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Toronto Pearson International Airport

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The Arup Journal 1/2005 30

Toronto Pearson is one of

the world's largest airport
developments, with an eventual
capacity of around 50M
passengers per year.
Arup is involved in many aspects
of the project, including the
masterplanning, the building
engineering, and the
information technology and
With the client, the Greater
Toronto Airports Authority,
the team has designed the
world's first common-use IT&T
infrastructure over a single
converged network in an
international airport.
1. The entrance to Toronto Pearson International Airports new terminal building.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 31
When the airport planner NAPA (now ArupNAPA)
began work on a new terminal masterplan for
Torontos Lester B Pearson International Airport in
1995, it encountered a facility that bore the marks
of over 35 years continuous but often short-term
adaptation to rapid change and growth. In the late
1950s, when the first terminal at Pearson was
conceived, the era of accessible air travel was in its
infancy. The daring and inventive design by John B.
Parkin Associates - a predecessor firm to NAPA
comprised a circular terminal wrapped around a
parking structure and approached by a tunnel
below the apron. Opened in 1964, it was planned
as one of four similar terminals, but was the first
and last to be completed. Only three years later the
first Boeing 747 came into service and this new
scale of aircraft, much larger passenger loads, new
technologies, stiffer security requirements, and
continuing rapid growth in air travel, made Terminal
1 increasingly obsolete.
In anticipation of a new airport to serve Toronto,
Terminal 2 was completed in 1973 as a linear, bare-
bones, temporary building for eventual conversion
to cargo operations, but instead was expanded and
upgraded in several phases to become Air
Canadas primary hub when the new airport dream
died in the face of public opposition. Terminal 3
arrived in 1991 as one of the first privately financed,
built, and operated airport terminals in the world.
With its crescent form and two piers and one
satellite, it represented a third planning concept
at Pearson.
This history, with its equally piecemeal cargo and
support area development and complex road
system, yielded an uncohesive and inefficient airport
seriously at odds with long-term growth. When a
contract also to privatize Terminals 1 and 2 was
cancelled following a change in government in
1993, a new Canadian policy of not-for-profit airport
authorities was introduced, finally paving the way for
a cohesive long-term development strategy.
Planning growth
and change
Andrew McAlpine
Early planning strategy
As the Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA) was being created, ArupNAPA was
selected to develop a new terminal masterplan, working initially for the Federal
Government. Planning inside the old constraints, with a strong desire to preserve as
much of the existing infrastructure as possible, good long-term solutions were hard
to come by. Then in the fall of 1995, industry veteran Louis Turpen arrived from a
similar position at San Francisco Airport to run the GTAA. Turpen brought a clear
vision and the skill and determination to see that vision through. He saw the need
to sweep much of the past away, and thus ArupNAPAs task was set: develop a
blue sky concept for a single integrated terminal facility, on a scale that could
ultimately accommodate 50M passengers annually, matching the capacity of what
would eventually be a six-runway airfield. The team was not initially to concern itself
with cost or implementation.
Planning at this early stage focused on finding a footprint that would optimize
the perimeter available for gating aircraft, provide an adequate terminal depth, and
accommodate the road system, curbs, and parking - all in a balanced relationship.
By stepping back to view the site as more of a green field, and by ignoring the
constraints that had hampered previous plans, a simple, clear concept emerged
very quickly. A crescent terminal form wrapped around a tightly planned
groundside, with multiple piers extending to the airside, was proposed and quickly
accepted. The idea was simple, but moving it forward to create a firm plan that
could be implemented became the challenge that occupied the ArupNAPA team
over the following months and years. The result of their work was the masterplan
for the Can$3.5bn terminal development project (TDP) and a significant contribution
to the Can$4.4bn total airport development plan (ADP).
Underpinning every airport plan is much numerical analysis, that translates high-
level air transport demand forecasts into specific requirements for aircraft gates,
passenger processing facilities, curb lengths, and parking spaces over time. Critical
to most of this analysis are planning day schedules, which represent close to peak
day levels of flight activity that the airport is forecast to experience for specific
planning horizons. ArupNAPA prepared numerous versions of these, and the initial
planning relied heavily on this analysis to begin translating the initial concept into a
concrete master plan. Physical planning progressed on several fronts. Conceptual
building plans and sections and gate layouts were developed, access roads were
planned, costs were estimated and, most critically, an operational and construction
phasing plan was developed.
The phasing approach
In principle, the phasing approach adopted appeared superficially easy. The new
terminal building processor could be constructed behind the existing terminals on
the non-secure groundside, and the piers would be added singly as existing cargo
and terminal facilities were sequentially replaced and demolished to make way. But
imposing a green field concept on the heart of an operational airport was, and
remains, the single greatest challenge for the planning team. Roads, utilities,
terminals, and operational airside areas have had to be sequentially transformed
even as the airport remains operational, grows, and changes. ArupNAPA to date
has developed close to 100 iterations of the phasing plan.
Several elements were critical to the phasing, including continued operation of
Terminal 1 through the beginning of construction. With its access road running
through the heart of the processor construction site, there was a strong initial
impetus to close and demolish Terminal 1 early on. Although numerous options for
Toronto Pearson International Airport
The Arup Journal 1/2005 32
1995 site plan
At the commencement of the
project three terminals are in
place, a cargo and support
facilities complex (Area 4), and a
tangle of access roads and
utilities. Numerous pinch points
on the airside limit aircraft gating
and movement.
Stage 1A
In 1998 there is the ground
breaking for the five-level
processor, the most complex
portion of the project, with the
longest lead time. It is built to
the groundside of the three
existing terminals, allowing them
to continue operations largely
unchanged. A road tunnel links
under the construction site to
the circular Terminal 1. On the
groundside an elaborate phasing
of a new road system and site
utilities infrastructure is
undertaken (not shown).
Construction of the eight-level
parking structure also
commences, as does work to
replace support facilities
elsewhere, enabling the next
phase of construction to
proceed. A new 11-gate
holdroom terminal served by
buses is also constructed in the
infield between the runways, and
a new tunnel linking the
terminals to the infield is built
below the runway and taxiways.
Numerous design and
construction contracts need to
be fully co-ordinated.
Midway through this stage, Air
Canada absorbs Canadian
Airlines, necessitating a shuffling
of airlines and operations
between terminals to partially
consolidate the much bigger
Stage 1B
Cargo and other support
facilities are demolished to make
way for Piers D and E. Terminal
3 is expanded by adding gates
to Pier C. Terminal 2 is largely
unchanged. Available gates on
Terminal 1 are reduced to allow
construction of Pier E. Extensive
portions of new apron are
constructed. Work also
commences on a new airport
people-mover (APM) to link the
new terminal to Terminal 3 and
support areas and remote
parking to the north.
