Animated Hist Ory of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic
Animated Hist Ory of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic
Animated Hist Ory of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic
Murphy, J. B., Pisarevsky, S. A., Nance, R. D. and Keppie, J. D. 2001. Animated History of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic.
In: Jessell, M. J. 2001. General Contributions: 2001. Journal of the Virtual Explorer , 3, 45 - 58.
The amalgamation and breakup of the supercontinent
Rodinia has influenced global-scale tectonothermal events
in the Neoproterozoic in much the same way that the
amalgamation and breakup of Pangea influenced the
Phanerozoic. Although the configuration and breakup
history of Rodinia is controversial (e.g., Hoffman, 1991;
Dalziel, 1992, 1997; C. Powell et al, 1993; Karstrom et al.,
1999; Loewy et al., 2000; Wingate and Giddings, 2000; Li
and Powell, 2001), the consensus is that Rodinia was a
relatively long-lived (c. 1100-755 Ma) supercontinent
produced by collisional events of broadly Grenvillian age
(McMenamin and McMenamin, 1990; offman, 1991;
Wingate and Giddings, 2000).
Studies of the amalgamation and breakup of Rodinia have
centred on the evolution of its continental margins during
supercontinent assembly and dispersal. As a result, efforts to
constrain its history and configuration have focused on the
distribution of Grenville-aged orogenic belts and the
evolution of Neoproterozoic passive margin sequences.
However, continental margins that continuously faced
oceans as the supercontinent assembled and dispersed
preserve tectonothermal histories that provide additional
geologic constraints on the timing of supercontinent
assembly and fragmentation. For Rodinia, the history of
such margins is collectively recorded in those peri-
Gondwanan terranes, such as Avalonia, Carolina and
Cadomia, that are believed to have occupied peripheral
positions with respect to the supercontinent. Hence, the
Neoproterozoic tectonothermal evolution of these terranes
may provide further insights into the configuration of
Rodinia and the timing of its breakup.
Animated History of Avalonia in
Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic
Department of Geology, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish,
Nova Scotia B2G 2W5, Canada email:
Tectonics Special Research Centre, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, Australia
Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701 U.S.A
Instituto de Geologa, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico,
Mxico D.F., 04510 Mxico.
Abstract: Current debate regarding the configuration and breakup history of the late Precambrian supercontinent
Rodinia has focused on the development of Grenville-aged orogenic belts and the evolution of Neoproterozoic
passive margin sequences. However, supercontinent amalgamation and breakup also have profound tectonic effects
on the evolution of continental margins that continuously faced oceans as the supercontinent assembled and
dispersed. This evolution is commonly recorded by exotic terranes along the continental margin. For Rodinia, these
would include exotic terranes within the Appalachian, Caledonide and Variscan orogens that are interpreted to have
evolved along an active margin of Neoproterozoic Gondwana. Isotopic data indicate that some of these peri-
Gondwanan terranes originated from ca. 1.2 to 1.0 Ga juvenile crust within a Panthalassa-type ocean that surrounded
Rodinia and became accreted to the Gondwanan margin by 650 Ma. Other terranes, however, formed along this
margin by recycling ancient Gondwanan crust.
These interpretations require specific relationships with Gondwana that can be tested against the paleomagnetically
constrained movements of Laurentia and Gondwana from ca. 800-500 Ma. Problematically, Amazonia is
unconstrained paleomagnetically, and there is a lack of reliable paleomagnetic data from Laurentia between 720 and
615 Ma. In addition, some models favour a high latitude for Laurentia around 570 Ma whereas others favour a low
latitude. To these two models we apply two approaches, which we present in four animations. The first approach
assigns the minimum movement to Laurentia and Gondwana required to satisfy the paleomagnetic data and
examines the relationship between this motion and the contemporaneous tectonothermal evolution of the peri-
Gondwanan terranes. The second approach again satisfies the paleomagnetic data but in time periods where there
is no data Laurentia and Gondwana are permitted to migrate in a fashion that would make them compatible with the
tectonothermal history of peri-Gondwanan terranes. The available paleomagnetic data from both West and East
Avalonia, although not of high quality, show systematically lower paleolatitudes than predicted by these models.
Hence, a suggestion from both approaches is that either Laurentia had a more complicated movement history
between 720 and 615 Ma than is currently constrained by the available data, or the configuration of Laurentia-W.
Gondwana-Avalonia on many reconstructions is incorrect. Although the Laurentia-W.Gondwana fit shown in this
paper is constrained by the abundant Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic poles for Laurentia and Baltica, several tests of
this configuration, including the correlation between Dalradian Scotland and the Peruvian Arequipa massif and the
discovery of the Neoproterozoic Maraon belt in the northern Andes, have failed to provide conclusive proof.
Murphy et al., 2001 Journal of the Virtual Explorer
In this paper, we test the relationship between the
peri-Gondwanan terranes and Gondwana implied by a
wealth of diverse geologic data against paleomagnetically
constrained movements of Laurentia and Gondwana from
ca. 800-500 Ma. Using this approach, we can show that if a
tectonothermal linkage existed between the peri-Gondwana
terranes and Gondwana during the late Neoproterozoic, then
a linkage between Laurentia and Gondwana is unlikely.
