ed starch and added to a matri'. (tarch modi#ied or unmodi#ied such as wheat%
corn% rice% potato or a combination o# a modi#ied or unmodi#ied starches are e'amples o# a&ueous gels.
A modi#ied starch is a starch that has been modi#ied by hydrolysis or de'trini$aton. Agar is another
material that can create a pore or cell in concrete. ,uring the curing process as an a&uagel loses
moisture% it shrinks and eventually dries up to #orm a dried bead or particle that is a #raction o# the si$e
o# the original a&uagel in the cell or pore in the concrete. "his results in a cellular% lightweight concrete.
9igh carbon ash% recycled aluminum waste and $eolite powders are additional mechanical structures
suitable in the production o# cellular lightweight concrete.
"hese cells may account #or up to 867 o# the total volume. -eight o# the concrete mi'tures range #rom
336 kilograms per cubic meter >lB lbs. cubic #oot? to 4E33 kilograms per cubic meter >436 lbs. cubic #oot?
and compressive strengths vary #rom 6.1B megapascals >56 pounds per s&uare inch? to 36.F
megapascals >1%666 pounds per s&uare inch?.
oamed concrete or lightweight concrete derived #rom AlliedGs a&ueous #oams are suitable #or
both precast and cast-in-place applications. (ome o# the highly insulative cementitious #oams at densities
B8 kg/m
(1 pc#) to AB5 kg/m
(B6 pc#) or higher can be used as block #ills% lightweight roo# deck and void-#ill
materials. :ood strength characteristics with reduced weight make lightweight concrete based on AlliedGs
a&ueous #oams suitable #or structural and semi-structural applications such as lightweight partitions% wall
and #loor panels% and lightweight blocks. Cementitious #oams derived #rom AlliedGs premium systems are
suitable #or thin layer coating applications where speci#ic per#ormance criteria are re&uired.
;oamed concrete and #oamed cement made with AlliedGs #oam have very #ine pore structure% unlike that
made with conventional proteinaceous and sur#actant #oams. "he pore structure o# AlliedGs #oams hardly
show any sign o# deterioration as the density o# the #oamed cement decreases to below 4A6 kg/m
pc#). At densities below 4A6 kg/m
% the pore te'ture o# #oamed cement derived #rom conventional #oam
agents becomes so coarse that most o# them show severe structural collapse.
"he dynamic nature o# Allied #oam systems allows di##erent #oam rheology to be incorporated into the host
cement/concrete matri' to satis#y a wide range o# slump loss re&uirements.
"he inert nature o# Allied #oam systems makes them compatible with di##erent kinds o# aggregates% #illers%
e'tenders% retarders% accelerators% colorants% hydraulic inorganics and many other additives.
rand Classification
"he Cellular ightweight concrete blocks con#orm to the #ollowing grades :
GR!E : "hese are used as load bearing units H have a block density in the range o# 4%366 kg/cum -
4%866 kg/cum.
GR!E B : "hese are used as non-load bearing units H have a block density in the range o# 866 - 4%666
GR!E C : "hese are used #or providing thermal insulation H have a block density in the range o# B66 -
A66 kg/cum.
Redifining Construction
)eing the latest technology available% CC (Cellular ightweight concrete ) )locks are the best option #or
use in construction today.
2ew +nsights "hough there are severalmanu#acturers o# autoclaved blocks in +ndia% none reach the
superiority o# the CC blocks.
2ot only are CC blocks much cheaper in price% the &uality is such that it is resistant to water absorption.
+t increases in strength with aging H greatly reduces cost o# plastering.
Also due to the cellular structure o# the material the blocks can be easily cut with carpenters saw H nails
can be driven into them with e&ually ease.
-eight reduction becomes highly bene#icial #or structural reasons% saving steel rein#orcement in the
#oundation% important also under instable soil conditions.
<educed dead-loads mean substantial savings in steel in the #oundation.
"he dimensions H there#ore overall &uantity o# steel-rein#orcement in CC reduces by as much as 567.
CC is a per#ect sound absorbing material. +t absorbs airborne-sound.
,i##erent #rom autoclaved cellular concrete% steel in CC does not have to be protected against corrosion.
Cutting Edge "olutions
=ur CC )locks are made with the cutting rdge technology.
(umedha CC Ivt. td. has set up a #ully automated plant. "hese blocks are made #rom #ly ash% sand%
water and a #oaming compound as per technology.
.uality control measures are strictly adhered to s per +nternational (tandards.
Because one si#e doesn$t fit all
"he 2ominal dimensions o# CC blocks are A66mm in ength% 366mm in height and can vary #rom
466mm% 435mm% 456mm% 366mm H 166mm in width.
%ote& "he ma'imum variation in the length o# units shall not be more than 5mm cmd ma'imum variation
in height and width o# the unit not more than 1mm H is acceptable as per +. (. (tandards.
CC blocks are a substitute #or ordinary H dense concrete blocks. "his versatile material can be produced
to desired speci#ications in a wide range o# densities #rom B66 kg/Cu. /. 4866 kg/Cu. /.% as per
Technical "'ecifications
Ty'e !ensity kg ( m)
*inimum Com'ressive
"trength %(mm+
Water bsor'tion
GR!E ,-..
GR!E B ,...
GR!E C /.. ,.. ,1..
0.. ..1 ,1.1
CLC 3 4ly sh
ightweight concrete utili$ing in e'cess o# 357 o# #ly-ash
CC is an air-cured lightweight concrete that can be produced at proJect site% utili$ing e&uipment and
molds normally in use #or conventional concrete.
"he density recommended is 866 kg /mK (oven-dried) #or blocks and 4.366 kg/mK to produce pre#ab
elements and walls cast in-situ. "he typical mi' #or a 4.666 kg/mK density
CC to be used in blocks is as #ollows (to produce 4 mK)
Cement (Iortland): 4E6 kg L A4 liters
(and (6 - 3 mm or #iner): B16 kg L 4AB liters
;ly-Ash: 16E kg L 466 liters (appro')
-ater: 356 kg L 356 liters
;oam (A66): B31 liters
-et density 4.4FE kg/mK
"otal volume (submerged in water) 4.666 liters (L 4 mK)
!'pected (oven-dry) density. appro'. 4.666 kg/mK
Content o# air in concrete appro'. B17
Content o# ;ly-Ash in solid material (E3E kg): 117
Content o# ;ly-Ash in oven-dry material: 14 7
Benefits of CLC blocks(elements
"remendous weight reduction
9igh thermal insulation
=ptimum #ire rating
(ubstantial material savings:
M no gravel used
M little cement
M less steel in structure and #oundation
M !asy and #ast production
M 2o primary energy and reduced transportation costs
M )oon #or remote areas with only sand available
CC% like conventional concrete ages well% increasing its strength by as much as 567 (N) between 38 and
E6 days a#ter pouring% As long as CC draws humidity #rom the atmosphere it will keep on increasing its
mechanical properties.
=nly 4 kg (4 +tr) o# A66 #oaming agent is essen tial to produce 4 mK o# CC #or instance in a density o#
4.366 kg/mK: A 366 kg/liter drum o# lasts #or more then 366 mK o# CC.
/olds or design to produce ine'pensive molds locally.
+n view o# #ly-ash - an enviroment pollutant industrial waste - being a maJor ingredient o# CC% and this
being a good subst itute #or ordinary clay bricks (which use high primary !2!<:O and precious
agricultural top - soil)% the :overnment o# +ndia #or instance has given special +mport duty concessions.
CC is an e'cellent and competitive material #or low -rise% load-bearing construction and outside walls
aswell as partitioning work in multi -storeyed blocks.
