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The Next Generation Sustainable Fuel: Jatropha Curcas

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American J ournal of Engineering Research (AJ ER) 2014

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American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)
e-ISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936
Volume-03, Issue-06, pp-340-344

Research Paper Open Access

The Next Generation Sustainable Fuel : Jatropha Curcas

Namita Rajput
Govt. Polytechnic College Balaghat (M.P.) India 481001

Abstract: - Any nations socioeconomic prosperity is heavily dependent of the availability of energy. But with
increasing population and pace of industrialization, especially in developing countries like India, the world is
today faced with imminent energy crisis. Skyrocketing oil prices combined with growing concern about global
warming caused by greenhouse-gas-emitting fossil fuel burning in forcing scientists to look for viable, clean
alternative energy sources for the future. Renewable sources like solar, wind and tidal energy are clean, but they
are still too expensive and can not provide the convenience of petrol or diesel for powering vehicles.
Biofuels are the new emerging class of renewable, biodegradable fuel that are non-hazardous and safer for air,
water and soil. Also their use reduces the emission of greenhouse gases. Biodeisel is the most common biofuel
that can be used directly in any existing, unmodified diesel engine. When used directly in a diesel engine
biodiesel is said to produce 75% less pollution than diesel fuel derived from petroleum. Biodiesel can be
produced from a variety of oilseed plants. But Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) is currently the first choice because it
is resistant to drought and pests; produces seeds containing up to 40% oil, and can yield up to two tones of
biodiesel fuel per year per hectare.

Keywords: - Biofuels, jatropha, transesterification.

The concept dates back to 1885 when Dr. Rudolf Diesel built the first diesel engine with the full
intention of running it on vegetative source. He first displayed his engine at the Paris show of 1900 and
astounded everyone when he ran the patented engine on any hydrocarbon fuel available - which included
gasoline and peanut oil. In 1912 he stated " the use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant
today. But such oils may in the course of time become as important as petroleum and the coal tar products of
present time."
Scientists discovered that the viscosity ( thickness) of vegetable oils could be reduced in a simple
chemical process In 1970 and that it could work well as diesel fuel in modern engine. Since than the technical
developments have largely been completed. Plant oil is highly valued as Bio fuel "Diesel" and transformed into
Bio Diesel in most industrialized
Bio Diesel is a substitute for, or an additive to, diesel fuel that is derived from the oils and fats of
plants, like Sunflower, Canola or Jatropha. It is an alternative fuel that can be used in diesel engines and
provides power similar to conventional diesel fuel. Bio Diesel is a renewable domestically produced liquid fuel
that can help reduce the countries dependence on foreign oil imports. Recent environmental and economic
concerns (Kyoto Protocol) have prompted resurgence in the use of biodiesel throughout the world. In 1991, the
European Community, (EC) Proposed a 90% tax reduction for the use of biofuels, including biodiesel. Today,
21 countries worldwide, produce Biodiesel.

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Jatropha curcus or Ratanjyot, can prove itself a miracle plant by turning waste land into a
moneymaking land. It can help to increase rural incomes, self-sustainbility and alleviate poverty for women,
elderly, children and men, triabal communities, small farmers. Jatropha curcus is a drought-resistant perennial,
growing well in marginal/poor soil. It is easy to establish, grows relatively quickly and lives, producing seeds
for 50 years.
Jatropha the wonder plant produces seeds with an oil content of 37%. The oil can be combusted as fuel
without being refined. It burns with clear smoke-free flame, tested successfully as fuel for simple diesel engine.
The by-products are press cake a good organic fertilizer, oil contains also insecticide. It is found to be growing
in many parts of the country, rugged in nature and can survive with minimum inputs and easy to propagate.
Medically it is used for diseases like cancer, piles, snakebite, paralysis, dropsy etc. Jatropha grows wild in many
areas of India and even thrives on infertile soil. A good crop can be obtained with little effort. Depending on soil
quality and rainfall, oil can be extracted from the jatropha nuts after two to five years. The annual nut yield
ranges from 0.5 to 12 tons. The kernels consist of oil to about 60 percent; this can be transformed into biodiesel
fuel through esterification [1-4].

Below are some of the methods that are usually followed to extracts the oils from jatropha seeds [5-7].

