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100 Most Mispronounced

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Steve Norman offers some fun activities to overcome the most problematic words.

My1 00 most mispronounced words in English D

uring an in-company oral exam recently, Jaume told me about his job in quality control. I didnt understand. His grammar was good; he used the correct vocabulary; but he stressed the first syllable in control instead of the second. Since the majority of two-syllable words are stressed on the first syllable, he had made an intelligent guess, but he was still wrong and the mistake caused a breakdown in communication. Mispronunciation of individual sounds can also obscure successful interaction how often do you hear students pronounce parents as if it rhymes with currants, for example? And silent letters, such as the l in should, could and would, can be another source of confusion. Looking through my error feedback notes, dating back many years, I put together a list of 100 words that Spanish and Catalan speakers tend to mispronounce. I then asked colleagues to do the same, and they came up with very similar lists.

All in a line Choose a word from the list. Students get into groups corresponding to the number of syllables in the word. If the word is afternoon, for example, students get into groups of three, and then line up facing the teacher. Each student is responsible for saying a different syllable in the word and those responsible for the stressed syllable have their hands in the air. The students say the word with the correct stress. The group who says it best gets a point. Mouthing Mouth a word from the list silently. Students identify the word. Then students in pairs mouth other words from the list to each other. This is particularly useful for students who tend to speak like ventriloquists, without moving their lips. First one to find Each student has a copy of the list. Say something like, First one to find a word with three syllables with the stress on the third syllable. The first student to call out the word gets the point. Students can also play the game in groups, taking turns to define the word for their colleagues. Whats under the pencil? In pairs, A covers one of the words in the list with a pencil. B tries to remember which one it is. (The words are in alphabetical order). A accepts or rejects Bs pronunciation. Single syllables In pairs, A says a syllable from a word. B identifies the word. Circle the word Use an overhead projector to project the words onto the board. Students are divided into two or three teams, each with a different colour board pen. The teacher says, for example, a word with a silent b. The first person in each team runs to the board and the first person to circle the word gets a point for the team. A variation is that noncompeting students call out words for the competing teams to circle.

The activities

Personal lists Before giving students the list, ask them to write down any words they think they mispronounce. They look at the list to see if their words are on it. Decoding Give students the phonemic transcriptions of the words. They write in the correct spelling. It doesnt matter if they dont know all the symbols. Theyll be able to guess a lot of them. Noughts and crosses Students work in groups of three. Two of the students compete against each other and the third is the question person to ask relevant questions and judge the answer.
Whats the silent letter? How many syllables? Wheres the stress?

The list
There are various things we can do to help students pronounce problem words correctly break words into separate syllables, teach the stress pattern of new words as a matter of course, and draw students attention to silent letters. Most importantly, though, I make students aware of potential problems. Every student has a copy of the list and it is displayed prominently on the classroom wall. We take five minutes in each lesson to use it for pronunciation practice and it helps with meaning too! You may like to formulate your own list of words (or use mine) and try some of the following activities with your own classes. After a remarkably short time, you might find that youre having to create a whole new list.

Say the word

True or false?

Find the rhyming words

Is the phonemic transcription correct?

Give a definition

Spell the word

Define the word In pairs, A defines a word from the list. B says the word. A accepts or rejects Bs pronunciation. Stories In pairs, A makes up a short story using five of the words. B listens and writes down the five words. Three words Drill three consecutive words from the list. Students repeat them all at once from memory. Tapping In pairs, A taps a stress pattern. B identifies any words with the pattern.

Steve Norman is Director of Studies and Teacher Training at The Cambridge School, Granollers, Spain. He gives regular seminars in schools and at national conferences in Spain. His interests are pronunciation, the role of memory in language learning, and ways teachers can train each other.


ENGLISH TEACHING professional Issue Fourteen January 2000


afternoon although answer anybody architecture arent Asia Australia being biology birthday biscuits bookcase Brazil building busy castle comfortable communication component cupboard dangerous daughter depends dining room early Egyptian electrician engineer equipment everybody famous

D E S I G N E D favourite foreign Friday friend furniture guarantee guitar hair half headache heart height hotel image independent interesting island Japan key killed language laugh literature manufacture many minute month mountain museum occasionally once opposites oranges parents



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G*f tP ;nu*n *l ;P ;G*n sP ;en i* bo di* ;G* k tek tP G*nt ;e P os ;tre li*jP ;bi* j ba ;o lP di* ;bQ*C de ;bs kts ;b kes brP ;zl ;bl d ;b zi* ;kG* sPl ;kJmf tP bPl ;kP mju* n ;ke Pn kPm ;pP nPnt ;kJ bPd ;den dP rPs ;d* tP d ;penz ;da n ru*m ;Q* li* ;dp Pn lek ;tr Pn en dn ;P ;kwp mPnt ;ev ri* bo di* ;fe mPs
Steve Norman


Issue Fourteen January 2000 ENGLISH TEACHING professional

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