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I W vt i > -.mail I i iu i viu u r t i JJHJUL* UI cl M lU S ld iltl? SUCH
as sand. salt, or sugar 2a. [singular] [+ofj a very small
amount of a quality or feeling: a grain of truth There was
more than a grain of truth in what he'd said.
3 [u] the arrangement, pattern, or direction of fibres
in substances such as wood, stone, cloth, or paper: There
were deep cracks along the grain of the wood.
4 [c] an old unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.065
go against the grain to be completely different from
what you fool is right, natural, or normal for you
g r ai n ed /grand/ adj with fibres in a clear arrangement.
fibres '.fine-grained rock 2 used with some adjectives for
insist of small individual
[mrse-grained salt -> c l o s e -
..re made up of small spots,
usually because they are old: photographs shot with
gram / gn-em/ noun [C] a unit for measuring weight in
the m etr i c sy stem. There are 1.000 grams in a kilogram,
grammar / gnema/ noun
1 [u] the set of rules that describe the structure of a
language and control the way that sentences are formed:
errors in spelling and grammar the teaching of grammar
The book covers all the essential points of English
2 [c] a book explaining the rules of a language: Did you
borrow the Italian grammar?
grammarian /gro meorion/ noun [c] an expert in the
study of grammar
grammar .school noun [c] 1 a school in the UK for
children between the ages of U and 18 who have passed
a special examination to be allowed to go there 2 Am E
grammatical /gro'mictikl/ adj *
1 [only before noun] relating to grammar and the study
of grammar: grammatical analysis grammatical errors
2 a grammatical sentence follows the rules of grammar
meaning. Examples are words such as of and for,
g r am m e /gra*m/another spelling oi gram
Gr ammy /'grieini/ noun [c] a prize given in the US
each year to the best performers and writers of music
} K



Use of
T e a c h e r ' s B o o k
Malcolm Mann
Steve Taylore-Knowles
(lj n i t Films
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Note: You may wish to draw students' attention now to
the extra sections at the back of their book as
students may wish to refer to these regularly
throughout this course:
Exam Know-how
Key First Certificate Collocations and patterns
Phrasalperfect phrasal verb glossary and exercises
UCLES specimen Paper 3 answer sheets
Q D o s and Donts
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write Do or Dont in each gap to complete the
sentences. Check answers.
1 Do
2 Do
3 Do
4 Dont
5 Do
6 Do
7 Dont
^S i ght and seei ng
Ask students to circle one word or phrase to
answer each question. Check answers and check
they understand the meanings of all the words
and phrases.
Note: catch vision o f is not a phrase in English.
1 audience
2 spectators
3 sightseers
4 viewers
5 witnesses
6 stare
7 glance
8 observe
9 catch sight of
10 glimpse
Choose the correct answer
Ask students to read each passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
circle the correct word to fill each gap, using the
words in bold in the passages to help them. Check
Text 1
1 D
2 C
3 C
4 D
5 A
Text 2
1 C
2 B
3 D
4 A
5 B
^^Movement and movi ng
Ask students to circle the correct word to
complete each phrase. Move on to exercise E
without revealing the answers.
cruise border
speed route
trip ahead
way way
trip take
tour miss
speed set off
direction speed
J ^Compl ete the fi l m revi ew
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
write a word from the box in each gap. Point out
that words can be used more than once and that one
word in the box will not be used. Check answers.
1 way 5 border way
2 trip
3 missing
4 direction
I ^T hought and opi ni on
Ask students to complete the sentences by writing
one word in each gap. Explain to them that the
first letter of the word is given, and that they
should use the words in italics to help them.
Check answers.
1 impression 6 change
2 mind 7 questioned
3 view 8 reached
4 hold 9 head
5 come 10 bear
Ti me
Ask students to circle the correct word to
complete each phrase. Check answers.
1 take 5 take 9 find
2 spent 6 passes 10 being
3 that 7 first 11 considerable
4 right 8 takes up
Ask students to write a-o in each gap to complete
the sentences. Check answers.
1 h 4 k 7 a 10 d 13 i
2 m S 1 8 n 11 c 14 g
3 f 6 j
9 e 12 o 15 b
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r ' s B o o k
Q Choose the correct answer
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
circle the correct word or phrase to fill each gap.
Check answers.
1 A 5 A 9 B
2 C 6 B 10 C
3 B 7 D 11 D
4 D 8 B
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Check answers. Now
ask them to match each of the sentences 1-10 with
the correct explanation as to why the verb is in
that form. Check answers.
1 am watching B 6 am living H
2 is always changing F 7 are getting J
3 teach A 8 contains C
4 go D 9 had G
5 am having E 10 spent I
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect I on page 151 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 look, up
2 come down with
3 brought, up
4 turned down
5 takes up
6 looked up to
7 bring up
8 take up
9 handed down
10 looks down on
E x a m p r a c t i c e see page 29
1 B 6 A 11 D
2 D 7 B 12 A
3 B 8 D 13 B
4 B 9 A 14 D
5 D 10 C 15 A
W a r m - u p see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
J Patterns: verbs and
preposi ti ons
Ask students to write a preposition in each gap to
complete the sentences. Check answers.
1 from 7 as 13 of
2 on 8 in 14 in
3 on 9 about 15 on
4 between 10 on 16 for
5 of 11 as 17 on
6 for 12 of
|^Compl ete the passage
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
write the correct preposition in each gap. Check
1 for 7 of 13 about
2 in 8 with 14 in
3 to 9 at 15 for
4 from 10 between 16 on
5 about 11 as
6 on 12 as
B Patterns: adj ecti ves and
preposi ti ons
Ask students to write the correct letters on the
lines provided to match the sentence halves.
Remind them to pay particular attention to the
prepositions. Check answers.
1 h 4 1 7 k 10 e
2 j
5 b 8 d 11 1
3 a 6 c 9 f
12 g
Q Patterns: nouns and
preposi ti ons
Ask students to circle the correct word to
complete each phrase. Check answers.
1 at 7 on 13 on 19 on 25 in
2 in 8 in 14 for 20 in 26 for
3 in 9 at 15 in 21 on 27 at
4 at 10 at 16 on 22 for 28 of
5 at 11 in 17 in 23 in 29 in
6 on 12 in 18 on 24 in 30 of
Q Except
Explain to students that 'except' is not always
followed by for, as it depends on the words that
come next in the sentence. Ask students to choose
the correct word to fill each gap. Check answers.
1b 2 c 1 c 4 a 5 b 6 b
Q Compl ete the passage
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
write the correct word in each gap. Move on to
exercise G without revealing the answers.
1 on 5 in 9 in 13 at
2 at 6 for 10 in 14 at
3 of 7 at 11 for 15 on
4 as 8 in 12 in 16 in
0 Di scuss
Ask students to discuss their answers to exercise F in
pairs. You may also wish to do this as a class activity.
Bring the students together to check their answers.
Q Dos and Don'ts
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write Do or Dont in each gap to complete the
sentences. Check answers.
1 Do 4 Do 7 Do
2 Do 5 Dont 8 Do
J Do 6 Do 9 Dont
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Check answers. Now
ask them to match each of the sentences 1-10
with the correct explanation as to why the verb is
in that form. Check answers.
1 saw G
2 walked C
3 knew A
4 had already arranged D
5 have been F
6 were discussing E
7 used to travel C
8 would drive C
9 was working, were sitting B
10 had been working H
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 2 on page 151 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 takes off 6 turned into
2 look into 7 go into
3 gone off 8 go off
4 came into 9 took off
5 take off 10 go off
E x a m PRACTI CE see page 29
1 as 6 in 11 as
2 from 7 to 12 made
3 in 8 from 13 as
4 off 9 depends 14 of
5 instead 10 between 15 in
P r a c t i c e E x a m 1
Note: You may wish students to do Practice Exam 1on pages
18 - 21 before moving on to Unit 3. This Practice Exam
can either be done under exam conditions in class, or
it can be assigned for homework.
I B 4 B 7 D 10 A 13 B
2 A 5 C 8 D 11 B 14 C
3 B 6 A 9 C 12 D 15 D
Part 2
16 as
17 from
18 let
19 consist
20 the
Part 3
31 looked up to
32 the (single) exception of Harry
33 responsible for making sure (that)
34 if she realised how late
35 in case we are
36 is always putting me down
37 wish I had not / hadnt left
38 look unfamiliar words up in / look up
unfamiliar words in
39 have a talent for
40 tell the difference between
Part 4
41 it 45 that 49 on 53 to
42 have 46 / 50 / 54 with
43 over 47 did 51 more 55 /
44 / 48 out 52 such
21 its 26 to
22 this 27 in
23 able 28 had / seen
24 provide 29 Like
25 into 30 under
U s e f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r ' s B o o k
Part 5
56 employer
61 strengthen
57 ambitious
62 proof
58 encouragement
63 training
59 security
64 qualified
60 imagination
65 unsuccessful
(unit 3
W A R M - U P see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Q Dos and Don 'ts
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write 'Do' or 'Dont in each gap to complete the
sentences. Check answers.
1 Do 5 Dont 9 Do
2 Do 6 Do 10 Dont
3 Do 7 Do
4 Dont 8 Dont
Q The passi ve voi ce
Explain to students that two schools have the same
school rules, but one school writes them in the
active and the other in the passive. Ask students to
decide if the sentence on the right means the same
as the one on the left. If it means the same, they
should put a tick. If not, they should rewrite it so it
means the same. Check answers.
1 A jacket must be worn at all times.
3 Pupils are expected to be polite to teachers.
4 /
5 All fees must be paid in advance.
6 /
7 Lunch may be eaten by pupils in the school
B Changes in tense
Ask students to rewrite the sentences using the
tenses and the words given. Check answers.
1 I have been attending this school for three years.
2 John hasnt visited his old teacher for two years.
3 I last had a music lesson / My last music
lesson was six months ago.
4 Mr Platt has been working as a teacher for
twenty years.
5 I have not / havent taken an exam since
6 I have been doing my homework since seven
QCo n r f / f / o n o f s and unl ess
Ask students to match the sentence halves to make
sentences. Then ask them to match the meanings,
A-F, with the sentences, 1-6. Check answers.
1 c 4 e A 3 D 5
2 f 5 b B 1 E 4
3 a 6 d C 2 F 6
f j ^Reported speech
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
key word given. Remind them that they can only
write between two and five words in the gap
including the key word. Check answers.
1 Anna if she had done
2 accused Fiona of stealing her
3 school had been closed for
4 apologised for not coming
5 who the pen belonged
6 denied breaking the window
7 the class not to forget
Q Resul ts
Ask students to rewrite the sentences using the
phrases given. Check answers.
1 I had to catch the bus to school because it was
too far (for me) to walk.
2 Ours was / We had such a big school that you
could easily get lost in it!
3 I got up early in order to finish my homework
before school.
4 Andrew said his bad mark was a result of being
tired during the test.
5 The failure of the school trip / The fact that the
school trip was a failure was caused by the rain.
B Concessi on
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
decide whether the statements are true or not.
Check answers. Then ask them to rewrite the
sentences using the key words given. Remind
them to look at the true/false statements if they
are not sure. Check answers.
F, T, T, F, F, T
1 (our) not having many facilities
2 although there are so many
3 spite of our teachers trying
4 despite the fact that he
Modal s
Ask students to rewrite the sentences using a
different word from the box for each sentence.
Remind them not to write more than five words in
each gap. Check answers.
1 must have been very tired
2 long as you give it
3 might not have heard what
4 case we have
5 should have done your homework
J ^Causati ve form
Elicit the causative form from students (have/get
sth done). Ask students to rewrite the sentences in
the causative form, using the key words given.