Po'ular block si#es as 'er 5" & +,-1 6Part708 & +..-
Length & B66% 566% A66 mm
9eight &356 or 166 mm
Width & 466% 456% 366 or 356 mm
or as desired
)locks are cast in vertical position to o##er e&ually accurate sides% given by the mold. =nly one side (the
top when cast) is not given by the mold as open-top% which is screened. "his side will #ace the ne't block
in masonary anyhow.
Curing o# CC takes place within the same period as conventional concrete. +# ca st in the evening% the
concrete can be demolded ne't morning. Curing can be speeded up by either heat% steam or chemical
(accelera - tors). - As in conventional concrete CC may also be coloured (adding pigments).

Range :f !ensities
!ensity ,.. kg(m;
the only system world-wide to produce a solely mineral-based insulation board o##ering the same lambda
as man-made polystyrol% poly-urethane or mineral wool% however without any ha$ardous behaviour #or
health% environment or #ire. "his density re&uires autoclaving. Complete plants are available to produce
up to 566 mK daily (or more).
!ensity )..7/.. kg(m;
"his density is primarily applied #or thermal insulation or #ire protection. +t uses only cement (or little sand)%
water and #oam and can easily be pumped. #oam generators allow the production o# sti## #oam #or slopes
to be applied on roo#-tops.
!ensity 2..7-.. kg(m;
+s also used #or void-#illing% such as an landscaping (above underground construction)% to #ill voids behind
archways and re#urbishing o# damaged sewerage systems. +t is also been used to produce building
!ensity <..7,,.. kg(m;
(erves to #oremostly produce blocks and other non-load bearing building elements such as balcony
railings% partitions% parapets and #ence walls etc.
!ensity ,+..7,0.. kg(m;
Are the most commenly densities #or pre#ab and cast in situ walls% load-bearing and non-load-bearing. +t is
also success#ully used #or #loorscreeds (sound and insulation plus weight reduction).
!ensity ,/..7,-.. kg(m;
would be recommended #or slabs and other load-bearing building elements where higher strength is
"he current #ocus o# the green building community is on recycled materials and energy e##iciency astatine
the e'pense o# indoor air &uality and source reduction. "wo #avored recycled materials% e'panded
polystyrene (!I() and #ly ash% have come under criticism recently #or their potentially harm#ul e##ects to
health and the environment. <ecycling is one approach to limiting green house gas emissions. )ut% isnPt it
Just a hal#-hearted attempt to address the environmental problems #acing societyQ +nstead o# recycling
waste% wouldnPt it make more sense to reduce the amount o# waste created in the #irst placeQ As a
building material% cellularwhippersnapper concrete (CC) (known also as aerated or #oamed concrete)
delivers a more complete sustainable solution by importantly reduction the amount o# raw material
needed and the energy re&uired to mold it into a shape #or construction. A reduction in material usage is
achieved while also providing outstanding energy e##iciency and% thanks to the absence o# to'ic materials
or volatile organic compounds (R=Cs)% e'cellent air &uality.
CC is produced by combining #lat air with a non-to'ic li&uid #oaming agent. A #oam is produced which is
introduced into regular concrete (consisting o# cement% water and sand) leaving numerous% tiny distinct air
pockets within the material. *nlike autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)% no heat is applied in
manu#acturing. A variety o# building products can be produced with CC including building blocks% panels%
and ornamental precast #ences.
"he green credentials o# CC include the #ollowing:
,urable% long lasting material resulting in less waste and less energy cost to society
!nergy e##ective with high e&uivalent <-values and smaller A/C systems typical
ow density (as low as 4/B that o# regular concrete) means signi#icantly less sand and cementum
consumed contributing to a lower embodied energy than common building materials
,oes non rot% is not attacked by termites% does non absorb wet into its core and is mold and
mildew resistant resulting in less maintenance and less waste generated through maintenance
Contains no R=Cs or to'ic substances. 2o o$one depleting or wild chemicals re&uired #or
)reathable material that removes to'ins #rom the air and naturally maintains a low relative
Can be recycled at the end o# its li#e
+ts Jackanapes means lower #reight loads and less energy consumption and pollution during
(ound absorbing properties lead to signi#icantly reduced indoor noise
"he outstanding balance o# source reduction% energy e##iciency% low embodied energy% absence o# to'ins
and o$one depleting substances% and noise reduction make cellular lightweight concrete the ultimate
green building material.
erated utoclaved Concrete
"he charged concrete is a #ully mature technology. +t is a dynamic% single component building material
system that is a mi'ture o# Iortland cement% sand% aluminum powder% and water. +n the early 4E36Ss ,r.
A'el !riksson an Assistant Iro#essor #or )uilding "echni&ues astatine the <oyal +nstitute in (tockholm%
observed that by adding aluminum powder to cement% water% and #inely ground sand caused the mi'ture
to e'pand dramatically.
"his is a #our part articles series which will touch on some o# the most common properties o# aerated
concrete. +n Iart 4 o# this series% + will discuss about the density and compressive strength o# charged
!ensity and Com'ressive "trength
Aerated concrete is a material with good mechanical strength% together with a high insulation value over a
wide range o# densities. "he density o# aerated concrete is in#luenced by the water cementitious ratioT
because the amount o# aeration depends on the water cementitious ratio. 9owever% when po$$olans is
used% water solids proportion is more important than water cementitious ratio. +n determining the water
solid ratio sand also will be included. ;or gas #ormed concrete% a lesser water-solids proportion would
lead to de#icient aeration% while a higher water solid ratio will results in rupture o# the voids. 9owever% in
both conditions% some increase can be e'pected in density. According to 2eville (4EF1)% aerated concrete
can be produced in any re&uired density. "his is due to the #act that the density directly related to the gas
#orming admi'tures (aluminum powder). )esides that% there has been general rule that compressive
strength increases linearly with the density.
Compressive strength is one o# the most important characteristics o# concrete. +t has been used as a
yardstick to determine the &uality o# concrete% and this is non an e'ceptional #or charged concrete. "he
specimen si$ing and shape% method o# pore-#ormation% direction o# loading% age% water content%
characteristics o# raw material% and method o# curing have been reported to in#luence the strength o#
charged concrete. Iore structures o# the air pores and mechanical condition o# pore shells have
pronounced in#luence on the compressive strength o# aerated concrete. "he strength o# non-autoclaved
increases 16 to 86 percent between 38 years and A months% but only marginally beyond this period. A
portion o# this increase is attributed to the process o# carbonation. Compressive strength varies
reciprocally with wet content% and this could be due to the water held in the pore structure acted as a
lubricant in the microstructure o# the material. =n drying to e&uilibrium with normal atmosphere% there is
an increase in strength and an even bigger increase on complete drying out.
"he part 3 o# this article series will discuss on the drying shrinking and water absorption properties o#
aerated concrete.
erated Concrete
"his is continuation o# the article on properties o# charged concrete. +n this part% + put #orward a review on
the drying shopli#ting and water absorption o# aerated concrete.
!rying "hrinkage
,rying shopli#ting plays an important role on in#luencing the structural properties o# the concrete elements.
,rying shrinkage occurs due to the loss o# adsorbed water #rom the material and is signi#icant in charged
concrete because o# its high porousness (B6 867) and particular sur#ace o# pores (around 16 m3/g).
"here#ore% it accelerates the drying o# water in aerated concrete.)esides that% decrease in pore si$es% on
with a higher percentage o# littler si$e pores is reported to increase shrinkage. According to 2ielson
(4E81) shrinkage is compression due to hydraulic vacuum in the pore water. -hile% the capillary tension
theory o# drying shrinking o# holey building materials states that the water in the pore e'its in tension and
this creates an attractive #orce Utween the pore walls.
