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Guide For Designing Cyber Security Exercises

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Guide for Designing Cyber Security Exercises

Computer Science Department
Military Technical Academy
Bucharest, Bd. George Cosbuc, no. 81-83

Computer Science Department
Military Technical Academy
Bucharest, Bd. George Cosbuc, no. 81-83

Abstract: - Cyber security exercises are a very effective way of learning the practical aspects of information
security. But designing such exercises is not an easy task and requires the work of several people. This paper
presents a number of steps and guidelines that should be followed when designing a new cyber security
exercise. The steps include: defining the objectives, choosing an approach, designing network topology,
creating a scenario, establishing a set of rules, choosing appropriate metrics and learning lessons. The intended
audience of this paper is persons who are in charge with design and organization of a new cyber security
exercise and do not have the experience of previous exercises.

Key-Words: - cyber security exercise, cyber defense exercise, security education, design guide

1. Introduction
Cyber security exercises have been for a long time the
ultimate learning experience for many students in
some universities, especially from United States [1].
Periodical competitions are organized between
universities or inside one university where students
play the roles of attackers or defenders in a controlled
and well defined environment.
The whole purpose of these exercises is
educational, to ensure that students have an
experiential training in information security a
process described in Kolbs Experiential Learning
Theory [2].
This paper is meant to be a guide that can be used
by universities or other organizations to prepare a
cyber security exercise. The steps needed to do that
were synthesized from a series of academic papers
written after various cyber security exercises. The
guide describes seven steps that should be taken when
organizing such an exercise. Each step is presented in
detail and some options for implementation are also

The contribution this paper brings is a general
method to organize a cyber security exercise that can
be customized to the organizers needs and
objectives. The previous work in this area consists in
some efforts to document a framework for cyber
security education [3] and a series of analysis,
overview opinions and questions about
generalization of cyber security exercises [1].

2. The Need for a Uniform Structure
There is a great diversity among the cyber security
exercises organized until now regarding their
structure, objectives and approach.
For instance, the Cyber Defense Exercise (CDX)
is an inter-academy competition [4] in which teams
design, implement, manage and defend a network of
computers. The attacker role is played by a team of
security professionals from various government
agencies. In this exercise students are focusing on
defensive tasks in network security, and spend a lot
ISSN: 1790-5117 172 ISBN: 978-960-474-143-4
of time conducting forensic analysis and making
security configurations.
An opposite approach is taken by the
organizers of the International Capture The Flag
(also known as the iCTF) form University of
California, Santa Barbara. The iCTF contest is a
distributed, wide-area security exercise, whose
goal is to test the security skills of the
participants. It is held once a year and it is a
multi-site, multi-team hacking contest in which a
number of teams compete independently against
each other. The exercises are based on the
DEFCON Capture the Flag contest [6].
To address this diversity, this guide can be used as a
starting point for any university that wishes to
organize its own cyber security exercise / competition.
In this case, the exercise would best fit as a capstone
project for last year students, which already have an
Information Assurance background. But the guide
does not apply only to university environment; it can
be used also by other organizations with the purpose of
training their employees in Information Assurance

3. Design Steps
Designing a cyber security exercise requires careful
planning by multiple persons involved in this activity.
As we can see from the papers written as feedback for
various cyber security exercises, a cyber defense
exercise can have many forms but all of them share
some common characteristics that we use to build this
template. We have identified seven steps necessary for
building a cyber security exercise Figure 1.

Figure 1 Design Steps for a Cyber Security Exercise
First of all, the exercise must have a set of
objectives. Based on these objectives, we take a
specific approach in designing the exercise. Also
based on the objectives, we decide which specific
hardware and software equipment shall be used in
the exercise and what will be their overall topology.
Based on the topology and the objectives we build
the scenario of the exercise the story. The set of
rules derive from the scenario and from the
objectives. The metrics necessary for measuring the
efficiency of the exercise shall be based also on the
established objectives. Finally, the exercise should
have a method of gathering the lessons learned by
the participants and also by the organizers. All of
these template steps will be described in the
following paragraphs of this paper.
Another important aspect of the exercise is to
define the entities that will compose it. In a general
cyber security exercise there are mainly two sides:
the attacker side and the defender side. On each side
there are computer systems that are managed by
teams of participants. Each side must have at least
one system to participate to the exercise and the
maximum number of participating systems is
theoretically infinite. The components of the
exercise are represented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 The Components of a Cyber Defense

As we can see, the cyber security exercise contains
five main components that must be defined in the
following steps of the guide:
Defender team
Target system
Attacker team
ISSN: 1790-5117 173 ISBN: 978-960-474-143-4
Attacker system

