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1961 - 0077 BR 945

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FLIGHT, 20 January 1961

6.OOO -
4.OOO -
2.OOO "
2OO 4OO 6OO 600 1,000^200 1,400 16OO
A pleasing study of the Max Holste Super
Broussard, which has completed a major part
of its test-flying since it flew last July
i 0
S in
/ 34
-15m,49 ft
2OO 15O 1OO
Makers' performance curves for the Breguet 945. Above, left, is a payhad/range plot: A, manoeuvring factor 2.5; 6, manoeuvring factor 3.5;
C, take-off weight 10 tonnes (22,0501b); D, take-off weight 11 tonnes. The lower diagrams are for take-off (left) and landing, fetters A and
B respectively representing sea level at 15C and lfiOOm (3J80H) altitude at 40C
sive windows and some illustrations have shown an armed version
with heavy-calibre machine guns mounted in the nose and in
doorways, as well as rocket pods and missiles.
The graphs above clearly illustrate the remarkable slow-flying
performance of this machine. It can fly at 45kt and make turns
of as little as 80yd radiussuch performance has indeed already
been demonstrated by the prototype 940. Breguet claim with some
justification that the performance of this series of blown-wing
transports is equivalent to that of presently available cargo heli-
copters. They also claim four safety factors in the basic layout.
The failure of one engine on take-off has no asymmetric-power
effect;* and less than half power is lost because the propellers
THE above account of French STOL aeroplanes is illustrative
-*- of the manner in which such machines are encroaching upon
the domain of the helicopter. Aware of this fact, Sikorsky are
making a sustained effort to produce better helicopters. Around
the formula of a single, multi-blade lifting rotor, shaft-driven by
turbines, they are developing a series of excellent vehicles, most
of which have an amphibious hull of flying-boat form. Their lift
and propulsion systems have been used as the basis for a series
of "cranes," intended to lift and place loads over relatively short
rangespossibly no more than a few yards.
Flight experience has already been gained with the S-60 crane,
derived from the S-56. Its turbine counterpart is the impressive
S-64, projected with twin GE T64 or P & W JTF-12 engines.
Now Sikorsky have announced a smaller crane, to which we
referred in a leading article last week: the UTV, or Universal
Tactical Vehicle.
In general, the members of United Aircraft Corp are conserva-
tive, and Sikorsky's choice of so pretentious a name for this new
crane suggests that they feel it should be the right answer for some
years to come. Its dynamic components are those of the US Navy's
HSS-2, the combat counterpart of the S-61L illustrated on page 33
of our January 6 issue. Twin GE T58-6 engines, each rated at
1,OM) s.h.p., drive a five-blade 62ft main rotor; eross weight of
the HSS-2 is classified, but the S-61L weighs 18,7001b.
In their 1961 calendar Sikorsky depict the UTV in several roles.
Some of these require the powerful winch in line with the rotor
axis, and in all cases the co-pilot can swivel his seat through
180 to face a duplicate set of flight controls and rear-facing
windows. The suggested missions are; passenger or troop trans-
put, with approximately 20 seats; ASW, carrying a pod housing
a sonar, weanons and two operators; cargo transport, on a
.suspended pallet; emergency dispensary, the pod housing a field
hospital; missile transport, tactical weapons being carried on
:neir launchers; mobile machine shop (a role in which the UTV's
itting ability might be useful in rescue or salvage operations);
"capons transport; rescue, survivors from any catastrophe being
mched directly into a medical capsule; mine countermeasures,
'tn a special sweeping pod; tanker, with a palletized bag; power
work more efficiently under the lower load. The descent gradient
during the approach can be up to four times steeper than that of a
conventional aircraft, rendering obstacle clearance much easier.
Full power can be very rapidly applied in reverse thrust to shorten
the landing run, even on slippery ground. Because each approach
is made with power, an overshoot can be more quickly initiated
and involves only a change in propeller pitch. The flaps can be
immediately retracted to reduce drag.
The 945 can also operate as a conventional aircraft, without full
slipstream deflection, and its permissible gross weight can then
be increased to 26,4001b, with consequent improvement in payload
and range.
package, carrying an electric generator; and radar outpost, built
up from integrated pods. Tantalizingly few details of the UTV
are available, but indicative of its lifting ability is the fact that the
useful load of the S-61L is 9,4301b out of a gross weight of
18,7001b. Sikorsky may price the UTV at about $600,000.

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