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Calculus with Analytic Geometry. By George F. Simmons. McGraw-Hill Book

Company. New York, 1985. xiii + 950 pp. $46.95.
Department of Muthemutics and ComputerScience, DePuuw Uniuersitv,
Greencustle,Iiidiui~u 46135
This is about calculus books, and there are seven important conclusions.
Let us go back to the beginning and look at the first calculus book, Analyse des
Infiniment Petits, pour L'intelligence des Lignes Courbes, published in Paris in 1696
and written by Guillaume Franqois Antoine L'Hospital, Marquis de Sainte-Mesme,
Comte d'Entrement, Seigneur d'orques, etc. To almost everyone, L'Hospital is just
a name attached to L'Hospital's Rule and almost no one knows anything about him.
His memory deserves better. He displayed mathematical talent early, solving a
problem about cycloids at fifteen, and he was a lifelong lover and supporter of
mathematics who, unfortunately, died young, at the age of 43. Also, L'Hospital was
no mean mathematician. He published several papers in the journals of the day,
solving various nontrivial problems. I know that I could not have found, as he did,
the shape of a curve such that a body sliding down it exerts a normal force on it
always equal to the weight of the body. Further, as Abraham Robinson has written,
According to the testimony of his contemporaries, L'Hospital possessed a very
attractive personality, being, among other thlngs, modest and generous, two
qualities which were not widespread among the mathematicians of his time.
His book was a huge success. There was a second edition in 1715, and there were
commentaries written on it. I have the 1781 edition, with additions made by another
author. Not many textbooks last almost 100 years. Birkhoff and MacLane is not yet
50 years old. L'Hospita17s book is about differentials and their applications to curves
and the style is exclusively geometrical. There are not many equations, but there are
an awful lot of letters and pictures, just as I remember in my tenth grade geometry
text. Mathematics was geometry then, and mathematicians were geometers.
There are many things not in the book. There are no sines or cosines, no
exponentials or logarithms, only algebraic functions and algebraic curves. There are
also no derivatives, only differentials. Here is L7Hospital's proof of L'Hospital's
Rule, using differentials. In Figure 1, points on the graph of f(x)/ g(x) are found
by dividing lengths of abscissas, except at a. But if you dx past a, the point on the
graph will be df/dg. Since dx is infinitesimal, that ratio gives you the point at a. Is
that not nice?
It took some time for calculus to become generally taught in colleges. Eventually
it made it, and calculus textbooks began to appear in the nineteenth century. I have
a copy of one, Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, by Elias Loomis,
L1. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy at Yale College. His calculus was first
published in 1851, and my copy of it is the 1878 edition. It sold in excess of 25,000
copies, so it must reflect accurately the style and content of calculus teaching of the
time. Just as with L'Hospital, the differential was the important idea. Loomis
derived the formula for the differential of x n with no use of the binomial expansion,
(d(xy)/xy = dx/x + dy/y, d(xn)/ x" = dx/x + . . . +dx/x, add and simplify)
and his proof of L'Hospital's Rule was short, simple, and clear, and also one which
does not appearin modern texts becauseit failsfor certain pathologicalexamples.
Also, Loomis put all of his formulasin words, italicized words.After deriving the
formulafor the differentialof apower of afunction,hewrote
The differential of a function affected with any exponent whatever is the
continued product of the exponent, the function itself with its exponent
diminished by unity,and the differentialof thefunction.
