Water Measurement Manual
Water Measurement Manual
Water Measurement Manual
Thus, head is pressure, p, divided by unit weight of water, , or 62.4 pounds per cubic foot
). Pressure is often expressed in psi or pounds per square inch (lb/in
), which may be
converted to feet of water by multiplying the (lb/in
) value by 2.31. For example, 30 lb/in
produced by 69.3 feet of water. When the head principle is used, the discharge, Q, is computed
from an equation such as the one used for a sharp-crested rectangular weir of length, L:
Q = CLh
A coefficient, C, is included that accounts for simplifying assumptions and other deficiencies in
deriving the equation. The coefficient can vary widely in nonstandard installations, but is well
defined for standard installations or is constant over a specified range of discharge.
The flow cross-sectional area, A, does not appear directly in the equation, but an area can be
extracted by rewriting this equation:
Q = CLhh
in which:
A = Lh (2-5)
In this form, C also contains a hidden square root of 2g, which, when multiplied by (h)
, is the
theoretical velocity. This velocity does not need to be directly measured or sensed. Because the
weir equation computes velocity from a measuring head, a weir is classified as a head measuring
Some devices that actually sample or sense velocities, v, are:
(1) Float and stopwatch
(2) Current and propeller meters
(3) Vane deflection meters
These devices generally do not measure the average velocity, V, for an entire flow cross section.
Thus, the relationship between sampled velocities, v, and the mean velocity, V, must be known as
well as the flow section area, A, to which the mean velocity applies. Then, the discharge, Q,
sometimes called the flow rate, is the product, AV.
Discharge or rate of flow has units of volume divided by unit time. Thus, discharge can be
accurately determined by measuring the time, t, to fill a known volume, V
Q =
Water measurement devices can be calibrated using very accurate volumetric tanks and clocks.
More commonly, weight of water in the tanks is used by converting the weight of water per unit
volume. The weight of water per cubic foot, called unit weight or specific weight, , is 62.4 lb/ft
at standard atmospheric conditions.
4. Discharge-Area-Velocity Relationships
Flow rate or discharge, Q, is the volume of water in cubic feet passing a flow section per unit
time, usually measured in cubic feet per second (ft
/s). The distance, d
, in feet that water will
travel at a given velocity in a pipe of constant diameter is velocity, V, in feet per second (ft/s)
multiplied by time, t, in seconds, or:
= Vt (2-7)
The volume, V
, in cubic feet passing from the upstream to the downstream ends of this distance
is the distance, d
, in feet times area, A, in square feet of the flow section. Thus:
= d
A = AVt (2-8)
To get the time rate of flow or discharge, Q, in cubic feet per second, divide the right and left
sides of equation 2-8 by time, t, in seconds, resulting in:
Q = AV (2-9)
Flow in open channels of rectangular cross section is often expressed in terms of unit discharge,
q, in cubic feet per second per foot of width which is discharge, Q, in cubic feet per second
divided by cross-sectional width, L
, in feet or:
q =
b L
b L
= VD (2-10)
The area, A, is L
D, where D is the depth of flow. The continuity concept is an important
extension of equation 2-9. On the basis that water is incompressible and none is lost from a
flowing system, then as the cross-sectional area changes, the velocity must adjust itself such that
the values of Q or VA are constant:
Q = A
= A
= . = A
where the subscript denotes any number of arbitrarily selected positions along the flowing
system. This principle, known as continuity, is especially useful in the analysis of tube flow
measurement devices such as the venturi meter.
5. Flow Totalization
Water is sold and measured in terms of total volume consumed, say cubic feet, over some
convenient time period, perhaps for billing each month. Many flowmeters have built in
capability to sum or totalize volume continually. Thus, the volume consumed is obtained by
taking the difference of two sequential monthly readings. To aid irrigation operation and
management, most meters provide instantaneous rate of flow or discharge displayed in units such
as cubic feet per second. These flow rates are used to set flow and predict the volume of water
that will be consumed for intervals of time after flow setting.
6. Other Examples of Velocity Flow Measurement Devices
Measuring devices not previously mentioned are dilution in the concentration of tracers, such as
salts and dyes; acoustic or magnetic meters; pitot tubes; rotameters, which are tapered tubes with
suspended flow indicators; and many others that are not commonly used. In the dilution method,
discharge is calculated by determining the quantity of water necessary to dilute a known quantity
of concentrated chemical or dye solution. Chemical analysis or color comparison is used to
determine the degree of dilution of the injected or mixed samples. In transit time acoustic meters,
the velocity of sound pulses in the direction of flow is compared to the velocity of sound pulses
opposite to the direction of flow to determine the mean velocity and, thus, discharge. With
Doppler acoustic meters, sound pulses are reflected from moving particles within the water mass,
similar to radar. In the magnetic meter, the flowing water acts like a moving electrical conductor
passing through a magnetic field to produce a voltage that is proportional to discharge. Pitot
tubes relate velocity head, V
/2g, to discharge.
7. Velocity Head Concept
A dropped rock or other object will gain speed rapidly as it falls. Measurements show that an
object dropping 1 foot (ft) will reach a velocity of 8.02 feet per second (ft/s). An object dropping
4 ft will reach a velocity of 16.04 ft/s. After an 8ft drop, the velocity attained is 22.70 ft/s. This
gain in speed or acceleration is caused by the force of gravity, which is equal to 32.2 feet per
second per second (ft/s
). This acceleration caused by gravity is referred to as g.
If water is stored in a tank and a small opening is made in the tank wall 1 ft below the water
surface, the water will spout from the opening with a velocity of 8.02 ft/s. This velocity has the
same magnitude that a freely falling rock attains after falling 1 ft. Similarly, at openings 4 ft and
8 ft below the water surface, the velocity of the spouting water will be 16.04 and 22.68 ft/s,
respectively. Thus, the velocity of water leaving an opening under a given head, h, is the same as
the velocity that would be attained by a body falling that same distance.
The equation that shows how velocity changes with h and defines velocity head is:
V = gh 2 (2-12)
which may also be written in velocity head form as:
h =
8. Orifice Relationships
Equations 2-9 and 2-13 can be used to develop an equation for flow through an orifice, which is
a sharp-edged hole in the side or bottom of a container of water (figure 2-2a). To find the
velocity of flow in the orifice, use equation 2-13, then multiply by area to get AV, or discharge,
Q, resulting in:
= A gh 2 (2-14)
The subscript t denotes theoretical discharge through an orifice. This equation assumes that the
water is frictionless and is an ideal fluid. A correction must be made because water is not an
ideal fluid. Most of the approaching flow has to curve toward the orifice opening. The water,
after passing through the orifice, continues to contract or curve from the sharp orifice edge. If the
orifice edges are sharp, the jet will appear as shown on figure 2-2. The maximum jet contraction
occurs at a distance of one-half the orifice diameter (d/2) downstream from the sharp edge. The
cross-sectional area of the jet is about six-tenths of the area of the orifice. Thus, equation 2-14
must be corrected using a contraction coefficient, C
, to produce the actual discharge of water
being delivered. Thus, the actual discharge equation is written as:
= C
A gh 2 (2-15)
For a sharp-edged rectangular slot orifice where full contraction occurs, the contraction
coefficient is about 0.61, and the equation becomes:
= 0.61A gh 2 (2-16)
A nonstandard installation will require further calibration tests to establish the proper contraction
coefficient because the coefficient actually varies with the proximity to the orifice edge with
respect to the approach and exit boundaries and approach velocity.
9. Thin Plate Weir Relationships
Most investigators derive the equation for sharp-crested rectangular weirs by mathematical
integration of elemental orifice strips over the nappe (Bos, 1989). Each strip is considered an
orifice with a different head on it.
The resulting rectangular weir equation for theoretical discharge is:
A correction factor is needed to account for simplifications and assumptions. Thus, a discharge
coefficient, C
, is added to obtain actual discharge, expressed as:
= C
g 2 L
This relationship is the basic weir equation and can be modified to account for weir blade shape
and approach velocity. However, C
must be determined by analysis and calibration tests. For
standard weirs, C
is well defined or constant for measuring within specified head ranges.
Figure 2-2a -- Orifice flow.
Figure 2-2b -- Contraction at an orifice.
10. Energy Balance Flow Relationships
Hydraulic problems concerning fluid flow are generally handled by accounting in terms of
energy per pound of flowing water. Energy measured in this form has units of feet of water. The
total amount of energy is that caused by motion, or velocity head, V
/2g, which has units of feet,
plus the potential energy head, Z, in feet, caused by elevation referenced to an arbitrary datum
selected as reference zero elevation, plus the pressure energy head, h, in feet. The head, h, is
depth of flow for the open channel flow case and p/ defined by equation 2-2 for the closed
conduit case. This summation of energy is shown for three cases on figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3a -- Energy balance in pipe flow.
Figure 2-3b -- Energy balance in open channel flow.
Figure 2-3c -- Specific energy balance.
Figures 2-3a and 2-3b show the total energy head, H
; for example, at point 1, in a pipe and an
open channel, which can be written as:
= h
+ Z
At another downstream location, point 2:
= h
+ Z
Energy has been lost because of friction between points 1 and 2, so the downstream point 2 has
less energy than point 1. The energy balance is retained by adding a head loss, h
f (1-2)
. The total
energy balance is written as:
+ Z
= h
+ Z
+ h
f (1-2)
The upper sloping line drawn between the total head elevations is the energy gradeline, egl. The
next lower sloping solid line for both the pipe and open channel cases shown on figure 2-3 is the
hydraulic grade line, hgl, which is also the water surface for open channel flow, or the height to
which water would rise in piezometer taps for pipe flow.
A special energy form is commonly used in hydraulics in which the channel invert is selected as
the reference Z elevation (figure 2-3c). Thus, Z drops out, and energy is the sum of depth, h, and
velocity head only. Energy above the invert expressed this way is called specific energy, E. This
simplified form of energy equation is written as:
Specific energy = E =
+ h (2-22)
Equations 2-21 and 2-11 lead to several interesting conclusions. In a fairly short pipe that has
little or insignificant friction loss, total energy at one point is essentially equal to the total energy
at another point. If the size of the pipeline decreases from the first point to the second, the
velocity of flow must increase from the first point to the second. This increase occurs because
with steady flow, the quantity of flow passing any point in the completely filled pipeline remains
the same. From the continuity equation (equation 2-11), when the flow area decreases, the flow
velocity must increase.
The second interesting point is that when the velocity increases in the smaller section of the
pipeline, the pressure head, h, decreases. At first, this decrease may seem strange, but equation 2-
21 shows that when V
/2g increases, h must decrease proportionately because the total energy
from one point to another in the system remains constant, neglecting friction loss. The fact that
the pressure does decrease when the velocity in a given system increases is the basis for tube-
type flow measuring devices.
In open channel flow where the flow accelerates, more of its supply of energy becomes velocity
head, and depth must decrease. On the other hand, when the flow slows down, the depth must
An example of accelerating flow with corresponding decreasing depth is found at the approach to
weirs. The drop in the water surface is called drawdown. Another example occurs at the entrance
to inverted siphons or conduits where the flow accelerates as it passes from the canal, through a
contracting transition, and into the siphon barrel. An example of decelerating flow with a rising
water surface is found at the outlet of an inverted siphon, where the water loses velocity as it
expands in a transition back into canal flow.
Flumes are excellent examples of measuring devices that take advantage of the fact that changes
in depth occur with changes in velocity. When water enters a flume, it accelerates in a
converging section. The acceleration of the flow causes the water surface to drop a significant
amount. This change in depth is directly related to the rate of flow.
11. Hydraulic Mean Depth and Hydraulic Radius
Figure 2-4 shows an irregular flow cross section with different methods for defining depth of
flow. In terms of frictional head losses, the perimeter is important. Hydraulic radius, R
, is
defined as the area of the flow section divided by the wetted perimeter, P
, which is shown on
figure 2-4 and is written as:
Thus, wetted perimeter times the hydraulic radius is equal to the area of irregular section flow as
shown on figures 2-4a and 2-4c.
For use in Froude number and energy relationships in open channel flow hydraulics, mean depth,
, is defined as the depth which, when multiplied by the top water surface width, T, is equal to
the irregular section area, A, shown on figures 2-4a and 2-4b, of the flow section and is
commonly used for critical flow relationships. The equation for hydraulic mean depth, h
, is:
In rectangular channels, hydraulic radius, R
, does not equal depth, but approaches depth as the
channel becomes very wide. However, the hydraulic mean depth, h
, is the same as the depth of
the rectangular flow section.
Figure 2-4 -- Definitions of hydraulic radius and hydraulic
mean depth (area is the same for all three cases).
12. Froude Number, Critical Flow Relationships
In open channel hydraulics, the Froude number is a very important non-dimensional parameter.
The Froude number, F, is the ratio of inertia force to gravity force, which simplifies to:
F =
where the subscript m denotes hydraulic mean depth as defined previously in section 11 of this
For open channel modeling, the Froude number of a model is made equal to the Froude number
of the actual full size device. The length ratio is set and the scale ratios for velocity and discharge
are determined from the equality. However, the modeler must make sure that differences in
friction loss between the model and the actual device are insignificant or accounted for in some
Open channel flow water measurement generally requires that the Froude number, F, of the
approach flow be less than 0.5 to prevent wave action that would hinder or possibly prevent an
accurate head reading.
When the Froude number is 1, the velocity is equal to the velocity of wave propagation, or
celerity. When this condition is attained, downstream wave or pressure disturbances cannot
travel upstream. A Froude number of 1 also defines a very special hydraulic condition. This flow
condition is called critical and defines the critical mean depth and critical velocity relationship
The subscript c denotes critical flow condition. The critical hydraulic mean depth, h
, is the
depth at which total specific energy is minimum for a given discharge. Conversely, h
is the
depth at which the discharge is maximum for a given total specific energy. When depth is greater
than critical, the resulting velocity is considered streaming or tranquil and is called subcritical
velocity. Conversely, when the depth is less than critical, the flow is rapid or shooting and is
called super-critical velocity.
Water measurement flumes function best by forcing flow to pass through critical depth; then
discharge can be measured using one head measurement station upstream. Also, for weirs and
flumes, one unique head value exists for each discharge, simplifying calibration. This flow
condition is called free flow. However, if the downstream depth submerges critical depth, then
separate calibrations at many levels of submergence are required, and two head measurements
are needed to measure flow.
Designing flumes for submerged flow will always decrease accuracy of flow measurement.
Flumes and weirs can be submerged unintentionally by poor design, construction errors,
structural settling, attempts to supply increased delivery needs by increasing downstream heads,
accumulated sediment deposits, or weed growths.
Important critical flow relationships can be derived using equation 2-26 and rewriting in the
gh (2-27)
Solving for head in equation 2-27 results in:
Dividing both sides of this equation by 2 gives critical velocity head in terms of critical mean
depth written as:
The total energy head with Z equal to zero for critical flow using equation 2-19 is:
= h
Squaring both sides of equation 2-27 and replacing velocity with Q/A and h
with A/T according
to equation 2-24 and rearranging results in:
This equation and the specific energy equation 2-22 are the basic critical flow relationships for
any channel shape.
13. Discharge Equation for Broad-Crested Rectangular Weirs
The discharge equation for the rectangular broad-crested weir will now be derived similar to Bos
(1989). The width, L
, of a rectangular flow section is the same as T, the top water surface width.
Also, h
is the same as h
, and using equation 2-29 for velocity head, equation 2-30 can be
rewritten as:
= h
Multiplying both sides of equation 2-27 by the area, A
of the flow section, which is L
, results
in discharge expressed as:
Q = L
gh = L
To get unit discharge, q, this equation is divided by the width of flow, L
, resulting in:
q =
Solving for h
Using equation 2-34 to replace h
with H
in equation 2-35 results in theoretical discharge, Q
= L
b g
Discharges in equations 2-35 through 2-38 are usually considered actual, assuming uniform
velocity throughout the critical depth cross section and assuming that no correction of velocity
distribution is needed.
Because specific energy is constant in a fairly short measuring structure with insignificant
friction losses, specific energy, H
, at the critical location can be replaced with specific energy,
, at a head measuring station a short distance upstream. However, some friction loss, possible
flow curvature, and non-uniform velocity distribution occur. Thus, a coefficient of C
must be
added to correct for these effects, resulting in an expression for actual discharge:
= C
For measurement convenience, the total head, H
, is replaced with the depth, h
. To correct for
neglecting the velocity head at the measuring station, a velocity coefficient, C
, must be added,
resulting in:
= C
This equation applies to both long-throated flumes or broad-crested weirs and can be modified
for any shape by analyses using the energy balance with equation 2-31.
These equations differ only in numerical constants that are derived from assumptions and
selection of basic relationships used in their derivation. However, experimental determination of
the coefficient values for C and C
would compensate, making each equation produce the same
discharge for the same measuring head. Either equation could be used.
The examples given above show that traditional discharge equations are often a mixture of
rational analysis and experimental coefficient evaluation.
However, recent development of computer modeling of long-throated flumes (Clemmens et al.
[1991]) precludes the need for experimental determination of coefficients. These long-throated
flumes are covered in chapter 8.
14. Application of Energy Principle to Tube-Type Flowmeters
The energy equation can be used to derive the venturi meter (figure 2-5) equation by assuming
that the centerline of the meter is horizontal (Z
= Z
); and due to its short length, there is no
head loss, h
= 0. Although these assumptions were made to simplify the derivation, the final
results will be identical for any orientation of the venturi meter.
Figure 2-5 -- Venturi meter.
= h
By the continuity equation for the approach and throat sections:
= V
Either V
or V
can be solved for in terms of the other; for example:
= V
) (2-43)
Substituting this result into the energy equation results in:
= h
Solving for the head difference gives:
1] (2-45)
Solving for V
1 ) (
2 ) (
2 1
g h h
Taking the square root of both sides and multiplying both sides by A
results in the theoretical
discharge equation:
= V
= A
1 ) (
) ( 2
2 1
h h g
To obtain actual discharge, a coefficient, C
, added to compensate for velocity distribution and
for minor losses not accounted for in the energy equation yields:
= C
1 ) (
) ( 2
2 1
h h g
Some investigators solve for discharge using throat area and velocity, resulting in:
= C
2 1
) ( 1
) ( 2
h h g
However, equations 2-48a and 2-48b are identical and can be converted to:
= C
2 1
) ( 2
h h g
Equations 2-48b and 2-49 also apply to nozzles and orifices in pipes. On figure 2-5, the hydraulic
grade line, hgl, represents the pressure that acts on the walls of the venturi meter. An appreciable
drop will be noticed at the narrow throat, and a gradual pressure rise is seen as the flow leaves
the throat and smoothly spreads and slows in the expanding portion of the meter.
Figure 2-6 shows the conditions that occur in a pipe orifice meter. As the flow approaches the
orifice plate, the water near the pipe walls is slowed and stopped in the corners formed by the
plate and the pipe walls. As a result, the pressure just ahead of the orifice at point B is a little
greater than in the pipeline farther upstream at A. As the flow accelerates and passes through the
orifice, the pressure drops and is lowest just downstream from the plate where the jet is smallest,
and the velocity is highest at point C.
Farther down-stream, the flow begins to spread out and slow down, and a rise in pressure occurs
at points D and E.
Figure 2-6 -- Pipe orifice meter.
In both venturi meters and orifice meters, the pressure difference between the inlet tap and the
throat or minimum pressure tap is related to discharge tables or curves using the suitable
coefficients with the proper equation. An example discharge curve is shown for an 8-inch (in)
venturi meter on figure 2-7. Thus, the meters may serve as reliable flow measuring devices.
Figure 2-7 -- Typical calibration curve for an 8-in venturi
15. Equation Coefficients
The previous examples show that coefficients are used in water measurement to correct for
factors which are not fully accounted for using simplifying assumptions during derivations of
equations. For the convenience of using a measured water head, h
, instead of the more complex
total head, H
, C
is used because velocity head is often ignored in equations.
Orifices require an area correction to account for jet contraction in an orifice, the flow is forced
to curve around and spring from the sharp edge, forming a contracted jet or vena contracta. Thus,
the contracted area of flow, A
, should be used in hydraulic relationships. Thus, the area, A
, of
the orifice must be corrected by a coefficient of contraction defined as:
Properly designed venturi meters and nozzles have no contraction, which makes C
because of the smooth transitions that allow the water to flow parallel to the meter boundary
surfaces. Ultimately, the actual discharge must be measured experimentally by calibration tests,
and the theoretical discharge must be corrected.
A common misconception is that coefficients are constant. They may indeed be constant for a
range of discharge, which is the case for many standard measuring devices. Complying with
structural and operational limits for standard devices will prevent measurement error caused by
using coefficients outside of the proper ranges. Some water measuring devices cover wider
ranges using variable coefficients of discharge by means of plots and tables of values with
respect to head and geometry parameters.
Coefficients also vary with measuring station head or pressure tap location. Therefore, users
should make sure that the coefficients used match pressure or head measurement locations.
Water measurement equations generally require use of some to all of these coefficients to
produce accurate results.
Often, composite numerical coefficients are given that are product combinations of area or a
dimension factored from the area, acceleration of gravity, integration constants, and the
correction coefficients. However, geometry dimensions and physical constants, such as
acceleration of gravity, are better kept separate from the nondimensional coefficients that
account for the difference between theoretical and actual conditions. Otherwise, converting
equations from English to metric units is more difficult.
Equation 2-49 also applies to orifices and nozzles. The coefficient of discharge for venturi
meters ranges from 0.9 to about unity in the turbulent flow range and varies with the diameter
ratio of throat to pipe. The coefficient of discharge for orifices in pipes varies from 0.60 to 0.80
and varies with the diameter ratio. For flow nozzles in pipelines, the coefficient varies from 0.96
to 1.2 for turbulent flow and varies with the diameter ratio. ASME (1983) and ISO (1991) have a
detailed treatment of pipeline meter theory, coefficients, and instruction in their use.
16. Normal Flow Equations and Friction Head Loss
Many measuring devices, such as flumes, weirs, and submerged orifices, are sensitive to exit
flow conditions. Flumes and weirs can be drowned out by too much downstream submergence
depth, and submerged orifices can have too little downstream water above the top orifice edge.
Therefore, reliable knowledge of exit depth conditions is needed to properly set the elevation of
crests and orifices so as to not compromise accuracy. Inaccurate assessment of downstream
depth has even made some measuring device installations useless. Good operation and flow
depth forecasts are needed to ensure the design effectiveness of new irrigation measurement
systems. Designing for the insertion of a new device into an existing system provides a good
opportunity to obtain actual field measurements for investigating possible submergence
The use of actual discharge water surface measurements is recommended. In the absence of
actual measurements, normal flow equations are often used to predict flow depths.
Normal flow occurs when the water surface slope, S
, is the same as the invert or bottom slope,
. When normal flow is approached, the velocity equations of Chezy, Manning, and Darcy-
Weisbach are used to compute depth of flow. However, these equations are in terms of hydraulic
radius, R
, and depth must be determined on the basis of the definition of R
, which is the cross-
sectional area, A, divided by its wetted perimeter, P
Chezy developed the earliest velocity equation, expressed as:
V = C S R
Manning's equation is more frequently used and is expressed as:
V =
49 . 1
The Darcy-Weisbach equation is a more rigorous relationship, written as:
V =
S gR
The coefficients C, n, and f are friction factors. The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, f, is
nondimensional and is a function of Reynolds number, 4R
V/L, and relative roughness, k/4R
, in
which L is kinematic viscosity, and k is a linear measure of boundary roughness size. The
Reynolds number accounts for variation of viscosity. This function is given in the form of plots
in any fluid mechanics textbook; for example, Streeter (1951), Rouse (1950), and Chow (1959).
These plots are generally in terms of pipe diameter, D, which should be replaced with 4R
open channel flow. Values of k have been determined empirically and are constant for a given
flow boundary material as long as the roughness can be considered a homogenous texture rather
than large roughness elements relative to the depth.
Solving equations 2-51, 2-52, and 2-53 for V/(R
results in a combined flow equation and
relationship between the three friction factors, C, n, and f, written as:
6 / 1
49 . 1
g 8
= C =
Solving for velocity using equation 2-54 and multiplying by area produces a discharge equation
and can be used in the slope area method of determining discharge as discussed in chapter 13.
All three of these friction factors have been determined empirically, computed from
measurement of equation variables. The Chezy factor, C, varies with hydraulic radius, slope, and
physical boundary roughness. The Chezy factor varies from 22 to 220.
Manning's friction factor, n, varies from 0.02 for fine earth lined channels to 0.035 for gravel. If
the channel beds are strewn with rocks or are 1/3 full of vegetation, the n value can be as much
as 0.06. The n values for concrete vary from 0.011 to 0.016 as finish gets rougher. Values of k
can be found in hydraulic and fluid mechanics textbooks such as Streeter (1951), Rouse (1950),
and Chow (1959). The value of k for concrete varies from 0.01 to 0.0001 ft depending on
condition and quality of finishing.
Because Chezy and Manning equations and their friction factors have been determined for
ordinary channel flows, they do not accurately apply to shallow flow, nor can these two
equations be corrected for temperature viscosity effects. Values of k are constant for given
material surfaces for k/4R
equal or less than 1/10 and when 4R
V/ is greater than 200,000.
Flow depths downstream are more likely the result of intentional structural restriction or water
delivery head requirements downstream. Therefore, in designing and setting the elevation of
flumes and weirs, the flow conditions just downstream need to be carefully assessed or specified
in terms of required downstream operations and limits of measuring devices. More advanced
hydraulic analyses are needed where normal flow is not established. For gradually varied flow,
the friction equations can be used as trial and error computations applied to average end section
hydraulic variables for relatively short reach lengths. The design and setting of crest elevations in
an existing system permit the establishment of operation needs and downstream depths by actual
field measurement.
17. Approach Flow Conditions
Water measurement devices are generally calibrated with certain approach flow conditions. The
same approach conditions must be attained in field applications of measuring devices.
Poor flow conditions in the area just upstream from the measuring device can cause large
discharge indication errors. In general, the approaching flow should be subcritical. The flow
should be fully developed, mild in slope, and free of curves, projections, and waves. Pipeline
meters commonly require 10 diameters of straight pipe approach. Fittings and combinations of
fittings, such as valves and bends, located upstream from a flowmeter can increase the number of
required approach diameters. Fluid Meters (American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1983)
and International Organization for Standardization (1991) give requirements for many pipeline
configurations. By analogy and using a minimum of 10 pipe diameters of straight approach, open
channel flow would require 40 hydraulic radii of straight, unobstructed, unaltered approach.
A typical example approach criteria as specified by Bos (1989) follows:
If the control width is greater than 50 percent of the approach channel width, then 10
average approach flow widths of straight, unobstructed approach are required.
If the control width is less than 50 percent of the approach width, then 20 control widths
of straight, unobstructed approach are required.
If upstream flow is below critical depth, a jump should be forced to occur. In this case, 30
measuring heads of straight, unobstructed approach after the jump should be provided.
If baffles are used to correct and smooth out approach flow, then 10 measuring heads
) should be placed between the baffles and the measuring station.
Approach flow conditions should be continually checked for deviation from these conditions as
described in chapter 8 of this manual.
18. Bibliography
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application," H.S.
Bean, ed., Research Committee on Fluid Meters, sixth edition revised, New York, 1983.
Bos, M.G. (ed.), Discharge Measurement Structures, 3rd edition, International Institute for Land
Reclamation and Improvement, Publication 20, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1989.
Chow, V.T., Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959.
Clemmens, A.J., M.G. Bos, and J.A. Replogle, "FLUME: Design and Calibration of Long-
Throated Measuring Flumes," version 3.0, International Institute for Land Reclamation and
Improvement, Publication 54 (with software), The Netherlands, 1993.
International Organization for Standardization, "Measurement of Flow by Means of Pressure
Differential Devices," ISO 5167-1, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991.
King, H.W., and E.F. Brater, Handbook of Hydraulics, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1963.
Rouse, H., Elementary Mechanics of Fluids, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1950.
Schuster, J.S., "Water Measurement Procedures-Irrigation Operators Workshop," REC-OCE-70-
38, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Publication, 1970.
Streeter, V.L., Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1951.
1. Introduction
Accurate application of water measuring devices generally depends upon standard designs or
careful selection of devices, care of fabrication and installation, good calibration data and
analyses, and proper user operation with sufficiently frequent inspection and maintenance
procedures. In operations, accuracy requires continual verification that the measuring system,
including the operators, is functioning properly. Thus, good training and supervision is required
to attain measurements within prescribed accuracy bounds. Accuracy is the degree of
conformance of a measurement to a standard or true value. The standards are set by users,
providers, governments, or compacts between these entities. Accuracy is usually stated in terms
of deviation of discharge discussed subsequently. All parts of a measuring system, including the
user, need to be considered in accessing the system's total accuracy.
A measurement system usually consists of a primary element, which is that part of the system
that creates what is sensed, and is measured by a secondary element. For example, weirs and
flumes are primary elements. A staff gage is the secondary element.
Purchasers and users of water measurement devices generally depend upon standard designs and
manufacturers to provide calibrations and assurances of accuracy. A few irrigation water users or
providers have the facilities to check the condition and accuracy of flow measuring devices.
These facilities have comparison flowmeters and/or volumetric tanks for checking their
flowmeters. These test systems are used to check devices for compliance with specification and
to determine maintenance needs. However, maintaining facilities such as these is not generally
One purpose of this chapter is to define terms used by manufacturers and sales representatives
related to measuring device specifications, calibration, and error analyses. Various disciplines
and organizations do not fully agree on some of these definitions. Therefore, one should ask for
clarification of these definitions when others use these terms. Another purpose is to provide
example analyses which can help in managing the accuracy of irrigation water delivery.
2. Definitions of Terms Related to Accuracy
Precision is the ability to produce the same value within given accuracy bounds when successive
readings of a specific quantity are measured. Precision represents the maximum departure of all
readings from the mean value of the readings. Thus, a measurement cannot be more accurate
than the inherent precision of the combined primary and secondary precision. Error is the
deviation of a measurement, observation, or calculation from the truth. The deviation can be
small and inherent in the structure and functioning of the system and be within the bounds or
limits specified. Lack of care and mistakes during fabrication, installation, and use can often
cause large errors well outside expected performance bounds.
Since the true value is seldom known, some investigators prefer to use the term Uncertainty.
Uncertainty describes the possible error or range of error which may exist. Investigators often
classify errors and uncertainties into spurious, systematic, and random types.
Spurious errors are commonly caused by accident, resulting in false data. Misreading and
intermittent mechanical malfunction can cause discharge readings well outside of expected
random statistical distribution about the mean. A hurried operator might incorrectly estimate
discharge. Spurious errors can be minimized by good supervision, maintenance, inspection, and
training. Experienced, well-trained operators are more likely to recognize readings that are
significantly out of the expected range of deviation. Unexpected spiral flow and blockages of
flow in the approach or in the device itself can cause spurious errors. Repeating measurements
does not provide any information on spurious error unless repetitions occur before and after the
introduction of the error. On a statistical basis, spurious errors confound evaluation of accuracy
Systematic errors are errors that persist and cannot be considered entirely random. Systematic
errors are caused by deviations from standard device dimensions. Systematic errors cannot be
detected by repeated measurements. They usually cause persistent error on one side of the true
value. For example, error in determining the crest elevation for setting staff or recorder chart
gage zeros relative to actual elevation of a weir crest causes systematic error. The error for this
case can be corrected when discovered by adjusting to accurate dimensional measurements.
Worn, broken, and defective flowmeter parts, such as a permanently deformed, over-stretched
spring, can cause systematic errors. This kind of systematic error is corrected by maintenance or
replacement of parts or the entire meter. Fabrication error comes from dimensional deviation of
fabrication or construction allowed because of limited ability to exactly reproduce important
standard dimensions that govern pressure or heads in measuring devices. Allowable tolerances
produce small systematic errors which should be specified.
Calibration equations can have systematic errors, depending on the quality of their derivation and
selection of form. Equation errors are introduced by selection of equation forms that usually only
approximate calibration data. These errors can be reduced by finding better equations or by using
more than one equation to cover specific ranges of measurement. In some cases, tables and
plotted curves are the only way to present calibration data.
Random errors are caused by such things as the estimating required between the smallest
division on a head measurement device and water surface waves at a head measuring device.
Loose linkages between parts of flowmeters provide room for random movement of parts
relative to each other, causing subsequent random output errors. Repeating readings decreases
average random error by a factor of the square root of the number of readings.
Total error of a measurement is the result of systematic and random errors caused by
component parts and factors related to the entire system. Sometimes, error limits of all
component factors are well known. In this case, total limits of simpler systems can be determined
by computation (Bos et al., 1991).
In more complicated cases, different investigators may not agree on how to combine the limits.
In this case, only a thorough calibration of the entire system as a unit will resolve the difference.
In any case, it is better to do error analysis with data where entire system parts are operating
simultaneously and compare discharge measurement against an adequate discharge comparison
Calibration is the process used to check or adjust the output of a measuring device in convenient
units of gradations. During calibration, manufacturers also determine robustness of equation
forms and coefficients and collect sufficient data to statistically define accuracy performance
limits. In the case of long-throated flumes and weirs, calibration can be done by computers using
hydraulic theory. Users often do less rigorous calibration of devices in the field to check and help
correct for problems of incorrect use and installation of devices or structural settlement. A
calibration is no better than the comparison standards used during calibration.
Comparison standards for water measurement are systems or devices capable of measuring
discharge to within limits at least equal to the desired limits for the device being calibrated.
Outside of the functioning capability of the primary and secondary elements, the quality of the
comparison standard governs the quality of calibration.
Discrepancy is simply the difference of two measurements of the same quantity. Even if
measured in two different ways, discrepancy does not indicate error with any confidence unless
the accuracy capability of one of the measurement techniques is fully known and can be
considered a working standard or better. Statistical deviation is the difference or departure of a
set of measured values from the arithmetic mean.
Standard Deviation Estimate is the measure of dispersion of a set of data in its distribution
about the mean of the set. Arithmetically, it is the square root of the mean of the square of
deviations, but sometimes it is called the root mean square deviation. In equation form, the
estimate of standard deviation is:
S =
) 1 (
) (
Ind avg
S = the estimate of standard deviation
= the mean of a set of values
= each individual value from the set
N = the number of values in a set
= summation
The variable X can be replaced with data related to water measurement such as discharge
coefficients, measuring heads, and forms of differences of discharge.
The sample number, N, is used to calculate the mean of all the individual deviations, and (N - 1)
is used to calculate the estimate of standard deviation. This is done because when you know the
mean of the set of N values and any subset of (N - 1) values, the one excluded value can be
calculated. Using (N-1) in the calculation is important for a small number of readings.
For the sample size that is large enough, and if the mean of the individual deviations is close to
zero and the maximum deviation is less than +3S, the sample distribution can be considered
normally distributed. With normal distribution, it is expected that any additional measured value
would be within +3S with a 99.7 percent chance, +2S with a 95.4 percent chance, and +S with a
68.3 percent chance.
Measurement device specifications often state accuracy capability as plus or minus some
percentage of discharge, meaning without actually stating, +2S, two times the standard deviation
of discharge comparisons from a calibration. However, the user should expect an infrequent
deviation of +3S.
Error in water measurement is commonly expressed in percent of comparison standard discharge
as follows:
s C
s C Ind
Q Q ) ( 100
= indicated discharge from device output
= comparison standard discharge concurrently measured in a much more precise way
= error in percent comparison standard discharge
Comparison standard discharge is sometimes called actual discharge, but it is an ideal value that
can only be approached by using a much more precise and accurate method than the device being
Water providers might encounter other terms used by instrument and electronic manufacturers.
Some of these terms will be described. However, no universal agreement exists for the definition
of these terms. Therefore, water providers and users should not hesitate to ask manufacturers'
salespeople exactly what they mean or how they define terms used in their performance and
accuracy claims. Cooper (1978) is one of the many good references on electronic
Error in percent full scale, commonly used in electronics and instrumentation specifications, is
defined as:
s C Ind
Q Q ) ( 100
= indicated discharge
= comparison standard discharge concurrently measured
= full scale or maximum discharge
= error in percent full-scale discharge
To simply state that a meter is "3 percent accurate" is incomplete. Inspection of equations 3-2
and 3-3 shows that a percentage error statement requires an accompanying definition of terms
used in both the numerator and denominator of the equations.
For example, a flowmeter having a full scale of 10 cubic feet per second (ft
/s) and a full scale
accuracy of 1 percent would be accurate to +0.1 ft
/s for all discharges in the flowmeter
measurement range. Some manufacturers state accuracy as 1 percent of measured value. In this
case, the same example flowmeter would be accurate to within +0.1 ft
/s at full scale; and
correspondingly, a reading of 5 ft
/s would be accurate to within +0.05 ft
/s for the same
flowmeter at that measurement.
3. Capability Terms
The term linearity usually means the maximum deviation in tracking a linearly varying quantity,
such as measuring head, and is generally expressed as percent of full scale. Discrimination is
the number of decimals to which the measuring system can be read. Repeatability is the ability
to reproduce the same reading for the same quantities. Sensitivity is the ratio of the change of
measuring head to the corresponding change of discharge. Range is fully defined by the lowest
and highest value that the device can measure without damage and comply with a specified
accuracy. The upper and lower range bounds may be the result of mechanical limitations, such as
friction at the lower end of the range and possible overdriving damage at the higher end of the
range. Range can be designated in other ways: (1) as a simple difference between maximum
discharge (Q
) and minimum discharge (Q
), (2) as the ratio (Q
), called rangeability,
and (3) as a ratio expressed as 1:(Q
). Neither the difference nor the ratios fully define
range without knowledge of either the minimum or maximum discharge.
Additional terms are related more to dynamic variability and might be important when
continuous records are needed or if the measurements are being sensed for automatic control of
canals and irrigation.
Hysteresis is the maximum difference between measurement readings of a quantity established
by the same mechanical set point when set from a value above and reset from a value below.
Hysteresis can continually get worse as wear of parts increases friction or as linkage freedom
increases. Response has several definitions in the instrumentation and measurement fields. For
water measurement, one definition for response is the smallest change that can be sensed and
displayed as a significant measurement. Lag is the time difference of an output reading when
tracking a continuously changing quantity.
Rise time is often expressed in the form of the time constant, defined as the time for an output
of the secondary element to achieve 63 percent of a step change of the input quantity of the
primary element.
4. Comparison Standards
Water providers may want or be required to have well developed measurement programs that are
highly managed and standardized. If so, irrigation managers may wish to consult International
Organization for Standardization (1983), American Society for Testing Materials standards
(1988), American Society of Mechanical Engineers Test Codes (1992), and the National
Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition (1980).
Research laboratories, organizations, and manufacturers that certify measurement devices may
need to trace accuracy of measurement through the entire hierarchy of increasingly rigid
The lowest standards in the entire hierarchy of physical comparison standards are called
working standards, which are shop or field standards used to control quality of production and
measurement. These standards might be gage blocks or rules used to assure proper dimensions of
flumes during manufacture or devices carried by water providers and users to check the
condition of water measurement devices and the quality of their output. Other possible working
standards are weights, volume containers, and stop watches. More complicated devices are used,
such as surveyor's levels, to check weir staff gage zeros. Dead weight testers and electronic
standards are needed to check and maintain more sophisticated and complicated measuring
devices, such as acoustic flowmeters and devices that use pressure cells to measure head.
For further measurement assurance and periodic checking, water users and organizations may
keep secondary standards. Secondary standards are used to maintain integrity and performance
of working standards. These secondary standards can be sent to government laboratories, one of
which is the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, DC, to be periodically certified after
calibration or comparison with very accurate replicas of primary standards. Primary standards
are defined by international agreement and maintained at the International Bureau of Weights
and Measurements, Paris, France.
Depending upon accuracy needs, each organization should trace their measurement performance
up to and through the appropriate level of standards. For example, turbine acceptance testing
combined with severe contractual performance penalties might require tracing to the primary
standards level.
5. Examples of Calibration Approaches and Accuracy Calculations
The following examples show different approaches to calibration and demonstrate other simple
calculations and analyses that can be done concerning accuracy. These calculations can be used
to investigate how well a water provider or user is measuring flow. Also, some of the example
analyses will help select secondary head measuring equipment and will help determine when
maintenance or replacement is needed.
(a) Number of Significant Figures in Computations
Although accuracy is necessary in computing discharges from data gathered in the field, the
computations should not be carried out to a greater number of significant figures than the quality
of the data justifies. Doing so would imply an accuracy which does not exist and may give
misleading results. For example, suppose it is desired to compute the discharge over a standard
contracted rectangular weir using the formula:
Q = C(L-0.2h
Q = the discharge in ft
C = 3.33, a constant for the weir
L = the length of the weir in feet (ft)
= the observed head on the weir (ft)
If the length of the weir is 1.50 ft and the observed head is 0.41 ft, the significant equation output
is 1.24 ft
As a rule, in any computation involving multiplication or division in which one or more of the
numbers is the result of observation, the answer should contain the same number of significant
figures as is contained in the observed quantity having the fewest significant figures. In applying
this rule, it should be understood that the last significant figure in the answer is not necessarily
correct, but represents merely the most probable value.
(b) Calibration of an Orifice
The calibration of a submerged rectangular orifice requires measuring head for a series of
discharges, covering the full range of operation, with another more precise and accurate system
sometimes called a standard control. Based on hydraulic principles, discharge varies as the
square root of the head differential, and the equation for discharge through a submerged orifice
can be written as:
Q = C
A ) ( 2 h g (3-5)
Q = discharge
g = acceleration caused by gravity
h = upstream head minus the head on the downstream side of the orifice
A = the area of the orifice
= coefficient of discharge
Also, the coefficient of discharge, C
, must be determined experimentally for any combination of
orifice shape, measuring head locations, and the location of orifice relative to the flow
boundaries. The coefficient has been found to be constant if the orifice perimeter is located away
from the approach channel boundary at least a distance equal to twice the minimum orifice
opening dimensions. Values of the discharge coefficient calculated by putting the measured
calibration data into equation 3-5 may be constant within experimental error if the orifice
geometry complies with all the requirements for standard orifices throughout the calibration
An example set of discharge data is shown in table 3-1. The theoretical hydraulic equation 3-5
was used to compute values of the coefficient of discharge, C
. The mean of the values (0.61) is
the most probable equation coefficient based on 15 readings. The deviation or spread of
individual coefficient values from the mean value would be the measure of the uncertainty of the
measuring system as used during the calibration. The deviation of coefficient values is an
indication of how well the calibration was done. Therefore, accuracy statements should also
include statements concerning the head reading technique capability and the accuracy of the
standard device used to measure discharge. If several orifices of the same size were calibrated
together, then the accuracy statements can be made concerning limits of fabrication and
installation of the orifices.
The histogram of the same data as shown on figure 3-1 was developed by splitting the range of
discharge values into five 0.005-ft
/s intervals. Then the data were tallied as they occurred in
each interval. The plotted values of occurrence approach a symmetrical bell shape curve centered
around the mean of 0.61, indicating that the data are random or normally distributed and that
enough data were obtained to determine a meaningful average value for the discharge
Table 3-1. An example of discharge data
Head difference
Discharge coefficient
3.702 0.253 0.611
3.613 0.245 0.606
3.545 0.232 0.608
3.361 0.209 0.611
3.267 0.197 0.616
3.172 0.189 0.606
3.005 0.163 0.618
2.924 0.161 0.605
2.842 0.154 0.602
2.565 0.127 0.598
2.450 0.109 0.616
2.323 0.100 0.610
1.986 0.073 0.611
1.813 0.060 0.615
1.640 0.050 0.609
Standard deviation =
= 9.142
d Avg
= 0.610
S = 0.006
Figure 3-1 -- Histogram of discharge coefficients.
The measure of the spread of repeated measurements such as the discharge coefficient is the
estimated standard deviation, which when using the form of equation 3-1 is written as:
S =
) 1 (
) (
Avg d d
where denotes summation, and N is the number of C
values. The value of S is the estimate of
standard deviation, , which is approached more closely as the number of samples, N, becomes
larger. Formal, small sample statistical methods can be used to evaluate confidence bounds
around S based on sample size. After N has become large enough and normal distribution is
verified, all previous and subsequent data are expected to fall within the bounds of +S, +2S, and
+3S for about 68.3, 95.4, and 99.7 percent confidence levels, respectively.
(c) Error Analysis of Calibration Equation
Often, structural compromise, in Parshall flumes for example, is such that hydraulic theory and
analysis cannot determine the exponents or the coefficients. These devices must be calibrated by
measuring head for a series of discharges well distributed over the flow range and measured with
another, more accurate device. The data can be plotted as a best fit curve on graph paper.
However, determination of equations for table generation would be preferable.
Parshall flumes and many other water measuring devices have close approximating equations of
the form:
Q = Ch
If the data plot as a straight line on log-log graph paper, then equation 3-7 can be used as the
calibration form, and a more rigorous statistical approach to calibration is possible. This equation
can be linearized for regression analysis by taking the log of both sides, resulting in:
logQ = nlogh
+ logC (3-8)
Although a regression analysis can produce correlation coefficients greater than 0.99, with 1.0
being perfect, large deviations in discharge can exist. These deviations include error of
estimating head between scale divisions for both the test and comparison standard devices,
known errors of the comparison standard, and possible offset from linearity of the measuring
device. For example, a laboratory calibration check of a 9-inch Parshall flume in a poor approach
situation, using a venturi meter as the comparison standard, resulted in a correlation coefficient
of 0.99924, an equation coefficient, C, of 3.041, and an exponent of 1.561 using 15 values of
discharge versus measuring head pairs. For the properly set flume in tranquil flow, C is 3.07 and
n is 1.56.
To overcome the defect of using correlation coefficients that are based on log units, the flume
measuring capability should be investigated in terms of percent discharge deviations, Q, or
expressed as:
Q% =
s C
s C q E
Q Q ) ( 100
Q% = percent deviation of discharge
= measured comparison standard discharge
= discharge computed using measured heads and the regression equation
Then, calculate the estimate of standard deviation, S, and substitute Q% for C
in equation 3-6F
from the previous example. For the Parshall flume example, S was about 3.0 percent. The
maximum deviation for the example flume was about -10 percent, and the average deviation was
about 0.08 percent discharge, which is a small bias from the expected zero. Because of this small
bias combined with a maximum absolute deviation of about 3S, the error was considered
normally distributed, and the sample size, N, was considered adequate. Examples will be used to
describe the next four sections.
(d) Error Analysis of Head Measurement
A water project was able to maintain a constant discharge long enough to obtain ten readings of
head, h
. These readings are listed in the first column of table 3-2.
This example process provides information on repetitions of hook gage readings but does not tell
the whole story about system accuracy. Good repeatability combined with poor accuracy can be
likened to shooting a tight, low scoring group on the outer margin of a target. Repetition is a
necessary aspect of accuracy but is not sufficient by itself.
Table 3-2. Determining sample standard deviation
- h
- h
(square feet [ft
1.012 -0.0011 0.00000121
1.017 0.0039 0.00001521
1.014 0.0009 0.00000081
1.010 -0.0031 0.00000961
1.015 0.0019 0.00000361
1.013 -0.0001 0.00000001
1.012 -0.0011 0.00000121
1.014 0.0009 0.00000081
1.013 -0.0001 0.00000001
1.011 -0.0021 0.00000441
= 10.131 (h
) = +0.0000 (h
= 0.00003690
= 1.013 S = (0.00003690)
= 0.0061
(e) Determining the Effect of Head Measurement on Accuracy
Say a water provider or user measures a discharge of 8.96 ft
/s using a 3-ft suppressed weir with
a staff gage estimating readings to +0.01 ft. The head reading was 0.93 ft, and the water provider
or user wants to investigate how much this estimate of head affects the accuracy of the discharge
measurement. Assume that the reading and discharge are actual values and then add and subtract
0.01 ft to and from the 0.93-ft head reading, which gives heads of 0.94 ft and 0.92 ft. Discharges
by table or equation for these new heads are 9.10 ft
/s and 8.82 ft
/s. The difference of these
discharges from 8.96 ft
/s in both cases is 0.14 ft
/s, but of a different sign in each case. Thus, an
uncertainty in discharge of +0.14 ft
/s was caused by an uncertainty of +0.01 ft in head reading.
The uncertainty of the discharge measurement caused by estimating between divisions on the
staff gage expressed in percent of actual discharge is calculated as follows:
Q% =
96 . 8
) 96 . 8 10 . 9 ( 100
= 1.56%
Q% =
96 . 8
) 10 . 9 96 . 8 ( 100
= 1.56%
This calculation shows that estimating the staff gage +0.01 ft contributes up to +1.6 percent error
in discharge at flows of about 9 ft
Both calculations are required because both could have been different depending on the
discharge equation form and the value of discharge relative to measuring range limits.
(f) Computation to Help Select Head Measuring Device
An organization uses several 3-ft weirs and wants to decide between depending on staff gage
readings or vernier hook gage readings in a stilling well. From experience, they think that the
staff gage measures head to within +0.01 ft, and the hook gage measures to within +0.002 ft. The
equation for the 3-ft weir in the previous example calculation is:
Q = 9.99h
Using this equation and making calculations similar to the previous example, they produce table
It is assumed that the water provider does not want to introduce more than 2 percent error caused
by precision of head measurement. This amount of error is demarcated by the stepped line
through the body of table 3-3. If the water providers needed to measure flow below 7 ft
/s, they
would have to use stilling wells and vernier point gages. This line shows that heads could be
measured with a staff gage at locations where all deliveries exceed about 7 ft
/s. They could
select a higher cut-off percentage based on expected frequency of measurements at different
discharges. The results of this type of analysis should be compared to the potential accuracy of
the primary part of the measuring system.
Table 3-3. Discharge deviation
Equation Head
Percent deviation of discharge at calibration
head at a plus h
+0.002 ft h
+0.01 ft
Deviation (%) Deviation (%)
18 1.481 0.25 1.0
9 0.933 0.37 1.6
5 0.630 0.53 2.7
3 0.448 0.72 3.6
2 0.342 0.92 4.4
1 0.216 1.40 7.0
(g) Relationship Between Full Scale and Actual
Before buying several small acoustic flowmeters, a water provider requested that one be tested to
see if the manufacturer's claim of accuracy was really true. Because the acoustic flowmeter is an
electronic device, the manufacturer prefers to express calibration performance in terms of full-
scale accuracy. The manufacturer claimed +2 percent full-scale accuracy. Full-scale percentage
accuracy is defined as the difference between comparison standard measured discharge and
output flowmeter discharge relative to full-scale discharge. Full-scale discharge is equivalent to
the discharge upper range limit of the flowmeter. The error in percent full-scale discharge is
calculated using equation 3-3.
Figure 3-2 shows the test data for the acoustic flowmeter that was checked. Full-scale discharge
is 0.768 ft
/s as shown by the vertical line on the right. The standard comparison discharge was
measured using a volumetric calibration tank and electronic timer which can measure discharge
within 0.5 percent. This plot indicates the
Figure 3-2 -- Percent full-scale deviation of flow rate versus
actual (comparison standard) flow rate.
fit line slopes down to the right and passes through the zero error company claim of +2.0-percent
full-scale accuracy is true. The best axis to the left of midrange. This meter could be made to
have a better full-scale accuracy by shifting the meter output vertically and/or tilting its output by
electronics or computer programming.
The same data were converted and plotted in terms of percent comparison standard error of
discharge using equation 3-11 on figure 3-3. To compare error in percent of actual discharge,
, with error in percent full-scale discharge, E
, calculated contours of equal percent full
scale were also plotted on figure 3-3.
%Qact =
s C Ind
Q Q ) ( 100
Figure 3-3 -- Comparison of actual (comparison standard) and
full-scale accuracy.
(h) Percent Registration Calibration
Another way accuracy and calibration are expressed is in terms of percent registration.
Calibration checks for open flow propeller meters are often presented this way. Percent
registration is defined as:
%R 100
s C
A typical calibration check of a propeller meter mounted at the end of a pipe is plotted on
figure 3-4. For this flowmeter, percent registration drops steeply below a discharge of 1 ft
This result clearly indicates some of the problems of measuring near the lower range limits of
this flowmeter. A slight increase of bearing friction will shift the dropping part of the curve to
the right because the discharge at which the propeller will not turn will increase. Thus, in effect,
the range is shortened on its low discharge end. The percent registration on the flat part of the
curve near maximum registration will also decrease with age and wear of the flowmeter. In fact,
the manufacturer may set meters, when they are new, to register high in anticipation of future
wear. For example, they may set meters to read 3 to 5 percent high, expecting wear to lower the
curve to about 100 percent registration at about mid-life of the flowmeter.
Figure 3-4 -- Percent registration form of calibration.
6. Bibliography
American Society for Testing and Materials, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Water
Environmental Technology, Section 11, Volume 11.01 Water (1), 1988.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Performance Test Codes-Hydraulic Turbines and
Turbine Mode of Pump/Turbines," revision, Performance Test Code Committee No. 18, New
York: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PTC 18-92, 1992.
Bos, M.G. (ed.), Discharge Measurement Structures, third edition revised, Publication 20,
International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Waneningen, The Netherlands,
Cooper, W.D., Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Prentice-Hall, New
York, 1978.
International Organization for Standardization, Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open Channels,
Handbook No. 15, Geneva, Switzerland, 1983.
U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Water Data Coordination, National Handbook of
Recommended Methods of Water-Data Acquisition, prepared cooperatively by agencies of the
United States Government, Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1980.
1. General Requirements
Selecting the proper water measurement device for a particular site or situation is not an easy
task. Many site-specific factors and variables must be considered and weighed. In addition, each
system has unique operational requirements and concerns. Reliable estimates on future demands
of the proposed system and knowledge of the immediate measurement needs are beneficial.
Government laws and compact agreements should be checked for possible selection constraints
before selecting a measurement device. Contractual agreements for the purchase of pumps,
turbines, and water measuring devices for districts often dictate the measurement system
required for compliance prior to payment. These constraints may be in terms of accuracy,
specific comparison devices, and procedures. Bos (1989) provides a more detailed discussion on
the selection of open channel water measurement devices than the information included here. He
also provides a selection flow chart and a table of water measurement device properties to guide
the selection process. In this chapter, we discuss selection issues for the most common devices
used in the United States.
2. Types of Measuring Devices
Irrigation system operators commonly use many types of standard water measurement devices.
In this manual, the following devices are discussed in subsequent chapters:
Submerged orifices
Current meters
Acoustic flowmeters
Other open-channel devices
Other closed conduit devices
The first four methods given above are discussed in considerable detail in this manual because
they are the most common methods used. A variety of other devices for open channels and
closed conduits is available-particularly for smaller rates of flow.
These devices are discussed only briefly in chapters 11 and 12. This brief discussion does not
mean that they are not useful devices. Such devices are appropriate for many applications.
3. Selection Considerations
The main factors which influence the selection of a measuring device include:
Accuracy requirements
Legal constraints
Range of flow rates
Head loss
Adaptability to site conditions
Adaptability to variable operating conditions
Type of measurements and records needed
Operating requirements
Ability to pass sediment and debris
Longevity of device for given environment
Maintenance requirements
Construction and installation requirements
Device standardization and calibration
Field verification, troubleshooting, and repair
User acceptance of new methods
Vandalism potential
Impact on environment
(a) Accuracy
The target or desired accuracy of the measurement system is an important consideration in
measurement method selection. Most water measurement devices can produce accuracies of +5
percent. Some devices are capable of +1 percent under laboratory settings. However, in the field,
maintaining such accuracies usually requires considerable expense or effort (e.g., special
construction, recalibration, maintenance, etc.). Selecting a device that is not appropriate for the
site conditions can result in a nonstandard installation of reduced accuracy, sometimes greater
than +10 percent.
Accuracies are usually reported for the primary measurement method or device. However, many
methods rely on a secondary measurement, which typically adds error to the overall
measurement. For example, the primary calibration for a weir is the relationship between head
and discharge; this relationship typically contains a small error. However, the head must be
measured, which potentially introduces additional error. Chapters 3 and 8 contain discussion and
examples concerning the influence of secondary devices on accuracy.
(b) Cost
The cost of the measurement method includes the cost of the device itself, the installation,
secondary devices, and operation and maintenance. Measurement methods vary widely in their
cost and in their serviceable life span. Measurement methods are often selected based on the
initial cost of the primary device with insufficient regard for the additional costs associated with
providing the desired records of flows over an extended period of time.
(c) Legal Constraints
Governmental or administrative water board requirements may dictate types of accepted water
measurement devices or methods. Water measurement devices which become a standard in one
geographic area are often not accepted as a standard in another area. In this sense, the term
"standard" does not necessarily signify accuracy or broad legal acceptance. Many water districts
require certain water measurement devices used within the district to conform to their standard
for the purpose of simplifying operation and maintenance.
(d) Flow Range
Many measurement methods have a limited range of flow conditions for which they are
applicable. This range is usually related to the need for certain prescribed flow conditions which
are assumed in the development of calibrations. Large errors in measurement can occur when the
flow is outside this range. For example, using a bucket and stopwatch for large flows that engulf
the bucket is not very accurate. Similarly, sharp-edged devices typically do not give good results
with large flows, which are better measured with large flumes or broad-crested weirs.
In some cases, secondary devices can limit the practical range of flow rates. For example, with
devices requiring a head measurement, the accuracy of the head measurement can limit the
measurement of low flow rates. For some devices, accuracy is based on percent of the full-scale
value. Then, at low values, the resulting accuracy is much lower, limiting the usefulness of such
measurements. Generally, the device should be selected to cover the range desired. Choosing a
device that can handle a larger than necessary flow rate could result in elimination of
measurement capability at lower flow rates, and vice versa. For practical reasons, it may be
reasonable to establish different accuracy requirements for high and low flows. Examples in
chapter 3 discuss some of these problems in more detail.
(e) Head Loss
Most water measurement devices require a drop in head. On existing irrigation projects, such
additional head may not be available, especially in areas with relatively flat topography. On new
projects, incorporating additional head loss into the design can usually be accomplished at
reasonable cost. However, a tradeoff usually exists between the cost of the device and the
amount of head loss. For example, acoustic flowmeters are expensive and require little head loss;
sharp-crested weirs are inexpensive but require a relatively large head loss. The head loss
required for a particular measurement device usually varies over the range of discharges. In some
cases, head used in measuring flow can reduce the capacity of the channel at that point.
(f) Adaptability to Site Conditions
The selection of a measurement device must consider the site of the proposed measurement.
Several potential sites may be available for a given measurement; the selection of a device
depends upon the exact site chosen. For example, discharge in a canal system can be measured
within a reach of the channel or at a structure such as a culvert or check structure. A different
device would typically be selected for each site. The device selected should not alter site
hydraulic conditions so as to interfere with normal operation and maintenance. Also, the shape of
the flow cross section will likely favor some devices over others. For example, the Parshall
flume size selection process described in chapter 5 might result in a flume wider than the existing
channel, adding substantial cost to the installation, whereas a long-throated flume might fit
within the existing channel prism.
(g) Adaptability to Variable Operating Conditions
Most water delivery systems have a varying range of flows and conditions. The selected device
must also be able to measure over the range of operating conditions encountered (e.g., variations
in upstream and downstream head).
Devices like weirs or flumes should be avoided if downstream water levels can, under some
conditions, submerge the device. In addition, the information provided by the measuring device
needs to be useful for the operators performing their duties. Devices that are difficult and time
consuming to operate are less apt to be used and are more likely to be used incorrectly.
In some cases, water measurement and water level or flow control need to be accomplished at
the same site. A few devices are available for accomplishing both (e.g., constant-head orifice,
vertically movable weirs, and Neyrpic flow module) (Bos, 1989). However, separate
measurement and control devices are typically linked for this purpose. Special care is needed to
assure that devices are compatible and, when used as a system, achieve both functions.
(h) Type of Measurements and Records Needed
An accurate measure of instantaneous flow rate is useful for system operators in setting and
verifying flow rate. However, because flow rates change over time, a single, instantaneous
reading may not accurately reflect the total volume of water delivered. Where accounting for
water volume is desired, a method of accumulated individual flow measurements is needed.
Where flows are steady, daily measurements may be sufficient to infer total volume. Most
deliveries, however, require more frequent measurements. Totalization is essential where water
users take water on demand. Totalizers and automatic recording devices are available for many
measurement devices. For large structures, the cost for water-level sensing and recording
hardware is small relative to the structure cost; but for small structures, these hardware costs do
not change and thus become a major part of the measurement cost (often more costly than the
structure itself).
Many water measurement methods are suitable for making temporary measurements (flow
surveys) or performing occasional verification checks of other devices.
The method chosen for such a measurement might be quite different from that chosen for
continuous monitoring. Although many of these flow survey methods are discussed in this
manual, this chapter focuses on methods for permanent installations.
(i) Operating Requirements
Some measurement methods require manual labor to obtain a measurement. Current metering
requires a trained staff with specialized equipment. Pen-and-ink style water-stage recorders need
operators to change paper, add ink, and verify proper functioning. Manual recording of flows
may require forms to be filled out and data to be accumulated for accounting purposes. Devices
with manometers require special care and attention to assure correct differential head readings.
Automated devices such as ultrasonic flowmeters and other systems that use transducers and
electronics require operator training to set up, adjust, and troubleshoot problems. Setting gate
controlled flow rates by simple canal level references or by current metering commonly requires
several hours of waiting between gate changes for the downstream canal to fill and stabilize.
However, flumes and weirs serve to quickly reach measured flow rate without waiting for the
downstream canals to fill to stable conditions. The requirements of the operating personnel in
using the devices and techniques for their desired purposes can be easily overlooked and must be
considered in meter selection.
(j) Ability to Pass Sediment and Debris
Canal systems often carry a significant amount of sediment in the water. Removal of all
suspended solids from the water is usually prohibitively expensive. Thus, some sediment will
likely be deposited anywhere the velocities are reduced, which typically occurs near flow
measuring structures. Whether this sediment causes a problem depends on the specific structure
and the volume of sediment in the water. In some cases, this problem simply requires routine
maintenance to remove accumulated sediment; in others, the accumulation can make the flow
measurement inaccurate or the device inoperative. Sediment deposits can affect approach
conditions and increase approach velocity in front of weirs, flumes, and orifices. Floating and
suspended debris such as aquatic plants, washed out bank plants, and debris such as fallen tree
leaves and twigs can plug some flow measurement devices and cause significant flow
measurement problems. Many of the measurement devices which are successfully used in closed
conduits (e.g., orifices, propeller meters, etc.) are not usable in culverts or inverted siphons
because of debris in the water. Attempting to remove this debris at the entrance to culverts is an
additional maintenance problem.
(k) Device Environment
Any measurement device with moving parts or sensors is subject to failure if it is not compatible
with the site environment. Achieving proper operation and longevity of devices is an important
selection factor. Very cold weather can shrink moving and fixed parts differentially and solidify
oil and grease. Water can freeze around parts and plug pressure ports and passageways. Acidity
and alkalinity in water can corrode metal parts. Water contaminants such as waste solvents can
damage lubricants, protective coatings, and plastic parts.
Mineral encrustation and biological growths can impair moving parts and plug pressure
transmitting ports. Sediment can abrade parts or consolidate tightly in bearing and runner spaces
in devices such as propeller meters. Measurement of wastewater and high sediment transport
flow may preclude the use of devices that require pressure taps, intrusive sensors, or depend
upon clear transmission of sound through the flow. Water measurement devices that depend on
electronic devices and transducers must have appropriate protective housings for harsh
environments. Improper protection against the site environment can cause equipment failure or
loss of accuracy.
(l) Maintenance Requirements
The type and amount of maintenance varies widely with different measurement methods. For
example, current metering requires periodic maintenance of the current meter itself and
maintenance of the meter site to assure that is has a known cross section and velocity
distribution. When the flow carries sediment or debris, most weirs, flumes, and orifices require
periodic cleaning of the approach channel. Electronic sensors need occasional maintenance to
assure that they are performing properly. Regular maintenance programs are recommended to
ensure prolonged measurement quality for all types of devices.
(m) Construction and Installation Requirements
In addition to installation costs, the difficulty of installation and the need to retrofit parts of the
existing conveyance system can complicate the selection of water measurement devices. Clearly,
devices which can be easily retrofit into the existing canal system are much preferred because
they generally require less down time, and unforeseen problems can be avoided.
(n) Device Standardization and Calibration
A standard water measurement device infers a documented history of performance based on
theory, controlled calibration, and use. A truly standard device has been fully described,
accurately calibrated, correctly constructed, properly installed, and sufficiently maintained to
fulfill the original installation requirements and flow condition limitations. Discharge equations
and tables for standard devices should provide accurate calibration. Maintaining a standard
device usually only involves a visual check and measurement of a few specified items or
dimensions to ensure that the measuring device has not departed from the standard. Many
standard devices have a long history of use and calibration and, thus, are potentially more
reliable. Commercial availability of a device does not necessarily guarantee that it satisfies the
requirements of a standard device.
When measuring devices are fabricated onsite or are poorly installed, small deviations from the
specified dimensions can occur. These deviations may or may not affect the calibration. The
difficulty is that unless an as-built calibration is performed, the degree to which these errors
affect the accuracy of the measurements is unknown. All too frequently, design deviations are
made under the misconception that current metering can be used to provide an accurate field
calibration. In practice, calibration by current metering to within +2 percent is difficult to attain.
An adequate calibration for free-flow conditions requires many current meter measurements at
several discharges. Changing and maintaining a constant discharge is often difficult under field
(o) Field Verification, Troubleshooting, and Repair
After construction or installation of a device, some verification of the calibration is generally
recommended. Usually, the methods used to verify a permanent device (e.g., current metering)
are less accurate than the device itself. However, this verification simply serves as a check
against gross errors in construction or calibration. For some devices, errors occur as components
wear and the calibration slowly drifts away from the original. Other devices have components
that simply fail - that is, you get the correct reading or no reading at all. The latter is clearly
preferred. However, for many devices, occasional checking is required to assure that they are
still performing as intended. Selection of devices may depend on how they fail and how easy it is
to verify that they are performing properly.
(p) User Acceptance of New Methods
Selection of a water measurement method must also consider the past history of the practice at
the site. When improved water measurement methods are needed, proposing changes that build
on established practice are generally easier to institute than radical changes. It can be beneficial
to select a new method that allows conversion to take place in stages to provide educational
examples and demonstrations of the new devices and procedures.
(q) Vandalism Potential
Instrumentation located near public access is a prime target for vandalism. Where vandalism is a
problem, measurement devices with less instrumentation, or instrumentation that can be easily
protected, are preferred. When needed, instrumentation can be placed in a buried vault to
minimize visibility.
(r) Impact on Environment
During water measurement device selection, consideration must be given to potential
environmental impacts. Water measurement devices vary greatly in the amount of disruption to
existing conditions needed to install, meet standard upstream and downstream conditions,
operate, and maintain. For example, installing a weir or flume constricts the channel, slows
upstream flow, and accelerates flow within the structure. These changes in the flow conditions
can alter local channel erosion, local flooding, public safety, local aquatic habitat, and fish
movement up and down the channel. These factors may alter the cost and selection of a
measurement device.
4. Selection Guidelines
Selection of a water measurement method can be a difficult, time-consuming process if one were
to formally evaluate all the factors discussed above for each measuring device. Of course, this
difficulty is one reason that standardization of measurement devices within a district is so
popular. However useful devices are sometimes overlooked when similar devices are
automatically selected. The purpose of this chapter is to provide some preliminary guidance on
selection so that the number of choices can be narrowed down before a more thorough analysis
of the tradeoffs between alternatives is performed.
(a) Short List of Devices Based on Application
Site conditions for a water measurement device quickly narrow the list of possible choices,
because most devices are only suitable under a limited number of channel or conduit conditions.
Table 4-1 provides a list of the most commonly used measurement methods for each of several
Table 4-2 provides an abbreviated table of selection criteria and general compliance for
categories of water measurement devices. The symbols (+), (0), and (-) are used to indicate
relative compliance for each selection criteria.
The (+) symbol indicates positive features that might make the device attractive from the
standpoint of the associated selection criteria. A (-) symbol indicates negative aspects that might
limit the usefulness of this method based on that criteria. A (0) indicates no strong positive or
negative aspects in general. A (v) means that the suitability varies widely for this class of
devices. The letters (na) mean that the device is not applicable for the stated conditions. A single
negative value for a device does not mean that the device is not useful and appropriate, but other
devices would be preferred for those selection criteria.
Table 4-1 - Application-based selection of water measurement devices
1. Open channel conveyance system
1. Natural channels
1. Rivers
1. Periodic current metering of a control section to establish
2. stage-discharge relation
3. Broad-crested weirs
4. Long-throated flumes
5. Short-crested weirs
6. Acoustic velocity meters (AVM - transit time)
7. Acoustic Doppler velocity profiles
8. Float-velocity/area method
9. Slope-area method
2. Intermediate-sized and small streams
1. Current metering/control section
2. Broad-crested weirs
3. Long-throated flumes
4. Short-crested weirs
5. Short-throated flumes
6. Acoustic velocity meters (AVM - transit time)
7. Float-velocity/area method
2. Regulated channels
1. Spillways
1. Gated
1. Sluice gates
2. Radial gates
2. Ungated
1. Broad-crested weirs (including special crest shapes, Ogee
crest, etc.)
2. Short-crested weirs
2. Large canals
1. Control structures
1. Check gates
2. Sluice gates
3. Radial gates
4. Overshot gates
Table 4-1 - Application-based selection of water measurement devices (Cont.)
2. Other
1. Long-throated flumes
2. Broad-crested weirs
3. Short-throated flumes
4. Acoustic velocity meters
3. Small canals (including open channel conduit flow)
1. Long-throated flumes
1. Broad-crested weirs
2. Short-throated flumes
1. Sharp-crested weirs
3. Rated flow control structures (check gates, radial gates, sluice
gates, overshot gates)
4. Acoustic velocity meters
5. Other
1. Float-velocity area methods
4. Farm turnouts
1. Pipe turnouts (short inverted siphons, submerged culverts, etc.)
1. Metergates
2. Current meters
3. Weirs
4. Long-throated flumes
5. Short-throated flumes
2. Other
1. Constant head orifice
2. Rated sluice gates
3. Movable weirs
2. Closed conduit conveyance systems
1. Large pipes
1. Venturi meters
2. Rated control gates (orifice)
3. Acoustic velocity meters (transit time)
2. Small and intermediate-sized pipelines
1. Venturi meters
2. Orifices (in-line, end-cap, shunt meters, etc.)
3. Propeller and turbine meters
4. Magnetic meters
5. Acoustic meters (transit-time and doppler)
6. Pitotmeters
7. Elbow meters
8. Trajectory methods (e.g., California pipe method)
9. Other commercially available meters
Table 4-2. Water measurement device selection guidelines. Symbols +. 0,Care used as relative
indicators comparing application of water measurement devices to the listed criteria ("v" denotes
device suitability varies widely, "na" denotes not applicable to criteria)
Device Accuracy Cost
Site conditions
Sharp-crested weirs 0 0 - + 0 - - 0 na na
0 + + + + 0 + 0 na na
0 0 + + + 0 + 0 na na
0 - - 0 0 - - 0 na na
Submerged orifices
(in channels)
0 0 - + - - 0 0 na na
Current metering - - + - - + 0 - na na
Acoustic velocity
meters n an open
- 0 0 - 0 + 0 0 na na
Radial and sluice
- + 0 0 - - + + + na
Propeller meters at
pipe exit
- + - 0 0 + 0 0 + +
Differential head
meters for pipe
+ - - + - V na na 0 +
velocity meters for
0 + - 0 0 + na na 0 +
Magnetic meters
for pipe
0 0 - 0 0 + na na - +
Acoustic Doppler
ultrasonic meters
for pipe
- 0 - - - + na na - +
Acoustic flowmeter
pipe (single path)
0 - 0 0 0 + na na - +
Acoustic flowmeter
pipe (multipath)
+ - + 0 + + na na - +
Venturi, orifice, pitot tube, shunt meters, etc.
Propeller meters, turbine meters, paddle wheel meters, etc.
