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mada -- by intoxication (S6/1/58)

mada -- by intoxication (S5/9/18)

mada -- by intoxication (S4/6/12)
mada -- by the intoxication (S5/25/5)
mada -- by the madness (S6/13/16)
mada -- due to intoxication with kindness (S5/25/5)
mada -- due to pride (S6/7/2)
mada -- in the delusion (B/16/17)
mada -- intoxication (S3/20/29)
mada -- madness (S10/4/27)
mada-andha -- blinded by intoxication (S5/2/6)
mada-andha -- being blind with power (S4/14/5)
mada-andha -- blinded by false prestige (S5/24/16)
mada-andhnm -- blinded by material opulences (S8/22/5)
mada-anvit -- absorbed in the conceit (B/16/10)
mada-aanai -- who drank honey (S8/2/23)
mada-ghrita-locanau -- their eyes rolling with intoxication
mada-cyut -- liquor dripping from his mouth (S8/2/23)
mada -- illusion (S5/10/10)
mada -- intoxication (S1/8/26)
mada -- madness (S7/15/43)
mada -- madness (S2/9/30)
mada -- pride (S5/6/5)
mada -- pride (S3/9/3)
mada -- pride (S6/11/22)
madai -- by pride (S4/31/21)
madai -- from false ego (S10/10/15)
madai -- intoxication (S1/17/24)
madam -- illusion (B/18/35)
madam -- intoxication (S1/17/39)
madam -- vanity (S3/23/3)
mada-mudita -- delighted by intoxication (S5/25/7)
madana -- Cupid (or amadana--the greatly tolerant Siva) (S1/11/36)
madana-vepitam -- agitated by Cupid or lusty desire (S6/1/62)
mada-karai -- with particles of perfumed liquor (S9/11/26)
mada-oaka -- who can remove the madness (S6/18/26)
mada-unmathita -- being intoxicated (S1/15/22)
mada-utkaa -- too puffed up because of opulence (S9/15/20)
mada-utkaau -- terribly proud and mad (S10/10/2)
mada-utka -- being mad (S8/7/13)
mada-utpathnm -- going astray out of false pride (S3/1/43)
mada-vihvala -- being intoxicated (S8/2/23)
mada-vihvala-ak -- whose eyes were restless because of
youthful pride (S8/9/16)
mada-vihvala -- being intoxicated (S4/25/57)
madayanty -- by his wife, who was also known as Madayanti

madayanty -- of Madayanti (S9/9/26)

madayantym -- in the womb of Madayanti, King Saudasas wife
madt -- because of false pride (S9/14/5)
madt -- because of madness (S10/9/23)
madt -- out of illusion (S4/27/22)
madena -- by madness (S5/10/8)
madena -- with vanity (S3/17/29)
madho -- from Mahdu (S5/15/14)
madho -- of Madhu (S9/11/13)
madho -- of Madhu (S9/23/29)
madho vanam -- the forest known as Madhuvana (S4/9/1)
madho vanam -- the land of Mathura (S1/10/26)
madhu -- and by the Madhus (S9/24/63)
madhu -- by honey (S5/17/20)
madhu -- drinking liquor or honey (S7/12/12)
madhu -- fragrant, laden with honey (S3/15/17)
madhu -- honey (S1/18/12)
madhu -- honey (S5/16/13)
madhu -- honey (S5/16/24)
madhu -- Madhu (S1/11/11)
madhu -- Madhu (S1/14/25)
madhu -- nectar (S6/1/58)
madhu -- of honey (S4/29/54)
madhu -- sweet (S4/18/17)
madhu -- sweet to hear (S4/22/17)
madhu -- sweethearts (S1/16/35)
madhu -- sweetness (S4/24/64)
madhu -- the honey (S6/3/33)
madhu-mada -- intoxication by drinking (S3/3/15)
madhu-savena -- and the honey (S5/25/7)
madhu-bhit -- of the killer of the Madhu demon (S4/29/39)
madhu-bhuk -- enjoying sex life (S4/27/18)
madhucchandasa -- named the Madhucchandas (S9/16/29)
madhucchandasa -- sons of Visvamitra, celebrated as the
Madhucchandas (S9/16/33)
madhucchand -- known as Madhucchanda (S9/16/29)
madhucchand -- Madhucchanda (S9/16/34)
madhu-cyut -- sweet to hear (S1/19/22)
madhu-cyuta -- dropping honey (S4/19/8)
madhu-cyutam -- like pouring honey (S4/12/28)
madhu-dhr -- flows of honey (S5/16/22)
madhu-dvia -- of the enemy of Madhu (Sri Krsna) (S1/10/32)
madhu-dvia -- of the Lord (S4/22/20)
madhu-dvia -- of the Lord (the enemy of Madhu) (S4/12/21)
madhu-dvia -- of Visnu, the slayer of the Madhu demon (S7/1/38)
madhu-dvia -- the enemy of the Madhu asura (S3/7/19)
madhu-dvia -- the killer of the Madhu demon (S3/32/18)
madhu-dvi -- of Lord Krsna, who killed the demon Madhu (S5/14/44)

madhu-gandhena -- with the scent of honey (S4/2/25)

madhu-h -- named Madhusudana (S6/8/21)
madhu-h -- the killer of the demon Madhu (S10/6/22)
madhu -- Madhu (S9/23/27)
madhu -- Madhu (S9/24/5)
madhu -- Madhu (S5/15/14)
madhukai -- madhuka fruits (S8/2/9)
madhu-kaiabha-khyau -- known as Madhu and Kaitabha (S7/9/37)
madhukara -- of bees (S5/2/6)
madhukara-anupadavm -- the road followed in pursuance of
devotees who are attached like bumblebees (S5/14/1)
madhu-kara -- the bumblebee (S4/18/2)
madhukara-nikara-ktibhi -- by the bumblebees (S5/17/13)
madhukara-vrta -- of the bees (S5/25/7)
madhukarm iva -- like a honeybee (S5/2/6)
madhukra -- bees that go from flower to flower to collect honey
madhu-kuly -- Madhukulya (S5/20/15)
madhu-lavai -- with drops of honey (happiness) (S7/9/25)
madhu-mathana -- O killer of the Madhu demon (S6/9/39)
madhu-mdhavau -- flowers and fruits produced during spring, or in
the months of Caitra and Vaisakha (S8/8/11)
madhun -- by wine (S7/4/13)
madhun -- with honey (S8/8/15)
madhu-pate -- O Lord of Madhu (S1/8/42)
madhu-pati -- the master of Madhu (Krsna) (S1/10/18)
madhu-pur -- Mathura (S7/14/30)
madhu-pur -- the transcendental city known as Mathura (U/9)
madhupurym -- in Mathura (S10/1/10)
madhu-pupitym -- in the flowery Vedic language describing the
results of ritualistic performances (S6/3/25)
madhura -- very sweet (S5/24/10)
madhura-gta -- by the sweet singing (S5/25/7)
madhura -- sweet (S3/26/42)
madhura-mukha-rasa -- of the very sweet words from Your mouth
madhuray -- sweet (S3/23/2)
madhu-ruha -- Madhuruha (S5/20/21)
madhu-sdana -- O killer of Madhu (B/2/4)
madhusdana -- O killer of the demon Madhu (Krsna) (B/1/32)
madhu-sdana -- O killer of the demon Madhu (B/6/33)
madhusdana -- O Madhusudana (S10/3/29)
madhusdana -- O Madhusudana (B/8/2)
madhusdana -- Lord Visnu (S8/12/1)
madhu-sdana -- the killer of Madhu (B/2/1)
madhu-sdana -- the killer of the demon Madhu (S3/24/6)
madhusdana -- the killer of the Madhu demon (S3/9/27)
madhu-sdana -- the killer of the Madhu demon (S9/24/60)
madhu-sdana -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is

known as Madhusudana, the killer of the demon Madhu (S8/12/37)

madhusdanam -- the Supreme Lord, the killer of Madhu (S8/24/45)
madhusdanam -- unto Madhusudana, the Personality of Godhead
madhuvanam -- a forest in Vrndavana known as Madhuvana
madhu-vanam -- of the name Madhuvana (S4/8/42)
madhuvane -- in that part of the Vrndavana area known as
Madhuvana (S9/4/30)
madhuvane -- in the great forest known as Madhuvana (S9/11/13)
madhu-vat -- as good as honey (money is honey) (S7/13/36)
madhu-vrata -- of bees (S8/20/32)
madhu-vrata -- of bees always hankering for honey (S8/18/3)
madhuvrata -- of bumblebees (S3/28/28)
madhu-vratai -- with bees (S8/15/12)
madhu-vratai -- with bumblebees (S4/9/63)
madhu-vratam -- with bees (S3/33/18)
madhu-vrata-pate -- of the king of the bees (S3/16/20)
madhu-vrata-riy -- sweet sound in beauty (S3/8/31)
madhuvrata-vartha -- of bumblebees (S8/8/24)
madhu-vratt -- from the bumblebee (S7/13/36)
madhn -- the inhabitants of Mathura (Vrajabhumi) (S1/11/9)
madhya -- in the midst of (S4/30/7)
madhya -- without an intermediate stage (S2/10/34)
madhya -- middle (B/11/19)
madhya-gata -- being situated in the middle (S5/21/3)
madhya-gena -- going between the two trees (S10/11/4)
madhyam -- waist (S3/20/36)
madhyam -- between the beginning and the end, the sustenance
madhyam -- maintenance of the present manifestation (S8/17/27)
madhyam -- middle (B/10/20)
madhyam -- middle (S8/1/12)
madhyam -- middle (B/10/32)
madhyam -- middle (S8/6/10)
madhyam -- to the middle (S4/4/25)
madhyama -- one who is in an intermediate position (S4/20/13)
madhyama -- mediocre (S9/18/44)
madhyama -- the middle one (S9/16/29)
madhyamam -- middle portion of the body (S7/8/19)
madhyamam -- the second (S9/7/20)
madhyamm -- the middle one (Devahuti) (S3/12/57)
madhyam-dina-gata -- on the meridian (S8/18/6)
madhyam-dine -- during the fourth part of the day (S6/8/20)
madhyandinam -- Madhyandinam (S4/13/13)
madhya-stha -- mediators between belligerents (B/6/9)
madhyastha -- neutrals (S6/16/5)
madhyata ca -- also in the middle (the duration between the
beginning and end) (S7/9/30)

madhyata -- in the middle (S5/16/28)

madhyata -- in the middle portion of the body (S8/12/19)
madhyata -- the middle portion (S9/16/21)
madhyhna -- at midday (S6/9/13)
madhyhna -- midday (S5/21/7)
madhyni -- in the middle (B/2/28)
madhyt -- from between (S3/12/7)
madhyt -- from the midst (S7/8/18)
madhye -- among (S5/16/7)
madhye -- amongst (S1/14/24)
madhye -- between (B/1/21)
madhye -- between (S3/15/28)
madhye -- between (B/8/10)
madhye -- between (B/2/10)
madhye -- in the middle (S10/13/11)
madhye -- in the middle (S5/2/11)
madhye -- in the middle (S9/10/6)
madhye -- in the middle (B/14/18)
madhye -- in the middle (S8/6/10)
madhye -- in the middle (S4/29/30)
madhye -- in the middle (between east and west) (S9/6/5)
madhye -- in the middle (S5/20/43)
madhye -- in the midst (S4/29/7)
madhye -- in the midst (S1/9/35)
madhye -- in the midst (B/1/24)
madhye -- in the midst (S3/20/32)
madhye -- within (S3/13/16)
madhye -- within the jurisdiction of Mahismati (S9/16/17)
madhye -- within the midst (S4/21/14)
madhyora -- waist (S5/12/5)
madira-ka -- with enchanting eyes (S4/28/34)
madir -- Madira (S9/24/45)
madir-tmaj -- the sons of Madira (S9/24/47)
madirm -- wine (S1/15/22)
madirm -- intoxication (S10/10/2)
madirm -- liquor (S4/25/57)
madir-mada-andha -- one who is blinded by intoxication
madir-mattau -- very intoxicated because of drinking liquor (S10/10/7)
madya -- my personal (S10/8/40)
madyam -- my residence, Brahmaloka (S9/4/53)
madyam -- pertaining to Me (S8/24/38)
madyay -- My (S6/4/53)
mady -- given by Me (S7/10/12)
mady -- relating to Me (S3/16/10)
madym -- My (S4/20/32)
madye -- in my kingdom (S1/17/31)
madra -- Madra (S9/23/3)
maghavan -- O Indra (S8/15/28)
maghavan -- O Indra (S6/9/51)

maghavan -- O Indra (S8/11/38)

maghavan -- O Indra (S6/7/23)
maghavan -- O King Indra (S6/8/35)
maghavan -- O King Indra (S6/12/10)
maghavat -- King Indra (S4/20/1)
maghavati -- in famine and scarcity (S1/16/20)
maghavat-pradhn -- headed by Indra (S5/5/21)
maghavn -- Indra (S8/15/24)
maghavn -- King Indra (S6/7/2)
maghavn -- Lord Indra (S8/11/39)
magh-dni -- the stars such as Magha (S5/23/6)
magh-rk-samgame -- in the conjunction of Magha-naksatra and the full-moon
day (S7/14/20)
maghona -- Indra (S6/7/16)
maghona -- of King Indra (S6/12/4)
maghon -- with Indra (S4/19/39)
maghoni -- when King Indra (S5/15/12)
maghoni varati -- because of Lord Indras showering rain (S10/3/50)
magna-citta -- whose consciousness is absorbed (S7/9/43)
magna -- being absorbed (S5/14/20)
magna -- being merged (S4/28/27)
magna -- drowned (S4/23/6)
magna -- merged completely (S9/6/39)
magna -- set (S4/10/14)
magnam -- merged (S6/15/18)
magnasya -- of one who is absorbed (S6/15/16)
magn -- drowned (S8/16/16)
magn -- merged (S3/13/15)
magn -- who are immersed (S8/3/20)
mahadbhi -- emanating from the total material energy, the mahat-tattva (S7/7/49)
mahadbhi -- of material creation (S2/4/23)
mahadbhi -- one who has greater strength (S1/15/25)
mahadbhya -- unto the great personalities (S5/13/23)
maha -- the planetary system above the luminaries (S2/1/28)
maha-janbhym -- than Maharloka and Janaloka (S8/20/34)
maha-lokt -- from Maharloka (S3/11/30)
maha-varam -- the Supreme Lord (B/5/29)
maha-varam -- the supreme proprietor (B/9/11)
maharloka -- the planetary system occupied by great sages and saints (S2/5/38)
maharaya -- the great sages (S1/19/19)
mahare -- O great saint (Sukadeva Gosvami) (S5/26/1)
mahas -- by might (S3/17/23)
mahas -- by the glories (S3/9/14)
mahas ojas -- by courage and power (S4/22/60)
mahasvat -- of a special degree (S2/6/43)
mahasvn -- the son of Amarsana (S9/12/7)
mahat -- a great (S5/9/20)
mahat -- a great personality (S9/8/11)
mahat -- a Vaisnava (S7/15/23)
mahat -- all-perfect (S1/3/40)

mahat api -- although very great and abominable (S6/1/13)

mahat -- astounding (S1/15/5)
mahat st -- was quite gigantic (S10/6/14)
mahat caryam -- great wonder (S6/12/21)
mahat -- by great personalities (S7/10/49)
mahat -- exalted (S4/15/24)
mahat -- glorious (S8/8/10)
mahat -- glorious (S1/7/49)
mahat -- great (S1/18/41)
mahat -- great (S1/18/19)
mahat -- great (S6/19/26)
mahat -- great (S4/23/38)
mahat -- great (S10/12/33)
mahat -- great (S1/6/13)
mahat -- great (S4/4/28)
mahat -- great (S4/12/45)
mahat -- great (S4/2/5)
mahat -- great (S1/15/12)
mahat -- great (S1/6/25)
mahat -- great (S8/1/32)
mahat -- great (S1/7/11)
mahat -- great (S4/19/31)
mahat -- great (S4/21/38)
mahat -- great (S6/7/21)
mahat -- great (S6/5/26)
mahat -- great (S6/19/26)
mahat -- great (S4/12/48)
mahat -- great (S4/4/29)
mahat -- great (S4/24/79)
mahat -- great (B/1/44)
mahat -- great (S4/14/8)
mahat -- great (S3/8/2)
mahat -- great (S3/7/7)
mahat -- great soul (S4/24/20)
mahat -- insurmountable (S6/1/51)
mahat -- into a gigantic body (S3/13/19)
mahat -- most exalted (S7/14/42)
mahat -- of great devotees (S4/20/25)
mahat -- of great saintly persons (S4/29/39)
mahat -- of the great devotees (S5/12/12)
mahat -- severely (S1/7/31)
mahat -- supreme (S3/5/27)
mahat -- the best (S7/8/9)
mahat -- the great (S4/2/2)
mahat -- the great (S3/5/29)
mahat -- the total material existence (B/14/3)
mahat -- thick (S3/28/21)
mahat -- to a great personality (S4/30/48)
mahat -- to great personalities (S5/9/19)
mahat -- very big (S7/9/2)

mahat -- very great (S6/14/44)

mahat -- very great (S7/3/18)
mahat -- very great (S8/7/8)
mahat -- very great (B/11/23)
mahat -- very great (S8/15/1)
mahat -- very great (S5/8/15)
mahat -- very great, exalted (S9/20/29)
mahat -- very, very great (S8/1/12)
mahat yoni -- source of birth in the material substance (B/14/4)
mahat-adbhutam -- great and wonderful (S1/5/3)
mahata -- from the mahat-tattva (S3/20/13)
mahata -- from very great (B/2/40)
mahata -- of the mahat-tattva (S2/5/23)
mahata -- of the mahat-tattva (S2/5/22)
mahata -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/19/7)
mahata -- of the total emanation from the Lord (S3/10/15)
mahat-aa-yukta -- accompanied by the plenary portion of mahat-tattva (S3/2/15)
mahat-anugraha -- compassion by the Supreme (S7/9/42)
mahat-anugraham -- the mercy of the Lord (S3/31/15)
mahat-atikrama -- trespassing against great personalities (S10/4/46)
mahat bhakti-yogena -- by dint of advanced devotional service (S5/18/24)
mahat -- by great (S8/6/35)
mahat -- by great activities (S4/23/28)
mahat -- by the universal form (S8/19/34)
mahat -- great (B/4/2)
mahat -- great (S5/9/15)
mahat -- loud (S10/11/31)
mahat -- very great (S6/9/13)
mahat-daya -- the five elements, the senses and the sense objects (S7/9/49)
mahat-di -- caused by the total material energy, etc (S4/9/13)
mahat-di -- the mahat-tattva, etc (S4/9/7)
mahat-dibhi -- headed by the mahat-tattva (S10/13/52)
mahat-dibhi -- with the ingredients of matter (S1/3/30)
mahat-dibhi -- with the ingredients of the material world (S1/3/1)
mahat-dnm -- beginning with Lord Brahma (S3/29/37)
mahat-dnm -- of the mahat-tattva and so on (S3/29/1)
mahat-dnm -- of the material sum total known as the mahat-tattva (S4/8/78)
mahat-dni -- the mahat-tattva, false ego and five gross elements (S3/26/50)
mahat-dni -- the total material energy (S3/7/21)
mahat-khynam -- the great story (S8/24/59)
mahatm api -- even though very great (S6/3/31)
mahatm -- who are very great (S6/10/5)
mahatm -- of great devotees (S5/1/3)
mahatm -- of great personalities (mahatmas) (S5/14/44)
mahatm -- of great personalities (S4/11/34)
mahatm -- of great personalities (S4/22/49)
mahatm -- of great saintly persons (S7/11/8)
mahatm -- of the great (S4/21/50)
mahatm -- of the great devotees (S4/9/11)
mahatm -- of the great personalities (S4/4/22)

mahatm -- of the great personalities who are fully satisfied in spiritual

consciousness (S7/14/14)
mahatm -- of the great saints (S4/4/26)
mahatm -- of the great souls (S3/14/48)
mahatm -- of the great souls (S2/8/16)
mahatm -- of the higher personalities (S4/4/15)
mahatm -- of the powerful (S1/13/47)
mahatm -- the great (S1/6/25)
mahatm -- to great personalities (S6/17/15)
mahatm -- to superiors (S5/1/23)
mahatm -- to the great souls (S3/29/17)
mahat-caryam -- greatly wonderful (S6/4/40)
mahat-tmakam -- manifest in the mahat-tattva (S3/26/21)
mahat-caraa -- the lotus feet of great devotees (S5/3/14)
mahate -- unto the great (S3/14/35)
mahate -- unto the great (S7/3/26)
mahate -- unto the Supreme (S6/16/20)
mahat-gua -- great qualities (S1/16/1)
mahat-gu -- exalted transcendental qualities (S7/4/34)
mahat-gu -- good qualities (S5/18/12)
mahati -- in a great (B/1/14)
mahati -- in a great personality (S10/13/45)
mahati -- in the mahat-tattva (S4/23/17)
mahati -- in the mahat-tattva, the total material energy (S7/12/29)
mahati -- unto the Supreme (S7/15/53)
mahati -- very great (S6/3/25)
mahati -- very respectable (S6/1/65)
mahatm -- extensive (S4/4/30)
mahatm -- great (B/1/3)
mahatm -- great (S7/8/54)
mahatm -- very gorgeous (S8/16/51)
mahatm -- very great (S2/7/2)
mahatm -- very great (S8/15/10)
mahat-katha -- famous in history with other exalted personalities (S9/7/21)
mahat-ktena -- by that action which is considered the most powerful original
existence or which is executed by mahajanas (S10/2/30)
mahat-saga -- the association of a great person like Narada (S7/6/29)
mahat-sevay -- by service rendered to pure devotees (S1/2/16)
mahat-sevm -- service to the spiritually advanced persons called mahatmas (S5/5/2)
mahatsu -- in the mahat-tattva, the total material energy (S7/6/20)
mahatsu -- within the material creation (S1/19/16)
mahatsu -- unto the Vaisnavas (S6/10/28)
mahat-tama -- great devotees (S1/18/19)
mahat-tama -- of the great devotees (S4/20/24)
mahat-tama -- of the great souls (S1/19/13)
mahat-tama -- the greatest amongst the living beings (S1/18/14)
mahat-tama -- the greatest of all greats (S1/18/15)
mahat-tama-agraya -- the best of the saintly persons (Yudhisthira) (S7/11/1)
mahat-tama -- greater than the greatest (S4/21/7)
mahat-tam -- the greatest persons (S4/4/12)

mahat-tamnm -- of those who are great (S1/18/18)

mahat-tattvam -- the sum total of cosmic intelligence (S3/26/19)
mahat-tattvt -- from the mahat-tattva (S3/26/23)
mahattvam -- greatness (S1/16/26)
mahattvam -- greatness (S9/5/14)
mahattvam -- greatness (S4/12/47)
mahattvam -- greatness (S5/18/13)
mahat-upsaka -- being an unalloyed devotee of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead (S7/4/30)
mahat-vicalanam -- the movement of great personalities (S10/8/4)
mahat-vimnt -- of insulting a great devotee (S5/10/25)
mahat-vimgya -- sought by great, great saintly persons (devotees of Krsna)
mahat-vinind -- the deriding of great souls (S4/4/13)
mah -- big (S4/14/44)
mah -- great (S4/21/37)
mah -- great (S5/5/35)
mah -- great (S5/6/16)
mah -- great (S3/17/15)
mah -- great (S1/14/21)
mah -- greatly (S6/12/5)
mah-abhieka -- greatly sanctified (S1/15/10)
mah-abhieka-vidhin -- by the regulative principles for bathing the Deity
mah-abhiekea -- by a grand Vedic ritualistic ceremony (S9/20/24)
mah-abhiekea -- by bathing him in a great abhiseka ceremony (S8/15/4)
mah-abjam -- the great lotus of the worlds (has similarly grown) (S7/9/33)
mah-acala -- the great mountain (S8/12/45)
mah-adbhutam -- greatly wonderful (S7/1/14)
mah-adbhutam -- most wonderful (S3/19/37)
mah-adbhutni -- greatly wonderful (S6/3/18)
mah-adri -- with the great Mandara Mountain (S8/7/13)
mah-adri-pvaram -- as thick as a great mountain (S10/12/16)
mah-agne -- from the great fire (S1/8/24)
mah-ahe -- aheh--the great serpent known as the python (S7/15/15)
mah-ahi -- of great serpents (S5/24/12)
mah-ahi -- a python (S7/13/37)
mah-ahin -- by the large serpent (Vasuki) (S8/24/36)
mah-amar -- greatly envious by nature (S5/24/31)
mah-ambhasi -- in the great water (S3/13/15)
mah-ambhodhau -- in that water of inundation (S8/24/54)
mah-amta -- in the great ocean of nectarean spiritual bliss (S7/9/43)
mah-anasam -- the house of the kitchen department (S4/5/14)
mah-anubhva -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna (S1/5/21)
mah-anubhva -- the supremely opulent (S6/9/33)
mah-anubhva -- a great soul (S5/10/1)
mah-anubhva -- Bali Maharaja, who was a great and exalted soul (S8/23/1)
mah-anubhva -- expanded influence (S3/14/48)
mah-anubhva -- the great personality (S5/5/28)
mah-anubhva -- the great soul (S4/16/27)

mah-anubhvasya -- who was an exalted devotee (S5/24/26)

mah-anubhv -- great minds (S1/19/8)
mah-anubhv -- the exalted brahmanas (S8/15/4)
mah-anubhvn -- great souls (B/2/5)
mah-anubhvya -- whose existence is inconceivable (S8/6/8)
mah-anubhvya -- the most perfect realized soul, or the Supersoul (S6/16/25)
mah-anubhvya -- the most powerful (S6/19/7)
mah-arha -- extremely valuable (S10/5/8)
mah-arha -- very costly (S9/6/45)
mah-arhai -- greatly valuable (S3/23/19)
mah-arha -- valuable gifts, such as sandalwood pulp and garlands (S5/17/13)
mah-arha-talpe -- on a valuable bedstead (S4/27/4)
mah-arha-vaidrya-kira-kuala -- of His helmet and earrings, which were
studded with very valuable Vaidurya gems (S10/3/9)
mah-arhi -- very valuable (S4/9/61)
mah-arhea -- precious (S3/23/32)
mah-arhea -- very costly (S3/23/28)
mah-aravya -- the great ocean of knowledge, or the great ocean wherein all the
rivers of knowledge merge (S8/3/15)
mah-arave -- in the great ocean of inundation (S8/24/44)
mah-arave -- the great Garbha Ocean (S2/7/1)
mah-astra -- of the great weapon (the disc) (S5/18/15)
mah-asura -- a great, extremely powerful demon (S10/12/13)
mah-asura -- Hiranyakasipu, the great demon (S7/8/14)
mah-asura -- the great demon (S7/4/5)
mah-asura -- the great demon (Hiranyakasipu) (S7/8/25)
mah-asura -- the great demon (S3/19/12)
mah-asura -- the great demon (S7/8/27)
mah-asuram -- a great demon (S10/1/68)
mah-aana -- all-devouring (B/3/37)
mah-aa-hsam -- a greatly fearful laugh (S5/9/18)
mah-aa-hsam -- great and fearful laughing (S6/8/14)
mah-hlda -- by the great transcendental bliss (S8/23/10)
mah-khynam -- great historical incident (S6/13/22)
mah-sane -- exalted seat (S1/19/29)
mah-caryam -- very wonderful (S1/4/9)
mah-ia -- great ambitions (S6/19/14)
mah-ia -- great blessings (S3/23/4)
mah-tmabhi -- by the broad-minded (S1/15/44)
mah-tmabhi -- by those great souls (S1/13/37)
mah-tmabhi -- great souls (S1/5/28)
mah-tman -- O great one (B/11/20)
mah-tman -- O great one (B/11/37)
mah-tmana -- all great souls (S1/12/18)
mah-tmana -- atmanah--of the Supreme Lord (S3/18/20)
mah-tmana -- great personalities (S5/17/22)
mah-tmana -- who is a great devotee of the Lord (S8/2/9)
mah-tmana -- who is factually exalted and advanced (S7/13/9)
mah-tmana -- of the great devotee (S1/12/2)
mah-tmana -- of the great person (S2/6/23)

mah-tmana -- of the great personality (Lord Siva) (S8/12/33)

mah-tmana -- of the great personality Jada Bharata (S5/14/42)
mah-tmana -- of the great personality, the great devotee (S9/5/28)
mah-tmana -- of the great soul (B/18/74)
mah-tmana -- of the great soul (S4/15/20)
mah-tmana -- of the great soul (S9/9/19)
mah-tmana -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S2/5/38)
mah-tmana -- of the Supreme Soul (S6/3/17)
mah-tmana -- stronghearted (S4/5/12)
mah-tmana -- the exalted devotee (S6/17/40)
mah-tmana -- the great Lord (B/11/12)
mah-tmana -- the great soul (S6/18/9)
mah-tmana -- the Supersoul (S7/10/42)
mah-tmana -- the Supersoul (S9/6/15)
mah-tman -- by the Supersoul (S9/4/48)
mah-tmanm -- who are actually great souls (S5/13/21)
mah-tmanm -- who were all great devotees of the Lord (S1/16/13)
mah-tmanm -- of great, learned personalities (S9/5/7)
mah-tmanm -- of the great devotees of the Lord (S2/9/13)
mah-tmanm -- of the great persons (S9/5/15)
mah-tmane -- who is a great devotee (S7/4/28)
mah-tmane -- the exalted Supersoul (S6/5/27)
mah-tmane -- unto the Supreme Soul, or the Supersoul (S7/10/10)
mah-tmani -- whose mind was very broad (S7/4/43)
mah-tmani -- in the mahat-tattva, the total material energy (S9/7/25)
mah-tmani -- in the Supersoul, the Parabrahman (Krsna) (S7/13/42)
mah-tmani -- the great soul, Prahlada (S7/1/48)
mah-tmasu -- who are exalted souls (S6/17/34)
mah-tm -- expanded intelligence (S3/14/48)
mah-tm -- great soul (B/7/19)
mah-tm -- great soul (S4/12/14)
mah-tm -- the great one (B/11/50)
mah-tm -- the great soul (who refrained from striking Indra with the club when he
saw Indra morose and aggrieved) (S6/11/12)
mah-tmna -- the great sages (S2/10/2)
mah-tmna -- the great souls (B/8/15)
mah-tmna -- the great souls (B/9/13)
mah-baka-grastam -- swallowed by the great duck (S10/11/49)
mah-bala -- mighty (S3/17/26)
mah-bala -- the extremely powerful Kamsa (S10/1/69)
mah-bala -- the greatly powerful Dhruva Maharaja (S4/10/2)
mah-bala -- the most powerful (S7/4/9)
mah-bala -- the supreme powerful (S9/3/33)
mah-bho -- He who is the Almighty (S1/7/22)
mahbho -- O great hero (S9/15/38)
mah-bho -- O great King (S1/13/37)
mah-bho -- O great mighty-armed one (S4/19/42)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed (B/10/1)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed (Vidura) (S3/15/11)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed Krsna (B/6/38)

mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/3/28)

mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/18/13)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/14/5)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/7/5)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/3/43)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/5/6)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/18/1)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/6/35)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (S4/18/9)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/5/3)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/11/23)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/2/26)
mah-bho -- O mighty-armed one (B/2/68)
mah-bho -- O Vidura (S4/7/1)
mah-bhu -- mighty-armed (B/1/16)
mah-bhaa -- by the mighty fighter (S3/19/14)
mah-bha -- great soldiers (S4/10/7)
mah-bha -- very powerful bodyguards (S4/25/27)
mah-bhga -- highly fortunate (S1/5/13)
mah-bhga -- most fortunate (S1/12/17)
mah-bhga -- O fortunate one (S3/5/25)
mah-bhga -- O great personality (S10/4/26)
mah-bhga -- O great sage (S6/14/26)
mah-bhga -- O great soul (S4/25/5)
mah-bhga -- O greatly fortunate one (S7/7/8)
mahbhga -- O greatly fortunate one (S2/8/3)
mah-bhga -- O greatly fortunate one (S1/16/5)
mah-bhga -- O greatly fortunate one (S9/1/4)
mah-bhga -- O greatly fortunate one (S9/10/27)
mah-bhga -- O greatly opulent and fortunate Sukadeva Gosvami (S6/1/6)
mah-bhga -- O noble one (S4/14/19)
mah-bhga -- O you who are so fortunate (S7/9/54)
mah-bhga -- O you who are so fortunate (S6/4/43)
mah-bhga -- the greatly fortunate (S1/5/2)
mah-bhga -- the most fortunate (S1/7/46)
mah-bhga -- the most fortunate (S1/4/2)
mah-bhga -- you are a greatly fortunate personality (S10/13/1)
mah-bhga -- greatly fortunate (S4/1/43)
mah-bhga -- most fortunate (S9/23/30)
mah-bhga -- the greatly fortunate father of Vasudeva (S10/1/36)
mah-bhga -- the greatly fortunate king (S9/4/15)
mah-bhga -- the most fortunate (S1/4/8)
mah-bhga -- the most fortunate (S1/17/43)
mah-bhga -- the most fortunate (S6/17/34)
mah-bhgam -- a great personality, a pure devotee (S9/4/71)
mah-bhgam -- unto the great, fortunate King (S4/17/18)
mah-bhgau -- O you who are learned and fortunate in spiritual knowledge
mah-bhgavata -- O great devotee sage (S5/13/26)
mah-bhgavata -- a first-class pure devotee (S4/12/8)

mah-bhgavata -- a great and exalted devotee (S7/10/28)

mah-bhgavata -- a great devotee of the Lord (S3/4/9)
mah-bhgavata -- a great devotee of the Lord (S3/20/2)
mah-bhgavata -- a maha-bhagavata, most exalted devotee of the Lord (S5/7/1)
mah-bhgavata -- a saintly devotee (S7/7/10)
mah-bhgavata -- an exalted devotee (S9/22/18)
mah-bhgavata -- bhagavatah--a most exalted devotee (S7/5/56)
mah-bhgavata -- bhagavatah--the great devotee (S3/19/33)
mah-bhgavata -- first-class devotee (S1/18/16)
mah-bhgavata -- the exalted devotee of the Lord (S7/7/1)
mah-bhgavata -- the first-class devotee of the Lord (S1/12/17)
mah-bhgavata -- the first-class devotee of the Lord (S1/18/46)
mah-bhgavata -- the first-class devotee of the Lord (S2/9/42)
mah-bhgavata -- the great devotee (S5/23/1)
mah-bhgavata -- the great devotee (S5/1/20)
mah-bhgavata -- the great devotee (S1/16/1)
mah-bhgavata -- the great, exalted devotee (Prahlada Maharaja) (S7/9/4)
mah-bhgavata -- the great saintly devotee (S4/21/8)
mah-bhgavata -- the most exalted devotee (S9/4/13)
mah-bhgavata -- the topmost devotee (S5/18/7)
mah-bhgavata -- the topmost devotee (S3/14/48)
mah-bhgavata -- the very advanced devotee of the Lord (S7/13/15)
mah-bhgavatam -- who was a most exalted devotee (S7/8/14)
mah-bhgavatam -- the great devotee of the Lord (S3/4/24)
mah-bhgavatam -- the greatest of all devotees (S4/13/3)
mah-bhgavatasya -- of the great and exalted devotee (S7/10/43)
mah-bhgavat -- highly advanced devotees (S5/4/11)
mah-bhgavate -- an exalted devotee of the Lord (S7/4/43)
mahbhg -- highly fortunate (S9/24/53)
mah-bhg -- most fortunate (S10/8/46)
mah-bhg -- the fortunate Samjna (S6/6/40)
mah-bhg -- the most fortunate mother of Baladeva (greatly fortunate because of
having the opportunity to raise Krsna and Balarama together) (S10/5/17)
mah-bhg -- O greatly fortunate ones (S6/4/7)
mah-bhg -- the greatly fortunate (S4/18/18)
mah-bhg -- very fortunate (S10/8/18)
mah-bhgn -- all greatly powerful (S1/9/9)
mah-bhgn -- great personalities (S4/14/4)
mah-bhgn -- who were greatly fortunate (S9/4/31)
mah-bhge -- most fortunate (S7/4/43)
mah-bhge -- O goddess of fortune (S6/19/6)
mah-bhge -- O greatly fortunate one (S8/16/59)
mahbhia -- Mahabhisa (S9/22/12)
mah-bhogavanta -- addicted to all kinds of material enjoyment (S5/24/29)
mah-bhogina -- very addicted to material happiness (S5/24/31)
mahbhoja ca -- as well as Mahabhoja (S9/24/6)
mahbhoja -- King Mahabhoja (S9/24/10)
mah-bhuja -- O great mighty-armed one (S9/18/22)
mah-bhuja -- O mighty-armed (S4/25/42)
mah-bhujai -- with big arms (S8/10/39)

mah-bhuj -- with mighty arms (S10/4/9)

mah-bhtni -- the great elements (B/13/6)
mah-bhtni -- the gross elements (S3/26/12)
mah-bhteu -- when the five primary elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether)
mah-bilam -- the planet known as Sutala (S8/23/11)
mah-buddhe -- of great intelligence (S1/12/2)
mah-budha -- Prahlada Maharaja, who was highly learned and advanced in
spiritual consciousness (maha means great, and budha means learned)
mah-deva -- O great demigod (S8/7/21)
mah-deva -- Lord Siva (S8/7/42)
mahdeva -- Lord Siva (S4/7/2)
mah-deva -- the chief of all the demigods (S6/4/49)
mah-deva -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S3/26/53)
mahdeve -- in the Supreme Person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S10/8/49)
mah-devena -- by Lord Siva (S5/24/28)
mah-dhanai -- all highly valuable (S2/2/11)
mah-dhanai -- dhanaih--by very valuable (S8/10/13)
mah-dhanai -- very valuable (S4/10/18)
mah-dhanam -- very valuable (S4/9/38)
mah-dhann -- valuable presents (S3/22/23)
mah-dhanni -- valuable riches (S1/16/13)
mah-dhane -- very valuable (S4/21/17)
mahdhti -- a son named Mahadhrti (S9/13/16)
mah-dhvara -- great sacrifices (S5/18/35)
mah-gadam -- a huge mace (S3/17/21)
mah-gadam -- with a great mace (S3/18/9)
mah-gadm -- a very powerful club (S6/11/9)
mah-gaja -- of big elephants (S5/24/16)
mah-gaj -- great elephants (S8/10/47)
mah-ghan -- big clouds (S8/10/49)
mah-girim -- a great mountain (S9/16/17)
mah-guam -- excellent (S10/7/13)
mah-gu -- great qualities (S1/16/26)
mah-hasya -- the great swanlike Personality of Godhead (S6/5/27)
mahhaya -- Mahahaya (S9/23/20)
mah-hrda -- making great sounds (S4/10/27)
mah-indra -- King Indra (S8/5/17)
mah-indra -- the King of heaven (S2/7/25)
mah-indra-bhavane -- in the house of Indradeva (S1/15/12)
mah-indra -- King Indra became possible (S8/5/39)
mah-indra -- the King of heaven (S4/22/57)
mah-indra -- the King of heaven (S5/25/7)
mah-indra -- the King of heaven, Indra (S8/8/10)
mah-indra -- the King of heaven, Indra (S8/6/30)
mah-indram -- the great heavenly King Indra (S4/19/15)
mah-indram -- the King of heaven (S8/10/41)
mah-indram -- unto King Indra (S6/13/6)
mah-indra-mokam -- the liberation of the King of heaven (S6/13/22)

mah-indrasya -- of the King of heaven, Indra (S5/24/18)

