Fortey, 2003
Fortey, 2003
Fortey, 2003
The discreteness or otherwise of major Ordovician and Silurian terranes can be recognised by the shallow-water benthic
faunas which lived upon them. Their borders are often indicated by the disposition of progressively shallow- to deep-water
assemblages at the terrane edge as well as by structural features. Their positions relative to each other in the Early Palaeozoic
can be best indicated by a combination of palaeomagnetic and faunal evaluation: the latter is the topic of this paper. Faunal
evaluation is now possible quantitatively as well as quantitatively. Global palaeobiogeography is reviewed for the period as
deduced from faunal evidence. There was one supercontinent, Gondwana, which stretched from West Gondwana (today’s
southern Europe and North Africa) at high latitudes to tropical East Gondwana (Australasia and adjacent areas), with
intermediate palaeolatitudes in the Middle East and South America. Around Gondwana, especially to its north, were a large
number of peri-Gondwanan terranes, particularly Avalonia, Perunica, parts of Turkey and Arabia and Sibumasu. In addition,
there were the substantial independent continents of Laurentia, Baltica, Siberia, Annamia, North China and South China.
Analysis of the shallow-water benthos, particularly trilobites and brachiopods, provides distinctive signatures for palaeo-
position in most cases. Despite a large faunal turnover particularly corresponding with the latest Ordovician glacial event, the
progressive evolution of the ecologies of benthic shelly faunas were also much influenced by changing geographies during
the 80-Ma period. In the early Ordovician, oceans were at their widest, enabling Baltica and Laurentia to have different
signatures from either East or West Gondwana. Siberia in early Ordovician times had faunal contact with Laurentia and East
Gondwana, but in the mid-Ordovician, there were more endemics, and by the late Silurian, it was the only continent of
substance in the northern hemisphere (hosting the Tuvaella Fauna). South China has varied faunal links but seems best
treated as at the edge of the peri-Gondwanan collage for most of the period. We show how faunas document the early
Ordovician rift of Avalonia from West Gondwana and its movement and subsequent collisions, first with Baltica in the end
Ordovician and then with Laurentia in the early Silurian. Faunas also support the postulated movement of the Precordillera of
South America from Laurentia in the early Ordovician to intermediate- to high-latitude Gondwana in the Silurian. We
examine peripheral terranes bordering Iapetus to demonstrate their pre-collision positions. Analysis of some of the many
terranes now forming Kazakhstan and adjacent areas in central Asia today reveals that the benthic faunas there have more
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R.A. Fortey), (L.R.M. Cocks).
0012-8252/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 R. Fortey. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
246 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
affinity with Gondwanan and peri-Gondwanan faunas than with Baltica or Siberia, and thereby challenge structural models
postulating an Early Palaeozoic Kipchak arc.
D 2002 R. Fortey. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: terranes; Ordovician; Silurian; brachiopods; trilobites; Gondwana; Laurentia; Siberia; Baltica; Kazakhstan; Precordillera; Iapetus
understanding Lower Palaeozoic marine biogeogra- North American, Baltic, Australian and Chinese con-
phy. Faunas adapted to widespread shallow to inter- tinental interiors are examples. Probably, no geological
mediate shelf conditions include plate-wide endemics system other than the Cretaceous compares with the
which are excellent biogeographic indicators. In some Ordovician for sheer spread of marine facies. Plotting
ways, these indicator faunas are more comparable with the extensive monographic coverage of such areas as
continental terrestrial faunas at the present day, since the Ordovician and Silurian Baltic platform reveals a
they were distributed over far wider areas than are the density of sampling sites which would not disgrace a
comparatively restricted modern shelf faunas. In addi- map of living fauna and flora (Fig. 1). Thus, there is
tion, shelf seas left a widespread and often thick legacy likely to be a bias towards collection of widespread
of sediments, many of which are little metamorphosed, faunas which were former inhabitants of the immersed
and from which the majority of fossil faunas have been shelves. In that these faunas responded to ambient
obtained—they are easily collected, often diverse conditions of temperature, depth and substrate, they
(more than 20 species per stage), mostly well preserved are a priori good indicators of geographic entities.
and have been studied over a long period of time. Contrariwise, faunas from marginal sites (e.g. island
Extensive marine formations covering large parts of the arcs, obducted terranes) tend to be rare, meagre and
Fig. 1. The distribution of European Ordovician samples in the Lees et al. (2002) database, showing the sampling density available. Black
squares are brachiopods; open circles are trilobites.
248 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
often subsequently deformed and metamorphosed; in ries in the Lower Palaeozoic. This pioneer work still
Ordovician Baltica, for example, sites with faunas from holds in its essentials today.
Caledonide nappes number no more than eight or so
(Bruton and Harper, 1985) compared with the many 2.3. Biofacies and provinces
rich platform occurrences.
The next important ingredient contributing to a
2.2. Mapping faunal distributions general biogeographic model for the Lower Palaeo-
zoic was the discrimination of different biofacies
Maps of the distribution of fossil faunas and floras within a contiguous geographic area. Such assemb-
are often expressed as envelopes drawn around the lages were originally recognised as depth-related
known occurrences of a particular taxon, usually a brachiopod ‘‘communities’’ within the Anglo –Welsh
genus. Species-level compilations have been made Silurian (Llandovery) basin (Ziegler et al., 1968).
principally for widespread and distinctive species of Each depth zone was typified by an abundant associ-
graptolites and acritarchs. It is obvious that pandemic ation of distinctive genera. Subsequently, Fortey
forms are biogeographically uninformative, although (1975) and Ludvigsen (1975) specifically associated
stratigraphically useful. At the opposite end of the comparable depth-related trilobite assemblages to
spectrum, endemics known from a single site do not Ordovician shelf to slope continent-edge profiles.
define a geographical entity (although they invite Previously, Whittington (1966) had reported little
speculation about special evolutionary conditions). association between trilobite faunas and sediment
Hence, abundant taxa of limited geographic spread type. Although terminology was initially something
tend to be the most useful for palaeogeography. Where of a problem (‘‘community type’’, ‘‘constant generic
a number of taxa share the same envelopes of distribu- associations’’ were used by different authors to mean
tion, this is regarded as evidence that they together much the same thing), biofacies has become an
comprised a biogeographic entity. The tradition of accepted term for such ecologically controlled asso-
making such distribution maps applied before plate ciations of taxa. The term ‘‘Benthic Associations’’
tectonics made an impact; at that time, the areas so (numbered from BA 1, the shallowest, to BA 6, the
described were usually termed faunal ‘provinces’. For deepest) was characterised by Boucot (1975) and his
example, Whittington (1963, 1966) and Kobayashi classification is often used in delineating depth-related
(1971) discussed Ordovician and Cambrian trilobite assemblages. Biofacies have now been almost rou-
provinces, respectively, Williams (1969), Ordovician tinely recognised for all major groups of organisms in
brachiopod provinces and Skevington (1969), grapto- the Lower Palaeozoic. For graptolites, depth-con-
lite provinciality. From the first, there were problems trolled zonation in the Silurian (Berry and Boucot,
with the objective definition of such ‘provinces’—does 1972) was elaborated in the Ordovician by Fortey
a subset of coincident distributions merit recognition as (1984), Fortey and Cocks (1986) and Cooper et al.
a separate province, or a sub-province, and what do (1991) who discriminated an oceanic isograptid biof-
such subdivisions mean? It also soon became clear that acies from epiplanktic and shelf assemblages. Barnes
‘provinces’ defined on different groups of organisms and Fahraeus (1975) first recognised similar depth
did not necessarily coincide with each other (Hughes, controls on conodont assemblages, and biofacies
1973; Hallam, 1973). profiles for them are now established through much
The liberation from the constraints of present-day of the Lower Palaeozoic (Sweet and Bergström, 1984;
geography which followed the plate tectonic revolu- Bergström, 1990). Brachiopod depth-controlled biof-
tion immediately opened up the prospect of relating acies at various times in the Ordovician were sum-
plots of provincial distributions to ancient geographic marised by Lockley (1983) for Britain and other
separations. In his landmark paper, Wilson (1966) authors for other areas and for the Silurian globally
originally noted the provincial faunal differences on by Boucot and Lawson (1999).
either side of the palaeo-ocean now known as Iapetus Since the differences in generic composition be-
(and then as the ‘proto-Atlantic’) and used them as tween end-member biofacies are at least as consider-
prime evidence for the ocean’s existence and bounda- able as between faunal ‘provinces’, the question arises
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 249
as to how they can be integrated into the biogeographic similarity could result in incorrect assumptions about
model. In the first place, deeper water biofacies often terranes. Hence, shallower water biofacies are, in gen-
include a greater proportion of widespread, or even eral, more diagnostic of former continental plates. In
pandemic taxa (Fig. 2). This is because conditions at Figs. 3 and 4, we provide typical examples of biofacies
depth are generally more uniform with regard to nomenclature and distribution as regards trilobites and
temperature and substrate than in shallow water, where brachiopods for the early Ordovician and Silurian for
temperature (dependent primarily on palaeolatitude) major biogeographic entities.
and substrate type vary enormously. Comparison of a On the other hand, deeper water biofacies are
deeper water biofacies with its nearest sibling at generic useful in discriminating the margins of such conti-
level can thus prove to be very misleading for palae- nents and microplates, and provide evidence of former
ogeographic reconstruction if taken literally—they oceans and deep rifts or aulacogens (Fortey and
may span a former ocean. This is particularly true for Cocks, 1986). The graptolite isograptid biofacies
organisms (like conodonts) with good dispersive was shown to follow Ordovician continental margins
powers. The North Atlantic conodont ‘province’ has very faithfully, almost like ophiolites; for example, a
been regarded as present (Bergström, 1983) on both the small and structurally isolated sample from Irian Jaya
Baltica and Laurentian side of Iapetus in the appropri- was interpreted as indicating the presence of a former
ate rocks: taken alone, this might produce an entirely terrane margin there. The presence of deep-water
different picture of what-lay-where than if the entire biofacies is invaluable in orientating a former plate
fossil fauna is considered. Rasmussen (1998) has with respect to open ocean. As an instance, Fortey and
demonstrated that the North Atlantic conodont realm/ Cocks (1998) could orientate the Sibumasu (Shan
province as previously understood included a pan- Thai) terrane in the Ordovician on account of the
demic deep-water biofacies, the Protopanderodus – eastward (present day) occurrence of the deep-water
Periodon biofacies. Removing the elements of that cyclopygid biofacies. In contrast, deep-water biofacies
biofacies enables discrete provinces on the Laurentian cannot be ‘sandwiched’ in the midst of otherwise
and Baltic sides of Iapetus to be identified. The deep- shallow-water cratonic occurrences without good
water Olenid trilobite biofacies is present on both the palaeotectonic reasons. In the Ordovician, the pres-
Laurentian and Avalonian margins of Iapetus when it ence of cyclopygid biofaces in the ‘Synclinal d’An-
was at its widest in the early Ordovician (Arenig) cenis’ to the south of Brittany, France could be taken
(Fortey and Owens, 1978); misjudgement of such as evidence of an aulacogen or narrow ocean there, a
Fig. 2. General model showing control on different benthic faunas in relation to continental separation and recruitment to an intervening
microcontinent, developed from Cocks and Fortey (1982, Fig. 1). If continents A and B are at different palaeolatitudes, endemicity differences
will be greater. If A and B are at the same palaeolatitude, the differences between shelf endemics will depend on the distance of separation and
other barriers to migration. Plankton, being essentially temperature (and thus latitude) linked, will be more different when continents A and B
are at different palaeolatitudes.
250 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Fig. 3. Biofacies in relation to continental margins: representative shallow- to deep-water biofacies profile for trilobites (a) in the Lower
Ordovician (Laurentia) and (b) in the Middle Silurian (Gondwana). From Fortey and Owens (1997, Figs. 204 and 205).
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 251
Fig. 4. Block diagram showing Benthic Assemblages (BA) 1 to 6, with the communities recognised in the middle Silurian of South China, from
Wang et al. (1987, Fig. 4). Copyright Geological Society of America.
latitude particularly, whereas the former pair (espe- Megistaspidinae and the brachiopod family Lycophor-
cially those forms with direct development as benthos) iidae are confined to that plate (Section 4.3). The most
are a priori more likely to reveal continental config- commonly used ‘unit’ biogeographically is the genus,
urations. Taxonomy should be consistent, current and largely because there is more often a consensus on
critically assessed. The taxonomy of acritarchs has recognition and definition of such a category. How-
subsequently been much refined and key species of ever, in certain critical cases, species identity can be
the latter have been postulated as discriminating demonstrated for numerous occurrences and it is
between palaeocontinents (e.g. Tongiorgi et al., reasonable then to ‘weight’ these similarities in bio-
1995), suggesting that Fortey and Mellish’s analysis geographic assessment, since close genetic continuity
should now be re-run with more modern taxonomy. is implied. The Arenig to basal Llanvirn of Avalonia
However, the same authors (Tongiorgi and Di Milia, yields the trilobites Placoparia cambriensis and Pri-
1999), in attempting to define a ‘‘Baltic’’ acritarch cylopyge binodosa—species which are widespread
province in the Arenig –Llanvirn, recorded ‘‘Baltic’’ across Germany, France and Spain and may be taken
faunas from both South China and sporadically from as good evidence that that microcontinent cannot have
other parts of peri-Gondwana, indicating again that been greatly separated from the edge of West Gond-
these planktonic microfossils are dominantly latitude- wana at that time. Since species definitions are often
rather than continent-specific (Cocks and Verniers, subject to more disagreement between authors, those
2000). Lees et al. (2002) developed a ‘goodness of distribution examples that are widely accepted can be
fit’ measure that showed that combined databases of accorded particular prominence.
brachiopods and trilobites (‘‘total evidence’’) gave a
better statistic than either group taken on their own as 2.6. Establishing palaeolongitutude
applied to Ordovician reconstructions of the North
Atlantic region. One probably cannot have too much This is probably the most contentious issue in
combined data. palaeogeographic reconstructions. In the Lower
What is clear is that it is unwise to put too much Palaeozoic, it cannot be claimed that fossils provide
weight on a single common taxon as indicating geo- an absolute criterion for determining longitude. Loca-
graphic proximity. For example, Vavrdova (1997) tion of a problematic terrane has to be made relative to
claimed that a single actritarch species in common major palaeocontinents, the position of which is taken
between the island of Rügen and Baltica was enough as axiomatic. Hence, in the Ordovician, the tropical
to suggest that this terrane had to be off the main position of Laurentia and the boreal position of West
Baltic continent in the Ordovician. On the contrary, Gondwana are established (on a variety of good
the widespread (and otherwise pan-palaeotropical) grounds—see below in Section 4.2.1), and the other
trilobite genus Carolinites is known from a single masses, e.g. Baltica and Avalonia, can be placed
example in the Montagne Noire, France, ostensibly at relative to them on faunal grounds. Since the palaeo-
high palaeolatitudes. Intriguing though this example latitudes are constrained by either faunas or palaeo-
is, ‘‘one swallow does not make a summer,’’ and it magnetism or both, the longitude is only constrained
would be unwise to allow this one specimen to out- by the kinematic history of the relatively mobile
weigh the more pursuasive high palaeolatitude indi- terrane entities. Since the final, or docking, position
cation provided by the balance of the fauna and also of a mobile palaeoplate is known, and its ‘starting
the independent evidence of the palaeomagnetism. position’ can often be inferred, there should be an
optimal solution for any intermediate state. However,
2.5. Families, genera, species the assumption is made that the moving plate does so
in the most direct way (A to x to B in Fig. 5A). We
Different levels of endemicity are represented by cannot disprove on faunal grounds a more compli-
the different taxonomic categories. In some cases, cated route (A to y1 or y2 to B in Fig. 5A) providing
entire families (or subfamilies) comprising several the faunal implications of the intermediate position
genera may characterise a geographic entity. In Ordo- (y1 or y2) are the same. In the case where the two
vician Baltica, for example, the trilobite subfamily stable continents are at high and tropical latitudes,
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 253
Fig. 6. Positions and names of continents and larger terranes in the early Ordovician (Arenig, 480 Ma), from Cocks and Torsvik (2002, fig. 1).
North China was in the northern hemisphere and is thus absent from this figure. The starred small terranes in the Iapetus Ocean are those with
palaeomagnetic fixes: the Kazakh terranes (Kaz) are merely two representational triangles. 13a, Apulia; 13b, Hellenic; 14a, Taurides of Turkey;
14b, Pontides of Turkey; 15a, south Tibet; 15b, Qiantang.
rentia on the basis of a review of trilobites known at the Cocks and Fortey, 1982; Fortey and Mellish, 1992;
time as what he termed the ‘‘Bathyurid Province’’, Cocks, 2001) have all confirmed the distinctiveness of
typified by members of the Family Bathyuridae, most this fauna. In the earlier part of the Ordovician (early
genera of which are confined to the relatively shallow- Ibexian), bathyurids had not yet diversified, and
water carbonate platforms of this palaeocontinent. endemic hystricurids take their place as diagnostic taxa.
Subsequent analyses (Whittington and Hughes, 1972; It is now customary to regard bathyurid- or hystricurid-
256 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
dominated assemblages as the most inshore of a series sen, 1976; Dean, 1989) and the Great Basin (Ross,
of biofacies belts more or less circumscribing Lauren- 1970 and references therein; Fortey and Droser, 1996,
tia. Additional trilobite faunal evidence of endemic 1999). The trilobite faunas are, therefore, generally
Bathyuridae for various parts of the core palaeoconti- well known.
nent have been supplied in scattered monographs and Early Ordovician brachiopods were less diverse and
papers in the last 25 years (Fig. 7): on the eastern side also apparently less endemic than the trilobites. Ulrich
on current geography Spitsbergen (Fortey, 1980), and Cooper (1938) described many which seem to be
Greenland (Fortey, 1986; Fortey and Peel, 1990), pan-tropical in the earlier Ordovician (Syntrophina,
North-west Scotland (Fortey, 1992), western New- Nanorthis and others). However, among Middle Ordo-
foundland (Fortey, 1979; Boyce, 1989), north-eastern vician brachiopods, also extensively monographed by
North America (Shaw, 1968; Tremblay and Westrop, Cooper (1956), there was a somewhat higher amount of
1991), Oklahoma (Shaw, 1974) and on today’s western endemism, which persisted to some degree into the
side: North-western Canada (Chatterton and Ludvig- latest Ordovician (Richmondian—see below); but
Fig. 7. Laurentia, showing the distribution of eastern-style bathyurid and pliomerid trilobites (crosses) compared with western-style asaphid
trilobites (e.g. Aulacoparia, Lachnostoma) (circles), suggesting some trans-continental differentiation in the early Ordovician. The colour shades
show possible differentiation between western (pink) and eastern (green) faunas on either side of the Trans-Continental Arch.