4. Define Exercise Objectives
Defining the exercise objectives is the starting point
for the design of the cyber security exercise. All of the
following steps of the exercise design depend on the
chosen objectives and are influenced by them.
The objectives for a cyber security exercise can be
split in two main categories, according to the type of
security training desired offensive security or
defensive security.
The defensive security training prepares the
participants for the generic job of security
administrator. Their main goal is to be experts in
configuring and managing various security
equipments. The best example for this kind of practical
training is the annual Cyber Defense Exercise
organized by the US Military Academy at Westpoint
On the other side, the offensive security training is
also an effective way to learn information security, as
discussed by Vigna [7] and Mink [8]. This type of
training prepares the participants for the generic job of
penetration tester and helps them think like the
enemy, in a proactive manner.
But these training directions should not be seen as
completely separated from each other. In order to
implement effective defense mechanisms, a very good
knowledge of the attack methods is needed. So a
security administrator needs to know what are the
attacks a penetration tester could implement in order to
prepare defense mechanisms against them and also a
penetration tester must know what defense methods a
security administrator might implement in order to
prepare attacks that try to bypass them.
In Table 1 there are some common learning
objectives for a cyber security exercise according to
the participants specialization:

Learning objective
administrator (SA) or
Penetration tester
- implement security
- monitor systems

- test / harden the
administered system
- security configuration fine
tuning / improvement
- incident handling / response SA
- analyze logs and do
- hands-on experience with
various attack tools
- perform reconnaissance and
gather information
- perform scanning and
- gain access PT
- perform DDoS PT
- escalate privileges PT
- maintain access PT
- cover tracks and place
- write and test new tools SA+PT
- understand the defense
techniques according to the
attack methods
Table 1 Cyber Security Exercise Objectives

5. Choose the Approach
The approach chosen for the exercise shall be
directly derived from its objectives. Generally, a
cyber defense exercise intended to train security
administrators would adopt a defense oriented
approach while an exercise for penetration testers
would take an offense oriented approach.
Comprehensive security training should adopt a
mixed approach, as described below.

5.1. Defense Oriented Approach
When using this approach, the goals of the exercise
are to study and practice the defense methods that
can be used during a cybernetic attack. These
methods are more related to system administration
and forensics tasks. The defenders should know that
the defense is a continuous process that can be split
into the following actions:
Create a security policy
Implement security measures
Monitor the security state
ISSN: 1790-5117 174 ISBN: 978-960-474-143-4
Test your own security state
Improve the security
These actions constitute the well known Security
Wheel Figure 3 and should be used in order
to secure the defended asset, monitor its activity in
order to detect any attacks and mitigate them by
improving the configurations.
In a defense oriented approach, there are at
least three ways of organizing the exercise.
The participants receive the requirements and
services they should provide and they must
develop their own computer systems to provide
The participants receive default installations for
specific systems and services to provide and
they must configure them in order to be
The participants receive already installed and
configured systems and they must protect them
In this approach, the attacker can be the
instructor or an external party.

Figure 3 Defender Actions
5.2. Offense Oriented Approach
The participants need to learn also the offensive
component of a cyber defense exercise because
this helps them better understand how to defend
against attacks. There is a need for deep
understanding of the attack methodologies in order
to know how to efficiently mitigate them.
So an offence oriented approach would place
the participants into the attackers position. They
will have to perform attacks against various
targets. In order to simulate a real life attack, the
participants should follow the next steps of a
regular attack (Figure 4):
perform reconnaissance
scanning and enumeration
gain access or perform DoS
escalation of privileges
maintain access
cover tracks and place backdoors
In an offence oriented approach, the target can be a
system preconfigured with known vulnerabilities
and most not necessarily be administered by
someone during the attack.

Figure 4 Attacker Actions

5.3. Mixed Approach
The mixed approach combines the defensive
approach with the offensive approach and is the
most comprehensive method to perform a cyber
defense exercise. In this case the participants to the
exercise will be split in two parts, the ones who will
play the defender role and the ones who will be the
attackers Figure 5.

Figure 5 Mixed Approach

6. Design Network Topology
At this stage, the organizers should define the
infrastructure, what systems will be used during the
exercise and how they will be interconnected in
order to support the exercise objectives.
For instance, if one of the exercise objectives is to
train the participants in defending a local area
network with a Windows Active Directory
infrastructure, the topology should reflect that.
ISSN: 1790-5117 175 ISBN: 978-960-474-143-4
The topology should also be according to the number
of participants to the exercise, to ensure no bottlenecks
and best communication between systems.

