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An RFID-Enabled Distributed Control and Monitoring System For A Manufacturing System

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An RFID-Enabled Distributed Control and Monitoring

System for a Manufacturing System

Ali Vatankhah Barenji, Reza Vatankhah Barenji, Bahram Lavi Sefidgari,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, KKTC, Via 10 Mersin, Turkey,
Department of Computer Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, KKTC, Via 10 Mersin, Turkey

Abstract-Flexible manufacturing systems as complex and
stochastic environments require the development of innovative,
intelligent control architectures for supporting more flexibility,
agility and re-configurability. Distributed manufacturing control
system addresses this challenge by introducing an adaptive
production control approach and is supported by the presence of
autonomous control units which are cooperating with each other.
The majority of the current distributed control systems, till now
suffer from lack of flexibility and agility when the product verity
is high or the product volume is low, and also there is not re-
configure in case of ad-hoc events. To overcome these limitations,
a kind of drawback of an excessive dependence on up-to-date
information about the products and other elements which move
within the system is essential. To this end, RFID as a new
emerging technology was introduced which uses radio-frequency
waves to transfer data between a reader and movable item for
identification, tracking and categorization purpose. This study
discusses the architecture devised to deploy RFID-enabled
distributed control and monitoring system by means of a set of
agents that are responsible for the realization of different control
and monitoring tasks and cooperating with each other to enhance
agility, flexibility and re-configurability of manufacturing
system. The RFID-enabled distributed control and monitoring
system has been explored using a flexible manufacturing system
(EMU- CIM lab) to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed
architecture successfully.
Keywords: RFID-technology, Distributed control system, FMS,
Multi-agent system
Nowadays business globalizations affect the manufacturing
enterprises to provide new products with cheaper prices,
higher quality and faster delivery in order to sustain
competitive advantage in the turbulent market. Flexibility,
agility and re-configurability are three paradigms which are
proven as hazards to enterprise efficiency and profitability and
playing a robust roll in this goal. Thus, enterprises are seeking
methods for upgrading the manufacturing control system in
order to achieve more flexibility, high agility and with
reconfiguration abilities. In the manufacturing industry,
centralized control system is a common method which is
employed on flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). The
controllers for each subsystem of the FMS such as the one for
stations, cells and factory, are hierarchically connected by a
host computer in a centralized method; all the decisions and
process are taken place on the host computer. Centralized
control system is effective when the product variety is low and
when the volume of the product does not change much [1].
However, this method is neither flexible, nor agile for high-
variety and low-volume production. Furthermore, this system
does not have the ability for re-configuration in case of ad-hoc
Currently, a great deal of effort has been spent on
development new types of manufacturing control system,
which are capable to make production systems more flexible,
agile and re-configurable. A Distributed Control System
(DCS) configured from a set of autonomous controllers which
come together to control a FMS in order to achieve more
flexibility, agility and re-configurability, and whose
cooperation is supported by computer networks. Flexibility
and responsiveness of DCS are mainly characterized when the
right data are delivered to the right user at the right time.
Moreover, the adaption- based system on product data model
(PDM) as well as manufacturing data model (MDM) is
another issue to realize a reconfigurable DCS. In distributed
manufacturing control, acquiring the real-time state data of
every product accurately is an important attempt for
promoting flexibility, re-configurability and agility of a
manufacturing enterprise.
Evidently, traditional collection of data (e.g. barcode
technology) is of low efficiency and has a high probability of
producing error. The merging of, Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) technology provides an opportunity to
realize accurate and just-in-time data acquisition. In an RFID-
enabled manufacturing system, a tag is attached to every
product which contains state data of the product. RFID reader
is able to read and/or write the tags data when the tag is in the
readable range of the reader. These data can be transferred to a
computer and stored in PDM for querying and processing.
Agent technology is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and
has been widely accepted and developed in implementation of
the DCS paradigm for manufacturing system for its autonomy,
