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PVP2008-Hinnant and Paulin

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Several key takeaways from the document are that new fatigue tests were performed to re-examine Markl's fatigue methods, issues were identified with Markl's mean girth butt weld curve and slope coefficient, and a new mean girth butt weld equation has been proposed.

The objectives of performing new fatigue tests included addressing the lack of low cycle girth butt weld tests, indications that Markl's slope and mean curve may not be representative of larger data sets, experience that SIFs were often too low, and issues with Markl's curve not following expected trends for fatigue of weldments.

A SIF is the average nominal bending stress to cause failure in a girth butt weld divided by the nominal stress to cause failure in the component being tested. It is a ratio used to calculate the relative fatigue strength of different piping components compared to a girth butt weld.

Experimental Evaluation of the Markl

Fatigue Methods and ASME Piping Stress

Intensification Factors
2008 ASME PVP Conference
Chicago, IL
July 28, 2008
Tony Paulin
Paulin Research Group
Houston, TX
Chris Hinnant
Paulin Research Group
Houston, TX
12 new experimental piping fatigue tests have been completed to help
examine the Markl fatigue methods.
10 Girth Butt Welds
2 Unreinforced Tees
600 butt welds were gathered and compared to the Markl girth mean
butt weld fatigue curve.
Although Markls data points are within scatter band of the reported
data, Markls mean fatigue curve does not agree with the same
experimental data.
A new mean girth butt weld is proposed for use with SIF testing
(B31.J) and the ASME piping codes.
Why Perform New Tests?
There arent many low cycle girth butt weld tests.
Some tests indicate that Markls slope and mean curve may not be
representative of larger data sets.
Paulin Research Groups analytical and experimental experience has
been that SIFs are often too low difficult to match Markls results.
Markls curve does not follow the expected trends for fatigue of
weldments. Slope coefficient of 5.0 vs. 3.0
Several active ASME Technology projects are reevaluating the current
SIFs and flexibility factors
Piping codes are being applied beyond simple thermal expansion
Understanding how and why components fail is becoming more
Markl Testing and Stress Intensification Factors
Markl & George began fatigue testing piping components in the late
The majority of experiments used 4 SCH 40 piping.
End result was a mean fatigue curve for girth butt welded pipe and
Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) for piping components.
SIF rules are base-lined to an SIF of 1.0 which is for girth butt welds.
Girth butt weld really pertains most directly to girth butt welds
joining weld neck flanges to pipes. In some Markl tests, tapered
forgings were used for girth butt weld tests.
Markls work is the primary basis of ASME B31 piping rules.
What is an SIF?
A Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) is the average nominal bending
stress to cause failure in a girth butt weld divided by the nominal
stress to cause failure in the component being tested.
f N
N ksi
N ksi Sf i
20 . 0
20 . 0

= =
Markls Mean Girth Butt Weld Curve
Stress Intensification Factor
Failure Stress
Cycles to
Markls Curve
Sf = 490ksi*N^-0.20
Data Point
Mean Failure
Description of Tests
11 11
Girth Butt Weld Specimens
4 SCH 40 pipe welded to Class 600 flanges
SA-106 Grade B material used for all specimens
Ten girth welds tested most < 10,000 cycles to failure
Six welds with GMAW-FCAW welding processes
Four welds were completed using the SMAW process
SMAW welds used electrodes similar to those originally used by
Markl & George (Lincoln Fleetweld 5)
SMAW welds used to check that weld quality wasnt responsible
for difference between Markl curve and new tests
Inspected by VT and PT.
Welds tested in the as-welded condition
12 12
Girth Butt Weld Specimens
Fully reversed displacement controlled conditions (R = -1.0)
Cantilever fatigue test
13 13
Girth Butt Weld Specimens
14 14
Unreinforced Tee Specimens
Two size-on-size UFTs tested
4 SCH 40 pipe, SA-106 Grade B
GTAW welding process
Out-of-plane loading through the header pipe
Fully reversed displacement controlled conditions
Inspected by VT and PT.
Welds tested in the as-welded condition.
Unreinforced Tee Specimens
Unreinforced Tee Specimens
Unreinforced Tee Specimens
Experimental Procedure
General Markl Procedure:
Step 1 Apply strain gauges
Step 2 Mount specimen to fatigue test machine
Step 3 Fill specimens with room temperature water
Step 4 Generate a load-deflection curve
Step 5 Select a displacement range for fatigue test
Step 6 Run test until visible leakage occurs
Step 7 Record the cycles to failure, stress is based on
extrapolation of the elastic stiffness from Step #4
Experimental Procedure
Example use of Load-Deflection curve for piping fatigue tests
Experimental Procedure
x K F =
Extrapolated Force = K*D
Thru thickness fatigue crack resulting in visible leakage
Failure Criteria
Experimental Results
Results of 10 new girth butt weld tests are shown below.
Standard deviation of Log(N) with best-fit curve 0.082
Standard deviation about Markls mean curve is 0.78
Girth Butt Weld Tests
314 . 0

f N
N ksi Sf
SIFs calculated using Markls mean girth weld equation show a
strong variation as a function of cycles to failure.
If the basis for the SIF calculation is parallel to the test data, the SIF
should not be a function of cycles to failure.
Girth Butt Weld Tests
Failures originated at the outside surface along the weld toe
Girth Butt Weld Tests
Typical Girth Butt Weld Failure
Results of 2 new girth butt weld tests shown below.
Three failures sites in the two samples.
Best-Fit equation slope is close to m = -1/3 (not -1/5 like Markl)
Unreinforced Tee Results
295 . 0