Geologic Setting
The peri-Gondwanan terranes are exotic terranes
within the Appalachian, Caledonide, and Variscan orogens
(Fig. 1A) that are interpreted to have evolved along an active
continental margin of Neoproterozoic Gondwana (Fig. 1B,
e.g., OBrien et al., 1983; Rast and Skehan, 1983; Quesada,
1990; Nance et al., 1991). Early Paleozoic shallow-marine
successions within these terranes contain peri-Gondwanan
faunas (e.g., Theokritoff, 1979; Keppie, 1985; Nance and
Thompson,1996). Avalonia, the largest peri-Gondwanan
terrane, extends from New England and Atlantic Canada
(West Avalonia) into southern Britain and Brabant (East
Avalonia). Other peri-Gondwanan arc terranes include
Carolina and related terranes in the southern Appalachians
and the subsurface of Florida, and Cadomia, a group of
related terranes in northwestern France and Bohemia, the
age and evolution of which resembles those of parts of Iberia
and the Pan-African belts of West Africa (Fig. 1B). In
Middle America, peri-Gondwanan terranes include
Oaxaquia and the Yucatan block of Mexico, and the Chortis
block of Honduras and Guatamala. The geology of these
terranes has been reviewed in several recent publications
(e.g. Nance et al., in press; Keppie and Ramos 1999, Nance
and Thompson, 1996) and is briefly outlined here.
The evolution of Avalonia has seven main elements (e.g.
Nance et al., in press); (1) the development of juvenile crust
at ca. 1.2 to 1.0 Ga, (2) an early arc phase (pre 650 Ma) , (3)
accretion to Gondwana at ca. 650 Ma, (4) a main arc phase
(640-570 Ma), (5) its transition to a platform (570-540 Ma),
(6) the rifting of Avalonia from Gondwana (ca. 515 Ma), and
(7) its accretion to Laurentia (ca. 440 Ma).
Although Avalonia developed along a continental margin
subduction zone, the basement upon which the main
Avalonian arc was developed is nowhere unequivocally
exposed. Fragments of this basement may occur in
northwestern Cape Breton Island (Keppie and Dostal, 1991)
and in the Goochland terrane of the southern Appalachians
(Hibbard and Samson, 1995), but the provenance of these
regions is controversal (e.g., Farrar, 1984; Barr et al., 1998).
As a result, the nature of Avalonian basement has been
characterized indirectly from the neodymium isotopic
composition of crustally derived felsic igneous rocks
ranging in age from 740 to 370 Ma. These igneous rocks
have elemental Sm/Nd ratios typical of intracrustal melts
(Sm/Nd ~0.19; Allgre and Ben Othman, 1980) and similar
initial eNd values that range between 2.5 and +5.0
(Thorogood, 1990; Barr and Hegner, 1992; Whalen et al.,
Figure 1. A: Early Mesozoic reconstruction showing the locations of
Precambrian peri-Gondwanan terranes. B. Late Neoproterozoic (635-590
Ma) reconstruction showing the location of Avalonia and related peri-
Gondwanan terranes (modified after Nance and Murphy, 1996; Linneman
et al., 2000; Nance et al. in press) relative to the continental reconstruction
of Dalziel (1997). (Ch = Chortis Block, Ox = Oaxaquia, Y= Yucatan Block,
F = Florida). Figure modified after Nance and Murphy (1994, 1996) and
Murphy et al. (1999) to accommodate (1) subduction polarities proposed
for West Avalonia (Dostal et al., 1996; Keppie and Dostal, 1998; Murphy et
al., 1999), Cadomia (e.g., Chantraine et al., 1994), and Iberia (Quesada,
1990; Eguluz et al., 2000), (2) the present position of Carolina relative to
West Avalonia and the preponderance of early Proterozoic and Archean
ages among its detrital zircon population (Samson et al., 1999), (3)
Neoproterozoic correlations of Florida and West Africa (Dallmeyer, 1989),
(4) late Neoproterozoic paleomagnetic evidence for the relative positions of
Baltica-Laurentia (Meert et al., 1996) and West Avalonia-Gondwana
(MacNamara et al., 2001), (5) the Neoproterozic Cadomian/Baikalian belt
of eastern Baltica (Roberts and Siedlecka 1999), and (6) the peri-
Gondwanan basement terranes of Middle America (Keppie and Ramos,
1999). Not included are peri-Gondwanan fragments of Amazonian affinity
recently identified within the European Variscan belt of Iberia (Fernndez-
Surez et al., 2000) and Bohemia (Friedl et al., 2000).
Animated History of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic Journal of the Virtual Explorer
1994; Kerr et al., 1995; Murphy et al., 1996a; Keppie et al.,
1997; Murphy et al., 2000; Samson et al., 2000).
Extrapolated to the depleted mantle curve, Nd growth lines
consistently yield overlapping model ages (TDM) of 0.8-1.1
Ga in Atlantic Canada and 1.0-1.3 Ga in southern Britain
(Thorogood, 1990; Murphy et al., 2000).
These depleted mantle model ages closely coincide
with the timing of Grenville (c. 1.25-0.95 Ga) orogenesis
considered to be responsible for the amalgamation of
Rodinia (e.g., Hoffman, 1991). However, igneous rocks in
Grenville-aged orogens are characterized by higher model
ages, implying significant recycling of older crust. In
contrast, the quite strongly positive distribution of Avalonian
eNd values suggests a largely juvenile basement dominated
by c. 1.0 Ga mantle-derived material with only minor
elements of older Proterozoic crust.