,rying (hrinkage o# aerated concrete with only cement as the binder is reported to be more importantly
higher than that produced with lime or lime-cement. )esides that% the continuance and method o# curing%
pressure o# autoclaving% #ineness and chemical composition o# mineral admi'ture% the si$ing and shape o#
specimen a##ects the drying shrinkage. ,ry curing has greater in#luence on the shrinkage compared with
water curing% and is due to it high level o# moisture loss. *sually the #inal value o# shrinkage depends on
the initial and #inal moisture content. A("/ CE38-E3a% indicates that the drying shrinking or e'pansion o#
a specimen should not e'ceed V 6.457 o# their initial length. +# higher shrinkage or e'pansion occurs% the
boilersuit duration and height o# the wall would be a##ected. "he drying shrinkage% in most cases%
increases i# the relative humidity decreases. +n the range o# higher moisture content% a relatively small
shrinkage occurs with loss o# moisture% which can be attributed to the presence o# more number o# large
pores% which do not contribute to shrinkage.
Water bsor'tion
-ater absorption in aerated concrete is also an important property. (ince charged concrete is porous%
there is a strong interaction between water% water vapor and the holey system and there e'its various
moisture transport mechanism. +n the dry state% pores ar empty and the water vapor di##usion dominates%
while some pores ar #illed in higher humidity regions. "hese mechanisms make it di##icult to predict the
in#luence o# pore si$e distribution and water content on wet movement. "he water vapor trans#er is
e'plained in terms o# water vapor permeability and wet di##usion coe##icient. "he moisture transport
phenomena in holey material% by absorbing and transmitting water capillarity% has been de#ined by an
easy measurable property called the sorptivity% which is based on unsaturated #low theory. +t has been
shown that the water transmission property is better e'plained by sorptivity than by permeability.
"he part 1 o# this clause series will discuss on the microstructure property o# charged concrete.
erated Concrete Blocks
"his is the #inal part o# clause series properties o# charged concrete. +n this part% + will discuss on the #ire
resistance% workability% and cost e##ectiveness properties o# aerated concrete.
4ire Resistance
"heoretically the most noteworthy properties o# charged concrete ar its #ire resistance capability. "he
most important reason #or such behavior is that the material is relatively homogeneous% unlike normal
concrete where the presence o# coarse aggregate leads to di##erential rates o# e'pansion% cracking and
disintegration. )esides that% it will not spawl during #ire and it also does not re&uireplastering to achieve
good #ire resistance. "he good #ire resisting property o# aerated concrete is where its closed pore
structure provides #or% heat trans#er through radiation is an opposite #unction o# the number o# air-solid
inter#aces traversed. Adding this to their low thermal conduction and di##usivity gives an indication that
aerated concrete possesses good #ire resisting properties. 9owever% continuous heat would a##ect the
compressive strength and shopli#ting o# the concrete. "he changes are due to loss o# chemically bound
water being released #rom the concrete because o# uninterrupted heat.
Another main advantage o# aerated concrete is the ease with which it may be sawn% cut% drilled% and
nailed. ,rilling holes #or services is carried out with simple wood working tools. 2eat holes can be easily
made and most o# the damages can be avoided. ;i'ing o# the panels or blocks can be directly nailed%
screwed% or also by using special plaster. 9owever% during the wet conditions% the concrete mi' in mould
shouldnPt be moved or vibrated astatine all. "his would cause uncomplete aeration process% by bursting o#
air bubbles% and the mi' will tend settle in the mould% without resulting enough e'pansion.
Cost Effectiveness
Cost reduction has been a great #actor in any construction proJects. (o% #or that reason% aerated concrete
can be the solution. :enerally% 46 to 36 percent o# the material cost can be saved compared to normal
dense concrete. )ased on a real-time e'perimental cost bene#it analysis% a condo proJect was used to
calculate the cost saving by using aerated concrete. )ased on the initial design using traditional concrete%
the overall cost o# the proJect was estimated at 34 million *(,. 9owever% with revised design using
aerated concrete wherever possible% the boilersuit cost was brought down by more than 467 #rom the
original cost. )esides that% an ongoing savings o# *(WB6%666.66 per year was accomplished due to a
reduction o# electricity costs due to lower air-conditioning re&uirements.
=ver two thousand years ago% the citi$ens o# <ome searched #or materials and processes to beauti#y their
homes ine'pensively. "hroughout the +talian peninsula% workers used uncovered aggregate concrete to
mimic the look o# the pristine marble and granite #loors o# the empirePs wealthiest citi$ens. "oday%
considering the economic climate% homeowners in increasing numbers ar taking advantage o# the
versatility o# e'posed aggregate concrete to add real value and immense beauty to their home without
break the bank.
"he <omans mastered the art o# concrete but did not stop astatine using the material as an e##ective
way to build things taller and larger. -orkers developed a way to pour a cementum #loor and then sprinkle
tiny bits o# colored stone or marble chips over the sur#ace to give the substance the appearance o# more
e'pensive materials.
"oday% contractors ar capable to use essentially the same techni&ues with advanced materials and
processes to allow homeowners wanting to update or e'pand to achieve high-end look with a smaller
!'posed aggregate concrete has almost limitless potential to be used virtually anyplace on a residential
property. :arden pathways and patios ar likely the most common outdoor applications% but the variety o#
#inishes% colors% and te'tures available have e'panded the demand #or garage #loors% garden walls and
driveways made #rom this innovative process. +ndoors% e'perient artisans can create spectacular #loors%
stairways and even countertops and #ireplaces #rom open aggregate concrete.
"he process appears comparatively simple% but the work is usually best le#t to e'perienced pro#essional
installers. Concrete is non an e'tremely absolvitory material and #i'ing mistakes can be an e'tremely
costly and time-consuming endeavor.
-orkers begin by gushing a traditional concrete slab or #orm mold in virtually any shape imaginable. At
this point% sur#ace retarders that prevent the topmost layer o# concrete #rom #ully drying can be applied.
=nce the lower portion dries% the top layer is washed away to reveal the small bits o# sand and aggregate.
=#ten however% the concrete is allowed to become almost dry and then Just like the <omans small bits
o# stone ar spread crossways the sur#ace and then lightly pressed in evenly. "he resulting appearance
and te'ture is guaranteed to be utterly uni&ue due to the individual nature o# every piece o# concrete and
the limitless potential o# cheap and divers(a) aggregate material.
A more e'pensive but sensational option is to #urther heighten the uncovered aggregate concrete by
scouring the raised bits down level with the concrete% and then shining the entire sur#ace to a brilliant
shine. "he result has the appearance o# alien cut marble or granite slab.
C!*A< +:9"-!+:9" C=2C<!"!;O A(9 )A(!,
Cellular ightweight Concrete 6CLC8 is one o# the recent emerging technology in making concrete. +t has
many advantages when compared to the normal conventional concrete. ;ly ash is considered as one o#
the waste industrial product that cannot be easily disposed. +t solves the problem o# disposal o# #lyash and
at the same time it reduces the cost o# the construction. "here#ore% #lyash based CC is considered as
environment #riendly sustainable material produced with least energy demand.
"he density is considerably reduced by using #ly ash based cellular lightweight concrete than normal
concrete and at the same time% the strength is not a##ected by appropriate design mi'. -hen we use this
type o# concrete we achieve large volume by less amount o# concrete. "he manu#acturing process o# this
type o# concrete does not involve any high cost techni&ues. /anu#acturing process o# CC is similar to
normal concrete and in this additionally #oam generating machine is used.
