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Traumatic Optic Neuropathy: Review Article

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Bachi T Hathiram et al

Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
Bachi T Hathiram,
Vicky S Khattar,
Supriya Rode
Professor and Head, Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Resident, Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
Mumbai Maharashtra, India
Correspondence: Bachi T Hathiram, Professor and Head, Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Flat No. 2, Ground
Floor, MN Banaji Building, Forjett Street Cross Lane, Mumbai-400036, Maharashtra, India, e-mail: bachi.hathiram@rediffmail.com
Introduction: Traumatic optic nerve damage after craniofacial injury was first described by Hippocrates.
Although the natural history
of traumatic optic neuropathy is unknown, recent studies suggest that high dose steroids and, even surgical decompression of the
optic canal or the nerve sheath (in cases of nerve sheath hematoma) may restore vision in selected patients.
The commonest cause
of optic nerve trauma is road-traffic accidents, when the patient has poly-trauma with head injury and the visual loss is noticed only
after the general condition of the patient improves. Isolated trauma of the optic nerve is usually associated with blunt skull trauma
involving fractures of both skull and optical canal, but may also occur from blunt ocular trauma.
Iatrogenic trauma to the optic nerve is
not unknown.
Pathophysiology: The part of the optic nerve most vulnerable to blunt trauma of the head is the intracanalicular segment, which by virtue
of its bony course is vulnerable to the fractures and compressive-elastic forces of its surrounding bone, which also being unyielding,
allows for no space for inflammatory expansion or hemorrhage.
Optic neuropathy following accidental trauma usually results from
two distinct mechanisms: A primary injury as a result of a direct contusive force on the optic canal and nerve, which if untreated results
in a secondary ischemia with further damage to the nerve.
Investigations: Clinical assessment should include testing of visual acuity, extraocular muscle motility and papillary reactivity, visual
field assessment and direct/indirect ophthalmoscopy. Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to flash stimulation and the electroretinogram
(ERG) might be supportive in unresponsive patients in the immediate aftermath of the traumatic event.
The role of neuroimaging
remains controversial, and practice varies between institutions. Recently, ultrasonography has been advocated to screen and detect
abnormalities in optic nerve diameter.
Management: Currently, there is no validated approach to the management of traumatic optic neuropathy. Thus, with numerous
conflicting reports on the management of traumatic optic neuropathy, there is little world consensus on the optimal management of this
condition. Keeping in mind the above, we have devised a management protocol for the same, simultaneously discussing the role of
conservative/medical management as well as the surgical protocols followed by us.
Discussion and conclusion: In summary, optic nerve decompression alone or combined with decompression of the nerve sheath may
be indicated in selected patients who fail to respond to high-dose intravenous steroids. The definitive role of surgery in the management
of traumatic optic neuropathy remains unclear. There is a need for a large, prospective, randomized controlled trial to assess the
different therapeutic approaches in traumatic optic neuropathy, but such a trial may be challenging given the low frequency of the
condition and the difficulties inherent in randomizing patients.
Keywords: Traumatic optic neuropathy, Optic nerve decompression, Optic nerve injury, Optic nerve sheath, Endoscopic skull base
surgery, Visual loss.
Of the three segments of the optic nerveintraorbital,
canalicular and intracranialsurgical decompression is
directed to the canalicular segment, where the nerve passes
through a bony canal and is prone to compression. The
intraorbital segment of the optic nerve is usually spared
from injury due to its laxity and the buffering effect provided
by the surrounding fat and extraocular muscles. The
intracranial segment is protected by the surrounding brain
and bone as well as the fact that shearing forces are usually
absorbed by the intracanalicular segment thus not reaching
the intracranial segment. Some investigational studies have
shown that blows to the malar and frontal areas are
transmitted mostly to the optic foramen.
These forces may
cause compression, shearing, contusion and stretching
injuries to the optic nerve, even in the absence of a fracture.
Furthermore, the sheath of the optic nerve is firmly attached
to the optic canal, and the canal itself is a closed bony space,
not flexible to any edema or hemorrhage.
Traumatic optic neuropathy can occur following an
innocent ipsilateral injury over the superior temporal orbital
rim and is characterized by vision loss without external or
internal ophthalmic evidences of injury to the eye and its
In many cases, due to the coexistent head injury
and its associated comorbidities, the visual status may not
be amenable for assessment. In fact, major brain injury
occurs in 40 to 72% of patients with traumatic optic
neuropathy, the management of which takes precedence.
This may often lead to a delay in diagnosis and subsequent
timely treatment for a potentially reversible visual loss.