The interpretation of depleted mantle model ages is
controversial (Arndt and Goldstein, 1987). Detailed
arguments for the interpretation of the Sm-Nd data are
presented elsewhere (e.g. Nance and Murphy, 1994, 1996;
Murphy et al., 2000). For magma produced by recycling of
a single crustal source, the model age represents the time at
which the crustal basement was itself extracted from the
mantle. More commonly, however, magmas contain
mixtures of juvenile, mantle-derived material and older
crustal components. In these situations, the model age has
no geologic significance. That the model ages for Avalonia
represent mantle extraction ages is suggested by the very
similar model ages in Avalonian magmatism ranging from
740 Ma to 370 Ma (Murphy et al., 1996b; Murphy et al.,
2000). The generation of such similar model ages over a
time interval of this length is unlikely to be the outcome of
mixing, but instead, indicates the predominant influence of a
single basement source.
Hence, the neodymium isotopic data imply that
successive generations of Avalonian felsic magma were
produced largely as a result of recycling ca. 1.0-1.2 crust.
Lead isotopic data (Ayuso et al., 1996) similarly suggest that
the igneous rocks represent mixtures of juvenile, c. 1 Ga
basement and typical Avalonian crust. The depleted mantle
model ages are therefore thought to record a genuine
tectonothermal event during which the bulk of Avalonian
basement was itself extracted from the mantle.
The formation of Avalonian basement is therefore
considered to have been broadly coeval with Grenvillian
orogenesis. However, the primitive isotopic signature of
Avalonia relative to that of the Grenville Belt suggests that
the basement formed, not as part of a collisional orogeny, but
in one or more largely juvenile oceanic island arcs (Murphy
et al., 2000). These data can be reconciled if the basement
developed within the Panthalassa-type ocean that would
have surrounded Rodinia following its amalgamation. Other
remnants of primitive island arcs developed within this peri-
Rodinian ocean may be preserved in the ca. 900-700 Ma
island arc rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (e.g.,
Blasband et al., 2000), and in the ca. 950-900 Ma calc-
alkalic granitoid orthogneisses and metarhyolites of the
Tocantins province in central Brazil which yield a similar
envelope of eNd growth lines and almost identical (ca. 0.9-
1.2 Ga) depleted mantle model ages to those of Avalonia
(Pimental and Fuck, 1992). On our reconstructions
therefore, this juvenile Avalonian crust, called proto-
Avalonia, is positioned within the Panthalassa-type peri-
Rodinian ocean.
Fragmentary evidence for initial subduction in Avalonia
dates from at least 730 Ma to 650 Ma and is termed the early
arc phase. In Atlantic Canada, examples of this activity
include the ca. 734 Ma calc-alkalic Economy River Gneiss
in mainland Nova Scotia (Doig et al., 1993), the ca. 681 Ma
arc-related Stirling Belt (Bevier et al., 1993) in Cape Breton
Island, and the calc alkalic ca. 683 Ma Tickle Point
Formation and ca. 673 Ma Furbys Cove Intrusive Suite
(Swinden and Hunt, 1991; OBrien et al., 1996) in southern
Newfoundland. The rift ophiolite volcanics of the Burin
Group in Newfoundland (Strong et al., 1978) may extend
this early Avalonian magmatic activity to ca. 763 Ma (Krogh
et al, 1988).
In Britain, evidence for early arc-related activity is
represented by the c. 700 Ma calc-alkalic Stanner-Hanter
Complex of central Wales (Patchett et al., 1980) and the c.
677 Ma calc-alkalic Malverns Plutonic Complex of the
British Midlands (Tucker and Pharoah, 1991).
mineral ages of ca. 650 Ma in the Malverns Complex are
interpreted to date cooling following upper greenschist to
amphibolite facies metamorphism (Strachan et al., 1996).
Early arc activity may also be represented in the undated
gneisses of the Rosslare Complex in southeastern Ireland
and the Coedana Complex in North Wales (Gibbons and
Hork, 1996).
Ashort period of high grade metamorphism is recorded at
ca. 650 Ma in various parts of Avalonia, including coastal
Maine (Stewart and Tucker, 1998) and the Malvern Plutonic
Complex (Strachan et al., 1996). Amphibolite facies
metamorphism of pre-630 Ma age may also be present in
central Cape Breton Island (Keppie et al., 1998) and
southern Newfoundland (OBrien et al., 1996), and some
form of accretion must likewise be recorded in the
emplacement of ophiolitic rocks of the ca. 760 Ma Burin
Group (Keppie et al., 1991). This metamorphism is
interpreted to reflect the accretion of Avalonia to the
Gondwanan continental margin prior to the beginning of the
main phase of Avalonian magmatism at ca. 635 Ma and
coincides with a temporary cessation (ca. 650-635 Ma) in
subduction-related magmatism. In our reconstructions,
therefore, we show the outboard arc terranes of Avalonia
colliding with the northern Gondwanan margin at 650 Ma.