Stage 2A
At the end of Stage 1 in April
2004, the new terminal (now
Terminal 1) becomes partially
operational with access to gates
on Pier D and half the gates on
Pier E. Air Canadas domestic
traffic is moved from Terminal 2
and international traffic is moved
from the Terminal 1, with gates
being used at the infield
holdroom terminal. The transition
goes without a hitch. Work
begins immediately to dismantle
the old Terminal 1, and demolish
a small portion of Terminal 2, all
to make way for the
construction of Pier F and apron
areas between Piers E and F.
its temporary replacement were considered,
ArupNAPA eventually determined that the access
road could be accommodated within the
construction zone by linking the third below-apron
level curb of the new terminal to the existing tunnel
access to Terminal 1, a strategy that saved many
millions of dollars and at least two years in time. In
the next step, existing cargo and support areas
between Terminals 1 and 3 were replaced with new
facilities in the infield zone between the runways.
When the old facilities were demolished, the first
pier could be constructed. This first phase of
construction was successfully and uneventfully
opened in April 2004.
Terminal 3 became an essential component in
the airports capacity. Early in GTAAs life, it was
purchased from its private operators, and this
enabled planning and implementation in a far more
integrated fashion. ArupNAPA prepared a
masterplan for expanding and developing Terminal 3
to provide additional gates, processing capacity,
and much more flexibility. But these changes would
not be sufficient to provide necessary capacity for
critical periods in the overall phasing plan, and
plans were therefore developed for an 11-gate
infield terminal, essentially a passenger holding area
connected to all of the terminals by buses. Although
the concept was initially accepted with some
reluctance, the operation of this facility has gone
very smoothly and the additional flexibility and
capacity it has provided are essential to the
masterplans implementation. It is currently
handling Star Alliance international operations,
with passengers being bused to and from the
new terminal.
The need to accommodate three sectors is a
unique and complicating characteristic of terminals
at Canadas major cities. In addition to domestic
and international traffic, they support pre-cleared
transborder traffic to the USA market. Both
Canadian and USA immigration and customs
facilities need to be accommodated, and a much
more complex system of segregating passenger
flows within the terminal is required. This potentially
inhibits flexibility, but an approach was developed
that should enhance long-term flexibility of the
terminal. The initial concept proposed that, by about
2010, there will be three primary piers, each
supporting a single sector. Under challenge from Air
Canada, who wanted to see improved connectivity
between sectors to support its hub operations, the
plan was adapted to weave transborder gates
between piers supporting domestic and
international traffic. This yielded numerous gates
that could be flexibly allocated between sectors
both hourly and over longer periods of time. This
significantly reduced overall demand for gates as
1995 site plan
Stage 1A
Stage 1B
Stage 2A
The Arup Journal 1/2005 33
Stage 2B
By late in 2004, sufficient apron
will be completed between Piers
E and F to activate additional
gates on new Terminal 1,
including three large B747 gates
to serve prime European routes.
A further portion of Terminal 2
can now be demolished as
these new gates become
available. Work continues on
Pier F with additional apron
constructed in the summer
Stage 2 complete
At the end of Stage 2, Pier F will
come on stream, with the new
hammerhead becoming the
permanent home for Star
Alliance and other international
services. In addition, gates on
both sides of the new pier will
be occupied by transborder (US-
bound) operations. Transborder
regional jet and turboprop
operations remain consolidated
at the east side of the terminal
area served from holdrooms
accessed by buses from
Terminal 1. The APM will also be
operational, with the possibility
of a new heavy rail link to
downtown Toronto also in place.
This represents a potential
pause point in development and
options for the timing and scope
of future stages are under
Stage 3
When demand warrants,
Terminal 2 will be demolished,
including its parking structure
and access roads. Pier G will be
constructed, likely as a multi-
sector facility, geared to handle
overflow from Terminal 3, which
is expected to reach capacity
between 2005 and 2010.
Stage 4
Again, as demand warrants Pier
H will be constructed, likely in
the 2012-2018 timeframe. This
portion of the terminal will need
to handle multiple sectors, and
will ultimately provide a home for
transborder regional jet and
turboprop operations, allowing
demolition of the remote
holdrooms on the east apron.
The processor will require
expansion, primarily to
accommodate additional
Canadian and US inspection
facilities. At this point, the new
terminal will provide over
400 000m
of space, with an
expected annual capacity of
30-35M passengers. With
Terminal 3 fully utilized, the
combined anual capacity would
be in the realm of 50M
Beyond Stage 4
It is theoretically possible to
extend the new terminal to the
west to sequentially replace
Terminal 3. This would only
make sense if the runway
capacity, through technological
and procedural improvements,
could provide capacity in excess
of the current estimate of 50M
passengers annually. More likely,
and already in planning stage, is
the new airport at Pickering,
gradually providing the additional
capacity needed to relieve
demand at Toronto Pearson.
Stage 2B
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 4 complete
well as providing a high level of robustness to
shifting rates of growth between sectors.
ArupNAPAs role has been varied and extensive
over the nine years leading to the opening of the
first phase of the new terminal earlier this year. In
addition to conceiving the plan and developing the
implementation strategy, the team has contributed
on a range of related issues. It assisted the GTAA
with the selection process that eventually led the
appointment of the architectural team composed of
SOM, Adamson Associates and Moshe Safdie, with
Arup as engineer, and worked closely with that
team to evolve the plan. ArupNAPA also contributed
as honest broker to negotiations between the
GTAA and Air Canada, who initially opposed
the project.
Airports are never completed; rather they are
continually being adjusted to new and unpredicted
realities. Thus flexibility is at a premium. To date, the
plan for developing Toronto Pearson has
demonstrated the value of that flexibility, while
providing a continuous stream of work for
ArupNAPA. When Air Canada absorbed Canadian
Airlines in 2000, ArupNAPA revaluated the plan,
even as construction was under way, helping the
GTAA formulate a strategy of terminal alterations
and airline relocations to allow the now much larger
airline to consolidate operations. ArupNAPA has
regularly revaluated and adjusted the plan in the
face of the many changes in demand and the airline
industry in the wake of 9/11, the SARS virus
outbreak, and Air Canadas financial difficulties.
Changes to airline fleets, with a new emphasis on
regional jets and the advent of the giant A380
Airbus which begins commercial flights in 2006,
have placed more demands on the airport. In
Canada as elsewhere, there has been a rise in low-
cost carriers, who have shifted market share and
placed a new emphasis on efficiency. ArupNAPA is
now reviewing the timing of construction of the third
major pier and the demolition of Terminal 2, to
match current forecasts and financial constraints.
As the future of Toronto Pearson seems assured,
thoughts have again turned to planning a second
airport to serve the city. Working with the GTAA to
create a plan to develop land at Pickering, east of
Toronto, ArupNAPA helped lead a study to assess
the financial feasibility of the project. More recently,
the team prepared a comprehensive assessment of
the general aviation markets and airports serving
Toronto and considered the potential to develop this
new airport initially as a GA facility. The team is
currently working with the GTAA and other
consultants to develop a long-term land use plan for
the site. While one airport project becomes a reality
a new one is born.