Remind them not to write more than five words in
each gap. Check answers.
1 having a new roof built
2 to get my hair cut
3 had our exam papers marked
4 had my money stolen
5 having our photograph taken
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Check answers. Now
ask them to match each of the sentences 1-6 with
the correct explanation as to why the verb is in
that form. Check answers.
1 have known E
2 have walked B
3 have passed F
4 have ever been A
5 have been talking D
6 have been living C
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 3 on page 152 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 put, down 6 put, down to
2 put down 7 let, down
3 ran over 8 settle down
4 take down 9 go over
5 turn over 10 settle down
E x a m p r a c t i c e see page 29
1 have not / havent seen Alison for
2 are having our car repaired
3 were such expensive CDs (that)
4 not warm enough
5 as long as
6 invite Emma unless we call
7 despite (his) having so
8 have been learning Russian since
9 was too hot for
10 would fall if he was
( u n i t 4 Sport
W a r m - u p " see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Q D o s and Donts
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write Do or 'Dont' in each gap to complete the
sentences. Check answers.
1 Do 3 Do 5 Dont 7 Do
2 Do 4 Do 6 Do 8 Dont
^ Tick the correct sentence
Explain to students that one sentence in each pair
is correct and one contains an extra word. Ask
students to tick the correct sentence and circle
the extra word. Check answers.
1 a / b up 5 a up b /
2 a out b / 6 a down b /
3 a over b / 7 a in b /
4 a / boff
B Choose the correct answer
Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each
gap. If no word is required, they should circle no
word. Check answers.
1 c 3 a 5 c 7 b
2 b 4 c 6 c 8 c
QJ Ci rcl e the correct answer
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Ask students to
decide for each choice whether the word given is
necessary or not. If it is necessary, they circle the

u s e f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
word. If it is not necessary, they circle the dash.
Check answers.
1 with 3 on 5 - 7 off
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 -
0 C / r c / e the extra words
Explain to students that there are one or more
extra words in each sentence. Ask students to
circle all the extra words. Check answers.
1 up 4 down, about
2 up, out 5 off, on
3 out 6 out
Q Compl ete the sentences
Explain to students that four of the gaps in the
sentences can be filled by the words in the box. In
the other gaps no word is necessary. Ask students
to write the words from the box in the correct
gaps, and to put a dash where no word is required.
Check answers.
1 down 3 up 5 -
2 - 4 off 6 through
Read the passage
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Ask students to
decide whether the words in italics are
unnecessary words or not. If an italicised word is
unnecessary, they write the word on the line. If it
is not, they tick the line. Check answers.
1 out 5 / 9 /
2 / 6 off 10 /
3 / 7 down
4 8 /
Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to complete the sentences either by
writing a word or by putting a dash (if no word is
required) in each gap. Check answers.
1 down 3 into 5 - 7 away
2 - 4 up 6 up 8 -
Q Rearrange to make
Ask students to rearrange the words to make
sentences. Point out that the first word of the
sentence has been given to them, and that one
word in each set is unnecessary. Ask them to circle
the extra word and write their sentences on the
lines provided. Check answers.
1 (off) wonder if I should take up a new sport.
2 (over) players decided to take a break.
3 (down) trainer let us go home early.
4 (up) does you a lot of good.
5 (out) wanted to grow up to be a footballer.
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Check answers.
will become
is going to hurt
I'll take up
Im going to see
Im taking part
Shes going to stay
Ill be playing
I will have finished
I will have been learning
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 4 on page 152 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 let off
6 get through
2 comes off 7 put, through
3 let, off 8 puts, off
4 wore off 9 flicked through
5 put, off 10 turn off
E x a m PRACTI CE - see page 29
i / 6 up 11 over
2 the 7 on 12 up
3 on 8 / 13 it
4 up 9 across 14 in
5 / 1 0 / 15 /
R e v i s i o n T e s t : U n i t s 1 - 4
Note: You may wish students to do the photocopiable
Revision Test. Units 1-4 on pages 30 - 32 of this
Teachers Book before moving on to Unit 5.
We recommend this test being done under exam
conditions in class.
1 for
2 on
3 in
4 from
5 of
Part 3
1 glanced
2 spectators
3 witnesses
4 sight
5 trip
6 in 11 in 31 have put the match off / have put off the
7 of 12 in match
8 of 13 on 32 nothing but watch
9 on 14 for 33 1had better
10 for 15 on 34 is no point (in)
35 has been an increase of
6 take
7 spend
8 find
9 pass
10 take up
11 fee
12 profit
13 subscription
14 receipt
15 income
36 is / has been two months since
37 succeeded in persuading
38 being unable to speak French
39 had a quick look
40 refused to put up
Part 4
41 which 46 to 51 /
6 cruise 11 Bear
42 on 47 getting 52 /
7 miss 12 first
43 / 48 / 53 to
8 border 13 way
44 than 49 there 54 /
9 trip 14 charge
45 had 50 itself 55 one
10 off 15 being
Part 5
must be paid
are not / arent allowed
have not / havent seen Fiona
moved here
was not / wasn't ill, she would / shed go
had not / hadnt been ill, she would /shed
59 viewers
60 neighbourhood
have gone
7 for not sending / having sent her
8 breaking / having broken
9 such a boring film
10 too windy (for us)
11 not studying / having studied
12 though she is shy
13 have been pleased
14 should have helped
15 is being built
P r a c t i c e E x a m 2
Note: You may also wish students to do Practice Exam 2 on
pages 34 - 37 before moving on to Unit 5. This Practice
Exam can either be done under exam conditions in
class, or it can be assigned for homework.
1 C 4 A 7 A 10 B 13 A
2 A 5 D 8 B 11 D 14 B
3 C 6 D 9 C 12 B 15 C
Part 2
16 Although 21 these 26 In / During
17 much 22 However 27 a
18 until 23 being 28 which
19 used 24 were 29 like
20 with 25 the 30 of
|u n i t People
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
J Whi ch word?
Ask students to circle the correct word to answer
each question. Check answers.
1 b 4 c 7 b 10a
2 b 5 a 8 b 11 c
3 a 6 b 9 c
them negati ve
Ask students to complete the gaps with the negative
forms of the adjectives. Remind students that, in
each case, they will have to add a prefix onto the
adjective to make it negative. Check answers.
1 unattractive 5 unemployed
2 unhelpful 6 impatient
3 illegal 7 inaccurate
4 impossible 8 uncomfortable
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r ' s B o o k
B Compl ete the tabl e
Ask students to circle the correct negative noun
to complete the table. Check answers.
1 disadvantage 7 inability
2 disapproval 8 untidiness
3 impossibility 9 disbelief
4 unhappiness 10 dishonesty
5 disobedience 11 insecurity
6 impatience 12 uncertainty
QJ p / n d the verbs
Explain to students that three of the verbs in the box
cannot be made negative by adding the prefix dis-.
Ask students to write these verbs, and their negative
forms, on the lines provided. Check answers.
1 dress undress
2 pack unpack
3 screw unscrew
Q Fi nd the odd one out
Ask students to circle the word in each group
which is not the negative form of a positive word.
Check answers.
1 imprisoned 3 disturb 5 aboriginal
2 unless 4 invaluable 6 illustrated
0 D o 5 and Donts
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write Do or Don't in each gap to complete the
sentences. Check answers.
1 Do 3 Do 5 Don't 7 Do
2 Do 4 Do 6 Do 8 Dont
3 Read and wri te true or
fal se
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about, ignoring the gaps.
Ask students to decide whether the statements
are true or not. Move on to exercise H without
revealing answers.
1 F 2 T 3T 4F 5 T 6 T
B Di scuss
Ask students to discuss their answers to exercise G
in pairs. If you wish, this can be done as a class
activity. Check answers.
f l y y / i a f ki nd of word?
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
look at the passage again and decide what kind of
word fills each gap. Ask students to make notes
on the lines provided, encouraging them to give as
much information as possible. Move on to exercise
J without revealing answers.
1 adjective - must be negative
2 verb
3 adjective - must be negative
4 adjective
5 adverb
6 adjective - must be negative
7 adjective
8 pronoun - must be reflexive referring to T
9 adjective
10 verb
11 adjective
12 adjective - must begin with a vowel (because
of an before)
13 pronoun / noun
14 adverb
15 verb
Q Di scuss
Bring students together to discuss their answers to
exercise I. Accept all logical, sensible suggestions.
Compl ete the gaps
Ask students to use the words given to complete
the gaps in the paragraph. Point out that all the
words need a prefix, that they may also need to
change other parts of the word and that all of the
words are negatives, apart from two. Remind
students to read through the paragraph again
when they have filled in all the gaps to make sure
it makes logical sense. Check answers.
1 impossible 9 unpopular
2 disapprove 10 disappear
3 unenthusiastic 11 impatient
4 uncomfortable 12 independent
5 especially 13 nobody
6 unrecognisable 14 unbelievably
7 unattractive 15 dislike
8 myself
G r a m m a r FOCUS
Ask students to complete the table. Check answers.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
1syllable large larger largest
adjectives: fat fatter fattest
1or 2 syllable happy happier happiest
ending in -y:
adjectives comfortable more most
with 2 or comfortable comfortable
Irregular Adjectives/Determiners
Adjective / Comparative Superlative
good better best
bad worse worst
far farther or farther or
further farthest
much / many more most
little (= not much) less least
Irregular Adverbs
Normal Normal
adjective adverb
good well
bad badly
Comparative Superlative
adverb adverb
better best
worse worst
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 5 on page 153 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 throw away 6 takes after
2 passed away 7 get away
3 look after 8 chased after
4 do away with 9 gave away
5 named after 10 asked after
E X A M PRACTI CE - see page 29
1 disagreements
2 invaluable
3 unprofessional
4 behaviour
5 themselves
6 logically
7 unwilling
8 meeting
9 understanding
10 solution
n i . 6 Travel
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
ime 7//
Ask students to match the sentence beginnings
with their endings. Check answers. Ask students to
look at the question in the exercise rubric. Elicit
answers. Accept all sensible, logical suggestions.
Ensure students understand that 'spend time
emphasises how long you do something for,
whereas ' pas s t he time' em pha sis es t hat y o u d o
something to prevent yourself from becoming
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 c
Q Compl ete the patterns
Ask students to look at exercise A again and then
complete the patterns by circling the correct
words or phrases. Check answers.
1 passes 3 to do 5 doing
2 takes 4 doing
B Obl i gati on and abi l i ty
Ask students to use the words from the box to
complete the sentences. Check answers.
1 capable 3 let 5 make 7 allow
2 arrange 4 cause 6 able
Q Compl ete the patterns
Ask students to look at exercise C again and then
complete the patterns by circling the correct
words or phrases. Check answers.
1 do 4 do 7 to do
2 to do 5 to do
3 to do 6 of doing
Q Obl i gati on and abi l i ty
(passi ve form)
Ask students to read the sentences and decide
whether they are grammatically correct or not.
Students tick or cross as appropriate. Check answers.
1 / 3 / 5 /
2 / 4 X 6 /
Q Compl ete the patterns
Ask students to look at exercise E again and then
complete the patterns by circling the correct
words or phrases. Check answers.
1 to do
2 to do
3 to do
4 rented
B Speech
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
write the verbs from the box next to the
grammatical patterns the verbs can take. Point out
that most of the verbs take more than one
pattern. Check answers.
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r ' s B o o k
announce, approve, claim, mention, say, suggest,
announce, suggest, mention, say
agree, announce, claim, suggest, pretend,
mention, say
convince, inform, persuade
convince, tell, persuade
agree, claim, pretend
convince, tell, persuade
suggest, mention
agree, announce, claim, suggest, mention, say
Resul ts and success
Ask students to match the sentence beginnings
with their endings. Check answers.