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 257
there is no clear division between eastern and western bocephalus, Psephosthenaspis and Strigigenalis
Laurentian brachiopod biofacies. (Petigurus appears in the West later than in the East);
The differences between eastern and western Lau- the cheirurid Kawina. This long list indicates rela-
rentian trilobites in the earlier Ordovician (Ibex –early tively free passage for some faunas across, or at least
Whiterock) are worth noting, although they have not around the Laurentian palaeocontinent in the earlier
yet been fully studied statistically. The western faunas Ordovician. It is possible that the endemics were a
include a variety of endemic asaphids that are not product of subtle environmental distinctions. The
recorded further east. Ibexian genera such as Aulaco- Great Basin lithologies include a greater proportion
paria, Stenorhachis and Lachnostoma are very abun- of argillaceous and micritic formations, for example,
dant in the Great Basin and extend northwards into when compared with cyclothemic limestone – dolo-
Canada (Dean, 1989), but are unknown in apparently stone sequences in the east, with abundant sponges
suitable limestone strata in western Newfoundland for and algal packstones. Furthermore, very few of the
example. Conversely, the distinctive bathyurid Bath- genera listed above occur outside Laurentia, and they
yurellus extends from Spitsbergen and Greenland to assuredly provide a very reliable signature for shelf
Newfoundland and New York, but is not yet con- faunas of that continental entity.
firmed among the diverse bathyurid faunas of the Marginal faunas of this age are not so widely known
West. At the specific level, the differences are more around core Laurentia. This is because on the eastern
striking. A shallow-shelf trilobite fauna of Arenig seaboard, in places where they might be expected, the
(late Ibexian) age includes Petigurus nero, Isoteloides relevant slope sites have largely been obscured by
peri, Bathyurina timon, Punka flabelliformis, Bathy- Caledonian (sensu lato) thrust tectonics verging from
urellus spp., Ceratopeltis, Ischyrotoma anataphra and the east. Comparably, in the West, the marginal faunas
Strotactinus spp.—most of this fauna being revised were likely to have been part of the allochthon defined
from the classical account of Billings in western by structures such as the Roberts Mountains Thrust of
Newfoundland (St. George Group) by Fortey (1979). Nevada. Rock units in that region originating from
Exactly the same fauna, albeit with varying combina- deep-water sites, such as the Vinini Formation, are
tions of species, has now been recognised in Spits- often more or less graptolitic, and the most marginal
bergen (Fortey and Bruton, 1973), Greenland (Fortey trilobite faunas are not preserved. However, we have
and Peel, 1982), western Newfoundland, North-west recently made new collections from the Arenig Al
Scotland (Fortey, 1992) and down into New York Rose Formation in the White Inyo mountains, Cal-
State and beyond on the eastern seaboard (Brett and ifornia, where an outer shelf/upper slope biofacies is
Westrop, 1996). Fortey (1992) noted that on cluster probably equivalent to the Nileid biofacies of Fortey
analysis the Scottish faunas were closest to those from (1975), abundantly represented by raphiophorids
Newfoundland (and the identical fauna from Spitsber- unknown in more inshore biofacies. In more inshore
gen) within Laurentia. Contemporary faunas on the regions, brief incursions shorewards of outer shelf
western side of the USA in the Great Basin are often biofacies, probably as result of marine transgression,
dominated by endemic asaphids, several pliomerids have been recognised by Fortey and Droser (1999) in
(e.g. Kanoshia, Hintzeia, Pseudocybele) and different the Hot Creek Range, Nevada. On the east side of
bathyurids (Goniotelina in variety, Madaraspis). It Laurentia, deeper water olenid biofacies are best
might be contended that these local endemics reflect known from the Olenidsletta Member of the Valhall-
separation by the transcontinental arch. Ross (1975) fonna Formation in Spitsbergen, and the Table Cove
invoked differential current gyres on either side of the Formation of western Newfoundland, where local
palaeocontinent. However, there are also many com- tectonic conditions have prevented them being con-
mon elements in the shallow water trilobites on both cealed and/or metamorphosed. It has been noticed
sides of the USA: the pelagic species of Carolinites previously that the generic composition of deep-water
and Opipeuter; the ?lecanopygid Benthamaspis, the biofacies includes taxa that are widespread beyond the
dimeropygids Ischyrotoma and Dimeropygiella; the Laurentian palaeocontinent, and that pandemicity
pliomerids Ectenonotus, Pseudomera, and Pliomer- increases with depth. From this fauna, the genus
ops; the bathyurids Licnocephala, Acidiphorus, Bol- Hypermecaspis, for example, has been recognised in
258 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Spitsbergen, Newfoundland, Wales, Argentina, Boli- graphed from the Klamath Mountains, California,
via, Australia and China across virtually all palaeogeo- and concluded that they were most closely compara-
graphic boundaries. Thus, that genus is only useful in ble to the faunas described from the eastern USA
recognising the proximity of old oceans. (Virginia, Tennessee and Alabama) by Cooper (1956).
In summary, the distinctiveness of the inshore Most of the genera and species of the classic latest
Laurentian faunas is definitive as a comparative ‘base’ Ordovician (Richmondian) brachiopod faunas (Mega-
from which to assess the placement of faunas from amyonia, Hypsiptycha, Hiscobeccus, Lepidocyclus)
marginal terranes in the earlier Ordovician. found in the Cincinnati area of Ohio and neighbouring
Adrain et al. (1998) quantitatively analyzed a com- states, and also in the Hudson Bay Lowlands (Jin et
prehensive database of trilobite occurrences world- al., 1997) and as far westwards as the Mackenzie
wide, and identified a change in composition of Mountains of Arctic Canada (Jin and Lenz, 1992) and
trilobite faunas at the base of the Middle Ordovician north-eastern British Columbia (Norford et al., 1996)
(Whiterockian). Higher level taxa that first appear or are not to be found on other terranes.
diversified rapidily at this level (for example in Lau- The latest Ordovician (Hirnantian) glaciation influ-
rentian successions) were those that survived the late enced marginal North American faunas, as elsewhere,
Ordovician extinction event and populated post-Ordo- but rare tropical limestone sites, for example in Anti-
vician faunas (Lichida, Proetidae, Dalmanitidae, costi Island, Canada, apparently provided refugia for
Odontopleurida and Calymenidae among them). In faunas spanning the Ordovician – Silurian boundary.
Laurentia, first appearances of genera in these families However, even though Laurentia was not apparently
accompany the Whiterock faunal ‘revolution’. Its glaciated at that time, the brachiopod-dominated com-
causes are not known in detail, but probably include munity systems there broke down at the end of the
a regressive –transgressive couplet of some magnitude. Ordovician, with many extinctions within the Rich-
Whiterockian and later Ordovician faunas still include mondian fauna, and their empty niches were filled
Laurentian endemics of the family Bathyuridae (Bath- slowly by more cosmopolitan communities during the
hyurus, Raymondites), Asaphidae (Stegnopsis, Vogde- first 4 or 5 million years of the Silurian (Cocks and
sia, etc.) and others (Shaw, 1968; Chatterton and Copper, 1981). The Richmondian fauna did adapt to
Ludvigsen, 1976), while up to half the genera of both the changing temperatures in the Ashgill in the devel-
brachiopods and trilobites in inshore faunas may be opment of the Edgewood Fauna, which existed at the
endemic. However, there is a decrease in endemicity at same time as the more widespread Hirnantia Fauna
the generic level through the later Ordovician (most (Rong and Harper, 1988). These Edgewood brachio-
recently analysed for trilobites and brachiopods by pods were monographed by Amsden (1974) and con-
Lees et al., 2002) accompanying the progressive sisted of a mix of older cosmopolitan and Laurentian
homogenisation of Baltic, Avalonian and Laurentian genera (Dolerorthis, Platystrophia, Dalmanella,
faunas. Faunally based biogeographic assessments Dicoelosia, Cliftonia, Leptaena, Stegerhynchus,
must be critically evaluated during this period. Eospirigerina, Coolinia), some elements of the typical
In contrast to the differences between the east and Hirnantia Fauna (Hirnantia, Eostropheodonta, Dal-
west of Laurentia shown by the early Ordovician manella, Cryptothyrella) and some more distinctive
trilobites, the mid- and late Ordovician brachiopods new forms (Biparetis, Brevilamnulella, Leptoskolidion,
summarised by Potter and Boucot (1992) show that Thebesia). However, the last three are now known also
the two margins of the palaeocontinent carried the from Baltica (Cocks, 1982) and thus, the Edgewood
same fauna and communities, although they demon- Fauna is now considered as characterising a less dis-
strated that only the shallower water Benthic Assem- tinctive palaeogeographical signal than formerly.
blage (BA) 2 to BA 3 communities were present on Silurian faunas have recently become better known
the central Laurentian craton, in contrast to the wider thanks to recent monographs of the ‘‘Arctic’’ faunas
BA 2 to BA 5 range developed on the two margins. In of northern Canada, for example, for the trilobites
addition, Potter (1990) undertook an elegant analysis (Adrain, 1994; Adrain and Edgecombe, 1995; Adrain
of the biogeographical relations of the middle and and Macdonald, 1996) and for the brachiopods sys-
upper Ordovician brachiopods which he mono- tematically described by Lenz (1977) from the Yukon,
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 259
Zhang (1989) from Baillie Hamilton Island and Jin et and their accompanying trace fossils of the genera
al. (1993) from Hudson Bay and adjacent areas. It is Cruziana and Tigillites, as well as an easily recog-
apparent that, even within the context of a relatively nised suite of large lingulide brachiopods (Lingulo-
uniform and cosmopolitan Silurian fauna, there were a oglossa, Monobolina, Ectenoglossa, Lingulobolus
number of Laurentian endemics with potentially use- and others) are definitive of West Gondwana (Cocks,
ful biogeographic signals, and, as one would expect 2000). Shallow-shelf clastic deposits of Arenig –Llan-
from a palaeoequatorial position, the overall diver- virn age are typified by a variety of genera of
sities are very high. Carbonate mound faunas from calymenoid (Pradoella, Calymenella, Kerfornella,
Greenland (Lane, 1972, 1979; Lane and Owens, Iberocoryphe, Eohomalonotus, Salterocoryphe Colpo-
1982) confirm this. coryphe, Plaesiacomia) and dalmanitoid (Zelizskella,
Kloucekia, Crozonaspis, Eudolatites, Dreyfussina,
4.2. Gondwana Guichenia, Retamaspis, Morgatia, Ormathops, Tole-
tanaspis, Eodalmanitina) trilobites, and the early
The main stable ‘‘core’’ of Lower Palaeozoic Gond- history of trinucleids is virtually confined there. There
wana (Cocks, 2001) comprised a supercontinent are also endemic genera of more widespread families:
including Africa, South America, Arabia, the Indian Asaphidae (Merlinia, Nobiliasaphus, Isabelinia);
subcontinent, Antarctica and Australia (Fig. 8). Iberia Nileidae (Barrandia, Parabarrandia); Illaenidae
and Armorica in the West, and South China and other (Ectillaenus); Pliomeridae (Placoparia); Cheiruridae
terranes in the East are faunally contiguous to various (Eccoptochile); Lichidae (Uralichas); and Odonto-
parts of that core, but have been the subjects of several pleuridae (Selenopeltis) among them. The last named
differing reconstructions. There are numerous periph- gave the label to the ‘‘Selenopeltis Province’’ of
eral terranes all of whose positions require individual Whittington and Hughes (1972), which is broadly
evaluation (see below). Throughout the period in equivalent to West Gondwana; other terms, such as
question, core Gondwana was a major and varied home ‘‘Mediterranean Province’’ have also been used, e.g.
for faunal endemics. For this review, we divide the by Havlı́ček (1989). The development of articulated
supercontinent into three, West Gondwana, East Gond- brachiopods progressed more slowly; in the earliest
wana and Intermediate palaeolatitude Gondwana. Ben- Ordovician very few colonised these high-latitude
edetto (2001) has analysed the distribution of all the areas, with only Protambonites and Poramborthis
articulated brachiopods during the early Ordovician, endemic to the Tremadoc of West Gondwana, which
and by this means alone has confirmed the previously at that time included both Ibero – Armorica and Perun-
published (e.g. Cocks and Fortey, 1988) position of the ica. By the Arenig, the combination of Nocturniella,
South Pole in North Africa, and shed light on the Ranorthis, Prantlina and Nereidella is distinctive to
relationships and relative dispositions of the peri- the area, and in Llanvirn times Euorthisina, Eodalma-
Gondwanan terranes. We review Gondwana as a whole nella and early Tissintia. During the late Llanvirn
after South China (Section 4.2.5), with which it was (Llandeilo or Dobrotiva in other stratigraphical termi-
closely faunally linked for much of our period. nologies), the province was even more homogeneous,
with Tissintia and Tafilaltia (Cocks, 2000, Fig. 8)
4.2.1. West Gondwana ranging as far as Turkey, Shropshire and Bolivia, as
Since the South Pole lay within, or close to, well as on the Gondwanan core of North Africa,
northern Africa throughout the period, the compara- Ibero – Armorica and Perunica, with Eorhipidomella,
tively frigid area of West Gondwana (Fig. 8) had Cacemia, Appollonorthis and Tazzarinia also abun-
peculiar environmental conditions to which very dant at many sites. By Caradoc times, the Aegiro-
many endemics were uniquely adapted. This area mena –Drabovia Fauna dominated within the central
embraces Armorica, Iberia, North Africa and conti- part of the area (Havlı́ček, 1989), accompanied by
nental Europe as far east as Serbia (Havlı́ček, 1989; many other orthides, but with strophomenides and
Gutierrez-Marco et al., 1999). In the earlier Ordovi- rhynchonellides (common in lower latitudes) rare and
cian, the inshore clastic deposits with the trilobites clitambonitides and pentamerides absent. In later
Neseuretus and Ogyginus (Fortey and Morris, 1982), Ordovician (Ashgill) times, the provincial signals
260 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Fig. 8. Gondwana, showing the distribution of key trilobites in the early Ordovician, after Cocks (2001, Fig. 2). Dikelokephalinid fauna
(crosses), Bathyurid fauna (stars), Reedocalymenine ( = Calymenacean – Dalmanitacean of Cocks and Fortey, 1990) fauna (black dots).
Continental distributions modified from C.R. Scotese PaleoGIS for Arcview package: also included are 3—Penobscot Arc (position from Van
Staal et al., 1998), 5—south-east Australian Arc (position from Webby, 1992).
weakened, although the largely endemic Dedzetina and onia, Glyptarca and others). These bivalves are as
Proboscisambon brachiopod assemblages flourished in distinctive as those of contemporary Laurentia, but
places, but by Hirnantian times, only the widespread completely different.
Hirnantia Fauna occurs (Rong and Harper, 1988). The various trilobites and brachiopods have been
The early history of the bivalves appears to be described in numerous publications over the last
strongly linked with West Gondwana (Cope, 2000) century, of which Dean (1967), Hammann (1983),
and there are numerous cool-water endemics (Redo- Havlı́ček (1977), Henry (1980), Rabano (1990) and
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 261
Romano (1982) are merely the most important, and shallow water carbonates. From the core of East
summarize earlier references. The furthest east these Gondwana the brachiopods are in general rather poorly
faunas extend is to Saudi Arabia (El Khayal and known, apart from Tasmania (Laurie, 1991), where the
Romano, 1985). Servais and Fatka (1997) have dis- early Ordovician genera (Apheoorthis, Nanorthis, Tri-
tinguished cool-water Gondwanan from more temper- toechia, Syntrophopsis, Leptella, Archaeorthis and
ate Baltic and Laurentian acritarchs, the former being Hesperonomiella) also occur in Laurentia. No endemic
typified by Frankea, Dicrodiacrodium and Arbusculi- genera are known there before the plectambonitoidean
dium filamentosum. Railtonella in the Llanvirn. However, in the early
Deeper water faunas of the earlier half of the Ordovician there is only one trilobite species, the
Ordovician include the raphiophorid and cyclopygid pelagic Carolinites genacinaca, in common between
biofacies of Fortey and Owens (1987). The olenid Laurentia and East Gondwana (McCormick and For-
biofacies is only developed around intermediate-lati- tey, 1999), although another pelagic genus, Opipeuter,
tude core Gondwana in Argentina and Bolivia (Har- is represented by similar species. The Midcontinent
rington and Leanza, 1957; Přibyl and Vaněk, 1980), but conodont fauna is also similar between the two areas,
it is present also in South Wales, on Avalonia (Fortey as is the so-called ‘‘Pacific’’ graptolite province (Fin-
and Owens, 1978). Cyclopygid faunas are developed in ney and Chen, 1990). This may be considered a pan-
the Synclinal d’Ancenis, south of Brittany, and in tropical fauna, and represents those taxa with good
deeper facies of the Montagne Noire, southern France dispersal ability around the palaeoequator. However,
(both in Armorica), which, together with the graptolitic while the presence of common elements is important
succession of the Pyrenees, may be taken as evidence for stratigraphic correlation, graptolites and conodonts
for a mid-European aulacogen. Armorica has been are less important for terrane recognition and palaeo-
described as separate from core Gondwana on faunal, geographic reconstruction.
stratigraphical and palaeomagnetic grounds during the Benthic trilobites in East Gondwana include a
Lower Palaeozoic by various authors, but is now considerable number of endemics of types different
thought not to have separated from the supercontinent from both Laurentia and West Gondwana. These have
before early Devonian times (Cocks and Torsvik, been reviewed by Wright et al. (2000) for Australia.
2002). In the early Silurian, it was almost entirely Among trilobites, one monogeneric family, the Pro-
submerged deeply enough to carry only graptolites sopiscidae, is confined there. The probable pliomerid
and bivalve and cephalopod molluscs. However, in subfamily Hammatocneminae is confined to East
north Spain, an isolated Llandovery brachiopod fauna Gondwana and peri-Gondwana in the earlier Ordovi-
is known (Villas and Cocks, 1996) adjacent to con- cian (Pliomerina, Ovalocephalus, Encrinurella, Pro-
temporary volcanics: this consists of 11 widespread toencrinurella). The Dikelokephalinidae (Fig. 8) are
genera, but two (Asturorthis, Viodostrophia) which more varied there than anywhere else (some genera
were apparently endemic, which was unusual among extend into South America, Argentina, in intermediate
the nearly cosmopolitan brachiopod distributions of palaeolatitudes; see Section 4.2.3): Asaphopsis, Dac-
that time (Cocks and Scotese, 1991; Fig. 10 here). tylocephalus, Hungioides, Meitanopsis. Trinucleids
(Ichangolithus, Ningkianolithus, Ceratolithus) are
4.2.2. East Gondwana similar. Whittington and Hughes (1972) combined
The Gondwana supercontinent was so extensive South America and China into the so-called ‘‘Asa-
that East Gondwana lay in the tropics, and provides phopsis Province’’ reflecting this distribution. Webby
an instructive sedimentological and faunal contrast to (1971) coined the term ‘Pliomerina Province’ for
the polar regions of the same continent (Fig. 8). In the another portion of east Gondwana based upon the
earlier Ordovician, carbonates dominated platform occurrence of the eponymous trilobite. The conclu-
sites in Australia—in some cases these carbonates sion is that East Gondwana was sufficiently removed
are lithologically similar to those developed in Lau- from Laurentia to be dominated by endemics among
rentia. There is a minority of brachiopods in western inshore trilobites and brachiopods.
Australia that are identical to genera from Laurentia Faunal belts marginal to Australia are sporadically
(Finkelnburgia, Eoorthis, Syntrophina) in comparable recorded along the Tasman ‘‘geosyncline’’ (Wright et
262 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
al., 2000) and include at least one fauna with olenid biofacies, the Gondwana-diagnostic Neseuretus is
biofacies (Henderson, 1983). known from Bolivia and the Famanitina Range, Argen-
Among trilobites, inshore Asaphidae have a partic- tina (Section 6.6), and Colpocoryphe from Bolivia, the
ular propensity to generate endemic genera, and this is latter genus being more typical of West Gondwana.
of particular relevance when considering East Gond- From the Gondwanan Central Andean Basin of north-
wana. The same seems to be true of Pliomeridae and west Argentina and Bolivia, Benedetto (1998) recorded
Trinucleidae (endemic trinucleids are considered in a Laurentian/Gondwanan mix of brachiopods—Hes-
detail below). Separate basins within the broad East peronomia, Paralenorthis, Nanorthis, Desmorthis,
Gondwana realm are typified by asaphids and/or plio- Glyptorthis, Euorthisina and Camerella, as well as
merids that are not generally distributed, but abundant possible Pleurorthis and Salopia—from the Arenig,
in a given region. In central Australia (Fortey and with Incorthis as the only endemic. By the Caradoc, in
Shergold, 1984), uniquely tuberculate asaphids of the addition to genera of West Gondwanan ancestry (Des-
genus Norasaphus are dominant members of the fauna. stombesium, Tissintia, Drabovinella, Aegiromena,
Gogoella and Pliomeridius are endemic pliomerids. Rostricellula), there are also migrants from other areas,
for example Oanduporella, originally from the Baltic.