4ly sh Based Cellular Light Weight Concrete
o +t is a version o# lightweight concrete that is produced like normal concrete under ambient
conditions. +t is produced by initially making a slurry o# Cement V(and V ;ly Ash (constituting3A7 1B
7 content) V water
o A cellular concrete is a lightweight product consisting o# Iortland cement% cement-silica% cement-
po$$olan% lime-po$$olan% lime-silica pastes or pastes containing blends o# these gradients and having
homogeneous void or cell structure% attained with gas-#orming chemicals o# #oaming agents.
o +n cellular lightweight concrete% the density can be controlled by the introduction o# gas or #oam by
#oam generator.
o CC is an air-cured lightweight concrete with #ly ash as a maJor ingredient that can be produced
at large proJect sites Just like traditional concrete% utilising e&uipment and moulds normally used #or
traditional concreting.
o +t is especially suitable in +ndia #or low-rise load bearing constructions and #or partitioning work in
multistorey blocks.
4ig& CLC block floats in =ater 4igs& 4oam generator
o ;ly Ash as a new additional constituent in its manu#acture. ;ly ash can constitutes more than 357
(ranging between 3A7 to 117) o# the solid material constituents o# CC mi'es #or di##erent density
o ;ly-ash- a nuisance waste product #rom thermal power plants as an over 35 7 constituent
material. "his CC can be produced in a density range o# B66 kg/m
to 4%866 kg/m
% with high insulation
value and a 38-day cube crushing strength o# up-to 3F5 kg/cm
o +t is not only #ound a productive use o# a waste industrial product% but incorporation o# #ly ash also
saves nearly B67 on cement content% otherwise needed #or the corresponding Cement and (and only
mi'es% thereby also leading to substantial reduction in the cost o# manu#acture.
o 2ormally the density o# the cellular light weight concrete ranges #rom B66 kg/m
to 4%866 kg/m
o Cellular ight -eight Concrete based housing is #ire proo#% termite proo#% thermally insulated%
sound proo#% environment #riendly.

Cellular light weight concrete block Magnified view
Cellular light =eight concrete > !ensity range&
"his Cellular ightweight Concrete (CC) can be produced in a wide range o# densities #rom B66 kg/m
4%866 kg/m
to suit di##erent applications: -
"he lower densities o# B66 A66 kg/m
are ideal #or thermal insulation applications. CCPs #ire% termite%
water-proo#-ness% termite-resistance% very low water absorption and environment #riendliness. "his range
is also used in laying sound insulating layer over structural slabs o# intermediate #loors in high-class hotels
and institution buildings to minimise transmission o# noise between lower and upper #loors. +t can also be
used as a #illing in depressions in bathrooms or other #loors due to up-stand beams etc. +t make a #ar
superior alternative to the commonly used "hermocole% glasswool% woodwool etc.
"he medium density range 866-4666 kg/m
is utili$ed #or making pre- cast blocks #or non-load-bearing
walling masonry in #ramed structures. "he si$e o# blocks #or the party/e'ternal walls may be
566'356'366 mm and the internal partition blocks may be 566'356'466 mm nominal si$e% although any
desired si$e as per re&uirements% may be produced.
"he high density range #rom 4366kg/m
(Crushing strength A5 kg/cm3) to 4866 kg/m
(Crushing strength
356 kg/cm3) is structural grade material utili$ed #or:-
(a) +n-situ casting o# structural (load-bearing) walls and roo#s o# low rise individual or group housing
(b) /anu#acture o# rein#orced structural cladding or partitioning panels.
(c) /aking pre-cast blocks (566'356'366/466 mm) #or load- bearing walling masonry #or low rise
Related Tags&
concrete #lyash thermal proo#ing% #ire durability o# cellular lightweight concrete% chemical #oaming agent #or
clcVspeci#ication% ;ly Ash Cellular Concrete ight -eight )ricks ingredients% types o# molds #or cellular
lightweight concrete blocks% ingredient clc block #oaming agent.% #ire durability o# cellular lightweight
concrete% #ly ash clc block strength% inorganic chemical #oaming agents #or cellular cement concrete% air
cured clc% concrete #lyash thermal proo#ing% cellular lightweight concrete techni&ue%
Concrete is the most widely used man-made construction material. +t is obtained by mi'ing cement% water
and aggregates (and sometimes admi'tures) in re&uired proportions. "he mi'ture when placed in #orms
and. allowed to cure becomes hard like stone. "he hardening is caused by chemical action between
water and the cement and it continues #or a long time% and conse&uently the concrete grows stronger with
age. "he hardened concrete may also be considered as an arti#icial stone in which the voids o# larger
particles (coarse aggregate) are #illed by the smaller particles (#ine aggregate) and the voids o# #ine
aggregates are #illed with cement. +n a concrete mi' the cement and water #orm a paste called cement
water paste which in addition to #illing the voids o# #ine aggregate acts as binder on hardening% thereby
cementing the particles o# the aggregates together in a compact mass.
"he strength% durability and other characteristics o# concrete depend upon the properties o# its
ingredients% on the proportions o# mi'% the method o# compaction and other controls during placing%
compaction and curing. "he popularity o# the concrete is due to the #act that #rom the common
ingredients% it is possible to tailor the properties o# concrete to meet the demands o# any particular
situation. "he advances in concrete technology have paved the way to make the best use o# locally
available materials by Judicious mi' proportioning and proper workmanship% so as to produce concrete
satis#ying per#ormance re&uirements.
CL""545CT5:% :4 C:%CRETE
As mentioned earlier the main ingredients o# concrete are cement% #ine aggregate (sand) and coarse
aggregate (gravel or crushed rock). +t is usual to speci#y a particular concrete by the proportions (by
weight) o# these constituents and their characteristics% e.g. a 4 : 3 : B concrete re#ers to a particular
concrete manu#actured byD mi'ing cement% sand and broken stone in a 4 : 3 : B ratio (with a speci#ied type
o# cement% water-cement ratio% ma'imum si$e o# aggregate% etc.). "his classi#ication speci#ying the
proportions o# constituents and their characteristics is termedprescripitive speci#ications and is based on
the hope that adherence to such prescripitive speci#ications will result in satis#actory per#ormance.
Alternatively% the speci#ications speci#ying the re&uirements o# the desirable properties o# concrete such
as strength% workability% etc. are stipulated% and these are termed per#ormance oriented speci#ica
tions )ased on these considerations% the concrete can be classi#ied either as nominal mi' concrete or
designed mi' concrete% (ometimes the concrete is classi#ied into controlled concrete and ordinary
concrete% depending upon the levels o# control e'ercised in the works and the method o# proportioning
concrete mi'es.