Itwas agood idea.Itis alsoprobably agood ideatodoasL'Hospital and Loomis
did and talk about differentialsinstead of derivativeswhenever possible. Littlebits
of things are easier to understand than rates of change. It is a still better idea to
striveforclarity and letstudentsseewhat is reallygoingon,which iswhat Loomis
did,rather thanputtingrigorfirst.But nowadaysauthorscannotdothat.Theymust
protect themselves against some colleaguesnootilywriting to the publisher, "Evi-
dently Professor Blank is unaware that his so-called proof of L'Hospital's Rule is
withsuchaseriouserror."Itisashame,andprobablyinevitablethat calculusbooks
arewritten for calculusteachers, but Ihavenevertheless concluded
ItfKouldbeworthatry.Calculus Made Easy by SilvanusP.Thompsonwasquite
successfulin its time, which ran for quite a while. Thesecond edition appeared in
1914,and my copywas printed in 1935.It is stillin print.Thebook has a motto:
What one fool can do, another can
and aprologue:
Considering how many fools can calculate,it is surprising that it should be
thought either a difficultor a tedioustask for anyother foolto learn how to
master the sametricks. . . .
Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the
difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not
hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do,
another can.
Chapter 1, whose title is "To Deliver You From The Preliminary Terrors" forth-
rightly says that dx means "a little bit of x." Thompson did not include L'Hospital's
Both Loomis and Thompson are like L'Hospital when it comes to giving
applications and examples: they are all almost entirely geometrical. Loomis's
applications of maxima and minima are all about inscribing and circumscribing
thlngs, and so are all of Thompson's except one. In fact, all three books are full of
geometry. Thompson concluded with arc length and curvature, Loomis had invo-
lutes and evolutes, cusps and multiple points, and lots of curve sketching. Did you
know that the asymptote to y3 = x3 + x2 is y = x + 1/3? I didn't until I read
Loomis. It is nice to know. There must have been some reason why calculus books
for more than 200 years taught so much geometry. Mathematics may no longer be
synonymous with geometry, but we have discarded, wrongly I think, the wisdom of
the ages, and I have concluded
Before writing t hs essay, I examined 85 separate and distinct calculus books. I
looked at all of their prefaces, all of their applications of maxima and minima, and
all of their treatments of L'Hospital's Rule. By the way, I found five different
spellings of L'Hospital. There were the two you would expect, and Lhospital, as
L'Hospital sometimes spelled h s name. In addition, one author, not wanting to take
chances, had it L7H6spital, and one thought it was Le Hospital. Why are there so
many calculus books, and why do they keep appearing? One could be cynical and
say that the authors are all motivated by greed. But I do not t hnk so. I think that
authors write new calculus books because they have observed that students do not
learn much from the old calculus books. Therefore, prospective authors t hnk, "if I
write a text and do thngs properly, students will be able to learn." They are wrong,
all of them. The reason for that is
Too hard, I think, to teach to college freshmen in the United States in the 1980s,
but that is another topic.
If you plot the books' numbers of pages against their year of publication, you
have achart in whch an ominous increasing trend is clear. The 1000-page barrier,
first pierced in 1960, has been broken more and more often as time goes on. New
hghs on the calculus-page index are made almost yearly. Where willit all end? We
can get an indication. The magic of modern statistics packages produces the
least-squares line: Pages = 2.94 (Year) - 5180, showing that in the middle of the
next millennium, the average calculus book will have 2,270 pages and the longest
one, just published, will have 3,783 pages exclusive of index.
Why do we need 1000 pages to do what L'Hospital did in 234, Loomis in 309,
Thompson in 301, and the text I learned calculus from, used exclusively for four
19881 REVIEWS 891
whole semesters, 14 semester-hours in all, in 416? There are several reasons. One, of
course, is the large number of reviewers of prospective texts. No more can an editor
make up his mind about the merits of a text, it has to go out to fifteen different
people for opinions. And if one of them writes that the author has left out the
tan(x/2) substitution in the section on techniques of integration, how can he or she
do that, we won't be able to integrate 3/(4 + 5 sin6x), how can anyone claim to
know calculus who can't do that; isn't the easiest response to include the tan(x/2)
substitution? Of course it is, in it goes, and in goes everything else that is in every
other 1000-page text. It is impossible to escape
Another reason for the length is the current mania for Applications. If you go to
Books in Print and look in the subject index under "Calculus" what you see is
The Usefulness of Calculus for the Behavioral, Life, and Managerial Sciences
Essentials of Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social
and many, many similar titles. Now authors have to explain, with examples, what
marginal revenue is, and consumer surplus, and what tracheae are whereas in the
old days, all their readers knew what a cone was. A third reason is the supposed
need to be rigorous. Now we see statements of L'Hospital's Rule that take up half a
page and proofs of it that go on for three pages. My 416-page calculus book never
even mentioned L'Hospital's Rule, and I never felt the lack. Its author never proved
that the derivative of x' was exe-', but I was willing to believe it. Trying to include
everything and trying to prove everything makes for long books. Everything gets
longer. Prefaces used to be short, a page or less. Now they are five and six pages,
hard sells for the incredible virtues of the text that follows, full of thanks to
reviewers, to five or six editors, to wives, to students, even to cats.