Table 4-2 - Water measurement device selection guidelines. Symbols +. 0,Care used as relative indicators
comparing application of water measurement devices to the listed criteria ("v" denotes device suitability varies
widely, "na" denotes not applicable to criteria) (continued)
Measurements Sediment/Debris Longevity Maintenance Construction
Rate Volume
+ - - - + + 0 - 0 +
+ - 0 + + + + + + 0
+ - 0 + + + + 0 + 0
+ - 0 + + + + - - +
orifices (in
+ - - - + + + 0 + 0
+ - + + 0 0 0 + 0 +
meters in
an open
+ 0 + + 0 - - + - -
Radial and
sluice gates
+ - 0 - + 0 + + - -
meters at
pipe exit
0 + 0 - - 0 - + 0 0
meters for
+ - - v + 0 0 0 + +
meters for
v v - - - 0 - 0 0 0
meters pipe
+ 0 0 0 0 - - 0 - 0
meters for
+ 0 0 0 0 - - 0 - -
0 + 0 0 0 - - - - 0
+ + 0 0 0 - - - - +
Venturi, orifice, pitot tube, shunt meters, etc.
Propeller meters, turbine meters, paddle wheel meters, etc.
The process of narrowing down options might start with table 4-1 to examine the main methods
to consider. Table 4-2 can then be used to get an idea of the general positive and negative
features of various methods. In narrowing down the options, different applications will place
different weight on the selection criteria, so no universally correct selection exists. Finally, a
preliminary design for several candidate methods selected should be performed so that details on
cost, hydraulics, operations, etc., can be more thoroughly examined C followed by final
selection, design, and construction.
(b) Example
We want to measure the flow entering a small farm turnout ditch that serves an agricultural field.
The ditch is trapezoidal, concrete-lined and has a rectangular metal sluice gate that is opened by
hand to divert flow into the ditch from a canal lateral. No power is available at the site. The ditch
carries a flow of about 10 cubic feet per second (ft
/s). Field survey measurements taken during
an irrigation indicate about a 0.75-ft drop in the water surface from the gate to the downstream
channel. The irrigation flow transports fine sediment and numerous tumble-weeds. Water is
diverted to the field on a 2-week rotation for a period of about 24 hours. The measurement
device will be used to establish a known flow rate through the headgate for crop yield
management and water use accounting. Typically, the water surface in the lateral remains fairly
constant during an irrigation; therefore, a single measurement per irrigation will meet current
needs. However, in the future, more frequent measurements may be desired. The irrigator would
like to install a device that costs less than $500.
Table 4-1 identifies a number of devices that are typically used for farm turnouts. Our site
requires we select a device or method that can be used in an open channel. Therefore, common
measurement devices given for this application are: current meters, weirs, flumes, and rated
sluice gates (headgates). Next, the advantages or disadvantages for each of these devices should
be considered with respect to the measurement goals and the site conditions. Table 4-2 is used to
assist in comparing the attributes of devices.
Typically, only a few selection constraints are high priorities. The selection priorities for the
example are likely: meeting available head, cost, accuracy, and debris passage goals. Head loss is
the highest priority because it is a physical constraint of the site that must be met to provide good
measurement. Current meters provide the least head loss followed by long-throated flumes
(including broad-crested weirs), short-throated flumes, and sharp-crested weirs. Sluice gates rate
low in terms of head loss; however, for this application, the gate is part of the site and will not
provide additional head loss. Based on our highest priority, current metering, a long-throated
flume or rating the headgate are good choices. Next, consider the cost of devices including:
initial cost, data collection time, and maintenance. Rating the headgate and a long-throated flume
are considered to be a lower cost than current metering largely because of the time involved in
data collection. Accuracy of measurement and debris passage favor a long-throated flume.
This example selection process identifies a long-throated flume as potentially the best device
followed by rating of the headgate. These two methods of measurement are recommended for
additional detailed design and evaluation prior to the final selection.
5. Bibliography
Bos, M.G., (ed.), Discharge Measurement Structures, third revised edition, International Institute
for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Publication No. 20, Wageningen, The Netherlands,
1. Background and Scope
Irrigation system deterioration can exist for years before becoming apparent to frequent users.
However, an observer viewing an installation for the first time or infrequently may spot the
deterioration immediately. Thus, water users and providers are often surprised to find that their
water measurements are unacceptable because their system and measuring devices have
deteriorated. Regular and careful inspections with the specific intent of finding deterioration in
early stages will help prevent this unpleasant surprise. These inspections will also help reveal
changing delivery needs that require other types of measuring devices and disclose other possible
errors of operation. Another problem is that operators do not always know or use proper
techniques to obtain accurate measurements. The best way to handle this problem is to provide
good training.
This chapter shows water users and providers what to consider and check during system
inspections to help maintain accurate water deliveries. Users can protect water rights and prevent
overcharging by understanding these same considerations.
The performance of weirs and flumes will be used to illustrate flow and accuracy principles
because irrigation operators will likely be more familiar with their use. Also, many of the factors
which adversely affect accuracy are visible on these devices but are hidden in closed conduit
devices. Many of the factors and principles established for weirs and flumes also apply to other
water measuring devices. These principles are elaborated upon in forthcoming sections
concerning specific devices.
2. Standard Devices Versus Nonstandard Devices
The use of standard devices usually results in lower total costs over the lifetime of a
measurement structure. Their long general use has generated more backup data and experience,
making them potentially more reliable. A truly standard device has been fully described,
accurately calibrated, correctly made or installed, and sufficiently maintained to fulfill the
original requirements. Standard discharge equations and tables or curves may then be relied upon
to provide accurate water measurements. Maintaining a standard device involves only a visual
check and measurement of a few specified items or dimensions to ensure that the measuring
device has not departed from the standard.
Even though a standard device might have been selected for a particular measurement situation,
water providers and users frequently find themselves unexpectedly stuck with nonstandard and,
at times, unusable devices. This situation can occur when a device is installed improperly, is
poorly maintained, is operated above or below the prescribed discharge limits, or has poor
approach or downstream submergence conditions.
Accurate discharges from nonstandard structures can be obtained only from specially prepared
curves or tables based on calibration tests, such as multiple current-meter ratings. The accuracy
of a nonstandard device cannot be determined by visual inspection. Accuracy can only be
ensured by recalibration, which is costly when properly performed. Ratings must be made at
close discharge intervals over the complete operating range.
Then, curves and/or tables must be prepared. Installation and proper inspection and maintenance
of standard devices are not difficult and are less costly in the long run. Standard discharge tables
may then be used with full confidence.
3. Approach Flow
Poor flow conditions in the area just upstream from the measuring device can cause large
discharge indication errors. In general, the approaching flow should be tranquil. Tranquil flow is
defined as fully developed flow in long, straight channels with mild slopes, free of close curves,
projections, and waves. Venturi meters require 10 diameters of straight pipe approach. By
analogy, open channel flow would require 40 hydraulic radii of straight, unobstructed approach.
A good example of practical approach criteria taken from Bos (1989) follows:
If the control width is greater than 50 percent of the approach channel width, then 10
average approach flow widths of straight, unobstructed approach are required.
If the control width is less than 50 percent of the approach width, then 20 control widths
of straight, unobstructed approach are required.
If upstream flow is below critical depth, a jump should be forced to occur. In this case, 30
measuring heads of straight, unobstructed approach after the jump should be provided.
If baffles are used to correct and smooth out approach flow, then 10 measuring heads
should be placed between the baffles and the measuring station.
Deviation from a normal transverse or vertical flow distribution, or the presence of water surface
boils, eddies, or local fast currents, is reason to suspect the accuracy of the measuring device.
Errors of 20 percent are common, and errors as large as 50 percent or more may occur if the
approach flow conditions are very poor. Sand or gravel bars, weed growths, or slumped riprap
obstructions along the banks or in the flow area can cause nonsymmetrical approach flow.
Inadequate distance downstream from a drop, check, or slide gate will concentrate flow locally
and cause error. A bend or angle in the channel just upstream from the measuring device or a
rapid expansion in the flow section can cause secondary flow or large eddies, which tend to
concentrate the flow in part of a cross section.
Figure 5-1 shows an example of a poor flow distribution in the approach to a weir. The high-
velocity, turbulent stream is approaching the weir at a considerable angle. The high-velocity
approach flow and the waves on the surface hinder head measurement. With this poor approach
flow, the weir will not produce the same head-discharge relationship as its standard equation and
calibration table.
Figure 5-1 -- Example of poor approach flow conditions
upstream from weir.
Standard weir proportions for rectangular, Cipoletti, and 90-degree Vnotch weirs are shown on
figure 5-2. The approach velocity toward weirs should be less than 0.5 foot per second (ft/s).
This velocity value is equivalent to a head error of 0.005 ft. Velocity of approach can be
estimated by dividing the maximum discharge by the area at a point 4 to 6 measuring heads
upstream from the blade. Excess approach velocity is commonly caused by violating the criteria
specified in chapter 7.
Figure 5-2 -- Weir proportions.
4. Turbulence
Turbulence results from relatively small parcels of water spinning in a random pattern within the
bulk flow while moving downstream. Turbulence may be recognized as water surface boils or
three dimensional eddies which appear and disappear haphazardly. Because of this local motion
within the general motion of the bulk flow, any particle of water may, at any given instant, move
forward, sideways, vertically, or even backward. In effect, the water is passing a given point with
accelerating and decelerating motion superimposed upon the main flow rather than with a
uniform, ideal velocity. Thus, more or less water may pass a given point over a short length for
short time periods, depending on the observation point chosen (figure 5-1).
Excessive turbulence will adversely affect the accuracy of any measuring device but is
particularly objectionable when using current meters or propeller meters of any kind. Turbulence
can be objectionable even without air entrainment or the "white water" often associated with
turbulence. Turbulence is commonly caused by stilling basins or other energy dissipaters, by a
sudden drop in water surface, or by obstructions in the flow area such as turnouts-- operating or
not--that have projections or indentations from the supply canal. Shallow flow passing over a
rough or steep bottom can also cause turbulence. Weeds or riprap slumped into the flow area or
along the banks, or sediment deposits upstream from the measuring device, also can cause
excessive turbulence.
Excessive turbulence can cause measuring errors of 10 percent or more. Therefore, the flow
approaching a measuring structure or device should be modified to resemble tranquil canal flow.
5. Rough Water Surface
Reducing turbulence or improving approach flow distribution can eliminate rough water surfaces
that are not caused by wind. A rough water surface can cause errors in discharge measurements
when a staff gage must be read to determine head or cross-sectional area of the flow. A stilling
well will help reduce errors in head measurement, but every attempt should be made to reduce
the water surface disturbances as much as possible before relying on the well. Errors of 10 to
20 percent are common where a choppy water surface impedes accurate head determination. The
area of piping to a stilling well should be about one-hundredth of the well area to dampen water
surface oscillations. A larger area of piping may be needed to eliminate debris plugging or
increase well response to changes in measuring head. A smaller area may be needed to dampen
overly rough flow.
Specially constructed wave damping devices (Schuster, 1970) are often required to obtain a
smooth water surface. Figure 5-3 shows a schematic of an underpass type of wave suppressor
successfully used in both large and small channels.
Figure 5-3 -- Underpass wave suppressor.
The channel may be either rectangular or trapezoidal in cross section. Constructing the
suppressor four times as long as the flow is deep can reduce waves as much as 93 percent. The
suppressor produces a slight backwater effect for the most effective vertical placement. The
suppressor may be supported on piers, can be constructed of wood or concrete, and need not be
The design of several other suppressor types, along with example cases, is covered in Peterka
(1983). Figure 5-4 shows turbulence and waves in a Parshall flume produced by an outlet works
stilling basin, which makes accurate discharge determination impossible. The log raft in the
foreground was used in an attempt to quiet the flow; however, the raft was later lifted out of the
water because of ineffectiveness.
Figure 5-4 -- Turbulence and waves in a Parshall flume
produced by an outlet works stilling basin. The log raft failed
to quite the flow.
Figure 5-5 shows the water surface after removal of the log raft and installation of an underpass-
type wave suppressor. This modification significantly reduced the turbulence and waves, making
accurate discharge determination a routine matter.
Figure 5-5 -- Underpass-type wave suppressor reduces
turbulence and waves in Parshall flumes.
6. Velocity Head in Approach
As flow approaches a weir, the water surface becomes lower due to acceleration of the flow by
the force of gravity (figure 5-6).
Figure 5-6 -- Weir approach flow.
The water surface is considerably lower at the weir blade than it is at 5 ft upstream. The
elevation difference between the two circled points on the surface of the approach flow is called
the velocity head and represents the potential required to produce the increase in velocity
between the points.
A drop in water surface of 0.1 ft is common just upstream from a weir and (from the equation
above) represents an increase in velocity of 0.8 ft/s. If the head on the weir is measured too close
to the weir, the head measurement can be up to 0.1 ft too small. For a weir 6 ft long, with a head
of 0.45 ft, a discharge of 7 ft
/s is indicated. If you measured the head too close to the weir, such
that the head was reduced by 0.1 ft, a discharge of 5 ft
/s would be indicated. This difference
amounts to an error of about 35 percent based on the reported discharge; and, more importantly,
the water provider would be giving away 2 ft
Standard weir tables are based on the measured head of the weir (velocity head is negligible) and
do not compensate for excessive velocity head. Any increase in velocity above standard
conditions, therefore, will result in measuring less than the true head on the weir. Therefore,
more water will be delivered than is measured. Causes of excessive velocity head include
inadequate pool depth upstream from the weir, deposits in the upstream pool (figure 5-7),
and poor lateral velocity distribution upstream from the weir.
Figure 5-7 -- Sediment deposits in weir pool.
Figure 5-7 shows sediment deposits, which have reduced the depth of the weir significantly and
increased the velocity of the approach to well above the desirable level. Other problems exist as
well; the head gage should not be located this close to the weir blade, the weeds should be
removed, and the "edge" of the weir should be sharp. Discharges over this weir will be larger
than indicated in "standard" tables.
7. Poor Flow Patterns
The poor flow distribution which exists upstream from a measuring device often cannot be
attributed to any one of the causes discussed above. The best solution, then, is to assume that the
poor distribution has several causes. Start with the easy factors, work through the list, and
address each probable cause of poor flow patterns until obtaining the desired flow conditions.
Turnouts located close to and upstream from a measuring device may cause poor approach
conditions, as may bridge piers, channel curves, or a skewed measuring section. Relocating the
measuring device may be the only remedy in these cases.
Submerged weeds or debris can cause excessive turbulence or local high velocity currents.
Eddies adjacent to the shoreline can cause the flow approaching the weir to contract into a
narrow band. Sediment bars deposited from inflow or from sloughing banks can also produce
undesirable flow conditions. More drastic remedial measures include deepening the approach
area, widening the approach channel to make it symmetrical, or introducing baffles or other
devices to spread the incoming flow over the entire width of the approach. However, 10 channel
widths of straight, unobstructed approach should lie between baffles or other devices placed
before the measuring device. Surface waves, which are usually difficult to reduce or eliminate by
ordinary procedures, may require special treatment, as discussed under "Rough Water Surface"
in section 5.
8. Exit Flow Conditions
Exit flow conditions can cause as much flow measurement error as approach flow problems.
However, these conditions are not encountered as often in practice. In general, ensuring that
backwater does not submerge or drown out a device designed for free flow is sufficient.
Occasionally, a flume is set too low, and backwater submerges the throat excessively, which can
introduce extremely large errors in discharge measurement. The only remedy is to raise the
flume, unless some local obstruction downstream can be removed to reduce the backwater.
Sharp-crested weirs should discharge freely rather than submerged, although a slight
submergence (the backwater may rise above the crest up to 10 percent of the head) reduces the
discharge a negligible amount (less than 1 percent). However, a weir operated near submergence
may not affect the discharge as much as the possible lack of nappe ventilation resulting from
high downstream depth or intermittent waves lapping the underside of the nappe.
The underside of weir nappes should be ventilated sufficiently to provide near atmospheric
pressure beneath the nappe, between the under-nappe surface, and the downstream face of the
weir. The height of pull-up behind the nappe depends upon the drop, discharge, and crest length.
The height that the water raises behind the nappe is a measure of the discharge error. For
example, if the measuring head on a 3-ft suppressed weir is 1 ft and the water behind the nappe
pulls up 0.3 ft, the error of discharge measurement would be about +6.5 percent. If the water was
only pulled up 0.1 ft, the error for the same weir and measuring head would be +2.5 percent.
If the head upstream from the weir is pulled down a significant amount, then the weir is not
sufficiently ventilated. An easy test for sufficient ventilation is to part the nappe downstream
from the blade for a moment with a hand or a shovel to allow a full supply of air to enter beneath
the nappe. After removing the hand or shovel, the nappe should not gradually become depressed
(over a period of several or more minutes) toward the weir blade. If the upper nappe profile
remains the same as it was while fully ventilated, the weir has sufficient ventilation.
If the nappe clings to the downstream side of the weir and does not spring clear, the weir may
discharge up to 25 percent more water than the head reading indicates. This problem is generally
a low flow problem with heads near and less than 0.2 ft and occurs more frequently with V-notch
weirs. Good practice would involve checking the nappe before and after readings.
Gates calibrated only for free discharge at partial openings should not be submerged, nor should
eddies interfere with the jet of water issuing from the gate. Gaging stations should be kept free of
deposited sediment bars or other side-projecting obstructions to prevent backflow or eddies from
interfering with the uniform flow conditions that should exist in the cross section being
9. Weathered and Worn Equipment
Sharp-crested weir blades on older water measuring devices are often in bad condition. Weir
blades are seen with dull and dented edges, discontinuous with bulkheads, pitted and covered
with rust tubercles, and not vertical. Weir blades have sagged and are no longer level. Staff gages
are worn and difficult to read. Stilling well intakes are buried in sediment or partly blocked by
weeds or debris. Broad-crested weirs and flumes are frost heaved and out of level. Meter gates
are partly clogged with sand or debris, and gate leaves are cracked and warped. These and other
forms of deterioration often cause serious errors in discharge measurements. This type of
deficiency is difficult to detect because, as mentioned before, deterioration occurs slowly.
Therefore, the person responsible for measuring devices must inspect them with a critical eye.
The attitude should be: "I am looking for trouble," rather than: "I will excuse the little things
because they are no worse today than they were yesterday." A series of little problems has often
accumulated and compounded into large, unknown, and unaccountable errors. Poorly maintained
measuring devices are no longer standard, and indicated discharges may be considerably in error.
Worn devices should be rehabilitated to ensure true discharge readings.
Repairing or refurbishing a rundown measuring device is sometimes a difficult or impossible
task. Fixing small problems as they occur will prevent, in many cases, replacing the entire device
on an emergency basis, perhaps at great cost at some later date. Regular preventive maintenance
will extend the useful life of measuring devices.
10. Poor Installation and Workmanship
Contrasting with the measurement devices that were once accurate and dependable but have
deteriorated are those that, because of poor workmanship, were never installed properly. This
category includes devices that are installed out of level or out of plumb, those that are skewed or
out of alignment, those that have leaking bulkheads with flow passing beneath or around them,
and those that have been set too low or too high for the existing flow conditions.
Inaccurate weir blade lengths or Parshall flume throat widths, insufficient or nonexistent weir
nappe ventilation, or incorrectly located and zeroed head or staff gages cause measuring errors.
A transverse slope on a sharp-crested weir blade can cause errors, particularly if the gage zero is
referenced to either end. The error can be minimized by determining the discharge based on the
head at each end and using the average discharge. Errors in setting the gage zero are the same as
misreading the head by the same amount. At low heads, a relatively small zero setting error can
cause errors of 50 percent or more in the discharge. A head determination error of only 0.01 ft
can cause a discharge error of from 5 percent on a 90degree V-notch weir to over 8 percent on a
48inch (in) Cipoletti weir (both for a head of 0.20 ft). The same head error on 6 and 12in Parshall
flumes can result in 12- and 6-percent errors, respectively, for low heads.
Out of plumb or skewed weir blades will show flow measurement inaccuracies of measurable
magnitude if the weir is out of alignment by more than a few degrees. Rusted or pitted weir
blades or those having projecting bolts or offsets on the upstream side can cause errors of
2 percent or more depending on severity of the roughness. Any roughness will cause the weir to
discharge more water than indicated. Rounding of the sharp edge of a weir or reversing the face
of the blade also tends to increase the discharge. On older wood crests, a well rounded edge can
cause a 15- to 25-percent or more increase in discharge (figure 5-8). The well-rounded edge on
the once sharp-crested weir on figure 5-8 will increase the discharge to well above "standard."
The weeds are also undesirable, as is the weir gage which projects into the flow area.
Figure 5-8 -- Poorly maintained weir edge.
Certain types of meters require pressure readings to determine discharges. Piezometers, or
pressure taps, as they are sometimes called, must be regarded with suspicion when considering
flow measurement accuracy.
Piezometers or pressure head taps must be installed with care and with a knowledge of how they
perform; otherwise, indicated pres-sure values can be in error. For example, as shown on figure
5-9, the four piezometers indicate different pressure readings (water levels) because of the
manner in which flow passes the piezometer opening. Piezometer openings are shown larger than
they should be constructed in practice. Always use the smallest diameter opening consistent with
the possibility of clogging by foreign material. Unless the piezometer is vertical as in Y, the
water elevation will be drawn down as in X or increased as in Z. Basically, pressure taps should
be perpendicular to the flow boundary, and the flow must be parallel to the boundary. Rough
edges or burrs on or near the edges of the piezometer holes deflect the water into or away from
the piezometer, causing erroneous indications. The case as in W shows the tube pushed into the
flow, causing the flow to curve under the tip which pulls the water level down. Errors caused by
faulty piezometer tap installation increase with velocity.
Figure 5-9 -- Examples of piezometer installation.
Sometimes, to obtain a better average pressure reading, four taps around the pipe are manifolded.
If unbalanced pressure exists because of velocity distribution, error can be introduced by flow
circulation in the manifolding tubing. Two forms of manifolding are shown on figure 5-10. The
commonly seen case (a)-circular form-causes circulation errors. Case (b) is the triple tee system,
designed to minimize circulation errors. Large tube diameter relative to piezometer hole diameter
through the meter wall will reduce circulation error considerably for both cases.
Figure 5-10 -- Examples of piezometer manifold tubing (top:
poor arrangement; bottom: good compensating arrangement).
Large-diameter tubing relative to piezometer diameter will
reduce circulation errors considerably for both cases.
Frequently, pressure taps are connected to manometers and U-tubes (figure 5-11), and air trapped
in the tubing can cause large errors. Air travels in bubbles that tend to rise and form large air
blockages. Thus, piezometers should not be connected at the top of a pipe. Even with taps on the
side, air will come out of solution as water warms. Air in the vertical parts of the tubing causes
large errors. Although air in horizontal parts of the tubing does not cause error, a bubble will
likely move to a vertical part of the tubing when flow increases or decreases. For bleeding air,
flowmeters should be placed at locations where the pipelines are under positive pressure; that is,
where the hydraulic grade line is well above the pipe and manometry system as shown on figure
Figure 5-11 -- Manometry system below the hydraulic grade
line is desirable.
If the meter and/or manometer are above the grade line as shown on figure 5-12, then pressure is
negative. Negative pressure causes air to come out of solution and accumulate. Also, air can leak
through pipe fittings and flange gaskets into the pipe and manometer system. Air can leak
through openings that water cannot leak through.
Figure 5-12 -- Manometry system above the hydraulic grade
line is undesirable.
Care in designing the system should be taken to make sure that the hydraulic grade line is above
the tubing system at maximum water delivery. Otherwise, bleeding will have to be done
frequently with separate water source purging, or water delivery will have to be shut off to
provide positive pressure during bleeding. When the hydraulic grade line is below the system,
the negative pressure causes air to accumulate faster. This condition should be avoided if at all
The effect of a few deficiencies often found in measuring devices has been given to illustrate the
degree of error to be expected in making ordinary measurements under ordinary conditions.
Other effects have not or cannot be stated in terms of percent error without an exact definition of
the degree of fault or deterioration. The examples given should be sufficient to emphasize the
importance of careful and exact installation practices as well as regular and prompt repair or
rehabilitation of the devices after they have been installed.
11. Measuring Techniques Reducing Accuracy of Measurement
Regularly maintained equipment, properly installed in an ideal location, will still give inaccurate
discharge measurements if the operator uses poor measuring techniques. Head measurement is
very important. The techniques in use often are not compatible with the relationships between
head and discharge known to exist. Operators should make sure that calibration curves or tables
match devices being used both in size and kind.
(a) Faulty Head Measurement
Measurement of the head on a sharp-crested weir, a seemingly simple matter, can be difficult
under all but ideal conditions. The head is the height of water above the blade edge or the bottom
of a V-notch, measured at a point where the velocity head (or approach velocity) is negligible
(figure 5-6). In practice, this point is located four to six times the measuring head upstream from
the center of the weir blade. If the head is measured too far upstream, a head not related to the
water surface profile at the weir can be measured. If the head is measured closer to the weir
blade, some drawdown (caused by increased velocity near the weir) may occur and less than the
true head will be measured. If the head is measured at the side of the approach channel, more or
less than the true head may be measured depending on the geometry of the approach pool
(figures 5-2 and 5-13).
Figure 5-13 -- Cipoletti weir operating with good flow
conditions in the approach pool.
Figure 5-13 shows a Cipoletti weir performing properly for the discharge shown. Flow is well
distributed across the wide pool and shows no evidence of excessive turbulence. Accurate or
"standard" discharges can be expected under these conditions. At larger discharges, the
nonsymmetrical approach may produce undesirable conditions.
The principles described above also apply to head measurements on broad-crested weirs and
flumes, meter gates, or any other device dependent on a head measurement for discharge
Improper gage location, or an error in head measurement in a flume, can result in large discharge
errors because of water surface curvature. Incorrect flume throat width dimensions and weir
lengths can also produce errors. The relative ease of making accurate length measurements
usually keeps these errors small. However, operators should check lengths in the field rather than
rely on values stated or shown on drawings.
Readings obtained from stilling wells, whether visual or recorded, should be questioned unless
the operator is certain that the well intake pipe is not partially or fully clogged with sediment or
air pockets. Data from an overactive stilling well can also be misleading, particularly if long-
period surges occur in the head pool. In fact, all head determinations should be checked to ensure
that the reading is not part of a long period surge. A sufficient number of readings, about 10,
should be taken at regular time intervals of about 15 seconds, and averaged to obtain the average
head. More readings may be required if consecutive readings indicate that the pool is continuing
to rise or fall. If this process takes too much time, the cause of the instability should be
determined and eliminated.
Readings from gages or staffs which may have slipped or heaved should be avoided. Periodic
rough checks can sometimes be made with a carpenter's level or square from a reference point on
another structure. A still-ponded water level at the weir crest height is a valuable check on the
staff gage zero.
Each operator should understand the desired measurement and then critically examine each
operation to ensure that the correct measurement is being taken. The operator should try to find
fault with every step in the head measurement process and attempt to improve techniques
wherever possible.
(b) Infrequent Measurement
When a head or velocity measurement is taken, the operator must assume that the resulting
discharge occurred only at the moment of the measurement. The operator cannot conclude that
the same discharge occurred 5 minutes or even 5 seconds earlier. Therefore, accurate water
deliveries can be ensured only if enough measurements are made to establish the fact that the
discharge did or did not vary over the period that water was delivered.
In many systems, measurements are taken only once a day, or only when some physical change
in supply or delivery has been made. Problems introduced by falling head, rising backwater, gate
creep, or hunting are often ignored when computing a water delivery. The problem is not simple;
many factors must be considered in determining the number of readings to be made per day or
other unit of time. If the discharge in the supply system is increasing or decreasing, multiple
readings will be required. If the rate of rise is uniform, the average of two readings, morning and
night, would be better than one. Erratic rates of change will require frequent readings. A need for
many readings may justify the use of a recording device.
When the discharge in the supply system remains constant, the water level or velocity reading
may change because of a change in control or because checks have been placed in operation.
Temporary changes in the main supply system discharge may occur; for example, because water,
in effect, is being placed in storage as a result of the rising water level. Conversely, the discharge
may temporarily increase in parts of the system if the operating level is being lowered. The
changing water level may require more frequent head readings. If accurate, instantaneous
recording of highly variable flows is required, then stilling wells may need larger connecting
pipe diameters to reduce time lag. In some situations, weir pooling volumes need accounting.
Here again, the operator should try to visualize the effect of any change in discharge in the
supply system, upstream or downstream from a measuring device, and attempt to get more than
enough readings to accurately compute the quantity of water delivered.
(c) Use of Improper Measuring Device
Every water measuring device has unique limitations; thus, a single type cannot be used in all
locations under all possible conditions. Therefore, several devices might be suitable for a given
set of conditions, but none could be considered entirely satisfactory. If flow conditions change
considerably for any reason because of modified operations, a formerly suitable device may
become totally inadequate. A formerly marginally suitable device may become useless for a
small change of operation needs. An incorrect device may have been selected in the first place,
and no matter how much care the operator takes, accurate measurements cannot be obtained. The
operator should call attention to such situations and attempt to have remedial measures taken.
Chapter 4 gives guidance for selection.
For example, with sharp-crested weirs, accuracy cannot be expected if the head is appreciably
less than 0.2 ft or greater than about one third of the weir blade length. Large measurement errors
can be expected (departure from standard) if these limits are exceeded appreciably.
Large errors are introduced if a sharp-crested weir blade is submerged by backwater. Designing a
device that is to be submerged throughout all or part of its flow range requires using a calibration
related to a measuring head differential. Having a second or downstream measuring head station
doubles the chance for wrong readings. Despite the appearance of handbook submergence
discharge determination methods, discharge is related to small differences in measuring heads.
Small imprecisions in water elevation measurement cause large errors. As submergence
increases, the measuring head differentials decrease and approach values that are about the same
magnitude as for minor variations of form and friction loss. Thus, corrections for large
submergence are very inaccurate.
Propeller meter devices should not be permanently installed where weeds, moving debris, or
sediment are apt to foul the meter or wear the bearings. Submerged devices, such as meter gates
and other types of orifices, should not be used where a moving bedload can partly block the
The flow conditions at a particular site must be analyzed. Only then can the measuring device be
selected that can best cope with conditions to be encountered. The user of irrigation-type
measuring devices should not expect accuracy to exceed about +2 percent, even for standard
devices that have been properly selected, set, and maintained.
12. Bibliography
Bos, M.G., Discharge Measurement Structures, third revised edition, International Institute for
Land Reclamation and Improvement, Publication No. 20, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1989.
Peterka, A.J., Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipaters, Engineering
Monograph No. 25, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver,
Colorado, 1983.
Schuster, J.S. (ed.), "Water Measurement Procedures-Irrigation Operator's Workshop," REC-
OCE-70-38, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado,
1. Introduction
The stage of a stream, canal, or lake is the height of the water surface above an established datum
(Buchanan and Somers, 1965). The head in a water measurement structure or device can be
defined similarly. The stage, or gage height, of the water is usually expressed in feet and
hundredths of a foot. Records of stage are important in stream gaging because the rate of flow is
plotted against stage in preparing discharge curves. After a curve has been established for a
stable channel, rate of flow can be directly determined from stage reading. Reliability of the
stage reading is, therefore, of great importance. Head measurements in all types of water
measurement structures, including various flumes, weirs, and gates, are equally important.
Records of gage height may be obtained from a series of systematic readings on nonrecording
gages or from automatic water-stage recorders. Laser, satellite, microwave, and electronic
systems can be used to transmit gage readings from either nonrecording or recording gages.
2. Datum of Gage
A convenient and meaningful elevation datum should be selected for the station. The operating
datum for the station should be set below the water-stage elevation for zero flow. The operating
datum can be referenced to mean sea level. The datum should be permanent for the expected life
of the station and should be referenced to at least two or three other benchmarks that are
independent of the gaging structure.
3. Measurement Method
Two basic philosophies can be used to determine stage or gage height-direct and indirect. Direct
methods involve a measurement of the height from the liquid level to a datum line; an indirect
method infers the stage level from some other characteristic, such as the head read by a pressure
4. Nonrecording Gages
Two general types of nonrecording gages are in use: (1) staff gages, on which readings of stage
are made directly; and (2) chain, wire weight, float-type, and hook gages, with which
measurements are made from fixed points.
Staff gages may be either vertical or inclined. The inclined type should be carefully graduated
and accurately installed to ensure correct stage readings. Most permanent gages are enameled
steel plates bolted in sections to the staff. This kind of staff gage is shown on figure 8-4 in
chapter 8. Care should be taken to install the gages solidly to prevent errors caused by changes in
elevation of the supporting structure.
A chain gage is a substitute for the staff gage and consists of a horizontal scale and a chain that
passes over a pulley to attach to a hanging weight (figure 6-1). Chain gages may be mounted on
a bridge that spans (or any other structure that overhangs far enough) over the stream. Water
stage is indicated by raising or lower the weight until it just touches the water surface and
reading the position of the chain index mark on the horizontal scale.
Chain gages are affected by settling of the structure that supports them, changes in load on the
structure, temperature changes, and changes in length as the chain links wear. Wind may also
introduce errors by not allowing the weight to remain in a vertical position.
Figure 6-1 -- Chain gage.
The wire weight gage is a modification of the chain gage and uses a wire or small cable wound
on a reel. The reel is graduated, or a counter is used to give readings to tenths and hundredths of
a foot. A check bar of known elevation is often provided so that lowering the weight onto the bar
will produce a reading on the counter or reel, which can be compared with the reference
elevation. A wire weight gage is shown on figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2 -- Nonrecording wire and weight-type gage.
5. Recording Gages
Water-stage recorders consist of a group of instruments that produce a record of water surface
elevation with respect to time. The output can be analog (providing a graphical result) or digital
(punched paper tape or stored or transmitted values). Important advantages of recorders over
nonrecording staff gages are:
(1) In streams having daily fluctuations, continuous records provide the most accurate means of
determining the daily average gage height.
(2) Maximum and minimum stage are recorded, and the time they occurred can be noted.
(3) Records can be obtained at stations where observers are not always available.
(a) Analog-Graphical Recorders
In general, analog or graphical recorders consist of two main elements: a clock mechanism
actuated by a spring, weight, or electric motor and a gage height element actuated by a float,
cable or tape, and counterweight. Four basic types of recorders use these elements. Figure 6-3
shows a horizontal drum recorder, in which the clock positions the pen along the drum axis, and
the gage height element rotates the drum. This recorder is also available with a vertical drum.
Another type of recorder also has a vertical drum, but the time and height elements have been
reversed so that the clock mechanism rotates the drum.
Figure 6-3 -- Horizontal drum water-stage recorder. The time
element records parallel to the axis of the drum. (courtesy
Leupoild and Stevens Instruments, Inc.).
These types of recorders usually operate using 8-day, spring-driven clocks. Electrical drives
could also be used if a reliable source were readily available. The stylus, usually either a
capillary pen or a pencil of proper hardness, must be capable of operation for the full 8 days
without attention. To accommodate various water-stage differentials, ratios of water-stage
change to recorder-chart change are available from 1:1 to 10:1 and should be specified at the
time the recorder is ordered. The standard width of recorder paper is 10 inches (in), and all
recorders come equipped with metal covers.
The fourth type of graphic recorder is shown on figures 6-4 and 6-5. The time element,
consisting of a compensated, balanced, weight-driven clock, drives two parallel rolls, one of
which holds the supply paper. The paper unrolls from the supply roll at a uniform rate and with
constant tension and is taken up on the receiving roll. Speed of travel may be adjusted from 0.3
to 9.6 in per day on any standard instrument, and other chart speeds are available on special
order. The normal chart length is 75 feet (ft).
Figure 6-4 -- Continuous recording water-stage recorder with
cover raised. The time element rotates the rolls, and the height
element records parallel to the axis of the rolls. (courtesy
Leupoild and Stevens Instruments, Inc.).
Figure 6-5 -- Typical installation of a continuous water-stage
recorder in a wooden shelter.
The float activates a pen stylus which moves parallel to the axis of the rolls so that 1 in of travel
represents a change in water stage of 1 ft. The stylus is designed so that it can be accurately set
for gage height. The ratio of water surface change to stylus travel can also be adjusted to
accommodate small to large ranges of depth. The range of the recorder is limited only by the
length of the float cable because the stylus reverses direction at the point of maximum deflection.
Capacity of the ink reservoir is sufficient for the recorder to operate for 60 days or longer.
(b) Digital Recorders
Digital recorders used in water stage measurements usually include two types: punched-paper
tape (figure 6-6) and analog-to-digital data loggers. Both types are electrically operated (usually
by batteries) and record numbers either on the paper tape or in memory at selected time intervals.
Figure 6-6 -- Digital recorder.
Water stage is transmitted to the punched-paper tape recorder, usually through shaft rotation on a
float and pulley arrangement. Shaft rotation is converted by the recorder into coded punch-tape
records (figure 6-7). The code consists of four groups of four punches each. In each group, the
first punch represents "1"; the second, "2"; the third, "4"; and the fourth, "8." Thus, a
combination of 1, 2, or 3 appropriate punches in a given group represents digits from 1 to 9. A
blank (no punch) represents zero. Together, the four groups of punches represent all numbers
from 0 to 9999.
Figure 6-7 -- Digital recorder punched tape. (courtesy U.S.
Geological Survey).
Coding is done by either one or two identical disks that have raised ridges on the faces. Figure 6-
6 shows a digital recorder with only one disk, which produces 2-digit numbers ranging from 0 to
99. Two disks would be used if 3- or 4-digit numbers are required. The right-hand disk is
connected directly to the input shaft, and the left-hand disk is driven from the first disk by a 100-
to-1 worm-gear reducer. One-hundred revolutions of the input shaft and the first disk cause one
revolution of the second disk. A paper tape is moved upward through the punch assembly in the
center of the instrument. The punch block contains a row of 18 pins or punches-16 for
information and 2 for feeding the tape. At the selected intervals of time, the punch assembly is
pivoted on a shaft at the bottom, so the punch, paper, and pins are moved toward the disks. Those
pins that strike raised ridges on the disks are forced through the paper, punching neat round
holes. The pins that do not strike ridges do not punch holes. This record reflects the position of
the disks, which is proportional to the water stage, all as a function of time.
The mechanically punched tape is still widely used at this time (1996) and is considered very
practical for field use where temperature, moisture, and power conditions are widely variable.
Electronic translators can convert punched tape records into suitable input for digital computers.
The most recent advances have been in the area of data loggers. This group of electronic
instruments has evolved quickly over the last 10 years. Small, battery-operated, fully
programmable units offer many features in addition to data recording (figure 6-8). Some type of
transducer is required to sense the water stage with this type of recorder. Options range from a
pressure transducer sensing water level in a stilling well to a pressure transducer on a bubbler
system, to an angular transducer sensing shaft rotation on a float-driven system. In all cases, an
analog (voltage or current) output is sensed, digitally recorded, and stored by the data logger.
This type of system is perhaps best suited to the transmission of data via satellite or microwave,
providing a central control location with current water stage information. Remote sites are very
well suited to being powered by batteries which are charged through small solar cells. However,
vandalism of the solar panels can be a problem because they must be exposed. Concealing solar
panels in some way (such as in the top of a tree) can help.
Figure 6-8 -- Programmable battery operated recording unit.
6. Installation of Water-Stage Recorders
Important considerations in the installation of a water-stage recorder are the proper sizing and
installation of a stilling or float well (if used) and the establishment of the reference datum for
the site. The gage must be accessible at all times and substantially constructed for security and
reliability. The recorder should be protected from the environment. The reference datum should
be below the lowest stage of the stream or structure, and the instrument used to measure the stage
must have the capability to cover the full range of water surface changes.
7. Stilling Well Considerations
Head readings on staff gages attached directly to the inside channel walls are often only estimates
because of waves and turbulent fluctuations on the scale face. If the wall of a flume is relatively
thin, the flume channel is connected directly by an orifice through the wall shared by the flume
and stilling well to improve head reading. Separate or more remote wells are connected by pipes
through thicker walls and embankments. Thus, the average water surface outside the well is
translocated into the well, and the waves and fluctuations are dampened.
Polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and galvanized-iron pipes, sealed on the lower end with an
opening in the side, make excellent wells.
Some older stilling wells were made from tongue-and-groove creosoted lumber and worked
satisfactorily. Sewer pipe of suitable size with tightly sealed joints has also been used. On a
flume, stilling wells are often formed of the same material as the flume. Because the primary
purpose of the stilling well is to prevent oscillations of the float caused by surging water or wave
action, the well must be firmly anchored to prevent movements that could introduce oscillations
within the well.
Surges and wind waves of the outside water surface can be dampened by restricting the area of
an inlet port through a relatively thin wall to about 1/1,000 of the inside horizontal cross-
sectional area of the well. If the stilling well is served by a long connecting pipe, the diameter
should be increased to produce the same effective dampening. Thin wall port diameters are about
1/30 the diameter of the wells, and connecting pipeline diameters are about 1/20 the diameter of
the well. Thin wall port and connecting pipe diameters for different sized stilling wells for full
dampening are tabulated below:
Table 6-1. Stilling well dimensions for full dampening
Stilling well size
Thin through walls or
short inlet pipes
Diameter (in)
Connecting pipes 20 to 30
ft long diameter (in)
12-in diameter 1/2 1/2
16-in diameter 1/2 3/4
20-in diameter 5/8 3/4
24-in diameter 3/4 1
30-in diameter 1 1-1/2
36-in diameter 1-1/4 2
3- by 3-ft square 1-1/4 2
3- by 4-ft rectangular 1-1/2 3
4- by 5-ft rectangular 2 4
These table dimensions are used for connecting reservoirs and flumes where head remains
relatively steady during reading and lag time is unimportant.
Frequently, for actively changing discharge systems or very remote wells, connecting pipes must
be large enough to allow recorder floats to respond quickly and to follow the water level
changes. Usually, this pipe diameter is about 1/10 the diameter of the stilling well. Also, the
connecting pipe can be oversized, and a gate valve that has the same head loss for flow in both
directions can be provided for throttling. The gate valve allows throttling to the required amount
of dampening. However, the piping system from the inside wall of the flume channel to the
inside wall of the well must have the same form and friction losses for pulses of flow in both
directions. The gate valve must be located so that a distance of at least 20 pipe diameters exists
on both sides of the valve. The gate valve should be centered.
If required, the gate valve could be opened fully for cleaning or to closely follow continually
changing water level, or the valve could be throttled to prevent wide oscillation of ink pens. The
pipe connection to the stilling well wall and flow channel wall should be perpendicular and
carefully cut flush with the inside walls of the well and flume flow channel. Otherwise, the
translocated water surface elevation in the well can deviate considerably from the actual mean
elevation in the flume because of velocity impact and unbalanced head losses.
The size of the stilling well depends on the method used to measure the head. The diameter, if
circular shaped, could range from a recommended minimum size of 4 in for hand-inserted
dipsticks to 18 in to accommodate larger diameter floats. Wells may be much larger to provide
access for cleaning or to make the reading of wall attached staff gages at sight angles at least as
flat as 30 degrees. An overly steep sight angle will hinder accurate reading of water surface
elevation on the staff gradations. It is recommended that well walls have a 2-in clearance from
floats used with recorders. Weights should have adequate clearance from well walls.
A stilling well may need to house the float and recorder system or other surface detecting
equipment. The wells may need to be tall enough to provide convenient access to recorders for
reading, reference setting, and maintenance. The wells may need to be tall enough to keep
counterbalance weights from interfering with float movement.
Before making a measurement, the wells should be flushed with fresh water to be sure they are
free of sediment, foreign material, or blockages, which could cause erroneous head readings.
Recording equipment should be checked and serviced regularly. Cross checks should be made
between the staff gages, hook gages, plumb bobs, recorder values, and any other discharge
indicators to expose system errors. Thus, even when using stilling wells, staff gages should still
be used on the inside walls of flumes for cross checking. Further details on stilling wells can be
found in table 8.1 of chapter 8 (Bos et al., 1991; Brakensiek, 1979).
Figures 6-9 and 6-10 show designs of typical installations of a more permanent nature.
Installation cost is an important consideration in the selection of a structure. Shelters often
become attractive targets for firearms, so higher initial costs of permanent installations may be
offset by savings in undamaged equipment and complete records. Figure 6-11 shows a current
meter gaging station with cable, car, corrugated steel shelter house, and stilling well.
Figure 6-9 -- Stilling well and recorder house made of wood.
Figure 6-10 -- Plans for reinforced concrete recorder house
and stilling well.
Figure 6-11 -- Current-meter gaging station with cable car,
corrugated steel shelter house, and stilling well.
If a continuous record of water stage is required at a particular location, the cost of a concrete
gage house and stilling well is usually justified. Figure 6-12 shows plans for a typical concrete
structure used by the U.S. Geological Survey (Wahl et al., 1995). Considerable care must be used
in construction to minimize settling or cracking of the concrete.
Figure 6-12 -- Plans for smooth and corrugated steel pipe
recorder housing and stilling wells (sheet 1 of 2).
Figure 6-12 -- Plans for smooth and corrugated steel pipe
recorder housing and stilling wells (sheet 2of 2).
The intake pipes on most stilling wells require occasional cleaning, especially on streams and
canals carrying sediment. A flushing tank and pump cannot be justified on any but permanent
installations (figure 6-9). The tank is filled with a hand pump, and a sudden release of the tank
water will usually flush out the intake piping. For tightly clogged pipes or temporary or semi-
permanent stilling wells, a sewer rod or "snake" provides the most satisfactory means for
cleaning. The use of plugged crosses instead of tees and elbows in the piping system allows for
the easy insertion of the cleaning rods or "snakes."
8. Setting the Datum
Setting the zero or datum elevation is one of the most important tasks when setting up a gaging
station in a stream, river, or on a measurement structure. Care must be taken to ensure that the
datum is below the zero flow level and that it can be independently located from points outside
of the gaging structure. Datums are typically set using surveying techniques, often relating the
datum elevation to mean sea level. A staff gage is usually located nearby to verify that the gaging
station is operating correctly. Periodic checks on the datum elevation should be performed to
ensure that no movement or settling of the stilling well or structure has occurred.
Erroneous readings from a gaging station are many times directly related to the setting or shifting
of the datum.
9. Operation, Maintenance, and Care of Water-Stage Recorders
Standard procedures for operation of water-stage recorders should include verifying correct
operation of the type of recorder present, checking that water elevations inside and outside of the
stilling well match, inspecting and cleaning the intake pipe to the stilling well, and verifying that
clocks (if so equipped) are operating properly. Inspections at regular, short intervals are
generally required to keep breaks in data at a minimum. Persons installing and servicing water-
stage recorders should follow manufacturers' recommended instructions for that particular
instrument. These instructions should be placed conspicuously inside the instrument case or
Recorder enclosures should be well ventilated to prevent excessive humidity from affecting
operation. Moist air can be excluded from the recorder by a partition over the stilling well.
Instrumentation for detecting and correcting errors caused by high humidity is available if
Condensation within the recorder cover and metal shelters can be alleviated by gluing or
spraying a resistant coating (such as cork) inside of each. Silica gel can be used as a desiccator,
but it must be replaced occasionally or the moisture must be removed from the gel by heating in
an oven at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
The well and shelter must be maintained in good condition, the intake pipes must be kept open,
and the well must be protected from ice and drift. Freezing weather may require heating the well
with an electric heater or a cluster of lights. A layer of low-freezing-point, environmentally safe
oil in the float well equal to the greatest thickness of ice expected can also be effective. In the
past, oils such as kerosene or fuel oil were used; however, because of the possibility of the oil
spilling into the water supply, only nontoxic, environmentally safe oils should be considered for
this use.
10. Bibliography
Bos, M.G., J.A. Replogle, and A.J. Clemmens, 1991, Flow Measuring Flumes for Open Channel
Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1984, and American Society of Agricultural Engineers, New York,
Brakensiek, D.L., H.B. Osborn, and W.R. Rawls (coordinators/ editors), Field Manual for
Research in Agricultural Hydrology, Agricultural Handbook 224, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1979.
Buchanan, T.J., and W.P. Somers, "Stage Measurement at Gaging Stations," Chapter 10, Book 1,
Surface Water Techniques Series, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC, 1965.
Wahl, K.L., W.O. Thomas, Jr., and R.M. Hirsch, "The Stream-Gaging Program of the U.S.
Geological Survey," Circular 1123, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC, 1995.
1. Background
The weir is one of the oldest structures used to measure the flow of water in open channels.
Several rating equations were developed for standard rectangular contracted weirs by different
investigators. Generally, the data of each investigator are within +1.5 to +2.5 percent with
respect to their individual equations, but comparisons of the various equations differ as much as
several percent (King and Brater, 1976; Ackers et al., 1978).
In the past, user organizations selected an equation, called it standard, and specified construction
requirements and limitations of use. However, Kindsvater and Carter (1959) developed an
improved method for computing rates of flow through rectangular, thin-plate weirs. Their
method also applies to fully side suppressed, partially contracted, and fully contracted
rectangular weirs. Kulin and Compton (1975) discuss the method and equation for rating fully
contracted V-notch weirs with any angle between 25 degrees and 100 degrees. This method also
rates partially contracted 90-degree, V-notch weirs. Sections 6 and 7 give references and discuss
these improved rating methods in more detail.
The Kindsvater approach accounts for velocity of approach effects and the accompanying
variation of discharge coefficient caused by changes of effective width and head. This method is
preferred for calibrating or rating rectangular and triangular weirs. Also, this method will correct
for excess approach velocity in standard weirs. Thus, this newer approach will accurately
recalibrate some of the older weirs that are no longer operating as standard, as well as some that
never were standard.
The previous editions of this manual presented considerably less accurate methods to correct for
velocity of approach, all of which assumed that all the correction was accountable as a head
adjustment alone. The Kindsvater relationships clearly show the defect of this assumption.
Velocity of approach affects the effective crest length and the effective contraction coefficient, as
well as the effective measuring head, all of which are accounted for in the Kindsvater approach.
Thus, the older methods for correcting for velocity of approach are not contained in this edition
of the manual.
2. Definition of Weirs
A measuring weir is simply an overflow structure built perpendicular to an open channel axis to
measure the rate of flow of water. Inspecting and checking the critical parts of weir structures for
degradation and improper operation are easy.
A properly built and operated weir of a given shape has a unique depth of water at the measuring
station in the upstream pool for each discharge. Thus, weirs can be rated with respect to an
upstream head relative to the crest elevation versus discharge, and equations or tables which
apply to the particular shape and size weir can be generated. The crest overflow shape governs
how the discharge varies with head measurement.
3. Weir Nomenclature and Classification
The overflow section shape cut with a sharp upstream corner into a thin plate is the weir notch,
sometimes called the overflow section. If the notch plate is mounted on the supporting bulkhead
such that the water does not contact or cling to the downstream weir plate or supporting
bulkhead, but springs clear, the weir is a sharp-crested or thin-plate weir.
A weir in the form of a relatively long raised channel control crest section is a broad-crested
weir. The flow control section can have different shapes, such as triangular or circular. True
broad-crested weir flow occurs when upstream head above the crest is between the limits of
about 1/20 and 1/2 the crest length in the direction of flow. For example, a thick wall or a flat
stoplog can act like a sharp-crested weir when the approach head is large enough that the flow
springs from the upstream corner. If upstream head is small enough relative to the top profile
length, the stoplog can act like a broad-crested weir. Wide, flat, triangular weirs exist that have
wall sills with beveled corners. These short-crested weirs are in frequent use for hydrologic
watershed research. Section 14(f) discusses these weirs.
Weirs are commonly named by the shape of their blade overflow opening shape (figure 7-1) for
sharp-crested weirs or the flow control section shape for broad-crested weirs. Thus, weirs are
partially classified as rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, etc. In the case of sharp weirs, the
triangular weir is also called a V-notch weir, and one kind of trapezoidal weir is the Cipolletti
weir. In the case of rectangular or Cipolletti weirs, the bottom edge of the notch in the thin plate
is the crest, and the side edges (which are vertical or flare up and outward) are the sides or ends
(figure 7-1). The point of the triangle is the crest of a V-notch weir. The lowest elevation of the
overflow opening of the sharp-crested weirs or the control channel of broad-crested weirs is the
head measurement zero reference elevation.
Figure 7-1 -- Different kinds of sharp-crested weirs.
When the distances from the sides of the weir notch to the sides of the weir pool are greater than
two measurement heads, the water will flow relatively slowly along the bulkhead face toward the
overflow opening. As the water from the sides of the channel nears the notch, it accelerates and
has to turn to pass through the opening. This turning cannot occur instantaneously, so a curved
flow path or side contraction results in which the water springs free to form a jet narrower than
the overflow opening width.
Flow coming along the bottom of the weir pool and up a sufficiently high bulkhead and weir
plate springs upward and forward in the curved, underside jet surface or crest contraction. The
falling sheet of water springing from the weir plate is the nappe.
After passing the head measuring station or about a distance of two head measurements upstream
from the overflow opening, the water surface drops more and more as flow approaches the crest.
This continuing drop of water surface or drawdown results from the acceleration of the water as
it approaches the weir. The drop in water surface between the measuring station and the notch is
equal to the change of velocity head, or V
/2g, between these stations as explained in section 7
in chapter 2.
The term vertical contraction includes both crest contraction and drawdown at the weir plate.
When approach conditions allow full contractions at the ends and at the bottom, the weir is a
contracted weir. For full contraction, the ends of the weir should not be closer to the sides and
bottom of the approach channel than a specified distance.
Full side contractions on a thin-plate Cipolletti weir are shown on figure 7-2. If the specified
distances are not met, then the weir is partially contracted.
Figure 7-2 -- Cipolletti weir operating with full contractions at
the end and on the crest.
When sides of the flow channel act as the ends of a rectangular weir, no side contraction exists,
and the nappe does not contract from the width of the channel. This type of weir is a suppressed
weir and is shown on figures 7-1 and 7-3. To reproduce the full vertical rating, contraction of the
suppressed weir that existed during its calibration requires full air ventilation under the nappe
and the proper crest elevation.
Figure 7-3 -- Suppressed rectangular weir at a canal drop.
Velocity of approach is equal to the discharge divided by the flow section area at the head
measuring station. Velocity of approach is important because it can change weir calibrations by
effectively reducing the crest length and/or measuring head. In addition, a variable discharge
coefficient results as increasing velocity changes the curvature of flow springing from the weir
Free flow occurs when a thin-plate weir allows free access of air under the falling jet sheet or
nappe. With free flow, head measurements at one upstream location determine discharge with
knowledge of weir size and shape.
Downstream water rising above the weir crest elevation produces a submerged weir condition.
When the downstream water surface is near or above the crest elevation of a sharp-crested weir,
accuracy of measurement should not be expected. "Submerged flow correction methods" or
"submerged calibrations" only produce estimates of discharge.
The use of a submerged weir as a water measurement device is not good practice and should
only be done as a temporary, emergency procedure. Because of the large loss of accuracy,
designing thin-plate weirs for submergence should be deliberately avoided. However,
submergence may happen unexpectedly or may be temporarily necessary. In such cases, flow
can be estimated using special techniques discussed in Skogerbe et al. (1967), but not on a long-
term basis.
A weir discharge measurement consists of measuring depth or head relative to the crest at the
proper upstream location in the weir pool, and then using a table or equation for the specific kind
and size of weir to determine discharge. Commonly, a staff gage, described in chapter 6, having
a graduated scale with the zero placed at the same elevation as the weir crest, measures head.
Putting staff gages in stilling wells dampens wave disturbances when reading head. Using
vernier hook point gages in stilling wells produces much greater accuracy than staff gages. These
staff gages must be zero referenced to the weir crest elevation. Section 7 in chapter 8 provides
more information regarding measuring head and related errors.
4. Different Sharp or Thin-Plate Weir Types
The types of traditional fully contracted weirs commonly used and considered standard for
measuring irrigation water are:
Rectangular weirs
V-notch weirs from 25 degrees to 100 degrees
Cipolletti (trapezoidal) weirs
Common partially contracted weirs are:
Partially contracted rectangular weirs
Partially contracted 90-degree V-notch weirs
Equations for weirs determine discharge values used to produce tables for field use. However,
users and designers must pay due respect to specific limits such as calibration range, velocity of
approach, setting requirements, dimension tolerances, and operating techniques. A few weir
tables are extended by measured data outside of equation limits.
5. Conditions Needed for All Types of Sharp-Crested Weirs
Certain requirements are common to all sharp-crested weir measurement structures. Extensive
experiments on weirs and long-term experience show that the following conditions are necessary
for accurate measurement of flow (see also, Fig. 5-2):
(a) The upstream face of the weir plates and bulkhead should be plumb, smooth, and
normal to the axis of the channel.
(b) The entire crest should be level for rectangular and trapezoidal shapes, and the
bisector of V-notch angles should be plumb.
(c) The edges of the weir opening should be located in one plane, and the corners should
have proper specified angles.
(d) The top thickness of the crest and side plates should be between 0.03 and 0.08 inch
(e) All weir plates should have the same thickness for the entire boundary of the overflow
crest. If the plates are thicker than specified in condition (d), the plate edges shall be
reduced to the required thickness by chamfering the downstream edge of the crest and
sides to an angle of at least 45 degrees; 60 degrees is highly recommended for a V-notch
to help prevent water from clinging to the downstream face of the weir.
(f) The upstream edges of the weir opening plates must be straight and sharp. Edges of
plates require machining or filing perpendicular to the upstream face to remove burrs or
scratches and should not be smoothed off with abrasive cloth or paper. Avoid knife edges
because they are a safety hazard and damage easily.
(g) The bottom edge plates and fastener projection upstream should be located a distance
of at least two measuring heads from the crest. If not, the plates must be inset flush with
the upstream face of the supporting bulkhead, and the fasteners must be countersunk on
the upstream pool side. Upstream faces of the plates must be free of grease and oil.
(h) The overflow sheet or nappe should touch only the upstream faces of the crest and
side plates.
(i) Maximum downstream water surface level should be at least 0.2 foot (ft) below crest
elevation. However, when measuring close to the crest, frequent observations are
necessary to verify that the nappe is continually ventilated without waves periodically
filling the under nappe cavity.
(j) To prevent the nappe from clinging to the downstream face of the weir, the head
measurement should be greater than 0.2 ft. Conditions (d), (e), and (f) also help to
prevent clinging. If measurements must be made at heads approaching this value for
substantial periods, operators must ensure the head measuring system has commensurate
precision with respect to needed accuracy and must continually check for clinging.
(k) The measurement of head on the weir is the difference in elevation between the crest
and the water surface at a point located upstream from the weir a distance of at least four
times the maximum head on the crest.
(l) Keep the approach to the weir crest free of sediment deposits. All the approach flow
conditions as discussed in section 17 of chapter 2 of this manual apply.
Additional requirements and limitations specific to different types of weirs follow.
6. Partially and Fully Contracted Rectangular Weirs
Kindsvater and Carter (1959) developed an improved method for calibration rating of rectangular
thin-plate weirs. The method applies to both fully and partially contracted rectangular weirs. The
method also rates the equivalent of a suppressed weir. The capability of rating partially
contracted weirs provides design versatility, especially in selection of low crest heights to reduce
head drop and side contraction needed to measure flow. Thus, these weirs can reduce head loss
and conserve delivery head. These weirs have coefficients that vary with measuring head as well
as geometry. The resulting calibrations are at least as accurate as the equations and tables for
"standard" fully contracted weirs. Weir use and dimension limits are defined by the curves for
determining the calibration ratings.
The basic equation for the Kindsvater-Carter method is:
Q = C
Q = discharge, cubic feet per second (ft
e = a subscript denoting "effective"
= effective coefficient of discharge, ft
= L + k
= h
+ k
In these relationships:
= a correction factor to obtain effective weir length
L = measured length of weir crest
B = average width of approach channel, ft
= head measured above the weir crest, ft
= a correction factor with a value of 0.003 ft
The factor k
changes with different ratios of crest length, L, to average width of approach
channel, B. Values of k
for ratios of L/B from 0 to 1 are given on figure 7-4. The factor k
is a
constant value equal to 0.003 ft.
Figure 7-4 -- Value of width-adjustment factor from Georgia
Institute of Technology tests (courtesy of American Civil
Society of Engineers).
The effective coefficient of discharge, C
, includes effects of relative depth and relative width of
the approach channel. Thus, C
is a function of h
/p and L/B, and values of C
may be obtained
from the family of curves presented on figure 7-5. p is the vertical distance from the weir crest to
the approach pool invert.
Figure 7-5 -- Effective coefficient of discharge, C
, as a
function of L/B and h
/p, from Georgia Institute of
Technology tests (courtesy of American Civil Society of
The straight lines on figure 7-5 have the equation form:
= C
/p) + C
= effective coefficient of discharge
= equation coefficient
= head on the weir (ft)
p = height of crest above approach invert (ft)
= equation constant
For convenience, the coefficients and constants for straight lines of each L/B on figure 7-5 are
given in the following tabulation for interpolation:
Table 7-1. Coefficient and constants used in
determining the effective coefficient of discharge for
the Kindsvater-Carter method
The straightforward, comprehensive, and accurate Kindsvater-Carter method of determining
discharges for rectangular weirs is well suited for discharge rating use. It is particularly useful for
installations where full crest contractions or full end contractions are difficult to achieve.
Traditional rectangular weirs that do not meet crest height limits or that are using the older
methods of correcting for velocity of approach should be recalibrated using the Kindsvater-
Carter method. Weirs that fall out of the limits of the Kindsvater-Carter rating curves need
replacement or field calibration by thorough current metering.
Limits on usage and dimensions are:
The calibration relationships were developed with rectangular approach flow and head
measurement sections for these weirs. For applications with other flow section shapes,
the average width of the flow section for each h
is used as B to calculate discharges.
The crest length, L, should be at least 6 in.
The crest height, p, should be at least 4 in.
Like all weirs used for head measurement, h
should be at least 0.2 ft .
Values of h
/p should be less than 2.4.
All the requirements in section 5 apply.
The downstream water surface elevation should be at least 2 in below the crest.
All the approach flow conditions in chapter 2 apply .
7. V-Notch Weirs of Any Angle
The Kindsvater-Shen relationship can be used for fully contracted notches of any angle between
25 degrees and 100 degrees (Kulin and Compton, 1975). The equation which includes the angle
as a variable is written as:
Q = 4.28 C
tan (
) h
Q = discharge over weir in ft
= effective discharge coefficient
= head on the weir in ft
= h
+ k
= angle of V-notch
The head correction factor, k
, is a function of (figure 7-6a). However, for fully contracted
traditional 90-degree V-notch weirs, equation 7-6 and the rating table discussed later produce
comparable accuracy.
Figure 7-6a -- Head correction factor, k
, for V-notches of any
angle (courtesy of National Bureau of Standards, Kulin et al.
Figure 7-6b -- Effective coefficient, C
, for fully contracted
V-notches of any angle (courtesy of National Bureau of
Standards, Kulin et al. [1975]).
For fully contracted V-notch weirs, the value of k
is related to as given on figure 7-6a, and
values of C
are read from figure 7-6b. Partially contracted 90-degree V-notches only can be
rated using figure 7-7 to obtain C
values. The calibration relationships were developed with
rectangular approach flow and head measurement sections for these weirs. For applications with
other flow section shapes, the average width of the flow section for each h
is used as B to
determine coefficients.
Figure 7-7 -- Effective coefficient, C
, for partially contracted
90-degree V-notches (courtesy of National Bureau of
Standards, Kulin et al. [1975]).
Bos (1989) and International Organization for Standardization (1983) explain and define limits
basic to the use of these figures. Precautions and restrictions concerning the use of V-notch weirs
are as follows:
(a) V-notch weirs should not be designed beyond the range of the parameters plotted on
figures 7-6 and 7-7. Only the 90-degree V-notch weir can be made partially contracted
through the use of figure 7-7.
(b) The water surface downstream from the weir should always remain at least 0.2 ft
below the notch. Lower discharge readings should be rejected if the contraction is not
springing underneath for the entire nappe length.
(c) The measuring head should be greater than 0.2 ft because precision of head
measurement error is large relative to smaller head depths, and the nappe may cling to the
weir plate.
(d) For the fully contracted V-notch, the maximum measuring head should be less than
1.25 ft.
(e) For the partially contracted V-notch, the maximum head should be less than 2 ft.
(f) For fully contracted V-notches, the h
/B ratio should be equal to or less than 0.2.
(g) For the partially contracted 90-degree notch, h
/B should be equal to or less than 0.4.
(h) The average width of the approach channel, B, should always be greater than 3 ft for
the fully contracted V-notch.
(i) For the partially contracted 90-degree V-notch, the approach channel width should be
greater than 2 ft.
(j) The V-notch of the weir should always be located at least 1.5 ft above the invert of the
weir pool for fully contracted weirs.
(k) Only the 90-degree V-notch can be partially contracted, but the point of the notch
must be located at least 4 in from the channel invert.
(l) All the requirements in section 5 apply.
(m)All the approach flow conditions in chapter 2 apply.
8. Some Traditional Standard Irrigation Weirs
In the past, user organizations selected specific equations from a choice of many, called them
"standard," and specified requirements in construction and use to assure full contraction and
nearly constant coefficients. Thus, equations and tables for "standard" weirs have strict limits and
construction requirements, mainly in terms of the distance of the crest from the approach channel
boundaries. In contrast, weir discharge calculated using Kindsvater methods will account for
changes in velocity of approach caused by proximity of approach flow boundaries to crests.
Thus, a weir designed with the Kindsvater methods can measure and deliver flow with less head
loss than a similar "standard" weir mentioned above.
9. Standard Contracted Rectangular Weirs
The fully contracted rectangular weir (figure 7-1) is the most frequent standard weir used in
irrigation. To be fully contracted, all overflow plate sides and ends must be located at least a
distance of 2h
(two maximum measurement heads) from the approach flow boundaries. Head
is measured at a distance of at least 4h
from the weir.
(a) Discharge Equation for Standard Fully Contracted Rectangular Weirs
The Francis (1883) equation is convenient for weirs operating under favorable prescribed
conditions. The Francis equation is:
Q = 3.33h
) (7-4)
Q = discharge in ft
/s neglecting velocity of approach
L = the length of weir in ft
= head on the weir in ft
The Francis equation has a constant discharge coefficient which facilitates computations without
the use of tables. However, the coefficient does not remain constant for a ratio of head-to-crest
length greater than one-third, and the actual discharge exceeds that given by the equation.
Francis' experiments were made on comparatively long weirs, most of them with a 10-ft crest
and heads ranging from 0.4 ft to 1.6 ft. Thus, these equations apply particularly to such weirs.
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) experiments on 6in, 1ft, and 2-ft weirs on the Boise
Project in Idaho show that the equation also applies fairly well to shorter crest lengths, provided
the head of water on the weir is not greater than about one-third the length of the weir.
(b) Discharge of Standard Contracted Rectangular Weirs
Most of the discharges in tables A7-2 through A7-5
were calculated using equation 7-4.
The prefix A indicates that the tables(s) are located in the Appendix.
For most sizes of these weirs, the values of discharge in table A7-2 end when the measurement
head reaches one-third of the crest length, the limit of the equation. Reclamation, Boise Project,
calibrated weirs to extend the head range of contracted rectangular weirs. Their calibrations are
included in the table for the 6-in, 1-ft, and 2-ft crest lengths and are indicated by shaded entries
in the tables.
(c) Limits of Standard Fully Contracted Rectangular Weir
Equation 7-4 should not be used beyond the maximum discharges shown in table A7-2 or for
measuring heads greater than one-third the crest lengths. All the requirements in section 5 apply.
All the approach flow conditions in chapter 2 apply. The crest height, p, should be at least equal
to 2h
. The side contractions should also be located a distance of 2h
from the approach
channel boundary.
Head is measured upstream at a distance of at least 4h
from the weir crest. Should any of
these criteria be violated, discharge rating using the Kindsvater-Carter method is still possible.
10. Standard Suppressed Rectangular Weir
A standard suppressed rectangular weir has a horizontal crest that crosses the full channel width.
The elevation of the crest is high enough to assure full bottom crest contraction of the nappe. The
vertical sidewalls of the approach channel continue downstream past the weir plate, preventing
side contraction or lateral expansion of the overflow jet.
Special care must be taken with suppressed weirs to secure proper aeration beneath the
overflowing sheet at the crest. Aeration is usually accomplished by placing vents on both sides of
the weir box under the nappe (figure 7-8).
Figure 7-8 -- Section through suppressed weir with air vent in
Other conditions for accuracy of measurement for this type of weir are identical to those of the
contracted rectangular weir, except those relating to side contraction and the crest height. The
crest height should be equal to at least 3h
. A suppressed weir in a flume drop is illustrated on
figure 7-3.
(a) Equation for Standard Suppressed Rectangular Weirs With Full Bottom Contraction
The Francis equation for the standard suppressed rectangular weir (figure 7-1) is:
Q = 3.33 L h
The variables in this equation have the same significance as in the equations for contracted
rectangular weirs discussed in section 9. Francis obtained the coefficient of discharge from the
same general set of experiments as those stated for the contracted rectangular weir. No extensive
tests have been made to determine the applicability of these equations to weirs less than 4 ft in
length. Similar to the contracted rectangular weir, heads less than 0.2 ft do not give accurate flow
readings because the nappe of water going over the crest may not spring free of the crest. Also, at
smaller head depths, heads that are large, relative to precision of head measurement, cannot be
measured. The equation should not be used to compute discharges for heads less than 0.2 ft or
greater than one-third the crest length.
(b) Discharge of Standard Suppressed Rectangular Weirs
Table A7-3 contains discharges in cubic feet per second for full bottom contracted suppressed
rectangular weirs. These discharges were computed from the Francis equation for lengths and
heads commonly used in measuring small quantities of irrigation water.
(c) Limits of Standard Suppressed Rectangular Weirs
Equation 7-5 must not be used beyond the maximum discharges shown in table A7-3 or for
measuring heads greater than one-third the crest lengths. All the requirements in section 5 apply.
All the approach flow conditions in chapter 2 apply. The crest height, p, should be at least equal
to 3h
(three maximum heads). Head is measured at an upstream distance of at least 4h
from the weir. The sidewalls must extend at least a distance of 0.3h
down-stream from the
crest, and the overflow jet must be adequately ventilated to the atmosphere.
However, the Kindsvater-Carter method discussed in section 6 is ideally suited for use with
suppressed rectangular weirs. This method provides the capability of using partially bottom
contracted suppressed weirs and automatically corrects for velocity of approach. This method is
recommended for general use and is discussed in section 6. This method provides the
opportunity to conserve delivery head by using crest heights less than 3h
, within limits.
11. Fully Contracted Standard 90-Degree V-Notch Weir
The triangular or V-notch, thin-plate weir is an accurate flow measuring device particularly
suited for small flows.
(a) Traditional Equation for Standard 90-Degree Contracted V-Notch Weirs
The Cone equation is commonly used for 90degree V-notch weirs. This equation is reliable for
small, fully contracted weirs generally encountered in measuring water for irrigation.
The Cone equation is:
Q = 2.49 h
Q = discharge over weir in ft
= head on the weir in ft
(b) Discharge of 90-Degree Contracted V-Notch Weirs
Table A7-4 contains discharges in cubic feet per second for the standard 90-degree, fully
contracted V-notch weir (figure 7-1) from the Cone equation for a range of heads ordinarily used
in measuring small flows. To be fully contracted, all the overflow plate edges and the point of
the notch must be located at least a distance of 2h
from the approach flow boundaries.
(c) Limits of 90-Degree Contracted V-Notch Weirs
The crest of the weir consists of a thin plate beveled 45 degrees or greater from the vertical to
produce an edge no thicker than 0.08 in. If heads will be frequently near the 0.2-ft lower limit,
then the beveling should be 60 degrees. This weir operates as a fully contracted weir, and all
conditions for accuracy stated for the standard contracted rectangular weir apply. To be fully
contracted, all the overflow plate edges and the point of the notch must be located at least a
distance of two measuring heads from the approach flow boundaries. The head measuring station
is located a distance of at least four measuring heads upstream from the weir crest. This 90degree
V-notch weir should only be used for discharges between 0.05 and 4.25 ft
/s and should not be
used consistently near the high end of this range because a 2-ft fully contracted rectangular weir
will deliver the same flow at 40 percent less head for the same approach channel width. All the
requirements of section 5 apply. All the approach flow conditions in chapter 2 apply.
The use of the Kindsvater-Shen method for rating V-notched weirs can considerably extend the
limitations described above.
12. Cipolletti Weir
A standard Cipolletti weir is trapezoidal in shape. The crest and sides of the weir plate are placed
far enough from the bottom and sides of the approach channel to produce full contraction. The
sides incline outwardly at a slope of 1 horizontal to 4 vertical. A Cipolletti weir is shown on
figures 7-1 and 7-9.