The main phase of Avalonian magmatism is recorded in
voluminous late Neoproterozoic magmatic arc-related
volcanic and cogenetic plutonic rocks with crystallization
ages of 635 to 570 Ma (e.g., Nance et al., 1991). Coeval
Murphy et al., 2001 Journal of the Virtual Explorer
sedimentary successions that are dominated by volcanogenic
turbidites are locally associated with these arc-related
magmatic rocks, and have been attributed to deposition in a
variety of intra-arc, interarc and back arc basins (e.g., Pe-
Piper and Murphy, 1989; Pe-Piper and Piper, 1989; Pauley,
1990; Smith and Socci, 1990; OBrien et al., 1996; Murphy
et al., 1999). This magmatic activity and the generation of
arc-related basins is interpreted to reflect oblique subduction
beneath the northern Gondwanan margin.
The timing of the onset of this main phase activity was
broadly similar throughout much of Avalonia. However, its
cessation was diachronous, terminating at ca. 590 Ma in
New England (Kaye and Zartman, 1980; Hermes and
Zartman, 1985, 1992; Thompson et al., 1996; Thompson and
Bowring, 2000), 600 Ma in southern New Brunswick
(Bevier and Barr, 1990; Barr et al., 1994; Currie and
McNicoll, 1999), 605 Ma in mainland Nova Scotia (Doig et
al., 1991; Murphy et al., 1997; Keppie et al., 1998), 575 Ma
in southern Cape Breton (Barr et al., 1990; Bevier et al.,
1993), 585 Ma in Newfoundland (Krogh et al., 1988;
OBrien et al., 1996) and 600 Ma in the British Isles (e.g.,
Tucker and Pharaoh, 1991; Hork, 1993; Noble et al., 1993).
Cessation of main-phase subduction is accompanied by a
transition to intracontinental extension, marked by the onset
of bimodal magmatism. As with the onset of main phase arc
arctivity, the transition occurred at different times along the
belt; at c. 595 Ma in New England (Mancusco et al., 1996),
at c. 560 Ma in southern New Brunswick (Bevier and Barr,
1990; Barr et al., 1994; Currie and McNicoll, 1999), at c.
605 Ma in mainland Nova Scotia (Murphy et al., 1997),
between 575 Ma and 560 Ma in southern Cape Breton Island
(Bevier et al., 1993), at c. 570 Ma in Newfoundland
(OBrien et al., 1996), and in the interval 570-560 Ma in
Britain (Tucker and Pharoah, 1991). Although this stage is
locally accompanied by deformation and metamorphism, no
evidence exists for the regional orogenesis, crustal
shortening, and crustal thickening and uplift characteristic of
continental collision zones. Instead, deformation is usually
localized and resulted in the inversion of the earlier volcanic
arc basin successions.
To account for such a tectonic transition in the apparent
absence of a major collisional event, Murphy and Nance
(1989) proposed that Avalonian subduction was terminated
as a result of transform activity. In their model, the main
phase of Avalonian magmatism at c. 635-570 Ma occurred
as the result of oblique subduction, leading to the
development of an extensional magmatic arc and a variety of
volcanic arc basins. Subsequently, the interaction of a
continental margin transform system with the subduction
zone resulted in the termination of subduction, the structural
inversion of a number of volcanic arc basins, and the
formation of new rift and wrench-related basins in the
interval c. 590-540 Ma. Murphy et al. (1999) and Keppie et
al. (2000) later postulated ridge-trench collision as a
mechanism for the transition in order to account for the
diachronous cessation of arc volcanism and the apparent
reversal of kinematics on major basin-bounding faults.
Avalonia likely remaining linked to Gondwana until the
Early Ordovician. During the Ordovician, however, faunal
provinciality and paleomagnetic data indicate increasing
separation from Gondwana concurrent with a decrease in the
separation between Avalonia and Laurentia (Cowie, 1974;
Boucot, 1975; Pickering et al., 1988; Cocks and Fortey,
1990; Trench and Torsvik, 1992; Dalziel et al., 1994; Cocks,
2000). The Arenig Stiperstone Quartzite in Britain and the
correlative Armorican Quartzite of Cadomia and Iberia (e.g.,
Noblet and Lefort, 1990), is thought to reflect the subsidence
associated with this separation. Minor bimodal rift
volcanism in Avalonia is predominantly of Cambrian age
and may reflect rifting prior to separation (e.g., Murphy et
al., 1985; Greenough and Papezik, 1986).
The Trgor-La Hague terrane of Cadomia (Strachan et al.,
1996) contains the only undisputed basement exposed in any
of the peri-Gondwanan arc terranes. The age (Auvray et al,
1980; Piton, 1985; Samson and DLemos, 1998) and
isotopic signature (DLemos and Brown, 1993; Samson and
DLemos, 1998) of this basement (the c. 2.2-1.8 Ga Icart
Gneiss) resembles that of the 2.1 Ga Eburnian basement of
the West African craton (Allgre and Ben Othman, 1980).
