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Part 4 and 6

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Job Satisfaction
Table 14 to Table 18 shows the weighted mean and verbal interpretation
on the evaluation on job satisfaction of employees through their satisfaction with
job itself, shift, training and career development, employee compensation, and
organizational commitment.
Table 14
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Job Satisfaction of
Employees through their Satisfaction with their Job itself
5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. Generally speaking, I am
very satisfied with this job.
6 17 7 0 1 3.87 Agree
2. I am generally satisfied with
the kind of work I do in this
8 14 8 0 1 3.74 Agree
3. I dont usually think of
quitting this job.
6 10 11 4 0 3.58 Agree
4. Most people on this job are
very satisfied with the job.
2 13 11 3 2 3.32 Undecided
5. People on this job dont
usually think of quitting.
4 16 8 2 1 3.65 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.63 Agree

The employees agree that they are very satisfied with their job and kind of
work they are doing, with the weighted mean of 3.87 and 3.74for the statements
respectively; they dont usually think of quitting this job themselves with the
weighted mean of 3.58; but they are undecided if most of the people in their job
are very satisfied with the job given the weighted mean of 3.32, and agree that
people on their job dont usually think of quitting with the weighted mean of 3.65.
Table 15
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Job Satisfaction of
Employees through their Satisfaction with their shift
5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. I am generally satisfied
with the shift of my work
17 9 4 0 1 4.32 Agree
2. Most people in my shift
are very satisfied with
their shift.
12 11 6 1 1 4.03 Agree
3. People in this shift often
dont think of changing
their work hour shift.
10 12 6 1 2 3.87 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 4.07 Agree

Most of the respondents agree that they are generally satisfied with the
shift of their job given the weighted mean of 4.32; they also believe that most of
the people in their shift are very satisfied with their shift with the weighted mean
of 4.03; they also agree that people in their shift often dont think of changing
their work hour shift with a given weighted mean of 3.87.
Table 16
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Job Satisfaction of
Employees through their Satisfaction with Training and Career
5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. I am satisfied with the
training I underwent or am
12 13 6 0 0 4.19 Agree
2. Most people on this job
are satisfied with the
training they underwent or
are undergoing.
7 12 10 1 1 3.74 Agree
3. There are many
opportunities for promotion
and improvement.
8 12 10 1 0 3.87 Agree
4. My supervisors are
helping me in my

11 12 6 1 1 4 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.95 Agree

Employees agree that the training they underwent or are undergoing is
enough to satisfy their need in career development which shows a weighted
mean of 4.19; they also believe that most of the people in their organization are
satisfied with the training they underwent or are undergoing with a given
weighted mean of 3.74; they agree that there are many opportunities for
promotion and improvement available in their organization with a mean of 3.87;
and they are also satisfied with the participation of their supervisors in helping
them in their development.
Table 17
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Job Satisfaction of
Employees through their Satisfaction with their Compensation
5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. I am satisfied with the 9 13 7 1 1 4 Agree
benefits that I get from the
2. I am generally satisfied
with the salary I am getting.
5 14 9 2 1 3.65 Agree
3. I am generally satisfied
with the privileges I get
from the company.
5 16 9 0 1 3.77 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.81 Agree

Employees of the company are satisfied with the benefits they get from the
company and it is shown with the weighted mean of 4; they also agree that the
salary and the privileges they are getting satisfies their need with the weighted
mean of 3.77 and 3.81, respectively.
Table 18
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Job Satisfaction of
Employees through their Satisfaction with Organizational Commitment