978-1-4799-0048-0/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE
flexibility, re-configurability, and scalability[2]. Agent
technologies have also been employed by RFID technology to
enhance intelligence of the system. For example, [3]adopts the
idea of using collaborative intelligent agents to a more agent-
suited stage with the help of RFID technology. [4]combines
mobile agents to RFID-based location sensing systems. [5]
uses a speci?c application to bring to highlight the advantages
of the combined use of RFID and IMS to assure visibility in a
MAS driven logistics environment. [6]proposes an all-in-one
RFID infrastructure Smart Gateway through developing and
integrating three important technologies, namely; RFID
technology, Multi agent system and workflow management.
[7]propose a real-time production management and control
system, which integrated with an RFID-enabled real time data
capture system using multi-agent system. [8]presents a
framework of RFID applications over the product lifecycle,
which referred as reference model for implementing RFID
application in PLM. An agent based smart objects
management system to implement real-time wireless
manufacturing can be seen in [9]. [10]implement an RFID-
enabled real-time MES for a case study.
The literatures surveyed by the authors indicate that, also
existing working attempts are valuable for employing the
RFID and agent technology in a flexible manufacturing
system. However, there is no empirical architecture for how a
company should adopt RFID and agent technology to a
flexible manufacturing system for achieving a robust
distributed control system, since each manufacturing system
has its own complexity. This work addresses design and
implementation of architecture, specifying those components
needed to provide an integral solution as well as those
mechanisms required to deploy an RFID-enabled distributed
control and monitoring system of a manufacturing shop.
FMS laboratory of Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)
was designed for education and research purposes. The
laboratory consists of three stations: Station 1 is a machine
tending station, which consists of a CNC milling machine and
a five-axis vertically articulated robot (SCORBOT - ER 9)
designed to work in industrial training facilities. Station 2 is
an assembly and quality control station, which has one
SCORA ER 14 Robot provided by Intelitek. This robot
has a pneumatic gripper and works in connection with the
peripheral station devices such as a ball feeder, gluing
machine and laser-scan micrometer device (Mitutoyo). Station
3 is an automatic storage and retrieval system (AS/RS), which
contains 36 cells for storage and retrieval and a robot with the
capability of taking and placing the work pieces. A conveyer
integrates the stations for performing material handling within
the cell.
The robots with multi-tasking controllers provides real-time
control and synchronization of up to 12 axes, 16 inputs and 16
outputs, support both stand-alone applications as well as
sophisticated automated work cells. The overall system is
running with a supervisory host control consisting of a set of
stations IPCs, a PLC for controlling the conveyor and a host
computer that allows management of the cell orders, by
employing the OPEN CIM software.
Different product type requires unique set of operations and
setups and therefore can create different routings in the
system. Each flexible station can perform a set of operations
and its working efficiency defers from other stations.
The problems that exist in current control architecture which
can be potentially improvable by RFID-based distributed
control system are as follow:
The manufacturing system is controlling by a central
architecture which is locating on host computer thus all the
decisions are issued by this control unit.
The stations have not autonomous control unit for their
In the all stations of the cell the wired sensors are under
The system lacks the real-time reconfiguration and is not
flexible in case of part variety.
The ultimate goal of the control system is to maximize the
total profit which includes the basic job price and the penalty
cost if any delay occurs.
The current RFID-based distrusted manufacturing control
system for the FMS contains the following components:
1. 30 RFID Active tags (FC909T active RFID tags).Each tag
is attached to a component.
2. An RFID gate for each station which holds antenna, RFID
reader, and manipulator.
Antenna (Motorola's AN480) which is installed on front of
each station for sensing the parts
RFID reader (Motorola FX7400). Each reader is installed
near to stations IPC
Manipulator- which is used for preventing components on
the conveyor from loading/ unloading process at the
3. 3 IPC (PC/Microsoft Windows XP), which runs on the
station control software and by which piece state data is
received from the reader and stored in the database, and RFID
gate is controlled.
4. HMI (PC/Microsoft Windows XP), which is used for
monitoring the real time state of the productions.
5. Data server, application server and web server (2
PC/windows XP).
The hardware architecture of our system is depicted in
figure1. Figure 2 shows Machining stations RFID gate.