4.2.3. Intermediate palaeolatitudes of Gondwana For the earlier Ordovician, therefore, there is evidence
Since Gondwana was a supercontinent, it stretched of sufficient isolation to develop endemics, and a
over more than 100j of palaeolatitude and thus there certain similarity to South China in Argentina, and
were continuous clines between the tropical and polar West Gondwana in Bolivia, but deeper water faunas
faunas. This means that the faunas of temperate palaeo- dominate.
latitudes have intermediate characteristics, and there is Overlaps are also typical of the earlier Ordovician
a complex ‘overlap zone’ between them. Subsurface of the Middle East and Turkey (Section 5.3.6). A few
Florida has yielded a single early Ordovician trilo- taxa became effectively peri-Gondwanan, and were
bite—Colpocoryphe (Whittington, 1953)—but one presumably temperature-range tolerant. The early
which is diagnostic of Gondwana. The South American Ordovician gastropod Peelerophon is one example
portion of Gondwana (excluding marginal terranes (Jell et al., 1984); the trilobite Hungioides (which
such as Precordillera and Famatina—see Sections 5.2 extends as far west as Thuringia) may be another.
and 6.6) embraces fossiliferous strata especially in
Bolivia (Přibyl and Vaněk, 1980) and Argentina (Har- 4.2.4. South China
rington and Leanza, 1957; Benedetto, 1998). In inter- South China is included here as a separate major
mediate-latitude South America (Harrington and continent since the palaeomagnetic data (summarised
Leanza, 1957) distinctive asaphids with denticulate by Cocks and Torsvik, 2002) indicate movements that
pygidial margins (Thysanopyge, Australopyge) are separate it from Gondwana (Fig. 6), although, as we
abundant in some settings. Deeper water biofacies are will review, the South Chinese faunas have much in
present in Venezuela and Peru (Hughes et al., 1980), common with Gondwana. In the earlier Ordovician,
and widely along the western sub-Andean side of carbonates dominated platform sites in both South and
Argentina and Bolivia. In the earlier Ordovician, the North China. Benthic trilobites have been reviewed by
olenid biofacies is more widely distributed in this area Lu (1975). Taihungshaniidae are varied in South China
than anywhere else at that time, but as usual, the taxa (Tungtzuella, Omeipsis, while Taihungshania itself
are very widespread. Hapalopleuridae seem to be more spread westwards at one level in the Arenig). Leioste-
characteristic of deep biofacies and are widespread. A giids are commoner and more varied in this region than
cyclopygid biofacies has been discovered recently. elsewhere. The asaphid subfamily Tangyaiinae is
Among shelf faunas, endemic Trinucleidae include endemic to South China and associated terranes; the
Famanitinolithus and Incaia. We have mentioned distinctive asaphid Birmanites is widespread in East
endemic asaphids above, and there are probably more, Gondwana. Shallow- to deep-water profiles have been
depending on how the systematics of this complex recognised across the Yangtze platform (Lu et al., 1976;
group is sorted out (Hoekaspis, Branisaspis and Kay- Zhou et al., 2000, 2001) where they trend to the south-
seraspis are probably good genera). Among inshore east and, as elsewhere, the deeper water faunas, which
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 263
include raphiophorids, cyclopygids, shumardiids and South China, is a highly diachronous trilobite-bearing
nileids, are widespread, and hence provide less geo- unit which includes a number of endemic genera
graphic signature than the shallower faunas. The dis- (Ovalocephalus, Paraphillipsinella, Elongatanileus,
tinctive asaphids Birmanites and Tangyaia are common Hastiremopleurides, Quyania, Xuanenia and others)
in South China and associated terranes, where they are amounting to about 20% of the fauna (Fortey, 1997).
associated with Liomegalaspides, Ningkianites and The situation changed as the Ordovician progressed;
others. The dikelocephalinids Asaphopsis, and Hun- for example, Panderia was earlier a predominantly
gioides ( = Argentinops of Přibyl and Vaněk, 1980) are Baltic endemic but appears abundantly in the later
also widely recorded in South China and extend into Ordovician of China. From the Upper Ashgill, Rong
the main part of Gondwana. Hanchungolithus is a (1984), in a series of excellent papers, has characterised
trinucleid with a similar wide range from South China the Hirnantian brachiopod faunas, largely from shales
to France. Although asaphids are taxonomically diffi- and thin sandstones (Qian, 1987), and described the
cult, genera named above are among the most distinc- different constituents and detailed timing of the varied
tive in the family. From the Arenig Dawan and Meitan Hirnantia Fauna itself; however, the latter is difficult to
Formations Xu and Liu (1984) identified five brachio- use in palaeogeography because of its widespread
pod assemblages, together constituting a rich fauna of distribution. Cocks and Fortey (1997) have compared
55 genera, including five endemic orthidines (Eodior- the late Ordovician and early Silurian faunas of South
rthelasma, Lepidorthis, Metorthis, Pseudomimella, China and Sibumasu and concluded that not only the
Xinanorthis) of which Metorthis is the only represen- species from the Pagoda Formation (South China) are
tative of its family in the Treatise (Williams and Harper, essentially identical to those from the Pa Kae Forma-
in Kaesler, 2000). The Arenig pentameroid Yangzteella tion (Thailand), but also that the lithological sequences
is abundant and was thought to be endemic to South in both areas are extraordinarily similar.
China until its discovery in the Taurides of Turkey
(Cocks and Fortey, 1988), which may have been at a 4.2.5. Gondwanan summary
comparable palaeolatitude in the complex array of peri- For comparison with marginal terranes in other
Gondwanan terranes. The early Caradoc Shihtzupu continents, tropical East and subpolar West Gondwana
Formation (Xu et al., 1974; partly revised by Cocks give good and distinctively separate faunal signatures,
and Zhan, 1998) has 19 brachiopods recorded, many particularly in the Ordovician. South China was prob-
are cosmopolitan, but there is the endemic Peritritoe- ably close to East Gondwana and also Sibumasu
chia and also Saucrorthis, known elsewhere only from (Section 5.3.1) and the Himalayan terranes (Section
Burma in the Sibumasu terrane (Cocks and Zhan, 5.3.3), and is included in this context here. Intermedi-
1998). The Shihtzupu trilobites (Zhou et al., 1984) ate-latitude sites are sometimes more ambiguous, but in
include typical Gondwanan endemics (Birmanites, many instances demonstrate the clines expected at the
Prosopiscus, Calymenesun), together with a number margins of a large continent with seaboards crossing
of more cosmopolitan genera. many degrees of latitude. In the intermediate palaeo-
In the late Ordovician, there was land (termed latitudes, there may have been fluctuations between
Cathaysia by Rong and Chen, 1987) in the south-east East and West Gondwana faunas at a formation-by-
part of the South China plate, and this was fringed by a formation level, probably representing climatic shifts
series of shelly faunas. From there, the signals from the which are unrecognisable at higher or lower palaeo-
brachiopods are not identical to those from the earlier latitudes alone. There is no question that at one or two
trilobites; for example, studies on early Ashgill faunas levels asaphids of Baltic type (Dean, 1973a) made an
(Zhan and Cocks, 1998) show that a quarter of the appearance in the peri-Gondwanan Taurides of Turkey
genera are endemic (Peritrimerella, Wangyuella, Ron- (Section 5.3.6 below), including Asaphus itself, one of
gambonites, Fenomena, Tashanomena and others) and the most distinctive of normally Baltic forms, and
there are more genera in common between South China ptychopygids together with a species of Symphysurus
and the Chu –Ili Terrane of Kazakhstan (see Section almost identical to S. palpebrosus Dalman, abundant in
6.4.2 below) than there are with North China. The Sweden during the Llanvirn. This indicates that Baltica
mostly Caradoc Pagoda Formation, widespread in must have been sufficiently close to allow relatively
264 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
brief colonisation on the appropriate substrate and at oncoming of the significant and extensive glaciation
the right temperature, but we may also conclude that which terminated the Ordovician: it has a lower
the independent Taurides terrane may have been further trilobite diversity (Owen, 1986) dominated numeri-
outboard of Gondwana at that time than the rest of the cally by the globally distributed Mucronaspis mucro-
peri-Gondwanan collage. nata. The then South Pole lay under West Gondwana
East and West Gondwana maintained their faunal (Cocks and Fortey, 1988), but the latter had drifted
identity in the later Ordovician. Endemic Calymenoi- over it during our period, and this is reflected in the
dea and Dalmanitoidea continue to typify the Moroc- faunas. In the early Ordovician, the distribution of
can later Ordovician but in Spain (Hammann, 1992) the low-diversity brachiopod and reedocalymenid
endemics such as Nobiliasaphus are joined by some (neseuretid) faunas indicates the Pole’s position under
trilobites of North American pedigree such as Helio- North Africa (Fig. 8), but by the Hirnantian, the
mera, as well as a variety of illaenids of ambiguous Hirnantia and dalmanitinid faunas present in South
significance. In Tarim (Section 5.5) and other mar- Africa (Cocks et al., 1970; Cocks and Fortey, 1986)
ginal terranes, extending into South China, distinctive help to position it under central west Africa, whilst by
few-segmented raphiophiorids such as Taklamakania the end of the Silurian the Pole was probably adjacent
and Nanshanaspis are very abundant in some local- to South Africa or east Brazil, as can be seen by the
ities, and confined to this biogeographic region (Zhou distribution of the high-latitude Clarkeia brachiopod
et al., 1995). There are a number of endemic asaphids, fauna discussed below. The Hirnantian brachiopods
and Birmanites is typical of a wide area. At the same are more diverse than the trilobites and Rong and
time, there are progressive additions of widespread Harper (1988) recognised some global biogeographic
taxa, or those that have earlier histories in Baltica, differentiation within the faunas, with the more typical
reflecting the changes in palaeogeography that pro- Hirnantia Fauna (Hirnantia, Eostropheodonta, Cryp-
gressed during the Ordovician. There is a number of tothyrella, Dalmanella, Leptaena and others) most
remopleuridid species in common between these two widely distributed in Gondwanan and peri-Gond-
areas. wanan terranes from high (North Africa) to relatively
In the Ashgill, there is some evidence of a west- low (Sibumasu) palaeolatitudes, in contrast to the
ward displacement of Chinese origin faunas accom- contemporary and somewhat different Edgewood
panying the general homogenisation of trilobite Fauna of Laurentia (Section 4.1). Many authors have
assemblages. Ovalocephalus appears in Sardinia written on the major turnover which most invertebrate
(Hammann and Leone, 1997), Spain (Hammann, groups experienced, with many extinctions, at or near
1992) and in Poland (called there Hammatocnemis the end of the Ordovician.
by Kielan, 1960). Josephulus in the Boda Limestone The Silurian of Gondwana is often somewhat
of Sweden is related. Fortey (1997) considered that impoverished in shelly faunas in the Llandovery,
Parvigena from the same fauna also related to a largely because of the wide spread of clastics with
Chinese proetid. Amphytrion is pandemic. These are graptolites following the ‘rebound’ after the glacia-
elements in very diverse and apparently widespread tion. The Wenlock fauna is rather uniform and
faunas, known also from Avalonia (the Chair of diverse, but first Silurian appearances at this horizon
Kildare Limestone, Ireland) and partly from Laurentia suggest that there must have been unknown refugia
(Anticosti Island, Canada). In that the fauna accom- through the Llandovery for many taxa. This uniform-
panies limestones appearing at relatively high lati- ity reflects the change in global geography that had
tudes (and may equate with the bryozoan biostromes happened by this time, with the major continents
at Khabt Lahjar, east of Erfoud, Morocco), it seems separated by much narrower oceans than in the
reasonable to suppose that there was a climatic warm Ordovician. However, in later Silurian times, the
phase at this time in the mid-Ashgill which spread distinctiveness of subpolar, high-palaeolatitude faunas
eastern Gondwana faunas more widely polewards is reinforced by the appearance of the restricted
(e.g. Hammann and Leone, 1997; Vennin et al., 1998). Clarkeia Fauna, with endemic Clarkeia, Anabaia,
Conversely, the Hirnantia fauna of the latest Ash- Australina, Castellaroina and other brachiopods
gill is generally considered to be a response to the (Cocks, 1972), and with relatively low diversity again
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 265
Fig. 9. The outlines of the modern extent of the Lower Palaeozoic Baltica terrane, showing the distribution of Arenig endemic megistaspinid
trilobites (circles) and the brachiopod Lycophoria (triangles).
266 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
magnetic evidence that the continent rotated through Warburg (1925), Öpik (1935), Tjernvik (1956), Owen
more than 90j during the Cambro –Ordovician, but and Bruton (1980) and Nielsen (1995) are landmarks,
this appears to have had surprisingly little explicit and summarize earlier work. Ebbestad (1999) sum-
effect on faunal signature. Such rotations are not marized early Ordovician faunas of the deeper biofa-
prima facie determinable from fossil evidence if the cies. Brachiopods are in more need of modern
reorientation happens within the same climatic zone, revision following the classic works of Schmidt and
and Baltica maintained a generally coherent fauna others in the 19th century and Öpik (1930) in the early
while rotating substantially. The majority of the mar- 20th, although Holmer (1989) has enabled us to
ginal biofacies are largely overridden by nappes in the glimpse the diverse variety of inarticulated brachio-
Scandinavian Caledonides and eliminated by strike – pods present in Baltica, with 56 species in 29 genera
slip in the Urals, and are mostly located in boreholes present in the Viru Series (late Llanvirn and Caradoc)
along today’s south-western (Tornquist: Trans-Euro- of Sweden alone. The global distributions of the 40
pean Suture Zone) section. However, within the articulated brachiopod genera listed by Hints and
south-central Urals, Little et al. (1997) have found Rõõmusoks (1997) from the Arenig –early Llanvirn
remarkable Silurian fossils (large inarticulated bra- Billingen, Volkov and Kunda Beds of Estonia have
chiopods, vestimentiferan worms and other fauna) been checked using the new Treatise on Invertebrate
representing the oldest known mid-ocean ridge hydo- Paleontology (Kaesler, 2000). These reveal that a
thermal vent faunas, a ‘‘smoking gun’’ for the edge of surprising 17 of them are endemic to Baltica: six of
an old terrane if ever there was one! Shelf palae- the seven genera of the Clitambonitidae occur there,
oenvironmental subdivisions have been distinguished of which Apomatella, Hemipronites, Iru and Lacun-
as ‘‘Confacies belts’’ by Jaanusson (1984)—these are ites are endemic. Six of the eight Gonambonitidae
essentially equivalent to the biofacies recognised as occur in Baltica and three are endemic (Estlandia,
encircling other palaeocontinents. These decrease in Oslogonites, Raunites). Orthis, Orthambonites, Krat-
depth from the Oslo region, Norway, towards the torthis and Angusticardinia are endemic Orthoidea,
Russian platform, with the complication of a with the last genus part of an endemic Baltic family;
basin—the Livonian tongue—extending SW –NE in within the Strophomenida the early strophomenoid
the southern half. The typical Baltic platform succes- Panderites and the plectambonitoids Plectambonites,
sion is extremely condensed, the Ordovician is as little Plectella, Onegia and Ukoa are also endemic. The
as only a few metres thick in some places. Although brachiopod family Lycophoriidae is also endemic to
much geological time must be unrepresented by strata Baltica—Lycophoria occurs in rock-forming quanti-
in these sections, nonetheless, the succession of bio- ties in Estonia and north-western Russia, and abun-
zones in a given region is generally surprisingly dantly also in Norway, Sweden and the Holy Cross
complete (Dronov and Holmer, 1999). Jaanusson Mountains of Poland (Fig. 9). Lycophoria is not only
(1973) was the first to point out that the carbonates the sole genus within the family, but that family is
in the Lower to Mid-Ordovician indicate temperate morphologically far removed from the others within
rather than tropical palaeolatitudes, a fact confirmed the Pentamerida (Cocks, 2000, 2002).
as palaeomagnetism came available (Bergström and Platform successions of the earlier half of the
Noltimier, 1982; other references in Torsvik and Ordovician are typified by yielding numerous asaphid
Rehnström, 2001). Later Ordovician and Silurian trilobites—a fact which led Whittington and Hughes
lithologies are typified by tropical-style carbonates, (1972) to term what is here called Baltica, the ‘‘Asa-
whose deposition resulted in thicker successions. The phid province’’. This nomenclature was somewhat
Lower Palaeozoic fossil fauna of Scandinavia is unfortunate because, as noted previously, every major
among the best known in the world. Lees et al. palaeocontinent had typical endemic asaphids. How-
(2002) plotted the faunal data points (Fig. 1) which ever, platform Baltica is characterised by an endemic
have a density comparable with those of Recent faunal radiation of megistaspinid trilobites (Balashova,
distribution maps. Trilobites were classically mono- 1977), a subfamily unique to Baltica. These are large
graphed by Schmidt about a century ago, but there and conspicuous animals which can be recovered
have been extensive more recent revisions, of which from suitable limestones anywhere in Baltica (Fig.
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 267
9). Ptychopyge and three or four related genera (some- for example, the brachiopods (Bassett and Cocks,
times recognised as a subfamily), Asaphus itself, 1974) from Gotland, Sweden (Baltica), have most of
Varvia, Lapidaria, Pseudobasilicus and a variety of their species in common with the late Llandovery and
other asaphid taxa distinguished by Balashova (1977), Wenlock of the Welsh Borderland (Avalonia). How-
are equally diagnostic. The asaphids Niobe, Gog and ever, by late Silurian (Ludlow and Pridoli) times,
Asaphellus tend to be commoner in outer shelf sites more endemic brachiopod faunas had evolved, which
but they are more cosmopolitan. Additionally, inshore apparently reflected inhomogeneities across the very
taxa belonging to other families are endemic in the substantial Laurussian supercontinent into which Bal-
Lower to Middle Ordovician, especially cheiruroids tica had become subsumed.
(Pliomera s.s., Evropeites, Krattaspis, Reraspis, Dzik et al. (1994) documented the early and mid-
Cyrtometopus) phacopoids (Diaphanometopus, Gyro- Ordovician platform faunas of the Holy Cross Moun-
metopus) and calymenids (Ptychometopus). This very tains, Poland, which are tectonically separated from
strong endemism persisted up to the Llanvirn –Car- Baltica today and lie south of the important Trans-
adoc with, for example, the brachiopod clitambonitoid European Suture Zone (the Tornquist Line). The
families Estlandiidae and Gonambonitidae continuing Holy Cross Mountains are made up of two different
to be known almost entirely only from the Baltic blocks, and the main Ordovician sections are in the
craton. Małopólska Block. For our period, the faunas there
Other trilobitic elements in the more open-shelf include species-level similarities with Baltica in all
early Ordovician biofacies common in southern groups—ostracodes, trilobites, brachiopods (the par-
Sweden, such as Nileidae (Nileus, Symphysurus), ticularly distinctive Lycophoria and Antigonambon-
Raphiophoridae (Ampyx, Lonchodomas, Pytine), ites—Cocks, 2000, Fig. 2), including many Baltic
Alsataspidinae (Falanaspis), Agnostidae (Metagnos- endemics. In contrast, the late Cambrian inarticulated
stus, Arthrorhachis, Geragnostus), Telephinidae brachiopods and trace fossils in the adjacent Lyso-
(Telephina), certain asaphids (Gog, Niobe) and Shu- gory Block had been evaluated as being ‘‘Avalo-
mardiidae (Shumardia and allies) are much more nian’’ in affinity (Belka et al., 2000), but Cocks
widespread, and do not have a specific Baltic ‘finger- (2002) reviewed each genus in turn and concluded
print’. They occur in deeper shelf faunas around that they were relatively cosmopolitan and in con-
Laurentia also, like the North Atlantic Province con- sequence we place unhesitatingly both the Holy
odont faunas with which they co-occur. This has been Cross blocks on the margin of the main Baltica
attributed to common temperature regimes downshelf continent in the Lower Palaeozoic. This is also
in the tropics to those on the outer platform of more supported prior to our review period by the Baltic
temperate Baltica. Later in the Ordovician and in the affinities of the late Cambrian trilobites (Zylı́nska,
Silurian (as almost everywhere, but punctuated by the 2001). The later Ordovician faunas in the Holy Cross
end-Ordovician Hirnantian event), Baltica faunas pro- Mountains include only the widespead deeper water
gressively lose their individual stamp, reflecting the Foliomena brachiopod Fauna (Cocks and Rong,
amalgamation firstly with Avalonia and their approach 1988), the equally widespread trilobites described
to North America before the Silurian docking. For by Kielan (1960) and the Hirnantia brachiopod
example, the Caradoc brachiopods and trilobites of Fauna (Rong and Harper, 1988), none of which are
the Hadeland area in Norway (Harper and Owen, of much use in assessing palaeocontinental affinity.
1984) demonstrate a mixture of Baltic forms and
genera which had originated from Avalonia (Shrop- 4.4. Siberia
shire). However, there is still sufficient ‘signal’ in the
pattern of mutually shared genera to be able to Siberia was a substantial and independent palae-
separate these entities on numerical analysis, at least ocontinent during all of the Ordovician and Silurian. It
in the late Ordovician (Lees et al., 2002). By the early is considered here under the main part of the continent
and mid-Silurian, the combined Baltic, Avalonian and first, which includes Mongolia, followed by separate
(later) Laurentian faunas are essentially identical, sections on Taimyr and Tuva, whose continental
apart from the ostracodes, even at the species level; identities have been controversial.
268 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
4.4.1. Siberian main craton to suggest that Siberia should be closer to Laurentia
The main craton comprised the area east of the Urals than to North China. This contrasts, for example, with
and north of the Asian fold belts: the latter separating the reconstructions in McKerrow and Scotese (1990).