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, September-December 2011;3(3):188-196
Patients with head injury who are suspected to have a
coexistent optic nerve trauma [which may be indicated by
contusions around the eye (the characteristic raccoon sign)
(Fig. 1), an afferent pupillary defect (Fig. 1), with
corresponding fundoscopic changes of disk edema and
vascular congestion or an actual complaint of loss of vision
in one/both eyes] warrant urgent radiological investigations.
While a high resolution CT scan of the paranasal sinuses
and orbit would reveal any obvious fracture, hemosinus
and coexisting trauma, such as fractures of the skull base,
it would also serve as a road map for surgery. An MRI
would be helpful in delineating the integrity of the optic
nerve and also help in ruling out nerve sheath hematomas.
Usually, a clinical suspicion coupled with positive radiological
findings may provide enough grounds for surgical inter-
vention; nevertheless, there are certain other investigations
which may be performed when in doubt.
Iatrogenic injury to the optic nerve during endoscopic
sinus surgery is not unknown. The intimate relation between
the paranasal sinuses and the optic nerve places the nerve
at risk of injury during sinus surgery, especially surgery of
the ethmoid sinuses, more so during ethmoidal surgery by
a less experienced surgeon.
The part of the optic nerve most vulnerable to blunt trauma
of the head is the intracanalicular segment, which by virtue
of its long course within a bony canal, is vulnerable to
fractures and compressive-elastic forces of the surrounding
bone, which also being unyielding, allows for no space for
inflammatory expansion or hemorrhage. Compression may
occur either because of a fracture of the bony canal or
because of intraneural contusion and hemorrhage, secondary
vasospasm and veno-occlusion, edema and necrosis.
These pathophysiological developments cause intraneurals
welling leading to a compartmental syndrome within the
constricting confines of the bony optic canal, with
progressively increasing veno-occlusion, consequent tissue
edema and further veno-occlusion. The visual loss caused
by veno-occlusion and compression may be initially
reversible, but progressive compression may lead to arterial
obstruction and irreversible infarction.
Iatrogenic injury of the optic nerve may occur due to a
variety of factors which include anatomic variations in the
course of the nerve, such as the type III/IV optic nerve or
a nerve coursing through a dominant sphenoid sinus of the
opposite side, dehiscent bony canal, erosion of the bony
canal due to some disease process, excessive hemorrhage
impeding visibility during surgery, etc. Most of these
problems can be averted by a thorough study of the CT
scan prior to surgery and, if required, even review of the
same during surgery.
It would not be out of place to insist
on refining surgical skills by cadaveric dissections prior to
embarking on ambitious endoscopic surgery. Also, the
presence and guidance of an experienced colleague may be
sought, when performing especially difficult endoscopic
Most cases of traumatic optic neuropathy occur following
road traffic accidents and the patients usually suffer from
polytrauma with a poor general condition on admission. If
the patient is unconscious, optic nerve injury is usually
missed out until the patient regains consciousness and gives
a history of loss of vision. Thus, precious time may be lost.
The general condition of the patient needs to be stable, if
not good to withstand the anesthesia required for endoscopic
However, in the case of iatrogenic trauma to the optic
nerve, direct optic nerve injury should be suspected, if the
pupil dilates rapidly during surgery (either from globe
ischemia or from damage to pupillomotor nerves) or if,
after surgery, there is severe visual loss with a poorly
reactive pupil and a relative afferent pupil defect.
Specific investigations warranted in a case of traumatic
optic neuropathy, and their principles and indications are
briefly outlined below:
Afferent pupillary defect: An absolute or relative afferent
pupillary defect indicates that vision is being
compromised. It can be tested by shining a bright
focused light for a few seconds on the unaffected
eye, with the patient looking at a distance, in a dark
room and noting the pupillary response, which is normally
characterized by miosis. Following this, the light is shone
on the affected eye, and the pupillary response is
compared to its normal counterpart. Features sought
Fig. 1: The posttraumatic periorbital contusion which gives the eye a
characteristic Raccoon-eye look. Also, note the relative afferent
pupillary defect seen in the affected eye (absence of pupillary
constriction in response to light)
Bachi T Hathiram et al
after are, a lack of briskness/sluggish miosis as
compared to the normal side, a partial or complete
absence of miosis. This usually indicates a defect in the
afferent pupillary pathway and has been termed as a
Marcus Gunn pupil (Fig. 1). It is best interpreted along
with fundoscopic and radiologic signs. It may also be
elicited subjectively, by asking the patient to compare
the difference in the brightness perceived between the
unaffected and affected eyes.
Fundoscopic examination: Various appearances can
manifest in traumatic optic neuropathy namely disk
edema, congestion of vessels, disk pallor, etc. but the
most common presentation is usually a normal looking
disk, especially in the early stages.
Color vision: Loss of color vision, namely red color
vision, patients with optic neuropathy often have red
color desaturation and a positive response would be that
the red color looks faded, pink or washed out.
