The document is a classified ad section from a local newspaper. It contains various advertisements for services, items for sale, and community events in the area. The ads cover topics like river cruises, fencing, window blinds, electric motor repair, pawn shops, auto repair, beer and wine, framing, and more.
The document is a classified ad section from a local newspaper. It contains various advertisements for services, items for sale, and community events in the area. The ads cover topics like river cruises, fencing, window blinds, electric motor repair, pawn shops, auto repair, beer and wine, framing, and more.
The document is a classified ad section from a local newspaper. It contains various advertisements for services, items for sale, and community events in the area. The ads cover topics like river cruises, fencing, window blinds, electric motor repair, pawn shops, auto repair, beer and wine, framing, and more.
The document is a classified ad section from a local newspaper. It contains various advertisements for services, items for sale, and community events in the area. The ads cover topics like river cruises, fencing, window blinds, electric motor repair, pawn shops, auto repair, beer and wine, framing, and more.
com MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 1
MISCELLANEOUS DOWN RIVER DINNER Cruise. Sundays, 4:30pm- 9:30pm. August. Dates: 8/17, 8/31. Ride with SNAKE RIVER ADVENTURES through Lower Granite Dam to Almota at Boyer Park. Dine on Tri-tip with all the trimmings. $90 plus tax, per person. Space limited, call now! 800-262-8874. BARBED WIRE FENCING New or repair. Jerry Johnson, 208-983-6095, cellular. B&C WINDOW FASHIONS Now manufacturing vertical blinds and replacement head- rails, repairing home and RV blinds or sell you new! One room or whole house. 509- 751-9305, Clarkston. ELECTRIC MOTOR AND PUMP REPAIR Pump repair for hot tubs, swimming pools, jetted bath- tubs, irrigation. Motor repair on most types. Licensed and insured. 208-790-4070 or 208-790-3115, S&L Electric LLC. THE GUN PAWN SHOP will loan cash on your guns. Top money paid also for your guns and related items. Come see Ken. ORCHARDS PAWN & GUNS, 615 Thain, Lewiston. 208-746-1521. CLARKSTON AUTO CARE. Front brakes, $99 plus pads and turn rotors, most cars. Rear brakes, $119 plus pads and turn rotors, most cars, large pickups a little extra. Clutches from $299 plus clutch kit and turn fly wheel. We do almost any operation on cars and pickup trucks. (Call first for Appointment). 38 years experience. Usually 1 day service. 208- 305-9364. Domestic & Imported BEERS, FINE CIGARS PREMIUM WINES Pipes, Custom Tobaccos and Exclusive Fine Quality Gifts. GIFT WORLD, INC., 610-1/2 Main, Downtown Lewiston, across from Zions Bank. CUSTOM MATTING and Framing. Large selection of Art Supplies. BROCKMANS, 204 Thain, Lewiston. 208- 746-9811. DRYWALL REPAIR PAINT SERVICES Wall repair: patches, cracks, water damage, room addi- tions. Any size job welcomed. Ask about our discounts. All work masked kept clean. Professional painting: match colors, custom colors, one wall, full repaint, interior, exte- rior painting. On time, on bud- get. RR FINISHING TOUCH, 509-780-2728. ROSIES RIBS We do much more than just ribs! Call ahead for racks to go. Call for catering menu. 509-751-RIBS. Or check our website- BACK TO SCHOOL... Entire stock High Sierra book packs and day packs up to 50% OFF MSRP. Shoes by Nike, Brooks, Asics and more. Only at TRI-STATE OUTFITTERS, 120 Thain Road, Lewiston. Lowest price guaranteed! 208-746-5307 WALLYS CRAWFISH TRAPS Jigs 1/16 to 1/2 oz., lead weights, down rigger ball, pyramid anchor. 208-553- 6956, Lewiston. MODEL HOME FURNISHINGS Dining, bed- room, leather, micro fabric, sofas, loveseats, chairs, ottomans, sectionals, home office, entertainment centers, tables, lamps, reclining sofas & chairs, carpet, area rugs, accessories, mattresses and more! MUST SELL! Pullman, 509-332-5505, www.extra- BLUE MOUNTAIN CONTAINERS 30 and 40 yard roll-off/ drop box dumpsters, ideal for con- struction projects, demolition debris and site cleanups. Lowest prices in town. Call for pricing, 208-790-9000, 208-305-2027, Lewiston. IMMIGRATION- Need help with a fiancee, spouse, fam- ily visa or green card? Law Office of Michael Cherasia, 208-883-4410. 200 S Almon #207, Moscow. LEWISTON ELECTRIC MOTORS. 410 Miller St. We rebuild all types of pumps: swimming pool; hot tub; irri- gation. 208-743-2021. I BUY NON-RUNNING Vehicles- I also repair vehi- cles here at CLARKSTON AUTO CARE. Call for appoint- ment today. 38 years experi- ence. 16 years in the Valley. 208-305-9364. BANKRUPTCY STOP FORECLOSURES/ G A R N I S H M E N T S / HARASSING CALLS, LOW FLAT RATE, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filing. NO HIDDEN FEES. Compare Our Prices, Services, and the years of experience of the attor- ney handling your case. Free Initial Consultation. Insurance Plans Accepted. Patricia L. Evans, Attorney. Call for Appointment 208- 791-6794, OR 509-592- 9880. Appointments to Fit Your Schedule. Licensed Idaho and Washington. LUCKY INN Tavern & Grill. Birthday Celebration $5.00/ plate, Saturday, August 16th at 6pm. Also free pool every Sunday! 3017 East Main Street, Lewiston. BANKRUPTCY RELIEF Drowning in debt? Lewiston Bankruptcy Lawyer TECLA DRUFFEL will throw you a life raft. Free Consultations. Customized advice, quality work and affordable fees. As a debt relief agency, her office has helped individuals get a fresh start through the bankruptcy process for over 35 years. Call today: 208- 743-9569. CARLTON CONTAINERS 20 OR 40 RENTAL or sale units. New or used. On site delivery. 208-743-3257, Lewiston. POPLAR STREET STORAGE Super Secure Storage Units now available. 8x14, $40. 12x26, $80. 14x32, $120. Managed by All Valley Property Management, Inc. at 836 6th St., Clarkston, WA. 99403. Call Monday- Thursay 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-4pm. 509-758-9747. RICKMAN TILE and LAMINATE Installation. Serving Lewiston/ Clarkston for 20 years. Licensed and bonded. 208-816-8936. EMERALD GARDEN Fabric. Long arm and quilt- ing classes. Request Quilters Newsletter updates at egar- 2125 14th Avenue, Lewiston (behind Starbucks). 208- 743-1849. VALLEY WINDOW SCREENING $20 to re-screen any win- dow 36 and under. We are an on-site company. We come to you. 509-339-3686, Clarkston. Check out our Facebook page at Valley Screening for pric- ing and more information on what we offer. LAWN RENOVATION Hydroseeding, Concrete landscape curbing APEX, 509-758-1543. #1 RATED VALLEY PAINTING AND REMODEL General Contractor. Spring Special 10% Off all painting. 25 years experience. Residential and commercial. Interior/ Exterior. 208-305- 3342. ID#RCE-13236, WA#VALLEPS945KH. GENE WANTS TO retire but cant until everything is gone. Come on down. Great buys. Make offers. Ar t, vintage books, antiques, vintage toys, bronzes, crystals, Idaho star garnets, rare mineral speci- mens. New beads coming in weekly. REASONABLE RELICS, 528 Main St., down- town Lewiston. 208-798- 3473. WE ARE BUYING firearms. If you have guns you are not using we will pay cash for them, no waiting, and it is easy with CASH PAID on the spot. Also buying ammu- nition, reloading equipment and hunting related items. CALL KEN AT ORCHARDS PAWN & GUN SHOP, 615 Thain Road, Lewiston, 208- 746-1521. QUALITY CHAIN- LINK and vinyl fence supplies in stock and at great prices, at Lucky Acres! Let us help you design and lay out your do- it- yourself project. ID#RC- 15318, WA#LUCKYA933DW. Lewiston, Idaho. 208-746- 1228. WE PAY MORE for gold and silver! Turn your rings, chains, gold fillings, sil- verware, etc. into CASH!! STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston, 208- 746-6148. BIG BEAR NEW/ USED TIRES We buy, sell, mount, dis- mount and spin balance new/ used tires. General welding and trailer repair. 1630 13th St., Clarkston. 509-780- 1033. Open 8 days a week. NEED CASH? See Steves. No hassles. No gimmicks! Just service youve been trusting since 1986. STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746-6148. POWDER COATING & SAND BLASTING We can coat and sand- blast anything metal: Snowmobiles, ATV, auto, and marine parts. Railings, wheels, bangboards, bed frames, tool boxes, trailers, patio furniture, and more. WE CAN POWDER COAT TOUGH! CUSTOM COAT, 2905 Clearwater Avenue, Lewiston. 208-746-4105. Also in Pasco. CHIMNEY SWEEP, dryer vent and pellet stove cleaning. HARRIS CHIMNEY & STOVE, 208-827-2410. LADIES NIGHT Thursday, August 21st, 6pm-8pm. Best buys of the year this night only. 50% off select Montana Silver. HUGE BLOWOUT ON CLOTHING. Tack, lawn and garden, home decor and more. Great selec- tion of rodeo, back to school and Christmas gift items. First 60 ladies receive a free gift. Great door prizes. Free food and beverages. Many factory representatives on hand to answer questions. DONT MISS this huge event! CHS PRIMELAND COUNTRY STORE, Lewiston, Idaho. HONDA EU 1000i generator; Keltec PMR-30 .22 magnum. STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208- 746-6148. MR-CABINET.COM Affordable Custom Kitchens Plywood custom cabinets, best price. Serving Quad- Cities for over 35 years! Delivered and profession- ally installed. Free estimates! 208-301-3800. BLACK SHEEP SPORTS 1701 Main, Lewiston, 208- 746-8948. Come in and Check Out the New and Improved Bass Section and Strike King fishing products. The Regions #1 Classic Outdoor Adventures Store!! #1 in New Guns. #1 in Fishing. Now featuring the largest selection of fishing rods in the Valley.Dont be fooled... Check it out for yourself! Virus Trouble? Pop Ups? PC Running slow? We can help! THE COMPUTER DOCTORS, 108 18th Street, Lewiston. 208-743-3597. www.computerdoctorslive. net KENMORE REFRIGERATOR, used 11 days, 17dx15- 1/2wx24h. Kenmore microwave, 1200 watt, 15-1/2dx22wx12h. $150 for both, great for dorm or office. 509-243-1214, Clarkston. PAINT YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS Beautiful results, profession- ally done, fantastic discounts. Free estimates and consulta- tions. Call Roy at AMERICAS PAINT MASTERS. 208-816- 2211. BUYING RADIO TUBES. 208- 746-9650, 208-746-0350, Lewiston. MOSCOW: 443 EAST 7TH. Gigantic Yard Sale. Friday, August 15, 4-8pm. Saturday, August 16, 7am-1pm. 9-1/2 pickup camper, foosball table, Honda 70, Honda 50, 70 and 90 parts, full size pickup canopy, serger, several bicycles, crib, high chair, 2 play n packs, swing, oak quilting frame, exercis- er, lots of clothes, rocks, lawn chairs, amplifier, auto- motive paint, desk, bassinet and lots of miscellaneous! MYSTICAL GIFTS AND MEMORIES. Summer clean- up sale! Yard art, $5. Purses, $20. While supplies last. Many $1 items. Dont forget to check us out for backpacks and Back to School tie-dye clothing. 613 Bryden Avenue. USED GLASS DISPLAY case, 70 long by 20 wide, has key lock, $125, cash only, you haul. See at 1216 Cedar Ave., Lewiston. 208-743- 0560. 208-743-0560. DID YOU KNOW that the MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP has three talented designers that can design logos, posters, brochures, business cards and much more? Stop in and see us at 626 Thain Rd., Lewiston, or visit our website at www. THREE LUNCH BOXES: Peanuts; Mickey Mouse; Speed Buggy, $60 for all. Joe Montana 45 card career set, $10. Darth Vader collectors case with 20+ figures, $25. Darth Vader full mask, $10. Jar of old tokens, 500+, $25. Two jars of old marbles, $20. C3P0/ R2D2 talking bank, $15. Treasure Hunt Hot Wheels, $5 each. Small chest of foreign coins 10 for $1, over 900. James Bond 1960s board game, $5, nice. Trading card sets: X-Men; Batman; Spiderman; X-Files; Conan; many more, $5 each set. Mint US stamps, over 200 uncirculated 1940-1970s, $30. 19 John Lennon 1980s col- lectors magazines, per- fect condition, $25. Over 150 Rock-n-Roll records, $1 each or best offer for all. 5 Redline 1960s Hot Wheels, very good condi- tion, $30. 509-780-2994, Clarkston. REVERSE MORTGAGES. Seniors FREE information. Larry Waters NMLS#400451, Local 208-762-6887 Proficio Mor tgage Ventures, 157 Hayden Ave #104, Hayden, ID 83835. 855-762-6887 Branch NMLS#1079636. Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender. VOLUME 41 NUMBER 29 VOLUME 41 NUMBER 29 AUGUST 14, 2014 AUGUST 14, 2014 626 Thain Road P.O. Box 682 Lewiston, ID 83501 208-746-0483 1-800-473-4158 Fax 208-746-8507 1 Page 2 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 FOUND: HAVE YOU been to the Moneysaver to place an ad and left your KEYS? We have found 3 sets. One Honda with keyless remote entry. One Toyota with keyless remote entry. One that has a Toyota plain key. If youve lost your keys maybe we have them. Stop by to claim. HEAVY DUTY picnic table, $20. 208-305-3899, Lewiston. MINING CLAIMS (4) 20 acre claims on Siegel Creek, 1 claim near Elk City. 509-588-4320. PANT SUITS, 50% off until August 30th. Now accepting quality consignments to add to our unique new clothing line. LA CHARRON BOUTIQUE AND ALTONS MENS WEAR, 836 Main St, Lewiston. Hours 11am-5:30pm Monday- Saturday. 208-743-5033. CHECK OUT OUR handgun selection. Over 45 different makes, models and styles. SCHURMANS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE, 801 6th Street, Clarkston. 509-758-6411 HEATING OIL TANK on stand, $100. 208-743-6839, Lewiston. THE GUN PAWN SHOP will loan cash on your guns. Top money paid also for your guns and related items. Come see Ken. ORCHARDS PAWN & GUNS, 615 Thain, Lewiston. 208-746-1521. SHARP CONVECTION/ MICROWAVE oven, $20; fold out single bed, $10; red metal bunk, single on top, double on bottom, $100, have single mattress, extra $25, top bunk never used; tri-fold wooden slat futon, sets on floor, 74x48, $20; blue cloth reclin- er, good for college or den, $20; Weslo treadmill, $20; Lifestyler cardiofit plus rower, $20; Healthwalker, $20; Kirby vacuum, numerous attach- ments, never used sham- pooer, $150; HotSprings Spa Classic, you move, $400. 509-758-8817, Clarkston. NINTENDO DS Digging for Dinosaur game in case, $8. 509-680-4002, Lewiston. DID YOU KNOW that the MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP has three talented design- ers that can design logos, posters, brochures, business cards and much more? Stop in and see us at 626 Thain Rd., Lewiston, or visit our website at www.msprintshop. com. THE MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP offers FREE DELIVERY for our customers in the LC Valley. 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. 6x12 UTILITY TRAILER, canoe, Cub Cadet rid- ing mower, Cricut cutting machine, Seal-a-meal vacu- um sealer, portable swamp cooler, a little bit of everything at STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208- 746-6148. GREAT AMERICAN RV Sell- Off Liquidation Sale of the Year. Americas Best RV brands. Prices cut to the bone on all Motorhomes, Campers, Travel Trailers, Fifth Wheels. All priced for immediate liqui- dation. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877-297-5117. 1980 19 FIBERGLASS Weldcraft boat, new 305, $4500. Upright smoker on casters, propane, $600. Charvel six-string guitar, Floyd Rose tremolo 1985 model, $1200. 208-791- 3732, Lewiston. BOOK YOUR WEDDING pho- tography today- beautiful professional portraits. www. LADIES NIGHT Thursday, August 21st, 6pm-8pm. Best buys of the year this night only. 50% off select Montana Silver. HUGE BLOWOUT ON CLOTHING. Tack, lawn and garden, home decor and more. Great selec- tion of rodeo, back to school and Christmas gift items. First 60 ladies receive a free gift. Great door prizes. Free food and beverages. Many factory representatives on hand to answer questions. DONT MISS this huge event! CHS PRIMELAND COUNTRY STORE, Lewiston, Idaho. GENE WANTS TO retire but cant until everything is gone. Come on down. Great buys. Make offers. Ar t, vintage books, antiques, vintage toys, bronzes, crystals, Idaho star garnets, rare mineral speci- mens. New beads coming in weekly. REASONABLE RELICS, 528 Main St., down- town Lewiston. 208-798- 3473. OCEAN CARGO Storage Containers. Various sizes, secure storage, on ground delivery. We sell, rent, buy and move containers. Insta Stor, Inc. 509-765-1376. OWNER FINANCING- 20 Acres with 12x20 building, $1500/ down, $550/ month. Moose, Elk, Huckleberries galore. In the mountains, borders 1000s of acres of open land. 7 miles to St. Maries, ID. 1-1/2 hours to Moscow, Coeur dAlene, and Spokane. $72,000. 208-245- 9302. HONDA EU 1000i generator; Keltec PMR-30 .22 magnum. STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208- 746-6148. LADIES SCHWINN BIKE, $50. Mans, $25. Solar screen/ inventor box, $75. Quilting frames, stands, $25. No checks. 509-254-3740, Clarkston. ELECTRIC MOTOR AND PUMP REPAIR Pump repair for hot tubs, swimming pools, jetted bath- tubs, irrigation. Motor repair on most types. Licensed and insured. 208-790-4070 or 208-790-3115, S&L Electric LLC. THE MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP offers FREE DELIVERY for our customers in the LC Valley. 208-298-0161, BOOK YOUR WEDDING pho- tography today- beautiful professional portraits. www. SOLAR PANELS- New 250w Sale, $215. 135w 12V, $199. Tax may apply. We design solar systems! 208-874- 5529. SIDS PAWN Like to trade? Need guns? Get it? Notary public. Firearms transfers, $15 plus taxes. Sids Sword Shoppe. 401 Diagonal Street, Clarkston. 758-8401 POOL COVER with reel, 18x36, $35. Diving board, $40. 509-295-4102, Clarkston. LEWIS CLARK MEMORIAL GARDENS, 2 plots with graveboxes and marker, $3900. 208-743-7772. VIAGRA USERS 60/ 100 mg tablets, $229. 1-800-607- 2519. Open every day. Wii - GUITAR HERO, game, guitar, drums, foot pedal, mic, excellent condition, $120. 208-790-7778, Lewiston. 12 ALUMINUM EXTENSION ladder, $50. Four dresses, $25 each. 208-791-7113, Lewiston. BUSI NESS CARD SPECIAL. Order 500 or more full color busi- ness cards and get the second side printed for FREE! MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP, 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. GREAT AMERICAN RV Sell- Off Liquidation Sale of the Year. Americas Best RV brands. Prices cut to the bone on all Motorhomes, Campers, Travel Trailers, Fifth Wheels. All priced for immediate liqui- dation. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877-297-5117. FOR SALE: 4 drawer gray metal filing cabinet in good condition, $45. 208-790- 1350, Lewiston. BUSI NESS CARD SPECIAL. Order 500 or more full color busi- ness cards and get the second side printed for FREE! MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP, 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. FOUR ANTIQUE SOLID OAK pressed back chairs with cane seats, $240. 18 solid oak wall shelf with 2 pegs, perfect condition, $25. 208- 791-1276, Lewiston. OVER 200 RVs in stock. Ready for camping. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877-297- 5117 VEHI CLES, BOATS, TRAILERS, and RVs. All of our work is guaranteed and done right the first time. We work directly with all Insurance Companies from minor to major repairs. ALL ABOUT AUTO BODY, 1215 Port Way, Clarkston. 