1 c 4 b 7 d
2 a 5 g 8 f
3 e 6 i 9 h
n C o m p / e f e the patterns
Ask students to look at exercise H again and then
complete the patterns by circling the correct
words or phrases. Check answers.
1 to do 4 to do 7 to, doing
2 in doing 5 - 8 in, doing
3 something 6 doing 9 doing
Q Bl ame
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
words from the box. Point out to students that they
can use each word more than once. Check answers.
1 fault 5 accuse
2 blame 6 blame
3 blame / criticise 7 charge
4 blame / criticise 8 blame
Compl ete the patterns
Ask students to look at exercise J again and then
complete the patterns by circling the correct
words or phrases. Check answers.
1 for 3 for 5 for 7 of
2 on 4 on 6 with 8 with
Q C / i o o s e the correct answer
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Ask students to circle
the correct word to fill each gap. Check answers.
I B 3 C 5 A 7 A 9 A
2 A 4 D 6 D 8 D 10 D
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to match each example sentence
with a reason A-K why the modal verb in each
sentence has been used. Students write the letters
on the line. Check answers.
I E 3 A 5 C 71 9 D 11 F
2 H 4 J 6 B 8 G 10 K
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 6 on page 153 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 handed out 6 handed in
2 run out of 7 stand in for
3 put out 8 bring out
4 pop in 9 pull in
5 drowned out 10 cross out
E x a m p r a c t i c e - seepage 29
1 B 6 A 11 A
2 D 7 C 12 B
3 C 8 B 13 B
4 D 9 D 14 D
5 A 10 C 15 A
P r a c t i c e E x a m 3
Note: You may wish students to do Practice Exam 3 on
pages 50 - 53 before moving on to Unit 7 This Practice
Exam can either be done under exam conditions in
class, or it can be assigned for homework.
1 B
2 A
3 C
Part 2
16 which / that 21 very / that 26 are
22 though
23 where
4 D 7 B 10 B 13 A
5 A 8 A 11 D 14 B
6 D 9 C 12 C 15 D
17 of
18 being
19 the
20 all
Part 3
31 be a better spot than
32 had a discussion about where
33 only a few
34 as old as
35 to have our car serviced
27 a
28 whole
24 anywhere 29 have
25 for 30 to
36 deserve to fail
37 am used to driving
38 has a tendency to worry
39 wish I had visited
40 might not have heard
Part 4
41 it
4 2 /
43 that
44 the
45 was
56 similarities
57 instantly
58 effective
59 practical
60 relatively
46 on 51 /
47 to 52 like
48 much 53 be
4 9 / 5 4 /
50 been 55 see
61 suitable
62 incorrectly
63 explanation
64 development
65 unexpected
................ 7 Food and Drink
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
' ^Rel ati ve pronouns
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
words from the box. Point out that they may use the
words more than once, and that there may be more
than one answer for some sentences. Check answers.
1 when 5 which 9 what
2 who 6 which 10 whom
3 where 7 where 11 whose
4 who / that 8 which / that 12 which
0 Modal verbs
Ask students to complete the sentences by
writing one word in each gap. Point out that one
of the gaps in each sentence requires a modal
verb, and that there may be more than one
possibility for some gaps. Check answers.
1 should, each 5 would / might, what
2 would, were 6 been, would
3 the, had / used 7 have / ought, them
4 would, if
B Preposi ti ons
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask students
to fill the gaps using the prepositions from the
box. Point out that they will have to use some
prepositions more than once. Check answers.
1 in
2 in
3 over
5 on
6 In
From 7 at
8 down
9 on
10 in
11 on
12 on
Q Compari sons
Ask students to write one word in each gap to
complete the sentences. Check answers.
1 than 3 more 5 as 7 enough
2 much 4 to 6 much 8 too
Q Pronouns and possessi ve
Ask students to circle the correct words to
complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 b
Q Auxi l i ary verbs
Ask students to complete the sentences using an
appropriate form of have, door be. Check answers.
1 been 3 had 5 be 7 was 9 does
2 does 4 have 6 be 8 having 10 being
0 Arti cl es
Ask students to circle the correct word to
complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 the 3 a 5 one
2 a 4 the 6 a
Q Fi nd the mi ssi ng words
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask students
to write one word in each gap. Point out that the
type of word they require is given before the gap.
Check answers.
1 their 4 them 7 Having 10 have
2 in 5 the 8 its 11 for
3 which 6 into 9 can 12 be
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct modal verb to
complete each sentence. Then ask students to
circle the correct description of the sentences
meaning. Check answers.
1 should a 6 would b
2 could b 7 must a
3 may b 8 ought to a
4 neednt b 9 might a
5 cant a
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 7 on page IS4 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 come up with 6 turned up
2 passes out 7 make out
3 pull out 8 make up
4 made out 9 make out
5 set up 10 make up
E x a m iPRACTI CE see page 29
1 much 6 the 11 a
2 be 7 such 12 these
3 when 8 to 13 by
4 has 9 out 14 had
5 than 10 which 15 so
C n i t
8 The Media
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Q Compl ete the phrasal verbs
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
verbs from the box. Point out that they will need
to use some of the verbs more than once. Check
1 put 6 took
2 cut 7 looked
3 took 8 pulled
4 turned 9 put
5 put 10 ran
f ^ M a t c h
Ask students to look at exercise A again and
match the phrasal verbs in exercise A with the
verbs and phrases in exercise B that mean
approximately the same thing. Check answers.
A 7 C 8 E l G 2 1 3
B I O D 5 F 4 H 6 | 9
Q Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
key words given. Point out that all of these
sentences contain phrasal verbs. Remind them they
must write between two and five words for each
sentence, including the key word. Check answers.
1 is often taken for 5 took place
2 cut down on 6 look up to
3 put up with your 7 you put me up
rudeness 8 have run out of
4 you put me through
^j Nouns from verbs
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write as many nouns from the verbs as they can
think of on the lines provided. Check answers.
1 application, applicant 7 (mis)behaviour
2 visit, visitor 8 permit, permission
3 song, singer 9 discussion
4 swim, swimmer, 10 solution
swimming 11 description
5 (dis)appearance 12 tendency
6 (dis)agreement 13 intention
Q Nouns from adj ecti ves
Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to
write as many nouns from the adjectives as they
can think of on the lines provided. Check answers.
1 (in)accuracy 4 (un)kindness
2 difficulty 5 rudeness
3 (ir)responsibility
f l C i r c / e the correct words
Ask students to circle the correct words to
complete the phrases. Check answers.
1 have, in 5 have, for
2 have, about 6 be, with
3 find, to 7 have, to do
4 give, of
Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
key words given. Remind them they must write
between two and five words for each sentence,
including the key word. Check answers.
1 many applicants / applications for
2 following their appearance
3 had difficulty in arranging
4 has a tendency to ask
5 find a solution
6 had a discussion about
Compl ete the words
Ask students to complete the words (the first letter
has been given to them) so that the second sentence
means the same as the first. Check answers.
1 wonder 5 note
2 interest 6 attention
3 look 7 blamed
4 necessary 8 permission
Q Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to use the words from the box to
complete the sentences. Check answers.
1 lend 5 receive
2 work 6 go
3 hear 7 remember
4 arrive 8 tell
Q Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
key words given. Remind them they must write
between two and five words for each sentence,
including the key word. Check answers.
1 not like Dave to be
2 tell the difference between
3 did not / didnt remember to cancel
4 still hasnt / has not /havent / have not
sent me
5 did not / didnt let me go
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to
complete the sentences on the right. Check answers.
1 was 9 might
2 was 10 not to, was
3 had 11 it had felt
4 hadnt, that 12 we couldnt
5 had been 13 wanted
6 thought, would 14 would, the next day
7 could 15 run
8 had
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 8 on page 154 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 dropped out
2 t u r n e d o u t
3 gets on
4 take on
5 break out
6 backed out
7 is g e t t i n g o n
8 went on
9 break out
10 went on
E x a m p r a c t i c e see page 29
1 never forget Harrys kindness
2 as good a swimmer as
3 behaviour was so bad
4 have not received any applications
5 it really difficult to accept
6 described in detail
7 has taken a careful look
8 has (the) responsibility for dealing
9 put up with your rudeness
10 has turned down the offer / has turned the
offer down
R e v i s i o n T e s t : U n i t s 5 - 8
Note: You may wish students to do the photocopiable
Revision Test: Units 5-8 on pages 33 - 35 of this
Teacher's Book before moving on to Unit 9. We
recommend this test being done under exam
conditions in class.
1 inability 9 disagreement
2 disprove 10 inaccurate
3 impatient 11 uncomfortable
4 inefficient 12 disobedience
5 insecurity 13 illogical
6 unemployed 14 disbelief
7 unhelpful 15 disapproval
8 abnormal
1 a 6 c 11 b
2 b 7 c 12 b
3 b 8 b 13 c
4 b 9 a 14 b
5 c 10 a 15 b
1 up 6 up 11 down
2 after 7 up 12 down
3 on 8 through 13 out
4 up 9 out 14 on
5 down 10 after 15 after
1 over 6 yours; 11 which
2 much 7 had 12 what
3 a 8 to 13 whom
4 does 9 wheni 14 been
5 would 10 of 15 one
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
P r a c t i c e E x a m 4
Note: You may also wish students to do Practice Exam 4 on
pages 66 - 69 before moving on to Unit 9. This Practice
Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class,
or it can be assigned for homework.
Part 1
I B 4 A 7 C 10 D 13 A
2 D 5 A 8 B 11 C 14 C
3 C 6 A 9 D 12 D 15 A
Part 2
16 to 20 rid 24 than 28 make
17 been 21 up 25 in 29 It
18 as 22 before 26 be 30 why
19 a 23 them 27 which
Part 3
31 not really interested in
32 wish you would not / wouldnt spend
33 Kay liked / enjoyed most
34 told him not to leave
35 made a note of
36 dont you let Tony
37 as long as you promise
38 took place even though
39 was an American who invented
40 do not / dont belong to
Part 4
41 did 45 what 49 / 53 to
42 / 46 that 50 of 54 do
43 / 47 off 51 / 55 will
44 part 48 will 52 a
Part 5
56 importance 61 boredom
57 knowledge 62 psychological
58 worldwide 63 variety
59 protection 64 daily
60 scientific 65 unconvinced
1 a the b / 5 a day b /
2 a / b of 6 a / b the
3 a the b / 7 a / b more
4 a the b /
|u n i t 9The Weather
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
JT/c/c t he cor r ect sent ence
Explain to students that one sentence in each pair
is correct and one contains an extra word. Ask
students to tick the correct sentence and circle
the extra word. Check answers.
0 F / n c / the extra word
Ask students to circle the extra word in each
sentence. Check answers.
1 of 6 all
2 quite 7 of
3 very 8 extra
4 more 9 than
5 many 10 much
|Ci rcl e the correct answer
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Ask students to
decide for each choice whether the word given is
necessary or not. If it is necessary, they circle the
word. If it is not necessary, they circle the dash.
Check answers.
1 all 4 - 7 - 10 -
2 - 5 though 8 - 11 -
3 - 6 far 9 -
Q Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to write o f in three of the gaps to
complete the sentences. Ask students to write a
dash (-) in the sentences which do not require a
word. Check answers.
1 - 2 of 3 - 4 of 5 of 6 -
Note: You could discuss, as a class, how the sentences in
exercise D that require 'of' are different to the
others. Monitor the discussion. Accept all logical,
sensible suggestions. Ensure students understand
that of here is followed by a noun or a noun
phrase, rather than a clause (subject and verb).