Siberia from the North China terrane of peripheral In the later Ordovician (Caradoc to early Ashgill),
Gondwana. Palaeomagnetic results from Siberia are however, there was a burst of endemic trilobite evolu-
considered robust and demonstrate rotation of the tion in cratonic Siberian sites sufficient to suggest
palaeocontinent after the Silurian (Smethurst et al., increased separation from Laurentia. In particular, the
1998). The continent maintained a tropical position family Monorakidae is both diverse and confined to
early in the period and became progressively more Siberia (genera include Isalaux, Isalauxina, Monora-
temperate within the northern hemisphere in the Silur- kos, Evankaspis, Ceratevenkaspis, Parevenkaspis,
ian. Questions arise about its disposition relative to Elasmaspis, Carinopyge). A faint Laurentian connec-
Laurentia and tropical Gondwana, respectively. Earlier tion is represented by a few genera in common
(Tremadoc –Llanvirn) Ordovician platform limestones (Ceraurinus, Calliops). The brachiopods from the
are lithologically similar to those from other palae- Caradoc and early Ashgill (e.g. Yadrenkina, 1978,
otropical regions, and dominated by a shallow-water 1982) are once again largely similar to Laurentia, but
gastropod/sponge biofacies. Gastropods include such with some endemics, for example, the strophomenoid
genera as Ecculiomphalus, Ophileta, Proplina and Maakina, and are notable for the abundance and
Archinacella which are in common with North Amer- diversity of the rhynchonelloids, including the endemic
ica, as are leperditiid ostracodes. The brachiopods from Evenkorhynchia.
the earliest Ordovician, although partly known from a The Siberian Silurian faunas of both Llandovery
pioneering paper by Nikiforova and Andreeva (1961), and early Wenlock age seem to be of the tropical
require revision, but also suggest Laurentian affinities, pandemic fauna. However, later in the period a lower
although with a few endemics (Leontiella, Rhyse- diversity endemic brachiopod fauna, the Tuvaella
lasma). Trilobites include a number of bathyurids: Fauna, evolved, dominated by Tuvaella itself and
Biolgina ( = Peltabellia), Punka, Licnocephala, Omu- associated with Tannuspirifer, Mesoleptostrophia
liovia and Ermaniella of which the last two named are and Stegerhynchus (although the last two also have
unknown in North America (Maksimova, 1962; Chu- a more widespread distribution). This is today pre-
gaeva, 1973). Since Bathyuridae are otherwise strongly served (Fig. 10) only on the southern margin of
endemic to Laurentia, the similarities are significant Siberia (then facing north and towards the vast Pan-
enough to suggest proximity at the time to this con- thalassic Ocean) in the Altai Sayan and Tuva Moun-
tinent. However, Omuliovia is known from North tains of Russia and Mongolia and also in northern
China (Zhou and Fortey, 1986) but not from Laurentia. China (Rong et al., 1995), although the latter does not
There do not appear to be any endemic Siberian include the North China terrane (Section 5.4). Thus,
asaphids at this time, but other Siberian asaphids have this more temperate fauna and associated sedimentary
been placed in the North American genera Isotelus and facies reflected the progressive movement of Siberia
Homotelus. The pliomerid Pliomerellus is confined to northwards with time during our period.
Siberia. Another pliomerid described by Chugaeva Mongolia is another area from which only a few
(1973) as Pliomera fischeri asiatica is probably refer- tantalising details are known from the Lower Palae-
able to the North American taxon Perissopliomera ozoic period. The Cambrian trilobites recorded from
Ross, while Pseudomera sp. of Kan’gin et al. (1989, earlier beds align it without doubt to Siberia, but few
pl. 9, Fig. 5) is very likely another Laurentian genus Ordovician faunas have been monographed apart from
Pseudocybele. This strong overall Laurentian element, those from the Upper Ordovician Bayanhongor and
and the small number of endemics, is significant Saaltai ‘‘zones’’ described by Rozman (1981) where 19
enough to suggest that the oceanic separation of the brachiopod genera are recorded of essentially cosmo-
Siberian and Laurentian plates was not considerable in politan faunal affinities apart from Severginella, which
the Early Ordovician. Without an exercise such as that is also known from Tuva (Section 4.4.3) and the Altai
of Lees et al. (2002), we cannot give grounds for an Mountains (Section 6.4.4), and the strophomenoid
absolute distance figure, but what we know is sufficient Bajanhongorella, which is endemic (Cocks and Rong,
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 269
Fig. 10. Global map showing the higher latitude Siberian Tuvaella brachiopod Fauna (circles) and the southern hemisphere Clarkeia brachiopod
Fauna (triangles), as well as the lower latitude cosmopolitan fauna, after Cocks (2001, Fig. 7).
2000). However, as in Tuva, the late Silurian higher from coeval faunas on the fringes of Laurentia and
latitude Tuvaella Fauna is known from Mongolia Baltica, although there is one endemic form (Taimyr-
(Rong et al., 1995), indicating overall that it formed raspis). Ordovician trilobite faunas in central and
part of the then north of the main Siberian palae- southern Taimyr of Caradoc – Ashgill age of shal-
ocontinental collage at that time. low-water facies, by contrast, include a whole variety
of Monorakidae—the ‘fingerprint’ endemic taxon
4.4.2. Taimyr (Balashova, 1960) of platform Siberia (Monorakos,
Taimyr has a variety of shallow- to deep-water Evenkaspis, Ceratevenkaspis, Carinopyge). They are
successions of mid-Ordovician and younger age. accompanied by widespread, pan-tropical genera
Deeper water facies are present on the northern side known from Laurentia and/or late Ordovician Baltica
of the Peninsula, where an oceanic style graptolite (Isotelus, Stenopareia, Selenoharpes, Ceraurinus,
succession is present (Obut and Sobolevskaya, 1964), Sphaerexochus, Calliops, Remopleurides), which are
but that area, together with Severnaya Zemlya (Rush- not biogeographically critical. In our view, the pres-
ton et al., 2002), is now considered to have been a ence of the monorakids is strong evidence that central
separate terrane termed the Kara Block. Cocks and and southern Taimyr were an integral part of the
Modzalevskaya (1997) considered later Ordovician Siberian plate in the late Ordovician. Two endemic
(early Ashgill) brachiopod faunas from limestones in trilobite genera (Goldillaenoides and Taimyraspis) are
central Taimyr as indicating a possible Baltic signa- hardly sufficient to postulate wide separation. Ashgill
ture. This opened up the possibility of Taimyr form- brachiopods of Cocks and Modzalevskaya (1997) had
ing part of a microcontinent at some considerable interesting similarities with those of the Boda Lime-
remove from Siberia. Trilobite faunas are known in stone of similar age in Sweden (Baltica). However,
both deep and shallow biofacies of Caradoc –Ashgill the latter is a carbonate mound fauna (illaenid –
age. The former include widespread taxa of supposed cheirurid trilobite biofacies) which does tend to
Llandeilan age, such as Eorobergia, Bronteopsis, include more widespread taxa (the Boda Limestone
Ampyxina and Ampyx, which are not very different is very like the Chair of Kildare Limestone in
270 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Avalonia, for example) which were established in endemic Eonalivkinia, which, however, requires revi-
palaeotropical areas wherever the appropriate crypt- sion amongst the other atrypoids (Popov et al., 2000,
algal buildup lithology is found. This Taimyr occur- p. 863). However, from the Wenlock to Pridoli of
rence may correlate with the warm-water climatic Tuva, Kulkov et al. (1985) described not only the
pulse in the early Ashgill noted above under Gond- relatively endemic and very abundant Tuvaella dis-
wana (Section 4.2). Thus, in summary, northern cussed above but also the endemic brachiopods
Taimyr formed part of the independent Kara Block Tuvaechonetes and Tuvaestrophia, which together
and central and southern Taimyr were integral parts reinforce the relative isolation of the area. Thus, in
of the main Siberian terrane (Fig. 6); however, summary, some basic stratigraphic revision of Tuva
sporadic faunal links indicate that Baltica, Kara and in its tectonic setting appears timely—the faunas
Siberia were not very far from each other during would appear to indicate either an island arc, perhaps
much of the Early Palaeozoic. in the Ordovician, or integration with the main
Siberian continent, the latter might have first
4.4.3. Tuva occurred at some time within the Ordovician or
Adjacent to Siberia today lies the Tuva terrane. Silurian. However, provisional palaeomagnetic
There is debate as to whether this was part of Siberia results by Bachtadse et al. (2000) indicate that Tuva
in the Early Palaeozoic or formed an independent may have amalgamated with Siberia by the early
terrane. On tectonic gounds, Sengor and Natal’in Silurian.
(1996) show it and Mongolia as forming a separate
Tuva – Mongol Arc; nevertheless, Mongolia (see
above) was certainly faunally part of Siberia itself. 5. Biogeography of microcontinents
By the end of the Silurian, the Tuvaella Fauna was
well developed in Tuva, indicating that it was not In the account above, emphasis has been on
only of Siberian affinity but that it must have then conspicuously endemic components of the major
been on the northern rim of the palaeocontinent, with palaeocontinents which offer good support for com-
the main craton between Tuva and the peri-Gond- parison with peripheral terranes or microcontinents in
wanan terranes. In the early Ordovician Tarlyk For- contention. As discussed previously, statistical treat-
mation, there are eight brachiopods recorded ment which takes into account more widespread (but
(Andreeva, 1982, 1985), of which ‘‘Orthambonites’’, not pandemic) genera does fine-tune the results, but
Oxoplecia, Ingria, Isophragma and Punctolira are of there is a shortage of worked examples. Microconti-
Siberian, Laurentian or wider distribution, but there nents are considered first here, but in practice the
are also the endemic orthoids Malinella and Tuvinia distinctions from terranes is arbitrary—and some
as well as the early plectambonitoid Ujukites, which microcontinents (like Avalonia) are composed of
is only elsewhere known from the Altai Mountains several earlier conjoined terranes. Our definition is
of Kazakhstan (Section 6.4.4). Trilobites are mostly therefore a pragmatic one for palaeontology—the
of widespread, deep-water type, but also include the term microcontinent is applied to areas large enough
pan-tropical Carolinites, and the predominantly Lau- to include a range of biofacies including especially
rentian Cybelurus. In the succeeding Malinovskaya shelf faunas developed on cratonic fragments. In
Formation, the fauna is not well described apart from addition to the terranes specifically discussed in this
two species of a single taxon, the plectambonitoid paper, there were undoubtedly others present in the
Ujukella, which, although described as endemic by Early Palaeozoic, for example, Apulia and the Hel-
Andreev (1993), was put into the synonymy of lenic Terrane (southern Europe), the Afghan Terrane
Calyptolepta by Cocks and Rong (2000), which is of central Asia and the Mexican Terranes of central
itself known only from island arc faunas in New- America (Cocks and Torsvik, 2002); however,
foundland and possibly also from South China. The although diagnostic Ordovician and Silurian grapto-
subsequent faunas are unknown until the Ashgill lite and other faunas are known from them, benthic
Khondelen Formation, from which Kulkov et al. faunas are not, and thus they will not be considered
(1985) described 15 brachiopods including the further here.
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 271
5.1. Avalonia separated the Monian and Lake District terranes (Fig.
11), but for the Ordovician and Silurian, we regard
In some ways, this is the classic example of a them as part of the Avalonian ‘‘superterrane’’ (Van
microcontinent, although sometimes regarded as com- Staal et al., 1998); we return to this topic below in the
prising a number of terranes (Woodcock in Fortey et discussion of Iapetus terranes (Sections 6.2 and 6.3). A
al., 2000; Armstrong and Owen, 2001). Western and full range of depth-related biofacies is developed
Eastern Avalonia have been treated as separate by across Avalonia. In the Arenig – Llanvirn (Abereid-
some authors; however, not by us—there is no com- dian), relatively shallow-water faunas in Shropshire
pelling faunal evidence to separate them in the Lower are well known (trilobites—Whittard, 1956 – 1972;
Palaeozoic. Avalonia is composed of Belgium, the brachiopods—Williams, 1974). Trilobites such as
Anglo – Welsh area and southern Ireland, eastern New- Neseuretus and Ogyginus and brachiopods such as
foundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Monobolina, Euorthisina and Nocturniella establish
coastal areas of eastern USA as far south as Cape the West Gondwanan signature of this inshore fauna,
Cod, MA. Avalonia is underlain by ancient crust of the with Placoparia, Ectillaenus, Barrandia and Seleno-
Midland platform of south-central England, which peltis in more open shelf settings. Fortey and Owens
extended outwards under the Welsh basin; the Iapetus (1978, 1987) documented the generally deeper biofa-
Ocean is presumed to have lain north of the Lake cies in South Wales, including both cyclopygid and
District, represented by a suture line which continues olenid biofacies. The latter includes a cosmopolitan
through Ireland. Armstrong and Owen (2001) have fauna, but the cyclopygid biofacies was largely cir-
Fig. 11. The Lower Palaeozoic terrane collage on a modern map of northern Britain and Ireland, modified from Armstrong and Owen (2001,
Fig. 1). CN, Connemara Terrane; HBF, Highland Boundary Fault; GGF, Great Glen Fault; IW, Iapetus Suture; Nov., Novantia Terrane; NHT,
Northern Highlands Terrane; PVA, Popelogan – Victoria Arc; SM, South Mayo Terrane; SUF, Southern Uplands Fault; SUNB, Northern belt of
Southern Uplands.
272 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
cum-Gondwanan in the earlier Ordovician. The fauna planktonic distribution patterns which are not critical
of the Pontyfenni Formation (later Arenig) is identical for determining continent boundaries, as explained
at generic level to that of the Sarka Formation of above (Section 2.4). Like olenids and other deeper
Perunica (Bohemia), and includes a number of Gond- water trilobites, and also many inarticulated brachio-
wanan endemics (Ormathops, Colpocoryphe, Ectillae- pods, they can be misleading if interpreted uncritically
nus, Dionidella and Dindymene), as well as some more (Cocks and Verniers, 2000).
widespread genera (Shumardia, Ampyx and agnostids) Separation of Avalonia from Gondwana as early as
known from deep-water settings off more than one Tremadoc, an option reviewed by Prigmore et al.
palaeocontinent. However, the general West Gond- (1997), is difficult to prove on faunal evidence. Trem-
wanan signature is clear, and Fortey et al. (1989) adoc faunas are rather uniform across much of Gond-
showed that this signature applied as far north as the wana, and those of Wales are very like faunas from the
Lake District, thus effectively embracing all the vari- Montagne Noire, France, and many elements extend
ous terranes of which Avalonia was comprised. Cluster through to China and Argentina (trilobites: Macropyge,
analyses of faunal similarity using various methods Platypeltoides, Asaphellus, Shumardia, Dichelepyge,
(e.g. Fortey and Mellish, 1992) objectively confirm Apatokephalus, Hospes), accompanying a transgres-
this Gondwanan affinity of Avalonia at that time. sion which seems to have flooded the shelves rather
This is an important point to establish because there deeply (Shergold, 1988). By the Arenig – Llanvirn, it is
have been various claims about the timing and extent of possible to argue for separation of Avalonia on the
rifting of Avalonia away from Gondwana and opening grounds of endemics that appear there, and Gondwana
of the Rheic Ocean. In the first place, Ordovician faunal inshore endemics that do not. In the former category are
data alone is neutral as far as the original location of trinucleid trilobites (Myttonia, Stapeleyella, Trinu-
Avalonia is concerned. Suggestions that it was located cleus, Furcalithus, Gymnostomyx and several marroli-
off north-western Africa cannot be distinguished from thines), and in the latter category a variety of
suggestions that it was originally off Armorica, since dalmanitoids (Zeliskella, Kloucekia, Crozonaspis,
both would have similar faunal signatures. However, Eudolatites, Dreyfussina, Guichenia, Retamaspis,
McKerrow et al. (1992), based on the distribution of Morgatia, Eodalmanitina) and calymenoids (Pra-
archaeocyathids and trilobites, have deduced that it adoella, Kerfornella, Iberocoryphe, Eohomalonotus,
probably lay near northern South America and north- Salterocoryphe) are typical. Only the deeper water
west Africa in the early Cambrian. If Avalonia had genera Ormathops and Colpocoryphe (and the trinu-
already rifted away from Gondwana in the late Pre- cleid Protolloydolithus), and the inshore Calymenella
cambrian, as claimed by Landing (1996), then the close and Neseuretus are in common in these groups between
Gondwanan signature in the early Ordovician would be the two areas. Hence, the Mean Endemicity measure
very improbable. Equally, hypotheses invoking a wide used by Lees et al. (2002) deduced a separation from
ocean south of Avalonia in the early Ordovician (Allen, Gondwana of Avalonia at this time.
1987) can be disproved. The contrary hypothesis that The increasing similarity of Avalonian faunas to
places Avalonia virtually contiguous with Baltica those of Baltica and North America from the Llandeilo
(Pickering and Smith, 1995) in the early Ordovician Stage onwards has been documented for brachiopods
can also be discounted because there is nothing in since Williams (1969) and trilobites since Whittington
common in the platform faunas of the two regions. and Hughes (1972). Schallreuter and Siveter (1985)
Neither brachiopod nor trilobite Baltic endemics have and Vannier et al. (1989) observed the appearance of
been found in the early Ordovician of Avalonia, which Laurentian ostracodes in what would now be regarded
is consistent with Avalonia –Baltica oceanic separation as Lower Caradoc limestones (the first Ordovician
by Tornquist’s Ocean, as originally postulated by appearance of such lithologies). The same rocks yield
Cocks and Fortey (1982). Similarities in graptolite dimeropygid trilobites, a family of Laurentian genesis,
and chitinozoan (Paris and Robardet, 1990) faunas and bryozoans with dominant Baltic, but also North
between these two areas have led to some reconstruc- American congeners (Buttler, 1997). The inference that
tions which minimise the Baltica/Avalonia separation; Avalonia had attained at least warm temperate palae-
however, those organisms have temperature-controlled olatitudes, and proximity to Baltica, by Caradoc times
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 273
is consistent with all this evidence. However, its latitudes as part of West Gondwana in the earliest
continued isolation is indicated by retention of a Ordovician, as an independent Ordovician terrane
number of endemics among trinucleid trilobites (Lloy- with the dwindling Iapetus Ocean to its north and
ydolithus, Marrolithoides and other marrolithines such the widening Rheic Ocean to its south, and as docking
as Costonia, and Talaeomarrolithus and Salterolithus), first with Baltica at the end of the Ordovician and later
and the continued presence of a number of taxa which with Laurentia in the mid-Silurian to form a constit-
seem to have closest relatives in Gondwana (the uent of the new supercontinent of Laurussia. This is
asaphids Basilicus and Nobiliasaphus, the nileid Bar- confirmed by the statistical faunal analysis of Lees et
randia—see Hughes, 1979). Hence, in the early Late al. (2002) and by similar movement shown by the
Ordovician Avalonia had a ‘hybrid’ fauna consistent palaeomagnetic data.
with its oceanic position in transit (Lees et al., 2002).
By the Ashgill faunal distinctions had broken down 5.2. Precordillera of Argentina (San Juan Terrane)
still further, consistent with movement of Baltica
equatorwards towards Laurentia, and the approach, if The Precordillera of Argentina is almost the reverse
not docking of Avalonia: the increasing exchanges of case to that of Avalonia. Currently docked with the
ostracods between Avalonia, Baltica and Laurentia are South American sector of Gondwana, there is good
documented by Williams et al. (2001). At generic level, evidence that it was originally part of southeastern
trilobites are virtually identical between the Oslo region Laurentia (Thomas, 1991; Astini et al., 1995). Thus, it
(e.g. Owen, 1981; Owen and Bruton, 1980) and the drifted from tropical carbonate facies to relatively
north of England (Ingham, 1970 –1977; McNamara, high-latitude clastic facies during the course of the
1979). In the endemically inclined trinucleids, this Ordovician. The faunal history tracks this trajectory in
similarity is reflected significantly in common or close a plausible way, in particular the brachiopods now
species of the genus Tretaspis in all three continents, described in many papers by Benedetto (1998). The
some of which had Laurentian origins (Owen, 1980, microcontinent shows platform environments, and
1987). Carbonate mound trilobite and brachiopod fau- marginal biofacies on both the Cordilleran and eastern
nas in Sweden (Warburg, 1925) and Chair of Kildare, side. Cambrian platform trilobite faunas are precisely
Ireland (Dean, 1971– 1978) also include identical spe- of Laurentian affinity, even at species level. Ordovi-
cies. The Silurian faunas of Llandovery and Wenlock cian faunas commence in a similar way. In the early
age of Avalonia continue to be as closely related to Ordovician, the San Juan Formation has yielded bath-
those of Laurentia/Baltica; for example, the brachio- yurid trilobites including Peltabellia, a ‘fingerprint’
pods from Gotland, Sweden, and the Oslo area, Nor- palaeoequatorial taxon (Vaccari and Waisfeld, 1994),
way, are largely identical to those from the Welsh from typical platform carbonates, as is Leiostegium
Borderland, with numerous species in common (Bas- (Vaccari, 2001), as well as the brachiopods Syntrophia,
sett and Cocks, 1974; Cocks and Worsley, 1993). It was Leptella (Petroria), Hesperomena, Acanthotoechia
originally from the type Llandovery area in Avalonia and others, all with a very Laurentian aspect. In the
that Williams (1951) described and established the early Caradoc, Ordovician endemicity in the Precor-
evolutionary sequence of the brachiopod Stricklandia, dillera was at its highest: nearly all the brachiopod
which became almost global in distribution except at species are of local distribution, and of the genera only
high latitudes. However, in the Dingle Peninsula, Ire- Campylorthis can be termed Laurentian, but there are
land (Bassett et al., 1976), some endemic brachiopods seven genera of West Gondwanan or Avalonian aspect,
occur in the Wenlock (the genus Holcospirifer and the seven cosmopolitan and two endemic (Oepikoides,
species Rhipidium hibernicum) indicating that all was Ancoramena). Similarly, the trilobite faunas of the
not uniform across the area. These two Irish endemics Las Aguaditas Formation (Lanvirn – Caradoc), with
are exceptional within the general uniformity of early to magnificent silicified material (Waisfeld et al., 2001
mid-Silurian faunas except at the highest latitudes. and references therein), include a mixture of faunal
Thus, in summary, there is good faunal evidence to signatures compared with the principal palaeoconti-
deduce the migration of Avalonia from Gondwana nents. A suite of endemic genera of trinucleids provide
northwards over a 55-million-year period from high an interesting parallel with Avalonia (Baldis and Pöthe
274 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
de Baldis, 1995): Guandacolithus, Australomyttonia, contemporary Gondwana and Laurentia faunas would
Hunickenolithus, Bancroftolithus have been named. be inexplicable on this model, as would the changing
Chatterton et al. (1998) have described the endemic affinities of the Precordillera terrane. While the faunas
Lasarchopyge from the same formation. Other trilobite of the terrane were showing their complex mix of
taxa so far described include a minority of pelagic endemics and tropical/warm temperate faunas, the part
trilobites (Telephina, Carolinites) of mid- to low-lat- of west Argentina to which the terrane would even-
itude type, and benthic cheirurids, odontopleurids and tually dock was showing typical Gondwana faunas
calymenids. A critical study of the Caradoc odonto- including the definitive trilobite Neseuretus (Vaccari
pleurid Ceratocara shows species level relationships and Waisfeld, 1994; Vaccari et al., 1993). This is a good
with both North America and Baltica (Chatterton et al., example where faunas do play a critical role in deciding
1997), but a cladistic analysis reveals the closest between tectonic models; thus, the Astini et al. (1995)
relationship of the Argentine form is still with North version is confirmed with some certainty.
