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Expression of Mirnas and Pten in Endometrial Specimens Ranging From Histologically Normal To Hyperplasia and Endometrial Adenocarcinoma

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Expression of miRNAs and PTEN in

endometrial specimens ranging from

histologically normal to hyperplasia and
endometrial adenocarcinoma
Heejeong Lee
, Hyun Joo Choi
, Chang Suk Kang
, Hee Jin Lee
, Weon Sun Lee
Chul Soo Park
Department of Hospital Pathology, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea;
Department of
Clinical Medicine Research Institute, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea and
Department of
Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
We investigated the relationship between frequently deregulated microRNAs (miRNAs) and enodometrial
pathology in an attempt to find the most dependable miRNA or combination of miRNAs to identify normal,
hyperplastic and malignant endometrial tissues. We also investigated the association between those miRNAs
and PTEN status. We measured the expression of six miRNAs (miR-21, 182, 183, 200a, 200c and 205) in 75
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded normal, hyperplastic, and malignant endometrial tissue blocks using
Taqman-based real-time PCR assays. PTEN loss of expression was assessed in the same endometrial tissues
by immunohistochemistry. Expression of five miRNAs (miR-182, 183, 200a, 200c and 205) was significantly
higher in endometrial carcinoma (CA) when compared with complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH), simple
hyperplasia (SH) and normal endometrial tissue (Po0.05, respectively). Considering the likelihood ratio and
number of parameters, the composite panel of six miRNAs was the best marker, revealing a sensitivity of 91%
and a specificity of 94% in differentiating endometrial CA from endometrial hyperplasia or normal endometrium
while the individual miRNAs exhibited 6477% sensitivity and 6691% specificity. Interestingly, in distinguish-
ing endometrial CA from CAH, the composite panel of four miRNAs (miR-182, 183, 200a, 200c) was the best
marker, producing 95% sensitivity and 91% specificity. The percentage of PTEN loss was significantly higher in
endometrial CA compared with SH (68% vs 24%, Po0.05), and it was also higher in CAH compared with SH (71%
vs 24%, Po005). Aberrant expression of miRNAs and loss of PTEN expression are common in endometrial
hyperplasia and CA. They might serve to increase the diagnostic reproducibility and improve discrimination,
especially, between CAH and CA by miRNA expression profiles and between simple and complex hyperplasia
through PTEN expression patterns. Those expression profiles of biomarkers also might be used to predict the
potential for progression from endometrial hyperplasia to invasive CA.
Modern Pathology (2012) 25, 15081515; doi:10.1038/modpathol.2012.111; published online 6 July 2012
Keywords: endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma; microRNA; PTEN
Endometrial carcinoma (CA) is the most common
female genital tract malignancy in developed coun-
tries such as the United States.
According to
national tumor registry,
the incidence of endome-
trial cancer in Korea also remarkably increased from
1991 to 2005.
Clinicopathologic and epidemiologic studies have
supported the malignant potential of endometrial
hyperplasia and the concept of continuum of
proliferative glandular lesions culminating, in some
cases, in CA.
Accurate diagnosis and curative
intervention of those precancerous lesions are as
important for endometrial cancers as for cervical
cancers. However, two factors make classification
Received 7 February 2012; revised 8 May 2012; accepted 14 May
2012; published online 6 July 2012
Correspondence: Professor CS Park, MD, PhD, Division of
Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medi-
cine, The Catholic University, Saint Marys hospital, 62 Yoido-
dong, Seoul 150-713, Korea.
E-mail: Charlie@catholic.ac.kr
Modern Pathology (2012) 25, 15081515
1508 & 2012 USCAP, Inc. All rights reserved 0893-3952/12 $32.00
of endometrial hyperplasia suboptimal, such as
curettage sampling errors and subjective WHO
Diagnosis of such a precancerous
endometrial hyperplasia, especially the criteria
for cytologic atypia, which confers a significantly
increased risk of progression to CA,
is very
subjective among pathologists and has shown a
low interobserver reproducibility of o50% in
most studies.
Those results prevent the WHO-
based classification of endometrial hyperplasia to
guide patient clinical management and treatment
MicroRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that have
been implicated in tumor development. They reg-
ulate target gene expression either by mRNA
degradation or by translation repression.
general, each microRNA (miRNA) can regulate up
to hundreds of target genes.
During tumor devel-
opment, aberrant expression of miRNAs can either
inactivate tumor suppressor genes or activate onco-
thereby promoting tumor forma-
Because expression of miRNAs is
detectable in blood
and correlates
with clinical cancer behaviors,
miRNAs are poten-
tial valuable biomarkers.