Early arc-related magmatism is recorded by the c. 746 Ma
orthogneiss of the Pentevrian Complex (Egal et al., 1996),
and by deformed granodioritic conglomerate cobbles with
protolith ages of 670-650 Ma (Guerrot and Peucat, 1990) in
the Armorican massif of northwestern France. Deformation
and metamorphism of the early Cadomian arc occurred in
the interval (c. 650-615 Ma) separating the early and main
phases of arc magmatism (Egal et al., 1996; Strachan et al.,
Cadomian magmatism between 616-570 Ma is widespread
in the Armorican massif and Iberia (e.g., Quesada, 1990;
Strachan et al., 1996; Miller et al., 1999) and produced
voluminous late Neoproterozoic magmatic arc-related
volcanic and cogenetic plutonic rocks. Coeval sedimentary
successions are dominated by volcanogenic turbidites that
are thought to have been deposited in arc-related basins
(e.g., Dennis and Dabard, 1988; Chantraine et al., 1994;
Egal et al., 1996; Strachan et al., 1996).
The main phase of arc magmatism continued to c. 570 Ma
but is progressively replaced by sinistral strike-slip tectonics
in the interval c. 570-540 Ma (e.g., Strachan et al., 1996),
and is superseded by widespread intracrustal melting,
migmatization and bimodal magmatism including post-
tectonic granitoid emplacement at c. 550-540 Ma (e.g., Rabu
et al., 1990; Quesada, 1990; Chantraine et al., 1994; Egal et
al., 1996).
The basement isotopic Sm-Nd signatures of Cadomia
together with U-Pb detrital zircon data from within its late
Animated History of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic Journal of the Virtual Explorer
Neoproterozoic (Brioverian) sedimentary succession
(Samson et al., 1999) suggest a position near the West
African craton. Thus, in contrast to Avalonia, Cadomia and
Iberia appear to have originated above Paleoproterozoic
crust along the continental margin of West Africa, rather
than within the peri-Rodinian ocean. As a result, Avalonia
and Cadomia-Iberia did not form a coherent orogenic belt
until the collision of Avalonia with northern Gondwana at
ca. 650 Ma.
Voluminous bimodal rift volcanism of predominantly
Middle Cambrian age (Quesada, 1990, Giese and Buehn,
1994) records an important extensional event in Iberia.
Widespread Arenig subsidence, recorded in the broad
distribution of the Armorican Quartzite across Cadomia and
Iberia (e.g., Noblet and Lefort, 1990) suggests that rifting
extended into the Early Ordovician. Potential correlatives in
Britain (the Stiperstones Quartzite) suggest that rifting
occurred at about the same time in East Avalonia. Faunal
data (eg. Cocks and Fortey, 1990; Cocks, 2000) indicate that
by the Early Ordovician, Avalonia had separated from
Gondwana, resulting in the birth of the Rheic Ocean,
whereas Cadomia and Iberia remained along the West
African portion of this margin.
Carolina/Goochland/Piedmont terranes
The oldest rocks in the Carolina terrane are ca. 670 Ma
granitoid bodies of the Roanoke Rapids terrane (Hibbard et
al., in press). They are interpreted as evidence of early arc
magmatism broadly coeval with that in Avalonia. The
basement to the Carolina terrane is not exposed. However,
initial eNd values of +0.5 to +5.9 and TDM model ages of
0.7-1.1 Ga from c. 635-610 Ma volcanic rocks of the
Virgilina sequence (Samson et al., 1995; Wortman et al.,
2000) suggest that the Carolina terrane, like Avalonia, was
located outboard from the northern Gondwanan margin until
at least 700 Ma.
The Carolina terrane is dominated by a ca. 633-607 Ma
juvenile arc assemblage, overlain unconformably by a 580-
540 Ma mature arc sequence, followed by middle Cambrian
platformal sedimentary strata that contain cool-water
trilobites similar to those of Cadomia and Baltica (Samson et
al., 1990; Hibbard and Samson, 1995; Wortman et al., 2000).
Possible episodes of arc rifting have been documented at c.
590-570 Ma and c. 560-535 Ma (e.g., Dennis and Shervais,
1991, 1996; Shervais et al., 1996). The earlier event is
probably related to a transition from arc to strike-slip
tectonics and may be responsible for the unconformity
between the older and younger volcanic successions. The
later event may have been coeval with widespread
deformation and metamorphism (Dennis and Wright, 1997;
Barker et al., 1998).
The neighboring Goochland terrane has a ca. 1.0 Ga
granulite facies basement that has been interpreted as either
part of the Laurentian Grenville Belt, or as an exotic terrane
(Glover, 1989; Rankin et al., 1989) that collided with the
Carolina terrane at about 590 Ma. Piedmont terrane
assemblages are dominated by a Cambro-Ordovician
complex of arc, fore-arc and accretionary complexes
(Hibbard and Samson, 1995) that may be a continuation of
the Pampean orogeny of western South America (Keppie
and Ramos, 1999).
Middle American terranes
Although their paleogeography is perhaps the least
understood, the distribution of Early Paleozoic Gondwanan
fauna, indicates that several terranes in Middle America
have peri-Gondwanan affinities. However, they do not
preserve evidence of Neoproterozoic arc activity, suggesting
they were located inboard of the magmatic arc. These
terranes expose basement of Pan African (Yucatan block)
and Grenville (Oaxaquia and Chortis block) age (Keppie and
Ortega-Gutirrez, 1999). The Yucatan block is thought to
have been contiguous with the Florida basement until the
opening of the Gulf of Mexico in the Mesozoic (e.g. Pindell
et al., 1990; Dickinson and Lawton, 2001). The Grenville
basement of Oaxaquia and the Chortis block is isotopically
transitional between that of the Grenville Belt and the
basement massifs of Grenvillian age in Columbia (Ruiz et
al., 1999). Following Keppie and Ramos (1999), we
position these along the Columbian margin in accordance
with the paleomagnetic data of Ballard et al., (1989).