Accordingly% a concrete with ingredient proportions #i'ed by designing the concrete mi'es with
-preliminary tests are called controlled concrete% whereas ordinary concrete is one where nominal mi'es
are adopted. +n +(: B5A-4EF8 there is nothing like uncontrolled concrete: only the degree o# control varies
#rom very good to poor or no control.+n addition to mi' proportioning% the &uality control includes selection
o# appropriate concrete materials a#ter proper tests% proper workmanship in batching% mi'ing%
transportation% placing% compaction and curing% coupled with necessary checks and tests #or &uality
Concrete making is not Just a matter o# mi'ing ingredients to produce a plastic mass% but good
concrete has to satis#y per#ormance re&uirements in the plastic or green state and also the hardened
state. +n the plastic state the concrete should be workable and #ree
#rom segregation and bleeding. (egregation is the separation o# coarse aggregate and bleeding is the
separation o# cement paste #rom the main mass. "he segregation and bleeding results in a poor &uality
concrete. +n its hardened state concrete should be strong% durable. and impermeableT and it should
have minimum dimensional changes%
Among the various properties o# concrete% its compressive strength is considered to be the most
important and is taken as an inde' o# its overall &uality. /any other properties o# concrete appear to be
generally related to its compressive strength. "hese properties will be discussed in detail later in the
"he concrete is generally graded according to its compressive strength. "he various grades o# concrete
as stipulated in +(: B5A-4EF8 and +(: 41B1-4E86 are given in "able 3.4. +n the designation o# concrete
mi'% the letter / re#ers to the mi' and the number to the speci#ied characteristic strength o# 456 mm
work cubes at 38 days% e'pressed in /Ia (2/mmX). "he concrete o# grades /5 and /F.5 is suitable #or
lean concrete bases and simple #oundations o# masonry walls. "hese need not be designed. "he
concrete o# grades lower than /+( is not suitable #or rein#orced concrete works and grades o# concrete
lower than /16 are not to be used in theprestressed concrete works.
!?%TGE" :4 C:%CRETE
4. Concrete is economical in the long run as compared to other engineering materials. !'cept
cement% it can be made #rom locally available coarse and #ine aggregates.
3. Concrete possesses a high compressive strength% and the corrosive and weathering e##ects are
minimal. -hen properly prepared its strength is e&ual to that o# a hard natural stone.
1. "he green concrete can be easily handled and moulded into any shape or si$e according to
speci#ications. "he #orm work can be reused a number o# times o# similar Jobs resulting in
B. +t is strong in compression and has unlimited structural applications in combination with
steel rein#orcement. "he concrete and steel have appro'imately e&ual coe##icients o# thermal
e'pansion. "he concrete is e'tensively used in the construction o# #oundations% walls% roads%
air#ields% buildings% water retaining structures% docks and harbours% dams% bridges% bunkers and
silos% etc.
5. Concrete can even be sprayed on and #illed into #ine cracks #or repairs by the guniting process.
A. "he concrete can be pumped and hence it can be laid in the di##icult positions also.
F. +t is durable and #ire resistant and re&uires very little maintenance.
!5"!?%TGE" :4 C:%CRETE
4. Concrete has low tensile strength and hence cracks easily. "here#ore% concrete is to be rein#orced
with steel bars or meshes.
3. ;resh concrete shrinks on drying and hardened concrete e'pands on wetting. Irovision #or
contraction Joints has to be made to avoid the development o# cracks due to drying shrinkage and
moisture movement.
1. Concrete e'pands and contracts with the changes in temperature. 9ence e'pansion Joints have to
be provided to avoid the #ormation o# cracks due to thermal movement.
B. Concrete under sustained loading undergoes creep resulting in the reduction o# prestress in the
prestressed concrete construction.
5. Concrete is not entirely impervious to moisture and contains soluble salts which may cause
A. Concrete is liable to disintegrate by alkali and sulphate attack.
F. "he lack o# ductility inherent in concrete as a material is disadvantageous with respect
to earth&uake resistant design.
Cement is a well-known building material and has occupied an indispensable place in construction
works. "here is a variety o# cements available in the market and each type is used under certain
conditions due to its special properties. "he cement commonly used is portland cement% and the #ine
and coarse aggregates used are those that are usually obtainable% #rom nearby sand% gravel or rock
deposits. +n order to obtain a strong% durable and economical concrete mi'% it is necessary to
understand the characteristics and behaviour o# the ingredients.
Although all materials that go into a concrete mi'ture are essential% cement is by #ar the most important
constituent because it is usually the delicate link in the chain. "he #unction o# cement is #irst% to bind the
sand and coarse aggregates together% and second% to #ill the voids in between sand and coarse
aggregate particles to #orm a compact mass. Although cement constitutes only about 46 per cent o# the
volume o# the concrete mi'% it is the active portion o# the binding medium and the only scienti#ically
controlled ingredient o# concrete.
Cement is an e'tremely ground material having adhesive and cohesive properties% which provide a
binding medium #or the discrete ingredients. +t is obtained by burning together% in a de#inite proportion% a
mi'ture o# naturally occurring argillacious (containing alumina) and calcareous (containing calcium
carbonate or lime) materials to a partial #usion at high temperature (about 4B56@C). "he product obtained
on burning% called clinker% is cooled and ground to the re&uired #ineness to produce a material known
as cement. +ts inventor% Yoseph Aspdin% called it portland cement because when it hardened it produced a
material resembling stone #rom the &uarries near Iortland in !ngland.
Ty'es of Cements
i. <apid-hardening Iortland Cement
ii. Iortland-slag Cement
iii. ow-heat Iortland Cement
iv. Iortland-po$$olana Cement
v. 9igh-strength Iortland Cement
vi. (uper (ulphate Cement
vii. 9igh-alumina Cement
viii. -aterproo# Cement
i'. -hite Iortland Cement
'. Coloured Iortland Cement
'i. 9ydrophobic Cement
Aggregates are generally cheaper than cement and impart greater volume stability and durability to
concrete. "he aggregate is used primarily #or the purpose o# providing bulk to the concrete. "o increase
the density o# the resulting mi'% the aggregate is #re&uently used in two or more si$es. "he aggregates
provide about F57 o# the body o# the concrete and hence its in#luence is e'tremely important.
Aggregate was originally viewed as an inert% ine'pensive material dispersed throughout the cement paste
so as to produce a large volume o# concrete. +n #act% aggregate is not truly inert because itPs physical%
thermal and% sometimes% chemical properties in#luence the per#ormance o# concrete% #or e'ample% by
improving its volume stability and durability over that o# the cement paste. ;rom the economic viewpoint%
it is advantageous to use a mi' with as much aggregate and as little cement as possible% but the cost
bene#it has to be balanced against the desired properties o# concrete in its #resh and hardened state.
Classification of ggregate
,. Classification according to the Geological :rigin&7
i. 2atural aggregate
ii. Arti#icial aggregate
+. Classification according to si#e&7
i. ;ine aggregate
ii. Coarse aggregate
iii. All-in-aggregate
iv. (ingle-si$e-aggregate
). Classification according to sha'e&7
i. <ounded aggregate
ii. +rregular aggregate
iii. Angular aggregate
iv. ;laky and elongated aggregate
0. Classification based on unit =eight&7
i. 2ormal-weight aggregate
ii. 9eavyweight aggregate
iii. ightweight aggregate
iv. )loated clay aggregate
:enerally% cement re&uires about 1/46 o# its weight o# water #or hydration. 9ence the minimum water-
cement ratio re&uired is 6.15. )ut the concrete containing waterin this proportion will be very harsh and
di##icult to place. Additional water is re&uired to lubricate the mi'% which makes the concrete workable.
"his additional water must be kept to the minimum% since too much water reduces the strength o#
concrete. "he water-cement ratio is in#luenced by the grade o# concrete% nature and type o# aggregates%
the workability and durability.
+# too much water is added to concrete% the e'cess water along with cement comes to the sur#ace
by capillary action and this cement-water mi'ture #orms a scum or thin layer o# chalky material known
as laitance. "his laitance prevents bond #ormation between the successive layers o# concrete and #orms a
plane o# weakness. "he e'cess water may also leak through the Joints o# the #ormwork and make the
concrete honeycombed. As a rule% the smaller the percentage o# water% the stronger is the concrete
subJect to the condition that the re&uired workability is allowed #or.
