Film Studio
Film Studio
Film Studio
Title of Proposal
II. Keywords
Film Production, CG Animation, Theater, Rentable Space, Studio Facility
III. Introduction
Film studios are the powerhouse that give life to the movie industry There are ma!or film
production companies which have created a vast list of "nown films, independently owned
ones or #$ndies% which has never produced a motion picture but instead provides the studio
space and lastly are the minors, those which dwell on smaller scale productions or speciali&e
in a form presentation such as '( or )( animation, effects and such
$n the Philippines, the ma!or sta"es are held by ' T* companies since the local movie
industry in the country are largely produced by them $nternationally, Philippines serves as
one of the ma!or animation outsource mar"et, meaning that ma!or production companies
subsidi&e film studios which render '( and )( effects Though it means that there is the
s"ills and talents to create bloc"buster films and animation internationally, it fails to be
implemented in the local scene
$n the past few years, the country+s entrepreneurs seem to be see"ing a creative outlet
Pushing into other noo"s of the tech world
The Philippine animation industry drew in a total
of -,'. million /roughly P0P 1) billion2, with the bul" of the revenue coming from
animation studios and production agencies producing outsourced materials for foreign clients,
which they in turn, used the material for their own feauture films and advertisement
According to 3ichale 4ho 5im, the e6ecutive director of the Animation Council of the
Philippines $nc/Acpi2, stresses that the local movie industry and local viewing public need to
step up their support for local animators and animated films
The Philippine Cinema
Sadly, even if the Philippines is on its way to becoming a leading global animation haven,
why does our local film and animation industry fail to be affected by such success7$f only our
local industry can ma"e the most of its established success in the outsourcing field and
develop more of our own through better and more accomodating facilities that can cater to
both foreign and local movie industry
IV. Problem Statement
This pro!ect proposal intends to be able to design a film studio which can house or rent
spaces for production and post8production companies, film sets, $nfinity curve studio9green
screens, and other services in the creative industry which may showcase the creative talent
and the huge potentials of the Philippine film and animation industry for local and global
V. Research Objectives
, To discern the space re:uirements of a film studio and facilities such as ie; render farms,
editing rooms, wor"space and green screens
' To identify the level of importance of each activity and space in order to determine the
hiearchy of spaces
) To determine the pros and cons of each space especially those which re:uire acoustical
arrangement and treament
< To identify materials, e:uipments and layouts which can help reduce in treating acoustical
1 To design an environment which can help the users on their creativity and collaboration
with each other
= To create a design which should consider future e6pansions and technologies to its
VI. Research uestions
, >hat are the current e:uipments and facilities needed and used by film and animation
' 0ow does the local and foreign mar"et affect the creative industry in terms of facilities7
) >hat are the considerations and challenges in creating a studio7
< >hat are the optimal si&e of the spaces re:uired and its acoustical and lighting
1 0ow does the wor" environment affect the creativity and ouput of a user7
= >hich facilities can be later e6tended or added on7
!valuation and investi"ation of the activities inside a film studio
VII. Importance and Si"nificance of the Study
The importance of the the study would be determining how the creative industry molds film
studios in order to answer its demands especially with the speed of improvement in
technology, the demand of the local and international mar"et and the end users of the space
>ith this, the design would be able to accommodate most of the aspects needed while adding
details that will define the proposal with its distinct ob!ective of creating collaboration
physically to its target users if made into reality
VIII. #ethodolo"y
, http;99businessin:uirernet9,?@.?A9the8case8for8a8creative8economy8in8the8philippines
' http;99entertainmentin:uirernet9.)=@19ph8animation8draws8billions
) http;99wwwfilmbirthcom9philippineshtml
< http;99wwwanimationcouncilorg9pagephp7pB).
1 http;99wwwmicrosourcingcom9blog9the8challenges8in8the8philippine8animation8
= http;99filminstituteupdeduph97pageCidB,@
? http;99enwi"ipediaorg9wi"i9ComputerCgraphics
. http;99wwwbusinessdictionarycom9definition9net8rentable8areahtml
A For definition of terms; websters dictionary, wi"ipedia
,@ A G5$3PSD EF P0$5$PP$FD AF$3AT$EF $F(GSTRH; 3artin CastaIeda, Allaine
Cordova, 3ar!orie 3edina, Jed Suare&, 4erwin Tanlimco
,, http;99wwwalliedwor"scom9pro!ects9pi6ar8feature8animation8facility9
,' http;99wwwworld8architectscom9en9pro!ects9).<==CSantaC3onicaCAnimationCStudio