mah-indrya -- Indra, the King of heaven (S8/23/19)
mah-indrya -- unto King Indra (S6/7/39)
mah-indrya -- unto King Indra (S6/12/2)
mah-indrya -- upon the King of heaven, Indra (S4/19/33)
mah-indrea -- by King Indra (S6/13/19)
mah-iu-s -- mighty bowmen (B/1/4)
mah-iubhi -- very powerful arrows (S8/11/23)
mah-ivsa -- carrying his strong bow and arrows (S4/26/1)
mah-ya -- unto the supreme controller (S6/4/24)
mah-vara -- O great ruler (S8/7/35)
mah-vara -- O my Supreme Lord (S7/10/15)
mah-vara -- the Supreme Lord (B/13/23)
mah-vara -- the Supreme personality of Godhead, the supreme controller
mah-varam -- the supreme master (B/10/3)
mahjana -- great personalities besides Svayambhu, Sambhu and the other ten
mah-java -- the greatly powerful Lord (S7/8/28)
mah-javam -- extremely powerful (S8/11/31)
mah-kadamba -- the tree named Mahakadamba (S5/16/22)
mah-kalpe -- great millennium (S8/24/11)
mah-kalpe -- in a life of Brahma, which is known as a maha-kalpa (S7/15/69)
mah-kruika -- the supremely merciful Lord Ramacandra (S9/10/34)
mah-kruikam -- extremely merciful (S8/24/14)
mah-kya -- assumed a great body (S10/11/43)
mah-kya -- whose great body (S6/12/27)
mah-kira -- of a very large and gorgeous helmet (S6/4/35)
mah-kratau -- at the great Rajasuya sacrifice (S7/1/13)
mah-kratau -- at the great sacrifice (S7/1/14)
mah-kratum -- great sacrifice (S4/13/25)
mah-makha -- the arena of the great sacrifice (S4/5/13)
mah-makhn -- the five Mahayajnas (S6/18/1)
mah-makhena -- the topmost of all sacrifices (S6/13/8)
mahmanasa -- from Mahamana (S9/23/2)
mahman -- (from Mahasala) a son named Mahamana (S9/23/2)
mah-man -- advanced in consciousness (S4/27/4)
mah-man -- highly pleased in mind (S3/14/51)
mah-man -- highly thoughtful (S7/4/9)
mah-man -- who among the cowherd men was the greatest of all upright persons
mah-man -- who was great minded (S10/5/1)
mah-man -- jubilant (S6/18/55)
mahman -- King Pururava (S9/14/22)
mah-man -- one who has a broader outlook (S1/16/13)
mah-man -- proud (S3/18/1)
mah-man -- the beneficent King Citraketu (S6/14/35)
mah-man -- the great devotee (S8/22/15)
mah-man -- the great soul (S2/4/3)
mah-man -- the great soul (S5/1/29)

mah-man -- the great-minded (S8/15/36)

mah-man -- the magnanimous (S1/11/16)
mah-maaya -- very valuable gems (S5/24/31)
mah-mai -- greatly valuable jewels (S4/9/60)
mah-mai -- highly valuable gem (S5/9/9)
mah-mai-kirena -- with a helmet bedecked with valuable jewels (S8/6/3)
mah-marakata -- of great emeralds (S3/23/17)
mah-mate -- O great sage (S1/5/27)
mah-mate -- O great soul (S4/8/3)
mah-mate -- O great soul (S4/19/27)
mah-mate -- O great Vidura (S4/1/38)
mah-mati -- most intelligent or thoughtful (S4/12/8)
mah-mati -- Prahlada Maharaja, who possessed great intelligence (S7/5/15)
mah-mati -- the most intelligent person (S8/6/30)
mah-matsyya -- unto the gigantic fish incarnation (S5/18/25)
mah-mrakat -- emerald (S7/4/9)
mah-mrakateu -- bedecked with valuable jewels like sapphires (S4/9/62)
mah-mrakateu -- decorated with valuable emeralds (S3/33/17)
mah-mrga -- highways (S1/11/14)
mah-myai -- who were expert in creating illusions (S8/10/52)
mah-mye -- O energy of Lord Visnu (S6/19/6)
mah-meghai -- by gigantic clouds (S8/24/41)
mah-mna -- gigantic fish (S8/24/21)
mah-moham -- ownership of enjoyable objects (S3/12/2)
mah-mdhe -- in a great fight (S3/19/32)
mah-mdhe -- in that great battlefield (S4/10/21)
mah-mdhe -- on the great battlefield (S8/11/3)
mah-mune -- O great sage (S2/8/24)
mah-mune -- O great sage (S3/21/32)
mah-mune -- O great sage (S6/14/5)
mah-mune -- of elevated transcendentalists (S4/4/19)
mah-muni -- the great sage (Vyasadeva) (S1/1/2)
mah-muni -- the great sage (S2/10/51)
mah-muni -- the great sage (S2/9/42)
mah-muni -- the great sage Kapila (S3/29/6)
mah-muni -- the great saintly person (S7/13/20)
mah-muni -- the sage (S1/18/49)
mah-munn -- the great devotees (S7/14/2)
mah-munnm -- by the great sages (S3/15/37)
mah-munnm -- who are sannyasis (S5/5/28)
mahn -- a great (S7/4/20)
mahn -- a great amount (S6/1/23)
mahn -- a great personality (S5/18/13)
mahn -- a great personality (S9/23/30)
mahn -- a great personality (S8/24/10)
mahn -- a very great exalted person (S8/8/20)
mahn -- although very great (S7/10/43)
mahn -- Amsuman, the great personality (S9/8/20)
mahn asu -- the fountainhead of everyones life (S2/10/15)
mahn asura -- a great, gigantic demon (S10/11/48)

mahn -- great (S8/19/31)

mahn -- great (S1/15/19)
mahn -- great (S8/21/27)
mahn -- great (S3/22/7)
mahn -- great (S3/16/34)
mahn -- great (S8/2/30)
mahn -- great (S1/19/30)
mahn -- great (S4/13/44)
mahn -- great (S1/5/15)
mahn -- great (S5/1/4)
mahn -- great (B/9/6)
mahn -- great (B/18/77)
mahn -- great (S4/21/7)
mahn -- great (S7/3/29)
mahn -- great (S1/18/5)
mahn -- great and tumultuous (S8/10/7)
mahn -- great personality (S4/8/65)
mahn -- greatly (S4/1/11)
mahn -- Mahan (S6/6/17)
mahn -- worshipable (S6/13/21)
mahn i -- the great saintly person (S9/2/21)
mahn -- the great (S6/4/6)
mahn -- the great (S7/2/45)
mahn -- the great (S7/3/31)
mahn -- the great (S3/11/4)
mahn -- the great devotee (S8/22/10)
mahn -- the great personality (S8/20/16)
mahn -- the great personality (S6/10/2)
mahn -- the greatest (S7/4/30)
mahn -- the greatest (S10/10/30)
mahn -- the mahat-tattva (S5/17/22)
mahn -- the mahat-tattva (S3/29/43)
mahn -- the mahat-tattva (S3/32/29)
mahn -- the material Causal Ocean (S2/2/17)
mahn -- the total energy, mahat-tattva (S3/6/26)
mahn -- the total material elements (the mahat-tattva) (S3/20/12)
mahn -- the total material energy (S4/24/63)
mahn -- the total material energy (S5/17/22)
mahn -- qualified by all good qualities (S1/12/17)
mahn -- unlimited (S3/11/2)
mahn -- very big (S8/7/9)
mahn -- very great (S4/29/57)
mahn -- very great (S4/22/40)
mahn -- very great (S3/11/35)
mahn -- very great (S4/1/28)
mahn -- very great (S8/22/16)
mahn -- very great (S1/14/15)
mahn -- very great (S1/7/40)
mahn -- very great (S6/2/24)
mahn -- very great (S7/7/10)

mahn -- very, very great (S7/14/36)

mah-nad -- Mahanadi (S5/19/17)
mah-nadya -- big rivers (S5/19/17)
mah-nadya -- very large rivers (S5/20/3)
mah-nadym -- in the great river known as Gandaki (S5/8/1)
mah-nadym -- one of the biggest rivers in India (S9/16/23)
mahnasa -- Mahanasa (S5/20/26)
mahnbham -- Mahanabha (S7/2/18)
mahnta -- highly advanced in spiritual understanding (S5/5/2)
mahnta -- the larger one (S1/15/25)
mahnta -- the strongest (S1/15/25)
mahntam -- for a long duration (S9/9/1)
mahntam -- who is the origin of the material world (S3/24/33)
mahnti -- invulnerable (S1/19/34)
mahnti -- the universal (S2/9/35)
mah-ojasa -- being extremely strong (S7/10/60)
mah-ojasa -- very powerful (S5/24/30)
mah-ojasa -- very powerful (S1/3/27)
mah-ojasau -- very great, powerful (S4/1/9)
mah-pauruika -- the most sincere devotee of Lord Krsna (S2/1/10)
mah-pauruik -- the residents of the spiritual sky (S1/14/35)
mah-ppm -- greatly sinful (B/3/37)
mah-pra -- very great in bodily strength (S6/12/27)
mah-puyam -- conferring great merit (S3/19/38)
mah-puyam -- supremely pious (S9/23/18)
mah-purua -- by the armor of the Supreme Lord, Narayana (S6/12/31)
mah-purua -- O great personality (S7/9/38)
mah-purua -- of Lord Visnu (S6/18/73)
mah-purua -- of the Supreme Person (S5/7/7)
mah-purua -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/19/20)
mah-purua -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/18/15)
mah-purua -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S8/7/3)
mah-purua -- the most exalted personality (S6/9/33)
mah-purua -- the Supreme Person, Krsna (S9/9/29)
mah-purua -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S6/15/18)
mah-purua-bhakteu -- devotees of Lord Visnu (S6/17/34)
mah-purua-cetas -- accepting as the Supreme Person (S6/19/17)
mah-purua-gua-bhjana -- Prahlada Maharaja, who is the abode of all the
good qualities of great personalities (S5/18/7)
mah-purua -- the Supreme Person (S5/17/14)
mah-purua -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S7/8/53)
mahpurua-kikarai -- with the order carriers of Lord Visnu (S6/2/44)
mahpurua-kikar -- the order carriers of Lord Visnu (S6/2/23)
mah-purua-lakaam -- with all the symptoms of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, Visnu (S10/3/23)
mah-purua-lakae -- possessing the qualities and opulences of Lord Visnu
mah-puruam -- Lord Visnu, Narayana (S10/7/19)
mah-puruam -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S7/9/36)
mah-puruam -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S6/12/1)

mah-puruam -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S8/12/9)

mah-puruam -- the Supreme personality of Godhead, Visnu (S5/15/4)
mah-puruam -- upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S8/17/2)
mah-puruasya -- of the Supreme Person (S5/17/16)
mah-puruasya -- of the Supreme Person (S5/26/38)
mah-puruatm -- the chief quality of being the leader of the human society
(exactly like the chief leader of all living beings, Lord Visnu) (S5/15/6)
mah-puruatm -- the position of an exalted devotee (S6/12/20)
mah-puruya -- who are the Supreme person (S5/17/17)
mah-puruya -- the best of enjoyers (S6/19/7)
mah-puruya -- the supreme enjoyer (S6/16/25)
mah-puruya -- the supreme enjoyer (S6/19/8)
mah-puruya -- unto the Supreme Lord, who is worshiped by the purusa-sukta
because of being the cause of this material creation (S5/19/3)
mah-puruya -- unto the Supreme Person (S5/18/35)
mah-puruya -- unto the Supreme person (S5/23/8)
mah-purue -- the chief of all living entities (S5/15/7)
mah-prua -- of great personalities (S4/4/13)
mah-prua -- the Supreme Person (S8/5/32)
mah-ratha -- great generals (S1/8/24)
mah-ratha -- a great fighter (S9/9/26)
mah-ratha -- a great fighter (S2/3/15)
mah-ratha -- a great hero (S4/19/13)
mah-ratha -- a greatly powerful fighter (S9/17/17)
mah-ratha -- Bali Maharaja, the great charioteer (S8/15/8)
mah-ratha -- great fighter (B/1/4)
mah-ratha -- who could fight with many chariots (S4/10/8)
mah-ratha -- one who can fight alone against thousands (B/1/16)
mah-ratha -- the general who could fight alone with thousands of enemies
mah-ratha -- the great general (S1/14/30)
mah-rath -- great chariot fighters (B/1/6)
mah-rath -- great heroes (S9/22/27)
mah-rath -- the great generals (B/2/35)
mah-ratna -- valuable jewels (S2/2/9)
mah-ratna -- valuable jewels (S2/2/9)
mah-ratna -- valuable jewels (S4/6/27)
mah-raurava -- Maharaurava (S5/26/7)
mah-raurava -- the hell known as Maharaurava (S5/26/12)
mah-ravn -- making a tumultuous sound (S8/10/19)
mahrja -- my dear King (S4/22/18)
mah-rja -- O great King (S7/1/4)
mah-rja -- O great King (S5/16/4)
mah-rja -- O King (S8/13/35)
mahrja -- O King (S1/13/49)
mahrja -- O King (S9/1/9)
mah-rja -- O King (S1/15/5)
mahrja -- O King (S9/2/25)
mah-rja -- O King (S4/19/34)
mah-rja -- O King (S4/27/1)

mahrja -- O King (S8/8/31)

mahrja -- O King (S8/18/16)
mah-rja -- O King (S6/1/30)
mahrja -- O King (S8/22/33)
mahrja -- O King (S6/9/28)
mahrja -- O King Pariksit (S9/6/55)
mah-rja -- O King Pariksit (S8/4/14)
mahrja -- O King Pariksit (S9/1/23)
mahrja -- O King Pariksit (S6/14/16)
mah-rja -- O King Pariksit (S6/16/14)
mahrja -- O Maharaja Pariksit (S9/7/9)
mah-rja -- O my dear King (S5/24/9)
mahrja -- Maharaja Prthu (S4/15/13)
mah-rja -- the great king (S4/15/4)
mah-rja -- the great king called Maharaja Dasaratha (S9/10/1)
mah-rjam -- unto the emperor (S1/3/42)
mah-rjya -- unto the supreme king, or the king of all kings (S5/19/3)
mah-rj -- the Empress (S3/22/23)
mah-rj -- the Queen (S4/23/19)
mah-rtre -- in the dead of night (S9/14/27)
mahrom -- a son named Maharoma (S9/13/17)
mah-aya -- great sages (B/10/2)
mah-aya -- the great sages (B/10/6)
mah-aya -- the great sages (S9/13/12)
mah-aya -- the great saintly persons (S8/18/13)
mah-i -- great sages (B/11/21)
mah-i -- of great sages (S3/21/38)
mah-ibhi -- along with the great sages (S4/6/41)
mah-ibhi -- by great sages (S4/3/10)
mah-ibhi -- by great sages (S6/2/16)
mah-i -- Narada (S5/1/11)
mah-i -- the great sage (S6/14/16)
mah-m -- among the great sages (B/10/25)
mah-m -- of the great sages (B/10/2)
mah-sarpa -- the biggest snake (S6/12/27)
mah-sarpau -- the big snake (the python, which does not move from one place to
another) (S7/13/35)
mah-satra -- great sacrifice (S4/21/13)
mah-sattva -- the mighty being (S3/17/24)
mah-sattvam -- a gigantic body (S10/11/47)
mah-saurata -- a great deal of sexual (S5/17/12)
mah-shasina -- very cruel (S5/24/30)
mah-siddhai -- liberated souls (S4/6/34)
mah-siddhi -- and of great mystic perfections (S5/20/40)
mah-surabhi -- a greatly fragrant (S5/20/24)
mah-surabhibhi -- highly perfumed (S4/21/1)
mah-skara -- the great boar incarnation (S4/7/46)
mah-svanam -- a loud sound (S8/15/23)
mahanai -- by Aghasura (S10/2/1)
mah-akha -- Mahasankha (S5/24/31)

mah-akham -- the terrific conchshell (B/1/15)

mahla -- Mahasala (S9/23/2)
mah-ln -- well behaved, well cultured (S5/4/13)
mah-rotriy -- extremely learned in Vedic knowledge (S5/4/13)
mahtalam -- Mahatala (S5/24/7)
mahtalam -- the fifth planetary system below (S2/5/40)
mahtalam -- the planets named Mahatala (S2/1/26)
mahtale -- in the planet known as Mahatala (S5/24/29)
mah-tama -- maha-tamas, or maha-moha (S3/20/18)
mah-tap -- greatly powerful because of austerity (S4/1/36)
mah-tap -- highly advanced in austerity and penances (S6/7/34)
mah-tap -- the most exalted personality (S6/7/38)
mah-tej -- very powerful (S9/16/28)
mahtmana -- great soul (S4/13/21)
maht-mana -- of the Maha-Visnu (S3/11/42)
mahtmana -- the great soul (S3/12/54)
mahtmana -- to all of those great souls (S9/4/4)
mahtman -- by Narada Muni (S10/10/25)
mahtmanm -- great souls (S6/17/27)
mahtmasu -- when the great souls (S3/14/40)
mahtm -- the great soul (S8/15/3)
mahtm -- the Lord in the form of the great sage Parasurama (S2/7/22)
mahtm -- the Supersoul (S6/9/26)
mahtm -- the virat-purusa (S2/1/37)
mah-udadhe -- from that great ocean of milk (S8/8/6)
mah-udaram -- inflated abdomen (S9/7/17)
mah-udayam -- highly elevated (S9/12/3)
mah-udayam -- multiglories (S3/16/15)
mah-udayam -- udayam--from which they achieved the greatest perfection
mah-udaya-udayt -- opulent by the blessings of great souls (S4/13/47)
mah-ulbaam -- very fierce (S8/7/18)
mah-ulk-bhm -- appearing like a great firebrand (S8/10/43)
mah-uragai -- by the great serpents who live on the lower planets (S7/3/37)
mah-uragai -- the inhabitants of the serpent loka (S8/2/5)
mah-uragam -- a great snake (S7/8/25)
mah-urag -- big, big serpents (S8/2/21)
mah-urag -- big serpents (S8/10/47)
mah-urag -- the residents of the planets where great serpents reside (S7/8/37)
mah-uraska -- his chest very broad (S8/8/33)
mah-utpt -- many great disturbances (S10/11/23)
mah-utpt -- those causing great disturbances (S10/6/27)
mah-utptn -- very great disturbances (S10/11/21)
mah-utsava -- very much pleased (S7/3/24)
mah-utsavam -- festival (S8/21/8)
mah-utsavam -- great ceremonies (S4/19/2)
mah-utsav -- accepted as the greatest festival (S1/11/24)
mah-utsav -- which are actual festivals (S5/19/24)
mah-utsave -- in the great festival (S10/5/13)
mah-utsavena -- appearing like a festival (S5/5/31)

mah-rmn -- gigantic waves (S3/17/26)

mahva -- there was a son named Mahavasi (S9/13/26)
mah-vibhte -- of Maha-Laksmi (S3/28/26)
mah-vibhte -- of that person who is equipped with all wonderful opulences
mah-vibhti -- of Laksmi (S6/19/4)
mah-vibhti -- of the goddess of fortune (S6/19/8)
mah-vibhti -- of the goddess of fortune (S6/19/7)
mah-vibhtibhi -- associates (S6/19/7)
mah-vibhtibhi -- with great attributes (S5/4/1)
mah-vibhti -- a person with unlimited potency (S8/5/33)
mah-vibhti -- with unlimited potency (S8/5/32)
mah-vibhti -- the controller of everything (S8/5/43)
mah-vibhti -- the greatest in all prowess (S8/5/40)
mah-vibhti -- the source of all opulences (S8/5/34)
mah-vibhti -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has extraordinary
power (S8/5/39)
mah-vibhti -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has great prowess
mah-vibhti -- the supremely powerful (S8/5/38)
mah-vibhti -- the supremely powerful (S8/5/35)
mah-vibhti -- the supremely powerful (S8/5/37)
mah-vibhti -- the supremely powerful Personality of Godhead (S8/5/41)
mah-vibhti -- vibhutih--the all-powerful (S8/5/36)
mah-vibhtim -- great opulence (S5/1/38)
mah-vibhti-pataye -- the master of all mystic power (S6/16/25)
mah-vibhti-pati -- the master of all inconceivable potencies (S5/20/40)
mah-vibhty -- with great opulence (S9/4/22)
mah-vimoht -- from the great illusion (S5/5/27)
mah-viam -- very venomous (S7/8/29)
mah-vio -- of the Maha-Visnu (Karanodakasayi Visnu) (S1/6/31)
mah-vra -- Mahavira (S5/1/25)
mahvra -- Mahavira (S5/1/26)
mahvrya -- a son named Mahavirya (S9/13/15)
mahvrya -- Mahavirya (S9/21/1)
mah-vrya -- showing uncommon prowess (S6/12/27)
mah-vryau -- both very powerful (S6/12/23)
mahvryt -- from Mahavirya (another grandson of Bharadvaja) (S9/21/19)
mah-vrata-dhara -- the master of great vows and austerities (S6/17/8)
mah-va -- a great bull (S9/6/14)
mah-ya -- having a great reputation (S9/8/4)
mah-ya -- with a background of great activities (S4/21/6)
mah-ya -- very celebrated, well-known (S8/4/9)
mah-ya -- very famous (S9/1/21)
mah-ya -- very famous (S9/7/21)
mah-ya -- very famous (S9/20/23)
mah-ya -- yasah--the very famous transcendentalist (S10/8/50)
mah-yoga-vara -- the most powerful mystic (B/11/9)
mah-yoga-maye -- having many sages engaged in meditation on the Supreme

mah-yogin -- O great mystic (S1/19/34)

mah-yogin -- O great mystic (S4/31/29)
mah-yogin -- O master of mysticism (S10/10/29)
mah-yogin -- the greatest mystic (S1/8/9)
mah-yogin -- yogin--O great yogi (S10/12/42)
mah-yog -- a great devotee (S1/4/4)
mah-yog -- a great mystic (S9/23/30)
mah-yog -- a very highly exalted devotee of the Lord (S5/4/9)
mah-yog -- the great mystic (S6/18/5)
mah-yog -- the great mystic (S7/10/59)
mah-yog -- the great mystic (S9/2/26)
mah-yog -- the great mystic Maya Danava (S7/10/63)
mah-yog -- the great mystic yogi (S6/17/2)
mah-yog -- the great sage (S3/33/33)
mah-yog -- the great yogi (S6/4/3)
mah-yog -- the great yogi (Kardama) (S3/23/43)
mah-yog -- yogi--great mystic yogi (S3/21/4)
mahendra -- by the tricks of Indra, the King of heaven (S9/8/11)
mahendra -- known as Mahendra (S7/14/30)
mahendra-adrau -- in the hilly country known as Mahendra (S9/16/26)
mahendra-sanam -- the throne of King Indra (S7/4/14)
mahendra-bhavanam -- the palace of Indra, the King of heaven (S7/4/8)
mahendra-bhavane -- the residential quarters of the heavenly King (S7/4/9)
mahendra -- Indra, the King of heaven (S6/3/14)
mahendra -- Mahendra (S5/19/16)
mahendra -- Mahendra, the King of heaven, Indra (S9/14/7)
mahendra-vham -- the elephant who is the carrier of Indra (S6/11/10)
mahendrya -- unto King Indra (S6/8/3)
mahendrya -- unto Mahendra (S9/17/14)
mahendrya -- unto the King of heaven, Mahendra (S6/7/40)
mahevsa -- O Vidura (S4/2/34)
mahi -- glory (S4/7/24)
mahi -- glory (S7/9/12)
mahi -- the glorification (S10/12/35)
mahim -- the glories (S8/8/4)
mahim -- the principle of matter (S2/1/35)
mahima -- glories (S4/16/2)
mahima -- of glories (S6/9/39)
mahimabhi -- by opulences (S10/13/52)
mahima-ojas -- with glory and strength (S6/19/5)
mahim -- glories (S9/20/23)
mahim -- glories (S9/5/7)
mahim -- glories (S3/12/1)
mahim -- glories (S1/5/9)
mahim -- glories (S8/8/9)
mahim -- glories (S3/6/38)
mahim -- glory (S3/23/38)
mahim -- the glories (S2/6/18)
mahim -- the glories (S9/21/2)
mahimnam -- glories (S8/24/38)

mahimnam -- glories (B/11/41)

mahimnam -- glories (S4/12/40)
mahimnam -- Mahima (S6/18/2)
mahimnam -- the glory (S7/3/37)
mahimni -- very powerful (S1/15/16)
mahimna -- of glories (S4/30/41)
mahimna -- of the glories (S8/23/29)
mahimn -- by all the glories (S8/5/13)
mahimni -- in the glories (S1/3/34)
mahimni -- in the glory (S2/9/3)
mahimni -- ultimate glory (S3/28/36)
mahin -- by the superior power (S8/10/55)
mahia -- buffalos (S8/2/22)
mahia-dibhi -- with buffalo, etc (S4/6/19)
mahia -- Mahisa (S6/18/16)
mahia -- the buffalo (S3/10/22)
mahiai -- on the backs of buffalo (S8/10/10)
mahi -- buffalo (S6/6/27)
mahin -- buffalo (S4/26/10)
mahiea -- with Mahisasura (S8/10/32)
mahi -- of the Queen (S4/27/4)
mahi -- the Queen (S4/25/56)
mahi -- the queen (S9/8/3)
mahi -- the queen (S3/12/54)
mahi -- the queens (S1/12/5)
mahi -- queen (S4/13/15)
mahim -- the Queen (S5/1/38)
mahim -- the Queen (S4/27/2)
mahim -- among all the queens (S6/14/28)
mahimn -- Mahisman (S9/23/22)
mahiha -- the greatest (S3/14/48)
mahihau -- the greatest (S6/15/10)
mahiya -- O queens (S7/2/52)
mahiya -- the queens (S7/2/29)
mahiya -- the queens (S6/14/13)
mahiyau -- queens (S4/9/41)
mahiy -- along with his queen (S3/21/26)
mahiy -- by the Queen (S9/9/37)
mahiy -- by the Queen (S4/25/62)
mahiy -- with his queen (S9/4/29)
mahiy -- of the Queen (S3/22/22)
mahiym -- into the Queen, Sakuntala (after her marriage, Sakuntala became the
Queen) (S9/20/17)
mahiym -- unto the Queen (S4/26/12)
mahitay -- by glories (S1/15/19)
mahitvam -- all opulences (S5/1/41)
mahitvam anyat api -- other glories of the Lord also (S10/13/15)
mahitvam -- glories (S6/15/28)
mahitvam -- the greatness (S10/13/63)
mahitve -- in greatness (S3/20/3)

mah -- all the land (S8/21/29)

mah -- land (S7/7/39)
mah -- land (S4/22/44)
mah -- land (S6/15/21)
mah -- the earth (S9/9/43)
mah -- the earth (S1/12/5)
mah -- the earth (S1/3/15)
mah -- the earth (S6/14/10)
mah -- the earth (S7/4/16)
mah -- the earth (S8/5/32)
mah -- the earth (S4/8/79)
mah -- the earth (S10/3/1)
mah -- the earth (S3/13/15)
mah -- the earth (S3/12/11)
mah -- the earthly planets (S5/20/45)
mah -- the whole world (S4/28/31)
mah -- the land (S1/10/4)
mah -- the planet earth (S4/17/28)
mah -- the planets (S2/10/33)
mah -- the surface of the world (S10/6/12)
mah-dhra -- the supporter of the world (S3/13/27)
mahdhram -- the Govardhana Hill (S2/7/32)
mahdhram -- the mountain (S3/8/30)
mahdhrn -- the mountains (S8/20/23)
mah-kte -- for the sake of the earth (B/1/32)
mah-kita -- of the king of the world (S9/23/5)
mah-kitm -- chiefs of the world (B/1/25)
mahm -- earth (S3/1/43)
mahm -- earth (S1/15/36)
mahm -- within this world (S8/14/5)
mahm -- land (S1/12/14)
mahm -- land (S8/19/16)
mahm -- land (S8/21/9)
mahm -- land (S8/19/28)
mahm -- mother earth (S10/1/26)
mahm -- on the earth (S7/13/1)
mahm -- on the earth (S4/27/21)
mahm -- on the earth (S9/14/32)
mahm -- on the ground, going hither and thither (S10/2/24)
mahm -- surface of the globe (S8/19/5)
mahm -- the earth (S1/16/1)
mahm -- the earth (S9/13/18)
mahm -- the earth (S4/30/45)
mahm -- the earth (S4/16/22)
mahm -- the earth (S8/24/41)
mahm -- the earth (S9/8/8)
mahm -- the earth (S9/10/6)
mahm -- the earth (S9/2/11)
mahm -- the earth (S9/15/14)
mahm -- the earth (S1/17/42)

mahm -- the earth (S6/9/13)

mahm -- the earth (S3/20/1)
mahm -- the earth (S3/18/3)
mahm -- the earth (S3/21/25)
mahm -- the earth (S1/3/20)
mahm -- the earth (S1/17/28)
mahm -- the earth (S3/5/36)
mahm -- the earth (S4/31/27)
mahm -- the earth (S1/3/7)
mahm -- the earth (S3/13/31)
mahm -- the globe (S3/21/36)
mahm -- the whole world (S9/4/15)
mahm -- the land (S8/23/19)
mahm -- the world (B/2/37)
mahm -- the world (S3/21/2)
mahm -- the planet earth (S9/4/21)
mahm -- the surface of the land (S8/20/23)
mahm -- the surface of the world (S6/12/27)
mahm -- to earth (S4/28/55)
mahm -- tract of land (S5/19/29)
mahnara -- Mahinara (S9/22/43)
mahpate -- O King (S2/1/27)
mah-pate -- O King (S7/2/34)
mah-pate -- O King (B/1/20)
mah-pate -- O King (S8/12/33)
mah-pate -- O King (S8/2/29)
mahpate -- O King (Maharaja Pariksit) (S9/24/57)
mah-pate -- O King (S8/14/2)
mahpate -- O King Pariksit (S9/11/12)
mahpate -- O King Pariksit (S9/13/14)
mah-pate -- O master of the world (S6/18/59)
mah-pate -- of the great king (S4/21/28)
mahpate -- of the King (S4/15/1)
mah-pate -- of the King (S4/14/43)
mahpate -- of the King (S9/21/7)
mah-pati -- the emperor of the whole world (S9/22/41)
mah-pati -- the King (S1/19/1)
mahpati -- the king (S9/2/30)
mah-pati -- the King (S8/24/16)
mah-pati -- the King (S4/18/28)
mah-pati -- the ruler of the earth (S5/7/4)
mah-patim -- unto the King (S8/24/17)
mahruha -- a fig tree (S5/20/24)
mah-ruh -- as well as the trees, the controlling deities (S2/10/23)
mah-ruh -- the plants and trees (S2/1/33)
mahtalam -- the material world (S5/1/23)
mahtalam -- the planetary system named Mahitala (S2/1/27)
mah-tale -- upon the ground (S7/5/33)
mah-tale -- upon this earth (S9/9/4)
mahyasa -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is greater than the

greatest (S8/10/55)
mahyasa -- of the supremely glorified (S8/1/2)
mahyas -- glorious (S3/29/15)
mahyas -- most worshipful (S4/4/26)
mahyas -- very great (S3/23/41)
mahyas -- very powerful (S7/7/36)
mahyasm -- among other great personalities (S6/15/10)
mahyasm -- of the great souls (the mahatmas, or devotees) (S7/5/32)
mahyasm -- of the greatest (S1/19/30)
mahyasm -- of the most powerful (S4/5/5)
mahyase -- the best of all personalities (S8/16/29)
mahyase -- unto one who is so glorified (S4/21/52)
mahyase -- unto the glorified (S1/6/25)
mahyasi -- O best of women (S6/18/76)
mahyasi -- to a great person (S3/14/15)
mahyas -- powerful (S1/13/23)
mahyate -- being situated in (S1/3/34)
mahyate -- is welcomed and respectfully received (S6/2/47)
mahyate -- is worshiped (S5/24/28)
mahysam -- the best (S5/5/20)
mahyn -- powerful (S10/3/26)
mahyam -- for me (S3/23/51)
mahyam -- in my (S1/14/11)
mahyam -- me (S6/11/17)
mahyam -- my (S9/14/26)
mahyam -- my (S6/18/64)
mahyam -- My (S3/33/11)
mahyam -- of me (S3/15/42)
mahyam -- of Me (S9/4/68)
mahyam -- of me (S9/9/44)
mahyam -- of mine (S3/14/42)
mahyam -- of Mine (S3/16/2)
mahyam -- to me (S3/22/20)
mahyam -- to me (S6/16/4)
mahyam -- unto me (S3/7/15)
mahyam -- unto Me (S7/10/14)
mahyam -- unto me (S3/4/19)
mahyam -- unto me (S3/8/9)
mahyam -- unto me (S3/5/16)
mahyam -- unto Me (S8/24/20)
mahyam -- unto me (S9/4/2)
mahyam -- unto me (S6/4/33)
mahyam -- unto me (S4/14/28)
mahyam -- unto me (S4/1/20)
mahyam -- unto me (S4/13/5)
mahyam -- unto me (S9/22/21)
mahyam -- unto me (S2/4/5)
mahyam -- unto me (S9/9/45)
mahyam -- unto me (S5/2/15)
mahyam -- unto Me (S8/21/29)

mahyam -- unto me (S3/13/12)

mahyam -- unto Me also (S1/7/53)
mahyam -- upon me (S4/21/44)
mahym -- for the sake of the world (S3/18/20)
mahym -- on the surface of the world (S8/12/33)
mainka -- Mainaka (S5/19/16)
maireya -- of intoxication (S3/4/2)
maireyam -- made of the soma flower (S6/1/58)
maithil -- the descendants of Mithila (S9/13/27)
maithuna-di -- represented by talking of sex, reading sexual literature or enjoying
sex life (at home or outside, as in a club) (S7/9/45)
maithuna-dharmia -- engaged in sexual affairs (S9/6/39)
maithuna-ruddhasya -- who had to restrain sexual life (S9/22/27)
maithunt -- except at the time of sexual intercourse (S9/14/22)
maithunya -- desiring sexual enjoyment (S9/20/36)
maithunya -- for copulation (S3/20/23)
maithunya -- for sexual intercourse with his wife (S9/9/37)
maithunena -- through sexual intercourse (S3/21/1)
maithunya -- companions for sexual intercourse (S4/27/14)
maithunyam -- based on sexual intercourse (S5/5/7)
maitra -- a real friend (S7/5/56)
maitra -- friendly (B/12/13)
maitra -- friendly (S3/27/8)
maitra -- friendly (S6/2/36)
maitra -- worshiping the demigods (S1/13/31)
maitra -- very friendly to everyone (S5/4/14)
maitreya -- Maitreya (S4/7/48)
maitreya -- Maitreya (S4/7/1)
maitreya -- Maitreya (S3/25/4)
maitreya -- Maitreya (S4/7/55)
maitreya -- Maitreya, the great sage (S4/20/32)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/22/1)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/24/1)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/22/21)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/23/12)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/18/13)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/18/1)
maitreya -- the great sage Maitreya (S3/1/1)
maitreya -- the sage Maitreya (S4/7/6)
maitreya -- the sage Maitreya (S3/17/1)
maitreya -- the sage Maitreya (S4/7/16)
maitreya -- the saint Maitreya (S4/17/8)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya answered (S4/13/25)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya continued to speak (S4/15/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya continued to speak (S4/24/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/29/80)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/30/3)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/12/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/9/18)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/31/23)

maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/4/1)

maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/30/21)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/2/33)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/20/12)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/6/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/25/5)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/5/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/24/20)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/25/31)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/33/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/7/9)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/25/12)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/14/30)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/10/11)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/33/9)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/13/6)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/33/12)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/11/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/24/5)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/23/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/11/18)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/14/29)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/19/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/8/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/2/17)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/31/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/20/17)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/15/11)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/4/24)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/3/1)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/30/43)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S4/31/8)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/14/5)
maitreya uvca -- Maitreya said (S3/29/6)
maitreya uvca -- +1Maitreya said (S3/12/37)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya Muni said (S3/13/16)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya Muni said (S3/8/1)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya Rsi said (S4/1/17)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya said (S3/12/20)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya said (S3/12/1)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya said (S3/19/31)
maitreya uvca -- Sri Maitreya said (S3/5/18)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya answered (S4/13/29)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued (S4/10/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued (S4/9/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued (S4/14/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued (S4/9/36)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/22/17)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/19/39)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/20/34)

maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/22/1)

maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/21/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/23/29)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/24/19)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/17/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/9/26)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/22/48)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/20/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/25/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/21/45)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya replied (S4/9/29)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S3/10/4)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S3/24/41)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S3/9/26)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S3/21/33)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/8/14)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/22/41)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/8/70)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S3/14/37)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/12/8)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/13/6)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/12/28)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/1/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/8/24)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/17/9)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S3/21/6)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/12/44)
maitreya uvca -- the great sage Maitreya said (S4/16/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great saint Maitreya continued to speak (S4/24/32)
maitreya uvca -- the great saint Maitreya continued to speak (S4/18/1)
maitreya uvca -- the great saint Maitreya said (S4/21/11)
maitreya uvca -- the great saint Maitreya said (S4/17/12)
maitreya uvca -- the great saint Maitreya said (S4/15/7)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya continued (S4/8/39)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/23/1)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya continued to speak (S4/11/1)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S4/1/29)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S3/15/1)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S4/19/1)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S4/2/4)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S3/13/46)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S3/9/44)
maitreya uvca -- the sage Maitreya said (S3/14/51)
maitreyam -- from the sage Maitreya (S3/20/4)
maitreyam -- unto Maitreya (S3/5/1)
maitreyam -- unto the sage Maitreya (S3/7/1)
maitreyt -- from the great sage Maitreya (S1/13/1)
maitreyea -- with Maitreya (S3/1/3)
maitr -- friendly relation (S1/19/16)
maitr -- Maitri (S4/1/49)

maitr-dibhi -- by friendship, etc (S4/9/47)

maitr-dam -- your causeless mercy upon me like a friend (S5/10/24)
maitrm -- benediction (S1/15/4)
maitrm -- friendship (S4/8/34)
maitry -- by friendship (S4/11/13)
maitry -- with friendship (S3/29/17)
maitry -- through friendship (S3/29/27)
majja -- by bathing (S10/13/23)
majjana -- by bathing (in that water) (S8/2/8)
majjanam vaha -- now come here, take Your bath and cleanse Yourself (S10/11/18)
majjantam -- while drowning (S4/26/16)
majjanti -- sink (S6/7/14)
majjata -- of a person who is drowning (S7/9/19)
majjata -- of one drowning (S8/17/28)
majjati -- sinks (S3/29/42)
majjaye -- I drown (S6/2/35)
majj -- marrow (S2/10/31)
majjy -- from the bone marrow (S3/12/46)
makara -- alligator shaped (S3/15/41)
makara -- alligator-shaped (S3/28/29)
makara -- sharks (S2/7/24)
makara -- shark-shaped (S4/9/54)
makara-daya -- dangerous aquatics like sharks (S8/24/24)
makara-daya -- the alligator and others (S3/10/24)
makara-diu -- headed by the sign Makara (Capricorn) (S5/21/3)
makara-dhvaja -- of Cupid (S5/25/5)
makara-dhvajasya -- of Cupid (S5/2/6)
makara-dhvajasya -- of the sex-god (S3/28/32)
makara -- and sharks (S9/10/13)
makara -- the shark (B/10/31)
makara-kuala-cru-kara -- decorated by earrings resembling sharks and by
beautiful ears (S9/24/65)
makara-kuala -- earrings resembling sharks (S6/4/35)
makaranda -- fragrance (S3/15/43)
makaranda -- honey (S5/1/5)
makaranda -- of the honey (S6/3/28)
makaranda -- of the honey (S8/23/7)
makaranda-lihm -- of those who lick the honey from such a lotus flower (S1/16/6)
makara-udara-nanai -- with bellies and faces like sharks (S4/5/13)
ma-kram -- the syllable ma of the word namah (S6/8/8)
makha -- Lord Visnu (S2/7/39)
makha-artham -- for the sacrifice (S1/15/9)
makha -- sacrifice (S4/6/50)
makha -- the sacrificial arena (S4/7/36)
makhai -- by executing sacrifices (S4/8/21)
makhai -- by offering sacrifices (S9/16/20)
makhai -- by performing sacrifices (S9/11/1)
makhai -- by sacrifices (S4/20/16)
makham -- the sacrifice (S9/13/2)
makha-maya -- personified sacrifices (S2/7/11)

makh -- all sacrifices (S2/5/15)