Interpretations of the tectonothermal evolution of the peri-
Gondwanan terranes imply a genetic relationship with the
northern margin of Gondwana (present coordinates) for the
entire Neoproterozoic. For example, most models for the
main phase (ca. 640-570 Ma) of arc-related peri-Gondwanan
magmatism require that these terranes were distributed
along the northern Gondwanan margin (present
coordinates), and were therefore moving with Gondwana
during this time period. Hence, models for the
tectonothermal evolution of the peri-Gondwanan terranes
should be testable against the paleomagnetically constrained
movements of the Amazonian and West Africa cratons.
Unfortunately, reliable data from these cratons is sparse,
so that these connections cannot be tested directly. Most
global-scale reconstructions imply a connection between
Amazonia, Laurentia and Baltica throughout the
Neoproterozoic, for which some paleomagnetic constraints
exist. However, there is considerable disagreement
concerning the paleolatitude of Laurentia during a critical
time interval between 625 and 550 Ma. There are two
reliable paleomagnetic poles from Laurentia for this time
interval one is from the 577 Ma Callander Complex
(Symons and Chaisson, 1991), another from the Sept Iles
intrusion (Tanczyk et al, 1987), dated at 565 Ma (Higgins
Murphy et al., 2001 Journal of the Virtual Explorer
and van Breeman, (1998). As it is impossible to incorporate
them into the same tectonic model, two models (with high-
and low-latitude position of Laurentia, respectively) were
used (Pisarevsky et al., 2000, 2001).
The following reconstructions are an initial attempt to
evaluate such connections and to identify critical areas of
uncertainty that require resolution. We apply two approaches
to each model. In the first, we assign the minimum
movement to Laurentia and Gondwana required to satisfy
the paleomagnetic data and then examine the relationship
between this motion and the contemporary tectonothermal
evolution of the peri-Gondwanan terranes. In the second, we
again satisfy the paleomagnetic data but in those time
periods for which there is no data we allow Laurentia and
Gondwana to migrate in a fashion compatible with the
tectonothermal history of the peri-Gondwanan terranes. For
each approach, we provide alternative reconstructions for
the high latitude and low latitude positions of Laurentia in
the 625-550 Ma time interval, making a total of four
animations. (Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5)
800-625 Ma:
In the four animations there is little variation in our
reconstructions between 800 and 625 Ma, and so they are
described together. Isotopic data suggest that Avalonia and
Carolina originated as juvenile crust (proto-Avalonia -
Carolina) in the peri-Rodinian ocean. Accordingly, at 800
Ma, these terranes are positioned well outboard of the
Gondwanan margin. The distance, however, is
unconstrained. In contrast, isotopic data indicate that
Cadomia and Iberia have ancient, West African basement.
These terranes are consequently positioned adjacent to the
West Africa craton. Between 800 and 650 Ma, all
animations show the distance between Avalonia-Carolina
and Laurentia-West Gondwana progressively decreasing.
This convergence is accommodated in large part by the
south-southeastward drift of Laurentia-West Gondwana, and
is held to be responsible for the early arc stage of the peri-
Gondwanan terranes. Given that there is little evidence of
coeval arc-related activity along the cratonic Gondwanan
margin between 800 and 700 Ma, closure of the intervening
tract of oceanic crust requires either (a) a subduction zone
angled away from the Gondwanan margin or (b) the
development of a Western Pacific type margin in which
Gondwana is separated from the early Avalonian arc by a
back arc basin.
The collision of Avalonia-Carolina with the Gondwanan
margin at ca. 650 Ma brings the so-called "Avalonian-
Cadomian belt" into alignment for the first time and broadly
coincides with a brief hiatus in arc magmatism. The birth of
the Avalonian-Cadomian belt at this time is analogous to the
Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of western North America in
that proximal and exotic terranes were incorporated into a
single belt that shared a similar subsequent history.
By ca. 635 Ma, the occurrence of abundant ensialic arc-
related magmatism in all peri-Gondwanan terranes, together
with the presence of Gondwanan detrital zircons, indicates
that a subduction zone had been established outboard of the
peri-Gondwanan terranes and was angled beneath these
accreted terranes and the cratonic margin of Gondwana.
625-570 Ma
The critical interval of 625 to 570 Ma is the time of
greatest uncertainty because of the paucity and controversial
nature of the paleomagnetic data base. As a result, there is
considerable uncertainty about the paleolatitude of
Laurentia. Since many reconstructions imply a connection
between Laurentia and West Gondwana, resolution of this
issue has fundamental implications for the interpretation of
the geodynamic significance of peri-Gondwanan
tectonothermal events.
