About Airtel
About Airtel
About Airtel
Airtel has one of the most diverse cultures in the world, including the use of
23 languages and 325 dialects. With exponential subscriber growth and ever-
increasing product offerings (e.g. VAS), the IVR menus were becoming
increasingly complex. In addition, customers who couldnt resolve their queries at
the IVR were expecting expert human assistance. In 2008, Bharti Airtel selected
Indian IT service provider and Genesys Premier Partner Wipro Technologies to
implement Phase 2 of the firms Contact Centre Technology (CCT) improvement
The need for a business problem solution With CCT1 we achieved the
ability to provide consistent customer service for inbound calls; however, we were
still not able to fully optimise our resources, explains Dr. Jai Menon, Airtels
CIO Director Technology & Customer Service and Group CIO Bharti
Enterprises.. With CCT2, we graduated to the next step and built intelligent
routing to enable call segmentation and load balancing. We also introduced
automation for outbound contacts, which had been primarily a manual process up
to that point. The CCT2 project included three key components: 1. Upgrade
Nortel TDM to Nortel IP PBX infrastructure for inbound traffic; 2. Introduce
Genesys-based computer telephony integration (CTI) with Nortel PBX and IVR
for inbound traffic; and 3. Implement Genesys Outbound Voice and Genesys
Proactive Notification and use Genesys SIP to virtualise contact centre operations
Bharti Airtel conducted an extensive evaluation process to select solutions
for CCT2, including careful identification of the business problems it faced, key
performance indicators (KPIs), proof-of-concept testing, and requests for
information and pricing. Ultimately, we were not so much purchasing technology
as we were solving a business problem, Dr. Menon says. So we looked to marry
the business outcome with an enabling technology to solve specific problems.
Flexibility and clear roadmap make Genesys the right choice Why Genesys?
Number one is the flexibility the Genesys solutions provide, Dr. Menon notes.
Second, the open architecture makes integration much easier. Also, scalability is
crucial to us to support our rapid growth. A clear technology roadmap and a
commitment to continued R&D were also very important factors in our decision to
choose Genesys. Callers who are unable to resolve their issues via IVR self-
service are routed to the Genesys Customer Interaction Management (CIM)
platform, which is linked to Airtels Oracle customer relationship management
(CRM) solution. The callers account information is then sent along with the call to
an agents desktop, where it appears in a pop-up window. Business rules built into
Genesys CIM enable Bharti Airtel to segment calls based on various factors,
including the product or service, preferred language, and the callers overall value
(e.g., a Platinum customer) and route the call to an appropriately skilled agent. The
use of Genesys SIP means that any agent on the IP network can be called upon no
matter where they may be located.
Success Story > Telecommunication > Bharti Airtel Ltd.
> Manage more than 4 billion inbound contacts per year
> Approx 30 million new subscribers annually
> 28 states each with unique languages and cultures
> Large number of competitors
> Balance high-quality service with operational efficiency
The Results
> Achieves greater efficiency by consolidating contact centre
> Routing flexibility enables customer segmentation
> Reduces outbound call duplication and overlap
> Improves customer and agent satisfaction
> Reduces average call time over millions of customer calls.
Purposeful and appropriate routing, along with CRM account information,
has helped increase the first-time resolution (FTR) rate substantially. And, Airtel
saves time on every call. You can imagine how much total time we can save by
shaving a second or two off of every call, Dr. Menon notes. With millions of
customer calls, it translates into significant savings in time and money. Genesys
Outbound Voice and Genesys Proactive Notification are used by Bharti Airtel to
accomplish a wide range of services and functions, including:
Debt collection and past-due reminders
Promote new products and services
Proactive customer service and notification
Cross-sell or up-sell based on previous account behavior
Prior to the implementation of these Genesys solutions, Bharti Airtel
depended on manual processes to accomplish outbound calling. Before we
implemented Genesys, we often had multiple groups such as marketing, customer
service, and collections calling the same customers, Dr. Menon explains. There
was frequently overlap, which frustrated customers and was wasteful from a time
and resources standpoint. Now, we have a single, consolidated view of the
customer and the outbound process is automated for greater impact and efficiency.