5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. The offer of a little more
money with another would
not seriously make me
think of changing jobs.
8 11 10 0 2 3.74 Agree
2. I am quite proud to be
able to tell people the
company in which I work
6 15 9 1 0 3.84 Agree
3. My life would be greatly
disrupted if I left my
present job.
5 9 11 3 3 3.32 Undecided
4. I feel emotionally
connected to the company
for which I work for.
9 14 7 0 1 3.97 Agree
5. My employer would be
so disappointed if I left my
4 11 14 1 1 3.97 Agree
6. At this point, I will stay
more on my job because I
want to not because I
have to.
7 11 11 0 2 3.67 Agree
7. I feel like I am part of
the family on the company
in which I work for.
15 8 7 1 0 4.19 Agree
8. I will stay on my job
because people would
think poorly of me for
5 7 11 5 3 3.19 Undecided
9. I have other choice but I
chose to stay on my
present job.
10 9 11 1 0 3.90 Agree
10. I feel like I strongly
belong to my organization.
10 11 9 0 1 3.94 Agree
11. I feel a strong
obligation to stay on my
10 9 11 1 0 3.90 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 3.78 Agree

The employees agree that the offer of a little more money with another
would not seriously make them think of changing jobs with a weighted mean of
3.74; they are also quite proud to be able to tell people the company in which
they work for with a given weighted mean of 3.84; but they are undecided if their
life would be greatly disrupted if they left their present job with a weighted mean
of 3.32; the employees feel emotionally connected to the company for which they
work for with a given weighted mean of 3.97; the respondents also believe that
their employer would be so disappointed if they left their job with a weighted
mean of 3.97; the employees agree that at this point, they will stay more on their
job because they want to not because they have to with a weighted mean of
3.67; they also feel like they are part of the family on the company in which they
work for with a given weighted mean of 4.19; but they are undecided if they will
stay on their job because people would think poorly of them for leaving with a
computed weighted mean of 3.19; the employees revealed that they have other
choice but they chose to stay on their present job with a weighted mean of 3.90;
they also feel like they strongly belong to their organization with a weighted mean
of 3.94; and they feel a strong obligation to stay on their job with a given
weighted mean of 3.90.

6. Problems and Possible Solutions
Table 20 to Table 21 shows the weighted mean and verbal interpretation
on the evaluation of encountered problems by the employees and the possible

Table 20
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Problems
Encountered by the Employees

5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. I am currently having
problem about my salary
2 5 9 11 4 2.68 Undecided
2. I am currently having
problem about employee
2 3 5 15 4 2.35 Disagree
3. I am currently having
problem about bonuses and
0 5 7 15 4 2.42 Disagree
4. I am currently having
problem about my rights
and privileges.
1 5 6 13 6 2.42 Disagree
5. I am currently having
problem about the work
2 5 8 11 5 2.61 Undecided
Average Weighted Mean 2.5 Undecided

The employees are undecided if they are currently having problem about
their salary condition with a weighted mean of 2.68; but they disagree that they
are having problem about employee benefits with a given weighted mean of 2.35;
they also disagree that they are currently having problems about bonuses and
rewards with a computed weighted mean of 2.42; they also disagree that they
are currently having problem about their rights and privileges with a given
weighted mean of 2.42; but undecided on having problem about the work
environment with a weighted mean of 2.61.

Table 21
Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation Relative to the Possible Solutions
to the Problems Encountered by the Employees
5 4 3 2 1 Weighted
1. I need a salary increase,
if permitted.
15 11 2 3 0 4.23 Agree
1. 2. The processing time for
salaries, benefits, and
bonuses must be
9 15 5 2 0 4 Agree
2. 3. Given rewards, rights
and privileges to the
employees must be
carefully reviewed
13 12 3 2 1 4.41 Agree
3. 4. I want a better working
environment for my current
11 13 5 2 0 4.06 Agree
4. 5. I want a more
controllable shift in my job.
9 11 5 5 1 3.71 Agree
Average Weighted Mean 4.08 Agree

The employees believe that they need a salary increase, if permitted; the
processing time for salaries, benefits, and bonuses must be minimized; given
rewards, rights and privileges to the employees must be carefully reviewed
periodically with a computed weighted mean of 4.23, 4 and 4.41respectively. The
employees want a better working environment and a more controllable shift in
their current job with a weighted mean of 4.06 and 3.71 respectively.

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