makh -- sacrifices (S1/2/28)
makhya -- for sacrifice (S1/15/9)
makhe -- in offering a sacrifice to the King of heaven (S2/7/32)
makhe -- in the sacrifice (S4/5/24)
makika-dibhi -- flies and so on (S5/26/17)
makik -- a fly (S5/14/42)
makikbhi -- by flies (S5/5/30)
makikbhi -- by honeybees, or the husbands or family members (S5/13/10)
makik -- flies (S7/14/9)
mala -- dirty (S4/13/8)
mala -- dirty things (S4/23/8)
mala -- sins (S4/31/24)
mala-apaham -- decreasing the contamination (S4/23/35)
mala-apaham -- the agent for sanctification (S1/1/16)
mala-ay -- whose impure desires (S6/5/4)
mala-ay -- of all the dirt within the heart (S6/5/26)
mala -- contaminations (S1/13/54)
malai -- by dust (S3/33/28)
malai -- from the impurities (S3/25/16)
malam -- all the dirty things of material existence (S8/24/48)
malam -- contamination (S4/8/5)
malam -- dirtiness (S4/21/31)
malam -- dirty (S4/22/20)
malam -- dirty things (S2/1/22)
malam -- dirty things (S2/1/20)
malam -- impurity (S3/28/10)
malam -- impurity (S4/8/44)
malam -- sins (S3/16/7)
malam -- the sinful reaction (S6/9/10)
mala-pakena -- with dirt (S3/23/25)
mala-vat -- like stool (S5/14/43)
malaya-daya -- and others, like Malayacala (S7/14/30)
malaya-dhvaja -- Malayadhvaja (S4/28/29)
malayadhvaja -- named Malayadhvaja (S4/28/33)
malaya-dhvajam -- named Malayadhvaja (S4/28/43)
malaya -- Malaya (S5/19/16)
malaya -- Malaya (S5/4/10)
malayasya -- Malaya hills (S1/8/32)
malaye -- in the Malaya Hills (S6/3/35)
mal -- saliva (S5/26/23)
mal -- whose contamination (S4/30/21)
malnm -- whose dirty things (S5/3/11)
malni -- and dirt on the body (S7/12/21)
malt -- because of impurity (S6/1/67)
malena -- by dust (B/3/38)
malina -- dirty (S5/5/31)
malinam -- soiled (S3/21/45)
malinam -- unclean (S4/26/25)
malla -- a wrestler in the court of Kamsa (S2/7/34)

mallik -- mallikas (S8/2/14)

mallikbhi -- with mallikas (S4/6/16)
mama antikam -- near Me (S3/16/12)
mama arbhakasya -- of my child (S10/8/40)
mama arcanam -- worshiping Me (S8/17/17)
mama -- by me (S3/25/28)
mama -- by me (S4/1/10)
mama -- by Me (S8/17/17)
mama -- by Me personally (S1/7/38)
mama -- false conception (S7/12/24)
mama -- for me (S5/8/23)
mama -- for myself (S3/29/3)
mama -- from me (S6/4/18)
mama -- from me (S6/15/27)
mama -- from me (S7/4/2)
mama -- it is mine (S2/5/13)
mama -- with me (S9/18/22)
mama kata -- while I am seeing (S3/18/3)
mama -- me (S6/15/16)
mama -- mind (S4/29/62)
mama -- mine (S3/31/30)
mama -- mine (S2/5/20)
mama -- mine (everything in relationship with this body is mine) (S7/7/19)
mama -- mine (S1/5/26)
mama -- mine (S4/29/70)
mama -- mine (S1/5/27)
mama -- mine (S1/6/5)
mama -- mine (S1/16/35)
mama -- mine (S1/16/34)
mama -- mine (S2/6/12)
mama -- mine (S4/28/17)
mama -- mine (S3/25/16)
mama -- mine (S9/14/11)
mama -- mine (S3/5/44)
mama -- mine (S2/7/42)
mama -- mine (S4/29/23)
mama -- mine (S5/11/10)
mama -- mine (S9/6/44)
mama -- mine (S4/7/44)
mama -- mine (S5/5/8)
mama -- mine (S2/9/2)
mama -- mine (S5/26/10)
mama -- mine (S3/25/10)
mama -- mine (S5/14/40)
mama -- mine (S3/9/6)
mama -- my (B/1/7)
mama -- My (S5/3/17)
mama -- My (B/7/14)
mama -- My (B/14/2)
mama -- My (B/9/5)

mama -- My (B/3/23)
mama -- My (B/10/40)
mama -- My (B/15/7)
mama -- my (my land, my country, my family, my community, my religion) (S5/13/15)
mama -- My (S5/3/17)
mama -- My (S5/5/19)
mama -- My (B/9/11)
mama -- my (S5/8/19)
mama -- my (S3/2/17)
mama -- My (B/7/24)
mama -- my (S4/4/22)
mama -- My (B/11/49)
mama -- My (B/14/3)
mama -- My (B/10/41)
mama -- My (B/15/6)
mama -- my (B/11/1)
mama -- my (S4/29/5)
mama -- My (B/11/7)
mama -- My (B/4/11)
mama -- my (B/2/8)
mama -- My (B/13/3)
mama -- My (B/8/21)
mama -- my (S3/22/9)
mama -- my (S10/3/21)
mama -- my (S10/12/14)
mama -- my (S3/13/14)
mama -- My (S3/25/25)
mama -- my (B/1/28)
mama -- My (S3/25/34)
mama -- My (S3/16/10)
mama -- my (S3/22/8)
mama -- My (S3/4/13)
mama -- my (S7/2/4)
mama -- My (S8/4/17)
mama -- my (S1/15/18)
mama -- my (S6/2/38)
mama -- my (S6/11/27)
mama -- my (S8/22/2)
mama -- my (S8/16/17)
mama -- my (S8/16/16)
mama -- my (S8/16/21)
mama -- my (S1/9/41)
mama -- My (S8/19/16)
mama -- My (S8/6/18)
mama -- My (S8/4/17)
mama -- My (S6/4/49)
mama -- my (S6/16/41)
mama -- my (S6/17/24)
mama -- my (S1/9/35)
mama -- my (S10/3/31)

mama -- my (S1/6/7)
mama -- my (S9/4/6)
mama -- my (S9/4/7)
mama -- my (S6/5/30)
mama -- my (S6/8/26)
mama -- my (S10/4/23)
mama -- my (S10/8/42)
mama -- my (S6/8/12)
mama -- my (S10/5/27)
mama -- My (S6/16/51)
mama -- my (S6/7/23)
mama -- my (S1/9/34)
mama -- My (S2/9/22)
mama -- My (S6/4/45)
mama -- My (S6/4/44)
mama -- my (S4/9/31)
mama -- my (S4/9/37)
mama -- my (S4/27/30)
mama -- my (S7/3/21)
mama -- my (S4/11/30)
mama -- my (S4/3/24)
mama -- my (S7/3/35)
mama -- my (S4/9/6)
mama -- my (S4/3/9)
mama -- my (S4/8/30)
mama -- my (S7/7/6)
mama -- My (S4/30/17)
mama -- of Me (S8/22/32)
mama -- of me (S5/8/29)
mama -- of me (S6/18/76)
mama -- of me (S5/18/23)
mama -- of Me (S3/25/37)
mama -- of Me (S6/16/64)
mama -- of me (S5/8/16)
mama -- of me (S5/12/3)
mama -- of mine (S2/7/11)
mama -- of Mine (B/10/7)
mama -- of Mine (B/11/52)
mama -- of mine (S1/14/13)
mama -- of mine (S1/15/15)
mama sibhi -- by any living being created by me (S7/10/27)
mama -- to Me (S10/10/40)
mama -- to Me (B/7/17)
mama -- toward me (S6/4/27)
mama -- unto me (S9/4/2)
mama -- unto me (S6/8/1)
mama -- unto me (S2/3/1)
mama -- unto me (S4/21/36)
mama -- unto me (S1/16/24)
mama-aham -- mine and I (S7/1/24)

mamanthu -- again began to churn (S8/8/1)

mamanthu -- churned (S8/7/5)
mamanthu -- churned (S8/7/13)
mamanthu -- churned (S4/14/43)
mamanthu -- churned (S9/13/12)
mamanthu -- churned (S4/13/19)
mamarda -- trampled (S6/11/8)
mamat -- everything belonging to the material body is mine (S7/12/29)
mamat-kula -- too much affected by attachment to family (S4/28/5)
mamat-spad -- false seats or abodes of intimate relationship (mineness)
mamatm -- affinity (S2/4/2)
mamatm -- affinity (S4/20/6)
mamatm -- the sense of ownership (S5/11/16)
mamatm -- unto Mamata (S9/20/37)
mamatvam -- ownership (S6/16/7)
mamatvena -- by attachment (S4/27/10)
mamra -- died (S5/8/6)
mamra -- died (S9/6/32)
mamra -- died (S6/18/65)
mamra -- died (S6/12/31)
mamrire -- died (S6/18/72)
mame -- did tolerate (S4/19/2)
masth -- desire (S4/8/17)
masth -- think (S1/8/16)
masyante -- will consider (S4/16/21)
masyante -- they will consider (B/2/35)
mana -- and of the mind (S8/9/5)
mana -- and the mind (S7/2/46)
mana -- attention (S2/9/7)
mana -- by meditation (S10/9/9)
mana -- by mind (S10/8/41)
mana -- by the acts of the mind (S8/9/29)
mana -- by the mind (S7/15/64)
mana ca -- and the mind (S2/1/34)
mana cakre -- thought (S8/12/24)
mana -- complete attention (S9/19/27)
mana dadhe -- made up His mind (S10/12/25)
mana harantm -- everyones attention was attracted (by her) (S10/6/5)
mana -- heart (S3/21/10)
mana -- her mind (S4/28/50)
mana -- his mind (S9/4/18)
mana -- his mind (S7/9/10)
mana -- his mind (S6/18/27)
mana -- his mind (S3/12/28)
mana -- how the mind is working (S8/5/27)
mana -- in terms of the mind (S7/15/8)
mana -- in the mind (S4/29/65)
mana -- in the mind (S10/2/16)
mana -- in the mind (S3/28/22)

mana -- with mind (S1/9/43)

mana -- with the mind (B/15/7)
mana -- with the mind (S6/1/7)
mana -- like the mind (S9/15/31)
mana -- mind (S6/16/24)
mana -- mind (S5/2/16)
mana -- mind (S2/7/7)
mana -- mind (S2/3/25)
mana -- mind (S6/8/30)
mana -- mind (S2/1/19)
mana -- mind (S5/11/16)
mana -- mind (S2/8/3)
mana -- mind (S5/12/4)
mana -- mind (S2/1/17)
mana -- mind (S5/2/6)
mana -- mind (S5/5/27)
mana -- mind (B/6/25)
mana -- mind (S2/5/32)
mana -- mind (B/8/7)
mana -- mind (S2/6/42)
mana -- mind (B/5/19)
mana -- mind (B/12/8)
mana -- mind (B/11/45)
mana -- mind (B/6/34)
mana -- mind (B/17/11)
mana -- mind (B/7/4)
mana -- mind (S2/1/38)
mana -- mind (B/15/9)
mana -- mind (B/12/13)
mana -- mind (B/6/11)
mana -- mind (B/1/30)
mana -- mind (B/6/13)
mana -- mind (B/5/27)
mana -- mind (S5/5/5)
mana -- mind (S3/9/26)
mana -- mind (S1/9/30)
mana -- mind (S4/31/9)
mana -- mind (S3/12/49)
mana -- mind (S8/24/15)
mana -- mind (S8/7/27)
mana -- mind (S1/14/14)
mana -- mind (S3/27/14)
mana -- mind (S1/6/19)
mana -- mind (S3/32/9)
mana -- mind (S3/5/7)
mana -- mind (S3/9/35)
mana -- mind (S3/10/17)
mana -- mind (S3/31/44)
mana -- mind (S3/13/22)
mana -- mind (S4/22/30)

mana -- mind (S4/21/33)

mana -- mind (S7/8/3)
mana -- mind (S7/9/39)
mana -- mind (S4/1/19)
mana -- mind (S4/31/3)
mana -- mind (S4/8/77)
mana -- mind (S4/22/55)
mana -- mind (S4/25/42)
mana -- mind (S4/24/20)
mana -- mind (S4/20/9)
mana -- mind (S3/24/43)
mana -- mind (S1/9/23)
mana -- mind (S4/29/70)
mana -- mind (S10/8/37)
mana -- mind (S4/14/15)
mana -- mind (S4/8/44)
mana -- mind (S9/18/23)
mana -- mind (S3/9/8)
mana -- mind (S9/5/26)
mana -- mind (S4/26/12)
mana -- mind (S3/7/15)
mana -- mind (S3/4/17)
mana -- mind (S3/7/7)
mana -- mind (S3/25/44)
mana -- mind (S3/14/4)
mana -- mind (S10/12/1)
mana -- mind (S4/7/12)
mana -- minds, hearts (S3/28/16)
mana -- my mind (S6/11/26)
mana -- my mind (S6/2/38)
mana -- my mind (S6/11/24)
mana -- of the mind (S4/30/22)
mana -- of the mind (B/18/33)
mana -- of the mind (S4/29/23)
mana -- of the mind (S4/7/35)
mana -- of the mind (S10/2/36)
mana -- of the mind (S1/6/18)
mana -- of the mind (S7/3/29)
mana -- of the mind (S7/3/28)
mana -- of the mind (S2/1/22)
mana -- of the strength of enthusiasm (S8/2/30)
mana -- that mind (S7/13/43)
mana -- the mind (B/3/42)
mana -- the mind (S2/5/30)
mana -- the mind (B/6/26)
mana -- the mind (B/3/40)
mana -- the mind (S9/9/15)
mana -- the mind (full of material desires for eating, sleeping, mating and
defending) (S9/7/25)
mana -- the mind (S3/28/12)

mana -- the mind (S9/14/20)

mana -- the mind (S2/1/20)
mana -- the mind (S9/9/42)
mana -- the mind (B/8/12)
mana -- the mind (S9/21/16)
mana -- the mind (S9/10/55)
mana -- the mind (S9/16/16)
mana -- the mind (S2/10/30)
mana -- the mind (S3/28/35)
mana -- the mind (S4/29/76)
mana -- the mind (S2/1/19)
mana -- the mind (S7/15/53)
mana -- the mind (S3/20/35)
mana -- the mind (S3/29/23)
mana -- the mind (S3/25/16)
mana -- the mind (S2/2/12)
mana -- the mind (S3/26/27)
mana -- the mind (S2/2/15)
mana -- the mind (S4/29/16)
mana -- the mind (S4/8/52)
mana -- the mind (S4/23/17)
mana -- the mind (S3/28/1)
mana -- the mind (S3/5/30)
mana -- the mind (B/12/2)
mana -- the mind (S3/26/14)
mana -- the mind (S2/1/23)
mana -- the mind (S2/1/18)
mana -- the mind (S2/10/32)
mana -- the mind (B/2/60)
mana -- the mind (B/2/67)
mana -- the mind (S2/2/16)
mana -- the mind (B/10/22)
mana -- the mind (B/6/35)
mana -- the mind (S3/28/7)
mana -- the mind (S3/26/60)
mana -- the mind (S7/10/8)
mana -- the mind (S3/28/10)
mana -- the mind (S5/18/9)
mana -- the mind (S7/1/30)
mana -- the mind (S8/3/1)
mana -- the mind (S8/5/34)
mana -- the mind (S5/16/3)
mana -- the mind (S5/11/4)
mana -- the mind (S5/11/7)
mana -- the mind (S1/7/3)
mana -- the mind (S5/5/6)
mana -- the mind (S5/5/9)
mana -- the mind (S5/11/8)
mana -- the mind (S7/4/42)
mana -- the mind (S1/18/26)

mana -- the mind (S10/10/38)

mana -- the mind (S6/16/23)
mana -- the mind (S10/6/24)
mana -- the mind (S6/16/33)
mana -- the mind (S6/2/46)
mana -- the mind (S6/1/62)
mana -- the mind (S6/2/40)
mana -- the mind (S6/1/19)
mana -- the mind (S8/17/2)
mana -- the mind (S6/10/12)
mana -- the mind (S6/2/12)
mana -- the mind (S6/11/21)
mana -- the mind (S10/1/42)
mana -- the mind (S5/11/8)
mana -- the mind (S5/19/13)
mana -- the mind (S7/15/32)
mana -- the mind (S7/9/21)
mana -- the mind (S7/8/9)
mana -- the mind (S7/3/33)
mana -- the mind (S4/19/34)
mana -- the mind (S7/12/7)
mana -- the mind (S4/20/37)
mana -- the mind (S4/29/18)
mana -- the mind (S4/29/7)
mana -- the mind (S7/15/41)
mana -- the mind (S7/1/32)
mana -- the mind (S3/26/71)
mana -- the mind (S7/15/32)
mana -- the mind (S7/12/29)
mana -- the mind (S7/10/23)
mana -- the mind (S7/9/49)
mana -- the mind (S3/28/18)
mana -- the mind (S4/29/66)
mana -- the mind in such a situation (S5/8/29)
mana -- the minds (S4/6/30)
mana -- the subject matter of thought for the mind (S10/1/4)
mana -- their minds (S6/10/29)
mana -- to the mind (S3/28/26)
mana -- to the mind (S5/24/10)
mana-agraynam -- more quick than the mind, inconceivable to mental speculation
mana-alibhi -- by the bees of the mind (S4/4/15)
mana-bhava -- by emotion (S3/23/11)
mana-bhava -- cupid (S4/25/30)
mana-dm -- to the mind and the eye (S4/7/32)
mana-dvrai -- by the senses (S6/4/41)
mana-gatam -- within your mind (S4/12/7)
mana-gatam -- simply by thinking of the Lord (S4/8/59)
mana-gatn -- of mental concoction (B/2/55)
mana-gati -- the hearts course (S3/29/11)

mana-hara -- attractive to the mind (S1/10/20)

mana-haram -- beautiful (S4/24/23)
mana-har -- attractive (S1/5/26)
mana-har -- bewildering the minds (S4/10/18)
mana-java -- traveling at the speed of mind (S5/5/35)
mana-java -- in mental ecstasy (S8/21/8)
mana-javya -- as speedy as the mind (S9/5/6)
mana-jam -- attractive (S1/19/28)
mana-jni -- very attractive to the mind (S10/7/1)
mana-mah-utsav -- a sense of joyful ceremony within the mind (S1/11/31)
mana-mala -- mental speculation or the dirt accumulated in the mind (S4/21/32)
mana-malau -- the mind became clean, free from material contamination (S10/3/34)
mana-maya -- hovering on the mental plane (S3/5/29)
mana-maya -- the predominating deity of the mind (S5/22/10)
mana-mayam -- consisting of the mind (S3/26/25)
mana-mayam -- creator of the mind (S3/1/34)
mana-mayam -- formed in the mind (S3/28/30)
mana-mayam -- which is nothing but a mental creation depending chiefly on the
mind (S8/5/28)
mana-mayam -- the mental plane (S2/2/30)
mana-may -- thinking of Him even by force (S10/12/39)
mana-nayana-nandana -- pleasing to the mind and eyes (S5/3/2)
mana-nayana-vardhanam -- very pleasing to the eyes and the mind (S4/8/49)
mana-prasda -- satisfaction of the mind (B/17/16)
mana-prtim -- satisfaction of the mind (S9/19/13)
mana-ramai -- pleasing to her mind (S6/1/64)
mana-rajanakai -- very pleasing to the mind (S4/16/15)
mana-ratha -- by desires, which are like mental chariots (S5/8/26)
mana-ratha -- created to be traversed by the chariot of the mind (S9/18/49)
mana-ratha -- desirous (S4/8/12)
mana-ratha -- his desire (S4/9/44)
mana-ratha -- his desire (S3/21/12)
mana-ratha -- his mental aspiration (S5/1/22)
mana-ratham -- according to my desires (B/16/13)
mana-rathena -- by the mind (S5/6/15)
mana-samddhaya -- considering themselves very rich (S4/9/36)
mana-saspara-jn -- produced from demands for sense gratification (S7/13/27)
mana-sukham -- temporary happiness created by the mind (S9/18/51)
mana-arra-dh -- who consider the body or mind to be the self (S9/8/21)
mana-arra-j -- born either of your body or of your mind (all the demons and
demigods) (S8/16/14)
mana-ahai -- by the mind and five knowledge-acquiring senses (S9/18/51)
mana-unnayanau -- very agitating to the mind (S5/2/12)
mana-vacas -- by mind and words (S7/9/48)
mana-vacobhi -- by dint of mental speculation or deliverance of speeches (S1/3/37)
mana-vk -- by her mind and words (S9/18/47)
mana-vrya -- by mental and bodily strength (S3/17/22)
manana -- thinking (S5/8/29)
manasa -- by the mind (S8/3/10)
manasa -- from the mind (S3/12/24)

manasa -- from the mind (S3/12/27)

manasa -- from the mind (S6/15/24)
manasa -- from the mind (S3/26/61)
manasa -- whose minds (S3/32/16)
manasa -- within their minds (S8/10/6)
manasa -- more than the mind (B/3/42)
manasa -- of one whose mind (S3/9/7)
manasa -- of the mind (S1/2/20)
manasa -- of the mind (U/1)
manasa -- of the mind (S5/11/11)
manasa -- of the mind (S10/8/25)
manasa -- of the mind (S5/11/9)
manasa -- of the mind (S5/11/12)
manasa -- of the mind (S5/6/2)
manasa -- of the mind (S6/4/26)
manasa -- of the mind (S3/28/36)
manasa -- of the mind (S3/26/23)
manasa -- of the mind (S2/10/34)
manasa -- of the mind (S2/6/34)
manasa -- of the subtle body (S2/6/11)
manasa tasya -- from the mind of Lord Brahma (S9/1/10)
manasa -- than the mind (I/4)
manasa -- the mind (S3/32/10)
manasa -- the minds (S4/1/28)
manasa -- their minds (S3/32/17)
manasa -- their minds (S4/16/1)
manasa -- their minds (S8/9/11)
manasa -- those whose minds (S6/9/39)
manasam -- whose mind (S4/29/54)
manasam -- whose mind (B/6/27)
manas -- accompanied by the mind (S2/2/22)
manas aena -- partly with mental activity (S3/6/24)
manas api -- even by such plans perceived within the mind (S9/24/60)
manas api -- even by the mind (S5/10/18)
manas api -- even by the mind (S5/14/42)
manas -- attention of the mind (S1/2/14)
manas -- by an elevated mind (S8/6/11)
manas -- by dint of the mind (S2/1/18)
manas -- by such a mentality (S3/12/3)
manas -- by such understanding (S7/7/32)
manas -- by the mind (B/3/6)
manas -- by the mind (S4/8/44)
manas -- by the mind (S4/29/62)
manas -- by the mind (B/5/13)
manas -- by the mind (B/3/7)
manas -- by the mind (B/6/24)
manas -- by the mind (B/8/10)
manas -- by the mind (S6/1/63)
manas -- by the mind (S6/3/16)
manas -- by the mind (S2/2/15)

manas -- by the mind (S4/28/28)

manas -- by the mind (S6/1/48)
manas -- by the mind (S6/4/19)
manas -- by the mind (S6/4/29)
manas -- by the mind (S6/4/18)
manas -- by the mind (S4/29/35)
manas -- by the mind (U/5)
manas -- by the mind (S4/8/59)
manas -- by the mind (S9/4/41)
manas -- by the mind (S7/5/3)
manas -- by the mind (S5/16/4)
manas -- by the mind (S5/18/36)
manas -- by the mind (S4/29/60)
manas -- by the mind (S2/1/17)
manas -- by the mind (S10/1/41)
manas -- by the mind (S1/17/21)
manas -- by the mind (S4/12/17)
manas -- by the mind (S3/4/35)
manas -- by the mind (S8/17/2)
manas -- from his mind (S3/20/49)
manas -- in the mind (S5/12/9)
manas -- with his mind (S6/1/48)
manas -- with such a mentality (S4/12/9)
manas -- with the mind (S4/8/51)
manas -- with the mind (S5/9/3)
manas -- with the mind (S3/26/68)
manas -- with the mind (S3/29/34)
manas -- with the mind (S10/1/53)
manas -- with the mind (S3/28/6)
manas -- with the mind (S3/6/40)
manas -- with the mind (S3/28/5)
manas -- with the mind (B/5/11)
manas -- within his mind (S2/7/18)
manas -- within his mind (S5/8/14)
manas -- within the mind (S1/15/46)
manas -- mind (S1/5/6)
manas -- mind (S6/15/26)
manas -- of the mind (S8/5/19)
manas -- simply by contemplating (S5/7/14)
manas -- the mind (S6/16/21)
manasm -- whose minds (S5/9/17)
manasm -- of those whose minds (S5/14/44)
manasi -- in a mind (S4/29/69)
manasi -- in his mind (S9/14/43)
manasi -- in the heart (S5/5/31)
manasi -- in the mind (S8/20/25)
manasi -- in the mind (S4/29/67)
manasi -- in the mind (S7/15/53)
manasi -- in the mind (S7/13/43)
manasi -- in the mind (S4/30/23)

manasi -- in the mind (S4/29/68)

manasi -- in the mind (S8/3/17)
manasi -- in the mind (S5/6/3)
manasi -- in the mind (S5/23/7)
manasi -- in the mind (S5/2/6)
manasi -- in the mind (S3/28/26)
manasi -- into the mind (S1/15/41)
manasi -- within the mind (S7/10/9)
manasi -- the mind (S7/2/24)
manasi -- the mind (S3/4/11)
manasi -- unto the mind (S4/8/22)
manasi -- upon the mind (S1/7/4)
manasi-jam -- which is simply a mental concoction (actually there is no happiness)
manas -- and the mind (U/8)
manasta -- being placed within the mind (S10/2/18)
manasvina -- heroes (S3/17/30)
manasvina -- of persons who are greatly munificent (S8/20/10)
manasvina -- the great philosophers or mystics (S2/4/17)
manasvina -- those actually understanding the value of life (S5/19/23)
manasvina -- very great heroes (mental speculators) (S5/13/15)
manasvinam -- who was of a highly elevated character (S8/20/14)
manasvinam -- very sober and tolerant (S8/11/3)
manasvin -- by the most exalted personality (S8/20/20)
manasvinm -- even for great sages and saintly persons (S7/3/20)
manasvinm -- for thoughtful men (S4/12/47)
manasvinm -- of great sages like Narada Muni (S6/11/18)
manasvinm -- of the great fighters (S1/13/30)
manasvinm -- to the great, deep-minded personalities (S6/10/31)
manasvini -- O great-minded lady (S8/16/10)
manasvini -- O most thoughtful lady (S4/26/23)
manasvin -- very liberal in distributing food, clothing, ornaments and cows,
according to necessity (S10/7/6)
manasvin -- voluntarily (S4/4/26)
manasvin -- voluntarily (S4/4/29)
manasvinm -- the virtuous wife (S3/23/28)
manasv -- in thoughtfulness (S4/22/61)
manasv -- the great-minded (S6/10/30)
manasv -- the meditative (S2/2/20)
manava -- all the Manus (S1/3/27)
manava -- all the Manus (S8/14/5)
manava -- all the Manus (S8/14/2)
manava -- Manus (B/10/6)
manava -- Manus (S8/1/4)
manava -- other Manus (S3/11/25)
manava -- the leaders of the universal affairs (especially in connection with giving
knowledge to humanity about how to live lawfully under the protection of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead) (S7/8/48)
manava -- the Manus (S4/24/67)
manava -- the Manus (S6/4/45)

manava -- the Manus (S8/18/8)

manava -- the Manus (S7/8/37)
manava -- the Manus, the fathers of mankind (S2/6/30)
manava -- the mind, understanding, intellect and ego (S6/4/25)
manave -- unto the father of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata) (B/4/1)
manave -- unto the supreme mind or supreme Manu (S4/24/42)
man -- her mind (S5/2/18)
man -- in the mind (S4/1/23)
man -- the King, whose mind (S4/9/42)
mank -- a little (S5/10/12)
mank api -- even by a little fraction (S9/4/68)
mank -- even slightly (S3/19/16)
mank -- in a small degree (S4/28/62)
mank -- like a short time (S3/23/46)
mank -- somewhat (S3/15/28)
mank vibhu -- slightly, because of the long journey (S1/10/34)
mansi -- everyones mind (S4/1/53)
mansi -- within our minds (S8/9/3)
mansi -- mental upsurges (S1/15/15)
mansi -- minds (S3/24/8)
mansi -- the mind (S1/14/18)
mansi -- the minds of the brahmanas (who because of Kamsa had always been
afraid) (S10/3/1)
manda -- O you fool (S10/4/12)
manda -- paltry (S1/16/9)
manda -- short (S1/16/9)
manda -- slow (S3/25/30)
manda -- you fool (S9/18/36)
manda-agni -- liver action decreased (S1/13/22)
manda-tman -- O stupid fool (S7/8/5)
manda-tman -- O unintelligent rascal (S7/8/11)
manda-tman -- O you with a poor fund of knowledge (S8/11/6)
manda-bhgya -- O unfortunate one (S7/8/12)
manda-bhgya -- the unfortunate man (S3/30/12)
manda-bhgyasya -- of the unfortunate (S4/9/31)
manda-bhgy -- unlucky (S1/1/10)
manda-bhgy -- very unfortunate (S7/2/55)
manda-dhbhym -- those whose intelligence is not very nice (S3/15/34)
manda-dh -- bereft of all intelligence (S6/1/66)
manda-dh -- less intelligent (S4/17/24)
manda -- will introduce (S5/6/9)
mandam mandam -- very mildly (S10/3/7)
mandam -- mildly (S1/8/44)
manda-praj -- memory shortened (S1/13/22)
mandara -- of Mandara Hill (S4/23/24)
mandara-acalam -- the hill known as Mandaracala (S7/7/2)
mandara-droym -- in a valley of Mandara Hill (S7/3/2)
mandara-gire -- of Mount Mandara (S3/28/27)
mandara-girim -- Mandara Mountain (S8/6/33)
mandara-giri-ikhart -- from the top of Mandara Mountain (S5/16/17)

mandara-haria -- Mandara-harina (S5/19/29)

mandara -- the mountain known as Mandara (S8/5/10)
mandara -- the mountain named Mandara (S5/16/11)
mandaram -- Mandara Mountain (S8/6/22)
mandara-utsage -- on the lower slopes of Mandara Mountain (S5/16/16)
mandarcalam -- the Mandaracala Hill (S1/3/16)
mandasya -- of the lazy (S1/16/9)
mand -- lazy (S1/1/10)
mandkin -- Mandakini (S5/19/17)
mandkinym -- on the River Mandakini (S10/10/2)
mandn -- lazy to understand self-realization (B/3/29)
mandnm -- not very intelligent (S5/3/15)
mandra -- mandara (S3/21/42)
mandra -- mandara (S3/15/19)
mandrai -- with mandaras (S4/6/14)
mandrai -- mandara (S8/2/9)
mandy -- to me, who am so poor (S10/4/6)
mandiri -- temple s (S3/1/23)
mandodary -- headed by Mandodari, the wife of Ravana (S9/10/24)
manimna -- whose glories (S5/16/15)
manay -- best to your knowledge (S1/1/11)
manay -- by his intelligence (S6/16/33)
manay -- by intelligence (S5/1/12)
manay -- by possessing the power to consider (S6/5/10)
manay -- by purified intelligence (S6/4/27)
manay -- with scholarly attention (S2/2/34)
manay -- power of intelligence (S1/17/20)
man -- thoughts (S2/1/36)
manm -- philosophically (S2/9/28)
mania -- great learned brahmanas performing ritualistic ceremonies and
sacrifices (S6/4/27)
mania -- great philosophers (S2/5/36)
mania -- great sages (S3/14/27)
mania -- great sages or devotees (B/2/51)
mania -- great thinkers (B/18/3)
mania -- people with advanced consciousness (S8/6/11)
manim -- even for the great souls (B/18/5)
manim -- of the intelligent men (S2/3/1)
mani -- very intelligent (S6/14/45)
manita -- ingenuity (S2/9/22)
manitam -- such considerations having been discussed (S10/3/18)
man -- philosopher (I/8)
man -- such a great saintly person (S7/13/10)
manmatha -- by Cupid (S3/14/30)
mano -- O Lord Siva (S4/6/50)
manobhav -- creations of mental concoction (S6/15/24)
manobhi -- and mind (B/18/15)
manogatam -- her desire (S9/18/28)
manohara -- attractive (S4/29/54)
manoharam -- attractive (S1/11/10)

manohar -- pleasing in their dealings and bodily features (S6/3/17)

mano ca -- as also of the pilgrimage site named Manu (S3/1/22)
mano -- Manu (S5/18/24)
mano -- of Manu (S4/13/15)
mano -- of Manu (S8/13/2)
mano -- of Manu (S2/7/43)
mano -- of Manu (S9/1/14)
mano -- of Manu (S9/2/3)
mano -- of Manu (Svayambhuva Manu) (S4/21/28)
mano -- of Manu (S3/21/1)
mano -- of Manu (S6/6/15)
mano -- of Manu (S9/6/4)
mano -- of Manu (S9/1/13)
mano -- of Svayambhuva Manu (S3/22/39)
mano -- of Svayambhuva Manu (S8/1/5)
mano -- of Svayambhuva Manu (S4/19/1)
mano -- of Svayambhuva Manu (S3/24/1)
mano -- of Svayambhuva Manu (S3/22/18)
mano -- of the Manu (S4/8/6)
mano tu -- of Svayambhuva Manu (S4/1/1)
manojava -- Manojava (S5/20/25)
manoja -- very attractive (S7/6/11)
manojai -- charming (S6/18/27)
mano-jai -- very pleasing (S7/8/52)
manojay -- very expert (S6/18/29)
manoramam -- so beautiful (S8/18/26)
manoramm -- beautiful and pleasing (S8/15/21)
manoramm -- beautifully formed (S8/12/24)
manoratha -- by his desire (S5/14/36)
manoratha -- mental speculations (S3/9/10)
manoratha -- a mental concoction (daydream) (S7/2/48)
manoratha -- mental concoction (S8/21/33)
manorathai -- along with material desires (S7/12/29)
manoratham -- ambitions or desires (S8/16/22)
manoratham -- desire (for devotional service) (S6/4/34)
manorathau -- the desired result of your aspirations (S10/3/40)
manoratha-upagata -- obtained by mental concoction (S5/14/17)
manorath -- and concoctions of the mind (S6/15/21)
manorathnm -- mental concoctions (S9/6/52)
manorathena -- by mental speculation (S10/1/41)
manorathena -- by mental speculation (S5/18/12)
mantavya -- is to be considered (B/9/30)
mantavyam -- an object of adoration (S8/12/16)
manthnam -- the churning rod (S8/6/22)
mantho -- from Manthu (S5/15/14)
manthu-pramanth -- two sons named Manthu and Pramanthu (S5/15/14)
mantra -- advice (S3/1/10)
mantra -- by reciting mantras (S5/19/26)
mantra -- hymns (S5/3/2)
mantra -- hymns (S3/13/39)

mantra -- hymns (S4/8/58)

mantra -- of Vedic hymns (S4/29/45)
mantra -- Vedic hymns (S4/6/9)
mantra-auadha-dibhi -- by mystic chanting or the influence of drugs and herbs
mantradruma -- known as Mantradruma (S8/5/8)
mantra-dk -- who could foresee the Vedic mantras (S8/23/29)
mantra-da -- who know the science of mantra (S9/4/10)
mantra-dam -- a seer of mantras (S9/16/35)
mantra-hnam -- with no chanting of the Vedic hymns (B/17/13)
mantra -- chanting of the Vedic hymns (S9/6/35)
mantra -- the Hare Krsna mantra (S6/2/19)
mantra -- the Vedic hymns (S4/7/45)
mantra -- transcendental chant (B/9/16)
mantrai -- by chanting (S8/8/27)
mantrai -- by chanting particular mantras (S9/15/8)
mantrai -- by deliberation (S8/5/17)
mantrai -- by various mantras (S6/12/34)
mantra-jalam -- water sanctified by mantras (S9/6/27)
mantra-ja -- well aware of all Vedic mantras (S9/4/12)
mantra-kt -- minister (S3/1/2)
mantra-ktm -- of those who chant the mantra mentioned above (S5/23/9)
mantram -- hymn (S5/18/29)
mantram imam -- this mantra, which is nondifferent from Narayana (S6/5/27)
mantram -- mantra (S6/8/11)
mantram -- the mantra (S6/19/10)
mantra-ml -- Mantramala (S5/20/15)
mantra-mrtaye -- who is nondifferent from the mantra (S4/8/58)
mantra-mrti -- the form of the mantra (S6/8/8)
mantra-mrtim -- form representation of transcendental sound (S1/5/38)
mantrata -- by chanting the required mantra (S9/14/44)
mantrata -- in pronouncing the Vedic mantras improperly (S8/23/16)
mantra-tattva-ligya -- who is understood in truth by different mantras (S5/18/35)
mantra-upaniadam -- the Vedic mantra (uttered by Svayambhuva Manu) (S8/1/17)
mantra-upaniadam -- Upanisad in the form of a mantra by which one can achieve
the highest goal of life (S6/15/27)
mantra-varbhi -- in the form of a mantra (S5/24/30)
mantra-vida -- completely expert in chanting the Vedic hymns (S10/7/17)
mantra-vida -- the great chanter of the Vedic hymns (S2/4/17)
mantra-vit -- knowing how to chant the Vedic hymns (S6/1/56)
mantrayanta -- discussing (S8/5/17)
mantrbhym -- with the two mantras (om namo bhagavate vasudevaya and om namo
narayanaya) (S6/8/4)
mantr -- specific hymns to offer to a particular demigod (S2/6/26)
mantrn -- instructions (S7/6/11)
mantrm -- of the Vedic hymns (S5/7/6)
mantrya -- for consultation (S3/1/10)
mantrya -- for giving instructions (S5/24/24)
mantrea -- by this hymn, or mantra (S4/8/54)
mantrea -- mantra (S6/19/7)

mantreu -- in consultations (S3/4/17)

mantria -- all the ministers (S10/4/29)
mantria -- ministers (S6/14/19)
mantria -- the ministers of state, or expert politicians (S3/1/10)
manu -- the father of mankind (S2/7/39)
manu-antara -- of the manvantara millennium (S5/1/28)
manu-antara -- the change of Manus [in one day of Brahma there are fourteen
Manus] (S6/1/3)
manu-antaram -- up to the end of one Manu (S4/28/31)
manu-antari -- changes of Manu (S8/13/7)
manu-antareu -- after the dissolution of each and every Manu (S3/11/25)
manu-antareu -- in each change of Manu (S3/11/27)
manu-daya -- the Manus and others (S8/14/3)
manu-daya -- the Manus and others (S8/14/1)
manu-dibhi -- as Manus (S3/11/27)
manu st -- became the Vaivasvata Manu (S9/1/2)
manu -- became the Manu (S8/1/27)
manu ckua -- the Manu named Caksusa (S6/6/15)
manu -- he became the Manu (S8/1/23)
manu -- will be Manu (S8/13/21)
manu -- Lord Manu (S4/11/35)
manu -- Lord Svayambhuva Manu (S4/1/10)
manu -- Manu (S3/22/2)
manu -- Manu (S3/11/24)
manu -- Manu (S8/1/19)
manu -- Manu (S3/20/1)
manu -- Manu (S8/5/2)
manu -- Manu (S8/13/27)
manu -- Manu (S8/13/1)
manu -- Manu (S4/29/42)
manu -- Manu (S9/1/16)
manu -- Manu (S8/5/7)
manu -- Manu himself (S6/17/12)
manu -- Manu, King Satyavrata (S6/9/23)
manu -- Svayambhuva (S2/7/43)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S3/21/25)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S3/21/36)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S3/22/31)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S4/1/11)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S4/8/21)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S4/11/6)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S4/30/41)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S6/3/20)
manu -- Svayambhuva Manu (S5/1/22)
manu rddhadeva -- the Manu named Sraddhadeva (S9/1/11)
manu -- the eighth Manu (S8/13/11)
manu -- the father of mankind (S3/12/54)
manu -- the father of mankind (S2/1/36)
manu -- the father of mankind (S3/13/6)
manu -- the father of mankind (B/4/1)

manu -- the Manu (S8/13/18)