We can also better track results and provide a connection to a live agent when
needed. The Genesys Outbound Voice and Proactive Notification solutions are
also helping Bharti Airtel better manage an ever-changing Do Not Disturb (DND)
list. The penalty for violating this strict new DND listing can be fines or loss of a
business license. Obviously, scalability is our number one consideration with any
new solution, Dr. Menon emphasises. With millions of new customers every
month, we have to have solutions that are expandable and extensible and give us
the greatest choice in future direction.
Corporate Structure
Airtel's initial corporate structure concentrated on the hierarchy of the
operations inside the company as a whole. The structure depicted the
corresponding operation/region of different in-charges and it didn't hold anyone
responsible for each of its services. So, the company found it better to restructure
its corporate hierarchy. The transformed organisational structure has two distinct
Customer Business Units (CBU) with clear focus on B2C (Business to Customer)
and B2B (Business to Business) segments. Bharti Airtel's B2C business unit will
comprehensively service the retail consumers, homes and small offices, by
combining the erstwhile business units - Mobile, Telemedia, Digital TV, and other
emerging businesses (like M-commerce, M-health, M-advertising etc.). The B2C
organization will consist of Consumer Business and Market Operations.
Airtel wins the World Communications Best Brand Award
The awards widely acknowledged as the Telecom Oscars
The World Communication awards have been constituted by the London
based Emap Communications Group.
The awards in the 6th year of its inception recognizes outstanding
performance by telecom companies and brands from across the world
More than 50 of the worlds leading telecom companies submitted a total of 123
entries for the awards
The judges after screening all the entries, nominated Airtel in two
categories- Best Brand and Best Mobile Operator
Airtel won the best brand award amidst stiff competition from leading
international players like Orange, British Telecom, Star hub and M1.
Airtels Express Yourself struck a chord with the international panel of
judges which included the likes of like Sean Collins, Chairman ICE, KPMG, UK,
Roger Wilson, Director, European Competitive Telecommunications Association,
David Molony, Editor-in-Chief, Total Telecom, Christine Winter, Head Global
Telecom Sourcing, Reuters Ltd
New Delhi, October 12, 2004: Airtel Indias leading mobile service
provider and a part of Indias largest telecom conglomerate Bharti Enterprises has
been adjudged as the World Communications Best Brand of the Year. Mr. Sunil
Bharti Mittal, Chairman & Group Managing Director of Bharti Enterprises,
received the award at a glittering function in London. Airtel won this award amidst
stiff competition from leading international players of the likes of Orange, British
Telecom, Starhub and M1. This award, a part of the World Communications
Awards 2004 recognizes outstanding performance by companies and brands from
across the world in the telecommunications industry Additional Details About
World Communication Awards.
The World Communication awards constituted by the London based Emap
Communications Group are widely recognized as one of the telecom industrys
foremost telecom accolade. The award in its sixth year of inception has had a
sustained level of interest and high quality entries since its inception in 1999. The
award is based on the actual market performance of the brand and the parameters
include revenue growth, market share & market share growth and demonstrated
leadership in product and service innovation.
The Panel Of J udges
Airtel was selected for the award by a panel of highly distinguished judges
comprising eminent achievers in their respective fields like Sean Collins, Chairman
ICE, KPMG, UK, Roger Wilson, Director, European Competitive
Telecommunications Association, David Molony, Editor-in-Chief, Total Telecom,
Christine Winter, Head Global Telecom Sourcing, Reuters Ltd, Audrey Mandela,
Telecom Consultant, Mandela Associates, Annette Nabavi, Anchusa Consulting
and Ed Vonk, CEO, European VPN Users Association. Airtel was short-listed for
two awards - the Best Brand Award and the Best Mobile Operator Award.
AirTels Express Yourself Brand Campaign- A Winner All The way
Airtel, which identified Brand Preference by trust & innovation as one of the
means of reaching out more effectively to the customers, rolled out its Express
Yourself campaign. The campaign added a new meaning to mobile
communication, which helped Airtel to move from the cellular industry clichs and
reached out more effectively to both the users as well as the uninitiated. The new
approach by Airtel was recognized by the marketing and communication
community and won it several accolades and mentions in different forums. It is by
virtue of its brand preference initiatives that Airtel is today one of the best brand
across the world.
