0504 NewsPath Breast Carcinoma Markers
0504 NewsPath Breast Carcinoma Markers
0504 NewsPath Breast Carcinoma Markers
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Breast carcinoma is the most common malignancy and the leading cause of
cancer death in women. In this country, there has been a sharp increase in its
detection, largely due to the widespread use of mammography. Despite detection
of smaller (and presumably earlier) disease, the survival rate has improved very
little since the 1930s.
Nonetheless, the best technique to use remains unclear as it has not been
determined which can be most accurately measured and will provide results that
correlate well with overall survival.
DNA Ploidy: DNA content in cells can be determined by flow cytometry, image
analysis or laser scanning cytometry. Aneuploid DNA content has been shown to
be associated with a worse prognosis, but it is uncertain whether this parameter
adds independent information of prognostic value.