Until recently, several studies have identified
either upregulated or downregulated miRNAs in
endometrial tissue samples. They used the global
profiling method
or the candidate miRNA
and showed that aberrant expression
of miRNAs has been associated with tumor histol-
response to steroid therapy
or chemother-
and survival.
However, most studies
determined miRNA expression in either normal
endometrial tissues or cancer tissues, and the
possible miRNA expression in endometrial hyper-
plasia is largely unknown.
Mutations in PTEN have been found in more
than 20% of hyperplasias, both with and without
atypia, and in 3080% of endometrial CAs,
suggesting that alterations in PTEN occur at a
relatively early stage in endometrial tumorigen-
Characterization of the complex relationship
between miRNAs and the target gene PTEN in
endometrial lesions may help further to define
some of the molecular pathways that drive carci-
nogenesis. Thus, we decided to seek for the
differential expression of six miRNAs, which have
been reported most frequently in endometrial
and PTEN in a variety of
endometrial tissues to understand the endometrial
carcinogenesis and apply those expression pro-
files to the pathologic diagnostic field. Those
biomarkers would help to increase the diagnostic
reproducibility of endometrial hyperplasia and
also improve discrimination between complex
atypical hyperplasia (CAH) and endometrial CA.
Those expression profiles of biomarkers might
also be expected to identify those patients with
endometrial hyperplasia who have concurrent CA
or are at risk of developing it.
Materials and methods
Endometrial Tissue Samples and Patients
A total of 75 archived formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks of normal endome-
trium (10 cases), simple hyperplasia (SH, 21 cases),
CAH (22 cases) and endometrial CA (22 cases) were
obtained from the Pathology Department of Bucheon
St Marys Hospital from 1994 to 2004. The patients
age ranged from 29 to 77 years, with a median of 47
years. Of 22 CAs, 16 cases were myometrial-invasive
with 15 patients in substage IA, 5 in substage IB and
2 in substage IIIC1, according to the International
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics standards.
Histologic diagnoses were reviewed by two
independent pathologists. Normal tissues were
obtained from the patients who had a hysterectomy
for benign uterine pathologies such as leiomyoma,
adenomyosis or prolapsed uteri. Only tissue blocks
with more than 80% of hyperplasia or CA content
were used for this study. For endometrial CAs, we
selected only well-differentiated (grade 1), endome-
trioid-type, endometrial CAs because they are the
main targets we should discriminate from CAHs.
RNA Extraction
Total RNA from FFPE tissues was extracted using
RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (Am-
bion, Texas, USA) following the manufacturers
protocol. RNA concentration and purity were
assessed using UV Spectrophotometer.
Reverse Transcription- and Quantitative Real-Time
Reverse transcription and quantitative real-time
PCRs were performed for the following miRNAs:
miR-205, miR-183, miR-200c, miR-200a, miR-182
and miR-21 using the MicroRNA TaqMan Reverse
Transcription Kit and the TaqMan MicroRNA
Assays in triplicate (Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA, USA). U6 small nuclear 2 (RNU6b) was
used to normalize input total small RNA. Absolute
quantification for each miRNA as well as RNU6b
was performed using a standard curve generated by
serial dilution of reverse transcribed total RNA
extracted from VK2 cells, and expression of each
miRNA was presented as the ratio between miRNA
and RNU6b (RQ).
Immunohistochemical Analysis of PTEN Loss of
Material was available from all cases of endometrial
tissues for immunohistochemical analysis of PTEN
loss of expression. Four-micron sections of FFPE
tissue were cut and placed on Superfrost Plus
microscope slides (VWR, San Francisco, CA, USA).
MicroRNA and PTEN in endometrium
H Lee et al 1509
Modern Pathology (2012) 25, 15081515
The tissue sections were deparaffinized and rehy-
drated through graded alcohols. Endogenous perox-
idase activity was blocked by incubation in 3%
. Antigen retrieval was carried out with 0.01M
citrate buffer pH 6.0 and microwave heat induction.
Approximately 100ml of the primary rabbit mono-
clonal antibody (diluted 1:100; Cell Signaling Tech-
nology, clone138G6, Danvers, MA, USA) or antibody
diluents lacking the primary antibody was applied to
each slide. The slides were washed, and a biotiny-
lated anti-rabbit antibody (diluted 1:500; Vector
Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) was applied.