2.1 Oil Presses
Oil presses method is used to extract the oil using simple mechanical devices. It is also done manually.
The most commonly used oil presses method is the Bielenberg ram press method. Bielenberg ram press method
is a simple traditional method that uses simple devices to extract the oils. With the help of this method 3 liters of
oil can be obtained with 12 kg of seeds.

2.2 Oil Expellers
Oil expellers method is also use for jatropha oil extraction. The most commonly used method is the
Sayari oil expeller method. This method is also called as Sundhara oil expeller. Komet oil expellers are also
used.These sayari oil expellers was developed in Nepal and is a diesel operated one. Now it is developed in
Tanzania and Zimbabwe mainly for the production jatropha oil. Heavy oil expellers are made of heavy cast iron
and the light ones are made up of iron sheets. Electricity driven models are also available. Komet oil expeller is
a single oil expeller machine that is used not only to extract the jatropha oil as well for the preparation of the oil

2.3 Traditional Methods
Traditional methods are used in the rural and developing areas for extracting the oils. Traditional
methods are simple and the oil is extracted by hand using simple equipment.

2.4 Hot oil extraction
The process of extracting the oil at high pressure is called as hot oil extraction method. Since jatropha
oil can regulate the operating temperature it is extracted using the hot oil extraction method.Then the cold oil
extraction method it is easy to extract the oil from the hot oil extraction since the oil flows more easily due to
higher viscosity. And the press cake that remains after extracting the oil also have less oil content which might
be 3 to 7 % approximately. These two reasons make the oil press method very interesting.During the oil
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extraction method many stuffing of the seeds are converted into gum like substances and some non organic
substances. These are unwanted products and so they have to be refined.

2.5 Modern Concepts
Modern methods are followed to extract more oils from the jatropha seeds. In these modern concepts
chemical methods like aqueous enzymatic treatment is used. The maximum yield by following this modern
method is said to be about 74/5.The main idea in researching the modern concepts is to extract a greater
percentage of oil from the jatropha seeds.

The process of converting vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel is called Transesterification and is luckily
less complex then it sounds. Chemically, Transesterification means taking a triglyceride molecule, or a complex
fatty acid, neutralizing the free fatty acids, removing the glycerin, and creating an alcohol ester. This is
accomplished by mixing methanol with sodium hydroxide to make sodium methoxide. This liquid is then mixed
into the vegetable oil. After the mixture has settled, Glycerin is left on the bottom and methyl esters, or biodiesel
is left on top and is washed and filtered. The final product Bio Diesel fuel, when used directly in a Diesel Engine
will burn up to 75% cleaner then mineral oil Diesel fuel [5-6].

Raw materials required
Jatropha oil
Potassium hydroxide
Isopropyl alcohol
Distilled water
Phenolphthalein solution
Here is a chart that describes the process of oil extraction from the seeds, Jatropha oil extraction chart

The technology is mature and proven. Presently, the indigenously designed bio-fuel plant for 250
lt./day is in operation. We have to design and develop bio-fuel plants of 3 to 10 tones per day capacity for
installation in different parts of the country. Effective marketing chain needs to be planned for enabling farmers
to reap the benefits directly. Bio-fuel mission will provide technological and employment generation focuses for
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the rural sector. Use of eleven million hectares of wasteland for Jetropha cultivation can lead to generation of
minimum twelve million jobs
As India is deficient in edible oils, non-edible oil is the main choice for producing biodiesel. According to
Indian government policy and Indian technology effects. Some development works have been carried out with
regards to the production of transesterfied non edible oil and its use in biodiesel by units such as Indian Institute
of Science, Bangalore, Tamilnadu Agriculture University Coimbatore and Kumaraguru College of Technology
in association with Pan horti consultants. Coimbatore. Generally a Blend of 5% to 20% is used in India (B5 to
B20). Indian Oil Corporation has taken up Research and development work to establish the parameters of the
production of tranesterified Jatropha Vegetable oil and use of bio diesel in its R&D center at Faridabad.
Research is carried out in Kumaraguru College of Technology for marginally altering the engine parameters to
suit the Indian Jatropha seeds and to minimize the cost of transesterification[8-9].