American taxa. By contrast, Edgecombe et al.
(1999a,b) record the closest comparisons of the Cheir- 5.3. ‘‘Cimmeria’’
uridae as follows: Nieskowskia with Baltic taxa;
Ceraurinella, Heliomeroides and Macrogrammus with Sengor (1984, 1987) and Sengor and Natal’in
North American taxa; and Pateraspis an otherwise (1996) proposed that Turkey, Sibumasu, Annamia
Gondwanan endemic. The calymenid Flexicalymene (Indochina) and central Asian terranes may have rep-
is like F. cataracti from Wales (Avalonia). We regard it resented a Mesozoic peri-Gondwanan continent termed
as significant that the warm-water Gondwanan ‘finger- Cimmeria. This interpretation was principally made on
print’ endemic Prosopiscus appears in the Precordillera orogenic grounds. Faunal evidence (Zhou and Dean,
Caradoc, indicating that the drifting microcontinent 1989) can be brought to bear to interpret the original
had by then approached Gondwana, but not at high Lower Palaeozoic positions of the Cimmeria segments,
latitudes, sufficiently for this distinctive trilobite to and hence the plausibility or otherwise of the existence
cross the intervening ocean. Deeper water faunas of of this extensive microcontinent as a single entity at
the Gualcamayo Formation (Llanvirn) include a bio- that time. We will consider its various terrane compo-
geographically widespread fauna of Nileid biofacies nents (Fig. 6) in turn.
type (Nileus, Mendolaspis, Shumardia and olenids)
which are not critical for placing the microcontinent. 5.3.1. Sibumasu
The Llanvirn – Caradoc trilobites, therefore, show a This area embraces the western part of the Malay
remarkable admixture of types, but consistent with Peninsula plus Thailand and Burma. Fortey and Cocks
drift from Laurentia by way of Baltica palaeolatitudes (1998) reviewed the palaeontological literature bearing
to approach Gondwana. This admixture of genera is on the geographical placing of the Lower Palaeozoic
unique to our knowledge. It should provide an ideal Sibumasu (or Shan –Thai) terrane, which they consid-
case for the utilization of the methods of Lees et al. ered a single entity. They concluded that the earlier
(2002) to estimate absolute distances. By the end of the platform carbonate Cambro – Ordovician succession
Ordovician, contiguous Hirnantia faunas between the had strong similarities to North China and platform
Precordillera and Argentina to the east indicate the central Australia, while the later Ordovician yielded
possible docking of the terrane with Gondwana, and the faunas identical even at species level (for trilobites see
subsequent appearance of the cool water Silurian Fortey, 1997) with South China. There are striking
Clarkeia brachiopod fauna in this and adjacent Gond- similarities in sedimentary sequence between the suc-
wanan areas in South America testifies to the Precor- cession in NW Malaysia and southern Thailand with
dillera’s far removal from the contemporary tropical that of the Yangtze Platform, notably thick earlier
faunas typical of Laurentia. Ordovician shallow subtidal to peritidal carbonates
Note that the faunal evidence disproves the Lower succeeded by a very condensed late Ordovician – Silur-
Palaeozoic reconstruction of Dalla Salda et al. (1992) ian sequence. Cocks and Zhan (1998) have published
(see also Dalziel et al., 1994) which abuts Laurentia and Burmese brachiopod faunas of Caradoc age which
South America as a whole. The differences between show a modest level of endemism (Dirafinesquina,
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 275
Bekkerella) and which indicates some separation from Gondwana type. Hence, a case can be made that in the
South China. However, a close approach in the late mid-part of the Ordovician Annamia lay considerably
Ordovician to South China seems very probable. The to the west, perhaps as far west as the section of
present authors are undertaking a further revision of Gondwana which is Turkey today, as shown by Cocks
Reed’s (1906, 1915, 1917, 1935) Ordovician trilobites and Torsvik (2002) and Fig. 6 here. Collision with
and brachiopods from the Shan States, Burma, pre- Sibumasu did not take place until the late Jurassic.
served in the collections of the Geological Survey of
India, Calcutta. These include the trilobites Annami- 5.3.3. Himalaya
tella, Birmanites, Encrinurella, Liomegalaspides, The High Himalaya south of the Indus suture
Neseuretus, Ovalocephalus, Pliomerina and Xuanenia, include a Lower Palaeozoic succession which is
all of which would be considered typical of South mostly trilobitic, of which the Cambrian is best
China assemblages in the Middle to Upper Ordovician. known: diverse Cambrian faunas were described in
The Caradoc brachiopod Saucrorthis is also known a recent revision by Jell and Hughes (1997). They
only from Burma and South China. noted that some deep water and more or less pan-
demic faunas may have accounted for previous ideas
5.3.2. Annamia (Indochina) of ‘‘European’’ affinities. However, critical examina-
Separated from Sibumasu by a major fault system, tion of the more inshore biofacies emphasises a strong
Annamia (or Indochina) has been considered a separate Sino-Australian (East Gondwanan) signature, specifi-
microcontinent (Metcalfe, 1992; Cocks, 2001). The cally in Iran and eastwards. There is no reason to
localities have been hard to access in recent years for suppose that these faunas were other than typically
political reasons and we still rely on old accounts such peri-Gondwanan. Ordovician faunas are much less
as Mansuy (1920) for faunal data. Carbonates seem to well known, but tentatively point to the same con-
be rare; early Ordovician trilobites include some wide- clusion (some taxa are re-illustrated in Morris and
spread taxa (Annamitella, Asaphopsis, Asaphellus) Fortey, 1985). The endemic, blind East Gondwanan
which are scarcely diagnostic but all of which occur trilobite Prosopiscus, known otherwise from South
also in South and North China. In younger Ordovician China and Australia, is present; Neseuretus nivalis is
faunas are the calymenids Neseuretinus and Vietnamia; close to the Neseuretinus group distributed in Turkey
the latter an advanced form which cladistic analysis and eastwards, while Basiliella emodii is very like a
(Turvey, in press) shows to be allied to Sarrabesia, a species from Thailand described by Kobayashi and
late Ordovician taxon from Sardinia. Neseuretinus is Hamada (1964). A variety of spot Ordovician and
widespread from Sardinia, Turkey, Himalaya and Silurian brachiopod faunas have been recorded since
South China. Zhou et al. (1998) have described an the mid-19th century from various parts of the Hima-
Lower to early Middle Ordovician fauna from East layan region, but no new strong faunal signals may
Yunnan, China (which formed the northern part of yet be assessed from them. North of the Yarlong –
Annamia), which includes the Yangtze endemic trinu- Tsangpo suture with India (Tibet) there are no Lower
cleid Hanchungolithus, and asaphid Liomegalaspides, Palaeozoic fossils known: hence, it is not yet possible
but also Neseuretus and the asaphid Ogyginus: the to assess whether the Lhasa block was, or was not,
latter more typical of higher latitude West Gondwana contiguous with Burma on fossil evidence. However,
(Avalonia, Armorica, North Africa), along with some Hughes and Jell (1999) have adduced evidence that
widespread peri-Gondwanan forms discussed above the Lhasa block may have collided with the Indian
(Hungioides, cyclopygids). Zhou and Dean (1989, p. margin in the late Cambrian, just prior to the period
435) conclude that ‘‘Llanvirn trilobites of the Sibumasu under consideration.
terrane differ markedly from those of the Indochina
Terrane suggesting geographical separation’’ and infer 5.3.4. Central Asia
that Annamia may have been in a more westerly Evidence for the area south of the Altaid complex
(cooler) position. Cope (personal communication, of terranes is scattered and sparse. Balashova (1966)
2001) informs us that the bivalves Redonia and Glyp- noted trilobites from the Pamirs (Section 6.4), which
tarca occur in SW Yunnan, and are also of cool-water must be reinterpeted from her illustrations. Excluding
276 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
widespread taxa, the large asaphid Pamirotchechites is of the main Zagros Thrust, and list distinctive low-
assuredly the same as Nobiliasphus from Bohemia, diversity brachiopod associations dominated by Pro-
and ‘‘Ogygites’’ pamiricus is almost certainly the East tambonites and Tritoechia from the Tremadoc, as well
Gondwana endemic Birmanites, while it is possible as the obolid Thysanotus. The common Drabovia in
that ‘‘Niobella pamirica’’ is a species of the South the later Ordovician is a distinctive West Gondwanan
China genus Ninkiangites; the raphiophorid Raymon- taxon, but, in contrast, the common rhynchonelloid
della pamirica is probably attributable to the distinc- Rhynchotrema and early athyridides are not present in
tive S Chinese genus Taklamakania. Synhomalonotus higher latitude West Gondwana. In summary, these
pamiricus resembles the Vietnam endemic Vietnamia. terranes carry typical intermediate-latitude Gondwana
Her pl. 2, Fig. 10 specimen of ‘‘Pamirites pamiricus’’ faunas during the Ordovician: whether they were peri-
seems to be Brongniartella, well known from China Gondwanan or structurally part of core Gondwana is
and Avalonia. Dikelokephalina, a pan-Gondwanan uncertain. In the Silurian of Iran (Cocks, 1979), most
endemic, is correctly identified, as is the similarly brachiopods were widespread forms, but there were
distributed Taihungshania. The specimen attributed to some endemic species and one genus (Xerxespirifer)
‘‘Trinucleus pamiricus’’ (ibid., pl. 2, Fig. 20) is like which Boucot and Blodgett (2001) recognised as
Ningkianolithus from South China. Hence, there is a defining a possibly distinctive province of their North
proportion of widely distributed Gondwanan and peri- Silurian Realm.
Gondwanan forms combined with a few known from
further west and rather more known from further east, 5.3.6. Turkey
from South China in particular. This is consistent with In the south of Turkey, the Lower Palaeozoic faunas
a position close to where the Pamirs are today, and are developed on the Arabian plate of core Gondwana
assuredly close to the Gondwanan continent. (Section 4.2.3 above). Our knowledge of Turkish
Fossils of Ordovician age from Fergana, Tajikistan faunas is due almost entirely to the work of Dean
(formerly termed Turkestan) are not well known, but and colleagues over many years. Cambrian evidence
include a probable Caradoc species described as was summarized in Dean and Monod (1997) and
Ampyx bulbifer by Weber (1932). This is certainly Ordovician in Dean and Martin (1992), where many
the distinctive raphiophorid Bulbaspis, a characteristic of the earlier faunal references are given. South of the
endemic of Kazakh terranes peripheral to Gondwana Anatolian fault and north of the Arabian plate, in the
(Section 6.4) and to Tarim (Section 5.6). In Uzbekhi- Taurides Region, the relationships of Ordovician fau-
stan, an Upper Ordovician trilobite faunas has been nas are complex, but might be best summarized as
described from east of Tashkent in the westward showing a significant component of Baltic influence
extension of the Chatkal Range (Abdullaev and Kha- within a dominantly Gondwanan signature. The trilo-
letskaya, 1970). Although widespread deep-water and bite faunas of the earliest Ordovician (Dean, 1982),
pelagic genera predominate (Cyclopyge, Telephina, like those of the Cambrian, are of largely East Gond-
Dionide, Trinodus), there is also Ovalocephalus wanan type. Dean (1971a) described the fauna of the
(under Hammatocnemis), a probable Birmanites Seydisehir Formation (Lower Arenig) as ‘‘mostly of
(under Ogygites) and Koksorenus (under Cybele), all Tethyan type, but some genera from the highest strata
suggestive of East Gondwana and the related terranes exhibit Balto – Scandinavian affinities’’. The former
of Tarim and Kazakhstan. include Gondwanan endemics such as Colpocoryphe,
Neseuretus and Taihungshania, the latter Symphysurus
5.3.5. Iran and Ptychopyge (in our view Dean’s Paramegalaspis
Various authors have divided Iran into several is more like Gondwanan Asaphellus). Neseuretus and
terranes for structural reasons, and they are shown Taihungshania are pan-East Gondwana distributed,
as the separate Alborz, Lut and Sanand terranes in Fig. while Colpocoryphe is more West Gondwanan. Bra-
6; however, the Lower Palaeozoic faunas are not yet chiopods from the Seydisehir Formation include the
well enough known from the area to be able to pentameroid Yangzteella which, until its recognition in
separate these areas on faunal grounds. Bassett et al. Turkey (Cocks and Fortey, 1988), was thought to have
(1999) have briefly summarised the area to the north been an endemic of South China. Dean (1973a)
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 277
showed that the Sobova Formation (Arenig) has a likely that the temperate palaeolatitudes occupied by
predominantly Baltica trilobite fauna, including the the Taurides produced appropriate environments at
otherwise endemic Pterygometopus and Ptychopyge this time for colonisation from Baltica. From the
along with Euloma, Agerina, Metopolichas, Niobe, lithological point of view, in the predominantly clastic
Illaenus and Panderia which were all predominantly sequences the Sobova Limestone is a striking excep-
Baltic at this time. The pelagic warmer water trilobite tion. It is possible that a short-lived climatic warming
Carolinites is also present. From the Bedinan Forma- produced calcareous substrates in Turkey that were
tion of Caradoc age, Dean (1967) described a number suitable for Baltic invaders. It is worth noting that at
of trinucleid trilobites which Hughes et al. (1975) what may be close to the same time a unique carbo-
redetermined as Deanaspis, a genus distributed nate appears on the Saudi Arabian part of the Gond-
through northern Gondwana and Perunica. Other Car- wanan plate (Fortey and Morris, 1982). This is also
adoc trilobites (Dean, 1983) include an interesting the time of a global faunal shift as noted by Adrain et
mixture of taxa, some identified to species level: al. (1998). Some connections at species level with the
Nobiliasaphus (Gondwanan), Dalmantina proaeva independent Bohemia (Perunica) in the Caradoc are
and Colpocoryphe grandis (both from Perunica), Caly- not surprising given the similarities of their palae-
menella boisseli (France, Gondwana), Neseuretinus olatitudes at that time.
(East Gondwana), Selenopeltis and Colpocorpyhe North of the Anatolian Fault there is another terrane,
(West Gondwana), as well as more widespread genera. termed the Pontides, from which Dean et al. (2000)
Similarly, the as-yet unpublished brachiopod faunas listed a number of trilobites which indicate a deeper
show a comparable mix of biogeographical origins. water facies in the late Arenig (including dionidids,
Dean and Zhou (1988) reported a trilobite fauna from cyclopygids and shumardiids) but the endemic compo-
the Caradoc – Ashgill boundary which includes a pro- nents (the trinucleid Bergamia, the dionidid Dioni-
portion of typical Chinese endemics, such as Para- della, the bathycheilid Prionocheilus) are all of West
phillipsinella. A younger (Ashgill) fauna from the Gondwanan type and most like Avalonian faunas of
Antalya nappes (Dean et al., 1999) includes a number that age. Dean et al. (2000) postulated that this Pontide
of genera which are widespread from southern China segment originated from further west in the higher
to Sardinia (Ulugtella, Cyphoniscus, Panderia and latitude part of Gondwana, and we follow them in the
Hawleia), of which Cyphoniscus and Panderia are reconstructions shown at the end of this paper.
known also from Baltica. Silurian faunas are all of To summarise, there is little evidence to suggest
widespread taxa. that Cimmeria, as understood in post-Palaeozoic
Thus, the predominant Cambro – Ordovician faunal times, existed as a single entity in the Cambro –
signal from the Taurides is peri-Gondwanan. The Silurian, and its various component areas are best
mixture, or alternation, of western/northern Gond- considered separately. With the exceptions of Anna-
wana taxa with those from further east, particularly mia (Indochina) and the Pontides of Turkey, its various
China, is consistent with a Lower Palaeozoic position subregions fail to present convincing evidence to
of this area not far removed from where it lies today, remove them far from their current positions relative
where it might be expected to show such a hybrid to core Gondwana: with Sibumasu near South China
pattern, lying as it did at intermediate palaeolatitudes (possibly moving away from North China) and the
between the boreal and equatorial extremes of the Taurides of Turkey as a part of intermediate-latitude
mega-continent (Section 4.2.5). However, the ‘incur- Gondwana.
sion’ of Baltic faunas at the end of the Arenig is worth
remarking particularly. Given the Gondwanan ‘fix’ of 5.4. North China
both earlier and later fossil faunas, it is improbable
that the Taurides became separated from the main In limestones of North China Eoisotelus and Lon-
Gondwana continent (and drifted closer to Baltica) chobasilicus are nearly as distinctive (Zhou et al.,
during this time period alone. This would imply 1989) and quite as endemic as Birmanites and Tan-
drifting and re-docking in short order. Rather, as gyaia in the south, implying a faunal separation bet-
suggested by Cocks and Fortey (1988), it seems more ween the two Chinese terranes which reinforces the
278 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
palaeomagnetic evidence for separation (Cocks and vician trilobites: Ovalocephalus, Tangyaia ( = Liso-
Torsvik, 2002). Other inshore endemics include the ogorites), Birmanites, Calymenesun and Kanlingia).
pliomerid Koraipsis, known also from the extension More recent treatments of trilobite faunas have
of the North China platform into Korea. The Lauren- emphasised that in north-west Tarim (Xinjiang) there
tian family Bathyuridae makes a rare appearance in is a deep-water cyclopygid biofacies (Zhou et al.,
North China also, and one might infer from this that it 1994b) continuing the marginal style of faunas known
was closer to Siberia than South China. Early Ordo- from the Cambrian of Tien Shan. As is usual, these
vician brachiopods are rare, with Xu and Liu (1984) faunas are informative of direction of open ocean, but
listing only two cosmopolitan forms from the Arenig uninformative as to terrane affinities. In addition to
from North China. From the Caradoc Pingliang For- other widespread taxa such as Shumardia and Nileus,
mation (Fu, 1982; revised by Cocks and Zhan, 1998) Zhou et al. (1994a) have described benthic faunas
largely cosmopolitan brachiopod genera have been including the endemic and distinctive raphiophorids
collected, together with the endemic rhynchonelloid with reduced thoraces attributable to the genus Takla-
Longxianirhynchia; however, the faunal indices cal- makania, a genus also recorded from South China, as
culated indicate that there was some similarity is the equally distinctive asaphid Lisogorites. As we
between the fauna and the contemporary Naungkan- shall see (Section 6.4), these ‘fingerprint’ trilobite taxa
gyi Formation of Sibumasu (Cocks and Zhan, 1998). are known also from Kazakh terranes, as are other
From the middle Ashgill Beiguoshan Formation (Fu, genera from Tarim (Ampyxinella and Dulanaspis). In
1982, revised by Zhan and Cocks, 1998), there are 16 the recent summary of biostratigraphy of Tarim (Zhou
widespread brachiopod genera plus the endemic and Chen, 1992), additional Ordovician genera such
Orthocarina and also Altaethyrella and Ovalospira, as the South China endemic trinucleid Xuishuilithus
both known elsewhere only from South China and the are listed. The Altun Region to the East of Tarim
Chu –Ili terrane of Kazakhstan. However, the compa- (Zhou et al., 1994b), and regarded as separate, also
rative similarity indices calculated by Zhan and Cocks includes some deep-water facies with widespread
(1998) are not very high between North and South taxa, but in addition the Sino – Australian endemic
China at that time, even though there are several Pliomerina, and North China platform asaphid Lon-
genera (and even one species, Mimella zhejiangensis) chobasilicus. Although a few brachiopods from Tarim
in common. It is informative to note that the palae- are listed in the substantial biostratigraphical summary
omagnetics (summarised in Cocks and Torsvik, 2002) of Zhou and Chen (1992), none has yet been system-
place North China as one of the few terranes in the atically revised, but from the lists seem mainly to
northern hemisphere during the early Ordovician, but comprise deeper water forms with little biogeograph-
from the fauna there cannot have been very great ical signals attached to them. In summary, there is
distances between it and the neighbouring terranes. nothing to suggest that the Tarim region was other
However, as the Ordovician progressed, it appears than close to East Gondwana; the unusual abundance
from the faunas that the terrane moved further away of endemic raphiophorids is a distinctive local feature.
from Laurentia and closer to peri-Gondwana, partic- There is strong similarity of northern Tarim with
ularly South China and some of the Kazakh terranes South China, and some evidence of eastern Tarim
(Section 6.4). more closely comparing with North China.