2. Phasing: 1995-2018.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 34
Many airports are expanded with the same goals as Toronto Pearson - to support
growing air travel needs and to promote economic growth locally - but few with
comparable foresight. With the appointment of Louis Turpen as leader of the GTAA,
and ArupNAPAs commission to prepare the masterplan, a truly pioneering airport
project took flight. To design the terminal complex, the GTAA selected Airport
Architects Canada, a consortium of SOM, Adamson Associates, and Moshe Safdie
& Associates, with Arup providing integrated engineering services through the
projects design development. Arups role soon grew to include information
technology and telecommunications (IT&T) consulting and engineering, as well as
building and systems commissioning management.
The plan has five major parts: a new terminal, gate expansion, infield cargo
development, airside development, and new and upgraded utilities and airport
support facilities. The 4.5Mft
(390 000m
) terminal T1-New is the centrepiece,
with an eventual capacity of 50M passengers pa and planned ultimately to replace
all three existing terminals. Construction stage 1 was completed in April 2004, with
the curving terminal building and two (ultimately five) pier buildings radiating out into
the airfield. Inside this central processor are four main levels: arrivals, departures,
an interstitial level connecting to the garage and people mover, and the ground
level. The piers are concourses lined with gate holdrooms and retail space.
An IT&T revolution
From aviations early days, airlines carried out basic passenger processing, with
airports as operational landlords providing the building and services. Typically,
airlines used their own systems and cabling in their own spaces in airports, causing
much duplication and high operational costs. While airports deployed common-use
terminal equipment (CUTE) and multi-user system equipment (MUSE) in the 1980s
and 1990s, these systems were and are based on interfacing with legacy airline
systems, and did not capitalize on all the efficiencies of sharing systems.
There is now an operational shift, with airports
providing more than just basic building services and
MUSE or CUTE. A full menu of shared/common-use
systems and services is now possible. However,
while sharing systems and technologies can reduce
costs and improve performance, it requires that
airports assert more control over their facilities,
resulting in more efficient operations. By sharing
systems at the check-in desks and gates, multiple
airlines can share the same spaces, resulting in cost
savings as well as maximizing airport capacity.
The enabler for this operational shift has been
the emergence of IP (internet protocol) as the de
facto transmission protocol. This in turn enabled
convergence of voice and data systems, moving
from analogue to digital. Maturing technology has
opened up a new IT business model, not only for
airports but many other sectors.
Implementation at Toronto Pearson
Toronto Airport is the first example of its successful
deployment. Under Turpens leadership, the GTAA
became a service provider, not a landlord; the
airport is a common-use facility with space shared
among carriers and tenants, and resources like
gates, check-in desks, baggage belts, and cabling
infrastructure provided by the GTAA for a usage fee.
As the T1-New design commenced in 1997,
the GTAA had yet to establish a powerful IT&T
organization. Arups scope expanded to include
Information technology
Tara Durnin Al Lyons
AOCC Airport Operations Command Center
ATIMS airport traffic information management system
BHS baggage handling system
BMS building management system
CAN campus area network
CCTV closed-circuit television
CUPPS common-use passenger processing systems
CUSS common-use self-serve
CUTE common-use terminal equipment
DPT dynamic packet transfer
FIDS flight information display system
HVTMS horizontal vertical transportation
management system
IPT internet protocol telephony
IT&T information technology and
LCD liquid crystal displays
MPLS multi-protocol label switching
MUSE multi-user system equipment
PDA personal digital assistant
PMCS power management control system
RPR resilient packet ring
RSMS ramp services management system
VPN virtual private networking
WLAN wireless local area network
XML extensible mark-up language
3. Ticketing machines adjacent to check-in desks.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 35
of plasma screens, as LCDs offer a lifespan of 10+
years compared with around three years for plasma
screens. Installation was assigned to the
construction team.
All this enabled the GTAA to stay in control of
system selection, implementation, testing,
commissioning, acceptance, and turnover.
Additionally, it avoided contractor mark-ups on
systems and equipment where they add little
or no value.
IT&T services delivery
Near the end of 2002, the GTAA asked Arup to help
build an organization to ensure the best possible
support to the growing demand for IT&T services at
Toronto Pearson. Torontos dominant
telecommunications company was offering a non-
integrated approach to the GTAA, handling public
access, data services, data support, voice services,
voice support, carrier services, and business
services through different divisions. However,
seeking a better fit for the airports visionary new
arrangement, the GTAA and Arup solicited
proposals from local and global telecommunications
service providers. The scope of the organization
envisioned by the GTAA and Arup included
assuming responsibility for:
technical design for new applications and
services supported by the CAN, including
compliance with regulatory requirements, testing
and validation of new services and applications,
development and execution of carrier access
agreements, and spearheading network and
infrastructure growth planning
developing a basis of design for the IT&T systems and infrastructure. The natural
extension of the common-use/service provider arrangement was for comprehensive
voice, video, and data communications services over one converged network to be
offered to airlines and tenants. Recent improvements in high-speed equipment
made a shared network and systems technically feasible and financially realistic.
But it had never been done before.
Turpen needed an extraordinary leader for this enterprise and found one in
James Burke, who had over 20 years experience in privatizing and managing IT&T
services, infrastructure, and systems for the British Airports Authority. Burke and
Arup saw that the GTAA, to achieve a common-use arrangement, had to own,
control, and manage all the IT&T infrastructure and systems. To do so, the GTAA
had to develop and implement a multi-service network, the first of its kind.
The benefits would be enormous. It would:
give significant return on investment and value, through increased revenue
generation and vast reductions in operating and administration costs
reduce the total cost of ownership due to lower capital and operating costs
give availability, reliability, and capacity of a wide menu of IT&T services to airport
facilitate the integration of applications, and put in place the interfaces between
diverse systems
increase productivity and efficiency
add flexibility in relocating and retrofitting airline and tenant spaces
reduce space, infrastructure and energy needs due to sharing of IT&T spaces and
increase the marketability and attraction of Toronto Pearson due to GTAAs ability
to offer all airport constituents a comprehensive range of IT&T services quickly
and cost-effectively.
Convinced of its benefits, the GTAA and Arup set out to show the airlines the
advantages of this revolutionary approach. Though initially opposed, they were
persuaded when it became clear that the common-use proposal would both
increase an airlines resilience and lower installation and ownership costs. With
falling revenues and rising costs, this solution would enable the airlines to better
focus on core business. The GTAA and Arup worked with each of the airports
major constituents to gain acceptance and consensus on how to move forward
with the ground-breaking plan.
IT&T systems procurement strategy
The goal was to maintain control and deploy the most current proven technologies
possible. The challenge on long-term construction projects is to ensure these
operate on opening day and that systems are designed to evolve with technology.
