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AWH PH 11 - Design Guidelines

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The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) Page 1 of 16

Design Guidelines

(PHASE 11)

The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) Page 2 of 16
Design Guidelines

Table of Contents

Page No.

I. Purpose and Intent 3
II. Definition of Terms 4
III. Design Review Committee 4
IV. Review Procedure 5
V. Design Criteria 5
VI. Building Placement 5
VII. Architectural Treatment 6
VIII. Sitework 9
IX. Miscellaneous 12
X. Interpretation of Guidelines 12
XI. Recommendations
Architectural Treatment 13
Architectural Materials 14
Fence Designs 15
Retailing Wall/ Riprap Materials 16

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Design Guidelines

Design Guidelines


The primary intent of these Design Guidelines is to help establish the character of The
ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) (see Illustration I). It is not
the intent of these guidelines to limit the creativity of the Owner but rather to assure to each
Owner that the key elements that attracted them to The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala
Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) - its natural setting, view, topography and aesthetic appeal - will
be preserved and enhanced by the structures that will be built within the Village. These
guidelines are aimed at maintaining unity and consistency amid the diversity of architectural
styles and treatment that will exist in The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights
(PHASE 11).

Illustration I

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Design Guidelines


As used in this Design Guidelines, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them.
All other capitalized terms used, but not otherwise defined, herein shall have the same meanings
ascribed to them in the Deed Restrictions of which this Design Guidelines forms an integral part.

Compatibility shall refer to an agreeable relationship in, and in some instances actual
continuity of, architectural style, mass, proportions, rhythm, scale, quality of design and
materials, and use of materials, color and design details.

Contextual Relationship pertains to the characteristics of any existing structures, the
neighborhood, and the individual site.

Deed Restrictions shall refer to the Deed of Restrictions, Covenants and Conditions on the use
of Lots within the ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) as may be
supplemented by the Declarant and any supplement hereto.

Design Guidelines shall refer to this Design Guidelines attached to the Deed Restrictions and
made an integral part thereof which outlines and illustrates recommendatory physical,
architectural, landscape, and urban design characteristics intended for The ORCHARD
TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11).

Design Review Committee shall refer to the Declarant or the committee created to review all
construction work within The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE

Members shall refer to the members of the Design Review Committee who shall be the duly
authorized representative of the Declarant and any Owner who is a member in good standing of
the Association.

Proportion shall refer to the relationship of height to width, voids to solids, bulk of the
structure to other nearby structures, and of the parts to the whole (see Illustration II).
Illustration II

Rhythm shall refer to the regular occurrences of elements such as windows, doors, colors, and
trim detail.

Scale shall refer to the size in three dimensions of the proposed structure/alteration. Its height,
width and bulk should relate well with its immediate and adjacent surroundings.

Village Architect shall refer to a duly licensed professional architect engaged by the
Association and who shall sit as member of the Design Review Committee for the purpose set
forth in Article III-C hereof.


A. The Association, in its capacity of administering the Deed Restrictions, shall create a
Design Review Committee that will be responsible for the review of all proposed
construction work within The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights
(PHASE 11).

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Design Guidelines
B. The Design Review Committee shall have five (5) members consisting of the following:

the Village Architect; and
four (4) Members who are registered architects and/or engineers.

Apart from the Member representing the Declarant, all the other members of the Design
Review Committee shall be appointed by the Association. The chairman of the Design
Review Committee shall be selected by its members from among them.

C. The Village Architect shall be responsible for the review of plans and specifications and
on-site inspection of all proposed constructions, additions, and alterations to monitor
compliance with the Deed Restrictions, including the Design Guidelines, and endorse
such plans and specifications for approval by the Design Review Committee.

D. The Design Review Committee shall be responsible for the following:

1. Recommend for approval all proposed constructions, additions and alterations as
endorsed by the Village Architect;
2. Interpret and monitor compliance with the Deed Restrictions, including the
Design Guidelines;
3. Collect fees duly authorized by the Association to allow it to execute its
functions; and
4. Perform such other functions that may be necessary or incidental to the foregoing
or such functions as may be delegated to it by the Board.


A. Prior to submitting to any public or government agency any plans and specifications for
any proposed construction, three (3) sets of such plans and specifications shall be
submitted to the Design Review Committee. Such plans and specifications shall include,
but not limited to, the following:

1:200 meter scale detailed site development plan showing the lot plan with
proposed Lot grading, Building footprint with roof outline, driveway, fence
location, outdoor structures, ripraps/retaining walls, landscape development,
adjacent street and sidewalk.
1:50 meter scale Floor Plans showing the lot plan.
1:50 meter scale elevation drawings for all four Building sides.
Perspective drawing of the proposed new construction.