J Read the passage
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Ask students to
decide whether the words in italics are
unnecessary words or not. If an italicised word is
unnecessary, they write the word on the line. If it
is not, they tick the line. Check answers.
1 myself 5 in 9 /
2 on 6 about 10 of
3 / 7 of
4 on 8 of
Q Ch o o s e the cor r ec t ans wer
Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each
gap. If no word is required, they should circle 'no
word'. Check answers.
1 c J c S c 7 c
2 b 4 c 6 b 8 c
0 Compl et e the s ent ences
Ask students to complete the sentences either by
writing a word or by putting a dash (if no word is
required) in each gap. Check answers.
1 - 3 to 5 - 7 though
2 - 4 - 6 as 8 -
Fi nd the extra wor d
Ask students to circle the word in italics in each
sentence which should not be there. Check answers.
1 other 3 one 5 other
2 else 4 other
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle for each sentence the
correct explanation of the meaning of the words
in italics. Check answers. Then ask students to
circle the correct words and phrases to complete
the rules. Check answers,
l a 2 b 3 b 4 b
1 who 3 where 5 dont put
2 which 4 put 6 dont use
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 9 on page 155 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 come on 6 taken on
2 cut down on 7 come on
3 breaks down 8 carry on
4 die down 9 brings on
5 bend down 10 close down
E X A M P RACTI CE - see page 29
1 in 4 the 7 to 10 / 13 hardly
2 it 5 myself 8 she 11 if 14 /
3 / 6 the 9 that 12 on 15 very
n , , 1 O ' The Environment
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
J w h o f ki nd o f wo r d?
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
write the kind of word that is usually formed from
the given suffix. Point out that there may be more
than one answer for some suffixes. Check answers.
nouns, adjectives
nouns, adjectives
nouns, adjectives
verbs, adjectives
nouns, adjectives
0 Di s c us s
Ask students, either in pairs or as a whole class, to
try to think of one more example for each suffix.
Accept all sensible suggestions.
j Wr/ 'fe the cor r ec t noun
Ask students to write the nouns from the verbs.
Point out that the nouns either end in -ment or
-tion and that students may have to make other
changes to the words. Check answers,
achievement entertainment
action excitement
addition explanation
agreement improvement
amusement information
announcement intention
appreciation invention
argument investigation
arrangement involvement
association judgement
competition measurement
construction obligation
conversation observation
decoration organisation
development payment
embarrassment preparation
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r ' s B o o k
employment production
encouragement qualification
enjoyment variation
Q Wr/ 'fe the c or r ec t noun
Ask students to write the nouns from the verbs.
Point out that the nouns either end in '-ance' or
-ence and that students may have to make other
changes to the words. Check answers.
Q C / rc / e the c or r ec t noun
Ask students to circle the correct nouns. Check
accuracy majority
activity mixture
anxiety popularity
delivery possibility
fitness repetition
freedom security
inhabitant tendency
knowledge variety
machinery willingness
Q Compl et e the pa s s a g e
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask students
to write an appropriate noun in each gap by
changing the word given. Check answers.
1 argument 9 improvement
2 recycling 10 distance
3 achievement 11 consumption
4 awareness 12 contribution
5 pollution 13 organisations
6 burning 14 development
7 involvement 15 production
8 appearance
Compl et e the wor ds
Ask students to write one letter in each gap to
complete the words. Then, ask them to circle the
words which are not people. Check answers,
container inventor customer researcher
director freezer sailor actor
investor explorer inspector protector
c o n t a i n e r an d f r p p 7p r ar e n o t p e o p U
l a Wri te the adv er bs
Ask students to write the adverbs formed from
the words given. Check answers,
amazingly (un)happily
(un)believably (ab)normally
easily originally
extremely recently
generally repeatedly
Q Compl et e the s ent enc es
Ask students to write an appropriate verb in each
gap by changing the word given. Check answers.
1 emphasise 3 specialises 5 widen
2 tighten 4 realise
Q Compl et e the tabl e
Ask students to write an appropriate adjective in
the correct column(s) for each word. Point out
that one of the words has an entry in all three
columns. Check answers.
-able -ful -less
careful careless
harmful harmless
helpful helpless
hopeful hopeless
powerful powerless
usable useful useless
Wri te the suffi x
Ask students to write an appropriate suffix to
complete each adjective. Check answers.
1 attractive 6 expensive
2 anxious 7 impressive
3 effective 8 political
4 practical 9 additional
5 industrial 10 depressed
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct option to
complete the sentences. Then, ask them to tick
the sentences a-c which mean the same. Point out
that they may have to tick more than one
sentence in each case. Check answers.
1 to support a, c 3 that a
2 that a, c 4 to cause a, b, c
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 10 on page 155 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 see, off 6 put, by
2 bringing in 7 turn in
3 get by 8 took, in
4 give off 9 fill in
5 come by 10 set off
E x a m p r a c t i c e see page 29
1 inhabitants 6 specialists
2 popularity 7 extremely
3 construction 8 comfortable
4 harmful 9 secondary
5 countless 10 growing
P r a c t i c e E x a m 5
Note: You may wish students to do Practice Exam 5 on pages
82 - 85 before moving on to Unit 11. This Practice Exam
can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it
can be assigned for homework.
1 B 4 A 7 C 10 A 13 B
2 D 5 B 8 D 11 B 14 D
3 A 6 C 9 B 12 C 15 A
Part 2
16 since 21 how 26 made
17 be 22 was 27 at
18 had 23 which 28 of
19 on 24 to 29 there
20 where 25 became 30 and
Part 3
31 is not / isnt interested in
32 must have been
33 nothing left in
34 is not / isnt far from
35 wish I could come
36 (high / about) time Tim learned
37 are thought to be hiding
38 put me through to
39 the (single) exception of Melissa
40 as well as bringing up
Part 4
41 was 46 the 51 to
42 of 47 S 52
43 / 48 out 53 have
44 the 49 did 54 for
45 there 50 of 55 too
Part 5
56 evidence 61 arrangements
57 lawyers 62 responsibilities
58 correspondence 63 activities
59 useful 64 currently
60 customers 65 unemployment
(u n i t I I I Technology
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
J Ch o o s e the c or r ec t ans wer
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to fill each gap. Check answers,
l a 3 b 5 a 7 c 9 b
2 c 4 c 6 c 8 b 10 b
0 Compl et e the pas s a g e
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
circle the correct word or phrase to fill each gap.
Check answers.
even if
regardless of
3 Compl et e the s ent enc es
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
words from the box. Check answers.
1 better 3 rather 5 rather
2 further 4 better 6 further
U s e 0 f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
Q c h o o s e the cor r ec t ans wer
Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each
gap. Check answers.
I d 2 a 3b 4 c 5 b
^ ^ C o m p I ete the p a s s a g e
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
fill the gaps using the words from the box. Check
1 so 4 better 7 further
2 such 5 too
3 enough 6 rather
Q C / r c l e the c or r ec t wor d
Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each
gap. Check answers.
1 still 3 just 5 still
2 already 4 still
J ^ C h o o s e the c or r ec t verb
Ask students to circle the correct verb to fill each
gap. Check answers.
l c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 b
Q j Mofch to make s ent enc es
Ask students to match the sentence halves. Check
l b 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 e
Q C / rc / e the c or r ec t wor d
Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each
gap. Check answers.
l b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the letters to complete the
sentences. Point out that there may be more than one
correct choice for each sentence. Check answers.
a, b
a & c, a
b, a & c
a & b, b
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 11 on page 156 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students iiiai, ir necessary, They can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 taken aback 6 make for
2 give out 7 leave, out
3 fell for 8 come forward
4 fall out 9 put forward
5 fall for 10 bring, forward
E x a m p r a c t i c e see page 29
1 A 4 A 7 D 10 C 13 B
2 B S B 8 A 11 A 14 A
3 D 6 B 9 B 12 D 15 B
(T77712 Health and Fitness
W a r m - u p see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
3 Ma k e or d o ?
Ask students, in pairs or individually, to write
make or do on the lines provided.
make make do
make do
make make make
make do do
do make make
make make do
do do
make make make
make do make
make make do
make make do
make do
make d o d o
do make d o
do do
0/ - / ove or take?
Ask students, in pairs or individually, to circle the
odd one out for each set of words and phrases.
1 a decision 4 difficulty
2 pity on someone 5 to do something
3 the blame
0 H a ve , or have and take?
Ask students to decide whether the words and
phrases go with the verb 'have' or with both 'have'
and 'take'. Ask them to write have or have/take
on the lines provided.
1 have / take 9 have
2 have / take 10 have / take
3 have / take 11 have / take
4 have 12 have
5 have 13 have
6 have / take 14 have / take
7 have / take 15 have / take
8 have / take 16 have
Q Di s c us s
Ask students, in pairs or as a whole class, to look
at the phrases in exercise C that go with both
'have' and take. Ask them to discuss whether the
choice of verb for each one affects the meaning.
Main differences:
'have a day o ff suggests the day off is given to you whereas
take a day off suggests you choose not to go to work
have a job' means you are not unemployed whereas take
a job' means you accept a job offer
'have something to domeans you must do something
whereas take something to do' means you take something
with you to occupy you, e.g. take a book to read
'have time to do somethingrefers to the amount of time
given to you whereas take time to do somethingrefers to
how long you need
| ^ C o mp l e t e the pas s a g e
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask students
to fill the gaps using make, 'do', have or 'take' in
their correct forms. Check answers.
1 made/took 12 took
2 had 13 made
3 have 14 had
4 doing 15 make
5 making 16 do
6 doing 17 take
7 making 18 make
8 made 19 done
9 doing 20 made
10 had 21 does
11 do 22 had
Q Phr as al verbs
Ask students to circle the correct words to
complete the sentences. Check answers.
Note: You could discuss, as a class, the meanings of the
phrasal verbs in exercise F. Accept all sensible
Main meanings: 1continue 2 put sth in the place where
you usually keep it when youre not using it 3 disconnect
A s t a r t , f o r m , c r e a t e 5 n o t h a v e a n y l e f t i n s t o c k 6 t h i n k &f ,
invent, create 7 kill an animal because it's very old or ill, etc
8 become ill with 9 solve 10 recover from
1 on 5 out, of 9 out
2 away 6 up, with 10 over
3 off 7 down
4 up 8 down, with
G Take place, happen and occur
Ask students to write take place, happenor
occur in each gap to complete the descriptions.
Check answers. Then ask them to circle the
correct verb to complete each sentence and to
write it in the correct form on the line provided,
Text 1 Text 2
1 occur 1 take place
2 occur 2 occurs
3 happen 3 occur
4 occur 4 happened
5 take place 5 happen
Q^ C o mp l e t e th e pas s a g e
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask students
to write one word in each gap. Check answers.
1 up 5 on 9 happens
2 came 6 had 10 place
3 down 7 did 11 sort / work
4 occurred 8 over 12 take
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Explain to students that each of the sentences in
the passive voice contains a mistake. Ask students
to rewrite the words in bold so that the sentence
is correct and to add any words that are missing,
as appropriate. Check answers.
1 are held 7 will be informed
2 is being treated 8 going to be given
3 has been used 9 will be cut off
4 was hypnotised 10 by
5 was being shown 11 with
6 had been prescribed
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 12 on page 156 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
23 made
24 made
25 made
26 make
27 have
28 do
29 makes
30 have
31 made
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 bank on 6 show off
2 cut off 7 caught on
3 caught on 8 keep on
4 made off 9 cut off
5 called off 10 try on
E x a m p r a c t i c e see page 29
1 more 6 out 11 have
2 known 7 of 12 done
3 to 8 come 13 as
4 one 9 not 14 was
5 There 10 becoming 15 told
R e v i s i o n T e s t : U n i t s 9-12
Note: You may wish students to do the photocopiable
Revision Test: Units 9-12 on pages 36 and 37 of this
Teacher's Book before moving on to Unit 13. We
recommend this test being done under exam
conditions in class.