During the earliest days on Toronto Pearson, Arup prepared a schedule, based on
lead times, complexity, and interdependencies, that identified the last responsible
moment to finalize design, procure, test, and commission each IT&T system. The
GTAA and Arup categorized the systems as:
(1) those closely integrated with the architecture/construction of T1-New
These, including the IT&T infrastructure (rooms, cable routes, and risers) and
building technology systems, were procured via the construction process.
(2) those closely integrated with existing airport IT&T systems and operations
These were procured by the GTAA and include the airport traffic information
management system (ATIMS), campus area network (CAN) and CUPPS.
(3) those closely integrated with both (1) and (2)
These include the FIDS (flight information display system) and security system.
To maximize control over what was delivered and to control costs, the FIDS
procurement was split into software, hardware, and installation. As software was
the longest lead item, it was purchased first via a contract with the GTAA. At the
last responsible moment the GTAA procured the hardware. Reductions in LCD
costs (~25% annually during 2001 and 2002) enabled procurement of these instead
4. Automated airport directory information.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 36
Systems design
During planning and design, all concerned
grew more familiar with the advantages of
shared common-use systems, including the
fact that combining dedicated security and
tenant technology rooms/closets with GTAA
IT&T spaces would much reduce space
and infrastructure requirements as well as
operating and energy costs. The GTAA and
Arup developed procedures and protocols
for sharing, agreed by all major parties.
Campus area network (CAN)
By offering the finest possible services, the
GTAA could entice the parties to agree to
common use, and to outsource both
telecommunications carrier services and
internal IT&T services to the GTAA. But to
achieve this the GTAA had to implement a
secure, flexible, and scalable carrier-class
network. As the advantages of common
use became widely appreciated, these
services were requested across the airport,
and Arups original assignment to design
the new terminals network was expanded
to include the three existing terminals,
cargo facilities, and office buildings. Arup
assisted the GTAA in soliciting proposals
for the CAN and with the rigorous
evaluation process that followed.
The team chose a Cisco-based carrier-
class network utilizing dense wave division
multiplexing technology at its core. The
system features MPLS, VPN, and DPT/RPR
technologies for maximum scalability and
reliability. Toronto Pearsons CAN
interconnects and provides high bandwidth
to all facilities, with greater availability than
the systems typically used to support the
communications requirements of security,
airlines, and other mission-critical users.
Telephone system/services
Shared telephone services are critical to the
success of common-use facilities. Since
these dont permit individual dedicated
systems, any airline can use any check-in
desk and gate. Also there are no telephone
usage charges for calls between common-
use facilities (check-in desks, gates, etc)
and dedicated airline facilities (back offices,
lounges, etc) subscribing to the common-
use services.
Based on a detailed return on investment
study by Arup and the GTAA, the team
selected and designed an integrated voice
system that includes traditional telephony
services via a shared Nortel switch and IPT
services via Cisco call manager. IPT allows
data, voice, and video to be transmitted
over a single network infrastructure. By
transporting voice as high-priority data on
high-speed networks, IPT delivers new
capabilities and significant cost savings
over traditional telephone technology. The
study recommended that initially IPT would
only be rolled out to the airport/terminal
operations common-use areas - check-in
desks, gates, boarding bridges, security
areas, courtesy phone kiosks, and GTAA
back office and these were duly equipped
by the GTAA with IP handsets.
Since IPT locations are virtual, its
applications and management systems can
be anywhere on the CAN, the resources
immediately available to all users. Major
reductions in operating costs are realized
since physical moves, additions, and
changes are much less needed. IPT was
thus deployed primarily because of the cost
savings in the backbone and horizontal
cabling at little additional cost to the data
network. However, the team also
recognized that IPT would enable further
productivity-enhancing services.
Toronto Pearson is the worlds first airport
to integrate IPT with common-use
passenger processing system and has
already achieved operational efficiencies
associated with the niche airport IPT
applications that Arup, Cisco, SITA (the
supplier of the CUPPS system), and the
GTAA devised. These include gate/check-in
desk single sign-on, air traffic control,
enhanced IP contact centre, emergency
responder, flight mapping, courtesy
phones, kiosk integration, wireless IPT,
restricted area pass look-up, and airport
security enhancements.
Common-use passenger processing
system (CUPPS)
CUTE and CUSS (common-use self-serve)
kiosk platforms offer airlines and airports
the opportunity to reduce checking in cost
and time, and improving passengers
experience. CUTE has been evolving since
the mid-80s into complex systems where
airlines share equipment at check-in desks
and gates to mutually access departure
control and back-office operations. The
more recently introduced self-serve kiosks
operate on browser technology requiring no
user training. These new CUSS standards
are encouraging airlines to adopt browser-
based departure control systems instead of
deploying separate common-use terminal
emulation and common-use kiosk systems.
An integrated CUPPS did not exist at the
time of bidding, but the GTAA and Arup
determined that it would be in the GTAAs
best interests, and the airlines serving the
airport, if one was implemented, comprising
browser-based check-in desk and gate
counter equipment and common-use
check-in kiosks. The advantages include:
simplified training of airline staff and
better passenger support, since the
kiosks operate similar to the check-in
desk and gate counter equipment
simplified service, maintenance, and
stocking of spare parts, since all the
systems are similar
elimination of the need for separate
communications links to airline and other
systems for CUTE and common-use
kiosks: CUPPS uses a single platform to
support all passenger processing needs
approximately 30% reduction in initial and
running costs.
Airport security can benefit significantly
from the common-use concept. Since the
system runs over the CAN it is supported
by a redundant/resilient infrastructure.
When advances such as facial recognition
software are introduced, images can be
transmitted airport-wide via the CAN and
wirelessly to security personnel via wireless-
enabled PDAs, enabling security breaches
to be addressed without forcing the
terminal to shut down operations.
In designing the system, the GTAA and
Arup developed protocols and procedures
acceptable to all for sharing one CCTV set-
up. The system monitors and controls
doors along the primary security line, and
monitors access to security-sensitive areas.
Arup designed the system and evaluated
and selected the technical solution, whilst a
Toronto security firm co-ordinated design
with the architect and door hardware
consultant, and took responsibility for
much of the construction administration.
The system incorporates interfaced and
integrated subsystems including the worlds
largest IP-based CCTV system (capable of
viewing 1500+ cameras supported by high-
resolution digital video recorders), and
campus-wide access control/alarm
monitoring and intercom systems that
automatically call up cameras upon alarm.
The team determined that the most
effective way to secure baggage
penetrations would be to interface the
baggage handling system (BHS) with the
security system:
Access control cards log users into the
security system and start and stop the
The BHS transmits all abnormal
conditions (ie door held or forced open,
belt stopped) at BHS penetrations in the
primary security line to the security
system. CCTV automatically records
activity at the penetration(s) and displays
it at security consoles in the AOCC.