Approach One:
In a high latitude configuration, Laurentia, and by
implication, Amazonia, drifts rapidly southward, between
615 to 580 Ma, and would imply oblique sinistral
convergence across the arc along the northern Gondwanan
margin. This is consistent with field data in Avalonia (Nance
and Murphy, 1990, Murphy et al., 2001; Nance et al., in
press) where such a style of convergence has been ascribed
to the opening of intra-arc basins related to sinistral strike-
slip activity (Murphy et al., 2000) and provides a
geodynamic explanation for the onset of the main phase
magmatic episode that characterizes the terranes along the
northern Gondwanan margin. This scenario would be
analogous to the modern relationship between the westward
drift of North America and South America and the style of
tectonic activity along the eastern margin of the Pacific
If on the other hand, Laurentia remains at low latitudes
during this time interval, the main phase tectonothermal
events along the northern Gondwanan margin would require
a different explanation. In this scenario, the most probable
explanation is the re-establishment of subduction along the
margin following accretion of outboard terranes such as
Avalonia and Carolina, and the geodynamic relationship
between this event and global-scale plate motions is unclear.
The potentially profound influence of the separation of
Baltica from Laurentia at about 600 Ma (Meert et al., 1996)
is apparent in both high and low-latitude models. This
separation implies the existence of a spreading ridge
between these two continents. According to Murphy and
Nance, (1989) and Murphy et al. (1999), it was the collision
of a spreading ridge with the northern Gondwanan margin
that was responsible for the diachronous cessation of arc-
related magmatism and the onset of strike-slip tectonics.
Both reconstructions suggest that the colliding ridge may
have been the spreading ridge between Baltica and
Laurentia. Such a collision would additionally explain the
Animated History of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic Journal of the Virtual Explorer
change from sinistral to dextral motion along basin-
bounding faults within Avalonia that occurs at about this
time (Nance and Murphy, 1990; Murphy et al. 2001). The
orientation of the spreading ridge between Laurentia and
Amazonia would have been highly oblique to the peri-
Gondwanan subduction zone, resulting the termination of
arc-related magmatism (except in localized areas such as
Anglesey; Gibbons and Horak, 1996) and the eastward drift
of Gondwana-peri-Gondwana relative to Laurentia.
Approach Two:
In these animations, we force the peri-Gondwanan
terranes to remain in a general position along the
Amazonian-West African margin. We feel this position best
matches the geology recorded in these terranes, including
the evidence of detritus derived from the adjacent cratons. If
so, the style of subduction outboard of these terranes would
be profoundly influenced by the drift of these continental
Figures 2. 800-490 Ma reconstructions of Laurentia-Gondwana-Baltica,
emphasizing the history of the peri-Gondwanan terranes. This reconstruc-
tion assigns the minimum movement to Laurentia and Gondwana required
to satisfy the paleomagnetic data and examines the relationship between
this motion and the contemporaneous tectonothermal evolution of the peri-
Gondwanan terranes and incorporates the high latitude option for
Laurentia between at about 570 Ma. Click on image to view animation.
Figure 3. 800-490 Ma reconstructions of Laurentia-Gondwana-Baltica,
emphasizing the history of the peri-Gondwanan terranes. This reconstruc-
tion assigns the minimum movement to Laurentia and Gondwana required
to satisfy the paleomagnetic data and examines the relationship between
this motion and the contemporaneous tectonothermal evolution of the peri-
Gondwanan terranes and incorporates the low latitude option for Laurentia
between at about 570 Ma. Click on image to view animation.
Figure 4. 800-490 Ma reconstructions of Laurentia-Gondwana-Baltica,
emphasizing the history of the peri-Gondwanan terranes. This reconstruc-
tion satisfies the paleomagnetic database but Laurentia and Gondwana are
permitted to migrate so as to make them compatible with the tectonother-
mal history of peri-Gondwanan terranes. This reconstruction also incorpo-
rates the high latitude option for Laurentia between at about 570 Ma.
Click on image to view animation.
Figure 5. 800-490 Ma reconstructions of Laurentia-Gondwana-Baltica,
emphasizing the history of the peri-Gondwanan terranes. This reconstruc-
tion satisfies the paleomagnetic database but Laurentia and Gondwana are
permitted to migrate so as to make them compatible with the tectonother-
mal history of peri-Gondwanan terranes. This reconstruction also incorpo-
rates the low latitude option for Laurentia between at about 570 Ma.
Click on image to view animation.
Murphy et al., 2001 Journal of the Virtual Explorer
Once again, the drift of Laurentia-Amazonia to high
latitudes during this time interval provides an explanation
for the eastern Pacific-style of subducion recorded in these
terranes. In this scenario, the propagation into the Avalonian-
Cadomian belt of a spreading ridge associated with the
separation of Baltica from Laurentia would again account
for the diachronous termination of subduction.
On the other hand, arc magmatism would be expected to
continue along the leading edge of Baltica (NE Norway and
NW Russia), which is consistent with recent
geochronological data from drill-holes beneath the Pechora
Basin (Roberts and Siedlecka, 1999).
570-495 Ma
In this time interval, there is very little difference between
the continental configurations derived from approaches one
and two. However, there are fundamental differences in
implication between the high and low latitude models for
Laurentia. A high latitude position for Laurentia at 570 Ma
implies a subsequent a northward drift relative to Amazonia
between 570 and 550 Ma, associated with the opening of this
portion of the Iapetus Ocean. On the other hand, if Laurentia
maintains a low latitude position, the opening of the Iapetus
Ocean between these blocks requires rapid southward drift
of Amazonia and, by implication, the attached peri-
Gondwanan terranes. This setting would be analogous to the
modern relationship between spreading in the South
Atlantic, the westward drift of South America, and the style
of magmatism along the Andean margin.
