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Synoptic Charts

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Measuring the

The weather is the condition of
the atmosphere at a particular
time and place, including the air
pressure, wind, cloud cover,
p r e c i p i t a t i o n , s u n s h i n e ,
temperature and humidity. It
influences day to day living more
than any other aspect of the
physi cal envi r onment . I t
determines the clothing people
wear, the design of houses and
the activities that people pursue.

The weather is dynamic. It
varies dramatically from place to
place, even over short distances
and sometimes through the
cour se of a si ngl e day.
Met eorol ogi st s col l ect and
analyse information about the
weather i n order to make
forecasts. This information is
helpful when: thinking about
taking a trip to the beach, cricket
captains plan their tactics.

Can you think of other situations
where the weather forecast is
useful in decision making?
Weather stations contain
i n s t r u me n t s t h a t
measure air pressure,
temperature, humidity,
w i n d s p e e d a n d
pr eci pi t at i on. They
r ecor d obser vat i ons
continuously and send
t he dat a t o cent r al
comput er s t hr ough
modern communication
t e c h n o l o g i e s f o r
Temperature: a measure of the amount of heat
in the air
- Temper at ur e i s measur ed usi ng a
thermometer and recorded in degrees Celsius
Humidity: a measure of the amount of moisture
in the air
- Humidity is measured using a hygrometer
and recorded as a percentage (%)
Precipitation: any form of water falling to Earth,
including rain, hail and snow
- Rainfall is the precipitation most commonly
measured at a weather station. It is measured
using a rain gauge and recorded in millimetres
Air Pressure: the weight of the air
- Air pressure (atmospheric pressure) is
measured using a barometer and recorded in
hectopascals (hPa). It is a measure of the force
of air pressure down onto the Earths surface.
Wind Speed: the rate of air movement
- Wi nd speed i s measured usi ng an
anemometer and recorded in metres per
Synoptic Charts (Weather Maps)
- Provide a summary of the weather conditions at any given
- They can also be used to predict weather conditions into
the future.
- This is what a synoptic chart looks like:
What is air pressure?
Air pressure is the weight of air pressing down on the earths surface.

If air is warmed, it expands, rises and creates a low pressure area on the earths

If air is cooled, it contracts, descends and creates an area of high pressure on the
earths surface.

Areas of high and low pressure determine much of the earths weather.
/0/1 2*%
56,7+$, .
89 7" ::0
. #+%=2
/0@A %?B
/01A 2*%
Low Pressure Systems

- Warm air rises
- Unstable conditions
- Cloudy skies, rain and strong
- Air flows in a clockwise
H i g h P r e s s u r e

- Stable conditions
- Gentle winds, clear skies
and little chance of rain
- Air flows in an anti- clockwise
Winds are strongest
when isobars are
close together.
Isobars are the
l i nes t hat j oi n
places of equal
air pressure.
WhaL ls Lhe alr pressure aL
1010 ha
ls Lhls a hlgh or low pressure
WhaL Lype of weaLher
condluons can we expecL
8aln, clouds, sLrong
Whlch clLy ls mosL llkely Lo
have Lhe sLrongesL wlnds?
erLh - because Lhe
lsobars are close
WhaL ls Lhe alr pressure
aL Lord Powe lsland?
8eLween 1014 and
1012 ha. So, when
Lhe place ls noL
dlrecLly locaLed on an
lsobar, you would
wrlLe whlch Lwo lL
falls beLween
Wind Direction
A quick method to figure out wind direction is:

3 km/hr

10 km/hr

13 km/hr

dlrecuon -
from Lhe
Wind Direction

3 km/hr

10 km/hr

13 km/hr

A/ 13km/hr,
A/ 23km/hr,
A/ 33km/hr,

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