manu -- the Manu (S8/13/24)
manu -- the Manu (S8/13/33)
manu -- the Manu (S8/13/30)
manu uvca -- Manu said (S4/11/7)
manu uvca -- Sri Manu said (S3/13/14)
manu -- Vaivasvata Manu (S9/2/2)
manu vaivasvata -- Vaivasvata Manu, known as Sraddhadeva (S9/2/1)
manu-ja -- of those born in human society (S5/2/6)
manuja-apasad -- bewildered by the external energy, or illusory energy, of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/6/10)
manuja-arbha-myina -- of Krsna, who appeared as the son of Nanda Maharaja and
Yasoda, being compassionate upon them (S10/12/38)
manuja-daya -- the human beings and so on (S6/14/3)
manuja-ktim -- appearing as a human being (S5/19/8)
manuja-blaka -- exactly like the child of a human being (S10/8/36)
manu-ja -- a descendant of Manu (a man) (S2/3/23)
manu-ja -- a man (S5/5/15)
manuja -- among human beings (S9/14/23)
manu-ja -- appearing as a human being (S9/10/12)
manuja -- mankind (the sons of Manu) (S2/1/36)
manujai -- by human beings (S6/16/63)
manu-jai -- by men (S5/14/5)
manujai -- by the citizens (S9/4/24)
manuja-indrm -- of the daughters of worldly kings (S9/6/41)
manujam -- ordinary man (S1/11/37)
manuj -- all human beings (S10/2/22)
manujn -- mankind (S3/11/21)
manum -- Caksusa Manu (S4/13/15)
manum -- Manu (S6/6/20)
manum -- Manu (S3/22/34)
manum -- Manu, the father of man (S1/3/15)
manum -- Svayanbhuva Manu (S4/18/12)
manum -- the Manu (S6/6/41)
manum -- thinker (S4/6/39)
manum -- to Manu (S6/6/40)
manun -- and with Manu (S3/13/20)
manun -- by Manu (S5/1/21)
manun -- by the father of mankind (S2/7/2)
manun -- the would-be Vaivasvata Manu (S2/7/12)
manu-putrau -- sons of Manu (S4/1/9)
manu-putr -- all the descendants of Manu (S1/3/27)
manu-putr -- all the sons of Manu (S8/14/2)
manusyu -- Praviras son Manusyu (S9/20/2)
manuya -- all human beings (S5/22/10)
manuya -- and human beings (S7/15/80)
manuya -- human beings, etc (S3/9/19)
manuya -- human society (S5/15/13)
manuya -- of the human beings (S7/4/5)
manuya -- the human beings (S8/5/21)

manuya-dn -- and other living entities, headed by the human beings (S6/4/19)
manuya -- a human being (S7/7/50)
manuya -- human being (S4/29/29)
manuya -- the person (S4/23/39)
manuya-indra -- O ruler of men (S4/29/76)
manuya-indra -- O Your Majesty, best of human beings (S9/18/43)
manuya-ligam -- appearing just like a human being (S7/10/48)
manuya-ligam -- as if an ordinary human being (S7/15/75)
manuya-loke -- in the world of human society (B/15/2)
manuyam -- the man (S7/2/37)
manuyasya -- of a man (S4/29/66)
manuyatvam -- a human life (S4/29/1)
manuy -- all men (B/4/11)
manuy -- all men (B/3/23)
manuy -- human beings (S8/6/12)
manuy -- human society (S10/2/10)
manuy -- mankind (S2/6/30)
manuy -- the human beings (S5/5/21)
manuy -- the inhabitants of Bhurloka, the human beings (S6/3/19)
manuym -- and that of the human beings (S3/11/16)
manuym -- and the human beings (S5/20/46)
manuym -- of all human beings (S9/24/10)
manuym -- of men (B/7/3)
manuym -- of such men (B/1/43)
manuyeu -- among men (B/18/69)
manuyeu -- amongst the human beings (S2/3/1)
manuyeu -- in human society (B/4/18)
manute -- he considered (S4/27/4)
manute -- takes it for granted (S1/7/5)
manutve -- in the position of Manu (S8/24/11)
manu-vaa-dhara -- as the descendant of the Manu dynasty (S2/7/20)
manu-vat -- like Svayambhuva Manu (S4/22/61)
mann -- all the different Manus (S7/4/5)
mann -- Manus (S8/1/1)
mann -- the Manus (S3/20/49)
mann -- the Manus (S3/11/23)
mann -- the Manus (S3/7/25)
mann -- the Manus, semi-incarnations of God (S2/3/9)
mann -- the periodical heads like Vaivasvata Manu (S2/10/37)
mannm -- of all thinkers (S4/6/39)
manvantara -- changes of Manus (S2/10/1)
manvantara-adhipn -- and the changes of such (S3/7/25)
manvantaram -- the duration of time until the end of the life of one Manu (S7/10/11)
manvantara-parivttam -- changed by the end of a life of a Manu (S5/24/24)
manvantari -- all about the periods of the various Manus (S9/1/1)
manvantari -- different advents of Manus (S3/10/30)
manvantari -- periods of Manu (S8/14/11)
manvantari -- the reign of the Manus (S2/10/4)
manvantare -- during the change of manvantaras (one Manu following another)

manvantareu -- in different incarnations of Manu (S2/7/20)

manvantareu -- in the reign of each Manu (S8/14/1)
manvna -- always thinking of (S4/22/51)
manvna -- thinking (S10/5/27)
manyamna -- considering (S3/20/49)
manyamna -- considering (S7/10/1)
manyamna -- realizing (S4/12/15)
manyamna -- recognizing (S3/20/42)
manya-mna -- thinking (S9/14/42)
manyamna -- thinking (S6/12/1)
manyamna -- thinking (S3/27/15)
manyamna -- thinking (S9/11/3)
manyamna -- thinking (S8/15/36)
manyamna -- thinking (S7/8/27)
manyamna -- thinking in that way (S1/6/10)
manyamna -- thinking like that (S5/1/36)
manyamna -- thinking like that (S1/18/28)
manyamna -- thinking like that (S10/7/27)
manyamna -- thinking like that (S4/24/6)
manyamna -- thinking of (S5/2/22)
manyamna -- thinking that (S9/2/8)
manyamnai -- are thinking (S10/10/9)
manyamnai -- thinking (S3/23/20)
manyamnasya -- thinking within the mind (S1/4/32)
manyamn -- con sidering this situation (S9/13/12)
manyamn -- understanding (S5/9/14)
manyamnnm -- who are considering (S8/11/9)
manyante -- consider (S7/8/10)
manyante -- think (B/7/24)
manyase -- understand (S3/9/36)
manyase -- you consider (S6/17/24)
manyase -- you so think (B/2/26)
manyase -- you think (S1/13/44)
manyase -- You think (B/11/4)
manyase -- you think (S1/12/3)
manyase -- you think (S6/5/40)
manyase -- you think (S1/9/20)
manyase -- you think (B/18/59)
manyase -- you think (S6/3/10)
manyase -- you think (S4/28/61)
manyase -- you think (S1/14/44)
manyase -- you think it fit (S10/7/1)
manyase -- you think it right (S7/3/7)
manyate -- consider (S7/15/27)
manyate -- considers (S6/12/9)
manyate -- considers (S7/5/4)
manyate -- considers (S6/12/12)
manyate -- considers (B/6/20)
manyate -- considers (S6/17/19)
manyate -- do speculate within the mind (S1/11/37)

manyate -- he considers (S10/4/22)

manyate -- he considers (S6/16/53)
manyate -- he considers (S3/26/6)
manyate -- he thinks (B/3/27)
manyate -- he thinks (S3/30/6)
manyate -- is accepted (S5/18/20)
manyate -- would be considered (S10/8/7)
manyate -- she thinks (S3/31/41)
manyate -- think (S1/5/15)
manyate -- thinks (B/18/32)
manyate -- thinks (S2/9/2)
manyate -- thinks (S4/25/19)
manyate -- thinks (S3/30/9)
manyate -- thinks (B/2/19)
manyate -- thinks (S3/30/3)
manyate -- you are thinking (S9/9/31)
manyate -- You think so (S8/22/2)
manyava -- anger (S4/25/8)
manyava -- angry (S3/16/10)
manyava -- their anger (S4/14/34)
manyave -- unto the angry (S3/14/35)
manye -- although I think (S8/20/4)
manye -- we think (S1/4/13)
manye -- I accept (B/10/14)
manye -- I consider (S7/9/9)
manye -- I consider (S8/22/4)
manye -- I consider (S7/9/10)
manye -- I consider (S7/5/23)
manye -- I consider (S7/9/29)
manye -- I consider (S7/6/26)
manye -- I consider (S6/1/10)
manye -- I consider (S4/20/30)
manye -- I consider (S3/16/4)
manye -- I consider (S1/8/28)
manye -- I consider (S8/22/16)
manye -- I shall consider (S3/22/19)
manye -- I take it for granted (S1/14/21)
manye -- I think (S3/2/24)
manye -- I think (S4/13/3)
manye -- I think (S8/19/35)
manye -- I think (S7/5/5)
manye -- I think (S1/5/8)
manye -- I think (S1/9/14)
manye -- I think (S4/13/46)
manye -- I think (S5/5/4)
manye -- I think (S8/19/31)
manye -- I think (S8/15/25)
manye -- I think (S8/18/29)
manye -- think (B/6/34)
manyeta -- would worship (S5/17/19)

manyeta -- respects (S5/26/30)

manyeta -- thinks (B/5/8)
manyo -- O Lord Siva (in an angry mood) (S4/6/52)
manyo -- by anger (S8/5/39)
manyo -- influenced by tamo-guna (S9/10/14)
manyo -- named Manyu (S9/21/1)
manyu -- anger (S3/16/13)
manyu -- anger (S8/8/20)
manyu -- anger (S5/18/14)
manyu -- by wrath (S3/18/14)
manyu -- of anger (S5/17/19)
manyu -- of anger (S8/11/45)
manyu -- anger (S3/18/9)
manyu -- anger (S3/12/7)
manyu -- anger (S5/10/10)
manyu -- anger (S8/19/13)
manyu -- anger (S5/26/35)
manyu -- anger (S5/6/5)
manyu -- anger (S3/13/31)
manyu -- angry (S1/18/29)
manyu -- because of great anger, without consideration (S9/3/25)
manyu -- his anger (S3/31/28)
manyu -- whose anger (S5/10/5)
manyu -- whose anger (S9/18/27)
manyu, manu, mahinasa, mahn, -- all names of Rudra (S3/12/12)
manyum -- anger (S4/18/2)
manyum -- anger (S4/12/1)
manyum -- anger (S6/4/14)
manyum -- anger (S8/20/25)
manyum -- the anger (S6/4/6)
manyum -- Your anger (S7/9/14)
manyum -- your anger (S7/5/28)
manyu-maym -- very much angry (S4/17/28)
manyun -- agitated by great anger (S9/4/43)
manyun -- because of anger (S9/18/17)
manyun -- by anger (S4/3/16)
manyun -- by Lord Siva (who is anger personified) (S4/5/5)
manyun -- with anger (S6/18/23)
manyun -- on account of anger (S3/31/29)
manyu-plutam -- filled with anger (S4/5/11)
manyu-sarambham -- in a completely angry mood (S7/9/1)
manyu-vaa -- subjected to anger (S2/7/39)
manyvo -- anger (S3/18/19)
magala -- auspicious (S4/21/42)
magala -- whose auspiciousness (S9/10/20)
magala -- is auspicious (S8/17/8)
magala -- O most auspicious (S4/6/45)
magala -- of auspiciousness (S5/6/16)
magala-yan -- O personified good fortune (S4/22/7)
magala-bhyiha-pura-grma-vraja-kar -- whose many cities, towns,

pasturing grounds and mines became auspicious and very neat and clean (S10/3/1)
magala -- all good fortune (S4/14/29)
magala -- whose righteous acts (S3/21/25)
magalai -- auspicious articles (S4/21/4)
magalam -- all-auspicious (S6/2/34)
magalam -- auspicious (S1/12/13)
magalam -- auspicious (S6/18/78)
magalam -- auspicious (S4/24/31)
magalam -- welfare (S1/2/5)
magalam -- good fortune (S4/22/7)
magala-magalam -- personification of the topmost religious principle (S6/17/13)
magala-prastha -- Mangala-prastha (S5/19/16)
magala-pjit -- well worshiped and satisfied (S5/4/7)
magala-svann -- transcendental sounds auspicious for everyone (S10/12/35)
magalm -- full of auspiciousness (S8/15/20)
magalnm -- of all auspiciousness (S8/23/22)
magalnm -- of the auspicious (S4/6/45)
magalni -- good fortune (S9/5/14)
magalni -- which are all transcendental and therefore auspicious (S10/2/37)
magalya -- for all good (S1/14/35)
magalya -- for the sake of all prosperity (S3/9/4)
magalena -- auspicious activities (S6/2/32)
maau -- jewel (S8/8/6)
maala -- encirclement (S4/30/7)
maalam -- association (S3/4/21)
maalam -- globe (S5/24/2)
maalam -- the globe (S4/9/51)
maalam -- the globe (S4/16/20)
maalam -- the globe (S3/21/52)
maala-maana -- as the central beauty of the assembly of women (S3/2/34)
maala-mnam -- the measurement of the globe (S5/21/2)
maala-vartinm -- of the departmental heads (S6/3/6)
maalbhym -- the spheres (S5/22/7)
maalni -- orbits (S5/23/3)
maale -- in the group of seven stars (S9/16/24)
maaleu -- on the round surfaces (S5/25/4)
maana -- decorating (S7/11/26)
maana -- decoration (S3/15/41)
maanai -- and with ornaments (S6/19/19)
maanai -- and with ornaments (S6/18/53)
maita -- was decorated (S8/12/20)
maita -- decorated (S3/14/50)
maita -- decorated (S5/25/4)
maita -- decorated (S4/6/29)
maita-kuala-sya -- having a face decorated with earrings (S4/7/20)
maitam -- decorated (S4/6/16)
maitam -- decorated (S4/3/12)
maitam -- decorated (S4/21/1)
maitam -- decorated (S9/11/31)
maitam -- decorated (S6/14/53)

mait -- finely dressed (S7/11/26)

mait -- being bedecked with (S4/21/4)
maitm -- bedecked (S9/11/27)
maitsu -- being decorated with (S1/15/15)
maite -- surrounded by (S1/7/3)
maitena -- decorated with (S3/8/27)
mayantm -- illuminating (S9/20/8)
mai -- gemlike (S3/23/50)
mai -- with small gems (S8/2/8)
mai -- jewels (S4/6/10)
mai -- made of jewels (S10/5/11)
mai -- of jewels (S3/21/52)
mai -- of precious stones (S3/23/13)
mai -- pearls (S4/24/47)
mai -- pearls (S2/9/11)
mai -- pearls (S10/12/4)
mai -- rubies (S3/15/44)
mai-gaa-aukai -- by various effulgent and valuable stones (S9/11/31)
mai-ga -- pearls (B/7/7)
mai-grva -- His neck decorated with the Kaustubha jewel (S4/30/5)
maigrvau -- and Manigriva (S10/10/23)
maigrvau -- the other was Manigriva (S10/9/23)
mai-hema-ketubhi -- with flags made with pearls and gold (S8/15/20)
mai-ka -- Manikuta (S5/20/3)
maim -- the jewel (S1/7/55)
maim -- the pearl necklace (S3/28/28)
mai-mat -- gem-studded (S3/15/41)
maimat-mada-daya -- Maniman, Mada, etc (S4/4/4)
mai-mayai -- made of pearls (S8/15/16)
mai-mayam -- bedecked with jewels (S1/15/14)
maimn -- Lord Maniman (S10/6/22)
maimn -- Maniman (S4/5/17)
main -- by the jewel (S1/7/56)
mai-pradp -- lamps made of jewels (S4/9/62)
mai-praveka -- glowing effulgence of the valuable stones (S3/8/6)
mai-praveka -- highly valuable jewels (S3/8/29)
maipura-pate -- of the king of Manipura (S9/22/32)
mai-aa -- like gems (S5/25/4)
maju -- sweet (S3/23/14)
maju -- very pleasing (S10/13/15)
maja-antagatam -- packed in a basket (S9/23/13)
marakata -- emeralds (S4/25/15)
marakata -- with emerald (S8/2/4)
marakata-yma-vapue -- whose bodily hue is blackish like the marakata gem
marakata-ymm -- with a bodily luster like the light of a blue gem (S8/6/3)
maraa -- and death (B/7/29)
maraa -- death (S7/9/41)
maraa -- death (S3/30/14)
maraa -- death (S5/14/27)

maraam -- death (S3/31/44)

marat -- than death (B/2/34)
maraya -- for killing (S7/4/46)
maraya -- to death (S4/3/25)
mardanam -- destruction (S3/4/2)
mardayanta -- smashing (S8/10/47)
mariyama -- one who is to die at any moment (S1/19/6)
marcaye -- unto Marici (S3/24/22)
marce -- from Marici (S5/15/14)
marce -- of the sage named Marici (S4/1/13)
marci -- the great sage Marici (S3/13/20)
marci -- the great sage Marici (S3/24/9)
marci -- the great saint Marici (S9/4/57)
marci-daya -- great sages headed by Marici (S3/20/10)
marci-daya -- Marici and the great sages (S4/7/43)
marcigarbha -- the Maricigarbhas (S8/13/19)
marci, atri, agirasau, pulastya, pulaha, kratu, bhgu, vasiha,
daka -- names of sons of Brahma (S3/12/22)
marci -- Marici (S4/29/42)
marci -- Marici (B/10/21)
marci -- named Marici (S5/15/14)
marci -- the great saintly person known as Marici (S9/1/10)
marci -- the sage Marici (S3/12/24)
marci-mirai -- by the priests, headed by Marici (S6/13/21)
marci-mir -- headed by Marici (S4/1/8)
marci-mir -- with sages like Marici (S8/21/1)
marci-mir -- rsis like Marici (S1/6/30)
marci-mukhy -- headed by Marici (S3/12/29)
marci-mukhy -- headed by Marici Rsi (S8/12/10)
marci-toya -- water in a mirage (S5/14/10)
marci-toyni -- the waters of a mirage in the desert (S5/13/5)
marka -- monkeys (S7/14/9)
markai -- by monkeys (S3/21/44)
markaa -- like the monkeys (S10/11/59)
markaa -- of a monkey (S4/2/12)
marka -- monkeys (S8/2/22)
markn -- to the monkeys (S10/8/29)
markya -- unto a monkey (S10/9/8)
marma -- the core of the heart (S3/4/1)
marma-bhida -- heart piercing (S4/3/15)
marmabhi mitha -- with much pain to the cores of the hearts of one another
marmasu -- in the core of the heart (S3/1/16)
marmasu -- in the heart, etc (S8/11/20)
marma-tan -- which afflict the heart (S8/11/9)
marma-tita -- one whose feelings are hurt (S4/3/19)
marmi -- the core of the heart (S3/18/9)
maro -- of Maru (S9/13/16)
maranai -- and by philosophical research (S3/32/34)
maritam -- forgiven (S6/5/42)

martasya -- of one who is destined to die (S7/3/21)

martu-kma -- desirous of death (S7/8/11)
martya -- as a human being (S5/19/5)
martya -- human being (S8/3/22)
martya -- in this mortal world (S3/1/42)
martya -- mortal world (S3/2/12)
martya-asat-dh -- considers the spiritual master to be like an ordinary human
being and maintains such an unfavorable attitude (S7/15/26)
martya-daya -- the human beings and others (S8/12/10)
martya-dibhi -- by men, etc (S4/9/13)
martya-diu -- through ordinary human beings and other living entities (S7/14/18)
martya -- a human being who is subject to death (S8/23/29)
martya -- a living entity destined to die (S6/10/10)
martya -- a living entity with a material body (S6/2/47)
martya -- a mortal man (S3/28/39)
martya -- a mortal man (S4/13/46)
martya -- a mortal man (S3/29/21)
martya -- a person (S7/1/27)
martya -- a person subject to death (S8/23/29)
martya -- any person within this material world (S10/6/44)
martya -- mortal (S2/3/23)
martya -- subjected to death (S7/15/37)
martya -- such a human being (S4/24/78)
martya -- the living entities who are sure to die (S10/3/27)
martya-ligam -- appearing as a human being (S10/9/13)
martya-ligena -- by taking birth like a human child (S10/3/44)
martya-lokam -- mortal world (S3/4/26)
martya-lokam -- to the mortal earth (B/9/21)
martyam -- dying (S2/6/18)
martyam -- her mortal body (S3/33/32)
martyam -- material body (S4/9/12)
martyasya -- of a person sure to die (S8/22/9)
martyasya -- of one who is destined to die (S7/7/39)
martyasya -- of the living entity subjected to death (S7/13/31)
martya-ikaam -- for teaching all the living entities, especially human beings
marty -- human beings (S10/4/17)
marty -- inhabitants of the earthly planets (S4/20/35)
martyn -- the human beings (S6/3/18)
martynm -- of humanity in general (S4/25/40)
martynm -- of persons who are destined to die (S4/30/34)
martynm -- of the conditioned soul (S4/24/57)
martynm -- of the human beings (S4/23/27)
martynm -- of the human beings (S3/11/10)
martynm -- of those who are destined for death (S3/14/5)
martynm -- of those who are sure to meet death (S1/16/7)
martynm -- of those who die (S1/18/11)
martynm -- those who are meant for death (S1/18/13)
martyya -- unto a mortal (S6/17/17)
martyena -- by the body (S5/19/23)

martyeu -- among those subject to death (B/10/3)

maru -- Rajasthan, the land of deserts (S1/10/34)
marudbhi -- by the wind demigods, known as the Maruts (S6/7/2)
marudbhi -- by the Maruts (S6/10/17)
marudbhi saha -- with the Maruts (S6/18/77)
marudbhi -- the demigods of the winds (S6/5/31)
marudeva -- Marudeva (S9/12/12)
maru-dhanvani -- in the desert (S6/8/38)
marudvdh -- Marudvrdha (S5/19/17)
maru -- Maru (S9/13/15)
maru -- Maru (S9/12/5)
marut -- air (S3/26/12)
marut -- breathing process (S4/12/17)
marut -- the air (S6/1/42)
marut -- the air (S4/24/63)
marut -- the breathing (S3/32/10)
maruta -- Maruta (S9/23/17)
maruta -- Maruts (S6/18/63)
maruta -- the airs (S9/2/28)
maruta -- the demigods known as the Maruts (S9/20/39)
maruta -- the demigods named the Maruts (S9/20/35)
maruta -- the demigods of air (S8/10/32)
maruta -- the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind) (B/11/6)
maruta -- the Maruts (S6/18/66)
maruta -- the Maruts (B/11/22)
maruta -- the Maruts (S6/18/19)
marutm gan -- the Maruts (S6/18/64)
marutm -- of the Maruts (S6/19/2)
marutm -- of the Maruts (S6/18/78)
marutm -- of the Maruts (B/10/21)
marutm -- of the Maruts (S6/19/26)
marut-ga -- and the Maruts (S8/13/4)
marut-ga -- masters of the wind (S6/3/14)
marut-gan -- the demigods (S2/3/8)
marut-pate mrti -- the personification of Indra (S6/7/29)
marut-pati -- Indra (lord of the Maruts) (S3/19/25)
marut-patim -- Indra, the heavenly King (S6/10/17)
marut-stomena -- by performing a marut-stoma sacrifice (S9/20/35)
marut-suta -- by Hanuman (S9/10/19)
marut-suta -- Hanuman, the son of the wind-god (S9/10/42)
marutta -- (the son) named Marutta (S9/2/26)
maruttasya -- of Marutta (S9/2/27)
maruttasya -- of Marutta (S9/2/29)
marut-vantam -- King Indra (S4/19/28)
marutvata -- of King Indra (S6/13/22)
marutvate -- of the demigod named Marutvan (S9/23/7)
marutvat -- Marutvati (S6/6/4)
marutvaty -- from Marutvati (S6/6/8)
marutvn -- Indra (S6/13/10)
marutvn -- Marutvan (S6/6/8)

marydam -- etiquette (S1/18/37)

maryd -- indicating the boundaries (S5/16/6)
maryd -- indicating the boundary (S5/20/30)
maryd-giraya -- the mountains marking the borders (S5/16/8)
masa-kavalam -- very nice food prepared with rice and first-class curd
mastaka-jvaram -- the headache (S7/8/35)
mastak -- and heads (S10/6/15)
maaka -- mosquitoes (S5/14/5)
maaka -- mosquitoes (S5/26/17)
maakai -- by mosquitoes (S5/13/3)
maak -- mosquitoes (S3/31/27)
mare -- by the name Masnara, or in the place known as Masnara (S9/20/28)
mat -- by me (S1/8/51)
mat -- by me (S1/5/39)
mat -- from Me (S4/20/16)
mat -- having (B/10/41)
mat -- Me (B/6/13)
mat -- Me (S3/9/37)
mat -- Mine (S1/6/24)
mat -- Mine (S1/6/22)
mat -- my (S1/17/5)
mat -- My (B/9/25)
mat -- My (S3/9/30)
mat -- My (S2/9/32)
mat -- My (S2/9/21)
mat -- My (S3/29/13)
mat -- My (S3/32/40)
mat -- My (B/9/34)
mat -- my (S4/17/22)
mat -- My (S3/9/34)
mat -- my (S7/2/7)
mat -- my (S4/27/22)
mat -- my (S3/14/38)
mat -- My (S3/4/12)
mat -- My (S3/9/38)
mat -- My (S10/3/34)
mat -- My (S3/29/16)
mat -- My (B/7/23)
mat -- My (B/9/34)
mat -- of Me (S3/9/41)
mat -- of Me (S4/20/33)
mat -- of Me (S3/29/11)
mat -- of Me (S3/29/16)
mat -- of Me (B/18/58)
mat -- of Mine (B/18/68)
mat -- possessing (S4/23/11)
mat -- possessing (S3/20/53)
mat -- than me (S6/3/12)
mat -- than me (S4/24/30)

mat -- than Myself (S3/25/41)

mat -- to me (S3/23/7)
mat -- to Myself (S3/4/31)
mat -- unto Me (B/12/11)
mat -- unto Me (B/9/27)
mat -- upon Me (Krsna) (B/6/13)
mata -- desire (S3/3/24)
mat-agham -- my offenses (S9/5/17)
mata -- approved (S3/14/44)
mata -- considered (S3/10/21)
mata -- considered (B/6/46)
mata -- decision (S7/14/35)
mata -- in My opinion (B/18/9)
mata -- in our opinion (S3/16/18)
mata -- is approved (S3/25/13)
mata -- is celebrated (S9/24/26)
mata -- is considered (B/6/32)
mata -- is considered (B/6/47)
mata -- is considered (S4/17/19)
mata -- is well-known (S9/20/7)
mata me -- this is my opinion (B/11/18)
mata -- opinion (S4/8/30)
mata -- regarded (S4/7/31)
matam -- approved (S3/15/45)
matam -- approved (S3/16/29)
matam ca -- and the opinion (S1/7/32)
matam -- conclusion (S6/9/37)
matam -- injunction (B/3/32)
matam -- injunctions (B/3/31)
matam -- instruction (S3/33/11)
matam -- instructions (S3/33/37)
matam -- is considered (S3/25/15)
matam -- opinion (B/13/3)
matam -- opinion (S3/9/41)
matam -- opinion (B/7/18)
matam -- opinion (B/18/6)
matam -- the conclusion (S2/9/37)
matam -- the instruction (S6/7/18)
matam-gaja -- mad elephant (S3/14/10)
matam-gajendrasya -- infuriated elephant (S3/13/40)
mat-aai -- with My descendants (S3/3/14)
mat-ant -- ending with me (S4/29/42)
mat-anubhitam -- what was spoken by me (S7/7/1)
mat-anubhvam -- My superexcellent power (S8/22/36)
mat-anugraha-artha -- thinking that to achieve My mercy is the aim of life (S5/5/15)
mat-anugraha -- should be considered to have received My special mercy (S8/22/26)
mat-anugraht -- by my special favor (S10/10/20)
mat-anugrahya -- mat-anugrahya mat-anugrahaya- just to show me favor (B/11/1)
mat-anya -- besides me (S7/8/12)
mat-anyat -- anything else but me (S9/4/68)

mat-aga -- My body (S7/10/22)

mat-agam -- my body (S10/1/5)
mat-apara -- other than me (S7/9/29)
mat-arhaam -- worship of Me (S3/21/24)
mat-artham -- for My sake (B/12/10)
mat-arthe -- for my sake (B/1/9)
mat-arthe -- on my account (S3/23/6)
mataya -- ambition (S8/9/28)
mataya -- whose minds (S6/5/4)
mataya -- whose minds (S5/9/8)
mataya -- worshiping the demigods (S2/6/27)
mataya -- thesis (S1/11/39)
mat -- are considered (B/16/5)
mat -- considered (S4/3/20)
mat -- is considered (B/3/1)
mat-dea -- according to my instruction (S4/12/42)
mat -- are considered (B/12/2)
mat -- considered (S4/30/19)
matni -- considered (S3/26/12)
mat-raya -- completely under My protection (S8/22/31)
mat-raya -- in consciousness of Me (Krsna consciousness) (B/7/1)
mat-rayam -- concerning Myself (S3/4/30)
mat-rayam -- under My protection (S3/27/28)
mat-ray -- about Me (S3/25/23)
mat-raym -- all dependent upon Me (S8/4/17)
mat-rayt -- from connection with me (S4/3/20)
mat-tmakam -- consisting of Myself (S6/9/53)
mat-tmano -- simply engaged in consciousness of Me (S10/3/36)
mat-bai -- by my arrows (S4/17/25)
mat-bhakta -- engaged in My devotional service (B/11/55)
mat-bhakta -- My devotee (B/12/16)
mat-bhakta -- My devotee (B/13/19)
mat-bhakta -- My devotee (B/18/65)
mat-bhakta -- My devotee (B/12/13)
mat-bhakta -- My devotee (S3/27/28)
mat-bhakta -- My devotee (S6/16/61)
mat-bhaktai -- with My devotees (S9/4/64)
mat-bhakt -- My devotees (S7/10/19)
mat-bhakt -- My pure devotees (S7/10/21)
mat-bhaktim -- My devotional service (B/18/54)
mat-bhanm -- of all my associates (S4/5/4)
mat-bhavam -- Visnus appearance (S10/3/44)
mat-bhayam -- fear me (S1/17/14)
mat-bhayt -- out of fear of Me (S3/25/42)
mat-bhayt -- out of fear of Me (S3/25/42)
mat-bhayt -- out of fear of Me (S3/25/42)
mat-bhva -- because of devotional service unto Me (S7/10/20)
mat-bhva -- thinking of Me (S5/5/10)
mat-bhvam -- My nature (B/8/5)
mat-bhvam -- My spiritual position (S6/16/57)

mat-bhvam -- to My spiritual nature (B/14/19)

mat-bhvam -- transcendental love for Me (B/4/10)
mat-bhv -- born of Me (B/10/6)
mat-bhvya -- to My nature (B/13/19)
mat-bhvya -- to My transcendental stage (S3/29/14)
mat-citta -- his mind fixed on Me (S3/32/43)
mat-citta -- in consciousness of Me (B/18/57)
mat-citt -- their minds fully engaged in Me (B/10/9)
mat-darana -- by seeing Me in that form (S8/23/10)
mat-daranam -- the seeing of Me (or offering of prayers to Me or hearing about Me,
all of which are absolute) (S7/4/25)
mat-deva-sagt -- by association with My devotees (S5/5/10)
mat-dharmaa -- of My devotee (S3/29/19)
mat-dhma -- My abode (S4/30/18)
mat-dhiyatay -- because of being My sitting place (S5/5/26)
mate -- in the opinion (B/8/26)
mate -- whose mind is that (S5/8/16)
mat-gata -- fixed on Me (S3/25/23)
mat-gata-pr -- their lives devoted to Me (B/10/9)
mat-gatena -- abiding in Me, always thinking of Me (B/6/47)
mat-gatim -- My supreme abode (S10/3/45)
mat-gta -- sung by me (S4/24/77)
mat-gtam -- the song composed by me or sung by me (S4/24/76)
mathana-udbhtt -- produced by the churning (S8/7/37)
mathant -- because of being born from the churning of his fathers body (S9/13/13)
mathita -- being aggrieved by (S2/7/24)
mathita -- churned (S8/5/11)
mathitv -- by discerning (S7/1/9)
mathnan -- churning (S8/7/17)
mathnanti -- stir (S5/18/36)
mathnantm -- while she was churning butter (S10/9/4)
mathnatm -- churning (S1/3/16)
mathnat -- agitating (S8/9/3)
mathn -- by the churning rod (Mandara Mountain) (S8/7/17)
mathn -- enchanting (S4/2/25)
mathn -- with a piece of wood used for producing fire (S5/18/36)
mathur -- the place known as Mathura (S10/1/28)
mathurm -- at the place known as Mathura (S10/1/27)
mathurm -- Mathura (S9/11/13)
mathurm -- to Mathura (S10/5/19)
mathury -- from Mathura (S10/6/31)
mathurym -- at Mathura (S1/15/39)
mathyamnbhym -- being churned (S4/15/1)
mathyamnt -- while being churned (S8/8/31)
mathyamnt -- sufficiently being churned (S8/7/16)
mathyamne -- while the churning was going on (S8/7/6)
mati -- consciousness (S1/9/21)
mati -- intelligence (S3/6/36)
mati-bhit -- contaminating the consciousness (S6/5/38)
mati-ghn -- killing intelligence (S3/15/23)

mati -- attachment (S5/1/4)

mati -- attention (S1/8/42)
mati -- attention (S3/5/12)
mati -- attraction (S4/19/24)
mati -- attraction (S9/9/44)
mati -- concentration (S1/15/50)
mati -- conception (S1/8/29)
mati -- consciousness (S6/14/1)
mati -- consciousness (S6/12/21)
mati -- consciousness (S6/12/19)
mati -- consciousness (S4/29/49)
mati -- consciousness (S6/16/41)
mati -- consideration (S4/22/52)
mati -- determination (B/12/18)
mati -- enlightenment (S1/3/34)
mati -- faith (S2/1/10)
mati -- her mind (S3/33/26)
mati -- His attention (S6/2/9)
mati -- his intelligence (S4/13/10)
mati -- his mentality (S5/4/4)
mati -- his mind (S3/32/3)
mati -- whose attention (S6/9/48)
mati -- whose consciousness (S5/26/9)
mati -- whose consciousness (S4/28/55)
mati -- whose mind (S5/10/5)
mati -- whose mind (is absorbed) (S5/3/4)
mati -- identification (S3/31/20)
mati -- inclination (S7/5/28)
mati -- inclination (S7/5/29)
mati -- inclination (S7/5/30)
mati -- intelligence (S1/6/23)
mati -- intelligence (S4/9/32)
mati -- intelligence (S7/10/8)
mati -- intelligence (S5/18/9)
mati -- intelligence (S4/22/18)
mati -- intelligence (S1/6/24)
mati -- intelligence (S4/6/49)
mati mama -- my opinion (B/18/78)
mati -- mind (S1/15/28)
mati -- mind (S1/7/11)
mati -- opinion (S7/1/27)
mati -- opinion (S8/16/21)
mati -- opinion (S8/17/16)
mati -- opinion (B/6/36)
mati -- opinion (B/18/70)
mati -- such discrimination (S7/9/27)
mati te -- your consciousness (S9/3/21)
mati -- the consciousness (S7/5/32)
mati -- the mind (S6/18/30)
mati -- the mind (S4/4/19)

mati -- thinking, feeling and willing (S1/9/32)

mati viaye -- great attraction for material things (S9/6/52)
matim cakra -- concentrated his mind (S6/1/27)
matim -- concentration of the mind (S2/4/1)
matim -- consciousness (S4/29/46)
matim -- desire (S1/15/32)
matim -- His mind (S4/20/34)
matim -- intelligence (S7/5/13)
matim -- intelligence (S4/7/57)
matim -- meditation (S5/12/13)
matim -- the attitude (S6/2/38)
matim -- thought (S3/31/30)
mati-vimoham -- bewilderment of the mind (S2/7/37)
mati-vttaya -- mental concoction (S4/22/14)
mat-h -- endeavoring to attain Me (S3/25/34)
matnm -- of those having intelligence (S6/9/37)
mat-janatm -- My associates (S1/6/23)
mat-kalm -- My expanded part (S8/4/17)
mat-karma -- My work (B/12/10)
mat-karmabhi -- by working for Me (S5/5/10)
mat-karma-kt -- engaged in doing My work (B/11/55)
mat-kathay -- by hearing topics about Me (S5/5/10)
mat-kath -- words regarding My activities (S3/9/38)
mat-kath -- stories about Me (S3/27/6)
mat-kta-tmanm -- of persons who are fully surrendered, determined to render
service unto Me (S10/10/41)
mat-kte -- for My sake (S3/25/22)
mat-ketrt -- from the womb meant for me to impregnate (S9/14/9)
matkua -- bugs (S3/31/27)
matkua -- worms (S5/26/17)
mat-loka-kma -- desiring to go to My abode (S5/5/15)
mat-mahim -- My transcendental glories (S3/4/13)
mat-man -- always thinking of Me (B/9/34)
mat-man -- thinking of Me (B/18/65)
mat-may -- fully in Me (B/4/10)
mat-mym -- My maya (S3/31/41)
mat-my-mohita-itare -- different from those who were mystified by my illusory
potency (S10/13/42)
mat-niha -- directed towards Me (S3/32/32)
mat-para -- in relationship with Me (B/2/61)
mat-para -- just for the sake of My work (S7/10/23)
mat-para -- My devotee (S5/5/21)
mat-para -- My devotee (S4/7/53)
mat-para -- My pure devotee (S8/22/27)
mat-para -- under My protection (B/18/57)
mat-param -- subordinate to Me (B/13/13)
mat-parama -- considering Me the Supreme (B/11/55)
mat-paramau -- accepting Me as the supreme destination of life (S10/10/42)
mat-param -- taking Me, the Supreme Lord, as everything (B/12/20)
mat-paray -- whose object is Me (S6/4/43)

mat-par -- always devoted to me (S4/28/19)

mat-par -- being attached to Me (B/12/6)
mat-par -- My devotees (S3/25/38)
mat-parn -- My devotees (S6/9/55)
mat-paryaa -- devoted to Me (B/9/34)
mat-paryaasya -- of one who is so dependent upon me (S5/8/9)
mat-pda-sev -- the service of My lotus feet (S3/25/34)
mat-pramukh -- coming from the total cosmos, the mahat-tattva (S3/5/51)
mat-pratam -- educated by me (S7/5/28)
mat-prasdt -- by My mercy (B/18/56)
mat-prasdt -- by My mercy (B/18/58)
mat-prasdena -- by My causeless mercy (S3/27/28)
mat-prasdena -- by my mercy (S10/10/20)
mat-pratijm -- my own promise (S1/9/37)
mat-pra-rakaam -- saving my life (S7/9/29)
mat-prptaye -- to obtain my mercy (S5/18/22)
mat-racana -- My activities of creation and so on (S3/25/26)
mat-ripo -- of my enemy (S8/15/27)
mat-sadam -- exactly like Me (S10/3/40)
mat-sasthm -- the spiritual sky (the kingdom of God) (B/6/15)
matsara -- envious (S1/18/29)
matsara -- intolerance (S7/15/43)
matsara-jvar -- who are suffering from the fever of envy (S5/18/27)
matsar -- being envious (S4/14/28)
matsart -- from envy (S4/2/9)
mat-satra-parieitam -- the remnants of the sacrifice executed on my behalf
mat-sevay -- by being engaged fully in My transcendental loving service (S9/4/67)
mat-sevay -- by rendering service unto Me (S3/31/39)
mat-siddhi-kmena -- with a desire to achieve My association (S3/4/11)
mat-sthnam -- my place (S9/23/35)
mat-sthnam -- to My abode (S4/9/25)
mat-sthni -- in Me (B/9/4)
mat-sthni -- situated in Me (B/9/6)
mat-sthni -- situated in Me (B/9/5)
mat-stotram -- prayers for Me (S3/9/38)
matsu -- consisting of (S5/5/3)
mat-suhdo -- of my brother and sister (S10/12/15)
matsya -- Matsya (S9/22/6)
matsya -- of the fish (S8/2/14)
matsya -- the fish incarnation (S10/2/40)
matsya -- the King of Dvarbhanga (S2/7/34)
matsya -- the Matsya incarnation (S8/4/17)
matsya-di -- incarnation as a fish, etc (S1/15/35)
matsya -- a big fish (S8/24/44)
matsya -- incarnation of the fish (S2/7/12)
matsya -- the fish target (S1/15/7)
matsyam -- the fish (S8/24/23)
matsya-mrti -- the Supreme Lord in the form of a great fish (S6/8/13)
matsya-rpea -- by Him in the form of a fish (S8/24/4)

matsya-rpea -- in the form of a fish (S8/24/25)