Li (in Yin, 1994, ex 1988) treated Tarim (Fig. 13) This term is applied to the microcontinent which
as a separate biogeographical entity in the Ordovician; includes the classical Bohemian successions studied
in simple cluster analyses, it emerged as related most by Barrande in the 19th century, now in the Czech
nearly to North China on the basis of cephalopods and Republic (Prague Basin). The adjacent area of Thur-
trilobites. If one takes his faunal lists as evidence, ingia, which has yielded graptolites and sparse trilo-
there is little reason to separate this region far from the bites mostly of the cyclopygid biofaces, was probably
Yangtze block of South China (e.g. ‘Middle’ Ordo- marginal. The primary taxonomic literature for Bohe-
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 279
mia is vast, and will not be listed here, but a com- However, Havlı́ček et al. (1994; also Mergl,
prehensive Ordovician summary was given by Havlı́- 1984) placed emphasis on the similarities between
ček et al. (1994), who presented semiquantitative Baltica and Perunica Tremadoc faunas. This was
similarity analyses with other areas. Although Perun- equated with an indubitably increasing late Caradoc
ica was originally regarded as part of Armorica by to Ashgill similarity between the faunas of these two
Cocks and Fortey (1982), there is now good evidence plates. The latter is standard, accompanying Torn-
of its independent history, not least because Tait quist’s Sea closure (see Avalonia), and we have
(1999) has shown from palaeomagnetic data that the nothing new to add here. However, the inference
microcontinent had a different orientation from that in the Tremadoc Perunica was similar to Baltica
Armorica by the end of the Silurian and had therefore might be taken to imply that at that time the micro-
rotated before then. The time when Perunica separated continent was previously closer to Baltica again. In
from Gondwana is open to more than one interpreta- our view this is a misinterpretation. We have seen
tion. Havlı́ček et al. (1994) noted that late Mid –early already how open-shelf Tremadoc faunas are often
Late Ordovician (Caradoc) was the time of maximum relatively pandemic. The Avalonian Tremadoc faunas
endemicity in Perunica among brachiopods and trilo- are also generically similar to those of the ‘‘Cerato-
bites, and thus the microcontinent was uncontrover- pyge Shale and Limestone’’ Alum Shale and Bjor-
sially a separate entity at that time. However, in older kasholmen Formation (Ebbestad, 1999) of Norway,
rocks there is a very close relationship at species level for example. Some of the widespread Bohemian
between the faunas of the Sarka Formation (Llanvirn) Tremadoc genera (trilobites: Apatokephalus, Symphy-
of Perunica and the Pontyfenni Formation (upper surus, Ceratopyge, Harpides, Niobella, Proteuloma)
Arenig) of Wales (Avalonia). Some individual Llan- have distributions which are almost uninformative
virn trilobite species (e.g. P. cambriensis, P. binodosa) biogeographically—and many extend into the
extend from Bohemia to Avalonia, Armorica and undoubtedly Gondwanan Montagne Noire region of
North Africa and provide a strong Gondwana link France (Berard, 1986). This is simply a transgression
(Fortey et al., 1989). The presence at this same time in fauna. Where inshore biofacies are preserved on
Bohemia of typical Gondwana endemics such as Perunica, which is rare (Treniče Formation, Prague
Ormathops, Colpocoryphe, Hungioides, Selenopeltis, Basin, see Mergl, 1984), a much more peculiar and
Ectillaenus and Prionocheilus is equally significant. endemic fauna is present (trilobites: Holoubkochei-
On this evidence, there was fairly free movement of lus, Holubaspis, Eulomina and Hemibarrandia and
taxa between Perunica and Gondwana in the Llanvirn the early lichid Holubkovia are not known from
and in the Arenig before it, as witnessed by the large elsewhere). The earliest Tremadoc Leimitzschiefer
and distinctive Gondwanan inarticulated brachiopods of Bavaria has endemic Lichakephalus, Leimitzia,
(Section 4.2.1) present in Perunica. However, even at Kaufmannia and Curiaspis alongside some Gond-
this time of faunal interchange there were endemic wana genera such as Hospes and Macropyge (Sdzuy,
trilobites in Bohemia, such as Trinucleoides, and none 1955). From the immediately succeeding late Trem-
of the superficially similar-looking endemic Avalo- adoc Vogtendorf beds, Sdzuy et al. (2001) have
nian trinucleid trilobites (Bergamia, Stapeleyella, etc.) described brachiopods (Poramborthis, Jivinella,
extended into Bohemia despite the otherwise very Ranorthis, Kvania) and echinoderms of entirely West
similar deep basinal facies and faunas: the implication Gondwanan character, accompanied by equally West
is that Avalonia and Perunica were separate enough to Gondwanan trilobites (Holubaspis, Euloma, Para-
prevent complete homogenisation. One might con- pilekia, Hemibarrandia), but with one trilobite,
clude that, if Perunica had begun its independent Agerina, of normally Baltic provenance. In sum-
history, then it was still close to Gondwana, as was mary, we believe that Perunica was very close to,
Avalonia. Arenig trilobite faunas, less taxonomically although perhaps tectonically separate from, West
diverse, reveal essentially the same pattern, while the Gondwana in the Tremadoc, at its greatest oceanic
brachiopods from shallower facies listed by Mergl separation in the Caradoc, and closer to (and even-
(1995) are without exception of Mediterranean (i.e. tually merged with) Baltica thereafter, finally collid-
West Gondwana) genera. ing in the Devonian.
280 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
6. Peripheral terranes treat the various island faunas and terranes within the
Lower Palaeozoic Iapetus Ocean in turn in relation to
The difference between microcontinents and ter- their individual neighbouring larger palaeocontinent,
ranes is arbitrary, and we have used the former and reject the concept of the Celtic province. However,
principally for large geographic entities displaying statistical analysis by Harper et al. (1996) has demon-
both platform and marginal biofacies suites. We have strated differences between high- and low-latitude
followed previous author’s usage for terranes, i.e. they intra-Iapetus sites.
are fault- or structurally bounded areas with their own
discrete stratigraphy, usually associated with arc set- 6.1. Iapetus terranes—Baltica
tings of one kind or another (‘‘island faunas’’). Often
the faunas are sporadic and poorly preserved com- The terranes which have been accreted into the
pared with those of microcontinents, which makes for Scandinavian Caledonides have yielded sporadic, but
difficulties of interpretation. The principal use of important faunas. These have been studied by Bruton
faunal evidence has been to assess the original terrane (trilobites) and Neuman and Harper (brachiopods) over
position relative to their continental neighbours at the the last 20 years or so (summaries in Bruton and
time of deposition of their fossil faunas (Neuman and Harper, 1988; Neuman and Harper, 1992; Cocks and
Bruton, 1984). This is clearly geologically important Fortey, 1998). They confirm structural evidence postu-
in providing assessment of timing of docking of arcs, lating stacking of nappes progressively from the West.
and direction of plate movements. One problem is the The lower allochthon, composed of several nappes,
high proportion of endemics among brachiopod fau- shows a sucession of Cambro – Ordovician faunas
nas embracing from one to a few terranes. Trilobites which demonstrate that the slices were uncontrover-
(where they occur) seem to relate more generally to a sially of Baltic derivation, requiring an original exten-
candidate continent at generic level. sion of the Baltic shelf westwards (today’s geography)
There is a problem of biogeographical terminology, by some 400 km. The upper allochthon, by contrast,
particularly in today’s North Atlantic area. Williams includes a number of faunas with a different faunal
(1973), in a pioneering analysis of Ordovician brachio- signature. From the Holonda Limestone (Trondheim)
pod biogeography, coined the term ‘‘Celtic Province’’ Neuman and Bruton (1989) reported 13 genera each of
for two Arenig-age faunas from Anglesey (Wales) and brachiopods and trilobites. The former included seven
Tagoat (SE Ireland) to contrast them with faunas from genera well known from Laurentia (Aporthophyla,
other regions. This concept was expanded by other Idiostrophia, Rhysostrophia, Stenocamara, Syndie-
workers (Neuman, 1984; Neuman and Harper, 1992; lasma, Trondorthis, Vehnia), four endemic genera
Harper et al., 1996) who used the term Celtic Province (Bockelia, Chaloupskia, Rhabdostrophia, Trotlan-
as an umbrella for a very disparate collection of faunas, della) and two cosmopolitan genera (Archaeorthis,
largely dominated by brachiopods, in sites ranging Orthambonites), although Trondorthis (formerly listed
from Maine to Argentina and China. Unfortunately, as Ocnorthis) was subsequently reported from the
there are no taxa which are common to even a majority Montagne Noire in Armorica, Aporthophyla from
of these sites (apart from a few cosmopolitan genera), Australia, Kazakhstan and North China and Rhysos-
and thus such a ‘‘Province’’ cannot be properly defined trophia and Idiostrophia from the Baltic. The trilobites
as a separate entity. The faunas in question are mostly include familiar and highly endemic components of
those inhabiting island arcs and a specific provincial Laurentian faunas such as Bathyuridae (Goniotelina)
name or identity is mistaken in principle (Cocks and and Pliomeridae (Ectenonotus), along with a few more
McKerrow, 1993). Nonetheless, the recognition of widespread genera (Nileus, Illaenus). There seems
island-dwelling faunas by Neuman (1972) was an little question that this part of the Norwegian Caledo-
important conceptual breakthrough in the understand- nides originated outboard of Laurentia in the White-
ing of ancient geographies. It is noticeable too that the rockian (Middle Ordovician), and its insular nature was
diversity of brachiopod genera found at the various suggested by association with appropriate volcanic
sites ranges from 2 to 33, which makes integration rocks. The endemic brachiopods, with closest Lauren-
difficult within a single scheme. In this section, we tian relatives, suggested to Neuman that separation was
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 281
sufficient to induce local evolution, although we are 6.2. Iapetus terranes—Scoto –Appalachians
not aware of cladistic analyses that might support this
hypothesis. However, the other brachiopods and The linear configuration of terranes along the
trilobites are sufficiently Laurentian to indicate that Scottish – Irish –Newfoundland –Appalachian Caledo-
the fauna has to have lived within the palaeoequato- nides was outlined by Harold Williams and others in
rial zone, and hence not more than a few hundred the late 1970s (see Williams and Hatcher, 1982).
kilometers off Laurentia. Higher in the stratigraphical Since then, terrane boundaries have been revised,
column, the brachiopods, trilobites and bivalves from and a complex tectonic history involving the docking
the Caradoc – Ashgill Upper Hovin Group of the of several arcs and putative microcontinents has been
Trondheim Region (Neuman et al., 1997) have var- elucidated. Tectonic evolution of the British – Irish
iable affinities which no doubt reflected the approach sector has been recently ably summarized by Arm-
of Baltica to Laurentia, but appear most similar to the strong and Owen (2001; Fig. 11 here), who dovetailed
faunas from the Craighead Formation of Girvan, the British terranes concordantly with the wider
Scotland, then close to or part of Laurentia. The Appalachian interpretation of Williams et al. (1995)
island of Smöla has yielded a platform limestone and Van Staal et al. (1998). Nomenclature of terranes
with bathyurid trilobites and macluritid gastropods is as described by Woodcock (in Fortey et al., 2000,
which may be a shelfwards equivalent. From the Fig. 4). Here we are not primarily concerned with this
serpentine Otta Conglomerate (Llanvirn), another structural history, but only with the part fossil faunas
terrane setting in south-central Norway, a diverse have had to play in its elucidation.
Laurentian-style gastropod fauna was described by In Scotland, southwards of the typical early to
Yochelson (1963). Bruton and Harper (1981) ana- basal Middle Ordovician Laurentian platform bathy-
lyzed brachiopods and trilobites from the same con- urid trilobite/brachiopod faunas of the Durness Lime-
glomerate. The trilobites include Asaphus, considered stone (NW Highlands to Skye), there is no faunal
a Baltic endemic, and Pliomera fischeri, identified evidence from the Grampian Highlands. From the
with a Baltic species. Additionally, Annamitella is a Highland Border Complex, Ingham et al. (1985)
taxon widespread in ‘‘island’’ faunas (see also Sec- described a Whiterockian silicified trilobite and bra-
tion 6.2). Although Bruton and Harper described the chiopod fauna which unequivocally proves Laurentian
brachiopods as of ‘‘strong North American affin- affinities, including a variety of critical trilobites of
ities’’, of the two most abundant brachiopods, Tron- Bathyuridae (Acidiphorus), Dimeropygidae (Ischyro-
dorthis is known also from the Montagne Noire in otoma), Pliomeridae (Ectenonotus) and others which
Armorica as well as Laurentia, and Neumania occurs are related even at species level to endemics of
in Norway, Estonia and Ingria (north-west Russia), as inshore biofacies from Utah and Nevada. This terrane,
well as Laurentia. Of the less common brachiopods, and its continuation in the Midland Valley Terrane to
two are endemic (Ottadalenites, Rutrumella), and all the south, cannot have been far removed from the
of the other genera with unqueried identifications Laurentian shelf in the Ordovician. The Midland
(Camerella, Orthambonites, Palaeostrophia, Val- Valley Terrane extends southwards where it is con-
courea) are also known from a variety of sites from cealed beneath the northern part of the Southern
outside Laurentia. Thus, the ‘‘Laurentian’’ identity of Uplands. The Ballantrae ophiolite is dated by grapto-
this fauna is equivocal—we follow the later opinion lite faunas, but these are a typical ‘‘Pacific Province’’
of Bruton and Harper (1988) in considering it of type with common deeper water isograptids (Rushton
mixed Baltic and Laurentian affinity and agree the et al., 1996), which are also indicative of tropical
probability of an original (Llanvirn) position within palaeolatitudes. This ophiolite was obducted on to the
the body of the Iapetus Ocean, rather than—as in the Midland Valley in late Arenig times. The thick cover
majority of examples—peripheral to Laurentia. These sequence is also Laurentian-style and has yielded the
faunas may have corresponded temporally with a sea prolific and well-known fossil faunas of the Girvan
level ‘lowstand’ on eastern Laurentia, and with the district (for many references see Ingham in Fortey et
approach of island arcs on to the eastern margin of al., 2000). Pebbles from southerly derived conglom-
western Newfoundland. erates in the Lower Old Red Sandstone in the Midland
282 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Valley of Scotland and in northerly derived Ordovi- later Bardahessiagh Formation of Caradoc age in the
cian conglomerates in the Northern Belt of the South- same terrane whose brachiopods were monographed
ern Uplands prove that there were shelf limestones by Mitchell (1977) is closely similar faunally to
present in the southern margin of the Midland Valley contemporary Girvan formations in the Midland Val-
from Tremadoc (Rushton and Tripp, 1979) to Middle ley of Scotland and equally Laurentian in aspect, and
Ordovician (Armstrong et al., 2000) times. Armstrong Candela (2001) has analysed the various brachiopod
and Owen (2001) infer the existence of a southerly arc assemblages and their separate environments.
(‘‘Novantia’’) which collided with the Midland Valley Southwards of the main Southern Uplands – Cen-
during the Arenig, thereby causing the obduction of tral Irish – Notre Dame terranes Cocks et al. (1997)
the Ballantrae ophiolite (subsequent Laurentian colli- linked together the Popelogan– Victoria Arc of central
sion of this amalgamated arc coincided with the Newfoundland with the Grangegeeth Terrane of cen-
Grampian orogeny). South of this amalgamated arc tral Ireland. The latter is asserted to have rifted from
the Northern Belt (Llanvirn onwards) of the Southern the Gondwana margin and drifted northwards between
Uplands is mostly graptolitic, and conodont faunas are the mid-Arenig to mid-Caradoc (Van Staal et al.,
not biogeographically critical, but rare, derived Ordo- 1998). The faunas are claimed to change from high
vician shelly faunas (e.g. at Kilbucho with Palaeo- latitude to ‘‘dominantly Scoto – Appalachian’’. The
strophomena and other brachiopods, and trilobites early Caradoc shelly faunas are, indeed, of particular
described by Owen and Clarkson, 1992) are still interest (Owen et al., 1992, Fig. 2 reproduced here as
consistent with marginal Laurentia. Fig. 12; also Romano and Owen, 1993) but their
These terranes continue into Ireland, where expo- interpretation is not without ambiguities. There is a
sure tends to be more piecemeal, or confined to case for regarding the Knockerk fauna as one of the
relatively small inliers. Considerable progress has rare examples of a genuine provincial ‘‘mix’’. As
been made in the correlation of these outcrops, and Romano and Owen (1993) carefully discussed, there
the relationships to other Caledonian terranes clarified are unique co-occurrences in this locality with taxa
(Harper and Parkes in Fortey et al., 2000). The Mid- having a previous Baltic (few), Gondwana (more) or
land Valley Terrane continues westwards into the Laurentian (more again) history. The brachiopods
Connemara Terrane plus South Mayo Trough. The (Fig. 12) emphasise the differing earliest occurrences
most diverse faunas of Arenig age confirm the mar- in Laurentia, Grangegeeth and Avalonia. Eliminating
ginal Laurentian position of this terrane. The Tourma- cosmopolitan trilobite genera, or those which
keady Limestone has a rich Ordovician Whiterockian appeared also in Avalonia at the same time, there is
brachiopod (Williams and Curry, 1985) and trilobite a balance of significant species. We do regard Bir-
(Adrain and Fortey, 1997) fauna, which allows for an manites of significance (contra Romano and Owen,
objective assessment of affinities. Trilobites are 1993) because, as we have seen already, it is present
unequivocally Laurentian, including a variety of ‘fin- abundantly in warmer latitude Gondwana; indeed, the
gerprint’ bathyurids (Acidiphorus), dimeropygids group of asaphids to which it belongs is not otherwise
(Ischyrotoma) and cheirurids (Kawina), as well as known outside Gondwana. Decordinaspis is a trincu-
palaeotropical pelagics (Opipeuter). There are appa- leid endemic to Grangegeeth (once again this group
rently two trilobite genera so far known only from readily speciates locally), but it is stated that its closest
Tourmakeady. Brachiopods have a higher proportion relative is Nankinolithus, another ‘Chinese’ genus, but
of endemic genera (8 out of 41), but the majority are one which appears in the later Caradoc. The calyme-
again well known from Laurentia. The separation nids Gravicalymene and Flexicalymene have a prior
from the Laurentian platform was therefore sufficient Avalonian history but were already in Laurentia as
to allow for the appearance of local endemics, but well as Avalonia and are thus not particularly infor-
assuredly within the palaeotropical climatic regime. mative. Barrandia is a relatively deep-water taxon,
The biofacies is an illaenid – cheirurid cryptalgal usually of Gondwanan occurrence. The contrast is
mound, and contemporary similar occurrences on provided by the cheirurids (Acanthoparypha, Ceraur-
Laurentia, such as the Meiklejohn Peak ‘bioherm’ in inella) with prior Laurentian history, and particularly a
Nevada, have not yielded the same endemic taxa. The similarly related trinucleid, Tretaspis, as trinucleids
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 283
Fig. 12. Middle Ordovician brachiopods and trilobites in the Grangegeeth area, Ireland, showing the ancestry and subsequent appearance of
elements of the Grangegeeth fauna in Laurentia and Baltica/Gondwana, from Owen et al. (1992). The Llandeilo is now considered as a stage
within the expanded Llanvirn Series (Fortey et al., 2000). Copyright Geological Society of London.
are generally good indicators of endemicity. Romano already rifted from Gondwana and presumably moved
and Owen (1993, 687) laid particular emphasis on to warmer palaeolatitudes, where it may have been
their estimation that the closest related species to eight commensurate with China (a North American occur-
of the Grangegeeth trilobites were more or less con- rence is dubious): A. acutidens may be a mid- to low-
temporary Laurentian. In detail, the comparisons are latitude plankton. It could be argued that the evidence
mostly with Girvan (Superstes Mudstones and Bal- certainly supports a warm palaeolatitudinal position
clatchie Group) taxa, all of which are preserved in a for the Grangegeeth Terrrane (cf. Mac Niocaill et al.,
similar mudstone lithology as compared with the 1997) with commensurate recruitment from Laurentia,
platform limestones typical of Laurentia, and were but one in which taxa could also be recruited both
themselves from marginal sites. This approach also from China (i.e. warm-water East Gondwana), partic-
downplays the fact that the Gondwana/Avalonia taxa ularly, and also Avalonia as it moved across Iapetus
had their respective closest relatives in those areas. towards warmer latitudes. The evidence from the
The ‘‘Gondwana’’ affinity of the earlier Slane For- faunas alone is not persuasive to the idea of the
mation is based upon graptolites, of which Owen et al. terrane rapidly ‘motoring’ across Iapetus.