Figure 7-9 -- Cipolletti weir with a well-type head-measuring
(a) Equation for Cipolletti Weirs
The Cipolletti weir is a contracted weir. However, its discharge calibration resembles that of a
suppressed weir because the effects of side contractions are intentionally compensated for by
sloping the sides of the weir plate outward. Thus, discharge calibrations are nearly equivalent to
suppressed weirs of the same crest lengths.
The Cipolletti equation, neglecting velocity of approach, is:
Q = 3.367 L h
L = length of weir crest in ft
= head on weir crest in ft
The accuracy of measurements obtained by use of Cipolletti weirs and the above equation is
considerably less than that obtainable with suppressed rectangular or V-notch weirs (Shen,
1959). The accuracy of the discharge coefficient is +5 percent.
(b) Discharge of Cipolletti Weirs
Table A7-5 contains discharges in cubic feet per second for standard Cipolletti weirs neglecting
velocity of approach, for heads and lengths of weirs generally used in measuring small quantities
of irrigation water. For the 0.5-ft, 1ft, 2-ft, and 3-ft weirs, and heads greater than one-third the
crest length, the discharges have been taken from experiments performed at the Boise Project.
All other discharges were computed from the Cipolletti equation. The data in the table may be
considered accurate to +5 percent for weirs of the above listed lengths. The same accuracy
applies to weirs of other lengths which are listed on the table with heads not over one-third the
crest length.
(c) Limits of Cipolletti Weirs
All conditions for accuracy stated for the standard contracted rectangular weir apply to the
Cipolletti weir. The height of the weir crest above the bottom of the approach channel should be
at least twice the maximum head over the crest, and the distances from the sides of the notch to
the sides of the channel should also be at least twice the maximum head. This weir should not be
used for heads less than about 0.2 ft or for heads greater than one-third the crest length unless
calibrations exist beyond this range for specific size weirs. The head is measured at least a
distance of four measuring heads upstream from the crest.
All the requirements in section 5 apply. All the approach flow conditions in chapter 2 apply.
13. Special Weirs
(a) Compound Weirs
Unusual situations may require special weirs. For example, a V-notch weir might easily handle
the normal range of discharges at a structure; but occasionally, much larger flows would require
a rectangular weir. A compound weir, consisting of a rectangular notch with a V-notch cut into
the center of the crest, might be used in this situation. A weir of this type is shown on figure 7-
Figure 7-10 -- Compound weir with 90-degree notch and
suppressed rectangular crest used by U.S. Forest Service.
The compound weir, as described, has a disadvantage. When the discharge begins to exceed the
capacity of the V-notch, thin sheets of water will begin to pass over the wide horizontal crests.
This overflow causes a discontinuity in the discharge curve (Bergmann, 1963). Therefore, the
size and elevation of the V-notch should be selected so that discharge measurements in the
transition range will be those of minimum importance.
Determining discharges over compound weirs has not been fully investigated either in the
laboratory or in the field. However, an equation has been developed on the basis of limited
laboratory tests on a 1-ft-deep, 90-degree V-notch cut into rectangular notches 2, 4, and 6 ft wide
to produce horizontal extensions of L=0, L=2, and L=4 ft, respectively (Bergmann, 1963). The
weirs were fully contracted, and heads up to 2.8 ft above the notch point were used. The equation
is as follows:
Q = 3.9h
1.5 + 3.3Lh
Q = discharge in ft
= head above the point of the V-notch in ft
L = combined length of the horizontal portions of the weir in ft
= head above the horizontal crest in ft
When h1 is 1 ft or less, the flow is confined to only the V-notch portion of the weir, and the
standard V-notch weir equation 7-6 is used.
Further testing is needed to confirm this equation before it is used for weirs beyond the sizes for
which it was developed.
(b) Short Weir Box Turnouts
A simple and inexpensive irrigation turnout structure regulates rate of flow and provides a
relatively quiet headwater pool in a short approach distance from canal pipe outlets into weir
boxes. These measurement structures overcome defects in approach conditions not accepted by
standard weir pools by using a combination of baffles and a shelf type gage stilling basin. This
concept was first developed on the Yakima Project in Washington using Cipolletti weirs. One of
the structures used for discharges up to about 1.5 ft
/s is shown on figure 7-11. This weir box
was used to measure flows where the head differences between the canal water surface and the
weir pool surface were as much as 4 ft. Discharges were determined by using the standard
Cipolletti weir calibration in table A7-5.
Figure 7-11 -- Weir box turnout with Cipolletti weir.
Simmons and Case (1954) and Palde (1972) studied this concept further to improve approach
flow velocity distribution, still the water surface at the gages, and increase discharge measuring
capacity, accuracy, and head differential between the supply canal head elevation and weir pool.
To achieve narrower box widths, suppressed rectangular weirs were installed for full size
laboratory tests. These tests developed system arrangements, box and weir dimensions, and
stilling baffle arrangements (figures 7-12c and 7-13) and calibrations for discharges up to 12 ft
and for canal and weir pool head differences up to 6 ft. Suppressed rectangular weirs 3 and 4 ft
long were used rather than Cipolletti weirs to simplify the structure and increase capacity.
To meet three different conditions likely to be encountered in the field, the three designs for 5.0-
/s maximum measuring capacity shown on figure 7-12 were prepared.
Figure 7-12a -- Standard designs for 5.0-ft
/s weir box turnout
(sheet 1 of 3).
Figure 7-12b -- Standard designs for 5.0-ft
/s weir box turnout
(sheet 2 of 3).
Figure 7-12c -- Standard designs for 5.0-ft
/s weir box turnout
(sheet 3 of 3).
Figure 7-13 -- Baffle arrangement and rating table for 12-ft
weir box turnout.
The type 1 turnout weir box (figure 7-12a) is placed immediately adjacent to the supply canal
with the turnout inlet recessed into the side of the canal. The type 2 turnout (figure 7-12a) is
placed farther from the canal. Maximum discharge for turnout types 1 and 2 is 5.0 ft
/s with a
maximum head drop between the canal water surface and the weir pool surface of 3.0 ft. The
type 3 (figure 7-12b) turnout is designed for 5.0 ft
/s with a head drop of up to 6.0 ft. Instead of
having the square bottom gate at the weir pool headwall, the gate is moved to the canal pipeline
Discharges through types 1 and 2 weir box turnouts are determined by measuring the weir pool
head, h
, on the weir gage provided just above the baffles and wave suppressor, measuring the
head drop, Y, using the weir gages both upstream and downstream from the gate, and using the
table of discharge on figure 7-12b. Both weir gages should be set at the same elevation.
Discharges through type 3 turnouts are determined by the single measurement of weir pool head,
, and the table of discharge on figure 7-12b, depending on maximum design discharge
measurement capacity.
The baffle arrangement and rating table for the 12-ft
/s maximum capacity weir box developed
by Palde (1972), shown on figure 7-13, incorporates a suppressed weir. This weir box is installed
in gate, pipe, and box configuration similar to the smaller discharge capacity weir box in the type
3 turnout using the dimensions and baffle arrangement shown on figure 7-12b, which also shows
the calibration chart.
All four designs are arranged to permit easy construction as in-place structures or as precast
units. All use reinforced concrete for the main box and headwalls and use separate, easily
replaced, wooden or metal baffle assemblies in the weir pool.
A space is left open at the upstream face of the baffle so any accumulations of weeds and debris
can be removed. Design and construction details for the 5- and 12-ft
/s weir boxes are given in
Aisenbrey et al. (1978).
(c) Broad-Crested Weirs
A broad-crested weir is a raised overflow crest, commonly a flat horizontal block. However, a
variety of crest shapes can be used to establish flow control in boundaries that are horizontal in
the direction of flow. Broad-crested weirs often have special approach transitions ahead of and
up to the crest surface, such as nose treatments like ramps and rounded corners. Crest length in
the direction of flow is generally long enough, relative to the measuring head, to make the effect
of flow curvature insignificant and short enough to prevent friction from controlling depths.
These weirs can be computer calibrated when flow curvature is insignificant.
Broad-crested weirs are about as accurate as sharp thin-plate
weirs and also have some advantages, such as:
Broad-crested weirs can be computer calibrated.
A broad-crested weir could be considered if rusting, impact, abrasion, etc., might cause
maintenance problems with a flat-plate weir.
Specially shaped weirs can be designed to fit more complicated channel cross sections
better, and the shape control section can be selected to provide special discharge ranging
and variation needs with respect to head.
Some forms of broad-crested weirs pass floating debris and sediment better than sharp
thin-plate weirs, especially those with round nose or ramp approach transitions.
Submergence does not affect broad-crested weirs up to about 80 percent with a vertical
downstream drop and up to about 90 percent with sloped downstream transitions.
No clear-cut classification distinction or hydraulic difference exists between broad-crested weirs
and long-throated flumes. Computer calibrations of broad-crested weirs use the principles and
theories that are used for long-throated flumes. Thus, broad-crested weirs such as flat crests
across trapezoidal and circular flow channels are covered in chapter 8.
(d) Movable Weirs and Adjustable Weirs
Movable weirs are weir assemblies mounted in metal or timber frames that can be moved from
one structure to another. The frames fit freely into slots provided in the structures and are not
fastened in place. Adjustable weir assemblies are mounted in metal frames permanently fastened
to the structures. The weir blades in both the movable and the fixed frames can be raised or
lowered to the desired elevations, usually by threaded stems with handwheels.
An adjustable weir used at a fixed frame location is shown on figure 7-14. A sufficiently large
pool must be provided upstream from the weir to slow and quiet the flow before it reaches and
overflows the weir blade. A fixed head gage is not recommended for flow measurement if the
weir is to be moved up or down because the gage zero will not coincide with the weir crest
Figure 7-14 -- Adjustable Cipolletti weir in a division box.
A form of a movable crest broad-crested weir is discussed in Bos (1984) and Bos et al. (1991).
This publication also shows how movable weirs can be arranged to provide shutoff and sediment
sluicing provided enough channel drop is available.
(e) Flow Measurement Using an Overshot Gate
Overshot gates (figure 7-15), or leaf gates as they are sometimes called, are increasingly used for
controlling water levels in open channels. This application is used partly because of the ability of
the gates to handle flow surges with limited depth changes and the ease with which operators can
understand their hydraulic behavior. With an overshot gate, a 6-in drop in the gate height
corresponds closely to a 6-in drop in upstream water level. The main purpose of most main canal
control gates is to maintain a constant water depth for turnouts located upstream. Thus, the
turnouts will deliver water at nearly constant flow rates regardless of the flow rate in the main
canal. If the water level in a main canal is constant, then turnout controls can be either weirs or
orifice-based gates, such as sluice or radial gates. Generally, weirs are able to control main canal
water surfaces more closely than orifice gates because the water level upstream varies with the
three-halves power of the head over the weir compared to the one-half power for orifices.
Figure 7-15 -- Sectional view of an overshot gate.
Although water level control is useful, operators also need to know the flow rate at each gate to
better operate systems. Wahlin and Replogle (1994) further developed the Kindsvater and Carter
(1959) calibration approach for a sloping leaf gate as a weir by modifying equation 7-1 with a
gate angle correction coefficient, C
, as follows:
Q = C
= correction factor for angle of the gate
= effective discharge coefficient for a vertical weir from figure 7-5 or equation 7-2
= effective crest length
= effective measurement head
An empirical plot (figure 7-16) for C
was determined from laboratory tests. For values of h
less than 1.0 and for gate angles between 16.2 degrees and 63.4 degrees, the relationship for C
Figure 7-16 -- Correction factor, C
, versus gate leaf angle, ,
for use in equation 7-9.
The angle, , is measured in the direction of the flow between the channel invert and the
underside of the gate leaf in degrees.
= 1.0333 + 0.003848 - 0.000045
These equations can determine the flow rate in the field of a properly ventilated free-flow leaf
gate to within about 6.4 percent. These equations were tested against hydraulic laboratory
modeling and field data. Eventually, with further testing, these authors expect to verify that their
derived submergence functions will provide submerged flow calibrations to within about 10
percent. This accuracy estimation for submerged flow rate does not include errors associated
with head measurement.
An example computation of free overshot discharge follows.
For a leaf gate that is 6.5 ft wide and 9.75 ft long, sloping at 40 degrees, mounted with the
hinge point about 3 in above the invert, and a measurement head, h
, of 3.25 ft, calculate the
free flow discharge.
The overfall edge of a leaf gate is in a region of no side contraction; therefore, the effective
discharge coefficient can be calculated assuming no side contractions of the weir. Thus,
figure 7-7 or equation 7-2 with a C
of 0.40 and C
of 3.22 are used to calculate a value for
the effective discharge coefficient, C
, as 3.42 at h
/p of 0.5.
Because no effects caused by side contractions were assumed, a value of -0.003 ft is assigned
to K
(figure 7-4). Kindsvater and Carter (1959) also recommend that a constant value of
0.003 ft be assigned to K
regardless of the flow rate or gate height. Thus, L
is 6.497 ft, and
is 3.253 ft.
Because h
/p is less than 1.00, and the gate angle is between 16.2 and 63.4 degrees, equation
7-8 can be used to determine that C
is 1.115. Then, equation 7-7 is used to calculate
discharge as below:
Q = (1.115)(3.42)(6.497)(3.253)
Q = 145.3 ft
(f) Short-Crested Triangular Weirs
The Soil Conservation Service, now the Natural Resources Conservation Service, (Brakensiek et
al., 1979) (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1962) developed a triangular short-crested weir
(referred to by some investigators as a triangular broad-crested weir) in the 1930's. The short-
crested triangular design was adopted to provide a precalibrated meter installation that is
economical, durable, and accurate over a wide flow range. The weirs are typically constructed
entirely of reinforced concrete. The standard dimensions of the weir crest are given on figure 7-
17. Triangular weirs with crest slopes of 2 to 1, 3 to 1, and 5 to 1 are standard. A concrete apron
is recommended downstream from the weir for a distance of two measuring heads to prevent
erosion. Water stage is measured relative to the weir V-notch at a location 10 ft upstream from
the centerline of the crest profile. The U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service recommends
the channel upstream from the weir be nearly straight and level for 50 ft. The weir notch must be
located a minimum of 0.5 ft above the upstream channel bed. Deposition of material immediately
upstream from the notch will cause flow measurement inaccuracies that are greatest at low
measuring heads. The side slope of the triangular weir should be selected based on natural
streambank topography. The weir must provide sufficient upstream ponding such that velocity
head at the stage measurement station can be neglected for the desired accuracy. The discharge
equation for a short-crested triangular weir is given on figure 7-17.
Figure 7-17 -- Discharge equation for short-crested triangular
weir (SCS Agriculture Handbook No. 244).
14. Velocity of Approach Corrections
If the traditional standard weirs need correction for excessive velocity of approach, then their
limits, as expressed in the previous sections, have been exceeded. Velocity cannot be effectively
corrected by adjusting head alone as done with older procedures. Recognizing this limitation is
probably the reason for the development of the Kindsvater equations and methods, which
account for velocity of approach caused by allowing partial contraction. Thus, Kindsvater
methods will directly recalibrate most rectangular and triangular weirs with excess approach
velocity. Correcting a Cipolletti weir reading is more difficult, and (1/4)h
must be added to the
crest length to approximate a rectangular overflow opening. Then, the Kindsvater-Carter
relationship is used to calculate discharge for both the fully contracted discharge case and the
partially contracted case, causing the excess velocity of approach to determine the correction
discharge ratio to apply to the Cipolletti table or equation value for discharge.
15. Weir Submergence
Accurate measurements of submerged sharp-crested weir discharges cannot be made because of
the spread of measured data when determining correction factors for drowned or submerged
weirs. Skogerboe et al. (1967) show plots of correction factor curves for several weirs with
actual data points plotted around them. The range of data spread of submergence corrected
discharge is "15 percent. Besides complicated hydraulics, submerged weirs also have the
problem of precision of head reading relative to head measurement. Despite the form of the
correction procedures, discharge is actually based on the difference of two heads.
These differential heads are small relative to the ability to measure head precisely. Therefore,
submergence correction procedures should be only a temporary emergency procedure to provide
estimates. The need for submergence correction should be eliminated directly by maintenance
and cleaning of weeds, sediment, and other debris from the downstream channel, changing
system operations, raising the crest, or installing another kind of measuring device since
correction estimates are only within +15 percent.
Flow cannot be estimated for submerged partially contracted Kindsvater-Carter and Kindsvater-
Shen calibrated weirs discussed in sections 6 and 7.
16. Weir Selection
If, after applying the concepts in chapter 4, the selection of a weir is indicated, discharge
capacity and range should be considered next. Each weir has characteristics suited for particular
operating conditions.
To conserve delivery head and reduce head loss, the rectangular and wide V-notch weirs rated by
Kindsvater methods should be selected. These weirs provide the capability to use shorter heights
from the approach channel invert to the crest. However, the downstream water surface should be
sufficiently below the crest to prevent the nappe from clinging to the blade and to provide proper
ventilation. If higher head through pipe outlets must be handled, then the short weir box can be
used to reduce concentrated velocities and measure the flow.
For higher accuracy, a rectangular weir or triangular weirs down to a 20-degree V-notch weir
should be used. Because the V-notch weir has no horizontal crest length, the head required for a
small flow through it is greater than that required with the other weir types. This greater head is
an advantage because nappes of smaller discharges will spring free of the crest. Nappe clinging
to the crest of any type of weir makes measurement inaccurate. Although sharp-crested Cipolletti
and rectangular weirs of 6-in crest length are sometimes used for measuring small flows, they are
not as accurate or as sensitive as the V-notch weir for such flows and are not recommended
where the V-notch weir can be used.
Cipolletti weirs have modified end contractions and have not been investigated experimentally as
thoroughly as the rectangular and V-notch weirs. However, they have been usefully adopted by
some water districts.
The range of flows to be measured by a weir usually can be estimated in advance. With this
range in mind, other factors should be considered in selecting type and size of weir. If regulation
is needed, then movable weir crests, including the overshot weir discussed in section 4, can be
The weir should be sized to prevent measuring at heads less than 0.2 ft to prevent surface tension
effect on discharge and to keep the nappe from clinging to the crest. Also, at smaller depths, gage
readings accurate enough to calculate reliable flow quantities are difficult to obtain.
Designing a weir for head as high as the allowable one-third of the crest length is not necessarily
a good practice because the higher head may require a larger stilling basin and riprap protection
A sill at the downstream end of the basin will help prevent bottom shear flow on the channel bed
downstream from the basin. Bos (1989) has discussion of designing basins for water
measurement structures and designing riprap with proper underbase material.
Chapter 4 has further information on weirs but may indicate selection of a device other than a
17. Sharp-Crested Weir Construction and Installation
Portable sharp-crested weirs may be used temporarily to provide approximate measurements of
small flows in earth channels, lined tunnels, etc. For small earthen channels, the weir may be
made from a piece of stiff sheet metal cut in the approximate shape of the cross section of the
channel, but somewhat larger with a carefully cut weir notch in the top edge. To set this weir, the
metal plate is forced firmly into the soft bottom and sides of the channel normal to the direction
of flow. The crest is then adjusted to a level position by tapping down the higher side. Portable
long-throated flumes can be used where head is insufficient for sharp-crested operation.
For larger channels and lined tunnels, a weir plate may be installed in a bulkhead that has been
sandbagged and sealed in place. The opening in the bulkhead for a weir notch should be cut
about 3 in longer than the crest length. This opening will allow insertion of metal crest plates to
form the sharp crest and sides of the weir. Some approximate measurements have been made
successfully with a combined weir and canvas dam. The bulkhead structure is used to fasten the
canvas and bulkhead, which form a dam when held in place across the canal section by piling
earth on the lower edge of the canvas.
For simple temporary weirs placed across channels, a flat-topped stake or post may be driven
into the bed of the weir pool until its top is at the same elevation as the weir crest. The stake
should be located in tranquil water close enough to the channel bank to be accessible. The depth
of the water over this post is the head on the crest.
Designing weir structures requires consideration of all the general limits in section 5 and the
limits specific to the type of weir crest selected. The approach flow conditions should be as
described in chapter 2. In the past, many organizations developed sets of weir box structures for
convenience. These weir sets commonly used standard weir equations for fully contracted weirs.
However, for economy of structure, these weir boxes skimped on crest height and side
contractions and used head-to-crest length ratios of 1 to 1. Some of these preselected weir boxes,
when compared with the improved Kindsvater relationships in section 6, indicated errors as high
as 20 percent. With today's computers, calculators, and the improved Kindsvater relationships,
economy of structure such as smaller structures and less head loss in certain cases can be
achieved without loss of accuracy. The only disadvantage is that generating tables is more
complex, but the task is easy with computers.
Frequently, suppressed weirs deliver much more water than operators think they have measured.
This inaccuracy happens when air vents are not installed, are fully or partially plugged, or are
undersized. Suppressed weirs must have proper ventilation of the cavity underneath their nappes.
This ventilation is commonly done by installing properly sized pipes in the walls to vent the
cavity under the nappe. Another way of providing air is to use the corner of an angle iron pointed
upstream in the nappe to spread the water, forming an open airway.
Standard equations and tables are valid only when sufficient ventilation is provided. The weir
will deliver more water than indicated by the tables and equations when ventilation is
This inaccuracy occurs because the nappe sheet seals with the sidewalls, and the falling jet
aspirates air from the cavity. The exiting flow carries the aerated water away, causing a negative
pressure under the nappe. The negative pressure and some jet backflow raise the water behind
the nappe sheet higher than the water exiting just downstream.
The height of pullup behind the nappe depends upon the drop, discharge, and crest length. The
height that the water is pulled up behind the nappe is an estimate of the discharge error. For
example, if the measuring head on a 3-ft suppressed weir is 1 ft, and the water behind the nappe
pulls up 0.3 ft because of air demand, the error of discharge measurement would be about +6.5
percent. If the water was only pulled up 0.1 ft, the error for the same weir and measuring head
would be +2.5 percent. However, some of the rise of water behind the nappe is due to backflow
from the falling jet.
The design of pipe size to introduce sufficient air depends on the discharge, drop, and the loss of
accuracy that is tolerable. Sizing air piping and air vents requires some knowledge of fluid
mechanics and is difficult to do. Bos (1989) gives the equations to compute the undernappe
pressure and a plot of discharge error versus under-nappe pressure for sizing air vents.
The weir structure should be set in a straight reach of the channel, perpendicular to the line of
flow. The weir crest must be level and the bulkhead plumb. Adequate cutoff walls well tamped
in place should be used on the weir structure to prevent undermining of the structure. The
average width of the approach channel should be set to approximately conform to the size of the
box for a distance of 10 to 20 ft upstream for the smaller structures and from 50 to 70 ft or more
for the largest structures.
The weir box may accumulate sand and silt to such an extent that discharge measurements will
be incorrect. For sluicing silt and sand deposits, an opening may be provided in the weir
bulkhead at the floor line beneath the weir notch. This sluiceway should be provided with a
suitable cover or gate to prevent leakage. If sediment is a severe problem, then sediment-
excluding vortex tubes that bypass bed load with a small continuous flow may be more desirable
than inaccuracies resulting from silt and sand.
18. Care of Weirs
The weir and weir pool should be kept free of weeds and trash. The weir pool should be cleaned
of sediment as it accumulates. Frequent trimming of the channel and cleaning of the weir box
structure or approach channel with shovel or scraper are necessary to maintain accurate flow
measurement. This cleaning should extend from the bulkhead to upstream past the head
measuring station. The invert of the pool must be kept low enough to maintain at least the
minimum distance below the crest of the weir. This minimum distance is twice the maximum
head on contracted weirs and three times the maximum head on suppressed weirs.
Frequent inspections should be made to determine whether leakage is occurring around the weir
structures and through any sluicing clean out gate or cover.
If leakage does occur, remedial action should be immediately followed with careful rechecking
to see that the weir is level and that its elevation corresponds to the zero elevation of the
measuring gage. In any case, the crest of the weir should be checked periodically to verify that it
is level and to verify correspondence to gage zero.
Care must be taken to avoid damaging the weir notch itself. Even small nicks and dents can
reduce the accuracy of an otherwise good weir installation. Any nicks or dents that do occur
should be carefully dressed with a fine-cut file or stone, stroking only in the plane of the
upstream face of the weir plates or the plane of the beveled surface of the weir plates. Under no
circumstances should any attempt be made to completely remove an imperfection, which will
result in a change to the shape of the weir opening. Instead, only those portions of the metal that
protrude above the normal surfaces should be removed.
19. Bibliography
Ackers, W.R., J.A. Perkins, and A.J.M. Harrison, Weirs and Flumes for Flow Measurement,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1978.
Aisenbrey, A.J., Jr., R.B. Hayes, H.J. Warren, D.L. Winsett, and R.B. Young, Design of Small
Canal Structures, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, 1978.
Bergmann, J.M., Compound Weir Study, Hydraulic Laboratory Report No. Hyd-505, Bureau of
Reclamation, April 5, 1963.
Bos, M.G. (ed.), Discharge Measurement Structures, International Institute for Land
Reclamation and Improvement, Publica-tion 20, third revised edition, Wageningen, The
Netherlands, 1989.
Brakensiek, D.L., H.B. Osborn, and W.R. Rawls (coordinators/editors), Field Manual for
Research in Agricultural Hydrology, Agricultural Handbook 224, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1979.
Francis, J.B., Lowell Hydraulics Experiments, D. Van Nostrand, fourth edition, New York, New
York, 1883.
International Organization for Standardization, "Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open
Channels," Handbook No. 15, Geneva, Switzerland, 1983.
King, H.W., and E.F. Brater, Handbook of Hydraulics, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1963.
Kindsvater, C.E., and R.W. Carter, "Discharge Characteristics of Rectangular Thin-Plate Weirs,"
Paper No. 3001, Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 124, 1959.
Kulin, G., and P.R. Compton, "A Guide to Methods and Standards for the Measurement of Water
Flow," Special Publication 421, National Bureau of Standards, 1975.
Palde, U.J., Hydraulic Laboratory Studies of a 4-Foot-Wide Weir Box Turnout Structure for
Irrigation Use, Report REC-ERC-72-31, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, September
Shen, J.A., "Preliminary Report on the Discharge Characteristics of Trapezoidal-Notch Thin-
Plate Weirs," U.S. Geological Survey, July 1959.
Simmons, W.P., and W.D. Case, Hydraulic Model Studies of Small Weir Box Turnout Structures
for General Irrigation Use, Hydraulic Laboratory Report No. Hyd-396, Bureau of Reclamation,
Denver, Colorado, October 21, 1954.
Skogerboe, G.V., L.M. Hyatt, and K.O. Eggleston, "Design and Calibration of Submerged Open
Channel Flow Measurement Structures, Part 4-Weirs," Report WG31-5, Utah State University,
May 1967.
Wahlin, B.T., and J.A. Replogle, Flow Measurement Using an Overshot Gate, published for
Reclamation by UMA, Inc., 1994.
1. General
Flumes are shaped, open-channel flow sections that force flow to accelerate. Acceleration is
produced by converging the sidewalls, raising the bottom, or a combination of both. When only
the bottom is raised with no side contractions, the flume is commonly called a broad-crested
weir. When the downstream depth is shallow and enough convergence exists between the
upstream and downstream channels, the flow passes through critical depth. Therefore, flumes are
sometimes called critical-depth flumes. When flow passes through critical depth, a unique water
surface profile occurs within the flume or broad-crested weir for each discharge. This condition
is known as free flow. For this case, upstream heads at one location relative to the control bottom
elevation near the region of critical depth can be used to determine a usable head versus
discharge relationship for flow measurement.
Flumes range in size from very small-1 inch (in) wide-to large structures over 50 feet (ft) wide
that are installed in ditches, laterals, and large canals to measure flow. These flumes cover a
corresponding discharge range of 0.03 to over 3,000 cubic feet per second (ft
/s) although no
particular upper size limit exists. Commonly, irrigation channels are designed to operate at near
bank full to extend delivery coverage and, when the landscape is flat, to minimize earthwork
involved in bank height construction. Therefore, some flumes have been calibrated for the
condition when the critical depth has been nearly drowned by downstream backwater either
purposely or by later increase of downstream flow resistance. To measure discharge with high
levels of submergence, two head measurements are required, which results in significant loss of
accuracy compared to free-flow measurements.
Flume head loss is less than about one-fourth of that needed to operate a sharp-crested weir
having the same control width, and in some long-throated flumes, may be as low as one-tenth.
Another advantage compared to most standard weirs is that for a properly designed and installed
flume, the velocity of approach is a part of the calibration equations. Unauthorized altering of the
dimensions of constructed flumes to obtain an unfair share of water is difficult and, therefore, not
likely. Velocity of flow can usually be designed to minimize sediment deposition within the
structure. Gradual convergence sections at the entrance tend to improve velocity distribution of
approach flow and the passage of floating debris. Some flumes can be more expensive than
sharp-crested weirs or submerged orifices in unlined channels.
2. Flume Classes
Many kinds of flumes are in use. The two basic classes or forms of flumes are discussed below.
(a) Long-Throated Flumes
Long-throated flumes (figure 8-1) control discharge rate in a throat that is long enough to cause
nearly parallel flow lines in the region of flow control. Parallel flow allows these flumes to be
accurately rated by analysis using fluid flow concepts. The energy principle, critical depth
relationships, and boundary layer theory are combined to rate flumes and broad-crested weirs by
Ackers et al. (1978) and Bos et al. (1991). Thus, the long-throated flumes and modified broad-
crested weirs are amenable to computer calibrations.
Long-throated flumes can have nearly any desired cross-sectional shape and can be custom fitted
into most canal-site geometries. The modified broad-crested weirs (Replogle, 1975; Bos et al.,
1991), also called ramp flumes (Dodge, 1983), are styles of long-throated flumes.
(a) Long-throated flume (broad-crested weir) under
(b) The long-throated flume (broad-crested weir) with
approximatly 1,200 ft3/s.
Figure 8-1 -- Large long-throated flume for left to right flow
in Arizona canal (courtesy of U.S. Water Conservation
Laboratory, Phoenix, Arizona).
(b) Short-Throated Flumes
Short-throated flumes are considered short because they control flow in a region that produces
curvilinear flow. Although they may be termed short throated, the overall specified length of the
finished structure, including transitions, may be relatively long. The Parshall flume is the most
common example of this type of flume (figure 8-2). These flumes would require detailed and
accurate knowledge of the individual streamline curvatures for calculated ratings, which is
usually considered impractical. Thus, calibrations for short-throated flumes are determined
empirically by comparison with other more precise and accurate water measuring systems.
Figure 8-2 -- Four-foot, short-form Parshall flume,
discharging 62 ft
/s under free-flow conditions. Scour
Protection is needed for this much drop.
3. Other Special Flumes
Many flumes have been designed for organizational preferences and special uses. Many of these
are considered short-form flumes. Some examples are shown on figure 8-3, and some are briefly
discussed in this section.
Figure 8-3 -- Some typical flumes.
(a) H-Flumes
H-flumes, developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (former known as the Soil
Conservation Service) (Brakensiek, et al., 1979; Kulin et al., 1975), are made of simple
trapezoidal flat surfaces. These surfaces are placed to form vertical converging sidewalls. The
downstream edges of the trapezoidal sides slope upward toward the upstream approach, forming
a notch that gets progressively wider with distance from the bottom. These flumes should not be
submerged more than 30 percent. This group of flumes, including H-flumes, HS-flumes, and the
HL-flumes (Brakensiek et al., 1979; Gwinn and Parsons, 1976) have been used mostly on small
agricultural watersheds and have not found extensive use in irrigation flow measurements.
(b) Cutthroat Flumes
Cutthroat flumes are so named because they resemble Parshall flumes with the throat "cut out."
They are formed by directly connecting a 6:1 converging section to a similar diverging section.
Thus, they consist of a converging level inlet section with vertical sidewalls and a diverging level
outlet section also with vertical sidewalls. They do not have any parallel walls
forming a straight throat (Skogerboe et al., 1973) and, thus, belong to a class of throatless
flumes. The converging and diverging walls do not necessarily match those of other flumes in
either converging or diverging slope or length. The primary objective of their development was
construction simplicity compared to Parshall flumes.
However, the prescribed head measuring location, which may be in a zone of separation, and
conditions of the upstream channel in which it is placed, along with variable conditions of the
sharp connection of the convergence and the divergence, have caused considerable variability in
calibrations. Because of these complexities in hydraulic behavior, several authors do not
recommend their use (Ackers et al., 1978; Bos, 1989).
(c) Palmer-Bowles Flumes
Palmer-Bowles flumes (Wells and Gotaas, 1958) are frequently made as inserts with circular
bottoms that conveniently fit into U-shaped channels or partially full pipes. These flumes make a
transition from a circular bottom section to a raised trapezoidal throat and transition back to a
circular bottom section. These flumes are of the long-throated type and can be calibrated by
theoretical analysis.
(d) Flat-Bottomed Trapezoidal Flumes
Flat-bottomed trapezoidal short-form flumes were first developed to be placed in canals and to
conform more closely to usual small canal shapes (Robinson and Chamberlain, 1960). Therefore,
if possible, the cross section of the canal and the start of the converging portion of the flume
should match. They were designed to set flush with respect to the bottom of the incoming
channels in an effort to assist sediment movement and allow the canal to drain dry between uses.
Although the latter objective was achieved, the authors did not establish whether sediment
movement was a function of upstream velocity or floor configuration.
Although these early versions were laboratory calibrated, more recently, they were found to
conform to the analysis procedures for long-throated flumes for heads less than about 50 percent
of maximum. For higher depths, their throats become too short for precise long-throated flume
analysis, and the laboratory ratings should be used. Except for those already in existence, and for
which the user may need calibrations, these flumes are generally being replaced with versions
having longer throats, making them long-throated flumes that can be calibrated by analysis.
(e) Special Flumes for Passing Sediment
Where sediment is a major problem, special flume types have been designed to obtain flow
measurements in these adverse conditions. Included in these devices are the trapezoidal
supercritical-flow flume, the Walnut Gulch flume, and the San Dimas flumes which slope in the
direction of flow (Brakensiek et al., 1979). These flumes are considered to be a class of
supercritical flumes. Usually, they are characterized as requiring extensive head drop to operate
and find limited application in irrigation.
4. Submergence
All flumes have a minimum needed head loss to assure that free flow exists and that only an
upstream head measurement is needed to determine discharge rate. This required head loss is
usually expressed as a submergence limit defined by the ratio of the downstream head to the
upstream head, both referenced to the flume throat bottom. The term "modular limit" is defined
as this limiting submergence ratio for a particular flow module, which causes no more than a 1-
percent deviation in the upstream head reading for a given discharge. When these limits are
exceeded, an additional downstream head measurement is sometimes used to extend the
measurement range of a flume, particularly for Parshall and cutthroat flumes, but at considerable
loss of accuracy. Submergence also increases upstream channel depth, decreasing the upstream
velocity, which may aggravate sedimentation problems.
Long-throated flumes can tolerate high submergence in some cases. Trying to extend their
measurement range with a downstream head measurement is not recommended. They can be
designed to have submergence limits (modular limits) ranging from 65 to 95 percent, depending
on discharge rate, shape, and exit channel energy conditions. For example, a flume discharging
into a channel that is similar in size and shape to the approach channel can have submergence
limits that calculate to exceed 82 to 95 percent for minimum to maximum flow rate, provided an
expansion section is used, and from about 72 to 93 percent without an expansion section. The
same flume, when discharging into a lake, may have submergence limits of only 65 to 80
percent, decreasing further to about 60 to 70 percent if there is no expansion section. Thus, some
knowledge of the installation site is needed before a required head loss can be assigned.
Visual determination of limiting submergence for most flumes can be difficult. However, for
long-throated flumes, this condition is relatively easy to recognize. Several references offer
guidelines in terms of standing diagonal wave locations to aid visual determination of flow
submergence (Bos et al., 1991; Clemmens et al., 1993). In general, if the downstream hydraulic
jump causes a frothy wave line across the channel that is at or beyond the end of the contracted
throat section, the flume has not reached its limiting submergence-the modular limit. If the wave
is on the throat, or no wave is visible, the flume is beyond its submergence limit, and the
measurement would be invalid.
For long-throated flumes, painting lines projecting up the channel walls to denote the
downstream end of the crest to aid visual distinction is suggested (Bos et al., 1991). Distinction
in terms of wave location in Parshall flumes is not so clear. In the absence of visual observation
in any of the flumes, automatic recording operations may need a second downstream head
measurement if the opportunity for excessive backwater exists. This measurement would warn of
invalid data.
Some states have laws that require Parshall flumes by name for certain situations. Past designs
for Parshall flumes tended to overuse submergence for economic savings with the only caveat
that submergence should not exceed 95 percent. However, today, designing for this level of
submergence is not considered good practice in view of accuracy loss and a hysteresis
discontinuity in the submergence correction function described in the section on Parshall flumes
in this chapter.
5. Site Characteristics Related to Locating, Selecting, and Setting Flumes
Proper location of the flume is important from the standpoint of accuracy and ease of operation.
For convenience, the flume should be located near the diversion point and near the regulating
gates used to control the discharge. Flumes should be readily accessible by vehicle for both
installation and maintenance purposes. All structures for measuring or regulating the rate of flow
should be located in a channel reach where an accurate head can be measured. The survey of a
channel to find a suitable location for a structure should also provide information on a number of
relevant factors that influence the performance of a future structure.
(a) Approach Conditions
Flumes should not be installed too close to turbulent flow, surging or unbalanced flow, or a
poorly distributed velocity pattern. Poor flow conditions in the area just upstream from the
measuring device can cause large discharge indication errors. In general, the approaching flow
should be tranquil. Tranquil flow is defined as fully developed flow in long straight channels
with mild slopes, free of curves, projections, and waves.
Studies of approach requirements for closed conduits have led to the acceptance of 10 diameters
of straight pipe as sufficient for pipe meters claiming to be accurate to within 0.5 to 1 percent. By
the usual hydraulic analogy, open channel flow would require 40 times the hydraulic radius of
straight, unobstructed approach channel. The hydraulic radius is the area of flow section divided
by the wetted perimeter, which becomes d/4 for full pipes; hence, the suggested 40 times
hydraulic radius approach distance. These requirements can probably be relaxed because open
channel measuring flumes claim accuracy to a wider margin of 2 to 5 percent. However, for a
rectangular channel that is twice as wide as it is deep, 40 times the hydraulic radius is
numerically equal to 10 top widths.
Bos et al. (1991) gives approach length requirements stated in various terms of flow depths, head
readings, and widths as follows:
(1) If the control width is greater than 50 percent of the approach channel, then 10
average approach flow widths of straight unobstructed approach are required.
(2) If the control width is less than 50 percent, then 20 control widths of straight
unobstructed approach are required.
(3) If upstream flow exceeds critical velocity, a jump should be forced to occur. In this
case, 30 measuring heads of straight unobstructed approach after the jump is completed
should be provided.
(4) If baffles are used to correct and smooth approach flow, then 10 measuring heads
should be placed between the baffles and the measuring station.
Approach velocities less than 1 foot per second (ft/s) encourage aquatic pests, insects, and
sediment deposition, so the approach velocity should exceed 1 ft/s if at all practical. To prevent
wave interference of head measurement, the Froude number of the approaching channel flow
should be less than 0.5 for the full range of anticipated discharges and should not be exceeded
over a distance of at least 30 times the measurement head before the structure.
It is recommended that a check be made of the approach velocity condition by current meter
measurements, especially when using baffles. In any case, approach condition should be verified
visually. Visual inspection should be made for obvious boils and backflows and unstable surface
(b) Channel Flow Characteristics and Operational Needs
For accurate measurements, sufficient head loss must be created to obtain a unique discharge
versus head relationship. This relationship assures that submergence limits have not been
exceeded and modular flow exists. To prevent submergence altogether or to assure that excessive
submergence does not occur, the designer needs to know whether the downstream water surface
elevation relationships are consistent and do not change with season or whether they are
influenced by operation of gates, reservoir operation, or other laterals. The channel water levels
greatly influence the sill height necessary to keep the downstream water surface below the
submergence limit, thus obtaining modular flow for the needed discharge range.
The amount of downstream flow resistance and, hence, the water surface elevation, is likely to
vary with sediment deposits, debris, canal checking operations, vegetative growth, and aging.
For a new design, careful assessment of friction, including the effects of relative roughness, is
required. A thorough appraisal of needed canal operations is required to determine the frequency
of measuring different discharges, including the normal design flow and the maximum design
To select or design an appropriate flume for installation in an existing channel, full advantage
should be taken of making field measurements at different discharges to obtain thorough
knowledge of channel performance at the site. After tentatively selecting the flume location,
information should be obtained on the maximum and minimum flows to be measured, the
corresponding flow depths, the maximum velocity, and the dimensions of the channel at the site.
These measurements should include channel widths, side slopes, depths, and the height of the
upstream banks with special attention to their ability to contain the increased depth caused by the
flume installation.
(c) Erosion And Scour
Ideally, the selected channel reach should have a stable bottom elevation. In some channel
reaches, sedimentation occurs in dry seasons or periods. These sediments may be eroded again
during the wet season. Sedimentation may change approach velocity or may even bury the
structure, and the erosion may undercut the foundation of the structure.
Based on the channel water levels and the required sill height, in combination with the discharge
versus head relationship of the structure, ponding at the upstream structure should be assessed.
Excessive ponding commonly causes sedimentation difficulties because of the subsequent
reduction in the approach flow velocities. To avoid upstream sedimentation, the sill height plus
the measuring head should be about the same as for the approach channel over as much of the
discharge measuring range as practical. This arrangement will help reduce sedimentation
upstream from the structure.
The required drop may exceed the capacity of soil lined channels to resist scour, and foundations
may scour. Thus, rock armoring may be needed to prevent undermining. For more details on
sediment handling, see Bos (1989) or Bos et al. (1991).
6. Workmanship
Flumes require accurate workmanship for satisfactory performance. Short flumes will provide
reasonably accurate flow measurements if the standard dimensions are attained during
construction. For accurate flow measurement, the flow surfaces must be correctly set or placed at
the proper elevation, the crest must be properly leveled, and the walls must be properly plumbed.
Although long-throated flumes can be computer recalibrated using as-built dimensions to correct
for moderate form slipping or errors of construction, correcting for throat-section slope in the
direction of flow is not always satisfactory. In any case, adequate care during construction is
preferable. The modified broad-crested weir flume has only one critical flow surface, and it is
Flumes should be set on a solid, watertight foundation to prevent leakage around and beneath the
flume and prevent settlement or heaving. Collars or antiseep walls should be attached to either or
both the upstream and downstream flanges of the flume and should extend well out into the
channel banks and bottom to prevent bypass flow and foundation settlement caused by erosion.
A stable foundation without significant settling or leakage must be secured at reasonable costs.
The flumes can be built of wood, concrete, galvanized sheet metal, or other materials. Large
flumes are usually constructed on the site, but smaller flumes may be purchased as complete
flumes and placed in one piece. Others are provided in bolt-together pieces which are assembled
onsite. Some of these flumes are made of lightweight materials, which are then made rigid and
immobile by careful earth backfill or by placing concrete outside of the walls and beneath the
When making a number of relatively small concrete flumes of the same size, use of portable and
knockdown reusable forms is economical and practical. These forms require high quality design
and workmanship.
Good construction practice should be used in placing footings, setting the forms, and pouring and
tamping wall concrete to provide smooth surface finishes. Accuracy of the short flumes depends
on correct flume dimensions, proper setting, and proper use. As flume size decreases, the
influence of a small dimensional error becomes more prominent, and the importance of this care
7. Head Measurements
The head is usually sensed either in the channel itself or in a stilling well located to one side of
the channel. The stilling well is connected by a small pipe to the channel. Many methods can be
used to detect the water surface in a stilling well or in the flume channel. Some methods exploit
the electrical conductance of water and capacitance of immersed insulated wires. Sonic sensors
depend on timing sound pulses reflected from the water surface. Measurement heads can also be
determined with a variety of pressure sensing devices. The most frequently used methods are
wall-mounted staff gages in the entrance section of the flume or in a stilling well or float-
operated recorders placed in a stilling well.
(a) Location for Head Measurement
The measuring station for short-form flumes must be installed as specified to match closely the
location used when the flume was empirically calibrated. For example, the measuring station of a
Parshall flume is in the convergence water surface drawdown. For long-throated measurement
structures, the gaging or head-measuring station should be located sufficiently far upstream to
avoid detectable water surface drawdown, but close enough for the energy losses between the
gaging station and approach section to be negligible. This placement is particularly critical if the
ratings are based on coefficient values in a discharge equation as discussed in Bos (1989). In the
computer derived ratings, drawdown and friction losses caused by the gage location are an
integral part of the calculation. Therefore, the gage should be located as indicated in the pre-
computed long-throated structure design and selected tables.
(b) Selection of Head-Measurement Device
The success or failure of the structure and the value of the collected data depend closely on the
proper selection of a suitable head measurement device. The three most important factors that
influence this selection are: (1) frequency of discharge measurement, (2) allowable error in the
head detection, and (3) type of measurement structure under consideration.
The usual expected reading errors in the sill-referenced head are listed in table 8-1 for some
common head measurement devices. The listed errors are higher than the expected random
errors, partly to compensate for the effects of several systematic errors, such as zero-setting,
instrument lag, reading error, temperature, and stilling well leakage. If no device with sufficient
accuracy is found from this procedure, two choices are available: (1) allow greater error in
the measured discharge for the minimum required head loss or (2) redesign the structure with a
narrower bottom width, resulting in a higher value of minimum measurement head.
(c) Staff Gages
Periodic readings on a calibrated staff gage may serve adequately when continuous information
on the flow rate is not required. Examples are canals where the flow changes are gradual. The
gage should be placed so that the water level can be read from the canal bank. The gage should
be easy to clean.
Table 8-1. Common reading errors in flat crest reference head as detected by
various devices
Reading error h
, ft
If head detection is in
Open channel Stilling well
Point gage Not applicable 0.0015
Commonly used for
Dipstick Not applicable 0.003
Good for research/field
Staff gage
> 0.050
= 0.2
= 0.5
Pressure bulb +
0.066 Not required
Suitable for temporary
installations (Error = +2%
Bubble gage +
0.033 Not required
Stilling well is not
required but can be used
Not applicable 0.016 Stilling well is required
Float totalizer
attached to recorder
- -
Some additional random
and systematic error is
For concrete-lined canals, the gage can be mounted directly on the canal wall. The value for
measuring head on the sloping walls of trapezoidal-shaped canals must be appropriately
converted to vertical head values before entering the discharge tables. These tables are usually
made for stilling well use or vertical gage applications. The sloping gage can be marked to read
direct values or equivalent values of vertical head. Sometimes, sloping staffs are marked to
display discharge directly, but the discharge gradations are not equally spaced. The gage may be
mounted onto a vertical support for unlined canals.
Most permanent gages are enameled steel, cast aluminum, or some type of plastic resin.
Enameled linear scales marked in metric or English units are available from commercial sources.
An example staff gage is shown on figure 8-4. Important flow rates can be noted on these scales
by separate markings, allowing convenient adjustment of control gates to desired discharges
without requiring tables. For convenience, the gages can be marked directly in discharge units
rather than in measuring head units.
Figure 8-4 -- Typical staff gage for measuring head or water
(d) Stilling Wells
For accurate discharge measurements, the effective head in flumes, accurately referenced to a
known elevation in the flume, must be measured. Head readings on staff gages attached directly
to the inside channel walls may be only estimates because of waves and turbulent fluctuations on
the scale face. Thus, stilling wells are connected by holes and pipes to the body of water at the
measuring station to translocate head and dampen water surface fluctuations by throttling, which
increases head measurement accuracy.
The pipe connecting the stilling well to the flume/canal should be large enough to allow the
stilling well to respond quickly to water level changes. Usually, this pipe diameter is about one-
tenth the diameter of the stilling well. However, special cases may require more dampening
using smaller connecting pipe diameters.
The pipe connection to the stilling well should be perpendicular and carefully cut flush with both
the canal and the stilling well walls. Otherwise, the translocated water surface elevation in the
well can deviate considerably from the actual elevation in the flume because of flow velocity
impact or aspiration.
Connections that are not flush and/or have rough edges have different head losses depending on
direction of flow in the connecting piping. This causes buildup or reduction of head in stilling
wells compared to the actual head in the measurement device.
The size of the stilling well depends on the method used to measure the head. The diameter, if
circular shaped, ranges from a recommended minimum size of 4 in for hand-inserted dipsticks to
18 in to accommodate larger diameter floats. Wells may be much larger to provide access for
cleaning or to make the reading of wall attached staff gages at sight angles at least as flat as 30
degrees. It is recommended that well walls have a 2-in clearance from floats and weights used
with recorders.
A stilling well may need to house the float and recorder system or other surface detecting
equipment. The wells may need to be tall enough to provide convenient access to recorders for
reference setting and maintenance. The wells may also need to be tall enough to keep
counterbalance weights from interfering with float movement.
Before making a measurement, the wells should be flushed with fresh water to be sure they are
free of sediment, foreign material, or blockages, which could cause erroneous head readings.
Recording equipment should be checked and serviced regularly. Cross-checks should be made
between the staff gages, hook gages, plumb bobs, recorder values, and any other discharge
indicators to expose system errors. Thus, even when using stilling wells, staff gages should still
be used on the insidewalls of flumes for cross-checking. Further details on stilling wells can be
found in chapter 6 and Bos (1989), Bos et al. (1991), and Brakensiek et al. (1979).
(e) Gage Installation and Zero Setting
The most important factor in obtaining accurate discharge measurements is the accurate
determination of the sill-referenced head, h
. The upstream sill-referenced head can be measured
by a gage or recorder only if the observed water level is known with respect to the weir sill (or
flume crest) level at the control section. The method used to set (zero register) the gage, recorder,
etc., depends on the structure size, the flow rate in the channel during the setting procedure, and
available equipment. Standard surveying techniques are practical for accurate setting of most
wall or staff gages.
The canal side slopes usually only approximate the intended slope. Mounting sloped gages so
that a selected scale reading in the most frequently used range of the gage coincides with the
corresponding elevation for that reading will partially compensate for deviation from design
slope. Thus, the greatest reading errors will occur in the flow ranges that are seldom used. If this
procedure causes the zero end of the scale to be displaced by more than about 0.015 ft, the actual
side slope should be determined for adjustments to the calibration. This determination also
should be made if accuracy over the full flow range is required.
Several methods can be used to zero a water level recorder; three are particularly suitable. The
recorder can be set: (1) when the canal is dry, (2) when water is ponded over the flume, or (3)
when water is flowing through the flume. These zero-setting methods assume that the sill-
referenced elevation can be determined during the procedure. This determination is not always
possible, especially on wide structures.
A stable and permanent surveying bench mark, such as a bronze cap placed in concrete, should
be added in an acceptable location near the measuring structure. Its elevation should have been
previously established relative to the sill elevation. More detailed information on zero-setting
procedures is presented in Clemmens et al. (2001) and Bos et al. (1991).
8. Long-Throated Measurement Flumes
Long-throated flumes are coming into general use because they can be easily fitted into complex
channel shapes as well as simple shapes (Replogle, 1975; Bos et al., 1991). Long-throated flumes
have many advantages compared to other measuring devices, including Parshall flumes. Long-
throated flumes are more accurate, cost less, have better technical performance, and can be
computer designed and calibrated. Thus, long-throated flumes are preferred over Parshall flumes
for new installations. However, some states may have laws or compact agreements mandating
the use of Parshall flumes in certain situations.
(a) Characteristics of Long-Throated Flumes
The cross-sectional flexibility of long-throated flumes allows them to fit various channel shapes
more conveniently than short-throated flumes, which have fixed sizes and shapes. Because of the
ability to match the channel shape, the construction of forms is usually simplified. In contrast,
the fixed geometry of short-throated (including Parshall) flumes usually makes upstream and
downstream transitions necessary and may require long wingwalls. Because of their flexibility
and capability to fit any channel shape, long-throated flumes have more gradual transitions.
Thus, floating debris presents fewer problems. Also, field observations have shown that the
structure can be designed to pass sediment transported by channels with subcritical flow.
A simple type of long-throated flume developed and described by Replogle et al. (1991) consists
of a flat raised sill or crest across a trapezoidal channel with an approach ramp transition from
the approach channel invert. The crest drops vertically at the downstream end back to the
downstream canal invert. These flumes (figure 8-5) have been called Replogle flumes, modified
broad-crested weirs, and ramp flumes. This simple version of the long-throated flume is formed
with only two bottom planes. An optional third plane can be used for maximum head recovery.
The lined canal shape serves as the flume approach section, compared to constructing 9 to 12
planes for Parshall flumes. It is usually easier to construct the two to three planes of the long-
throated flumes.
Figure 8-5 -- Flat-crested, long-throated flume in
concrete-lined canal.
Some confusion of terminology exists here. Some investigators would consider the ramp flume a
broad-crested weir because the flow constriction is produced from a bottom transition alone,
whereas a flume would depend to some extent on side convergence. Both long-throated flumes
and broad-crested weirs can be accurately rated by analysis using fluid flow concepts. The
energy principle, critical depth relationships, and boundary layer theory are combined when
computer calibrating these flumes and weirs. Because of this close connection, this manual will
consider and call both the long-throated flumes and broad-crested weirs longthroated
measurement structures.
Cost estimates for a large 930ft
/s ramp flume varied from about 45 to 60 percent of that for a
Parshall flume in a retrofit situation. Clemmens and Replogle (1980) cited costs of onetenth to
onethird of equivalent Parshall flumes for a small ramp-type, long-throated flume. Some of the
cost differences between small and large structures result from the need for service roads,
foundation differences, and repair of approach channel surfaces in retrofit designs.
Long-throated flumes can be computer calibrated to within +2 percent plus head measurement
error and have submergence limits up to 90 percent. Even when the listed submergence limits are
near 70 percent, the absolute head loss or water surface drop through the long-throated flumes
may be smaller than the older structures, depending on the particular design selection from
among the many choices of shape.
Short-throated flumes can measure free flow accurately in the range of +3 to +5 percent plus
head measurement error and have submergence limits from 50 to 80 percent. Increased
uncertainty occurs when using flow corrections to obtain discharge rates beyond submergence
limits commonly up to 95 percent. However, Peck (1988) found large correction errors caused by
hysteresis shifts of the downstream wave front at a submergence of 90 percent. Correction is
frequently done above 90-percent submergence with Parshall flume measurements. Using
submergence corrections commonly results in discharge errors ranging from 7 to +20 percent,
and possibly much more, as differences in upstream and downstream measuring heads become
With most flumes, close adherence to tolerances during construction is required to rely on
empirical equations and calibrations provided for each specific short-throated flume.
Dimensional errors and slippage of the forms frequently cause unacceptable errors that are
difficult to resolve without laborious field calibrations. Field calibrations for submergence
correction are very cumbersome and time consuming because of the usual project operational
limitations, difficulties of controlling heads, and the need for long lag times for heads to settle to
asymptotic levels. However, long-throated flumes can usually be computer recalibrated using as-
built dimensions if form slippage has not caused crest slope in the direction of flow. Even then,
crest correction may be practical and relatively inexpensive.
The measured heads in the short-throated flumes do not always indicate system head loss. For
example, the upstream measured head of a Parshall flume is located about one-third of the way
into its converging crest section, and the water surface may have a considerable drawdown from
the approach canal surface elevation. This factor makes size selection and crest elevation setting
more complicated than for long-throated flumes that approximate existing channel dimensions
and shape.
Because long-throated flumes have greater tolerance to submergence than short-form flumes and
weirs, they can deliver more discharge without having to consider the effects of submergence,
which usually requires observation of a downstream depth. For example, Parshall flumes require
3 to 4 times the absolute water surface fall through the structure for free-flow measurements than
long-throated flumes (Bos et al., 1991). Long-throated flumes, with tolerances for high
submergence ratios, require only one head measurement. They are considered to be more
accurate and economical than, for example, extending Parshall flume measurement range by
submerging up to comparable long-throated flume submergence limits and making corrections
using two head measurements.
Because long-throated flumes fit nicely into existing flow channels, they are convenient for
making portable measurement devices. Portable long-throated devices for flow rates up to about
2 ft
/s are described in Bos et al. (1991), for trapezoidal and rectangular cross sections.
(b) Summary of Long-Throated Flume Advantages
The main advantages of long-throated flumes are:
(1) Provided that critical flow occurs in the throat (not excessively submerged), a rating
table can be calculated with an error less than +2 percent. This calculation can be done
for any combination of a prismatic throat and an arbitrarily shaped approach channel.
(2) Long-throated flumes can have nearly any desired cross-sectional shape and can be
custom fitted into most canal-site geometries. The throat cross section can be shaped in
such a way that the complete range of discharge can be measured accurately.
(3) Long-throated flumes can be made into portable devices that fit conveniently into
open channels with considerably less complicated construction forming.
(4) The required head loss over the long-throated flume to obtain a unique relationship
between the upstream sill-referenced head and the discharge is small. This head-loss
requirement may be estimated with sufficient accuracy for any of these flumes placed in
any channel.
(5) Because of their gradual converging transition, these flumes have few problems with
floating debris and sediment. Field observations have shown that the flume can be
designed to pass sediment transported by channels with subcritical flow.
(6) Provided that the throat is horizontal in the direction of flow, a rating table can be
produced that is based on post-construction dimensions. This horizontal orientation is
required to allow an accurate rating table to be made to compensate for deviations from
(7) Under similar hydraulic and other boundary conditions, long-throated flumes are
usually the most economical of all structures for accurately measuring flow.
(8) Long-throated flumes are amenable to selection, design, and calibration by computer
(c) General Design Procedures for Long-Throated Flumes
The major steps of the design process for long-throated flumes are: (l) selection of site, (2)
selection of head measurement techniques previously discussed, and (3) selection of an
appropriate structure. Design is an iterative process between these steps. The order and
importance of these steps depend on the specific conditions encountered.
To properly select and design a measurement structure, all demands and operational
requirements to be made on the structure should be listed and matched with the properties of the
known structures. These demands and operational requirements originate from four sources: (1)
the hydraulic performance, (2) the construction or installation cost, (3) the ease with which the
structure can be operated, and (4) the cost of maintenance. The imposed demands will be
discussed in more detail. Factors that affect design and selection such as submergence, site
characteristics, workmanship, and head measurement systems are discussed earlier in this
(d) Determining Shape and Size of the Structure
Long-throated flumes operate by using a channel contraction to cause critical flow. Insufficient
contraction will prevent critical flow. Under this condition, flow is then non-modular or
submerged and gage readings are meaningless. Too much contraction may raise the water
surface upstream and cause canal overtopping or sediment deposition problems. The designer's
problem is to select the shape of the control section or throat such that critical flow occurs
through-out the full range of discharge measurement and produces required accuracy. Also, the
designer must provide acceptable head reading sensitivity. Usually, the sensitivity of the
structure at maximum flow is selected such that a change in measurement head, h
, of about
0.03 ft causes less than a 10-percent change in discharge. Achieving these design requirements
may seem difficult, but existing design aids and rating tables make this task more manageable.
(e) Computer Design Versus Sets of Pre-calibrated Long-Throated Flumes
A thorough treatment of the computational process and several pre-computed, standard-size,
long-throated flumes for a variety of canals and natural channels are presented in Bos et al.
(1991). The U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, developed the first computer programs for designing and calibrating
long-throated flumes.
WinFlume (Wahl et al. 2000) is the most advanced software for analysis of long-throated flumes.
The program is Windows-based and can be downloaded from
http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/hydraulics_lab/winflume/. Ratings are determined by numerical
solution of the critical-flow equations, accounting for boundary friction and other losses. The
program includes a module that simplifies and accelerates the process of developing acceptable
flume designs.
Clemmens et al. (2001) and Bos et al. (1991) provides calibration tables in metric (S.I.) and
English units for a set of long-throated flume dimensions that covers a discharge range from
about 2.8 to 280 ft
/s for trapezoidal channel shapes with side slopes of 1:1 to 1:1.5 horizontal
and with bottom widths from about 1 to 5 ft. They also provide instructions for construction and
field placement. Calibration tables for long-throated rectangular flumes are also presented.
The S.I. tables are reproduced in Cheremisinoff et al. (1988). Statistically fitted equations in S.I.
units that closely reproduce the computed tables are presented in Hoffman et al. (1991).
The above references and this manual provide design and calibration tables for selecting and
sizing long-throated structures from sets of predetermined, dimensioned, and precalibrated
structures or from dimensionless design tables for some special structures. However, computer
techniques are much preferred for all installations, designs, and calibrations for long-throated
flumes. Thus, when practical, long-throated flumes should be designed using the WinFlume
computer program (http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/hydraulics_lab/winflume/). Using restricted sets
of dimensions reduces the capability of more exact custom fitting to shapes of existing channels,
which can make it difficult to attain discharge range requirements. The need for computer
techniques becomes much more important for large long-throated structures.
9. Pre-computed Design and Selection Tables for Long-Throated Flumes
Pre-computed designs and selections are provided in tables 8-2 through 8-5. These tables are
provided for the convenient design and selection of long-throated structures in the field or office
without use of a computer. These tables provide long-throated flume selections that can be fitted
into lined trapezoidal, rectangular, circular, and earthen channels. All of the structure choices
provided in the design tables consist of a simple ramp rising from the channel bottom followed
by a flat horizontal crest or sill to form a broad-crested weir and ending in an abrupt drop. Tables
8-2 and 8-3 are for lined trapezoidal channels. Table 84 is for lined rectangular channels or
earthen channels. Table 8-5 is for long-throated flumes that fit into circular conduits flowing
partially full.
Long-throated V-shaped flumes which are used in natural channels are not included in this
manual. Structures for natural streams are discussed in more detail in Brakensiek et al. (1979).
Also, trapezoidal flumes with side contractions which are not generally selected for usual
irrigation situations are not included in design tables. These flumes are usually more difficult to
construct, more expensive, and increase head loss.
The calibration equations were developed from discharge tables computed with WinFlume and
its predecessors (Clemmens et al., 1987 and 1993). Two equation forms are commonly used: a
third-degree polynomial and a power form. The power form is selected here because it looks
similar to the historical equations for weirs and flumes. It should be remembered that these
equations are simply curve-fit results with no theoretical derivation. The equation coefficients,
exponents, and constants are provided in tables 8-2 through 85. The pre-calibrated flumes in the
tables have been sorted from innumerable possible choices based on practical experience and
theory and reduced to a relatively few selected structures from which the designer may choose.
Table 8-2. Long-throated flume sizes and discharge ranges for
lined trapezoidal canals (English units)
Canal Shape
Range of Canal
Capacities Weir Dimensions
width, b
, d
(table 8-3)
width, b
Sill height,
head loss,
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
; L
=2 to 3p
; x=L
>2 to 3 H
L>1.5 H
d>1.2 h
Maximum recommended canal depth
Limited by sensitivity
Limited by Froude number; otherwise limited by canal depth
Calibrations developed with WinFlume and the preceding computer models.
Table 8-3. Rating equation parameters and ranges of application for
flat-crested, long-throated flumes in lined trapezoidal canals
Parameters Weir A
Weir B
Weir C
Weir D
Weir E
Weir F
Weir G
, min.
, max.
Q, min.
Q, max.
Parameters Weir H
Weir I
Weir J
Weir K
Weir L
Weir M
Weir N
, min.
, max.
Q, min.
Q, max.
Parameters Weir P
Weir Q
Weir R
Weir S
Weir T
Weir U
Weir V
, min.
, max.
Q, min.
Q, max.
Calibrations developed with WinFlume and preceding computer models.
Q = K
Table 8-4. Rating equation parameters and ranges of application for flat-crested,
long-throated flumes with rectangular throat sections (see Figure 8-6).
q = K
where q is the unit discharge in cubic feet per second per foot of width of the throat.
Q = qb
0.35 b
0.65 ft, L =0.75 ft 0.65 b
1.0 ft, L =1.0 ft 1.0 b
1.5 ft, L =1.5 ft
Parameters p
=0.125 ft p
=0.25 ft p
= p
=0.25 ft p
=0.5 ft p
= p
=0.25 ft p
=0.5 ft p
, range
q, range
0.06 0.46
0.04 1.15
0.06 0.48
0.04 1.14
0.05 0.5
0.03 1.08
0.08 0.7
0.07 2.1
0.8 0.7
0.07 1.95
0.08 0.8
0.07 1.8
0.1 0.9
0.09 3.1
0.1 1.0
0.09 3.4
0.1 1.0
0.09 3.1
1.5 b
3.0 ft, L =2.25 ft 3.0 b
6.0 ft, L =3.0 ft
Parameters p
=0.25 ft p
=0.5 ft p
=1.0 ft p
= p
=0.5 ft p
=1.0 ft p
=1.5 ft p
, range
q, range
0.15 1.0
0.18 3.2
0.15 1.5
0.17 6.6
0.15 1.5
0.17 6.1
0.15 1.5
0.17 5.6
0.21 1.84
0.29 9.24
0.22 1.93
0.29 9.28
0.21 1.98
0.29 9.26
0.2 2.04
0.26 9.24
6.0 ft, L =4.0 ft
Parameters p
=1.0 ft p
=1.5 ft p
=2.0 ft p
, range
q, range
0.3 3.0
0.48 19
0.3 2.6
0.48 14.2
0.3 2.64
0.48 14.2
0.3 3.0
0.48 16
and L
=2 to 3 times p
and L
=2 to 3 times h
H =0.1H
, or value listed, whichever is greater, for flumes discharging into a rectangular tailwater channel of the same width as the crest, b
H =0.4H
, or value listed, whichever is greater, for flumes with an abrupt expansion into a tailwater channel wider than the crest width, b
Table 8-5. Equation and flow range parameters for flat-crested, long-throated flumes in partially full circular conduits (K
and K
values are valid for units of feet and ft
/s only).
/D L
/D L
/D L/D K
U range of h
/D range of Q/D
0.080 - 0.43
0.070 - 0.60
0.070 - 0.55
0.065 - 0.50
0.060 - 0.45
0.055 - 0.40
0.050 - 0.35
0.056 - 0.980
0.048 - 1.689
0.050 - 1.434
0.046 - 1.202
0.042 - 0.991
0.037 - 0.807
0.032 - 0.640
Pregage distance, L
Sill height =p
Approach, L
Dimensionless sill height =p
Converging, L
=3 p
Control, L
1.5 D p
=[0.85 D - p
+ =
5 . 2
H =0.1H
for flumes with a 6:1 downstream transition
H =0.2H
for flumes with a vertical drop downstream from the crest
Note: The length values shown are minimum lengths in direction of flow, and may be increased
30 percent with only a slight change in calibration.
Note: These values represent minimum lengths in direction of flow, may be increased 30 percent
with only slight change in calibration, and should be suitable for most applications.
Besides selecting shape and size, the tables help to determine head-discharge characteristics,
obtain proper measurement range, obtain sufficient sensitivity, meet the Froude number limit,
and provide a final calibration.
The equation coefficients, exponents, and constants included in the tables were developed with
the assumption of a known approach channel cross-sectional shape and area. However, any
particular control section size and shape can be used with any approach section size and shape.
But discharges must be adjusted with the approach velocity coefficient, C
(Bos et al., 1991). The
rating equations with use limits are given in design and selection tables that automatically limit
the Froude number. However, if smaller approach areas are used, the designer must determine
that the Froude number remains less than about 0.5.
Frequently, the site conditions may call for flumes that would have dimensions beyond the
ranges provided by the ratings in this chapter. To extend beyond these limits and for further
information, refer to Bos et al. (1991), Clemmens et al. (1993), Ackers et al. (1978), and Bos
(1989). The designer has the option of designing a flume shape or size not presented here by
using the theoretically based computer program (Clemmens et al., 1987; 1993).
(a) Long-Throated Flumes for Lined Trapezoidal Channels
Pre-computed calibration tables for selected long-throated trapezoidal flumes suitable for use in
some common canal sizes are included in tables 8-2 and 8-3. In selecting these standard canal
sizes and slopes and their related flow rates for these design tables, consideration was given to
proposals by the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), to the
construction practices of the Bureau of Reclamation, and to design criteria for small canals used
by the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation
Service) (Bos et al., 1991).
Present practice dictates side slopes of 1:1 for small, monolithic, concrete-lined canals with
bottom widths less than about 3 ft, and depths less than about 3 to 4 ft. Deeper and wider canals
tend toward side slopes of 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical. When the widths and depths are greater
than about 10 ft, the trend is more toward 2:1 side slopes. This trend is particularly observed if
canal operating procedures may allow rapid dewatering of the canal. In some soil conditions,
rapid dewatering can cause hydrostatic pressures on the underside of the canal walls that lead to
wall failure. Most of the lined canals used in a tertiary irrigation unit or on large farms are of the
smaller size. They have 1- to 2-ft bottom widths, 1:1 side slopes, and capacities below 35 ft
Standard sizes and precalibrations are given in tables 8-2 and 8-3 so that the designer may select
one of these structures to be built into an existing lined channel as shown on figure 8-5. The
designer need only select a weir width with its corresponding sill height. Standard bottom ramp-
flat crest combination flumes in typical slip-formed canals were selected for precalibrations.
Table 8-2 gives pre-computed flume selections for trapezoidal canals with bottom widths of 1, 2,
and 3 ft. Canal sizes with bottom widths in excess of 3 ft are omitted in the pre-computed design
tables on the assumption that larger sizes deserve special design consideration and should be
computer designed and calibrated using accessible programs such as those provided in
Clemmens et al. (1993).
Table 8-2 provides a number of pre-computed flumes that may be used for the various
combinations of bottom widths and sidewall
slopes as given in the first two columns. The third column lists recommended values of
maximum canal depth, d, for each side-slope and bottom-width combination.
The offering of many pre-computed sizes will aid in retrofitting older canal systems and yet not
prevent the adoption of standard sized canals as proposed by other agencies and international
bodies, such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA), and the ICID.
For each combination of bottom and side slope, several standard crest sill heights can be used
(column 8 in table 8-2). Columns 4 and 5 give the limits on discharge for each canal-flume
combination. These limits on canal capacity originate from three sources:
(1) The Froude number, equation 2-25, in the approach channel, is limited to less than 0.5 to
assure water surface stability.
(2) The canal freeboard, F
, upstream from the structure, should be greater than 20 percent of
the upstream sill-referenced head, h
. In terms of canal depth, this limit is d>(p
+ 1.2h
(3) The sensitivity of the flume at maximum flow should be such that a 3/8-in change in the
value of the sill-referenced head, h
, causes less than a 10-percent change in discharge.
Also indicated in the last column of table 8-2 is a minimum head loss, H, that the structure
must provide. Excessive downstream water levels may prevent this minimum head loss, which
means that the structure exceeds its modular limit or submergence limit and no longer functions
as an accurate measuring device.
When flumes are placed in irrigation canals, the downstream channel is similar to the upstream
channel, and the modular limit range for a flume with no expansion section of 72 to 93 percent
for low flow to high flow is appropriate. The tables presented herein for long-throated flumes
and broad-crested weirs are based on this assumption, except that the upper limit is
conservatively reduced to 90 percent.
Thus, the design head loss is either 0.1 h
or the listed value for H, whichever is greater. For
these tables, it was assumed that the weir was placed in a continuous channel with a constant
cross section. Technically, this limit of submergence is based on the total energy drop through
the structure, but the velocity head component is usually of the same order of magnitude
upstream and downstream so that h may be satisfactorily substituted for H.
Table 8-2 is primarily intended for the selection among these structures. It is also useful for the
selection of canal sizes. The Froude number in the canal is automatically limited to 0.5. Selecting
the smallest canal for a given capacity will give a reasonably efficient section. For instance, if the
design capacity of the canal is to be 35 ft
/s, the smallest canal that can be incorporated with a
measuring flume has b
= 2 ft, z
= 1.0, and d = 3 ft.
Each standard flume can be used for a range of bottom widths because the change in flow area
upstream from the structure causes only a small change in velocity of approach and a
corresponding small change in energy head. The width ranges have been selected so that the
error in discharge caused by the change in flow area is less than 1 percent. This is a systematic
error for any particular approach channel size, and the extent of this error varies with discharge.
However, the width of the crest must match the table dimension value.
A flume suitable for several of the listed canal bottom widths is also suitable for any intermediate
width. For example, in table 8-2, structure E
can be used in canals with bottom widths between
1 and 2 ft; for example, b
= 1.25 ft. The user will need to determine the sill height to match b
head loss, and maximum design discharge for these intermediate sizes.