208- 791-6959. SLOT MACHINES. Buying in any condition, also parts. Complete repairs or restoration service too. Private party, 509-922-2454 Spokane FALL CLASSES AT Greencastle Soap Supply. Intro to Soap Making, September 22 & 23, 7pm-9pm: Natural Clay Coloring Workshop, September 17 & 18, 7pm-9pm: Lotion/ Lip Balm Herbal Salves, September 11, 7pm-9pm. Classes fill quickly so sign up soon. 509-466-7223 Online at Spokane 55 GALLON BURN barrels, $15 each. 208-836-5598, Lenore. CASH QUICK! Have you sold a house, land or commercial proper ty with seller financing? Rather have your cash now instead of waiting for monthly payments? For a free, no obligation cash out quote, contact Bob Tessier at 509-435-1174 or Private investor providing great prices & service for over 20 years. Brokers always welcome WANTED: BUYING & selling auto literature, shop manuals, parts books, paint chips, owners manuals, interchange manuals, etc. Ron, PO Box 202, Hayden ID 83835 Call 208-772-3163; 208-659- 0644; email idaholitman@ LO129554 WATER POWERED generator, generate electricity for your home or cabin from a small creek or other water source, low head or fall, no dam required. 509-680-4804 OLYMPUS E-410 Digital SLR outfit (original $1020), $475 all accessories included. 509-499-5414 RESTAURANT equipment, includes 12 chairs and stools, 5 tables, 3 booths, flat-top grill, triple sink, 4 catering cambros, hot hold warmer, prep/ make tower. Various prices, call for more info. 509-279-8392. AUTHENTIC FULL SIZE stagecoach, used in weddings, fairs, parades, etc. Originally from Knotts Berry Farm. 208-231-4448 or cell 208-691-5276. ANNOUNCEMENTS & NOTICES BOOK YOUR WEDDING pho- tography today- beautiful professional portraits. www. DID YOU KNOW that the MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP has three talented designers that can design logos, posters, brochures, business cards and much more? Stop in and see us at 626 Thain Rd., Lewiston, or visit our website at www. CRAFTERS NEEDED October 4th, 9am-3pm at the Troy Elementary School. Space still available! $20/ space. Call Loretta at 208-835-4201. COWBOY CHURCH, first Sunday of each month, 9am- 10:30am; THE CHRISTIAN COWBOY BALLADEERS per- form the third Wednesday of each month, 6pm-7pm. Public is welcome. Guardian Angel Barn, 2421 Vineyard Avenue, Lewiston. 208-743- 9605. ELK SALOON, Bovill, Idaho. Opening Friday, August 15th. Come join us for fun, cool drinks, live music Saturday. View our unique and one-of-a-kind bar. Brad Dammerman, Don Martin, 208-826-3557. DID YOU KNOW that the MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP has three talented design- ers that can design logos, posters, brochures, business cards and much more? Stop in and see us at 626 Thain Rd., Lewiston, or visit our website at www.msprintshop. com. ANNOUNCEMENTS & NOTICES JOIN US AT THE NEWLY renovated McEuen Park in downtown Coeur dAlene for great craft beer from the northwest, and raise funds for the North Idaho Centennial Trail! Saturday, August 16, 2014, 1-7pm. 5 tickets, 6 oz. pours each, stainless steel pint cup, music, games, additional beer tickets available for purchase. Food available for purchase. Ride your bike to the festival and be eligible to win great prizes! Cost is $24, or $30 at the gate. Valid form of personal identification required at gate. Minors may attend in the company of a legal guardian, but no one under 21 years of age will be served alcohol. All proceeds to benefit the North Idaho Centennial Trail. Get your tickets early! http:// BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS FOR LEASE or sale. Coffee shop in Downtown Lewiston on Main Street. Turnkey oper- ation. Call between 10am -4pm, 208-743-5701. I NEED HELP! TURN YOUR next cup of coffee into a life changing income. Free training, samples and details. 1-800-704-8658, 24 hour message. CHILDCARE PROVIDERS DAYCARE HAS OPENINGS. Starting at $350, additional siblings discounted. Drop ins, $20/ day. Lunch/ snacks included. Monday- Friday, 7am-6pm. Ask me about the Parents Bonus. 208-750- 1167, Lewiston. LOANS INJURED: IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments to Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Call 877-386-3692. 2 MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 3 APPAREL & JEWELRY SELLING MY JTV jewelry collection. Have just about every semi- precious gem. Necklaces, rings, brace- lets and earrings. Never worn. Entire collection was $11,562. Asking $6000 firm. Cash only. Serious inqui- ries only! 208-791-4720, Lewiston. APPLIANCES WASHER AND DRYER, both work excellent, $200 pair. 208-790-4089, Lewiston. FREE OLDER GOLD upright freezer. 208-305-3899, Lewiston. TRUE STAINLESS STEEL side by side commercial freezer, runs, compressor needs work. 208-582-1990, Culdesac. KENMORE 22 french door refrigerator, $350. Kenmore glass top stove, $200. Whirlpool dishwasher, $100. All are off white. Buy all 3 for $600. Call, 208-746-0230, Lewiston. BUILDING MATERIALS SELLING 6 CHANNEL by 15 and 8 channel by 18, can deliver. Price varies with volume. 208-743-7631, Lewiston. CEDAR SHAKES, hand split cedar rail, post fencing and mulch. 208-935-2566, Kamiah. HICKORY FLOORING, 3/4x4x2-8, 900 sq.ft., kiln dried, T&G, $3900. 208-476- 7136, Orofino. VINYL FENCE WITH posts, caps, hardware. 10 sections: 80 total length, 48Hx8W, standard picket, clean! $750. 208-743-6839, Lewiston. NORTHFORK SAWMILL for all your custom wood product needs. From my very popular tongue and groove in sev- eral species to many sidings. Vertical grain and select floor- ing with mouldings and trim. 1x4x4 dogeared cedar fence boards. 208-790-3004. COMPLETE STEEL overhead door, 14X18. 208-746- 3481, Lewiston. 52 PATIO BLOCKS, 8x16x1- 1/2, all $10. 208-743-9486, Lewiston. WIDE SELECTION of Used and New building materials including: Lumbers, doors, windows, bricks, plumbing and electrical fixtures, floor- ing, and architectural and artistic pieces and unique repurposed furniture. Large natural landscaping stone selection: flagstone, retain- ing wall rock, fountains, large boulders, ground cov- ers, veneer selection, 1500 plus tons to pick from! Unique precast stepping stones and steps in many colors, sizes and designs. Stock changes daily, so check it out at WASANKARI CONSTRUCTION, The Building Recyclers, 1/2 miles south of Moscow, Hwy 95. 208-883-4362. www.wasankariconstruction. com SPRUCE 2x6 T&G, great for open beam ceiling. $695 per 1000 board foot. 2-1/2 inch aluminum irrigation pipe with sprinklers, make offer. Odds and ends of lumber, call for details. 208-790-4917, Lewiston. THIRTY 8 2X6, planed; thirty 3 boards. Will sell cheap to first caller. Very nice wood. 509-780-2994, Clarkston. CEDAR SIDING & paneling, various styles to choose from. 208-623-3301 Spirit Lake BUILDING MATERIALS WELDER COMBO Stick, tig, plasma cutter, brand new from eBay a few years back, never used, 220V, $500 or best offer. 509-648-3483 ELECTRONICS Wii - GUITAR HERO, game, guitar, drums, foot pedal, mic, excellent condition, $120. 208-790-7778, Lewiston. DONT UNPLUG everything and drive it to a shop. We make FREE house calls! Computer repairs and tutori- als for the digitally impaired! HOUSECALL COMPUTER REPAIR, 208-791-4575, LC Valley. THE COMPUTER GUYS cer- tified technicians repair all brands of laptops and desk- tops. We sell new and used Windows 7 computers. Call 208-746-TECH or visit 315 Thain Road, Lewiston. REPAIRS AND UPGRADES. SAME DAY SERVICE. Reasonable rates. We buy and sell used computers. 208-743-8351, Lewiston. Virus Trouble? Pop Ups? PC Running slow? We can help! THE COMPUTER DOCTORS, 108 18th Street, Lewiston. 208-743-3597. www.computerdoctorslive. net 47 LG TV, $329. 32 LG, LCD, $199. Surround Sound Stereo, $99. SHINN- REIMERS, 208-746-5711, Lewiston. DONT WORRY, be happy, XP will keep working for years to come. For more informa- tion and full servicing of your XP computer call Bill at HouseCall Computer Repair, 208-791-4575. FIREARMS RUGER SP101 .32 H&R magnum, stainless, new con- dition, $375. 208-413-8518, Lewiston. LARGE CARIBOU ANTLER rack, nice, $250. Antelope mount, $125. 208-746-0449, Lewiston. RIMFIRE CHALLENGE is a Blast! Rapid fire on steel tar- gets with prizes! Classes for all 22 rifle or pistol and join the fun! Friday the 22nd at 6:30pm at DIAMONDBACK SHOOTING RANGE. 208- 798-7468, Lewiston. LEWIS- CLARK Wildlife Club Public Rifle Range. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hours 9am-4pm. 208-843-2987, Lapwai. REVOLVER and 1911 TARGET SHOOT! Prizes and fun! Drop in from 11am-2pm on Saturday the 23rd. DIAMONDBACK SHOOTING RANGE. 208-798-7468, Lewiston. NEW RENTAL GUNS are in so were blowing out our 1 year old rentals at great prices! Try before you buy at DIAMONDBACK SHOOTING RANGE, 1447 Main Street, Lewiston. 208-798-7468. 22 AMMO, 50 rounds, $8. 333 rounds, $54. 500 rounds, $75. Plus Tax. Can deliver to Lewiston on Sundays. 208- 435-4577, Weippe. COLT DIAMONDBACK 38 special, Keltec PMR-30 22 mag, Sig Sauer P226 9mm, Weatherby Accumark 30-378 with Leupold 8.5-25, Ruger #1 30-06, Remington 870 Wingmaster 12 gague, Remington 721 338-06. STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208- 746-6148. RUGER OLD MODEL single six, excellent condition, $400. 509-758-2797, Clarkston. ATTENTION HUNTERS, wild game cold storage. Meat hanging by the day and basic cut and wrap services. 208-743-1998, Lewiston. 900+ ROUNDS OF 22 ammo, hollow points, shorts, $30. 1936 Daisy BB gun, $80. 1950s Benjamin pellet gun, $25. 509-780-2994, Clarkston. RUGER 22/45, 22LR, thread- ed barrel with Huntertown suppressor, $545. LOLO SPORTING GOODS, 208- 743-1031. All NFA rules apply. WINCHESTER MODEL 70 Super Shadow .223 WSSM with scope, $600 /offer. 509- 552-5608, Clarkston. IDAHO AND WASHINGTON NFA Firearm Trusts. Consider the advantages of a quicker, simplified application pro- cess and the ability to share suppressors, short-barreled rifles, etc. with an affordable NFA firearm trust custom pre- pared by local firearms attor- ney & NFA dealer Alan Baker of Risley Law Office, PLLC in Lewiston. Free consultation. 208-743-5338. WINCHESTER 1894 model, 32 special, 32 spl, $500. Also, Winchester, model 1892 and 1893 marlin, 32-40, $500. Call Tom, 509- 953-9609 GUARANTEED BEST pricing on DPMS, Windham, CMMG, Sig, Glock, Core-15. Great selection of upgrades available. Now carrying Seekins Precision. Large selection of pre-owned firearms. Daves Golf & Gun Shop. Colton, WA. 509-229- 3612 PISTOL/ RIFLE ammunition, 1050 rounds of 40 grain 22 magnum. $200, works out to be a little under $10 a box. Respond to waxbird@ gmail. Com. SILENCERS & GUNS to put them on. Moving shop. Open by appointment only. If you dont leave a mes- sage, we cant call you back. 208-GUN-PECK, 208-486- 7325. CONCEALED CARRY, basic gun safety, womens self defense classes and more! Call to reserve your spot or gather a group and book your own private class at Diamondback Shooting Range, 208-798-7468, Lewiston. RESERVE YOUR SEAT today! Enhanced concealed carry, womens self defense, basic gun safety classes and more! DIAMONDBACK SHOOTING RANGE, 208-798-7468. BLACK SHEEP SPORTS 1701 Main, Lewiston, 208-746-8948. Come in and Check Out the New and Improved Bass Section and Strike King fishing products. The Regions #1 Classic Outdoor Adventures Store!! #1 in New Guns. #1 in Fishing. Now fea- turing the largest selec- tion of fishing rods in the Valley. Dont be fooled... Check it out for yourself! BUSHNELL ELITE TACTICAL rifle scope, 6-24x50, mil-dot, 30mm tube with sun shade, like new condition, $399, was $729 new. Nikon spot- ting ED50 fieldscope with 13-30 zoom. $759 new, sac- rifice at $379. Best in Class compact. 208-553-0307, Lewiston. FREE TROPHY BULL ELK hunt for children 21 and younger with life threatening illnesses. 208-265-0669, Broken Arrow Elk Ranch, Athol, ID. TANNERITE .22 cal. sensitive targets are in stock along with the regular 1 lb. tar- gets. Ruger Red Label O/U 12 gauge shotguns, GP-100 Match Champion revolvers, perfect for IDPA competition. SR 1911s in both standard and commander style and SR-9s, SR-40s and SR45s. Also a nice selection of Ruger American rimfire rifles in 17HMR, 22LR and 22 mag. along with Henry Golden Boys in 22LR and 22 mag. Rock Island Armory 1911s in 9MM/ 22TCM and 22LR/ 45ACP combos are here. We also have the Savage model 42 over/ under in 22 mag/ 410 gauge and several mod- els of Ruger 10-22s in stan- dard and take down. Just in are several Saiga 12 gauge shotguns and the UTAS-15 12 gauge bullpup shotgun. SNAKE RIVER ARMS CO., 105 Ash Avenue, Lapwai, 208-843-2419. RUGER 44 MAG, scoped, $485. 300 Win- Mag H&R Ultra Rifle, manufactured in Belgium, $665. Hi-Point, 9mm carbine, $240. Thompson Contender pistol, 410-45 Long Colt, choked barrel with shoulder holster, $485. 208-790-6686, Deary. ISSC AUSTRIA MK22 .22 rifle is a FN SCAR clone in a tactical semi-auto .22 long rifle. Features include a receiver in all metal con- struction, picatinny rail system, FN sights, 16 barrel and threaded for a muzzle brake or flash hider plus a three position shoulder stock and a 10 round magazine. Russian Izhmash AK47 style Tactical Saiga 12 gauge semi- automatic shotgun with enhancements includ- ing a rotating bolt, gas operated gun that feeds from a box magazine, a 19 threaded barrel and accepts both 2-3/4 and 3 magnum shells. Tactical conversion includes a tac- tical Breacher style muzzle break, tactical Quad Rail System, adjustable butt stock, pistol grip, and a 10 round magazine. Winchester Model 94 lever action 30-30 caliber deer rifle with hooded front blade and rear semi- buck- horn sight. Includes forged steel receiver, exposed hammer with automatic trigger- activated safety transfer bar and walnut stock. Marlin lever- action, Model 1985 GBL hunting rifle chambered in .45- 70 Govt, 18.5 barrel, laminate two- tone stock, ballard- type rifling, and a tubular magazine. The Marlin GBL is great for hunting deer, larger game and black bear. Call 9am- 4pm, 208-553-0964, Lewiston. LOLO SPORTING GOODS is your hometown source for NFA items. Want a suppres- sor? Call us, 208-743-1031. All NFA rules apply. THE GUN PAWN SHOP will loan cash on your guns. Top money paid also for your guns and related items. Come see Ken. ORCHARDS PAWN & GUNS, 615 Thain, Lewiston. 208-746-1521. HUNTING SEASON is fast approaching. We have a large selection of rifles, scopes, binoculars and ammo in stock. LOLO SPORTING GOODS, 208-743-1031. NOTICE: Certain laws and restrictions, as well as reg- istration requirements apply to the sale of firearms. For more information contact the Seattle Field Division of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms at 1-206-204-3205. This field division is responsible for Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Alaska and Hawaii. You may also go to for frequently asked questions and information. CUSTOM IVER JOHNSON 1911 in 45acp in a Boa fin- ish, never fired, in case, very smooth action with a box of shells. Rock Island 1911 A2 22 TCM pistol has two barrels, one that shoots the necked down 9mm with the 22 cal lead and a 9mm bar- rel, also new in case with 900 rounds of ammo. Both for $1000 or $600 each. Call 208-816-3092, Orofino. GLOCK GSSF MATCH. 2nd in a new series of 3 matches! Join us at 11am, Saturday the 23rd. DIAMONDBACK SHOOTING RANGE, 208- 798-7468, Lewiston. GUN RIGHTS RESTORATION. Background check denial when trying to buy a firearm? Call firearms attorney Alan Baker of Risley Law Office, PLLC, in Lewiston. Free con- sultation. Licensed in Idaho & Washington. 208-743-5338. ANTLERS WANTED. Call 208-628-3553, Lucile. ANTIQUE 45-70 RIFLE, Limited Edition, #90 of 100, never been fired, cabinet included, $8000, cash only. Call after 5pm, 208-553- 3376, Lewiston. WE ARE BUYING firearms. If you have guns you are not using we will pay cash for them, no waiting, and it is easy with CASH PAID on the spot. Also buying ammu- nition, reloading equipment and hunting related items. CALL KEN AT ORCHARDS PAWN & GUN SHOP, 615 Thain Road, Lewiston, 208- 746-1521. CHECK OUT OUR handgun selection. Over 45 different makes, models and styles. SCHURMANS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE, 801 6th Street, Clarkston. 509-758-6411 FIREWOOD & HEATING FUEL LOGGING TRUCK LOAD of red fir firewood. Call for pric- ing, 208-476-4093, Orofino. MIXED FIREWOOD 16, $350/ load plus delivery, approximately 3 cords. 208- 983-2677, 208-791-8350. LODGEPOLE FIREWOOD, random lengths/ widths, $100/ cord. Two cord mini- mum. Delivery included in LC Valley and available through- out region. 208-836-5839, Culdesac. CHIMNEY SWEEP, dryer vent and pellet stove cleaning. HARRIS CHIMNEY & STOVE, 208-827-2410. RED FIR FIREWOOD, split and delivered, $175 /cord. 509- 552-5380, Clarkston. TAMARACK, 16, free deliv- ery in LC Valley 3+ cords per trailer, $195/ cord. 208-983- 2677, 208-791-8350. FURNITURE HIDE-A-BED, QUEEN, never slept on, only used 3 months, looks new, maroon upholstery, new $1200, asking $450. Older style wooden desk with chair, $25. Antique bed set: beautiful waterfall design, 5 drawer chest of drawers, round mirrored dresser, head and foot boards, $600. Bed set: head and foot boards, dresser, chest of drawers, $50. Antique side table, $50. Retro dining room set, table and 6 chairs, $50. 509-769-7045, Pomeroy. FURNITURE LARGE LUXURI OUS LEATHER electric recliner chari in great condition, for tall person, $1800 new. Sell for $500. You haul. Heavy. 509-295-4806, Clarkston. STORAGE/BLANKET CHEST in excellent condition. See to appreciate. 50 long x 22 high. Cash only, you haul. Call or text, 509-254-7005, Clarkston. FOUR ANTIQUE SOLID OAK pressed back chairs with cane seats, $240. 18 solid oak wall shelf with 2 pegs, perfect condition, $25. 208- 791-1276, Lewiston. MR-CABINET.COM Affordable custom office fur- niture: Desks, Bookscases, Storage Cabinets. Free Estimates! 208-301-3800. MOVING: BEAUTIFUL FLORAL hide-a-bed, like new, hardly used, $100. 509-295-8681, Clarkston. DINING ROOM TABLE, 4 chairs, $225. La-Z-Boy recliner, $75. TV stand and 2 end tables, all for $20. 208- 790-4089, Lewiston. 3 Page 4 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 FURNITURE FOUR ANTIQUE Solid Oak, pressed back chairs with cane seats, $240. 208-791- 1276, Lewiston. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING WESTINGHOUSE AIR Conditioner /remote, 12,000 BTU, excellent condition, used once. $235. 208-935- 2072, Kamiah. ARE YOU HAVING trouble locating a MONEYSAVER LEWIS- CLARK EDITION? Stop by POMEROY FOODS. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 18 SOLID OAK wall shelf with 2 pegs, perfect con- dition, $25. 208-791-1276, Lewiston. 5 INTERIOR DOORS with hardware, $35/ each. Mirror 36Hx42W, $30. Two sets Bi-fold closet doors, 77Hx47W, $60/ each or both $100. 12x9.5 and 12x13 off white carpet, good condition, $100/ each or $175/ both. 208-791- 1276, Lewiston. TWO TWIN EXTRA long foam mattresses, $100. Kirby vac- uum with attachments, $200. 509-552-3076, Clarkston. 5 DRAWER METAL Desk, 60x30, with chair, nice condition, $175. Glass showcase with shelves, 6x22, 38 high, drawers in back, $185. 509-994-3680 Spokane HEALTH & FITNESS MINT CONDITION, custom made Wells Cargo double tandem utility trailer, 4x6 box with 3-1/2 tongue, custom for handicap equipment. Tailgate ramp with lip, ratchet tie downs, 2 large lights, new spare tire (mounted), 2 tongue supports, hitch dolly for maneuvering. Room to ramp load power, manual and transport wheelchairs, and all ambulatory equip- ment, seldom used. New $3200. Sell for $2450. 509-295-4806, Clarkston. STAIR LIFT- AMERIGLIDE, 300 lb. capacity, very good condition, knowledgeable seller re: installation and operation, delivery negotia- ble, $750. Mike or Jackie, 509-243-1607, 208-790- 1537, leave message, Asotin. HEALTH & FITNESS NEED POWER WHEELCHAIR for my Dad. 208-816-9143, 850-982-4807, Lewiston. NEW, NEVER USED Bow Flex Treadclimber, paid $1250, will sell for $700 or make offer, MS patient had stroke. 208-816-0654, Lewiston. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BUYING RECORDS. Old rock, jazz, R&B. Beatles, Elvis, etc. 509-758-4839. WANTED: IDAHO TREED ACREAGE 5+ (may con- sider lesser acreage), preferably with water and electric on site. Within 35 miles of Lewiston. 