Such was the appeal of Airtel Express Yourself campaign that brand
awareness as a result of advertising grew from 60% to 91% in just 6 months versus
its nearest competitor. Commenting on the success, one of the panel judges
remarked, This was a well presented entry supported by persuasive data on brand
awareness and business results. The depth of the marketing effort featuring both
the cricket hero Sachin Tendulkar and the use of a classical signature tune
composed by the music maestro A.R Rehman also impressed the judges. Such was
the appeal of the tune that it became a leading ring tone download in India.
Besides mass media advertising, the Airtels success was also evident in
the commendation received via hundreds and thousands of weblogs, column inches
of news coverage and the customer service records
About Bharti
Bharti Tele-Ventures is one of Indias leading private sector provider of
Tele-communications services with an aggregate of 9.47 million customers as of
end of September 04, consisting of over 8.7 million mobile customers. The
company today offers mobile services in 17 out of 23 circles in India. The
company also provides fixed - line services and Internet access over DSL in 5
circles. The company complements its mobile and fixed-line services with national
and international long distance services. The company also has a submarine cable
landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting
Chennai and Singapore. The company provides reliable end-to-end data and
enterprise services to the corporate customers by leveraging its nationwide fibre
optic backbone, last mile connectivity in fixed-line and mobile circles, VSATs, ISP
and international bandwidth access through the gateways and landing station. For
more information, visit www.bhartiteleventures.com
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The Brand Communications Manager of Airtel Ghana, Linda Narh has crossed
over to Tigo Ghana in the same capacity.
Linda left Airtel in September this year and joined Tigo on Thursday October 4,
2012 as Brand Communications Manager with the responsibility of managing the
Tigo brand, events, activations, trade, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and
public relations and media relations.
In that capacity, Linda has Tigo Ghanas entire corporate communications, media
relations, public relations and adverting teams reporting to her, and she reports to
the Head of Marketing, Tenu Awoonor.
She comes to Tigo with a rich experience in marketing, marketing
communications, brand communications, events management, activations, project
management, and public relations.
Linda Narh is a Chartered Marketer by profession with over 10 years experience in
marketing communication management.
Linda Narh entered the telecoms industry in September 2008 as Brand
Communications Manager for Zain (now Airtel).
In that capacity, she also managed the marketing communication of all of
Zain/Airtels campaigns.
Linda led the Zain Ghana team in November 2010 to re-brand from Zain to Airtel
and successfully transferred the Zain brand equity to Airtel within two years.
The successful rebranding from Zain to Airtel won Airtel Ghanas CEO the
Telecom CEO of the Year at the maiden MobileWorld Ghana Telecom Awards.
During Lindas 4-year stay at Zain/Airtel, the company also won the CIMG
Telecom Company of the Year twice in 2010 and 2011; and the ground breaking
CSR initiative; Touching Lives also won the CIMG TV programme of the year
in 2010.
In 2011, she project managed Airtel's major brand/CSR soccer initiative- Airtel
Rising Stars, which led to the discovery of Priscilla Okyere, the current captain of
the Black Maidens.
Just about two months ago, Linda organized and hosted the first ever Airtel Rising
Stars soccer clinic in Ghana with coaches from Arsenal FC- UK for budding
soccer stars from Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia.
Linda was also part of the team that project managed this year's Airtel Touching
Lives CSR campaign.
Prior to going into the telecoms industry, Linda started off her career as an
Account Manager with Lowe Lintas where she was for 8 years managing accounts
like Unilever, Malta Guinness, Barclays Bank and Ghana Telecom (now
At Lowe Lintas, Linda was also the Account Manager for John Hopkins University
(JHU) and GSMF, where she project managed the launch of two major social
marketing campaigns in Ghana- 'Stop Aids, Love Life' and Life Choices.
She also worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers where she worked with the team to
organize the first ever Ghana's Most Respected Companies and CEOs Award.
Linda has a degree in Social Science from the Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology and a Post-Graduate Diploma from CIM-UK.
It is expected that her going into Tigo would bring some transformation and
dynamism to the corporate communications, media relations and brand position of
Meanwhile, the Head of Corporate Affairs at Airtel, Donald Gwira is acting in
Lindas role at Airtel until the company finds a permanent replacement.