f N
N ksi Sf
Stress Intensification Factors for new UFT Tests using Markls
mean girth butt weld curve.
Unreinforced Tee Results
Typical UFT Failure
Validation of Results
and Markl Comparisons
A limited number of tests were performed. Therefore, those results
require validation to determine their significance.
1. Compare with other girth butt weld tests (236 total)
2. Compare with other butt welded plate tests (365 total)
3. Compare with mean curves for similar geometries in other
fatigue design Codes.
Membrane plus Bending stresses are used for the validation case. M+B
stresses are used since the membrane stress alone does not
characterize the complete stress state causing damage to the weldment.
Mismatched thicknesses or local tapers (flange taper) cause local
secondary bending stresses. For the same nominal bending stress,
these local bending stresses result in a shorter fatigue life in
comparison to joints where local bending stresses are not present.
Compare a straight pipe to a weld at a taper. The nominal bending
stress in the pipe is the same in both cases, but the M+B stress is
higher in the case with a taper.
Girth Butt Weld Validation
PRG girth butt weld test validation with 236 girth butt welds
Note difference between the mean data curve and Markls curve.
Girth Butt Validation
236 girth welds and 365 flat plate butt welds
Poor comparison between Best Fit curve and Markls curve.
Girth Butt Validation
Comparison with various mean fatigue curves for other codes.
BS-7910 and EN-13445 mean curves match new tests.
Markl curve is not parallel to test data or other codes.
Girth Butt Validation
Summary of girth butt weld validation:
1. Approximately 600 butt weld tests have been reviewed.
2. New PRG tests match existing pipe and plate data.
3. Markls mean curve differs from the mean curve for the data
collected in this work.
4. Markls mean curve is not parallel to the data collected.
Girth Butt Weld Validation
Based on the validation data, we propose a mean girth butt weld
curve with the following equation:
Proposed Mean Girth Butt Weld Equation
( ) Range N ksi Sf
335 . 0

Significance to the
Piping Codes
Markls mean butt weld curve is not consistent with the new PRG
tests, other data collected, and other fatigue codes.
Potential issues affect any piping rules that rely on the Markl
methodologies (for example B31.1, B31.3, Section III Class 2/3)
Most apparent discrepancy is the difference in slope coefficients
Markls equation uses -1/5, test data suggests -1/3
There are three areas of importance relative to the Codes:
1. An errant slope produces a variable design margin.
2. Low cycle SIF testing with Markls curve may lead to
inappropriately low SIFs. This is important for B31.J.
3. High cycle design with rules derived from Markls tests may
over predict the fatigue life.
Significance to the Piping Codes
ASME B31.3 provides a design margin of
1.63 on stress for the fatigue life of girth butt
welds (11.5 on cycles)
Data here shows that the B31.3 margin of
1.63 is maintained up to 22,790 cycles.
Above 22,790 cycles, the design margin
relative to the presented data continues to
At 850,000 cycles the B31.3 design life
equals the mean life to failure for the data
presented here (design margin is zero).
Above 850,000 cycles, the B31.3 Code
permits design lives in excess of the
average failure life.
Item #1 - Variable Design Margin
For basic conditions with carbon steel material:
SIFs may be underestimated by using Markls mean curve in the low
cycle regime.
Item #2 - Errors in Low Cycle SIF Testing
Mean Curve
Mean Curve
Using a low cycle SIF may result in reduced margins at higher design lives.
Item #2 - Errors in Low Cycle SIF Testing
Mean Curve
Markl Predicted
Fatigue Life
Mean Curve
Actual Fatigue
Is this trend only for butt welds? NO all geometries are affected.
UFT tests by PRG and Wais & Rodabaugh suggest that Markls
slope does not fit the experimental data.
Item #2 - Errors in Low Cycle SIF Testing
For example, consider developing SIFs for clips\lugs using
experimental data for cruciform samples.
Item #2 - Errors in Low Cycle SIF Testing
Large discrepancy in the high cycle regime.
Essentially no data is conservative above 1e6 cycles to
failure. In general, more data is Non-Conservative than
Item #3 - High Cycle Fatigue Design
Consider use of recommended girth butt weld equation for SIF
development and possible implementation into the B31 Codes
The proposed equation has several benefits in light of the test data
reviewed to date:
1. Increased low cycle design lives
2. Better correlation with other fatigue methods and state-of-the-art today
3. Improved predictions in the high cycle regime
4. More consistent design margins for all portions of the SN design curves
5. An opportunity for alignment to harmonize with other ASME fatigue
In B31.3, the proposed design equation could be implemented by
modifying the existing stress range factor f
The proposed design equation is based on two standard deviations
below the mean failure curve.
Provides a consistent design margin of 1.84 on mean failure stress
335 . 0
6 . 20

= N f
Proposed Stress
Range Factor
As shown below, the proposed limits provide an improve fit to the test
data and a consistent design margin throughout a wide range of cycles.
Proposed Limits vs. Existing Limits
New test results presented here suggest amendments to the Markl
piping methods are warranted. These conclusions are supported by
other experimental references and design codes.
The fatigue curve slope used by Markls equations does not match
results for existing test data.
Current B31.3 code rules do not provide a consistent design margin for
the reported tests. Above 850,000 cycles, the rules may allow design
lives in excess of the mean failure life.
Markls mean girth weld equation may lead to inconsistent SIFs. SIFs
tested within the low cycle regime may be under predicted.
High cycle fatigue strength appears to be over estimated by Markls
A new girth butt weld equation has been proposed that fits a large
population of data and agrees with other fatigue design methods.
This presentation will be available for download at:
This presentation will be repeated in an upcoming Webinar
(online presentation). Check our website for details and other
technical papers, downloads, etc.
Thanks for your time!

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