(1992) emphasize the distinctive species Acrograptus The southwards continuation of the peripheral Lau-
acutidens. This widespread planktonic species is rentian arc(s) into the Mobile Belt of Newfoundland is
abundant in Avalonia and southern China. However, documented from a number of mostly brachiopod-rich
at the time in question (Llanvirn) the former had trilobite-poor occurrences north of the Red Indian
284 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Line. Dean (1970) described a small early Ordovician mediate Baltic/Laurentian affinities. They are consis-
trilobite fauna from South Catcher Pond in the Notre tent with a ‘mid-ocean’ position for this fauna. The
Dame Subzone of undoubted North American signal Caradoc fauna includes a few pandemic genera, but
(Ischyrophyma and Leiostegium are both good plat- also Carrickia, a Laurentian to warm-water Gondwana
form taxa). Continuation of the same terrane further pelagic taxon, and a variety of other trilobites from
south into New Brunswick and Maine is proved by which Dean concludes that although the fauna is
further spot faunas described in a series of papers by predominantly Scoto – Appalachian (i.e. pertains to
Neuman (summarised in Neuman, 1984), mostly con- the arcs off Laurentia) there is ‘‘a strong resemblance
sisting of a small handful of brachiopod genera, but to Norwegian and Irish faunas’’. Furthermore, the
largely without strong palaeogeographical signals. It is trinucleid Bergamia is otherwise only of common
a curious fact that the Ordovician trilobite Annamitella occurrence in Avalonia (although rare in Turkey and
is often the most common trilobite in insular faunas. It Baltica). In short, that fauna is a genuine provincial
is unknown from platform faunas in Europe and mix.
Laurentia, but is found in arcs peripheral to both sides An even more questionable emphasis has been
of Iapetus and it seems to have been virtually pan- placed by Williams et al. (1992) on a small fauna from
demic in island arc settings, while its only platform the central belt of Newfoundland. A late Arenig cyclo-
occurrences are in eastern Gondwana (China, Aus- pygid trilobite previously known from Wales (Cy-
tralia). From New World Island in the central Mobile clopyge grandis) suggests an Avalonian, rather than
Belt, Dean (1971b, 1973b) described two trilobite Laurentian position for this terrane to these authors.
faunas of Caradoc and latest Arenig/early Llanvirn Determination of cyclopygids is not easy, especially
ages, respectively. The earlier fauna, north of the with distorted material. While it is correct to say that in
Cobb’s Arm fault, includes an endemic trinucleid the early Ordovician cyclopygids were mostly peri-
genus and the ‘insular’ genus Annamitella; but also Gondwanan, certain species of Cyclopyge are known
Metopolichas (which Dean compared closely with a from Scania, Bornholm and elsewhere in Sweden.
contemporary Baltic species), Encrinuroides (com- Assuming the rotation of Baltica is correct (Torsvik
pared with a Scoto – Appalachian one of younger and Rehnström, 2001, and references therein), these
age), Illaenus (either Baltic or Laurentian at this time), occurrences were at mid- palaeolatitudes. Cyclopygids
and what Dean determined as Pseudosphaerexochus were mesopelagic animals, and dispersal in the meso-
but which is perhaps rather Mayopyge, a genus pelagic realm is quite likely. It seems to be putting too
recently described from the Laurentian-affinity Tour- much weight on slim evidence to reschedule the
makeady Limestone (South Mayo Trough) of western tectonic history of the Appalachians on the basis of
Ireland (Adrain and Fortey, 1997). Neuman (1976) two pelagic trilobite specimens.
described a diverse brachiopod fauna from the same Whilst Cocks and McKerrow (1993) originally
New World Island locality, with 27 species present. postulated largely from the faunas, that there was only
There are two endemics (Acanthorthis, Guttasella) and a single intra-Iapetus island arc in the early Ordovi-
another genus (Jaanussonites) known elsewhere only cian, further structural and faunal work (Harper et al.,
from a similar site in Maine, and Calyptolepta is 1996; Cocks et al., 1997; Van Staal et al., 1998) has
known elsewhere from only Tuva, China and ques- demonstrated that there were more probably two arcs
tionably from the Otta Conglomerate of Norway. The and hence a variety of terrane collisions as the Iapetus
bulk of the brachiopods are relatively cosmopolitan, narrowed during the Ordovician, finally closing pro-
but with a strong Baltic flavour suggested by the five gressively during the Silurian. It would be desirable to
clitambonitoids (Antigonambonites, Atelelasma, Jaa- try the method of Lees et al. (2002) to obtain an
nussonites, Progonambonites = Gonambonites itself, objective placement of Grangegeeth and the New-
Tritoechia) and other orthoids and plectambonitoids foundland Exploits –Gander terranes at different peri-
also common in Baltica but rare outside that palae- ods within the Ordovician. For the moment, the
ocontinent. These trilobites and brachiopods are not provincial mix seems to be a genuine feature, most
suggestive of any specific connection with Avalonia or economically explained by mid-Iapetus positions.
Gondwana, but could be taken as indicating inter- However, the evidence for transport of these terranes
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 285
from a Gondwanan position to a Laurentian one seem Avalonian terrane drifted northwards. This would also
to us to be inadequate. It would not be inconsistent imply a separate drifting/docking history for this
with the faunal evidence to assume a mid-Iapetus terrane, as it would otherwise be difficult to explain
position from mid- to late Ordovician. As evidence the differences from the main body of Avalonia if
of Gondwanan origin, the identity of one cyclopygid separations were as short as they are today. By late
trilobite seems slim indeed. Caradoc – Ashgill times, trilobite and brachiopod fau-
nas from the Lake District and environs are well
6.3. Iapetus terranes—Avalonia and southwards known (Ingham and Wright, 1970; McNamara,
1979; Ingham, 1970 –1977), and comparable to uni-
Neuman and Bates (1978) emphasized the insular fied Baltica/Laurentia, as is the Raheen Formation in
nature of a Llanvirn brachiopod fauna from Anglesey. Ireland (Owen et al., 1986). Close to the northern
Although Anglesey may well have had an independ- margin of the Leinster Terrane the Ashgill trilobite
ent history in the late Precambrian and early Cam- faunas of the Chair of Kildare Limestone confirm close
brian, by the earlier Ordovician it is presumed to have Baltic similarity at species level (Dean, 1971 –1978)
been positioned inboard of the Leinster Lakesman with faunas from the Boda Limestone of Sweden and
Terrane (Woodcock in Fortey et al., 2000) which, as the Keisley Limestone of north-west England.
noted above, had a typically West Gondwana faunal The westward continuation of the Leinster Terrane
signature in trilobite faunas from Arenig – Llanvirn into Newfoundland is recognised as the Avalon Ter-
interval (Fortey et al., 1989). Furthermore, Beckly rane, south of the Dover Fault. Much of the stratig-
(1987) has recorded typically West Gondwana genera raphy of the Cambrian around St. John’s can be
(Neseuretus and Calymenella) from immediately on matched elsewhere—in Wales, for example. The early
the southern side of the Menai Straits Fault, where Ordovician in this area is platformal, with the Gond-
Arenig faunas are also exactly comparable (at species wana trilobites Neseuretus and Ogyginus. The early
level) in most other aspects with South Wales. From Ordovician faunas and floras from Random Island
both north and south of the Menai Straits Fault the (Martin and Dean, 1981) are deeper water, close to the
trilobite Annamitella is known, which is typical of Dover Fault, but are also distinctively Avalonian. This
island faunas throughout Iapetus, and the presence of sector continues southwards into New Brunswick and
brachiopods in Anglesey (Neuman and Bates, 1978) Cape Breton Island, where the successions are very
known elsewhere only from south-east Ireland (Rhyn- similar to those in Avalonian Wales. RAF has studied
nchorthis, Treioria) and Argentina (Ffynnonia, Rein- the Tremadoc MacLeod Brook Formation which is
versella) may suggest a certain measure of separation, identical at trilobite species level to the Shineton
but it cannot be considerable or the faunal signature Shales in Shropshire, England: all these localities
would be more distinctive. However, there is a sliver being consistent with peripheral Gondwana location
of deep-water, late Arenig isograptid biofacies grap- at this time.
tolite shale along the Menai Strait fault system close
to the suspension bridge (Jenkins, 1982) which might 6.4. Kazakh and neighbouring terranes
suggest the site of a basin. Oceanwards of Anglesey
the history of the Leinster –Lakesman Terrane must Kazakhstan and Northern Tien Shan has been
be pieced together from spot faunas. It was peri- portrayed as a single terrane entity in many treatments
Gondwanan in the Arenig – Llanvirn, as adduced from of global geography including some recently pub-
the Lake District trilobites. Caradoc evidence from lished (e.g. Seslavinsky and Maidanskaya, 2000).
the Duncannon Group (Owen and Parkes, 2000) However, it is now clear that the main Palaeozoic
indicates that about one-third of the trilobite fauna region of central Kazakhstan comprises a complex of
‘‘are not known from equivalent or older strata in the accreted terranes (Sengor, 1987; Sengor et al., 1993),
Anglo – Welsh region’’ but are Scoto – Appalachian, whose current juxtaposition does not necessarily
that is, peripheral Laurentian. These authors attribute reflect their original geographic position. As noted
the latter to closure of Iapetus in general combined above (Section 4.3), that part of the southern Uralian
with precocious ‘island hopping’ as this marginal chain located in Kazakhstan (Fig. 13) was part of
286 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Fig. 13. New map of Central Asia today, showing the boundaries of the various terranes discussed in the text.
Baltica (Balashova, 1961 described Baltica trilobites the literature (compare Nikitin et al., 1991; Mossa-
at species level). The rest of Kazakhstan was not. kovsky et al., 1994; Sengor and Natal’in, 1996;
Sengor et al. (1993) and Sengor and Natal’in (1996) Holmer et al., 2001). Furthermore, the terrane boun-
proposed an Ordovician configuration for these daries are different according to these several authors.
Kazakh terranes as strung out in a huge arc, termed In this review, we have adopted the nomenclature
the Kipchak arc, (partly refigured here as Fig. 14) of Holmer et al. (2001) for south-east Kazakhstan
stretching from Baltica (their ‘‘Russian craton’’) to simply because it is the latest (there is no guarantee it
Siberia (‘‘Angara craton’’) in the Ordovician. They will be the last). However, we have extended our
postulated that this arc progressively collapsed and newly constructed map (Fig. 13) northwards of that
telescoped through the Silurian, and did not achieve portrayed by Holmer et al. to include northern Kazakh
its present configuration until the Carboniferous. localities. Trilobite faunal lists are scattered, and we
Faunal evidence is obviously germane to establishing have also used data compiled by RAF on a visit to the
the original positions, individuality and developing collections in the Geological Institute, Almaty, made
histories of the Kazakh terranes. Many of them have a available through the kindness of the late Dr. Apollo-
Precambrian continental core and might therefore be nov. Brachiopod data includes work in progress by
better regarded as microcontinents, but terrane termi- LRMC and Popov. The evidence is considered in
nology is customary. That said, the names applied to more detail below than elsewhere in this review, as
the terranes are confusing and in part contradictory in it leads to new conclusions. Biofacies ranging from
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 287
shallow to deep are found within many of the terranes, are not yet well enough known to demonstrate their
which further complicates the biogeographic picture pandemicity. The only early Ordovician articulated
since the deeper water faunas are usually more wide- brachiopod they record is Clarkella, which is also
spread, and this seems to have led to some confusion. known from Laurentia and North China (Korea). How-
The modern boundaries of the chief Lower Palaeozoic ever, in another paper, Holmer et al. (2000) record late
terranes (but probably not all of them) are shown in Tremadoc and Arenig faunas of inarticulated organo-
Fig. 13, with the divisions of Kazakhstan largely phosphatic brachiopods from Kyrgystan (and part of
following Nikitin et al. (1991). Tuva and Mongolia, the South Tien Shan) as possessing Baltic affinities, but
although adjacent to the Kazakh terranes, are discussed the local tectonics are difficult—the early Ordovician
under Siberia (Section 4.4). We review the most carbonates occur only as olistoliths within a Silurian
important terranes here, proceeding broadly from tectonic melange, and thus their relationship to the
southwest to north-east. main Tien Shan terrane must be treated with cau-
tion.The 18 articulated brachiopods of the Caradoc
6.4.1. Tien Shan Obikalon Beds (Rozman, 1978) are also in the latter
This terrane in the terminology of Holmer et al. suspect terrane, but they are largely widespread genera,
(2001) includes the Malyi Karatau and Bolshoi Karatau although Ishimia is known only elsewhere from Chu –
of previous authors, although Malyi Karatau may have Ili, Chingiz and Sibumasu (Cocks and Zhan, 1998), and
been a separate sea-mount. Sections spanning the the polytoechiid Admixtella is apparently entirely
Cambrian– Ordovician boundary in southern Kazakh- endemic, as might be the large strophomenoid which
stan have been described by Ergaliev (1983) yielding is incorrectly referred to Gunnarella by Rozman.
trilobites that compare exactly with older eastern Tien A small Tremadoc trilobite fauna from Kendyktas,
Shan collections of Troedsson (1937), which in turn are which is definitely part of the true North Tien Shan
like those from more marginal facies belts in south- terrane, described by Lisogor (1961) is of this wide-
west China. Such genera as Charchaqia, Promacro- spread type, and it is worth outlining the details
pyge, Lophosaukia and Amzasskiella are typical, along briefly as they show how such misapprehensions
with species such as the agnostid Lotagnostus trisectus arise. Harpides is a distinctive harpidid originally
and L. punctatus. There are more widespread taxa described from Baltica—and if that were all that were
among the pelagic agnostids, and among them deep- known might be taken to indicate Baltic affinities.
water biofacies olenids (Plicatolina, Remizites) and However, it is also known from Bohemia (northern
asaphids (Niobella), but these are biogeographically Gondwana– Perunica), Argentina (S Gondwana) and
uniformative, except to note that oceanic environments western Newfoundand/Quebec (Laurentia), i.e. it is
existed SW of Bolshoi Karatau. Apollonov and Chu- almost cosmopolitan and thus irrelevant to biogeo-
gaeva (1983) described faunas from Malyi Karatau graphic reconstructions. Olenids, like agnostids (two
from limestones probably forming mounds over vol- poor ones in Lisogor, 1961), have already been noted
canics. These, too, are of dominantly warm-water East as independent of biogeography except as indicating
Gondwana type with dikelokephalinids, Proteuloma, deep biofacies. The Kendyktas fauna includes an
Troedssonia (their Platypeltoides), Asiocephalus, Sau- allegedly endemic olenid Agalatus, but this was
kiella and Lophosaukia; their Batyraspis is also recog- probably a Parabolinella or Bienvillia (cosmopolitan).
nised in South China. Apollonov demonstrated some We may repeat the same argument for Apatokephalus
endemic trilobites to RAF from this region, which and Symphysurus as for Harpides: the type species are
suggests a certain separation, but the evidence is strong Baltic, but they are known from all palaeocontinents.
at this time that Tien Shan lay close to South China. This leaves a balance of a few critical genera. Lisogor
Claims by Holmer et al. (2001) that inarticulated erected a genus Bicornipyge, which subsequently
brachiopods from the Tien Shan terrane are Baltic in (Owens et al., 1982) was shown to be the same as
character are likely to be the result of the fact that an Avalonian (i.e. West Gondwana in the Tremadoc)
inarticulated genera are more widespread in their genus Dichelepyge. This in turn is known from Tarim
planktonic stage than articulated brachiopods, like (Zhou and Chen, 1992, p. 114). Another ceratopygid
agnostid trilobites, and the Chinese inarticulated faunas genus Hysterolenus is familiar from localities in South
288 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
China and Tarim, but also Baltica. An asaphid Amphilichas and Leiostegium? have all been associ-
ascribed by Lisogor to Kaiseraspis (sic.) is unidentifi- ated with mound faunas of Whiterockian (to Chazyan)
able. Lisogor’s ‘Bathyurus sp.’ is not a bathyurid age but so far mostly in North America, or adjacent
(which would be Laurentian in fingerprint), but—like terranes (e.g. Whittington, 1963; Adrain and Fortey,
her Leiostegium sp.—a leiostegiid, several genera of 1997). Popov (personal communication) regards the
which are known from contemporary Chinese and locality as perhaps part of a separate carbonate-topped
Australian strata (but no similar genus is known from sea mount. Our contention is that this fauna was much
Baltica): it could belong to almost anyone. Hystricu- more widespread than previously appreciated in the
rus is pan-tropical (above). Such detail may be tedious appropriate circum-palaeoequator habitat, of which
to the non-specialist, but it is important. Despite the the Karakan fauna is a striking example. There are
several genera in common with Baltica, in the context no faunas of this type in contemporary China. The
of widespread Tremadoc faunas only Dichelepyge and endemic genera provide an indication of its separation
leiostegiids are significant (Gondwanan) and there is from major palaeocontinents, but are in a minority.
nothing in the fauna to contradict the South China/ The other faunas in the terrane entirely rule out any
Tarim signal provided by younger Ordovician faunas. suggestion that Tien Shan might be located close to
From the supposed northwards extension of this Laurentia. The most remarkable feature confirming
terrane in NW Kazakhstan, RAF examined a Caradoc this is that 200 m away from the mound and strati-
collection from the Andreyushenka Formation graphically above it (Apollonov, personal communi-
(Kupriyanovka Village on the River Ishim) which cation, 1998) there is a cyclopygid fauna with
included widespread taxa such as Nileus, Lonchodo- Pricyclopyge and Illaenopsis, both typical of deep
mas, Bronteopsis and Sphaerexochus but also Pliomer- water peri-Gondwana sites of Llanvirn age. Although
ina, Koksorenus, Trigonoaspis ( = Tangyaia in China, using deeper water faunas can be ambiguous, neither
also Lisogorites in Chu – Ili), Ampyxinella. These are of these genera is known from Baltica or Laurentia at
definitive taxa for warm-water Gondwana of Chinese this time.
type, and indeed some species may be identical with Thus, we conclude that the Tien Shan Terrane,
those of Burma and South China. Again, an eastern although most probably an independent terrane, was
peri-Gondwanan position is confirmed. closer to East Gondwana than to any other large
Close to the north-eastern terrane boundary at the palaeocontinent throughout the Ordovician.
Dzhalair – Najman Fault, the fauna of the Karakan
Limestone in the Betpak Dala Desert is diverse, and 6.4.2. Chu –Ili terrane
in some respects puzzling. The locality and trilobite This terrane lies north and east of the Tien Shan
fauna was listed by Apollonov (in Nikitin, 1972, p. terrane today (Fig. 13). Trilobites from the Chu – Ili
54– 55), but has only been described in a perfunctory range were described by Chugaeva (1958). The
way (Weber, 1948; Keller and Lisogor, 1954). It is Kopalin and Karakan formations, of probable Late
probably of early Whiterockian (latest Arenig) age as Llanvirn age, represent a somewhat deeper water
it includes the pelagic trilobites Carolinites and Tele- Nileid biofacies including widespread genera such
phina and the graptolite Pseudotrigonograptus. The as Ampyx, Nileus and Symphysurus, but also the genus
‘island’ genus Annamitella (under the name Bathyur- Lisogorites of Chugaeva, which is certainly the same
iscops, Keller and Lisogor, 1954) is also present. as the genus Tangyaia in China, and Chugaeva’s
Examination of a large collection shows that other- ‘‘Ampyxina’’ biloba is the genus Ampyxinella which
wise the fauna is a typical ‘‘illaenid – cheirurid’’ crypt- is also known from Tarim, as is the peculiar Bulbas-
algal mound biofacies, with a variety of Illaenidae pis. Kolobova (1985) described the characteristic
(including the possibly endemic Bumastides), Cheir- Tarim endemic Taklamakania from this area. Hence,
uridae and Pliomeridae, at least one of which is the South Chinese affinities are strong even in the
probably a new genus. The Kazakh endemic Bulbas- deeper facies. However, many of the brachiopods
pis was noted by Apollonov in Nikitin (1972). Gla- from the richly fossiliferous (more than 20 inarticu-
phurus, Ischyrophyma, Selenoharpes, Nanillaenus, lated and 30 articulated genera) Uzunbulak Formation
?Heliomera, Protostygina, Leiostegium, Cybelurus, (Popov, personal communication), and also of Llan-
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 289
virn age, appear to have more in common with fauna is closest to that from South China, but includes
Laurentia (plectambonitoids: Apatomorpha, Aportho- two genera (Phaceloorthis, Dulankarella) yet again
phyla, Taphrodonta, Leptellina, Toquimia), although only known elsewhere from the island arcs now part
there are also at least seven undescribed endemic of south-east Australia.
genera of varying superfamilies, and several charac- A late Caradoc bioherm from the Betpak Dala
teristic peri-Gondwanan forms such as the pentam- Desert examined by RAF includes another Illae-
eride Yangzteella, all together indicating both low nid – cheirurid fauna: cheirurids—Sphaerexochus,
latitudes and links with a variety of terranes. The Hadromeros; illaenids—varied, but not determined;
richest sites are in the Caradoc Anderken Formation, ‘‘isocolids’’—Cyphoniscus and Kielanella; glaphur-
which includes a number of characteristic East Gond- ids—Glaphurus and Glaphurina; the holotrachelid
wanan endemic trilobites; here Ogygites almatyensis Holotrachelus; the Gondwanan endemic Pliomerina.
is without question a Birmanites species; Pliomerina Some of these genera are widespread in the Ashgill
is abundant, which, as noted by Webby (1971), is in the same biofacies. Overall, this fauna is similar
typical of East Gondwana. Raphiophorids are also of to an undescribed fauna from Iran. From the same
Chinese type. Apollonov (1974, p. 65) also records locality Nikitin and Popov (1996) and Nikitin et al.
the typically Chinese –Sibumasu genus Ovalocepha- (1966) described a rich brachiopod fauna of 23
lus from the Anderken. Other trilobite genera are genera, with the atrypoids Kellerella and Nikolais-
mostly widespread, or are difficult to correctly assign pira and the plectambonitoids Bandaleta and Sor-
generically (e.g. the asaphid Isotelus is probably not tanella endemic to the Chu –Ili terrane (three are
that genus, but without further details it is not possible also known from the neighbouring Anderken For-
to say exactly which). There are two near-endemics mation—Popov et al., 2002).