Wireless systems
The GTAA wanted airport-wide wireless
coverage. While many vendors offer to
install systems free and even share
revenues, in fact they are only interested in
installing where usage (and revenues) will
be highest, rather than to provide high-
quality coverage throughout. To ensure
100% coverage for private mobile phones,
cellular radio, and WLAN, the GTAA and
Arup agreed that the former must own and
control all the infrastructure needed to
support a distributed antenna system, a
common-use private mobile trunked radio
system, and a common-use WLAN.
Airport IT systems
The core of the airport IT systems - critical
in optimizing the efficiency of common-use
facilities - is the ATIMS. Its functions include
collection and database storage of airport
operations information, and interfacing with:
airline departure control systems and Nav
Canada (the private, non-share capital
corporation that owns and operates
Canada's civil air navigation service) to
maintain and update flight schedules and
actual departure and arrival times
resource allocation tools (for gates,
check-in desks, baggage belts, buses,
etc) to optimize assignment of limited
airport resources
the flight information display system to
update flight schedules, and change
airline logos and other information
displayed at check-in desks and gates
the BMS (building management system)
to automatically adjust the
occupied/unoccupied status of
mechanical and electrical systems
security systems.
Building technology systems
The BMS is the heart of the building
technology systems and the focal point for
all their interfaces. It monitors and controls
environmental conditions terminal-wide and
the mechanical and electrical systems that
maintain these conditions. It interfaces with:
the ATIMS, to update the occupied/
unoccupied schedule in response to the
airports dynamic needs (ie flight delays)
the lighting management system to turn
lights on and off based on occupied/
unoccupied schedule
the fire alarm system for smoke control
and to provide secondary alarm alerts at
BMS operator consoles
the ramp services management system,
to monitor utility usage (preconditioned
air, fixed ground power, potable water,
etc) and announce alarm conditions
the power management control system to
monitor all the airport switchgear status.
the horizontal vertical transportation
management system to monitor and
control all elevators, escalators, and
moving walkways
the remainder of the airport-wide BMS
and central utility plant monitoring and
control system to support airport-wide
monitoring and control.
Toronto Pearsons ATIMS automatically
updates air-conditioning and lighting needs
throughout T1-New. Systems on the same
network interoperate and raise the level of
efficiency significantly.
5.Flight departure screens.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 37
marketing, sales, and customer/user support to provide a single source for all
IT&T services and products. Duties include packaging existing and developing
new services, preparing marketing and sales materials, compiling consolidated
invoices for IT&T services, managing accounts receivable, and development and
maintenance of key performance indicators to proactively measure/monitor the
levels of service from all involved with delivering IT&T services and products.
Tickets are issued to manage moves, additions and changes, and to remedy any
troubles reported by customers/users or the Network Operations Center.
developing and managing the Network Operations Center to proactively monitor
voice, data, and CCTV communications, assure that desired quality of service
and service level agreements are achieved, and provide field engineers and
technicians for repairs and implementation of moves, additions, and changes
infrastructure and common cabling system management to assure that facilities
are available to satisfy all requirements. An asset and cable management system
was implemented to maintain an inventory of cable plant and IT&T equipment.
Local exchange carriers, systems integrators and other service providers submitted
proposals. After exhaustive review and analysis, the GTAA and Arup selected a
consortium of several providers.
Realizing the vision: construction and commissioning
During 2002 Arup stepped in to aid the GTAA in the daunting task of co-ordinating
and managing the interfaces between the building technology systems (BMS/fire
alarm, BMS/lighting control, BMS/RSMS, etc) and between building technology and
airport technology (ATIMS/BMS, ATIMS/BHS, etc). Arup worked with the GTAA to
develop the book of interfaces to facilitate co-ordination and vendor sign-off of:
interface control documents and shop drawings
preproduction (bench) and field testing procedures and protocols
schedules for pre-production and field tests
systems and interface commissioning.
The book of interfaces - an archive of all of the above documents and database/
spreadsheets with hot links to facilitate locating information - was posted on the
GTAAs extranet site to enable all involved parties to readily access current data.
The project team and the GTAA recognized the book of interfaces value, and
decided to apply a similar level of discipline to manage the testing, commissioning,
and turnover of all building systems in T1-New. Again, Arups role was expanded to
include managing the commissioning of all these. The tools Arup had developed for
the International Arrivals Terminal at JFK International Airport, New York, were
enhanced as required for Toronto Pearsons much larger and more sophisticated
terminal. These include:
consolidated event matrices describing the knock-on effects of each action
testing and acceptance forms and tracking tools
integration testing and acceptance procedures
commissioning reporting
progress tracking tools
fire alarm system event matrix.
As the project team and GTAA grew familiar with Arups commissioning tools and
reports, they also became indispensable for confirming handover schedules and
identifying areas where overtime and shift work were required to achieve schedule.
Change management
Due to the size and sophistication of Toronto Pearsons building and airport
technology systems, and T1-New itself, new and existing systems needed to be
interfaced and turned over to the GTAA in stages. Arup was asked to review GTAA
and contractor change management policies and procedures to recommend new
approaches designed to mitigate the possibility of unanticipated impacts between
new and existing systems.
Arup expanded the policies and procedures used
by the GTAAs IT&T Department as a foundation for
the new airport-wide change management policies
and procedures; an approach that assured all
parties are advised of and have an opportunity to
review proposed changes before implementation.
To facilitate processing, communication, and
archiving of change requests, a new change
management website was posted on the GTAA
extranet. It was well received by the GTAA and has
been expanded to support management of both
technology and non-technology changes, including
work schedule changes to confirm compliance with
union agreements and HR policies.
In recognition of the advanced IT&T model at Toronto,
the airport has had two awards. The first, received
before opening, was from the Air Travel Transportation
Information Systems Organization as runner-up Best
User of Information Technology Systems in an Airport.
The second award, made after completion, recognized
the impact the innovative IT&T solutions have had on
the airport operations. Arup was noted as a key player
in the design and the success. The award, an Iroquois
sculpture, was sponsored by SITA.
As well as the airport awards, the CIO, Jim Burke, was
named CIO of the Year. His philosophy that common
use is common sense is, like a lot of other common-
sense approaches, now proving revolutionary.
6. Check-in desks.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 38
A key aspiration of the design team for T1-New was to create an iconic building - a
dramatic gateway to North America, Canada, and the city of Toronto. To achieve
this, Arup engineers worked in close collaboration with the architects to develop
structural systems that would be elegant, functional, and cost-effective through
their structural efficiency - an important factor in a building that in its completed first
stage already incorporates 32 000 tonnes of structural steel. To this end, several
systems were developed according to the functionality, architecture, and required
spans for each of the three main areas of the terminal - the central processor, the
piers, and the hammerheads.
Central processor roof
The most visible aspect of T1-News structure is the vast central processor building,
with its vaulted steel roof soaring 217ft (66m) column-free over the Departures Hall.