B. Within twenty-one (21) working days from its receipt of the complete set of plans and
specifications, the Design Review Committee may approve, approve with modifications,
or deny approval of the plans and specifications, and shall thereafter forward its decision
to the applicant.


A. The design of the structures shall at all times strive to maintain a harmonious contextual
relationship with the overall community design as established by the Declarant.
Buildings shall be designed so as to achieve Compatibility with the intended use and with
the site to which it is placed.

B. The proposed construction should relate favorably to the planning, landscaping,
topography and existing character of the neighborhood. Primary concerns are the
preservation of access, sunlight, ventilation, view and drainage as well as the impact on
the privacy and normal use of neighborhood property.


In order to achieve a uniform streetscape, Buildings or their facades shall be placed as much as
possible orthogonally (or parallel) relative to the property line fronting a street except in cases
wherein the Lot configuration makes an orthogonal building placement impractical (See
Illustration VI).

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Design Guidelines

Illustration VI


A. General Architectural Treatment

1. The architecture of the homes within The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala
Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) will contribute significantly in shaping the
character and image of the ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights
(PHASE 11). A human-scaled architecture that is appropriate to the tropical
setting and culture of the Philippines and sensitive to the physical attributes of
the site is encouraged. Residential architecture that complements rather than
detracts from its surroundings will assure a coherent, organized streetscape and
avoid a disjointed appearance of the neighborhood. Recommended architectural
treatments and materials are illustrated on pages 13 to 16 and shall be governed
by the Deed Restrictions.

2. Building facades are encouraged to have a variety of architectural elements that
create a Rhythm of form, shadow, color and texture that will help break up the
mass of the buildings

3. Building Mass and Scale shall be in Proportion to the surroundings.

B. Porches

1. Porches should create a variety in the overall faade of the dwelling structure and
contribute to the overall aesthetic character of The ORCHARD TERRACES at
Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11).

2. Porches are allowed, provided that, these are constructed in accordance with the
Setback Areas required by the Deed Restrictions and visually conform to the
aesthetic character of The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights
(PHASE 11).

3. Porches should be roofed and should contain within it the main entrance of the
Dwelling Unit (see Illustration VII-B).

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Design Guidelines
Illustration VII-B

C. Garages

1. The objective in designing the garage is to reduce the visual impact of the
automobile and to allow the architectural and human-scale elements of the
structure to be visibly dominant from the street.

2. Garage facades are recommended, but not required, to be set back from the main
residential dwelling faade by a minimum of one-half (1/2) meter so as to
maintain a visually pleasing streetscape for The ORCHARD TERRACES at
Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11). Furthermore, garage structures may also
be located at the rear of the dwelling structure (see Illustration VII-C).

Illustration VII-C

D. Roof Treatment

1. Roof forms are among the most visible components of the built environment and
shall thus be regulated in design.

2. Pitched roofs with overhangs best respond to the local climate and are
encouraged. Flat roofs are discouraged (see Illustration VII-D).

3. Roof colors are encouraged to have earth tones such as, but not limited to, shades
or hues of red, brown, and grey. Unorthodox roof colors such as, but not limited
to, shades or hues of: black, white, green, violet, purple, pink, green, blue and
similar colors should be avoided.

4. Approval of roof design and material by the Design Review Committee shall not
in any way imply approval of the structural integrity of the roof plans.

Lot Lot
0.5 meter
Lot Lot
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Design Guidelines

Illustration VII-D

E. Facade Treatment

1. Building elevations directly fronting a street or park shall be considered as
facades and are recommended to follow these guidelines:

(a) The architectural treatment of facades should be consistent with the
design context of The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove
Heights (PHASE 11) as determined by the Design Review Committee.

(b) Box-type facades should be avoided.

(c) Unorthodox colors such as, but not limited to, shades or hues of: black,
green, violet, purple, bright pink, neon green, electric blue and similar
colors should be avoided.

(d) External finish materials of any building constructed should be easy to
maintain and should be of such type, color and material that is
harmonious with the overall design context of The ORCHARD
TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11).

(e) House numbers should be visible from the street. Numbers should be
read from left to right using Arabic numerals.

2. Balconies, lanais and terraces that overlook open areas are allowed and

3. Air-conditioning units, antennas, water tanks and other utility equipment are
discouraged from being located along the facade or in locations visible to the
public. When it is unavoidable to place such structure in areas visible to the
public, such structures shall be thoroughly concealed from public view by means
of planting and/or appropriate screening.