After a second wash, the avidinbiotinperoxidase
complex (Vector Laboratories) was applied. Color
development was accomplished by incubation in
diaminobenzidine with 3% H
as a substrate, and
nickel chloride enhancement. The slides were
counterstained with methyl green, dehydrated
through graded alcohols, cleared in xylene and
coverslipped with permanent mounting media. All
cases were reviewed and interpreted without the
knowledge of other laboratory or clinical results.
Individual glands were scored as PTEN-null when
the signal was absent in the nuclear and cytoplasmic
compartments of most cells in that gland. Because
the burden of PTEN-null glands in general remains
less than 25% until clonal expansion into an EIN
specimens were scored as PTEN-positive if
more than 95% of endometrial glands expressed
PTEN with 5% and less PTEN-null glands, hetero-
genous with 694% PTEN-null glands and PTEN-
negative with more than 95% PTEN-null glands.
Immunohistochemical loss of PTEN included speci-
mens scored as negative and heterogeneous accord-
ing to previous reported methods.
Statistical Analysis
KruskalWallis test was used to compare the RQ of
miRNA expression with respect to pathological
findings of patients. Pathologic diagnosis was used
as a standard reference. The receiveroperator char-
acteristic curve was constructed and the cutoff values
of each miRNA and the composite panel of miRNAs
that produced high overall accuracy were selected.
The sensitivity and specificity in differentiating CA
from other tissues and CA from CAH were calculated
for each cutoff. The area under receiver-operating
characteristic curve (AUC) was also estimated. To
determine the best composite panel of miRNAs, we
used Akaikes Information Criteria, which deter-
mines the best fitting model based on the likelihood
ratio test and the number of model parameters.
difference of PTEN expression between the patholo-
gic groups was tested with w
test, and the difference
of miRNA expressions between PTEN loss and
expressor specimens was tested with MannWhitney
test. A two-sided 0.05 test level determined statistical
significance for all analyses.
MicroRNA Expression in Clinical Samples
Expression levels of five miRNAs (miR-182, 183,
200a, 200c and 205) were significantly higher in
endometrial CAwhen compared with CAH, SH and
normal endometrial tissue (Po0.05, respectively;
Figure 1). Expression level of miRNA-21 was
moderately elevated in endometrial CA compared
with CAH (Po0.1). No miRNA expression level was
significantly different among normal endometrium,
SH and CAH.
MicroRNAs Panel Optimized as Biomarkers for
Endometrial Carcinoma
The individual microRNAs exhibited AUC values of
0.6650.904 in distinguishing endometrial CA from
Figure 1 (af) The expression levels of miRNA-182, 183, 200a, 200c and 205 were significantly higher in endometrial carcinoma (CA)
compared with normal endometrium (nl), simple hyperplasia (SH) or complex hyperplasia. The horizontal line indicates the median
value. *Po0.05, endometrial CA vs nl, SH, complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH), respectively.
MicroRNA and PTEN in endometrium
1510 H Lee et al
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endometrial hyperplasia or normal endometrium,
revealing 6477% sensitivity and 6691% specifi-
city (all Po0.05; Table 1). In discriminating
endometrial CAs from other tissues, the composite
panel of all six miRNAs was determined to be the
best fitting model. The composite panel of six
miRNAs produced 0.961 AUC that was higher than
any other individual gene used alone (Po0.05).
Given a specificity of 94%, the composite panel
revealed a sensitivity of 91% in differentiating
endometrial CA cases from hyperplasia or normal
cases (Figure 2).
When discriminating endometrial CA from CAH,
the individual microRNAs exhibited AUC values of
0.7600.896, revealing 6782% sensitivity and 63
77% specificity (all Po0.05; Table 2). The
best fitting panel consisted of four miRNAs (miR-
182, 183, 200a and 200c). This panel exhibited
AUC values of 0.957, 95% sensitivity and 91%
specificity in distinguishing endometrial CA from
CAH (Figure 3).
PTEN Status in Endometrial Tissue Samples and
Association with MicroRNA Expression
Loss of PTEN expression was determined in the
same endometrial tissues by immunohistochemical
analysis. Altered PTEN expression was noted in 2 of
10 normal endometrium (20%), 5 of 21 SH (24%), 15
of 21 CAH (71%) and 15 of 22 endometrial CA
(68%). Among PTEN loss specimens, PTEN hetero-
genous type was more frequently detected in normal
and SH compared with CAH and CA (86% vs 10%;
Figure 4). The percentage of PTEN loss (PTEN-
negative and heterogeneous cases) was significantly
higher in endometrial CA compared with SH
(68% vs 24%, Po0.05); it was also higher in CAH
compared with SH (71% vs 24%, Po0.05; Figure 5).