A primary architectural requirement of the roof was to keep the structural depth to a
minimum in order to maximize the amount of natural light entering the Departures
Hall through skylights, as the GTAA and designers had desired from the projects
earliest days. One of the architects, Moshe Safdie, explained the motivation:
Toronto is cold and dingy all winter; you want light. So the theme there was light
working with structure.
To achieve this, a steel arch structural system was
developed, comprising 43 two-hinged arches
spanning between pin supports. The arches are
fabricated steel I-section girders of constant 4.6ft
(1.4m) depth throughout the span, oriented radially
so that their spacing varies from approximately
26.2ft (8m) to 36ft (11m). The ceiling is recessed at
every fourth arch to fully expose the structure to
view and to allow the formation of radial skylights.
Elsewhere, only the arch bottom flanges are
exposed. All arches bear on 8in (200mm) diameter
7. The vaulted steel roof soars over the Departures Hall.
Structural engineering highlights
Mike King
8. Central processor building with Piers D
and E mostly completed.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 39
Grade 350 steel pins sleeved in graphite bushes to allow some rotation of the
connections under load. The outward thrusts generated by the arches are
transferred to the Level 3 structure, thus forming a closed loop of forces within the
building (Fig 9). This not only avoids the need for intrusive ties across the roof
space, but also means that no significant lateral thrusts are exerted on the
foundations from gravity loads on the arches.
At the southern end of the span the arch thrusts are transmitted to the concrete
buttresses through elegant, architecturally expressed steel wishbone-shaped
assemblies. These are splayed relative to the arches, and also form part of
the roofs lateral stability system. The individual components of the wishbone
assemblies are bespoke fabricated I-section elements, fabricated from plates
of varying depth.
At the north end of the arches the horizontal thrusts need to transfer down to
the Level 3 floor structure, 42.6ft (13m) below. This is achieved through the use of
twin 2.3ft (700mm) diameter, concrete-filled steel columns linked by a diagonal
tension member fabricated from three parallel plates linked internally by a steel
web. The inner columns support the vertical loads from each arch as well as
vertical reactions due to the curvature change from a pure arch to an upward-
sweeping curve towards the northern perimeter. The outer columns act as
compression struts in conjunction with the diagonal ties so as to transfer the arch
thrusts to the Level 3 structure. The radial primary floor beams have had their steel
areas increased above that required to carry floor loads in order to complete the
force loop back to the concrete buttresses at the southern end of the roof.
Construction programme constraints dictated that work on site begin before all
the necessary building functional requirements could be determined and
implemented for the floor structure design. As a result, it was decided to first
design and construct the high arched roof with its supporting columns and caisson
foundations, followed by the floor structure. This top-down approach was
significantly complicated by the fact that the arch roof system required the Level 3
floor structure below to resists the outward thrusts generated by the arch action.
To overcome this, one central interior bay of columns and caisson foundations
was also designed and issued for construction, so that one line of these interior
columns could extend up to roof level, supporting the arches temporarily until the
floor steel could be designed and installed under a follow-on contract.
9. Structural behaviour of the high roof.
Building superstructure
Below roof level, the buildings superstructure
consists of reinforced concrete floor slabs on metal
deck, supported by structural steel beams, girders,
and columns. At the lower levels of the central
processor, columns are located on a maximum
32.8ft x 39.4ft (10m x 12m) grid, and consist
primarily of 1.5ft (450mm) deep welded I-sections.
Half these columns terminate at the first suspended
slab level so as to minimize the number of columns
passing up through the greeters hall and the
baggage claim hall. This results in a 65.6ft x 39.4ft
(20m x 12m) column spacing to support the
Departures Hall at the uppermost level (Level 3).
As already noted, at the south end of the arch
roof structure, concrete buttresses oriented radially
transfer the arch thrusts down to the Level 3 floor
system. These also provide lateral stability for the
high roof area of the central processor building. Due
to the asymmetry at building expansion joints, the
buttresses are also subjected to out-of-plane loads
from the wishbone frames. Although the buttress
walls are solid above Level 3, large openings were
required below to permit circulation of the baggage
handling, mechanical, and electrical systems. As a
result the buttress structures below Level 3 are a
series of concrete moment frames.
Due to the top-down construction method, the
buttresses had to be constructed around structural
steel frames erected to initially support the arched
roof. As a result the main reinforcing bars of the
concrete columns, beams, and walls had to be
detailed to avoid the existing structural steel beams,
columns, braces, and connections. Additional
concrete reinforcement was provided between the
main bars for crack control and confinement
purposes; and grout tubes were placed to permit
subsequent grouting at locations of potential voids.
Where interference between the concrete
reinforcement and structural steel could not be
avoided, holes were designed through the existing
structural steel members to permit passage of the
reinforcing bars, or alternatively the reinforcing bars
were welded directly to the structural steel.
Lateral stability of all the central processor
superstructure, including the roof, is provided
radially and circumferentially by two different means.
Circumferentially, architecturally expressed steel
tubular diagonals brace the northern (or landside)
perimeter. There is also steel bracing between the
concrete shear walls at the southern (or airside)
edge of the building, but it is concealed behind the
internal dry-lined walls. Radially, all lateral stability is
provided by the concrete shear walls/moment
frames as outlined above.
10. Domestic pier.
Distribution strategies
Several features of the ArupNAPA masterplan, and
the architectural response to it, emerged as drivers
for the mechanical systems distribution strategy:
The masterplanning (see pp30-33) showed a
building that needed to be expandable in defined
stages over perhaps 15-20 years, depending on
traffic demands.
The temporary highway through what would be
the lowest level had to be kept open to traffic
until after Stage 1 became operational.
The sheer size of the building suggested that
multiple service centres would be needed to limit
mains sizes and run-lengths, and to meet the
floor-to-floor height limits set by roadways and
aircraft loading bridges.
The architecture features a series of double-
height spaces sliced into the building, giving a
flood of daylight from skylights to the lower levels
and providing physical security barriers. Services
routes across these were either non-existent or
very limited.
Large, open-plan spaces such as the ticketing hall, baggage claim hall, gate
lounges, greeters hall, etc, suggested that few, concentrated services risers
locations be used.
These factors led to a strategy of regionalization: as far as possible, the team
located services for a particular building region within that region, minimizing the
need to cross the Staging lines, the highway, the double-height spaces, and the
structural expansion joints. Thus, a main hydronics room is located in each region
of the central processor to serve it and associated piers. Air-handling equipment
(AHU) rooms are located throughout the buildings regions, including the central
processor, nodes, piers and hammerheads at Levels S, 1, and roof.
For the central processor, the architects vision of a large, open ticketing hall
with an arched roof required AHUs to be located lower in the building, and it was
only at the lowest level, S, that the necessary height of 24.6ft (7.5m) to
accommodate the equipment for this enormous building could be created.
The main hydronics rooms are also at this level.
Recognizing that airports suffer from poor outside air quality - polluted with jet
exhaust - the team embraced the problem of getting outside air from roof level
down to the Level S equipment. The total quantity was estimated to be 2.6Mft
/sec): clearly a massive intervention would be needed.