1 more 6 of 11 your
2 the 7 of 12 of
3 of 8 all 13 of
4 of 9 else 14 at
5 quite 10 to 15 about
1 fitness 9 distance
2 explanation 10 competition /
3 appreciation competitor
4 difference 11 accuracy
5 addition 12 majority
6 security 13 freedom
7 knowledge 14 entertainment
8 anxiety 15 evidence
1 inventor 9 emphasise /
2 freezer emphasize
3 repeatedly 10 successful
4 tighten 11comfortable
5 industrial 12 hopeless
6 impressive 13 effective
7 depressed 14 contribution
8 sailor 15 useless
1 do 6 Take 11 down
2 made 7 occurs 12 off
3 take 8 do 13 down
4 have 9 make 14 out
5 made 10 up 15 out
P r a c t i c e E x a m 6
Note: You may also wish students to do Practice Exam 6 on
pages 98 - 101 before moving on to Unit 13.
This Practice Exam can either be done under exam
conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework
I B 4 A 7 D 10 B 13 A
2 D 5 C 8 B 11 B 14 B
3 A 6 C 9 A 12 C 15 D
Part 2
16 its 21 made 26 from
17 of 22 the 27 since
18 that 23 for 28 been
19 out 24 as 29 allowing / enabling
20 had 25 all 30 out
Part 3
31 were you I would use
32 at the age of
33 as a result of
34 accused Darren of breaking
35 in case it rains
36 you mind if I make
37 to have our house painted
38 has a tendency to get
39 put me up
40 was not / wasn't necessary for Ed
Part 4
41 that 44 of 47 50 say 53 less
42 / 45 in 48 a 51 / 54 to
43 so 46 for 49 we 52 it 55 that
Part 5
56 famous 61 photographers
57 entertainment 62 unacceptable
58 journalists 63 valuable
59 growing 64 inaccurate
60 unreasonably 65 obligation
13 |u n i t i o |Transport
W a r m - u p see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Q A b i I i t y
Ask students to tick the correct sentences and to
rewrite those that are incorrect. Check answers.
1 /
2 Tanya is very good at driving.
4 Darren didnt succeed in catching the ferry.
5 Darren didn't manage to catch the ferry.
7 Bob isn't really capable of sailing in rough
8 Its impossible for me to get there by four
9 /
10 She wants to know if I can pick up the tickets
for her.
12 /
13 Inga had difficulty (in) landing the plane.
14 /
0 Chance and probabi l i ty
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
key words and patterns given. Point out that they
may need to write more than five words for each
one. Check answers.
1 is no chance of the airport being
2 has no chance of passing
3 is unlikely (that) there are / will be
4 is unlikely to arrive
5 is no doubt (that) the tickets will be more
Q Responsi bi l i ty
Ask students to circle the correct words to
complete the patterns. Check answers. Then ask
students to complete the sentences using the key
words given so that they all mean the same as the
example sentence. Check answers.
1 to do 3 for doing
2 for doing 4 to do
1 is Kevins responsibility to check
2 has responsibility for checking
3 is responsible for checking
4 is Kevins duty to check
J Pref erence and regret
Ask students to complete the sentences so that
they mean the same as the sentences, given. Check
1 like taking the bus today / not take the bus
2 like to learn how to skateboard / in learning
how to skateboard
3 able to hang-glide / hang-glide / being able to
4 why he hadnt learned how to hang-glide before.
5 he hadnt crashed his mothers Porsche
6 he had driven more carefully / not driving /
having driven more carefully
J For c e, pe r mi s s i o n and
r e c o mme n da t i o n
Ask students to tick the correct patterns and
rewrite the incorrect ones. Check answers.
1 let someone do something
2 /
3 be allowed to do something
4 make someone do something
5 /
6 /
7 would advise someone to do something
8 had better do something
9 /
10 be no point (in) doing something
11 see the point (of / in) doing something
12 be worth doing something
13 /
14 /
15 it is (high) time someone did something
16 give someone permission to do something
Q Compl et e the s ent enc es
Ask students to complete the sentences using the
key words given. Remind students that they must
write between two and five words in each gap.
Check answers.
1 wasn't / was not allowed to borrow
2 had better wear
3 were you I would
4 is no point (in) getting
5 see the point (in / of) getting
6 (high) time you learned
7 gave us permission to use
Ti me and r egul ar i t y
Ask students to rewrite the second sentence of
each pair correctly. Check answers.
1 How long did it take you to fly from London
to Athens?
2 It took us an hour to walk to the garage.
3 Phil spent the whole flight complaining.
4 Its unusual for Intercity trains to stop at this
5 Rebecca cant avoid getting lost all the time.
Op i n i o n and di s c us s i on
Ask students to circle the sentence in each pair
which does not contain any mistakes. Check answers.
1 b 2 b 3 a
U 5 e 0 f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to decide if the statements are true or
false. Check answers. Then explain that each of the
sentences contains a mistake. Ask students to rewrite
the words in bold so that the sentence is correct and
add any words that are missing. Check answers.
I T 3 F 5 T
2F 4 F
1 has cleaned
2 are getting, delivered
3 has had, stolen
4 got, fitted
5 was having, repaired
6 had had, painted
7 will have, towed
8 are going to have, polished
9 will have had, pulled
10 by
11 with
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 13 on page 157 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask students
if they have any questions regarding unknown
vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in
bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind
students that, if necessary, they can consult the list of
phrasal verbs at the back of their book. You may
wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 put on 6 think, through
2 see, through 7 getting on for
3 sailed, through 8 dawned on
4 picking on 9 grown on
5 pull through 10 see, through
E x a m PRACTI CE * see page 29
1 didnt / did not succeed in getting
2 found it difficult to carry
3 if / whether John could meet him
4 has no chance of making
5 are responsible for carrying
6 didnt / did not feel like doing
7 regrets not being
8 was made to sit
9 isn't / is not worth you / your coming
10 looking forward to going
C. . .14 Fashion
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Q Co n d i t i o n a l s
Ask students to circle the correct option to fill
each gap. Point out that for some gaps there may
be more than one correct option. Check answers,
l b & c 3 a & c 5 b 7 a
2 b 4 b 6 a 8 c
Q Au x i l i a r y verbs and mo da l s
Ask students to tick the correct sentence in each
incorrect sentence. Check answers.
1 a be b / 8 a being b /
2 a would b / 9 a / b being
3 a been b / 10 a can b /
4 a /
b got 11 a / b did
5 a / b had 12 a / b to
6 a being b / 13 a / b have
7 a / b been
0 R e / o f ; ive cl aus es
Ask students to circle the correct option to
complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 - 6 - 11 -
2 who 7 they 12 to
3 - 8 -
13 -
4 -
9 -
5 - 10 -
Q Ar t i c l es
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask students
circle all of the articles (a,an, or the) in the passage
which are extra, incorrect words. Check answers.
Were studying @)fashion at@)school at the
moment, and ^he) last week our teacher arranged for
us to go on a trip to see a fashion shoot. It w a s @
very exciting! we travelled Dy ^ c o a c n to an old
quarry which hasnt been used for@)years, near a
small village surrounded by (he)beautiful
countryside. When we arrived, the photographer
was just setting up his camera, and the models were
putting on their make-up and generally getting
ready. It was a fashion shoot for a mail-order
clothing @)catalogue. The weather was0lovely -
perfect for taking photos. We watched as the
photographer told the models where to stand and
how to pose. At the end of the shoot, which lasted
(fh^four hours, he took a photo of us, with the
models. I've got a copy of it framed on my bedroom
wall. Then, we talked to the models for a while and
they told us what(a)life was like working in the
fashion @ industry. It was all(a)very useful
information for my course and I realised that they
dont have an easy job to do. It was a very
educational trip, and we all had(a)fun too.
Q Ti me
Ask students to circle the extra word in each
sentence and write it on the line provided. Check
1 have 4 being 7 will
2 than 5 before
3 will 6 will
Q S o , such and too
Ask students to complete the sentences by
writing so, such or too in the gaps, or a dash (-)
if no word is required. Check answers.
1 - 5 - 9 so 13 so
2 such 6 so 10 so 14 such
3 too 7 so 11 such 15 too
4 such 8 - 12 - 16 too
3 Adj ecti ves. comparati ves
and superl ati ves
Ask students to circle the correct option to
complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 - 4 -
2 much 5 rather
3 more 6 -
J ^ A m o u n t s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 b 3 a 5 b 7 b 9 a
2 a 4 b 6 a 8 b 10 b
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to tick the sentences that are
grammatically correct and put a cross if they are
grammatically incorrect. Their ticks and crosses
should be in the first column of lines. Check
answers. Then, ask students to think, for each
correct sentence, whether the phrase in bold is
referring to the past, now, generally, or the future.
Ask them to write past, now, generally or
future on the second line. Point out that they
might need to write more than one time word
on some of the lines. Check answers.
1 / future 9 X
2 / future 10 / generally
3 / past 11 / now / future
4 past 12 A
5 / future 13 / now
6 / future 14 / now
7 / generally 15 / now
8 now / future 16 / past
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 14 on page 157 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list o f phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 put, to 6 coming (a)round
2 coming round 7 come round
3 came round / to 8 set to
4 put, to 9 see to
5 turn round 10 coming (a)round to
E x a m p r a c t i c e ~ see page 29
1 s he 5 V 9 t h e y 11 have
2 a 6 the 10 / 14 which
3 been 7 of 11 so 15 did
4 a 8 / 12 more
P r a c t i c e E x a m 7
Note: You may wish students to do Practice Exam 7 on pages
114 -117 before moving on to Unit 15. This Practice
Exam can either be done under exam conditions in
class, or it can be assigned for homework.
1 B 4 C 7 D 10 A 13 B
2 D 5 C 8 C 11 A 14 C
3 A 6 A 9 B 12 D 15 A
Part 2
16 through 22 as 28 and
17 what 23 are 29 has
18 of 24 There 30 between
19 to 25 such
20 or 26 Although / While
21 is 27 to
U s
o f E n g l i s h S k i l l
T e a c h e
B o o k
Part 3
31 is supposed to be
32 doesn't / does not approve of me / my
33 would rather not
34 havent / have not seen Joe for
35 if you hadnt / had not helped
36 been very good at
37 am (really) looking forward to
38 behaviour was so bad (that)
39 turned it down
40 didnt / did not deserve to be
Part 4
41 too
42 a
43 /
44 being
45 /
Part 5
56 advertising 61 latest
57 customers 62 decision
58 competition 63 powerful
59 useful 64 valuable
60 fashionable 65 worldwide
46 doing 51 which
47 same 52 to
48 53 one
49 an 54 /
50 55 so
|un i 11 5 Crime
W a r m - u p - see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Q Di stance, si ze and power
Ask students to circle the correct words to
complete the table. Check answers.