Expression of miR-200c was significantly higher in
PTEN-negative tissue compared with PTEN-positive
tissue (Po0.05). Expression of miR-21 and miR-183
did not show a significant correlation with PTEN
expression patterns.
Table 1 Capability of the miRNAs to discriminate endometrial
carcinoma from endometrial hyperplasia or normal endometrium
miRNAs AUC (SE) Sensitivity
miR-21 0.665 (0.074) 67 66
miR-182 0.855 (0.048) 64 91
miR-183 0.904 (0.037) 77 80
miR-200a 0.847 (0.050) 76 72
miR-200c 0.790 (0.060) 67 74
miR-205 0.799 (0.070) 77 86
6miRNAs 0.961 (0.025) 91 94
Abbreviations: AUC, the area under receive-operating characteristics
curve; SE, standard error.
All Po0.05.
Figure 2 (ag) Receiveroperator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis of expression levels of miRNAs. The area under the ROC curve
(AUC) for each miRNA indicates its accuracy in differentiating endometrial carcinoma from endometrial hyperplasia or normal
endometrium. All P-values o0.05.
Table 2 Capability of the miRNAs to discriminate endometrial
carcinoma from complex atypical hyperplasia
MiRNAs AUC(SE) Sensitivity
miR-21 0.771 (0.072) 81 63
miR-182 0.850 (0.057) 81 73
miR-183 0.896 (0.046) 82 73
miR-200a 0.855 (0.056) 77 73
miR-200c 0.760 (0.073) 67 64
miR-205 0.773 (0.090) 77 77
4miRNAs 0.957 (0.032) 95 91
Abbreviations: AUC, the area under receiveroperating characteristics
curve; SE, standard error.
All Po0.05.
MicroRNA and PTEN in endometrium
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Modern Pathology (2012) 25, 15081515
In the present study, we determined the expression
of the six miRNAs most frequently reported in
endometrial cancers,
correlated with
pathologic findings as well as PTEN tumor suppres-
sor expression. Recently, several studies have
noted associations between microRNA expressions
Figure 3 (ag) Receiveroperator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis of expression levels of miRNAs. The area under the ROC curve
(AUC) for each miRNA indicates its accuracy in differentiating endometrial carcinoma from complex atypical hyperplasia. All Po0.05.
Figure 4 (ad) Immunohistochemical loss of PTEN in (a) normal endometrium (PTEN loss, heterogeneous); (b) simple hyperplasia
(PTEN loss, heterogeneous); (c) complex atypical hyperplasia (PTEN loss, -negative); and (d) endometrial carcinoma (PTEN loss,
-negative). The white arrowhead indicates representative PTEN-null gland, and the black arrowhead indicates representative PTEN-
expressor gland.
MicroRNA and PTEN in endometrium
1512 H Lee et al
Modern Pathology (2012) 25, 15081515
and endometrial CAs. Most frequently, miR-
and 183,
were reported to be upregulated in
endometrial CAs including cancer cell lines com-
pared with normal endometrial controls, especially
in early-stage and well-differentiated cancers. A few
of the most recent studies reported upregulated
miRNA-200 family in endometrioid endometrial
CA wit
showing that all members of miR-200
family (200a, 200b, 200c, 149, 429) were upregulated
in endometrioid endometrial CA compared with the
levels in normal endometrial tissues. However, those
results are less informative from a pathological
standpoint because it is not so difficult to discrimi-
nate between cancer and normal endometrial tissues.
We thought we needed more practical biomarkers
for differential diagnosis between CAH and well-
differentiated endometrioid-type endometrial CA or
between simple and complex hyperplasia. It is those
lesions that we pathologists find it particularly
difficult to make a diagnosis in daily routine
practice. Although Snowdon et al
showed that 43
dysregulated miRNAs in endometrioid endometrial
CA and CAH compared with normal controls from
microarray study, they did not suggest any practi-
cally helpful panels of miRNAs to discriminate
among those three lesions.
Surprisingly, we detected significant differences
between normal endometriun or hyperplastic tissue
and endometrial CA in five out of six miRNAs. The
higher expression of miR-182, 183, 200a, 200c and
205 was noted in endometrial CA when compared
with CAH, SH and normal endometrial tissue. All of
the six miRNAs exhibited statistically discriminat-
ing power between endometrial CA and other tissue
types, with miR-183, in particular, showing higher
than 80% sensitivity and specificity. We also found
that a composite panel of six miRNAs was the
statistically best biomarker.