208- 790-4361. WANTED: USED non- hydrgenated oil 0 trans fat. 208-790-4361, Lewiston. WANTED: CANVAS COVER for 22 Jet Boat. 208-743- 1920, Lewiston. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED: SMALL, OLDER, camp trailer. 208-746-4066, Lewiston. WANTED: 2+ ACRES WITH electric/ well/ septic in. Shop buildings and dwelling OK. All areas considered. 208-661- 7220 or 208-661-9848. CASH 4 DIABETIC Strips. Paying top dollar for unopened/ unexpired boxes. Jessie 509-262-6415 Spokane WANTED: ANY YEAR Volkswagen! Camper, transpor ter, bus, pickup, Beetle, any condition, running or not, crashed or not. Please dont scrap me! Call 509- 979-1001 MUSICAL ITEMS GREAT SELECTION Guitars, Amps, and Band Instruments at STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208- 746-6148. IBANEX DL5 Soundtank, Digital delay, plus 2 short patch cables, works great, $30. 509-553-3113, Clarkston. BAND INSTRUMENTS. New Takamine guitars. Rentals and repairs. Rentals from $25. Free repairs, routine mainte- nance and optional insur- ance on all rentals. Free loaners on repairs. SEIDEL MUSIC & REPAIR. 340 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-743-7865. MUSICMAN HD 130, reverb amp head, mid 70s, $450. 208-628-3344, Riggins. SPORTING GOODS WANTED: 3D ELK target. 208-791-1122. DIAMOND LIBERTY by Bowtech, with case and accessori es, $350. Crossbow, Barnett Quad 400, plus accessories, $250. 208- 476-3849, Orofino. TAYLOR MADE R7 irons, Burner Driver, 3 and 5, Black Velvet Putter, bag, like new, $375. 208-301-0454, Lewiston. BACK TO SCHOOL... Entire stock High Sierra book packs and day packs up to 50% OFF MSRP. Shoes by Nike, Brooks, Asics and more. Only at TRI-STATE OUTFITTERS, 120 Thain Road, Lewiston. Lowest price guaranteed! 208-746-5307 MENS BICYCLING SHOES with clips, size 9, euro 42, $50. 509-680-4002, Lewiston. WANTED: YOUR CLASSIFIED ad in the MONEYSAVER!! Call today to place your ad. 1-800-473-4158 or 208- 746-0483. www.lcmon- TOOLS EXTREMELY QUIET POLARIS Generators. (1000, 2000, and 3000 watt). Many new Honda generators in stock. GUYS OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, 304 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746- 0381. KREG JIG POCKET hole set, Honda EU1000I generator, Stihl hot saw, electric troll- ing motors, huge selection hand and power tools at STEVES PAWN SHOP, 231 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208- 746-6148. MAKITA POWER TOOLS Authorized Warranty Service Center. HAHN TOOL REPAIR. 208-743-1577 or 1-800- 444-4246, Lewiston. MACS CYCLE CARRIES HONDA GENERATORS. ALL ON SALE. CALL FOR DETAILS. MACS CYCLE, 700 Bridge, Clarkston, 509- 758-5343. 4 Wrap Up Your Regional Classified & Display Ads With One Phone Call MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 5 ATTORNEY/LEGAL SERVICES BANKRUPTCY RELIEF Drowning in debt? Lewiston Bankruptcy Lawyer TECLA DRUFFEL will throw you a life raft. Free Consultations. Customized advice, quality work and affordable fees. As a debt relief agency, her office has helped individuals get a fresh start through the bankruptcy process for over 35 years. Call today: 208- 743-9569. BUILDING/ REMODELING TREATED TIMBERS for sale. 6x12, 12x12, 8x20 as well as other various lengths. Great for landscap- ing, retaining walls, bridges, etc. Contact Brad at 208- 826-3205 or email timberworksinc@moscow. com CARPENTRY FREE ESTIMATES Carpentry, siding, sheetrock, concrete, painting, roofing, etc. Small jobs welcome. Licensed and insured. 208- 790-0242, cellular. CLEANING LICENSED, BONDED, INSURED home cleaning service, spaces available. 208-262-9874, Lewiston. CONCRETE/ PAVING CONCRETE. 40 years experience. We special- ize in foundations under existing homes. We also do retaining walls, drives, walks, etc. Our prices cant be beat. Call for estimate anytime. 208- 791-4923, cellular. CONSTRUCTION FAITHS FOUNDATION GENERAL CONTRACTOR, LLC. 32 years experience pro- viding Quality Workmanship. Let us help you with your project... Remodel, Roof, Garage, Deck, etc. Call to see how our experience and skills can meet your needs. 509- 254-4292, Clarkston. FAITH. DECKS & FENCES FENCING, WOOD AND chain link. FATHER & SON CONTRACTORS. Insured, reasonable, experienced, 509-758-5522. FENCING: barbed, rail, deer, and garden fence. Call now for all ranch, farm, and residential fencing. CAMAS FENCE. 208-451-6685, Grangeville. BARBED WIRE FENCING. New or repair. Jerry Johnson, 208-983-6095, cellular. HANDYMAN/ HANDYWOMAN HONEY- DOS TO REMODELS, 25 years experience. Idaho Contractor RCT30919. Call Dell at 208-816-6448, Lewiston. LANDSCAPING STUMP GRINDING, $35 each and up. Free estimates. 208- 413-6680. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE GOT GRASS? Is your lawn getting out of hand? Just cant find the time to maintain it? For lawn care, landscaping, trim- ming, etc., call Greg 208- 816-3970, Lewiston. TREES, HEDGES, SHRUBS, trimmed or removed. Stumps ground. 208-413-6680. KC LAWN & LANDSCAPE Services, now accept- ing new customers. We cut lawns, clean gutters, power rake, trim hedges and shrubs. General cleanup. Weekly, monthly services available. We do more than just lawns. Free estimates. Call Ken, 208-305-8238, or Cindy 509-552-3764. LAWN MOWING- General yard work, gutters, hauling, odd jobs. 208-798-7134, Lewiston. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUNNY SIDE UP Full Service Grounds Keeping. Yard clean ups, mowing, hedging, hauling, pavers, railroad ties, etc., rain gutter clean out. We do what you need done!. 208-790-7389, Clarkston. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES SAVE $ ON demo costs, looking for unwanted wooden structures, barns, ware- houses, etc for salvage. Fully insured. Please contact Brad at 208-826-3205 or email timberworksinc@moscow. com SHAWN BUTLER Logging Forest & Land Improvement, top quality and utilization since 1999. 208-660-9684. BUSI NESS CARD SPECIAL. Order 500 or more full color busi- ness cards and get the second side printed for FREE! MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP, 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. ALTERATIONS and IRONING. 509-758-6860, Clarkston. BUSI NESS CARD SPECIAL. Order 500 or more full color busi- ness cards and get the second side printed for FREE! MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP, 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. ABC TAXI SINCE 2001. Fast, friendly service. 208-413- 1645. Harold Smith, Owner/ Operator. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES DANS Hauling & Helping Hand. Yard work, landscap- ing, rain gutters, miscella- neous hauling and cleanup. 208-746-4343, Lewiston. - Professional- looking web- sites at reasonable prices. New websites, redesign and changes to existing sites, we do it all. Free estimates. 208- 413-0681. MOVING BASHAW PIANO & ORGAN MOVING (since 1982). 208- 791-5980. PAINTING & PAPERING FATHER & SON PAINTING Insured, reasonable, experi- enced, 509-758-5522. JOE SHEA QUALITY Painting, interior and exterior. WA Lic. JOESHSQ94167, Idaho Lic. RCT-15222. 509-243-3656. ROTOTILLING/ MOWING GOATBUSTER WEED AND BRUSH Control now offers quality pasture and lot mow- ing. 509-243-4862. CUSTOM MOWING. 5 Rotary. Pastures and lots. 208-743-2921. KEVINS CUSTOM LAWN Care and More. 208-798- 1887, Lewiston. STOP BY CLEARWATER VALLEY FOODS in Kooskia for a copy of this weeks MONEYSAVER LEWIS- CLARK EDITION. TOWING FOREST WRECKER SERVICE- 24 hour Towing and Recovery. WE CAN TOW IT ALL! 208-746-3596 (24 hour Towing only), Lewiston. WELDING BITTERROOT MOUNTAIN MOBILE WELDING, all types of welding, cutting and hard surfacing. 208-816-1317, Lewiston. THE MONEYSAVER is a family paper! There is something for every member of the family in the MONEYSAVER. A bike for Sis; a radio controlled car for brother; a microwave for Mom; a fishing pole for Dad; and a boat for the whole fam- ily. If you miss getting your copy of the MONEYSAVER Thursday morning, call 208- 746-0483. Follow whats happening at LCSC on 5 Moneysaver 626 Thain Rd. Lewiston, ID 83501 Page 6 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 OPEN HOUSES OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, August 17th, 12pm-5pm, 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, large lot. 1024 Hemlock Ave, Lewiston. 361-904- 4999. HOMES FOR SALE MUST SELL BY owner. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large lot with 2 car garage plus shop. 905 Bryden Ave, Lewiston, $180,000/ offer. 208-305- 3722, 208-791-7113. SMALL LOG CABIN on 5 acres, Upper Fords Creek area, $72,500/ offer. 785- 230-5380. 2924 BELLA VISTA Court, exceptional home with invit- ing pool and 1/2 acre on quiet culdesac in Clarkston Heights. Home boasts 3 liv- ing areas, 3 dining areas, new roof, deck, 3 bedrooms, 3+ baths and 3 car garage with workshop. Massive rock fireplace with floor to ceiling windows, master suite and chefs kitchen, $359,900. MLS #125518. Call Robin at ROCK N ROLL REALTY, 208-305-3125. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Ideal home for a retired couple or a starter family. Come see this home and share the real estate fee. Located at 1923 Birch Ct., Lewiston. Call Jim Osborn, 208-743-5169. THE MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP offers FREE DELIVERY for our customers in the LC Valley. 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. LOCATION, LOCATION: 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bathroom, basement, rec room, 2 car garage, small shop; remod- eled kitchen, bedrooms, bath- room; oak cabinets (custom), oak flooring (3/4 T&G), downtown Orofino, $95,000. 208-476-7136. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, August 17th, 12pm-5pm, 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, large lot. 1024 Hemlock Ave, Lewiston. 361-904-4999. HOME IN PIERCE ID/ Owner financing. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $68,000. Payments approxi- mately $507/ month. Small down payment for repairs. 208-836-5534. 3002 MAYFAIR RIDGE, Lewiston. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, main floor master and laundry with basement apart- ment on large corner lot with beautiful valley view. Price reduced, $233,900. MLS #124960. Call Robin at Rock n Roll Realty, 208-305-3125. 1830 13TH AVE, Lewiston. 3 bedrooms plus bonus room and sun room. Two shops, large corner lot, new carpet and paint, $160,000, Lewiston. Call Katy Mason, 208-305-3899, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson. HUGE HUGE SHOP, 44x72 plus roomy 2 bedroom home. Next to commercial zone. Youll never find a shop more suited to a mechanic or woodworker than this one. See this new listing today! Call POLESON REALTY, 746- 3331, Tim. CHARMING 2 LEVEL home in a quiet neighborhood with a convenient location to high school and stores. 4 bedrooms, 1.75 bathrooms, large kitchen, central AC, GFA, fenced in backyard, new roof, refinished wood floors and a bonus room with heat or A/C. 1769 total sq. ft. Extremely clean, must see to appreciate! Call 509-552- 9466. Not interested in lease inquiries. 1116 14TH STREET, Clarkston. 5 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large fenced yard, completely remodeled, new stainless steel appliances, $199,000. Call Katy Mason, 208-305-3899, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson. 910 12TH STREET, Clarkston. Four bedroom, 1-3/4 bath, 2 car detached garage, 2340 sq.ft., two fireplaces, $189,900, MLS #125265. Call Robin at ROCK N ROLL REALTY, 208-305-3125. THE MONEYSAVER PRINTSHOP offers FREE DELIVERY for our customers in the LC Valley. 208-298- 0161, www.msprintshop. com. FSBO CUTE 2 bedroom, built in 1997, near Tri-State, one level, alley access, large lot, 2 sheds, covered patio, $140,000, priced below assessment, wont last! 509-751-9291, or 509-751- 7355. COUNTRY LIVING, close to town: 26 acres, 4 bed- rooms, 2 baths, 2780 sq.ft., garage, main floor laundry. New plumbing, electrical, central air with 5 ton heat pump, barn, shop, 3 bay machine shed and root cellar. Well with new 4200 gallon cistern, springs and pond. Great location for family and animals with serene setting. $275,000/ offer. 208-413- 4922. FSBO: 2200+ sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bath. One story with walkout base- ment, .78 acre, 24x40 shop, 1100 sq.ft. deck, incredible views of the Snake River/ canyon, 512 Kings Lane, Asotin, $245,000. Call Susan for appointment, 509-243- 9531. Find on Zillow. S U M M E R / W I N T E R RECREATION 3 bedroom, 1 bath home all renewed, all redone 2006-2008. 30x36 garage/carport, Gen Tran system, air compres- sor with lines in garage, 2 sheds. Stainless kitchen with 20 running feet counter. Appliances plus Bosch wash- er/dryer stay. Snow blower and freezer optional. Weippe, Idaho. Linda, Empire Realty Services, 208-476-7633, CASH FOR REAL Estate contracts, convert your notes & contract payments into cash, private buyer-lender, brokers welcome, R. Gunning & Associates, LLC. 509-998- 5208, BobGunning@hotmail. com RECEIVING PAYMENTS on a real estate contract, note or mortgage? We can provide you with immediate cash for all or just a portion of the payments remaining. We buy notes in all 50 States. Call us today for your free quote. Americus Financial Group, LLC. 509-326-9000 or e-mail quotes@americusbuysnotes. com MANUFACTURED HOMES INDEPENDENT TRUCKING. Call Don Martin to set up, tear down, transport, and relevel your manufactured home. Cell 208-790-1410, home 208-743-6300. MOBILE HOME for sale in Peck, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. All appliances stay includ- ing washer/ dryer. Central air and newer furnace, updated windows, $5000/ offer. 208- 486-6130, Peck. CLOSE IN 1992 FLEETWOOD, 1330 sq.ft., 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, utility room, sprinkler system, vinyl siding, lifetime roof, wheel chair ramp, 2 car garage/ shop wired for 220v, carport, fenced on two sides and back, all appliances, 2 storage sheds, garden spot. 529 Warner Drive. $165,000. Shown by appointment. 208- 743-9486. R&R HOMES: Remodeled, used home specialists! We buy homes! Inspections, appraisals, teardown/ set-up, transport, roof seal, skirting, Energy Star windows, tie downs. 46 years experience, licensed, bonded, insured. 208-276-3764, Juliaetta. 24x60 DOUBLE WIDE, IN great shape, newer carpet, recent composition roof, original lap siding, home is taken apart and on wheels ready to be delivered to your site, $14,000. 208-660- 3339. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ALL-PURPOSE BUILDING, 411 Main Street, Cottonwood, ID. $65,000, owner contract. 208-451-4999, Kooskia. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 3.6 commercial acres, I90 exit, North Idaho, turnkey cafe, bar, trailer park and campground. City water, sewer, fire protection, natural gas, across street from Rails to Trails bike path and CdA River. 208-660-4460 or 208- 660-2379. ACREAGE & LOTS 160 ACRES OF excellent tim- ber and pasture. Good spring and fences. Eleven miles west of Craigmont. Easy access 32N, 2W. Accepting offers until October 1, 2014. 208-924-5546. WANTED: IDAHO TREED ACREAGE 5+ (may con- sider lesser acreage), preferably with water and electric on site. Within 35 miles of Lewiston. 208- 790-4361. LOTS FOR SALE in Clarkston. Call for details, 208-476-5647. 15.77 ACRES WITH WELL and year round spring, 1/2 mile from new gas station in Winchester on Hwy 95. 8 acres fenced with 7 acres being farmed. #123549, $95,000. Call Steve Knight, ROCK N ROLL REALTY, 208- 305-7007. ACREAGE & LOTS 1665 RIDGEVIEW DR, Clarkston. Best view of the Valley in a premier subdivi- sion. 509-758-4120, 208- 791-4731. ONLY $500 DOWN 10% off on CONTRACT SALE! 20% off Cash. Secluded self-sufficient lifestyle. New cabins, shop, outbuildings, year-round creek, springs, views. 20 miles east of Lewiston. 5-23 acres, some with electric. Starting at $31,900. Trades welcome. Private party. Also Idaho County proper ties. 208-476-3186. $56,000. POMEROY. LOVELY TURN of the century, two story with all the charm of yesteryear and the quality of small town life. Dont miss this 3 or 4 bedroom home only minutes from Lewiston. Call POLESON REALTY. 208- 746-3331, Tim. HAZEL STREET in Myrtle, Idaho. Beautiful .81 acre lot, close unobstructed river view, pine and spruce trees, fenced, power pole, $89,900. MLS #125668. Call Robin at ROCK N ROLL REALTY, 208- 305-3125. OWNER FINANCING- Lake view, 20 Acres with 12x20 building, $1500/ down, $575/ month. Moose, Elk, Huckleberries galore. In the mountains, borders 1000s of acres of open land. 7 miles to St. Maries, ID. 1-1/2 hours to Moscow, Coeur dAlene, and Spokane. $75,000. 208- 245-9302. 708 CLARK STREET, Winchester. Two improved flat, grassy lots, all utilities connected, $25,000. MLS #124737. Call Robin at ROCK N ROLL REALTY, 208- 305-3125. ON JOSEPH PLAINS, between the Salmon River and Snake River Canyons. This 96 acre parcel sits on the divide, county road access, power available, several small ponds and seasonal creek, timber and meadow with deer and elk. Below assessed value, $105,000. Call Donn 208- 983-7417. AH HI EXCAVATION & SEPTIC. Septic installation and repair. Water and sewer. Hauling, dirt/ gravel. Land development. Free estimates. Licensed Idaho/ Washington, bonded, insured. Accept Visa/ MasterCard. 208-790-0707. SACRIFICE SALE, 2 waterfront lots in fabulous RV resort on the Pend Oreille River, full hookups, dock. $139,000 for both, financing available, 5% interest. 206- 409-5859, 208-659-4064. 51 OF LAKE Coeur dAlene frontage and several secondary waterfront lots. Great views, (includes a boat slip). All lots have owner financing options. Call Joe at Keller Williams Realty today for more details, 208-660- 2515. WANTED: 2+ ACRES WITH electric/ well/ septic in. Shop buildings and dwelling OK. 208-661-7220 or 208-661- 9848. TIRED OF DRAGGIN YOUR camper home? Why not create your own North Idaho retreat! Call Larry Runkle with Hope Realty at 208-660- 4259 SURVIVALIST/ Sportsman, 2 new cabins with workshops, set-up for total off grid living, both on accessible, adjoining, 5 acre, south slope, wooded parcel s. Excepti onal mountain views, $148,000 & $110,000. Consider owner contract or renting on year lease. 208-245-3045 Fernwood, ID SOUTH OF SPOKANE, square city block vacant lots. Water, telephone, street-lights, paved, sidewalk, trees, post office, park, church, creek, trails. $29,500 OBO. 509- 467-4381. HARRISON, IDAHO. By owner. Spectacular custom cedar home over 2800 sq. ft. Totally remodeled. Two large front rooms. One 20 high with vaulted ceilings with cedar planking. Master bedroom vaulted ceiling with cedar planking, walk-in closet. 3 bedrooms, office room with door, 2 full bathrooms, large laundry room. Over 300 sq. ft. kitchen with oak cabinets, stainless steel hood and range. Spectacular view with mountains in your face. View of Swan Lake, Black Lake, with Coeur dAlene River through both. This property is .5 mile wide, 600 deep. The 12.97 acres comes out to be 20 acres. Skid roads and trails, year-round creek. Great hunting for elk, white tail, turkey, etc. Get elk right off your large cedar deck. Amenities: 15 minutes from Harrison with big marina on Lake Coeur dAlene. 30 minutes from brand new 5 story, state of the art hospital. 90 minutes, from Spokane International Airport. Near top 500 school. Rock bottom price, $262,000. This property was assessed by the county in 2011 for $399,000. Why so cheap? Personal reasons are forcing the sale of this amazing property. No realtors. Brokers or investors welcome if you have cash. Call Dennis, 208-582-3456. 