Let me return to "applications." There aren't many, you know. In the 85 calculus
books I examined, almost all of them had the Norman window problem-the
rectangle surmounted by a semicircle, fixed perimeter, maximize the area. The
semicircle always "surmounts." This is the sole surviving use of "surmounted" in
the English language, except for the silo, a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere.
Only one author had the courage to say that the window was a semicircle on top of
a rectangle. All the books had the box made by cutting the corners out of a flat
sheet, all have the ladder sliding down the wall, all had the conical tank with
changing height of water, all had the tin can with fixed surface area and maximum
volume, all had the V-shaped trough, all had the field to fence, with or without a
river qowing (in a dead straight line) along one side, all had the wire-usually wire,
but sometimes string-cut into two pieces to be formed into a circle and a square,
though some daring authors made circles and equilateral triangles. There are only
finitely many calculus problems, and their number is very finite.
"Applications" are so phony. Ladders do not slide down walls with the base
moving away from the wall at a constant rate. Authors know the applications are
phony. One book has the base of the ladder sliding away from the wall at a rate of 2
feet per minute. At that rate, you could finish up your painting with time to spare
and easily step off the ladder when it was a foot from the ground. Another author
has the old run-and-swim problem-you know, minimize the time to get somewhere
on the other side of the river-with the person able to run 25 feet per second and
swim 20 feet per second. That's not bad for running (it's a 3:31.2 mile), but it is
super swimming, 100 yards in 15 seconds, a new world's record by far. There are no
conical reservoirs outside of calculus books. Real reservoirs are cylindrical, or
perhaps rectangular. The reason for t hs is found in the texts: in the problems, the
conical reservoirs usually have a leak at the bottom. Tin cans are not made to
minimize surface area. I could give any number of examples of absurd applications
in which businessmen "observe" the price of their product decreasing at the rate of
$1 per month, or where the S. D. S. (remember them?) "find" that staging x
demonstrations costs $250x3. Why will authors not be honest and say that these
artificial problems provide valuable practice in translating from English into
mathematics and that is all they are for? Surely they cannot disagree with
Before getting to my next conclusion, here is my favorite "application."
A cow has 90 feet of fence to make a rectangular pasture. She has the use of a
cliff for one side. She decides to leave a 10 foot gap in the fence in case the
grass should get greener on the other side. Find . . . .
Hardly any authors dare to do that. Calculus books are Serious. The text from
whch that problem came was titled Calculus Without Analytic Geometry and it is no
surprise that it did not catch on.
The existence of all those calculus books with "Applications" in their titles
implies a market for them. There must be students out there who are being forced to
undergo a semester of calculus before they can complete their major in botany and
take over the family flower shop. I cannot believe that any more than a tiny fraction
of them will ever see a derivative again, or need one. Calculus is a splendid screen
for screening out dummies, but it also screens out perfectly intelligent people who
find it difficult to deal with quantities. I don't know about you, but I long ago
The book by Simmons is a fine one. It was written with care and intelligence. It
has good problems, and the historical material is almost a course in the history of
mathematics. It is nicely printed, well bound, and expensive. Future hstorians of
mathematics will look back on it and say, "Yes, that is an excellent example of a
late twentieth-century calculus book." This leads to my last conclusion

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