From a clinical perspective, it is particularly
difficult to differentiate between CAH and endome-
trial CA in some cases, and correct pathologic
diagnosis is critical in treating these patients. In our
study, five out of six miRNAs showed higher
expression in endometrial CA compared with CAHs.
Based on AUC analysis, individual miRNAs were
proven to be substantially informative. However,
the composite panel of four miRNAs consisting of
miR-182, 183, 200a and 200c was the best combined
biomarker to differentiate endometrial CA from CAH.
Considering the high sensitivity and specificity
above 90%, it might be used as a supplementary
diagnostic tool in complicated cases.
PTEN is the confirmed target of miR-21
predicted target of miR-200c and 183. Predicted
targets were examined with http://microrna.sanger.
In a few studies, PTEN immuno-
histochemical expression patterns have been re-
ported to have utility as a diagnostic marker for
differentiating normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic
Pavlakis et al
suggested that
PTEN-loss and nuclear atypia of EIN in endometrial
biopsies can predict the existence of a concurrent
endometrial CA. However, some other studies have
failed to show that lack of PTEN expression has the
specificity and reproducibility to be clinically
useful as a biomarker.
Thus, we decided to
ascertain the role of PTEN tumor suppressor gene in
endometrial tumors and the relationship with
miRNA alterations including specific miRNAs,
which were considered to target PTEN tumor
suppressor gene.
In the present study, the percentage of PTEN loss
including PTEN-negative and heterogeneous cases
was significantly higher in endometrial CA and CAH
compared with SH and normal endometrium. Inter-
estingly, miR-200c was significantly upregulated in
various PTEN-negative endometrial tissues. How-
ever, based on our data that showed a discrepancy
between PTEN loss and miR-200c expression in
CAH, another mechanism or miRNAs might be
involved in the process of PTEN loss in the
endometrial carcinogenesis pathway. Although PTEN
is the confirmed target of miRNA-21 and miRNA-21
is considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of
and the estrogen receptor net-
miRNA-21 does not seem to be involved in
the endometrial tumorigenesis in our study.
The results of our study suggest that several
miRNAs (miR-182, 183, 200a, 200c and 205) are
involved in progression from complex atypical
endometrial hyperplasia to CA, whereas PTEN has
a role in the progression from SH to CAH. Thus,
using those expression profiles in the diagnostic
field, we could estimate the malignant potential of
the endometrial tissue samples that are histopatho-
logically controversial. That is, the normalized ratio
of a real-time PCR result of miRNAs might be used to
discriminate between CAH and well-differentiated
endometrial CAs, while PTEN loss of expression
pattern seems useful for differential diagnosis
between simple and CAH. Furthermore, although
Figure 5 Differential expression of PTEN in endometrial tissues.
*Po0.05, PETN loss (PTEN-negative heterogeneous) vs PTEN-
positive; endometrial carcinoma (CA) or complex atypical
hyperplasia (CAH) vs normal endometrium (nl) or simple
hyperplasia (SH), respectively.
MicroRNA and PTEN in endometrium
H Lee et al 1513
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endometrial tissue samples are hyperplasia, or less
histopathologically, if the upregulated miRNA
expression profile matches that of endometrial CA,
we may assume that the possibility of concurrent
endometrial CA or high risk of progression to CA is
very likely. However, future studies with a test
set, where we could try using our panel on a set of
unknown cases to see whether they were able to
pick up any unrecognized cases of endometrial
adenocarcinoma are warranted to determine
whether this interaction truly implies and stratifies
risks. If the panel is able to detect cases that are
missed by surgical pathologists, who then have the
opportunity to correct their diagnoses before signing
the case out, it could be really valuable, and could
be applied in difficult cases.
There has been no report on applying miRNA and
PTEN expression profiles for histopathologic differ-
ential diagnosis among simple, CAH and endome-
trial CA. It is hoped that expression profiles of those
biomarkers could help us choose one of several
categories of endometrial lesions with more con-
fidence, particularly when distinguishing between
CAH and well-differentiated endometrial CA.
This work was supported by grants from the
Institute of Clinical Medicine Research of Bucheon
St Marys Hospital. Informed consent was obtained
according to procedures approved by the Human
Subjects Committee of the Catholic University of
Disclosure/conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Modern Pathology (2012) 25, 15081515
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