[ ^Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to complete the sentences by forming
a word from the word in bold. Check answers.
b r o a d e n e d
8 heighten
9 length
10 heights
11 depth
12 strength
13 widens
I rregul ar nouns from verbs
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
complete the table. Check answers,
p r o o f
s ucces s
Q I rregul ar nouns from
adj ecti ves
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
complete the table. Check answers,
ability evidence
anxiety truth
Q I rregul ar adj ecti ves from
n o u n s
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
complete the table. Check answers,
horrible / horrid / horrific / horrifying /
horrified / horrendous
terrible / terrific / terrifying / terrified
Q Compl ete the passage
Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a
general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to
use each word in bold t o form a new word which
fills the gap. Check answers.
beneficial 17 practice
explanations 18 safer
terrible 19 ability
imprisoned 20 successful
prisoners 21 proof
choice 22 decisions
truth 23 thought
attention 24 death
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
complete the table. Then ask them to check their
answers by looking at the table on page 42. Ensure
all students now have the correct answers.
Comparative adjective Superlative adjective
1 beliefs 9
2 defence 10
3 safe 11
4 loss 12
5 daily 13
6 evidence 14
7 solution 15
8 scientific 16
f ^l rregul or
better best
worse worst
farther / further farthest /furthest
more most
less least
Normal Comparative Superlative
adverb adverb adverb
well better best
badly worse worst
3 Ci rcl e the correct word
Ask students to circle the correct word to
complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 Most 3 well 5 worst 7 further
2 less 4 worse 6 best 8 least
| I rregul ar verbs
Ask students to complete each sentence by changing
the form of the verb in bold. Check answers.
1 brought
2 Written
3 dug
4 broken
5 stolen
6 chosen
7 caught, found
8 drove
Q Peopl e
Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to
complete the table. Check answers,
advisor / adviser
employer / employee
relation / relative
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to decide whether the nouns are
usually countable or uncountable, or both and to
write C, U or C/U next to each one. Check
answers. Then, ask them to decide whether the
statements are true or false. Check answers.
advice U furniture U
glass C/U information U
luggage u news u
sheep C travel u
cake C/U fish C/U
hair C/U knowledge U
money u person C
time C / U work u
1 F 7 T
2 T 8 T
3 T 9 T
4 F 10 T
5 T 11 T
6 T 12 F
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 15 on page 158 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask students
if they have any questions regarding unknown
vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in
bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind
students that, if necessary, they can consult the list
of phrasal verbs at the back of their book. You may
wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 set out 6 get, down
2 narrow down 7 tear down
3 set out 8 Look out
4 go down 9 backed down
5 stands out 10 set out
E x a m P RACTI CE - seepage
1 evidence 6 carefully
2 description 7 choice
3 information 8 freedom
4 appearance 9 advice
5 lawyer 10 truth
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
U n i
W a r m - u p see page 29
D e v e l o p y o u r U s e o f
E n g l i s h s k i l l s
Note: You may wish to point out to students that this is a
revision unit. Everything in this unit has already
been covered in previous units.
J Con f u s a bl e wor ds and
phr as es
Ask students to choose the correct word from
each word group to fill each gap. Point out that
there is one word in each group which will not be
used. Check answers.
1 recipe
2 receipt
3 prescription
1 spectators 4 viewers
2 witnesses 5 audience
3 onlookers
1 profit
2 wages
3 salary
1 cruise
3 voyage
2 trip 4 tour
1 spends 3 takes
2 finds
4 passes
1 came in
2 got back
3 came to
1 in 2 at
1 missed 2 lost
Q Cor r ec t the mi s t akes
Ask students to rewrite the words and phrases in
bold so that they are correct. Check answers.
1 go
9 hadnt
2 would
10 hadnt bought
3 hadnt 11 had
4 have ever bought 12 was coming /
5 was
could come
6 would 13 hope
7 have paid 14 see
8 bought
15 started
| ^ C o mp l e t e the s ent enc es
Ask students to write one word in each gap to
c o m p l e te t h e sentences. C h e c k answers.
1 of 6 about 11 for 16 at
2 for 7 for 12 as 17 to
3 between 8 of 13 of 18 of
4 from 9 in 14 of 19 to
5 in 10 on 15 on 20 for
them negat i ve
Ask students to write a prefix on each word to
make it negative. Check answers.
1 illegal 5 uncomfortable
2 abnormal 6 disadvantage
3 impossible 7 impatient
4 inaccurate 8 insecurity
Q 5 o , such, too and enough
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete each sentence. Check answers.
1 enough money 4 such an expensive
2 old enough 5 so
3 too young
Q Rel at i v e p r o n o u n s
Ask students to write the correct relative pronoun
in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 when / that 4 whose
2 who / that 5 which / that
3 where
B Compl ete the sentences
Ask students to complete each sentence using the
key word given. Remind them they must write
between two and five words in each gap,
including the key word. Check answers.
1 was not allowed to buy
2 made me go
3 found it difficult to get
4 has responsibility for dealing
5 impossible for us to offer
Wri te the nouns and verbs
Ask students to complete the table.
breadth broadort
Ask students to circle the two extra words in each
sentence. Check answers.
1 of, not 6 to, for
2 to, up 7 a, a
3 is, a 8 too, to
4 of, that 9 to, for
5 did, a 10 who, the
Q Match
Ask students to match the sentences with their
meanings. Check answers.
I f 3 a 5 h 7 b
2 d 4 g 6 c 8 e
G r a m m a r f o c u s
Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase
to complete the sentences. Remind them that,
with inversions, the verb is in the question form
even though it is not a question. Check answers.
1 does my mum 6 when
2 will you 7 find
3 has 8 have I met
4 can goods be 9 was it, I also got
5 had I arrived, 10 had
realised, I had lost
P h r a s a l p e r f e c t
Note: You may wish students to now complete
Phrasalperfect 16 on page 158 of their books. Ask
students to read the example sentences. Ask
students if they have any questions regarding
unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the
words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.
Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult
the list of phrasal verbs at the back of their book.
You may wish to set this exercise for homework.
1 pick, up 6 taken to
2 drops, off 7 dropped off
3 get back 8 make up for
4 gave up 9 came across
5 do up 10 taken to
QFind the extra words
Note: You may wish students to now do the
photocopiable Revision Test: Units 13-16 on pages
38- 40 of this Teacher's Book. We recommend this
test being done under exam conditions in class.
1 is very good at telling
2 managed to contact
3 had difficulty (in) getting over
4 little chance of our winning / we will win
5 dont / do not feel like going
6 impossible for me to work
7 regrets not making / having made
8 does it take to fly
9 wishes he could / was able to
10 expressed her/an interest in taking
11 is unlikely to turn up
12 gave us permission to go
13 is responsible for making sure
14 looking forward to seeing
15 apologised for not recognising
1 down 9 up
2 to 10 up
3 down 11 on
4 through 12 out
5 up 13 on
6 out 14 out
7 down 15 to
8 through
I X 6 X
2 X 7 X
3 8
4 X 9 X
5 X 10 X
1 viewers 6 audience
2 trip 7 missed
3 spending 8 fortune
4 receipt 9 prescription
5 a tour 10 at
1 on 6 for
2 such 7 so
3 of 8 as
4 in 9 of
5 too 10 about
R e v i s i o n T e s t : u n i t s 13 - 16
U s e o f E n g l i s h S k i l l s / T e a c h e r s B o o k
P r a c t i c e E x a m 8
Note: You may also wish students to now do Practice
Exam 8 on pages 130 - 133. This Practice Exam can
either be done under exam conditions in class, or it
can be assigned for homework.
1 A 4 C 7 C 10 A 13 B
2 A 5 B 8 B 11 D 14 C
3 C 6 D 9 A 12 D 15 B
Part 2
16 known 21 certain 26 their
17 For 22 not 27 making
18 themselves 23 at 28 take
19 able 24 own 29 there
20 about 25 have 30 between
Part 3
31 is no chance of
32 a small number of
33 have run out of
34 last as long as
35 made it hard
36 me a detailed description of
37 as long as you get
38 be closed as a result
39 manage to get
40 doesnt / does not feel like coming
Part 4
41 so 46 51 for
42 was 47 of 52 to
43 o f ' 48 had 53 /
44 has 49 up 54 know
45 / 50 y 55 gone
Part 5
56 currently 61 criminal
57 information 62 specialists
58 nearest 63 financial
59 useful 64 suitability
60 scientific 65 judgement
F i n a l P r a c t i c e E x a m
Note: As a final exam, there is a further photocopiable
practice exam on pages 41 - 47 of this Teachers
Book. We recommend this exam being done under
exam conditions in class. You may wish to
photocopy the specimen answer sheets from UCLES
on pages 159 - 160 for the students to use, so they
become more familiar with using them. Or, ask
them to write their answers directly in the books,
and then collect the books for marking.
I B 4 A 7 C 10 A 13 A
2 D 5 C 8 C 11 C 14 A
3 D 6 A 9 A 12 D 15 C
Part 2
16even 21 so 26to
17 one 22 by 27 in/with
18 Although 23 are 28 its
19 a 24 of 29 out
20 do 25 where 30 other
Part 3
31 blame Carl for the damage
32 had no intention of being
33 (high / about) time you came to
34 take care of
35 are supposed to be
36 (just) in case we decide
37 was a policeman who found
38 was hardly anyone/anybody /were hardly
any people
39 havent / have not heard from
40 was postponed owing to
Part 4
41 far 46 about 51 to
42 the 47 / 52 more
43 / 48 over 53 that
44 / 49 / 54 she
45 has 50 / 55 do
Part 5
56 choice 61 requirements
57 countless 62 desirable
58 practical 63 neighbourhood
59 unreasonable 64 suitable
60 anxiety 65 easily
T a s k s i n a l l u n i t s
W a r m - u p
Direct studentsattention to the photograph(s)
and the topic for the unit. Ask students to discuss
their answers to the questions in pairs. Monitor
the pairwork and bring the class together again to
compare ideas. You might like to do this as a class
activity, eliciting the responses of different
students. Encourage students to respond freely,
speculating and developing their answers.
E x a m P r a c t i c e
Ask students to read the exam know-how tips.
Check understanding. Ask students if they have
any questions about the tips. You may wish
students to do the exam practice tasl< under exam
conditions in the classroom. Alternatively, it can
be assigned for homework. You may wish to go
through the relevant How to do section at the
back of the Students Book with the students
before they attempt this task. Check answers.
Revision Test: u n i t s 1-4 Name
Compl et e the gaps
Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.
1 Did you apply________________that job you saw in the paper yesterday?
2 You can always rely________________Angie to stay calm in a crisis.
3 We'd really like you to take part________________our Beach Cleaning project.
4 Nothing will prevent her-----------------------getting to the Rock concert!
5 Most schools dont approve-----------------------students chewing gum in class.
6 I've always been interested-----------------------looking after young children.
7 I really think Tanyas capable________________passing the exam if she tries.
8 Dans a bit short________________money at the moment.
9 Im not very keen________________classical music. I prefer pop.
10 The area is famous________________its local mineral water.
11 Theres been an 8% increase________________house prices over the past year.
12 Why was Mrs Taylor________________such a bad mood during the Maths
13 The childrens clothes department is located-----------------------the second floor.
14 Ive got great respect________________anyone who stands up for what they
15 Can you get some bread________________your way home from school?
Choo s e the cor r ect word
Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete these sentences.
r ...
!decision ; w\<A \ itMfreSSiov\; \ cov\clusiov\
I .........
1 I wish youd make up your________________ Do you want to go out tonight or
2 Have you reached a -----------------------yet?
3 Alex has come to t h e ________________that its not worth trying to change
Sallys mind.
4 These results give me th e________________that you didnt do much revision last
night. Is that true?
5 I cant remember how much it cost off the top of m y ------------------------ but I can
find out if you like.
pss S f f i n < A . up t - o i k e.
