Nugrout Hi Spec
Nugrout Hi Spec
Nugrout Hi Spec
Has controlled expansion and is non-shrink.
Excellent early compressive and flexural
Resistant to vibration and impact.
Material can be poured, pumped, vibrated
or rodded.
Excellent bond strength to both steel and
Requires only addition of clean water.
Resistant to oil and water.
Excellent flowability and placement
Surface Preparation
Surfaces should be clean and free from loose and
unsound material. Oil and grease should be removed
using Desolve. Surfaces should be thoroughly wetted
for a period of 2 hours and any surplus water removed
before placement. Allow to become surface dry thus
obtaining a saturated, surface dry condition.
Low Temperature Working
Grouting should not take place in temperatures below
C unless steps have been taken to protect grouted
area in these conditions. At temperatures below 10
the Nugrout Hi Spec should be maintained in a store at
15 to 20
C for a minimum of 24 hours and the mixing
water should be between 20 and 25
Nugrout Hi Spec is supplied in 25 kg polythene lined
sacks, approximate yield 13 litres.
Health & Safety
Nugrout Hi Spec does not present any undue hazard and
is non-toxic, however, as with all cementitious
materials, it is slightly alkaline therefore gloves and
goggles should be worn and any material should be
washed from the skin and eyes before it dries with clean
Store in cool dry conditions.
The placed material must be cured immediately after
finishing using good concrete practice. The preferred
method is to apply Nufins Curing Compounds directly
onto the grouted area. If this is not possible then the
grout should be protected with polythene sheeting which
is taped down to form a draught proof area.
Technical Support
Through our technical department and laboratories we
can offer a comprehensive service to specifiers and
Technical representatives are available throughout the
UK to provide further information and arrange
Excessive water additions will reduce strengths and can
cause segregation within the mix which may limit the
Concreting should not take place in temperatures below
C unless steps have been taken to protect concreted
areas in these conditions.
Application Instructions
The mixed material should be placed by pouring or
pumping, remembering that flowability decreases with
time and temperatures. Always mix sufficient material
to complete placing in one uninterrupted pour.
Place the product from one side only so as to avoid
entrapped air and ensure continual free flow of the
When pumping, the addition of excess water is not
necessary as this could cause segregation of the mix
and inhibit pumping.
Grouting should not take place in temperatures at 5
or lower unless steps have been taken to protect the
concreted areas from these conditions.
Where formwork is involved, it is essential that it is
thoroughly sealed to prevent grout loss and coated with
Chemlease to obtain an easier strip.
Mixing may be carried out in a standard free fall type of
barrel mixer or pan type paddle mixer of a size suitable
for the quantity to be prepared for use at one time. The
mixing of part bags of materials is not recommended.
The mixer should be of a type that will thoroughly mix the
material and water without leaving residual unmixed
material or 'balling'.
The contents of each bag of Nugrout Hi Spec requires
mixing with clean water only, no other ingredients are
The mixer drum is to be clean and free from the remains
of previous mixes.
Thoroughly wet inside the mixer drum and drain off any
excess water.
Measure out a quantity of clean water into a suitable
container 2.75 - 4 litres per 25 kg bag depending upon
consistency required, and place two thirds of this in the
mixer drum.
With mixer rotating, add full contents of dry mix to drum
and allow to mix for 1 minute.
Add remainder of water and allow to mix for up to 4
minutes depending on the type of mixer used.
Pour mix into container(s) and allow to de-aerate for
2-3 minutes.
Use mix as required.
Nugrout Hi Spec may also be mixed into a trowelable
consistency although the water addition is critical
needing careful control. The addition rate is
approximately 2.4 litres per 25 kg bag.
Kingston House, 3 Walton Road, Pattinson North, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE38 8QA, United Kingdom.
TEL: +44 (0) 191 416 8360 FAX: +44 (0) 191 415 5966 W: E:
The information and/or specifications contained herein or in our literature or given by Nufins, its employees, distributors, agents or representatives with regard to its product or their use or
application are given in good faith, but no liability is accepted for any loss or damage (including direct or consequential loss or loss of profits) from the use of products because Nufins has no
control over how its products are used and applied.