7. Create Exercise Scenario
Until now, we have established what we want to do
from the technical point of view. Now its the time to
give the exercise a shape that can be presented to the
participants. This is the scenario and it should put the
participants in a realistic situation in which they must
defend or attack a target system. The scenario
describes the situation that the exercise is trying to
simulate and the logical flow of events that will be
happening. It should also contain an intriguing story in
order to increase the participants degree of interest.
As part of the scenario, the participants could be asked
to perform business related tasks during the exercise,
in order to simulate a real working environment.
The realism of the scenario is also given by the
attackers goals. In general, the cybernetic attack goals
fall into the following categories:
access confidential data (read/write)
disrupt services
control machines
These are the things that the defenders must not allow
to happen.
From the logical point of view, the targets of the
attacks can be:
public services
computer networks
trust relationships

8. Establish a Set of Rules
The rules and guidelines for a cyber defense exercise
should address the following topics:
General rules
These rules should express clearly how the exercise is
supposed to run and how the participant should be
organized. They should also address problems like:
equity between team resources, what tools are allowed
to use, team responsibilities, each teams role in the
competition, communication between participants,
competition timing, etc.
Another thing that these rules should specify is what
happens if one participant breaks one rule (e.g.
disqualification, penalty).
Scoring engine
This set of rules must express the way the teams
obtain points, what are the winning conditions, what
are the actions for which teams lose points and
which actions will not get them any points. The
scoring method should be transparent to all
participants to the exercise.
There should be well defined criteria for the
participation at the exercise. For instance, if the
exercise was organized by a university, the
participants would be eligible if they were students
at that university and if they had passed successfully
all their information security related exams. Other
criteria could be: age, study year, clean background,
Legal issues
From the legal point of view, the set of rules must
express the limitations imposed by the state law and
local law from where the exercise will be organized.
Exercise organizers should check law related aspects
for: unauthorized intrusion, unauthorized access to
data in transmission, unauthorized access to stored
data, individual privacy rights, contractual
For instance, the usage of some attack tools
might be interdicted like in Germany [9].
The rules should also establish what are strategies
and practices that are and the ones that are not
allowed during the exercise. They should be divided
in rules for defenders and rules for attackers (e.g.
DoS attacks are not allowed). The persons who
arbitrate the competition should also know what are
their limitations (e.g. they must not influence any of
the teams).

9. Choose Appropriate Metrics
To measure the effectiveness of the cyber security
exercise, a set of metrics is needed. The
effectiveness of the exercise expresses how well
the objectives have been achieved. So the chosen
metrics should be tightly related to the objectives.
On the other side, the objectives should be
expressed in measurable terms.
In Table 2 there are some examples of objectives
for a cyber security exercise and the associated

ISSN: 1790-5117 176 ISBN: 978-960-474-143-4
Learning objective
Metric for
- implement security
configurations on a
specific system
- number of successful
attacks performed by
the attacker teams on
that system
- monitor systems
- number of detected
attacks from the total
number of attacks
- incident handling /
- the time taken to
recover from a
successful attack
- analyze logs and do
- the number of attacks
correctly identified
- perform scanning and
- the number of open
ports/services detected
compared to the total
number of open ports
- perform DDoS - the downtime of the
attacked service
compared to attack
- cover tracks and place
- number of successful
accesses to target
systems kept until the
end of the exercise
Table 2: Sample Metrics for Exercise Effectiveness

10. Dont Forget the Lessons Learned
This step is very important for the effectiveness of the
cyber security exercise. The organizers should find an
appropriate mechanism for gathering feedback from
the participants (e.g. evaluation forms at the end of the
exercise). A very useful information would be the
techniques and tools that each party had used in order
to accomplish the scenario objectives. After
centralization and analysis, this information should be
made public because it will help the participants
realize what was really going on during the exercise
and will help the organizers improve other editions of
the exercise.

11. Conclusions
Designing a cyber security exercise is not an easy task
and requires the work of several people. When
organizing such an exercise it is always best to learn
from the past experience of the ones who already
did it.
This paper presented a number of steps and
guidelines that should be followed when designing a
new cyber security exercise. The guidelines have
been crystallized from the analysis of a number of
papers written after various cyber security exercises.
The ideas presented in this paper can be used by
anyone who wants to organize a cyber security
exercise for an educational purpose (e.g.
universities, companies, governmental institutions,

[1] Lance J. Hoffman, Daniel Ragsdale: Exploring a
National Cyber Security Exercise for Colleges and
Universities, IEEE Security and Privacy, Volume
3, Issue 5 (September 2005)
[2] D.A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as
the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice-
Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1984.
[3] Thomas Augustine, Ronald C. Dodge, Cyber
Defense Exercise:Meeting Learning Objectives thru
Competition, IEEE Security and Privacy, Volume 5,
Issue 5 (September 2007)
[4] Wayne Schepens, Daniel Ragsdale, John Surdu,
The Cyber Defence Exercise: An Evaluation of the
Effectiveness of Information Assurance Education,
The Journal of Information Security, Volume 1,
Number 2. July, 2002
[5] The UCSB iCTF contest,
[6] Defcon hacking event, Las Vegas.
[7] G. Vigna, Teaching network security through
live exercises. Security education and critical
infrastructures, Pages: 3 18, 2003
[8] Martin Mink and Felix C. Freiling, Is Attack
Better Than Defense?Teaching Information Security
the Right Way, Proceedings of the 3rd annual
conference on Information security curriculum
development, Kennesaw, Georgia, 2006

ISSN: 1790-5117 177 ISBN: 978-960-474-143-4

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