The rating equation coefficients and constants for the flumes are given in table 8-3 and will
reproduce the values presented in the original calibration tables produced by computer modeling
(Bos et al., 1991) to within about +1 percent. The original tables were computed using the
following criteria and the symbols on figure 8-5:
(1) Each flume has a constant bottom width, b
, and a sill height, p
, that varies with the
canal dimensions.
(2) The ramp length can be chosen such that it is between 2 and 3 times the sill height.
The 3:1 ramp slope is preferable.
(3) The gage is located a distance equal to at least maximum total head, H
, upstream
from the toe of the ramp. In addition, the gage should be located a distance of roughly 2
to 3 times H
from the entrance to the throat.
(4) The throat length should be at least 1.5 times the maximum expected sill referenced
measured head, h
, but should be within the limits indicated in table 8-2.
(5) The canal depth must be greater than the sum of (p
+ h
+ F
), where F
is the
freeboard requirement, which is roughly 0.2 times the sill referenced maximum measured
head, h
Occasionally, a flume cannot be found from these design tables that will work satisfactorily. The
user must then judge and select between several options; for example:
(1) Find a new site for the structure with more vertical space.
(2) Add to the canal wall height upstream from the site so that more backwater effect can
be created.
(3) Try one of the other shapes.
(4) Use the design tables to interpolate and get a rating for an intermediate width,
probably with some sacrifice in accuracy.
(5) Produce a special design using the computer model.
(b) Long-Throated Flumes for Unlined Channels
Measurement flumes for earthen (unlined) channels require a structure that contains the
following basic parts: entrance to approach channel, approach channel, converging transition,
throat, diverging transition, stilling basin, and riprap protection. As illustrated on figure 8-6, the
discharge measurement structure for an earthen channel is longer, and thus more expensive, than
a structure in a concrete-lined canal (figure 8-5). In the latter, the approach channel and sides of
the control section already exist, and the riprap is not needed.
Figure 8-6 -- Flow measurement structure for earthen channel
with a rectangular control section.
For earthen canals, the designer selects both structure flow width and a sill height and must be
more aware of the other design considerations. For lined channel design, only the sill height must
be selected.
If the upstream sill-referenced head is not measured in a rectangular approach canal of this same
width, but instead is measured in the upstream earthen section, then these tables require
correction to the discharge, Q, for the change in the approach velocity. The tables and equations
can also be used to determine the rating for side-contracted rectangular flumes. Procedures
needed to handle and correct for change of velocity of approach are given in Bos (1989), Bos et
al. (1991), and Clemmens et al. (1993). Throat lengths for side contractions appear to work best
if they exceed about 2 times the throat width.
The full-length structure of figure 8-6 can be simplified by deleting the diverging transition
(downstream ramp) or the entire extended rectangular tailwater channel. These changes will
increase the head loss across the structure and force energy dissipation to take place within the
earthen canal section. The extended tailwater section of the structure may be deleted only if
adequate riprap is provided and if the Froude number in the tailwater channel is less than 1.7 at
maximum flow (Bos et al. 1991).
The approach canal of figure 8-6 provides a known flow area and velocity of approach. The
coefficients and constants for rating equations for the rectangular flumes given in table 8-4
assume that the approach section is rectangular and has the same width as the throat.
The rectangular measurement flume discharges nearly equal quantities of water over equal
widths. The major differences are associated with the friction along the walls. Thus, the flow is
nearly two-dimensional along the crest, so rating tables can provide the unit flow rate, q, in cubic
feet per second per foot width of crest for each value of h
. This allows a wide variety of sizes
for rectangular long-throated structures. For each width, b
, of the structure, an accurate rating
table can be developed by multiplying the design table discharges by b
Q = b
q (8-1)
The equation, coefficients, and exponents for a series of rectangular flat-crested, long-throated
flumes given in table 8-4 were developed from computer modeled tables given in Bos et al.
(1991). The equation will reproduce those computer-derived table values to within +1.5 percent.
The equation coefficients and exponents are given for sets of p
or crest heights. However,
interpolation between crest heights gives reasonable results. Small groupings of structure widths
were averaged to keep sidewall effect error to within 1 percent. Overall accuracy of rectangular
long-throated flumes can be between 2 and +5 percent, depending on how accurately water
levels are measured. Overall accuracy of +2 percent is possible but requires calibration by the
computer program of Clemmens et al. (1993) and sensitive stilling well water level
If the approach area, A
, is larger than that used to develop these rating design tables, either
because of a higher sill or a wider approach channel, the ratings must be adjusted for C
. To
simplify this process, the discharge over the structure for a C
value of 1.0 is given in the far
right column of each grouping. This column is labeled p
= infinity because that would cause the
approach velocity of zero, and C
would be 1.0. This scenario approximates a structure at the
outlet of a reservoir or lake. The complete correction procedure is given in Bos (1989), Bos et al.
(1991), and Clemmens et al. (1993).
The design procedure for lined rectangular canals is relatively straightforward. It consists of
selecting a table crest height, p
, that causes modular flow throughout the discharge range and
provides sufficient freeboard at the maximum discharge. An appropriate width must be chosen
for unlined canals. Several widths will usually work. Extremely wide, shallow flows are subject
to measurement errors because of low head detection sensitivity. Extremely narrow, deep flows
require long structures and large head losses.
Because of the wide variety of shapes that can be encountered in earthen channels and in the
range of discharges to be measured, determining the interrelated values of h
, p
, and b
of the
structure is complicated. Although this difficulty complicates the design process, it allows the
designer greater flexibility and expands the applicability of the flumes. The following criteria
should be considered by the designer:
(1) The discharges to be measured (per foot of width) must be within the range of
discharges shown in the table for the selected structure if the dimensions in the tables are
to be used.
(2) The needed or selected allowable combined measurement error should be checked
and not exceeded. The allowable error may vary for different flow ranges (Bos et al.,
1991; Clemmens et al., 1993).
(3) ) Sufficient head loss should be available across the structure at all flow rates. If there
is an abrupt expansion (no downstream ramp) into a rectangular channel the same width
as the crest, the head loss should be the greater of 0.1H
or the value shown in table 8-4.
If the downstream channel is wider than the crest, the head loss should be at least 0.4H
(4) Placing a structure in the canal should not cause overtopping upstream.
(5) A uniform, straight, and unobstructed approach channel section of 10 times the
channel width should precede the structure.
(6) The Froude number, as defined in chapter 3, should not exceed 0.5 for a distance of at
least 30 times h
upstream from the structure.
Following these criteria will allow the designer to select a satisfactory structure that will operate
as intended.
For a rectangular long-throated flume in an earthen canal, the rectangular section need not extend
10 times its width upstream from the structure if a gradual taper is used to guide the flow into the
rectangular section. For the structures given here, it is recommended that the rectangular section
extend upstream from the head measurement location (gaging station) as shown on figure 8-6. It
is also recommended that well-designed protective riprap be placed downstream from the
structure for a distance of four times the maximum downstream channel flow depth, y
8-6). A step should be provided at the downstream end of the structure just before the riprap
section to avoid local erosion from floor jets. Sizing of riprap and filters is discussed by Bos
(1989) and Bos et al. (1991).
A freeboard criteria of 0.2 h
has been used satisfactorily for lined channels. For unlined
channels, it may be more appropriate to specify a maximum approach flow water depth, y
The downstream water depth, y
, needs to be checked and must not exceed the submergence or
modular limit for both the minimum and maximum expected discharge.
If the channel is rectangular or the length of the rectangular-throated flume downstream from the
crest end is as on figure 86, then 0.1 H
or the H value given at the bottom of table 8-4 can be
used as the lower value of minimum required total head loss, H. If a shorter length in an
earthen channel is used and the tailwater channel is significantly larger than the stilling basin
would be, then considerably more head loss will probably be required. The designer should use
the head loss value for the discharge into a lake or pool, H, = 0.4 H
. This value may represent
a drastic difference in the value of head loss. The designer may decide to use the shortened
structure and calculate the actual modular limit by use of the computer model (Bos et al., 1991).
Another alternative is to build a prototype in the field and set the crest to the appropriate level by
trial and error.
(c) Measuring Flow in Circular Conduits Partly Full
As previously mentioned, long-throated flumes for circular conduits are convenient for use as
portable and permanent measurement structures. Bottom ramps followed by flat crests or sills
can be used in circular conduits. These flumes (figure 8-7) are usually placed in the conduit at a
crest height from 0.2 to 0.5 times the pipe diameter in height. The open channel depth limit in the
conduit is about 0.9 times the approach conduit diameter.
Figure 8-7 -- Long-throated flume in a partially filled circular
General methods of computing calibrations for long-throated flumes in circular conduits and
selected construction configurations were developed using the computer model described in
Clemmens et al. (1993).
The precalibrated selections given in table 8-5 are for average roughnesses of construction
materials and are based on curve-fitted equations of computed discharge tables in English units
for dimensions proportioned in terms of pipe diameter. Calibration equations for other pipe
diameters can be approximated using Froude modeling relationships, which produce the
following equation:
Q = (D)
/D + K
Q = discharge, ft
D = diameter of pipe, ft
= constant from table 8-5
= constant from table 8-5
= head measured from sill top (bottom of contracted section), ft
U = Exponent
Precalibrated flumes represented in table 8-5 are subject to Froude scaling. These and all the
long-throated flume shapes can be similarly scaled without using the computer model as long as
all dimensions remain proportional. Small differences from direct computer results are to be
expected because roughness of construction materials is not usually scaled. Smooth concrete
roughness was used to develop the values in table 85. The calibration equations, coefficients,
constants, and exponents for the equation from table 8-5 will usually produce calibrations within
+3 percent of discharge, not counting the error of head measurement, for scaling ratios between
1:5 and 5:1. Scaling expansion by 10 tends to overemphasize roughness and will underpredict
discharge by 5 to 10 percent. Accuracy within +2 percent requires individual computation of the
constructed device using the constructed dimensions in the computer model of Clemmens et al.
As with the other broad-crested weirs and long-throated flumes, the width of the flat crest or sill
surface, b
, is one of the two most important dimensions in the flume. The other is the zero
elevation of the head measuring device.
For portable measurements, it is recommended to translocate the water surface to a small stilling
well overhanging the crest at the head reference location. Thus, the translocated head in the
stilling well is conveniently referenced to the crest without the necessity of surveyor leveling of
the structure (Bos et al., 1991). The measuring head and crest elevation can both be measured by
the same point gage. The upstream gage should be used only if it is accurately leveled or is part
of a permanently installed flume.
For example:
A circular concrete culvert 4 ft in diameter and 20 ft long is to be converted into a measuring
structure. The outlet ends in an overfall so that a minimum sill height of 0.2D is useable.
Develop the calibration equation using table 8-5, and sketch the installation dimensions.
Using equation 8-2 and table 8-5 gives:
Q = (D
/D + K
or: Q = (4)
4.13 (h
/4 + 0.004)
or: Q = 132.2(h
/4 + 0.004)
for an h
range of: 0.08 D < h
or: 0.32 <h
< 2.6
and a Q range of: 0.056 D
< Q < 1.975D
or: 1.792 < Q < 63.2
The modular or submergence limits should be checked and should not exceed 0.8h
if a vertical
drop exists at the end of the downstream crest and should not exceed 0.9h
if a 1:6 horizontal
sloping ramp downstream is added such as shown on figure 8-6. These modular limits are
equivalent to minimum required head loss to measure flow of 0.2h
. All flow rates to be
measured should be checked for exceeding the modular limit.
A stilling well can be placed in the channel if it does not significantly obstruct flow or divert
flow to a far bank and cause erosion. Placing the stilling well in the upstream channel often
causes detrimental flow patterns that can affect the function of the flow measuring device, unless
it is dug deep into the bank or placed a substantial distance upstream.
Represented on figure 8-8 is a static pressure tube consisting of several 1/8-in-diameter holes
drilled into 1-in polyvinylchloride pipe used as a head measurement pickup. These holes are
located about 2 ft from the end of the capped pipe so that flow separation around the end of the
pipe is neutralized by the time the flow passes the pressure sensing holes. The water level sensed
here is transmitted to the stilling well where the depth can be observed by any of the several
methods discussed in section 7 of this chapter.
Figure 8-8 -- Layout scheme for portable long-throated
measurement structures in partially full circular conduits.
Note that the sensing holes are well above the floor of the channel, which should reduce
sediment plugging. Also, note that the sensing pipe is clamped tightly to the wall of the culvert
so that debris trapping is minimized. The area obstruction of the pipe crossing the sill control
area is small and can be ignored.
(d) Constructing Portable Long-Throated Flumes for Circular and Semicircular Conduits
A 0.2D sill height is commonly selected for semicircular conduits. For either semicircular or
complete pipes, the sloping ramp can be fabricated from sheet materials such as galvanized steel,
stainless steel, aluminum, or marine plywood. A suggested method for layout of the necessary
portion of an ellipse is illustrated on figure 8-8.
10. Parshall Flumes
Although Parshall flumes are in extensive use in many western irrigation projects, they are no
longer generally recommended because of the advantages of long-throated flumes previously
cited and the disadvantages of Parshall flumes to be subsequently discussed. Some states specify
the use of Parshall flumes by law for certain situations.
In the past, it was common to size and set flumes for 95-percent submergence to reduce approach
flow depths 4 to 6 in. The 1976 second edition of this manual gives detailed examples of
selecting size and setting crest elevation for free flow and intended submergence. Although
correction methods for determining submerged discharge exist, designing flumes for submerged
flow measurement is no longer considered good design practice because it compromises
accuracy. For example, imprecision of head measurement increases discharge error by 4 to 20
percent over the primary free-flow accuracy of 3 to 5 percent. In addition, a recent study (Peck,
1988) found a 12-percent discontinuity in the submergence correction function for a 1-ft flume
depending upon whether downstream measuring head results from a falling or rising water
Designing and setting Parshall flumes for submerged flow measurement is not usually
recommended because less expensive, long-throated flumes can be designed that approach or
exceed 90 percent submergence limits with a single upstream head measurement. Moreover, the
absolute required drop in water surface is usually less for the long-throated flumes, particularly
the modified broad-crested weir styles.
Because so many Parshall flumes are currently in use, the remaining part of this section is
concerned mainly with structural dimensions for checking existing flumes, equations for
computing discharges, free-flow discharge tables for each size flume, plots for submerged
discharge measurement corrections, and head loss curves for assessing upstream depth changes
caused by downstream delivery depth changes.
Care must be taken to construct Parshall flumes according to the structural dimensions given on
figure 8-9. This factor becomes more important as size gets smaller. The portion of the flume
downstream from the end of the converging section need not be constructed if the flume has been
set for free flow where it is not expected to operate above submergence limit. This truncated
version of the Parshall flume is sometimes referred to as the Montana flume.
Submergence corrections or discharge cannot be determined for Montana flumes or other
modified Parshall flumes because they do not include the part of the full Parshall flume where
the submergence head, h
, was measured during calibration. Different size Parshall flumes are
not geometrically proportional. For example, a dimension in the 12-ft flume cannot be assumed
to be three times the corresponding dimension in the 4-ft flume. Each of the flumes on figure 8-9
is a standard device and has been calibrated for the range of discharges shown in the table. The
flumes can reliably measure free-flow discharge to within "3 to "5 percent, plus head detection
error, if standard dimensions are attained during construction, the flume is correctly set, and the
flume is operated and maintained according to the recommended procedures.
Figure 8-9 -- Parshall flume dimensions -- sheet 1 of 2
(courtesy of U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Services).
Figure 8-9 -- Parshall flume dimensions -- sheet 2 of 2
(courtesy of U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Services).
Parshall flume sizes are designated by the throat width, W, and dimensions are available for
flumes from the 1-in size for free flow of 0.03 ft
/s at 0.2 ft of measuring head up to the 50-ft
size with 3,000 ft
/s at a head of 5.7 ft. The free-flow discharge range and dimensions for
Parshall flumes are given on figure 8-9. The minimum flows in this table up to the 1-ft-size
flume are for a head of 0.2 ft because measuring at smaller heads results in imprecision of head
measurement and surface tension effects. The remaining discharge limits are based on the range
of the calibration data and practical size considerations.
(a) Free-Flow Discharge Tables and Equations
Parshall flumes were calibrated empirically to generate the free-flow head versus discharge
rating for the 1-in to 50-ft flumes. Some of the larger sizes were not directly calibrated but were
scale modeled. The free-flow discharge equations for the standard Parshall flume sizes are of the
Q = Ch
= measuring head (ft) Q = discharge (ft
/s) C and n for each size are given in table 8-6
Head versus discharge is given in tables A8-7 through A8-21 for all sizes (see appendix).
Table 8-6
Coefficients (C) and exponents (n) for Parshall flumes for equation 8-3
Throat width Coefficient (C) Exponent (n)
1 in 0.338 1.55
2 in 0.676 1.55
3 in 0.992 1.55
6 in 2.06 1.58
9 in 3.07 1.53
1 ft 3.95 1.55
2 ft 8.00 1.55
3 ft 12.00 1.57
4 ft 16.00 1.58
5 ft 20.00 1.59
6 ft 24.00 1.59
7 ft 28.00 1.60
8 ft 32.00 1.61
10 ft 39.38 1.60
12 ft 46.75 1.60
15 ft 57.81 1.60
20 ft 76.25 1.60
25 ft 94.69 1.60
30 ft 113.13 1.60
40 ft 150.00 1.60
50 ft 186.88 1.60
(b) Submerged Flow Determination
Calibration tests show that the discharge at a given upstream measuring head is not reduced until
the submergence ratio, h
(submergence head to measuring head) expressed in percent,
exceeds the following values:
50 percent for flumes 1, 2, and 3 in wide
60 percent for flumes 6 and 9 in wide
70 percent for flumes 1 to 8 ft wide
80 percent for flumes 8 to 50 ft wide
These submergence limits are based on two measuring head locations shown in figure 8-9 within
the structure and do not measure all the head loss caused by the flume. Thus, these limits do not
represent the total required head loss needed to measure flow with one head measurement. The
method of determining submerged flow discharge varies with different flume size groups.
Examples are provided later.
(1) Submerged Flow in 1- Through 3-Inch Flumes
Submergence begins to reduce the discharge through the 1-, 2-, and 3-in flumes when it exceeds
50 percent. To determine discharges for submerged flows, the heads h
and h
are used with
figures 8-10, 811, and 8-12. Users found they had difficulties in obtaining field readings of h
because of wave interference. To solve this problem, figure 8-13 was developed to relate h
to h
which is located at the downstream end of the flume divergence where the water surface is
Figure 8-10 -- Rate of submerged flow through a 1-in Parshall
flume (Robinson, 1957).
Figure 8-11 -- Rate of submerged flow through a 2-in Parshall
flume (Robinson, 1957).
Figure 8-12 -- Rate of submerged flow through a 3-in Parshall
flume (Robinson, 1957).
Figure 8-13 -- Relationship of h
and h
gages for 1-, 2-, and
3-in Parshall flumes for submergence greater than 50 percent
(Robinson, 1957).
In a 3-in flume, assume h
of 0.20 ft and the downstream head measured at the h
gage is 0.19 ft.
To determine the discharge, turn to the curve on figure 8-13, which shows the relationship of h
to h
. For a value of h
equal to 0.19, h
is found to be 0.17. The submergence, h
= 0.17/0.20
= 0.85 or 85 percent.
Enter figure 8-12 with the value of the upstream head, h
, of 0.20 and move horizontally to the
right to the vertical line for h
of 85 percent. This intersection point lies about seven-tenths of
the distance from the curved discharge line for 0.06 ft
/s, toward the 0.07ft
/s line. The
interpolated discharge value is 0.067 ft
/s. This rate of flow for submerged conditions is
considerably less than the free-flow discharge value of 0.082 ft
/s for h
of 0.20 ft. As mentioned
previously in section 7 of this chapter, correcting for submergences greater than 90 percent does
not provide reliable accuracy.
(2) Submerged Flow Determination With 6- and 9-Inch Flumes
When 6- and 9-in flumes are operating with submergences greater than 60 percent, the discharge
is directly determined using figures 8-14 and 8-15, respectively. For example, determine the
discharge through a 6-in flume when h
is 1.32 ft and h
is 1.20 ft. The submergence ratio, 1.20
divided by 1.32, is 0.91, or 91 percent. On figure 8-14, find 91 percent along the left-hand
vertical scale and follow the 91-percent line horizontally to intersect the curved line for h
, which
is 1.32 (one-fifth the distance between the 1.3 and 1.4 lines). Then move vertically downward
from this point to the scale at the base of the diagram and find that the submerged rate of flow is
2.02 ft
/s. As mentioned previously in section 7 of this chapter, correcting for submergences
greater than 90 percent does not provide reliable accuracy.
Figure 8-14 -- Diagram of determining rate of submerged
flow for a 6-in Parshall flume (courtesy of U.S. Natural
Resources Conservation Service).
Figure 8-15 -- Diagram for determining rate of submerged
flow for a 9-in Parshall flume (courtesy of U.S. Natural
Resources Conservation Service).
(3) Submergence Correction for 1- to 8-Foot Flumes
The submergence corrections that must be subtracted from the free-flow values in table A8-12 to
obtain submerged flow values in a 1-ft flume are shown on figure 8-16. For example, in a 1-ft
flume with h
of 1.00 ft, the discharge from table A8-12 is 4.00 ft
/s. If h
is measured to be 0.8,
the submergence, h
, is equal to 80 percent. If figure 812 for h
is 1.00 and submergence is 80
percent, the correction is 0.35 ft
/s. Therefore, submergence would result in a reduction in
discharge of 0.35 ft
/s or an actual discharge of 3.65 ft
/s, compared to a free-flow discharge of
4.00 ft
Figure 8-16 -- Diagram for determining correction to be
subtracted from free discharge to obtain rate of submerged
flow for 1- through 8-ft Parshall flumes.
Submergence correction values for 1- to 8-ft flumes are obtained from figure 8-16, but the
procedures contained in the note in the figure must be followed.
These procedures state that values read from the curve are multiplied by the M values listed in
the table on figure 8-16 for each size to obtain the product or correction to subtract from the free
discharge values.
For example, assume that submerged flow occurs in a 3-ft flume where h
is 2.10 ft and h
1.89 ft. The submergence ratio, 1.89 divided by 2.10, is 0.90, or 90-percent submergence. The
free-flow discharge for a 3-ft flume with h
of 2.10 is found from table A8-12 to be 38.4 ft
/s. On
figure 8-16, h
is 2.10 and submergence is 90 percent: a correction of 3.5 ft
/s. However, this
correction is only for a 1-ft flume. For a 3-ft flume, the correction must be multiplied by 2.4
(from tabulation on figure 8-16) to get the total correction of 8.4 ft
/s. The corrected submerged
discharge is, therefore, 38.4 minus 8.4, or 30.0 ft
/s. As mentioned previously in section 7 of this
chapter, correcting for submergences greater than 90 percent does not provide reliable accuracy.
(4) Submergence Correction for 10- to 50-Foot Flumes
The submergence ratio, h
, expressed in percent, and the h
value are used on figure 8-17 to
obtain the correction to be subtracted from the free-flow discharge determined from tables A8-12
through A8-20.
Figure 8-17 -- Diagram for determining correction to be
subtracted from free discharge flow to obtain submerged flow
discharges through 10- to 50-ft Parshall flumes (Parshall
The correction values, indicated along the base of the diagram on figure 817, give the number of
cubic feet per second to be subtracted for each 10 ft of crest width, W. To aid in determining the
multi plying factor, a tabulation has been incorporated on figure 8-17.
Thus, to determine the discharge for submerged flow through a 20ft flume when h
is 3.25 ft and
is 3.06 ft, first determine the submergence ratio:
= 0.941 = 94.1%
Enter at the left side of the diagram of figure 8-17, and at h
equals 3.25, project a horizontal line
to intersect the 94-percent line, then continue on to one-tenth of the distance between the 94- and
95per-cent lines. Vertically below this point on the horizontal scale is the correction value, 56
/s. For a 20-ft flume, the multiplying factor is 2.0 (from tabulation on figure 8-17), and the
total correction is:
2.0 x 56 = 112 ft
The free discharge value from table A8-16 for h
of 3.25 is about 503 ft
/s. Therefore, the
submerged flow is 503 minus 112, or 391 ft
/s. As mentioned previously in section 7 of this
chapter, correcting for submergences greater than 90 percent does not provide reliable accuracy.
(c) Head Loss Determination
Flumes are obstructions that produce backwater that extends upstream from the flume and raises
the water surface in the approach channel. This difference in elevation of the flow upstream from
the structure with and without the flume in place is the head loss caused by the flume. The
difference in measuring heads is not the head loss of Parshall flumes.
Downstream channel depth-discharge relationships often change with changes of downstream
flow resistance, which frequently varies with sediment deposits, debris, canal checking
operations, and aging. Downstream changes in flow resistance plus head loss can cause
overtopping of upstream approach channel banks. Thus, irrigation system managers that have
Parshall flumes need to determine head losses.
(1) Head Loss for 10- to 50-Foot Throats
The increase in depth upstream from the structure or the head loss for the 10- to 50-ft flume is
determined using figure 8-18. For example, assume a 20-ft flume is set 1.4 ft above the bottom of
the channel, is discharging 950 ft
/s, and is at 90-percent submergence. The head loss from figure
8-18 is obtained by following the vertical 90-percent submergence line up to the curved
discharge line for 950 ft
/s, projecting a horizontal line to the sloping 20-ft throat line, and
coming vertically down to the head loss scale reading of 0.9 ft.
Figure 8-18 -- Head loss through 10- to 50-ft Parshall flumes
(Parshall 1953).
(2) Head Loss for 1- to 8-Foot Throats
The head loss values for flumes 1 to 8 ft wide can be determined from figure 8-19. For example,
assume a 4-ft flume which has a 70-percent submergence with 20 ft
/s, and determine the head
loss. Using figure 8-19, find the intersection of the vertical 70-percent line with the slanting 20-
/s discharge line in the left side of the figure. Then, from this intersection, project a horizontal
line to the intersection with the slanting line for the 4-ft throat width in the right side of the
figure. From this point, project vertically down to read head loss on the bottom scale, which
reads 0.43 ft.
Figure 8-19 -- Head loss through 1- to 8-ft Parshall flumes
(courtesy of U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
(3) Head Loss for 9-Inch Throats and Smaller
Losses for 9in flumes and smaller are usually less critical, and the elevation of the upstream
water surface is determined in the manner used for the
1-, 2-, and 3-in flumes. The difference between h
and h
is considered an adequate estimate of
head loss.
Additional information for Parshall Flumes
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Computing the Submerged-Flow Correction for Parshall
Tony L. Wahl
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, USA
Preface: The information provided below is intended for use with existing Parshall flumes
operating in the submerged-flow correction zone. If you are contemplating construction of a
new Parshall flume, you are strongly urged to consider a long-throated flume. Information
about long-throated flumes is available at www.usbr.gov/wrrl/winflume
Figures 8-16 and 8-17 in the Water Measurement Manual, 3rd Edition (Chapter 8, Section 10),
provide a means for correcting free-flow discharges through Parshall flumes to account for the
effect of submergence. Figure 8-16 is for flumes of 1-ft width, and includes multiplying factors
for use with flumes of 2- to 8-ft width. Figure 8-17 is for flumes of 10-ft width, again with
multiplying factors for larger flumes up to 50-ft width, and can be easily converted to a single
DQ =
W h
[3.364 + 20.19S
ln S]
where DQ is the discharge reduction in ft
/s, h
is the upstream head in feet, W is the flume width
in feet, and S is the submergence ratio, h
Figure 8-16 is more difficult to convert to an equation form, due to its non-linear nature (in log-
log space) at low upstream heads and low submergences. Hilaire Peck ("Submerged Flow in
Parshall Flumes", in Hydraulic Engineering, Proceedings of the 1988 National Conference on
Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Colorado Springs, CO, August 8-
12, 1988) tested 1-ft Parshall flumes and developed an equation to compute discharge reductions
due to submergence:
DQ = 0.000132h
where e is the base of natural logarithms, 2.7183. This equation yields smaller discharge
reductions and does not have the non-linear character of Parshall's nomograph (Fig. 8-16).
Converting Figure 8-16 to a tractable equation would be a tedious exercise. Also, Peck's more
detailed experiments on 1-ft flumes indicate less discharge reduction due to submergence than do
Parshall's limited data, making the value of such an effort questionable. More detailed physical
testing is needed to extend Peck's data for use on 2- to 8-ft wide flumes.
However, in the interim, it is reasonable to use Peck's equation for 1-ft wide flumes and the
multiplying factors shown on Figure 8-16 to obtain discharge corrections for 2- to 8-ft wide
flumes, with one caveat. Peck's equation is only valid for flow conditions on the right side of the
discontinuity that he observed in submerged flow rating curves (i.e., submergences less than
about 85 to 90 percent). (Note: Peck has an equation applicable to the left side of the
discontinuity, but procedures for defining the exact point of discontinuity are not well defined.)
Thus, for flumes of 1- to 8-ft width the discharge reduction in ft
/s can be computed using:
DQ = M(0.000132 h
where M is a multiplying factor that varies as follows:
Size of Flume, W
Multiplying Factor, M
1 1.0
1.5 1.4
2 1.8
3 2.4
4 3.1
5 3.7
6 4.3
7 4.9
8 5.4
11. Bibliography
Ackers, P., W.R. White, J.A. Perkins, and A.J.M. Harrison. Weirs and Flumes for Flow
Measurement. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 327 pp, 1978.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application. 6th
edition revised. Report of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Research Committee on
Fluid Meters, H.S. Bean, (ed.), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 202 pp.,
Bos, M.G. (ed.). Discharge Measurement Structures. Third edition revised. Publication 20.
International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, PO Box 45, 6700 AA
Wageningen, The Netherlands, 401 pp., 1989.
Bos, M.G., J.A. Replogle, and A.J. Clemmens. Flow Measuring Flumes for Open Channel
Systems. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Republication of book by same title,
originally by John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984, 321 pp., 1991.
Brakensiek, D.L., H.B. Osborn, and W.R. Rawls (coordinators/eds.). Field Manual for Research
in Agricultural Hydrology. Agricultural Handbook 224, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 547 pp., 1979.
Cheremisinoff, P.N., N.P. Cheremisinoff, and Su Ling Cheng (eds.). Handbook of Civil
Engineering Practice 2CHydraulics/ Mechanics. Technomic Publishing Company, Inc.,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 780 pp., 1988.
Clemmens, A.J., and J.A. Replogle. Constructing Simple Measuring Flumes for Irrigation
Canals. USDA Farmers Bulletin No. 2268, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 13 pp., 1980.
Clemmens, A.J., J.A. Replogle, and M.G. Bos. FLUME: A Computer Model for Estimating Flow
Through Long-Throated Measuring Flumes. USDA Agricultural Research Service Publication,
ARS-57, 68 pp., 1987.
Clemmens, A.J., M.G. Bos, and J.A. Replogle. FLUME: Design and Calibration of Long-
Throated Measuring Flumes. Version 3.0. International Institute for Land Reclamation and
Improvement, PO Box 45, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, Publication 54 (with
software), 1993.
Clemmens, A.J., T.L. Wahl, M.G. Bos, and J.A. Replogle, Water Measurement with Flumes and
Weirs, ILRI Publication 58, International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, PO
Box 45, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2001.
Dodge, R.A. "Ramp Flume Model Study-Progress Summary," GR-8-14, Bureau of Reclamation.
Denver, Colorado, 1983.
Gwinn, W.R. "Calibration of Walnut Gulch Supercritical Flumes." Journal of the Hydraulics
Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 96(HY8)1681-1689, 1970.
Gwinn, W.R., and D.A. Parsons. "Discharge Equations for HS, H, and HL Flumes." In Journal
of the Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers. Volume 102:HY1, pp. 7388.
Discussion: Volume 102:HY11, pp. 1704-1706. Closure: Volume 103:Hy7, p. 809, 1976.
Hoffman, G.J., T.A. Howell, and K.H. Solomon (eds.). Management of Farm Irrigation Systems.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St Joseph, Michigan, 1,040 pp., 1991.
Kulin, G., and P.R. Compton. "A Guide to Methods and Standards for the Measurement of Water
Flow." National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication 421, 1975.
Parshall, R.L. Improving the Distribution of Water to Farmers by Use of the Parshall Measuring
Flume. Soil Conservation Service, Bulletin 488, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado
Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado A&M College, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1945.
____________. Parshall Flumes of Large Size. Bulletin 426-A (reprint of Bulletin 386),
Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado,
Peck, H. "Submerged Flows in Parshall Flumes." Proceedings, National Conference, Hydraulics
Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1988.
Replogle, J.A. "Critical Flow Flumes with Complex Cross Sections." In Irrigation and Drainage
in an Age of Competition for Resources. Specialty Conference Proceedings, American Society of
Civil Engineers, pp. 366-388, 1975.
Replogle, J.A., A.J. Clemmens, and M.G. Bos. "Measuring Irrigation Water," chapter 10, pp.
313-370. In Management of Farm Irrigation Systems. Hoffman, G., T.A. Howell, and
K.H. Solomon (eds.), American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Monograph, St. Joseph,
Michigan, 1991.
Robinson, A.R. Parshall Measuring Flumes of Small Sizes. Technical Bulletin No. 61,
Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1957.
Robinson A.R., and A.R. Chamberlain. "Trapezoidal Flumes for Open Channel Flow
Measurements." Transactions, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, vol. 3 (No. 2):120-
124,128, 1960.
Skogerboe, G.V., R.S. Bennett, and W.R. Walker. "Generalized Discharge Relations for
Cutthroat Flumes." Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, American Society of Civil
Engineers, vol. 98 No. IR4, pp. 569-583, 1972.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. "Measurement of Irrigation Water."
SCS National Engineering Handbook, Section 15CIrrigation, chapter 9, pp. 1-72, 1962.
Wahl, T.L., A.J. Clemmens, J.A. Replogle, and M.G. Bos, "WinFlume Windows-Based
Software for the Design of Long-Throated Measuring Flumes". Fourth Decennial National
Irrigation Symposium, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Nov. 14-16, 2000, Phoenix,
AZ. http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/hydraulics_lab/winflume/
Wells, E.A., and H.B. Gotaas. "Design of Venturi Flumes in Circular Conduits." Transactions of
the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 123, pp. 749-771, 1958.
1. Definition and Classification of Orifices
An orifice used as a measuring device is a well-defined, sharp-edged opening in a wall or
bulkhead through which flow occurs. Orifices may be used to measure rates of flow when the
size and shape of the orifices and the heads acting upon them are known. For irrigation use,
orifices are commonly circular or rectangular in shape and are generally placed in vertical
surfaces, perpendicular to the direction of channel flow.
A submerged orifice and the same orifice discharging freely have nearly the same coefficient of
discharge. Submerging an orifice provides the capability to measure relatively large flows with a
small drop in water surface, conserving delivery head compared with weirs. However, the
submerged orifice requires head measurements upstream and downstream. The difference
between the two heads is used in the orifice equation (equation 9-1). A free- flow measurement
requires measurement of only one upstream head.
Using an orifice as a water measuring device demands attention to dimensions and
craftsmanship, and the orifice must closely simulate conditions existing when it was calibrated.
Equation coefficients depend on these details and can vary considerably. For full contraction, the
orifice plate should be machined around the entire perimeter of the opening to a clean, straight,
and sharp upstream edge and corner in the direction of the flow. Rounding of an upstream face
corner can partially or fully suppress contraction. For example, 1-percent rounding of the
upstream face corner of the opening perimeter in terms of minimum orifice opening dimension
causes about a 3-percent increase of the contraction coefficient. A well-designed bellmouth will
eliminate all contraction (Schuster, 1970).
Orifices may be partially contracted in two senses. One is the amount of curvature of the jet in
the direction of flow and the other in the amount of orifice opening perimeter which produces no
curvature of the jet passing through the opening. The latter is called suppression. An example of
a partially suppressed orifice is a sluice gate, where the approach boundary on the sides and
bottom continues past the sharp edge of the gate leaf above. This arrangement eliminates the jet
contraction along part of the orifice opening perimeter, increasing the effective coefficient of
Coefficients are used in equations to account for: neglecting the approach velocity head, the
approach velocity distribution, the decrease of jet velocity caused by friction, and the amount of
jet contraction caused by the flow curving around the corner of the orifice perimeter.
The proximity of the upstream water surface to the top of the orifice opening affects the amount
of contraction. For full contraction, the water surface upstream from the orifice must always be
well above the top of the opening. Similar to weirs, if the bottom or the side walls of the
approach channel are too close to the orifice edges, then the sides and bottom of the orifice jet
are not fully contracted. If the upstream water surface drops below the top of the opening, the
opening, in effect, becomes a weir.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages
Submerged orifices conserve head and are used where fall is insufficient for weirs. Submerged
orifices can be used where cost, space limitations, or other site conditions do not justify a weir or
flume. A disadvantage of the submerged orifice is that accumulations of submerged debris or
sand and sediment upstream from the orifice may prevent accurate measurements. Severe
blockage with trash could cause upstream bank overtopping. Where fall is not limited and space
is available, a long-throated flume should ordinarily be chosen. Both weirs and flumes are less
susceptible to interference from weeds and trash, and clogging is easily visible. Typically, sharp-
crested weirs and some long-throated flumes are less expensive and more accurate.
3. Fully Contracted Submerged Orifice
The principal type of submerged orifice used for measuring irrigation water in an open channel is
the vertical, sharp-edged, fully contracted, rectangular orifice. This orifice is accurate and is the
principal type for which the discharge coefficient has been carefully determined. The longer
dimension of the rectangle is horizontal to help meet the approach flow boundary conditions
discussed in the next section of this chapter. Such an orifice is illustrated on figure 9-1 with
recommended box dimensions on figure 9-1 given in table 9-1.
Figure 9-1 -- Submerged-orifice measurement structure
viewed from upstream (refer to table 9-1 for dimensions).
Table 9-1. Recommended box sizes and dimensions for a submerged orifice
Size of orifice
Height of
structure, B
Width of head
wall, A
Length of downstream
wing wall, C
D (in)
L (in)
4. Conditions for Accuracy of Fully Contracted Submerged Rectangular Orifices
The standard submerged rectangular orifice described on figure 9-1 and in table 9-1 has four
sides, consisting of thin-edged plates, far enough removed from the sides, bottom, and top of the
water prism in the approach channel that essentially full jet contraction occurs. The contraction
which occurs is about equal to the maximum that could be obtained with the sides of the orifice
at infinite distances from the water prism boundaries.
The following conditions are required to accurately replicate equation 9-1 coefficients and use
table 9-1:
(1) The upstream edges of the orifice should be straight, sharp, and smooth.
(2) The upstream face of the orifice wall should be vertical.
(3) The top and bottom edges of the orifice opening should be level.
(4) The sides of the opening should be truly vertical.
(5) The inset orifice plates must be flush, and the upstream face of the supporting
bulkhead with the fasteners must be countersunk on the upstream side.
(6) The distance from the opening edges to the boundary and the water surface, both on
the upstream and downstream sides, should be greater than twice the least dimension of
the orifice opening.
(7) The face of the plates must be free of grease and oil.
(8) Avoid orifice plate knife edges because they are a safety hazard and can damage
easily; orifice opening plate perimeter should be between 0.03 and 0.08 inch (in) thick.
(9) If the plates are thicker than condition (8), the plate edges should be reduced to the
required thickness by chamfering the downstream edge of the orifice plates to an angle of
at least 45 degrees.
(10) Flow edges of plates require machining or filing perpendicular to the upstream face
to remove burrs or scratches and should not be smoothed off with abrasive cloth or paper.
(11) The edges of the supporting bulkhead wall cutout to receive the orifice opening plate
should be located at least one wall thickness from the orifice opening edges.
(12) For submerged flow, the effective head on the orifice is the actual difference in
elevation between the water surfaces upstream and downstream from the orifice wall.
The differential head should be at least 0.2 foot (ft).
(13) For free flow, the effective head on the orifice is the difference in elevation between
the upstream water surface and the center of the orifice opening.
(14) The cross-sectional area of the water prism 20 to 30 ft upstream from the orifice
should be at least eight times the cross-sectional area of the orifice.
(15) The selected type of head measuring device must be compatible with required
project accuracy and the amount of head loss that is acceptable.
If all these requirements are satisfied, then the effective discharge coefficient is good to +/-2
percent. However, the accuracy of discharge measurement depends strongly on the secondary
head measurement system selected and the magnitude of h. Chapter 8 contains error values for
different head measurement systems.
5. Discharge Through a Submerged Rectangular Orifice
The equation for computing the discharge of the standard submerged rectangular orifice is:
Q = C
A ) ( 2
2 1
h h g (9-1b)
Q = discharge (ft
= coefficient of contraction
= coefficient of velocity caused by friction loss
= coefficient to account for exclusion of approach velocity head from the equation
A = the area of the orifice (ft
g = acceleration caused by gravity (ft/s
= upstream head (ft)
= downstream head (ft)
The coefficient of contraction, C
, accounts for the flow area reduction of the jet caused by the
flow curving and springing from the orifice edges. The coefficient C
accounts for the velocity
distribution and friction loss. The product, C
, is sometimes called the coefficient of
discharge, C
. The coefficient C
accounts for using the water head only and does not fully
account for the velocity head of approach. This coefficient is near unity if all the requirements of
section 4 are met. The effective discharge coefficient, C
, is the product C
, which has been
determined experimentally to be 0.61 for rectangular irrigation weirs. The coefficient of
contraction has the most influence on the effective coefficient discharge. Because C
approach unity as velocity approaches zero, its value will increase rapidly after reaching some
low velocity. Thus, the equation should not be used for heads less than 0.2 ft even with very
precise head measuring devices. The difference between upstream and downstream heads or
water surface elevations is sometimes called the differential head, and equation 9-1a can be
rewritten as:
Q = C
A h g 2 (9-1b)
h = h
- h
, differential head
= 0.61, as determined experimentally.
The discharge, when velocity of approach is negligible, may be computed using equation 9-1b.
Table A9-2
was prepared for orifice areas from 0.25 to 2.0 ft
The prefix "A" denotes tables that are located in the appendix.
6. Dimensions for Fully Contracted Submerged Rectangular Orifices
The most suitable proportions for standard submerged rectangular orifices are those in which the
height, D, is considerably less than the width, L. Usually, these proportions are preferred because
of shallow flow depths in some canals and open laterals. Figure 9-1 and table 9-1 provide
recommended dimensions for wood or concrete submerged-orifice structures.
The size of the orifice selected for a particular situation is governed by the quantity of water to
be measured and the head available. The precision of the head measuring system relative to the
minimum required differential needs to be considered when selecting size. For example, if staff
gages are used which can only read head to within +/-0.005 ft, the uncertainty of the differential
is +/-0.01 ft. This uncertainty in the head causes a discharge error of +/-2.5 percent at a
differential head of 0.2 ft. Chapter 3 gives more detailed examples of error calculations at low
heads for selection of head measuring devices. Chapter 8 contains head error information for
different measurement systems
7. Construction and Setting of Standard Fully Contracted Submerged Orifices
Submerged-orifice structures should be substantially constructed of concrete or, under certain
circumstances, of wood. The structure should extend several conduit widths downstream from
the orifice wall to provide erosion protection in unlined channels. The floor and sides of the box
conduit downstream from the orifice opening should be set outward from the opening a distance
of at least twice the smallest orifice opening dimension. A flashboard may be placed at the
downstream end of the orifice box conduit to assure submergence of the orifice; however, the
flashboard should be sufficiently downstream to prevent disturbing the water issuing from the
orifice. The orifice wall should be set truly vertical, and the top of the wall should reach only to
the maximum expected water level, so the wall can act as an overflow weir in the event of
operational difficulties. Wingwalls or cutoff walls should be provided at the upstream and
downstream end of the orifice box conduit to prevent undermining the orifice structure and
leakage around the structure. Figure 9-1 and table 91 provide recommended dimensions for a
concrete or wood submerged-orifice structure.
8. Discharge Adjustment for Contraction Suppression in Submerged Orifices
Because effective discharge coefficients are not well defined where suppression exists, use of a
standard fully contracted orifice is desirable wherever conditions permit. However, a bottom
suppressed orifice allows the sediment to pass the structure.
To avoid accumulations of sediment on the upstream side of the orifice, the bottom contraction
may need to be suppressed by placing the lower side of the orifice at canal grade. In occasional
instances, use of orifices with both bottom and side contractions suppressed may be necessary.
For rectangular submerged orifices having partially suppressed perimeter contraction and
negligible velocity of approach assured by providing an approach area at least 8 times larger than
the orifice opening, the approximate discharge may be computed by:
= 0.61(1 + 0.15r) A h g 2
= discharge of the suppressed orifice in ft
/s, velocity of approach neglected
r = ratio of the suppressed portion of the perimeter of the orifice to the total perimeter
The variables h, A, and g have the same significance as in equation 9-1b. The term in the
parentheses can be thought of as a factor that adjusts the fully contracted effective coefficient of
discharge used in equation 9-1b in terms of amount of perimeter with suppressed contraction.
This method is expected to produce a coefficient correct to within about +/-3.0 percent.
As a temporary estimating procedure, this method can be used to estimate discharge when
sediment deposits are present in the approach to an orifice that was meant to be fully contracted.
If the deposits were similar in effect to a smooth invert at the bottom of the orifice, the correction
would be good. However, the accuracy of the estimated correction is usually in doubt because of
the shape, depth, and location of the deposits. Best practice would require removing the sediment
immediately rather than making the discharge adjustment.
Equation 9-2 can be used for sluice gates when they are in effect bottom and/or side suppressed
rectangular orifices with variable opening area. Table A9-3 gives discharge versus head for
orifices that are both bottom and side suppressed for orifice areas of 2 ft
to 125 ft
. Other more
exact and complex approaches can be used for determining discharge with sluice gates. These
approaches are discussed by Bos (1989), who states that equation 9-2 agrees closely to
relationships developed by Henry (1950) and Franke (1968).
9. Requirements for Suppressed Submerged Rectangular Orifices
The requirements in section 4 related to distance from the sides and bottom do not apply.
However, all the remaining requirements apply. Element (14) concerning approach area is
especially important.
10. Excess Velocity of Approach
Submerged orifices should be installed, operated, and maintained in such a way as to make the
velocity of approach negligible. To prevent excess velocity of approach, the size of the approach
flow area should be greater than eight times the size of the orifice opening. Generally, the
requirements of section 4 of this chapter will prevent excess velocity of approach. The original
tables presented by Christiansen (1935) limit velocity of approach to about 0.5 foot per second
To account for excess velocity of approach, the approach velocity head is frequently added to the
differential head under the radical assuming that the effective coefficient of discharge does not
change. However, in equation 9-1b, this correction assumes that all the correction is accounted
for by an approach velocity head term alone. However, this procedure only constitutes a partial
correction. The factors that cause excess velocity of approach also cause changes in the
contraction and head loss. Thus, the effective discharge coefficient changes by some undefined
amount. It is better to find the cause of excess velocity, and if operation changes or maintenance
cannot remedy the problem, then a replacement device may be required.
Orifices can be calibrated for velocity of approach effects by comparing against another device.
This comparison would require measurements at given discharges at several upstream and
downstream heads. The cost of these measurements most likely would exceed the cost of a
replacement measuring device.
11. Constant-Head Orifice (CHO) Turnout
(a) General Description
A water measuring device frequently used in irrigation is a combination regulating gate and
measuring gate structure. This device uses an adjustable rectangular gate opening as a submerged
orifice for discharge measurement and a less expensive circular gate downstream. This system is
called the CHO turnout. For convenience, it is operated by setting and maintaining a constant
head differential across the orifice. Discharges are set and varied by changing the gate opening.
These structures may be used in place of meter gates or turnout gate-and-weir combinations to
regulate and measure flows from canals and open laterals into smaller ditches. The turnouts are
usually placed at right angles to the main canal or open lateral. Typical CHO turnouts are shown
on figures 9-2 and 9-3.
Figure 9-2 -- Schematic diagram of a CHO turnout.
Figure 9-3 -- A single-barrel CHO turnout.
The CHO turnout consists of a short entrance channel leading to a headwall containing one or
more gate-controlled openings, a head measurement stilling basin section, and a downstream
headwall with one or more gate-controlled barrels that release the flow into the delivery channel
(figure 9-4). The rate of flow is measured by using the principle that a submerged orifice of a
given size operating under a specific differential head will always pass the same known quantity
of water. The upstream gate or gates serve as orifices. The orifice area can be increased or
decreased by adjusting the upstream gate or gates. Usually, the head differential is maintained at
a constant value, usually 0.20 ft (h on figure 9-4) measured by staff gages or stilling wells
located upstream and downstream from the orifice gate headwall.
Figure 9-4 -- Schematic view of a single-barrel CHO turnout
with a horizontal inlet channel.
To set a given flow, the opening of the orifice for the desired discharge is obtained from
discharge tables (tables A9-4 and A9-5 for the older 20- and 10-ft
/s sizes). With the upstream
gates set at this opening, the downstream gates are adjusted until the differential head across the
orifice as measured by the staff gages or stilling wells is at the required constant head (usually
0.20 ft). The discharge will then be at the desired value.
Two sizes of orifice gates, 24 by 18 in and 30 by 24 in, have been used extensively in the past.
Both sizes are provided in single-barrel and double-barrel designs. The capacity of the single-
barrel 24- by 18-in turnout is 5.0 ft
/s. The capacity of the single-barrel 30 by 24-in turnout is 10
/s. Double-barrel installations have twice the capacity of the single-barrel ones. Newer designs
(Aisenbrey et al., 1978) provide standard CHO turnouts for discharges of 2-,4-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 15-,
18-, 24-, and 30-ft
/s with corresponding opening widths of 1.5, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0,
4.0 ft. The gate sizes for these turnouts vary from 18 to 48 in.
Table A9-6 gives discharge versus gate opening for these turnout sizes with a differential head of
0.2 ft.
(b) Discharge Calibrations
Calibration tests for the original design sizes were conducted in the Bureau of Reclamation
(Reclamation) laboratories in Denver, Colorado, on one-half-scale models of 24- by 18-in
CHO turnouts (Blackwell, 1946). The effective coefficient of discharge varied from 0.68 to 0.72
as gate opening increased from 0.2 to 1.5 ft. These tests covered ratios of approach head to gate
opening of from 6 to 2, respectively. To produce tables A9-4 and A9-5, the effective coefficient
of 0.70 at the ratio of 4 was used in tables for both single-barrel and double-barrel structures with
a standard set head differential of 0.2 ft. Thus, the table values are good to +/-3.0 percent.
Discharge tables for the newer CHO sizes (Aisenbrey et al., 1978) are also based upon a
coefficient of 0.70. Discharge for standard head differential of 0.2 ft is provided on standard
drawings and in table A9-6. For the 2-ft
/s CHO turnout, with minimum canal water surface
elevation and maximum recommended orifice gate opening, the submergence ratio (approach
depth to opening) is about 4. As the turnout size increases, the minimum approach submergence
ratio decreases to become about 2 for 15-ft
/s and larger sizes.
Differential heads other than 0.2 ft can be used, but equation 9-1b and an effective coefficient of
0.70 must be used to compute discharges or to generate new tables.
To provide CHO calibrations and structural designs for sizes not actually calibrated using a
discharge coefficient of 0.70 and to attain "3 percent equation accuracy, Aisenbrey et al. (1978)
give the following design criteria for smaller and larger CHO turnouts with capacities up to 30
For maximum capacities of 10 ft
/s and less, the length of gate basin should be at least
2.25 times the maximum gate opening or 1.75 times the gate support wall opening,
whichever is greater. However, no basin length should be less than 3.5 ft.
For capacities between 10 ft
/s and 30 ft
/s, the gate basin length should be at least 2.75
times the maximum gate opening. The bottom of the gate basin should be level.
The gate opening should be less than or equal to 0.8 times the wall gate support wall
The distance from the gate lip to the top of the gate support wall opening should be at
least equal to the wall thickness.
The approach flow submergence above the top of the opening should be 1.78 times the
velocity head plus 0.25 ft.
The set head differential should be at least 0.2 ft.
An important detail of the Reclamation orifice gate design is a 1-1/2- by 1-1/2-in angle iron
brace projecting upstream on the face. The projecting leg of angle iron is located 1-3/4 in from
the gate lip. Some of the smaller gates were built without this brace and were field calibrated
with weirs. They were found to have an effective coefficient of 0.65. When this bracing is
missing, equation 9-1b and this lower coefficient must be used to calculate discharges or tables.
Colorado State University (CSU) tests (Kruse, 1965) determined that the effective discharge
coefficient is about 0.65 for the normal operation where the depth upstream from the turnout is
2.5 or more times the maximum gate opening. This coefficient is the same value that
Reclamation determined for no angle iron bracing at the bottom of the upstream gate face.
CSU also investigated the effects of changes in upstream and downstream water levels, sediment
deposits, plugging of the orifice gate with weeds and debris, and approach flow conditions.
For discharges larger than about 30 ft
/s, special structures involving multiple gates and barrels
are designed for the particular site and flow requirements.
(c) Effects of Upstream Water Depth
When the depth of water upstream from the orifice gate is four or more times the height of the
opening of the orifice, the coefficient of discharge, C, remains essentially constant at 0.65
(Kruse, 1965). When the depth of water upstream is less than four times the orifice opening, the
coefficient increases. The rate of increase is moderate at submergence ratios between 4 and 2.5,
but rapid at submergence ratios below 2.5.
Attempting to predict the coefficients for different installations having low submergence ratios is
impractical and inaccurate, and doing so is not recommended. Structures should be installed so
the minimum water depth in front of the orifice gate will be at least 2.5 times, but preferably 4 or
more times, the maximum expected gate opening. In some cases, to place the structure low
enough, the inlet channel may need to be sloped downward as shown on figure 9-5. An
alternative design in which the inlet floor is abruptly stepped downward is also used.
Figure 9-5 -- Schematic view of a CHO turnout with a sloping
inlet channel and with piezometers and stilling wells.
(d) Effects of Upstream and Downstream Water Depth
Because of its name, the CHO is often mistakenly thought to maintain the constant head
differential after setting when the water surface changes in the supply canal. However, the CHO
cannot maintain this constant differential because the orifice gate coefficient varies with
upstream submergence and differs from the downstream control gate coefficient.
A change in tailwater depth or downstream submergence on the control gate after a discharge has
been set also can cause a significant change in the flow rate. The set differential changes because
the two gates have different coefficient characteristics relative to their shape and response to
amount of submergence. If considerable drop exists in the channel downstream from the turnout,
tailwater will have no effect on flow measurement. However, if the CHO turnout is placed at
about the same grade as the ditch it is supplying, the discharge may be affected as the water level
Therefore, whenever tailwater or downstream delivery depth can affect the rate of flow, the
ditchrider must make the necessary and frequent adjustments until flow conditions in the ditch
become stable.
(e) Effects of Sediment and Weeds
In common irrigation use, sediment is usually swept through the orifice and the downstream
gates during normal operation (Blackwell, 1946). The small sediment accumulations that occur
in the stilling basin between the gates have little or no effect upon performance. Thus, sediment
is usually not a problem in CHO turnouts.
Choking caused by weeds that become lodged within the measuring orifice can be serious.
Moreover, choking can be difficult to detect when silty water is flowing because the orifice
cannot be seen. The principal cause of choking is the presence of waterlogged weeds that catch
in the gate opening. These weeds may trap other particles and eventually plug the turnout. The
measuring accuracy of CHO turnouts is greatly reduced by the presence of even a few weeds.
Care must be taken to ensure that the orifice and the area upstream from the orifice are kept
completely clear of weeds and other debris. Trashscreens or trashracks are sometimes placed at
the inlet to the CHO turnout.
(f) Effects of Approach Flow Condition
The turnouts are usually placed at 90 degrees to the canal centerline (figure 9-3). As a result,
when the flow in the canal moves past the turnout, an eddy and related flow disturbances occur at
the turnout entrance. This eddy and the other flow disturbances affect the flow into the turnout.
The intensity of the disturbances depends largely upon the velocity of the passing supply canal
flow. For small gate openings, the discharge coefficient, C, for the turnout increases from a value
of 0.64 for a canal flow velocity of 1 ft/s to a value of 0.69 for a canal flow velocity of about 3
ft/s (Blackwell, 1946). On the other hand, with large gate openings, increasing the canal flow
velocity near the turnout decreases the coefficient from high values of about 0.74 for canal flow
velocities of 1.0 ft/s to low values of about 0.63 for canal flow velocities of 3.0 ft/s. This
appreciable, but inconsistent, effect upon the measuring accuracy of CHO turnouts must be
recognized. This error is greatest at the larger orifice openings. Whenever possible, installations
should be designed so that relatively low flow velocities prevail at the turnout, especially if
larger openings are to be used. Fortunately, the normal flow velocity distribution in canals
provides relatively low velocities near the banks.
(g) Head Measurements
In the standard CHO turnout, the head differential across the orifice, or upstream gate, is
determined by reading staff gages just upstream and downstream from the headwall on which the
upstream gate is mounted (figure 9-4). Rough water surfaces at these gages can easily result in
large head reading errors. These errors are particularly bad during large flows when the water
surface in the stilling basin downstream from the orifice opening may be quite unsteady or tilted.
Head reading errors can cause significant errors in flow measuring accuracy, and every
reasonable effort should be made to avoid them. Chapters 6 and 8 show other ways of stilling the
water surface to make head measurement more accurate.
Stilling devices to reduce water surface fluctuations at the staff gages can reduce head
measurement errors. External stilling wells connected to piezometers upstream and downstream
from the orifice gate greatly increase the potential accuracy of head readings and of the discharge
measurements (figure 9-5). Additional information regarding stilling wells can be found in
chapters 6 and 8. For existing structures, small wooden or metal shelf-type stilling devices
installed within the flow area across the inlet and across the stilling basin near the staff gages
will help reduce reading errors caused by vortices and waves (figure 9-6).
Figure 9-6 -- Baffles to reduce water surface fluctuations at
staff gages in CHO turnouts.
12. Orifice Check Structures
Occasionally, at a given site, the canal water surface level should be checked up to a specified
elevation while simultaneously measuring the rate of flow. The combined checking and
measuring functions can be provided by orifice check structures which are built into the canals as
in-line structures (figure 9-7). One or more orifice openings of the necessary size are constructed
in the lower portion of a wall that extends across the canal at the upstream end of the check-type
structure. These orifices are used to measure the discharge. A second wall with one or more
gated openings is constructed at the downstream end of the structure. This downstream control is
used to check the canal water surface to the desired elevation. Two stilling wells are located
outside of the structure. One is connected to a piezometer in the canal upstream from the orifice
wall, and the other is connected to a piezometer in the basin between the upstream and
downstream walls. In small orifice check structures, staff gages are used in place of piezometer
and stilling wells. In either case, the differential head acting across the orifice can be determined,
and with knowledge of the orifice dimensions and characteristics, the rate of flow can be
Figure 9-7 -- Gated orifice check structure used to maintain
upstream water surface levels and to measure rates of flow in
the Courtland Canal, Nebraska.
The coefficients of discharge that should be used to compute the rate of flow are difficult to
determine analytically because of different degrees of suppression at the bottom and sides and
between the orifice openings.
Computed discharge tables are ordinarily provided for each structure, but usually a statement is
included that a field rating is necessary to ensure accurate results. In general, the recommended
practice is that field ratings be made by current meter data and that discharge curves be prepared.
For maximum potential accuracy, care must be exercised to prevent either excessively small gate
openings or small differential head readings that cause large errors of precision of head or gate
opening effects on discharge measurement.
13. Radial Gate Checks Used for Measuring Device
Radial gates are widely used in canal check structures to control canal flows and water levels. By
measuring upstream water level, downstream water level, and gate position, radial gate checks
can also be used to compute flow. Computing flow at check structures prevents the additional
cost and head loss from flow measurement devices such as flumes, weirs, or flow meters.
Radial gate flow is a type of variable-area orifice flow, which may be either free or submerged.
However, accurate computation of radial gate flow requires complex analysis. Discharge under a
radial gate is influenced by numerous parameters and structure dimensions. Figure 9-8 shows a
typical radial gate with some of the variables that affect gate flow. The angle of the gate's
bottom edge (gate lip) varies with the gate opening, G
, the pinion height, PH, and the gate's
radius, r. Flow contraction is sensitive to the angle , the type of gate lip seal, and water levels.
Figure 9-8 -- Diagram of radial gate showing calibration variables.
The general equation for flow through an undershot gate can be derived from the Bernoulli
equation and expressed as:
Q = C
B gH 2 (9-3)
Q = discharge (gate flow)
= coefficient of discharge
= vertical gate opening
B = gate width
g = gravitational constant
H = a head term
The head term, H, in the above equation can be either the upstream depth, Y
, or the differential
head across the gate, Y
- Y
(see figure 98). When differential head is used, equation 9-3
becomes the well-known "orifice" equation. The development of the coefficient of discharge, C
depends on the definition of the head term as well as the various other parameters that affect gate
flow. C
has been predicted using a number of different methods, but most of these methods have
limited application and accuracy.
In 1983, a research program at Reclamation's Hydraulics Laboratory developed gate flow
algorithms that represent the complete discharge characteristics for canal radial gate check
These algorithms are a complex set of equations that cover the range of water levels and gate
geometry normally encountered at canal check structures. When applied correctly, they can be as
accurate as any canal flow measurement device or procedure. The main disadvantages to using
these algorithms are their complexity and the requirement to accurately measure two water
levels, Y
and Y
, and the gate position, G
. Additionally, sedimentation or check structure
subsidence can change gate flow characteristics at existing structures and require recalibration
over time.
A computer program has been developed to solve the radial gate flow algorithms. Program
RADGAT executes on a personal computer to calculate either flow or gate position at a canal
radial gate check structure. The user enters structure dimensions such as gate width, pinion
height, gate radius, pier width (between gates), invert elevations, canal bottom widths and side
slopes, and head loss coefficients for open transitions and siphons. These physical proper-ties are
saved in a data file so they need not be reentered for successive program execution. Then, the
user enters upstream and downstream water depths and has the option either to compute
discharge for a given gate opening or compute gate opening for a given discharge. RADGAT can
also produce rating tables of flow versus gate opening for a range of upstream and downstream
Buyalski (1983) contains detailed results from the research program and explanation of the
discharge algorithms. It also contains the original version of program RADGAT developed for
main-frame computer application. The personal computer version of RADGAT may be obtained
through Reclamation's Water Resources Research Laboratory in Denver, Colorado.
14. Meter Gates
In the past, meter gates have been used for controlling and measuring irrigation flows (figure 9-
9) (Schuster, 1970; Ball, 1961). These gates are basically modified, submerged, variable area
orifices (slide gates) at the upstream end of a length of smooth or corrugated pipe. The gate leaf
has either a round or square bottom over the entrance. Wells provide a means of measuring the
head upstream and downstream from the gate, designated h
and h
, respectively. The upstream
head, h
, is measured in the well connected to the headwall located a certain distance to the side
of the gate opening. The downstream head, h
, is measured in the other well, which is connected
to the pipe a short distance downstream from the gate. The difference in head in the two wells is
the effective operating head across the gate. The discharge is then determined by the proper
equation or a table provided by the manufacturers.
Figure 9-9 -- Typical meter gate installation.
Meter gates are usually purchased from commercial suppliers who furnish discharge tables for
their product. Generally, the tables are reasonably accurate. In some instances, errors of 18
percent or more have been found. A number of characteristics of meter gates influence their
performance, particularly when they are operated at openings larger than 50 percent or the
upstream submergence above the crown of the pipe is less than the inside pipe diameter.
The discharge table being used should be checked to ensure that it applies to the brand and type
of gate being used. Tables for round-bottom gates must not be used for square-bottom gates and
vice versa. Gate settings must be made and read accurately, which requires that the gate position
indicators be in good condition and show the true openings. The stilling wells should be
periodically flushed to make sure they are operating properly and are free of obstructions and
silt. Staff gages or scales should also be checked to be sure they have been secured in the proper
zero position.
Weeds, trash, and sediment must be removed from the approach to the gates because they can
cause flow disturbances that result in erroneous head differential readings. This requirement is
particularly important along the wing walls because these walls have more effect upon the flow
than does the alignment of the bottom. The approach effects are particularly important at gate
openings greater than 50 percent.
Low head wall submergence over the meter gate entrance can also result in discharge errors,
particularly at gate openings greater than 75 percent. Considerable error results when the head is
less than one pipe diameter above the top of the pipe. Sufficient submergence must also occur at
the downstream end of the conduit to ensure that the conduit flows full and that a readable water
surface is present in the downstream stilling well, which will usually require at least 1 ft of water
depth above the pipe crown. This amount of submergence will normally prevent scour damage
downstream in earthen ditches.
Large errors in discharge determination can be introduced if the differential head (difference in
water surface elevation between the two stilling wells) is small. For example, in reading the two
water surface elevations in the stilling wells, an error of 0.01 ft could be made in each reading,
giving a possible value of 0.10 ft for a true differential head of 0.08 ft. For a true discharge of
1.10 ft
/s through an 18-in meter gate open 5 in, the difference in the indicated discharge would
be about 0.12 ft
/s, an error of about 11 percent. If the gate opening was reduced to 2 in, and the
upstream pool could be allowed to rise to pass the same discharge, the differential head would be
0.40 ft, and the same head-reading error of 0.02 ft would indicate a change of only 0.03 ft
/s. The
error in discharge determination would be reduced from about 11 percent to less than 3 percent.
The head in the downstream measuring well can vary widely depending upon the longitudinal
and lateral location of the pressure tap in the pipe. Placing the pressure tap of the downstream
measuring well 12 in from the gate is a special case requiring special calibration for each size
gate unless the maximum gate opening is limited. A better location for the downstream
piezometer would be at a distance D/3, measured from the downstream face of the gate. The
pressure gradeline here is lower and flatter. Minor variations in piezometer locations would not
result in major measuring errors, and the measured head differential would be greater. However,
if the piezometer is moved to this point, the meter must be recalibrated because the
manufacturer's published tables will not apply.
Laboratory tests have been conducted on square-bottom, flat-leaf meter gates to determine the
coefficient of discharge, C
, for a pressure tap located at a distance D/3 downstream from the
gate (Ball, 1961). This curve, shown on figure 9-10, is valid for all sizes of square-bottom, flat-
leaf meter gates under the following standard conditions:
Figure 9-10 -- Coefficient of discharge curve for meter gates
with downstream pressure tap at D/3.
(1) An approach channel floor sloping upward, 2 to 1, toward the gate, with the
downstream end of the floor a distance 0.17D below the pipe entrance invert.
(2) Flaring entrance walls, 8 to 1, starting a distance D/4 from the edges of the gate
(3) Zero gate openings set when the bottom of the leaf is at the invert of the entrance.
(4) Upstream submergence greater than D.
(5) The downstream end of the pipe submerged to make the pipe flow full.
It should be noted that the coefficient C
is used with A, which is the area of the pipe and not the
gate opening. Discharges may be computed from this equation with an accuracy of +/-2.5
percent. The degree of downstream submergence does not affect the accuracy of the meter if
water rises sufficiently in the downstream well to obtain an accurate reading and the pipe runs
full at the outlet.
15. Bibliography
Aisenbrey A.J., Jr, R.B. Hayes, H.J. Warren, D.L. Winsett, and R.B. Young, Design of Small
Canal Structures, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 1978.
Ball, J.W., "Flow Characteristics and Limitation of Screw-Lift Vertical Metergates," Hydraulic
Laboratory Report No. HYD-471, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, March 15, 1961.
Blackwell, B.T., "Calibration of the Constant-Head Orifice Turnout1:2 Scale Model," Hydraulic
Laboratory Report No. HYD-216, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, November 25, 1946
Bos, M.G., ed., Discharge Measurement Structures, International Institute for Land Reclamation
and Improvement, Publication 20, third revised edition, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1989.
Buyalski, C.P., "Discharge Algorithms for Canal Radial Gates," Report REC-ERC-83-9, Bureau
of Reclamation, Denver CO, December 1983.
Christiansen, J.E., "Measuring Water for Irrigation," Bulletin 588, University of California,
Berkley CA, 1935.
Franke, P.G., and F. Valentin, "The Determination of Discharge Below Gates in Case of
Variable Tailwater Conditions, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, Delft, The
Netherlands: International Association for Hydraulic Research, 1968.
Henry, H., "Discussion Diffusion of Submerged Jets," Transactions of American Society of Civil
Engineers, Discussion 115, 1950.
Kruse, E.G., "The Constant-Head Orifice Farm Turnout," ARS 41-93, Agricultural Research
Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, January 1965.
Schuster, J.S. (ed.), "Water Measurement Procedures, Irrigation Operators' Workshop," Report
No. REC-OCE-70-38, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver CO, September 1970.
1. Introduction
Current meters are velocity measuring devices that sample at a point. Each point velocity
measurement is then assigned to a meaningful part of the entire cross section passing flow. The
velocity-area principal is used to compute discharge from current-meter data. Total discharge is
determined by summation of partial discharges. Data are usually determined over a useful range
of total discharges. These discharges are related to measured water surface elevations related to a
fixed head measuring device to provide a rating curve. After full confidence in the rating is
attained, the calibrated head measurement device and cross section may be used as a gaging
2. Classes of Current Meters
Several classes of current meters are used in water measurement.
Anemometer and propeller velocity meter
Electromagnetic velocity meters
Doppler velocity meters
Optical strobe velocity meters
Most of these will be discussed briefly here. The class that is more commonly used for irrigation
and watershed measurements is the anemometer and propeller type; however, the use of
electromagnetic velocity meters is very popular among water districts. The discussion in the
following sections will mainly describe this class and its use.
(a) Anemometer and Propeller Current Meters
Anemometer and propeller current meters are the most common type used for irrigation and
watershed measurements. These meters use anemometer cup wheels or propellers to sense
velocity. The Price current meter and the smaller pygmy meter modification are the most
common current meters in use. These meters are rated by dragging them through tanks of still
water at known speeds. The reliability and accuracy of measurement with these meters are easily
assessed by checking mechanical parts for damage and using spin-time tests for excess change of
bearing friction. This type current meter does not sense direction of velocity, which may cause
problems in complicated flow where backflow might not be readily apparent. For irrigation
needs, this problem can be avoided by proper gage station or single measurement site selection.
(b) Electromagnetic Current Meters
Electromagnetic current meters produce voltage proportional to the velocity. The working
principle of these meters is the same as the pipeline electromagnetic flowmeter, which is more
fully described in chapter 14. One advantage of these current meters is direct analog reading of
velocity; counting of revolutions is not necessary. These current meters can also measure
crossflow and are directional. Electromagnetic current meters, while still not as reliable as the
anemometer type, have improved greatly in recent years. Their use near metallic objects is still a
(c) Doppler Type Current Meters
Doppler type current meters determine velocity by measuring the change of source light or sound
frequency from the frequency of reflections from moving particles such as small sediment and
air bubbles. Laser light is used with laser Doppler velocimeters (LDV), and sound is used with
acoustic doppler velocimeters (ADV). The working principles for ADV type flowmeters are
more fully described in chapter 11. Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) have also been
developed. These instruments measure average velocities of cells of selected size in a vertical
series. Thus, they measure vertical current profiles. ADCP measurements are becoming more
frequent for deep flow in reservoirs, oceans, and large rivers. Most of the meters in this class are
multidimensional or can simultaneously measure more than a single directional component of
velocity at a time.
(d) Optical Strobe Velocity Meters
Optical strobe velocity meters developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the
California Department of Water Resources use optical methods to determine surface velocities of
streams (USGS, 1965). This meter uses the strobe effect. Mirrors are mounted around a polygon
drum that can be rotated at precisely controlled speeds. Light coming from the water surface is
reflected by the mirrors into a lens system and an eyepiece. The rate of rotation of the mirror
drum is varied while viewing the reflected images in the eyepiece. At the proper rotational speed,
images become steady and appear as if the surface of the water is still. By reading the rate of
rotation of the drum and knowing the distance from the mirrors to the water surface, the velocity
of the surface can be determined. The discharge rate of the stream may be estimated by applying
the proper coefficient to this surface velocity and multiplying by the cross-sectional area of the
flow section.
The meter has several advantages. No parts are immersed in the flowing stream. Moreover, it can
be used for high-velocity flows and for flows carrying debris and heavy sediment. The meter can
measure large flood flows from bridges. However, the meter measures only the water surface
velocity and is very dependent upon the selection of the proper coefficient.