At one of the first design team meetings, airshafts from roof level to Level S were
sketched on the plans at the locations where each of the piers joins the central
processor, almost forming gateways to the piers. The locations for the outside air
intake and exhaust shafts, eventually eight in total, each 269ft
), prompted
what came to be called the five metre bar, a 16ft (5m) wide band of service space
that ultimately included mechanical shafts, electrical closets, comms closets,
bathrooms, stairs and elevators, baggage transfers, etc. The air shafts connect to
horizontal air tunnels and corridors which in turn join with the systems in the Level
S air-handling rooms. A second five metre bar provides similar vertical services
routes up to the ticketing hall for the landside of the central processor.
Vertical distribution routes and shafts in other areas of the building generally
connect directly to mechanical rooms to minimize large-scale horizontal distribution.
Mechanical systems
Raymond Quinn
The Arup Journal 1/2005 40
The Arup Journal 1/2005 41
1 1
Temporary highway to T1
5m bar
Main air handling rooms
Floor level
Central hydronics rooms
Switch stations
Electrical substations
Main electrical rooms
Main communications rooms
0 400ft
11. Schematic arrangement of primary equipment rooms and risers.
Hydronic systems
Medium-temperature hot water (MTHW) and chilled
water (CHW) are generated in the remote central
utility plant and, with domestic/fire water, distribute
along the landside of the central processor. Utility
tunnels connect from these mains into the buildings
three central hydronics rooms, each of which
contains MTHW tertiary pumps, hot water heat
exchangers to create low-temperature hot water
(LTHW) for distribution throughout the building,
LTHW building pumps, heat transfer systems
creating glycol/water heating fluid, CHW tertiary
pumps, domestic water pumps, fire pumps, and
independent chilled water system equipment, used
to provide back-up for the mission-critical
communications rooms.
The LTHW pumps and the tertiary CHW pumps
are each split into two groups, one serving the
central processor and one the nodes and piers. This
was done to keep equipment sizes manageable, to
provide some resilience in the service, and to
capture energy savings by not imposing larger
system pressure drops on all the water pumped.
Chilled water is available all year. However, the
AHUs are provided with economizers and so, at
least on good air quality days, the use of winter
chilled water is limited to loads such as
communications closets, elevator machine rooms,
retail area fan coils, etc.
The main fire service originates at the fire pumps
in the central hydronics room. From here, a private
fire main distributes externally around the terminal
building. Zone connections are made to zone
control valve rooms, one room per zone for ease of
access and maintenance.
Heating systems
A combination of the air systems and hydronic
perimeter equipment heats the building. In areas
with taller glazing the latter is integrated within the
curtain wall at multiple levels to manage the
potential downdraft problems. To deal with the
typical terminal building problem of infiltration,
all entrance vestibules are heated, air curtains are
used at freight and baggage roadway openings,
and hydronic heating is provided at baggage belt
openings into the building.
Each main air-handling room contains a
packaged heat transfer unit to generate low
temperature water/glycol heating fluid. This is
distributed to local AHU preheat coils and other
nearby heating elements which may be likely to
freeze, eg at baggage belt openings (Torontos
winter design temperature is 4F/-20C). Gas-fired,
low-intensity radiant heating is provided in the
baggage-handling areas.
Air-conditioning systems
In this complex building of almost 4.5Mft
(390 000m
), many different types of air-
handling systems and air distribution methods are used. Factors such as capital
and operating cost, available distribution routes and efficiency of air supply
methods influenced system choice:
Ticketing hall: an all-air semi-stratified system with supply via ducts with long
throw nozzles mounted on top of the ticketing desk canopies; return is from high
level and the roof includes heat relief fans at the high points
Gate lounges: overhead variable air volume (VAV) systems arranged to take
maximum advantage of diversity in gate usage and between different sides of
the piers
Greeter hall and hammerhead gate lounges: a semi-stratified system with free-
standing supply air towers and high level return
Double-height baggage claim hall: overhead VAV systems with high throw
Office areas: overhead VAV systems with central humidification (atmospheric
pressure steam generated using the MTHW) included for the increased comfort
of the permanent staff
Concourses/circulation areas: overhead VAV systems
Baggage handling areas: as the airport uses a diesel tug fleet, all interior
baggage roadways are fully ventilated; supply air is provided by the building air-
conditioning exhaust air systems and other dedicated make-up air units. Higher
and low level extracts are provided
Retail areas: a combination of minimum outside air plus fan coils and all-air
systems with kitchen exhaust systems located on the roof.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 42
The GTAA regarded reliability of power as critical,
which made it a central factor in the design of the
buildings electrical systems. As a result, the team
provided multiple levels of redundancy and
Four independent 27.7kV grid feeders from
Mississauga Hydro, the regional power utility
company, service T1-New, each capable of
supporting the entire buildings electrical load (in
excess of 20MVA).
Transformer substations are configured so that
should one transformer fail, another with fan
cooling can support the connected load.
Four diesel generators are distributed and
provide sufficient power to run mandatory life-
safety systems together with those considered
essential for the airports continued operation
(including a percentage of lighting, ventilation
systems, jetways, and some baggage handling
system capability). The generator switchgear and
controls allow a closed transition transfer so
that they can be tested fully against the building
load without interrupting services.
Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems were
provided for the main communications rooms
giving a limited period of autonomous battery
operation and provide a last line of defence for
systems critical to the airport. The UPS system
was designed to continue to operate even after a
single UPS unit failure. Over and above this, the
communications equipment installed by airline
tenants typically included local UPS units for
critical equipment.
High voltage power systems
The high voltage systems are operated by
Mississauga Hydro as part of the airport-wide
system. Control and monitoring of this large,
complex, and geographically extensive system are
managed through a SCADA (supervisory control
and data acquisition system). The high voltage
cables are routed through the building at basement
level and arranged so that a fire at any one point
cannot affect more than a loop branch.
Low power distribution
The main low voltage (600V, three-phase) switchboards are located near to
corresponding transformer substations at strategic locations throughout the
building. Discrete feeders are provided to the larger equipment loads such as
AHUs, baggage handling system control panels, 400Hz aircraft power units, aircraft
pre-conditioned air units, and jetways.
A power management and control system supervises the transformers,
generators, main switchboard circuit-breakers and power metering. In turn, the
BMS monitors this system, allowing the status of the main power systems to be
monitored remotely from the terminal building.
Electrical rooms containing power distribution equipment for lighting, 110V
transformers for receptacle power, mechanical equipment, tenant concessions, and
the many IT systems are located throughout the building and wherever possible are
organized vertically. In the central processor they are designed into the five metre
bar and busbar risers are used to distribute power vertically.
A lighting management system (LMS) controls lighting throughout the building
and features some 500 different lighting control zones. Along with time programmes
and daylight harvesting functions, the LMS interfaces with the flight schedule
system, allowing lighting to be controlled intelligently to suit aircraft arrivals
and departures.