10 ACRES. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath home in Athol, Idaho, $100,000. Call Sandy Watts at Realteam Real Estate, 208- 659-5751, for details. LAST CHANCE TO GET a piece of the pie on the St. Joe River, 250 river frontage by 50, 3 miles from the mouth of CdA Lake. Boat slip OK, launch area, easy access, phone, electric, water available. Zoned recreation. 4 miles from St. Maries., ID, 48 miles south of CdA, ID. $79,000. 208-568-0282, 208-568-0423. BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED log home on Clark Fork River, .97 acres, Hwy 200, 30 miles east of Sandpoint, ID. Includes shop and garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, radiant in-floor heat. $525,000. 208- 266-0159, heatherwayne0@ RV LOT IN FABULOUS RV resort on Pend Oreille River, pull-through with 120 sq. ft. cedar shed, sewer, water and power to shed, concrete patio, paved streets, $17,500. Please call 208-659-4064. TWO EACH, RV LOTS in fabulous RV resort, $4000 down, $200 month, 5% interest. Full hookups, utility shed, with concrete patio. 206-409-5859, 208-659- 4064. 1960s MOTEL building with 270 St. Joe River front by 70. Began remodel in 2003, 100% disabled vet, cannot complete his dream. 10,000 sq. ft., 4 miles to St. Maries, ID, 3 miles to the mouth of the CdA Lake. Would make a great hostel, now has three apartments and open summer kitchen. Zoned residential, can be commercial residential. 10,000 gallon commercial septic tank, water well. St. Joe water rights. $259,000. 208-568-0282, 208-568- 0423. RANCHES WITH acreage. Options: 142 acres with home. 160 acres, old homestead with outbuildings. Large home with 40-155 acres. Joe Rosen, Keller Williams Realty Coeur dAlene. 208-660-2515, soldincda@, $125,000. TENSED, Idaho. 3 bedroom, 1 bath on .67 acre. 2 car garage/ shop, enclosed porch, metal siding, steel roof, covered porch. Home needs some TLC, bring all offers, #14-027. Call Kirbi Swanson, DB, Treaty Rock Realty, 208-755-9799. TENSED, IDAHO. $45,000, .16 acre. Water, power, sewer in. Mobile on property, no value, will giveway. Nicely treed, shop, #14-029. Call Kirbi Swanson, DB, Treaty Rock Realty, 208-755-9799. POSSIBLE SELLER financing, mobile home park on 1.93 acres in CdA. Call Sandy Watts at Realteam Real Estate, 208-659-5751, for details. RESORT & RECREATIONAL PROPERTY INCREDIBLE DEVELOPMENT potential! 221 acres bordering Deyo Reservoir. Farm ground, cut over timber and pasture. $799,000. MLS #124325. Call Robin at ROCK N ROLL REALTY, 208-305-3125. PRICE REDUCED. 10 Beautiful acres, secluded, lots of timber, par t year stream, year around pond, some developed water, start- er cabin, 12x18 storage shed for snowmobiles or 4 wheel- ers. $78,500/ offer. 208-816- 0548. REAL ESTATE WANTED LOOKING FOR HOME: double wide newer manufactured home with carport or garage. Cash up front. 509-758- 7403, 509-751-0885. 6 MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 7 HOUSES FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM house, 1233 Alder Ave #B, Lewiston. $650/ month, $500/ deposit. Small pets okay. 509-751- 2343. 3 BEDROOMS PLUS garage, Kamiah, Idaho, $700 plus deposit. Available September, no smoking. 208-791-2888, 208-305-3722. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, excellent location, business or residential. Available 9/1/14. 905 Bryden, Lewiston. 208- 305-3722, 208-791-7113. ARROW JUCTION 3 bed- room, 2 bath, rec. room, garage, shop/ storage, no pets, no smoking, $800/ month, $1200/ deposit. 208- 816-1416. WE HAVE RENTERS to place in your property today! For state of the art rental ser- vices, contact CENTURY 21 PRICE RIGHT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 208-298- 1288. Check us out at www.PriceRightProperty NON-SMOKER, non-drink- er looking for a 2-3 bed- room house to rent in the Grangeville area. 208-791- 2499, Lewiston. JULIAETTA, COZY duplex for rent, sewer /water /garbage paid, $430 per month plus deposit. Call 208-276-3661 or 208-790-6403. DUPLEXES/ MULTIPLEXES UNIT FOR LEASE in Orchards tri-plex,. Two bedroom. $625 month plus deposit. 208- 305-1064. JULIAETTA, COZY duplex for rent, sewer /water /garbage paid, $430 per month plus deposit. Call 208-276-3661 or 208-790-6403. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, upper level duplex, appli- ances, all utilities paid, $850/ month. 412 Linden Ave., Lewiston. For appli- cation 208-790-0112. APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLARKSTON 2 BEDROOM, central air, washer/ dryer and more. $575, $325 deposit. 509-751-2300, 509-758- 6832. No messages please. TWO BEDROOM, carpor t, laundry facilities, no smoking or pets, $525 /mo. 208-843- 2490. CLEAN ONE BEDROOM, great Lewiston location. Some utili- ties paid. No pets. Deposit required. 208-892-4196. LEWISTON, CUTE, CLEAN, 1 bedroom apartment, close to LCSC and hospital. No smok- ing/ pets. 719 5th Avenue. $375/ month plus deposit. 208-791-7382. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ORCHARDS 2 bedroom apts. Rents $525- $650. No smoking, no pets. 208-746-9894. MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR RENT AVAILABLE SOON- Just out- side Orofino. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $525/ month, $525/ deposit. Water included. Please leave message 208- 842-2962, 208-553-9500. LOT SPACE available for rent, 1654 Dustan Loop, Clarkston. $270 including water /sewer /garbage. LEWIS CLARK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 208-743-2923. LOT SPACE for rent, 1115 Highland Avenue, Clarkston. $280 including water /sewer /garbage. LEWIS CLARK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 208-743-2923. 14X60 1980 NASHUA SINGLE wide, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, very good condi- tion, stove, refrigerator, washer/ dryer, dishwasher. To be moved. $5000/ offer; or rent, no pets, no smoking, $400 rent, $300 deposit. Ask for Sherrie, 208-836-5629, Lenore. NICE 3 BEDROOM, 1-1/2 bath mobile home near Clarkston Heights. Pet restrictions. $525 plus deposit, includes water / sewer /garbage. 509-552- 3056, after 4pm. 2 BEDROOM IN Clarkston or Lewiston court, Section 8 welcome, pets negotiable. $485 and up. 509-243-6222. LOT SPACE available for rent, 1020 Bryden Avenue, Lewiston. $260 includ- ing water /sewer /garbage. LEWIS CLARK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 208-743- 2923. STOP BY THE CATTLEMANS RESTAURANT in Riggins and pick up a copy of the MONEYSAVER LEWIS- CLARK EDITION. ROOMS TO RENT AFFORDABLE LIVING! Yaki ma, Washi ngton. Downtown, furnished stu- dios, rent $310+, claw foot tubs, kitchenettes, views. FREE utilities, bus line, secured access, mini storage available. 509-248-2146. BUSINESS/ COMMERCIAL RENTALS PRIME LARGE CORNER/ building on Thain, Lewiston. Days, 208-746-2852. Evenings, 208-743-0232. DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET retail space available. Inquire at SHINN-REIMERS, 208- 746-5711, Lewiston. RV SPACE RENTALS MOBILE HOME and RV lots in quiet Clarkston park. No pets. From $225. 509-758-3013. LUCKY #13 Lot space available in North Lewiston. Up to 36, newer units preferred, move in spe- cial for August only, receive $100 off 13th months rent. Water/ sewer/ garbage paid, pets on approval, $250/ month, $200 deposit. Call ALL VALLEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 509-758- 9747. STORAGE SPACE RENTALS NOW RENTING storage units. 2760 13th Street, Clarkston. 509-758-2450. WANTED: STORAGE UNIT, secured, at least 14x40 with at least a 14 door in the Lewiston area. Call 208-816- 9307, leave message. 10X10 AND 10X20 stor- age units available. $35 and $65/ month with $25 deposit. Call ALL VALLEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT at 509-758- 9747. 14X40 AND 14X36 Storage Units located in Por t of Clarkston. Fenced, secure. 509-758-1543. SPECIAL ON 10X15s - Get 6th full month rent free! 10X10 , 10x15 10X20 storage units available. $35, $50, and $65/ month with $25 deposit. Call ALL VALLEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT at 509-758-9747. PRIVATE SHOP, CLARKSTON, 1000 sq.ft., concrete floors, lights, $450/ month. 509- 552-6012. ADKISON MINI- STORAGE, two convenient Grangeville locations. No deposit, month- ly billings, MasterCard/ Visa. 208-983-0452. THE MONEYSAVER is a family paper! There is something for every member of the family in the MONEYSAVER. A bike for Sis; a radio controlled car for brother; a microwave for Mom; a fishing pole for Dad; and a boat for the whole fam- ily. If you miss getting your copy of the MONEYSAVER Thursday morning, call 208- 746-0483. 7 NARROW C l a s s i f i e d s 626 Thain Road Lewiston, ID 83501 208-746-0483 800-473-4158 3221 your search. your search. Page 8 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES WANTED: USED engine oil, 1-500 gallons, 208-746- 1515, Lewiston. GARMIN DELUXE carrying case, brand new, fits GPSMAP 276C, 295, 296C, 176/173C and StreetPilot series, $20. 509-680-4002, Lewiston. BUYING FIXABLE and non-fix- able vehicles. 208-553-9444, Lewiston. BIG BEAR NEW/ USED TIRES We buy, sell, mount, dis- mount and spin balance new/ used tires. General welding and trailer repair. 1630 13th St., Clarkston. 509-780- 1033. Open 8 days a week. CENTRAL GRADE AUTO PARTS Used auto and truck parts. Monday- Friday, 8am- 5pm. 208-743-9505. 26195 Central Grade Road, Lewiston. www. cent r al gr adeau- WANTED: 67-69 Camero, Nova 4 tube headers for small block Chevy. 208-791-9800, Clarkston. LARGE CAR TOP carrier, Yamaka, $100 /offer. 208- 792-0375, 208-553-2742, Lewiston. PARTING OUT 1985 Ford 350 4x4, 460 motor, C6 transmis- sion. Lots of parts. 208-553- 8030, Kamiah. WEVE MOVED! MOTION AUTO SUPPLY. Now in our new location. Now Open Saturday 8am- 3pm. 1907 19th Avenue, Lewiston. 208-746-1202. NEW RADIATOR for hot rod, 1-1/2 top, 1-3/4 bottom neck, both on passenger side. 2 used welded seam flow mas- ter style mufflers. Powerglide transmission, fresh rebuild. Pioneer radio/ cassette. 2 per- formance GT Grand Prix tires P215/65R-15, 100% rubber. 208-746-2022, Lewiston. HOT AUGUST NIGHTS automotive and cycle parts swap meet. 10x20 space only $25. For three days, August 22nd, 23rd, 24th. Perfect spot on Main Street at the D Street split, 10th and Main. For spaces or questions, call Bob, 208-746-9510 or SET OF 4 MOUNTED, siped 225 60R16 all season radi- als. Less than 5000 miles on tires, $400/ offer. 509-254- 3982, Lewiston. FOREST AUTO PARTS: Supplying recycled auto parts to the L.C. valley and surrounding area for over 50 years. Huge computer- ized inventory. Nationwide parts locating service. Hours: Monday- Friday, 8:00am- 5:00pm. 208-743-3546, 800-967-5228. FOUR ALUMINUM PRIMO wheels, four like new tires, (2) 235 and (2) 275, 15, fits Chevy 5x5, $250. 208-790- 7973, Lewiston. FOREST AUTO PARTS: Huge inventory of rebuilt Manual Transmissions and Transfer cases. 12 month warranty. 208-743-3546, 800-967- 5228. AUTO SERVICES HANK GOSNELLS AUTO & TRANSMISSION. Your one- stop repair shop for cars, trucks. 32 years in business. 1011 D Street, downtown Lewiston. 208-746-1515. JDS AUTO BODY. Small enough to care; experi- enced enough to do the job right. 1430 Maple Street, Clarkston. 509- 751-5700. KINNEYS AUTO WORKS. Affordable, Quality Auto and Truck Repair and Service! A.S.E. master certified. Free estimates. All work guaran- teed. 208-746-5799, Lewiston. CARS TWO CLASSICS- 1968 Cadillac Coupe Deville, rusty inside, complete, running, and titled, $750. 1976 Buick Electra Limited, 4 door, hard- top, leather, loaded, 136,000 miles, $2000. 208-507- 1211, Cottonwood. 2002 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 4 door, sunroof, leather inte- rior, was $2800, reduced to $2000. Must sell. 208-791- 4720, Lewiston. 1998 FORD ESCORT SE sedan, 4 door, 114,000 miles, $1000. 208-553- 2685, Lewiston. 1981 CORVETTE, 350 automatic, T-top, good condition, $13,000. 1969 Dodge Camper Special, 383 automatic, parting out, $750/ offer. 208-582-1990, Culdesac. ATTENTION ADVERTISERS- DONT fall for this scam!! Be aware of a scam that has been happening across the US, as well as in our area. A person calls and wants to purchase the item the adver- tiser has for sale, sometimes the call is relayed as if the person is hearing impaired. Scammer promises to send payment (a cashiers check, money order or check) for the purchase price, plus an additional amount to cover the cost of shipping the item (usually to a location on the east coast, sometimes out- side the U.S.). The checks are fake, the seller is actually only getting a piece of paper, not a real check. Scammer asks the seller to pay to ship the item, using the extra money included in the fake check. If the seller falls for this scam, the scammer will get the advertised item free, and the seller will end up paying to ship the item to the scammer (since the check was fake). So the seller will lose the advertised item and the money to ship it to the scammer. Dont fall for this scam!! If you are contacted in this manner, and feel it may be a scammer, contact your local Police Department. 1991 FORD TEMPO, good tires, brakes, AC, 109,000 miles, reliable, $1850. 208- 816-2428, Lewiston. CLASSIC LIKE NEW 1984 Corvette, red, sweet cab, new tires, always been stored and covered, 33,000 original miles, books at $12,000. All offers considered. Come drive it, youll love it. 208-553-0912, Lewiston. TWO 1994 BUICK Century cars: one with 50,905 original miles with excellent 3.1 six cylinder engine and transmis- sion but body damage; one with bad four cylinder engine, but fair body, $700 for both or best offer. 208-743-5686, 208-790-2014, Lewiston. 32,500 ORIGINAL MILES on 1998 Oldsmobile. One owner, great condition. Asking $5000. 509-254-4054, Clarkston. 2010 HONDA ACCORD Crosstour EX-L 4WD. Excellent condition, top of the line. Loaded: leather, all season package, roof rack with Thule bike rack, custom wheels, tires 80%, new snow tires included, 45,200 miles. $24,000. Call/ text, 208-305-2754, Lewiston. 1999 HYUNDAI TRIBURON. New body kit, spoiler, 7 touch screen stereo/ DVD player, runs good, great gas mileage. $4500. Call/ text 509-254- 7182, Lewiston. 2007 KIA SPECTRA, 4 door, 4 cylinder, loaded with options, reduced to $3995. 2001 Volkswagen Passat, 4 door, 4 cylin- der automatic, 134,000 miles, sunroof, like new, $3995. ORCHARDS AUTO SALES, 208-743- 5741, Lewiston. 2004 FORD TAURUS, great condition, runs good, used as commuter car, $2600 /offer. 509-780-3145, Clarkston. 1998 CHEVY LUMINA, 4 door, automatic, $950. 1995 Oldsmobile Delta 88, $1500. 208-743-9505, Lewiston. 2010 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, 4 cylinder, excellent condition, 40,600 miles, $15,000. Call 208-874-7537, Moscow. CLASSIC 1970 CADILLAC El Dorado, all original, nice paint but couple bad spots, small mechanical problem, $3000 or bring offer. Leave message 208-842-2962, 208-553- 9500, Lewiston. 2007 CHRYSLER PT Cruiser, must see to appreciate, only 34,000 miles, $6800. Call or text, 208-827-1726, Orofino. 1995 SUBARU LEGACY L wagon, $1100/ offer. 208-791- 9486, Lewiston. 2006 SUZUKI GRAND Vitara, deluxe 6 CD player, new tires, nice condition, 24 MPG HWY, books at $6500. All offers considered. 208-553-0912, Lewiston. 1999 CHEVY MONTE CARLO, $1300. 1992 Ford Taurus, $1400. 208-743-9505, Lewiston. 1995 OLDSMOBILE 98, good condition, $3000. 208-790- 4613, Juliaetta. WEVE MOVED! MOTION AUTO SUPPLY. Now in our new location. Now Open Saturday 8am- 3pm. 1907 19th Avenue, Lewiston. 208-746-1202. 2001 MITSUBISHI Mirage, 4 door, only 114,000 miles, 4 cylin- der, automatic, $2845. 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, 4 cylinder auto, 2 door, lots of options, $2995. 2002 Saturn L300, 4 door, V6, loaded with options, only $2995. ORCHARDS AUTO SALES, 208-743-5741, Lewiston. 2002 DODGE DURANGO SLT, new MagnaFlow catalytic convertor & 2002 sensors, exhaust & exhaust manifold gaskets, new front spindles & hubs, new custom wheels & tires, all new shocks, runs perfect, no leaks, $3800. 509- 922-3692 2005 HONDA HYBRID Accord, 113,000 miles, new tires, excellent condition, $8500. 760-443-7667 VINTAGE AUTOS: 1968 Chevy Impala, $3500; 1968 Chevy Impala SS, $6500; 1968 Buick Riviera, $1500; 1969 Buick Riviera, $1500; 1960 Chevy Corvair, 4 door, $1500; 1959 VW Bug, $1500; 1964 VW Bug, $1500; 1969 VW Bus, $1500; 1963 Plymouth Valiant Signet, 2 door, $600; 1967 Buick Electra 225, $800; 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix, 2 door, $1000; 1971 429 Ford engine, $500. Or best offer on all. Call anytime 509-750-7208 8 MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 9 CARS BUYING FIXABLE and non-fix- able vehicles. 208-746-5799, 208-553-9444, Lewiston. 1956 CHEVY BELAIR, 4 door, V8, Holly carb & manifold, runs but has been sitting in a barn for over 20 years. Also have the original 265 V8, needs restoration, $5000 or best offer, might consider trade, pictures & information at hamptonmodenas@msn. com 208-413-1205 Lewiston 1960 PONTIAC Ventura, 40,000 miles, excellent condition, $8500; 1972 Cougar convertible, 351 Cleveland, excellent shape, $10,500. 509- 999-8490 Spokane WANTED: ANY YEAR Volkswagen! Camper, transporter, bus, pickup, Beetle, any condition, running or not, crashed or not. Please dont scrap me! Call 509-979-100 30th ANNUAL Demolition Derby. Nor th Idaho Fair, August 24th. Demo starts at 6pm. Check-in starts at 3pm-4:45pm. $2000 1st place. No Chrysler Imperials allowed. Come and demo in front of over 4000 spectators. Call John, 208-660-7663, for entries and information. CASH FOR OLD VW buses. Any condition. Also buying Bugs and Ghias. 509-701-1952. 1989 FIREBIRD SSA, looks sharp, drives great, too many new parts to list, 95% restored, mostly stored last 10 years. $7500 or trade for 1964-67 GTO project. 509- 671-6905, Newport. RANCHERO ROUND-UP Car Show. Bring your Ranchero and enjoy the festivities September 12th-14th in Clarkston, WA. Have questions? Call Randy, 509- 229-3490 or Russ, 360-671- 7862 VANS HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE 1984 Ford Econoline van, runs well, lift works, $1500. 208-746-9132, Lewiston. 2001 MERCURY VILLAGER, 4 captains chairs, leather interior, rear air, 6 CD, tem- perature control, video sys- tem, loaded, $3500. Jay, 509-552-9163, Clarkston. 2005 FORD FREESTAR 7/8 passenger, rear AC, like new, only $3995. Very Nice- 2003 Ford Windstar 7-8 passenger, lots of options, V6, rear air, new tires, only $2995. ORCHARDS AUTO SALES, 208-743-5741, Lewiston. PICKUPS & TRUCKS 2004 DODGE PICKUP, crew cab, 2500 diesel automatic, 62,000 miles, shor t box, $23,995. VIN #248216. FUNKES AUTO SALES, 405 3rd St, Clarkston, WA. 509- 758-5221. 1979 MACK 4000 GALLON water truck, fire ready, over $60,000 invested, $15,000. 208-476-4093, Orofino. 1968 DODGE D100, lowered, shortened, chrome wheels, V8, automatic, $2200 /offer. 208-413-1334, Lewiston. 1992 FORD RANGER 4X4 extra cab, camper shell, nice Bighorn tires, $3000/ offer. 208-983-3325, Weippe. JDS AUTO BODY. Small enough to care; experi- enced enough to do the job right. 1430 Maple Street, Clarkston. 509- 751-5700. 2002 DODGE 2500, Cummins, 6-speed, quad cab 4x4, long bed, new tires, FASS fuel pumps, straight pipe, single stage Edge chip, paint peeling. $15,500 /offer. 435-590-5604, Lewiston. 1994 NISSAN Pickup, 2WD, 4 Cylinder 5 Speed, white, $1995. #392134. SEAPORT USED CARS, 911 17th Street, Clarkston. 509-758-8274. 1983 FORD F150, Tommy lift, 302 V8, runs good, $950 /offer. 509-780-3145, Clarkston. 