(Dulanaspis, and a blind styginid), the former known Apollonov (1974) reviewed Ashgill trilobite fau-
also from Tarim, China. The Anderken brachiopods nas. A number of deeper water cyclopygids are not
are also richly diverse—Popov et al. (2002) have informative, and others, such as Mucronaspis mucro-
described 62 species within 55 genera and defined nata, are virtually pandemic associates of the end-
six recurrent associations ranging from shallow- to Ordovician glaciation. However, his identification of
relatively deep-water assemblages. The biogeographic individual Chinese species, such as Platycoryphe
message is mixed—overall there is most similarity sinensis Lu, from Chu –Ili is significant even at a
between the Anderken and the beds described from time of more generally widespread taxa. Fortey (1997)
North China by Fu (1982), but genera such as has noted the similarity of proetids from these faunas
Mabella, Dulankarella and Teratelasmella are known to those of Thailand and China. Apollonov reported
only from the Chu – Ili and Chingiz terranes and from Ovalocephalus from the Ashgill of Chu –Ili; by then it
the south-east Australian island arcs, and again there is more widespread than earlier in the Ordovician.
are seven endemics (the plectambonitoids Olgambon- Apollonov et al. (1980) reviewed faunas from near the
ites, Sortanella, Tesikella, Zhilgyzambonites; the Ordovician – Silurian boundary in this terrane, but
spire-bearers Ilistrophina, Nikolaispira, Pecteno- apart from an unusually diverse expression of the
spira). RAF has examined a trilobite collection from Hirnantia brachiopod fauna, there are few key taxa
the overlying Dulankara Formation (Late Caradoc– to shed light on palaeogeography. In the same volume,
Ashgill), the distinctive elements of which are again Rukavishnikova described the single endemic bra-
Chinese, including the distinctive pliomerid Para- chiopod Iliella as an early spiriferoid from the mid-
hawleia (originally named in Lu et al., 1976), Ovalo- Ashgill Chokpar Horizon; however, it is now known
cephalus and probably the encrinurid Koksorenus. to be an athyridoid.
Brachiopods from the Dulankara are partly published The Stepnyak area of northern Kazakhstan has
(Popov et al., 2000) and partly under revision by been regarded as a northward continuation of the
Popov and LRMC. Three associations are recognised Chu – Ili terrane by Nikitin et al. (1991), but not,
in the shallower water Otar Member in the middle of apparently, by Holmer et al. (2001), but we provi-
the formation, with 21 genera of brachiopod, includ- sionally include it here. The trilobite faunas of the
ing two endemics (Bokotorthis, Karomena). The Caradoc sequence are attributed to similar formations
290 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
as in more southerly regions of the Chu –Ili terrane, as enus, for example, and Trigonoaspis Koroleva is yet
summarized by Koroleva (1982), who has described another synonym of the distinctive and relatively
many of the trilobites. Although deeper water biofa- restricted Chinese asaphid Tangyaia.
cies, with widespread agnostids and cyclopygid fau- Thus, overall the Chu Ili terrane also carries a
nas, tend to dominate in this area, virtually the same warm-water Gondwana signature throughout the
comments apply as regards the Chinese affinities of Ordovician, with strong South Chinese similarities,
those that are more restricted, and further discussion and also links with North China, Tarim and the south-
here would repeat that given previously. This area is east Australian arc faunas. In the Silurian rocks, the
the type for the genera Ovalocephalus and Koksor- brachiopods and trilobites found essentially comprise
Fig. 14. Palaeogeography of central Asia, showing the Kipchak Arc in Middle Ordovician (458 Ma) times, adapted from Sengor and Natal’in
(1996, fig. 21.31), and showing the positions of the Chingiz, Chu – Ili, Gornoi Altai and Tien – Shan Terranes discussed in the text.
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 291
part of the very widespread and nearly global cosmo- Formation, most are relatively cosmopolitan genera,
politan fauna, although some apparently endemic although Mabella is only elsewhere known from Chu –
species (not genera) which have been erected require Ili and New South Wales. The allegedly endemic
further revision in a global context. atrypoid Kuzgunia of Klenina et al. (1984) is probably
a synonym of Shachriomena (Popov et al., 2000),
6.4.3. Chingiz –Tarbagatai and Mamat terranes which in turn is probably the same as the North and
North-eastern Kazakhstan includes a large terrane South China Ovalospira Fu (1982) revised by Zhan and
(possibly composite) dominated by volcanics and Cocks (1998).
clastics in the Chingiz and Tarabagatai ranges. Trilo- Once again, the evidence supports the Chingiz –
bite faunas are largely not yet formally described, but Tarabagatai terrane as close to other peri-Gondwanan
RAF has examined extensive collections made by terranes such as South China, by the Caradoc at least.
Apollonov. Earlier Caradoc faunas from Karagash We do not have good evidence of the earlier Ordo-
Village include a deep-water trilobite fauna with vician history and the Cambrian is not the prime
Dionide, Shumardia (Shumardella), Raphiophorus, concern of this paper. However, from the Selety area,
Oedicybele, Eodindymene and cyclopygids (Micro- and the Olenty Shiderty area, which may be the
oparia, Cyclopyge) which is of widespread type, i.e. northwestwards extension of the Chingiz Terrane,
not diagnostic biogeographically, although it is worth Ivshin (1956) has reported numerous later Cambrian
noting that the most similar contemporary faunas are trilobite faunas from tropical carbonates which appa-
from Perunica (Bohemia), and not from Baltica. rently compare with those of Siberia, rather than
In Chingiz, in the Bestamak Formation at Chagan China.
river (Nikitin, 1972) immediately below the Nema- Immediately south of the Chingiz terrane, the
graptus gracilis Zone and thus late Llanvirn in age, the Mamat area may be a separate area tectonically. The
peculiar raphiophorid Taklamakania is so prolific as to succession of the Mamat Formation of Mamat Moun-
be a rock former (note that this genus was described tain spans the lower part of the Ordovician (RAF
under the name Caganaspis from this region by Kolo- observations). A probable early Tremadoc trilobite
bova, 1985). Its associated genus from Tarim Nan- fauna includes Hystricurus, Leiostegium, Onchonotel-
shanaspis is also present, together with Dionide, lus, Nayaya and ?Lopeuloma. This is of interest
Manykaia, Birmanites, Selenopeltis and several pro- because the last two named are Siberian platform
etids. All except Dionide, which is pandemic, are endemics (Rozova, 1964); one species RAF identified
Chinese (and Tarim) and only Selenopeltis is Gond- with Bienvillia tetragonalis Brøgger, from Norway.
wana-wide (but not outside). From the same formation From the Upper Tremadoc a small fauna included
Klenina et al. (1984) have listed or described 11 Ceratopyge forficula, ‘‘Protopliomerops’’ speciosa
inarticulated brachiopods, including the endemics and a Niobe species of Scandinavian type. Although
Ussunia, the only member of its family, and Ovidiella, the fauna is small, the specific identity of the species
both of which are among the earliest trimerelloids, and does imply a close comparison with Baltica.
Nushbiella, which is only known elsewhere from the
Chu – Ili Terrane. There are 22 articulated brachiopods, 6.4.4. Altai –Sayan terrane
none of which are narrowly endemic to this terrane The brachiopods in the Gornyi Altai region have
apart from the form referred to Oligorhyncha which is been monographed by Severgina and her colleagues
the subsequently recognised atrypoid Rozmanospira of in a series of papers (for example, Severgina, 1984;
Popov et al. (2000), but Shlyginia is known only Kulkov and Severgina, 1989). From the Tremadoc
elsewhere from the Tien Shan and Chu – Ili terranes, Tayanzin Horizon she recovered Apheoorthis, Fin-
Kajnaria only from Chu – Ili, the strophomenoid Esilia kelnbergia, Nanorthis, Nothorthis, Punctolira and
only from Tien Shan, Ishimia from Tien Shan and Syntrophina, all of which occur in Laurentia and
Sibumasu, and Chaganella only from New South Siberia and in some cases elsewhere, but also the
Wales, Australia, where it was described as Tylambon- endemic billingselloid Kozuchinella and Akelina,
ites by Percival (1991). Of the 21 articulated brachio- which may be the oldest member of the superfamily
pods from the overlying late Caradoc Taldeboy Plectambonitoidea (Cocks and Rong, 1989). Above
292 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
this the Arenig Lebed Horizon yielded the widespread Kazakhstan, as we have noticed). It seems possible to
Archaeorthis, Diparelasma, Finkelnbegia, Hespero- us that the terranes were distributed alongside Gond-
nomia, Nanorthis and Tritoechia, but also the endemic wana rather than progressively away from it, or we
Akelina again, the orthoid Lebediorthis and also might expect more differences from the more distant
Rhyselasma (only known elsewhere from Siberia) faunas than there actually are.
and Ujukites, only known elsewhere from Tuva, also For the earlier history there are more questions.
near the margins of Siberia (Fig. 13). Above this again The control on the earlier Ordovician is not so good,
the early Llanvirn Rydinkov Horizon yielded the but sufficient to suggest that Tien Shan, Chingiz and
relatively cosmopolitan Archaeorthis, Atelelasma, Chu – Ili may have been peri-Gondwanan throughout
Glyptomena, Idiostrophia, Isophragma, Orthidium, their Ordovician history: the alleged Tremadoc ‘‘Bal-
Plectocamara and Trondorthis, together with the tic’’ signal is weak, apart from the isolated Mamat
endemic syntrophioid Talovia. These early to mid- Formation fauna (Section 6.4.3). However, for the
Ordovician occurrences all add up to a low-latitude Altai – Sayan terrane a case might be made for its rapid
series of faunas which have much in common with transport from rifting off Siberia, perhaps in the late
those from Siberia and to some extent Laurentia, but Cambrian or early Tremadoc, and moving via temper-
to a much lesser extent with East Gondwana. How- ate palaeolatitudes in the late Tremadoc to attain a
ever, the many endemic brachiopods present in the final peri-Gondwanan position in Caradoc times. We
Gornoi Altai indicate that the Altai –Sayan terrane provide here (Fig. 15) a new palaeogeographical
was probably some way away from any contemporary reconstruction for those Kazakh terranes which we
large palaeocontinent. In contrast, papers in the vol- have considered above, with the faunal considerations
ume edited by Sokolov and Yolkin (1978) described taken into account. In the early Ordovician the four
the palaeontology of Altai Sayan in the later Ordo- terranes were probably also in the same relative
vician –Silurian interval, and in the Caradoc trilobites positions as in the Caradoc, but by Ordovician –
the Gondwanan platform signature is strong, with Silurian boundary times they would have drifted
calymenoids Neseuretinus, Prionocheilus, Vietnamia across the palaeoequator into the northern hemisphere.
and Calymenia, the Dalmanitoidean Dalmanitina and
the trinucleid Broeggerolithus. They are accompanied 6.5. New South Wales
by more than 30 brachiopod genera in the Caradoc
Khankarin Formation (Kulkov and Severgina, 1989) To the south-east of Australia, Ordovician faunas
in which there are no new endemics, together indicat- are known from two main areas; Tasmania (Corbett
ing progressive nearing of the Altai – Sayan terrane to and Banks, 1974; Jell and Stait, 1985), which was
other low-latitude continents. probably at the margin of core Gondwana (Section
4.2. and Fig. 8 above), and various parts of New
6.4.5. Summary of Kazakhstan and adjacent terranes South Wales and Victoria (Jell, 1985), formerly
The evidence is sufficient to falsify the model of termed a ‘‘geosynclinal’’ area. The latter is now
Sengor and Natal’in (1996). At least in the later known to represent one or more volcanic island arcs
Ordovician it is clear from the Sino-Australian sig- (Percival and Webby, 1996), which accreted to the
nature of key trilobites and brachiopods that the main Australian part of the Gondwanan craton in the
terranes of the Kipchak Arc were all peri-Gondwanan late Palaeozoic. Wright et al. (2000) have reviewed
and not stretched between Baltica and Siberia, as the faunas, which are now well known from several
portrayed in their reconstructions. Given the close sites and horizons, especially from the middle Ordo-
identity of the Caradoc faunas to those of Tarim, it vician. Brachiopods were monographed by Percival
is likely that there was close proximity with that (1991): some endemics are known (Quondongia,
region. The identity of Taklamakania limestones is a Molongcola, Webbyspira, Australospira), but other
case in point. This strange trilobite cannot be confused genera previously thought endemic [Tylambonites
with any other, so there is no question of muddled ( = Chaganella), Wiradjuriella ( = Mabella), Bowanor-
taxonomy (although there are plenty of synonyms this and Phaceloorthis ( = Boonderella)] are now also
because of separate taxonomic studies in China and known from Kazakhstan (Popov et al., 2002); Para-
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 293
Fig. 15. Our new reconstruction for the Caradoc positions of the Chingiz, Chu – Ili, Altai – Sayan and Tien – Shan Terranes, with base-map of
460 Ma modified from Cocks and Torsvik (2002), but with Sibumasu, Annamia, Tarim and South China moved along palaeolatitude to the east,
and with the Chingiz, Altai – Sayan, Tien Shan and Chu – Ili terranes added.
onychoplecia is more cosmopolitan and Shlyginia to represent an Ordovician island arc (Astini et al.,
known from both Kazakhstan and Burma (Cocks 1995). Only Tremadoc and Arenig age beds yield
and Zhan, 1998). Particularly striking in the New fossils, but from these Benedetto (1998) has recorded
South Wales faunas are the shallow-water trimerellide faunas different from those in either the Precordillera
reefs, largely made up of Eodinobolus, the earliest (which carries Laurentian faunas) or the Central
such development anywhere, but whose palaeogeo- Andean Basin of intermediate-latitude Gondwana.
graphical significance is not clear apart from the fact The Arenig of Famanitina yields the endemic brachio-
that were laid down in the tropics. The overall faunal pod Famatinorthis and genera such as Monorthis and
signals reinforce the common identity of New South Fynnonia, known elsewhere only from peri-Gond-
Wales, Sibumasu and Chu – Ili as terranes fringing wanan islands (and in the latter case only from
Ordovician Gondwana at relatively low latitudes. Anglesey, Wales). However, the typical Gondwanan
trilobite Neseuretus also occurs, as well as Merlinia,
6.6. Famanitina Illaenopsis, Hungioides and Gogoella, in addition to
the endemics Famatinolithus and Pliomeridius (Vac-
Sandwiched between the Precordillera (Section cari et al., 1993). All this suggests that in the early
5.2) and the main core of Gondwana (there termed Ordovician the Famanitina arc lay not too far outboard
the Central Andean Basin), and which includes most from Gondwana at intermediate palaeolatitudes and
of the southern part of today’s South America (Section not so far from the part of core Gondwana with which
4.2.3), lies the Famanitina terrane. This is now known it later docked at about end Ordovician time.
294 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
Fig. 16. Global reconstruction in early Ordovician (480 Ma) time, modified from Cocks and Torsvik (2002, fig. 4), and with the Chingiz, Chu –
Ili, Gornoi Altai and Tien Shan terranes added as in Fig. 15. North China was in the northern hemisphere and is thus absent.
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 295
Fig. 17. Global reconstruction at end Ordovician and early Silurian (440 Ma) times, modified from Cocks and Torsvik (2002, fig. 6). Siberia and
the Kazakh terranes were in the northern hemisphere at that time and are thus absent from this figure.
confirms the initial hypothesis. The suggestion of a suture, the identification of buried granites and other
separation of Avalonia from Baltica in the earlier appropriate rocks connnected with closure, and finer
Ordovician first appeared in Whittington and Hughes discrimination of marginal terranes. Thus, faunal
(1972) and was put on a firmer footing when ‘‘Torn- evidence may lead the way in suggesting hypotheses
quist’s Sea’’ was named, and its extent postulated, by that can be tested in other fields. However, the fact
Cocks and Fortey (1982). In the 20 years that fol- that Pickering and Smith (1995) could apparently
lowed, its reality has been confirmed by (among overlook such evidence means that it is continually
other things) deep geophysics recognising the buried necessary for palaeontology to reiterate and refine
296 R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307
the basis on which palaeogeographic assignments of the different ‘signal’ provided by planktic, as
have been made. opposed to benthic organisms. The former (grapto-
Unfortunately, quantitative methods based upon lites, acritarchs) are most useful in identifying former
large databases of fossils are not yet generally applied latitudinal belts, and hence climatic oscillations, and
to palaeogeographic problems, although the method- can be thoroughly complementary to benthic organ-
ology is now available (e.g. Lees et al., 2002), from isms; they do not, however, necessarily provide the
which it is clear that evidence from several fossil best geographic fixes. However, recent work on
groups taken together leads to the best results. acritarchs indicates that they, too, may include useful
Instead, comparisons of the fauna of a terrane in endemic elements, so one must not prejudge what
question (for example) is based upon its (subjectively will prove to be useful in future. Deeper water
judged) similarity or otherwise to those of contending benthic biofacies are also, in general, more geo-
major palaeocontinents for which faunas are well graphically widespread, and hence less critical indi-
known. This does lead to defensible results, because cators of geographic affinity, but they do have their
palaeocontinents have such distinctive faunal signa- use in the recognition of continental margins (e.g.
tures (especially in the Ordovician), and certain crit- Fortey and Cocks, 1986). Biofacies profiles are now
ical groups of trilobites and brachiopods are sig- known for all the major palaeocontinents in the
nificant indicators of shared endemism. This is clear Ordovician and Silurian, and it should be possible
from the use, for example, of asaphid and trinucleid readily to eliminate this element of local palaeogeog-
trilobites in the discussions above. For this reason, raphy from the wider issues of geographical location
we have perforce identified critical faunal elements on a global scale.
used in placing controversial terranes relative to the Our survey has been necessarily brief, with no
major palaeocontinents. It is encouraging that bra- pretence of completeness, but shows that fossils are
chiopods and trilobites so often yield the same amongst the best tools available for determining the
‘‘answer’’. We consider it likely that future applica- individuality and positioning of old terranes, large
tion of quantitative methods will further improve the and small. In addition to the qualitative presence/
fine tuning of these results, but it would be surprising absence criteria used in the past, new quantitative
if they were substantially overturned. One of the treatments of total faunas may provide even more
interesting conclusions is that the various terranes objective results. It is good that fossils provide a
which today make up Kazakhstan were outboard of completely independent data set from the study of
greater Gondwana in the Ordovician (Fig. 15), rather palaeomagnetics. When the two disciplines produce
than strung out in the hypothetical Kipchak Arc the same answers, then our confidence is much
postulated as extending between Baltica and Siberia increased: when the two differ, this provides a clear
(Fig. 14). This model clearly has suggestions which agenda for future research.
should be taken up and tested by geomagneticists and
structural geologists.
Fossils may also successfully arbitrate between Acknowledgements
competing hypotheses. A persuasive example is the
suggestion that the Precordillera of Argentina was So many colleagues, both here and overseas, have
originally a terrane that separated from Laurentia helped us over the years that individual acknowledge-
and eventually docked with Gondwana. Evidence ments are invidious. However, the late Michael
from faunas is quite unequivocal in support of this Apollonov, Nigel Hughes, Alan Owen, Leonid Popov,
idea (Astini et al., 1995; Benedetto, 1998) and serves Adrian Rushton and Alexander Yakubchuk deserve
to disprove other theories that place Laurentia and particular thanks. Trond Torsvik kindly allowed the
South America in close proximity in the Ordovician use of new palaeogeographic reconstructions and
(Dalziel et al., 1994). Claire Mellish drafted many of the diagrams. Thanks
Where misinterpretations of the meaning of also to the Natural Environment Research Council for
Lower Palaeozoic faunal distribution have occurred, funding and the Natural History Museum for facilities
and we identify several cases, this is often because and support.
R.A. Fortey, L.R.M. Cocks / Earth-Science Reviews 61 (2003) 245–307 297
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