3. Use of Current-Meter Gaging Stations
Current-meter gaging stations are permanent or semi-permanent stations located along a
watercourse where flow conditions permit the establishment of a discharge rating curve based
upon multiple current-meter measurements. After the rating curve has been established, the rate
of flow is determined from the curve based on the measured depth of flow at the station. If
measurements become necessary in existing streams or canals, current-meter gaging stations can
be set up with relatively little effort and usually without modification to the channel.
Current-meter gaging stations are often preferred over other means of water measurement when
large flows are to be measured and head loss is costly, or when freeboard is not available. They
may also be desirable for sediment-laden flows even when discharges are not large. However,
excess sediment and seasonal growths of weeds can change head versus discharge relationships,
requiring frequent preparation of new rating curves. The frequent rating shifts can become labor
intensive, and flumes may be the better choice.
Where flow depths are too small for current meters and only small heads are possible, flumes are
probably the best alternative measuring method.
The discussion of current meters, gaging stations, and operational procedures presented in this
chapter is brief and is intended mainly to stress the more typical irrigation water measurements
that may be made by this method. For more detailed information, refer to USGS Water Supply
Paper No. 888 (USGS, 1965), Buchanan and Somers (1969), the National Handbook of Water-
Data Acquisition (USGS, 1980), and Wahl et al. (1995).
4. Location of Current-Meter Stations
Whenever possible, current-meter gaging stations should be located in straight, uniform stretches
of channel having smooth banks and beds of permanent nature. The station should be located far
from flow disturbances caused by turnouts and power stations. These flow disturbances will
variably affect the relationship of discharge to gage height. In many channels, these conditions
are difficult to find, and unusual care must be taken to obtain a satisfactory location.
The changing nature of some rivers and canals may require frequent current-meter
measurements. Sand shifts may occur frequently, often daily, and aquatic weeds may continue to
grow and increase in area. To obtain the gage-discharge relationship at stations on such streams,
current-meter measurements may be necessary two or three times weekly or perhaps daily if the
importance of equitable water distribution justifies such action. A rating section consisting of a
short-lined section in a straight stretch of channel will ensure a meter station of unvarying
dimensions if the sediment problem is not serious. Such a section in a canal is shown on figure
Figure 10-1 -- Current-meter station on a canal, viewed from upstream.
Current-meter measurements are taken from the bridge, and the
sheltered stilling well houses an automatic water-stage recorder.
A gaging station located upstream from any permanent single control section, such as a drop,
will usually have a simple relationship between the gage height and discharge. A gaging station
located in a river may have successively changing control points downstream as discharge
increases or decreases, resulting in more complicated gage height versus discharge relationships.
The last two types are not commonly used in irrigation practice and will not be discussed.
5. Types of Current-Meter Measurements
Current-meter discharge measurements are classified according to the type of equipment used
and the nature of the station:
Wading measurement (figure 10-2).
Cable supported measurement (figure 10-3).
Bridge measurement (figure 10-4).
Boat measurement (figure 10-5).
Measurement through ice cover.
Figure 10-2 -- Equipment for making wading measurements
with a current meter. Note tag line for marking stations.
Figure 10-3 -- Current-meter gaging station with cable car, corrugated steel
shelter house, and stilling well.
Figure 10-4 -- Type A crane and current-meter assembly in position on bridge.
Figure 10-5 -- Making a current-meter measurement from a boat.
6. Current-Meter Stations and Handling Equipment
The essential components of a current-meter station are a water-level gage (stage recorder), a
bench mark, fixed measuring points in the channel cross section, and a stay line to hold the meter
in the measuring plane or cross section under high velocity and deep water. Water stages or
elevations can be obtained by non-recording gages or water-stage recorders. The gage types most
commonly used in irrigation water measurement are the graduated, enameled, vertical staff,
hook, and float. A commonly used staff gage is shown on figure 8-4 in chapter 8. Float gages are
often connected to water stage recorders that produce charts of the water surface variations
against time. The benchmark should be conveniently and permanently located, with the elevation
of the gage datum carefully referenced to the benchmark.
Velocity measurement points should be located in a cross-section plane which is oriented
perpendicular to the channel flow. Where the channel is shallow enough to permit wading
measurements or where cable-supported measurements are taken, a tagged wire should be used
to establish the measuring points. When measurements are made from a bridge, permanent
measuring points should be established upon the bridge. The measuring points should be
permanently marked at equal intervals of from 2 to 10 feet (ft), depending upon the width of the
stream or canal. If the stream velocity is high or if the structure from which the measurements
are being made is far above the water, a stay-line can be used to pull the current meter back into
the plane of the measurement cross section. A cable supporting a traveling pulley can be
stretched across the canal upstream from and parallel to the measuring cross section. The
traveling pulley is fitted with a swiveling stay-line pulley. The stay-line runs from the meter
hanger, through the swiveling pulley, and back to the operator at the measuring station. The
support cable is placed perpendicular to the flow velocity and far enough upstream so when the
current meter is pulled back into the vertical plane at the measurement station, the slope of the
stay-line relative to the water surface is flatter than 30 degrees.
Streamlined weights with large tail fins, commonly called Columbus or C-type weights, are used
to carry the meter down into the flow and help hold it in the desired position when measurements
are being made from a bridge or a cable. Weights are available in 15-, 30-, 50-, 75-, 100-, 150,
200-, 300-, and 500-pound (lb) sizes. Usually, weights of 75 lb or less are adequate for canal and
small stream measurements. To handle the relatively heavy current-meter and weight assembly,
the type A portable crane shown on figure 10-4 is used. This crane is mounted on three wheels
designed to hold the current meter and weight in a balanced position while moving between
measuring points.
For stream measurement, the crane is tilted to lean against the bridge rail so the boom supports
the meter and weight clear of the bridge. The meter is raised and lowered by a crank and cable
reel on the frame. The crane may be folded into a compact unit for ease in transportation.
A cable device used extensively to position current meters across canals is shown on figure 10-6.
The head tower with the operating mechanism for the cable and the tail tower on the opposite
bank can be fixed installations, or vehicles may function as anchors on each side of the canal. A
counter on the head tower reel determines the lateral position of the traveling block. Another
counter on the reel raises and lowers the meter and determines meter depth. The entire
installation is relatively inexpensive and permits stream gaging to be done safely and easily from
the bank.
Figure 10-6 -- Cableway with traveling block to support the
current meter and position it for readings. Counters are
provided on the head tower and reel to determine the position
of the meter in the channel.
A carriage and track system to handle current meters with heavy weights when working from
bridges is shown on figure 10-7. The standard reel and counter assembly is mounted on a
carriage supported by ball-bearing rollers that run on a 2- by 6-inch (in) timber track
permanently mounted on the bridge rail. This equipment allows the operator freedom of
movement with safety, facilitates obtaining accurate stream gaging data, and is easily portable
from one station to another.
Figure 10-7 -- Carriage and track for handling current meter and
weights from a bridge. A 2- by 6-in timber permanently attached
to the bridge rail is the track for the portable, wheeled carriage that
supports the reel, cable, and meter assembly.
7. Subclasses of Anemometer-Propeller Current Meters
These commonly used current meters convert velocity into counts of rotations. Conventional
meters are of two general types - the propeller type with horizontal axis of rotation and the
conical cup type with vertical axis. The relationship between the velocity of the water and
number of revolutions per unit of time for various velocities is determined for each instrument by
experiment. Individual meters of models that have had long and extensive use without structural
or mechanical changes can use previous experimental calibrations with confidence. This
procedure requires tight control during manufacture with close tolerances for mechanical part
dimensions and verification with time-spin tests.
The manufacturer should provide the appropriate calibration equations, tables, or curves with
each meter. A sample rating table is shown on figure 10-8 for a meter with the equations:
V = 2.14N + 0.03 for N < 1.00 (10-1)
V = 2.19N + 0.01 for N > 1.00 (10-2)
In these equations, V is the velocity in feet per second (ft/s), and N is the number of revolutions
per second.
Figure 10-8 -- Typical current-meter rating table.
Each meter is calibrated for the types of suspensions with which it may be used (Smoot, 1968).
The two principal types of suspensions are wading rod and cables (shown on figures 10-2 and
10-4, respectively).
Because accuracy is greatly affected by general condition, the instrument should be checked at
least once a year. This check can be done by comparing the meter readings with a second meter
by placing it in the same position in a non-changing flow. This procedure is done at low, middle,
and high velocity to cover the meter measuring range. If significant difference exists between the
two meter readings, or if another meter is not available for checking to begin with, then the meter
should be sent to a laboratory for calibration.
(a) Price-Type Meters (Vertical Axis)
The Price meter, a cup-type instrument with a vertical axis, was developed by USGS and is
commonly used for irrigation water measurement.
This meter has the following general features: vanes to keep the front of the meter headed into
the current, either a cable or a rod for handling the meter, weights for sinking the meter when it
is suspended on a cable, an electric device for signaling and/or counting the number of
revolutions, and connections from the current meter to a 12-volt battery-powered headphone
(figure 10-9).
Figure 10-9 -- General assembly of Price type AA current meter (sheet 1 of 2).
Figure 10-9 -- General assembly of Price type AA current meter (sheet 2 of 2).
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) commonly uses two standard Price-type meters:
(1) the type AA meter with the Columbus-type weights or a wading rod, and (2) the type BTA
(figures 10-10 through 10-13). The pygmy meter, discussed in the following subsection, is also a
modification of the standard Price meter. The BTA meter has the same pivot, hub assembly, and
shaft as the type AA meter, which eliminates the need for two sets of spare parts. The parts for
type AA and BTA meters are interchangeable, except for the yoke and the contact chamber. Two
sets of revolution-indicating contacts are provided in the type AA and BTA meters; one set
indicates every five revolutions. The electrical cable should be connected to the counter most
appropriate for the anticipated bucket wheel speeds. A type AA meter on a wading rod is shown
on figure 10-13.
Figure 10-10 -- Assembly drawing of Price type AA current meter.
Figure 10-11 -- Assembly drawing of Price type BTA current meter.
Figure 10-12 -- Assembly drawing of pygmy-type current meter.
Figure 10-13 -- Price type AA current meter on a round wading rod.
An improved contact chamber has been developed by USGS to replace the wiper contact of the
Price type AA meter (USGS, 1965). The new chamber contains a magnetic switch that is
hermetically sealed in a hydrogen atmosphere within a glass enclosure. The switch assembly
attaches rigidly to the top of the meter head just above the tip of the shaft. The switch is operated
by a small permanent magnet fastened to and in balance with the shaft. The switch quickly closes
when aligned with the magnet and promptly opens when the magnet moves away. One count per
revolution is obtained.
The magnetic switch can be used on any type AA meter by replacing the shaft and the contact
chamber. The change does not alter the rating of the meter. Headphones must not be used with
the new switch because arcing can weld the switch contacts. Instead, an automatic counter
should be used (USGS, 1965).
(b) Pygmy Meters (Vertical Axis)
Pygmy meters are similar to Price meters in that both contain a cup-type wheel mounted on a
vertical shaft. The pygmy cup wheel is 2 in in diameter, compared with 5 in for conventional
Price meters. Thus, the pygmy meter can measure velocities closer to flow boundaries. The
contact chamber is an integral part of the yoke and contains a single-revolution contact only
(figure 10-12). The meter has no tailpiece, and no provision is made for cable suspension. The
rotational speed of the pygmy meter cup wheel is more than twice that of Price meters.
Consequently, use of the pygmy meter is limited to velocities up to 3 or 4 ft/s. The pygmy meter
was specially designed for use in small, shallow streams. The smaller meter was necessary
because a standard
Price meter does not perform with sufficient accuracy when it occupies a good share of the
available stream depth. The pygmy meter may also be used in large canals where the velocity of
flow is low or near the edges of a canal to supplement data taken farther out in the channel with a
Price meter.
(c) Propeller Meters (Horizontal Axis)
In special situations, Reclamation has used meters of the propeller type with horizontal axles.
Hoff meters, Haskell meters, Ott meters, and Neyrpic "Dumas" meters are examples. A Dumas
meter and electrical output cable attached to a support rod are shown on figure 10-14a. An
assembly of eight Dumas meters with appropriate handling equipment is shown on figure 10-
14b. In this case, the equipment was mounted on a flatbed truck for positioning. These meters
have some advantages compared to the Price meters. They are less sensitive to velocity
components not parallel to the meter axis, they are smaller, and they are more suited for
mounting in multiple units.
Figure 10-14a -- "Dumas" current meter of the propeller type
with horizontal axle. Hott and Ott meters are of the same type.
Figure 10-14b -- Truck-mounted assembly of eight propeller-
type current meters and signal recording equipment used on
Gateway Canal, Weber Basin Project, Utah.
8. Wading Rods
Two types of wading rods are available for supporting the current meters when working in
shallow and moderate-depth streams: (1) the conventional round rod and (2) the more convenient
top-setting rod. Both rods use a baseplate that rests on the bottom of the flow channel.
The round rod (figure 10-13) consists of several sections of 1-ft-long, 2-in-diameter, nickel-
plated round brass tubing. The rod is graduated at intervals of 0.1 ft by shallow machined lines
around the rod. A single groove is used at the 0.1-ft graduations, double grooves at the 2-ft
intervals, and triple grooves at the foot marks. A nickel-plated sliding support machined from a
bronze casting moves up or down on the rod and is held at any desired location by a spring-
actuated lock which uses a lever for release. The current meter and the vanes, if used, attach to
this sliding support.
The top-setting wading rod (figure 10-15) permits all settings to be made in the dry and has a
main column of 2-in hexagonal stock and a meter positioning rod of d-in-diameter stock. The
main rod attaches to the baseplate and is graduated in 0.1-ft intervals so depth of flow can be
measured. Interval markings are the same as those used on common wading rods. The meter is
secured to the lower end of the positioning rod and guided by means of a support that slides on
the main rod. The position of the meter and sliding support is set by raising or lowering the
positioning rod which extends through the handle at the top of the main rod. When the elevation
of the meter is set to read the depth on the vernier, it will be at the 0.6 depth position. Doubling
the vernier reading puts the meter at the 0.2 depth, and halving puts it at 0.8 depth. Once set, the
positioning rod, and hence, the sliding support and meter, is secured by a locking device on the
handle. Thus, all adjustments are made from above water so the operator's hands and the log can
remain dry.
Figure 10-15 Top setting wading rod.
9. Care of Propeller Meters
Current meters must receive the best care during transportation and use to ensure accurate
velocity measurements. Particular care should be taken when working near bridge piers and
abutments, floating debris or ice, and also when measurements are being taken at irregular or
unknown sections and the meter is suspended on a measuring line. If the cups or blades become
bent or damaged, the results obtained from the rating curve for the meter will be unreliable. After
completing the measurements at a rating station, the meter should be carefully cleaned. After
each day's use, it should be properly lubricated.
The Price-type meters have special cases for storage when the meter is not in use. For damage
protection, the cup wheel should be supported firmly on the resting pin that replaces the needle
bearing while the meter is stored or being transported. Meter damage has occurred because of
improper packing and careless handling in transportation. The meter case should be substantial
and rigid with properly fitted interior supports to prevent movement and damage to the delicate
10. General Procedures and Precautions
Accuracy of measurement can be maintained by observing the following precautions for Price
meters (including the pygmy meter modification of the Price meter):
The meter should be spin tested before and after completing measurements to assure that
the meter has no error-causing damage. With the shaft in a vertical position and the cups
protected from air currents, the cups should be given a quick turn to start them spinning.
If the meter is in proper adjustment and the bearings are free from foreign particles, the
cups should come to rest in not less than 3 minutes. If the length of spin is only about 12
minutes, but the cup wheel comes to rest gradually, all flows except those of very low
velocities may be measured. If the length of spin is only about 1 minute but the cup wheel
comes to rest gradually, the meter may still be used to measure velocities above 1 ft/s. If
the length of spin is less than 1 minute, the meter should be reconditioned. Under
laboratory controlled conditions, rotation should continue for about 4 minutes. The
manner in which rotation ceases will help indicate the condition of the meter and should
be observed.
The cross section of the stream should be divided vertically into 20 or more segments.
Very small streams and sections with smooth, firm boundaries are exceptions, and a
smaller number of stream cross-section segments would be sufficient. A single vertical
reading is used if the distance between verticals is less than 1 ft. Horizontal divisions are
generally selected so not more than 10 percent, and preferably not more than 5 percent, of
the discharge will occur between any two adjacent verticals.
The stopwatch should be checked frequently and kept in good condition.
For low and irregular velocities, the period of observation should be lengthened to obtain
a more accurate average count.
The current meter should be withdrawn from the water between velocity readings to
make sure that rotation is not being impeded by debris or any other cause.
The meter should be allowed at least 10 to 20 seconds to attain rotation speed before
counting commences.
The total operation of the meter at each elevation of a vertical should consist of at least
two consecutive periods of at least 40 seconds. If significant differences are apparent in
each period, more readings should be taken.
Measurements while wading should be done facing the bank, standing just downstream
from the tag line, and at least 18 in to the side of the meter.
11. Method of Measurement
Depth sounding, either with a meter and rod assembly or with a special sounding line and
weight, should first be made at each of the permanent measuring points. These depths should be
properly recorded. Next, the mean velocity at each of the measuring points should be determined
with the current meter by one of the methods listed in the following section. Velocity
measurements should be properly recorded.
Errors of velocity measurement will arise if the current meter:
Is placed closer to the boundary than 1-2 rotor diameters
Is used to measure velocities less than 0.5 ft/s or out of the range of calibration.
Overdriving the rotor can damage bearings
Is not held steady in one position during the time measurement
Is used in significant waves, such as those caused by wind
Is used in flow which is not parallel to the axis of the propeller meter or is oblique to the
plane of the cup-type meter
Is impeded by weeds or debris
12. Methods of Determining Mean Velocities
The following methods are used to determine mean velocities in a vertical line with a current
Two-point method
Six-tenths-depth method
Vertical velocity-curve method
Subsurface method
Depth integration method
Two-tenths method
Three-point method
One-point continuous method
The two-point method consists of measuring the velocity at 0.2 and then at 0.8 of the depth from
the water surface and using the average of the two measurements. High accuracy is obtainable
with this method, and its use is recommended. However, the method should not be used where
the depth is less than 2 ft.
The six-tenths-depth method consists of measuring the velocity at 0.6 of the depth from the water
surface and is generally used for shallow flows where the two-point method is not applicable.
The method gives satisfactory results.
The vertical velocity-curve method consists of measuring the velocities at enough vertical
positions so that the velocity profile is defined well enough to calculate a sufficiently accurate
mean velocity. The method is very accurate, depending upon the number of data points measured
for profile, but is time consuming and costly.
The subsurface method involves measuring the velocity near the water surface and then
multiplying it by a coefficient ranging from 0.85 to 0.95, depending on the depth of water, the
velocity, and the nature of the stream or canal bed. The difficulty of determining the exact
coefficient limits the usefulness and accuracy of this method.
The depth or traveling integration method is performed by observing the velocity along a vertical
line by slowly and uniformly lowering and raising the meter throughout the range of water depth
two or more times. The method is not accurate and should be used only for comparisons or
quick, rough checks.
The two-tenths, three-point, and one-point continuous methods are special procedures based on a
relationship - previously established for the section - between the true discharge and the
velocities observed by these methods. These methods are generally reliable for sections which
undergo no serious changes because of erosion, sedimentation, or other deformation. They are
discussed in detail in USGS (1965) and USGS (1980). Of the methods cited in this section, the
two-point method and the six-tenths-depth method are most used in canal work.
13. Computing Discharge
The velocity-area principle is used to compute discharge from current-meter data. Total
discharge is determined by summation of partial discharges. A partial discharge is the product of
an average point or vertical line velocity and its meaningfully associated partial area, expressed
The total discharge is then:
Q =
n n
) (
The simple average, the midsection method, and Simpson's parabolic rule applied to both the
depth and average vertical line velocity values will be discussed using figure 10-16. This figure
shows: (a) where the boundary is broken up into inflecting straight line sections and (b) where
the boundary is smoothly curved.
Figure 10-16b -- Calculation of discharge using Simpson's parabolic rule method.
Figure 10-16a -- Calculation of discharge using the midsection method.
The measured and computed variables are as follows:
q = the discharge in cubic feet per second (ft
/s) for a partial area
Q = total discharge
= the mean velocity associated with the partial area
a = partial area of total cross section
, L
,... L
= distance to vertical measurement locations in feet from an initial point to
vertical station
L = the distance in feet between consecutive vertical measurement stations
= the respective mean velocities in feet per second at vertical
measurement stations
, D
,... D
= the water depths in feet at verticals
n = the number of verticals related to the partial area
14. Simple Average Method
Using the simple average of two successive vertical depths, their mean velocity, and the distance
between them results in:
= [
4 3
] [
4 3
D D +
] (L
) (10-5)
The two hyphenated integers as a subscript denote that the partial discharge, q, is for the area
between two consecutive vertical measurement points as numbered.
15. Midsection Method
In the midsection method, the depth and mean velocity are measured for each of a number of
verticals along the cross section. The depth at a vertical is multiplied by the width, which extends
halfway to the preceding vertical and halfway to the following vertical, to develop a cross-
sectional area. The product of this area and the mean velocity at the vertical gives the discharge
for the partial section between the two halfway points. A summation of the partial discharges
gives the total discharge. The formula for computing the partial discharge using the midsection
method is:
) ( ) (
1 1 n n n n
L L L L +
] D
The value, n, with plus and minus after it denotes that the partial discharge, q, is for the area
between halfway back toward the previous vertical measurement and halfway toward the next
forward vertical.
The mean velocities are determined by any one of the methods listed in section 12. For these two
methods, the verticals do not need to be equally spaced, but the verticals should be chosen such
(1) The error of computing the area between the verticals does not exceed 3 percent when
the bed is treated as straight lines between the verticals.
(2) Except at the banks, the difference between the mean velocities at the verticals does
not exceed 20 percent relative to the lower velocity of a pair of verticals.
16. Simpson's Parabolic Rule
In this method, Simpson's parabolic rule is used twice to compute discharge using the area
velocity method. First, the area is computed for three consecutive depths at velocity measuring
stations using Simpson's rule. Second, average velocity for the same three verticals is computed
by the rule. The discharge between the three verticals is the product of the average velocity and
area. Using Simpson's rule assumes both the vertical depths and their corresponding average
velocity vary parabolically (figure 10-16b). Natural riverbeds and older earth-lined canal bottoms
follow curved shapes rather than the typical straight line geometry of hard-lined canal designs.
Both vertical and horizontal velocity profiles tend to be parabolic in either case. Using Simpson's
rule to obtain the area between three equally spaced consecutive verticals or two consecutive
partial areas results in:
= (
1 1 +
+ +
n n n
) L (10-7)
where is the distance between consecutive vertical velocity measuring stations which are
equally spaced across the flow section.
Using Simpson's rule to obtain the mean velocity of three consecutive verticals or over two
consecutive partial areas is expressed as:
> = L (
1 1 +
+ +
n n n
)/2L (10-8)
The product of this velocity and the area from the previous equation results in the relationship for
the discharge through the two consecutive partial areas, written as:
= (L(
1 1 +
+ +
n n n
)/2L) (
1 1 +
+ +
n n n
)L (10-9)
Typical discharge computations obtained by the midsection method, equation 10-5, are
illustrated on figure 10-17. Velocities were taken from the current-meter rating table on figure
Figure 10-17 -- Typical current-meter notes and computations
for the midsection method using equation 10-5 (sheet 1 of 3).
Figure 10-17 -- Typical current-meter notes and computations
for the midsection method using equation 10-5 (sheet 2 of 3).
' 10-21
Figure 10-17 -- Typical current-meter notes and computations
for the midsection method using equation 10-5 (sheet 3 of 3).
Simpson's parabolic rule method is particularly applicable to river channels and old canals that
have cross sections conforming in a general way to the arc of a parabola or to a series of arcs of
different parabolas. Simpson's method requires equally spaced verticals. The simple average and
the midsection methods do not require equally spaced verticals. Thus, these two methods are
well suited to computing discharges in canals that conform closely to their original trapezoidal
rectangular shapes.
17. Canal Discharge Curves
To rate a flow section, discharge measurements at a current-meter station should be taken over a
wide range of canal flows to ensure accuracy in preparing velocity, area, and discharge rating
curves (section 1). Water is usually turned into the canals at gradually increasing rates as demand
increases during the irrigation season. Thus, measurements for all flow stages in the canal often
can be obtained during one season.
The canal bed at a well selected current-meter station is generally permanent in character, and a
permanent rating curve could be made if not for sediment accumulations or for growths that
occur in the canal during the irrigation season. The sediment and the growths both decrease the
discharge capacity of the canal for all flow depths, and the effect is usually most pronounced
during the latter part of the irrigation season.
This change in flow capacity of the canal for a given depth of flow must be taken into
consideration when computing the quantity of water carried by the canal. If the canal is cleaned
during the season, the relationship of discharge to gage height is again disturbed. The changing
relationship of discharge to gage height in irrigation canals caused by changing boundary
conditions is the chief source of error in flow measurements.
18. Gage Readings
To determine the quantity of water carried by a canal over a period of time, the gage must be
read at least twice daily. More than one reading provides a means for checking the readings and
also informs the canal attendant of any unexpected changes in canal stage. More frequent
readings are needed when changes in stage are suspected or are made in the canal. The readings
should be taken by the canal attendant on regular rounds. The gage should be read accurately,
generally to the nearest hundredth of a foot. Automatic water-stage recorders eliminate the need
for numerous readings and can increase the accuracy of the flow measurements.
19. Computations of Discharges
Current-meter measurements made at several specific flows can be used to obtain discharge,
velocity, and area curves that apply to all inclusive gage heights by plotting the appropriate data
on cross-section or graph paper (figure 10-18). Discharges, corresponding mean cross-sectional
velocities, and cross-sectional areas are plotted on the horizontal axis. Corresponding gage
heights are plotted on the vertical axis. Three separate curves are drawn through these data
Figure 10-18 -- Typical discharge, mean velocity, and area
curves for a canal.
The probable area curve is established first by drawing the most probable line through the data
points. Using this curve, the accuracy of the area computations and of the flow depth
measurements may be checked. Next, the computed mean cross-sectional velocities are plotted,
and a curve is drawn through the points. This curve provides a check on the velocity
computations and helps detect changes in velocity that may occur in the canal because of
changing roughness or silting in the canal.
Finally, the discharge curve is drawn through the computed discharge points. If flow conditions
in the channel did not change resistance significantly during the period needed for measurements
over the full range of canal flows, the curve will generally be easy to draw.
If the relationship of discharge to gage height was affected by growths or sediment deposits, one
or more additional discharge curves must be drawn. The number of rating curves required for a
cross-section location depends upon the degree of the flow restrictions encountered and the rate
at which the restrictions developed. These curves will generally be parallel to, but slightly
displaced from, the curve for the clean canal. For the periods when the change is in progress,
discharges may be estimated by proportioning between curves for the clean and restricted
conditions on a time basis.
20. Rating Table
From the rating curve, a rating table may be prepared for each tenth or hundredth of a foot of
gage height from zero to the maximum height of water in the canal or stream. For canals affected
by growths or sediment, two or more such rating tables will be necessary, one for early in the
season when the canal is clean, and the other for late in the season when growths or other
restrictions are present. If the canal is cleaned during the irrigation season, operating personnel
should be instructed to switch to the curves and tables for the clean canals.
21. Daily and Monthly Discharges
Discharges in acre-feet may be compiled from the daily gage heights and the rating tables. From
these tables, the monthly discharges and the total amount of water delivered by the canal during
the irrigation season may be obtained.
22. Measuring Discharges From Pipes With Current Meters
Propeller-type current meters have been used with limited success to measure rates of flow
discharging from full pipelines (Rohwer, 1942). Measurements are made by traversing the pipe
outlet with the meter to obtain an average velocity and then multiplying this velocity by the pipe
cross-sectional area and by a correction coefficient. This coefficient has a value less than 1.0
because the meter traverses do not adequately measure flows close to the pipe walls and give a
velocity measurement higher than the true average.
Accuracies within +/-5 percent can be obtained when the velocity of flow is enough to operate
the meter but is less than 9 or 10 ft/s, provided the flow occurs without significant spiral flow,
the discharge pipe is long enough to produce relatively uniform distributed flow, and the inside
diameter of the pipe can be measured accurately. Velocities that are too high or too low, swirling
flows, velocity concentrations, and pipelines not flowing full or carrying air reduce the accuracy
obtainable. Also, the presence of the meter in the pipeline exit partially obstructs the flow. This
obstruction reduces the rate of flow and increases the head in the pipeline. The effect is relatively
small, but a correction factor is necessary to obtain best accuracies. In general, the method gives
quick, comparative results but is not recommended where accurate flow measurements are
needed. A simple, low, flat-crested, long-throated measurement structure (chapter 8) would be an
accurate method to measure flow from a partially full pipe.
23. Bibliography
Buchanan, T.J., and W.P. Somers, "Stage Measurement at Gaging Stations," chapter 10, book 1,
Surface Water Techniques Series, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington DC, 1965.
Buchanan, T.J., and W.P. Somers, "Discharge Measurements at Gaging Stations," U.S.
Geological Survey Techniques Series, Water-Resources Investigation, Book 3, A8, 65 pp., 1969.
Rohwer, C., The Use of Current Meters in Measuring Pipe Discharges, Technical Bulletin 29,
Agricultural Experiment Station, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 1942.
Smoot G.F., and C.E. Novak, "Calibration and Maintenance of Vertical-Axis Type Current
Meters," U.S. Geological Survey Techniques, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological
Survey, 1968.
U.S. Geological Survey, "Describing Methods and Practices of the Geological Survey, Discharge
Measurements at Gaging Stations," Water Supply Paper No. 888, Book 1, Chapter 11, 1965.
U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Water Data Coordination, National Handbook of
Recommended Methods of Water-Data Acquisition. Prepared cooperatively by agencies of the
U.S. Government, Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1980.
Wahl, K.L., W.O. Thomas, Jr., and R.M. Hirsch, "The Stream-Gaging Program of the U.S.
Geological Survey," Circular 1123, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington DC, 1995.
1. Transit-Time Acoustic Flowmeters
Transit-time acoustic (ultrasonic) flowmeters are based on the principle that transit time of an
acoustic signal along a known path is altered by the fluid velocity. A high frequency acoustic
signal sent upstream travels slower than a signal sent downstream. By accurately measuring the
transit times of signals sent in both directions along a diagonal path, the average path velocity
can be calculated. Then, knowing the path angle with respect to the direction of flow, the average
axial velocity can be computed (figure 11-1).
Figure 11-1 -- Transit-time acoustic flowmeters.
An acoustic flowmeter is a non-mechanical, non-intrusive device which is capable of measuring
discharge in open channels or pipes. These flowmeters can provide continuous and reliable
records of flow rates over a wide range of conditions including flow in both directions. Some
typical applications include:
Acceptance testing of hydraulic machinery (turbines and pumps).
Flow measurement in conduits of large (360 inch [in]) and small (1/2 in) diameter.
Hydroelectric powerplant management.
Volumetric metering.
Wastewater or water treatment plants.
Laboratory and field calibration of other flow measurement devices.
Two common methods are used to calculate discharge using acoustic flowmeters:
(a) Diametral-Path Flowmeter
One or more pairs of acoustic transducers are mounted diametrically opposed in the
measurement section (figure 11-1a). An average axial velocity is measured along each acoustic
path, and volumetric flow rate is computed based on the known cross-sectional area of the
conduit. This technique is based on an assumption that the velocity profile shape in the
measurement section is very similar to a fully developed, turbulent velocity profile. As a result,
flowmeter accuracy depends on how well the actual velocity profile compares to the assumed
profile. A poor velocity profile will result in flow measurement errors.
A modification of the diametrically opposed, single-path flowmeter uses the opposite inside wall
of the pipeline to reflect the acoustic signal to the receiving transducer. The transducers are
tightly secured with straps on the same side of the pipeline. Transducer spacing depends on pipe
diameter and wall thickness. Accuracy can be within +/-2 percent of actual under good
(b) Chordal-Path Flowmeter
This type of flowmeter uses four or more acoustic paths which are mounted on chordal paths
across the measurement section (figure 11-1b). The average axial velocity component for each
acoustic path is used to establish the velocity profile. The velocity profile is then numerically
integrated over the conduit's cross-sectional area to determine the volumetric flow rate. As a
result, flowmeter accuracy is relatively independent of the velocity profile. Furthermore, this
type of flowmeter does not require calibration to reach the manufacturer's specified accuracy
(usually between 0.5 to 2 percent of the flow rate).
The following advantages and disadvantages identified for acoustic flow measurement are
discussed below.
(c) Advantages
High accuracy, which can be achieved independent of velocity profile, flow rate, and
liquid temperature.
Bidirectional flow measurement capability.
Non-intrusive, incurring no head loss.
Field calibrations are generally not required.
System cost is almost independent of pipe size.
No moving parts and easily serviceable.
(d) Disadvantages
Relatively high initial cost.
Requires electronic technician to troubleshoot and service.
Must be programmed for each pipeline material, diameter, and wall thickness.
Entrained gases and/or suspended sediment affect the acoustic signal strength.
2. Theory
Acoustic flowmeters were developed based on the principles that the transit time of an acoustic
signal is longer in the upstream than downstream direction, and that these transit times can be
accurately measured using microcomputer technology.
Discharge measurements are based on determining the average axial velocity in a full-flowing
pipe. Knowing this velocity and the cross-sectional area of the measurement section, a discharge
can be calculated. The difference in transit times of acoustic signals traveling in opposite
directions through the water can be related to velocity of flow (figure 11-1a). In the downstream
direction, the velocity of the flowing water, V
, adds to the speed of sound, C, to give the
effective speed of the acoustic pulse, C + V
. In the upstream direction, the velocity of flow
delays the arrival of the pulse, resulting in an effective pulse speed of C - V
. Taking the
difference in these transit times eliminates C from the calculations and results in )t. When )t is
known, the average axial velocity can be obtained from the formula:
u d
t t
1 1
) = (V
d u
t t
) (11-1)
= average axial velocity of waterflow
= upstream travel time of the acoustic signal
= downstream travel time of the acoustic signal
t = difference in upstream and downstream travel times
= angle between the acoustic path and the pipe's longitudinal axis
L= acoustic path length between the transducer faces
Another acoustic flow measurement technique uses a similar approach which employs the
frequency difference between upstream and downstream acoustic signals. This method is similar
to the transit-time method and will not be covered. For more information, see American National
Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME) standard MFC-
3. Available Technology
At this time (1996), many different types of acoustic flowmeters are available. As mentioned in
previous sections, transit-time and frequency difference devices, as well as devices which use
chordal (multipath) or diametral (single-path) paths to measure the average velocity in the pipe
are available. Some systems use clamp-on transducers mounted to the outside of the pipe wall,
and some use internal or wet-mount transducers. Likewise, some transducers are mounted in a
spool, and others are installed in an existing section of pipe. All these options have their
advantages and disadvantages, and they will be covered later.
All acoustic flowmeters consist of the following components.
(a) Primary Device
A spool piece with the transducers installed or an existing section of the pipe to which the
transducers are mounted. Transducers can also be clamped to the outside of the pipe.
(b) Measurement Section
The pipe section in which the flow rate is being measured. This section is located between the
upstream and downstream transducer locations and is usually a circular cross section, but
acoustic flowmeters can be used in conduits of various shapes.
(c) Transducers
The transducers transmit and receive the acoustic signals. They may be factory or field mounted
by clamping, threading, or gluing them to the pipe wall. Transducers can be wetted by the fluid
or can be attached to the outside of the pipe. Wetted transducers may be flush mounted,
protruding, or recessed. Some wetted transducers can be replaced without taking the pipeline out
of service.
(d) Acoustic Paths
Single-path or multipath measurement sections can exist where each acoustic path consists of a
pair of transducers. Common path configurations are diametral and chordal (figure 11-1) or
diametrically reflective.
(e) Secondary Device
A secondary device contains the electronics necessary to operate the transducers, measure the
transit times, process the data, and display and store the results. Most meters have several outputs
available, including analog, digital, and/or alarms either as standard equipment or options.
Likewise, several outputs can be stored or sent by telemetry to another location.
4. System Errors
Error sources for acoustic flowmeters are primarily related to the measurement of the average
axial velocity. The main source of errors occurs in the determination of the acoustic path length,
L, and the path angle, . The error in the velocity measurement is directly proportional to the
uncertainty of these two variables. Care must be taken to minimize errors in measuring path
length and angles. This care is especially necessary for chordal path meters because the
computational procedures require accurate positioning of the acoustic paths. Likewise, errors in
the cross-sectional area of the measurement section cause an error in the discharge measurement.
This error can be a result of out-of-roundness or shape irregularities caused by temperature,
pressure, structural loading, or deposits on the pipe walls. In circular pipe, cross-section
dimensional errors can be reduced by averaging diameter measurements made at upstream,
midsection, and downstream ends of the measurement section.
Another source of error occurs in measuring the transit times of the acoustic signals and in
detecting the acoustic signal in the presence of electrical noise.
Signal detection can also be hindered by signal modifications caused by changes in acoustical
properties of the liquid which are caused by entrained air, suspended solids, and changes in
temperature and pressure. Likewise, transducer fouling by algae or mineral deposits can reduce
signal strength.
Secondary flows can create an error in the determination of V
because the calculations are
based on flow direction in the axial direction only. Secondary flow is caused by flow
disturbances near the measurement section. These disturbances are typically caused by valves,
elbows, or transitions. Secondary flow problems can be avoided by careful selection of the
measurement section. For small pipes (diameters less than 36 in), 10 pipe diameters of straight
pipe upstream and 3 to 5 diameters downstream from the measurement section should be
sufficient. For pipe diameters greater than 36 in, 20 to 30 pipe diameters of straight pipe
upstream and 3 to 5 diameters downstream may be required to obtain an acceptable velocity
profile. If the measurement section must be placed near a bend, secondary flow errors can be
reduced by orienting the acoustic paths perpendicular to the plane of the bend and locating the
transducer as far downstream as possible. Likewise, another solution is the addition of another
acoustic path which crosses the first path. Exact cancellations of secondary flow errors can be
accomplished using a cross path configuration. The diametrically reflective path provides a cross
path directly. Other variations in velocity profiles, due to Reynolds number effects and pipe wall
roughness, can be corrected using a velocity profile correction factor. This correction factor
corrects for the difference between the actual velocity profile and the profile assumed in the
flowmeter's calculations. In general, deviations in velocity profiles are best accounted for by
increasing the number of acoustic paths.
5. Installation Considerations
Many of the errors considered above can be eliminated or decreased by following the
manufacturer's installation guidelines. Errors and their sources should be addressed prior to
flowmeter installation. The following paragraphs cover areas which should be examined. More
detailed descriptions are available in American Society for Testing and Materials (1984),
American National Standards Institute (1985), and Laenen (1985).
(a) Acoustic Path Length and Angle
Changes in acoustic path length and angle can be caused by significant changes in pressure or
temperature, along with external loading on the meter section. The measurement section should
be examined to determine if any of these conditions exist. In addition, path lengths and angles
must be known with a high degree of accuracy.
(b) Signal Detection
Entrained air, suspended solids, and transducer fouling may lower accuracy or prevent operation
by weakening the acoustic signal. Electrical and acoustical noise caused by mechanical vibration,
other electrical devices, or cavitation can also disrupt the flowmeter's operation.
(c) Secondary Flows
Secondary flow or crossflow affects a meter's performance and should be evaluated in the system
design. This design evaluation should include selecting a diametral path or chordal path meter
and deciding whether a second crosspath is necessary. Path orientation should also be
considered. Typically, the measurement section should be located as far downstream as practical
from upstream bends, transitions, valves, and pumps.
(d) Velocity Profile Integration
Chordal-path meters use numerical integration techniques to compute the flow rate. It is
important that the chordal paths are positioned in accordance with the particular locations
specified by the manufacturer.
(e) Calibration
In general, acoustic flowmeters do not require a field calibration when manufacturer's suggested
installation criteria have been met or exceeded. However, in some cases, unusual installation
conditions or the need for a high degree of accuracy may require a calibration. Three methods
exist for flowmeter calibration: (1) laboratory calibration, (2) field calibration, and (3) analytical
techniques. For more information on calibration techniques, a good reference is the ANSI/ASME
standard MFC-5M-1985 (American National Standards Institute, 1985).
6. Flowmeter Selection Guidelines
(a) Single-Path Versus Multi-Path Flowmeters
Single-path meters are generally a lower cost alternative. They are also less complex which
allows easier installation. Multi-path meters perform better under variable and/or non-ideal
velocity profile distribution situations caused by upstream and downstream flow disturbances.
Acoustic path orientation varies among meters; paths can be either crossed or parallel, or either
chordal or diametral. The appropriate path configuration depends on site-specific constraints,
economics, and the application.
(b) External Mount Versus Through-Wall Transducers
External mount transducers are the easiest to install and require minimal surface preparation. As
a result, installation is inexpensive when compared to through-wall transducers. External
mounting transducers are non-intrusive, so they do not disturb the flow. They are also easily
removed and replaced without taking the pipe out of service. It should be noted that errors in
flow measurement caused by variable or changing wall and/or liner thickness can be significant.
Through-wall transducers are usually wetted or covered with a protective material. This type of
transducer mount may provide increased acoustic signal strength because no signal attenuation
occurs through the pipe wall. Through-wall transducers can be flush mounted, protruding, or
recessed. Protruding or recessed transducer mounts can cause a local flow disturbance which
may affect the flowmeter accuracy. Errors caused by a protruding or recessed transducer or the
protective covering require a detailed analysis of the installation configuration.
The potential for transducer fouling from various waterborne contaminants (algae, minerals, etc.)
also exists.
Theoretical equations used for acoustic flow measurement are based on the assumption that the
transducers are in direct contact with the fluid. A protective covering or an external mount
transducer will change the transit times and path angles. These changes are usually
mathematically modeled by the manufacturer and corrected for by the secondary device.
7. Open Channel Acoustic Flowmeters
Open channel acoustic flowmeters are based on the same principles as pipeline flowmeters.
However, open channel acoustic flowmeters are more complicated than pipeline flowmeters
because the cross-sectional area varies with changing water level or stage. In general, these
flowmeters are only economically practical for use where the following conditions exist:
o Channel widths are large.
o Head loss must be minimized.
o High accuracy is required.
o Section rating and stream gaging costs are high.
o Bidirectional flow (tidal) must be measured.
o Continuous measurements over a long time period are required.
This section will cover any additional considerations associated with open channel acoustic
flowmeters not covered in the previous section on closed conduit acoustic flowmeters. Laenen
(1985) and Laenen and Curtis (1989) contain more detailed information on open channel
acoustic flowmeters.
Design of open channel meters is complicated by the potential errors introduced by a variable
water surface and because the open channel environment can cause acoustic signal attenuation
and refraction (bending). Another potential problem is signal deflection caused by density
gradients or signal reflection from the channel bottom or water surface.
(a) Single-Path Acoustic Velocity Meters
In general, single-path acoustic velocity meters (AVMs) are used as flowmeters by calibrating
acoustic path velocities against mean channel velocities computed using standard stream gaging
techniques. The discharge rating procedure for an AVM gaging site will involve developing
ratings for both cross-sectional area and mean channel velocity. Necessary data required to
develop these ratings are a stage-area relationship, acoustic path velocities, and the mean
velocities through the discharge measurement cross section for a range of flows and stages. A
data set should uniformly cover the expected range of stage and discharge. A velocity rating is
developed using linear regression techniques to find the best-fit equation, with the instantaneous
mean channel velocity as the dependent variable, and/or stage (acoustic path velocity) as the
independent variables. After a calibration is established, discharge is computed by multiplying
the instantaneous mean channel velocity, predicted from the best-fit equation, and the channel's
cross-sectional area, which is determined using the stage-area rating. This method of flow
measurement is only as accurate as the ratings developed during the calibration.
Therefore, care must be taken while measuring the discharge and in determining the channel's
cross-sectional area for a range of stages. For installations where appreciable changes in stage
occur, the transducers will have to be positioned to allow a full range of measurements.
(b) Multipath Flowmeter
This type of flowmeter uses several acoustic paths which are mounted at various elevations
throughout the measurement section. The average velocity for each path is used to establish the
velocity profile. The velocity profile is then numerically integrated over the channel's cross-
sectional area to determine the volumetric flow rate. As a result, flowmeter accuracy is relatively
independent of the velocity profile. However, integration errors are unavoidable because the
velocities near the channel bottom and water surface cannot be measured because of acoustic
interference caused by signal reflection.
(c) Limitations
Flowmeter accuracy and performance are limited by four factors:
1. Location of acoustic paths with respect to water surface and the channel bottom, which are
reflective surfaces that can cause multipath interference at the receiving transducer(s).
2. Density gradients (usually caused by different water temperatures or salinities) cause the
acoustic path to bend, which changes the acoustic path length.
3. Acoustic signal attenuation caused by varying concentrations of air bubbles, sediment, organic
matter, and aquatic organisms.
4. Streamflow variability, which causes the angle between the acoustic path and the flow to
(d) Availability
Two types of equipment are available for use in measuring velocity: (1) a simple one- or two-
path microprocessor based, preprogrammed system that will measure velocity only, and (2) a
more complex, programmable, multipath minicomputer that can calculate discharge. At present
(1997), open channel systems use 12 volts direct current or 110/220 volts alternating current.
(e) Site Selection
A thorough review of system limitations and equipment requirements is necessary prior to site
selection (Laenen, 1985; Laenen and Curtis, 1989). A good measurement site has a reach where
the velocity distribution is uniform and the channel is confined; areas with eddies or a high
degree of turbulence should be avoided. It is recommended that the channel be relatively straight
for 5 to 10 channel widths upstream and 1 to 2 channel widths downstream from the
measurement section. The channel bottom should be stable or easily monitored for variations. A
constant cross-sectional area and shape over the upstream and downstream extent of the
measurement section is desirable.
If this condition cannot be met, an "effective" cross-section shape must be determined. The
"effective" cross section is determined by taking the cross-sectional area along the acoustic path
multiplied by the cosine of the path angle, .
A concrete-lined section with a straight reach located upstream is ideal. During site selection,
obtain cross-section survey information and note obstructions which may block the acoustic
signal. Obtain temperature, total dissolved solids and sediment concentrations, and possible
sources of air entrainment (overfalls, spillways, etc.). Variations in stage should be known in
order to determine the number of acoustic paths required to assure the system accuracy.
(f) Transducer Mounting Requirements
When transducers are installed, their position and elevation must be measured and adjusted
accurately for each transducer pair. Likewise, path lengths and path angles must be measured
accurately. Transducer alignment is critical for establishing a strong acoustic signal and is
usually performed by divers. Mountings should be designed so that transducer maintenance can
be performed without using divers. Transducers are normally mounted near the banks, so
mounting transducers on existing structures simplifies the installation process. Cabling options
include submarine, overhead, or a responder link which eliminates the need for a cable crossing
the channel. Cabling must be protected from damage from dredging, marine traffic, or
(g) Site Analysis
The acoustic path(s) at each site should be checked for multipath interference caused by the
water surface or channel bottom. In general, for every 100 feet (ft) of acoustic path length, about
1 ft of clearance is necessary to prevent multipath interference. The transducers should be
located at least 20 in below the water surface to prevent signal bending caused by solar warming.
Signal bending will affect the flowmeter accuracy. Therefore, avoid conditions where the
acoustic signal is bent and is reflected off the water surface and/or channel bottom. Check the
acoustic signal for potential attenuation. The normal sediment concentration that can be tolerated
by most systems is about 2,000 milligrams per liter. However, tolerable concentrations are a
function of transducer frequency, particle size, and acoustic path length.
(h) Calibration
Flowmeter calibration can be done using current meter measurements, other velocity-area
methods, or using computations based on theoretical velocity profiles. The effort expended for
calibration will depend upon factors such as number of acoustic paths, flow conditions at all
stages, channel stability, and accuracy requirements. However, accuracy can be verified only
within the limits of the calibration method used.
(i) Accuracy
For many streamflow conditions, a single-path flowmeter can measure flow within an accuracy
of 3 to 5 percent. For multipath systems, accuracies of 2 percent or better can be achieved over a
wide range of flow rates and channel conditions if the system design addresses the major sources
of errors of acoustic flow measurement. Errors associated with open channel acoustic flowmeters
are usually attributed to three sources:
1. Transit-time measurements, where timing errors can be on the order of 0.1 foot per second
(ft/s) for systems which employ signal validation routines or 0.3 ft/s when signal validation
techniques are not used.
2. Acoustic path angle variation. In general, for every one degree of uncertainty in path angle,
about 1 percent uncertainty occurs in velocity measurement. Use of crossed acoustic paths will
compensate for variations in streamflow direction.
3. Acoustic signal bending. For path lengths less than 1,000 ft, this error is usually less than 3
percent in velocity.
(j) Operation and Maintenance
Acoustic flowmeters are advanced electronic systems that require specialized maintenance.
Properly trained technicians are needed to keep the flowmeter operating. An electronic
technician and proper test equipment are needed to troubleshoot the equipment. This requirement
is especially true during the initial phases of installation. Likewise, transducer mounts should be
designed to allow access for transducer cleaning, alignment, and replacement without using
8. Doppler-Type Acoustic Flowmeter
The Doppler flowmeter measures the velocity of particles moving with the flowing fluid (figure
11-2a). Acoustic signals of known frequency are transmitted, reflected from particles, and are
picked up by a receiver. The received signals are analyzed for frequency shifts (changes), and the
resulting mean value of the frequency shifts can be directly related to the mean velocity of the
particles moving with the fluid. System electronics are used to reject stray signals and correct for
frequency changes caused by the pipe wall or transducer protective material. Doppler flowmeter
performance is highly dependent on physical properties such as the liquid's sonic conductivity,
particle density, and flow profile. Likewise, non-uniformity of particle distribution in the pipe
cross section results in a computed mean velocity that is incorrectly weighted. Therefore, the
meter accuracy is sensitive to velocity profile variations and to distribution of acoustic reflectors
in the measurement section. Unlike other acoustic flowmeters, Doppler meters are affected by
changes in the liquid's sonic velocity. As a result, the meter is sensitive to changes in density and
temperature. These problems make Doppler flowmeters unsuitable for highly accurate
Figure 11-2 -- Doppler-type acoustic flowmeter and cross-
correlation acoustic flowmeter.
9. Cross-Correlation Ultrasonic Meter
The cross-correlation meter employs two transverse acoustic signals separated by a short
distance (figure 11-2b). Under no-flow or laminar-flow conditions, the two signals received are
identical to those transmitted. When turbulent flow occurs, the movement of an eddy through a
beam causes a change in the acoustic signal which has a unique signature. This particular eddy
will cause an identical change in the second acoustic signal, and the eddy can be tracked as it
moves down-stream. An electronic signal processor is used to compare the two received signals.
When two identical signals are found, the time and distance (between the acoustic transmitters)
information is used to compute velocity. In general, cross-correlation meters measure the average
velocity of all the eddies crossing one pipe diameter. If no eddies are present in the flow, the
meter can track sediment or bubbles. However, if the flowing fluid is homogenous and has no
eddies (laminar flow), this type of meter will not work. Like the single-path transit-time meter,
this meter measures an incorrectly weighted mean velocity. Therefore, the measurement is
susceptible to an inaccuracy associated with variations in velocity profiles.
Additional information for Acoustic Flow Measurement
The listings here should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of a service or
product by the Bureau of Reclamation, Agricultural Research Service, Natural Resource
Conservation Service, or other participants of these web pages. These are provided only as a
convenience to our web clients. The listing below were selected based on a manufacture
statement that they can provide a device related to this chapter or section.
Web Resources
The ADFM Velocity Profiler
- A Report on Laboratory and Field
Demonstrations Conducted for the Bureau of Reclamation
Mike Metcalf - MGD Technologies Inc.; Tracy Vermeyen - Bureau of Reclamation, Water Resources
Research Laboratory; Steve Melavic, John Fields - Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific RegionMike
Metcalf - MGD Technologies Inc.; Tracy Vermeyen - Bureau of Reclamation, Water Resources Research
Laboratory; Steve Melavic, J ohn Fields - Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region
A new type of flowmeter, the ADFM Velocity Profiler
(Profiler) was demonstrated on March
3 and 4, 1997 at the Bureau of Reclamation's Water Resources Research Laboratory in Denver,
Colorado. The demonstration was organized by Tracy Vermeyen of the Bureau of Reclamation
and Mike Metcalf of MGD Technologies, the manufacturer of the Profiler. A subsequent field
test of the instrument was conducted in the San Luis Drain near Los Banos, CA, on March 14,
1997. John Fields and Steve Melavic of the Bureau of Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Regional
Office were responsible for organizing this test. This report documents the results of these tests.
Figure 1. Cross section view of typical Profiler application. This figure shows the spatial
relationship of the depth cells and the profiles relative to the transducer housing.
The Instrument
Figure 1 shows a typical Profiler installation for measuring open channel flow in a pipe. A
transducer assembly is mounted on the invert of a pipe or channel. Piezoelectric ceramics emit
short pulses along narrow acoustic beams pointing in different directions. Echoes of these pulses
are backscattered from material suspended in the flow. As this material has motion relative to the
transducer, the echoes are Doppler shifted in frequency. Measurement of this frequency shift
enables the calculation of the flow speed. A fifth transducer is mounted in the center of the
transducer assembly and is used to measure the depth.
The Profiler divides the return signal into discrete regular intervals which correspond to different
depths in the flow. Velocity is calculated from the frequency shift measured in each interval. The
result is a profile, or linear distribution of velocities, along the direction of the beam. Each of the
small black circles in Figure 1 represent an individual velocity measurement in a small volume
known as a depth cell.
The directions of the velocity profiles in Figure 1 are based on the geometry of the Profiler's
transducer assembly. Figure 2 shows a side view of the transducer assembly. The profiles shown
in Figure 1 are generated from velocity data measured by an upstream and downstream beam
pair. The data from one beam pair are averaged to generate Profile No. 1, and a beam pair on the
opposite side of the transducer assembly generates Profile No. 2.
Figure 2. Side view of the Profiler transducer assembly and its beam geometry.
Since Doppler measurements are directional, only the component of velocity along the direction
of the transmit and receive signal is measured, as illustrated in Figure 2. Narrow acoustic beams
are required to accurately determine the horizontal velocity from the measured component. The
narrow acoustic beams of the Profiler insure that this measurement is accurate. Also, the range-
gate times are short and the depth cells occupy a small volume - cylinders approximately 5 cm (2
in.) long and 5 centimeters in diameter. These small sample volumes insures that the velocity
measurements are truly representative of that portion of the flow and potential bias in the return
energy spectrum due to range dependent variables is avoided. The result is a very precise
measurement of the vertical and transverse distribution of flow velocities.
The velocity data from the two profiles are entered into an algorithm to determine a
mathematical description of the flow velocities throughout the entire cross-section of the flow.
The algorithm fits the velocity data to the basis functions of a parametric model. The parametirc
model is used to predict flow velocities at points throughout the flow. The resulting velocity
distribution is integrated over the cross-sectional area to determine the discharge.
The key benefit to this approach is that the system will operate accurately under variable
hydraulic conditions. As hydraulic conditions change, the change will manifest itself in the
distribution of velocity throughout the depth of flow. As the Profiler is measuring the velocity
distribution directly, it can adapt to changes in the hydraulics, and generate a flow pattern that is
representative of the new hydraulic conditions, insuring an accurate estimate of flow rate.
Test Procedure
The Profiler was first tested in two sites at the Bureau of Reclamation's Water Resources
Research Laboratory in Denver: a 4-ft-wide flume, and a 12-ft-wide rectangular channel. In both
lab sites, the system was installed on the bottom of the flume, centered with the transducer's long
axis aligned with the flume's axis (flow direction). No in-situ calibration or rating was
4 ft flume tests - The test began with a flow depth of approximately 4 ft. The depth was
increased after about one hour to around 7 ft. Profiler flow measurements were then compared
with the venturi meter flows to check for accuracy and repeatability.
12 ft channel tests - The test began with a depth of flow of approximately 2 ft. The depth was
decreased after about one hour to about 1.2 ft. Profiler flow measurements were then compared
with the venturi meter flows to check for accuracy and repeatability.
The venturi meter flows were determined using a mercury manometer to measured the pressure
differential across the venturi. This manometer was manually read several times during the tests.
Once set up, the flow was held constant as it was controlled by an active feedback control
system. The laboratory venturi meter was calibrated prior to the Profiler demonstration. A weigh
tank facility was used to calibrate the venturi meter and the uncertainty in the venturi meter
measurement was within +0.8 percent of the weigh tank flow rate.
Following the laboratory tests, the Profiler was placed in a "live" channel - the San Luis Drain
located near Los Banos, CA. This channel is an irrigation drain for part of the San Joaquin
Valley. The channel is trapezoidal in shape, with an 8 ft bottom width and 2:1 side slopes.
The Profiler was placed on an aluminum strap about 44 ft in length. Hinges were placed on the
strap so that the 8 ft. center piece would lay flat on the channel bottom and the rest of the strap
would conform to the side slopes of the channel. The channel was in normal operation during the
installation with a flow depth of approximately 7.2 ft.
Figure 3 shows the results from the 4 ft flume tests. The round symbols represent the Profiler
data and the square symbols are the spot readings from the venturi meter. As shown in figure 3,
the Profiler data agrees very well with the venturi meter readings.
At the beginning of the data record there is some scatter to the Profiler data, as the flow into the
flume had just been set and the depth in the flume was still equilibrating. After the first few
points, the flow rate readings and depth readings become steady. The Profiler measured an
average flow rate of 6.86 ft
/s during the initial depth of flow of 4 ft (after depth equilibration),
compared to 6.98 ft
/s for the venturi readings during the same time period; a difference of -
1.72%. We also see a change in the Profiler flow rate measurement after the level was increased
to 7 ft at around 10:00 a.m. The Profiler over predicts the flow because one pair of acoustic
beams intersects the walls of the flume. Consequently, the average velocity is skewed higher
because it is measured near the middle of the flume where velocities are larger than near the
Figure 3. Profiler and venturi flow rates measured in the 4 ft flume are plotted as a function of
time. The Profiler's depth reading is also plotted to illustrate the effect of fluctuating water
surface level on the discharge measurement accuracy.
The spacing on the x-axis is irregular because several sampling schemes, in which parameters
such as bin size and sampling interval, were varied. In most cases, changing these parameters did
not affect the overall accuracy of the flow rate measurement.
Figure 4 shows the results from the 12 ft channel test. The round symbols are the Profiler data
and the square symbols are the spot readings from the venturi meter. For this test, the Profiler
data were averaged over a variety of time periods. Whereas Figure 3 is a plot of "raw" flow data,
where each point corresponds to a individual measurement separated by an interval varying from
one to five minutes. The first seven ADFM measurements were collected with an one minute
averaging interval. The average of these seven measurements is 10.48 ft
/sec. The venturi meter
reading was 10.26 ft
/sec, and this flow remained constant for the remainder of the test. The next
five ADFM measurements were collected with an averaging interval of 5 minutes. The average
of these five measurements is 10.29 ft
/sec. The next six ADFM measurements were collected
with an averaging interval of 2 minutes. The average of these seven measurements is 10.43
/sec. This test demonstrates how Profiler measurements becomes more precise as the number
of measurements averaged together were increased. The ability to average hundreds of flow
measurements over a short period results in a very precise flow measurement. This is illustrated
by comparing the average of the all eighteen Profiler measurements with the two venturi meter
readings. The Profiler average was +0.97% different from the venturi meter average. The last
ADFM measurement was collected with an averaging interval of 2 minutes at a depth of 1.2 ft.
The measured flow rate was 10.0 ft
/sec. This measurement was made with a 10:1 width to depth
ratio. This demonstrates the Profiler's unique capability to measure flows in wide, shallow
Figure 4. Profiler and venturi flow rates measured in the 12 ft channel are plotted as a function of
time. The Profiler's depth reading is also plotted. Initially the Profiler's discharge measurements
were variable, but with time the accuracy improved to within 1 percent of the venturi-measured
Figure 5 contains a plot of the flow rate, depth, and average velocity measured in the San Luis
Drain near Los Banos, CA on March 14, 1997. All three measured parameters were steady over
the test period. Variations in the flow rate correlate with variations in the average velocity, as the
depth remains fairly constant. The average flow rate over the duration of the test was 91.1 ft
Flow rates of approximately 80 and 86 ft
/s were measured using traditional stream gaging
methods. Stream gaging velocities were measured with a Marsh-McBirney Flo-Mate, which is an
electromagnetic velocity meter.
Figure 5. Flow rate, depth, and average velocity plotted as a function of time. The average flow
rate measured in the San Luis Drain was 91.1 cfs with a standard deviation of 2.0 percent.
The first discharge measurement was obtained by manually measuring velocities at 0.2 and 0.8
of the depth measured from the water surface, at regular intervals across the channel. These
velocities were used to compute an average velocity for a particular section of the channel.
Multiplying this average velocity by the cross-sectional area of the individual section gives a
flow rate for that section. The section flow rates are summed to determine the total flow rate for
the channel.
The second discharge measurement was obtained by making a single velocity measurement at a
height above the bottom of 0.6 of full depth, at regular intervals across the channel. This value
was used as the average velocity in that section to compute a flow rate for that section. Again,
section flow rates are summed to determine the total flow rate in the channel.
Note: This velocity measurement should have been measured at 0.6 of the depth measured from
the surface not the bottom.
It should be mentioned that there was some concern over the accuracy of the manual velocity
measurements. The relationship between the velocities measured at the various depths was not as
expected. In particular, the velocity value measured at a height above the bottom of 0.8 of full
depth, in some cases, was lower than anticipated.
For laboratory tests, the Profiler measured flow rate with an accuracy of approximately
1.7% in the 4 ft. flume and 1.0% in the 12 ft. channel. The Profiler was able to accurately
measure flow rate even with a width to depth aspect ratio of 10:1.
This test demonstrated that the Profiler does not require an in situ calibration or rating
Profiler to make an accurate flow measurement. Accurate flow measurements were
attained without any special consideration to the installation, aside from placing the
Profiler in the middle of the flow and aligning it with the direction of flow.
The Profiler was successfully installed in a "live" channel, without interrupting the flow.
Flow rates measured were repeatable and within roughly 10% of a traditional stream
gaging measurement. However, there was some concern that the stream gaging
measurement might not be accurate, as some velocities appeared lower than anticipated.
This would lower the flow rate estimate generated by the stream gaging method.
This demonstration was useful in showing the ability of the ADFM Velocity Profiler to
measure flow rates in a variety of conditions with a minimal amount of time required to
install and setup the instrument. This new technology has the potential to provide flow
measurement in areas where traditional discharge measurement devices are impractical. It
also could be a valuable tool for calibrations of existing flow measurement structures and
for research studies that require velocity profile measurements.
This instrument can accurately measure detailed velocity profiles in an open channel
which can be used for engineering studies. For example, the ADFM can be used to
measure velocity profiles which describe flow into and around structures such as fish
screens or fish ladders.
Related links
MGD Technologies Inc. is a professional firm specializing in the assessment of the condition and
performance of underground utility systems. The services are provided by highly trained
individuals, experienced in the innovative application of integrated, advanced technologies.
MGD's ADFM measures the flow velocity at discrete points throughout the depth of flow.
MGD Technologies Inc.
9815 Carroll Canyon Road, Suite 200
San Diego CA 92131 USA
Tel. 619 695 9225
Fax 619 695 6890
10. Bibliography
American Society for Testing and Materials, Open Channel Flow Measurement by Acoustic
Means, Standard Practice D 4408-84, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia PA 19103, 1984.
American National Standards Institute, Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits Using
Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters, ANSI/ASME MFC-5M-1985, ASME United Engineering
Center, 345 East 47th Street New York NY 10017, 1985.
Laenen, Antonius, Acoustic Velocity Meter Systems, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of
Water Resources Investigations, book 3, chapter A17, U.S. Geological Survey, 1985.
Laenen, A., and R.E. Curtis, Jr., Accuracy of Acoustic Velocity Metering Systems for
Measurement of Low Velocity in Open Channels, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources
Investigations Report 89-4090, 1989.
1. General
Tracer methods can be used to determine discharge with accuracies that can vary considerably
from about +/-1 percent to over 30 percent, depending on the equipment used and the care in
applying the techniques. Closed conduit measurements are typically more accurate than open
channel measurements because of better area measurements, better tracer dispersion and mixing
control, and better measurement of tracer cloud travel times. However, injection of tracers
against pressure in pipelines can be a challenge. Finding sufficient length of pipeline above
ground for accurate time measurement may be difficult due to high velocities and pipeline
fittings. In contrast, mixing can be a problem at low velocities, which often happens in open
channels. Tracer methods are included in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Performance Test Codes (1992) because of their high accuracy potential.
2. Kinds of Tracers Used
Basically, a tracer is considered anything that mixes with or travels with the flow and is
detectable. A detectable tracer can be timed as it passes through a reach, or tracer concentration
profiles can be measured in a reach.
Some tracers that have been used are:
Dyes of various colors
Other chemicals such as fertilizer, salt, and gases
Traveling turbulent eddy pressure sequences
Neutrally buoyant beads
For irrigation measurements, salts and dyes are the most convenient and commonly used tracers.
Salt tracers are sensed and quantified by measuring evaporated dry weight, chemical titration, or
by measuring electrical conductivity. Dye concentrations are measured by fluorimetry or color
comparison standards. Sometimes, visual observation of an exiting dye cloud is used, but
considerable loss of accuracy occurs.
Fluorescein, Rhodamine B, Rhodamine WT, or Pontacyl Pink B dyes have been used because
they are easily visible in very dilute solutions. Rhodamine B and Rhodamine WT have been
cleared as nontoxic by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Rhodamine and Pontacyl Pink B
are also quite stable with respect to fading by sunlight and to changes caused by waterborne
chemicals. They do not tend to deposit on flow surfaces, sediments, or weeds. These dyes are
usually available in powder form, and solutions are easily prepared. Before conducting a
discharge measurement program, selected dyes should be tested with water samples or earth
canal embankment material samples and exposed to check for possible adsorption, chemical
reaction, and fading effects on dye stability.
Less frequently used methods involve measuring temperature upstream and downstream from a
heat source and electronic cross correlations of trains of turbulent pulsations using acoustic
methods discussed in chapter 11. The use of surface floats is discussed in chapter 13. Neutrally
buoyant beads are usually used in laboratory work to track flow. Mixtures of beads with different
specific gravities can also detect and measure fluid density profiles and stratification.
Radioisotopes are now rarely used because of their safety and pollution risks. In addition, isotope
handlers must be licensed. However, use of any chemical or anything that can affect ecological
characteristics of the water or conveyance boundaries may require clearance from several
Federal and State authorities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, and State fish and wildlife and natural resource departments.
Government regulations and limits change with time and should be checked prior to a
measurement program. However, even when operating within government regulations, public
complaints related to taste and color and particles in the resulting water may occur.
3. General Methods of Application
Salt and dye tracers are used to determine discharge in two basic ways: (1) the velocity-area
method, in which time of tracer travel through a known channel length and average cross-
sectional area determine discharge and (2) the dilution method, in which discharge is determined
by the downstream concentration of fully mixed tracer, which has been added upstream at a
constant rate, and by accounting for the amount of tracer solids.
4. Discharge Equations for Tracer Methods
The following equations apply to both open channel and closed conduit flow.
(a) Velocity-Area Tracer Discharge Equation
The discharge using velocity-area method is computed by:
Q =
Q = discharge in cubic feet per second (ft
A = average cross-sectional area of reach length in square feet (ft
L = reach length between detection stations in feet (ft)
T = recorded time required for the tracer solution to travel between the detection stations
at each end of the measurement reach in seconds (s)
(b) Tracer-Dilution Discharge Equation
The dilution method equation for discharge is:
= (Q+q)(C
Solving for discharge in equation 12-2a results in:
Q = q
0 2
2 1
= the natural or background concentration of the tracer of the flow
= the concentration of the strong injected tracer solution
= the concentration of tracer after full mixing at the sampling station, including the
background concentration of the stream
Q = the discharge being measured
q = the discharge of the strong solution injected into the flow
Equation 12-2 can be modified for use in terms of weight by substituting percent of dry weight
of tracer for concentrations and weight of water per second for discharges.
The discharge of the channel flow, Q, is measured by determining C
, C
, C
, and the injection
rate, q. These required variables and equation 12-2 show that the dilution method does not need
measurement of channel geometry or time measurement. Only the final plateau value or C
, the
downstream concentration, must be recorded rather than a complete record of the passing cloud
that is needed with the salt-velocity-area method.
5. Common Sources of Errors
Tracers should be quite stable as previously mentioned. They should not deposit or react with
chemicals in the water or with the pipe walls and their encrustations. Selected tracers should
neither fade in sunlight nor be absorbed by open channel beds and their biological growths.
These losses of tracer are a common source of discharge measurement error. In open channels,
large backflow eddies can delay the dye and impede mixing. It is best to select a reach where
large eddies or stagnant pools cannot significantly delay the tracers or affect mixing. The
concentration of tracer solutions should be determined relative to needed visual observation or
equipment detection sensitivity by careful analysis and verified by trial runs before a program of
discharge measurements is undertaken.
Accuracy is also sensitive to how well the center of mass of the tracer clouds is determined with
respect to time. First and last visual observations of a tracer cloud are difficult, and the mass
center may not be located in the time center of the cloud.
With elaborate equipment such as multi-port pop valves, turbulators (turbulence-creating
devices), complex electrodes, and fluorometers, accuracy can approach +/-1 percent. This degree
of accuracy requires using the procedures included in American Society of Mechanical
Engineers Performance Test Codes (1992).
For irrigation water, the strict code procedures, quality of procedures, equipment, and
instrumentation can be relaxed to produce lower levels of accuracy. The selected accuracy target
governs the complexity of needed injection equipment, detection equipment, and the quality of
recorded data analysis.
The least accurate method would involve breaking a bottle of dye contained in wire mesh at an
upstream station of a long reach at time zero and visually observing and estimating the time that
the center of mass of the dye cloud passes the exit. Any simplified procedure must be evaluated
for effect on mixing. Prior to a measurement program, equations 12-1 and 12-2 should be used
for error analyses in terms of proposed equipment and procedures because they affect the
equation variables. These analyses will determine if the simplified measurement procedures
produce the selected accuracy target.
6. Tracer-Velocity-Area Methods
Either salt or dye may be conveniently used in tracer-velocity-area discharge measurements with
equal potential accuracy. The only difference is that different detection equipment is needed.
Dyes have an added advantage in that they can be detected visually, allowing simpler
measurements of less accuracy that may be sufficient for irrigation needs. However, when using
any simpler method, the error checks and mixing problems of section 5 in chapter 12 should be
(a) Salt-Velocity-Area Measurements
The salt-velocity-area method takes advantage of the fact that salt in solution increases the
electrical conductivity of water. This method has been successfully used in open channels and
pressure conduits of constant cross section.
Because of its high potential accuracy, the salt-velocity-area method is one of several methods
accepted for turbine testing in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1992). The
equipment described in Thomas and Dexter (1955), consisting of injection system and the
sensing electrodes (figures 12-1 and 12-2), are rather complex. Also, a turbulator is sometimes
used to ensure adequate mixing of the injected salt tracer solution and the flow by the time they
reach the first electrode station. Full details regarding the equipment required for techniques
found satisfactory under field conditions are contained in Thomas and Dexter (1955).
Figure 12-1 -- General arrangement of salt-velocity
equipment for pressure conduits.
Figure 12-2 -- Brine injection equipment in conduit.
Commonly, sodium chloride (NaCl) is the selected salt used in the tracer injection solution.
Finely ground salt should be purchased for ease in mixing the solution. Enough salt must be
added to significantly increase the electrical conductivity of the water so that concentrations can
be measured accurately. The required amount of salt can be estimated by analyzing the water for
existing background quantity of salt in the measurement flow, estimating the amount of flow to
be measured, and using chemical handbook data from conductivity-salinity tables. Trial runs
may be needed to determine the optimum amounts, which may vary with discharge depending on
the range to be measured.
For a measurement, a quantity of salt tracer solution is forced into the stream under pressure to
provide better initial distribution and assure thorough mixing before arrival at the detection
stations. The pop valve injector used by Thomas and Dexter (1955) (figure 12-2) will provide the
faster and better mixing required to produce code accuracy.