matsya-rpia -- who had assumed the form of a fish (S8/24/40)
matsya-rp -- who had assumed the form of a fish (S8/24/54)
matsya-sagt -- by associating with the fish (S9/6/52)
matsya-sut-daya -- the daughter of a fisherman (Satyavati, Bhismas stepmother)
matsya-vapu -- the Lord, who had assumed the form of a fish (S8/24/31)
matsya-vapu-dharam -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had assumed the
form of a fish (S8/24/15)
matsyn -- the kingdom of Matsya (S3/1/24)
matsyn -- the province Matsya (S1/10/34)
matsynm -- of the fish (S9/13/10)
mat-sana -- from my ruling (S7/8/5)
mat-sana-atiga -- surpassing the jurisdiction of my administration (S8/20/15)
mat-la -- by my trident (S6/11/14)
mat-la -- by my trident (S6/11/16)
matta -- a drunkard (S5/10/13)
matta -- drunken (S8/8/15)
matta -- intoxicated (S3/28/15)
matta -- intoxicated (S3/15/28)
matta -- intoxicated (S3/33/18)
matta -- intoxicated (S8/2/14)
matta -- intoxicated (S3/21/41)
matta -- mad (S8/15/12)
matta -- mad (S4/24/22)
matta -- mad (S4/9/63)
matta -- maddened (S3/21/41)
matta -- merry (S3/21/41)
matta -- overjoyed (S3/21/41)
matta -- beyond Me (B/7/7)
matta -- beyond myself (S2/5/10)
matta -- crazy (S4/2/14)
matta -- from Me (B/10/8)
matta -- from me (S4/12/7)
matta -- from Me (B/7/12)
matta -- from Me (S5/5/25)
matta -- from Me (B/10/4)
matta -- from Me (B/15/15)
matta -- from Me (S10/3/34)
matta -- from me (S7/10/27)
matta -- from me (Yamaraja) and my order carriers (S6/3/18)
matta -- in wrath (S3/17/24)
matta -- mad (S4/9/11)
matta -- proud like a madman (S7/15/70)
matta -- than Me (S6/9/48)
matta -- than me (S4/14/28)
matta-jana-priya -- very dear to the crazy beings (S4/2/14)
mattam -- careless (S1/7/36)
mattam -- intoxicated (S7/4/13)
mattasya -- of one who is mad (S6/5/16)

mattasya -- of the illusioned (S1/17/10)

mattay -- intoxicated (S6/1/58)
mattayo -- of these two drunken persons (S10/10/19)
matt -- mad (S3/17/11)
matt -- mad (S4/10/26)
mattm -- very opulent (S9/11/26)
mat-teja -- by My strength (S6/9/54)
mat-upasthna-vidyay -- by the highly advanced knowledge and prayers offered unto
Me (S6/9/47)
mat-vaca -- my words (S4/3/25)
mat-vadha-artham -- for the purpose of killing me (S1/9/38)
mat-vayunam -- knowledge of Me (the Personality of Godhead) (S3/4/31)
matv -- accepting the milk like that (S10/13/22)
matv -- considering (S9/20/39)
matv -- considering (S10/9/13)
matv -- considering (S10/11/20)
matv -- knowing (B/10/8)
matv -- thinking (S9/15/9)
matv -- thinking (B/3/28)
matv -- thinking (B/11/41)
matv -- thinking (S9/18/10)
matv -- thinking (S7/1/37)
matv -- thinking (S4/10/9)
matv -- thinking (S4/13/11)
matv -- thinking like that (S8/9/19)
matv -- thinking like that (S9/15/5)
matv -- thinking of (S10/1/65)
matv -- thinking to be (S3/20/37)
matv -- thought it (S10/12/18)
mat-vrt -- in topics about Me (S4/30/19)
mat-vidha -- a person like me (S6/7/35)
mat-vidh -- exactly resembling my behavior (S9/19/2)
mat-vyapraya -- under My protection (B/18/56)
mat-yj -- My worshiper (B/18/65)
maudgalya -- Maudgalya (S9/21/31)
mauhyt -- because of ignorance (S3/29/22)
mauhyt -- by foolishness (S4/9/35)
maughya -- on account of the frustration (S10/13/32)
mauhrtika -- moment (S3/18/27)
mauhrtik -- Mauhurtikas (S6/6/9)
mauhrtikt -- in terms of the moment (S3/14/38)
mauhrtikt -- momentary (S5/13/22)
mauktikai -- with pearls (S4/21/1)
maule -- activities (S3/6/37)
maule -- of the Lord (S3/5/7)
mauli -- garlands (S1/3/4)
mauli -- heads (S2/9/12)
maulinam -- helmet (S1/12/8)
maulin -- by the head of all living entities (S4/12/27)
mauna -- of silence (S5/5/29)

mauna -- silence (S4/21/42)

mauna -- silence (S7/9/46)
maunam -- being grave and silent (S7/11/8)
maunam -- gravity (B/17/16)
maunam -- gravity (S3/31/33)
maunam -- silence (S3/28/5)
maunam -- silence (B/10/38)
maunam -- silence (S3/24/42)
maunam -- silently (S7/9/44)
mauna-vrata -- the vow of silence (not talking with anyone) (S8/4/8)
maunena -- by samadhi, deep meditation (S7/10/50)
maunena -- by silence (S7/15/77)
maunena -- by silence (S3/27/7)
maunena -- by silence (S7/15/23)
maunena -- with gravity (S6/16/16)
maun -- silent (B/12/18)
maujy -- made of munja straw (S8/18/24)
maurv-gua -- of the bowstring (S5/1/29)
maurvy -- iron (S3/17/26)
maya -- O Maya (S6/10/31)
maya ca -- and Maya (S8/10/19)
maya -- full of (B/17/3)
maya -- full of (S2/9/39)
maya -- made of (S1/2/24)
maya -- made of (S3/31/44)
maya -- Maya (S5/24/28)
maya -- Maya Danava (S7/10/59)
maya -- the great demon Maya Danava (S7/10/52)
mayai -- made of (S4/6/10)
mayai -- made of (S3/15/20)
maya-kt -- built by Maya (S1/15/8)
mayam -- consisting (S5/26/38)
mayam -- fully engaged in (S3/33/29)
mayam -- made (S3/22/31)
mayam -- pervaded by (S3/33/2)
mayam -- sum total (S3/10/17)
mayam -- the demon named Maya (S4/18/20)
mayam -- unto Maya Danava (S7/10/53)
maya-nirmitam -- made by the demon Maya (S8/10/16)
maya-putra asura -- the demon son of Maya (S5/24/16)
maya-snun -- by the son of Maya (S2/7/31)
may -- by Me (S8/21/31)
may -- by me (S6/7/11)
may -- by Me (S3/9/29)
may -- by me (S9/4/62)
may -- by Me (S8/12/15)
may -- by me (S8/13/7)
may -- by me (S8/23/28)
may -- by me (S8/4/14)
may -- by Me (S8/6/22)

may -- by me (S8/11/36)
may -- by me (S8/20/13)
may -- by Me (S8/24/33)
may -- by me (S9/3/7)
may -- by me (S8/19/12)
may -- by me (S8/16/58)
may -- by me (S8/11/38)
may -- by Me (S8/22/29)
may -- by me (S8/12/12)
may -- by Me (S3/24/37)
may -- by me (B/11/41)
may -- by Me (S6/16/52)
may -- by Me (B/10/40)
may -- by Me (B/11/47)
may -- by me (B/18/73)
may -- by Me (B/9/4)
may -- by Me (B/9/10)
may -- by me (S6/18/73)
may -- by me (S1/15/7)
may -- by Me (S1/7/53)
may -- by Me (B/4/3)
may -- by me (B/11/2)
may -- by me (S1/19/1)
may -- by me (B/10/17)
may -- by me (B/16/13)
may -- by Me (B/11/33)
may -- by Me (B/18/63)
may -- by Me (B/7/22)
may -- by Me (B/15/20)
may -- by Me (B/11/34)
may -- by Me (B/3/3)
may -- by me (B/11/4)
may -- by me (B/16/13)
may -- by me (S1/4/28)
may -- by me (S1/18/9)
may -- by Me (S3/24/35)
may -- by me (S7/9/23)
may -- by me (S3/22/11)
may -- by Me (S3/26/15)
may -- by Me (S3/24/38)
may -- by Me (S3/4/13)
may -- by me (S2/6/27)
may -- by Me (S3/16/26)
may -- by Me (S3/24/35)
may -- by me (S3/19/32)
may -- by Me (S3/9/33)
may -- by Me (S2/9/23)
may -- by me (B/1/21)
may -- by me (S10/4/21)
may -- by me (S2/10/35)

may -- by me (S7/13/45)
may -- by me (S7/6/28)
may -- by me (S10/4/15)
may -- by me (S10/8/7)
may -- by me (S2/7/4)
may -- by me (S2/1/38)
may -- by Me (S2/9/31)
may -- by me (S2/10/33)
may -- by Me (B/4/13)
may -- by Me (S3/29/35)
may -- by Me (S4/28/61)
may -- by me (S4/8/11)
may -- by me (S4/1/28)
may -- by me (S4/29/85)
may -- by me (S4/9/34)
may -- by me (S4/7/15)
may -- by me (S4/13/30)
may -- by me (S4/12/52)
may -- by me (S4/25/37)
may -- by me (S4/2/16)
may -- by Me (S4/20/33)
may -- by me (S4/24/79)
may -- by me (S6/2/28)
may -- by me (S6/7/11)
may -- by me (S4/8/5)
may -- by me (S4/27/28)
may -- by me (S4/18/6)
may -- by me (S5/8/9)
may -- by Me (S4/20/13)
may -- by me (S5/26/40)
may -- by me (S4/7/2)
may -- by my (S1/15/14)
may -- with Me (S8/12/40)
may -- with me (S9/14/39)
may -- me (B/16/13)
may -- me (S10/4/12)
may -- me (S3/12/17)
may -- Me (B/10/39)
may -- me (S5/18/28)
may sada -- like Me (S5/3/17)
may saha -- with me (S5/2/15)
may saha -- with me (S6/18/21)
may skam -- with me (S9/14/19)
may upadiam -- indicated by me (S4/27/23)
may upalabdha -- being scolded by me (S5/8/22)
may -- predominating (S2/10/31)
mayni -- predominating (S3/5/31)
maye -- all-pervading (S7/13/4)
maye -- bedecked with (S4/9/60)
mayena -- by a demon named Maya (S7/10/51)

mayena -- by the demon named Maya (S5/24/9)

mayena -- with Maya (S8/10/29)
mayena -- made by the great scientist Maya (S2/7/37)
mayi api -- unto me also (S3/14/44)
mayi -- are in Me (B/9/29)
mayi -- as I (S3/16/30)
mayi -- at me (S6/11/19)
mayi -- devoted to Me (S1/6/24)
mayi -- when 1 (S6/9/48)
mayi -- when 1 (S4/28/21)
mayi -- when I (S4/28/19)
mayi -- when I (S4/28/19)
mayi -- when I (S8/16/8)
mayi -- while I am living (S1/17/9)
mayi -- I am (S4/25/35)
mayi -- in Me (S4/20/8)
mayi -- in Me (S6/16/52)
mayi -- in Me (S6/4/48)
mayi -- in Me (S3/9/35)
mayi -- in Me (S3/9/31)
mayi -- in Me (S3/25/44)
mayi -- in Me (S3/9/43)
mayi -- in Me (S3/16/11)
mayi -- in me (S4/17/35)
mayi -- in Me (S3/21/31)
mayi -- in Me (S6/4/43)
mayi -- in me (S1/5/27)
mayi -- in Me (B/7/12)
mayi -- in Me (B/6/31)
mayi -- in Me (B/4/35)
mayi -- in Me (B/12/8)
mayi -- in Me (S6/9/48)
mayi -- in Me (B/7/7)
mayi -- in me (S5/8/9)
mayi -- in Me (B/6/30)
mayi -- in me, in my water (S9/9/5)
mayi -- in my (womb) (S10/3/29)
mayi -- within me (S4/18/8)
mayi -- of Myself (S3/4/30)
mayi -- on me (S1/6/28)
mayi -- on Me (S3/27/26)
mayi -- on Me (S3/21/24)
mayi -- on My (S3/3/15)
mayi -- to Me (S3/16/8)
mayi -- to Me (S3/24/38)
mayi -- to Me (S3/29/8)
mayi -- to Me (B/7/1)
mayi -- towards Me (S3/29/11)
mayi -- unto me (S3/14/11)
mayi -- unto me (S2/9/28)

mayi -- unto Me (S3/29/33)

mayi -- unto Me (S3/21/30)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/29/33)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/16/31)
mayi -- unto Me (S5/5/25)
mayi -- unto Me (S6/9/47)
mayi -- unto Me (S5/5/6)
mayi -- unto Me (S9/4/66)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/25/27)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/25/22)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/9/42)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/29/33)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/27/21)
mayi -- unto Me (S3/27/6)
mayi -- unto me (S1/5/24)
mayi -- unto Me (S4/20/32)
mayi -- unto Me (S1/6/23)
mayi -- unto me (S4/7/13)
mayi -- unto Me (S10/10/42)
mayi -- unto Me (S5/5/3)
mayi -- unto me (S7/10/15)
mayi -- unto Me (B/3/30)
mayi -- unto Me (S7/10/11)
mayi -- unto Me (S7/10/23)
mayi -- unto me (S1/13/33)
mayi -- unto Me (S8/9/9)
mayi -- unto Me (B/18/68)
mayi -- unto Me (S4/8/82)
mayi -- unto Me (S4/30/18)
mayi -- unto Me (B/8/7)
mayi -- unto me (S4/15/22)
mayi -- unto me (S4/27/22)
mayi -- unto Me (S4/20/32)
mayi -- unto Me (B/12/6)
mayi -- unto Me (S4/20/12)
mayi -- unto Me (B/18/57)
mayi -- unto Me (B/13/8)
mayi -- unto me (S1/6/6)
mayi -- unto Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/5/10)
mayi -- unto Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S7/4/27)
mayi -- upon Me (B/12/13)
mayi -- upon Me (B/12/6)
mayi -- upon Me (B/12/8)
mayi -- upon Me (B/12/9)
mayi -- upon Me (B/12/8)
mayi -- upon Me (B/12/2)
maym -- consisting of (S3/31/13)
maykha -- from the light (S3/28/25)
maykha -- rays (S3/8/26)
maykha-sandoh -- beams of light (S7/10/58)

mayra -- peacocks (S4/6/12)

mayym -- drowned in (S1/3/15)
m abht -- never be (S10/2/41)
m anuoca -- do not be aggrieved (S10/4/21)
m -- are not (S4/4/21)
m bhaia -- do not be afraid (S4/8/82)
m bhaia -- do not fear (S6/18/64)
m bht -- do not do it (S9/13/8)
m bht -- may not be (S6/4/29)
m ciram -- do not wait even a moment (S9/4/69)
m ciram -- without delay (S6/9/51)
m ciram -- without delay (S9/6/6)
m ciram -- without delay (S10/11/29)
m -- do not (B/16/5)
m -- do not (S7/2/60)
m -- do not (S7/10/57)
m -- do not (S7/10/30)
m -- do not (S3/9/29)
m -- do not (S7/2/4)
m -- do not (S3/18/24)
m -- do not (S3/20/21)
m -- do not (S3/12/9)
m -- do not (S3/20/20)
m -- do not (S7/4/25)
m -- do not (S7/5/9)
m -- do not (S7/5/28)
m -- do not (B/18/66)
m -- do not (S10/4/12)
m -- do not (S6/11/19)
m -- do not (S6/2/13)
m -- do not (speak) (S6/18/70)
m -- do not (S4/14/16)
m -- do not (S8/1/10)
m -- do not (S4/8/68)
m -- do not (S4/8/68)
m -- do not (S4/19/34)
m -- do not (S10/1/21)
m -- do not (S8/21/19)
m -- do not (S6/3/10)
m -- do not (S9/20/21)
m -- do not (S1/17/9)
m -- do not (B/11/34)
m -- do not (I/1)
m -- do not (S1/7/47)
m -- do not (S1/8/16)
m -- do not (S9/4/2)
m -- do not (S9/14/36)
m -- do not (S1/17/9)
m enam -- never unto him (S1/7/35)
m eva -- never like that (S1/13/56)

m evam syt -- thus it should not have been (S9/1/17)

m -- from me (S2/9/43)
m -- from Me (S2/9/21)
m -- whether or not (S4/8/66)
m -- without (S4/30/15)
m khida -- do not be disappointed (S3/24/2)
m khidyata -- do not be aggrieved (S8/8/37)
m -- let it not be (B/11/49)
m -- let it not be (B/11/49)
m -- let there not be (S4/8/17)
m -- let there not be (S3/16/29)
m -- may it never be (S2/9/30)
m -- may not (S9/18/20)
m -- may not (S3/9/24)
m -- me (S1/19/15)
m -- me (S7/9/40)
m -- me (S4/25/30)
m -- me (S8/20/13)
m -- Me (S3/9/39)
m -- me (S6/8/15)
m -- me (S5/8/9)
m -- me (S4/7/29)
m -- my (S1/16/20)
m -- never (S4/9/10)
m -- never (S4/15/22)
m -- never (S1/13/41)
m -- never (S4/29/47)
m -- never (B/2/47)
m -- never (B/2/47)
m -- never (B/2/47)
m -- never be it so (S3/14/42)
m -- never do it (S4/21/37)
m -- never to be (S1/17/12)
m -- not (S3/15/36)
m -- not (S4/6/47)
m -- not (S7/2/20)
m -- not (S1/8/10)
m -- not (S1/6/21)
m -- not (S3/31/21)
m -- not (S10/3/28)
m -- not (S6/9/11)
m -- not (S9/15/11)
m -- not (S10/4/4)
m -- not (S7/3/35)
m -- not (S5/1/11)
m -- not (S5/18/10)
m -- please do not (S7/10/2)
m praihitam -- myself being situated (S1/15/16)
m rod -- do not cry (S9/6/31)
m rod -- do not cry (S6/18/62)

m sma bhai -- do not be afraid (S6/13/6)

m sma -- do not (B/2/3)
m sma -- do not allow it (S9/14/36)
m ocatam -- kindly do not be aggrieved (for what happened in the past)
m -- to me (S4/3/14)
m -- to me (S9/4/61)
m -- unto me (S8/3/6)
m -- unto me (S3/13/29)
m -- unto me (S3/5/21)
m -- unto me (S3/13/9)
m -- unto me (S4/28/20)
m -- us (S7/15/10)
m vidyt -- may be unable to understand (S10/3/29)
m viramata -- do not stop (S10/13/13)
mdayante -- take pleasure (S5/2/22)
mdhava -- O Krsna, husband of the goddess of fortune (B/1/36)
mdhava -- O Lord, husband of the goddess of fortune (S10/2/33)
mdhava -- O master of all energies (S2/9/28)
mdhava -- Krsna (the husband of the goddess of fortune) (B/1/14)
mdhava -- Lord Krsna (S10/13/23)
mdhava -- Lord Madhava (S10/6/25)
mdhava -- Lord Sri Krsna (S1/8/3)
mdhava -- named Madhava (S6/8/21)
mdhavasya -- of Madhava (Krsna) (S1/15/18)
mdhav -- the dynasty beginning from Madhu (S9/23/30)
mdhav -- madhavis (S8/2/14)
mdhav -- the name Madhavi (S10/2/11)
mdhavbhi -- with madhavis (S4/6/16)
mdhavnm -- of the madhavi flowers (S3/15/17)
mdhurya -- attractiveness (S7/15/70)
mdhvy -- by drinking liquor (S10/10/19)
mdhvy -- by sweet (S3/9/25)
mdrym -- in the womb of Madri (S9/22/27)
mdk -- a person like me (S5/10/25)
mdk -- like me (S8/3/17)
mda -- exactly like Me (S10/3/37)
mda -- such as me (S7/14/1)
m-dm -- of those like me (S6/15/11)
md -- like me (S4/25/41)
mdyan -- being intoxicated (S5/25/7)
mdyan -- taking pleasure in (S1/6/38)
mdyat -- maddened (S8/8/24)
mdyati -- intoxicated (S5/15/12)
mgadha -- experts in reciting the histories of special royal families (S10/5/5)
mgadha -- Magadha (S8/13/34)
mgadha -- professional genealogists (S1/11/20)
mgadha -- the King of Magadha (Jarasandha) (S3/3/10)
mgadha -- a professional bard (S4/15/20)
mgadha-rjna -- the kings in the Magadha dynasty (S9/22/44)

mgadha-saraya -- under the protection of Jarasandha, the King of Magadha

mghe -- in the month of Magha (January-February) (S7/14/20)
mhtmya -- glorification of the name, fame, etc (S6/2/24)
mhtmya -- glorious acts (S1/16/13)
mhtmya -- greatness (S4/23/38)
mhtmya -- of glories (S4/16/10)
mhtmya -- the greatness (S8/12/36)
mhtmyam -- containing glory (S6/17/40)
mhtmyam -- glories (B/11/2)
mhtmyam -- glories (S9/7/23)
mhtmyam -- whose glories (S8/3/29)
mhtmyam -- the exalted position (S6/3/23)
mhtmyam -- the glories (S7/1/4)
mhtmyam -- the greatness (S6/17/27)
mhtmyam -- the greatness (S7/4/36)
mhtmye -- unfathomable ability and glories (S6/9/36)
mhimatm -- to the capital of Kartaviryarjuna (S9/15/26)
mhimatm -- to the place known as Mahismati (S9/16/17)
mhimatym -- in the city known as Mahismati (S9/15/22)
ml -- garland (S4/24/47)
mlbhi -- by garlands (S4/21/3)
mlm -- a garland (S8/15/6)
mlm -- garland (S8/4/17)
mlm -- with a flower garland (S8/8/41)
mlm -- the garland (S3/28/28)
mlina -- being decorated with garlands (S10/5/7)
mlina -- with garlands (S2/9/12)
mlini -- chain of (S3/9/20)
mlin -- containing rows (S4/6/31)
ml suml -- two demons named Mali and Sumali (S8/10/57)
mlya -- flowers (S4/6/28)
mlya -- garlands (S5/9/15)
mlya -- garlands (B/11/10)
mlya -- garlands (S3/14/28)
mlya-dpakai -- with flower garlands and lamps (S8/9/16)
mlyai -- by garlands (S4/8/55)
mlyai -- with flower garlands (S8/11/40)
mlyai kiranta -- offering Him garlands (S9/10/41)
mlyakai -- and with garlands (S9/6/45)
mlyavad-gandha-mdanau -- the demarcation mountains of Malyavan on the west
and Gandhamadana on the east (S5/16/10)
mlya-var -- a shower of flower garlands (S10/5/11)
mlyavat-ikhart -- from the top of Malyavan Mountain (S5/17/7)
mlyavn -- Malyavan (S8/10/57)
mm -- about Me (B/9/14)
mm -- about Me (B/10/9)
mm anu -- as my follower or servant (S9/18/28)
mm -- at me (S6/12/16)
mm -- attains me (S4/24/29)

mm ca -- Me also (S7/10/14)
mm ca -- unto Me also (S8/22/24)
mm dht -- just drink me (S9/6/31)
mm -- from me (S1/16/25)
mm -- from Me (S3/9/29)
mm -- from me (S8/12/44)
mm -- in Me (B/4/10)
mm -- in Me (B/7/18)
mm iti -- exactly like me, or me factually (S9/14/42)
mm -- M e (B/8/7)
mm -- me (S6/18/78)
mm -- me (S4/7/15)
mm -- Me (S6/16/55)
mm -- me (S6/8/20)
mm -- me (S6/17/39)
mm -- me (S6/8/21)
mm -- me (S6/2/30)
mm -- Me (S8/22/35)
mm -- me (S1/8/10)
mm -- Me (S4/9/24)
mm -- me (S1/13/45)
mm -- me (S1/14/13)
mm -- me (S4/18/11)
mm -- me (S9/9/32)
mm -- me (S4/17/21)
mm -- Me (S4/20/9)
mm -- me (S1/8/31)
mm -- me (S1/8/10)
mm -- me (Vasistha) (S9/13/2)
mm -- me (S9/16/35)
mm -- me (S9/18/42)
mm -- me (S9/14/34)
mm -- Me (S1/6/21)
mm -- me (S4/3/24)
mm -- me (S1/17/27)
mm -- me (S6/14/56)
mm -- me (S6/8/13)
mm -- me (S8/8/22)
mm -- Me (B/10/3)
mm -- me (S6/8/16)
mm -- Me (B/4/14)
mm -- Me (S8/4/17)
mm -- Me (B/9/3)
mm -- Me (S8/24/24)
mm -- Me (B/12/3)
mm -- Me (B/9/14)
mm -- Me (B/10/24)
mm -- me (S8/20/12)
mm -- Me (B/7/25)
mm -- Me (S8/24/22)

mm -- Me (S8/17/19)
mm -- Me (S4/9/24)
mm -- Me (B/7/26)
mm -- Me (B/16/18)
mm -- Me (S4/28/52)
mm -- me (S4/14/28)
mm -- me (S6/8/17)
mm -- me (S8/2/32)
mm -- Me (S4/28/53)
mm -- Me (S8/24/24)
mm -- me (S4/17/24)
mm -- me (S8/19/19)
mm -- me (S4/26/16)
mm -- me (S6/8/17)
mm -- me (S8/24/14)
mm -- me (S4/17/31)
mm -- Me (S4/28/55)
mm -- me (S4/17/18)
mm -- me (S4/17/34)
mm -- me (S4/17/30)
mm -- me (S4/8/18)
mm -- me (S4/17/35)
mm -- me (S4/27/26)
mm -- Me (B/4/14)
mm -- me (S1/16/32)
mm -- Me (B/15/19)
mm -- me (B/1/45)
mm -- Me (B/7/13)
mm -- Me (S3/9/36)
mm -- Me (S3/4/12)
mm -- Me (B/9/24)
mm -- Me (B/6/31)
mm -- me (S3/20/21)
mm -- Me (Krsna) (B/8/14)
mm -- me (B/2/7)
mm -- Me (B/9/23)
mm -- Me (S3/29/27)
mm -- Me (S3/29/22)
mm -- Me (B/9/20)
mm -- Me (S3/16/3)
mm -- Me (S3/16/2)
mm -- Me (S5/5/19)
mm -- me (S5/8/9)
mm -- Me (S3/25/39)
mm -- Me (Lord Krsna) (B/5/29)
mm -- me (S5/18/23)
mm -- me (S5/2/16)
mm -- me (S5/18/22)
mm -- me (S5/12/15)
mm -- Me (S3/16/7)

mm -- Me (S3/29/19)
mm -- Me (B/7/1)
mm -- Me (B/7/24)
mm -- me (the earth) (S5/18/39)
mm -- Me (S3/9/40)
mm -- Me (S3/29/21)
mm -- Me (B/7/30)
mm -- Me (B/7/3)
mm -- Me (Krsna) (B/8/13)
mm -- Me (B/17/5)
mm -- Me (B/10/27)
mm -- Me (B/7/10)
mm -- me (B/3/1)
mm -- Me (B/11/53)
mm -- Me (B/16/20)
mm -- Me (B/9/15)
mm -- Me (B/4/13)
mm -- Me (B/6/30)
mm -- Me (B/13/3)
mm -- Me (B/11/8)
mm -- Me (B/7/29)
mm -- Me (S7/10/12)
mm -- me (S3/20/26)
mm -- Me (B/12/9)
mm -- Me (S3/21/31)
mm -- Me (S3/24/39)
mm -- Me (S3/29/9)
mm -- Me (S3/9/32)
mm -- Me (B/8/5)
mm -- Me (S3/29/25)
mm -- Me (S3/9/31)
mm -- Me (B/7/30)
mm -- Me (B/9/9)
mm -- Me (B/9/11)
mm -- Me (B/12/2)
mm -- Me (B/8/15)
mm -- me (S5/10/7)
mm -- me (S7/5/26)
mm -- me (S7/2/53)
mm -- Me (B/18/55)
mm -- Me (S7/9/53)
mm -- me (S7/10/2)
mm -- me (S7/7/16)
mm -- me (S3/20/26)
mm -- Me (B/18/55)
mm -- Me (S7/9/54)
mm -- me (S7/2/54)
mm -- me (S7/9/24)
mm -- me (S7/7/15)
mm -- Me (S7/9/53)

mm -- My direction (S4/30/15)
mm -- of Me (B/9/32)
mm -- of myself (S2/5/10)
mm -- on Me (B/9/22)
mm -- to me (S3/2/16)
mm -- to Me (S3/21/30)
mm -- to Me (the Supreme Lord) (B/6/47)
mm -- to me (S5/8/20)
mm -- to Me (B/7/28)
mm -- to Me (B/7/23)
mm -- to Me (B/9/28)
mm -- toward Me (B/18/67)
mm -- unto M e (B/8/7)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/13)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/34)
mm -- unto me (S7/10/41)
mm -- unto Me (B/7/19)
mm -- unto Me (B/7/14)
mm -- unto me (S2/5/12)
mm -- unto Me (S7/10/13)
mm -- unto me (S9/7/10)
mm -- unto Me (B/14/26)
mm -- unto Me (S8/23/10)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/33)
mm -- unto Me (B/4/9)
mm -- unto Me (S9/4/66)
mm -- unto me (S10/1/13)
mm -- unto me (S2/4/3)
mm -- unto Me (B/7/16)
mm -- unto Me (B/7/15)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/30)
mm -- unto me (S4/27/21)
mm -- unto Me (S10/3/45)
mm -- unto me (S9/4/39)
mm -- unto Me (B/10/10)
mm -- unto me (B/10/14)
mm -- unto me (S9/4/45)
mm -- unto me (S9/4/52)
mm -- unto Me (S9/4/65)
mm -- unto Me (S4/30/10)
mm -- unto Me (B/8/16)
mm -- unto Me (B/15/19)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/34)
mm -- unto Me (S3/33/11)
mm -- unto Me (S3/24/38)
mm -- unto me (S3/14/10)
mm -- unto me (S3/4/17)
mm -- unto Me (S3/29/23)
mm -- unto me (S5/1/37)
mm -- unto me (S4/31/25)

mm -- unto me (S1/15/17)
mm -- unto me (S1/6/20)
mm -- unto me (S1/14/12)
mm -- unto Me (S3/25/27)
mm -- unto me (S3/14/22)
mm -- unto me (S5/8/21)
mm -- unto me (S3/4/10)
mm -- unto me (S8/3/4)
mm -- unto me (S6/14/25)
mm -- unto Me (B/4/11)
mm -- unto Me (S8/4/25)
mm -- unto Me (B/18/65)
mm -- unto Me (B/18/66)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/29)
mm -- unto Me (B/18/65)
mm -- unto me (S8/19/20)
mm -- unto Me (B/11/55)
mm -- unto me (S6/18/40)
mm -- unto me (S5/8/25)
mm -- unto Me (B/18/68)
mm -- unto Me (B/10/8)
mm -- unto Me (B/9/25)
mm -- upon Me (B/12/6)
mmakai -- even by my relatives (S10/8/10)
mmakam -- from Me (B/15/12)
mmakam -- my (S3/24/4)
mmakam -- of Me (S10/2/8)
mmak -- having a relationship with me (S4/21/36)
mmak -- my party (sons) (B/1/1)
mmateyam -- the great sage Bhrgu (S9/20/24)
mmikm -- My (B/9/7)
msa -- flesh (S5/26/22)
msa -- flesh (S2/10/31)
msa -- the flesh (S7/3/15)
msa-dm -- to those who see with their material eyes (S10/3/28)
msam -- flesh (S9/6/6)
mst -- from the flesh (S3/12/45)
mna -- and false prestige (B/16/10)
mna -- engaged (S4/23/20)
mna -- false prestige (B/15/5)
mna -- false prestige (S10/7/13)
mna -- honor (B/17/18)
mna -- in honor (B/14/22)
mna -- in honor (B/6/7)
mna -- in honor (B/12/18)
mna -- with measurements (S5/20/38)
mna -- measurements (S5/16/4)
mna -- of false prestige (S8/22/27)
mna -- of pride (S5/12/2)
mna -- pride (S7/4/31)

mna -- the honor (S3/24/30)

mna-rha -- being influenced by false prestige (S4/26/8)
mna-bhagam -- hurting the prestige (S4/8/26)
mnada -- measured (S3/11/10)
mna-da -- O Kardama (one who offers honor to others) (S3/24/12)
mna-da -- O King Pariksit, who give respect to everyone (S6/18/56)
mna-da -- O one who gives all honor to a guest or visitor (S9/14/21)
mna-da -- O very respectful one (S4/25/35)
mna-da -- one who gives respect to all (S4/16/16)
mna-d -- the respectful girls (S3/23/28)
mna-dy -- who are respectful (S3/23/6)
mna -- adoration (S4/12/47)
mna -- false prestige (S7/15/43)
mna -- honor (S3/22/13)
mna -- material prosperity (S4/9/35)
mna -- nah--pride (S3/19/12)
mna -- worthy of being worshiped (S1/16/26)
mnam -- honor (S4/3/20)
mnam -- honor (S9/16/35)
mnam -- honor and respects (S1/11/21)
mnam -- measurement (S2/8/12)
mnam -- worship (S7/9/11)
mnam -- respect (S7/9/11)
mnam -- respect (S4/4/29)
mnam -- respectful services (S2/9/14)
mnasa-ayanau -- together in the Manasa Lake (S4/28/54)
mnasa -- and mind (B/18/51)
mnasa -- his mind (S4/26/13)
mnasa -- who has such a mind (B/6/37)
mnasa -- identifying the mind (S1/5/2)
mnasa -- within my mind (S8/16/13)
mnasa -- within the mind (B/1/46)
mnasa -- living together within the heart (S4/28/64)
mnasa -- situated in the heart (S6/18/33)
mnasam -- with this mentality (S4/25/3)
mnasam -- of the mind (B/17/16)
mnasam -- relating to the mind (S3/7/7)
mnasam -- the dirty things in the mind (S5/18/11)
mnasam -- the lake known as Manasa-sarovara (S6/13/14)
mnasam -- the mind (S9/19/19)
mnasam -- the mind (S3/27/26)
mnas -- born from the mind (S3/15/12)
mnas -- from the mind (B/10/6)
mnas -- pertaining to the mind (S3/22/37)
mnas -- saintly persons (S1/5/10)
mnasya -- unto He whose mind (S8/3/16)
mnase -- by the Manasa-sarovara Lake (S3/23/40)
mnas -- from his mind (S3/10/1)
mnasottara -- Manasottara (S5/20/30)
mnasottara-girau -- on Manasottara Mountain (S5/21/13)

mnasottara-giri -- of the mountain known as Manasottara (S5/21/7)

mnasottara-mervo antaram -- the land between Manasottara and Meru (beginning
from the middle of Mount Sumeru) (S5/20/35)
mnasottare -- on the mountain known as Manasottara (S5/21/13)
mna-sph -- the desire to be respectable in society (S5/18/14)
mnata -- and measurements (S6/1/4)
mnata -- from the point of view of measurement (S5/16/2)
mnava -- men from all countries (S1/9/45)
mnava -- a human being (S4/26/7)
mnava -- a man (B/3/17)
mnava -- a man (B/18/46)
mnava -- grandson of Manu (S4/10/14)
mnava -- human society (S7/10/9)
mnava -- Nabhaga (S9/4/7)
mnava -- son of Manu (S1/12/19)
mnava -- the son of Manu (S9/1/36)
mnava -- the son of Manu (S9/3/1)
mnava vaa -- the dynasty of Manu (S9/1/7)
mnava-indra -- O chief of human beings (S4/20/16)
mna-vardhana -- just to give honor (S5/1/23)
mna-vardhana -- one who enriches the family (S1/4/10)
mna-varjitam -- offered without respect (S7/13/38)
mnavasya -- the son of Svayambhuva Manu (S4/31/26)
mnava-uttama -- the best of the human beings (S4/10/21)
mnav -- as well as common men (S4/19/42)
mnav -- human beings (B/3/31)
mnav -- such persons (S10/8/18)
mnavn -- human beings (S8/4/17)
mnavt -- from the son of Manu (S9/2/16)
mnavi -- O daughter of Manu (S3/29/35)
mnavi -- O daughter of Manu (S3/24/18)
mnavi -- O daughter of Manu (S3/23/6)
mnavi -- O daughter of Manu (S3/26/17)
mnavm -- daughter of Manu (S4/1/46)
mnavm -- the daughter of Manu (Devahuti) (S3/23/44)
mnavm -- the daughter of Manu (S3/23/4)
mnavm -- the daughters of Svayambhuva Manu (S3/21/5)
mnayan -- admiring (S3/20/45)
mnayan -- honoring (S3/5/17)
mnayan -- honoring (S7/7/11)
mnayan -- practicing (S4/22/5)
mnayan -- respecting (S3/19/4)
mnayan -- respecting (S3/24/12)
mnayan -- thinking so (S3/2/34)
mnayanta -- accepting (S8/11/45)
mnayantam -- esteemed (S3/8/4)
mnayanti -- glorify (S3/15/19)
mnaym sa -- accepted how true they were (S10/7/33)
mnaym sa -- acknowledged (S3/19/5)
mna-yna -- so thinking (S3/1/16)

mnbhym -- and by respect (S4/19/42)

mn -- anguished (S3/2/14)
mnt -- adoration (S3/14/44)
mndht -- known as Mandhata (S9/6/33)
mndht -- in the dynasty of Mandhata (S9/7/1)
mndht -- Mandhata (S2/7/43)
mndhtu -- called Mandhata (S9/6/37)
mndhtu -- of Mandhata (S9/7/1)
mndya -- characterized by slowness (S5/21/3)
mndya -- slow (S5/22/7)
mndya -- slow (S5/22/12)
mnena -- with a measure (S5/1/32)
mnena -- with false prestige (S3/31/29)
mnina -- falsely prestigious (S8/15/22)
mnina -- who consider ourselves to be (S6/17/32)
mnina -- offering respect (S3/29/23)
mnina -- thinking (S3/10/26)
mnina -- thinking of ourselves (S6/9/25)
mnina -- thus being thought of (S2/9/30)
mnine -- proud (S4/2/13)
mnini -- consider (S1/7/38)
mnini -- O respectful one (S3/14/19)
mnini -- O You who are most beautiful in Your prestigious position (S8/9/6)
mnin -- being very proud (S9/18/34)
mninnm -- women such as Satyabhama (S1/16/35)
mnit -- properly worshiped (S1/4/28)
mn -- thinking himself to be (S7/7/41)
mn -- thinking yourself very important (S4/29/49)
mnua -- human (S5/19/19)
mnua -- human beings (S3/7/27)
mnua -- human (S9/9/28)
mnua -- human being (S1/1/20)
mnuam -- a human being (S7/8/17)
mnuam -- as if playing as a human child (S10/7/3)
mnuam -- exactly like a man (S10/1/11)
mnuam -- human (S7/6/1)
mnuam -- human (B/11/51)
mnuam -- of human beings (S5/1/41)
mnu -- pertaining to other men (S3/22/37)
mnue -- for the pleasure of human society, as in marriages (S8/23/31)
mnue -- in human society (B/4/12)
mnu -- human (S6/6/42)
mnum -- in a human form (B/9/11)
mnum -- the human (S6/16/58)
mnuyam -- in the human form of life (S4/23/28)
mavaka -- a brahmacari son of a living being (S8/19/32)
mavya -- the great rsi Mandavya Muni (S3/5/20)
mrakata -- emeralds (S3/15/20)
mrakatai -- made of marakata stone (S9/11/31)
mrayan -- destroying (S3/29/45)

mrayan -- killing (S4/11/19)

mrdavam -- gentleness (B/16/1)
mrdavam -- kindheartedness (S1/16/26)
mrga -- by the way of (S3/2/24)
mrga -- path (S3/1/32)
mrga -- symmetrical (S4/24/23)
mrga -- the path (S4/24/52)
mrga-agra -- the ultimate goal (S3/25/6)
mrga-daam -- the pollution of the whole street (S6/13/12)
mrga ayam -- a broad way (S10/12/22)
mrga -- path (S2/7/26)
mrga -- path (S4/11/10)
mrga -- path (S3/4/20)
mrgai -- by the paths (S4/30/22)
mrgai -- with paths (S3/29/7)
mrgam -- way (S2/7/24)
mrgam -- way (S10/3/50)
mrgam -- lanes (S4/9/57)
mrgam -- the ways of His appearance and disappearance (S1/15/32)
mrgam -- the passage (S3/28/9)
mrgam -- the path (S6/5/32)
mrgam -- the path (S3/29/1)
mrgam -- the path (S3/1/37)
mrganti -- searching after (S3/5/41)
mrgaire -- during the month of November--December (S6/19/2)
mrga-ra -- the month of November-December (B/10/35)
mrgavat -- lanes (S4/21/2)
mrgn -- maneuvers (S3/18/19)
mrgt -- from the moral principles (S9/17/15)
mrgt -- from the path of devotional service (S10/2/33)
mrgya -- to get out (S3/20/1)
mrge -- on the way (S9/10/6)
mrge -- on the roads (S8/15/18)
mrge -- on the street (S8/15/19)
mrgea -- by following that path (S9/8/30)
mrgea -- by the path (S3/33/10)
mrgea -- by the path (S3/33/30)
mrgea -- in terms of behavior (S3/29/7)
mrgeu -- on different roads (S1/11/13)
mria -- O best of kings, Maharaja Pariksit (S6/12/24)
mria -- O great Aryan king (S6/5/32)
mria -- O great King (S9/24/6)
mria -- respectful (S1/14/26)
mria -- the best of the brahmacaris (S8/18/18)
mri -- Marisa (S9/24/27)
mrim -- Marisa (S4/30/48)
mrca -- O son of Marici (S8/16/14)
mrca -- of Kasyapa Muni (S8/17/18)
mrca-dy -- headed by Marica (S9/10/5)
mrca -- Kasyapa Muni (S6/18/44)