Fig.1. RFID-enabled control architecture for the flexible
Based on the physical compounds and conn
RFID-enabled distributed control system identi
4, multi-agent system is chosen to develop the
realizing distributed control and monitoring
shop. It aims to implement, the RFID-enabl
control and monitoring system for the mu
stations or facilities which are involved on
capability list. In this section, we present an ov
multi-agent system architecture firstly, and
explain each all the agents as well as engineer
on the proposed architecture.

ections of the
fied in Section
application for
system at the
led distributed
n the product
verview of the
then we will
ring tools exist
Fig.2. Machining stat
The proposed multi-agent system
software agents which interact wi
actors. These agents categorized a
Agent Manger, Shop Monitor
Station Control Agents, Station
Machine Interface and, Manufa
addition to the exist agents at the
database exist on the architecture
database. Furthermore, ontology
model) is required for multi
communication between the age
used for this work is develope
architecture is designed to integ
with databases as well as onto
system architecture and its h
illustrated in figure 3. Next, the
software agents in the propos
described as follows:
Fig.3. Multi-agent system architecture

tions RFID gate
m is designed as a network of
ith each other and the system
as; Shop Management Agent,
ring and Command Agent,
n Monitoring Agents, Agent
acturing Resource Agent. In
e architecture, two groups of
e, shop database and stations
(capability-based knowledge
i-agent system for proper
ents. The ontology which is
ed based [11]attempts. The
grate all the software agents
ology. The shop multi-agent
hardware configuration are
e functionalities of the main
sed multi-agent system are

Shop management Agent, is responsible of assisting a shop
manager to define a new product for the system, specify the
initial manufacturing parameters, decompose product
capability for the system. It has a user interface for assisting
the shop manager for making necessary changes while the
plan gets more detailed and the higher levels of the plan need
to be updated. This agent is also responsible to send the
generated product capability list to the AS/RSs RFID gate for
writing the information on a desired pieces tag. This agent
linked with DELMIA engineering software to perform key
manufacturing tasks.
Agent Manager is responsible for controlling the utilization
and availability of all agents by maintaining an accurate,
complete and timely list of all active agents through which
agents residing in the system are capable of cooperating and
communicating with each other.
Shop Monitoring and Command Agent is responsible of
obtaining and displaying the real-time state of raw materials,
in-process products, and finished products as well as the status
of the stations. Also it serves to act as a port for incoming
commands form the shop supervisor manually in case of any
ad hoc events and new product setup.
Station Control Agent, the station control agent realizes the
process of selecting suitable capabilities from the product
capability list for the station, and requesting capabilities from
basic agents to do a job. Also, station control agent can update
state data regularly at the stations database, and can send
control instructions to shop database.
Station Monitoring Agent, the information reflecting
manufacturing state in station is displayed by the station
monitoring agent a history of the stations process is stored in
the station database.
Manufacturing Resource Agent, represent specific
manufacturing components, such as robots, conveyors,
machinery, etc. that are identified to encapsulate all the
capabilities, interaction behaviors (collective capabilities), and
internal status that characterize these type physical
Agent-Machine Interface is the agent that is directly
connected to the physical controller. It acts as a kind of device
driver to the Manufacturing resource agent. For each different
controller there should be one agent machine interface.
All the agents are connected by a local network (LAN) via
which they communicate with each other through
asynchronous message passing. For the expediency of the
Shop Management Agent and the Agent Manager run on an
application server; the Ontology operates on data server which
is also responsible for maintaining the shop database, the
Station Control Agent, Station Monitoring Agent,
Manufacturing Resource Agent, the Agent Machine Interface
additionally stations database operate on the stations IPC.