To determine velocity for equation 12-1, a pair of electrodes is installed in the cross section at
each end of a measured length of channel well downstream from the injection system. The
distance between the pairs of electrodes should be sufficient to ensure accurate measurement of
the time of travel between them. The electrodes are electrically energized and connected to a
central instrument that records the electrical conductivity at each pair of electrodes with respect
to time.
A sample of a strip chart recording showing conductivity change that occurs as a salt cloud
passes the electrodes is shown on figure 12-3. The recording shows a conductivity rise that
indicates the passing of the salt solution cloud past each electrode station.
In addition to their peaks, the cloud plots have a leading and a trailing edge of low conductivity
approaching the baseline conductivity of the flowing water (figure 12-3). The time of cloud
travel between electrodes is measured on the chart time scale between the centroids of the two
plotted conductivity cloud areas above the background conductivity level. Digital recordings are
more convenient than analog recordings for computer determination of area under the time-
conductivity plots to determine the center of mass of salt clouds.
Figure 12-3 -- Sample records of a salt cloud passing
upstream and downstream electrodes in the salt-velocity
method of measuring flows in pipelines.
This method requires special equipment and experienced personnel and is relatively expensive.
Care in selecting convenient reaches will help reduce time and expense in measuring length and
determining an accurate average cross-sectional area.
(b) Color-Velocity Measurements
To achieve maximum accuracy using dye tracer solutions, the procedures similar to those
described for the salt-velocity-area method must be followed. However, fluorometer detection or
a set of visual color comparison standards must be used instead of equipment used for salt
solution injections. Carefully following American Society of Mechanical Engineers Performance
Test Codes (1992) will result in very accurate discharge measurements. Fluorometry combined
with well designed multiple port injection and sampling port arrangements at two stations
downstream from an injection station produces high accuracy.
The simpler but less accurate method using visual observation for tracer cloud detection in
pipelines consists of determining the velocity of a dye tracer between two stations in the pipe.
This velocity, used as the mean velocity of flow, is multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the
pipe to give the discharge as shown in equation 12-1.
The simplified procedure ordinarily used in making the velocity measurements is described
below. If possible, a small slug of concentrated dye solution is quickly injected or poured into the
pipeline entrance where the pressure is relatively low. In pipes, a high-pressure system through
fittings may be required to inject dye. Time observations are made at the instant the dye is
injected and at its first and last appearance at the downstream station, usually at the pipe outlet.
The mean velocity is computed from the mean time required for the dye to travel the known
length of reach. Comparisons with other measurement methods show this simplified color
velocity method is accurate enough for irrigation measurements when properly done in relatively
long pipes.
Simplification similar to the pipe flow case is possible in open channel flow. However, the color-
velocity-area method in open channels has more limitations and drawbacks. The air entrained by
surface velocities and spray above the surface may hinder detection of the position of the center
of mass of the colored water in high-velocity flows (Hall, 1943). Also, slow flows are more
likely to cause mixing problems.
7. Tracer-Dilution Methods
The tracer-dilution method is capable of measuring both open channel and closed conduit flow.
However, possible tracer losses may be more of a problem in open channel flow as discussed
previously. Either salts or dyes may be used as tracers. The tracer-dilution method consists of
adding a known, strong concentration of tracer solution, C
(equation 12-2) at a constant rate, to
the flow (Schuster, 1970; Collins and Wright, 1964; and University of Newcastle on Tyne,
1964). Then, by chemical analysis, the downstream diluted uniformly mixed concentration, C
, is
measured. The solution must be added at a known constant discharge, q.
No measurements of flow section geometry or reach distance are required because the total flow
is measured directly. The discharge of the channel flow, Q, is measured by determining C
, C
, and the injection rate, q. These required variables and equation 12-2 show that the dilution
method does not need measurement of channel geometry or time measurement. Only the final
plateau value or C
, the downstream concentration, must be recorded rather than a complete
record of the passing cloud that is needed with the salt-velocity-area method.
Because the concentrated tracer solution must be added to the flow at a constant known rate,
positive displacement metering pumps are needed for injection. Also, this method requires a
sufficient flow travel length with enough turbulence to thoroughly mix the dye. Required mixing
lengths can perhaps be reduced by turbulators or injecting the dye simultaneously at a number of
points across the stream, but the injection arrays may need prevalidation by analysis and
preliminary measurement runs to assure complete mixing.
If salt solutions are used as tracers, then chemical or conductivity measurement methods are used
for detection and concentration measurements. Finely ground salt should be purchased for ease
in mixing the solution if selected as the tracer. If dyes are used, then visual color intensity
comparison standards may be used. Modern fluorometers can measure dye amounts to one part
of dye in a million parts of water and can detect one part in a billion. The human eye cannot
detect these minute dilutions, but the dye is quite discernible to the instrument.
The color-dilution method may be used for measuring small, medium, or large flows because the
cost of the dye is relatively low. The salt-dilution method is applicable to measuring discharges
in turbulent streams of moderate or small size where other methods are impracticable. Excessive
quantities of salt are required on large streams.
Tracer methods require special equipment and experienced personnel, and its use is relatively
expensive. The injection equipment and electrodes or fluorometers for detecting and measuring
the tracer concentration of the resulting downstream diluted flow make this method quite costly
compared to other measuring methods.
8. Bibliography
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Performance Test Codes-Hydraulic Turbines and
Turbine Mode of Pumps/Turbines," revision, Performance Test Code Committee, No. 18, New
York, NY, 1992.
British Standards Institution, "Method of Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open Channels,"
British Standards 3680, Part 3, 1964.
Collins, M.R., and R.R. Wright, "Application of Fluorescent Tracing Techniques to Hydrologic
Studies," Journal of the American Water Works Association, June 1964.
Hall, L. Standish, "Open Channel Flow at High Velocities," Transactions, Paper No. 2205, vol.
108, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 1394, 1943.
Schuster, J.S. (ed.), "Water Measurement Procedures-Irrigation Operators' Workshop," Report
No. REC-OCE-70-38, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver CO, September 1970.
Thomas, C.W., and R.B. Dexter, "Modern Equipment for Application of Salt Velocity Method of
Discharge," Proceedings of the Sixth General Meeting, vol. 2, International Association of
Hydraulic Research, the Hague, Netherlands, 1955.
University of Newcastle on Tyne, Dilution Techniques for Flow Measurement, Bulletin No. 31,
February 1964.
1. Introduction
Open channel flow measuring devices and methods described in chapters 6 through 10 are ones
most commonly used for measuring irrigation water in the United States. Their relative
simplicity makes them well suited for general use, and long experience has established their
reliability. Tube-type flowmeters are installed in or at the end of pipes passing through
embankments to laterals or ditches. Sometimes, these tubes are considered open channel
measuring devices. Tube-type flowmeters are discussed in chapters 2, 11, and 14. Other
specialized methods and devices for measuring water in open channels follow.
2. Open Flow Propeller Meters
Besides being used in closed conduit systems, propeller meters are frequently placed at the end
of pipes delivering water to open channels (figure 14-6 in chapter 14). When used this way, they
are often called open flowmeters. The requirements and maintenance problems inherent to these
meters are discussed more thoroughly in chapter 14, which should be read along with the
following information.
These meters should be installed in open channels that submerge the pipe exit or have small
overflow check structures that assure submergence for the desired discharge range. Meters are
available for pipe diameters from 2 to 72 inches (in). These meters need sufficient driving
velocity and are likely to be inaccurate below 1.5 feet per second (ft/s). Spiral flow caused by
poor entrance conditions from the canal to the supply pipe is a common source of error.
Straightening vanes provided or specified by manufacturers should be installed. A poorly
developed velocity distribution profile can also cause considerable errors in registration.
The accuracy of propeller meters is generally within +/-2 to +/-5 percent of the actual flow.
However, careless setting of the meter in the turnout will cause sizable errors if the meter is not
properly positioned (Schuster, 1970). For example, a meter with a 12-in-diameter propeller,
suitable for measuring discharges up to 8 cubic feet per second (ft
/s) in a 24-in-diameter pipe,
when set with the hub center 1 in off the center of the pipe, showed an error of 1.2 percent. When
the meter was rotated 11.5 degrees in a horizontal plane, equivalent to 1/4 in measured on the
surface of the 22-in-diameter vertical meter shaft housing, the error was 4 percent, indicating that
a small angular misalignment of the meter will cause a greater error than would be caused by a
moderate eccentricity.
3. Deflection Meters
These meters are out of production for irrigation use. However, some are still in use. These
meters have some advantages, and they may come back into production. Deflection meters
consist of a shaped vane(s) that projects into the flowing water to sense velocity. A secondary
device measures the deflection caused by the force of the flow. These meters can be installed
permanently or may be easily moved from one location to another. In use, they hang into the
flow and are supported on pivots.
Vanes can be shaped to match the flow section geometry to make them deflect the same amount
for any given discharge regardless of the depth of flow in the flow section.
This attribute is a considerable advantage where the head-discharge characteristic of the channel
is unstable. Flow sections with permanent pivots can be installed at various locations in an
irrigation district, and the vanes can be transported from measuring station to measuring station.
Under ideal conditions, deflection meters have been found to be accurate within 2 percent.
Generally, this accuracy will not be attained because field conditions are seldom ideal. For
example, wind can produce errors up to 100 percent. However, a windbreak made from a piece
of plywood will substantially reduce this kind of error.
4. Measuring Controls for Canals
Irrigation canal systems frequently include drops to adjust canal grades to the landscape. If the
drop is great enough to make the flow pass through critical depth, a gage set in the canal a short
distance upstream from the drop may be used to measure heads that, with calibration, can be
related to discharge. Measured flow must pass through critical depth for the entire needed
discharge measurement range. Chapter 2 has a section on critical depth. Discharge ratings are
developed by current metering at various depths to produce tables and curves. In some channels
where sufficient freeboard exists, side or bottom constrictions can be added, and a gage can be
calibrated similarly. Measuring controls operate with the same principles as flumes and weirs but
need special calibrations.
5. Calibration of Gates and Sluices
In many irrigation distribution systems, the flow of water is measured through gates and sluices.
This measurement necessitates calibrating the gates and sluices.
In calibrating an individual gate, the discharge can be measured by any of the standard methods
described in earlier chapters of this manual. A series of discharge measurements covering the
range of openings is made, and the mean operating heads upstream and downstream from the
gate are recorded for each measurement. For convenience when operating the gates in regular
service, rating curves and tables may be compiled to provide the discharge in cubic feet per
second (ft
/s) for each opening and series of operating heads.
In calibrating sluices that meet the requirements of rating sections, the current-meter method is
commonly used. It may also be practical to calibrate the sluice with a temporary weir, provided
sufficient fall is available. The calibration consists of measuring the discharge for various depths
of flow in the sluice at a rating station and plotting the discharges against depths. The channel
should be of regular section and free from disturbance caused by upstream conditions such as
bends, multiple gates operating at unbalanced openings, waves, and other distorting influences.
6. Slope-Area Method
The slope-area method consists of using the slope of the water surface in a uniform reach of
channel and the average cross-sectional area of that reach to give a rate of discharge. The
discharge may be computed from the Manning formula:
Q =
486 . 1
Q = discharge (ft
A = mean area of the channel cross section (ft
= mean hydraulic radius of the channel (ft)
S = energy slope of the flow
n = a roughness factor depending on the character of the channel lining
A straight reach of the channel should be chosen at least 200 ft and preferably 1,000 ft in length.
If the reach is free of rapids, abrupt falls, or sudden contractions or expansions, then the water
surface slope is the same as the energy slope.
The slope, S, may be determined by dividing the difference in the water surface elevations at the
two ends of the reach by the length of the reach. A gage point, carefully referenced to a common
datum level, should be placed on each bank of the channel and in the center of the reach, in
stilling wells if possible.
The hydraulic radius, R
, is defined as the area of the cross section divided by its wetted
perimeter. Where the channel or canal is of regular cross section, and the depths at the ends of
the course are equal, the area and the wetted perimeter will be constant through-out the course. In
irregular channels, the area and the wetted perimeter at several cross sections will be required,
and a mean value will be used in computing the hydraulic radius. A static pressure tube,
discussed in chapter 8, can be used to measure depth of flow.
The factor, n, depends on the character of the channel. It may vary from 0.010, where conditions
approaching the ideal are maintained, to 0.060, where the channel is strewn with stones and
debris or is about one-third full of vegetation.
Because the proper selection of the roughness factor, n, for many streams is difficult and is, at
best, an estimate, the discharge determined by the slope-area method is only approximate. Care
must be taken to determine the slope and areas simultaneously if the water levels are changing.
Chapter 2 provides other flow equations, their friction factors that can be used with this method,
and references with tables of friction factors.
7. The Pitot Tube
Pitot tubes are sometimes used to measure relatively fast velocities such as at drops, chutes, and
overfall crests. Velocity traversing and discharge computations may be done in the same manner
as with current metering (described in chapter 5). Pitot tubes are difficult to use in slow canal
flow because they produce small differentials in slow flow. For example, the velocity needed to
produce 0.1 ft velocity head is 2.6 ft/s.
Thus, pitot tubes have the problem of precision of head measurement relative to the size of head
differential. Depending on needed accuracy, the secondary equipment could be costly and
difficult to use in slow velocity. Pitot tubes and their use are more fully described in chapter 14.
8. Accounting of Inflow and Outflow From Reservoir Storage
When gain or loss in storage of a reservoir and the inflow to a reservoir are known, the outlet
discharge may be computed. Conversely, when the storage, gain or loss, and the reservoir outlet
discharge are known, the inlet flow may be computed.
In each of these computations, the gain or loss in storage during a given time period may be read
from reservoir capacity charts and tables. These charts and tables generally give the reservoir
volume in acre-feet for various gage heights of water. The change in reservoir volume for the
time period is converted to cubic feet per second (ft
/s). The change of reservoir discharge
increased by the inflow or decreased by the outflow gives the average discharge or inflow,
Bank storage causes indeterminate deviation. Storage will tend to cause a slow drop in reservoir
water surface when the net rate of outlet flow is low and will retard rise in water surface during a
slow increase in storage. These changes usually are imperceptible to an observer. Adjustments
for evaporation and wind effect on gage readings may be necessary in reservoirs of large areas.
9. Weir Sticks
Weir sticks are commercially calibrated stick or staff gage type devices which may be placed by
hand upon the crest of a weir. In principle, the sticks show depth of flow plus velocity head or
the runup of water above the water surface at the weir blade. This device gives an indication of
the head that would have been measured at conventional weir measurement stations. Readings
are taken at the top of the runup of water to indicate the rate of flow. Some sticks contain a
piezometer and manometer to average the pulsations in the head reading. Turning the stick to an
angle will not improve accuracy unless the stick has been calibrated in this position.
At best, the sticks can only approximate the potential accuracy of weirs when head is carefully
measured in the normal manner. Weir sticks are designed to measure unit discharge along the
crest of rectangular suppressed weirs. Thus, the gage indicates the discharge per unit length of
weir. The design intent was to make weir measurements simpler without need for staff gage zero
setting. Also, poor distribution of velocity of approach at the crest could be accounted for by
multiple stick measurements and averaging along the crest because the weir stick measures the
depth on the crest and the corresponding velocity head. Thus, they compensate for velocity of
approach, such as caused by sediment deposits ahead of the weir blade.
10. Measurement by Floats
The approximate velocity of flow in a canal or stream and discharge may be determined by the
use of floats (British Standards Institution, 1964). Because a number of other methods are
usually easier and more accurate to use, this method should be used only when the other methods
are impractical or impossible. A reach of canal, straight and uniform in cross section and grade
and with a minimum of surface waves, should be chosen for this method.
Surface velocity measurements should only be attempted on windless days to avoid wind-caused
deflection of the floats. Even under the best conditions, surface floats are often diverted from a
direct course between measuring stations because of surface disturbances and crosscurrents.
Surface floats are immersed one-fourth or less of the flow depth. Rod floats are submerged more
than one-fourth of the depth but do not touch the bottom.
Cross sections are established along the straight reach of the channel at a beginning, midpoint,
and end. The cross sections should be located far enough apart so the time interval required for
the float to travel from one cross section to another can be accurately measured. The midpoint
cross section provides a check on the velocity measurements made between the beginning and
end sections. The channel width across the sections should be divided into at least three, and
preferably at least five, segments of equal width. The average depth of each segment must then
be determined. The float must be released far enough upstream from the first cross section to
attain stream velocity before reaching the cross section. The times at which the float passes each
section should be observed by stopwatch and recorded. The procedure is repeated with floats in
each of the segments across the canal, and several measurements should be made in each
For flows in canals and reasonably smooth streams, the measured surface float velocities should
be multiplied by the coefficients as listed below:
Table 13-1. Coefficients to correct surface float velocities to mean channel velocities
Average depth in reach (ft) Coefficient
The corrected velocities should then be multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the
corresponding stream segments to obtain the segment discharges. The sum of the segment
discharges will be the total discharge.
A method used extensively in India to determine velocities in open channels makes use of rod or
tube floats. This device consists of a square or round wooden rod with a width or diameter of 1 to
2 in, depending on the length. The rod is designed with a weighted end so it will float in a
vertical position with the length of the immersed portion about 0.9 times the depth of the water.
This method is based on the reasonable assumption that the velocity of a rod float extending
from the water surface to very near the bottom of a channel will closely represent the mean
velocity of the water. Streams are divided into segments as described for the float method, except
that velocities in areas near the banks of the channel are not measured by the rod method but are
assumed to be two-thirds or three-quarters of the mean velocity of adjacent segments.
The rod float method may be used in canals with straight stretches that are regular and uniform
in cross section and grade. Where these conditions exist and the flow is free of cross currents and
eddies, discharge measurements may be made with a high degree of accuracy.
The accuracy of float methods are limited by many factors, including a lack of preciseness in the
coefficients, too few stream segments being used, appreciable changes in stream depth along the
test reach, oblique currents, wind forces, and experimental errors in measuring time and
distances. Often, a number of people are required to perform this technique and make
observations. The course of the floats is difficult to control, and they can be easily retarded by
dragging on submerged debris and on the sides and bottom of the channel.
11. Bibliography
British Standards Institution, "Method of Measurement of Liquid Flow in Open Channels,"
British Standards 3680, Part 3, 1964.
Schuster, J .S., Ed., "Water Measurement Procedures-Irrigation Operators' Workshop," REC-
OCE-70-38, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, 1970.
1. Introduction
Using pipelines instead of open channels has many advantages. Pipelines prevent loss of water
by evaporation and seepage. Operation and maintenance costs are reduced because less land is
waterlogged, and the need for canal weed prevention and removal is eliminated. Land that would
be occupied by canals and embankments is available for crop production or other uses. Buried
pipelines, compared to open canals, are safer for animals and people. In general, pipelines have a
higher initial cost, but as the value of water, land, and labor increases, the use of pipelines
becomes more economically feasible. Thus, accurate flow measurement in pipelines becomes
increasingly important.
Pipeline flow can be measured in many ways. Selection of a particular installation depends upon
specific local situations. The accuracy of flow measurements in pressure conduits can be very
high. However, measuring devices and techniques must be properly selected, installed, used, and
2. General Comments on Pipeline Flowmeters
In-line flowmeters are usually classified by basic types of operation. Some of these basic types
Differential head meters
Positive volume displacement summing meters (generally municipal water)
Calibrated velocity sensing meters
Measured proportional or calibrated bypass meters
Acoustic-type meters
Flowmeters can display or record total volume delivered or instantaneous discharge rates. Direct
reading of totalized volume, rather than computing volume from instantaneous discharge
readings, is especially convenient where water is sold on the volume basis. Many flowmeters are
also equipped with auxiliary equipment to record and display the instantaneous flow discharge.
This feature is of great advantage for irrigation when setting rates and controlling delivery.
Water measured in closed conduits with mechanical meters must be free of foreign matter.
Meters should be inspected regularly (see chapter 5) to detect wear, corrosion, or other change
that would tend to alter accuracy. Flowmeter use is limited by relatively high cost and short life
in adverse operating environments.
3. Differential Head Flowmeters
This class of flowmeters includes venturi, nozzle, and orifice meters. When properly installed
and used, these meters have a potential accuracy of "1 percent. These meters have no moving
parts but use the principle of accelerating flow by some form of constriction. Heads are measured
upstream where the meter is the size of the approach pipe and downstream where the area is
reduced to a minimum.
The basic energy balance relationship is written as discussed in chapter 2. The velocity at one of
these locations is solved for in terms of the difference of head between the two locations. Using
the product of the upstream velocity and area results in discharge expressed as:
= CA
2 1
) ( 2
h h g
= discharge
= upstream approach area
= area of the throat or orifice opening
= upstream head measurement
= downstream head
g = gravity constant
C = coefficient determined experimentally
The term, h
- h
, often written in shorter form as h, is the differential head that gives the name
to this class of meters.
The values of the effective discharge coefficient in both of the equation forms, for the same
differential flowmeter, are the same. The coefficients are the same because the area divided by
the square root of the denominator in each equation has the same value.
Equation 14-1 is valid for the venturi, nozzle, and orifice meters using proper respective effective
coefficients. Each kind of flow meter has a different value of effective discharge coefficient.
More details concerning what is accounted for by the effective discharge coefficient are covered
in chapter 2.
With differential flowmeters, the pressure difference between the inlet tap and the throat or
minimum pressure tap is related to discharge in tables or curves using the suitable coefficients
with the proper equation. An example discharge curve is shown for an 8-inch (in) venturi meter
on figure 14-1. Thus, the meters may serve as reliable flow measuring devices.
Figure 14-1 -- Typical calibration curve for an 8-in venturi
meter - one kind of differential flowmeter.
(a) Venturi Meters
Venturi meters (figure 14-2) are one of the most accurate type of flow measuring device that can
be used in a water supply system. They contain no moving parts, require very little maintenance,
and cause very little head loss. Tables or diagrams of the head difference versus rate of flow may
be prepared, and flow indicators or flow recorders may be used to display the differential or rate
of flow. Venturi meters are often used in the laboratory to calibrate other closed conduit flow
measuring devices.
Figure 14-2 -- Sectional view of venturi meter.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1983) and International Organization for
Standardization (1991) contain details of pipeline meter theory, equations, coefficients, and
tables with application instructions.
The effective discharge coefficient for venturi meters ranges from 0.9 to about unity (Streeter,
1951; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1983) with turbulent flow, and it varies with
diameter ratio of throat to pipe.
The smaller commercial venturi meters are made of brass or bronze and are available for pipe
sizes up to about 2 inches (in) diameter. Larger meters are usually made of cast iron with inner
bronze linings. Some larger venturi meters have been constructed of concrete with the
convergence and the throat made of finished metal. Large venturi meters have not been
standardized for general irrigation practice, and the sizes, shapes, and coefficients are not well
known. Accuracy and performance should be specified by purchase contract for large venturi
meters. Some relatively simple and effective venturi meters have been made from precast
concrete (Summers, 1952; 1953) and plastic (Replogle and Wahlin, 1994) pipe sections and
In the past, the expense of venturi meters and the fact that they must always operate with full
pipelines have restricted their use on a broad scale in irrigation systems. The increasing demand
for accurate flow measurements in pressure conduits will likely result in greater use of venturi
meters in the future. Because venturi meters have smoothly varying flow boundaries, they have
been used for measuring sewage and flow carrying other materials. Sometimes, this usage may
require clean water backflushing for clearing manometer tubing. With trash-carrying flow that
would require frequent flushing, small continuous purging flows have been used to keep material
from plugging or entering the pressure taps between and during pressure head measurements.
Many variations of the meter exist, each of which is tailored to meet the requirements of specific
types of installations.
(b) Nozzle Meters
In effect, the flow nozzle is a venturi meter that has been simplified and shortened by eliminating
the gradual downstream expansion (figure 14-3). The streamlined entrance of the nozzle causes a
straight jet without contraction, so its effective discharge coefficient is nearly the same as the
venturi meter. Flow nozzles allow the jet to expand of its own accord. This feature causes a
greater amount of turbulent expansion head loss than the loss that occurs in venturi meters,
which suppress exit turbulence with a gradually expanding tube boundary.
Figure 14-3 -- Sectional view of nozzle meter.
The effective coefficient of discharge for flow nozzles in pipelines varies from 0.96 to 1.2 for
turbulent flow and increases as the throat-to-pipe-diameter ratio increases.
Frequently, the upstream pressure connection is made through a hole in the wall of the conduit at
a distance of about one pipe diameter upstream from the starting point of the flare of the nozzle
(ASME, 1983). Thus, the pressure is measured before it curves to enter the nozzle. The
downstream pressure connection may be made through the pipe wall just above the end of the
nozzle tube (ASME, 1983).
Flow nozzles have been made from precast concrete pipe and used in the field. Flow nozzles
have not been used extensively for measuring irrigation water, probably because this application
lacks standardization. Discharge tables provided by a manufacturer agreed closely with
independent calibration tests and studies (Summers, 1952).
(c) Orifice Meter
The most common differential-pressure type flowmeter used in pipelines is the sharp-edged
orifice plate (figure 14-4). These meters are frequently used in irrigation applications for
measuring well discharges and agricultural chemicals that are injected into irrigation flows. The
latter are usually small with details of installation and operation furnished by the manufacturers.
Therefore, only larger diameter orifice plates in round pipes will be discussed here. Personal
computers and the generalization of discharge coefficients renewed interest in the orifice as a
primary device (Furness, 1987).
Figure 14-4 -- Sectional view of orifice meter.
Applications with proper water quality, careful attention to installation detail, and proper
operation techniques (Hobbs, 1987) make these flowmeters capable of producing accuracy to
within 1 percent. However, the usual maintenance and pipe conditions that generally occur in
irrigation pipe systems limit field accuracies to within 3 to 5 percent of actual.
Advantages of the orifice plate are its simplicity and the ability to select a proper calibration on
the basis of the measurements of the geometry (Dijstelbergen, 1982). Disadvantages of the
orifice plate include the long, straight pipe length requirements and the limited practical
discharge range ratio of about one to three for a single orifice hole size. However, the location of
the range can be shifted by using sets of plates for changing orifice hole sizes. This shift, in
effect, provides a range ratio increase. Calibrations based on tap locations relative to pipe
diameter, rather than orifice diameter, make this feasible because the same tap locations can be
used for different orifice plate hole sizes.
(1) The Flow Rate Equation
The equation now commonly used to calculate the flow rate from the pressure differential and
other relevant parameters is:
Q = CC
A h g 2 (14-2a)
Q = C
h g 2 (14-2b)
Q = the discharge
= the product CC
C = a coefficient determined experimentally
= the velocity of approach factor
A = the area of the orifice hole
g = the acceleration of gravity
h = the differential head
If differential pressure sensing equipment is used as the secondary measuring devices, then 2gh
must be replaced with 2P/D, where P is differential pressure and D is the density of the
flowing water.
(2) Standardization of Tap Locations
Originally, the so-called vena-contracta tap (minimum contracted orifice jet diameter) was
standardized. For those, the location of the downstream tap depended on the orifice hole size in
the orifice plate. This diminished the possibility of altering the range by changing orifice plates
because the tappings would also have to be relocated for each new plate size.
More recent orifice standards are based on extensive experimental data and can be applied with a
fair degree of confidence. Studies carried out in Germany, the United States, France, and Britain
resulted in the present ISO-5167 (1991) (adapted from British Standards-1042 [1943], and
Dijstelbergen [1982]). The standards list the geometry of the devices, the installation conditions
to be observed, and the equation relating flow and pressure differential. Three types (figure 14-5)
of differential measuring taps as internationally standardized are:
Corner taps
Flange taps
D-D/2 taps
Figure 14-5 -- Flange and D-D/2 pressure taps for orifice meter.
(3) Orifice Plate and Hole Requirements
Orifice plates require careful installation. The orifice plate coefficient is generally affected more
by misalignment and disturbed velocity distributions than other differential-pressure meters
because the abrupt pressure changes take place near the plate. Poor installation of an otherwise
properly designed orifice plate can cause as much as a 20-percent error (Humphreys, 1987). The
orifice plate should be mounted in such a way that it is possible to inspect at least the orifice
plate and preferably the adjacent piping.
The orifice hole diameter should be at least 0.5 in, and its upstream edge should be free of visible
dents, burrs, and rounding. The orifice hole must be bored perpendicular to the plate. The bore
hole cylinder length must be between 0.005 and 0.02 times the pipe diameter (D). If the plate is
thicker than 0.02D, the downstream orifice must be beveled at an angle between 30 to 60 degrees
from horizontal. Centering of the plate orifice hole, as specified in the standard, is particularly
difficult to meet for small pipes.
The plate shall be mounted perpendicular to the pipe axis. The orifice plate material should be
thick enough so it will not bow under the differential pressure. The plate faces shall be flat and
parallel. The plate thickness shall be less than 0.05 times the pipe diameter, and its upstream face
shall be have a quality finish.
(4) Meter Approach and Exit Requirements
Downstream from pipe fittings, the required length of straight pipe approaching orifice meters
varies with type, number, and orientation of fittings and increases in proportion to (ratio of
orifice to pipe diameter). For example, a single 90degree bend requires from 6 to 18 diameters of
straight approach pipe ahead of the upstream pressure tap for increasing from 0.2 to 0.75 (ISO,
1991). Two 90-degree bends in the same plane require 7 to 21 diameters for the same range.
Two or more bends in different planes require 17 to 35 diameters. Globe valves require 9 to 18
diameters for increasing from 0.2 to 0.75. Gate valves require 6 to 15 approach diameters. An
expander fitting requires 8 to 19 diameters. A reducer fitting requires 5 to 15 diameters of
straight pipe upstream for ranging from 0.5 to 0.75, which differs from the previously
mentioned values. Four to eight diameters of straight pipe are required downstream from the
pressure taps.
(5) Coefficient of Discharge
Accurate values for C
have been developed for the standard tap locations. If the orifice-plate
geometry and its installation conform to the orifice specifications of ISO 5167, a good estimate
of performance can be developed by applying the Stolz equation appearing in those standards.
This equation was developed by Stolz, who logically showed that the coefficients of the different
taps normalized by pipe diameter are related. Thus, the value of the coefficient of discharge, C
depends on the particular tapping arrangement, the Reynolds number (Re) (VD/v), and the
diameter ratio, , as defined in equation 14-3. Originally, the older coefficients were separately
determined for each tapping arrangement for specific orifice hole sizes.
In large pipe diameters, for example, the coefficient of the corner taps and flange taps should not
differ. For small area ratios, all coefficients for different taps should be equal. Stolz statistically
fitted the available data resulting in the unified equation given in ISO 5167 covering all tapping
arrangements. This equation for C
= 0.5959 + 0.0312
- 0.1840
+ 0.0029
+ 0.0900(L
/(1 -
)] - 0.0337 (L
= coefficient of discharge
= the tap distance from the upstream face of the plate
= the tap distance from the downstream face of the of the orifice plate
D = the pipeline diameter
= the ratio of orifice diameter to pipe diameter
Re = the Reynolds number (VD/v)
V = the pipeline velocity
v = the kinematic viscosity of the water
The minimum allowable Reynolds number varies with diameter, tapping arrangement, and .
The Reynolds number (VD/v) for flange and (D-D/2) taps must be greater than 1,260
D. For
corner taps Reynolds number must be greater than 10,000 for greater than 0.45. For less than
0.45, the Reynolds number must be greater than 5,000.
The first three terms of equation 14-3 give the corner tap coefficient when Reynolds number (Re)
effect is insignificant. The fourth term introduces Reynolds number effect. The last term
accounts for the distance of flange and D-D/2 taps from the upstream face of the orifice plate.
Although the equation appears to give a coefficient value for all tapping locations, standardized
or not, it was not developed with data for other than standard locations and, therefore, is not
recommended for nonstandard tapping locations. The coefficients by this equation are
substantially the same as found in older presentations. Differences come mainly from the data
fitting method. Uncertainty of the coefficient is claimed to be less than 1 percent, exceeding the
usual requirements for irrigation use.
The equation which relates flow rate to head differential and other parameters may seem to be
rather complicated but is a minor inconvenience with modern computer capabilities. For the
usual irrigation practice that accepts meter accuracies within 3 percent or more, the above
precautions can be relaxed considerably.
4. Propeller Meters
Propeller meters are commercial flow measuring devices used at the ends of pipes and in
conduits flowing full and under pressure (figure 14-6). The uses of propeller meters at the end of
pipes (open flow propeller meters) are discussed in chapter 13. Propeller meters use multiple
blades made of rubber, plastic, or metal. The propeller rotates on a horizontal axle geared to a
totalizer that displays total volume that has passed the meter. The propellers are sometimes hung
from a sealing plate with a gasket to seal around a saddle opening on the top of the pipeline.
Others have propellers supported by spiders in short, permanent tubes for connection into
pipeline flow. Some meters also display instantaneous discharge rate with indicator hands on
Figure 14-6 -- Typical propeller meter installation.
The meters are available for a range of pipe diameters from 2 to 72 in. They are normally
designed for water flow velocities up to 17 feet per second (ft/s). The accuracy of most propeller
meters varies from +/-2 to +/-5 percent of the actual flow. Greater accuracy is possible, and
minimum driving velocities as low as 0.5 ft/s are sometimes claimed for certain meters. These
claims may, at times, be justified; however, they are sometimes difficult to verify or reproduce,
even in carefully controlled laboratory tests. Small changes of frictional resistance of bearings
and other mechanical parts caused by wear can cause large deviations from calibration,
especially at the low discharge end of measurement range.
With wear, error increases greatly for velocities below 1 to 1.5 ft/s. Propeller meters should be
selected to operate near the middle of their design discharge range. This equipment can be a
problem in existing irrigation systems with oversized pipes relative to delivery needs. Sections of
the oversized pipe may need to be replaced with smaller pipes to provide enough velocity and
approach pipeline length to allow development of velocity profiles.
Any condition that makes the approach flow different from calibration conditions affects the
accuracy of the meter registration. Insufficient driving velocity relative to friction, unusual
velocity distributions, or undeveloped velocity profiles and spiral flow can cause considerable
If the propeller diameter measures less than half of the pipe diameter, the meter will be more
sensitive to velocity profile differences. Changes in velocity distribution or velocity profile also
influence registration. If the conduit from the canal to the meter is less than about six diameters
long, typically, flow does not have sufficient time to develop a normal velocity distribution
profile. This condition results in a blunt, evenly distributed velocity pattern (figure 14-7, case A).
However, a conduit length of 20 to 30 diameters or longer will allow a typical, fully developed
velocity profile (figure 14-7, case B).
Figure 14-7 -- Velocity distributions in a pipeline.
With a fully developed velocity profile (case B), the velocity of flow near the center of the pipe
is high, compared to the velocity near the walls. Thus, a meter with a propeller diameter of only
half that of the pipe diameter would read 3 to 4 percent higher in this flow distribution than it
would in the flat velocity profile (case A). Larger propellers up to 0.8 of the pipe diameter
sample more of the flow velocity, producing greater potential accuracy. Laboratory tests show
this statement to be true; and when the propeller diameter is 75 percent or more of the pipe
diameter, the variation in registration caused by these velocity profile changes are minor.
Spiral flow is caused by poor entrance conditions and combinations of bends and fittings such as
valves. Measurement errors caused by spiral flow can be large and, depending on spiral
rotational direction of the flow, are either positive or negative.
Normally, the manufacturer provides detailed installation instructions which should be followed
carefully. The same straight pipe approach and flow straightening vanes to prevent spiral flow
that the manufacturer uses during calibration must be reproduced in field installations.
Straightening vanes, at least several pipe diameters long, should be placed in the straight pipeline
an appreciable distance upstream from the meter as specified by the manufacturer.
Propeller shafts are usually designed to rotate in one or more bearings. Bearings are contained in
a hub, where they are protected from direct contact with objects in the flow. However, water
often can and does enter the bearing. Some hubs trap sediment or other foreign particles. After
these particles work into the bearing, a definite added resistance to turning becomes apparent.
Some propellers are, therefore, designed for flow-through cleaning action so that particles do not
permanently lodge and partially consolidate in the bearings. However, some of these bearing
flushing systems have been plugged when the bearings have become fully packed with sediment.
Newer propeller meters generally have sealed or ceramic bearings to minimize sediment wear
Although propellers are designed to pass (to some degree) weeds, moss, and other debris, only a
limited amount of foreign material that can be tolerated in the flow. Even moderate amounts of
floating moss or weeds can foul a propeller unless it is protected by screens. With larger amounts
or certain kinds of foreign material in the water, even screens may not solve the problem. Heavy
objects in the water can damage propellers. Where rodents, such as muskrats, can get to plastic
propellers, they have been known to cause chewing damage.
Propeller meters require continuous inspection and maintenance, which may amount to very little
to very much, depending on local conditions and brands selected. Potential users should seek
information from other local users before selection. In some cases of high maintenance costs and
expensive water, these meters have paid for themselves in as little as 2 months on the basis of
water conserved. However, in other areas where water is relatively plentiful, they have never
repaid their original cost. Propeller bearing troubles are the most expensive and common
problem and may be difficult to overcome except by means of a well-planned maintenance
program. Maintenance costs can be excessive if meters are used for water with sediment.
Propeller meters require a maintenance routine where bearings are replaced based on time of
5. Bypass Meters
These meters measure part of the total flow which is allowed or forced through a small
passageway by differential pressure across a fitting and returned to the main flow. Thus, these
meters are sometimes called proportional, or shunt, flowmeters. The side flow drives an indicator
or small water measuring device such as a propeller, vane, rotameter, or turbine meter. Indicators
of the smaller flowmeter readings are related to total discharge by calibration. These reading
devices display or indicate instantaneous rate of flow, totalized volume of flow, or both. Bypass
meters are produced and sold commercially with calibrations and discharge tables.
6. Magnetic Flowmeters
The operation of magnetic flowmeters is based upon the principle that a voltage is induced in an
electrical conductor moving through a magnetic field. In the case of magnetic flowmeters, the
conductor is the flowing water being measured. For a given field strength, the magnitude of the
induced voltage is proportional to the velocity of the conductor.
The meter consists of a nonmagnetic and non-electrical conducting tube or pipe through which
the water flows. Two magnetic coils are used, one on each side of the pipe. Two electrodes in
each side of the insulated pipe wall sense the flow-induced voltage.
The meter should be mounted so that the electrodes are horizontal to prevent air from breaking
the voltage measuring circuit. The meter has electrical circuits to transform the induced voltage
into a rate-of-flow indication on a meter dial (figure 14-8). The electrical sensing system and
uniform flow-through passage allow the magnetic flowmeter to measure flow in both directions.
Figure 14-8 -- Schematic view of a magnetic flowmeter.
A source of electrical power is needed to activate the magnetic field, and a transmitter is used to
record or send the rate-of-flow signals to desired stations. The water needs sufficient
conductivity, but other properties such as temperature, viscosity, density, or solid particles do not
change calibration. However, dissolved chemicals can deposit on the electrodes and cause
accuracy errors. Some of these meters are provided with wipers or electrolytic or ultrasonic
electrode cleaners.
Head losses through the meter are negligible, and accuracy of measurement in the upper half of
the meter's rated capability is usually good. Later model electromagnetic meters can have good
accuracy (+/-1.0%) for a range of minimum to maximum discharge.
7. Deflection Meters
A deflection meter consists of a vane or plate that projects into the flow and a sensing element
that measures the deflection caused by the force of the flow against the vane. These meters are
sometimes called drag or target meters. They are usually calibrated to indicate the rate of flow in
some desired unit of measure. Head losses through the meter are low to moderate, depending
upon design. These meters have no pressure taps to plug. The meters are available commercially
and are relatively simple. Their accuracy ranges from moderate to good.
8. Variable-Area Meters
In variable-area meters, the water flows vertically upward in a conically tapered tube in which
area increases with height. The rate of flow is indicated by the height at which a shaped weight
attains stable support from the flow in the tapered tube. Smaller versions are commonly called
rotameters because many of the weights are sometimes vaned to rotate for stability in the tapered
tube. The weights appear to float freely in the tapered tube. Thus, they are often called floats.
When the tube is transparent, the position of the float can be observed directly against
graduations on the tube.
Larger meters sometimes have a stem attached to the float, which is linked mechanically or
magnetically to an indicator. Auxiliary recording and transmitting of discharge and totalized
volume are sometimes incorporated into these meters.
These meters generally have few moving parts to wear or otherwise cause trouble, and the
accuracy of the meters can be high. The head losses may be large. These meters have to be
installed in a vertical position, making pipe fitting more difficult.
Web Resources
The listings here should not be construed as an endorsement or
recommendation of a service or product by the Bureau of Reclamation,
Agricultural Research Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service, or
other participants of these web pages. These are provided only as a
convenience to our web clients. The listing below were selected based on
a manufacture statement that they can provide a device related to this
chapter or section. To suggest new information for this page, go to the
Suggest-A-Link web page.
ISA (Instrumentation Society of America, the international society for measurement and control)
RP16.4: Nomenclature and Terminology for Extension-Type Variable Area Meters (Rotameters)-1960
FLW Southeast, Inc.
1343 Canton Road Suite D-1
Marietta, GA 30066
Phone: (770) 424-1731
Fax: (770) 424-9733
E-mail: flwse@flwsoutheast.com
Related web page: www.flwsoutheast.com
9. Vortex Flowmeter
The vortex generating flowmeter is based on the principle that obstructions placed in flows
generate vortex shedding trails in the flow (White and McMurtrie, 1971). A properly shaped
obstruction will produce stable vortices that reinforce or interact with each other on each side of
the obstruction.
The shedding vortex oscillations are sensed in different ways such as by thermistors, pressure
cells, or magnetically picking up the oscillation of a shuttle ball in a chamber that has each end
connected to each side of the obstruction. The proper shape of the obstruction also produces an
oscillation frequency that is proportional to velocity over a large range of flow.
Manufacturers cite advantages such as the possibility of no moving parts, calibration by
dimensional tolerance limits to +1 percent, large discharge range, and adaptability to electronic
digital counting. The meters can be made portable by installing the obstruction through the
stuffing boxes.
10. Pitot Tube Velocity Measurements
The straight upstream tube shown on figure 14-9a, which is connected perpendicular and flush to
the inside wall of the pipe so it does not sense any velocity force, is a called a piezometer. Water
rises in the piezometer to an elevation that only balances the pressure head in the conduit. A
simple pitot tube is shown downstream on figure 14-9a. This open tube has a right-angle bend
that is inserted into conduit flow with its horizontal leg pointed upstream and parallel to velocity.
Water runs into the tube and rises into the vertical stem until its weight balances both the force of
the pipeline pressure head, h
, sometimes called static head, and the force of approach velocity
that has been converted to velocity head, h
, by stagnation at the tip. In this form, the pitot tube is
sometimes called a total head tube because the water rises above the tip a height equal to the
sum, H
, of pressure head in the conduit plus velocity head.
Figure 14-9 -- Pitot tubes and manometer.
For a velocity measurement, the pressure head is subtracted from the total head, H
, resulting in
velocity head, h
, or V
/2g. Solving for the velocity of flow, V, results in:
V = C
gh 2 (14-4)
V = velocity
g = gravity constant
= measured velocity head
C = coefficient
For total head tubes that have reasonably long horizontal legs relative to tube diameter, the tube
coefficient is commonly unity. However, pitot tubes with damaged tips, short tips, tube burrs,
and short tips need calibration checks to determine correct tube coefficients that may deviate
considerably from unity.
A more complex form of pitot tube is known as the pitot-static tube, which consists of the total
head tube threaded through the center of a larger tube. Static ports are drilled perpendicular to
and around the circumference of the horizontal part of the outer tube. Typical pitot-static tubes
have static ports that are placed a distance of at least three outer tube diameters from the tip and
at least eight diameters from the vertical leg of the outer tube (figure 14-9b). These distances
protect the static ports from stem and tip disturbances, which would cause tube coefficients to
deviate from unity.
Properly constructed and undamaged standard pitot-static tubes have a coefficient very close to
unity and can be used without corrections for tube interference effects (ASME, 1983). Some
special instruments have coefficients that differ considerably from unity. Appropriate
coefficients should be applied as specified by manufacturers.
Manometers are commonly used to measure heads separately or differentially in a U-tube. The
suction lift manometer shown in figure 14-9c uses an inverted U-tube with partial vacuum to lift
the water surfaces up to the scale for reading the pressures where pipeline total head is
insufficient to do so itself. The velocity head is obtained by subtracting the pressure head from
the total head. More conveniently, a differential pressure cell that senses velocity head directly
can be used. A recording digital voltmeter attached to the pressure cells can provide continuous
records of velocity.
The rate of flow in pipelines under pressure may be computed from the conduit cross-sectional
area and velocity observations made by pitot tubes or by commercial adaptations of pitot tubes
(ASME, 1983; 1992). Reinforced pitometers have been used successfully in pipes up to 5 feet
(ft) in diameter with flow velocities of 5 to 20 ft/s. Even large pipes can be traversed by having
access ports on both sides of the pipe and probing to or past the conduit centerline from each
side. The principal disadvantage encountered is that relatively large forces push on the tube when
flow velocities are high, making positioning and securing of the instrument difficult. Dynamic
instability may also occur, causing the tube to vibrate and produce erroneous readings. The flow
measurements can be very accurate at moderate flow velocities.
11. Point Velocity Area Methods
Computing discharge point velocities for open channel flow is discussed in chapter 10. In
conduits, several point velocities can be obtained by traversing with a velocity measuring device
such as a pitot tube. Arrays of several velocity measuring devices, such as axial current meters,
are sometimes fixed on racks that span the conduit to measure several velocities simultaneously.
Some flowmeters directly measure average velocity along lines through the flow.
The measurement of point velocities is relatively simple. However, partitioning the flow section
relative to velocity points is complex, depending on the accuracy desired. The main problem in
determining proper partial areas is that each point velocity represents or determines meaningful
velocity weighting factors related to each point location. Many schemes can be used to locate
measuring points on grids or diameters and assign weighting factors for each position. The
procedures are further complicated when corrections are needed to account for the obstruction of
rack support systems and the size of the instruments themselves. If accuracies better than +/-3
percent are needed, then procedures set by codes such as ISO (1977) and ASME (1992) should
be consulted.
Some methods of averaging velocity are done by selecting equal areas related to the shape of the
flow cross section and measuring velocity at specific points within these areas. For pitot
measurements, the average of the square root of the velocity heads of the point measurements is
multiplied by the flow section area.
The most common pressure conduit is the circular pipe. For a constant rate of flow, the velocity
varies from point to point across the stream, gradually increasing from the walls toward the
center of the pipe. The mean velocity is obtained by dividing the cross-sectional area of the pipe
into a number of concentric, equal area rings and a central circle. The standard (ASME, 1983)
10-point system is shown on figure 14-10a. More equal area divisions may be used if required by
large flow distortions or other unusual flow conditions. Velocity measurements are taken at
specific locations in these subareas (figure 14-10a) and are adjusted in terms of average velocity
head by the equation:
= g 2 (
h )
Figure 14-10 -- Locations for pitot tube measurements in
circular and rectangular conduits (reproduced from British
Standard 1042, Flow Measurement [1943], by permission of
the British Standards Institution).
The mean velocity in rectangular ducts can be found by dividing the cross section into an even
number (at least 16) of equal rectangles geometrically similar to the duct cross section and
measuring the velocity at the center of each area (figure 14-9b). Additional readings should be
taken in the areas along the periphery of the cross section according to the diagram on figure 14-
9c. Then, the average velocity is determined from equation 14-5.
Acoustic devices, discussed in chapter 11, measure accurate average velocity along chords or
diametral lines in planes across the flow section. The diametral arrangement uses the simple
average of the line velocities corrected for the angle of the plane across the conduit. The multiple
chordal systems use a specific weighting factor for each line velocity to determine the average
(AMSE, 1992). The chord locations are specified to maximize accuracy.
12. California Pipe Method
This method measures the discharge from the open end of partially filled horizontal pipes
discharging freely into the air (Vanleer, 1922; 1924). This method is sometimes considered a
trajectory method. However, the measurement is really based on the brink depth at the end of the
pipe. This method can be adapted to the measurement of discharge in small open channels where
the discharge can be diverted through a horizontal pipe flowing partially full and discharging
freely into the air.
Figure 14-11 illustrates one pipe fitting arrangement to accommodate the California pipe
discharge measurement. Other arrangements may be possible. With such an arrangement, the
only measurements necessary are the inside diameter of the pipe and the vertical distance from
the upper inside surface of the pipe to the surface of the flowing water at the outlet end of the
pipe. With this information, the discharge may be computed by:
Q = 8.69 (1 -
Q = discharge (ft
a = distance measured in the plane of the end of the pipe from the top of the inside
surface of the pipe to the water surface (ft)
d = internal diameter of the pipe (ft)
Figure 14-11 -- Typical arrangement for measuring flow by
the California pipe method.
This equation, developed from experimental data for pipes 3 to 10 inches in diameter, gives
reasonably accurate values of discharge for that range of sizes under certain flow conditions.
However, tests by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly U.S. Soil Conservation
Service) (Rohwer, 1943) showed that for depths greater than about one-half the diameter of the
pipe or a/d less than about 0.5, the discharge does not follow the Vanleer equation. Bos (1989)
shows that brink depth must be less than 0.55d, or a/d must be greater than 0.45. Care should
therefore be taken in using equation 14-6. The discharge uncertainty of this method is expected
to be about +/-10 percent, assuming careful brink depth and pipe diameter measurements.
Some additional requirements for proper use and for attaining potential accuracy of the
California pipe measurement method are:
(1) The discharge pipe must be level.
(2) The pipe must be partially full with a/d greater than 0.45.
(3) The flow must discharge freely into the air.
13. Trajectory Methods
Basically, trajectory methods consist of measuring the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a
point in the jet issuing from the end of a pipe (Stock, 1955). The pipe may be oriented either
vertically or horizontally. The principal difficulty with this method is in measuring the
coordinates of the flowing stream accurately.
(a) Vertical Pipes
Lawrence and Braunworth (1906) noted that two kinds of flow occur from the end of vertical
pipes. With a small rise of water (up to 0.37d) above the end of the pipe, the flow acts like a
circular weir. When the water rises more than 1.4d, jet flow occurs. When the rise is between
these values, the mode of flow is in transition. Lawrence and Braunworth (1906) determined that
when the height of the jet exceeded 1.4 d, as determined by sighting over the jet to obtain the
maximum rise, the discharge is given by:
Q = 5.01d
Q = rate of flow, gal/min
d = inside diameter of the pipe, in
h = height of jet, in
When the rise of water above the end of the pipe is less than 0.37d, discharge is given by:
Q = 6.17d
For jet heights between 0.37d and 1.4d, the flow is considerably less than that given by either of
these equations. Figure 14-12, prepared using data from Stock (1955) gives flow rates in gallons
per minute for standard pipes 2 to 12 inches in diameter and jet heights from 12 to 60 in. Bos
(1989) assigns to this method an accuracy of +/-10 percent for the jet flow range to +/-15 percent
for the weir flow range.
Figure 14-12 -- Discharge curves for measurement of flow
from vertical standard pipes. The curves are based on data
from experiments of Lawrence and Braunworth, American
Society of Civil Engineers, Transactions, Vol. 57, 1906
(courtesy of Utah State University).
For irrigation convenience, the Natural Resources Conservation Service produced a table from
curves for vertical pipes in Stock (1955) for the NRCS National Engineering Handbook (1962a).
This table is reproduced here as table 14-1. The table gives discharges for different heads up to
40 in for standard nominal pipe diameters from 2 to 12 inches and for outside diameters of well
casings from 4 to 12 inches. As mentioned before, accuracies better than 15 and 10 per-cent
should not be expected, depending on whether the flow is acting as a weir or jet-type flow.
Table 14-1 -- Flow from vertical pipes
Table prepared from discharge curves in Utah Engineering Experimental Station, Bulletin 5,
"Measurement of Irrigation Water," June 1955.
Standard pipe.
Outside diameter of well casing.
(b) Horizontal Pipes
When brink depths are greater than 0.5D, the more general Purdue pipe method developed by
Greve (1928) should be used, rather than the California pipe method. The Purdue method applies
equally well to both partially and completely filled pipes. The Purdue method consists of
measuring coordinates of the upper surface of the jet as shown on figure 14-13. If the water in
the pipe is flowing at a depth of less than 0.8D at the outlet, the vertical distance, Y, can be
measured at the end of the pipe where X = 0. For higher rates of flow, Y may be measured at
horizontal distances, X, from the pipe exit of 6, 12, or 18 in. Flow values in gallons per minute
for 2- to 6-in-diameter standard pipes are shown in graphs on figure 14-14 (Stock, 1955).
Figure 14-13 -- Purdue method of measuring flow from a
horizontal pipe (courtesy of Utah State University).
Figure 14-14 -- Flow from horizontal standard pipes by
Purdue coordinate method (courtesy of Utah State University)
(sheet 1 of 2).
Figure 14-14 -- Flow from horizontal standard pipes by
Purdue coordinate method (courtesy of Utah State University)
(sheet 2 of 2).
The most accurate results will be obtained when the pipe is truly horizontal. If it slopes upward,
the indicated discharge will be too high. If it slopes downward, the indicated discharge will be
too low.
Difficulty occurs in making the vertical measurement, Y, because the top of the jet will usually
not be smooth and well defined.
The NRCS produced table 14-2 for horizontal pipe discharge for X of 0, 6, 12 and 18 in and Y up
to about 8 in for pipe diameters from 2 to 6 in. As mentioned previously, accuracies better than
10 percent should not be expected.
Table 14-2 Flow from horizontal pipes
Table 14-2 Flow from horizontal pipes
Table for standard steel pipe prepared from data resulting from actual experiments conducted at Purdue University
Experimental Station, Bulletin 32, "Measurement of Pipe Flow by the Coordinate Method," August 1928.
14. Small Tubes or Siphons
Plastic or aluminum siphons and tubes are commonly used to deliver water from a canal or ditch
to the furrows (figure 14-15) (Scott and Houston, 1959). These conduits may also be used to
measure the rate of flow. The head acting on siphons and straight pipes through banks is
measured in the manner shown on figure 14-15. The rate of flow from figure 14-16 is used only
for siphons and pipes where the flow exits the tube into free air. Figure 1417 is used only for the
submerged exit case. The uncertainty for discharge is about +/-15 percent. Therefore, this
method of determining discharge is approximate but could be useful for managing water
allotments and apportionment over acreage.
Figure 14-15 -- Discharge through ditch-to-furrow pipes and
siphons (figures 14-16 and 14-17) may be determined by
measuring the effective head.
Figure 14-16 -- Rates of flow through ditch-to-furrow pipes
for various heads.
Figure 14-17 -- Rates of flow through ditch-to-furrow siphons
for various heads.
The pipe ends should be cut cleanly with no burrs. The tubes and ends should not be dented or
deformed. Tight bends should be avoided. The flow past either end of the tube must be slow
compared to tube velocity. Tubes can become partially or fully air locked at lower discharges of
curves shown on figures 14-16 and 1417. The siphons should be reprimed periodically when
operating at the low discharge region. Both submerged ends should be located a distance of 1.5
diameters from channel flow boundaries and water surface. If a vortex forms over the siphon
entrance, the entrance should be lowered if possible; otherwise, the vortex should be suppressed.
The vortex can be suppressed by rafting a wide board over the intake and hanging additional
cross vanes from the board if needed. Bos (1989) gives more details concerning these
requirements and provides rating curves in metric units.
Figure 14-18 (NRCS, 1962a) gives discharge in gallons per minute for heads up to 20 inches for
siphon lengths common to furrow irrigation with pipe diameters from 2 to 6 inches. As
mentioned previously, accuracies better than 10 percent should not be expected.
Figure 14-18 -- Discharge of aluminum or plastic siphon
tubes at various heads for different tube lengths.
15. The Pressure-Time Method
The pressure-time data recorded during downstream closure of valves, wicket gates, or other
devices can be used to calculate discharge (Gibson, 1923). Gibson developed elaborate
equipment and detailed computational procedures for determining discharge. Modern pressure
cells, electronic computers, and recording equipment have made the technique easier to
accomplish. Codes such as those published by the ASME (1992) have been established for
turbines. The pressure conduit should be at least 25 ft long, preferably longer.
Discharge is computed from:
(1) Pressure-time recording taken while the valve or other control device is closing.
(2) The cross-sectional area of the conduit.
(3) The length from control device to the entrance. 14-24
This method has recently been applied to shorter, low head turbines (Almquist et al., 1994). The
pressure variation is automatically recorded with respect to time on equipment especially devised
for this method. Use of the Gibson method requires specially trained personnel. Patents
restricting the use of the equipment and method have expired.
16. Calibration of Turbines, Pumps, Gates, and Valves
Some irrigation distribution systems may require measurement of the flow by means of the
turbines, pumps, gates, or valves through which the water flows. This measurement may be done
if the structure is calibrated in the field using an approved flow measuring method or in the
laboratory using hydraulic models. Properly prepared calibration curves are a reliable means for
obtaining accurate discharge measurements.
Discharge is generally related to power in the case of turbines or pumps. The relationships may
be determined by measuring the average power output or input during the period in which
discharge measurements are made for various load conditions. Curves or tables are developed
from these test data to show the rate of flow that occurs for specific power and operation
conditions. Long- or short-term deterioration or damage may change machinery efficiency. Thus,
these calibrations should be periodically checked, adjusted, and recalibrated as needed.
For gates and valves, discharge-versus-gate-opening curves for various appropriate heads are
desired. These curves may be determined by measuring the rates of flow at given gate or valve
openings under specific head conditions. By operating over the full range of openings and heads,
data may be obtained for establishing the families of curves. Generally, the curves would show
the rates of flow in cubic feet per second (ft
/s) that occur through the gate or valve at specific
openings, which are expressed in percent of opening, for the pertinent operating heads. These
curves may also be prepared from model test data.
17. Acoustic Flowmeters
The most recent advances in measuring flow in pressure conduits has been with the further
developments of acoustic flowmeters. This class of meters is covered in detail in chapter 11 of
this manual. These meters are used extensively at powerplants and other major points of
diversion. They are well suited to use in automated data acquisition systems. Their accuracy
depends on type and installation, but generally varies from +/-3 percent down to +/-0.1 percent.
18. Bibliography
Almquist, C.W., D.B. Hansen, and P.A. March, Pressure-Time Flow Rate in Low Head Hydro,"
Proceedings, Symposium on Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and
Experimentation, Buffalo NY, 1994.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application, H.S.
Bean, editor, sixth edition revised, Research Committee on Fluid Meters, New York, 1983.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Performance Test Codes-Hydraulic Turbines and
Turbine Mode of Pump/Turbines," revision, Performance Test Code 18, New York NY, 1992.
Bos, M.G., Discharge Measurement Structures, ILRI Publication 20, Third Revised Edition,
Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1989.
British Standards Institution, B.S. 1042, Flow Measurement, 1943.Dijstelbergen, H.H., "Gas
Meters," In: Developments In Flow
Measurement, R.W.W. Scott (editor), 1982, chapter 5, pp. 129-170, Applied Science Publishers,
London. 333 p., 1982.
Furness, R.A., "Developments in Pipeline Instrumentation," in Measurement and Control, No.
20, pp. 25-28, 1987.
Gibson, N.R., "The Gibson Method and Apparatus for Measuring the Flow of Water in Closed
Conduits," In: Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol. 45, p. 343,
Greve, F.W., "Measuring of Pipe Flow by the Coordinate Method," Purdue Engineering
Experiment Station, Bulletin 32, 1928.
Hobbs, M., "Inside the Orifice Plate," Process Engineering, London, vol. 68(2), pp. 33, 35, 1987.
Humphreys, J.S., "Improving the Performance of Those Orifice Plates," Process Engineering
(London), vol. 68(2), pp. 37, 39, 41, 1987.
International Organization for Standardization, Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits:
Velocity Area Method Using Pitot Tubes, ISO 3966, First Edition, Zurich, Switzerland, 1977.
International Organization for Standardization, Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits:
Velocity Area Method Using Pitot Tubes, ISO 5167-1, 1991.
Lawrence, F.E., and P.L. Braunworth, "Fountain Flow of Water in Vertical Pipes," In:
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers,vol. 57, pp. 265-306, 1906.
Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Engineering Handbook, Part 623, Section 15
(pipe coordinates), Chapter 9, "Measurement of Irrigation Water," 1962a.
Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Engineering Handbook, Part 623, Section 15,
Chapter 5, "Furrow Irrigation," 1962b.
Replogle, J.A., and B.T. Wahlin, "Venturi Meter Construction for Plastic Irrigation Pipelines,"
Proceedings, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, American Society of Agricultural Engineers,.
10(1):21-26, 1994.
Rohwer, C., "Discharge of Pipes Flowing Partly Full," Civil Engineering, American Society of
Civil Engineers, 1943.
Scott, V.E., and C.E. Houston, "Measuring Irrigation Water," Circular 473, California
Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California, 1959.
Streeter, V.L., Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York NY, 1951.
Stock, E.M., "Measuring of Irrigation Water," Bulletin No. 5, Utah
State Engineering Experiment Station and Utah Cooperative Extension Service, 1955.
Summers, J.B., "Flow Characteristics of 8-, 10-, 12-, and 18-Inch Concrete Fresno Irrigation
Meters," Hydraulic Laboratory Report No. HYD-340, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver CO, 1952.
Summers, J.B., "Hydraulic Investigations of the Consolidated Irrigation District Venturi-Type
Meters," Hydraulic Laboratory Report No. HYD-341, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver CO, 1953.
Vanleer, B.R., "The California Pipe Method of Water Measure- ment," Engineering News
Record, August 3, 1922, and August 21, 1924.
White, R., and McMurtrie, "The Vortex Shedding Flowmeter," Paper 2-16-187, Synposiumon
Flow-Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, 1971.
Elbow Flow Meters
Clifford A. Pugh, Water Resources Research Laboratory
Elbow meters are based on the principle of "conservation of
momentum." Momentum conservation requires that the
momentum flux (momentum per unit time) remain
unchanged as steady flow occurs through an isolated
system of fluid. Since momentum is a vector quantity, a
change in direction of the flow causes a reduction of
momentum in the original direction which is offset by an
increase in the new direction. In an elbow, such as the
mitred elbow shown in figure 1, the momentum in the
horizontal direction is changed by the pipe turning down.
This change in direction causes the flow to exert a force on
the pipe elbow.
F = Q (V2-V1) [Momentum Equation] (1)
F =Force
=the fluid density
Q =the discharge (flow)
V =the velocity vector
Figure 1 - Forty-five degree mitred bend with pressure taps
on the inside and outside of the bend. The pressure
differential is related to the square of the velocity.
This force results in an increased pressure on the outside of
the bend and a decreased pressure on the inside. The
pressure difference is proportional to the square of the
velocity. The general form of the equation would be :
Figure 1 shows recommended pressure tap locations for a
mitred bend according to ID Tech, inc. ID Tech sells an
"Electronic Flow Calculator" based on an elbow meter. The
coefficents of discharge (C
) for mitred bends (determined
empirically by ID Tech) are proprietary. Their toll free
phone number is 888-782-0498.
Figure 2 shows a multiple level outlet at Beltzville Dam in
Pennsylvania. Differential pressures across opposing
pressure taps (P1 and P2) and stream gage measurements
were used to develop the rating curve and equation shown
in figure 3 (Hart and Pugh, 1975).
Figure 2 - Water Quality Control outlet at Beltzville Dam
(Hart and Pugh, 1975). The pressure differential between
P1 and P2 was empirically calibrated to obtain a discharge
relationship. The elbow meter is used to set desired outlet
flows for normal operations.
Figure 3 - Elbow Meter Calibration, Beltzville Dam.
Similar empirical relationships could be developed for pipe
bends in the field by using a strap on acoustic flowmeter
(or another flow measurement method) to obtain the data
and develop the equation. One differential pressure
transducer would be connected to the high and low pressure
taps to measure the differential and obtain flow. This is a
simple and relatively accurate device if the pressure taps
are properly installed and the "burrs" are cleaned from the
inside of the tap. A slight rounding of the edge of the taps
helps to improve their performance.
As a practical matter, the lower limit of an elbow meter is
about 2 ft/s. Pressure differences and discharge
measurement accuracy are very low below this velocity.
Flow Tech recommends an upper velocity limit of 10 ft/s,
this is probably due to seperation at the sharp bend in the
mitred elbow. Higher velocities may be allowable for
elbows with a constant radius such as the example in figure
2 and 3.
(1) Hart, E. D., and Pugh, C. A. , "Outlet Works for
Beltzville Dam, Pohopoco Creek, Pennsylvania," Technical
Report H-75-10, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Waterways Experiment Station, May, 1975.
A flow section area
contracted area of flow
orifice area
a area
B average width
C Chezy factor, general coefficient, concentration of a tracer, or constant
gate angle correction factor
contraction coefficient
discharge coefficient
effective discharge coefficient
velocity of approach coefficient
coefficient to account for exclusion of approach velocity head
velocity coefficient caused by friction loss
c velocity of sound
D pipe diameter
distance water will travel at a given velocity in a pipe of constant diameter
E specific energy
error in percent comparison standard discharge
error in percent full-scale discharge
e a subscript denoting "effective"
egl energy grade line
F Froude number
canal freeboard
critical Froude number
pressure force
f friction factor
gate opening
g acceleration caused by gravity
H total energy head
critical total energy head
h head or height
measuring head
submergence head
submergence ratio
critical head
critical hydraulic mean depth
effective measurement head
head loss
hydraulic mean depth
measured velocity head
+ k
head measure above a weir crest (upstream head)
h upstream head minus downstream head (differential head)
friction head loss between two stations
hgl hydraulic grade line
K constant
k boundary roughness size
correction factor to obtain effective weir length
correction factor to obtain effective head
L length
cross-sectional width
L + k
or effective crest length
N sample number
n friction or roughness factor
PH pinion height
wetted perimeter
p pressure or height of crest above approach invert
Q discharge
actual discharge
critical discharge
comparison standard discharge
suppressed orifice discharge
discharge computed using measured heads and the regression equation
full scale or maximum discharge
indicated discharge from device output
maximum discharge
minimum discharge
theoretical discharge through an orifice
Q% percent deviation of discharge
q unit or partial discharge
Re Reynolds number
hydraulic radius
r ratio of suppressed portion of the perimeter of an orifice to total perimeter
r radius of curvature
S slope or estimate of standard deviation
invert or bottom slope
water surface slope
s estimate of standard deviation
T time
T top water surface width
top water surface width at critical conditions
t time
downstream travel time of the acoustic signal
upstream travel time of the acoustic signal
t difference in times
U equation coefficient or exponent
V mean velocity
critical velocity
average axial velocity of water flow
W weight
mean of a set of values
each individual value from a set of values
Z potential energy head
ratio of orifice hole diameter to pipe diameter
unit weight of water
kinematic viscosity
standard deviation
Conversion Factors
Multiply By To obtain
Square miles
Square yards
Square feet
Square inches
Square inches
Square feet
Square yards
Square feet
Square miles
Square yards
Square feet
Square meters
Square miles
Square feet
Square inches
Square meters
Square miles
Square yards
Square inches
Square miles
Square centimeters
Square yards
Square feet
Cubic yards
Cubic feet
U.S. gallons
Cubic feet
Cubic yards
Cubic meters
Cubic feet
Cubic inches
Cubic meters
Cubic inches
U.S. gallons
Cubic yards
Conversion Factors (continued)
Volume (continued)
Multiply By To obtain
U.S. gallons
Cubic inches
Cubic inches
Cubic feet
Cubic centimeters
U.S. gallons
Cubic feet
Cubic feet per second
Million gallons per day
Gallons per minute
U.S. gallons per minute
Cubic feet per minute
Cubic feet per hour
Cubic feet per day
Acre-feet per year
Acre-feet per day
Acre-inches per hour
Miners inch in Idaho,
Kansas, Nebraska, South
Dakota, North Dakota,
New Mexico, Utah,
Washington, southern
Miners inch in Arizona,
Montana, Oregon,
Nevada, and
California (statutory)
Miners inch in Colorado
Cubic meters per second
Cubic meters per minute
Cubic meters per hour
Cubic meters per day
Liters per second
Cubic feet per second
Acre-feet per day
Cubic meters per minute
Liters per second
Liters per minute
Feet per second
Inches per hour
Feet per year
Miles per hour
Kilometers per hour
Centimeters per second
Centimeters per hour
Meters per year
Feet per second per second 0.3048 Meters per second per second
Weight, Mass
Pounds, avoirdupois
Tons (2,000 pounds)
Pounds, troy
Pounds, avoirdupois
Conversion Factors (continued)
Multiply By To obtain
Pounds per cubic foot 16.0185
Kilograms per cubic meter
Grams per cubic centimeter
Atmosphere, at sea level
Pounds per square inch
Pounds per square foot
Feet of water column (at 20
Centimeters of mercury
Inches of mercury
Feet of water
Pounds per square inch
Kilograms per square centimeter
Feet of water
Kilograms per square meter
Centimeters of mercury column
Kilograms per square centimeter
Pounds per square inch
Angular Distance
Degrees 60
Horsepower (metric)
Foot-pounds per minute
Foot-pounds per second
Horsepower (metric)
Kilogram-meters per second
British thermal units 778
Cubic feet per square foot per
304.8 Liters per square meter per day
Dynamic viscosity
(pound second per square foot)
Kinematic viscosity
(square feet per second)
Kilogram second per square
Square meters per second
Surface Tension
Pounds per foot 1.4882 Kilograms per meter
Gas Constant
Feet per degree F 0.5486 Meters per degree Celsius
1 ft
/s falling 8.81 feet = 1 horsepower.
1 ft
/s falling 10.0 feet = 1.135 horsepower.
1 ft
/s falling 11.0 feet = 1 horsepower at 80-percent efficiency.
1 ft
/s flowing for 1 year will cover 1 square mile to a depth of 1.131 feet, or 13.572 inches.
1 inch depth of water on 1 square mile = 2,323,200 cubic feet = 0.0737 ft
/s for 1 year.
The cubic foot per second is also commonly referred to as the second-foot.
Water Measurement Manual
Appendix tables are numbered by chapter, beginning with the next number in sequence
following the tables contained in the main body of each chapter. The following tables are located
in the main body of the chapters: 7-1, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, and 9-1. Appendix tables for
chapters 7, 8, and 9 begin with tables A7-2, A8-7, and A9-2, respectively.
Sharp-Crest Weirs
A7-2. Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in ft3/sec.
A7-3. Discharge of standard suppressed rectangular weirs in ft3/sec.
A7-4. Discharge of 90 V-notch weirs, in ft3/sec.
A7-5. Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft3/sec. Shaded entries determined
Parshall Flumes
A8-7. Free-flow discharge through 1-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-8. Free-flow discharge through 2-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-9. Free-flow discharge through 3-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-10. Free-flow discharge through 6-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-11. Free-flow discharge through 9-inch Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-12. Free-flow discharges in ft3/sec through 1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes.
A8-13. Free-flow discharge through 10-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-14. Free-flow discharge through 12-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-15. Free-flow discharge through 15-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-16. Free-flow discharge through 20-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-17. Free-flow discharge through 25-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-18. Free-flow discharge through 30-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-19. Free-flow discharge through 40-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
A8-20. Free-flow discharge through 50-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft3/sec.
Submerged Orifice Flow Meters
A9-2. Discharge of fully contracted standard submerged rectangular orifice in ft3/sec.
A9-3. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices with bottom and side contractions
suppressed, in ft3/sec.
A9-4. Discharge of constant-head orifice (CHO) turnout in ft3/sec.
A9-5. Discharge of constant-head orifice (CHO) turnout in ft3/sec.
A9-6. Discharges for standard sized constant-head orifice (CHO) turnouts.