mrca -- the son of Marici (Kasyapa) (S3/14/16)

mrcam -- the demon Marica, who assumed the form of a golden deer (S9/10/10)
mrcam -- the son of Marici (S3/14/8)
mrjra -- cat (S3/10/24)
mrjri -- Marjari (S9/22/46)
mrjita -- sprinkled (S4/22/5)
mrjmi -- shall become free from (S6/13/5)
mrkaeya -- Markandeya (S4/1/45)
mrkaeya -- Markandeya (S6/15/12)
mrkaeya-mukht -- from the lips of the sage Markandeya (S7/1/45)
mrum -- to counteract (S1/8/52)
mrtaa -- Martanda (S5/20/44)
mrtyam -- material elements (S3/33/32)
mruta -- with breezes (S3/23/39)
mruta -- wind (B/2/23)
mruta -- the breeze (S8/12/23)
mruta -- the breeze (S8/15/18)
mrutau -- and air (S4/30/45)
msa-bhuktim -- the passage of one month (S5/22/8)
msa -- month (S3/11/11)
msa -- one month (S5/22/5)
msai -- within months (S4/9/30)
msai -- months passing (S3/3/25)
msam -- an other month (S9/1/38)
msam -- month (S4/8/73)
msam -- one month (S4/8/72)
msam -- one month (S4/8/74)
msam -- one month (S9/1/38)
msam -- the month (S4/8/75)
msa-ki -- the naksatras that are the sources of the names of the various
months (S7/14/20)
ms -- months (S1/14/2)
ms -- months (S1/14/7)
msn dvdaa -- twelve months (S6/19/21)
msn -- months (S1/10/7)
msn -- months (S1/12/35)
msn -- the months (S5/9/5)
msnm -- of months (B/10/35)
msena -- within a month (S3/31/3)
msi -- in that month (S9/4/30)
msi -- in the month (S4/8/76)
msi -- in the month of Asvina (October-November) (S7/14/19)
msi msi -- every month (S6/9/9)
msi msi -- in every month (S5/21/18)
msi msi -- in every month (S5/21/4)
mai -- of the weight (S3/11/9)
mta -- My dear mother (S3/33/10)
mta -- O mother (S6/18/76)
mta -- O mother (S3/30/29)
mtali -- the charioteer Matali (S8/11/18)

mtalim -- unto the chariot driver Matali (S8/11/22)

mtalin -- by his chariot driver named Matali (S8/11/16)
mtalin -- by Matali, the chariot driver of Indra (S9/10/21)
mtagai -- by elephants (S4/6/13)
mtara -- mothers (S6/16/4)
mtara -- the cows (S1/14/19)
mtaram -- from His mother (S3/33/33)
mtaram -- its mother (S5/8/30)
mtaram -- mother (S7/7/12)
mtaram -- mother (S7/7/6)
mtaram -- mother (S4/3/10)
mtaram -- mother (S4/14/2)
mtaram -- the mother (S3/13/42)
mtaram -- the mother (S6/11/26)
mtaram -- the mother (S1/16/18)
mtaram -- the mother (S4/19/38)
mtaram -- the mother (S6/16/2)
mtaram -- their mother (S7/2/55)
mtaram -- to His mother (S3/33/9)
mtaram -- unto his mother (S9/14/12)
mtaram -- unto the mother (S10/1/67)
mtarau -- to his two mothers (S4/9/45)
mtari -- when His mother (S10/9/22)
mtarivana -- life (S1/10/23)
mtarivan -- by the wind (S5/24/17)
mtariv -- air (S2/1/33)
mtariv -- the air (S4/22/60)
mtariv -- the gods who control the wind and rain (I/4)
mt -- because of being His mother (S10/7/24)
mt -- His mother, Aditi (S8/18/15)
mt -- mother (S4/26/15)
mt -- mother (S8/22/4)
mt -- mother (S2/7/30)
mt -- mother (B/9/17)
mt -- mother (Suruci) (S4/10/3)
mt -- mother (S1/11/7)
mt -- mother Yasoda (S10/6/30)
mt -- the mother (S4/9/23)
mt -- the mother (S6/7/29)
mt -- the mother (S1/7/15)
mt -- the mother (S9/20/21)
mtmaha -- maternal grandfather (S1/14/26)
mtmaha-ktm -- given by your maternal grandfather, Sukracarya (S9/18/39)
mt-maham -- maternal grandfather (S4/13/39)
mt-pitarau -- father and mother (S5/8/9)
mthurn -- at the place known as the Mathura district (S10/1/27)
mti -- was sufficient (S2/7/30)
mtra -- only (S10/13/54)
mtra -- simply (S3/15/20)
mtra -- simply (S3/29/19)

mtra -- the objects of the senses (S9/5/3)

mtra -- only (S3/13/22)
mtram -- for a moment (S6/11/5)
mtram -- only (S1/12/8)
mtram -- only (S3/32/26)
mtram -- only (S5/3/8)
mtram -- that sac-cid-ananda transcendental body (S5/19/4)
mtray -- by a plenary portion (S3/6/5)
mtr -- by her mother (S4/4/8)
mtr -- by her mother (S9/15/9)
mtr -- by his mother (S3/2/2)
mtr -- by the mother (S9/22/8)
mtr -- by your mother (S4/8/30)
mtr -- with ones mother (S9/19/17)
mtr -- mother (S4/8/65)
mtr -- objects of sense enjoyment (S1/6/34)
mtr -- objects perceived by the senses (S2/10/3)
mtr saha -- with His mother, Rohini (S10/5/27)
mtr saha -- with the mother (S9/16/6)
mtr -- subtle form (S2/5/25)
mtr ukta -- being ordered by the mother (S9/22/25)
mtrbhi -- from objects (S6/16/61)
mtrbhi -- plenary expansion (S3/6/4)
mtr -- sense perception (S10/8/37)
mtr -- the sense objects (S7/9/48)
mtr -- the sense objects (S7/15/41)
mtrm -- an insignificant portion only (S3/11/28)
mtri -- different sense objects (S5/11/9)
mtr-spar -- sensory perception (B/2/14)
mtre -- to her mother (S9/15/9)
mtre -- to My mother (S3/24/40)
mtre -- unto His mother (Yasoda) (S10/7/30)
mtre -- unto mother Yasoda (S10/8/32)
mtrea -- just (S3/29/11)
mtrea -- quality (S4/8/29)
mt -- and mother (S4/27/7)
mt -- Matas (S6/8/25)
mt -- regarding the mother (S1/14/4)
mt -- the inhabitants of Matrloka (S2/10/37)
mt-bhakti -- as respectful as one is to his mother (S4/16/17)
mtbhi saha -- with the demigoddesses known as the Matrkas (S8/10/32)
mt-bhuktai -- by foods eaten by the mother (S3/31/7)
mt-doam -- the fault of their mother (S6/18/66)
mt-h -- a person who has killed his mother (S6/13/8)
mt-hnn -- bereft of their mother (S7/2/55)
mtk -- Matrka (S6/6/42)
mtk-daya -- and evil women like Matrka (S10/6/27)
mtk -- our mother (S1/13/8)
mt-mam -- being bathed by his mother (S7/5/19)
mt-mn -- cleansed by their mothers (S10/11/19)

mt-sneha -- by affection for his mother (S6/9/3)

mt-svasreya -- the son of the mothers sister (Sisupala) (S7/1/33)
mt-svas-tma-jau -- the sons of the mothers sister (S7/1/46)
mt-svasbhi -- by her aunts (S4/4/8)
mt-svas -- the sisters of my mother (S4/3/10)
mt-svasu -- of his mothers sister (S6/18/56)
mtt -- motherly affection (S10/13/25)
mt-vatsala -- very affectionate to His mother (S3/33/9)
mtm -- of the mothers (S6/6/24)
mtsarya -- envy (S5/14/27)
mtsaryam -- envy (S3/29/8)
mtsyam -- fish (S5/18/24)
mtsyam -- of a fish (S1/3/15)
mtsyam -- of a fish (S8/24/2)
mtu eva -- (or does it belong) to the mother who maintained this body within her
womb (S10/10/11)
mtu -- from the mother (S4/8/24)
mtu -- His mother (S3/25/5)
mtu -- mother (S1/12/7)
mtu -- of his mother (S4/9/29)
mtu -- of his mother (S4/8/14)
mtu -- of His mother (S3/25/31)
mtu -- of his mother (S4/12/52)
mtu -- of His mother (S3/29/6)
mtu -- of His mother (S10/1/10)
mtu -- of my mother (S10/1/5)
mtu -- of my mother (S7/7/16)
mtu -- of the mother (S4/11/28)
mtu -- of the mother (S3/31/5)
mtu -- of the mother (S9/15/9)
mtu -- of the mother (S6/14/37)
mtu -- of the mother (S6/11/4)
mtu -- of the mother (S5/2/21)
mtu -- of the mother (S1/18/1)
mtu pitu v -- or (does it belong) to the father of the mother (because sometimes
the father of the mother takes a grandson as an adopted son) (S10/10/11)
mtu -- to his mother (S4/8/14)
mtula -- maternal uncle (S1/14/26)
mtul -- maternal uncles (B/1/32)
mtuln -- maternal uncles (B/1/26)
mtulnya -- maternal aunts (S1/14/27)
mtuleya -- the son of a maternal uncle (S7/10/49)
mtuleya -- the son of your maternal uncle (S7/15/76)
mtuleyam -- maternal cousin (S1/9/20)
myay -- because of the influence or facilities given by the illusory energy (S6/4/53)
myay -- by deception (S3/18/4)
myay -- by His energy (S4/24/61)
myay -- by His energy (S1/8/16)
myay -- by His internal potencies or causeless mercy (S4/16/2)
myay -- by his potency (S6/7/16)

myay -- by His self-created energy (S1/9/18)

myay -- by illusion (S4/10/28)
myay -- by illusory energy (S4/7/30)
myay -- by illusory energy (S4/20/31)
myay -- by internal potency (S1/9/10)
myay -- by manifestations of different energies (S1/13/48)
myay -- by maya (S3/30/8)
myay -- by maya, the illusory energy (S7/6/20)
myay -- by My potency (S8/12/38)
myay -- by mystic power (S10/6/4)
myay -- by mystic power (S10/13/44)
myay -- by potencies (S3/13/43)
myay -- by potency (S2/5/4)
myay -- by that illusory energy (S9/4/57)
myay -- by the deluding energy (S3/21/14)
myay -- by the energies (S2/4/6)
myay -- by the energy (S4/20/4)
myay -- by the energy (S2/5/21)
myay -- by the external energy (S4/1/56)
myay -- by the external energy (S3/15/5)
myay -- by the external energy (S2/10/45)
myay -- by the external energy (S7/5/11)
myay -- by the external energy (S2/5/18)
myay -- by the external energy (S2/10/13)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S5/18/4)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S2/6/37)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S2/7/53)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S4/11/16)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S4/30/33)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S6/18/39)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S6/3/25)
myay -- by the illusory energy (S3/23/57)
myay -- by the illusory energy (B/7/15)
myay -- by the influence of external energy (S3/2/10)
myay -- by the influence of the exterior energy (S2/9/2)
myay -- by the influence of the illusory energy (S3/15/24)
myay -- by the influence of the illusory energy (S4/9/9)
myay -- by the material energy (S4/17/29)
myay -- by the material energy (S4/6/49)
myay -- by the material energy (S5/14/1)
myay -- by the material energy (S7/2/22)
myay -- by the materially attractive feature (S9/19/12)
myay -- by the maya (S3/31/15)
myay -- by the power (S6/18/61)
myay -- by the potency (S3/7/4)
myay -- by Your energy (S4/17/36)
myay -- by Your eternal energy (S8/6/11)
myay -- by Your external energy (S3/21/20)
myay -- causeless mercy (S1/11/35)
myay -- energies (S1/1/18)

myay -- His mystic power (S1/8/44)

myay -- illusory energy (S5/3/14)
myay -- with deceit (S5/18/23)
myay -- potencies (S2/5/12)
myay -- the external energy (S4/11/26)
myay -- the influence of maya (S5/17/20)
myay -- through Your causeless mercy (S3/21/20)
myay -- under the influence of maya (S8/14/10)
myay -- under the spell of material energy (B/18/61)
myay vin -- without maya (S10/13/25)
myay -- yaya--by maya (S3/31/37)
myayo -- of the material energy (S2/9/3)
my -- by His internal potency (S6/18/8)
my -- by the external energy (S4/12/15)
my -- by yogamaya (S5/4/4)
my -- cheating (S1/17/32)
my -- deception (S7/15/43)
my -- deluding (S1/8/19)
my -- energy (S1/5/31)
my -- energy (B/7/14)
my -- energy (S3/7/16)
my -- energy (S2/7/39)
my -- external (S2/10/35)
my -- external energy (S3/5/36)
my -- external energy (S3/5/38)
my -- external energy (S3/5/33)
my -- falsely appearing (S8/19/32)
my -- illusion (S4/22/38)
my -- illusion (S3/7/9)
my -- illusion (S2/7/47)
my -- illusions (S6/15/21)
my -- illusory (S5/24/8)
my -- illusory energy (S10/13/37)
my -- illusory energy (S2/1/31)
my -- illusory energy (S8/12/40)
my -- illusory energy (S4/28/61)
my -- illusory, external energy (S2/9/10)
my -- illusory potency (S5/2/7)
my -- internal potency (S8/12/29)
my -- material (S4/30/23)
my -- material energies (S2/6/31)
my -- material energy (S3/9/1)
my -- material energy (S3/14/29)
my -- material energy (S1/3/30)
my -- material world (S4/7/37)
my nma -- called by the name maya (S3/5/25)
my -- of the illusory energy (S6/4/27)
my -- of the illusory energy (S5/17/19)
my -- possessing inconceivable powers (S3/33/4)
my -- potencies (S3/6/39)

my -- potency (S1/15/8)
my -- potency (S3/13/45)
my -- potency (S2/9/27)
my -- potency (S2/5/21)
my -- representation of maya (S3/31/40)
my -- the energy that appears as a separate creation (S7/9/31)
my -- the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S7/9/21)
my -- the false manifestations (S8/10/55)
my -- the illusion (S10/12/42)
my -- the illusory energy (S9/21/17)
my -- the illusory energy (S5/18/37)
my -- the material energy (S5/18/38)
my -- the name Maya (S10/2/11)
my -- through His potency (S3/18/20)
my -- under the influence of the illusory energy (S7/2/7)
my -- Yogamaya (S10/4/13)
my-adhipate -- the master of the illusory energy (S6/3/17)
my-aa -- and external energy (S3/5/35)
my-arbhakasya -- of the boys made by Krsnas maya (S10/13/15)
my-khyay -- of the name maya (S4/9/7)
my-aye -- on the bed of maya (S10/13/41)
my-ritnm -- for those in the clutches of material energy (S10/12/7)
my-balam -- influence of external energy (S3/9/9)
my-balam -- the influence of the illusory energy (S8/16/18)
my-balasya -- of the omnipotent (S2/7/41)
mybhi -- by conjuring tricks (S7/5/43)
mybhi -- by exhibiting illusions (S8/11/4)
mybhi -- by so-called mystic power or material advancement of science (S8/11/5)
my-ceitam -- the laws of material nature enacted by the Supreme Personality of
Godhead (S9/24/58)
my-gm -- false cow (S4/17/27)
my-gua -- caused by the three modes of material nature (S9/8/23)
my-gua -- of the modes of material nature (S3/33/24)
my-gua -- the modes of material nature (S4/20/29)
my-gua -- the modes of material nature (S1/13/56)
my-gua -- the modes of material nature (S9/8/24)
my-guai -- by the external modes of nature (S4/1/26)
my-guai -- by the modes of material nature (S5/18/37)
my-guai -- influenced by the modes of material nature (S9/6/52)
my-gua-vibhte -- of the transformation of the qualities of the material energy
my-gueu -- in the material modes of nature (S6/3/33)
my -- the illusions (S4/11/2)
my -- the illusory energy (S9/21/15)
my -- varieties of illusion (S5/24/16)
my-a -- the Lord of all energies (S2/8/10)
my-asya -- of the master of all energies (S2/9/42)
my-n -- unto the demigods, who can control all such illusory manifestations
my-kirta -- false hunter (S3/1/38)

mym -- affairs of the external energy (S2/7/53)

mym -- Cheating (S4/8/2)
mym -- conjuring tricks (S3/19/17)
mym -- energies (S2/9/42)
mym -- energy (S1/7/4)
mym -- energy (S2/9/1)
mym etm -- this illusory energy (B/7/14)
mym -- external energy (S1/10/22)
mym -- illusion (S8/10/45)
mym -- illusion (S4/19/38)
mym -- illusory energy (S8/12/39)
mym -- illusory energy (S4/20/32)
mym -- illusory energy (S2/9/34)
mym -- internal potency (S3/18/25)
mym -- into maya (S3/31/13)
mym -- material energy (S8/22/28)
mym -- material energy (S4/7/26)
mym -- material opulences (S9/20/27)
mym -- mystic power (S4/10/29)
mym -- mystic powers (S4/18/20)
mym -- the external nature (S3/1/16)
mym -- the external potency (S2/8/23)
mym -- the false ego of material existence (S7/13/44)
mym -- the illusory energy (S6/5/16)
mym -- the illusory energy (S6/12/20)
mym -- the illusory energy (S8/12/43)
mym -- the illusory energy (S4/9/33)
mym -- the illusory energy (S8/20/25)
mym -- the illusory energy (S8/5/30)
mym -- the illusory energy (S5/17/24)
mym -- the illusory energy (S8/12/42)
mym -- the material energy (S1/7/23)
mym -- unto the mistress of the material world (S2/3/2)
mym -- yogamaya (S10/8/43)
my-manuje -- who appeared by His own energy in His eternal humanlike form
my-manuyasya -- of the Lord, who appeared as an ordinary human being by His
own potency (S10/1/5)
my-matsyasya -- and the fish incarnation (S8/24/59)
my-matsya-viambanam -- which is simply an imitation of a fish (S8/24/1)
my-maya -- all-merciful (S3/13/25)
my-maya -- an attribute of Maya (S5/24/22)
my-mayam -- all demonstrated by unlimited potency (S7/9/36)
my-mayam -- full of affection for the devotees (S5/18/17)
my-mayt -- from being made of material energy (S4/7/31)
my-maye -- illusory energy (S6/9/36)
my-maye -- in illusory things (S2/2/2)
my-maye -- the reservoir of all potencies (S4/23/18)
my-mavakam -- the illusory son of a human being (S8/18/24)
my-mtram -- only illusion (S7/13/5)

my-mtri -- the exhibitions of the illusory potency (S6/16/53)

my-mohita -- captivated by the illusory energy (S1/7/24)
mynm -- the magical forces (S3/19/22)
my-nsiham -- appearing as Lord Nrsimhadeva by the influence of His own
energy (S7/8/46)
my-racita -- created by material nature (S5/11/6)
my-racitasya -- created by the external, material energy (S5/11/12)
my-raciteu -- where the material energy creates a similar body (S10/1/42)
my-raciteu -- things created by the external energy (S8/5/44)
mysu -- manifestations of maya (S3/27/30)
my-sukhya -- for temporary, illusory happiness (S7/9/43)
my-akti -- the internal energy (S6/19/11)
my-vau -- the merciful form of the Lord as a dwarf (S6/8/13)
myvina -- of the Lord of maya (S3/25/37)
my-vina -- those who know the art of magical feats (like manufacturing gold)
my-vina -- very affectionate (S4/9/28)
my-vinam -- skilled in conjuring tricks (S3/18/24)
my-vin -- possessing advanced knowledge in the construction of material comforts
my-vinm crya -- who is the acarya, or master, of all the conjurers (S5/24/28)
myvinm -- of all cheaters (S8/21/10)
myvinm -- of all kinds of mystics (S8/19/8)
my-viracitam -- the laws enforced by maya, the illusory energy (S9/19/27)
my-viracite -- arranged by maya (S3/31/48)
myy -- energies (S1/17/23)
myy -- of maya (S3/31/38)
myym -- in the external energy (S3/5/26)
myym -- in the total material energy (S7/13/43)
my-yoga -- a strong relationship with the external, illusory energy (S7/2/47)
my-yoit -- the illusory woman (S8/9/8)
myina -- great wizards (S3/2/30)
myina -- mystic magicians (S4/18/20)
myina -- of the merciful by His internal potency (S3/13/48)
myinam -- affected by material energy (S2/5/19)
myin -- possessing technical knowledge (S7/10/51)
myinm -- of all the demons (S7/10/53)
myinm -- of the jugglers (S3/6/39)
myinm -- of the mystics (S4/10/21)
me -- about me (S2/5/10)
me -- by Me (B/12/2)
me -- by me (S3/5/10)
me -- by Me (B/6/47)
me -- by me (S3/23/7)
me -- by Me (S3/25/13)
me -- by me (S1/8/48)
me -- by me (S4/3/23)
me -- by Me (S3/33/10)
me -- by Me (S3/21/23)
me -- by me (S3/10/2)

me -- by me (S3/23/54)
me -- by me (S3/9/1)
me -- by Me (S3/16/29)
me -- by me (S9/5/14)
me -- by me (S3/14/7)
me -- by Me (S3/26/12)
me -- by me (S9/1/1)
me -- by me (S6/3/2)
me -- by me (S4/9/35)
me -- by Me (S8/24/38)
me -- by me (S4/18/2)
me -- by me (S4/1/26)
me -- by me (S4/7/60)
me -- by me (S6/10/7)
me -- by me (S8/16/24)
me -- by Me (S6/4/49)
me -- by me (S6/1/7)
me -- by me (S6/18/72)
me -- by Me (S5/5/19)
me -- by me (S8/7/38)
me -- by me (S4/22/7)
me -- by Me (S8/22/31)
me -- by me (S8/7/40)
me -- by Me (S8/17/12)
me -- by me (S8/11/34)
me dahatu -- let it burn me (S1/19/3)
me duhitu -- of my daughter (S4/2/11)
me -- executed by me (S8/18/31)
me -- for me (S1/8/50)
me -- for me (S5/12/2)
me -- for me (B/1/45)
me -- for me (S3/12/51)
me -- for me (S3/31/12)
me -- for me (S4/18/9)
me -- from me (S4/8/53)
me -- from Me (B/18/50)
me -- from Me (B/18/64)
me -- from me (S4/1/12)
me -- from me (S10/1/21)
me -- from Me (S10/3/39)
me -- from me (S8/18/32)
me -- from me (S8/19/20)
me -- from Me (B/16/6)
me -- from Me (S4/30/8)
me -- from me (S4/1/42)
me -- from Me (B/18/4)
me -- from me (S8/13/1)
me -- from Me (B/13/4)
me -- from Me (B/18/36)
me -- from me (S8/19/38)

me -- from Me (B/18/13)
me -- from me (S3/12/1)
me -- from me (S3/10/18)
me -- from Me (S7/10/11)
me -- from me (S6/10/31)
me -- from me (S1/16/17)
me -- from me (S6/1/20)
me -- from me (S6/6/10)
me -- from me (S6/6/3)
me gadata -- described by me (S3/6/11)
me ghe -- in my house (S3/24/30)
me -- with me (S5/2/15)
me jaharea -- by my abdomen (S3/33/4)
me -- me (S9/24/33)
me -- me (S8/16/15)
me -- me (S1/5/39)
me -- me (S7/10/7)
me -- Me (S3/16/31)
me -- Me (S2/9/23)
me -- me (S9/24/33)
me -- me (S1/17/37)
me -- mind (S2/6/34)
me -- mine (S9/21/13)
me -- mine (S2/6/34)
me -- mine (S4/21/23)
me -- mine (S4/22/43)
me -- Mine (B/3/22)
me -- Mine (S8/12/38)
me -- mine (S5/10/9)
me -- mine (S1/15/19)
me -- mine (S1/19/14)
me -- mine (S1/4/30)
me -- mine (S2/7/12)
me -- mine (S1/4/22)
me -- mine (S1/5/29)
me -- mine (S2/8/26)
me -- mine (S1/6/36)
me -- mine (S2/4/23)
me -- mine (S1/5/5)
me -- mine (S2/6/34)
me -- mine (S2/4/21)
me -- mine (S2/6/34)
me -- mine (S1/5/7)
me -- mine (B/16/13)
me -- My (S3/25/35)
me -- My (S3/25/36)
me -- My (S3/16/10)
me -- my (S3/14/34)
me -- My (S3/25/34)
me -- my (S3/24/12)

me -- My (S3/25/43)
me -- my (S3/7/15)
me -- my (S7/7/12)
me -- my (S7/5/14)
me -- my (S7/10/15)
me -- my (S3/23/53)
me -- My (S3/21/30)
me -- my (S3/7/40)
me -- my (S7/9/8)
me -- my (S3/24/12)
me -- My (S3/16/4)
me -- my (S3/25/8)
me -- my (S3/22/6)
me -- my (S3/23/54)
me -- my (S3/14/4)
me -- my (S3/7/7)
me -- my (S3/25/10)
me -- my (S7/5/13)
me -- my (S3/25/2)
me -- my (S7/5/35)
me -- my (B/1/29)
me -- my (S3/23/52)
me -- My (S3/24/36)
me -- my (S9/5/17)
me -- My (S3/32/43)
me -- My (S2/9/24)
me -- My (B/10/2)
me -- my (S7/15/72)
me -- my (S3/22/19)
me -- my (S7/2/6)
me -- my (B/10/18)
me -- My (B/4/14)
me -- my (B/18/77)
me -- my (S7/1/21)
me -- my (S7/2/54)
me -- My (S10/10/25)
me -- My (S10/8/35)
me -- my (S10/8/42)
me -- My (B/11/8)
me -- my (S7/10/15)
me -- my (S7/2/55)
me -- My (S10/3/44)
me -- my (S5/12/4)
me -- My (S7/10/21)
me -- My (S5/5/19)
me -- my (S5/13/22)
me -- my (S5/2/11)
me -- My (S5/5/24)
me -- my (S5/2/11)
me -- my (S7/5/46)

me -- My (B/4/3)
me -- my (S7/1/27)
me -- my (S7/2/7)
me -- my (S7/5/47)
me -- my (S10/1/49)
me -- My (S10/3/43)
me -- my (S3/9/8)
me -- My (S8/4/17)
me -- my (S10/1/60)
me -- My (S8/17/16)
me -- my (S8/22/2)
me -- My (S8/12/39)
me -- My (S8/4/17)
me -- my (S8/22/8)
me -- My (S8/22/34)
me -- my (S8/16/22)
me -- my (S8/16/13)
me -- my (S3/22/6)
me -- my (S3/20/21)
me -- my (S8/19/12)
me -- my (S8/3/7)
me -- my (S10/2/20)
me -- my (S10/13/41)
me -- my (S3/23/11)
me -- My (S10/13/37)
me -- my (S10/1/5)
me -- my (S10/12/14)
me -- my (S10/1/60)
me -- My (S10/13/37)
me -- my (S8/5/13)
me -- my (S10/1/5)
me -- my (S9/18/20)
me -- my (S9/23/37)
me -- my (S9/3/12)
me -- my (S3/13/21)
me -- My (S3/31/38)
me -- my (S3/22/5)
me -- My (B/3/31)
me -- my (S1/8/41)
me -- my (S1/18/37)
me -- My (S3/29/18)
me -- My (B/11/5)
me -- my (S3/31/21)
me -- My (S3/16/12)
me -- my (S3/12/8)
me -- my (S1/15/17)
me -- my (B/3/2)
me -- my (B/1/21)
me -- My (B/10/19)
me -- my (S4/24/27)

me -- my (S4/8/65)
me -- my (S1/9/33)
me -- my (S4/8/13)
me -- my (S1/8/49)
me -- my (S1/9/22)
me -- my (S3/15/12)
me -- my (S3/13/22)
me -- my (S4/27/30)
me -- my (S4/8/67)
me -- My (B/11/47)
me -- My (S4/20/10)
me -- my (S1/9/38)
me -- my (S1/8/42)
me -- my (S1/6/16)
me -- my (S1/8/10)
me -- my (S4/25/35)
me -- my (S4/29/57)
me -- my (S4/20/24)
me -- my (S1/15/5)
me -- my (S1/6/6)
me -- my (S4/9/11)
me -- my (S1/9/38)
me -- my (S4/2/11)
me -- my (S4/3/11)
me -- my (S4/3/10)
me -- my (S4/5/4)
me -- my (S4/8/36)
me -- my (S4/3/20)
me -- my (S1/9/36)
me -- my (S1/19/2)
me -- My (S3/25/38)
me -- my (S9/16/35)
me -- my (B/6/39)
me -- my (S9/9/26)
me -- My (B/9/31)
me -- My (B/7/4)
me -- My (B/18/70)
me -- my (S6/4/34)
me -- my (S6/2/26)
me -- My (B/7/5)
me -- my (S6/18/37)
me -- my (S6/3/26)
me -- my (B/1/30)
me -- my (S6/19/14)
me -- My (B/3/32)
me -- My (B/10/1)
me -- my (S6/18/59)
me -- my (B/11/45)
me -- my (S6/2/32)
me -- My (S6/4/46)

me -- My (B/9/5)
me -- my (S4/27/29)
me -- My (B/18/6)
me -- my (S9/9/43)
me -- my (S9/9/35)
me -- my (S9/14/22)
me -- my (S1/19/2)
me -- my (S1/18/35)
me -- my (S1/8/48)
me -- My (B/7/18)
me -- my (S9/19/18)
me -- my (S9/18/22)
me -- my (S9/13/8)
me -- my (S9/4/9)
me -- My (B/6/36)
me -- My (B/11/49)
me -- my (S9/21/31)
me -- my duty (S10/2/21)
me -- myself (S2/8/24)
me -- myself (S1/15/13)
me -- myself (S1/5/28)
me -- of me (S8/16/27)
me -- of Me (S3/32/40)
me -- of Me (S3/25/37)
me -- of me (S9/6/50)
me -- of Me (S8/4/17)
me -- of Me (S8/24/36)
me -- of me (S9/18/20)
me -- of me (S9/7/8)
me -- of me (S3/13/17)
me -- of me (S3/22/14)
me -- of Me (S7/9/53)
me -- of me (S6/11/5)
me -- of Me (S2/9/31)
me -- of Me (S6/16/50)
me -- of me (S2/4/10)
me -- of me (S6/2/32)
me -- of me (S4/15/22)
me -- of me (S4/15/22)
me -- of me (S6/11/14)
me -- of me (S6/18/26)
me -- of me (S5/10/10)
me -- of me (S6/11/18)
me -- of me (S5/10/13)
me -- of me (S5/2/14)
me -- of me (S4/24/28)
me -- of Me (S5/5/27)
me -- of Me (S6/16/50)
me -- of me (S4/24/33)
me -- of me (S9/9/4)

me -- of me (S7/7/17)
me -- of me (S4/8/18)
me -- of me (S7/5/45)
me -- of me (S7/8/7)
me -- of me (S7/7/17)
me -- of me (S7/8/23)
me -- of me (S7/9/26)
me -- of me (Hiranyakasipu) (S7/8/6)
me -- of mine (S2/7/5)
me -- of Mine (B/4/5)
me -- of Mine (B/4/9)
me -- of mine (S4/1/28)
me -- of Myself (S3/9/37)
me -- on me (S4/18/11)
me suta -- is my son (S10/8/42)
me -- to me (S9/21/10)
me -- to Me (B/18/64)
me -- to Me (B/12/17)
me -- to me (S6/18/46)
me -- to me (S6/1/6)
me -- to me (S5/12/3)
me -- to me (S8/14/1)
me -- to me (S1/14/39)
me -- to me (S1/6/33)
me -- to me (S6/18/37)
me -- to Me (B/9/29)
me -- to Me (S3/27/30)
me -- to me (S3/25/30)
me -- to Me (B/18/69)
me -- to Me (S3/16/12)
me -- to me (S3/20/9)
me -- to me (S3/9/22)
me -- to me (S4/2/3)
me -- to me (S4/25/5)
me -- to me (S3/17/27)
me -- to me (S3/29/1)
me -- to me (S4/29/15)
me -- to Me (B/12/13)
me -- to Me (B/12/15)
me -- to Me (B/18/69)
me -- to Me (B/6/30)
me -- to Me (B/18/65)
me -- to Me (B/12/16)
me -- to Me (B/12/18)
me -- to me (S3/21/4)
me -- to me (S3/25/3)
me -- to me (S4/1/16)
me -- to me (S4/27/26)
me -- to me (S4/17/6)
me -- to Me (B/12/20)

me -- unto me (S4/13/24)
me -- unto Me (S6/4/53)
me -- unto me (S3/23/51)
me -- unto me (S4/25/31)
me -- unto Me (S5/5/26)
me -- unto me (S4/25/26)
me -- unto me (S4/26/26)
me -- unto me (S5/2/12)
me -- unto me (S2/4/22)
me -- unto me (S4/7/4)
me -- unto me (S10/12/42)
me -- unto me (S10/1/12)
me -- unto me (S4/21/25)
me -- unto me (S1/15/27)
me -- unto me (S5/10/24)
me -- unto me (S2/7/51)
me -- unto me (S2/9/30)
me -- unto me (S1/5/5)
me -- unto me (S6/14/45)
me -- unto me (S4/22/42)
me -- unto me (S1/19/3)
me -- unto me (S1/19/35)
me -- unto Me (B/9/26)
me -- unto me (S1/5/26)
me -- unto me (S7/13/36)
me -- unto me (S2/5/8)
me -- unto me (S7/1/48)
me -- unto me (S4/2/9)
me -- unto me (S7/9/17)
me -- unto me (S4/21/10)
me -- unto me (S7/3/35)
me -- unto me (S3/13/3)
me -- unto me (S4/8/37)
me -- unto me (B/5/1)
me -- unto me (B/11/4)
me -- unto me (S4/3/14)
me -- unto Me (S8/24/20)
me -- unto me (S9/3/11)
me -- unto me (S3/14/15)
me -- unto Me (S3/16/16)
me -- unto me (S8/16/23)
me -- unto me (B/2/7)
me -- unto me (S3/13/17)
me -- unto me (S9/14/12)
me -- unto me (S9/4/39)
me -- unto me (B/11/31)
me -- unto me (B/10/12)
me -- unto me (S9/21/8)
me -- unto Me (S8/24/22)
me -- unto me (S8/3/19)

me -- unto me (S1/15/12)
me -- unto me (S3/9/24)
me -- unto me (S3/12/36)
me -- unto me (B/11/45)
me -- unto me (S3/7/35)
me -- unto me (S3/7/40)
me -- upon me (S4/7/13)
me -- upon me (S8/16/37)
me -- upon me (S6/18/38)
me -- upon me (S2/4/20)
me -- upon me (S6/19/6)
me vadata -- as I am speaking (S4/29/52)
meda -- fat (S2/10/31)
meda -- whose fat (S7/3/15)
meda -- marrow (S5/26/22)
medasa -- and marrow (S4/10/24)
medas -- by the flesh (S4/17/25)
medha -- sacrifice (S4/20/2)
medha -- sacrifices (S4/19/1)
medhasa -- whose intelligence (S3/21/14)
medhasa -- of one who has such a brain (S3/10/18)
medhasam -- one who has sufficient intelligence (S1/19/31)
medhasya -- of sacrifices (S2/6/4)
medh -- intelligence (B/10/34)
medh -- Medha (S4/1/49)
medh-tithi -- Medhatithi (S5/1/25)
medhtithi -- a son named Medhatithi (S9/20/7)
medh-tithi -- Medhatithi (S5/20/25)
medhv -- intelligent (B/18/10)
medhv -- Medhavi (S9/22/42)
medhya -- pure (S3/28/3)
medhya -- pure (S3/1/19)
medhya-avn -- horses fit for sacrifice (S9/20/24)
medhya -- fit for being sacrificed (S9/7/11)
medhya -- fit for sacrifice (S9/7/12)
medhya -- suitable for offering in sacrifice (S9/7/10)
medhyai -- fit for sacrifices (S9/20/24)
medhyam -- meant for offering in the sacrifice (S4/17/4)
medhyam -- pure (obtained by hunting) (S9/6/6)
medhyn -- fit for sacrifice (S4/26/6)
medhyn -- game animals (S4/26/10)
medhyya -- fit for offering oblations (S8/8/2)
medinm -- the world (S9/1/38)
medinm -- the surface of the world (S9/17/7)
mehstambhe -- to the pivot post (S5/23/3)
mehra -- the genitals (S2/5/31)
mehram -- genitals (S2/1/32)
mehram -- genitals (S3/6/19)
mehram -- the generative organ (S3/26/13)
mehram -- the genital (S4/29/14)

mehrata -- from the genitals (S8/5/39)

mehrt -- from the penis (S3/12/26)
mehym -- a central pole (S4/12/39)
mehym -- around a central pole (S4/9/20)
megha -- cloud (S1/17/4)
megha-dalan -- that which goes through the clouds (S7/10/60)
megha-dundubhi -- Meghadundubhi (S8/10/19)
megha-mla -- Meghamala (S5/20/3)
megha-nisvan -- resounding like the sound of a cloud (S7/4/24)
megha-nirhrday -- as grave as the thundering of clouds (S4/15/21)
megha-nirhrday -- resounding like a rumbling cloud (S6/1/37)
megha-ogha -- a mass of clouds (S1/3/31)
megha-pha -- Meghaprstha (S5/20/21)
megha-yma -- blackish like a cloud (S8/7/17)
megh -- clouds (S8/11/20)
megh -- heavy clouds (S5/23/3)
megh -- personified clouds (S8/8/13)
megh -- the clouds (S5/24/5)
meghn -- the clouds (S8/20/25)
mehana-dni -- passing stool and urine (S10/8/31)
mehantam -- urinating (S1/17/2)
mehanti -- discharge semen (S2/3/18)
mekhalam -- belt (S4/24/47)
mekhalam -- belt (S4/24/51)
mekhalam -- bound (S4/12/16)
mekhalay -- by the belt (S3/8/28)
mekhalay -- with a belt (S8/18/24)
mekhalay -- with an ornamental wreath about the waist (S2/2/11)
mekhal -- a belt made of straw (S7/12/4)
mekhal -- belt (S8/20/32)
mekhalm -- belt (S4/25/23)
mekhalm -- dressed with a belt (S8/12/18)
mekhalm -- surrounded (S4/28/48)
mekhalm -- the belt of straw (S8/18/14)
menakay -- by Menaka (S9/20/13)
menym -- in Mena (S4/7/58)
mene -- accepted (S1/19/4)
mene -- accepted (S10/4/43)
mene -- applied (S1/7/19)
mene -- considered (S4/22/49)
mene -- considered (S4/5/5)
mene -- considered (S8/19/6)
mene -- considered (S7/5/3)
mene -- considered (S4/19/14)
mene -- considered (S9/5/24)
mene -- considered (S8/7/10)
mene -- considered (S10/8/20)
mene -- did consider (S3/1/9)
mene -- did consider (S8/12/36)
mene -- he considered (S7/5/53)

mene -- he decided (S9/4/15)