9 Page 10 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 PICKUPS & TRUCKS 1997 CHEVY S-10 extra cab with canopy, 5 speed 4 cyl- inder, $2400. 208-743-9505, Lewiston. 1985 FORD BRONCO, full size, 302 V8, automatic, 4WD, one owner, 32,000 original miles. Asking $3200/ offer. Call anytime, 208-791- 2184, Lewiston. 1993 FORD E-350 box van, automatic, 8Wx14L box, $2700/ offer. Must sell due to health. 785-230-5380. WE CAN Install or Repair Anything on your on-road or off-road vehicle or trailer. Hitches, wiring and lights, winches, brakes and bearings, suspension systems, bumpers and grille guards, off-road equipment, fender flares and more. SPORT TRUCK CENTER, 807 Snake River Avenue, Lewiston. 208-798-8607. 1985 TOYOTA EXTRA cab, 2WD, automatic, power steer- ing, power brakes, 85,000 miles, rebuilt motor, $3000/ offer. 208-743-1708, Lewiston. FOREST AUTO PARTS: Huge inventory of rebuilt Manual Transmissions and Transfer cases. 12 month warranty. 208-743-3546, 800-967- 5228. 1980 CHEVY LUV 4x4, new front disc brake calipers, pads; new rear brake cylinder, shoes; new upper and lower ball joints, shoes; 4 cylinder; 4 speed, $3500 firm. 208-305- 2113, Lewiston. 2001 DODGE 2500 diesel, 164,000 miles, automatic, AC, stock good tires, must see, must sell, $14,500/ offer. 208- 790-4089, Lewiston. 1984 BLAZER 4x4, NICE condition, runs and drives out fine, 4 extra tires, 2 extra rims (all match), $2000/ offer. 1989 F250 XLT Lariat 4x4, good condition, strong runner, $2500/ offer. 509-671-6905, Newport. 1993 DODGE 4x4 extra cab, Cummins, odometer 208,000. Recent alternator and fuel pump. Dinged cab, needs brakes soon. $3950. Tensed area, text is best, 208-596-3016. 1999 DODGE 2500 Laramie SLT, RWD, 123K, Cummins 24 valve turbo diesel, PS, PB, AC, tilt, electric seats, stereo, tow package, Superchip, $9275. 509-993-0034. 2008 CHEVY EXPRESS cargo van, automatic, excellent condition, $17,784; 2007 Ford E350 SD van, automatic, $13,861; 2006 Ford E Series E350 SD cargo box van, 2 available at $12,971. www. 509- 926-1800 2010 FORD F350 SUPER Duty XLT DRW 4wd, only 25,000 miles, automatic, 6.4L turbo diesel, flatbed with racks, excellent conditions, $27,795. NADA Commercial Book, $32,600. www. 509- 926-1800 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 1999 Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer edition, $2500. Also, identi- cal 1999 Ford Explorer parts vehicle, $700. 208-413-3381, Lewiston. 1998 GMC SUBURBAN 4x4 SLT, heated leather seats, A/C, everything works well. Must sell, $2200 /offer. Call/text, 208-790-2012, Lewiston. 2005 FORD FREE STYLE 4x4, 3rd row seat- ing, rear AC, very nice, $4995. 1998 GMC Jimmy, one owner, 4 door, 4X4, V6, lots of options, only 119,000 miles, like new, $2995. ORCHARDS AUTO SALES, 208-743-5741, Lewiston. 1997 GMC YUKON 4x4, 350 V8, AT, air, white, #736094, $3495. SEAPORT USED CARS, 911 17th Street, Clarkston. 509-758-8274. 2006 HONDA CRV, AWD, excellent condition, leather seats, custom fitted floor mats, new Pioneer stereo system with bluetooth, back- up camera ready, sunroof, heated seats. Must see. Salvage title. $12,500. Call Jay, 509-552-9163, Clarkston. 2006 CADILLAC SRX, 77,000 miles, panoramic sunroof, tow package, rear entertainment center, NADA $14,400, asking $12,500. 208-413-1963, Asotin. DOWNSIZING: 2004 Dodge Durango SLT AWD, silver, 132,000 miles, fast and strong, 5.7 hemi, non-smok- er. Clean, excellent condition, tow, leather, Eclipse, DVD/CD/ MP3 and iPod, navigation/ satellite, 3rd row seat, good tires, K&N intake, Flowmaster exhaust, LED tail lights, great family rig. $8850. 208-816- 1757, Lewiston. HEAVY EQUIPMENT 2005 JOHN DEERE skid steer, 250 with 20,042 hours, $11,500. 208-476-5662, Orofino. D4H CATEPILLAR SERIES II, arch winch, 6 way blade, ROPs canopy, $30,000/ offer. 208-661-3434, St. Maries. 1968 JOHN DEERE 350 industrial crawler/ loader, Drot 4 in 1 bucket, new rebuilt die- sel motor, needs track work, $3500. 7 truck utility tool box, $350. 208-553-8030, Kamiah. B-TRAIN FLATBEDS, four axles, $11,700. 509-521- 8836. 1978 INTERNATIONAL 125E crawler/ loader, serial 4500007U006675, engine and hydraulics good and tight, undercarriage 10%, $5000. 208-935-1515, Kamiah. CASE 450 TRACK hoe/ extend a hoe, loader bucket, 1978, $8000. Call for more information, too much to list. 208-935-7816, Kamiah. WANTED: BAND SAW Mill, 24 throat or bigger. 208- 935-1515, Kamiah. HEAVY EQUIPMENT 1984 CASE 450B dozer for sale. It has a 6- way blade, ripper and has a 60% under- carriage. Runs great and needs no repairs. $12,500. 208-843-2419, 105 Ash Ave., Lapwai. CASE 1845C SKID Steer, $7500. 208-435-4160, Weippe. TD-9 DOZER, angle and tilt, long track frame, well used, only $1600. 208-507-1211, Cottonwood. B-TRAIN CURTAIN VANS, 5 axles, $17,300. 509-521- 8836 1981 KW LOG TRUCK with 1990 Pierce log trailer. Excellent condition, electronic scales, great rubber. Ready to work, $15,000/ offer. 208- 651-6951. KOMATSU HD 300 log loader. Runs great, 47 Pierce logging boom. Ready to work, $35,000/ offer. 208- 651-6951. LARGE RETIREMENT sale! D8H, excellent condition, new engine and finals; PC210- 6 Komatsu excavator, new undercarriage, excellent condition; PC300-5 log loader; 8 dump trucks; log trucks, lowboy trailers; end dumps; 950B front end loader, excellent condition; D4 high track, ready to work; and much more! 208-651-6951. GRADER TIRES, (4) 13.00x24, new recaps, clean casings, 14 ply, G2, $1680. Franks Tire, 208-699-2196. GRADER TIRES: FOUR 14.00R24 Bridgestone Snow Wedge, new takeoffs, $5000. 208-699-2196, Franks Tire. SUNNY COLUMBIA BASIN 120 city/ vacant lots, 160,000 bushel grain elevator, 2640 highway. Sacrifice, $99,500. 509-467-4381. CASE 580B BACKHOE diesel engine, R.O.P.S., runs and operates great. Good tires, no leaks, low hours, 3300. Clean, well maintained machine, delivery available, $10,900. 208-818-6937. PICK UP your copy of the MONEYSAVER LEWIS- CLARK EDITION at the JULIAETTA MARKET. 10 MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 11 HEAVY EQUIPMENT LOOKING FOR 30-50 loads of dead/ dry house logs. lodgepole pine, spruce, white pine, douglas fir and larch. Contact Brian at 208-661- 9184. WANTED: FORD 5000 with loader, or similar. 509-236- 2200 Edwall 30,000 GALLON Horizontal above ground tanks, 1 is 4 compartment, other is 6 compartment. Used 8 years for paint thinner. Single wall, double bulkhead with gauges & piping on each compar tment, $19,000; Ridgid pipe & bolt threading machine, includes 10 die heads, $1900; Ridgid 300 power drive with stand, carriage, reamer, cutter & die head, $1600; Ridgid 400 power drive, $800; Ridgid 700, power drive with 10 dies, $1800; Ridgid 2.5 to 4 geared threaders, $1100. Call 509-209-0035 or 509- 924-5036. Spokane NEW LINCOLN RANGE welder, paid $4400, only 55 hours, comes with 25 lbs of rod, 50 lead & 75 lead, asking $3800 or best offer, call Wes 208-640-1157. CdA 2003 HYSTER H90XM forklift. 9,000lb lift capacity, 2 stage mast (196), side shift, solid pneumatic tires, 4.3L GM V6 (LPG), $13,999. More to choose from, give us a call! Spokane Forklift, 509- 496-4918 2002 DAEWOO G20E-3 with a 2 stage mast (127 lift height), 4000lb lift capacity, full free lift cylinder, just under 3100 hours, and solid pneumatic tires, in great shape, $10,250. Call Spokane Forklift, 509-496- 4918 USED FORKLI FTS. Par ts, service, www. or call 509-868-5962 MASSEY FERGUSON tractor, 1993, 231 Diesel, 40hp, loader, runs great, $6500. Call 425-418-3914, Okanogan YOUR AUTHORIZED Terex & Takeuchi compact equipment dealer. New & used, compact excavators, track loaders, skid steers, wheel loaders, backhoes & chippers. FMI Equipment, 800-426-6002 BRADEN HYDRAULIC Winch, 16,000 lb. with 100 1/2 cable, came off 2000 Ford 450, pump runs off engine, $1800 would consider trade for anything. 760-443-7667 PEA BAR TO FIT JOHN Deere 222 header, $1000. Evenings 509-549-3862 LaCrosse VERY NICE 1970 FORD 5000 diesel tractor, 50hp, front-end quick release loader, 3 point, live PTO, half tread, $6900. Bob: 509-447-3042 Newport JOHN DEERE 450B Dozer, 6 way blade, winch, fresh engine, engine clutch, steering clutches all in good shape, $11,000 or best offer 509-207-0603 DISCOUNT TRACTOR parts: new, used, rebuilt, local warehouses, order online at 800- 967-8185 Draper Tractor Parts See the complete listing of events happening at the Lewiston City Library on 11 * Fast Turnaround! * Personalized! Page 12 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 ADULT CARE PRIVATE CAREGIVER NEEDED, part time. Please contact me at 208-791-4449, Clarkston. CHILD CARE TEACHER: Wonder World Learning Center is a well established childcare cen- ter seeking energetic, dedi- cated and reliable individuals to join our growing facility! We have the following full time, Monday - Friday, job oppor tunities: Infant team teacher, Toddler team teacher, Preschool-School Age team teacher, Van Driver. To suc- ceed in these positions you will need: passion for children birth - 12 yrs of age; experi- ence preferred, but willing to train; initiative and capacity to work with minimal supervi- sion; pediatric CPR/1st Aid; FBI Background check. Apply in person Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:30pm, 3504 16th Street, Lewiston. HELP WANTED FULL-TIME Lot Attendant with benefits is responsible for the appearance of the lot, making sure cars are clean, putting stickers in vehicles and pre- paring vehicles for delivery. Medical, dental, 401K pro- vided. Must have valid driv- ers license and good driving record. Please send resume or stop at Rogers Toyota- Scion, 2203 16th Avenue, Lewiston Idaho for applica- tion. NO phone calls please. Drug free workplace. SALMON RIVER RANCH hand needed. Horses, cattle and fencing. 208-983-6095, Cottonwood. MONEYSAVER CUSTOMER SERVICE Rep in Classified Ad Depar tment. 30- 35 hours/ week, Monday- Friday. Must be knowledgeable with Microsoft Word/ Excel and Internet file transfer plus type 45 WPM. Basic book- keeping skills a plus. Good job for friendly personality who enjoys people. Benefits include health insurance, vacation/ personal leave. Stop by Moneysaver Office for application, weekdays, 8am-5pm, 626 Thain Road, Lewiston. EOE BUSY RESTAURANT needs experienced cook/kitchen help. Also cashier/server with great customer service. Mike, 208-816-0300, Lewiston. Find a comprehensive list of area businesses at www. and select Business Directory. NATIONAL ADS ATTN: DRIVERS Quality Home Time! Now hiring in your area avg. $1000/weekly. BCBS, 401K, Pet & Rider CDL-A Req (855) 969-5301 GET LIGHTNING FAST High Speed Internet: AT&T U-Verse plans starting at $14.95/mo. Bundle & Save Internet+Phone+TV. Call to check availability in your area! Limited Offer. 1-800- 919-0548 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/ Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/ Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 BUNDLE & SAVE on your TV, Internet, Phone!!! Call Bundle Deals NOW Compare all Companies, Packages and Prices! Call 1-888-986-3957 TODAY! CASH PAID- UP TO $25/ BOX for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. BEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776-7771. www. Viagra 100MG and Cialis 20MG! 40 Pills +4/free for only $99.00. #1 male enhancement. Discreet Shipping. Save $500. Buy The Blue Pill Now! 1-888- 797-9029 Viagra 100mg or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836- 0780 WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967- 1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310- 721-0726 usa@classic- RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, trans- portation, activities daily. Short leases. Monthly specials! Call (866) 338-2607 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guar- anteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 AVON - EARN Extra $$$ Sell from home, work, online. For Information Call: 1-800-796- 2622 or email AvonDetails@ (ISR) Se Habla Espanol CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or not, all years, makes, models. Free towing! Were local! 7 days/ week. Call Toll Free: 1-888- 416-2330 U.S. PRESCRI PTI ON Al ter nati ves/ Zanax/ Somanex/ Fastin/ Benzadrine/ Phentrazine/ Viagra/. No Prescription Needed. Free Discreet Shipping. Order Now Toll Free 1-866-611-6889. DIRECTV, Internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO Starz SHOWTIME CINEMAX+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888- 248-5961 GET HELP NOW! One Button Senior Medical Alert. Falls, Fires & Emergencies happen. 24/7 Protection. As Low As $0.50/day. Call NOW 1-888- 495-6199 MAKE A CONNECTION. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet sin- gles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-737-9447 18+ GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any condition. Call 1-800-864-5796 or www. VIAGRA 100MG and Cialis 20mg! 40 pills + 4/FREE for only $99.00 #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy The Blue Pill! 1-800-213- 6202 VIAGRA PATENT Expires in the UK! 40 Pills Only $169, shipped to you. Save $500 Now. Call today 1-800-375- 3305 TOP CA$H PAID for old Rolex, Patek Philippe & Car tier watches! Daytona, Submariner, GMT-Master, Expl orer, Mi l gauss, Moonphase, Day Date, etc. 1-800-401-0440 READER ADVISORY: The fol- lowing classifieds have been purchased by the National Trade Association we belong to. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunder- standings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the read- ers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients estab- lish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstances should you send any money in advance or give the cli- ent your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does busi- ness only over the phone its illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada. AIRLINES JOBS Start Here Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 FRAC SAND Owner Operators Needed Immediately in Texas! Requires tractor, blower, pneumatic trailer. Sting Services Pays 80%... Unlimited Work 214-250- 1985 HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veter- ans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at WANT TO PURCHASE miner- als and other oil/gas inter- ests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. WORK FROM HOME OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED!! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from Home! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience Required. Start Immediately! Medical Guardian - Top-rated medical alarm and 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equip- ment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd water- proof alert button for free and more - only $29.95 per month. 800-977-5943 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 months) and High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-593-1764. ProFlowers - Enjoy 50% off 100 blooms of Peruvian Lilies with free glass vase - your price $19.99 +s/h PLUS, Save 20% off your order over $29! Call 1-800-861-8703 or visit www. Pr o F l o we r s . c o m/ Brilliant REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-840-8955 All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your base- ment needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-680-6517 My Computer Works- Computer probl ems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-800-996-4531 WORK FROM HOME OPPORTUNITIES DIRECTV starting at $24.95/ mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply - Call for details 1-800-370-1356. NEED A JOB? Why not work from home? 28 year old international company in good standing with the BBB. 18 years & older, will train. Great for business minded stay at home moms. Call for information, Jana, 509-202- 8532 leave a message WORK WANTED INTRODUCING: TIDY TRIO a new house keeping com- pany. If you want the best, give me a call, Angela, 208- 661-9252. LOG TRUCKS FOR HIRE. Hard working, ready to go. Call Bobbi Hereford, 406- 721-1328, 406-240-7009. 12 MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 13 13 Page 14 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 CAMPERS & CANOPIES WOLF CREEK pickup camper, self contained, like new, Paid $18,000 last year. Asking $12,000 negotiable. 208- 816-0414, Lewiston. LEER CAMPER SHELL model #122. Fits 2006 Dodge short bed, gray, very good condi- tion, $750. 208-877-1569, Deary. SLIDE IN 12 pickup camp- er, self contained, excellent condition, $1200. 208-476- 5998, Orofino. 2000 NORTHLAND 8-1/2 camper, fully self-contained. Stored inside shop. Good condition, everything works, $4200/ offer. 208-413-0679, Clarkston. RVS & TRAVEL TRAILERS 1978 RENAISSANCE 23 Motorhome, Dodge 440 engine, fiberglass, roof air conditioning, dash air conditioning, bath, cruise, new refrigerator, new tires, 33,400 miles, $3900 or trade for 19-23 pull trailer of equal value. 208-875- 1253, Potlatch. 1995 HY LINE camp trailer, 28, sleeps six, microwave, stero, TV, 3 burner stove and oven, electric or pro- pane refrigerator, full awning. $4800. 208-791-2936, Lewiston. RVS & TRAVEL TRAILERS USED ONE NIGHT, one time: 2008 Big Country 33 fifth wheel, triple slide, loaded, electric start generator, satel- lite, washer/ dryer combo, perfect, Price reduced to $29,700 firm. Possible trade? See at Park To Sell, 15th and Chestnut, Clarkston. 509- 552-1390. 1992 FLEETWOOD CLASS A Flair, 26, full queen bed, range, refrigerator, air, new tires, much more. Super coach in and out. You wont be disappointed. Health forc- es sale, $11,900/ offer. 208- 553-1290, 208-935-7007, Kamiah. 2006 OUTBACK 28 fifth wheel, super slide, load- ed, 7.5 amp solar panel, $12,500. 208-924-5908 or 208-507-5908, Winchester. 2004 29RL MONTANA fifth wheel, excellent condition, new tires and shackles, two slides, $18,500. 208-245- 2425, St. Maries. 1993 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC, 28 fifth wheel camper, everything works, new fridge, $3000 /offer. 208-507-0269, Elk City. 2002 FIFTH WHEEL, three tip- outs, $9500. 208-790-8388, Lewiston. 1990 CHEVROLET PACE Arrow motorhome, 28, sleeps 4, runs nicely, every- thing works greatly, includes generator. Call 208-746- 1193, Lewiston. 2007 COUGAR TRAILER, 29, rear dining, large awning, slide out, 2 recliners, fold down couch, dining table- 4 chairs, AC, microwave, built in sound system, DVD, flat screen TV, no smoking, stored under cover, heavy duty electric jack, easy lift hitch/ anti sway bar, many extras, $15,500. 208-791- 2837, Lewiston. Check out our used inventory. BROADMOOR RV, 1-888- 903-6042. Before you buy call BROADMOOR RV, 1-888- 903-6042. PRIVATE PARTY WANTS to buy a used camper pull trailer, approximately 16- 21 long. I have cash in hand. 208-791-9569. 1991 FLAIR 29 MOTORHOME Class A self-contained, 4000 watt Onan generator, 454 motor, queen bed, asking $7000/ offer. Days 208-798- 8970, evenings 208-791- 5663, Lewiston. GET PREAPPROVED FOR your next RV at russdeanrv. com. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877-297-5117. 2012 KOMFORT 27, 2 slides, stored inside, used 3 times, fully loaded, MSRP $49,019, sell for $24,995/ offer. Consider partial trade. 208- 553-4037, Lewiston. GREAT AMERICAN RV Sell- Off Liquidation Sale of the Year. Americas Best RV brands. Prices cut to the bone on all Motorhomes, Campers, Travel Trailers, Fifth Wheels. All priced for immediate liqui- dation. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877-297-5117. 1993 FLEETWOOD BOUNDER, good condition, well maintained, Onan 6500 watt generator, 454 Chevy motor performance chip. NADA $11,665. Asking $9350. Robbie, 208-553- 1876, Clarkston. NEW IN PACKAGE, queen pil- low top mattress, $125/ offer. 