Table A7-2. Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs
in ft
/sec. Shaded entries determined experimentally. All others
computed from the formula Q=3.33(L -0.2h
Head, h
Weir Length, L , ft
ft 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
0.18 0.122 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
.19 .132 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
.20 .142 0.286 0.435 0.584 0.882 1.18 1.48 1.78 2.07
.21 .152 .307 .467 .627 .948 1.27 1.59 1.91 2.23
.22 .162 .329 .500 .672 1.02 1.36 1.70 2.05 2.39
.23 .173 .350 .534 .718 1.09 1.45 1.82 2.19 2.55
.24 .184 .373 .568 .764 1.16 1.55 1.94 2.33 2.72
.25 .195 .395 .604 .812 1.23 1.64 2.06 2.48 2.89
.26 ----- .419 .639 .860 1.30 1.74 2.18 2.63 3.07
.27 ----- .442 .676 .909 1.38 1.84 2.31 2.78 3.25
.28 ----- .466 .712 .959 1.45 1.95 2.44 2.93 3.43
.29 ----- .490 .750 1.01 1.53 2.05 2.57 3.09 3.61
.30 ----- .514 .788 1.06 1.61 2.16 2.70 3.25 3.80
.31 ----- .539 .827 1.11 1.69 2.26 2.84 3.41 3.99
.32 ----- .564 .866 1.17 1.77 2.37 2.98 3.58 4.18
.33 ----- .590 .905 1.22 1.85 2.48 3.11 3.75 4.38
.34 ----- .615 .945 1.28 1.94 2.60 3.26 3.92 4.58
.35 ----- .658 .986 1.33 2.02 2.71 3.40 4.09 4.78
.36 ----- .686 1.03 1.39 2.11 2.83 3.54 4.26 4.98
.37 ----- .714 1.07 1.44 2.19 2.94 3.69 4.44 5.19
.38 ----- .743 1.11 1.50 2.28 3.06 3.84 4.62 5.40
.39 ----- .772 1.15 1.56 2.37 3.18 3.99 4.80 5.61
.40 ----- .801 1.20 1.62 2.46 3.30 4.14 4.99 5.83
.41 ----- .830 1.24 1.68 2.55 3.43 4.30 5.17 6.05
.42 ----- .860 1.28 1.74 2.64 3.55 4.46 5.36 6.27
.43 ----- .890 1.33 1.80 2.74 3.68 4.61 5.55 6.49
.44 ----- .920 1.37 1.86 2.83 3.80 4.77 5.75 6.72
.45 ----- .950 1.42 1.92 2.93 3.93 4.94 5.94 6.95
.46 ----- .981 1.46 1.98 3.02 4.06 5.10 6.14 7.18
.47 ----- 1.01 1.51 2.05 3.12 4.19 5.26 6.34 7.41
.48 ----- 1.04 1.55 2.11 3.22 4.32 5.43 6.54 7.65
.49 ----- 1.08 1.60 2.17 3.31 4.46 5.60 6.74 7.88
.50 ----- 1.11 1.65 2.24 3.41 4.59 5.77 6.95 8.12
.51 ----- ----- ----- 2.30 3.51 4.73 5.94 7.15 8.37
.52 ----- ----- ----- 2.37 3.62 4.86 6.11 7.36 8.61
.53 ----- ----- ----- 2.43 3.72 5.00 6.29 7.57 8.86
.54 ----- ----- ----- 2.50 3.82 5.14 6.46 7.79 9.11
.55 ----- ----- ----- 2.57 3.93 5.28 6.64 8.00 9.36
.56 ----- ----- ----- 2.63 4.03 5.43 6.82 8.22 9.61
.57 ----- ----- ----- 2.70 4.14 5.57 7.00 8.43 9.87
.58 ----- ----- ----- 2.77 4.24 5.71 7.18 8.65 10.1
.59 ----- ----- ----- 2.84 4.35 5.86 7.37 8.88 10.4
.60 ----- ----- ----- 2.91 4.46 6.00 7.55 9.10 10.6
Table A7-2 [continued]. Discharge of standard contracted rectangular
weirs in ft
/sec. Shaded entries determined experimentally. All others
computed from the formula Q=3.33(L -0.2h
Head, h
ft 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
0.61 2.98 4.57 6.15 7.74 9.33 10.9
.62 3.05 4.68 6.30 7.93 9.55 11.2
.63 3.12 4.79 6.45 8.12 9.78 11.4
.64 3.19 4.90 6.60 8.31 10.0 11.7
.65 3.26 5.01 6.75 8.50 10.2 12.0
.66 3.34 5.12 6.91 8.69 10.5 12.3
.67 3.41 5.23 7.06 8.89 10.7 12.5
.68 3.58 5.35 7.22 9.08 10.9 12.8
.69 3.66 5.46 7.37 9.28 11.2 13.1
.70 3.74 5.58 7.53 9.48 11.4 13.4
.71 3.82 5.69 7.69 9.68 11.7 13.7
.72 3.90 5.81 7.84 9.88 11.9 13.9
.73 3.98 5.93 8.00 10.1 12.2 14.2
.74 4.06 6.05 8.17 10.3 12.4 14.5
.75 4.14 6.16 8.33 10.5 12.7 14.8
.76 4.22 6.28 8.49 10.7 12.9 15.1
.77 4.30 6.40 8.65 10.9 13.2 15.4
.78 4.38 6.52 8.82 11.1 13.4 15.7
.79 4.46 6.65 8.98 11.3 13.7 16.0
.80 4.54 6.77 9.15 11.5 13.9 16.3
.81 4.62 6.89 9.32 11.7 14.2 16.6
.82 4.70 7.01 9.49 12.0 14.4 16.9
.83 4.78 7.14 9.65 12.2 14.7 17.2
.84 4.87 7.26 9.82 12.4 15.0 17.5
.85 4.96 7.39 9.99 12.6 15.2 17.8
.86 5.05 7.51 10.2 12.8 15.5 18.1
.87 5.14 7.64 10.3 13.0 15.7 18.4
.88 5.23 7.76 10.5 13.3 16.0 18.8
.89 5.32 7.89 10.7 13.5 16.3 19.1
.90 5.41 8.02 10.9 13.7 16.5 19.4
.91 5.50 8.15 11.0 13.9 16.8 19.7
.92 5.59 8.27 11.2 14.2 17.1 20.0
.93 5.68 8.40 11.4 14.4 17.4 20.4
.94 5.77 8.53 11.6 14.6 17.6 20.7
.95 5.86 8.66 11.7 14.8 17.9 21.0
.96 5.95 8.80 11.9 15.1 18.2 21.3
.97 6.04 8.93 12.1 15.3 18.5 21.7
.98 6.13 9.06 12.3 15.5 18.8 22.0
.99 6.22 9.19 12.5 15.8 19.0 22.3
1.00 6.31 9.32 12.7 16.0 19.3 22.6
1.01 ----- ----- 12.8 16.2 19.6 23.0
1.02 ----- ----- 13.0 16.5 19.9 23.3
1.03 ----- ----- 13.2 16.7 20.2 23.6
1.04 ----- ----- 13.4 16.9 20.5 24.0
1.05 ----- ----- 13.6 17.2 20.7 24.3
Table A7-2 [continued]. Discharge of standard contracted rectangular
weirs in ft
/sec. Shaded entries determined experimentally. All others
computed from the formula Q=3.33(L -0.2h
Head, h
Weir Length, L , ft Head, h
Weir Length, L , ft
ft 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 ft 5.0 6.0 7.0
1.06 13.8 17.4 21.0 24.7 1.51 29.0 35.2 41.4
1.07 14.0 17.6 21.3 25.0 1.52 29.3 35.5 41.8
1.08 14.1 17.9 21.6 25.4 1.53 29.6 35.9 42.2
1.09 14.3 18.1 21.9 25.7 1.54 29.9 36.2 42.6
1.10 14.5 18.4 22.2 26.0 1.55 30.1 36.6 43.0
1.11 14.7 18.6 22.5 26.4 1.56 30.4 36.9 43.4
1.12 14.9 18.9 22.8 26.7 1.57 30.7 37.2 43.8
1.13 15.1 19.1 23.1 27.1 1.58 31.0 37.6 44.2
1.14 15.3 19.3 23.4 27.4 1.59 31.3 37.9 44.6
1.15 15.5 19.6 23.7 27.8 1.60 31.5 38.3 45.0
1.16 15.7 19.8 24.0 28.2 1.61 31.8 38.6 45.4
1.17 15.9 20.1 24.3 28.5 1.62 32.1 39.0 45.8
1.18 16.1 20.3 24.6 28.9 1.63 32.4 39.3 46.3
1.19 16.3 20.6 24.9 29.2 1.64 32.7 39.7 46.7
1.20 16.5 20.8 25.2 29.6 1.65 33.0 40.0 47.1
1.21 16.7 21.1 25.5 30.0 1.66 33.2 40.4 47.5
1.22 16.9 21.3 25.8 30.3 1.67 33.5 40.7 47.9
1.23 17.1 21.6 26.1 30.7 1.68 ----- 41.1 48.3
1.24 17.3 21.9 26.4 31.0 1.69 ----- 41.4 48.7
1.25 17.5 22.1 26.8 31.4 1.70 ----- 41.8 49.2
1.26 17.7 22.4 27.1 31.8 1.71 ----- 42.1 49.6
1.27 17.9 22.6 27.4 32.2 1.72 ----- 42.5 50.0
1.28 18.1 22.9 27.7 32.5 1.73 ----- 42.8 50.4
1.29 18.3 23.1 28.0 32.9 1.74 ----- 43.2 50.8
1.30 18.5 23.4 28.3 33.3 1.75 ----- 43.6 51.3
1.31 18.7 23.7 28.6 33.6 1.76 ----- 43.9 51.7
1.32 18.9 23.9 29.0 34.0 1.77 ----- 44.3 52.1
1.33 19.1 24.2 29.3 34.4 1.78 ----- 44.6 52.5
1.34 ----- 24.4 29.6 34.8 1.79 ----- 45.0 53.0
1.35 ----- 24.7 29.9 35.2 1.80 ----- 45.4 53.4
1.36 ----- 25.0 30.3 35.5 1.81 ----- 45.7 53.8
1.37 ----- 25.2 30.6 35.9 1.82 ----- 46.1 54.3
1.38 ----- 25.5 30.9 36.3 1.83 ----- 46.4 54.7
1.39 ----- 25.8 31.2 36.7 1.84 ----- 46.8 55.1
1.40 ----- 26.0 31.6 37.1 1.85 ----- 47.2 55.6
1.41 ----- 26.3 31.9 37.5 1.86 ----- 47.5 56.0
1.42 ----- 26.6 32.2 37.8 1.87 ----- 47.9 56.4
1.43 ----- 26.8 32.5 38.2 1.88 ----- 48.3 56.9
1.44 ----- 27.1 32.9 38.6 1.89 ----- 48.6 57.3
1.45 ----- 27.4 33.2 39.0 1.90 ----- 49.0 57.7
1.46 ----- 27.7 33.5 39.4 1.91 ----- 49.4 58.2
1.47 ----- 27.9 33.9 39.8 1.92 ----- 49.8 58.6
1.48 ----- 28.2 34.2 40.2 1.93 ----- 50.1 59.1
1.49 ----- 28.5 34.5 40.6 1.94 ----- 50.5 59.5
1.50 ----- 28.8 34.9 41.0 1.95 ----- 50.9 59.9
Table A7-2 [continued]. Discharge of standard contracted rectangular
weirs in ft
/sec. Shaded entries determined experimentally. All others
computed from the formula Q=3.33(L -0.2h
Head, h
ft 6.0 7.0
1.96 51.2 60.4
1.97 51.6 60.8
1.98 52.0 61.3
1.99 52.4 61.7
2.00 52.7 62.2
2.01 ----- 62.6
2.02 ----- 63.1
2.03 ----- 63.5
2.04 ----- 64.0
2.05 ----- 64.4
2.06 ----- 64.9
2.07 ----- 65.3
2.08 ----- 65.8
2.09 ----- 66.2
2.10 ----- 66.7
2.11 ----- 67.1
2.12 ----- 67.6
2.13 ----- 68.1
2.14 ----- 68.5
2.15 ----- 69.0
2.16 ----- 69.4
2.17 ----- 69.9
2.18 ----- 70.4
2.19 ----- 70.8
2.20 ----- 71.3
2.21 ----- 71.7
2.22 ----- 72.2
2.23 ----- 72.7
2.24 ----- 73.1
2.25 ----- 73.6
2.26 ----- 74.1
2.27 ----- 74.6
2.28 ----- 75.0
2.29 ----- 75.5
2.30 ----- 76.0
2.31 ----- 76.4
2.32 ----- 76.9
2.33 ----- 77.4
Table A7-2 [continued]. Discharge of standard contracted rectangular
weirs in ft
/sec. Shaded entries determined experimentally. All others
computed from the formula Q=3.33(L -0.2h
Head, h
Weir Length, L , ft
ft 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 20.0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
0.20 2.37 2.67 2.97 3.56 4.46 5.35 5.94
.30 4.34 4.89 5.44 6.53 8.17 9.82 10.91
.40 6.67 7.51 8.36 10.0 12.6 15.1 16.8
.50 9.30 10.5 11.7 14.0 17.5 21.1 23.4
.60 12.2 13.7 15.3 18.4 23.0 27.7 30.8
.70 15.3 17.3 19.2 23.1 29.0 34.8 38.7
.80 18.7 21.1 23.4 28.2 35.4 42.5 47.3
.90 22.2 25.1 27.9 33.6 42.1 50.7 56.4
1.00 26.0 29.3 32.6 39.3 49.3 59.3 65.9
1.10 29.9 33.7 37.6 45.3 56.8 68.3 76.0
1.20 34.0 38.3 42.7 51.5 64.6 77.7 86.5
1.30 38.2 43.1 48.1 57.9 72.8 87.6 97.4
1.40 42.6 48.1 53.6 64.6 81.2 97.7 109.
1.50 47.1 53.2 59.3 71.6 89.9 108. 121.
1.60 51.8 58.5 65.2 78.7 98.9 119. 133.
1.70 56.5 63.9 71.3 86.1 108. 130. 145.
1.80 61.4 69.5 77.5 93.6 118. 142. 158.
1.90 66.5 75.2 83.9 101. 128. 154. 171.
2.00 71.6 81.0 90.4 109. 138. 166. 185.
2.10 76.8 86.9 97.1 117. 148. 178. 198.
2.20 82.1 93.0 104. 126. 158. 191. 213.
2.30 87.6 99.2 111. 134. 169. 204. 227.
2.40 93.1 105. 118. 143. 180. 217. 242.
2.50 98.7 112. 125. 151. 191. 230. 257.
2.60 104. 118. 132. 160. 202. 244. 272.
2.70 110. 125. 140. 169. 214. 258. 287.
2.80 ----- 132. 147. 178. 225. 272. 303.
2.90 ----- 138. 155. 188. 237. 286. 319.
3.00 ----- 145. 163. 197. 249. 301. 336.
3.10 ----- ----- 170. 207. 261. 316. 352.
3.20 ----- ----- 178. 217. 274. 331. 369.
3.30 ----- ----- 186. 226. 286. 346. 386.
3.40 ----- ----- ----- 236. 299. 362. 403.
3.50 ----- ----- ----- 246. 312. 377. 421.
3.60 ----- ----- ----- 257. 325. 393. 439.
3.70 ----- ----- ----- 267. 338. 409. 456.
3.80 ----- ----- ----- 277. 351. 425. 475.
3.90 ----- ----- ----- 288. 365. 442. 493.
4.00 ----- ----- ----- 298. 378. 458. 511.
4.10 ----- ----- ----- ----- 392. 475. 530.
4.20 ----- ----- ----- ----- 406. 492. 549.
4.30 ----- ----- ----- ----- 420. 509. 568.
4.40 ----- ----- ----- ----- 434. 526. 588.
4.50 ----- ----- ----- ----- 448. 544. 607.
Table A7-3. Discharge of standard suppressed rectangular weirs
in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=3.33Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft
, ft
1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
0.20 0.298 0.447 0.596 0.894 1.19 1.49
.21 .320 .481 .641 .961 1.28 1.60
.22 .344 .515 .687 1.03 1.37 1.72
.23 .367 .551 .735 1.10 1.47 1.84
.24 .392 .587 .783 1.17 1.57 1.96
.25 .416 .624 .833 1.25 1.67 2.08
.26 .441 .662 .883 1.32 1.77 2.21
.27 .467 .701 .934 1.40 1.87 2.34
.28 .493 .740 .987 1.48 1.97 2.47
.29 .520 .780 1.04 1.56 2.08 2.60
.30 .547 .821 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.74
.31 .575 .862 1.15 1.72 2.30 2.87
.32 .603 .904 1.21 1.81 2.41 3.01
.33 .631 .947 1.26 1.89 2.53 3.16
.34 ----- .990 1.32 1.98 2.64 3.30
.35 ----- 1.03 1.38 2.07 2.76 3.45
.36 ----- 1.08 1.44 2.16 2.88 3.60
.37 ----- 1.12 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.75
.38 ----- 1.17 1.56 2.34 3.12 3.90
.39 ----- 1.22 1.62 2.43 3.24 4.06
.40 ----- 1.26 1.68 2.53 3.37 4.21
.41 ----- 1.31 1.75 2.62 3.50 4.37
.42 ----- 1.36 1.81 2.72 3.63 4.53
.43 ----- 1.41 1.88 2.82 3.76 4.69
.44 ----- 1.46 1.94 2.92 3.89 4.86
.45 ----- 1.51 2.01 3.02 4.02 5.03
.46 ----- 1.56 2.08 3.12 4.16 5.19
.47 ----- 1.61 2.15 3.22 4.29 5.36
.48 ----- 1.66 2.21 3.32 4.43 5.54
.49 ----- 1.71 2.28 3.43 4.57 5.71
.50 ----- 1.77 2.35 3.53 4.71 5.89
.51 ----- ----- 2.43 3.64 4.85 6.06
.52 ----- ----- 2.50 3.75 4.99 6.24
.53 ----- ----- 2.57 3.85 5.14 6.42
.54 ----- ----- 2.64 3.96 5.29 6.61
.55 ----- ----- 2.72 4.07 5.43 6.79
.56 ----- ----- 2.79 4.19 5.58 6.98
.57 ----- ----- 2.87 4.30 5.73 7.17
.58 ----- ----- 2.94 4.41 5.88 7.35
.59 ----- ----- 3.02 4.53 6.04 7.55
.60 ----- ----- 3.10 4.64 6.19 7.74
.61 ----- ----- 3.17 4.76 6.35 7.93
.62 ----- ----- 3.25 4.88 6.50 8.13
.63 ----- ----- 3.33 5.00 6.66 8.33
.64 ----- ----- 3.41 5.11 6.82 8.52
Table A7-3 [continued]. Discharge of standard suppressed rectangular
weirs in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=3.33Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft Head Weir Length, L , ft Head L
, ft
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
, ft
4.0 5.0
, ft
0.65 3.49 5.24 6.98 8.73 1.10 15.4 19.2 1.55 32.1
.66 3.57 5.36 7.14 8.93 1.11 15.6 19.5 1.56 32.4
.67 3.65 5.48 7.30 9.13 1.12 15.8 19.7 1.57 32.8
.68 ----- 5.60 7.47 9.34 1.13 16.0 20.0 1.58 33.1
.69 ----- 5.73 7.63 9.54 1.14 16.2 20.3 1.59 33.4
.70 ----- 5.85 7.80 9.75 1.15 16.4 20.5 1.60 33.7
.71 ----- 5.98 7.97 9.96 1.16 16.6 20.8 1.61 34.0
.72 ----- 6.10 8.14 10.2 1.17 16.9 21.1 1.62 34.3
.73 ----- 6.23 8.31 10.4 1.18 17.1 21.3 1.63 34.6
.74 ----- 6.36 8.48 10.6 1.19 17.3 21.6 1.64 35.0
.75 ----- 6.49 8.65 10.8 1.20 17.5 21.9 1.65 35.3
.76 ----- 6.62 8.83 11.0 1.21 17.7 22.2 1.66 35.6
.77 ----- 6.75 9.00 11.2 1.22 17.9 22.4 1.67 35.9
.78 ----- 6.88 9.18 11.5 1.23 18.2 22.7
.79 ----- 7.01 9.35 11.7 1.24 18.4 23.0
.80 ----- 7.15 9.53 11.9 1.25 18.6 23.3
.81 ----- 7.28 9.71 12.1 1.26 18.8 23.5
.82 ----- 7.42 9.89 12.4 1.27 19.1 23.8
.83 ----- 7.55 10.1 12.6 1.28 19.3 24.1
.84 ----- 7.69 10.3 12.8 1.29 19.5 24.4
.85 ----- 7.83 10.4 13.0 1.30 19.7 24.7
.86 ----- 7.97 10.6 13.3 1.31 20.0 25.0
.87 ----- 8.11 10.8 13.5 1.32 20.2 25.3
.88 ----- 8.25 11.0 13.7 1.33 20.4 25.5
.89 ----- 8.39 11.2 14.0 1.34 ----- 25.8
.90 ----- 8.53 11.4 14.2 1.35 ----- 26.1
.91 ----- 8.67 11.6 14.5 1.36 ----- 26.4
.92 ----- 8.82 11.8 14.7 1.37 ----- 26.7
.93 ----- 8.96 11.9 14.9 1.38 ----- 27.0
.94 ----- 9.10 12.1 15.2 1.39 ----- 27.3
.95 ----- 9.25 12.3 15.4 1.40 ----- 27.6
.96 ----- 9.40 12.5 15.7 1.41 ----- 27.9
.97 ----- 9.54 12.7 15.9 1.42 ----- 28.2
.98 ----- 9.69 12.9 16.2 1.43 ----- 28.5
.99 ----- 9.84 13.1 16.4 1.44 ----- 28.8
1.00 ----- 9.99 13.3 16.7 1.45 ----- 29.1
1.01 ----- ----- 13.5 16.9 1.46 ----- 29.4
1.02 ----- ----- 13.7 17.2 1.47 ----- 29.7
1.03 ----- ----- 13.9 17.4 1.48 ----- 30.0
1.04 ----- ----- 14.1 17.7 1.49 ----- 30.3
1.05 ----- ----- 14.3 17.9 1.50 ----- 30.6
1.06 ----- ----- 14.5 18.2 1.51 ----- 30.9
1.07 ----- ----- 14.7 18.4 1.52 ----- 31.2
1.08 ----- ----- 14.9 18.7 1.53 ----- 31.5
1.09 ----- ----- 15.2 18.9 1.54 ----- 31.8
Table A7-4. Discharge of 90 V-notch weirs, in ft
/sec, computed
from the formula Q=2.49h
Head Discharge Head Discharge Head Discharge Head Discharge
H, ft Q, ft/sec H, ft Q, ft/sec H, ft Q, ft/sec H, ft Q, ft/sec
0.20 0.046 0.65 0.856 1.10 3.15 1.55 7.38
.21 .052 .66 .889 1.11 3.23 1.56 7.50
.22 .058 .67 .922 1.12 3.30 1.57 7.62
.23 .065 .68 .957 1.13 3.37 1.58 7.74
.24 .072 .69 .992 1.14 3.45 1.59 7.86
.25 .080 .70 1.03 1.15 3.52 1.60 7.99
.26 .088 .71 1.06 1.16 3.60 1.61 8.11
.27 .097 .72 1.10 1.17 3.68 1.62 8.24
.28 .106 .73 1.14 1.18 3.75 1.63 8.36
.29 .116 .74 1.18 1.19 3.83 1.64 8.49
.30 .126 .75 1.22 1.20 3.91 1.65 8.62
.31 .136 .76 1.26 1.21 3.99 1.66 8.75
.32 .148 .77 1.30 1.22 4.08 1.67 8.88
.33 .159 .78 1.34 1.23 4.16 1.68 9.02
.34 .172 .79 1.39 1.24 4.25 1.69 9.15
.35 .184 .80 1.43 1.25 4.33 1.70 9.28
.36 .198 .81 1.48 1.26 4.42 1.71 9.42
.37 .212 .82 1.52 1.27 4.50 1.72 9.56
.38 .226 .83 1.57 1.28 4.59 1.73 9.70
.39 .241 .84 1.62 1.29 4.68 1.74 9.83
.40 .257 .85 1.66 1.30 4.77 1.75 9.98
.41 .273 .86 1.71 1.31 4.86 1.76 10.1
.42 .290 .87 1.76 1.32 4.96 1.77 10.3
.43 .307 .88 1.81 1.33 5.05 1.78 10.4
.44 .325 .89 1.87 1.34 5.15 1.79 10.6
.45 .344 .90 1.92 1.35 5.24 1.80 10.7
.46 .363 .91 1.97 1.36 5.34 1.81 10.8
.47 .383 .92 2.02 1.37 5.44 1.82 11.0
.48 .403 .93 2.08 1.38 5.53 1.83 11.1
.49 .425 .94 2.14 1.39 5.63 1.84 11.3
.50 .446 .95 2.19 1.40 5.74 1.85 11.4
.51 .469 .96 2.25 1.41 5.84 1.86 11.6
.52 .492 .97 2.31 1.42 5.94 1.87 11.8
.53 .516 .98 2.37 1.43 6.05 1.88 11.9
.54 .540 .99 2.43 1.44 6.15 1.89 12.1
.55 .565 1.00 2.49 1.45 6.26 1.90 12.2
.56 .591 1.01 2.55 1.46 6.36 1.91 12.4
.57 .618 1.02 2.62 1.47 6.47 1.92 12.6
.58 .645 1.03 2.68 1.48 6.58 1.93 12.7
.59 .673 1.04 2.74 1.49 6.69 1.94 12.9
.60 .701 1.05 2.81 1.50 6.81 1.95 13.0
.61 .731 1.06 2.88 1.51 6.92 1.96 13.2
.62 .761 1.07 2.94 1.52 7.03 1.97 13.4
.63 .792 1.08 3.01 1.53 7.15 1.98 13.5
.64 .823 1.09 3.08 1.54 7.27 1.99 13.7
Table A7-5. Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft/sec.
Shaded entries determined experimentally. Others computed
from the formula Q=3.367Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft
H, ft
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
.18 .129 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
.19 .139 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
.20 .151 .301 .452 .602 .903 1.20 1.51
.21 .162 .324 .486 .648 .972 1.30 1.62
.22 .174 .347 .521 .695 1.04 1.39 1.74
.23 .186 .371 .557 .743 1.11 1.49 1.86
.24 .200 .396 .594 .792 1.19 1.58 1.98
.25 .214 .421 .631 .842 1.26 1.68 2.10
.26 ----- .446 .670 .893 1.34 1.79 2.23
.27 ----- .472 .709 .945 1.42 1.89 2.36
.28 ----- .499 .748 .998 1.50 2.00 2.49
.29 ----- .526 .789 1.05 1.58 2.10 2.63
.30 ----- .553 .830 1.11 1.66 2.21 2.77
.31 ----- .581 .872 1.16 1.74 2.32 2.91
.32 ----- .609 .914 1.22 1.83 2.44 3.05
.33 ----- .638 .957 1.28 1.91 2.55 3.19
.34 ----- .668 1.00 1.34 2.00 2.67 3.34
.35 ----- .697 1.05 1.39 2.09 2.79 3.49
.36 ----- .727 1.09 1.45 2.18 2.91 3.64
.37 ----- .758 1.14 1.52 2.27 3.03 3.79
.38 ----- .789 1.18 1.58 2.37 3.15 3.94
.39 ----- .820 1.23 1.64 2.46 3.28 4.10
.40 ----- .852 1.28 1.70 2.56 3.41 4.26
.41 ----- .884 1.33 1.77 2.65 3.54 4.42
.42 ----- .916 1.37 1.83 2.75 3.67 4.58
.43 ----- .949 1.42 1.90 2.85 3.80 4.75
.44 ----- .983 1.47 1.97 2.95 3.93 4.91
.45 ----- 1.02 1.52 2.03 3.05 4.07 5.08
.46 ----- 1.05 1.58 2.10 3.15 4.20 5.25
.47 ----- 1.08 1.63 2.17 3.25 4.34 5.42
.48 ----- 1.12 1.68 2.24 3.36 4.48 5.60
.49 ----- 1.16 1.73 2.31 3.46 4.62 5.77
.50 ----- 1.20 1.79 2.38 3.57 4.76 5.95
.51 ----- ----- ----- 2.45 3.68 4.91 6.13
.52 ----- ----- ----- 2.53 3.79 5.05 6.31
.53 ----- ----- ----- 2.60 3.90 5.20 6.50
.54 ----- ----- ----- 2.67 4.01 5.34 6.68
.55 ----- ----- ----- 2.75 4.12 5.49 6.87
.56 ----- ----- ----- 2.82 4.23 5.64 7.05
.57 ----- ----- ----- 2.90 4.35 5.80 7.24
.58 ----- ----- ----- 2.97 4.46 5.95 7.44
.59 ----- ----- ----- 3.05 4.58 6.10 7.63
.60 ----- ----- ----- 3.13 4.69 6.26 7.82
Table A7-5 [continued]. Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft
Shaded entries determined experimentally. Others computed from the
formula Q=3.367Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft Head Weir Length, L , ft Head L
H, ft
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
H, ft
3.0 4.0 5.0
H, ft
0.61 3.21 4.81 6.42 8.02 1.06 11.3 14.7 18.4 1.51 31.2
.62 3.29 4.93 6.57 8.22 1.07 11.4 14.9 18.6 1.52 31.5
.63 3.37 5.05 6.73 8.42 1.08 11.6 15.1 18.9 1.53 31.9
.64 3.45 5.17 6.90 8.62 1.09 11.7 15.3 19.2 1.54 32.2
.65 3.53 5.29 7.06 8.82 1.10 11.9 15.5 19.4 1.55 32.5
.66 3.61 5.42 7.22 9.03 1.11 12.1 15.8 19.7 1.56 32.8
.67 3.69 5.54 7.39 9.23 1.12 12.2 16.0 20.0 1.57 33.1
.68 3.81 5.66 7.55 9.44 1.13 12.4 16.2 20.2 1.58 33.4
.69 3.90 5.79 7.72 9.65 1.14 12.5 16.4 20.5 1.59 33.8
.70 3.98 5.92 7.89 9.86 1.15 12.7 16.6 20.8 1.60 34.1
.71 4.06 6.04 8.06 10.1 1.16 12.9 16.8 21.0 1.61 34.4
.72 4.15 6.17 8.23 10.3 1.17 13.0 17.0 21.3 1.62 34.7
.73 4.24 6.30 8.40 10.5 1.18 13.2 17.3 21.6 1.63 35.0
.74 4.33 6.43 8.57 10.7 1.19 13.4 17.5 21.9 1.64 35.4
.75 4.42 6.56 8.75 10.9 1.20 13.6 17.7 22.1 1.65 35.7
.76 4.51 6.69 8.92 11.2 1.21 13.7 17.9 22.4 1.66 36.0
.77 4.60 6.82 9.10 11.4 1.22 13.9 18.1 22.7 1.67 36.3
.78 4.69 6.96 9.28 11.6 1.23 14.1 18.4 23.0
.79 4.78 7.09 9.46 11.8 1.24 14.3 18.6 23.2
.80 4.87 7.23 9.64 12.0 1.25 14.4 18.8 23.5
.81 4.96 7.36 9.82 12.3 1.26 14.6 19.0 23.8
.82 5.05 7.50 10.0 12.5 1.27 14.8 19.3 24.1
.83 5.14 7.64 10.2 12.7 1.28 15.0 19.5 24.4
.84 5.24 7.78 10.4 13.0 1.29 15.2 19.7 24.7
.85 5.34 7.92 10.6 13.2 1.30 15.4 20.0 25.0
.86 5.44 8.06 10.7 13.4 1.31 15.5 20.2 25.2
.87 5.54 8.20 10.9 13.7 1.32 15.7 20.4 25.5
.88 5.64 8.34 11.1 13.9 1.33 15.9 20.7 25.8
.89 5.74 8.48 11.3 14.1 1.34 16.1 ----- 26.1
.90 5.84 8.62 11.5 14.4 1.35 16.2 ----- 26.4
.91 5.94 8.77 11.7 14.6 1.36 16.4 ----- 26.7
.92 6.04 8.91 11.9 14.9 1.37 16.6 ----- 27.0
.93 6.14 9.06 12.1 15.1 1.38 16.8 ----- 27.3
.94 6.25 9.21 12.3 15.3 1.39 17.0 ----- 27.6
.95 6.36 9.35 12.5 15.6 1.40 17.2 ----- 27.9
.96 6.47 9.50 12.7 15.8 1.41 17.4 ----- 28.2
.97 6.58 9.65 12.9 16.1 1.42 17.6 ----- 28.5
.98 6.69 9.80 13.1 16.3 1.43 17.8 ----- 28.8
.99 6.80 9.95 13.3 16.6 1.44 18.0 ----- 29.1
1.00 6.91 10.1 13.5 16.8 1.45 18.2 ----- 29.4
1.01 ----- 10.5 13.7 17.1 1.46 18.3 ----- 29.7
1.02 ----- 10.6 13.9 17.3 1.47 18.5 ----- 30.0
1.03 ----- 10.8 14.1 17.6 1.48 18.7 ----- 30.3
1.04 ----- 10.9 14.3 17.9 1.49 18.9 ----- 30.6
1.05 ----- 11.1 14.5 18.1 1.50 19.1 ----- 30.9
Table A7-5 [continued]. Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft
Shaded entries determined experimentally. Others computed from the
formula Q=3.367Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft Head Weir Length, L , ft
H, ft
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
H, ft
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
0.20 1.81 2.11 2.41 2.71 0.65 10.6 12.4 14.1 15.9
.21 1.94 2.27 2.59 2.92 .66 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2
.22 2.08 2.43 2.78 3.13 .67 11.1 12.9 14.8 16.6
.23 2.23 2.60 2.97 3.34 .68 11.3 13.2 15.1 17.0
.24 2.38 2.77 3.17 3.56 .69 11.6 13.5 15.4 17.4
.25 2.53 2.95 3.37 3.79 .70 11.8 13.8 15.8 17.7
.26 2.68 3.12 3.57 4.02 .71 12.1 14.1 16.1 18.1
.27 2.83 3.31 3.78 4.25 .72 12.3 14.4 16.5 18.5
.28 2.99 3.49 3.99 4.49 .73 12.6 14.7 16.8 18.9
.29 3.15 3.68 4.21 4.73 .74 12.9 15.0 17.1 19.3
.30 3.32 3.87 4.43 4.98 .75 13.1 15.3 17.5 19.7
.31 3.49 4.07 4.65 5.23 .76 13.4 15.6 17.8 20.1
.32 3.66 4.27 4.88 5.49 .77 13.6 15.9 18.2 20.5
.33 3.83 4.47 5.11 5.74 .78 13.9 16.2 18.6 20.9
.34 4.01 4.67 5.34 6.01 .79 14.2 16.5 18.9 21.3
.35 4.18 4.88 5.58 6.27 .80 14.5 16.9 19.3 21.7
.36 4.36 5.09 5.82 6.55 .81 14.7 17.2 19.6 22.1
.37 4.55 5.30 6.06 6.82 .82 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5
.38 4.73 5.52 6.31 7.10 .83 15.3 17.8 20.4 22.9
.39 4.92 5.74 6.56 7.38 .84 15.6 18.1 20.7 23.3
.40 5.11 5.96 6.81 7.67 .85 15.8 18.5 21.1 23.7
.41 5.30 6.19 7.07 7.96 .86 16.1 18.8 21.5 24.2
.42 5.50 6.42 7.33 8.25 .87 16.4 19.1 21.9 24.6
.43 5.70 6.65 7.60 8.54 .88 16.7 19.5 22.2 25.0
.44 5.90 6.88 7.86 8.84 .89 17.0 19.8 22.6 25.4
.45 6.10 7.11 8.13 9.15 .90 17.2 20.1 23.0 25.9
.46 6.30 7.35 8.40 9.45 .91 17.5 20.5 23.4 26.3
.47 6.51 7.59 8.68 9.76 .92 17.8 20.8 23.8 26.7
.48 6.72 7.84 8.96 10.1 .93 18.1 21.1 24.2 27.2
.49 6.93 8.08 9.24 10.4 .94 18.4 21.5 24.5 27.6
.50 7.14 8.33 9.52 10.7 .95 18.7 21.8 24.9 28.1
.51 7.36 8.58 9.81 11.0 .96 19.0 22.2 25.3 28.5
.52 7.58 8.84 10.1 11.4 .97 19.3 22.5 25.7 28.9
.53 7.79 9.09 10.4 11.7 .98 19.6 22.9 26.1 29.4
.54 8.02 9.35 10.7 12.0 .99 19.9 23.2 26.5 29.8
.55 8.24 9.61 11.0 12.4 1.00 20.2 23.6 26.9 30.3
.56 8.47 9.88 11.3 12.7 1.01 20.5 23.9 27.3 30.8
.57 8.69 10.1 11.6 13.0 1.02 20.8 24.3 27.7 31.2
.58 8.92 10.4 11.9 13.4 1.03 21.1 24.6 28.2 31.7
.59 9.16 10.7 12.2 13.7 1.04 21.4 25.0 28.6 32.1
.60 9.39 11.0 12.5 14.1 1.05 21.7 25.4 29.0 32.6
.61 9.62 11.2 12.8 14.4 1.06 22.0 25.7 29.4 33.1
.62 9.86 11.5 13.1 14.8 1.07 22.4 26.1 29.8 33.5
.63 10.1 11.8 13.5 15.2 1.08 22.7 26.5 30.2 34.0
.64 10.3 12.1 13.8 15.5 1.09 23.0 26.8 30.7 34.5
Table A7-5 [continued]. Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft
Shaded entries determined experimentally. Others computed from the
formula Q=3.367Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft Head Weir Length, L , ft
H, ft
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
H, ft
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
1.10 23.3 27.2 31.1 35.0 1.55 39.0 45.5 52.0 58.5
1.11 23.6 27.6 31.5 35.4 1.56 39.4 45.9 52.5 59.0
1.12 23.9 27.9 31.9 35.9 1.57 39.7 46.4 53.0 59.6
1.13 24.3 28.3 32.4 36.4 1.58 40.1 46.8 53.5 60.2
1.14 24.6 28.7 32.8 36.9 1.59 40.5 47.3 54.0 60.8
1.15 24.9 29.1 33.2 37.4 1.60 40.9 47.7 54.5 61.3
1.16 25.2 29.4 33.7 37.9 1.61 41.3 48.1 55.0 61.9
1.17 25.6 29.8 34.1 38.3 1.62 41.7 48.6 55.5 62.5
1.18 25.9 30.2 34.5 38.8 1.63 42.0 49.0 56.1 63.1
1.19 26.2 30.6 35.0 39.3 1.64 42.4 49.5 56.6 63.6
1.20 26.6 31.0 35.4 39.8 1.65 42.8 50.0 57.1 64.2
1.21 26.9 31.4 35.9 40.3 1.66 43.2 50.4 57.6 64.8
1.22 27.2 31.8 36.3 40.8 1.67 43.6 50.9 58.1 65.4
1.23 27.6 32.2 36.7 41.3 1.68 44.0 51.3 58.7 66.0
1.24 27.9 32.5 37.2 41.8 1.69 44.4 51.8 59.2 66.6
1.25 28.2 32.9 37.6 42.3 1.70 44.8 52.2 59.7 67.2
1.26 28.6 33.3 38.1 42.9 1.71 45.2 52.7 60.2 67.8
1.27 28.9 33.7 38.6 43.4 1.72 45.6 53.2 60.8 68.4
1.28 29.3 34.1 39.0 43.9 1.73 46.0 53.6 61.3 69.0
1.29 29.6 34.5 39.5 44.4 1.74 46.4 54.1 61.8 69.6
1.30 29.9 34.9 39.9 44.9 1.75 46.8 54.6 62.4 70.2
1.31 30.3 35.3 40.4 45.4 1.76 47.2 55.0 62.9 70.8
1.32 30.6 35.7 40.9 46.0 1.77 47.6 55.5 63.4 71.4
1.33 31.0 36.2 41.3 46.5 1.78 48.0 56.0 64.0 72.0
1.34 31.3 36.6 41.8 47.0 1.79 48.4 56.4 64.5 72.6
1.35 31.7 37.0 42.3 47.5 1.80 48.8 56.9 65.0 73.2
1.36 32.0 37.4 42.7 48.1 1.81 49.2 57.4 65.6 73.8
1.37 32.4 37.8 43.2 48.6 1.82 49.6 57.9 66.1 74.4
1.38 32.8 38.2 43.7 49.1 1.83 50.0 58.3 66.7 75.0
1.39 33.1 38.6 44.1 49.7 1.84 50.4 58.8 67.2 75.6
1.40 33.5 39.0 44.6 50.2 1.85 50.8 59.3 67.8 76.3
1.41 33.8 39.5 45.1 50.7 1.86 51.2 59.8 68.3 76.9
1.42 34.2 39.9 45.6 51.3 1.87 51.7 60.3 68.9 77.5
1.43 34.5 40.3 46.1 51.8 1.88 52.1 60.8 69.4 78.1
1.44 34.9 40.7 46.5 52.4 1.89 52.5 61.2 70.0 78.7
1.45 35.3 41.2 47.0 52.9 1.90 52.9 61.7 70.5 79.4
1.46 35.6 41.6 47.5 53.5 1.91 53.3 62.2 71.1 80.0
1.47 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 1.92 53.7 62.7 71.7 80.6
1.48 36.4 42.4 48.5 54.6 1.93 54.2 63.2 72.2 81.2
1.49 36.7 42.9 49.0 55.1 1.94 54.6 63.7 72.8 81.9
1.50 37.1 43.3 49.5 55.7 1.95 55.0 64.2 73.3 82.5
1.51 37.5 43.7 50.0 56.2 1.96 55.4 64.7 73.9 83.2
1.52 37.9 44.2 50.5 56.8 1.97 55.9 65.2 74.5 83.8
1.53 38.2 44.6 51.0 57.3 1.98 56.3 65.7 75.0 84.4
1.54 38.6 45.0 51.5 57.9 1.99 56.7 66.2 75.6 85.1
Table A7-5 [continued]. Discharge of standard Cipolletti weirs in ft
Shaded entries determined experimentally. Others computed from the
formula Q=3.367Lh
Head Weir Length, L , ft Head L , ft Head L
H, ft
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
H, ft
8.0 9.0
H, ft
2.00 57.1 66.7 76.2 85.7 2.45 103. 116. 2.90 150.
2.01 ----- 67.2 76.8 86.4 2.46 104. 117. 2.91 150.
2.02 ----- 67.7 77.3 87.0 2.47 105. 118. 2.92 151.
2.03 ----- 68.2 77.9 87.6 2.48 105. 118. 2.93 152.
2.04 ----- 68.7 78.5 88.3 2.49 106. 119. 2.94 153.
2.05 ----- 69.2 79.1 88.9 2.50 106. 120. 2.95 154.
2.06 ----- 69.7 79.6 89.6 2.51 107. 121. 2.96 154.
2.07 ----- 70.2 80.2 90.2 2.52 108. 121. 2.97 155.
2.08 ----- 70.7 80.8 90.9 2.53 108. 122. 2.98 156.
2.09 ----- 71.2 81.4 91.6 2.54 109. 123. 2.99 157.
2.10 ----- 71.7 82.0 92.2 2.55 110. 123. 3.00 157.
2.11 ----- 72.2 82.6 92.9 2.56 110. 124.
2.12 ----- 72.8 83.1 93.5 2.57 111. 125.
2.13 ----- 73.3 83.7 94.2 2.58 112. 126.
2.14 ----- 73.8 84.3 94.9 2.59 112. 126.
2.15 ----- 74.3 84.9 95.5 2.60 113. 127.
2.16 ----- 74.8 85.5 96.2 2.61 114. 128.
2.17 ----- 75.3 86.1 96.9 2.62 114. 129.
2.18 ----- 75.9 86.7 97.5 2.63 115. 129.
2.19 ----- 76.4 87.3 98.2 2.64 116. 130.
2.20 ----- 76.9 87.9 98.9 2.65 116. 131.
2.21 ----- 77.4 88.5 100. 2.66 117. 131.
2.22 ----- 78.0 89.1 100. 2.67 118. 132.
2.23 ----- 78.5 89.7 101. 2.68 ----- 133.
2.24 ----- 79.0 90.3 102. 2.69 ----- 134.
2.25 ----- 79.5 90.9 102. 2.70 ----- 134.
2.26 ----- 80.1 91.5 103. 2.71 ----- 135.
2.27 ----- 80.6 92.1 104. 2.72 ----- 136.
2.28 ----- 81.1 92.7 104. 2.73 ----- 137.
2.29 ----- 81.7 93.3 105. 2.74 ----- 137.
2.30 ----- 82.2 94.0 106. 2.75 ----- 138.
2.31 ----- 82.7 94.6 106. 2.76 ----- 139.
2.32 ----- 83.3 95.2 107. 2.77 ----- 140.
2.33 ----- 83.8 95.8 108. 2.78 ----- 140.
2.34 ----- ----- 96.4 108. 2.79 ----- 141.
2.35 ----- ----- 97.0 109. 2.80 ----- 142.
2.36 ----- ----- 97.7 110. 2.81 ----- 143.
2.37 ----- ----- 98.3 111. 2.82 ----- 144.
2.38 ----- ----- 98.9 111. 2.83 ----- 144.
2.39 ----- ----- 100. 112. 2.84 ----- 145.
2.40 ----- ----- 100. 113. 2.85 ----- 146.
2.41 ----- ----- 101. 113. 2.86 ----- 147.
2.42 ----- ----- 101. 114. 2.87 ----- 147.
2.43 ----- ----- 102. 115. 2.88 ----- 148.
2.44 ----- ----- 103. 115. 2.89 ----- 149.
Table A8-7. Free-flow discharge through 1-inch Parshall measuring
flume in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=0.338h
Head Hundredths
, ft
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.00 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0033 0.0043 0.0055 0.0067 0.0081
0.10 0.0095 0.0110 0.0126 0.0143 0.0160 .0179 .0197 .0217 .0237 .0258
0.20 .028 .030 .032 .035 .037 .039 .042 .044 .047 .050
0.30 .052 .055 .058 .061 .063 .066 .069 .072 .075 .079
0.40 .082 .085 .088 .091 .095 .098 .101 .105 .108 .112
0.50 .115 .119 .123 .126 .130 .134 .138 .141 .145 .149
0.60 .153 .157 .161 .165 .169 .173 .178 .182 .186 .190
Table A8-8. Free-flow discharge through 2-inch Parshall measuring
flume in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=0.676h
Head Hundredths
, ft
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.00 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0065 0.0086 0.0110 0.0135 0.0162
0.10 0.0191 0.0221 0.0253 0.0286 0.0321 .0357 .0395 .0434 .0474 .0515
0.20 .056 .060 .065 .069 .074 .079 .084 .089 .094 .099
0.30 .105 .110 .116 .121 .127 .133 .139 .145 .151 .157
0.40 .163 .170 .176 .183 .189 .196 .203 .210 .217 .224
0.50 .231 .238 .245 .253 .260 .268 .275 .283 .291 .298
0.60 .306 .314 .322 .330 .338 .347 .355 .363 .372 .380
0.70 .389 .398 .406 .415 .424 .433 .442 .451 .460 .469
Table A8-9. Free-flow discharge through 3-inch Parshall measuring
flume in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=0.992h
Head Hundredths
, ft
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.00 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.0095 0.0127 0.0161 0.0198 0.0237
0.10 0.0280 0.0324 0.0371 0.0420 0.0471 .0524 .0579 .0636 .0695 .0756
0.20 .082 .088 .095 .102 .109 .116 .123 .130 .138 .146
0.30 .153 .161 .170 .178 .186 .195 .204 .212 .221 .230
0.40 .240 .249 .259 .268 .278 .288 .298 .308 .318 .328
0.50 .339 .349 .360 .371 .382 .393 .404 .415 .426 .438
0.60 .449 .461 .473 .485 .497 .509 .521 .533 .546 .558
0.70 .571 .583 .596 .609 .622 .635 .648 .662 .675 .688
0.80 .702 .716 .729 .743 .757 .771 .785 .799 .814 .828
0.90 .843 .857 .872 .886 .901 .916 .931 .946 .961 .977
1.00 .992 1.007 1.023 1.039 1.054 1.070 1.086 1.102 1.118 1.134
Table A8-10. Free-flow discharge through 6-inch Parshall measuring
flume in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=2.06h
Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.10 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.15
.20 .16 .17 .19 .20 .22 .23 .25 .26 .28 .29
.30 .31 .32 .34 .36 .37 .39 .41 .43 .45 .47
.40 .48 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 .62 .65 .67
.50 .69 .71 .73 .76 .78 .80 .82 .85 .87 .89
.60 .92 .94 .97 .99 1.02 1.04 1.07 1.09 1.12 1.15
.70 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.36 1.39 1.42
.80 1.45 1.48 1.51 1.53 1.56 1.59 1.62 1.65 1.68 1.71
.90 1.74 1.77 1.81 1.84 1.87 1.90 1.93 1.96 2.00 2.03
1.00 2.06 2.09 2.13 2.16 2.19 2.23 2.26 2.29 2.33 2.36
1.10 2.39 2.43 2.46 2.50 2.53 2.57 2.60 2.64 2.68 2.71
1.20 2.75 2.78 2.82 2.86 2.89 2.93 2.97 3.01 3.04 3.08
Table A8-11. Free-flow discharge through 9-inch Parshall measuring
flume in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=3.07h
Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.10 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.20 0.22 0.24
.20 .26 .28 .30 .32 .35 .37 .39 .41 .44 .46
.30 .49 .51 .54 .56 .59 .62 .64 .67 .70 .73
.40 .76 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 .94 .97 1.00 1.03
.50 1.06 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.37
.60 1.41 1.44 1.48 1.51 1.55 1.59 1.63 1.66 1.70 1.74
.70 1.78 1.82 1.86 1.90 1.94 1.98 2.02 2.06 2.10 2.14
.80 2.18 2.22 2.27 2.31 2.35 2.39 2.44 2.48 2.52 2.57
.90 2.61 2.66 2.70 2.75 2.79 2.84 2.88 2.93 2.98 3.02
1.00 3.07 3.12 3.16 3.21 3.26 3.31 3.36 3.40 3.45 3.50
1.10 3.55 3.60 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 3.90 3.95 4.01
1.20 4.06 4.11 4.16 4.21 4.27 4.32 4.37 4.43 4.48 4.53
1.30 4.59 4.64 4.69 4.75 4.80 4.86 4.91 4.97 5.03 5.08
1.40 5.14 5.19 5.25 5.31 5.36 5.42 5.48 5.54 5.59 5.65
1.50 5.71 5.77 5.83 5.88 5.94 6.00 6.06 6.12 6.18 6.24
Table A8-12 [continued]. Free-flow discharges in ft
/sec through
1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes. Discharges for 2- to 8-ft flumes
computed from the formula Q=4.00Wh
. Discharges
for 1-ft flume computed from the formula Q=3.95h
Upper Head Discharge for flumes of various throat widths, W
, ft
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
0.20 0.33 0.66 0.96 1.26 ----- ----- ----- -----
.21 .35 .71 1.04 1.36 ----- ----- ----- -----
.22 .38 .77 1.12 1.47 ----- ----- ----- -----
.23 .40 .82 1.20 1.57 ----- ----- ----- -----
.24 .43 .88 1.28 1.68 ----- ----- ----- -----
.25 .46 .93 1.37 1.80 2.22 2.63 ----- -----
.26 .49 .99 1.46 1.91 2.36 2.80 ----- -----
.27 .52 1.05 1.54 2.03 2.50 2.97 ----- -----
.28 .55 1.11 1.63 2.15 2.65 3.15 ----- -----
.29 .58 1.17 1.73 2.27 2.80 3.33 ----- -----
.30 .61 1.24 1.82 2.39 2.96 3.52 4.07 4.63
.31 .64 1.30 1.92 2.52 3.12 3.71 4.29 4.88
.32 .68 1.37 2.01 2.65 3.28 3.90 4.52 5.13
.33 .71 1.44 2.11 2.78 3.44 4.10 4.75 5.39
.34 .74 1.50 2.22 2.92 3.61 4.30 4.98 5.66
.35 .78 1.57 2.32 3.05 3.78 4.50 5.21 5.92
.36 .81 1.64 2.42 3.19 3.95 4.71 5.46 6.20
.37 .85 1.71 2.53 3.33 4.13 4.92 5.70 6.48
.38 .88 1.79 2.64 3.48 4.31 5.13 5.95 6.76
.39 .92 1.86 2.75 3.62 4.49 5.35 6.20 7.05
.40 .95 1.93 2.86 3.77 4.67 5.57 6.46 7.34
.41 .99 2.01 2.97 3.92 4.86 5.79 6.72 7.64
.42 1.03 2.09 3.08 4.07 5.05 6.02 6.98 7.94
.43 1.07 2.16 3.20 4.22 5.24 6.25 7.25 8.25
.44 1.11 2.24 3.32 4.38 5.43 6.48 7.52 8.56
.45 1.15 2.32 3.44 4.54 5.63 6.72 7.80 8.87
.46 1.19 2.40 3.56 4.70 5.83 6.96 8.08 9.19
.47 1.23 2.48 3.68 4.86 6.03 7.20 8.36 9.51
.48 1.27 2.57 3.80 5.03 6.24 7.45 8.65 9.84
.49 1.31 2.65 3.93 5.19 6.45 7.69 8.94 10.2
.50 1.35 2.73 4.05 5.36 6.66 7.95 9.23 10.5
.51 1.39 2.82 4.18 5.53 6.87 8.20 9.53 10.8
.52 1.43 2.90 4.31 5.70 7.08 8.46 9.83 11.2
.53 1.48 2.99 4.44 5.88 7.30 8.72 10.1 11.5
.54 1.52 3.08 4.57 6.05 7.52 8.98 10.4 11.9
.55 1.56 3.17 4.71 6.23 7.74 9.25 10.8 12.2
.56 1.61 3.26 4.84 6.41 7.97 9.52 11.1 12.6
.57 1.65 3.35 4.98 6.59 8.20 9.79 11.4 13.0
.58 1.70 3.44 5.11 6.77 8.43 10.1 11.7 13.3
.59 1.74 3.53 5.25 6.96 8.66 10.3 12.0 13.7
Table A8-12 [continued]. Free-flow discharges in ft
/sec through
1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes. Discharges for 2- to 8-ft flumes
computed from the formula Q=4.00Wh
. Discharges
for 1-ft flume computed from the formula Q=3.95h
Upper Head Discharge for flumes of various throat widths, W
, ft
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
0.60 1.79 3.62 5.39 7.15 8.89 10.6 12.4 14.1
.61 1.84 3.72 5.53 7.34 9.13 10.9 12.7 14.5
.62 1.88 3.81 5.68 7.53 9.37 11.2 13.0 14.8
.63 1.93 3.91 5.82 7.72 9.61 11.5 13.4 15.2
.64 1.98 4.01 5.97 7.91 9.85 11.8 13.7 15.6
.65 2.03 4.10 6.11 8.11 10.1 12.1 14.0 16.0
.66 2.07 4.20 6.26 8.31 10.3 12.4 14.4 16.4
.67 2.12 4.30 6.41 8.51 10.6 12.7 14.7 16.8
.68 2.17 4.40 6.56 8.71 10.8 13.0 15.1 17.2
.69 2.22 4.50 6.71 8.91 11.1 13.3 15.5 17.6
.70 2.27 4.60 6.86 9.11 11.4 13.6 15.8 18.0
.71 2.32 4.71 7.02 9.32 11.6 13.9 16.2 18.5
.72 2.37 4.81 7.17 9.53 11.9 14.2 16.5 18.9
.73 2.43 4.91 7.33 9.74 12.1 14.5 16.9 19.3
.74 2.48 5.02 7.49 9.95 12.4 14.8 17.3 19.7
.75 2.53 5.12 7.65 10.2 12.7 15.2 17.7 20.2
.76 2.58 5.23 7.81 10.4 12.9 15.5 18.0 20.6
.77 2.63 5.34 7.97 10.6 13.2 15.8 18.4 21.0
.78 2.69 5.44 8.13 10.8 13.5 16.1 18.8 21.5
.79 2.74 5.55 8.30 11.0 13.8 16.5 19.2 21.9
.80 2.80 5.66 8.46 11.3 14.0 16.8 19.6 22.4
.81 2.85 5.77 8.63 11.5 14.3 17.2 20.0 22.8
.82 2.90 5.88 8.79 11.7 14.6 17.5 20.4 23.3
.83 2.96 5.99 8.96 11.9 14.9 17.8 20.8 23.7
.84 3.01 6.11 9.13 12.2 15.2 18.2 21.2 24.2
.85 3.07 6.22 9.30 12.4 15.5 18.5 21.6 24.6
.86 3.13 6.33 9.48 12.6 15.7 18.9 22.0 25.1
.87 3.18 6.45 9.65 12.8 16.0 19.2 22.4 25.6
.88 3.24 6.56 9.82 13.1 16.3 19.6 22.8 26.1
.89 3.30 6.68 10.0 13.3 16.6 19.9 23.2 26.5
.90 3.35 6.79 10.2 13.5 16.9 20.3 23.7 27.0
.91 3.41 6.91 10.4 13.8 17.2 20.6 24.1 27.5
.92 3.47 7.03 10.5 14.0 17.5 21.0 24.5 28.0
.93 3.53 7.15 10.7 14.3 17.8 21.4 24.9 28.5
.94 3.59 7.27 10.9 14.5 18.1 21.7 25.4 29.0
.95 3.65 7.39 11.1 14.8 18.4 22.1 25.8 29.5
.96 3.71 7.51 11.3 15.0 18.7 22.5 26.2 30.0
.97 3.77 7.63 11.4 15.2 19.1 22.9 26.7 30.5
.98 3.83 7.75 11.6 15.5 19.4 23.2 27.1 31.0
.99 3.89 7.88 11.8 15.7 19.7 23.6 27.6 31.5
Table A8-12 [continued]. Free-flow discharges in ft
/sec through
1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes. Discharges for 2- to 8-ft flumes
computed from the formula Q=4.00Wh
. Discharges
for 1-ft flume computed from the formula Q=3.95h
Upper Head Discharge for flumes of various throat widths, W
, ft
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
1.00 3.95 8.00 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0
1.01 4.01 8.12 12.2 16.3 20.3 24.4 28.4 32.5
1.02 4.07 8.25 12.4 16.5 20.6 24.8 28.9 33.0
1.03 4.14 8.37 12.6 16.8 21.0 25.2 29.4 33.6
1.04 4.20 8.50 12.8 17.0 21.3 25.5 29.8 34.1
1.05 4.26 8.63 13.0 17.3 21.6 25.9 30.3 34.6
1.06 4.32 8.76 13.1 17.5 21.9 26.3 30.7 35.1
1.07 4.39 8.88 13.3 17.8 22.3 26.7 31.2 35.7
1.08 4.45 9.01 13.5 18.1 22.6 27.1 31.7 36.2
1.09 4.51 9.14 13.7 18.3 22.9 27.5 32.1 36.8
1.10 4.58 9.27 13.9 18.6 23.3 27.9 32.6 37.3
1.11 4.64 9.40 14.1 18.9 23.6 28.3 33.1 37.8
1.12 4.71 9.54 14.3 19.1 23.9 28.8 33.6 38.4
1.13 4.77 9.67 14.5 19.4 24.3 29.2 34.1 38.9
1.14 4.84 9.80 14.7 19.7 24.6 29.6 34.5 39.5
1.15 4.91 9.93 14.9 19.9 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.1
1.16 4.97 10.1 15.1 20.2 25.3 30.4 35.5 40.6
1.17 5.04 10.2 15.3 20.5 25.7 30.8 36.0 41.2
1.18 5.11 10.3 15.6 20.8 26.0 31.2 36.5 41.7
1.19 5.17 10.5 15.8 21.1 26.4 31.7 37.0 42.3
1.20 5.24 10.6 16.0 21.3 26.7 32.1 37.5 42.9
1.21 5.31 10.7 16.2 21.6 27.1 32.5 38.0 43.5
1.22 5.38 10.9 16.4 21.9 27.4 33.0 38.5 44.0
1.23 5.44 11.0 16.6 22.2 27.8 33.4 39.0 44.6
1.24 5.51 11.2 16.8 22.5 28.1 33.8 39.5 45.2
1.25 5.58 11.3 17.0 22.8 28.5 34.3 40.0 45.8
1.26 5.65 11.4 17.2 23.0 28.9 34.7 40.5 46.4
1.27 5.72 11.6 17.4 23.3 29.2 35.1 41.1 47.0
1.28 5.79 11.7 17.7 23.6 29.6 35.6 41.6 47.6
1.29 5.86 11.9 17.9 23.9 30.0 36.0 42.1 48.2
1.30 5.93 12.0 18.1 24.2 30.3 36.5 42.6 48.8
1.31 6.00 12.2 18.3 24.5 30.7 36.9 43.1 49.4
1.32 6.07 12.3 18.5 24.8 31.1 37.4 43.7 50.0
1.33 6.15 12.4 18.8 25.1 31.4 37.8 44.2 50.6
1.34 6.22 12.6 19.0 25.4 31.8 38.3 44.7 51.2
1.35 6.29 12.7 19.2 25.7 32.2 38.7 45.3 51.8
1.36 6.36 12.9 19.4 26.0 32.6 39.2 45.8 52.4
1.37 6.43 13.0 19.6 26.3 33.0 39.6 46.3 53.1
1.38 6.51 13.2 19.9 26.6 33.3 40.1 46.9 53.7
1.39 6.58 13.3 20.1 26.9 33.7 40.6 47.4 54.3
Table A8-12 [continued]. Free-flow discharges in ft
/sec through
1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes. Discharges for 2- to 8-ft flumes
computed from the formula Q=4.00Wh
. Discharges
for 1-ft flume computed from the formula Q=3.95h
Upper Head Discharge for flumes of various throat widths, W
, ft
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
1.40 6.65 13.5 20.3 27.2 34.1 41.0 48.0 54.9
1.41 6.73 13.6 20.6 27.5 34.5 41.5 48.5 55.6
1.42 6.80 13.8 20.8 27.8 34.9 42.0 49.1 56.2
1.43 6.88 13.9 21.0 28.1 35.3 42.5 49.6 56.8
1.44 6.95 14.1 21.2 28.4 35.7 42.9 50.2 57.5
1.45 7.03 14.2 21.5 28.8 36.1 43.4 50.8 58.1
1.46 7.10 14.4 21.7 29.1 36.5 43.9 51.3 58.8
1.47 7.18 14.5 21.9 29.4 36.9 44.4 51.9 59.4
1.48 7.25 14.7 22.2 29.7 37.3 44.8 52.4 60.1
1.49 7.33 14.8 22.4 30.0 37.7 45.3 53.0 60.7
1.50 7.41 15.0 22.6 30.3 38.1 45.8 53.6 61.4
1.51 7.48 15.2 22.9 30.7 38.5 46.3 54.2 62.0
1.52 7.56 15.3 23.1 31.0 38.9 46.8 54.7 62.7
1.53 7.64 15.5 23.4 31.3 39.3 47.3 55.3 63.4
1.54 7.71 15.6 23.6 31.6 39.7 47.8 55.9 64.0
1.55 7.79 15.8 23.8 31.9 40.1 48.3 56.5 64.7
1.56 7.87 15.9 24.1 32.3 40.5 48.8 57.1 65.4
1.57 7.95 16.1 24.3 32.6 40.9 49.3 57.6 66.1
1.58 8.03 16.3 24.6 32.9 41.3 49.8 58.2 66.7
1.59 8.11 16.4 24.8 33.3 41.7 50.3 58.8 67.4
1.60 8.18 16.6 25.1 33.6 42.2 50.8 59.4 68.1
1.61 8.26 16.7 25.3 33.9 42.6 51.3 60.0 68.8
1.62 8.34 16.9 25.5 34.3 43.0 51.8 60.6 69.5
1.63 8.42 17.1 25.8 34.6 43.4 52.3 61.2 70.2
1.64 8.50 17.2 26.0 34.9 43.9 52.8 61.8 70.8
1.65 8.58 17.4 26.3 35.3 44.3 53.3 62.4 71.5
1.66 8.66 17.5 26.5 35.6 44.7 53.9 63.0 72.2
1.67 8.75 17.7 26.8 35.9 45.1 54.4 63.6 72.9
1.68 8.83 17.9 27.0 36.3 45.6 54.9 64.3 73.6
1.69 8.91 18.0 27.3 36.6 46.0 55.4 64.9 74.3
1.70 8.99 18.2 27.5 37.0 46.4 55.9 65.5 75.1
1.71 9.07 18.4 27.8 37.3 46.9 56.5 66.1 75.8
1.72 9.16 18.5 28.1 37.6 47.3 57.0 66.7 76.5
1.73 9.24 18.7 28.3 38.0 47.7 57.5 67.3 77.2
1.74 9.32 18.9 28.6 38.3 48.2 58.0 68.0 77.9
1.75 9.40 19.0 28.8 38.7 48.6 58.6 68.6 78.6
1.76 9.49 19.2 29.1 39.0 49.1 59.1 69.2 79.4
1.77 9.57 19.4 29.3 39.4 49.5 59.7 69.8 80.1
1.78 9.65 19.6 29.6 39.7 49.9 60.2 70.5 80.8
1.79 9.74 19.7 29.9 40.1 50.4 60.7 71.1 81.5
Table A8-12 [continued]. Free-flow discharges in ft
/sec through
1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes. Discharges for 2- to 8-ft flumes
computed from the formula Q=4.00Wh
. Discharges
for 1-ft flume computed from the formula Q=3.95h
Upper Head Discharge for flumes of various throat widths, W
, ft
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
1.80 9.82 19.9 30.1 40.4 50.8 61.3 71.8 82.3
1.81 9.91 20.1 30.4 40.8 51.3 61.8 72.4 83.0
1.82 9.99 20.2 30.7 41.2 51.7 62.4 73.0 83.7
1.83 10.1 20.4 30.9 41.5 52.2 62.9 73.7 84.5
1.84 10.2 20.6 31.2 41.9 52.6 63.5 74.3 85.2
1.85 10.2 20.8 31.4 42.2 53.1 64.0 75.0 86.0
1.86 10.3 20.9 31.7 42.6 53.5 64.6 75.6 86.7
1.87 10.4 21.1 32.0 43.0 54.0 65.1 76.3 87.5
1.88 10.5 21.3 32.3 43.3 54.5 65.7 76.9 88.2
1.89 10.6 21.5 32.5 43.7 54.9 66.2 77.6 89.0
1.90 10.7 21.6 32.8 44.1 55.4 66.8 78.2 89.7
1.91 10.8 21.8 33.1 44.4 55.9 67.4 78.9 90.5
1.92 10.9 22.0 33.3 44.8 56.3 67.9 79.6 91.3
1.93 10.9 22.2 33.6 45.2 56.8 68.5 80.2 92.0
1.94 11.0 22.3 33.9 45.5 57.3 69.0 80.9 92.8
1.95 11.1 22.5 34.2 45.9 57.7 69.6 81.6 93.6
1.96 11.2 22.7 34.4 46.3 58.2 70.2 82.2 94.3
1.97 11.3 22.9 34.7 46.6 58.7 70.8 82.9 95.1
1.98 11.4 23.1 35.0 47.0 59.1 71.3 83.6 95.9
1.99 11.5 23.2 35.3 47.4 59.6 71.9 84.3 96.7
2.00 11.6 23.4 35.5 47.8 60.1 72.5 84.9 97.4
2.01 11.7 23.6 35.8 48.1 60.6 73.1 85.6 98.2
2.02 11.7 23.8 36.1 48.5 61.0 73.6 86.3 99.0
2.03 11.8 24.0 36.4 48.9 61.5 74.2 87.0 99.8
2.04 11.9 24.1 36.7 49.3 62.0 74.8 87.7 101.
2.05 12.0 24.3 36.9 49.7 62.5 75.4 88.4 101.
2.06 12.1 24.5 37.2 50.0 63.0 76.0 89.1 102.
2.07 12.2 24.7 37.5 50.4 63.5 76.6 89.7 103.
2.08 12.3 24.9 37.8 50.8 63.9 77.2 90.4 104.
2.09 12.4 25.1 38.1 51.2 64.4 77.8 91.1 105.
2.10 12.5 25.3 38.4 51.6 64.9 78.3 91.8 105.
2.11 12.6 25.4 38.6 52.0 65.4 78.9 92.5 106.
2.12 12.7 25.6 38.9 52.4 65.9 79.5 93.2 107.
2.13 12.8 25.8 39.2 52.8 66.4 80.1 93.9 108.
2.14 12.8 26.0 39.5 53.1 66.9 80.7 94.7 109.
2.15 12.9 26.2 39.8 53.5 67.4 81.3 95.4 109.
2.16 13.0 26.4 40.1 53.9 67.9 81.9 96.1 110.
2.17 13.1 26.6 40.4 54.3 68.4 82.6 96.8 111.
2.18 13.2 26.8 40.7 54.7 68.9 83.2 97.5 112.
2.19 13.3 27.0 41.0 55.1 69.4 83.8 98.2 113.
Table A8-12 [continued]. Free-flow discharges in ft
/sec through
1- to 8-foot Parshall flumes. Discharges for 2- to 8-ft flumes
computed from the formula Q=4.00Wh
. Discharges
for 1-ft flume computed from the formula Q=3.95h
Upper Head Discharge for flumes of various throat widths, W
, ft
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
2.20 13.4 27.1 41.3 55.5 69.9 84.4 98.9 114.
2.21 13.5 27.3 41.5 55.9 70.4 85.0 99.7 114.
2.22 13.6 27.5 41.8 56.3 70.9 85.6 100. 115.
2.23 13.7 27.7 42.1 56.7 71.4 86.2 101. 116.
2.24 13.8 27.9 42.4 57.1 71.9 86.8 102. 117.
2.25 13.9 28.1 42.7 57.5 72.4 87.5 103. 118.
2.26 14.0 28.3 43.0 57.9 72.9 88.1 103. 119.
2.27 14.1 28.5 43.3 58.3 73.5 88.7 104. 119.
2.28 14.2 28.7 43.6 58.7 74.0 89.3 105. 120.
2.29 14.3 28.9 43.9 59.1 74.5 89.9 105. 121.
2.30 14.4 29.1 44.2 59.5 75.0 90.6 106. 122.
2.31 14.5 29.3 44.5 60.0 75.5 91.2 107. 123.
2.32 14.6 29.5 44.8 60.4 76.0 91.8 108. 124.
2.33 14.7 29.7 45.1 60.8 76.6 92.5 108. 125.
2.34 14.8 29.9 45.4 61.2 77.1 93.1 109. 125.
2.35 14.9 30.1 45.7 61.6 77.6 93.7 110. 126.
2.36 14.9 30.3 46.0 62.0 78.1 94.4 111. 127.
2.37 15.0 30.5 46.4 62.4 78.7 95.0 111. 128.
2.38 15.1 30.7 46.7 62.9 79.2 95.7 112. 129.
2.39 15.2 30.9 47.0 63.3 79.7 96.3 113. 130.
2.40 15.3 31.1 47.3 63.7 80.2 96.9 114. 131.
2.41 15.4 31.3 47.6 64.1 80.8 97.6 114. 131.
2.42 15.5 31.5 47.9 64.5 81.3 98.2 115. 132.
2.43 15.6 31.7 48.2 64.9 81.8 98.9 116. 133.
2.44 15.7 31.9 48.5 65.4 82.4 99.5 117. 134.
2.45 15.8 32.1 48.8 65.8 82.9 100. 118. 135.
2.46 15.9 32.3 49.1 66.2 83.5 101. 118. 136.
2.47 16.0 32.5 49.5 66.6 84.0 101. 119. 137.
2.48 16.1 32.7 49.8 67.1 84.5 102. 120. 138.
2.49 16.2 32.9 50.1 67.5 85.1 103. 121. 139.
2.50 16.3 33.1 50.4 67.9 85.6 103. 121. 139.
Table A8-13. Free-flow discharge through 10-ft Parshall measuring flume
in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=39.38h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.10 0.99 1.15 1.32 1.51 1.69 1.89 2.10 2.31 2.53 2.76
.20 3.00 3.24 3.49 3.75 4.01 4.29 4.56 4.85 5.14 5.43
.30 5.74 6.05 6.36 6.68 7.01 7.34 7.68 8.02 8.37 8.73
.40 9.09 9.46 9.83 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6
.50 13.0 13.4 13.8 14.3 14.7 15.1 15.6 16.0 16.5 16.9
.60 17.4 17.9 18.3 18.8 19.3 19.8 20.3 20.7 21.2 21.7
.70 22.3 22.8 23.3 23.8 24.3 24.9 25.4 25.9 26.5 27.0
.80 27.6 28.1 28.7 29.2 29.8 30.4 30.9 31.5 32.1 32.7
.90 33.3 33.9 34.5 35.1 35.7 36.3 36.9 37.5 38.1 38.8
1.00 39.4 40.0 40.6 41.3 41.9 42.6 43.2 43.9 44.5 45.2
1.10 45.9 46.5 47.2 47.9 48.6 49.2 49.9 50.6 51.3 52.0
1.20 52.7 53.4 54.1 54.8 55.6 56.3 57.0 57.7 58.5 59.2
1.30 59.9 60.7 61.4 62.1 62.9 63.7 64.4 65.2 65.9 66.7
1.40 67.5 68.2 69.0 69.8 70.6 71.4 72.2 72.9 73.7 74.5
1.50 75.3 76.1 77.0 77.8 78.6 79.4 80.2 81.0 81.9 82.7
1.60 83.5 84.4 85.2 86.1 86.9 87.8 88.6 89.5 90.3 91.2
1.70 92.0 92.9 93.8 94.7 95.5 96.4 97.3 98.2 99.1 100.