mene -- he understood (S4/15/9)
mene -- thought (S4/25/12)
mene -- thought (S6/4/49)
mene -- thought like this (S3/5/24)
mene -- understood (S9/19/26)
menire -- accepting (S9/16/33)
menire -- they considered (S7/4/29)
menire -- they considered (S9/10/50)
menire -- they thought (S7/2/58)
menire -- thought (S4/12/12)
menire -- thought (S3/19/17)
menire -- thought (S7/8/15)
menire -- thought (S3/17/15)
menire -- took it for granted (S1/11/39)
mero adhastt -- at the foot of Mount Meru (S9/1/25)
mero -- of Meru Mountain (S9/4/50)
mero -- of Sumeru (S5/16/11)
mero -- of Sumeru Mountain (S8/5/17)
mero -- of Sumeru Mountain (S5/16/28)
mero -- of Sumeru Mountain (S5/16/26)
mero -- of Sumeru Mountain (S5/21/7)
mero -- of Sumeru Mountain (S5/21/7)
mero -- of Sumeru Mountain (S5/21/13)
meru -- of the mountain named Meru (S4/30/5)
meru-di-giri-duhitara -- daughters of the mountains beginning with Meru
merudevm -- Merudevi (S5/2/23)
merudevy -- his wife, Merudevi (S5/4/5)
merudevy -- with Merudevi (S5/3/1)
merudevy -- in the presence of Merudevi (S5/3/19)
merudevym -- Merudevi (S5/3/20)
merudevym tu -- in the womb of Merudevi, the wife of (S1/3/13)
meru-duhit -- the daughters of Meru (S5/2/23)
meru -- Meru (B/10/23)
meru -- Mount Meru (S5/16/7)
meru -- Sumeru Mountain (S5/20/2)
meru -- the sage Meru (S4/1/44)
merum -- Meru Mountain (S5/20/30)
merum -- Sumeru Mountain (S5/22/11)
merum -- Sumeru Mountain (S5/16/27)
merum -- the mountain known as Sumeru (S5/22/1)
merum -- the mountain known as Sumeru (S5/22/2)
meru-mandara -- the mountain named Merumandara (S5/16/11)
meru-mandara-ikhart -- from the top of Merumandara Mountain (S5/16/19)
meru-irasa -- from the top of Mount Meru (S5/17/8)
mea-tulayo -- in Mesa (Aries) and Tula (Libra) (S5/21/4)
meau -- the two lambs (S9/14/31)
mira -- mixed (S3/27/3)
mira -- mixed (S3/15/43)

mira -- smeared (S3/31/24)

mirakeym -- in the womb of Misrakesi (S9/24/43)
miram -- adulterated in (S1/14/4)
miram -- mixed (B/18/12)
miram -- mixture (S2/9/10)
mir -- in mixed happiness and distress (S2/10/37)
mian -- although seeing (S5/18/3)
miantam -- simply looking over (S4/8/14)
miata -- while observing (S1/12/11)
miata -- looking on (S3/19/9)
miata -- of one who is observing (S5/14/3)
miata tasya -- while he (Daksa) was personally looking on (S6/4/54)
miatm -- before the eyes of the living entities (without their being able to stop it)
miatm -- carrying so (S3/3/3)
miatm -- while observing (S4/22/48)
miatm -- while observing (S10/12/33)
miato -- were looking on (S4/1/32)
miato -- while seeing (S3/15/29)
miatsu -- while looking on (S3/15/31)
mita -- frugal (S4/8/56)
mita -- little (S3/27/8)
mita -- little (S3/28/3)
mita-aana -- frugal in eating (S7/15/30)
mita-bhuk -- eating only exactly what he needs, neither more nor less (S7/12/6)
mitadhvajt -- from Mitadhvaja (S9/13/20)
mita -- estimated (S8/13/36)
mitam -- minimized (S4/22/17)
mitau -- in whom there is knowledge (S10/13/57)
mita-vk -- talking with great care not to speak nonsense (S6/1/56)
mitha -- among one another (S1/14/17)
mitha -- among themselves (S1/15/22)
mitha -- among themselves (S8/8/38)
mitha -- between one another (S5/5/8)
mitha -- by a quarrel (S8/8/37)
mitha -- for one another (S3/15/25)
mitha -- from combined effort (S7/5/30)
mitha -- from one another (S5/18/20)
mitha -- in a duel (S1/15/25)
mitha -- with each other (S5/14/37)
mitha -- with one another (S5/14/26)
mitha -- with one another (S1/11/34)
mitha -- mutual (S5/18/9)
mitha -- mutual (S3/30/28)
mitha -- mutually (S4/3/22)
mitha -- mutually (S4/25/43)
mitha -- mutually (S7/14/39)
mitha -- of one another (S6/16/5)
mitha -- on one another (S9/18/8)
mitha -- one another (S3/3/15)

mitha -- one another (S8/2/29)

mitha -- one another (S10/4/27)
mitha -- one another (S1/15/24)
mitha -- one another (S1/15/24)
mitha -- one another (S5/11/11)
mitha -- one another (S5/13/13)
mitha -- one another (S5/13/11)
mitha -- or another (S10/12/25)
mitha -- to one another (S10/13/10)
mitha vyavaharan -- transacting with each other (S5/14/35)
mithila -- he also became known as Mithila (S9/13/13)
mithil -- the kingdom called Mithila (S9/13/13)
mithil-adhipa -- became the king of Mithila (S9/13/23)
mithitv -- being united with a woman (S4/29/53)
mithuna -- by couples (S5/24/9)
mithuna -- combinations of man and woman (S5/17/12)
mithuna -- of man and woman (S6/4/52)
mithuna -- of man and woman united (S6/4/52)
mithuna -- sex life (S3/12/55)
mithunai -- with pairs (S8/15/12)
mithunai -- with pairs (S4/9/63)
mithunai -- with pairs (S5/2/4)
mithunam -- a couple (S4/15/1)
mithunam -- a male and female (S9/21/35)
mithunam -- a twin brother and sister (S5/9/1)
mithunam -- by combination (S4/8/4)
mithunam -- combination (S4/8/2)
mithunam -- couple (S4/15/2)
mithunam -- couple (S4/1/3)
mithunam -- with pairs (S3/33/18)
mithunam -- sex relation (S3/12/53)
mithunam -- the twins (S5/9/7)
mithunam -- twins (S6/6/40)
mithunam -- twins, one male and one female (S9/21/34)
mithuna-vratnm -- of a person engaged in sexual affairs, legal or illegal (S9/6/51)
mithun-bhva -- sex enjoyment or the materialistic way of life (S5/14/30)
mithun-bhvam -- attraction for sexual life (S5/5/8)
mithun-bhta -- being united in sex (S5/24/17)
mithun-bhya -- coming together with their spouses (S3/20/46)
mithun-bhya -- embracing (S6/17/6)
mithun-bhya -- engaging in sex life (S4/29/54)
mithun-bhya -- having sex life (S6/4/53)
mithya-abhiasina -- all liars, simply complaining against Me so that you may
chastise Me (S10/8/35)
mithy ea -- this is all false (B/18/59)
mithy -- false (S3/31/20)
mithy -- false (S5/10/6)
mithy-abhimate -- deluded by false ego (S3/29/5)
mithy-cra -- pretender (B/3/6)
mithy-di -- he whose vision is mistaken (S5/14/5)

mitra -- benefactors with affection (B/6/9)

mitra -- well-wishers (S6/16/5)
mitra -- friends (S1/8/49)
mitra -- my dear friend (S5/2/15)
mitra -- of friends (B/14/22)
mitra -- one of the twelve Adityas (S2/5/30)
mitra-tmaja -- O son of Mitra (Maitreya Muni) (S3/7/26)
mitra-dhruk -- one who turns against a friend or relative (S6/2/9)
mitra-drohe -- in quarreling with friends (B/1/37)
mitra -- Mitra (S6/18/6)
mitra -- Mitra (S6/6/38)
mitra -- Mitra (S4/1/41)
mitra -- the controlling demigod (S2/10/27)
mitra -- the demigod Mitra (S8/10/28)
mitra -- the sun-god (S3/6/20)
mitram -- friend (S1/9/20)
mitrasaham -- King Saudasa (S9/9/36)
mitrasaham -- Mitrasaha (S9/9/18)
mitrasya -- of Mitra (S2/6/9)
mitrasya -- of Mitra (S4/7/3)
mitratvt -- because of friendship (S3/7/40)
mitrau -- the Mitra-varunas (S2/1/32)
mitra-vind -- Mitravinda (S5/20/15)
mitri -- friends (S10/13/60)
mitri -- friends (S10/12/19)
mitri -- My dear friends (S10/13/13)
mitr-suta -- the son of Mitra- (S3/4/36)
mitr-varuayo -- from the semen of Mitra and Varuna (discharged from seeing the
beauty of Urvasi) (S9/13/6)
mitr-varuayo -- of Mitra and Varuna (S9/14/17)
mitr-varuayo -- of Mitra and Varuna (S6/18/5)
mitr-varuayo -- of the demigods named Mitra and Varuna (S9/1/13)
mitryu -- Mitrayu (S9/22/1)
mitre -- to a friend (B/12/18)
mitrea -- by the friend (S1/15/45)
mhu-tama -- the best of the benedictors (Lord Siva) (S4/7/6)
mhua -- he who bestows great benedictions upon people in general (S8/7/45)
mhuam -- Midhusa (S6/18/7)
mhue -- unto Rudra (S4/24/43)
mhue -- unto the fulfiller of all material desires (S3/14/35)
mhvsam -- expert in discharging semen (S9/19/5)
mhvsam -- Lord Siva (S4/7/7)
mhvsam -- unto Lord Siva (S4/7/16)
mhvn -- Midhvan (S9/2/19)
mlat -- opening (S3/2/5)
mlita -- closed (S1/18/24)
mlita -- closed (S1/18/31)
mlita-dhiym -- of the less intelligent persons (S2/7/36)
mlita-dk -- the eyes appearing closed (S7/9/32)
mlita-locana -- with closed eyes (S9/8/9)

mmsamnasya -- of Hiranyakasipu, who was contemplating the wonderful form

of the Lord (S7/8/19)
mmsata -- while deliberating (S3/13/23)
mna -- of fish (S3/28/30)
mna -- various kinds of fish (S8/7/18)
mna-gandhi -- the smell of fish (S6/13/12)
mna-kuala -- and earrings in the shape of fish (S8/20/32)
mna-rjasya -- of a big fish (S9/6/39)
mna-saga -- the sexual affairs of fish (S9/6/49)
mna-yugalam -- possessing two fish (S5/2/13)
mn -- the fishes (S3/2/8)
mlna -- lost (S7/5/48)
mlyat -- which darkens (S1/16/19)
mleccha -- of the lands known as Mlecchadesa (where Vedic civilization was not
present) (S9/23/16)
mlecch -- disobedient to the Vedic principles (S9/16/33)
mlecchn -- such atheists, who had no respect for Vedic civilization (S9/20/30)
mocanam -- which eradicates (S5/10/15)
mocaym sa -- Kamsa released them (S10/4/24)
mocaye -- I am releasing her from imminent danger (S10/1/49)
mocaye -- I shall disentangle (S6/2/36)
mocayet -- can deliver (S5/5/18)
mocayitv -- releasing (S8/12/29)
mocita -- was freed (S8/1/30)
mocita -- released (S9/22/34)
mocit -- released from (S1/13/8)
mocitum -- to deliver (from this dangerous position) (S8/2/32)
moda -- by abundant sense enjoyment (S5/17/12)
moda -- pleasure (S2/6/2)
moda -- pleasure (S3/19/34)
modam -- bliss (S10/7/30)
modamna -- being merry (S6/10/2)
modamna -- in a spirit of jubilation (S8/23/9)
modamn -- in a happy mood (S8/18/13)
modate -- enjoys (S4/14/17)
modate -- enjoys life (S6/5/31)
modate -- enjoys spiritual, eternal life (S7/11/29)
modate -- he enjoys (S8/19/37)
modate -- he felt satisfaction (S4/25/57)
modeta -- take pleasure (S7/9/14)
modiye -- I shall rejoice (B/16/13)
mogha- -- baffled in their hopes (B/9/12)
mogha-jn -- baffled in knowledge (B/9/12)
mogha-karma -- baffled in fruitive activities (B/9/12)
mogham -- uselessly (B/3/16)
mogh kt kt -- become baffled again and again (S7/13/30)
moha -- and by illusion (S9/8/25)
moha -- bewilderment (S5/14/27)
moha -- delusion (S1/8/47)
moha -- delusion (B/7/28)

moha -- illusion (S1/7/7)

moha -- illusion (S6/16/13)
moha -- illusion (S10/4/27)
moha -- illusion (S5/6/5)
moha -- illusion (S7/13/34)
moha -- of illusion (S5/11/16)
moha -- of illusion (S4/13/45)
moha -- of illusion (S6/15/21)
moha -- of illusion (B/2/52)
moha -- of illusions (B/16/16)
moha -- out of ignorance (S6/14/37)
moha -- illusion (S3/15/36)
moha -- illusion (S5/5/8)
moha -- illusion (B/14/13)
moha -- illusion (I/7)
moha -- illusion (B/18/73)
moha -- illusion (S8/16/19)
moha -- illusion (B/11/1)
moha -- infatuation (S3/31/35)
moha -- moha (S3/20/18)
moha-jam -- born of ignorance (S7/2/42)
moha-jam -- produced from illusory knowledge (S7/7/19)
moha-jt -- due to bewilderment (S1/13/44)
moham -- illusion (S4/29/16)
moham -- illusion (B/14/22)
moham -- illusion (S4/25/55)
moham -- illusory conception (S3/12/2)
moham te -- without being illusioned (S4/8/28)
moham -- to illusion (B/4/35)
mohanam -- deluding (S1/14/10)
mohanam -- illusory (B/18/39)
mohanam -- the delusion (B/14/8)
moha-paal -- the covering of illusion (S3/33/1)
moha-pa -- this hard knot of illusion (S9/8/26)
mohau -- and illusion (B/14/17)
mohau -- and illusion (S7/15/23)
mohau -- illusion (S7/15/43)
mohayan -- alluring (S1/3/17)
mohayan -- bewildering (S8/24/25)
mohayan -- bewildering (S1/9/18)
mohayan -- captivating (S1/8/44)
mohayan -- captivating (S8/12/47)
mohayasi -- You are bewildering (B/3/2)
mohayati -- bewilders (S3/4/17)
mohayitv -- enchanting (S8/12/1)
moh -- and bewilderment (S9/21/13)
moh -- and illusion (B/15/5)
moh -- illusion (S4/29/39)
moht -- because of ignorance (S3/30/3)
moht -- by illusion (B/16/10)

moht -- by illusion (B/18/25)

moht -- by illusion (B/18/60)
moht -- by illusion (B/18/7)
moht -- by mistake (S4/4/18)
moht -- due to illusion (S3/31/41)
mohya -- for bewildering (S3/27/25)
mohya -- for illusion (S5/1/13)
mohya -- unto the illusory conception (S3/9/14)
mohena -- by bewilderment (S7/6/8)
mohena -- by bewilderment (S6/11/13)
mohena -- by the illusion (B/7/27)
mohin -- enchanting (S3/6/39)
mohinm -- bewildering (B/9/12)
mohiny -- by charming beauty (S1/3/17)
mohita -- bewildered (S2/6/37)
mohita -- bewildered (S4/17/36)
mohita -- has been bewildered (S9/8/22)
mohita -- because of being condemned (S9/9/33)
mohita -- being bewildered (S9/19/12)
mohita -- being enamored (S4/20/30)
mohita -- enchanted (S8/12/38)
mohitam -- bewildered (S3/13/45)
mohitam -- deluded (B/7/13)
mohitau -- being so much attracted (S10/3/39)
mohit -- bewildered (S6/18/60)
mohit -- being attracted by him (S4/25/32)
mohit -- are bewildered (B/4/16)
mohit -- enchanted (S4/29/1)
mohiteu -- bewildered (S8/7/39)
moka -- and of liberation (S6/5/18)
moka -- for liberation (B/5/27)
moka -- for salvation (S3/28/3)
moka-dharma-vit -- the knower of the path of liberation (S4/19/32)
moka-dharmn -- the acts for salvation (S1/9/27)
moka-dharma -- pledged to the principles of liberation (S3/12/5)
moka-dvram -- the door of liberation (S3/25/20)
moka -- casting over (S2/1/31)
moka -- liberation (S1/8/49)
moka -- liberation (S4/22/35)
moka-kma -- one who desires liberation (S2/3/10)
moka-kkibhi -- by those who actually desire liberation (B/17/25)
mokam -- liberation (B/18/30)
mokam -- liberation (S8/3/25)
mokam -- the liberated life (S6/17/21)
mokam -- the liberated state of life (S7/13/5)
mokam -- the liberation (B/13/35)
mokau -- being liberated (S2/8/22)
mokayiymi -- will deliver (B/18/66)
mokn -- ultimate salvation (S1/9/28)
mokm -- of liberation (S4/23/35)

mokm -- of salvation (S4/22/34)

mokm -- salvation (S3/7/32)
mokya -- for the liberation (S6/17/23)
mokya -- for the purpose of liberation (B/7/29)
mokea -- and releasing (S8/11/22)
mokyase -- you will be liberated (B/4/16)
mokyase -- you will be liberated (S6/13/7)
mokyase -- you will be released (B/9/1)
mokyase -- you will become free (B/9/28)
mokyati -- saves (S2/7/31)
mokye -- I shall release (S7/7/9)
moaam -- which robs one (S5/24/22)
mriyama -- although on the verge of death (S9/21/14)
mriyama -- at the time of death (S6/2/49)
mriyama -- being dead (S5/14/12)
mriyama -- dying (S6/3/24)
mriyama -- while dying (S6/2/13)
mriyama -- nah--at the point of death (S4/29/76)
mriyamai -- especially those who are just about to die (S1/19/24)
mriyamasya -- of a person who is just ready for death (S6/2/33)
mriyamasya -- of one who is going to die (S1/19/37)
mriyamasya -- of the dying man (S6/1/30)
mriyamnm -- of those who are about to die (S1/19/36)
mriyamnm -- on the threshold of death (S2/3/1)
mriyate -- dies (B/2/20)
mriyate -- he dies (S3/30/18)
mriyate -- will die (S1/16/8)
mriyate -- vanquishes (S3/9/13)
mriyeta -- should die (S10/1/49)
mda -- and earth (S6/18/57)
mdam -- dirt (S10/8/34)
mdaga -- drums (S8/18/7)
mdaga -- drums (S4/12/31)
mdaga -- drums (S8/8/13)
mdaga -- drums (S4/24/23)
mdaga -- drums (S4/15/8)
mdaga -- of drums (S8/15/21)
mdaga -- of the drums (S5/9/15)
mdaga -- sweet sounding drum (S1/10/15)
mdag -- drums (S10/1/33)
mdagnm -- and of different types of drums (S8/8/26)
mdagnm -- and of drums (S8/10/7)
md -- with dirt (S8/16/26)
mdm -- earth (S1/1/1)
mdha -- an encounter (S3/18/19)
mdha -- fight (S3/14/3)
mdhe -- in a fight (with Parasurama) (S9/23/27)
mdhe -- in battle (S5/13/15)
mdhe -- in battle (S3/19/4)
mdhe -- in battle (S5/14/40)

mdhe -- in battle (S6/8/42)

mdhe -- in battle (S7/8/35)
mdhe -- in that fight (S6/11/10)
mdhe -- in that fight (S9/6/17)
mdhe -- in the battle (S7/8/27)
mdhe -- in the battle (S8/11/17)
mdhe -- in the battlefield (S1/7/13)
mdhe -- in the battlefield (S2/7/34)
mdhe -- in the battlefield (S9/15/34)
mdhe -- in the battlefield (S4/11/5)
mdhe -- in the duel (S3/18/28)
mdhe -- in the fight (S3/3/6)
mdhe -- in the fight (S6/8/1)
mdhe -- in the fight (S5/18/39)
mdhe -- in the fight (S6/10/17)
mdhe -- in the fight (S3/1/39)
mdhe -- in the fighting (S4/10/15)
mdhe -- in this fight (S6/12/16)
mdhe mdhe -- again and again in battle (S1/8/24)
mdhe -- on the battlefield (S7/2/29)
mdhe -- on the battlefield (S8/10/56)
mdhe -- on the battlefield (S8/10/40)
mdu -- amiable to everyone (S3/4/22)
mdu -- softness (S2/10/23)
mdu-aghri-hatam -- struck by His beautiful, delicate legs (S10/7/7)
mdu -- very mild (S6/1/56)
mdula-accha-blukam -- the very soft and clean sandy bank (S10/13/5)
mdura -- Mrdura (S9/24/16)
mdutvam -- softness (S3/26/36)
mduvit -- Mrduvit (S9/24/16)
ma -- O Siva (S4/3/10)
mam -- Lord Siva (S4/7/9)
mam -- Lord Siva (S4/2/8)
manya -- for the happiness (S8/7/35)
mayan -- increasing happiness (S3/15/15)
mayanti -- gives protection (S1/3/28)
mayate -- causes happiness (S3/9/22)
mga -- animals (S3/21/40)
mga -- animals (S4/7/28)
mga -- animals (S2/6/43)
mga -- animals (S4/25/19)
mga -- beasts (S2/6/13)
mga -- deer (S7/14/9)
mga -- deer (S5/5/34)
mga -- hunting (S4/26/4)
mga -- wild beasts (S5/26/17)
mga-arbhaka -- the son of a deer (S5/8/26)
mga-daya -- and animals (S10/13/60)
mga-kti -- in the form of a deer (S6/18/58)
mga-blakam -- the son of a deer (S5/8/24)

mga-ceitam -- the activities of the deer (S4/29/55)

mga-draka -- befitting the calf of the deer (S5/8/20)
mga-draka-bhsena -- resembling the son of a deer (S5/8/26)
mga-dehe -- in the body of a deer (S5/12/15)
mga-gaa -- by groups of deer (S4/6/10)
mga-h -- a hunter (S6/18/58)
mga abhavam -- I became a deer (S5/12/14)
mga -- an animal (S6/12/10)
mga -- animal (S7/8/18)
mga -- beast (S3/18/2)
mgai -- by any animal (S7/3/36)
mgai -- with deer (S4/6/19)
mgai saha -- with the forest animals (S9/19/19)
mga-indra -- lion (S1/16/11)
mga-indra -- the lion (B/10/30)
mga-indrai -- with lions (S4/6/19)
mga-indra-llm -- pastimes as a lion and human being combined (S7/10/47)
mga-indram -- a lion (S9/20/18)
mga-indrea -- by the lion (S4/18/23)
mgam -- an animal (S7/8/17)
mgam -- the deer (S4/29/53)
mga-pakim -- of the beasts and birds (S6/4/1)
mga-pate -- of one lion (S5/8/3)
mga-pati-bhayt -- because of fear of the lion (S5/8/24)
mga-pati -- the master of all living beings, who is exactly like a lion (the master of
all other animals) (S5/25/10)
mga-r -- a lion (S8/11/30)
mga-r iva -- like the king of the animals, the lion (S4/22/61)
mga-r -- the lion (S3/13/32)
mga-sagt -- because of my intimate association with a deer (S5/12/14)
mga-sutam -- the son of a deer (S5/8/29)
mga-arram -- the body of a deer (S5/8/27)
mga-arram -- the body of a deer (S5/9/1)
mga-arram -- the body of a deer (S5/8/31)
mga-va -- like a deer cub (S4/2/12)
mgava-ak -- like the eyes of a deer cub (S10/7/37)
mga-r-dni -- such as Mrgasirsa (S5/23/6)
mga-ti -- mirage (S4/7/28)
mgatm -- a mirage (S7/13/29)
mga-tm -- false aspiration (S4/29/18)
mgati-rp -- exactly like a mirage in the desert (S7/9/25)
mgatva-kraam -- the cause of accepting the body of a deer (S5/8/28)
mgatvam api -- although in the body of a deer (S5/14/45)
mgatva-nimitta -- of the cause of a deers body (S5/8/31)
mga-vadh -- wife of a deer (S5/8/4)
mga-vadh-nysa -- this baby deer entrusted to me by its mother (S5/8/19)
mga-varha-dibhya -- from the deer, wild pigs and so on (S5/9/13)
mgaya -- search out (S4/29/53)
mgayan -- seeking (S3/17/20)
mgayanta -- searching for (S4/8/31)

mgayantm -- searching for (S3/21/27)

mgayase -- are you trying to hunt (S5/2/7)
mgayatm -- who are searching (S3/15/45)
mgay vihr -- taking pleasure in hunting animals in the forest (S5/26/24)
mgaym -- for hunting (S9/1/23)
mgaym -- while hunting (S9/15/23)
mgaym -- while hunting in the forest (S9/21/36)
mgaym -- hunting (S4/26/26)
mgaym -- hunting (S4/26/4)
mgaym -- hunting (S9/18/18)
mgaym -- hunting excursion (S1/18/24)
mgaym -- in hunting (S9/9/20)
mgaym yta -- when he went hunting (S9/20/8)
mgaymi -- I am searching after (S4/8/23)
mgayym -- in hunting (S4/9/23)
mgayym -- on a hunting excursion (S4/10/3)
mgaye -- I am searching to kill (S3/18/10)
mgayo -- of the hunter (S3/31/42)
mgayu -- by a hunter (S4/17/14)
mgayu -- the hunter (S4/13/40)
mg -- animals (S7/7/54)
mg -- creatures (S3/18/10)
mg -- stags (S2/1/35)
mg -- the animals (S4/15/12)
mgn -- animals (S9/6/7)
mgn -- animals (S5/26/24)
mgn -- deer (S4/13/40)
mgn -- deer (S8/11/42)
mgn -- first-class elephants (S9/20/28)
mgn -- forest animals (S5/2/7)
mgn -- stags (S1/18/24)
mgn -- the forest animals (S2/10/37)
mgm -- of animals (B/10/30)
mge -- in the deer (S5/8/27)
mgendra -- by a lion (S4/10/20)
mgendra -- a lion (S9/15/28)
mgendra -- the lion (S4/16/23)
mgendra -- the lion (S1/12/22)
mgea -- the deer (S5/8/27)
mg iva -- like a deer (S4/17/14)
mg -- the she-deer (S4/28/46)
mgm -- the deer (S5/8/30)
mgya -- to be sought (S4/8/22)
mgya -- to be searched for (S7/7/23)
mgyate -- searches (S4/8/23)
mjan -- washing (S4/28/35)
mjmi -- I shall wash (S9/9/5)
mjita-patha-ruja -- whose fatigue due to walking on the street was diminished
mkaa -- Mrkanda (S4/1/44)

mkaasya -- of Mrkanda (S4/1/45)

mla -- celestial lotus (S2/9/12)
mla -- lotus flower (S3/8/23)
mla-dhavala -- as white as a lotus (S1/17/7)
mla-dhavalam -- as white as a white lotus (S1/17/2)
mla-gauram -- white like the fibers of a lotus (S6/16/30)
manta -- while considering (S4/14/38)
man -- bearing (S3/18/6)
m -- a lie (S7/5/9)
m -- all false (S9/20/33)
m -- all these theories are without substance (S7/15/59)
m -- false (S1/18/31)
m -- false (S6/18/43)
m -- false (S5/3/17)
m -- false (S7/2/48)
m -- falsely (S3/27/15)
m -- feigning (S5/8/21)
m -- in vain (S6/16/35)
m -- without purpose or cause (S10/6/1)
m -- lies (S6/18/70)
m -- Mrsa (S4/8/2)
m -- untruth (S2/6/34)
m -- untruth (S2/6/34)
m -- useless (S3/21/24)
m -- useless (S8/24/30)
m-aru -- with false tears in the eyes (S10/9/6)
m-di -- falsely envious because of a false conception (S7/10/15)
myate -- who is trying to appear as a false thing (actually the animal was
Aghasura, but because of poor knowledge they were thinking him to be a dead
python) (S10/12/25)
ma -- colliding with (S4/21/4)
ma -- fully cleansed (S4/9/57)
ma -- glittering (S4/24/47)
ma -- with beautiful bodily luster (S4/21/4)
ma -- pure (S4/7/35)
ma-jal -- filled with pure water (S5/16/13)
ma-kual -- nice earrings (S4/3/5)
mam -- brightened (S3/2/34)
mam -- palatable (S8/18/32)
mam -- very great (S4/21/20)
mam -- very palatable (S5/9/9)
ma-yaase -- whose reputation is very bright (S6/9/45)
m -- delightful (S3/25/23)
m -- pure (S4/30/35)
mt -- clay (S4/4/6)
mta -- dead (S1/18/39)
mta -- destroyed (S5/8/27)
mta -- killed (S6/18/76)
mta-aha -- annual death ceremonies (S7/14/26)
mta-hari-suta -- the calf of the dead doe (S5/8/16)

mta -- dead (S3/23/56)

mta -- dead (S5/10/7)
mta -- he died (S9/22/21)
mta -- is dead or should be killed (S8/19/42)
mta -- met his death (S1/18/1)
mta vasan -- either after death or while breathing (S10/4/16)
mtaka -- the dead body (S6/15/1)
mtaka -- a dead body (S5/26/30)
mtaka -- dead bodies (S1/15/6)
mtakam -- a dead body (S9/9/32)
mtakam iva -- exactly like a dead body (S5/1/38)
mtaka-upamam -- exactly like another dead body (S6/15/1)
mtam -- dead (S6/14/47)
mtam -- dead (S6/14/52)
mtam -- dead (S6/14/59)
mtam -- dead (S6/14/50)
mtam -- dead (B/2/26)
mtam -- died (S5/8/27)
mtam -- who was already dead (S3/3/2)
mtam -- the dead (S7/2/35)
mtam -- the profession of mrta (S7/11/18)
mta-mtaram -- who lost its mother (S5/8/24)
mta-mtaram -- who lost its mother (S5/8/7)
mta-praj -- a woman whose children are dead (S6/19/26)
mta-putr -- whose sons are dead (S6/18/37)
mtasya -- of the dead (B/2/27)
mtasya -- of the dead body (S6/14/50)
mta-vatsak -- who has lost her calf (S10/7/24)
mta-vats -- one whose child is dead (S1/7/47)
mtaye -- for death (S4/4/30)
mtnm -- of the dead (S1/7/58)
mte -- dead (S5/20/44)
mte -- is finished (S10/2/22)
mte -- from one death (S6/16/57)
mtena -- by the profession of mrta (S7/11/18)
mth -- give up your life (S9/14/36)
mti -- another death (S6/16/57)
mti -- death (S6/14/54)
mti -- death (S6/17/29)
mt-jti -- birth from earth (S6/16/22)
mt-mayeu -- in things made of earth (S6/16/22)
mtsn iva -- like the earth (S8/6/10)
mttik -- the mud (S5/16/20)
mtv -- after dying (S5/26/30)
mtyau -- into death (S1/15/41)
mtyau -- unto the demigod known as Mrtyu (S7/12/26)
mtyava -- causes of death (S10/11/55)
mtyave -- unto death (S4/24/41)
mtyave -- unto Kamsa, who is death personified for Devaki (S10/1/49)
mtyo -- and death (S6/15/5)

mtyo api -- even from fear of death (S7/10/29)

mtyo -- death (S8/16/4)
mtyo -- death (S6/1/8)
mtyo -- death personified (S10/13/4)
mtyo -- for death (S6/10/19)
mtyo -- from death (S4/17/17)
mtyo -- from death (S6/2/20)
mtyo -- from the clutches of death (S7/10/28)
mtyo -- from the path of repeated birth and death (S10/12/37)
mtyo -- in the form of time (S4/11/20)
mtyo jahara-agni-ghsn -- who had all entered like straws into the fire of the
abdomen of Aghasura, who was very bold and hungry, like death personified
(because the asura had assumed a big body, he must have had a very strong appetite)
mtyo mrdhni -- on the head of death (S4/12/30)
mtyo -- nor from death (S8/20/5)
mtyo -- of death (S4/30/38)
mtyo -- of death (S3/25/39)
mtyo -- of death (the inauspicious result) (S5/20/5)
mtyo -- of death (S2/6/9)
mtyo -- of death (S3/14/6)
mtyo -- of personified death (S4/21/30)
mtyu -- death (B/14/20)
mtyu -- death (B/13/8)
mtyu -- death (S1/14/14)
mtyu -- death (S7/1/42)
mtyu -- while dying (S4/29/71)
mtyu -- of death (S6/14/55)
mtyu -- of death (B/9/3)
mtyu -- of death (S6/12/14)
mtyu -- of death (S6/17/23)
mtyu -- of death (B/12/6)
mtyu -- untimely death (S5/16/25)
mtyu-bhaye -- fear of death (S7/15/46)
mtyu-gaja-bhayt -- out of fear of the elephant of death (S5/14/33)
mtyu-grasta -- although in imminent danger of death (S8/6/21)
mtyu-hsa -- power of death (S3/27/30)
mtyu -- as death (S3/29/26)
mtyu -- death (S6/10/32)
mtyu -- death (S9/9/35)
mtyu -- death (S9/10/53)
mtyu -- death (S4/29/22)
mtyu -- death (S10/1/48)
mtyu -- death (S10/1/38)
mtyu -- death (S3/26/57)
mtyu -- death (S5/24/14)
mtyu -- death (S2/10/28)
mtyu -- death (S2/2/27)
mtyu -- death (S1/8/9)
mtyu -- death (S7/5/47)
mtyu -- death (S9/13/10)

mtyu -- death (B/2/27)

mtyu -- death (S10/1/60)
mtyu -- death (S7/3/36)
mtyu -- death (S7/3/35)
mtyu -- death (S3/12/25)
mtyu -- death (S8/11/38)
mtyu -- death (S10/1/38)
mtyu -- death (S8/19/9)
mtyu -- death (S10/3/27)
mtyu -- death (S3/25/42)
mtyu -- death (B/10/34)
mtyu -- death (B/9/19)
mtyu -- death (S8/11/7)
mtyu -- death itself (S8/2/33)
mtyu -- distress or unhappiness (S6/3/5)
mtyu -- Kamsa (S10/1/49)
mtyu -- the cause of death (S8/5/36)
mtyu -- the controller of death, Yamaraja (S1/16/7)
mtyu -- the god of death (S3/26/66)
mtyu-kle -- when the time of death (S6/1/27)
mtyum -- birth and death (S3/16/19)
mtyum -- death (S4/9/52)
mtyum -- death (S3/31/42)
mtyum -- death (S8/20/25)
mtyum -- death (S3/24/38)
mtyum -- death (S3/18/28)
mtyum -- Death (S4/8/4)
mtyum -- death (S4/10/30)
mtyum -- death (S4/11/27)
mtyum -- death (S3/33/11)
mtyum -- death (S3/31/40)
mtyum -- death (S6/12/1)
mtyum -- death (S6/12/9)
mtyum -- death (S6/10/32)
mtyum -- death (S4/13/39)
mtyum -- death (S1/12/27)
mtyum -- death (S7/13/6)
mtyum -- death (I/14)
mtyum -- of death (S10/1/5)
mtyum -- repeated death (I/11)
mtyum -- the path of death (B/13/26)
mtyu-mukht -- from the mouth of death (S10/7/30)
mtyun -- by death (S4/11/19)
mtyun -- by death (S3/29/45)
mtyu-patham -- a material life of repeated birth and death (S9/8/13)
mtyu-pa -- the chain of birth and death (S3/14/5)
mtyu-pai -- by the bonds of death (S3/18/10)
mtyu-pt -- from the ropes of death (S6/3/23)
mtyu-vyla-bhta -- afraid of the serpent of death (S10/3/27)
mty -- deaths (S6/10/33)

muca -- discharging (S3/19/20)

mucukunda -- Mucukunda (S2/7/43)
mucukundam -- Mucukunda (S9/6/38)
mucyamneu -- being severed (from him) (S7/14/3)
mucyante -- are delivered (S8/4/17)
mucyante -- become free (B/3/31)
mucyante -- get relief (B/3/13)
mucyatm mucyatm -- just get him released (S1/7/43)
mucyate -- becomes freed (S4/24/78)
mucyate -- gets release (S1/9/23)
mucyate -- is delivered (S5/5/6)
mucyate -- is released (S6/8/41)
mucyeta -- can be delivered (S9/4/62)
mucyeta -- is delivered (S8/24/59)
mucyeta -- may be actually liberated (S6/14/4)
mucyeya -- I can get relief (S4/25/5)
mudam -- delight (S6/14/32)
mudam -- great happiness (S8/18/11)
mudam -- happiness (S3/15/26)
mudam -- jubilation (S9/14/14)
mudam -- Muda (S4/1/49)
mudam -- peace (S10/6/43)
mudam -- pleasure (S10/13/33)
mudam -- pleasure (S5/8/13)
mudam -- pleasure (S10/13/18)
mudam -- pleasure (S4/8/34)
mudam -- pleasure (S1/12/6)
mudam -- transcendental bliss (S10/8/27)
mudam -- transcendental bliss (S7/9/36)
mud anvit -- all surcharged with great pleasure (S8/7/1)
mud anvit -- being joyous in their attitude (S10/3/7)
mud -- because of a joyful attitude (S1/10/4)
mud -- being very pleased (S4/1/5)
mud -- gladly (S1/11/28)
mud -- happiness (S6/4/41)
mud -- in great happiness (S8/11/41)
mud -- in great jubilation (S9/10/41)
mud -- in great jubilation (S9/14/41)
mud -- in great jubilation (S10/3/6)
mud -- in great transcendental pleasure (S10/11/58)
mud -- in joyful ecstasy (S3/24/7)
mud -- in pleasure (S1/19/18)
mud -- in transcendental pleasure (S10/13/7)
mud -- with glad faces (S4/4/7)
mud -- with great delight (S1/2/22)
mud -- with great delight (S4/13/37)
mud -- with great happiness (S5/9/14)
mud -- with great happiness (S5/19/26)
mud -- with great jubilation (S8/20/18)
mud -- with great jubilation (S10/3/11)

mud -- with great jubilation (S9/10/33)

mud -- with great pleasure (S6/12/34)
mud -- with great pleasure (S4/7/25)
mud -- with great pleasure (S10/12/2)
mud -- with great pleasure (S8/1/33)
mud -- with great satisfaction (S8/16/42)
mud -- joyously (S3/15/42)
mud -- satisfaction (S5/15/10)
mud-anvita -- in a pleasing mood (S7/11/1)
mud-anvit -- being very pleased with him (S8/20/19)
mud-anvit -- in great happiness (S4/30/11)
mud-vaha -- this action was very much pleasing (S10/11/51)
mudgala-daya -- headed by Mudgala (S9/21/31)
mudgalt -- from Mudgala (S9/21/34)
mudgalt -- from Mudgala (S9/21/31)
mudgarai -- a hammerlike weapon (S4/6/1)
mudita -- delighted (S5/25/5)
mudita -- enthused (S5/17/13)
mudita-vkaam -- with closed eyes (S6/14/58)
mudit -- became very glad (S10/5/9)
mudit -- fully satisfied (S9/24/65)
muditm -- when she was satisfied (S4/25/57)
mugdha -- struck with wonder (S3/2/28)
mugdha -- thus being enchanted (S10/8/22)
mugdha-bhvena -- as if without knowledge (S9/3/4)
mugdha-bhvena -- by the childish behavior of the deer (S5/8/13)
mugdha -- bewildered (S3/4/17)
mugdha -- being amazed (S10/11/7)
mugdha iva -- as if He did not understand anything (S10/11/42)
mugdha-smita-alpa-daanam -- smiling with little teeth coming out of Their mouths
(they were more and more attracted) (S10/8/23)
mugdha-smitam -- with charming smiling (S6/14/58)
mugdhasya -- of a person bewildered or not in perfect knowledge (S7/6/7)
muhu -- again and again (S7/2/16)
muhu -- again and again (S3/31/6)
muhu -- again and again (S7/11/33)
muhu -- again and again (S7/8/35)
muhu -- again and again (S10/13/1)
muhu -- again and again (S3/20/36)
muhu -- again and again (S10/6/11)
muhu -- again and again (S10/2/29)
muhu -- again and again (S3/8/6)
muhu -- again and again (S10/13/24)
muhu -- again and again (S7/4/14)
muhu -- again and again (S4/5/12)
muhu -- again and again (S5/3/4)
muhu -- again and again (S4/9/44)
muhu -- again and again (S3/22/25)
muhu -- again and again (S4/9/48)
muhu -- again and again (S6/16/32)

muhu -- again and again (S4/4/26)

muhu -- again and again (S3/17/8)
muhu -- again and again (S3/17/26)
muhu -- again and again (S8/20/20)
muhu -- again and again (S4/6/30)
muhu -- again and again (S3/17/5)
muhu -- again and again (S4/12/18)
muhu -- again and again (S1/10/28)
muhu -- again and again (S7/2/29)
muhu -- always (S9/10/35)
muhu -- always (S2/4/14)
muhu -- always (S9/5/21)
muhu -- always (S1/6/35)
muhu -- always (S10/12/43)
muhu -- always (S6/3/32)
muhu -- always (S1/5/40)
muhu -- always (S1/6/34)
muhu -- always (S1/1/3)
muhu -- always (S3/9/8)
muhu -- always (S7/4/34)
muhu -- constantly (S8/8/41)
muhu -- constantly (S3/28/34)
muhu -- constantly (S3/1/43)
muhu -- constantly (S10/5/5)
muhu -- constantly (S1/14/38)
muhu -- constantly (S8/8/39)
muhu -- constantly (S1/12/9)
muhu -- constantly (S7/8/14)
muhu -- constantly (S8/12/46)
muhu -- constantly (S4/9/11)
muhu -- constantly (S4/22/25)
muhu -- constantly (S3/14/39)
muhu -- constantly (S1/9/13)
muhu -- constantly (S1/8/23)
muhu -- constantly (S1/7/47)
muhu -- constantly (S4/9/50)
muhu -- constantly (S7/7/35)
muhu -- constantly (S7/4/42)
muhu -- continually (S1/19/18)
muhu -- continuously (S6/4/31)
muhu -- more than often (S9/10/3)
muhu muhu -- again and again (S6/9/13)
muhu muhu -- repeatedly (B/18/76)
muhu -- repeatedly (S5/18/11)
muhu -- repeatedly (S5/24/3)
muhrta -- of a moment (S2/2/21)
muhrta-ardha-avaiym -- was remaining only for half a moment (S9/4/38)
muhrta -- a moment (S3/11/8)
muhrtai -- within moments (S3/30/24)
muhrtai -- muhurtas (S5/22/9)