208-305-6247, Lewiston. WE BUY USED, late model motorhomes- all brands and price ranges, 2005 and newer. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877- 297-5117. 2001 8 JAYCO TENT camp- er, some water stain on canvas, $1000 /offer. 208- 792-0375, 208-553-2742, Lewiston. 2009 25 WILDERNESS TRAILER, immaculate, used very little, slide out, awning, has had lots of TLC. Call 509- 758-5276, leave message. 2011 CHAPARRAL 33 fifth wheel, 3 slides, all the bells and whistles, 5 year extended warranty, setup to haul an Idaho Tote trailer, $32,900. 208-790-6366, Lewiston. 1981 CHEVROLET 23, 92,000 miles on 350 Chevy engine, has 4000 on Board Onan generator, decent shape for $3000. Call anytime, 208- 791-2184, Lewiston. RV PROPANE REFRIGERATOR Service. Cooling unit expert. Two year warrenty. 208-777- 1759. 2010 FUZION TOY Hauler, 40, 3 slides, sleeps 9, onboard generator, very clean, must see. $35,995. Brandon, 208-305-2027. PROTECT YOURSELF before you buy. Broadmoor RV is your one stop dealership for over 170 new and used name brand RV;s. Check out our web site at Broadmoor-rv. com for all of our product models and then call toll free 888-343-8800, local 509-545-4776, or e-mail our internet department at sales@broadmoor- Remember at BROADMOOR RV We Flat Sell em For Less. Also check out our con- signment and rental departments, I-182 exit 7, Pasco, WA. OVER 200 RVs in stock. Ready for camping. In the Pasco Autoplex. 1-877-297- 5117 1996 JAYCO 28 travel trailer Eagle series, sleeps 8, bunk beds. 500 highway miles. Used little, excellent condition, $9450. 208-935-2072, Kamiah. 2005 24 FLEETWOOD Jamboree motorhome, 9805 miles, Chevy motor, new tires, new batteries, was just serviced, just like new, has been garaged, asking $28,500. Evenings, 208- 847-3251. 14 MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 15 2000 NORTHLAND 10 slide- in pickup camper for quad cab 3/4 ton pickup. Clean! $5000. 208-245-3917. 2000 PROWLER LS 29B, Northwest Edition, excellent condition, 12 slide, TV, CD, radio, air conditioning, electric tongue jack, full awning, level ride hitch, sway bar, very clean, non-smokers, ready to go. 208-245-3922, St. Maries. UTILITY TRAILERS WELLS CARGO Road Force and Fast Track enclosed trailers. Purchase or order the best for less! 208-962- 3000 or 208-983-7216, Cottonwood. DLR. CARGO TRAILER 8.3 wide, tongue to rear 24, dual axle, 10,000 lb. gross weight, white and chrome, 7.4 back door drop and side door, $7500. 512-992-8126, Lewiston. 2008 8X20 TNT Enclosed Cargo trailer, $4995. 2, 3, AND 4 place ATV trailers. GUYS OUTDOOR, 304 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746- 0381. 8x10 TILT WITH 4 sides, $1150. 16 frame only with electric brakes, $650. Receiver hitch for 1989 Ford and 1972 Chevy, $60 each. Bedliner for 1989 Ford, $50. 12x14 wall tent with 6 sides, $450. 208-743-7631, Lewiston. PRICE REDUCED! 2014 white Haulmark 8.5x20 enclosed trailer, perfect condition, car hauler, $6200. Also selling equalizer hitch for $250. 208- 771-4561. BOATS & MOTORS SEAEAGLE SE9 MOTORMOUNT inflatable fishing boat and launch- ing trailer, Minnkota trolling motor, fishermans package, extras, $1200 /offer. 530- 903-9041, Clarkston. ELECTRIC TROLLING MOTOR, brand new in box, $115. 208-289-4050, Kendrick. WORLES BOAT REPAIR Inboard Repowers. Fixing your problems since 1986. 509-758-8019, Clarkston Heights. ALUMINUM BOAT AND TRAILER, 12, no leaks, good tires, asking $400. 530-903- 9041, Clarkston. 19 ALUMINUM BLUE Fin, open bow, galvanized trailer, Bimini top, anchor, life jackets, fish finder, 55 hp outboard, pole holders, bow mount electric troller, $5800/ offer. 208-301-0454, Lewiston. ALUMISHINE. ALUMINUM BOAT POLISHING and Detail. Magnesium chloride removal. Bring your boat back to life! Also semi trucks and wheel polishing. 509-254-7807, Clarkston. BOATS & MOTORS 22 DUCKWORTH JET BOAT, new 351 Redline marine engine with zero hours and two year transferrable unlim- ited hour warranty. Hamilton 770 jet pump, recently upholstered bench seats, heater, and Ramsey winch with anchor, raised rear deck with railings, Calkins tandem axle trailer, $16,500. For full description and pictures, call Arnold at 208-816-1317, Lewiston. CLASSIC 1968 Bayliner, 19, 125 HP Mercruiser, in/ out, E-Z Load trailer, superb con- dition, many extras. See at Miller Marina. Was $3650, Now $2450. 208-935-2072, Kamiah. USED BOATS and MOTORS 22 Starcraft Islander, 115 Mariner & Trailer, $4495. 17 Century I/O, trailer, $4995. 22 Starcraft I/O, cuddy cabin, and trailer, $10995. 14 Westcoaster, 25 hp and trailer, $1995. 16 Fiberform and trailer, $995. 25 hp Honda, $4495. 15 hp Honda, $2999. VALLEY BOAT, 419 Snake River Ave., Lewiston. 208-743-2528. WANTED: CANVAS COVER for 22 Jet Boat. 208-743- 1920, Lewiston. TROLLING MOTOR mount OMC, new, easy lower and rise. $225. 208-746-1874, Lewiston. GREAT SHAPE, 16 Mad River canoe, $400/ offer. 208-305- 6247, Lewiston. 1997 THUNDERJET Maxim 23, $25,995, 1992 Smokercraft, $1999. All sizes of new Honda and Yamaha trolling motors available. Great low prices! GUYS OUTDOOR, 304 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746-0381. USED BOAT TRAILERS, some with boats. From $250. VALLEY BOAT, 419 Snake River Ave., Lewiston. 208- 743-2528. 1973 BAYLINER, EXCELLENT shape, 85 hp motor, 4 hp kicker, soft top, runs excel- lent, set up for fishing, $2850/ offer. 208-790-4089, Lewiston. HUDSON BOATS Aluminum repair, welding, fabrication, jet conver- sions, tanks. Gary 208- 746-5736, Ryan 208-790- 1527. LUPER AUTOMOTIVE POWER SPORTS, now servicing motorcycles, personal water craft, 4 wheelers, generators, boats, snowmobiles. 110 16th Street, Lewiston, ID, 208-743-3981. 1988 BAYLINER MODEL 2455 Sunbridge and trailer, new upholstery, carpet in galley, aft queen bunk, refrigerator, 2 burner alcohol stove, bathroom, 13 gallon fresh water tank, 13 gallon black water tank, GM 350 and OMC Cobra outdrive, power trim tabs, 8 hp Nissan troll- ing motor, fish finder, great condition, $9950/ offer. 208- 476-7569, Orofino. 1973 BIMINI TRI-HULL 18.5 outboard, 150 HP Johnson, 75 HP Merc trolling motor, 1976 Calkins single axle trailer, needs some TLC, $2500/ offer. 208-683-2388 please leave message. 1979 J-24 SAILBOAT, excellent condition, located in Bayview, ID. Newer four cycle 4 HP Suzuki outboard. Trailer available for $1200. Full set of sails. $4800/ offer. 509-747- 2492 or cell 509-979-2765 1996 23 MAXUM, inboard, outboard, 350 motor, 260hp, couch, bed, sink, toilet, stereo system, tow bar, re-upholstered, good trailer, price reduced, $9,500. 208- 304-3503 Oldtown 1988 SEA RAY 268, rebuilt outdrive, recent servicing of 454 engine, fully self- contained, EZ Loader trailer, $7500 or best offer. Hurry, wont last long! Call Rob at 509-207-0603 Kettle Falls PRICE REDUCED! 14 Hewescraft Fisherman, 25hp electric start Johnson, mini Kubota electric motor, sun canopy, EZ loader trailer, $3000. 509-935-8949 Chewelah MOTORCYCLES & ATVS 2009 UM 250cc, 700 miles, like new, $2100. 208-431- 0969, Lapwai. 1996 POLARIS MAGNUM, looks good and runs good, $850. 208-743-9682, 208- 305-5792, Lewiston. KTM 250 EXC 1998, new bearings, crank, top end, FMF, pro taper, etc. Nice bike, $1500/ offer. 208-305-3213, Lewiston. FOUR 25 ATV OR UTV tires, used 900 miles, $100/ offer. Leave message, 208-746- 3357, Lewiston. 2008 YAMAHA TW 200, low miles, excellent condition, $2000/ offer. 208-553-3894, Orofino. JIGS FOR BUILDING ATV racks and ramps, fit any full size pickup, $500. 208- 743-6899, 208-791-6400, Lewiston. 1996 KOMFORT M-25-TS camp trailer in excellent condition, never smoked in, very well maintained, slide out, books for $9300, asking $8500. Please call for details, will not be disappointed. 208- 827-6995, Orofino. MOTORCYCLES & ATVS MOTORCYCLES: 2008 Harley Davidson XL1200L, $8000. 2005 Harley Davidson XL1200, $5500. 2008 Suzuki Burgman 400, $3798. 2005 Honda VTX1800, $5999. 2009 Victory Vision Premium, $13,000, 2008 Victory Kingpin Tour, $10,999. 2007 Suzuki V-Strom 1000, $4999. 2009 UM V650S, $2995. GUYS OUTDOOR, 304 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746- 0381. 2009 KAWASAKI KLR 650, black, 5200 miles, tank and rear bags, Corbin seat. Idle needs work from sitting, but runs great. Less than 500 miles on tires, Nice bike, treated well, $4500. 208- 413-0337, Lewiston. MOTORCROSS SUPER SALE at MACS! 2014 Honda CRF250R, only $6895 with Bonus Bucks. 2014 Honda CRF450R only $7799 with Bonus Bucks. Only once a year and only at MACS CYCLE. 509-758-5343, Clarkston. Or toll free 1-866- 835-0532. MOTORCYCLE: MACS Model Year Closeout! 2013 Suzuki V-Strom was: $8799, now only $7499. And only $149/ month OAC. Only at MACS CYCLE, 509-758- 5343, or toll free 866-835- 0532. 2013 ARCTIC CAT Wildcat 1000! Side-by-Side, $11,995. Only at MACS CYCLE, Clarkston, WA. 509- 758-5343 or toll free 866- 835-0532. 1997 SPORTSTER, $3995. Softail Mustang double seat, $135. Softail stock seat and driver back rest, $125. Fender rack, $35. 208-791-0038, Lewiston. ALL 2014 Suzuki Kingquad ATVs On Sale Now! Factory Rebates and Straight Deals only at MACS CYCLE, Clarkston WA. 509-758- 5343 or toll free 1-866-835- 0532. LUPER AUTOMOTIVE POWER SPORTS, now servicing motorcycles, personal water craft, 4 wheelers, generators, boats, snowmobiles. 110 16th Street, Lewiston, ID, 208-743-3981. 2009 ARCTIC CAT 700 LIMITED, TRV, 2 passenger, 1000 miles, $6500 firm. Lathams, 208-476-5282, Orofino. LIKE NEW BAD Boy Buggy Ambush side-by-side. Runs on gas or electric for silent travel, or both for 4-wheel drive. Comes with a 2500 lb. winch, split windshield, soft top, rear cargo dump box and camo finish, $12,500. 208- 843-2419, 105 Ash Ave., Lapwai. 2008 YAMAHA WR450, used very little, only ridden 12 times, comes with Baha design street legal kit, many extras, $2995. 208-791- 4397, Clarkston. MOTORCYCLES: 2009 Kawasaki KLX 110, $800; 2013 Harley Davidson 1200 Nightster, low miles, $8995. BUDS SAW SERVICE, Cottonwood, Idaho. 208- 962-3211. ATVs: 2011 KAWASAKI KSF450, $4299; 2008 Kawasaki Prairie 360, $3199. 2014 Polaris RZR800S LE EPS, $13,000. 2008 Kawasaki 360, $3195. 2006 Yamaha YZF 450, $2999. 2004 Honda Sport Trax EX 300, $1600. 2012 Polaris Trail Boss, $3500. GUYS OUTDOOR, 304 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746-0381. ATVs: 2011 SPORTSMAN 850, loaded, $8000; 2008 RZR 800, with extras, $7500; 2010 RZR S, loaded, $9700; 2009 Sportsman 500 X2, $7500; 1997 Magnum 425 4x4, $1800; 2011 Kawasaki Terex, loaded, low miles, $8700; 2006 Yamaha Rhino, loaded, with plow, camo, $7200; 2013 Ranger 900, with extras, $11,400; 2013 Sportsman 500, power steer- ing, $6700; 2011 Outlaw 90, $1900, 2007 Spor tsman 500 DLX, $4700;. BUDS SAW SERVICE, Cottonwood, Idaho, 208-962-3211. SUMMER BLOWOUT SALE. Hanson Garage has the best deals of the year! All Suzuki ATVs have 0% financing for 60 months. Suzuki RMZ 250s and 450s have an industry best $2000 rebate, and $1500 on RMZ 250s. A few remain- ing 2013 ATVs at blowout prices. 2014 KTM motor- cycles have up to $1000 in rebates, so hurry to HANSON GARAGE while supplies last!! 208-476- 5536, Orofino. NEARLY 36,000 Households read the MONEYSAVER LEWIS-CLARK EDITION each week. ATV: 2007 HONDA 250 RECON, $2195. 2005 Honda Rubicon 500, 4x4, $3495. 1992 Suzuki King Quad, $1795. 2003 Polaris Sportsman 700, $3495. MACS CYCLE, Clarkston, 509-758-5343 or toll free 866-835-0532. ATV: THE PIONEER is here!! See Hondas new side by side! Impressive quality and performance for only $11,699. Wow! And only at MACS CYCLE, 700 Bridge St., Clarkston. 509-758- 5343 or toll free 1-866-835- 0532. MOTORCYCLE: 2013 Yamaha V-Star 650, $4995. 2010 Kawasaki Concours 1400 $9495. 1983 BMW R100 RT, $3995. 2013 BMW F800 GS Loaded, $12,495. 2003 Harley Davidson Softtail Deuce, $9495. 2002 Honda Shadow Spirit 1100, $2995. 2004 BMW R1150 RT, $6,795. MACS CYCLE, 509-758-5343, 1-866-835- 0532. 2- 2008 Q-LINK Pegasus scooters, both have low miles, excellent condition, $1150 each. 208-305- 3901, Lewiston. 15 Page 16 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 MOTORCYCLES & ATVS 2003 HARLEY DYNA Low Rider, one owner, excellent condition. 208-790-0112, Clarkston. WANTED: HONDA 50, Honda 70, Honda 90 Trail or similar bike, running or not. Jim, 509-468-4802, 509-993- 2132 Mead ALUMA MC10 SINGLE Place motorcycle trailer, 13 mag wheels, radial tires, front salt shield, LED lighting, tie downs, swivel tongue jack, wheel chock, sale price $1995. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane www. ALUMINUM 10 TILT Trailer, Model # Aluma 5410T, deck size 54 wide x10 long, great motorcycle, ATV, or golf trailer, LED lighting, 2k axle, 13 tires, swivel tongue jack & more, all for $1490. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane www.CobaltTrailer. com GREAT NORTHERN 2 Place ATV or motorcycle trailer, top quality 5x10 2k axle, 13 tires, LED lighting, stow away ramps, lifetime structural warranty, sale $1399. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane www.CobaltTrailer. com ATV, 2-UP. 2012 CAN-AM Outlander XT800R, 330 miles, extras, tracks, plow, warranty and much more. $13,495/ offer. Can email pictures. 208-640-0717. SNOWMOBILES WANTED: SNOWMOBILES (1995 and up), ATVs, Jet Skis, Motorcycles, and Dirt Bikes. Running or not. Will pick up and pay cash. 509- 793-4181, Pullman. AIRCRAFT EVER DREAM of flying? Long time experienced full time FAA certified flight instructor in Lewiston. Ive got the air- plane, lets go fly! Sport pilot, private, instrument, com- mercial and biannual flight reviews. 208-305-7829, BOARDING, PASTURE, STABLES PASTURE WANTED. Competitive rates. Long term contracts. Kimberley Cattle. 208-874-2080. ki mber l eybl ackcat t l e@ HORSE BOARDING: pasture, shade, shelter, water. No barb wire! 208-843-2017, Lapwai. CATS WE WILL BE at Lewiston PETCO every Saturday from 10am-3pm. See us around the corner near the check out stands. We have lots of kittens; Suki, 2 year Siamese mix; Peaches, 3 year orange; Missy, 5 year gray tabby; Butternut, 1 year female Siamese mix; Silk, 7 year medium hair black. HELPING HANDS RESCUE. Information: 208- 743-3157. For spay or neu- ter certificate information, call 208-798-5031. KITTENS teen and tiny with mom to give away. Free to good homes. Between 9am- 5pm. 208-791-6577, 208- 924-5956, Winchester. CATS DESERT LYNX & Highland Lynx kittens, ready now, Reg. with REFR, domestic hybrid kittens, look like bobcats without the bad traits, wormed, prices vary with color. 208-798-0777, 208- 791-0071. DOGS SEE US EVERY Saturday from 10am-3pm at Lewiston Petco. Gremlin, 5 year Pug/ Chihuahua; Aldo, 5 year black German Shepherd mix; Ice, 1 year Australian Shepherd mix, deaf; Kona, 1-1/2 year Coonhound mix; Peaches, 5 month Chihuahua; Taco, 5 year Chihuahua; Maggie, 6 month Lab/ Hound; Arthur, 7 year Pom mix; Raja, 2 year Australian Shepherd mix. HELPING HANDS RESCUE. For Information call 208-743- 3157. For a certificate to help you spay/ neuter your pet. Call 208-798-5031. TWELVE WEEK OLD purebred Cocker Spaniel puppies, unique colors, $350/$400. 208-843- 2776, Culdesac. QUEENSLAND BLUE HEELER puppies, 5 weeks old, 4 males, 1 female, $200/ each. 208-791-9745, Lapwai. MINIATURE SHORT HAIR Dachshund puppy, boar (tan) boy, $150, first shots and wormed, family raised. 509- 254-7447. VIZSLA PUPS, family owned and selectively bred for 43 years, beautiful hunting dogs with great dispositions, 3 males available 8/11/14, $800/ each. 208-743-2466, Lewiston. WHITE GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, $400 each. Ready to go August 15th. 208-816- 2092, Orofino. REGISTERED MALE YORKIE, 7-year-old, to give away, very sweet, not house broke. 208- 486-6942, Peck. MINIATURE SHORT HAIR Dachshund puppy, brindle male, first shots and wormed, $175. 509-254-7447. PYRENEES LIVESTOCK guard puppies, 8 weeks old, ready to go, raised wtih sheep and goats. 509-843-9922, Pomeroy. AKC JACK RUSSELL, health cer tificate, tri colored, black/ white and tan/ white, $600- $700. 208-791-2702, Lewiston. BORDER COLLIE/ Blue Heeler puppies for sale. 2 males, 5 females, good bloodlines, working parents, $150. Call 208-791-5154, Culdesac. UKC MINIATURE/ UKCI Standard Rat Terrier pups. Females, $365. Males, $315. Tri chocolate, chocolate tuxedo, blue tris and blue tuxedo. Vet health checked and first shots. Hargensrats Clearwater, Idaho. 208-926- 4111. DOGS DOG SITTING in my home. Tender loving care. 208-798- 0832, Lewiston. BLACK MOUTH CURS for sale. Ready in September. For more information call 208- 790-4230, Orofino. BRITTANY PUPS, AKC, orange and white, sire Best of Show, both parents excellent hunters, ready August 14th, 3 males, $600. 208-476-5797, Orofino. MINIATURE DACHSHUND (weiner) PUPPIES, black and tan, and dapples, very loving, 1 shots, $200- $250. 208- 413-0308, Lewiston. PUREBRED PUG puppies, 6 weeks old September 2nd, 2 females $400, 1 male $350. Taking deposits. 208-816- 6354, Lewiston. HEELER PUPS for sale, out of working stock, parents on premises, born July 1st, no docked tails. $200. 509-648- 4222, St. John. PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherds, the girls are $700 & the boys are $600. 509-496-3321 Shelly. Please leave a message & I will call you back HEELER PUPPIES! Two red males left. First shots & wormed. Tails are not docked, $150. 509-220-7712 Elk AKC JACK RUSSELL Pups, with all coat types, colorful, red/ white, tri, adult size 10-12, health tested parents, guarantee, $700 for pets. 509-397-4087 or r j vant r ease@gmai l . com Colfax AKC GERMAN Shepherds, healthy, socialized, family protection, German lineage on both sides, lots of champions, vaccinated & wormed, $750. 509-684- 8643 Colville POLICE DOG PUPS, AKC GSD, companionship that protects, rare black with tan accents, $500 and up. 509- 442-3766 Ione OPERATION DOG TAG, a non- profit organization dedicated to training dogs for combat Vets & in turn training those Vets to train other dogs for other Vets. Having a dog has been proven to help with rehabilitation & many Veterans in our area are in desperate need. For more information, and ways you can help please call Joe, 509- 276-4364; 509-995-4517. Thank you AKC CHESAPEAKE Bay Retriever pups looking for forever homes. Parents are OFA, DERM, DM tested & EIC negative. 1 female, 5 males, well socialized, vet checked, dewormed & vaccines started, $800 or best offer. 509-999-4439 MALE CHIHUAHUAS, tiny teacup toy, delicate, pampered, loved, all white, long-haired, very rare, shots, wormed, $275. 509-684- 8643 Colville AKC GOLDEN Retreiver Puppies, born August 6th, females $675, males $575, taking deposits. 509-276- 2093 Deer Park BORDER COLLIE Puppies, 3 males (black/ white/ tricolor), $300 each; 1 female (brown/ white), $400. Call or text Charlie 509-951-1187 AKC REG. BOXER Puppies, one brindle male & one white female with a right fawn eye patch, first shots, 9 weeks, $600. 509-595-5584, 509- 595-5309 Palouse AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. Males/ females, $750 up, 509-720-0564, 208-625-0699. Sire: police bloodlines, OFA elbows. 4PUREBRED GERMAN shepherd pups, mom AKC, dad purebred, $400/ offer. 208-245-0667. SHIH TZU MALE, black with silver overlay, $300/ offer. 509-368-4039. PEKINGESE MALES, $250. 208-699-4177. ST. BERNARD/ Newfoundland mix puppies, the parents are of pure breed. If youre looking for a great companion or for a dog to be trained in rescue services, this is an ideal breed. $500. 208-640-3509. AKC GREAT DANE PUPS. Black. $800-$1000. 4 left. Ready for homes August 19th. Faith, 208-640-3418. AKC 6 MONTH MALE yellow Lab, house/ crate trained, fully vetted, obedience trained, health tested sire/ dam, JH titled sire, hunt test/ conformation titled blood- lines, $1200. Light yellow litter due approx. 9/4, taking deposits. $1000. 208-964- 3333, North Idaho. BIG SKY BULLIES HAS American Bully pit bull puppies for sale! Exotic colorings and world class champion show bloodlines. Starting at $1000. Call Joe at 406-890-4095. BIRDS