Effect of im'urities in =ater on 'ro'erties of concrete&7
4. (uspended particles
3. /iscellaneous inorganic salts
1. (alts in sea water
B. Acids and alkalies
5. Algae
A. (ugar
F. =il contamination.
)( 3F8F: 4E5A U:lossary o# term #or concrete and rein#orced concreteP gives the #ollowing de#inition #or
the term Uadmi'tureP% with UadditiveP given as an alternative term with the same de#inition:
UA material other than coarse or #ine aggregate% cement o# water added in small &uantities during the
mi'ing o# concrete to produce some desired modi#ication in one or more o# its propertiesP.
Admi'tures are the materials other than the basic ingredients o# concrete% cement% water% and
aggregates. "he use o# admi'ture should o##er an improvement not economically attainable by adJusting
the proportions o# cement and aggregates% and should not adversely a##ect any property o# the concrete.
Admi'tures are no substitute #or good concreting practice. An admi'ture should be employed only a#ter an
appropriate evaluation o# its e##ects on the particular concrete under the conditions in which the concrete
is intended to be used. +t is o#ten necessary to conduct tests on the representative samples o# the
materials #or a particular Job under simulated Job conditions in order to obtain reliable in#ormation on the
properties o# concrete containing admi'tures.
"he admi'tures ranging #rom addition o# chemicals to waste materials have been used to modi#y certain
properties o# concrete. "he properties commonly modi#ied are that rate o# hydration or setting time%
workability% dispersion and air-entrainment. "he admi'ture is generally added in a relatively small &uantity.
4A%CT5:%" :4 !*5@TARE"
4. "o accelerate the initial set o# concrete% i.e. to speed up the rate o# development o# strength at early
3. "o retard the initial set%
1. "o increase the strength o# concrete%
B. "o improve the workability%
5. "o reduce the heat o# evolution%
A. "o increase the durability o# concrete% i.e. its resistance to special conditions o# e'posure% like
repeated #ree$ing and thawing cycles%
F. "o control the alkali-aggregate e'pansion% to decrease the capillary #low o# water through concrete
and to increase its impermeability to li&uids%
8. "o improve the penetration and pumpability o# concrete%
E. "o reduce the segregation in grout mi'tures%
46. "o increase the bond between old and new concrete sur#aces%
44. "o increase the bond o# concrete to the steel rein#orcement%
43. "o inhibit the corrosion o# concrete%
41. "o increase the resistance to chemical attack%
4B. "o produce cellular concrete%
45. "o produce coloured concrete or mortar #or coloured sur#aces%
4A. "o produce concrete o# #ungicidal% germicidal and insecticidal properties%
4F. "o produce nonskid sur#aces% and
48. "o decrease the weight o# concrete per cubic metre.
2otwithstanding its versatility% cement concrete su##ers #rom several drawbacks% such as low tensile
strength% permeability to li&uids and conse&uent corrosion o# rein#orcement% susceptibility to chemical
attack% and low durability. /odi#ications have been made #rom time to time to overcome the de#iciencies
o# cement concrete yet retaining the other desirable characteristics. <ecent developments in the material
and construction technology have led to signi#icant changes resulting in improved per#ormance% wider and
more economical use.
"he improvements in per#ormance can be grouped as:
i. )etter mechanical properties than that o# conventional concrete% such as compressive strength% tensile
strength% impact toughness% etc.
ii. )etter durability attained by means o# increased chemical and #ree$e-thaw resistances%
iii. +mprovements in selected properties o# interest% such as impermeability% adhesion% thermal insulation%
lightness% abrasion and skid resistance% etc.
4. ightweight concrete
3. *ltralightweight concrete
1. Racuum Concrete
B. -aste material based concrete
5. /ass concrete
A. (hotcrete or guniting
F. ;errocement
8. ;ibre rein#orced concrete
E. Iolymer concrete composites (ICCs)
46. (ulphur concrete and (ulphur-in#iltrated concrete
44. Yet (*ltra-rapid hardening) cement concrete
43. :ap-graded concrete
41. 2o-#ines concrete
Z -=<0A)++"O "!("
*n#ortunately% there is no acceptable test which will measure directly the workability as de#ined earlier.
"he #ollowing methods give a measure o# workability which is applicable only with re#erence to the
particular method. 9owever% these methods have #ound universal acceptance and their merit is chie#ly
that o# simplicity o# operation with an ability to detect variations in the uni#ormity o# a mi' o# given nominal
Z (*/I "!("
"he mould #or the slump test is a #rustum o# a cone% 165 mm (43 in.) high. "he base o# 361 mm (8 in.)
diameter is placed on a smooth sur#ace with the smaller opening o# 463 mm (B in.) diameter at the top%
and the container is #illed with concrete in three layers. !ach layer is tamped 35 times with a standard
4A mm diameter steel rod% rounded at the end% and the top sur#ace is struck o## by means o# a
screeding and rolling motion o# the tamping rod. "he mould must be #irmly held against its base during
the entire operationT this is #acilitated by handles or #oot-rests bra$ed to the mould.
+mmediately a#ter #illing% the cone is slowly li#ted% and the unsupported concrete will now slump hence
the name o# the test. "he decrease in the height o# the centreN o# the slumped concrete is called slump%
and is measured to the nearest 5 mm.
"he degree o# compaction% called the compacting #actor% is measured by the density ratio% i.e. the ratio o#
the density actually achieved in the test to the density o# the same concrete #ully compacted.
"he upper hopper is #illed with concrete% this being placed gently so that% at this stage% no work is done on
the concrete to produce compaction. "he bottom door o# the hopper is then released and the concrete
#alls into the lower hopper. "his hopper is smaller than the upper one and is% there#ore% #illed to
over#lowing and thus always contains appro'imately the same amount o# concrete in a standard stateT
this reduces the in#luence o# the personal #actor in #illing the top hopper. "he bottom door o# the lower
hopper is released and the concrete #alls into the cylinder. !'cess concrete is cut by two #loats slid across
the top o# the mould% and the net mass o# concrete in the known volume o# the cylinder is determined.
"he name Rebe is derived #rom the initials o# R. )ahrner o# (weden who developed the test. "he test is
covered by )( 4884: Iart 46B: 4E81 and is re#erred to also in AC+ (tandard 344.1-F5 (revised 4E86). "he
slump cone is #illed in the standard manner% removed% and a disc-shaped rider (weighing 3.F5 kg (A+b)) is
placed on top o# the concrete. Compaction is achieved using a vibrating table with an eccentric weight
rotating at 56 9$ so that the vertical amplitude o# the table with the empty cylinder is appro'imately [6.15
mm ([6.64B in.).
Compaction is assumed to be complete when the transparent rider is totally covered with concrete and all
cavities in the sur#ace o# the concrete have disappeared. "his is Judged visually% and the di##iculty o#
establishing the end point o# the test may be a source o# error. "o overcome it an automatically operated
device #or recording the movement o# the plate against time may be #itted% but this is not a standard
"he apparatus consists essentially o# a wooden board covered by a steel plate with a total mass o# 4A kg
(about 15 lb). "his board is hinged along one side to a base board% each board being a F66 mm (3F.A in.)
s&uare. "he upper board can be li#ted up to a stop so that the #ree edge rises B6 mm (4.A in.). Appropriate
markings indicate the location o# the concrete to be deposited on the table.