6 Itl l ________________about three hours to get to Berlin.
7 You should________________more time on your homework.
8 Its important for busy parents t o ________________time for their children.
9 How do y o u ________________the time on a long car journey?
10 I wish my swimming training didnt ________________so much of my free time.
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siAbscvipHoH I -Fee
income Receipt-
11 The entrance-----------------------is half price for students.
12 The company didnt make a -----------------------for the first three years.
13 I ve taken out a -----------------------to that new Teenpop magazine.
14 I want to take this CD back to the shop because it doesn't work but I cant find
t h e________________
15 How do you survive on such a low________________? Dont you want a better-
paid job?
Ci r cl e the cor r ec t wor d
Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.
1 Randolph glanced / glimpsed / observed at the door and saw a shadow move
across the floor.
2 The spectators / audience / viewers in the stadium clapped as the players
came onto the pitch.
3 Police are asking for observers / witnesses / watchers to the accident to
come forward.
4 I was looking out of the bedroom window when I caught vision / view / sight
of two men in masks running down the street.
5 My mum's away on a business journey / trip / excursion at the moment.
6 Id love to go on a luxury voyage / passage / cruise around the Caribbean
7 If we dont hurry up well miss / lose / forget the plane!
8 They did have some problems crossing the barrier / limit / border between
Greece and Turkey.
9 Philips class is going on a school travel / tour / trip to London next week.
10 She set off / up / on at half past five in the morning to avoid the traffic.
11 Beaj; / Take / Consider in mind that next Tuesday is a holiday so the s h o p s
will be shut.
12 Karen went abroad for the initial / first / original time when she was in her
13 Lets make our way / route / direction home before it gets dark.
14 How much did they cost / charge / take you for those tickets?
15 I think we should concentrate on saving some money for the time being /
doing / going.
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Rewr i te the s ent enc es
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.
1 You must pay for all breakages.
All breakages_____________________________________ for.
2 They dont let children under eighteen into the nightclub.
Children under eighteen------------------------------------------------------into the
3 The last time I saw Fiona was in March.
|_____________________________________ since March.
4 Ive been living here for over six years.
I _____________________________________ over six years ago.
5 Sharons not going to the party because shes ill.
If Sharon ----------------------------------------------------- to the party.
6 Sharon didnt go to the party because she was ill.
If Sharon ______________________________________ to the party.
7 Im sorry I didnt send you a birthday card, said Alan to Carol.
Alan apologised to Carol------------------------------------------------------a birthday
8 I didnt break the window, said Angus.
Angus denied------------------------------------------------------the window.
9 The film was so boring that I fell asleep!
It was _____________________________________ that I fell asleep.
10 It was so windy that we couldnt go sailing.
It was_____________________________________ to go sailing.
11 I got full marks in the test although I hadnt studied at all.
Despite _______________________________________at all, I got full marks in the
12 Michelle is very popular in spite of her shyness.
Even ______________________________________ _ Michelle is very popular.
13 Im sure you were pleased to get a CD player for Christmas.
You must______________________________________________to get a CD player for
14 Hals dad criticised him for not having helped with the housework.
Y o u _____ ________________________________with the housework, Hal, said
his dad.
15 They are building a swimming pool at the leisure centre at the moment.
A swimming p o o l ------------------------------------------------------at the leisure
centre at the moment.
score / oo
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Revision test: u n i t s 5 - 8
Compl et e the s ent enc es
Use a word formed from the word given in bold to complete each sentence.
1 I have to take pills because of m y ________________(able) to digest some
kinds of food.
2 John seems to be telling lies, but its very difficult t o ________________(prove)
what he says.
3 The bus will be here in a minute, so theres no need to be s o ________________
4 Jill was sacked from her job as a secretary for being s o ________________
5 Since her parents got divorced, Maria has been suffering from feelings of
6My uncle has been-----------------------(employ) for over a year now and hes
finding it quite hard financially.
7 Id like to complain about your assistant, who was both rude and
8 The doctor examined the x-rays but couldnt find anything________________
9 I havent spoken to George since we had a ________________(agree) about
another friend.
10 The bill you sent us was-----------------------(accurate) and we would like you
to check your figures.
11 Arent y o u -----------------------(comfort) sitting on the floor like that?
12 Eds teacher said that h i s -----------------------(obey) was becoming a real
13 Buying a new fur coat in the middle of summer sounds a b i t ________________
(logic) to me.
14 John looked at me i n -----------------------(belief) when I told him the result of
the match.
15 Our headmaster expressed h i s________________ (approve) of students who
write on their desks.
Ci rcl e the cor r ec t opt i on
Circle the word or phrase which correctly completes the sentence.
1 My sister seems to spend a long time________________ready to go out
a getting b to get c for get
2 I dont think Ill be able________________to your party after all.
a coming b to come c of coming
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3 It takes many years________________a language properly,
a learning b to learn c for you learn
4 Why dont you let Sharon________________a go on your bike?
a having b have c to have
5 Police have charged a middle-aged man________________the local bank.
a for robbing b that he robbed e with robbing
6 I was only pretending________________angry. I dont mind really.
a being b at being c to be
7 Our teacher said we were all capable________________the exam.
a for passing b to pass c of passing
8 Pollys parents make her________________her pocket money by helping around
the house.
a earning b earn c to earn
9 We couldnt go out because of the rain so we passed the time-----------------------
a playing b to play c on playing
10 The problem with the car means________________the train to go and visit
a taking b to take c to taking
11 Well be into the semi-finals if we manage________________Fridays match.
a winning b to win e in winning
12 The man at the door claimed________________a policeman, but I had my
a being b to be c for being
13 Were hoping to move next month, if we succeed________________a flat we like.
a with finding b to find c in finding
14 Lets hope we can persuade our teacher________________ her mind about the
a changing b to change c in changing
15 My doctor suggested________________on a diet to tose some weight.
a me to go b I should go c I am going
Wri te the cor r ec t par t i c l e
Complete the following sentences using the particles in the box. You have to use
some of them more than once.
A o M . / OH f k v o w aU P e r
i * p !
l o u f i
1 Pete very kindly offered to put m e ________________ for the weekend while my
flat was being painted.
2 This bridge is named________________the man who designed it.
3 My grandparents are getting________________a bit now, so they dont go out
much any more.
4 I dont know how you p u t ________________with the noise, living on a busy road
like this.
5 The old cinema has been pulled________________and they're going to build a
car park.
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6 Ive always looked-----------------------to my mother because shes had quite a
hard life.
7 My teacher accused me of making-----------------------excuses for not doing my
8 Do you think you could put m e ________________to the general manager,
9 Please make-----------------------the cheque to Simpsons Limited.
10 Tina really takes----------------------- her grandmother; they both have the same
sense of humour.
11 Try not to look-----------------------on those people who havent been as lucky in
their lives as you have.
12 My father was offered a job abroad, but he turned i t ________________so we
could be near our friends.
13 But you agreed to come on the trip! You cant pull________________at the last
14 Theyre taking-----------------------more workers at the factory, so you could apply
there for a job.
15 I saw Lena in the town centre this morning and she was asking________________
you. I told her you were fine.
Ci rcl e the cor r ect word
Circle the word which best completes each sentence.
1 There were over / above 10,000 people at the concert.
2 I thought her last album was much/ really better than this one.
3 Its a / one well-known fact that parrots live for a long time.
4 I like this poster, although it does^will seem to be slightly expensive.
5 When I was younger, we should / woujd spend every summer in the country.
6 Let's stop at my house to pick up the computer game and then go to your /^ours.
7 Our dog got very ill last year and we ought / had to take her to the vet.
8 The dress Debbie wore to the party was a similar colour to / as mine.
9 My grandparents were children at a time when / that life was much harder.
10 The police asked the witness for a full description of / about the man she had
11 Its snowing, that / which means the roads will be dangerous.
12 I want you to ignore what/ that I said yesterday because our plans have changed.
13 5,000 people were hurt in the earthquake, most of them / whom were inside
buildings at the time.
14 I ve always been / got interested in history and other cultures.
15 Im not quite sure why Kellys late, but one / the reason must be the bad weather.
Score / 60
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Revision Test: U n i t s 9-12 Name
Fi nd the extra wor d
Each of these sentences contains one unnecessary and incorrect word. Find the
word and write it on the line at the end of the sentence.
1 We should arrive in about two hours more time------------------------
2 It was snowing all the night and when I woke up the whole garden was white.
3 Lets leave in half of an hour, shall we?-----------------------
4 It was a bit of strange that they didn't arrive until half past four-------
5 A quite lot of children are frightened of thunderstorms-----------------
6 There's plenty more of food in the kitchen, if youre still hungry.-----
7 Im going to buy a new PC as soon as Ive got enough of money.------
8 Ive been studying all the whole day.________________
9 Did anyone other else than you win a prize?-----------------------
10 They cant make you to learn the piano if you dont want to-----------
11 If youre tired, why dont you go to your bed?-----------------------
12 You cant go camping with your friends because of youre too young.
13 Carl knows a lot of about the film industry.-----------------------
14 Well have something to eat as soon as we arrive at there.------------
15 We discussed about how important it was to have a highly-paid job.
Wri te the nouns
Write the nouns from these adjectives and verbs.
1 fit ______________________ 9 distant
2 explain ______________________ 10 compete
3 appreciate ______________________ 11 accurate
4 differ ______________________ 12 major
5 add ______________________ 13 free
6 secure ______________________ 14 entertain
7 know ______________________ 15 evident
8 anxious ________________
Compl et e the s ent ences
For each sentence, change the word given in bold so that it fits in the gap.
1 Alexander Graham Bell was th e________________of the telephone, invent
2 Can you take the chicken out of the________________ ? freeze
3 I ________________told them that I hadnt stolen the money but they didn't
believe me. repeat
4 I think they need t o ________________up the rules on noise pollution, tight
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5 I live in a very-----------------------area, industry
6 This years exam results were extremely________________ Were very proud!
7 You took really------------------------Is anything wrong? depress
8 He ran away from home at the age of seven and became a ________________ sail
9 We should-----------------------how dangerous cigarettes really are. emphasis
10 Shes one of the most-----------------------poets of her generation - shes won
loads of awards, success
11 Sit down and make yourself________________ Can I get you a drink? comfort
12 The situation i s ----------------------- Theres nothing we can do. hope
13 I dont think prison is a very________________way of stopping people
committing crimes. Im sure there are better ways, effect
14 Would you like to make a ________________to the charity? contribute
15 This bucket i s ________________ Theres a hole in the bottom! use
Ci rcl e the c or r ec t word
Circle the correct word to complete these sentences.
1 As long as you make / do your best no one will complain.
2 The kids made / did such a mess during the party.
3 We should definitely take /^have her previous experience into account.
4 Im going to take / have a quick hair wash and then go to bed.
5 They made / took a fortune on the stock market - and then lost it all.
6 Take / Do a look at this!
7 The disease happens / occurs far more frequently in overweight people.
8 Could you d o / make me a favour, please?
9 Youll just have to make / do the best of the situation.
10 Im thinking of setting off / up a website for students to find pen friends.
11 My mums come down / up with flu.
12 Our electricity was cut off / up in the storm and we had to light lots of candles.
13 Billys really ill. Im worried the vet will say he's got to be put down / out.
14 The government has to sort off / out the problems in the health system.
15 The shop had sold off / out of milk so I couldnt get any.
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Revision test: u n i t s 13 - 16 Name
Rewr i t e the s ent enc es
Rewrite the following sentences using the word given. Do not change the word
given. Use between two and five words.
1 My boyfriend tells jokes very well, good
My boyfriend------------------------------------------------ ----- jokes.
2 We finally succeeded in contacting the person in charge, managed
We finally_____________________________________ the person in charge.