COCKATIEL PAIR, Albino female, grey male, match- ing cages, all included for $50, 509-216-0283 or 509-979-5449, Spokane. FARM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES GREAT RUNNING Ford 9N tractor, original paint, PTO, 3 point hitch, $1800. 208-983- 7376, Nezperce. 18.4X16.1 COMBINE TIRE with 8 lug wheel, new inner tube, $100 (less than inner tube cost). 208-435-4713, Weippe. ALLOY HOPPER BOTTOM 4 axle grain trailer, 1990, tarp, 60% tires and brakes, long tongue, $11,000. Ready to go to work. 509-338-1636, Moscow. HOWARD 3 POINT, 5 rototiller, $500. Two 30 gallon bulk oil tanks, hand crank, $100 each. 509-429-0398, Lewiston. 1978 JOHN DEERE 2040 2WD with 145 bucket, 2640 hours. HD tire chains, great condition, $11,800. Other implements available. 208- 983-1706, Grangeville. IRRIGATION PIPES. I have 7 hook and latch 340 pipes with male and female fittings and 6 sprinkler heads. First $200 takes them. They are in good shape. 208-262-9445. FOOD, MEAT, PRODUCE GOOD CANNING and eating Tilton apricots. Peaches: Red Havens. Golden Jubilees, Rosa. Vine rip- ened tomatoes. HAGENS ORCHARDS, 509-758-3450, 509-295-1290, WANTED: LOCAL FARMERS and gardeners. The Moscow Farmers Market is looking for Produce Vendors for the 2014 season. Contact. 208-883- 7036 or 16 NARROW C l a s s i f i e d s 626 Thain Road Lewiston, ID 83501 208-746-0483 800-473-4158 3221 your search. your search. MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 17 FOOD, MEAT, PRODUCE FIDDLECREEK FRUIT. Peaches, cherries, cukes, picklers by order. Organic sweet corn, $3.50 per dozen by the sack. Huckleberries, wild blackberries. Tilton apricots .70 cents per lb by the box. 208-628-3712, Lucille. WINE & JUICE MAKING Classes every Saturday in September, 10am. Only $35 per person, call to reserve your seat & get 10% off your grape harvest! All equipment to crush, de-stem, juice & press your grapes is included. Pristine setting facing Mt. Spokane, hot weather this spring & summer has made for an early harvest! Check our website for pricing, www. Questions, Glen, 509-270- 1610 FI GHTI NG BEARS huckleberries. Fresh Montana huckleberries, order now, large or small orders welcome, 35 years experience. 509- 725-8311 or 509-725-4363 GARDEN EQUIPMENT FREE PLANT CLINICS Free gardening advice by Asotin County Master Gardeners. Every Wednesday, May 7th- October 8th, 2014, 10:00am2:00pm, Asotin Co. Courthouse Basement. 509-243-2034 or 509-243- 2009. Clarkstons Farmers Market, August 23rd, 8am- 12pm. CLARKSTON OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT Service and Repair. 1230 20th Avenue, Clarkston, WA 99403. 509-595- 3155. MELS SMALL ENGINE Repair. Free pickup and delivery in LC Valley. 208- 743-8724, Lewiston. GARDEN & LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES PREMIUM TOPSOIL. 208- 553-8883, Lewiston. LARGE NATURAL Landscaping Stone selec- tion: Flagstone, retaining wall rock, fountains, large boul- ders, ground covers, veneer selection. 1500 plus tons to pick from! Also, unique precast stepping stones and steps in many colors, sizes, and designs. WASANKARI CONSTRUCTION, The Building Recyclers, 1/2 mile south of Moscow, Hwy 95. 208-883-4362. www.wasankariconstruction. com SHALE PIT RUN for land- scape or road base. 208- 553-8883, Lewiston. FACTORY AUTHORIZED Dealer for eXmark mowers, full line of ECHO trimmers, chain saws & blowers. Bearcat chipper/ shredders. Field service available. FMI Equipment 800-426-6002 ALUMA 548BT NICE Work trailer, 54 wide x8 long with bi-fold tailgate, 320lbs, LED lighting, nice 13 wheels, swivel tongue jack, stake pockets, sale $1625, financing OAC. Cobalt Trailer Sales, 4620 E Trent, Spokane HORSES & TACK HORSE SHOEING- DUSTIN Combs, Jerry Combs. Cellular, 208-790-0503; home 509-758-7505. BIGGEST AND BEST selec- tion of quality saddles and tack in the Valley. ORCHARDS PAWN & GUNS, 615 Thain, Lewiston, 208- 746-1521. ARABIAN GELDING, expe- rience in 4-H, royalty, parades, trail, flag carrying. Great health, sure footed, 15 hh. $2,000, 208-790-1960 Lewiston. BARRELS AND POLES, 49ers Saddle Club Area, August 14, August 22 Time onlys and sign-up 6pm. Information 208-790-0375. 9 YEAR OLD gelding, heads, heels and ropes calves, $4500. 14 year old paint mare, heels and breakaways, $3500. Both seasoned and ready to take you there. Offers considered. 208-791- 8299, Craigmont. HORSES & TACK 16 STOCK TRAILER, calf gate center divider, new tires, overall excellent condition, some surface rust, $3000/ offer. 208-877-1569, Deary. WILSON HORSE SHOEING and training. Shawn Wilson, 208-843-7268, 208-790- 7268, Culdesac. THREE SADDLES. One rop- ing/ mountan saddle, great condition, two sawbuck pack saddles with canvas paniers. $700/ all. 208-315-1223, Lenore. HORSES NEEDED: I buy all classes of horses. I also have for sale: ranch, pleasure, 4-H, hunting and rope horses. If you want to buy, sell or trade any type of horse, call Frank Dillon, 208-743-8366, Lewiston. 3-YEAR-OLD granddaughter of Highbrow Cat, 90 days training, great minded, ath- letic, but safe for anyone. 6-year-old daughter of Sheriffs Dunnit, 90 days training, very nice minded, easy for anyone, $2000/ each. Tim McNamee 208- 839-2882, White Bird. REGISTERED TOBIONO GELDING, 14.5 hands, 17 years old. Well trained, does everything, sound. Up to date on worming vaccinations. Many years left on this great horse, $2500/ offer. 208- 877-1569, Deary. 31 PERFORMANCE HORSE TRAINING Sarah Flerchinger. 509-751-8855, 208-790- 0724 (cell), Clarkston. JASON SCHAPER COLT COMPANY. Breeding, Sales, Training. Registered Border Collie pups, Blue Merle pups ready to go now, out of work- ing parents. 509-751-1268, Clarkston. HORSESHOEING: Natural Balance and Conventional Shoeing. Wayne Stucker, 208-305-1016, Lewiston. THE PLACE FOR all your cus- tom saddles and tack, also repair work. SNAKE RIVER SADDLERY 1909 Main, Lewiston. 208-553-5380. CUSTOM WESTERN Diamondback snake skin belt. $125/ offer. 208-791-9307, Lewiston. NEW AND PRE-OWNED horse and stock trailers. LEWISTON RV, 3306 Hatwai Road, Lewiston. 208-746- 8632, 800-876-3426. AQHA AND OPEN All Breed Show, September 12th- 14th, Lewiston Roundup Grounds (offering the new Ranch Horse Riding event). For entries/ schedule, contact 208-798-0763 or email LADIES NIGHT Thursday, August 21st, 6pm-8pm. Best buys of the year this night only. 50% off select Montana Silver. HUGE BLOWOUT ON CLOTHING. Tack, lawn and garden, home decor and more. Great selec- tion of rodeo, back to school and Christmas gift items. First 60 ladies receive a free gift. Great door prizes. Free food and beverages. Many factory representatives on hand to answer questions. DONT MISS this huge event! CHS PRIMELAND COUNTRY STORE, Lewiston, Idaho. DIAMOND C SADDLE SHOP Summer hours are varied, so call for a time we can meet. 208-305- 3126. 1225 Bridge Street, Clarkston. REGISTERED FRIESIAN horse colt: sire by full blood black Friesian stallion, registered shire mare, priced to sell, $4500. For more information call Bob at 541-938-0118, Milton-Freewater. JOE COMBS HORSE Shoeing, 509-751-8855, 208-790-0322, Clarkston. RANCH GELDING for sale: good for sorting, ranch, rop- ing and good to shoe, all are shod. 541-571-6936, Stanfield. HORSE SHOEING AND trim- ming. 33 years experience. $75 shod; $40 trims. Frank and Mike. 208-924-6460. 2 BEAUTIFUL geldings: broke to ride, loud color, 4 year olds; 1 golden Palomino; 1 Dun; all of these horses would make ideal rope/ barrel horse pros- pects, all the above horses are very gentle, 14.3-15.1 hands tall. For more information contact Bob 541-938-0118, Milton-Freewater. EXTREME TRAIL RACE at Mountain House Stables, Saturday, September 27th, 9am. $125 entry fee per horse & rider, limited to 20 riders. 1st place buckle, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Entry deadline September 15th. Mountain House Stables Arena, 775 Old Arden Highway, Colville. Contact Gerry Cox, 509-685- 1977 (2) APHA COLTS, one filly, one stud. Will make family, arena, performance or ranch horses. Both are halter & show quality, both possibly homozygous. Come see, you will be impressed! $750 each or best offer, will consider payments. 509-258-4302 Springdale MINIATURE YEARLING colt, beatiful solid black, must go soon, new babies coming, $80 or offer/ trade for hay. 509- 684-8643 Colville CONSIGN YOUR Horse now for the Hermiston Horse Sale Fall Extravaganaza. Catalog deadline is September 1. Open to all horses, you are guaranteed a pen and advertising for all horses in the catalog! Sale is Saturday, October 18 & Sunday, October 19. Call Tyler Morgan, 509-830-2320 or www. AQHA APPENDIX Buckskin 2 year old filly, very nice, $1500. 509-220-7712 Elk APHA YEARLING BLUE roan Tobiano gelding. Very gentle, great 4H prospect, $1500. 509-220-7712 Elk 5 APPALOOSA HORSES, young mares & fillies, no reasonable offer refused. 509- 447-5293, cell 509-953-3606 Newport AMHR 2014 MINIATURE Grulla filly, her sire is Leopard Appy, mare has some Appy, so she may color out, handled daily, $300 or offer. 509-891- 7905 Spokane Valley MOLLY MULE, 13 Years, 14.3, has been ridden, $450, 509-944-6918 Medical Lake HAY, STRAW, FEED GRASS HAY, 800 lb. round bales, $100/ ton, $40/ each. 208-926-4607, Kooskia. HIGH QUALITY Orchards grass/ mixed hay, no rain, barn stored, $5/ bale. 55 lb. bale average. 10 tons available. 208-935-7960, Glenwood. 65 LBS. SQUARE ALFALFA bales, some rain, $175/ ton. 65 lb. square alfalfa bales, no rain, $200/ ton. 509-229- 3397, Colton. HAY, STRAW, FEED 1000 LB. ROUNDS, grass hay. 208-435-4439, Weippe. GOOD QUALITY Timothy and mixed grass hay for sale. 650# 4x4 round bales. No rain, good tight bales. Please leave a message, 208-827- 0332, Cavendish. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, small bales. Orchard grass, small bales. Frank Dillon, 208-750-6500, Lewiston. TIMOTHY, ALFALFA, MIXED, small square and big round, feed grains and straw. 30093 Rozenkrantz, Tammany. 208- 743-6164. GRASS HAY, round bales, no rain, $100/ ton. 208-926- 0023, Kooskia. SMALL BALES Grass and Alfalfa. Alfalfa Hay, large round and square bales. Straw and shavings. For all your animals needs, see us at INTERMOUNTAIN FEED, 2310 Frontage Road, Lewiston. 208-743-5582. 136 GUARD RAILS, $40. Organic Straw bales, $2.50. 509-758-5445. OAT HAY, big square bales, round bales, and little square bales. Delivery available. Luke Lowe. 208-924-5106, Reubens. PREMIUM GRASS HAY, small bales, no rain, barn stored. 208-435-4160, Weippe. BEARDLESS BARLEY HAY, 3x4x8 bales, $140/ ton. 208- 289-4088, 208-791-9978, Kendrick. SMALL ROUND BALES, 450- 500 lbs., good quality grass hay, $25 each. 208-877- 1143, Kendrick. SMALL SQUARE BALES, grain hay, $3.50 each. 208- 289-4622, Kendrick. EXTREMELY NICE GREEN alfalfa and bromegrass mixed hay in 4x4 and 4x5 triple net wrapped round bales, excel- lent horse hay, $180/ ton. Alfalfa hay, grass hay, round bales. 208-486-7561, Peck. OATS AND BARLEY for sale. Bulk or sacked, chopped or whole. Reubens, 208-924- 5106. HAY FOR SALE, small round bales, $110- $150 depending on quality. 208-926-4831, 208-983-6546. 4X5 ROUND BALES, $25 each. 208-476-9897, Cavendish. BEARDLESS BARLEY/ Alfalfa, big bales, $150 ton. 509-236-2200 Edwall CANARY GRASS MIX HAY for sale. Big square bales (3x4x8). 300 tons available near St. Maries, ID. No rain, very green and leafy. $145 ton. If buy more than 10 tons $140 ton. Call 208-699- 4804. LAWNMOWERS PUSH STYLE LAWNMOWER, used very little, $50. 208- 883-4907, Moscow. 2003 HUSQVARNA Z-Turn, 50, $1700. GUYS OUTDOOR, 304 Thain Road, Lewiston. 208-746-0381. SNAPPER riding lawn mower, 28, 9 HP, electric start, been in storage for 10 years, runs great. $350 /offer. 208-743- 2324, Lewiston. LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, various age group- ing. Semen tested, shots. Docile, range hardened. Dispersing 1/2 of herd of Polled females. Joe Lemire, 509-758-9306, leave mes- sage, Clarkston. GOATBUSTER Weed and Brush Control Herd Reduction Sale- Too man sweet friendly goats, boer and boer cross, all healthy, nice and ready to do their job. 509-243-4862, Asotin. TIRED OF HIGH pork prices in the stores? Weaner pigs will be ready to go September and October. Raise your own or we will raise them for you. Call 208-791-9585, Culdesac. TWO WEEK OLD angus heifer, very healthy. 208-791-6573, Lewiston. GOATS FOR SALE. Boer kids. 509-843-9922, Pomeroy. CBGA BOER-NANZA Sale, 80+ quality Reg. Boer goats auctioned by mem- bers of CBGA. Come pur- chase great breeding/show stock. August 30, SWW Fairgrounds, Chehalis WA. SHETLAND SHEEP Flock reduction sale, call soon for best selection. 509-953- 1330, Elk. 5 APPALOOSA HORSES, young mares & fillies, no reasonable offer refused. 509-447-5293, cell 509- 953-3606, Newport. ADORABLE, FUN, & Affectionate bottle feeding baby Pygmy goats. Amazing smart pets & great weed eaters & companion animals; also have yearlings, does & wethers. Call or text, 509-995-4673, 509-891- 5565;, Spokane. LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES KINDER GOATS dual purpose does and bucks, prices and ages vary. Boundary County, Idaho. Cell, 253-208-2791 OTHER PETS ATTENTION ADVERTISERS- DONT fall for this scam!! We want to make our adver- tisers and readers aware of a scam that has been happen- ing across the US, as well as in our area. A person calls and wants to purchase the item the advertiser has for sale, sometimes the call is relayed as if the person is hearing impaired. Scammer promises to send payment (a cashiers check, money order or check) for the purchase price, plus an additional amount to cover the cost of shipping the item (usually to a location on the east coast, sometimes outside the U.S.). The checks are fake, the seller is actually only getting a piece of paper, not a real check. Scammer asks the seller to pay to ship the item, using the extra money includ- ed in the fake check. If the seller falls for this scam, the scammer will get the adver- tised item free, and the seller will end up paying to ship the item to the scammer (since the check was fake). So the seller will lose the advertised item and the money to ship it to the scammer. Dont fall for this scam!! If you are con- tacted in this manner, and feel it may be a scammer, contact your local Police Department. 2 PYGMY, 1 Lamancha goats, $150 for all. 15 chickens, 9 pigeons, free. 208-435- 4270, Weippe. POULTRY & RABBITS 3 BRONZE TURKEYS , 2 toms, 1 hen, $80. 208-289- 4050, Kendrick. FRYER RABBITS, cut and wrapped, frozen or fresh. 509-751-9803, Clarkston. Looking for something fun to do in the area? Check out - youll find current happenings list- ed, and a link to Things To Do that lists ongoing events and attractions. Check it out today! 17 Page 18 - MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 SALES-CLARKSTON CLARKSTON 1148 6th Street. Moving Sale, Saturday, 7am. Porcelain dolls, large Costco carpet, older Duncan Phyfe style table, 2 leaves, 4 chairs. Two matching china closets, glass front bookshelves for china. Bissell carpet sham- pooer, charcoal BBQ on legs, storage shelves. OWL TRI-STATE and OWL SOUTHWAY Annual End of Summer Sidewalk Sale next week! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 21-23. 100s of great buys up to 75% off out- side. More specials inside including gift items, sea- sonal, home decor and more. CLARKSTON: 1043 WASHINGTON STREET. August 15th, 16th, 17th, 8am- 1pm. Dishes, purses, dolls, books and more. CLARKSTON: 1048 9TH ST, Friday, August 15th, 8am- 5pm. Furniture, glassware, collectibles, lots of misc. CLARKSTON: 1124 5TH ST, Saturday, 8am-3pm. Multi family sale. CLARKSTON: 1140 7TH STREET. August 16th, 8am- 2pm. Dishes, some antiques and furniture; some baby clothes, grandfather clock, pictures and piano, (2) hutch- es, holiday Barbies. CLARKSTON: 1514 HILLCREST WAY, Friday 5pm-8pm, Saturday, 7am- 2pm. Queen mattress, desktop computer, bicycles, household items, name brand clothes, and much more. CLARKSTON: 1206 21st AVE, off 13th Street, Friday and Saturday, 7:30am-1pm. Everything is high quality. Electronic dar t board, linen table cloths, swimming pool items, bed cot, baby items (gate, potty chair, safety latches), crossbow, metal ladder, mirrors, decorative pillows, electric air pump, dog items, glassware and cookware, Christmas dishes and wreath, bed- ding, motorcycle items, womens western shirts, womens square dance clothing, Red Hat Society items, vacuum cleaner, artwork, collectibles, etc. CLARKSTON: 1334 MCCARROLL ST. Saturday only, 10am-3pm. Designer jeans and hoodies. CLARKSTON: 1376 POUND LN (off 13th), August 16th, 7am-12pm. Small furniture, kitchen, crafts, clothing, knickknacks, and more. C L A R K S T O N : 1 7 1 3 RIDGEVIEW DR, August 15th-16th, 7am-?. Camping items, yard tools, household items, propane tanks and heaters, misc. CLARKSTON: 1500 SCENIC WAY (storage unit behind PUD office), Saturday, 7am-?. Nice and clean multi family. Girls clothing 10-14 and 0-14, teen name brand clothing and sports equipment (basket- ball, soccer), girls/ teen room decor, Hello Kitty items, twin bed frame, household items, pool ladder and cover. CLARKSTON: 2348 ROLLING HILLS DRIVE. Moving Sale, August 16, 8am-2pm. Saturday only! Everything must go! Lots of misc. house- hold items, holiday decora- tions, 2 person fishing raft, weed eater, dining room table, 2 queen size headboards, books, video games, DVDs, etc. Absolutely no early birds! CLARKSTON: 2611 25TH STREET. 8am- all day Friday and Saturday. Electrical tools and various items. CLARKSTON: 3015 DOVE DR, Saturday, August 16th, 7am-1pm. Moving sale. Furniture, tools, clothing, other items. CLARKSTON: 942 8TH ST, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8am-3pm. Multi family yard sale. Tons of baby stuff for boys and girls, including clothes and accessories, childrens clothing and toys, young adult and womens clothing, lots of misc. CLARKSTON: FREE CLOTHING EXCHANGE com- ing Friday, September 12th and Saturday, September 13th. ABUNDANT LIFE FELLOWSHIP HALL, 1483 16th Avenue, Clarkston. 509- 552-1047. JOLLYMORES STATION 3, 916 6th Street, Clarkston. Open at 6am. Free coffee from 6-8am. Weekend special: Yard Sale Scramble, $7.99. Friday Night Prime Rib. SALES-LEWISTON $1 RACKS, NAME BRAND clothing, school clothes, Monday- Saturday. LAURAS TWICE AS NICE, 613 Bryden, Lewiston. 208-746-5591. GENE WANTS TO retire but cant until everything is gone. Come on down. Great buys. Make offers. Art, vintage books, antiques, vintage toys, bronzes, crystals, Idaho star garnets, rare mineral speci- mens. New beads coming in weekly. REASONABLE RELICS, 528 Main St., downtown Lewiston. 208-798-3473. LEWISTON: 1302 12TH AVE, back in alley. Saturday, 7am- 3pm. Camping, golf, rafting, tools, smoker, lots of stuff. Need room. SALES-LEWISTON LEWISTON: 1311 16TH AVE, August 16th, 7am-5pm. LEWISTON: 1519 15TH AVE. Yard Sale, August 16th, 6am- 2pm. Antiques, Fiesta Ware, books, kid/baby items, tons of miscellaneous. OWL TRI-STATE and OWL SOUTHWAY Annual End of Summer Sidewalk Sale next week! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 21-23. 100s of great buys up to 75% off out- side. More specials inside including gift items, sea- sonal, home decor and more.