4. Pipes and other plumbing work, except downspouts, shall be concealed from
public view using materials consistent with the overall aesthetic character of The
ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11).

5. Mailboxes are recommended to be attached to the front faade near the main
door of the dwelling structure or attached to the fence directly adjacent to the
main pedestrian or vehicular entrance of the fence. Mailboxes should be of the
type of material (preferably metal) and color that is harmonious with the

F. Decks
A Deck may be constructed within a Residential or Non-Residential Lot,
provided that the design is governed by the Deed Restrictions and subject to the
design approval by the Declarant or the Association. Aforementioned structure
shall be substantially finished with the same materials as the Residence where it
is appurtenant to and shall be in harmony with its architectural theme.
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Design Guidelines

G. Type of Materials

Locally available materials that are environmentally friendly, easy to maintain, strong
and are harmonious with the overall design context of The ORCHARD TERRACES at
Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) are encouraged. Use of timber from endangered
tree species should be avoided.

Exterior building treatment should utilize conventional finishing materials such as
painted masonry, stonework or the like.

Use of thatch (whether cogon, nipa, anahaw, reeds, or the like) for roofing material or
walls should be avoided due to its high combustibility and inappropriateness for the
character envisioned for The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights
(PHASE 11).

See pages 13 to 16 for recommended architectural materials.


A. Landscaping

1. The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) is
intended to be a nature-oriented development. As such, areas for landscaping are
strongly encouraged to be provided by the Owner within the Lot, preferably at
the front yard facing the street. This creates and reinforces the Villages
character, prestige, and ambience.

2. Planting materials to be used should be ornamental in nature. A list of
recommended plant materials are found below:

Recommended Trees within the Lot

Scientific Name Common Name
Bauhinia species Alibangbang
Callistemon species Bottlebrush Tree
Cananga odorata Ylang ylang
Cassia fistula Goldenshower
Cassia javanica Pinkshower
Cynometra ramiflora Balitbitan
Eucalyptus species Bagras
Lagerstroemia indica Banaba

Michelia champaca Champaka
Pisonia alba Maluko
Schefflera actinophylla Umbrella Tree
Tabebuia species Tabebuia

Recommended Palm Species

Scientific Name Common Name
Areca catechu Betel Nut Palm
Bismarckia nobilis Bismarck Palm
Caryota species Fishtail Palms
Chamaedora sifrizi Sifritzi Palm
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Palmera
Cyrtostachys lakka Red Palm
Livistonia rotundifolia Anahao
Mascarena lagenicaulis Champagne Palm
Neodypsis decaryi Blue Palm
Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm
Phoenix roebelenii Pygmy Date Palm
Ptychosperma macarthurii Macarthur Palm
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Design Guidelines
Roystonea elata Royal Palm
Veitchia merrilli Manila Palm
Wodyetia bifurcata Foxtail Palm

Recommended Shrub Species

Scientific Name Common Name
Acalypha wilkesiana Copperleaf
Agave family Agave
Aglaonema family Aglaonema
Alpinia family Ornamental Ginger
Fern family Pako
Bamboo family Bamboo
Bromeliads family Bromeliads
Calathea family Calatheas
Codaeium variegatum San Fransisco
Cordyline fruticosa Ti Plant
Dieffenbachia family Dieffenbachia
Dracaena family Song of India, Song of Jamaica, Fortune Plant, Scarlet Beatuy, etc.
Duranta repens Golden Duranta
Heliconia family Heliconias
Monstera deliciosa Monstera
Pandanus family Pandan
Pedilanthus tithymaloides Pedilanthus
Philodendron family Selloum,
Phyllantus myrtifolia Japanese Bush
Polyscias sp. Papua
Rhapis excelsa Rhapis
Sanseveria family Snake Plant, Saseviera Hahnii, Sanseviera Laurentii, etc.
Schefflera sp. Five Fingers, Octopus Plant, etc.
Strobilanthes dyerianus Conehead
Yucca aloifolia Yucca
Cycad family Jamaican Sago, Zamia, Pitogo, Oliva

Recommended Ground Cover

Scientific Name Common Name
Aerva cultivar Purple Crumble
Aerva sp. Red Creeper
Alternanthera sp. Cucharitas
Coleus sp. Mayanas
Epipremnum pinnatum Pothos
Hemigraphis alternata Purple Waffle Plant
Juniperus horizontalis Creeping Juniper
Neoregelia species Neoregelias
Neoregelia hybrids Giant Neoregelias
Nephrolepis biserrata Sword Fern
Nephrolepis exalta Boston Boston Fern
Ophiopogon jaburan White Ophiopogon
Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo Grass
Pandanus pygmea variegata Dwarf Variegated Pandan
Rhoeo species Moses on the Boat
Selaginella species Malvarosa
Setcresea purpurea Purple Heart
Stenotaphrum secundatum Saint Augustin Grass
Syngonium variegata Variegated Syngonium
Zebrina pendula Wandering Jew