The cost of Bio Diesel is largely dependent on the choice of feedstock and the size of the production
facility.If Jatropha feedstock is used, the fuel will cost depending on the country approximately US $ 0,40 per
liter plus tax when applicable.
FEEDSTOCK Country Yield/hectare (kg) Rate per
RAPESEED OIL Europe 1000 78
PALM OIL Malaysia 5000 46

It starts producing seeds within 12 months
Maximum productivity level is 4-5 years
Plant remains useful for around 35-50 years
Seeds can produce around 37% oil content
Kernels can produce up to 60% oil content
Its seeds yield an annual equivalent of 0.75 to 2 tons of biodiesel per hectare

Bio Diesel is the most valuable form of renewable energy that can be used directly in any existing, unmodified
diesel engine [6,10-12]

Energy Independence: Considering that oil priced at $60 per barrel has had a disproportionate impact
on the poorest countries, 38 of which are net importers and 25 of Which import all of their oil; the question of
trying to achieve greater energy independence one day through the development of biofuels has become one of
when rather than if, and, now on a near daily basis, a biofuels programme is being launched somewhere in
the developing world.
Smaller Trade Deficit: Rather than importing other countries ancient natural resources, we could be
using our own living resources to power our development and enhance our economies. Instead of looking to the
Mideast for oil, the world could look to the tropics for biofuels. producing more biofuels will save foreign
exchange and reduce energy expenditures and allow developing countries to put more of their resources into
health, education and other services for their neediest citizens.
Economic Growth: Biofuels create new markets for agricultural products and stimulate rural
development because biofuels are generated from crops; they hold enormous potential for farmers. At the
community level, farmers that produce dedicated energy crops can grow their incomes and grow their own
supply of affordable and reliable energy.At the national level, producing more biofuels will generate new
industries, new technologies, new jobs and new markets.
Cleaner Air: Biofuels burn more cleanly than gasoline and diesel. Using biofuels means producing
fewer emissions of carbon monoxide, particulates, and toxic chemicals that cause smog, aggravate respiratory
and heart disease, and contribute to thousands of premature deaths each year.
Less Global Warming: Biofuels contain carbon that was taken out of the atmosphere by plants and
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trees as they grew. The Fossil fuels are adding huge amounts of stored carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere,
where it traps the Earth's heat like a heavy blanket and causes the world to warm. Studies show that biodiesel
reduces CO2 emissions to a considerable extent and in some cases all most nearly to zero.
Soap production: The glycerin that is a by-product of biodiesel can be used to make soap, and soap
can be produced from Jatropha oil itself. It will produce a soft, durable soap, and the rather simple soap making
process is well adapted to household or small-scale industrial activity.
Other Uses: Jatropha oil is also used to soften leather and lubricate machinery
It is excellent at preventing soil erosion, and the leaves that it drops act as soil-enriching mulch

As a substitute for fast depleting fossil fuel. Bio diesel had come to stay. In future, it should also serve
to reduce and maintain the price of automobile fuel. The under exploited and un exploited vegetable oils are
good sources of biofuel. Our country is endowed with many such plants. Research is being carried out now to
convert vegetable oils into biodiesel through biotechnological processes using biodiesel. With a concentrated
and coordinated effort. Wide use of bio diesel in our country is going to be a reality in the days to come. A
national mission on Bio-Diesel has already been proposed by the committee comprising six micro missions
covering all aspects of plantation, procurement of seed, extraction of oil, trans-esterification, blending & trade,
and research and development. Diesel forms nearly 40% of the energy consumed in the form of hydrocarbon
fuels, and its demand is estimated at 40 million tons.
Therefore blending becomes the important National Issue which apart from giving the dividends , it
saves the country's exchequer. India has vast stretches of degraded land, mostly in areas with adverse agro-
climatic conditions, where species of Jatropha , Mahua etc can be grown easily. Even 30 million hectares
planted for bio- diesel can completely replace the current use of biofuels. The production of Bio fuels will also
boost the rural economy which will bring more enthusiasm in more than one billion lives in the area.

[1]. Biodeisel basics National Biodiesel Board retrieved 30-01-2009.
[2]. When oil grows on trees, World Agroforestry Centre , 2007.
[3]. J. Serra Alternative fuel resource development Clean and green fuel fund , 2006.
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[9]. Michael Fitzgerald (December 27, 2006). "India's Big Plans for Biodiesel". Technology Review
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[10]. O.O. Igbinosa, E.O. Igbinosa and O.A. Aiyegoro Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening
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