LEWISTON: 330 4TH STREET (Two blocks from St. Joes Hospital). Saturday Only, August 16th, 6:45am-4pm. Unbelievable Yard Sale! My biggest yard sale yet! Back to school sale, one stop shopping. Over 75 pairs of womens and boys jeans, new and barely worn includ- ing new designer jeans, 30 with tags, Silver Jeans, Vigoss, Big Star, American Eagle, Aeropostale and Levis. Sizes from 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 for womens jeans and size 8 to size 32 waist for boys. Kitchen, bath and household items, large selection of new Avon make-up and jew- elry, books, kendamas, golf items, back packs, large outdoor playhouse, fine jewelry and cos- tume jewelry, Brighton jewelry, womens leather jackets, gaming, bar- rel of new McDonalds toys. 100 pairs new and barely worn womens shoes sizes 6.5, 7, 7.5 and all sizes for boys tennis shoes including Nike, Adidas, Air Jordans. Brighton, Vera Bradley purses, etc. Cowgirl Bling Bling items. Over 2000 items of summer and fall, winter clothing for young teens boys and girls, womens and mens size small, medium, large, XL. Amazing prices. Excellent quality and name brands, lots of items with tags. Boys shirts of Hollister, etc. Coats, jackets, cur- rent styles. Shop early for Back to School. Dont miss this one! Rain or shine. Cash only. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE is Tuesday at 2pm. LEWISTON: 2409 7TH STREET (Reno addition), Saturday, 7am- 12pm. Yard Sale. Household items, old saddle. LEWISTON: 3203 4TH ST, Estate Sale. Saturday, August 16th, 9am-1pm. Furniture, tools, canning equipment, small appli- ances. LEWISTON: 348 W. Shiloh Drive. Shiloh Annual Yard Sale, Kohler and Chase spinet piano, video games and electronics, Watkins products, clothing, firearms, and much more. LEWISTON: 411 14TH STREET. Saturday-Sunday, 8am-4pm. Liquidating storage. Furniture, bedding, air condi- tioner, household, childrens miscellaneous, trundle bed. LEWISTON: 503 PROSPECT AVE, Saturday, August 16th, 7am-1pm. Dont miss our yearly sale. Lots of miscella- neous. Low prices. Profits go for school trip to DC. If you dont get it, the Salvation Army does. SALES-MOSCOW MOSCOW: 723 CAMAS. Estate Sale, Saturday, August 16th, 9am-5pm. Thousands of items from figurines to power tools. Everything must go! ESTATE SERVICES, 509- 332-2989, serving the area since 1985. See more details at www. SALES-ORCHARDS 616 WARNER AVE. APT #23. Saturday Only, 7am-3pm. Some clothes and coats, end tables, bookcase, dining table, rocker-swivel chair, western and romance books, DVDs; flagging equipment like new vest, hard hat, 8 sign pole, lots of miscellaneous. Cash only, make an offer. ORCHARDS 2032 Cedar Ave. Saturday, 8am-4pm. Yard Sale- Multi Family- junior and womens clothes size 1- 12. Womens shoes, furniture, eliptical, household items. OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED, INC. Thrift Store. Located at 325 Snake River Ave. is seek- ing your donations. Thrift Store donations help support adults and children with disabilities. FREE DONATION PICKUPS AVAILABLE Monday- Saturday. 208-743-1563. SALES-ORCHARDS ANNUAL SHI LOH NEIGHBORHOOD Yard Sale, Saturday, August 16, 8am-Noon. Above the Elks. Sales on 8 streets; some items available for sale : car seat/stroller combo; Yamaha 9.9, 4 stroke, outboard motor; primitive hall tree; hide- a-bed +ottoman set; boom box; freestanding Hammock; BJ Craft(duct tape creations); root beer floats; radial arm saw; misc. furniture; beautiful cherry wood armoire, with TV inset; misc. household goods: LHS cheerleader fundraiser; curio cabinet; nice kids toys/play sets; Barbie house with furni- ture; PlayStation; rock band for PlayStation; 4 chrome wheels + tires fit 2007 Toyota Camry; Map of the sales available on Shiloh Dr. ORCHARDS: 1134 LINDEN DRIVE, Saturday and Sunday, 7am. Yard sale. 208-413- 1217. ORCHARDS: 1211 GRELLE AVE. Friday and Saturday, 7am-? ORCHARDS: 1214 BRYDEN. Friday- Saturday, 8am-? Odds and ends. ORCHARDS: 1217 BIRCH AVE. Yard sale, Friday- Saturday, 7am-4pm. Lots of furniture, womens clothes, boys 18mo-4T/5T, table, pictures, picture frames, lamps, canopy for S-10 Chevy truck, toys, books, car seat, many household items, wedding dress, prom dress. ORCHARDS: 1305 RICHARDSON AVE, Friday- Saturday, 8am- 5pm. Downsizing sale. Red 1950s table, womens XL, old dishes, household, office, collectibles, TV lamps, paintings, frames, Christmas, doll house, fan style fireplace screen, fly fishing, Big Green Egg on custom table, futon couch, Ethan Allen entertainment center, lots of free stuff. Half price most items after 2pm. ORCHARDS: 1337 HEMLOCK AVE, August 15th- 16th, 9am- 6pm. Shop tools, household items, furniture, some antiques, CDs, electronics, office equip- ment, books, garage shelving, fishing gear, refrigerator, drum set, propane range, vintage carpet, 1998 GMC Safari pas- senger van, lots of misc. ORCHARDS: 3323 5TH STREET. Saturday, 8/16, 8am- 1pm. ORCHARDS: 1412 BRYDEN AVE. Huge yard sale, two days only. Friday, 7am-3pm. Sunday, 8am-2pm. No Saturday sale; we will be closed for our Sabbath and then re-stock for Sunday. Large and small appli- ances, LED 46 Sony Bravia TV and large, black entertain- ment center it sits on (nice), furniture, plus size womens clothes (lots and nice), fiber- glass tub/shower combo. Too much more to list. Just come and see. ORCHARDS: 1925 POWERS DR, Friday- Saturday, 8am- 1pm. Moving sale. Girls lowboy dresser with mirror, office desk, computer desk, end tables, night stands, teen girl clothes, crystal, glasses, microwave, dishes, old jars, bookcases, etc. Everything goes. 1925 Powers Drive. ORCHARDS: 2009 RIPON AVE. Huge sale, Friday- Saturday, 7am-2pm. Antiques, saw and axe blades, sporting, hunting and household. ORCHARDS: 2214 GRELLE AVE. Yard Sale, August 16, 7am-2pm. 2 Family Sale. Tons of infant to teen cloth- ing, maternity clothes, cos- tumes, strollers, car seats, high chairs, por t-a-plays, wagon, toys, books, mov- ies, games, futon, bunk bed, baby furniture, kitchen items, household items and too many more miscellaneous items to list. ORCHARDS: 3336 14TH ST A, Friday and Saturday, 7am-2pm. Avon stuff, 2 pet carriers, mens clothes, skis, changing table, Pack -n- Play pen, much more. ORCHARDS: 3436 8TH ST, Saturday only, 8am-3pm. Baby items, luggage car- rier, skis, saxophone, clarinet, clothes. surround sound, gui- tar, walkers, boat, and spin- ners. 18 * Fast Turnaround! * Personalized! MONEYSAVER-LEWIS CLARK EDITION - August 14, 2014 - Page 19 SALES-ORCHARDS ORCHARDS: 3518 6TH ST, Saturday, August 16th, 6:30am-5pm. Hallmark Lionel Train ornaments, fishing rods and reels, too many good things to list. Clean, no junk. ORCHARDS: 3520 17TH STREET. Corner of Cedar and 17th. Saturday and Sunday, 7am-2pm. Too much to list. ORCHARDS: 3808 BARR ST, Saturday, 7am-1pm. Yard sale and more. Small roto- tiller, air nail gun, tools, new Coleman barbecue, 2 gallon shop vac, yard items, king size box spring/ mattress, 2002 Arctic Fox truck camper with slide, 2014 Bronco truck pop-up camper. One level, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home, 1176 sq.ft., built 1988, big shop, 10x20 shed. ORCHARDS: 424 WARNER AVE. Multi-family yard sale, August 16th, 7am-12pm. ORCHARDS: 601 BRYDEN AVE, Friday- Saturday, 9am- ?. Boys designer clothes, (size infant-12), furniture, household treasures, infant to toddler items. No early birds. ORCHARDS: 604 BURRELL DRIVE. Sunday, August 17th, 8am-3pm. Combining two households. ORCHARDS: 612 CEDAR AVE. Saturday- Sunday, 7:30am-2pm. Multi family sale. Furniture, lots of good stuff! ORCHARDS: 632 AIRWAY DRIVE, off 7th Street. Yard Sale, August 16th, 7am-? Vintage bassinet, wood iron- ing boards, collectibles, day bed, car seats, boys and womens clothing, books, tile. Cleaning out the base- ment. Lots of cool items! New discoveries all day! ORCHARDS: 634 PRESTON AVE. Yard Sale, Saturday, August 16, 7am-3pm. Lawn mower, household items, boys clothing, womens name brand items, new craft creations, jewelry and more. No early birds. ORCHARDS: 724 BRYDEN AVE, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 7am-7pm. Antiques, collectibles, glassware, records, china hutch, end table, patio set, curio cabi- net, old collector refrigera- tor, bar, clothes from pre- mie to womens 4X plus and everything in between, mens clothes, household, and tons more! ORCHARDS: 832 GRELLE DRIVE. Saturday, August 16, 8am-1pm. Antique dresser, buffet, dining table and six chairs, sewing machine, water fountain, granite table/ island top, floral sofa, refrig- erator, all priced to sell. ORCHARDS: Airport Storage, Thain and Warner, Unit #335, Friday- Saturday, August 15th-16th, 8am-noon. Furniture, household goods, tires and rims for Jeep, much more. SALES-OTHER JULIAETTA: 1721 HIGHWAY 3, SPACE #4. Estate sale, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 8am-? Tools, electronics, fur- niture, books, clothing, file cabinets, book cases, lots of very good quality items. SPALDING: Spalding Main Street, Old Spalding School (Hwy 95 S, turn west on Thunder Hill Rd). Three family sale. 4 station workout bench, chain saws, power tools, weed sprayer, gas motor, Sears riding lawnmower, furniture, lamps, small organ, bed frames, trunk, antiques, dining table with 6 chairs, sew- ing machine in cabinet, recliner, TVs, dishes. Too much to list. UNIONTOWN 14TH ANNUAL FLEA MARKET. Holzer Park downtown Uniontown right on the highway, Saturday, August 23rd, 8am-4pm. Antiques, collectibles, yard art, repurpose, cool junk, household, furni- ture, etc. Also 3 Antique Shops, new Cafe, Sage Bakery and yard sales. Spots still available. Call Jenny at Splendid Old Stuff, 509-229-3435. JULIAETTA: 410 STATE STREET. Saturday, 8am-1pm. Clothes and miscellaneous. TROY: YARD SALE. Log bed (twin), clothes, pots and pans, dresser, side table, coffee table, bike, tools and more. Friday, 9am-6pm; Saturday, 8am-5pm; Sunday, 8am-3pm. 214 Monica Street, 208-310-9618. THE HABITAT STORE can pick up yard sale leftovers. 208-743-1300. SALES-OTHER POMEROY: Almota Rd (turn at Fire Station, last house on right), August 16th, 9am-?. Lots of canning jars and can- ning supplies, some antiques, trunk, old treadle machine, free mangle, yarn, material, cookbooks, vases, childrens old desk set. ESTATE/ MOVING Sale, Friday & Saturday 9am-5pm, 15207 E Mission Avenue, Spokane Valley. Antique dressers, tables & chairs, household items, gazebo kit, tools, Charles Russell, beveled mirrors, washer/ dryer, upright freezer ST. REGIS FALL FLEA market, Saturday-Sunday, August 16th-17th, daylight until dark, in community park. Looking for buyers and sellers. Vendor fee $50, payable at gate. Contact John, 406-649-7008 or 406-280-0033; George, 406-280-0050; email: cheesmanantiques@ yahoo. com. Sponsored by St. Regis Community Council. Looking for something fun to do in the area? Check out - youll find current happenings list- ed, and a link to Things To Do that lists ongoing events and attractions. Check it out today! NEARLY 36,000 Households read the MONEYSAVER each week. ESTATE SALES MRS. JACK (DOROTHY) BALCH Living Estate Sale, Part 1. 3570 Country Club Drive (shor t dis- tance above Lewiston Elks Lodge). Saturday, 7am-2pm. Limited park- ing. Please do not block neighbors driveways. Part 1 will be held in garage and patio area. 80% new- in-box items. Vintage golf bags and clubs, canning jars, Bissell rug shampoo- ers, some tools, etc. Bring cash. THE HABITAT STORE can pick up estate sale leftovers or complete estates. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES BIG ART and BRONZE Sale. Signed Steve Lyman, signed Bev Doolittle, original Debbi Chan watercolors, signed Redbird Sr, Tom Cross signed, Patrick Nagel prints, and many more. Bronzes, antiques, Idaho star garnets, rocks and gems. Everything on sale. REASONABLE RELICS, 528 Main St, down- town Lewiston. 208-798- 3473. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES COME SEE US at THE CLUCKING HEN AND FRIENDS in Asotin for antiques, collectibles, and fun artisan gifts. Open 7 days a week. Daily features on Facebook. Soy candles, Holt Tobaccoless Chew, Depression ware, some furni- ture. A little bit of everything. 116 2nd Street, Asotin, WA. SELL YOUR OLD STUFF TO DANS. Buying old costume jewelry, old fishing stuff, rhinestone jewelry, 50s furniture, military items. 618 Bridge Street, Clarkston. Monday -Thursday, 10am- 5pm. Friday and Saturday 10am-6pm. 509-758-6223. After hours cell phone: 208- 790-3280. P.S. Be careful what you throw away! Call DANS ANTIQUES! TWO NEON BEER signs, $135 each. Other lighted signs avail- able. 208-750-5353, Lewiston. VINTAGE HISTORIC AND Artistic photographs for sale, also OP photography books. Buying same. 509- 432-5543, for appt. 1958 FARMALL 40 HP tractor, working order, very restorable. $3500/ offer. 208-683-2388, please leave message. 19 Moneysaver 626 Thain Rd. Lewiston, ID 83501 Open 8am 5pm MondayFriday DEADLINES DISPLAY: Monday 5:00 pm Classified: Tuesday 2:00 pm INDEX ANNOUNCEMENTS, INSTRUCTION, FINANCIAL Annoucements/ Notices .................. 2 Business Opps ......... 3 Childcare Providers.. 2 Loans ....................... 2
MARKETPLACE Apparel/Jewelry ....... 3 Appliances ............... 3 Building Materials..... 3 Electronics ............... 3 Firearms ................... 3 Firewood/Heating ..... 3 Furniture................ 3,4 Heating/Air Cond...... 4 Health & Fitness....... 4 Misc. for Sale ........... 1 Misc. Wanted ........... 4 Musical Items ........... 4 Sporting Goods ........ 4 Tools......................... 4 PETS, ANIMALS, AGRICULTURE Birds ....................... 16 Boarding/Pasture/ Stables ................ 16 Cats........................ 16 Dogs....................... 16 Farm Equipment & Supplies .............. 16 Food, Meat & Produce 16- 17 Garden Equipment . 17 Garden & Landscape Supplies .............. 17 Horses & Tack ........ 17 Hay, Straw, Feed .... 17 Lawnmowers .......... 17 Livestock & Supplies 17 Other Pets .............. 17 Poultry & Rabbits ... 17 GARAGE SALES & AUCTIONS Antiques/Collectibles 19 Garage/Yard Sales . 18 Estate Sales ........... 19 Sales - Clarkston.... 18 Sales - Lewiston..... 18 Sales - Orchards 18,19 Sales - Moscow...... 19 Sales - Other .......... 19 AUTOMOTIVE Aircraft.................... 16 Auto Parts & Access. 8 Auto Services ........... 8 Boats & Motors ...... 15 Campers & Canopies 14 Cars ...................... 8,9 Heavy Equipment 10,11 Motorcycles & ATVs 15-16 Pickups & Trucks 9,10 RVs & Travel Trailers 14 Snowmobiles.......... 16 Sport Utility Vehicles 10 Utility Vehicles ........ 15 Vans ......................... 9 RENTALS Apartments for Rent . 7 Business/Commercial Rental.................... 7 Duplex/Multiplex....... 7 Houses for Rent ....... 7 Manufactured Homes for Rent ................. 7 Rooms to Rent ......... 7 RV Space Rentals .... 7 Storage Space Rentals .................. 7 REAL ESTATE Acreage & Lots ........ 6 Commercial Property 6 Homes for Sale ........ 6 Manufactured Homes 6 Open Houses ........... 6 Real Estate Wanted . 6 Resort & Rec. Property ................ 6 EMPLOyMENT Adult Care .............. 12 Child Care .............. 12 Help Wanted .......... 12 National Ads ........... 12 Work from Home Opportunities....... 12 Work Wanted ......... 12