3. Trees and shrubs to be avoided are those with the following characteristics:
poisonous, via ingestion or skin contact (e.g. Oleanders, Adelfas,
Yellowbells, etc.)
attractive to flies, caterpillar, and other irritating insects (e.g. Fire Trees,
Aratiles, etc.)
prone to branch breakage (e.g. African Tulip Trees, Acacia Family)
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Design Guidelines
lateral growth roots that may destroy nearby walls, pavement, or utilities (e.g.
Fire Trees, Copper Pods, Acacia Trees, etc.).
bear fruits that have hardy outer shells. (e.g. Mahogany family, Coconut
Trees, etc.)
have flowers with bad odor. (e.g. Calumpang, Lantana Family, etc.)
more appropriate for high altitude and temperate climate conditions (e.g.
Pine family, Agohos, etc.)
more appropriate for agricultural use (e.g. Rice, Corn, Pechay, Kamote, etc.)
considered as plants growing in the wild (e.g. Cogon, Talahib, Saluyot, etc.)

4. Tree removal is subject to prior approval and regulations in accordance with the
Deed Restrictions.

B. Surface/ Storm Management System

The ORCHARD TERRACES at Ayala Westgrove Heights (PHASE 11) is intended to be
an environment-friendly development and the conservation of ground water resource will
be a critical element towards achieving this end. This will be achieved by limiting the
amount of impermeable surface within the development and by providing landscaped
open spaces that will allow the recharging of natural aquifers in the site. It is, therefore,
recommended that the Owner provide and utilize within the Lot the following:

dedicated landscaped open areas with minimal paving; extensive outdoor paving is
storm lines and catch basins lined with permeable material such as perforated basins
or gravel beds; and
permeable materials for paved outdoor surfaces (e.g., grass-crete, interlocking
concrete pavers on sand beds, etc).

C. Earthmoving

Earthmoving is recommended to be kept to a minimum. Cutting or filling for landscaped
areas which require structural containment or slope protection (by retaining wall, rip-rap
or the like) shall be designed to minimize the Scale and mass of the structural
containment. The face of the structural containment shall be finished with stonework
and/or landscaping to avoid a harsh appearance (refer to page 15 for the recommended
slope protection treatment).

D. Basketball/Play Courts

Basketball/play courts within the Lots are recommended to be located and treated in such
a manner as to keep them visually and physically unobtrusive and shall in no way be a
visual, acoustical, or physical detriment to adjacent neighbors. Basketball/play courts
shall not be placed at the front area of the lot or attached to any portion of the Dwelling
Units faade facing the street and should comply with the Setback Areas required under
the Deed Restrictions.

E. Outdoor Structures

The construction of outdoor structures shall be governed by the Deed Restrictions.

F. Swimming Pools

The construction of swimming pools shall be governed by the Deed Restrictions.

G. Grading

Grading/earthmoving of Lots shall be governed by the Deed Restrictions.

H. Fences

Recommended fence design and materials are illustrated on page 15 and the construction
of fences shall be governed by the Deed Restrictions.

I. Entrances and Driveways

The construction of vehicular entrances and driveways shall be governed by the Deed
Restrictions in order to establish a pedestrian-friendly environment for the development
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Design Guidelines
and design thereof.

J. Deepwells and Reservoirs

The construction and provision of sewage and storm drainage facilities of each
Dwelling Unit shall be governed by the Deed Restrictions.


An Owner can implement various changes and additions in the construction of a Residence on the
Lot other than those described above. If the proposed alteration or construction is not governed
by the foregoing provisions, reference should be made to the provision of this Design Guidelines
that is closest in concept thereto which should then be used as a guide in the application for
approval of a construction design to be submitted to the Design Review Committee. Consultation
with the Design Review Committee is also recommended prior to commencement of any project.


Where there appears to be a conflict in the interpretation of the Deed Restrictions, Design
Guidelines and the rules and regulations adopted by the Association or the Design Review
Committee, the provisions and intent of the Deed Restrictions shall prevail, unless the particular
provision of this Design Guidelines, the rules and regulations adopted by the Association or the
Design Review Committee is intended to implement or impose a more restrictive and stringent
condition, in which case such provision shall govern.

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Design Guidelines

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Design Guidelines

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Design Guidelines

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Design Guidelines

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