The peri-Gondwanan terranes are dominated by wrench-
related tectonics during this interval. The relationship
between this tectonothermal activity and the rapid
movement of Laurentia is not immediately obvious, unless
the vector of plate motion was at a low angle to the peri-
Gondwanan portion of the continental margin. Such a
direction would have been at a high angle to East
Gondwana, and consistent with near-orthogonal collision
which resulted in the formation of Gondwanaland at ca. 530
Ma (e.g. Hoffman, et al. 1998).
By 540 Ma, both models for Laurentia show the
essentially the same configuration, with Laurentia at low
latitudes. However, they also suggest that the spreading
between Laurentia and Baltica after 600 Ma would be
coincident with subduction under the leading edge of
Baltica. The growing evidence for protracted deformation
and metamorphism along the present northern margin of
Baltica between 600 and 550 Ma (e.g. Roberts and
Siedlecka, 1999) suggests that this may well have been the
leading edge. This observation may shed light on
controversies concerning the orientation of Baltica relative
to Laurentia in the late Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic
(e.g. Torsvik et al., 1996; Dalziel, 1997).
At 535 Ma, Baltic had reached its maximum latitudinal
separation from northern Gondwana. Although subsequent
convergence may be reflected in the Pampean orogeny of
South America, the peri-Gondwanan terranes are dominated
by stable platformal assemblages and localized rift-related
magmatism at this time.
Paleomagnetic constraints from Avalonia
We used our models to construct the paleolatitudinal
positions for West and East Avalonia (representative points
are 46N, 60W and 52N, 0E, respectively) (Fig. 6).
Unfortunately there are no high-quality paleomagnetic data
for Avalonia with well constrained ages older than 600 Ma.
We have shown available magnetic paleolatitudes (Fig. 6)
using the results with reliability criteria of Q>2 (Van der
Voo, 1990). These paleolatitudes are systematically lower
than those predicted by our models. This discrepancy could
be reduced slightly if the Amazonia-Laurentia fit of Dalziel
(1997) is used. However, the apparent lack of correlation
between Dalradian of Scotland and the Peruvian Arequipa
massif, together with the discovery of the Neoproterozoic
Maraon belt in the northern Andes suggests this
configuration requires substantial modification. In addition,
this fit contradicts the abundant Neoproterozoic
paleomagnetic data from Laurentia and Baltica (e.g., Weil et
al., 1998; Pisarevsky and Bylund, 1998).
Hence, a suggestion from both approaches is that either
Laurentia had a more complicated movement history
between 720 and 615 Ma than is currently constrained by the
available data, or the configuration of Laurentia-West
Gondwana-Avalonia on many reconstructions is incorrect.
Although there is general consensus that the
amalgamation and subsequent dispersal of the
supercontinent Rodinia profoundly influenced the evolution
of Earth systems in the Neoproterozoic, the configuration is
We present four animations for the crucial time
interval between 800 and 495 Ma that examine the potential
geodynamic linkages between the tectonothermal evolution
of peri-Gondwanan terranes and Laurentia-Amazonia-
Baltica continental configurations. Each animation has
several simplifying assumptions and some critical
uncertainties. However, using the Mesozoic-Cenozoic
breakup of Pangea as a modern analogy, serve to do focus
attention on potential geodynamic linkages between regional
tectonothermal events. The most critical uncertainty is the
paleolatitude of Laurentia (and by implication, Amazonia) at
ca. 570 Ma. For example, the high latitude and a low latitude
options for Laurentia at this time allow very different
geodynamic interpretations for the evolution of peri-
Gondwanan terranes and the opening of the Iapetus Ocean.
Such reconstructions also focus attention on uncertainties
in the database. For example, relatively reliable
paleomagnetic data (according to the criteria of Van der Voo,
Animated History of Avalonia in Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic Journal of the Virtual Explorer
1988) older than 600 Ma for the peri-Gondwanan terranes
yield lower paleolatitudes than those predicted by our
models. This suggests that either Laurentia-Amazonia had
complicated plate motions between 720 and 615 Ma, or the
Laurentia-West Gondwana-Avalonia configurations shown
on many reconstructions is incorrect.
JBM is grateful for the support of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council Canada, University Council of
Research,St. Francis Xavier University, and a Vistining Senior
Gledden Fellowship, Tectonics Special Research Centre,
University of Western Australia. SPA thanks The University of
Western Australia for a Visiting Senior Gledden Fellowship.
Reconstructions were made in the Western Australian Geotectonic
Mapping facility co-funded by the Government of Western
Australia (Office of Industry and Innovation) using the PLATES
reconstruction program of the University of Texas at Austin, Texas,
and Generic Mapping Tools of P.Wessel and W.H.F. Smith. This
project was also supported by grants from the Program for North
American Mobility in Higher Education, by a Programa de Apoyo
a Proyectos de Investigacin e Innovacin Tecnolgia (PAPIIT)
grant (IN116999) to J.D.K., and by the James Chair of Pure and
Applied Sciences at St. Francis Xavier University to R.D.N and
J.D.K.. The paper is a contribution to International Geological
Correlation Programme Project 453. Tectonics Special Research
Centre Publication No. 190.
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