Fire alarm and detection systems
Automatic fire detection alarm is provided in all building areas. Peer-to-peer system
architecture was chosen for its intrinsic resilience and fault tolerance, the large
physical extent of the building, and to facilitate the staged construction.
Voice evacuation functionality and paging are provided by a single system, and
in some large spaces phase arrays speakers were used to achieve high speech
intelligibility. In common with other airport systems these systems are monitored in
a central facility in the airport.
Electrical design
Steve Walker
12. Pavement cafes enhance the travellers experience.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 43
13. Side elevation of the new terminal revealing the building section.
The challenge
Toronto Pearson is the largest and most complex project currently under
construction in Canada, and the magnitude and sophistication of the systems and
interfaces needed to efficiently operate this state-of the-art terminal required a
structured approach to the testing, commissioning, acceptance, and turnover
(TCAT) of systems on scale not previously experienced by the trade contractors
and construction manager.
The strategy
During Stage 1 the GTAA asked Arup to develop a plan and tools to manage the
TCAT process for all systems and interfaces between them. To identify the best and
most appropriate practices, Arup performed a gap analysis of what the trade
contractors and construction manager were currently doing to identify opportunities
for improving the processes. This showed that they did not appreciate the scale of
what needed to be accomplished, nor the critical nature of a co-ordinated
integrated systems TCAT process.
GTAA requested that Arup fill the gaps by:
(1) preparing and maintaining an extranet-based book of interfaces, which was
used to archive and share information about each system and interface including:
risk reporting on timely delivery of each system and interface
schedule for implementation and TCAT of each system and interface
contract specifications for systems and interfaces
Making the system work
David Powell
shop drawings for each system, including control
documents detailing how each interface would
be implemented and tested
testing plans and acceptance criteria
test results.
(2) helping the construction manager incorporate
the TCAT process into the construction schedule
identifying all systems dependencies to ensure
that they are reflected in the schedule
reviewing construction sequencing and making
necessary adjustments to ensure TCAT
requirements are reflected.
(3) developing detailed commissioning plans and
acceptance criteria for each system and each
interface between systems; this:
identified conflicts between the plans of each
trade contractor and the overall construction
schedule, and facilitated resolution
provided metrics to measure the progress of
each trade contractor throughout TCAT
communicated most effectively the GTAA
expectations and contractual requirements to
trade contractors and construction manager
enabled the creation of tools to monitor and
automatically report on progress.
The Arup Journal 1/2005 44
Owner: Greater Toronto Airports Authority; Architects: Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Adamson
Associates, Moshe Safdie & Associates in joint venture as Airport Architects Canada;
Masterplanner, and SMEP and communications engineers: Arup - Alex Acero, Scott Anderson,
Leo Argiris, Gareth Ashley, Yuri Baklanov, Ignacio Barandarian, Alban Bassuet, Richard Batty,
Graham Bolton, Ed Brabenec, Eric Bury, Trevor Carnahoff, Christina Carydis, Danny Chan, Colin
Chow, Kevin Conway, Emmanuelle Danisi, Steven Davison, Alex de Barros, Tara Durnin, John
Elissa, Paul Entwistle, Alexander Epshteyn, Pablo Fernandez, Dieter Feurich, Tania Flavia,
Gregory Giammalvo, Ken Goldup, Anthony Goulding, Tom Grimard, Greg Hodkinson, Dennis
Hromin, Peter Ibragimov, David Jones, Michael Keane, Mike King, Igor Kitagorsky, Amy Koerbel,
Jayant Kumar, Iraklis Lampropoulos, Martin Landry, Janice Lee, Sam Lee, George Long, Jun
Luo, Al Lyons, Martin Manning, Peter Manson-Smith, Geoff Marchant, Andrew McAlpine, Brian
McMaster, Nitin Melwani, Angie Mende, Jason Millar, John Miller, Etret Mohammad, Andrew
Morrison, Erin Morrow, Edward Murphy, Marta Nam, Ralph Orr, Jim Peacock, Nicos Peonides,
Chai-Teck Phua, Ricardo Pitella, David Powell, David Pritchard, Raymond Quinn, Joel Ramos,
Rene Rieder Jr, Philip Robilotto, Ron Ronacher Jr, Manan Shah, Anatoliy Shleyger, Peng Si,
Michael Skura, Gerald Solis, Vojin Stefanovic, William Stevenson, Harold Strub, Kitty Tang, Chris
Taylor, Adam Trojanowski, Margarita Vanguelova, Nellie Varvak, Isabel Vasconcelos, Steve
Walker, Gina Wall, Regine Weston, Heidi Witteman, David Wong, Neil Woodger; Civil engineer
(landside and airside infrastructure): Hatch Mott Macdonald Inc; Associate structural engineer:
Yolles Partnership; Associate mechanical engineers: TMP Consulting Engineers, Inc, and Smith
and Andersen Consulting Engineering; Associate electrical engineers: Mulvey + Banani
International Inc; Illustrations: 1, 3-10, 12-14: Arup/GTAA; 2, 11: Arup/Nigel Whale
(4) managing and co-ordinating the TCAT of each
system and the entire building; by leading this effort
for all systems, Arup could:
identify and document the progress of each
trade contractor on each system and system
interface showing who was and who was not
ahead of schedule, so that resources and
attention could be properly focused
enforce a uniform quality process to assure that
all required criteria were achieved and
confirm that all systems would be operational on
airport opening day
ensure that GTAA staff were properly trained and
familiar with systems prior to opening day
ensure that all contractual requirements of all
trade contractors were fulfilled.
Arup leveraged team members with a broad range
of experience in the design, commissioning, and
operation of IT&T, instrumentation and controls, and
building systems to develop a comprehensive
approach to defining, managing and reporting on
the TCAT process. Several groundbreaking tools
were developed, enabling those responsible for
delivering each system to independently upload
progress data. This permitted accurate,
comprehensive progress reporting on each of the
thousands of activities necessary to complete TCAT,
thus allowing Arup to forecast the effort and time
required to complete each system.
Arup facilitated sessions with the design team,
trade contractors, construction manager, and
constituents from the GTAA to familiarize them with
the TCAT process and ensure that all had a clear
understanding of what was being delivered. Making
sure that all parties had a common understanding
of the process and were ready for turnover of
interoperable systems ensured that opening day
would be seamless.
The GTAA is so pleased with the successful
completion of all of the systems and interfaces
required for the efficient operation of Stage 1 of
T1-New that it has engaged Arup to continue
managing and enhancing the TCAT process for
Stage 2. As Stage 2 is an addition to an operational
terminal and all the systems in Stage 2 will interface
with those in Stage 1, Arup is working with the
GTAA to extend the discipline of the TCAT process
to ensure that any changes to operational systems
(Stage 1) are communicated to the construction
team and vice versa.
14. Information tower.

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