3 Mrs Jackson found it difficult to get over the death of her son. had
Mrs Jackson____________________________________ - the death of her son.
4 We probably wont win against the champions, chance
There i s _____________________________________ against the champions.
5 I dont want to go to an island on holiday this year, feel
I _____________________________________to an island on holiday this year.
6I really cant work next weekend, impossible
Its ______________________________________ next weekend.
7 My mum says she wishes she had made more of an effort at school, regrets
My mum_____________________________________ more of an effort at school.
8 How long is the flight from Rome to Moscow? fly
How long_____________________________________ from Rome to Moscow?
9 Terry would really like to visit Africa, wishes
Terry_____________________________________ visit Africa.
10 Carol said she wanted to take up the flute, interest
Carol_____________________________________ up the flute.
11 Mike probably wont turn up at the party after what you said to him. unlikely
Mike_____________________________________ _ at the party after what you said to
12 Our teacher said we could go on a trip next week, permission
Our teacher_____________________________________- on a trip next week.
13 It is a lifeguards responsibility to make sure that people are safe, responsible
A lifeguard_____________________________________ that people are safe.
14 I cant wait to see the new car Dad's just bought, forward
Im _____________________________________ the new car Dads just bought.
15 Oscar said he was sorry he didnt recognise me immediately, apologised
Oscar_____________________________________ me immediately.
Wri te the cor r ec t par t i c l e
Complete the following sentences using the particles in the box. You have to use
some of them more than once.
j Hv r o n g k ; i o u f c j [ o k / i So i *v \ \ i h j j
1 He refused to back________________, even when I showed him the proof that he
was wrong.
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2 When you told Anne her dog was dead, couldn't you have put i t ________________
her a little more gently?
3 Living out here in a village, miles from anywhere, is beginning to get me
4 Everybody in the country is hoping that the King will pull________________his
latest illness.
5 Give me a call when you arrive and Ill come to the station to pick you
6 As he se t----------------------- on his long journey, the explorer was excited and
worried at the same time.
7 So, weve managed to narrow i t ________________to either Paris or Madrid for our
holiday this year.
8 The politician tried to fool the public, but most people saw________________his
9 Lisas mum said she had given________________trying to get Lisa to tidy her
10 Perhaps I could take you out to dinner to make________________ for forgetting
your birthday.
11 Im thinking of joining a gym because Ive really put a lot of weight
over the last few years.
12 The details of the business plan are s et________________in the report we sent you
last week.
13 I didnt like that painting at first, but I think its growing________________ me a bit
14 Although the whole team played well, it was the youngest player who really stood
15 You start making dinner while I go and see________________the baby.
Ti ck or cross
Decide if the word in italics is correct in each sentence. If the sentence is
correct, put a tick on the line provided. If it is incorrect, put a cross.
1 There were some people at the party who they hadnt been invited. _____
2 If you do like, we can meet somewhere closer to your house. _____
3 Im sure well all have a fun time if we go to the beach. _____
4 Its more cheaper if you use the washing machine at night. _____
5 It was a so shocking piece of news to hear about your accident. _____
6 Ive always had fond memories of the town where I grew up there. _____
7 I hope I cooked enough of cake for everyone. _____
8 Most people put some of the money which they earn into the bank. _____
9 My new trainers cost over than 200 euros. _____
10 We cant call Mark unless you will remember his number. _____
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Ci r cl e the cor r ec t wor d
Circle the word which best completes each sentence.
1 Many spectators / viewers wrote to the programme to complain.
2 I really enjoyed my business trip / voyage to Eastern Europe.
J Im looking forward to spending / passing more time on my hobbies next year.
4 Unless youve got the receipt / recipe, Im afraid you cant take it back to the shop.
5 Were hoping to go on a tour / anj:xcursion of the Scottish islands this summer.
6 The audience / onlookers started to laugh when the actor got his lines wrong.
7 It was snowing quite badly and we almost lost / missed our train.
8 My uncle won a profit / fortune gambling on the football pools.
9 In England, you need a recipe / prescription from the doctor to get many drugs.
10 By the time we arrived in / at the shopping centre, it had closed.
Compl et e the s ent enc es
Complete the following sentences using one word in each gap.
1 Im not very keen________________turkey and I prefer chicken.
2 I was reading________________an interesting book that I forgot to get off the bus!
3 This sweaters quite old, but im very fo n d-----------------------it.
4 Vanessa said she hoped she would succeed-----------------------passing her driving
5 My little brothers ________________ young to be allowed to stay home on his own.
6 The tourist was surprised to see people being arrested-----------------------not
carrying ID.
7 The film was________________long that I fell asleep before the end.
8 Mozart was regarded________________a genius even during his lifetime.
9 I dont approve________________having ads for alcohol on television.
10 Id like to speak to the manager to complain-----------------------the service.
Score / 60
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Fin a l Pr a c t i c e Ex a m
Part 1
For questions 1-15 read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 A boundaries B suburbs C outskirts D borders
Bom on the (0)....of Athens in about 470 BC, Socrates was the first of the great philosophers of
Ancient Greece.
As a young man he studied sculpture and served for a (1)....as a soldier in the Peloponnesian War,
where he was (2)....for his courage and bravery. He soon decided, however, that his calling was to
search for truth, and, uninterested ( 3 ) ... money, fame and power, he (4) ..... the streets of Athens
barefoot, in a (5)... woollen garment, talking to whoever wanted to talk to him.
His (6)....of conversation has been (7).....the name Socratic Dialogue. It involved asking questions,
(8) ... .. other peoples answers and emphasising logic.
Socrates did not directly (9)....in Athenian politics, but he (10).....many political enemies. In 399 BC,
he was falsely (11)....with several crimes by his enemies. He was (12).....guilty and sentenced to
death by drinking hemlock, a poison. This he did, (13)... by his friends and pupils, including Plato.
Socrates did not write any books or papers himself. (14) .... we know of his life, teachings and
philosophy has been passed (15)....to us by the historian Xenophon, by Plato and by Platos famous
student, Aristotle.
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Fin a l Pr a c t i c e Ex a m
1 A moment B time
2 A considered B judged
3 A at B for
4 A wandered B hiked
5 A straightforward B clear
6 A style B fashion
7 A called B presented
8 A attempting B risking
9 A take part B take place
10 A made B produced
11 A arrested B blamed
12 A treated B regarded
13 A surrounded B sheltered
14 A What B That
15 A through Boff
C phase D stage
C believed D respected
C with D in
C staggered D marched
C simple D precise
C trend D craze
C given D awarded
C challenging D daring
C take over D take up
C invented D developed
C charged D accused
C discovered D found
C covered D hidden
C Which D This
C down D over
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Fin a l Pr a c t i c e Ex a m
Part 2
For questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example: 0 *01
Different kinds of worm are found (0) .......... f?)!........... over the world. Some have
(16) been found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The earthworm is
(17 ) of the commonest, with around 2 million worms for every hectare of farmland.
(18) ........ some people dont really like these slimy creatures, they actually play
(19) unique role in the environment. One important thing they
(20 ) ........is mix up the soil (21).........................that vital chemicals are moved to the
surface where they can be used (22)........................plants. The holes made in the soil as a worm
digs its burrow (23)........................important in enabling air and water to pass through to the roots
(24)........................plants. They are also a key part of the rotting process, dragging fallen leaves
underground (25)........................they are broken down by bacteria. This helps to return chemicals
(26)........................the soil.
The body of the earthworm is covered (27)........................tiny hairs which serve two purposes.
Firstly, they help the earthworm move. The worm makes (28)........................body shorter and the
small hairs push against particles of soil. They also make the worm harder to pull
(29)........................of the soil, helping it to escape from birds, moles and (30).........................
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Fin a l Pr a c t i c e Ex a m
Part 3
For questions 31-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 You must do exactly what the manager tells you.
You must.............................. :.... ..........instructions exactly.
The gap can be filled by the words carry out the managers so you write:
c w y out- f k e wiv\igevs
31 It wasnt Carls fault that your bike was damaged,
You can't..............................................done to your bike.
32 Sarah didnt mean to be rude,
Sarah....................... .......................rude.
33 You should make a decision now.
Its ..............................................a decision.
34 A babysitter is going to look after the kids while Im at the interview,
A babysitter is going t o ..............................................the kids while Im at the interview.
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Fin a l Pr a c t ic e Ex a m
35 People say that the pyramids are well worth visiting,
The pyramids..............................................well worth visiting.
36 We might decide to stay overnight so bring your toothbrush,
Bring your toothbrush..............................................to stay overnight.
37 The stolen car was found by a policeman,
i t ..............................................the stolen car.
38 On TV, it looked like the stadium was practically empty,
On TV, it looked like there.............................................. in the stadium.
39 Its more than six months since Tom sent us a letter,
W e ..............................................Tom for over six months.
40 The Chairman was ill so they postponed the meeting,
The meeting..............................................the Chairmans illness.
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Fin a l Pr a c t i c e Ex a m
Part 4
For questions 41-55, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct, and some have a word which should not be there.
If a line is correct, put a tick (/) by the number. If a line has a word which should not be there, write
the word on the left. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).
00 up

Last week Sweep, our cat, had four adorable kittens. Theyre
so sweet! I think well keep up two of them and give the
other two far away when theyre a bit older. Sweep is a very
good mother. For days before she gave the birth she was
wandering round the house trying to decide where the best
place to have them was. She finally decided to have them in
the bedroom wardrobe! She has had them in the middle of
the night. I didnt hear about a thing. In the morning I went
to get a top from the wardrobe and there she was, feeding
these tiny kittens. She kept them in the wardrobe for over
several days and we didn't interfere at all. Yesterday, she
brought them out for us to see. She is obviously proud of
them and we're so proud of her. The kittens love to playing. I
played with them for ages today. It will be more difficult to
decide which two that were going to keep, as theyre all
lovely. Id like to keep all of them, but my mum she says the
house isnt big enough for five cats. I do guess shes right.
e Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Fin a l Pr a c t i c e Ex a m
Part 5
For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example: sWess-PoO
Moving house can be one of the most (0) times of your life. It can STRESS
sometimes seem as if the (56)............... is never going to be made. There CHOOSE
are so many things to be taken into account. There will be (57)...............
discussions about what is and isn't (58) ............ Sometimes you will feel like PRACTICE
the rest of the family are being totally (59)
yourself that they are feeling as much (60)
First, make a list of your basic (61).......... ......This might include things REQUIRE
like parking, being close to an underground station, or other (62)...............
qualities you want your new (63)............. ... to have. Then its time to search the NEIGHBOUR
newspapers for a home that is (64)..........
...... This can seem like a huge task, SUIT
and you can (65)............... get discouraged, but stick with it and youll soon be EASY
looking forward to starting your new life.
Macmillan Publishers Limited 2003 This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
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First published 2003
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Original design by Polyplano, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Printed and bound in Thailand
S k i l l s f o r F i r s t C e r t i f i c a t e
Use of English
Malcolm Mann
Steve Taylore-Knowles
Skills for First Certificate Use of English provides thorough and comprehensive
training in language and exam skills for students preparing for Paper 3 of the
Cambridge First Certificate in English examination.
T h e t e a c h e r ' s B o o k i n c l u d e s :
C o m p r e h e n s i v e a n d e a s y - t o - u s e t e a c h e r ' s n o t e s
A n s w e r s t o t h e S t u d e n t ' s B o o k a c t i v i t i e s a n d t e s t s
P h o t o c o p i a b l e r e v i s i o n t e s t s
P h o t o c o p i a b l e f i n a l p r a c t i c e e x a m
C o m p o n e n t s :
S t u d e n t ' s B o o k
T e a c h e r ' s B o o k

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