"he table top is moistened and a #rustum o# a cone o# concrete% lightly tamped by a wooden tamper in a
prescribed manner% is placed using a mould 366 mm (8 in.) high with a bottom diameter o# 366 mm (8 in.)
and a top diameter o# 416 mm (about 5 in.). )e#ore li#ting the mould% e'cess concrete is removed% the
surrounding table top is cleaned% and a#ter an interval o# 16 sec. the mould is slowly removed. "he table
top is li#ted and allowed to drop% avoiding a signi#icant #orce against the stop% 45 times% each cycle taking
appro'imately B sec.
+n conse&uence% the concrete spreads and the ma'imum spread parallel to the two edges o# the table is
measured. "he average o# these two values% given to the nearest millimetre% represents the #low. A value
o# B66 indicates a medium workability and 566 a high workability. Concrete should at this stage appear
uni#orm and cohesive or else the test is considered inappropriate #or the given mi'. "hus the test o##ers an
indication o# the cohesiveness o# the mi'.
"his is a simple #ield test consisting o# the determination o# the depth to which a 453 mm (A in.)
diameter metal hemisphere% weighing 4B kg (16 lb)% will sink under its own weight into #resh concrete. A
sketch o# the apparatus% devised by Y. -. 0elly and known as the 0elly ball.
"he use o# this test is similar to that o# the slump test% that is #or routine checking o# consistence #or
control purposes. "he test is covered by A("/ (tandard C 1A6-83 and is rarely used in the *0. +t is%
however% worth considering the 0elly ball test as an alternative to the slump test% over which it has some
advantages. +n particular% the ball test is simpler and &uicker to per#orm and% what is more important% it
can be applied to concrete in a wheelbarrow or actually in the #orm. +n order to avoid boundary e##ect% the
depth o# the concrete being tested should be not less than 366mm (8 in)% and the least lateral dimension
Related Tags&
source o# error in light compaction soil% pptV light weight structures% discuss the signi#icance o# vebe test
in concrete design% will regular concrete bond to sulphur concrete% molds #or strength #or cellular concrete
according bs% advantage o# conventional chemical prestressing% sulphur in#iltrated concrete #or repair .pd#%
light weight concrete ppt% use o# guniting to the repair concret work% sul#ur light concrete% mF concrete mi'
ratio% ppt on light weight aggregate and conventional aggregate comparison%
I<=I!<"+!( =; +:9"-!+:9" C=2C<!"!
Iroperties o# ight -eight Concrete
"he most signi#icant property is reduced weight at no sacri#ice in strength. (tructural lightweight available
today are rotary kiln e'panded shale% clay or slate (roughly 867 o# structural use) and sintered e'panded
shale or clay (367) 'rovides the same com'ressive strength as normal =eight aggregates =ith
a''roCimately the same cement content. A typical per#ormance chart o# a given aggregate shows the
various strengths attainable with di##erent amounts o# cement #or both F-day and 38-day tests (;ig. 4).
;ig.4: !##ect o# cement content on compressive strength
Com'osite designD e'cept when beams are encased% assumes no bonding action bet=een the
concrete and the steelD even though there is a considerable amount o# bond under most conditions o#
load and building usage.
"he interaction between the steel and the concrete is obtained through shear connectors% and the loading
on the concrete is basically that o# bearing% which is directly related to concretePs compressive strength.
+# the lightweight concrete is comparable in compressive strength to normal weight concrete% the shear
capacity (or% more correctly% the bearing capacity) o# the connectors should be comparable. Iushout tests
on shear connectors in lightweight concrete have indicated comparable values.
9owever% because o# some uncertainties o# materials and a lack o# complete test data to prove this point%
many engineers and most connector manu#acturers recommend some reduction in permissible load per
connector when using lightweight concrete. :enerally% 867 to E67 o# normal weight concrete capacity is
used. =n the other hand% many engineers do not re&uire any reduction in their designs.
"he modulus o# elasticity o# lightweight concrete di##ers #rom normal weight concrete. 5t can range from
one7half to three7fourths of the E7value of normal =eight concrete at a given strength level%
depending on the weight o# the concrete. "he AC+ )uilding Code uses this #ormula #or estimating the E-
value o# both types o# concrete:
+n composite design% the modular ratio% n L Es/Ec% is important. ;or 1%666 psi% the n-value #or normal
weight concrete is ET #or lightweight concrete weighing 466 pc#% the n-value is 45T and at 445 pc#% the n-
value is 43.
+n designing with lightweight concrete in composite design% it is recommended that no di##erentiation be
made in n-values #or preliminary design only. )y using nLE #or 1%666 psi lightweight concrete% the
composite design tables in the AISC Manual and other sources can be used. 9owever% in checking the
actual stresses in the concrete and in computing de#lections it is recommended that the applicable n-
value be determined #rom the above #ormulas.
9igher n-values mean smaller trans#ormed areasT hence% slighter smaller moments o# inertia and%
theoretically% greater de#lections. "his e##ect is o##set by the reduced dead load due to lower concrete
=ther properties o# lightweight concrete that may be o# interest in composite design are thecree' and
shrinkage characteristics. /any engineers #eel that lightweight concrete has much higher creep and
shrinkage. Actually% a very e'tensive study o# these properties\2)( /onograph FB% Creep and Drying
Shrinkage of Lightweight and Normal !eight Concretes\shows cree' to be com'arable to most
normal =eight concrete andD on an averageD shrinkage to be only moderately greater.
+n some areas% lightweight structural concrete is being speci#ied because it has less shrinkage cracking
'otential than normal =eight concrete. Although there are no de#initive values available% the #eeling
e'ists with some researchers that lightweight concrete under test per#orms better in composite design%
possibly because the slightly higher creep and shrinkage may tend to distribute the "n-load to more
connectors than when normal weight composite beams are tested.
"he other property is the better 'erformance of light=eight concrete in fire testsD because o# its
improved insulation characteristics.
.*A+"O C=2"<= =; +:9"-!+:9" C=2C<!"!
.uality control o# lightweight concrete
"o get good normal weight concrete% an engineer writes a good
speci#ication and sees that concrete &uality is assured by proper control
procedures at the Job. -ith lightweight concrete% the engineer speci#ies a
C116] aggregate and the 38- day strength and air-dry weight necessary
to meet design re&uirements. (lump and air content should also be
"he combination o# strength and unit weight will% in most cases% eliminate
undesirable or unsatis#actory materials. ;or e'ample% suppose
a lightweight aggregate has di##iculty in achieving good strength. +t will
re&uire an e'cess o# cement to meet speci#ications% and this will boost
both the unit weight and the cost. +t will lose out on two counts. n engineer today can obtain reliable
test data from aggregate 'roducers on their material sho=ing shrinkage valuesD modulus o#
elasticityD strength vs. cement contentD and other 'ro'erties.
/ore and more companies that provide aggregate #or structural concrete have pushout test results on
their material and will be able to provide an engineer this additional in#ormation. -ith such data% the
speci#ication can be closed to one type o# aggregate or even to a given brand% taking into account all o#
the local conditions and the Job re&uirements.
.uality control of light=eight concrete is achieved by&
(4) Ieriodic slump measurements will control the amount o# water being mi'ed with concrete and% since
lightweight concrete is proportioned with a given cement content and mi'ed to a given slump% this will in
e##ect control the net e##ective water-cement ratio and all subse&uent concrete properties.
(3) ;resh unit weight o# the concrete% another simple check% is measured in hal# or &uarter cubic #oot
containers. "his weight should con#orm to the #resh unit weight determined #rom trial mi'es and it is
related to the 38-day air-dry weight% which is used as the basis #or design. -hen the weight and slump
are satis#actory% the mi' and the yield are reasonably correct.