muhrtam -- a few seconds (S3/14/22)

muhrtam -- a moment (S2/1/12)
muhrtam -- for a moment (S1/9/46)
muhrtam -- for a moment (S3/2/4)
muhrtam -- for a moment (S10/7/22)
muhrtam -- for a moment only (S5/13/7)
muhrtam -- for a muhurta (forty-eight minutes) (S5/24/3)
muhrtam -- for a second only (S9/9/42)
muhrta-trayam -- for three minutes (S5/8/1)
muhrtavat -- like a moment (S3/23/44)
muhrt -- Muhurta (S6/6/4)
muhrtt -- within only a moment (S2/1/13)
muhrty -- from the womb of Muhurta (S6/6/9)
muhrte abhijiti -- at noon (S7/10/67)
muhrte -- at one time (S3/3/8)
muhrte -- in the auspicious moment (S8/18/5)
muhrtena -- in a muhurta (forty-eight minutes) (S5/21/12)
muhrtena -- within a moment (S8/24/19)
muhyan -- being illusioned (S5/14/38)
muhyanti -- are bewildered (S7/5/13)
muhyanti -- are bewildered (B/5/15)
muhyanti -- are bewildered (S4/29/57)
muhyanti -- are bewildered (S4/30/20)
muhyanti -- are illusioned (S1/1/1)
muhyanti -- become bewildered (S9/4/3)
muhyanti -- become bewildered (S4/20/4)
muhyanti -- become illusioned (S5/18/4)
muhyanti -- bewildered (S1/9/16)
muhyate -- becomes bewildered (S8/22/17)
muhyati -- become bewildered (S8/5/30)
muhyati -- becomes bewildered (S6/1/52)
muhyati -- becomes bewildered (S10/5/30)
muhyati -- becomes illusioned (S2/7/53)
muhyati -- is bewildered (B/8/27)
muhyati -- is bewildered (S8/22/28)
muhyati -- is bewildered (S7/15/56)
muhyati -- is deluded (B/2/13)
muhyati sati -- being mystified (S10/13/57)
muhye -- became bewildered (S8/12/43)
muhyet -- becomes bewildered (S8/22/27)
mukha -- by the mouth (S8/7/14)
mukha -- face (S8/8/41)
mukha -- from the mouth (S4/31/24)
mukha -- from the mouth (S4/29/84)
mukha -- from the mouths (S4/20/24)
mukha -- mouth (S9/10/31)
mukha-agnin -- by the fire emanating from the mouth (S9/6/23)
mukha-ambhojam -- his face, which had formerly resembled a lotus flower (S7/2/29)
mukha-ambuja -- the lotus flower of His face (S1/9/24)
mukha-ambujam -- his face, which is just like a lotus flower (S4/8/66)

mukha-ambujam -- lotuslike face (S8/5/45)

mukha-amburuha -- the lotuslike mouth (S2/4/24)
mukha-analena -- by the fire emanating from His mouth (S2/2/26)
mukha-aravindam -- face like a lotus flower (S3/2/20)
mukha-cyuta -- delivered from the mouths (S4/20/25)
mukha -- face (S8/22/14)
mukha -- whose face (S7/2/3)
mukhai -- by the mouths (S3/12/37)
mukhai -- by the mouths (S3/12/38)
mukham -- a mouth (S3/26/54)
mukham -- countenance (S3/23/33)
mukham -- countenance (S3/15/41)
mukham -- countenance (S3/19/28)
mukham -- directions (S1/7/26)
mukham -- face (S1/11/26)
mukham -- face (S5/2/13)
mukham -- face (S6/14/21)
mukham -- faces (S7/4/9)
mukham -- faces (B/13/14)
mukham -- faces (S1/9/36)
mukham -- happiness (S4/21/40)
mukham -- mouth (S4/29/8)
mukham -- mouth (B/1/28)
mukham -- mouth (S10/8/35)
mukham -- mouth (S5/3/17)
mukham -- mouth (S8/7/26)
mukham -- mouth (S2/5/37)
mukham -- the face (I/15)
mukham -- the face (S9/18/12)
mukham -- the face (S10/7/35)
mukham -- the mouth (S3/26/63)
mukham -- the mouth (S2/1/29)
mukham -- the mouth (S2/10/17)
mukham -- the mouth (S8/16/9)
mukham -- the mouth (S10/6/22)
mukham -- the mouth (S2/6/1)
mukham -- the mouth (S10/8/23)
mukham -- the mouth through which the Supreme Personality of Godhead eats
mukham -- your face (S4/26/23)
mukha-nirkaa-din -- by seeing the faces (when a man sees the beautiful face
of a woman and the woman sees the strong build of the mans body, they always
desire one another) (S5/14/31)
mukha-nirvsita vyu -- the air emanating from the mouths (S5/16/23)
mukha-padma -- lotuslike face (S3/5/41)
mukha-pakaja-bhtaya -- exhibiting an extraordinary beauty in their lotuslike
faces (S10/5/10)
mukharm -- able to be very distinctly heard (S5/2/10)
mukharika -- of speech (S5/25/7)
mukharit -- emanating from the mouths (S4/29/39)

mukha-riya -- the beauty of their faces (S8/7/7)

mukha-r -- the decoration of the face (S7/9/11)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S3/16/8)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S3/6/30)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S5/24/16)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S3/12/36)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S4/7/14)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S6/4/5)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S2/10/18)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S8/24/8)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S6/1/30)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S2/10/19)
mukhata -- from the mouth (S3/12/24)
mukhata -- from the mouth or the flames (S7/14/17)
mukhata -- from their mouths (S3/17/9)
mukhata -- from their mouths (S4/30/45)
mukhata -- in front of Him (S3/19/2)
mukhata -- in the presence (S4/2/11)
mukh -- headed by (S9/22/27)
mukhni -- faces (S8/7/29)
mukhni -- faces (B/11/25)
mukhni -- heads (S3/8/16)
mukht -- from His mouth (S8/5/41)
mukht -- from the lips of (S1/1/3)
mukht -- from the mouth (S3/5/10)
mukht -- from the mouth (S8/3/33)
mukht -- from the mouth (S2/7/12)
mukht -- from the mouth (S6/14/9)
mukhe -- within the mouth (S4/30/14)
mukhe -- on the mouth (S6/8/4)
mukhe -- through the mouth (B/4/32)
mukhebhya -- from the mouths (S8/24/61)
mukhena -- by a gesture of the face (S3/8/27)
mukhena -- by his face (S3/22/21)
mukhena -- by the face (S1/16/19)
mukhena -- by the mouth (S8/15/26)
mukhena -- by the mouth (S3/16/8)
mukhena -- with your face (S4/8/64)
mukheu -- on the mouth (S5/23/7)
mukhya -- principle (S3/10/19)
mukhya -- the chief (S3/1/23)
mukhya -- the most important (S1/14/37)
mukhya -- chief (S7/2/45)
mukhya -- faces (S3/15/20)
mukhya -- prominent (S3/4/28)
mukhya -- the chief (S4/29/80)
mukhya -- the chief (S6/17/6)
mukhya -- the chief (S3/6/30)
mukhya -- the supreme (S8/24/28)
mukhyai -- headed by (S8/7/12)

mukhyai -- with all the chiefs of the various planetary systems (S8/23/20)
mukhyam -- the chief (B/10/24)
mukhyam -- unto the chief (S3/4/24)
mukhyasya -- of the living force (S9/20/4)
mukhya-tamya -- the first incarnation to appear (S5/18/25)
mukhyatm -- immovable life (S4/22/33)
mukhyayo -- of the chief (S4/12/28)
mukhy -- called Mukhya (principal) (S4/29/11)
mukhy -- the chief (S4/25/49)
mukhy -- headed by (S3/8/3)
mukhy -- headed by (S8/8/27)
mukhy -- headed by (S3/13/33)
mukhy -- headed by them (S9/4/53)
mukhy -- heads (S1/18/14)
mukhyn -- headed by (S9/24/53)
mukhyya -- unto the chief person (S3/15/8)
mukhyena -- with the chief (S3/19/6)
mukhyena -- the origin of all activities (S7/3/29)
mukta -- being delivered (S8/4/5)
mukta -- being freed (S1/13/26)
mukta -- being freed from (S6/2/39)
mukta -- being liberated (S4/29/84)
mukta -- disheveled (S3/20/40)
mukta -- had become opened (S10/4/3)
mukta -- hanging loose (S3/19/20)
mukta -- liberated (S4/9/15)
mukta -- liberated (S7/7/36)
mukta -- liberated (S4/22/38)
mukta -- liberated (S4/22/27)
mukta -- liberated (S2/8/6)
mukta -- liberated (S1/2/20)
mukta -- liberated from (S1/19/7)
mukta -- loosened (S3/33/29)
mukta-anya-saga -- being freed from all material contamination (S4/23/37)
mukta-rayam -- situated in liberation (S3/28/35)
mukta-tmabhi -- by persons who are already liberated (S8/3/18)
mukta-bandha -- being liberated from all bondage (S7/10/13)
mukta-bandhana -- completely freed from material bondage (S9/8/30)
mukta-bandhana -- liberated from material bondage (S3/24/45)
mukta-do -- freed from all faults (S3/15/21)
mukta-dusaga -- freed from bad materialistic association (S1/10/11)
mukta -- a liberated person (S5/1/16)
mukta -- was delivered (S8/4/3)
mukta -- was delivered (S10/11/24)
mukta -- being freed (S9/5/13)
mukta -- being liberated (B/18/71)
mukta -- freed (B/12/15)
mukta -- liberated (S10/10/15)
mukta -- liberated (S5/5/9)
mukta -- liberated (S5/14/24)

mukta -- liberated (B/5/27)

mukta -- released (S9/15/22)
mukta -- released (S9/3/9)
mukta -- released (S7/5/45)
mukta -- released (S8/11/36)
mukta -- thus released (S8/23/3)
mukta-kaccha-ikh -- their garments and hair loosened and scattered (S10/4/34)
mukta-kaha -- loudly (S1/18/38)
mukta-kaha -- loudly (S6/14/59)
mukta-kea -- loose hair (S9/8/5)
mukta-liga -- free from the subtle body (S4/12/18)
mukta-ligam -- transcendental (S3/27/11)
mukta-ligasya -- who had no identification with the gross and subtle body (S5/6/7)
muktam -- liberated (B/18/40)
muktam -- scattered (S5/2/14)
muktam -- thus released (S10/11/53)
muktam -- transcendental (S2/5/19)
mukta-mrdhaja -- naked (S5/6/7)
mukta-mrdhaja -- untied his hair (S1/15/43)
mukta-mrdhaj -- with the hair loose (S6/18/50)
mukta-saga -- with persons devoid of all material contamination (S4/16/18)
mukta-saga -- a liberated soul (S9/10/8)
mukta-saga -- free from attachment (S3/31/47)
mukta-saga -- freed from all attachment (S1/12/27)
mukta-saga -- liberated from all material association (B/18/26)
mukta-saga -- liberated from association (B/3/9)
mukta-saga -- liberated from material association (S3/29/32)
mukta-sagai -- by the association of liberated persons (S7/6/17)
mukta-sagai -- by those who are liberated from material contamination (S4/30/36)
mukta-saga-manoramam -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beautiful
to the liberated souls (S8/18/27)
mukta-sagnm -- who are free from attachment (S5/1/2)
mukta-staneu -- who had grown up and were no longer drawing milk from their
mothers (S10/13/35)
muktasya -- of the liberated (B/4/23)
mukta-udara -- became free from dropsy (S9/7/21)
mukta-vairake -- who is free from all enmity (S4/4/11)
mukta-vigrahe -- free from anger (S4/11/29)
muktaye -- for liberation (S3/25/15)
muktaye -- for liberation (S3/25/15)
muktaye -- for liberation (S8/19/25)
muktaye -- for liberation from (S1/5/13)
mukt -- pearls (S4/25/15)
mukt-dma -- decorated with laces and pearls (S1/10/17)
muktdma -- of pearls (S7/4/9)
mukt-dma -- strings of pearls (S4/9/55)
muktnm -- of those who are liberated during this life (who are unattached to the
bodily comforts of society, friendship and love) (S6/14/5)
mukt-phalai -- with pearls (S9/11/31)
mukt-vitnai -- by canopies decorated with pearls (S8/15/20)

muktya -- unto the Supreme, who is untouched by the contamination of material

nature S8/3/17)
mukte -- for liberation (S8/5/36)
mukti -- liberation (S2/10/1)
mukti -- liberation (S2/10/6)
mukti -- liberation from material bondage (S7/8/42)
mukti-kraam -- the cause of liberation (S8/8/21)
muktim -- liberation (S9/5/28)
muktim -- liberation (S6/3/24)
muktim -- liberation (S5/6/18)
muktim -- liberation from material bondage (S5/17/3)
muktim -- salvation (S4/9/29)
mukti-pate -- from the Lord, whose lotus feet give liberation (S4/9/29)
muktv -- without being touched (S2/8/10)
muktv -- opening (S10/13/7)
muktv -- quitting (B/8/5)
mukula -- buds (S5/2/5)
mukunda -- of Mukunda, the Supreme personality of Godhead (S6/3/28)
mukunda -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can deliver one from the
material clutches (S7/6/4)
mukunda -- the Personality of Godhead (S1/6/35)
mukunda -- the Personality of Godhead, who awards liberation (S3/13/4)
mukunda -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S4/21/49)
mukunda -- the Supreme personality of Godhead (S4/22/24)
mukunda -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can offer liberation (S5/19/21)
mukunda-aghri -- the lotus feet of the Lord (S1/5/19)
mukunda-aghrim -- unto the lotus feet of Lord Krsna (S1/19/7)
mukunda-caraa-eim -- whose only business is to serve Mukunda, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, and who always aspire for that service (S10/10/18)
mukunda-caraam -- to the lotus feet of Mukunda, Lord Krsna, who can give
liberation (S7/7/50)
mukunda-carae -- to the lotus feet of Mukunda, the Lord, who can give liberation
mukunda -- who awards salvation (S1/9/38)
mukunda -- Krsna, who can award liberation to everyone (S10/1/9)
mukunda -- Lord Krsna (S1/15/36)
mukunda -- Lord Krsna (who gives liberation) (S2/4/21)
mukunda -- Mukunda (S5/20/10)
mukunda -- Sri Krsna, who awards liberation (S3/1/12)
mukunda -- the Lord who awards salvation (S3/4/10)
mukunda -- the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/6/18)
mukunda -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S10/12/32)
mukunda-liga-laya-darane -- in seeing the Deity and temples and holy dhamas
of Mukunda (S9/4/18)
mukundam -- at Mukunda, Lord Sri Krsna (S10/13/64)
mukundam -- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S9/4/25)
mukundam -- Lord Krsna, the deliverer (S2/3/21)
mukundam -- unto Mukunda (S8/8/23)
mukunda-manasa -- of one who is already God conscious (S1/12/6)
mukunda-sev -- the devotee of the Lord (S1/5/19)

mukundasya -- of Mukunda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S7/7/51)

mukundasya -- of the Lord, who can give liberation (S4/9/36)
mukunda-vikramam -- the glorious activities of Mukunda, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead (S5/18/11)
mukunda-yaas -- with the fame of Lord Krsna (S4/29/84)
mukundt -- besides the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna (S1/18/21)
mukunde -- unto the Lord, who awards salvation (S2/1/10)
mukua -- crowns (S5/16/20)
mukua -- helmet (S5/3/3)
mukuai -- and helmets (S4/10/18)
mumoca -- gave up (S1/4/12)
mumoca -- released (S9/9/20)
mumoha -- she became unconscious (S6/14/48)
mumuce -- was released (S9/16/31)
mumuce -- gave up (S9/19/24)
mumucu -- emanated (S1/13/6)
mumucu -- gave up (S6/16/12)
mumucu -- released (S4/15/7)
mumucu -- released (S8/10/49)
mumucu -- showered (S10/3/7)
mumucu -- showered (S8/4/1)
mumudte -- they enjoyed life (S4/25/43)
mumude -- enjoyed (S6/1/25)
mumude -- enjoyed (S8/23/25)
mumude -- enjoyed life (S1/13/16)
mumude -- enjoyed life (S9/14/25)
mumudire -- became happy (S8/23/22)
mumuhe -- was illusioned (S3/26/5)
mumuhe -- he became enchanted (S9/20/8)
mumukatm -- of persons desiring to get out of the clutches of material bondage
mumukava -- of persons desiring liberation (S4/22/12)
mumukava -- persons desiring liberation (S1/2/26)
mumukava -- persons desiring liberation (S5/17/3)
mumukava -- persons desiring liberation (S5/24/20)
mumukava -- persons interested in liberation (S6/14/4)
mumukay -- seeking freedom (S3/19/28)
mumuko -- of persons who are very serious about getting out of material
entanglement (S5/12/13)
mumuku -- of those who desire liberation (S4/6/33)
mumukubhi -- also by persons desiring liberation (S4/8/22)
mumukubhi -- who attained liberation (B/4/15)
mumuku -- a person desiring to be liberated (S9/8/13)
mumuku -- anyone desiring liberation (S5/25/11)
mumuku -- desiring to be liberated from material conditions of life (S7/10/2)
mumuku -- persons who desire liberation (S9/6/51)
mumukm -- by those great sages seeking liberation (S3/24/36)
mumukm -- of persons desiring liberation from conditioned life (S5/25/8)
mumukm -- of those who desire to be liberated (S6/14/4)
mumro -- who has decided to be killed by the Lord (S10/2/41)

mumro -- one who is about to die (S1/9/39)

mumrm -- of persons who are about to meet immediate death (S7/8/11)
munau -- unto the great sage Valmiki (S9/11/15)
munau -- unto the muni (Vyasa) (S1/4/5)
munaya -- all sages (S2/1/7)
munaya -- all the great sages (S8/14/2)
munaya -- all the great sages (S4/14/7)
munaya -- all the great sages and saintly persons (S10/3/7)
munaya -- all the saintly brahmanas (S8/24/43)
munaya -- all those great saintly persons (S4/14/36)
munaya -- great philosophers and exalted sages (S6/16/40)
munaya -- great sages (S2/7/8)
munaya -- great sages (S8/3/7)
munaya -- great sages (S4/1/46)
munaya -- great sages (S1/1/15)
munaya -- great sages (S4/8/31)
munaya -- great sages (S4/9/20)
munaya -- great sages (S4/13/19)
munaya -- great sages (S3/8/3)
munaya -- great sages (S8/12/6)
munaya -- great sages (S4/24/17)
munaya -- great sages (S3/15/47)
munaya -- great sages (S2/7/41)
munaya -- great saintly persons (S6/17/32)
munaya -- great saintly persons (S7/15/75)
munaya -- great saintly persons (S9/9/15)
munaya -- great saintly persons (S9/13/9)
munaya -- great saintly persons (S8/1/22)
munaya -- great saintly persons (S7/10/48)
munaya -- great thinkers and sages (S3/13/25)
munaya -- O great sages (S3/16/3)
munaya -- O sages (S1/2/5)
munaya -- sages (S2/7/5)
munaya -- sages (S1/7/10)
munaya -- sages (S3/16/27)
munaya -- sages (S1/9/8)
munaya -- sages (S1/1/5)
munaya -- sages (S1/2/12)
munaya -- sages (S3/12/29)
munaya -- saintly persons (S5/14/39)
munaya -- the great sages (S3/15/27)
munaya -- the great sages (S2/6/13)
munaya -- the great sages (S4/14/1)
munaya -- the great sages (S4/10/29)
munaya -- the great sages (S3/3/24)
munaya -- the great sages (S8/18/8)
munaya -- the great sages (S4/13/22)
munaya -- the great sages (S3/15/32)
munaya -- the great sages (S3/15/29)
munaya -- the great sages (S1/19/28)

munaya -- the great sages (S4/14/13)

munaya -- the great sages, headed by Vyasadeva, etc (S1/9/47)
munaya -- the great saintly persons (S7/9/8)
munaya -- the great saintly persons (S7/9/44)
munaya -- the great thinkers (S2/6/40)
munaya -- the Kumaras (S4/22/1)
munaya -- the muni followers of the Vedanta (S1/5/24)
munaya -- the philosophers (S4/2/4)
munaya -- the sages (S1/2/25)
munaya -- the sages (S4/6/39)
munaya -- the sages (S3/15/26)
munaya -- the sages (S4/6/7)
munaya -- the sages (B/14/1)
munaya -- the sages (S4/1/54)
munaya -- the sages (S1/1/7)
munaya -- the saintly persons (S8/23/26)
munaya -- the seven sages (S8/5/8)
munaya -- thinkers (S1/19/8)
munaya cu -- the great sages said (S4/14/14)
munaya cu -- the sages said (S4/10/30)
munaye -- the great sage (S7/1/4)
munaye -- unto the great sage (S2/9/45)
mune -- O great sage (S7/1/17)
mune -- O great sage (S8/20/11)
mune -- O great sage (S5/1/1)
mune -- O great sage (S6/1/2)
mune -- O great sage (S3/13/2)
mune -- O great sage (S6/3/2)
mune -- O great sage (S4/27/22)
mune -- O great sage (S10/1/12)
mune -- O great sage, Sukadeva Gosvami (S6/13/3)
mune -- O muni (S1/5/23)
mune -- O sage (S3/22/8)
mune -- O sage (S3/24/35)
mune -- O sage (S1/9/28)
mune -- O sage Kardama (S3/24/16)
mune -- O Vyasadeva (S1/6/17)
mune -- from Muni (S6/6/27)
mune -- from the learned philosopher (S1/12/28)
mune -- from the saintly person (S7/13/46)
mune -- of a great sage (S7/5/38)
mune -- of Maitreya Muni (S3/13/1)
mune -- of Narada Muni and other devotees (S6/11/21)
mune -- of the great sage (S4/1/21)
mune -- of the great sage (S9/16/6)
mune -- of the great sage (S4/31/28)
mune -- of the great sage, Dadhici (S6/10/13)
mune -- of the great sage Jamadagni (S9/16/4)
mune -- of the great saintly person (S7/13/11)
mune -- of the sage (S3/21/37)

mune -- of the sage (S3/4/10)

mune -- of the sage (B/6/3)
mune -- of the sage (S1/19/4)
mune -- sage (B/2/69)
mune -- unto Cyavana Muni (S9/3/9)
mune vaca -- the words of Narada Muni (S8/11/45)
muni -- and of great sages (S5/25/7)
muni -- by sages (S6/5/3)
muni -- by the sages (S4/16/1)
muni -- great sages (S4/24/12)
muni -- great sages (S4/1/22)
muni-annai -- by preparations made with ghee for saintly persons (S7/15/7)
muni-annam -- foodstuffs prepared with ghee and suitable to be eaten by great saintly
persons (S7/15/5)
muni-annena -- with food (prepared in ghee and offered to the Supreme Lord)
munibhi -- accompanied by great sages (S10/2/25)
munibhi -- along with the munis present there (S1/8/4)
munibhi -- by great sages (U/11)
munibhi -- by great sages (S4/30/6)
munibhi -- by great sages (S4/19/4)
munibhi -- by saintly persons (S6/17/2)
munibhi -- by such great sages (S9/8/23)
munibhi -- by the great sages (S4/16/3)
munibhi -- by the great sages (S6/7/2)
munibhi -- by the great sages (S4/18/3)
munibhi -- by the great sages (S3/13/46)
munibhi -- by the munis (S3/33/34)
munibhi -- by the sages (S4/7/29)
munibhi -- by the sages (S3/22/38)
munibhi -- great saintly persons (S7/10/33)
munibhi -- the great sages (S1/5/28)
muni-gaa -- the great learned sages (S1/9/41)
muni-gaa-dayitam -- which is dear to the great saintly residents (S5/8/30)
muni-gaai -- and by great sages (S5/1/8)
muni-gaai -- by the saintly persons (S6/10/13)
muni-ga -- all the sages (S8/11/40)
muni -- a great personality (S4/8/56)
muni -- a great sage (S9/3/20)
muni -- a great saintly person (S9/17/1)
muni -- a sage (B/2/56)
muni -- a saintly person (S7/12/17)
muni -- a saintly, thoughtful man (S7/12/22)
muni -- a thinker (B/5/6)
muni -- a thoughtful person (S3/27/27)
muni -- Agastya Muni (S8/4/9)
muni -- as a great saintly person (S9/2/14)
muni -- great sage (S3/10/3)
muni -- great sage (S4/1/45)
muni -- Kapila Muni (S9/8/9)

muni -- like the great sages (S4/23/6)

muni -- Muni (S6/6/24)
muni -- Narada Muni (S7/15/79)
muni -- sage (S1/7/9)
muni -- sage (S3/4/36)
muni -- sage (S3/8/9)
muni -- Saubhari Muni (S9/6/43)
muni -- such a thoughtful person (S7/13/44)
muni -- the great sage (S9/5/23)
muni -- the great sage (S9/15/8)
muni -- the great sage (S9/8/27)
muni -- the great sage (S9/15/24)
muni -- the great sage (S3/7/8)
muni -- the great sage (S3/5/17)
muni -- the great sage (S6/5/29)
muni -- the great sage (S9/22/21)
muni -- the great sage (S4/1/19)
muni -- the great sage (S9/15/10)
muni -- the great sage (S4/28/32)
muni -- the great sage (S4/31/23)
muni -- the great sage (S4/1/23)
muni -- the great sage Jamadagni (S9/16/5)
muni -- the great sage Narada (S4/8/63)
muni -- the great sage Narada Muni (S6/5/22)
muni -- the great sage Valmiki (S9/11/11)
muni -- the King, who was silent due to full mental satisfaction (S6/16/31)
muni -- the learned (S1/4/3)
muni -- the meditative devotee (S2/2/20)
muni -- the muni (S1/4/17)
muni -- the philosopher (S2/2/19)
muni -- the philosopher or speculator (S7/15/62)
muni -- the sage (S4/1/25)
muni -- the sage (S3/21/49)
muni -- the sage (S1/6/37)
muni -- the sage (S1/4/22)
muni -- the sage (S9/4/50)
muni -- the sage (S1/7/8)
muni -- the sage (S6/15/12)
muni -- the sage (S3/28/20)
muni -- the sage (S3/5/12)
muni -- the sage (S3/13/5)
muni -- the sage (S3/24/42)
muni -- the sage Kardama (S3/24/1)
muni -- the thoughtful (S4/24/59)
muni -- the thoughtful (S1/15/42)
muni -- the transcendentalist (B/5/27)
muni -- thoughtful (S3/27/8)
muni -- very thoughtful (S4/31/8)
muni -- Visvamitra Muni (S9/16/33)
muni -- Vyasadeva (S1/4/33)

muni-kopa -- by the anger of Kapila Muni (S9/8/12)

muni-kte -- for the good of the sages (S3/28/32)
munim -- Gargamuni (S10/8/3)
munim -- who was equal to a saint (S3/22/34)
munim -- sage (S1/2/2)
munim -- the great sage (S9/8/20)
munim -- the great sage (S3/22/1)
munim -- the great sage Jamadagni (S9/16/11)
munim -- the sage (S1/13/38)
munim -- the sage (S1/18/24)
munim -- the sage (S3/21/45)
munim -- to the great sage (S6/14/22)
munim -- to the sage (Maitreya) (S3/20/8)
munim -- unto Cyavana Muni (S9/3/8)
munim -- unto the great sage (S1/19/31)
munin -- by the muni (S1/4/25)
munin -- by the philosopher (S6/14/22)
munin -- by the sage (S3/14/6)
munin -- with the muni (S1/4/7)
muni-pradhna -- the chief amongst the sages (S3/7/42)
muni-priyam -- which is approved by the great sages (S9/2/10)
muni-sammatn -- which are recognized by great munis, philosophers and saintly
persons (S7/12/17)
muni-sasadi -- in the presence of great saintly persons (S6/17/4)
muni-sattama -- O best of all munis, king of the munis (Sukadeva Gosvami) (S10/1/2)
muni-sattama -- O great sage (S1/6/4)
muni-sat-tama -- the greatest among the devotee philosophers (S1/13/40)
muni-sattam -- all the great sages gathered there (S9/13/7)
muni-sattam -- O best of the sages (S6/4/3)
muni-reha -- O chief among the sages (S3/14/2)
muni-reha -- O chief amongst the munis (S1/8/12)
muni-vara -- great sage Jada Bharata (S5/10/14)
muni-varam -- from the best of sages (S3/22/26)
muni-varam -- the best of all the sages (S6/7/2)
muni-varya -- by yourself, the great sage (S1/5/9)
muni-varya -- O best of munis (S5/2/7)
muni-vat -- like a sage (S4/25/28)
muni-vrata -- with the vows of a sage (S1/19/7)
muni-vratai -- like the great sages (S4/25/19)
muni-vrat -- just take the vow of the great sages, the vow of silence (S4/24/71)
munn -- great sages (S4/12/35)
munn -- the great sages (S3/12/4)
munn -- the sages (S4/5/16)
munn -- to the sages (S4/12/28)
munnm -- great saintly persons (S8/7/20)
munnm -- in the presence of the sages (S7/1/14)
munnm -- of great sages (S5/3/11)
munnm -- of great sages (S8/1/33)
munnm -- of such saintly persons (S5/10/19)
munnm -- of the great philosophers or mental speculators (S1/8/20)

munnm -- of the great sages (S1/2/3)

munnm -- of the great sages (S1/4/1)
munnm -- of the sages (B/10/37)
munnm -- those four sages (S3/16/1)
mun -- shaved clean (S9/8/5)
muca -- give up (S10/6/11)
muca -- give up (S10/6/11)
muca muca -- release, release (S7/7/8)
muca -- please release (S8/22/21)
mucan -- releasing (S10/8/29)
mucan -- shedding (S3/22/25)
mucan -- smearing (S3/4/14)
mucan -- smearing (S3/2/5)
mucan -- spitting (S6/11/11)
mucasi -- deliver (S4/17/24)
mucati -- gives away (S1/6/22)
mucati -- gives up (S2/8/6)
mucati -- he did release (S4/19/14)
muraja -- a kind of drum (S8/15/21)
muraja -- another kind of drum (S8/8/13)
muram -- Mura (S3/3/11)
mura-ripo -- of the enemy of Mura (Krsna) (S4/26/24)
murre naideikai -- by the order carriers of Murari, Krsna (S6/3/1)
murre -- of Murari (Sri Krsna), the Personality of Godhead (S3/7/14)
murre -- of Murari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S8/20/25)
murre -- of Murari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/6/13)
musal -- maces (S4/10/25)
muita-cetasa -- their hearts are bewildered (S8/12/10)
muita -- being enlivened more and more (S9/14/25)
muita -- bereft of (S1/15/13)
muita -- cheated (S1/13/37)
muan -- diminishing (S4/7/19)
muan -- taking away (S10/7/21)
muanta -- stealing (S10/12/5)
muantam -- who was diminishing (S3/18/2)
muibhi -- with bunches of sticks (S1/15/22)
muibhi -- with his fists (S3/19/25)
muika -- by the asura named Mustika (S10/2/1)
muin -- with his fist (S3/19/15)
mut-aru-su-jalai -- with the water of his tears of joy (S10/13/62)
mha -- bewildered (S3/30/12)
mha -- fool (S3/18/4)
mha -- foolish (B/17/19)
mha -- O rascal not knowing how to act (S6/5/43)
mha -- O you rascal (S8/19/33)
mha -- rascal (S7/8/6)
mha -- you rascal (S8/11/4)
mha-cetasa -- foolish persons (S10/4/45)
mha-dhiya -- foolish (S4/2/29)
mha-dhiya -- who am very foolish (due to having no spiritual knowledge)

mha-dhiya -- unintelligent (S3/20/37)
mha-d -- by the foolish observer (S1/8/19)
mha -- foolish (S5/5/16)
mha -- foolish (B/7/25)
mha -- rascal (S4/25/6)
mha -- stunted (S1/4/4)
mha -- the fool (S3/30/7)
mha -- the foolish man (S6/1/26)
mham -- we are all foolish, bereft of spiritual knowledge (S7/9/41)
mha-tama -- the lowest of the fools (S3/7/17)
mha-yoniu -- in animal species (B/14/15)
mh -- foolish (S1/6/6)
mh -- because of simplicity (S1/11/39)
mh -- being ignorant (S4/14/24)
mh -- foolish (B/7/15)
mh -- foolish men (B/9/11)
mh -- O foolish people (S7/2/44)
mh -- the foolish (B/16/20)
mhnm -- of the fools (S1/4/25)
mhya -- the form of the Lord as an animal, such as the boar (S8/3/12)
mhe -- O foolish woman (S9/20/38)
mheu -- fools (S3/31/34)
mheu -- unto the foolish persons rotting in this material world (S7/9/42)
mka -- dumb (S5/9/9)
mka -- dumb (S4/13/10)
mka -- dumb (S5/5/29)
mka -- dumb (S1/4/6)
mka-vat -- like a dumb man (S7/13/10)
mla -- of the root (U/7)
mla -- of the roots (S7/5/17)
mla -- roots (S4/8/55)
mla -- roots (S4/23/5)
mla -- roots (S4/28/35)
mla -- roots (S6/18/57)
mla -- the root (S8/24/46)
mla -- the root (S4/31/14)
mla -- the root (S8/5/49)
mla-dee -- at the base (S5/16/26)
mla-dee -- in the region beneath the base (S5/25/1)
mla -- whose root (S5/26/9)
mla -- the root (S5/13/22)
mlai -- with the help (S3/3/14)
mlaka -- Mulaka, the progenitor of the ksatriyas (S9/9/40)
mlam -- root (S3/9/37)
mlam -- root (S1/5/5)
mlam -- rooted (B/15/3)
mlam -- the foundation (S10/4/39)
mlam -- the root (lotus feet) (S3/21/15)
mlam -- the root (S8/19/39)

mlam -- the root (S9/10/30)

mlam -- the root of everything (S4/30/32)
mlam -- the source (S3/21/15)
mlam -- ultimate end (S3/29/1)
mla-niecanam -- exactly like pouring water on the root of a tree (S8/9/29)
mla-praktaye -- unto the purusa-avatara, the origin of prakrti and pradhana
mla-vidyay -- with chanting of the same dvadasaksara-mantra (S8/16/40)
mlni -- roots (B/15/2)
mle -- at the base (S5/16/7)
mle -- at the base (S5/25/13)
mle -- at the root of (S4/21/32)
mleu -- with the root (S1/19/17)
mrccha -- fainting (S4/29/71)
mrcchayitv -- vibrating (S1/6/32)
mrcchm -- fainting (S5/26/8)
mrcchm -- unconsciousness (S3/31/6)
mrcchita -- fainted (S5/26/15)
mrcchita -- fainted (S5/26/16)
mrcchita -- unconscious (S3/30/23)
mrcchit -- fainted (S6/11/7)
mrcchitena -- and melodious music (S2/7/33)
mrdha -- head (S3/8/23)
mrdha -- heads (S1/3/4)
mrdha-abhiiktasya -- who is noted as the emperor (S9/15/41)
mrdhabhi -- by the head (S2/5/39)
mrdhabhi -- with the head (S4/4/16)
mrdhabhi -- with their heads (S3/3/28)
mrdhaja -- hair on the head (S4/21/17)
mrdhaja -- having hair on his head (S4/5/3)
mrdha-ja -- his hair (S4/14/44)
mrdha-ja -- the hair on the head (S10/4/3)
mrdhajam -- hairs (S1/7/55)
mrdhaj -- hair (S3/19/20)
mrdha-jn -- hair (S3/23/24)
mrdhan -- the cerebral hole (S2/2/21)
mrdhan -- the hole in the top of the head (S10/12/31)
mrdhani -- on a hood or head (S5/25/12)
mrdhani -- on the head (S10/13/33)
mrdhani -- on the head (S4/8/25)
mrdhani -- on the head (S5/16/28)
mrdhani -- on the head (Dhruvaloka) (S5/17/1)
mrdhani -- on the top (S5/21/13)
mrdhani -- on the top (S8/5/17)
mrdhani -- on the top (S5/16/7)
mrdhani -- on the top of the head (S6/8/8)
mrdhanyam -- on the head (S1/7/55)
mrdha-sahasra-dhmasu -- on the hundreds and thousands of hoods of the Lord
mrdhasu -- beyond the material coverings (S2/6/19)

mrdhasu -- on the top (S5/17/6)

mrdhasu -- on their heads (S10/2/33)
mrdhna -- from the head (S7/3/4)
mrdhna -- from the top (S5/26/28)
mrdhna -- on the summit (S3/8/24)
mrdhna -- the top of the head (S4/1/21)
mrdhn -- by his head (S6/17/16)
mrdhn -- by the head (S4/31/28)
mrdhn -- from the chest to the head
mrdhn -- his head (S1/19/31)
mrdhn -- with his head (S3/21/12)
mrdhn -- with his head (S6/17/37)
mrdhn -- with his head (S9/18/26)
mrdhn -- with his head (S8/22/15)
mrdhn -- with the head (S8/22/14)
mrdhn -- with the head (S4/7/23)
mrdhn -- on the head (S8/18/28)
mrdhni -- on his head (S8/23/11)
mrdhni -- on his head (S8/20/18)
mrdhni -- on his head (S3/28/22)
mrdhni -- on the head (S6/16/48)
mrdhni -- on the head (S8/7/17)
mrdhni -- on the head (S8/18/28)
mrdhni -- on the head (S4/9/44)
mrdhni -- on the head (B/8/12)
mrdhni -- on the head (S4/23/15)
mrdhni -- on the head (S3/14/6)
mrdhni -- on the head (S3/3/3)
mrdhni -- on the head of Krsna (S10/6/43)
mrdhni -- on the top (S4/11/28)
mrdhni -- on the top of the head (S8/20/25)
mrdhni -- on their heads (S7/8/37)
mrdhny arpitam -- bowing our heads (S9/4/53)
mrkha -- illiterate (S4/23/34)
mrtaya -- forms (S10/13/54)
mrtaya -- forms (B/14/4)
mrtaye -- form (S3/19/30)
mrtaye -- whose expansions (S6/16/20)
mrtaye -- unto the deity or form (S7/3/28)
mrtaye -- unto the Personality (S2/4/13)
mrte -- the personification (S4/9/17)
mrti -- representation (S1/5/38)
mrti-dhar -- personified (S1/19/23)
mrti -- forms (S2/2/28)
mrti -- forms (S3/1/17)
mrti -- in the forms (S1/17/34)
mrti -- Murti (S8/13/22)
mrti -- Murti (S4/1/49)
mrti -- the personification (S6/7/29)
mrti -- the personification (S6/7/29)

mrti -- the personification (S6/7/29)

mrti -- the personification (S6/7/29)
mrtim -- different forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (S5/25/10)
mrtim -- form (S4/17/28)
mrtim -- personified (S6/8/11)
mrtim -- the form (S5/17/16)
mrti-madbhi -- assuming some form (S10/13/51)
mrtimadbhi -- in His original form (S8/6/3)
mrti-madbhi -- possessing form (S10/13/53)
mrtimat -- personal (S3/15/16)
mrti-matya -- accepting forms (S8/8/10)
mrtin -- by such a feature (S3/10/12)
mrty -- by His personal form (S9/24/63)
mrtym -- of the name Murti (S2/7/6)
maka-dibhi -- by rats and so on (S5/14/5)
mika -- mouse (S8/6/20)
mtra -- and of urine (S9/3/5)
mtra -- and urine (S3/31/17)
mtra -- urine (S5/26/22)
mtra -- urine (S4/10/24)
mtra -- urine (S3/19/19)
mtra -- urine (S5/26/23)
mtram -- urine (S3/30/19)
mtram -- urine (S3/17/12)

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