Although various multi-agent systems have been developed in
the domain of distributed control system for FMS, station
control as a base component for RFID-based distributed
control systems has yet to be formally specified, implemented,
integrated, and tested.
Figure 4 illustrates the architecture of the Station Control
Agent and its interactions with Agent Machine Interface
and other engineering tools and agents. The station control
agent is a kind of semiautonomous and service-oriented agent.
The station control agent lunches when a tag (piece) is place
on the stations RFID gate. Detail processes are described
Step 1: Each tag holds the product capability list which is
written to the active tag at AS/RSs RFID gate, based on
information from shop database.
Step 2: The product capability list is loaded in Station
Control Agent from the RFID gate. The SCA receives this
information through the Reader Middleware Agent and send
to the complex skill unit.
Step 3: The complex skill unit verifies the received product
capability list with the capabilities which are realizable on the
station and decides to do any further action or not. The
stations capability list is available at Station database.
Step 4: If the piece is the stations desired: the Complex
Skill unit will select appropriate capabilities from the product
capability list.
Step 5: The Complex skill unit with the assist of knowledge
model (ontology) for each capability assigns: the information
related to manufacturing resources and processes as well as
the strategy about effectively and efficiently use of these
resources and processes.
Step 6: The Control System unit requests relevant services
from the Manufacturing Resource Agent, if the MRA accept
services the Control System stores the manufacturing
resource information on the station database.
Step7: the Control System unit sends appropriate command
through the Agent machine interface to the Manufacturing
Resource Agent for doing specific job (as an example:
stations robot take the compound from the conveyer and puts
on the CNC milling machine table and start to milling process
on the component).
Step8: As soon as the job started on the station, the
Manufacturing Resource Agent sends feed back to the
Control System unit through the Agent Machine
Interface. Once the Control System unit receives the
feedback from the manufacturing resources controllers, the
Control System sends this information to the Station
Monitoring Agent for reflecting manufacturing process and
storing on the station database.
Step 9: Meanwhile, the manufacturing process of the desired
component finished, the Station Monitoring Agent sends the
history of the component state to the shop datab
any constraint conflicts on the station, the sta
sends back related feed back to the Station C
for further decisions and re-configuration.
Fig.4. Station Control Agent and its interactions with oth
Agents and engineering tools-The system was
using C# and the .Net framework. The .NET F
runtime execution environment that manages ap
target the .NET Framework. It consists of
language runtime, which provides memory ma
other system services, and an extensive class
enables programmers to take advantage of r
code for all major areas of application developm
Microsoft SQL Server database manageme
employed for development of the shop and stati
In addition, for transferring logical UML
physical database (SQL Server) on ontology
.NET developer is used. This ontology dev
provides a user-friendly environment to crea
ontologies since it is possible to integrate an
project file with an ordinary C# programs.
The source codes for the used Reader Middlew
available at the producers website () where
codes is selected for current work. All cod
Management Agent, Agent Manager, St
Agent and, Manufacturing Resource Agent
were developed on C#. While, Shop Monitorin
established by SWISH Max 4 software using C
language. The Station monitoring Agent whic
HMI is developed by PM designer 2.0 softwar
Language. The Agent Machine Interface whic
HMI is developed by PM Designer V1.2
base. In case of
ation controller
Control Agent

her agents on the
s implemented
Framework is a
pplications that
f the common
anagement and
library, which
obust, reliable
ent system is
ions databases.
models in to
y development
velopment tool
ate and update
SQL database
ware Agent are
the C# .NET
des for Shop
tation Control
t applications
ng Agent was
C programming
ch is placed on
re using Macro
ch is placed on
using Macro
Interaction-The cooperation betw
robust interaction schema that su
and deals with error situation
abnormal stopping situations.
developed with C# codes are int
Server (e.g. station database, O
Provider component. Also these
Shop Monitoring Agent by
component. Furthermore for crea
Station Control Agent and H
System IO Ports component is us
The UML sequence diagram in f
control agent interactions with th
of the developed shop monitoring
The study has discussed the mult
to support the design and implem
distributed control and monitorin
shop. The agents that compose
conceived to cover flexibility, a
posed by all the distributed Stati
The proposed multi-agent arc
groups of agents at shop and sta
engineering tools can be used to
of each group agents (station data
them (ontology). Since, the S
Manufacturing Resource Agent
RFID-enable distributed control
internal working mechanism of
explained in detail and the inter
the others are highlighted. For im
configuration of the system
architecture is developed and u
language as well as software a
engineering tools are under imp
Easter Mediterranean University.
Fig.5.Interaction of the R
ween all the agents implies a
upports information exchange
ns to avoid deadlocks and
All the agents that are
teracted with Microsoft SQL
Ontology) by the SQL DB
e agents are interacted with
Shell Shockwave ActiveX
ating connection between the
HMI using RS232 port the
figure 5 illustrates the Robot
he other agents. A shot screen
g system is depicted at figure
ti-agent architecture proposed
mentation of an RFID-enabled
g system for a manufacturing
the architecture have been
agility and re-configurability
on Control Agent.
hitecture contains different
ations level as well as some
support working mechanism
abase) or negotiation between
Station Control Agent and
are the kernel agents for the
and monitoring system, the
f these agents explored and
ractions of these agents with
mplementation, the hardware
based on the multi-agent
used different programming
all the software agents and
plementation at FMS lab of

Robot Control Agent
Fig.6. shop monitoring system
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