(1) +# the weight changes% the usual cause is a change in air content (entrained air is generally used in
lightweight concrete to improve its workability and handling characteristics). "hen the third control test is
run% namely% an air content test using the volumetric method. +# the percent o# air is incorrect% an
adJustment is made at the plant to get the air content back into line.
(B) +# the air content is satis#actory% #urther checks must then be made on gradation and speci#ic gravity o#
the aggregate and possibly on the batching and handling procedures.
:enerally% with attention to the basic principles o# concrete mi' design% good &uality lightweight structural
concrete is #urnished to the #ield without di##iculty. -ith increasing #re&uency% compressive strength
evaluations o# lightweight concrete have shown coe##icients o# variation under ten percent% rated e'cellent
#or Job-#urnished concrete.
E"T* designation C)). de#ines lightweight aggregates #or structural concrete in a number o# ways: it
names most available materialsT it lists ma'imum permissible unit weights o# coarse and #ine #ractionsT it
describes limiting aggregate testsT and it speci#ies tests #or concrete-making ability.
:riginal To'ic& =hy use clc light =eight bricks in constructionF
#or more in#ormation:#oam generator -hy use clc light weight bricks or #oam concrete bricksQ Clc is
cellular weight blocks where we can use #or load bearing structure and #rame structure .its a other
alternative #or red brick and #ly-ash bricks.-hy we use clc bricksQ 4)Clc is a light weight brick where
water absorption is less compare to redbrick and #ly-ash brick 3)9igh thermal insulation 1)Compressive
strength is more than other bricks B)environmental #riendly 5).uantity o# cement is less when making a
wall why because A) clc bricks li#e span is more than other bricks Clc block si$e can make according to
our re&uirements +n +ndia generally block can make Clc (i$e per cubic meter B]8]3B 81 clc blocks A]8]3B
55 clc blocks E]8]3B 56 clc blocks +# we take one clc block si$e red bricks comes around #or each clc
block B]8]3B F.4 A]8]3B 46.A 9ow we compare clc bricks with red bricks when we meet customer Q +# we
take the si$e B]8]3B market price now in +ndia is 1566<s per each cubic meter <ed bricks market price
now in +ndia is 315F<s per each cubic meter its varies city to city . (o the #irst &uestion comes #rom
customer why i spend more money #or clc bricksQ 9ere is the solution "ake an e'ample: 4 unit wall brick
construction with clc and red brick Clc bricks #or 4 unit wall construction red bricks #or 4 unit wall
construction Clc bricks #or 4 unit wall construction <ed bricks #or 4 unit wall construction 4) clc bricks #or
4 unit wall around F5 bricks 4) red bricks #or 4unit wall comes comes around 5A6 bricks 3) &uantity o#
cement and sand re&uires #or motor 4unit wall cement : 4 bag cement sand : Bbag sand price : 166<s #or
cement 466 <s #or sand ---------------------------------- "otal B66 <s/- ----------------------------------- 3) &uantity
o# cement and sand re&uires #or motor 4unit wall cement : 3.5 bag cement sand : 46 bag sand price :
A35 <s cement 356 <s #or sand ---------------------------------- "otal 8F5 <s /- ----------------------------------- 1)
Ilastering: ^_ inch plastering is !nough Cement : 4.5 bag cement (and : A bag sand Irice : B56 <s #or
cement 456 <s #or sand ---------------------------------- "otal A66 <s/- ----------------------------------- 1)
Ilastering: 4.5 inches plastering is needed Cement : 1.5 bag cement (and : 4B bag sand Irice : EB6 <s
#or cement 156 <s #or sand ---------------------------------- "otal 4166 <s/- ----------------------------------- "otal
cost #or plastering and motor Joints ;or clc bricks A66 V B66 L 4666<s "otal cost #or plastering and motor
Joints ;or red bricks 4166 V 8F5 L 34F5<s <ed bricks #or 4 unit wall price is B ] 5A6 L 33B6<sClc bricks
#or 4 unit wall price is B5]F5 L11F5<s +# we subtract clc price #rom red brick price 11F5 33B6 ------ 4415
2ow add plastering and motor Joints price +e 34F5 4415 --------- 1146 --------- (o at the end o# the 4 unit
wall construction the price we are spending #or red bricks as almost same as clc bricks apart #rom that
contractor can construct the building less time then red brick construction. (o #inally customer can happy
"o get good product in the market to build is home 2ote : "he above calculation we are giving #or
construction a building with clc its varies cities and cities .
CharbhuJa :reen H
ight -eight )locks
AAC H CC )locks Concrete )locks <ed Clay )ricks
ight -eight
ight -eight
3B66-3866 kgs/m
Rery 9eavy
4A66-3666 kgs/m
Rery 9igh
56-356 kgs/cm
ow 16 kgs/cm
Average B6-A6
ow 36-16 kgs/cm
ow 5-A7 !'tremely 9igh B5-
A67 Iorous material
9igh 45-367 Rery 9igh 36-167
Rery 9igh H !nergy

Ralue)% ow
Average ow ow
Ase :f
ECternal Wall
Can be used as
there is no
cracking% seepage
or leakage problem
because o# low
water absorption
Cannot be used as
there is a huge issue
o# plaster
and leakage
Can be used but
have seepage
problem because o#
honey comb sur#ace
H as they use 43 mm
twice aggregates.
Can be used but has very
water absorp
0eeps gaining
strength upto E6
2o gain strength with
2o gain strengh with
2o gain in strength with age
/ost economics and
less than AAC/CC
/ost e'pensive and
poor availability
/ore !'pensive than
CharbhuJa )locks
<ed Clay )ricks are
banned by govt. noti#ication
and more than hollow
5ncrease in
4loor "'ace
+ncreases upto 3 7 <educes by upto 37 2.A <educes by upto 37
Ase and
Recycling of
5ndl. Waste
*pto 167 #lyash%
4667 recycled
-aste product
*p to 16-B6 7 *p to 5 7
2il *sed only natural
precious top soil
Rery 9igh upto Ahrs
and above since it
has maJor
component as #lyash
which is itsel#
unburnt at very high
temperatures o# #ew
hundreds o# degrees
being highly silicons
H matt in nature.
Average upto 3-B hrs Average /edium "o ow
/ost :reen -gets
ma'imum points in
!!, rating as it
uses upto E67
because o# low
water absorption
Average green as it
uses only 167 #lyash
and uses natural.
2ot a :reen Iroduct
as it uses natural
stone and natural
river sand
2ot a :reen Iroduct as it
uses natural top soil
Iollution #ree% no
gases released%
<ecycles upto E67
o# post consumer
H industrial waste
9ydrogen gas
released to trap in
the block
Creates pollution
because o# &uarrying
stones and destroys
mountains H natural
stone and
Creates ma'imum pollution
and consumes the most
precious top soil
Wall Weight
+ncreases by
<educes by 44.447
,ecreases by
+ncreases by 44.447
,ecreases by 44.447
+ncreases by 44.447
"urface G
Rery smooth % even
and aesthetically
very appealing.
<ough with large air
bubble pores open.
<ough with honey
comb sur#ace
(emi smooth with
2il Ilus or minus 5mm Ilus or minus 46mm
Ilus or minus 36mm
157 lesser than si$e
2ot re&uired can
take putty% gupsum%
p.o.p and neeru
<e&uired and has
cracking and
adhering problems
<e&uired with very thick
layers (36-35mm) o# plaster
Breakage 2il 57 57 36-167
*ortar G
in Rs.
;ewer Joints% lesser
thickness and %
lower mortar
against AGG red brick
;ewer Joints - low
mortar consumption
;ewer Joints - low
mortar consumption
/any Joints and very thick
mortar (35-B6mm)

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