1.80 101. 102. 103. 104. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.
1.90 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 117. 118.
2.00 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128.
2.10 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138.
2.20 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148.
2.30 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159.
2.40 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 170.
2.50 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 181.
2.60 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 190. 191. 192.
2.70 193. 194. 195. 196. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203.
2.80 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 212. 213. 214. 215.
2.90 216. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 224. 225. 226. 227.
3.00 228. 230. 231. 232. 233. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239.
3.10 241. 242. 243. 244. 246. 247. 248. 249. 251. 252.
3.20 253. 254. 256. 257. 258. 260. 261. 262. 263. 265.
3.30 266. 267. 269. 270. 271. 272. 274. 275. 276. 278.
3.40 279. 280. 282. 283. 284. 286. 287. 288. 290. 291.
3.50 292. 294. 295. 296. 298. 299. 300. 302. 303. 304.
3.60 306. 307. 308. 310. 311. 313. 314. 315. 317. 318.
3.70 319. 321. 322. 324. 325. 326. 328. 329. 331. 332.
3.80 333. 335. 336. 338. 339. 340. 342. 343. 345. 346.
3.90 348. 349. 350. 352. 353. 355. 356. 358. 359. 360.
4.00 362. 363. 365. 366. 368. 369. 371. 372. 374. 375.
4.10 376. 378. 379. 381. 382. 384. 385. 387. 388. 390.
4.20 391. 393. 394. 396. 397. 399. 400. 402. 403. 405.
4.30 406. 408. 409. 411. 412. 414. 415. 417. 418. 420.
4.40 422. 423. 425. 426. 428. 429. 431. 432. 434. 435.
4.50 437. 438. 440. 442. 443. 445. 446. 448. 449. 451.
4.60 453. 454. 456. 457. 459. 460. 462. 464. 465. 467.
4.70 468. 470. 472. 473. 475. 476. 478. 480. 481. 483.
4.80 484. 486. 488. 489. 491. 493. 494. 496. 497. 499.
4.90 501. 502. 504. 506. 507. 509. 511. 512. 514. 516.
5.00 517. 519. 520. 522. 524. 525. 527. 529. 530. 532.
Table A8-14. Free-flow discharge through 12-ft Parshall measuring flume
in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=46.75h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.10 1.17 1.37 1.57 1.79 2.01 2.25 2.49 2.74 3.01 3.28
.20 3.56 3.85 4.15 4.45 4.77 5.09 5.42 5.75 6.10 6.45
.30 6.81 7.18 7.55 7.93 8.32 8.72 9.12 9.53 9.94 10.4
.40 10.8 11.2 11.7 12.1 12.6 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.4 14.9
.50 15.4 15.9 16.4 16.9 17.4 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.6 20.1
.60 20.6 21.2 21.8 22.3 22.9 23.5 24.0 24.6 25.2 25.8
.70 26.4 27.0 27.6 28.3 28.9 29.5 30.1 30.8 31.4 32.1
.80 32.7 33.4 34.0 34.7 35.4 36.0 36.7 37.4 38.1 38.8
.90 39.5 40.2 40.9 41.6 42.3 43.1 43.8 44.5 45.3 46.0
1.00 46.8 47.5 48.3 49.0 49.8 50.5 51.3 52.1 52.9 53.7
1.10 54.5 55.2 56.0 56.8 57.7 58.5 59.3 60.1 60.9 61.8
1.20 62.6 63.4 64.3 65.1 66.0 66.8 67.7 68.5 69.4 70.3
1.30 71.1 72.0 72.9 73.8 74.7 75.6 76.5 77.4 78.3 79.2
1.40 80.1 81.0 81.9 82.9 83.8 84.7 85.7 86.6 87.5 88.5
1.50 89.4 90.4 91.4 92.3 93.3 94.3 95.2 96.2 97.2 98.2
1.60 99.2 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108.
1.70 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 116. 117. 118. 119.
1.80 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129.
1.90 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 141.
2.00 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 149. 150. 151. 152.
2.10 153. 154. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 163. 164.
2.20 165. 166. 167. 169. 170. 171. 172. 174. 175. 176.
2.30 177. 178. 180. 181. 182. 183. 185. 186. 187. 188.
2.40 190. 191. 192. 194. 195. 196. 197. 199. 200. 201.
2.50 203. 204. 205. 206. 208. 209. 210. 212. 213. 214.
2.60 216. 217. 218. 220. 221. 222. 224. 225. 226. 228.
2.70 229. 230. 232. 233. 235. 236. 237. 239. 240. 241.
2.80 243. 244. 246. 247. 248. 250. 251. 253. 254. 255.
2.90 257. 258. 260. 261. 263. 264. 265. 267. 268. 270.
3.00 271. 273. 274. 275. 277. 278. 280. 281. 283. 284.
3.10 286. 287. 289. 290. 292. 293. 295. 296. 298. 299.
3.20 301. 302. 304. 305. 307. 308. 310. 311. 313. 314.
3.30 316. 317. 319. 320. 322. 323. 325. 327. 328. 330.
3.40 331. 333. 334. 336. 338. 339. 341. 342. 344. 345.
3.50 347. 349. 350. 352. 353. 355. 357. 358. 360. 361.
3.60 363. 365. 366. 368. 369. 371. 373. 374. 376. 378.
3.70 379. 381. 383. 384. 386. 387. 389. 391. 392. 394.
3.80 396. 397. 399. 401. 402. 404. 406. 407. 409. 411.
3.90 413. 414. 416. 418. 419. 421. 423. 424. 426. 428.
4.00 430. 431. 433. 435. 437. 438. 440. 442. 443. 445.
4.10 447. 449. 450. 452. 454. 456. 457. 459. 461. 463.
4.20 464. 466. 468. 470. 472. 473. 475. 477. 479. 481.
4.30 482. 484. 486. 488. 490. 491. 493. 495. 497. 499.
4.40 500. 502. 504. 506. 508. 510. 511. 513. 515. 517.
4.50 519. 521. 522. 524. 526. 528. 530. 532. 534. 535.
4.60 537. 539. 541. 543. 545. 547. 549. 550. 552. 554.
4.70 556. 558. 560. 562. 564. 566. 567. 569. 571. 573.
4.80 575. 577. 579. 581. 583. 585. 587. 589. 591. 592.
4.90 594. 596. 598. 600. 602. 604. 606. 608. 610. 612.
5.00 614. 616. 618. 620. 622. 624. 626. 628. 630. 632.
Table A8-15. Free-flow discharge through 15-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft
Computed from the formula Q=57.81h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.30 8.42 8.88 9.34 9.81 10.3 10.8 11.3 11.8 12.3 12.8
.40 13.3 13.9 14.4 15.0 15.5 16.1 16.7 17.3 17.9 18.5
.50 19.1 19.7 20.3 20.9 21.6 22.2 22.9 23.5 24.2 24.9
.60 25.5 26.2 26.9 27.6 28.3 29.0 29.7 30.5 31.2 31.9
.70 32.7 33.4 34.2 34.9 35.7 36.5 37.3 38.1 38.8 39.6
.80 40.5 41.3 42.1 42.9 43.7 44.6 45.4 46.3 47.1 48.0
.90 48.8 49.7 50.6 51.5 52.4 53.3 54.2 55.1 56.0 56.9
1.00 57.8 58.7 59.7 60.6 61.6 62.5 63.5 64.4 65.4 66.4
1.10 67.3 68.3 69.3 70.3 71.3 72.3 73.3 74.3 75.3 76.4
1.20 77.4 78.4 79.5 80.5 81.6 82.6 83.7 84.7 85.8 86.9
1.30 88.0 89.1 90.1 91.2 92.3 93.4 94.6 95.7 96.8 97.9
1.40 99.0 100. 101. 102. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.
1.50 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121.
1.60 123. 124. 125. 126. 128. 129. 130. 131. 133. 134.
1.70 135. 136. 138. 139. 140. 142. 143. 144. 145. 147.
1.80 148. 149. 151. 152. 153. 155. 156. 157. 159. 160.
1.90 161. 163. 164. 166. 167. 168. 170. 171. 172. 174.
2.00 175. 177. 178. 179. 181. 182. 184. 185. 187. 188.
2.10 189. 191. 192. 194. 195. 197. 198. 200. 201. 203.
2.20 204. 206. 207. 209. 210. 212. 213. 215. 216. 218.
2.30 219. 221. 222. 224. 225. 227. 228. 230. 231. 233.
2.40 235. 236. 238. 239. 241. 242. 244. 246. 247. 249.
2.50 250. 252. 254. 255. 257. 259. 260. 262. 263. 265.
2.60 267. 268. 270. 272. 273. 275. 277. 278. 280. 282.
2.70 283. 285. 287. 288. 290. 292. 293. 295. 297. 299.
2.80 300. 302. 304. 305. 307. 309. 311. 312. 314. 316.
2.90 318. 319. 321. 323. 325. 326. 328. 330. 332. 333.
3.00 335. 337. 339. 341. 342. 344. 346. 348. 350. 352.
3.10 353. 355. 357. 359. 361. 362. 364. 366. 368. 370.
3.20 372. 374. 375. 377. 379. 381. 383. 385. 387. 389.
3.30 391. 392. 394. 396. 398. 400. 402. 404. 406. 408.
3.40 410. 412. 413. 415. 417. 419. 421. 423. 425. 427.
3.50 429. 431. 433. 435. 437. 439. 441. 443. 445. 447.
3.60 449. 451. 453. 455. 457. 459. 461. 463. 465. 467.
3.70 469. 471. 473. 475. 477. 479. 481. 483. 485. 487.
3.80 489. 491. 494. 496. 498. 500. 502. 504. 506. 508.
3.90 510. 512. 514. 516. 519. 521. 523. 525. 527. 529.
4.00 531. 533. 536. 538. 540. 542. 544. 546. 548. 551.
4.10 553. 555. 557. 559. 561. 563. 566. 568. 570. 572.
4.20 574. 577. 579. 581. 583. 585. 588. 590. 592. 594.
4.30 596. 599. 601. 603. 605. 608. 610. 612. 614. 617.
4.40 619. 621. 623. 626. 628. 630. 632. 635. 637. 639.
4.50 641. 644. 646. 648. 651. 653. 655. 657. 660. 662.
4.60 664. 667. 669. 671. 674. 676. 678. 681. 683. 685.
4.70 688. 690. 692. 695. 697. 699. 702. 704. 706. 709.
4.80 711. 714. 716. 718. 721. 723. 725. 728. 730. 733.
4.90 735. 737. 740. 742. 745. 747. 750. 752. 754. 757.
5.00 759. 762. 764. 766. 769. 771. 774. 776. 779. 781.
5.10 784. 786. 789. 791. 793. 796. 798. 801. 803. 806.
5.20 808. 811. 813. 816. 818. 821. 823. 826. 828. 831.
5.30 833. 836. 838. 841. 843. 846. 849. 851. 854. 856.
5.40 859. 861. 864. 866. 869. 871. 874. 877. 879. 882.
5.50 884. 887. 889. 892. 895. 897. 900. 902. 905. 908.
5.60 910. 913. 915. 918. 921. 923. 926. 928. 931. 934.
5.70 936. 939. 942. 944. 947. 949. 952. 955. 957. 960.
5.80 963. 965. 968. 971. 973. 976. 979. 981. 984. 987.
5.90 989. 992. 995. 997. 1000. 1003. 1006. 1008. 1011. 1014.
6.00 1016. 1019. 1022. 1024. 1027. 1030. 1033. 1035. 1038. 1041.
Table A8-16. Free-flow discharge through 20-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft
Computed from the formula Q=76.25h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.30 11.1 11.7 12.3 12.9 13.6 14.2 14.9 15.5 16.2 16.9
.40 17.6 18.3 19.0 19.8 20.5 21.3 22.0 22.8 23.6 24.4
.50 25.2 26.0 26.8 27.6 28.4 29.3 30.2 31.0 31.9 32.8
.60 33.7 34.6 35.5 36.4 37.3 38.3 39.2 40.2 41.1 42.1
.70 43.1 44.1 45.1 46.1 47.1 48.1 49.2 50.2 51.2 52.3
.80 53.4 54.4 55.5 56.6 57.7 58.8 59.9 61.0 62.1 63.3
.90 64.4 65.6 66.7 67.9 69.1 70.2 71.4 72.6 73.8 75.0
1.00 76.3 77.5 78.7 79.9 81.2 82.4 83.7 85.0 86.2 87.5
1.10 88.8 90.1 91.4 92.7 94.0 95.4 96.7 98.0 99.4 101.
1.20 102. 103. 105. 106. 108. 109. 110. 112. 113. 115.
1.30 116. 117. 119. 120. 122. 123. 125. 126. 128. 129.
1.40 131. 132. 134. 135. 137. 138. 140. 141. 143. 144.
1.50 146. 147. 149. 151. 152. 154. 155. 157. 159. 160.
1.60 162. 163. 165. 167. 168. 170. 172. 173. 175. 177.
1.70 178. 180. 182. 183. 185. 187. 188. 190. 192. 194.
1.80 195. 197. 199. 201. 202. 204. 206. 208. 209. 211.
1.90 213. 215. 217. 218. 220. 222. 224. 226. 227. 229.
2.00 231. 233. 235. 237. 239. 240. 242. 244. 246. 248.
2.10 250. 252. 254. 256. 258. 260. 261. 263. 265. 267.
2.20 269. 271. 273. 275. 277. 279. 281. 283. 285. 287.
2.30 289. 291. 293. 295. 297. 299. 301. 303. 305. 307.
2.40 309. 312. 314. 316. 318. 320. 322. 324. 326. 328.
2.50 330. 332. 335. 337. 339. 341. 343. 345. 347. 350.
2.60 352. 354. 356. 358. 360. 363. 365. 367. 369. 371.
2.70 374. 376. 378. 380. 383. 385. 387. 389. 391. 394.
2.80 396. 398. 401. 403. 405. 407. 410. 412. 414. 417.
2.90 419. 421. 423. 426. 428. 430. 433. 435. 438. 440.
3.00 442. 445. 447. 449. 452. 454. 456. 459. 461. 464.
3.10 466. 468. 471. 473. 476. 478. 481. 483. 485. 488.
3.20 490. 493. 495. 498. 500. 503. 505. 508. 510. 513.
3.30 515. 518. 520. 523. 525. 528. 530. 533. 535. 538.
3.40 540. 543. 545. 548. 550. 553. 556. 558. 561. 563.
3.50 566. 569. 571. 574. 576. 579. 582. 584. 587. 589.
3.60 592. 595. 597. 600. 603. 605. 608. 611. 613. 616.
3.70 619. 621. 624. 627. 629. 632. 635. 637. 640. 643.
3.80 645. 648. 651. 654. 656. 659. 662. 665. 667. 670.
3.90 673. 676. 678. 681. 684. 687. 690. 692. 695. 698.
4.00 701. 704. 706. 709. 712. 715. 718. 720. 723. 726.
4.10 729. 732. 735. 737. 740. 743. 746. 749. 752. 755.
4.20 758. 760. 763. 766. 769. 772. 775. 778. 781. 784.
4.30 787. 790. 793. 795. 798. 801. 804. 807. 810. 813.
4.40 816. 819. 822. 825. 828. 831. 834. 837. 840. 843.
4.50 846. 849. 852. 855. 858. 861. 864. 867. 870. 873.
4.60 876. 879. 882. 885. 889. 892. 895. 898. 901. 904.
4.70 907. 910. 913. 916. 919. 922. 926. 929. 932. 935.
4.80 938. 941. 944. 947. 951. 954. 957. 960. 963. 966.
4.90 970. 973. 976. 979. 982. 985. 989. 992. 995. 998.
5.00 1001. 1005. 1008. 1011. 1014. 1017. 1021. 1024. 1027. 1030.
5.10 1034. 1037. 1040. 1043. 1047. 1050. 1053. 1056. 1060. 1063.
5.20 1066. 1069. 1073. 1076. 1079. 1083. 1086. 1089. 1093. 1096.
5.30 1099. 1103. 1106. 1109. 1113. 1116. 1119. 1123. 1126. 1129.
5.40 1133. 1136. 1139. 1143. 1146. 1149. 1153. 1156. 1160. 1163.
5.50 1166. 1170. 1173. 1177. 1180. 1183. 1187. 1190. 1194. 1197.
5.60 1200. 1204. 1207. 1211. 1214. 1218. 1221. 1225. 1228. 1231.
5.70 1235. 1238. 1242. 1245. 1249. 1252. 1256. 1259. 1263. 1266.
5.80 1270. 1273. 1277. 1280. 1284. 1287. 1291. 1294. 1298. 1301.
5.90 1305. 1309. 1312. 1316. 1319. 1323. 1326. 1330. 1333. 1337.
6.00 1341. 1344. 1348. 1351. 1355. 1358. 1362. 1366. 1369. 1373.
Table A8-17. Free-flow discharge through 25-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft
Computed from the formula Q=94.69h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.30 13.8 14.5 15.3 16.1 16.9 17.7 18.5 19.3 20.1 21.0
.40 21.9 22.7 23.6 24.5 25.5 26.4 27.3 28.3 29.3 30.2
.50 31.2 32.2 33.3 34.3 35.3 36.4 37.4 38.5 39.6 40.7
.60 41.8 42.9 44.1 45.2 46.4 47.5 48.7 49.9 51.1 52.3
.70 53.5 54.7 56.0 57.2 58.5 59.8 61.0 62.3 63.6 64.9
.80 66.3 67.6 68.9 70.3 71.6 73.0 74.4 75.8 77.2 78.6
.90 80.0 81.4 82.9 84.3 85.8 87.2 88.7 90.2 91.7 93.2
1.00 94.7 96.2 97.7 99.3 101. 102. 104. 106. 107. 109.
1.10 110. 112. 114. 115. 117. 118. 120. 122. 123. 125.
1.20 127. 128. 130. 132. 134. 135. 137. 139. 141. 142.
1.30 144. 146. 148. 149. 151. 153. 155. 157. 159. 160.
1.40 162. 164. 166. 168. 170. 172. 173. 175. 177. 179.
1.50 181. 183. 185. 187. 189. 191. 193. 195. 197. 199.
1.60 201. 203. 205. 207. 209. 211. 213. 215. 217. 219.
1.70 221. 223. 226. 228. 230. 232. 234. 236. 238. 240.
1.80 243. 245. 247. 249. 251. 253. 256. 258. 260. 262.
1.90 264. 267. 269. 271. 273. 276. 278. 280. 282. 285.
2.00 287. 289. 292. 294. 296. 299. 301. 303. 306. 308.
2.10 310. 313. 315. 317. 320. 322. 325. 327. 329. 332.
2.20 334. 337. 339. 342. 344. 347. 349. 352. 354. 356.
2.30 359. 361. 364. 366. 369. 372. 374. 377. 379. 382.
2.40 384. 387. 389. 392. 395. 397. 400. 402. 405. 408.
2.50 410. 413. 415. 418. 421. 423. 426. 429. 431. 434.
2.60 437. 439. 442. 445. 448. 450. 453. 456. 458. 461.
2.70 464. 467. 469. 472. 475. 478. 481. 483. 486. 489.
2.80 492. 495. 497. 500. 503. 506. 509. 512. 514. 517.
2.90 520. 523. 526. 529. 532. 535. 537. 540. 543. 546.
3.00 549. 552. 555. 558. 561. 564. 567. 570. 573. 576.
3.10 579. 582. 585. 588. 591. 594. 597. 600. 603. 606.
3.20 609. 612. 615. 618. 621. 624. 627. 630. 633. 637.
3.30 640. 643. 646. 649. 652. 655. 658. 661. 665. 668.
3.40 671. 674. 677. 680. 684. 687. 690. 693. 696. 700.
3.50 703. 706. 709. 712. 716. 719. 722. 725. 729. 732.
3.60 735. 738. 742. 745. 748. 752. 755. 758. 761. 765.
3.70 768. 771. 775. 778. 781. 785. 788. 791. 795. 798.
3.80 802. 805. 808. 812. 815. 819. 822. 825. 829. 832.
3.90 836. 839. 842. 846. 849. 853. 856. 860. 863. 867.
4.00 870. 874. 877. 881. 884. 888. 891. 895. 898. 902.
4.10 905. 909. 912. 916. 919. 923. 927. 930. 934. 937.
4.20 941. 944. 948. 952. 955. 959. 962. 966. 970. 973.
4.30 977. 981. 984. 988. 991. 995. 999. 1002. 1006. 1010.
4.40 1014. 1017. 1021. 1025. 1028. 1032. 1036. 1039. 1043. 1047.
4.50 1051. 1054. 1058. 1062. 1066. 1069. 1073. 1077. 1081. 1084.
4.60 1088. 1092. 1096. 1100. 1103. 1107. 1111. 1115. 1119. 1122.
4.70 1126. 1130. 1134. 1138. 1142. 1146. 1149. 1153. 1157. 1161.
4.80 1165. 1169. 1173. 1177. 1180. 1184. 1188. 1192. 1196. 1200.
4.90 1204. 1208. 1212. 1216. 1220. 1224. 1228. 1232. 1236. 1240.
5.00 1244. 1248. 1251. 1255. 1259. 1263. 1267. 1272. 1276. 1280.
5.10 1284. 1288. 1292. 1296. 1300. 1304. 1308. 1312. 1316. 1320.
5.20 1324. 1328. 1332. 1336. 1340. 1344. 1349. 1353. 1357. 1361.
5.30 1365. 1369. 1373. 1377. 1382. 1386. 1390. 1394. 1398. 1402.
5.40 1406. 1411. 1415. 1419. 1423. 1427. 1432. 1436. 1440. 1444.
5.50 1448. 1453. 1457. 1461. 1465. 1470. 1474. 1478. 1482. 1486.
5.60 1491. 1495. 1499. 1504. 1508. 1512. 1516. 1521. 1525. 1529.
5.70 1534. 1538. 1542. 1547. 1551. 1555. 1559. 1564. 1568. 1572.
5.80 1577. 1581. 1586. 1590. 1594. 1599. 1603. 1607. 1612. 1616.
5.90 1621. 1625. 1629. 1634. 1638. 1643. 1647. 1651. 1656. 1660.
6.00 1665. 1669. 1674. 1678. 1683. 1687. 1691. 1696. 1700. 1705.
Table A8-18. Free-flow discharge through 30-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft
Computed from the formula Q=113.13h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.30 16.5 17.4 18.3 19.2 20.1 21.1 22.1 23.1 24.1 25.1
.40 26.1 27.2 28.2 29.3 30.4 31.5 32.7 33.8 35.0 36.1
.50 37.3 38.5 39.7 41.0 42.2 43.5 44.7 46.0 47.3 48.6
.60 50.0 51.3 52.7 54.0 55.4 56.8 58.2 59.6 61.0 62.5
.70 63.9 65.4 66.9 68.4 69.9 71.4 72.9 74.5 76.0 77.6
.80 79.2 80.8 82.4 84.0 85.6 87.2 88.9 90.5 92.2 93.9
.90 95.6 97.3 99.0 101. 102. 104. 106. 108. 110. 111.
1.00 113. 115. 117. 119. 120. 122. 124. 126. 128. 130.
1.10 132. 134. 136. 138. 140. 141. 143. 145. 147. 149.
1.20 151. 153. 156. 158. 160. 162. 164. 166. 168. 170.
1.30 172. 174. 176. 179. 181. 183. 185. 187. 189. 192.
1.40 194. 196. 198. 201. 203. 205. 207. 210. 212. 214.
1.50 216. 219. 221. 223. 226. 228. 230. 233. 235. 238.
1.60 240. 242. 245. 247. 250. 252. 255. 257. 259. 262.
1.70 264. 267. 269. 272. 274. 277. 280. 282. 285. 287.
1.80 290. 292. 295. 298. 300. 303. 305. 308. 311. 313.
1.90 316. 319. 321. 324. 327. 329. 332. 335. 337. 340.
2.00 343. 346. 348. 351. 354. 357. 360. 362. 365. 368.
2.10 371. 374. 376. 379. 382. 385. 388. 391. 394. 397.
2.20 399. 402. 405. 408. 411. 414. 417. 420. 423. 426.
2.30 429. 432. 435. 438. 441. 444. 447. 450. 453. 456.
2.40 459. 462. 465. 468. 471. 475. 478. 481. 484. 487.
2.50 490. 493. 496. 500. 503. 506. 509. 512. 515. 519.
2.60 522. 525. 528. 532. 535. 538. 541. 544. 548. 551.
2.70 554. 558. 561. 564. 568. 571. 574. 577. 581. 584.
2.80 588. 591. 594. 598. 601. 604. 608. 611. 615. 618.
2.90 621. 625. 628. 632. 635. 639. 642. 646. 649. 653.
3.00 656. 660. 663. 667. 670. 674. 677. 681. 684. 688.
3.10 691. 695. 699. 702. 706. 709. 713. 717. 720. 724.
3.20 727. 731. 735. 738. 742. 746. 749. 753. 757. 760.
3.30 764. 768. 772. 775. 779. 783. 787. 790. 794. 798.
3.40 802. 805. 809. 813. 817. 821. 824. 828. 832. 836.
3.50 840. 843. 847. 851. 855. 859. 863. 867. 871. 874.
3.60 878. 882. 886. 890. 894. 898. 902. 906. 910. 914.
3.70 918. 922. 926. 930. 934. 938. 942. 946. 950. 954.
3.80 958. 962. 966. 970. 974. 978. 982. 986. 990. 994.
3.90 998. 1002. 1007. 1011. 1015. 1019. 1023. 1027. 1031. 1035.
4.00 1040. 1044. 1048. 1052. 1056. 1060. 1065. 1069. 1073. 1077.
4.10 1082. 1086. 1090. 1094. 1098. 1103. 1107. 1111. 1115. 1120.
4.20 1124. 1128. 1133. 1137. 1141. 1146. 1150. 1154. 1158. 1163.
4.30 1167. 1171. 1176. 1180. 1185. 1189. 1193. 1198. 1202. 1206.
4.40 1211. 1215. 1220. 1224. 1229. 1233. 1237. 1242. 1246. 1251.
4.50 1255. 1260. 1264. 1269. 1273. 1278. 1282. 1287. 1291. 1296.
4.60 1300. 1305. 1309. 1314. 1318. 1323. 1327. 1332. 1337. 1341.
4.70 1346. 1350. 1355. 1359. 1364. 1369. 1373. 1378. 1382. 1387.
4.80 1392. 1396. 1401. 1406. 1410. 1415. 1420. 1424. 1429. 1434.
4.90 1438. 1443. 1448. 1453. 1457. 1462. 1467. 1471. 1476. 1481.
5.00 1486. 1490. 1495. 1500. 1505. 1510. 1514. 1519. 1524. 1529.
5.10 1534. 1538. 1543. 1548. 1553. 1558. 1562. 1567. 1572. 1577.
5.20 1582. 1587. 1592. 1597. 1601. 1606. 1611. 1616. 1621. 1626.
5.30 1631. 1636. 1641. 1646. 1651. 1656. 1661. 1665. 1670. 1675.
5.40 1680. 1685. 1690. 1695. 1700. 1705. 1710. 1715. 1720. 1725.
5.50 1730. 1735. 1741. 1746. 1751. 1756. 1761. 1766. 1771. 1776.
5.60 1781. 1786. 1791. 1796. 1801. 1807. 1812. 1817. 1822. 1827.
5.70 1832. 1837. 1843. 1848. 1853. 1858. 1863. 1868. 1874. 1879.
5.80 1884. 1889. 1894. 1900. 1905. 1910. 1915. 1920. 1926. 1931.
5.90 1936. 1941. 1947. 1952. 1957. 1962. 1968. 1973. 1978. 1984.
6.00 1989. 1994. 2000. 2005. 2010. 2016. 2021. 2026. 2032. 2037.
Table A8-19. Free-flow discharge through 40-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft
Computed from the formula Q=150.00h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.30 21.9 23.0 24.2 25.5 26.7 28.0 29.3 30.6 31.9 33.3
.40 34.6 36.0 37.4 38.9 40.3 41.8 43.3 44.8 46.4 47.9
.50 49.5 51.1 52.7 54.3 56.0 57.6 59.3 61.0 62.7 64.5
.60 66.2 68.0 69.8 71.6 73.4 75.3 77.2 79.0 80.9 82.8
.70 84.8 86.7 88.7 90.7 92.7 94.7 96.7 98.7 101. 103.
.80 105. 107. 109. 111. 113. 116. 118. 120. 122. 124.
.90 127. 129. 131. 134. 136. 138. 141. 143. 145. 148.
1.00 150. 152. 155. 157. 160. 162. 165. 167. 170. 172.
1.10 175. 177. 180. 182. 185. 188. 190. 193. 195. 198.
1.20 201. 203. 206. 209. 212. 214. 217. 220. 223. 225.
1.30 228. 231. 234. 237. 240. 242. 245. 248. 251. 254.
1.40 257. 260. 263. 266. 269. 272. 275. 278. 281. 284.
1.50 287. 290. 293. 296. 299. 302. 306. 309. 312. 315.
1.60 318. 321. 325. 328. 331. 334. 337. 341. 344. 347.
1.70 351. 354. 357. 361. 364. 367. 371. 374. 377. 381.
1.80 384. 388. 391. 394. 398. 401. 405. 408. 412. 415.
1.90 419. 422. 426. 430. 433. 437. 440. 444. 447. 451.
2.00 455. 458. 462. 466. 469. 473. 477. 480. 484. 488.
2.10 492. 495. 499. 503. 507. 510. 514. 518. 522. 526.
2.20 530. 533. 537. 541. 545. 549. 553. 557. 561. 565.
2.30 569. 573. 577. 581. 585. 589. 593. 597. 601. 605.
2.40 609. 613. 617. 621. 625. 629. 633. 637. 642. 646.
2.50 650. 654. 658. 662. 667. 671. 675. 679. 683. 688.
2.60 692. 696. 700. 705. 709. 713. 718. 722. 726. 731.
2.70 735. 739. 744. 748. 752. 757. 761. 766. 770. 775.
2.80 779. 783. 788. 792. 797. 801. 806. 810. 815. 819.
2.90 824. 829. 833. 838. 842. 847. 851. 856. 861. 865.
3.00 870. 875. 879. 884. 889. 893. 898. 903. 907. 912.
3.10 917. 922. 926. 931. 936. 941. 945. 950. 955. 960.
3.20 965. 969. 974. 979. 984. 989. 994. 999. 1003. 1008.
3.30 1013. 1018. 1023. 1028. 1033. 1038. 1043. 1048. 1053. 1058.
3.40 1063. 1068. 1073. 1078. 1083. 1088. 1093. 1098. 1103. 1108.
3.50 1113. 1118. 1123. 1129. 1134. 1139. 1144. 1149. 1154. 1159.
3.60 1165. 1170. 1175. 1180. 1185. 1191. 1196. 1201. 1206. 1212.
3.70 1217. 1222. 1227. 1233. 1238. 1243. 1249. 1254. 1259. 1264.
3.80 1270. 1275. 1281. 1286. 1291. 1297. 1302. 1307. 1313. 1318.
3.90 1324. 1329. 1335. 1340. 1346. 1351. 1356. 1362. 1367. 1373.
4.00 1378. 1384. 1389. 1395. 1401. 1406. 1412. 1417. 1423. 1428.
4.10 1434. 1440. 1445. 1451. 1456. 1462. 1468. 1473. 1479. 1485.
4.20 1490. 1496. 1502. 1507. 1513. 1519. 1525. 1530. 1536. 1542.
4.30 1548. 1553. 1559. 1565. 1571. 1576. 1582. 1588. 1594. 1600.
4.40 1606. 1611. 1617. 1623. 1629. 1635. 1641. 1647. 1652. 1658.
4.50 1664. 1670. 1676. 1682. 1688. 1694. 1700. 1706. 1712. 1718.
4.60 1724. 1730. 1736. 1742. 1748. 1754. 1760. 1766. 1772. 1778.
4.70 1784. 1790. 1796. 1802. 1809. 1815. 1821. 1827. 1833. 1839.
4.80 1845. 1851. 1858. 1864. 1870. 1876. 1882. 1889. 1895. 1901.
4.90 1907. 1913. 1920. 1926. 1932. 1938. 1945. 1951. 1957. 1964.
5.00 1970. 1976. 1983. 1989. 1995. 2002. 2008. 2014. 2021. 2027.
5.10 2033. 2040. 2046. 2052. 2059. 2065. 2072. 2078. 2085. 2091.
5.20 2097. 2104. 2110. 2117. 2123. 2130. 2136. 2143. 2149. 2156.
5.30 2162. 2169. 2175. 2182. 2189. 2195. 2202. 2208. 2215. 2221.
5.40 2228. 2235. 2241. 2248. 2254. 2261. 2268. 2274. 2281. 2288.
5.50 2294. 2301. 2308. 2314. 2321. 2328. 2335. 2341. 2348. 2355.
5.60 2362. 2368. 2375. 2382. 2389. 2395. 2402. 2409. 2416. 2423.
5.70 2429. 2436. 2443. 2450. 2457. 2464. 2470. 2477. 2484. 2491.
5.80 2498. 2505. 2512. 2519. 2526. 2532. 2539. 2546. 2553. 2560.
5.90 2567. 2574. 2581. 2588. 2595. 2602. 2609. 2616. 2623. 2630.
6.00 2637. 2644. 2651. 2658. 2665. 2672. 2679. 2687. 2694. 2701.
Table A8-20. Free-flow discharge through 50-ft Parshall measuring flume in ft
Computed from the formula Q=186.88h
Upper Head Hundredths
, ft 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.30 27.2 28.7 30.2 31.7 33.3 34.8 36.4 38.1 39.7 41.4
.40 43.1 44.9 46.6 48.4 50.2 52.1 53.9 55.8 57.7 59.7
.50 61.6 63.6 65.6 67.7 69.7 71.8 73.9 76.0 78.2 80.3
.60 82.5 84.7 87.0 89.2 91.5 93.8 96.1 98.5 101. 103.
.70 106. 108. 110. 113. 115. 118. 120. 123. 126. 128.
.80 131. 133. 136. 139. 141. 144. 147. 150. 152. 155.
.90 158. 161. 164. 166. 169. 172. 175. 178. 181. 184.
1.00 187. 190. 193. 196. 199. 202. 205. 208. 211. 215.
1.10 218. 221. 224. 227. 230. 234. 237. 240. 244. 247.
1.20 250. 254. 257. 260. 264. 267. 270. 274. 277. 281.
1.30 284. 288. 291. 295. 298. 302. 306. 309. 313. 317.
1.40 320. 324. 328. 331. 335. 339. 342. 346. 350. 354.
1.50 358. 361. 365. 369. 373. 377. 381. 385. 389. 392.
1.60 396. 400. 404. 408. 412. 416. 420. 425. 429. 433.
1.70 437. 441. 445. 449. 453. 458. 462. 466. 470. 474.
1.80 479. 483. 487. 491. 496. 500. 504. 509. 513. 517.
1.90 522. 526. 531. 535. 540. 544. 548. 553. 557. 562.
2.00 567. 571. 576. 580. 585. 589. 594. 599. 603. 608.
2.10 613. 617. 622. 627. 631. 636. 641. 646. 650. 655.
2.20 660. 665. 669. 674. 679. 684. 689. 694. 699. 704.
2.30 708. 713. 718. 723. 728. 733. 738. 743. 748. 753.
2.40 758. 763. 769. 774. 779. 784. 789. 794. 799. 804.
2.50 810. 815. 820. 825. 830. 836. 841. 846. 851. 857.
2.60 862. 867. 873. 878. 883. 889. 894. 899. 905. 910.
2.70 916. 921. 927. 932. 937. 943. 948. 954. 959. 965.
2.80 971. 976. 982. 987. 993. 998. 1004. 1010. 1015. 1021.
2.90 1027. 1032. 1038. 1044. 1049. 1055. 1061. 1067. 1072. 1078.
3.00 1084. 1090. 1095. 1101. 1107. 1113. 1119. 1125. 1130. 1136.
3.10 1142. 1148. 1154. 1160. 1166. 1172. 1178. 1184. 1190. 1196.
3.20 1202. 1208. 1214. 1220. 1226. 1232. 1238. 1244. 1250. 1256.
3.30 1262. 1268. 1275. 1281. 1287. 1293. 1299. 1305. 1312. 1318.
3.40 1324. 1330. 1337. 1343. 1349. 1355. 1362. 1368. 1374. 1381.
3.50 1387. 1393. 1400. 1406. 1412. 1419. 1425. 1432. 1438. 1444.
3.60 1451. 1457. 1464. 1470. 1477. 1483. 1490. 1496. 1503. 1509.
3.70 1516. 1523. 1529. 1536. 1542. 1549. 1555. 1562. 1569. 1575.
3.80 1582. 1589. 1595. 1602. 1609. 1615. 1622. 1629. 1636. 1642.
3.90 1649. 1656. 1663. 1670. 1676. 1683. 1690. 1697. 1704. 1710.
4.00 1717. 1724. 1731. 1738. 1745. 1752. 1759. 1766. 1773. 1780.
4.10 1787. 1794. 1801. 1808. 1815. 1822. 1829. 1836. 1843. 1850.
4.20 1857. 1864. 1871. 1878. 1885. 1892. 1899. 1907. 1914. 1921.
4.30 1928. 1935. 1942. 1950. 1957. 1964. 1971. 1978. 1986. 1993.
4.40 2000. 2008. 2015. 2022. 2029. 2037. 2044. 2051. 2059. 2066.
4.50 2073. 2081. 2088. 2096. 2103. 2110. 2118. 2125. 2133. 2140.
4.60 2148. 2155. 2163. 2170. 2178. 2185. 2193. 2200. 2208. 2215.
4.70 2223. 2230. 2238. 2246. 2253. 2261. 2268. 2276. 2284. 2291.
4.80 2299. 2307. 2314. 2322. 2330. 2337. 2345. 2353. 2361. 2368.
4.90 2376. 2384. 2392. 2399. 2407. 2415. 2423. 2431. 2439. 2446.
5.00 2454. 2462. 2470. 2478. 2486. 2494. 2502. 2509. 2517. 2525.
5.10 2533. 2541. 2549. 2557. 2565. 2573. 2581. 2589. 2597. 2605.
5.20 2613. 2621. 2629. 2637. 2645. 2653. 2662. 2670. 2678. 2686.
5.30 2694. 2702. 2710. 2718. 2727. 2735. 2743. 2751. 2759. 2768.
5.40 2776. 2784. 2792. 2801. 2809. 2817. 2825. 2834. 2842. 2850.
5.50 2859. 2867. 2875. 2884. 2892. 2900. 2909. 2917. 2925. 2934.
5.60 2942. 2951. 2959. 2967. 2976. 2984. 2993. 3001. 3010. 3018.
5.70 3027. 3035. 3044. 3052. 3061. 3069. 3078. 3086. 3095. 3103.
5.80 3112. 3121. 3129. 3138. 3146. 3155. 3164. 3172. 3181. 3190.
5.90 3198. 3207. 3216. 3224. 3233. 3242. 3251. 3259. 3268. 3277.
6.00 3286. 3294. 3303. 3312. 3321. 3329. 3338. 3347. 3356. 3365.
Table A9-2. Discharge of fully contracted standard submerged rectangular
orifice in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=0.61A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0
0.01 0.122 0.245 0.367 0.490 0.612 0.734 0.857 0.979
.02 .173 .346 .519 .692 .865 1.04 1.21 1.38
.03 .212 .424 .636 .848 1.06 1.27 1.48 1.70
.04 .245 .490 .734 .979 1.22 1.47 1.71 1.96
.05 .274 .547 .821 1.09 1.37 1.64 1.92 2.19
.06 .300 .600 .899 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40
.07 .324 .648 .971 1.30 1.62 1.94 2.27 2.59
.08 .346 .692 1.04 1.38 1.73 2.08 2.42 2.77
.09 .367 .734 1.10 1.47 1.84 2.20 2.57 2.94
.10 .387 .774 1.16 1.55 1.94 2.32 2.71 3.10
.11 .406 .812 1.22 1.62 2.03 2.44 2.84 3.25
.12 .424 .848 1.27 1.70 2.12 2.54 2.97 3.39
.13 .441 .882 1.32 1.76 2.21 2.65 3.09 3.53
.14 .458 .916 1.37 1.83 2.29 2.75 3.21 3.66
.15 .474 .948 1.42 1.90 2.37 2.84 3.32 3.79
.16 .490 .979 1.47 1.96 2.45 2.94 3.43 3.92
.17 .505 1.01 1.51 2.02 2.52 3.03 3.53 4.04
.18 .519 1.04 1.56 2.08 2.60 3.12 3.63 4.15
.19 .533 1.07 1.60 2.13 2.67 3.20 3.73 4.27
.20 .547 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.74 3.28 3.83 4.38
.21 .561 1.12 1.68 2.24 2.80 3.36 3.93 4.49
.22 .574 1.15 1.72 2.30 2.87 3.44 4.02 4.59
.23 .587 1.17 1.76 2.35 2.93 3.52 4.11 4.70
.24 .600 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.80
.25 .612 1.22 1.84 2.45 3.06 3.67 4.28 4.90
.26 .624 1.25 1.87 2.50 3.12 3.74 4.37 4.99
.27 .636 1.27 1.91 2.54 3.18 3.82 4.45 5.09
.28 .648 1.30 1.94 2.59 3.24 3.89 4.53 5.18
.29 .659 1.32 1.98 2.64 3.30 3.95 4.61 5.27
.30 .670 1.34 2.01 2.68 3.35 4.02 4.69 5.36
.31 .681 1.36 2.04 2.73 3.41 4.09 4.77 5.45
.32 .692 1.38 2.08 2.77 3.46 4.15 4.85 5.54
.33 .703 1.41 2.11 2.81 3.52 4.22 4.92 5.62
.34 .714 1.43 2.14 2.85 3.57 4.28 5.00 5.71
.35 .724 1.45 2.17 2.90 3.62 4.34 5.07 5.79
.36 .734 1.47 2.20 2.94 3.67 4.41 5.14 5.87
.37 .744 1.49 2.23 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.21 5.96
.38 .754 1.51 2.26 3.02 3.77 4.53 5.28 6.04
.39 .764 1.53 2.29 3.06 3.82 4.59 5.35 6.11
.40 .774 1.55 2.32 3.10 3.87 4.64 5.42 6.19
Table A9-2. Discharge of fully contracted standard submerged rectangular
orifice in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula Q=0.61A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0
.41 0.784 1.57 2.35 3.13 3.92 4.70 5.49 6.27
.42 .793 1.59 2.38 3.17 3.97 4.76 5.55 6.34
.43 .803 1.61 2.41 3.21 4.01 4.82 5.62 6.42
.44 .812 1.62 2.44 3.25 4.06 4.87 5.68 6.49
.45 .821 1.64 2.46 3.28 4.10 4.93 5.75 6.57
.46 .830 1.66 2.49 3.32 4.15 4.98 5.81 6.64
.47 .839 1.68 2.52 3.36 4.19 5.03 5.87 6.71
.48 .848 1.70 2.54 3.39 4.24 5.09 5.94 6.78
.49 .857 1.71 2.57 3.43 4.28 5.14 6.00 6.85
.50 .865 1.73 2.60 3.46 4.33 5.19 6.06 6.92
.51 .874 1.75 2.62 3.50 4.37 5.24 6.12 6.99
.52 .882 1.76 2.65 3.53 4.41 5.29 6.18 7.06
.53 .891 1.78 2.67 3.56 4.45 5.35 6.24 7.13
.54 .899 1.80 2.70 3.60 4.50 5.40 6.30 7.19
.55 .908 1.82 2.72 3.63 4.54 5.45 6.35 7.26
.56 .916 1.83 2.75 3.66 4.58 5.49 6.41 7.33
.57 .924 1.85 2.77 3.70 4.62 5.54 6.47 7.39
.58 .932 1.86 2.80 3.73 4.66 5.59 6.52 7.46
.59 .940 1.88 2.82 3.76 4.70 5.64 6.58 7.52
.60 .948 1.90 2.84 3.79 4.74 5.69 6.64 7.58
.61 .956 1.91 2.87 3.82 4.78 5.73 6.69 7.65
.62 .964 1.93 2.89 3.85 4.82 5.78 6.75 7.71
.63 .971 1.94 2.91 3.89 4.86 5.83 6.80 7.77
.64 .979 1.96 2.94 3.92 4.90 5.87 6.85 7.83
.65 .987 1.97 2.96 3.95 4.93 5.92 6.91 7.89
.66 .994 1.99 2.98 3.98 4.97 5.97 6.96 7.95
.67 1.00 2.00 3.01 4.01 5.01 6.01 7.01 8.01
.68 1.01 2.02 3.03 4.04 5.05 6.06 7.06 8.07
.69 1.02 2.03 3.05 4.07 5.08 6.10 7.12 8.13
.70 1.02 2.05 3.07 4.10 5.12 6.14 7.17 8.19
.71 1.03 2.06 3.09 4.12 5.16 6.19 7.22 8.25
.72 1.04 2.08 3.12 4.15 5.19 6.23 7.27 8.31
.73 1.05 2.09 3.14 4.18 5.23 6.27 7.32 8.36
.74 1.05 2.11 3.16 4.21 5.26 6.32 7.37 8.42
.75 1.06 2.12 3.18 4.24 5.30 6.36 7.42 8.48
.76 1.07 2.13 3.20 4.27 5.33 6.40 7.47 8.54
.77 1.07 2.15 3.22 4.30 5.37 6.44 7.52 8.59
.78 1.08 2.16 3.24 4.32 5.40 6.49 7.57 8.65
.79 1.09 2.18 3.26 4.35 5.44 6.53 7.61 8.70
.80 1.09 2.19 3.28 4.38 5.47 6.57 7.66 8.76
Table A9-3. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices with bottom and
side contractions suppressed, in ft
/sec. Computed from the formula
Q=0.70A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
0.04 2.25 2.81 3.37 3.93 4.49 5.62 6.74 7.86
.05 2.51 3.14 3.77 4.40 5.02 6.28 7.54 8.79
.06 2.75 3.44 4.13 4.82 5.50 6.88 8.26 9.63
.07 2.97 3.72 4.46 5.20 5.94 7.43 8.92 10.4
.08 3.18 3.97 4.77 5.56 6.36 7.94 9.53 11.1
.09 3.37 4.21 5.06 5.90 6.74 8.43 10.1 11.8
.10 3.55 4.44 5.33 6.22 7.11 8.88 10.7 12.4
.11 3.73 4.66 5.59 6.52 7.45 9.32 11.2 13.0
.12 3.89 4.86 5.84 6.81 7.78 9.73 11.7 13.6
.13 4.05 5.06 6.08 7.09 8.10 10.1 12.2 14.2
.14 4.20 5.25 6.31 7.36 8.41 10.5 12.6 14.7
.15 4.35 5.44 6.53 7.61 8.70 10.9 13.1 15.2
.16 4.49 5.62 6.74 7.86 8.99 11.2 13.5 15.7
.17 4.63 5.79 6.95 8.11 9.26 11.6 13.9 16.2
.18 4.77 5.96 7.15 8.34 9.53 11.9 14.3 16.7
.19 4.90 6.12 7.35 8.57 9.79 12.2 14.7 17.1
.20 5.02 6.28 7.54 8.79 10.0 12.6 15.1 17.6
.21 5.15 6.44 7.72 9.01 10.3 12.9 15.4 18.0
.22 5.27 6.59 7.90 9.22 10.5 13.2 15.8 18.4
.23 5.39 6.74 8.08 9.43 10.8 13.5 16.2 18.9
.24 5.50 6.88 8.26 9.63 11.0 13.8 16.5 19.3
.25 5.62 7.02 8.43 9.83 11.2 14.0 16.9 19.7
.26 5.73 7.16 8.59 10.0 11.5 14.3 17.2 20.1
.27 5.84 7.30 8.76 10.2 11.7 14.6 17.5 20.4
.28 5.94 7.43 8.92 10.4 11.9 14.9 17.8 20.8
.29 6.05 7.56 9.08 10.6 12.1 15.1 18.2 21.2
.30 6.15 7.69 9.23 10.8 12.3 15.4 18.5 21.5
.31 6.26 7.82 9.38 10.9 12.5 15.6 18.8 21.9
.32 6.36 7.94 9.53 11.1 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.2
.33 6.45 8.07 9.68 11.3 12.9 16.1 19.4 22.6
.34 6.55 8.19 9.83 11.5 13.1 16.4 19.7 22.9
.35 6.65 8.31 9.97 11.6 13.3 16.6 19.9 23.3
.36 6.74 8.43 10.1 11.8 13.5 16.9 20.2 23.6
.37 6.83 8.54 10.3 12.0 13.7 17.1 20.5 23.9
.38 6.93 8.66 10.4 12.1 13.9 17.3 20.8 24.2
.39 7.02 8.77 10.5 12.3 14.0 17.5 21.0 24.6
.40 7.11 8.88 10.7 12.4 14.2 17.8 21.3 24.9
.41 7.19 8.99 10.8 12.6 14.4 18.0 21.6 25.2
.42 7.28 9.10 10.9 12.7 14.6 18.2 21.8 25.5
.43 7.37 9.21 11.1 12.9 14.7 18.4 22.1 25.8
.44 7.45 9.32 11.2 13.0 14.9 18.6 22.4 26.1
.45 7.54 9.42 11.3 13.2 15.1 18.8 22.6 26.4
.46 7.62 9.52 11.4 13.3 15.2 19.0 22.9 26.7
.47 7.70 9.63 11.6 13.5 15.4 19.3 23.1 27.0
.48 7.78 9.73 11.7 13.6 15.6 19.5 23.4 27.2
.49 7.86 9.83 11.8 13.8 15.7 19.7 23.6 27.5
.50 7.94 9.93 11.9 13.9 15.9 19.9 23.8 27.8
.51 8.02 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.1 24.1 28.1
.52 8.10 10.1 12.2 14.2 16.2 20.3 24.3 28.4
.53 8.18 10.2 12.3 14.3 16.4 20.4 24.5 28.6
Table A9-3 [continued]. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices
with bottom and side contractions suppressed, in ft3/sec. Computed
from the formula Q=0.70A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0
0.04 8.99 11.2 13.5 15.7 18.0 20.2 22.5
.05 10.0 12.6 15.1 17.6 20.1 22.6 25.1
.06 11.0 13.8 16.5 19.3 22.0 24.8 27.5
.07 11.9 14.9 17.8 20.8 23.8 26.8 29.7
.08 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.2 25.4 28.6 31.8
.09 13.5 16.9 20.2 23.6 27.0 30.3 33.7
.10 14.2 17.8 21.3 24.9 28.4 32.0 35.5
.11 14.9 18.6 22.4 26.1 29.8 33.5 37.3
.12 15.6 19.5 23.4 27.2 31.1 35.0 38.9
.13 16.2 20.3 24.3 28.4 32.4 36.5 40.5
.14 16.8 21.0 25.2 29.4 33.6 37.8 42.0
.15 17.4 21.8 26.1 30.5 34.8 39.2 43.5
.16 18.0 22.5 27.0 31.5 36.0 40.4 44.9
.17 18.5 23.2 27.8 32.4 37.1 41.7 46.3
.18 19.1 23.8 28.6 33.4 38.1 42.9 47.7
.19 19.6 24.5 29.4 34.3 39.2 44.1 49.0
.20 20.1 25.1 30.1 35.2 40.2 45.2 50.2
.21 20.6 25.7 30.9 36.0 41.2 46.3 51.5
.22 21.1 26.3 31.6 36.9 42.2 47.4 52.7
.23 21.6 26.9 32.3 37.7 43.1 48.5 53.9
.24 22.0 27.5 33.0 38.5 44.0 49.5 55.0
.25 22.5 28.1 33.7 39.3 44.9 50.6 56.2
.26 22.9 28.6 34.4 40.1 45.8 51.6 57.3
.27 23.4 29.2 35.0 40.9 46.7 52.5 58.4
.28 23.8 29.7 35.7 41.6 47.6 53.5 59.4
.29 24.2 30.3 36.3 42.4 48.4 54.5 60.5
.30 24.6 30.8 36.9 43.1 49.2 55.4 61.5
.31 25.0 31.3 37.5 43.8 50.0 56.3 62.6
.32 25.4 31.8 38.1 44.5 50.8 57.2 63.6
.33 25.8 32.3 38.7 45.2 51.6 58.1 64.5
.34 26.2 32.8 39.3 45.9 52.4 59.0 65.5
.35 26.6 33.2 39.9 46.5 53.2 59.8 66.5
.36 27.0 33.7 40.4 47.2 53.9 60.7 67.4
.37 27.3 34.2 41.0 47.8 54.7 61.5 68.3
.38 27.7 34.6 41.6 48.5 55.4 62.3 69.3
.39 28.1 35.1 42.1 49.1 56.1 63.1 70.2
.40 28.4 35.5 42.6 49.7 56.8 64.0 71.1
.41 28.8 36.0 43.2 50.4 57.6 64.7 71.9
.42 29.1 36.4 43.7 51.0 58.2 65.5 72.8
.43 29.5 36.8 44.2 51.6 58.9 66.3 73.7
.44 29.8 37.3 44.7 52.2 59.6 67.1 74.5
.45 30.1 37.7 45.2 52.8 60.3 67.8 75.4
.46 30.5 38.1 45.7 53.3 61.0 68.6 76.2
.47 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61.6 69.3 77.0
.48 31.1 38.9 46.7 54.5 62.3 70.1 77.8
.49 31.5 39.3 47.2 55.1 62.9 70.8 78.6
.50 31.8 39.7 47.7 55.6 63.6 71.5 79.4
.51 32.1 40.1 48.1 56.2 64.2 72.2 80.2
.52 32.4 40.5 48.6 56.7 64.8 72.9 81.0
.53 32.7 40.9 49.1 57.3 65.4 73.6 81.8
Table A9-3 [continued]. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices
with bottom and side contractions suppressed, in ft3/sec. Computed
from the formula Q=0.70A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
0.04 24.7 27.0 29.2 31.5 33.7 36.0 38.2 40.4
.05 27.6 30.1 32.7 35.2 37.7 40.2 42.7 45.2
.06 30.3 33.0 35.8 38.5 41.3 44.0 46.8 49.5
.07 32.7 35.7 38.6 41.6 44.6 47.6 50.5 53.5
.08 35.0 38.1 41.3 44.5 47.7 50.8 54.0 57.2
.09 37.1 40.4 43.8 47.2 50.6 53.9 57.3 60.7
.10 39.1 42.6 46.2 49.7 53.3 56.8 60.4 64.0
.11 41.0 44.7 48.4 52.2 55.9 59.6 63.3 67.1
.12 42.8 46.7 50.6 54.5 58.4 62.3 66.2 70.1
.13 44.6 48.6 52.7 56.7 60.8 64.8 68.9 72.9
.14 46.2 50.4 54.6 58.9 63.1 67.3 71.5 75.7
.15 47.9 52.2 56.6 60.9 65.3 69.6 74.0 78.3
.16 49.4 53.9 58.4 62.9 67.4 71.9 76.4 80.9
.17 51.0 55.6 60.2 64.9 69.5 74.1 78.7 83.4
.18 52.4 57.2 62.0 66.7 71.5 76.3 81.0 85.8
.19 53.9 58.8 63.7 68.6 73.5 78.4 83.3 88.1
.20 55.3 60.3 65.3 70.3 75.4 80.4 85.4 90.4
.21 56.6 61.8 66.9 72.1 77.2 82.4 87.5 92.7
.22 58.0 63.2 68.5 73.8 79.0 84.3 89.6 94.9
.23 59.3 64.7 70.0 75.4 80.8 86.2 91.6 97.0
.24 60.5 66.0 71.6 77.1 82.6 88.1 93.6 99.1
.25 61.8 67.4 73.0 78.6 84.3 89.9 95.5 101.
.26 63.0 68.7 74.5 80.2 85.9 91.7 97.4 103.
.27 64.2 70.1 75.9 81.7 87.6 93.4 99.2 105.
.28 65.4 71.3 77.3 83.2 89.2 95.1 101. 107.
.29 66.6 72.6 78.7 84.7 90.8 96.8 103. 109.
.30 67.7 73.8 80.0 86.2 92.3 98.5 105. 111.
.31 68.8 75.1 81.3 87.6 93.8 100. 106. 113.
.32 69.9 76.3 82.6 89.0 95.3 102. 108. 114.
.33 71.0 77.4 83.9 90.4 96.8 103. 110. 116.
.34 72.1 78.6 85.2 91.7 98.3 105. 111. 118.
.35 73.1 79.8 86.4 93.1 99.7 106. 113. 120.
.36 74.2 80.9 87.6 94.4 101. 108. 115. 121.
.37 75.2 82.0 88.8 95.7 103. 109. 116. 123.
.38 76.2 83.1 90.0 97.0 104. 111. 118. 125.
.39 77.2 84.2 91.2 98.2 105. 112. 119. 126.
.40 78.2 85.3 92.4 99.5 107. 114. 121. 128.
.41 79.1 86.3 93.5 101. 108. 115. 122. 129.
.42 80.1 87.4 94.7 102. 109. 116. 124. 131.
.43 81.0 88.4 95.8 103. 111. 118. 125. 133.
.44 82.0 89.4 96.9 104. 112. 119. 127. 134.
.45 82.9 90.4 98.0 106. 113. 121. 128. 136.
.46 83.8 91.4 99.1 107. 114. 122. 130. 137.
.47 84.7 92.4 100. 108. 116. 123. 131. 139.
.48 85.6 93.4 101. 109. 117. 125. 132. 140.
.49 86.5 94.4 102. 110. 118. 126. 134. 142.
.50 87.4 95.3 103. 111. 119. 127. 135. 143.
.51 88.3 96.3 104. 112. 120. 128. 136. 144.
.52 89.1 97.2 105. 113. 122. 130. 138. 146.
.53 90.0 98.1 106. 115. 123. 131. 139. 147.
Table A9-3 [continued]. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices
with bottom and side contractions suppressed, in ft3/sec. Computed
from the formula Q=0.70A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
38 40 42 44 46 48 50
0.04 42.7 44.9 47.2 49.4 51.7 53.9 56.2
.05 47.7 50.2 52.8 55.3 57.8 60.3 62.8
.06 52.3 55.0 57.8 60.5 63.3 66.0 68.8
.07 56.5 59.4 62.4 65.4 68.4 71.3 74.3
.08 60.4 63.6 66.7 69.9 73.1 76.3 79.4
.09 64.0 67.4 70.8 74.2 77.5 80.9 84.3
.10 67.5 71.1 74.6 78.2 81.7 85.3 88.8
.11 70.8 74.5 78.3 82.0 85.7 89.4 93.2
.12 73.9 77.8 81.7 85.6 89.5 93.4 97.3
.13 77.0 81.0 85.1 89.1 93.2 97.2 101.
.14 79.9 84.1 88.3 92.5 96.7 101. 105.
.15 82.7 87.0 91.4 95.7 100. 104. 109.
.16 85.4 89.9 94.4 98.9 103. 108. 112.
.17 88.0 92.6 97.3 102. 107. 111. 116.
.18 90.6 95.3 100. 105. 110. 114. 119.
.19 93.0 97.9 103. 108. 113. 118. 122.
.20 95.5 100. 106. 111. 116. 121. 126.
.21 97.8 103. 108. 113. 118. 124. 129.
.22 100. 105. 111. 116. 121. 126. 132.
.23 102. 108. 113. 119. 124. 129. 135.
.24 105. 110. 116. 121. 127. 132. 138.
.25 107. 112. 118. 124. 129. 135. 140.
.26 109. 115. 120. 126. 132. 137. 143.
.27 111. 117. 123. 128. 134. 140. 146.
.28 113. 119. 125. 131. 137. 143. 149.
.29 115. 121. 127. 133. 139. 145. 151.
.30 117. 123. 129. 135. 142. 148. 154.
.31 119. 125. 131. 138. 144. 150. 156.
.32 121. 127. 133. 140. 146. 153. 159.
.33 123. 129. 136. 142. 148. 155. 161.
.34 124. 131. 138. 144. 151. 157. 164.
.35 126. 133. 140. 146. 153. 160. 166.
.36 128. 135. 142. 148. 155. 162. 169.
.37 130. 137. 144. 150. 157. 164. 171.
.38 132. 139. 145. 152. 159. 166. 173.
.39 133. 140. 147. 154. 161. 168. 175.
.40 135. 142. 149. 156. 163. 171. 178.
.41 137. 144. 151. 158. 165. 173. 180.
.42 138. 146. 153. 160. 167. 175. 182.
.43 140. 147. 155. 162. 169. 177. 184.
.44 142. 149. 157. 164. 171. 179. 186.
.45 143. 151. 158. 166. 173. 181. 188.
.46 145. 152. 160. 168. 175. 183. 190.
.47 146. 154. 162. 169. 177. 185. 193.
.48 148. 156. 163. 171. 179. 187. 195.
.49 149. 157. 165. 173. 181. 189. 197.
.50 151. 159. 167. 175. 183. 191. 199.
.51 152. 160. 168. 177. 185. 193. 201.
.52 154. 162. 170. 178. 186. 194. 203.
.53 155. 164. 172. 180. 188. 196. 204.
Table A9-3 [continued]. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices
with bottom and side contractions suppressed, in ft3/sec. Computed
from the formula Q=0.70A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
0.04 61.8 67.4 73.0 78.6 84.3 89.9 95.5 101.
.05 69.1 75.4 81.6 87.9 94.2 100. 107. 113.
.06 75.7 82.6 89.4 96.3 103. 110. 117. 124.
.07 81.7 89.2 96.6 104. 111. 119. 126. 134.
.08 87.4 95.3 103. 111. 119. 127. 135. 143.
.09 92.7 101. 110. 118. 126. 135. 143. 152.
.10 97.7 107. 115. 124. 133. 142. 151. 160.
.11 102. 112. 121. 130. 140. 149. 158. 168.
.12 107. 117. 126. 136. 146. 156. 165. 175.
.13 111. 122. 132. 142. 152. 162. 172. 182.
.14 116. 126. 137. 147. 158. 168. 179. 189.
.15 120. 131. 141. 152. 163. 174. 185. 196.
.16 124. 135. 146. 157. 169. 180. 191. 202.
.17 127. 139. 151. 162. 174. 185. 197. 208.
.18 131. 143. 155. 167. 179. 191. 203. 214.
.19 135. 147. 159. 171. 184. 196. 208. 220.
.20 138. 151. 163. 176. 188. 201. 214. 226.
.21 142. 154. 167. 180. 193. 206. 219. 232.
.22 145. 158. 171. 184. 198. 211. 224. 237.
.23 148. 162. 175. 189. 202. 216. 229. 242.
.24 151. 165. 179. 193. 206. 220. 234. 248.
.25 154. 169. 183. 197. 211. 225. 239. 253.
.26 158. 172. 186. 201. 215. 229. 243. 258.
.27 161. 175. 190. 204. 219. 234. 248. 263.
.28 163. 178. 193. 208. 223. 238. 253. 268.
.29 166. 182. 197. 212. 227. 242. 257. 272.
.30 169. 185. 200. 215. 231. 246. 262. 277.
.31 172. 188. 203. 219. 235. 250. 266. 281.
.32 175. 191. 207. 222. 238. 254. 270. 286.
.33 177. 194. 210. 226. 242. 258. 274. 290.
.34 180. 197. 213. 229. 246. 262. 278. 295.
.35 183. 199. 216. 233. 249. 266. 282. 299.
.36 185. 202. 219. 236. 253. 270. 286. 303.
.37 188. 205. 222. 239. 256. 273. 290. 308.
.38 190. 208. 225. 242. 260. 277. 294. 312.
.39 193. 210. 228. 246. 263. 281. 298. 316.
.40 195. 213. 231. 249. 266. 284. 302. 320.
.41 198. 216. 234. 252. 270. 288. 306. 324.
.42 200. 218. 237. 255. 273. 291. 309. 328.
.43 203. 221. 239. 258. 276. 295. 313. 332.
.44 205. 224. 242. 261. 279. 298. 317. 335.
.45 207. 226. 245. 264. 283. 301. 320. 339.
.46 210. 229. 248. 267. 286. 305. 324. 343.
.47 212. 231. 250. 270. 289. 308. 327. 347.
.48 214. 234. 253. 272. 292. 311. 331. 350.
.49 216. 236. 256. 275. 295. 315. 334. 354.
.50 218. 238. 258. 278. 298. 318. 338. 357.
.51 221. 241. 261. 281. 301. 321. 341. 361.
.52 223. 243. 263. 284. 304. 324. 344. 365.
.53 225. 245. 266. 286. 307. 327. 348. 368.
Table A9-3 [continued]. Discharge of rectangular submerged orifices
with bottom and side contractions suppressed, in ft3/sec. Computed
from the formula Q=0.70A(2g h )
Head Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet
h , ft
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
0.04 107 112 118 124 129 135 140
.05 119 126 132 138 144 151 157
.06 131 138 144 151 158 165 172
.07 141 149 156 163 171 178 186
.08 151 159 167 175 183 191 199
.09 160 169 177 185 194 202 211
.10 169 178 187 195 204 213 222
.11 177 186 196 205 214 224 233
.12 185 195 204 214 224 234 243
.13 192 203 213 223 233 243 253
.14 200 210 221 231 242 252 263
.15 207 218 228 239 250 261 272
.16 213 225 236 247 258 270 281
.17 220 232 243 255 266 278 290
.18 226 238 250 262 274 286 298
.19 233 245 257 269 282 294 306
.20 239 251 264 276 289 301 314
.21 245 257 270 283 296 309 322
.22 250 263 277 290 303 316 329
.23 256 269 283 296 310 323 337
.24 261 275 289 303 316 330 344
.25 267 281 295 309 323 337 351
.26 272 286 301 315 329 344 358
.27 277 292 306 321 336 350 365
.28 282 297 312 327 342 357 372
.29 287 303 318 333 348 363 378
.30 292 308 323 338 354 369 385
.31 297 313 328 344 360 375 391
.32 302 318 334 350 365 381 397
.33 307 323 339 355 371 387 403
.34 311 328 344 360 377 393 409
.35 316 332 349 366 382 399 415
.36 320 337 354 371 388 404 421
.37 325 342 359 376 393 410 427
.38 329 346 364 381 398 416 433
.39 333 351 368 386 403 421 439
.40 338 355 373 391 409 426 444
.41 342 360 378 396 414 432 450
.42 346 364 382 400 419 437 455
.43 350 368 387 405 424 442 460
.44 354 373 391 410 429 447 466
.45 358 377 396 415 433 452 471
.46 362 381 400 419 438 457 476
.47 366 385 404 424 443 462 481
.48 370 389 409 428 448 467 486
.49 374 393 413 433 452 472 492
.50 377 397 417 437 457 477 497
.51 381 401 421 441 461 481 501
.52 385 405 425 446 466 486 506
.53 389 409 429 450 470 491 511
Table A9-4. Discharge of constant-head orifice (CHO) turnout in ft
Capacity is 20 ft
/sec, gate size is 30 by 24 inches, h =0.20 feet.
Gate opening in feet
Gate opening in feet
/sec 2 gates 1 gate ft
/sec 2 gates 1 gate
0.25 0.02 0.04 10.25 0.81 -----
.50 .04 .08 10.50 .83 -----
.75 .06 .12 10.75 .85 -----
1.00 .08 .16 11.00 .87 -----
1.25 .10 .20 11.25 .89 -----
1.50 .12 .24 11.50 .91 -----
1.75 .14 .28 11.75 .93 -----
2.00 .16 .32 12.00 .95 -----
2.25 .18 .36 12.25 .97 -----
2.50 .20 .40 12.50 .99 -----
2.75 .22 .44 12.75 1.01 -----
3.00 .24 .48 13.00 1.03 -----
3.25 .26 .52 13.25 1.05 -----
3.50 .28 .56 13.50 1.07 -----
3.75 .30 .60 13.75 1.085 -----
4.00 .32 .64 14.00 1.10 -----
4.25 .34 .68 14.25 1.12 -----
4.50 .36 .72 14.50 1.14 -----
4.75 .38 .755 14.75 1.16 -----
5.00 .40 .79 15.00 1.18 -----
5.25 .42 .83 15.25 1.20 -----
5.50 .44 .87 15.50 1.22 -----
5.75 .46 .91 15.75 1.24 -----
6.00 .48 .95 16.00 1.26 -----
6.25 .50 .99 16.25 1.28 -----
6.50 .52 1.03 16.50 1.30 -----
6.75 .54 1.065 16.75 1.32 -----
7.00 .56 1.10 17.00 1.34 -----
7.25 .58 1.14 17.25 1.355 -----
7.50 .60 1.18 17.50 1.37 -----
7.75 .62 1.22 17.75 1.39 -----
8.00 .64 1.26 18.00 1.41 -----
8.25 .66 1.30 18.25 1.43 -----
8.50 .68 1.34 18.50 1.45 -----
8.75 .70 1.375 18.75 1.47 -----
9.00 .72 1.41 19.00 1.49 -----
9.25 .74 1.45 19.25 1.51 -----
9.50 .76 1.49 19.50 1.53 -----
9.75 .775 1.525 19.75 1.545 -----
10.00 .80 1.56 20.00 1.56 -----
Table A9-5. Discharge of constant-head orifice (CHO) turnout in ft
Capacity is 10 ft
/sec, gate size is 24 by 18 inches, h =0.20 feet.
Gate opening in feet
Gate opening in feet
/sec 2 gates 1 gate ft
/sec 2 gates 1 gate
0.25 0.025 0.05 5.25 0.525 -----
.50 .05 .10 5.50 .55 -----
.75 .075 .15 5.75 .575 -----
1.00 .10 .20 6.00 .60 -----
1.25 .125 .25 6.25 .625 -----
1.50 .15 .30 6.50 .65 -----
1.75 .175 .35 6.75 .675 -----
2.00 .20 .40 7.00 .70 -----
2.25 .225 .45 7.25 .722 -----
2.50 .25 .50 7.50 .74 -----
2.75 .275 .55 7.75 .765 -----
3.00 .30 .60 8.00 .79 -----
3.25 .325 .65 8.25 .815 -----
3.50 .35 .70 8.50 .84 -----
3.75 .375 .745 8.75 .865 -----
4.00 .40 .79 9.00 .89 -----
4.25 .425 .84 9.25 .915 -----
4.50 .45 .89 9.50 .94 -----
4.75 .475 .94 9.75 .965 -----
5.00 .50 .99 10.00 .99 -----
Table A9-6. Discharges for standard sized constant-head orifice (CHO)
turnouts (Aisenbrey, 1978).
Orifice gate openings in feet, for various size turnouts
Gate width
18 inch 18 inch 24 inch 30 inch 30 inch 36 inch 42 inch 48 inch 48 inch
1.0 0.27 0.27 0.20 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10
2.0 .53 .53 .40 .32 .32 .27 .23 .20 .20
3.0 ----- .80 .60 .48 .48 .40 .34 .30 .30
4.0 ----- 1.06 .80 .64 .64 .53 .46 .40 .40
5.0 ----- ----- .99 .80 .80 .66 .57 .50 .50
6.0 ----- ----- 1.19 .96 .96 .80 .68 .60 .60
7.0 ----- ----- ----- 1.12 1.12 .93 .80 .70 .70
8.0 ----- ----- ----- 1.27 1.27 1.06 .91 .80 .80
9.0 ----- ----- ----- 1.43 1.43 1.19 1.02 .90 .90
10.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.59 1.33 1.14 1.00 1.00
11.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.75 1.46 1.25 1.10 1.10
12.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.91 1.59 1.37 1.19 1.20
14.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.86 1.59 1.39 1.39
15.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.99 1.71 1.49 1.49
16.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.82 1.59 1.59
18.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.05 1.79 1.79
20.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.99 1.99
21.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.09 2.09
22.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.19 2.19
24.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.39 2.39
30.0 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2.99