Visual field defects: Almost any type of field defect can
be seen in cases of traumatic optic neuropathy, but
commonly arcuate, central or hemianopic field defects
may be seen.
Visual evoked potentials (VEPs): These represent the
cortical response to light stimulus and may be useful in
cases of patients with delayed optic neuropathies,
wherein the decision to intervene may depend upon the
VEP response.
Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to flash stimulation and
the electroretinogram (ERG) might be supportive in
unresponsive patients in the immediate aftermath of the
traumatic event.
In patients who present late with suspected optic atrophy,
slit-like or wedge-shaped defect can be seen in the
prepupillary nerve fiber layer which may be seen with
either a red-free ophthalmoscope or by optical coherence
tomography (OCT). OCT a newer technique that uses
low coherence light to penetrate tissue and a camera to
analyze the reflected image. It performs circular scans
around the optic nerve head to analyze the peripupillary
nerve fiber layer and may be used in the follow-up for
patients with traumatic optic neuropathy.
CT scan: A high resolution CT scan of the paranasal
sinuses and orbit, with windows taken at a distance of
1 mm, besides providing a road-map for surgery as
this is of utmost importance in endoscopic surgery
(especially helping to detect anatomic variations), also
helps to reveal any fractures of the orbital apex and
optic canal, with/without impinging fracture fragments.
It may also reveal any coexisting injury to the skull base,
and other structures in the vicinity of the sphenoid
sinuses, which may warrant additional precautions and/
or simultaneous surgical interventions, e.g. cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) leaks. It can also detect any anatomical
variations which may impede surgical access to the optic
nerve. Usually brain scans should also be done to rule
out coexisting brain injury, since the intracanalicular
portion of the optic nerve is within the skull base.
MRI scan: An MRI is useful to detect optic atrophy, the
integrity of the nerve as well as to rule out nerve sheath
Ultrasonography: The role of neuroimaging remains
controversial and practice varies between institutions.
While some colleagues request computed tomography
(CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for
diagnosis, others limit these to patients with progressive
visual deterioration or if therapeutic interventions are
being considered. The clinical value of neuroimaging in
traumatic optic neuropathy is further debatable since
there is no consistent correlation between the finding of
an optic canal fracture, the severity of visual loss and
the prognosis for visual recovery. Recently, ultrasono-
graphy has been advocated to screen and detect
abnormalities in optic nerve diameter in patients who
have experienced head trauma that could involve the
optic nerve,
including its use in bedside emergency
department conditions.
The natural history of traumatic optic neuropathy is unknown,
and even the exact mechanism by which corticosteroids
reduce optic nerve injury is unclear.
The rationale for
treatment is as follows: Steroids probably decrease the
intraneural or extraneural edema and relieve compression of
the nerve fibers.
By reducing vasospasm steroids may also
limit contusion necrosis of the nerve. The effect of steroids
on the resorption of an optic nerve sheath hematoma is also
unclear. Surgical evacuation of nonresorbing nerve sheath
hematoma should be considered when initial treatment with
steroids fails to improve vision.
Timely surgical optic
nerve sheath decompression is initiated in order to avoid
irreversible damage to the axons of the optic nerve
compressed by the subarachnoid blood within the swollen
nerve sheath.
In the case of iatrogenic traumatic neuropathy, it is
general consensus that prevention is better than cure. Certain
guidelines which should be kept in mind prior to embarking
on endoscopic sinus surgery by the young and inexperienced
surgeon would include a thorough reading of the CT scan
preoperatively. Identification of sphenoethmoidal cells
(Onodi), which occur in 8 to 14% of the general population
before surgery is critical. Mistaking Onodi cells for the
sphenoid sinus can lead to incomplete dissection and place
the optic nerve and the orbitat risk. The type of course of
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, September-December 2011;3(3):188-196
the optic nerves through these Onodi cells is also to be
noted, since type III and type IV optic nerves are most
prone to inadvertent injury, if not noticed on the CT scan
(Figs 2 and 3). Also, both optic nerves running through the
walls of a dominant sphenoid sinus should be kept in mind
and checked for (Fig. 4). Both the optic nerve and the carotid
artery form an indentation in the lateral wall of the sphenoid
sinus (Fig. 5). This can be unilateral or bilateral. Five to
seven percent of these have dehiscent bone which exposes
these two vital structures to the intraoperative injury.
Preoperative imaging in the axial plane reveals excellent detail
of the sphenoid sinus and its relationship with these two
structures, thus avoiding iatrogenic complications.
Intravenous anesthesia, relative hypotension and relative
bradycardia minimize intraoperative blood loss. Topical
decongestants, prothrombotic agents and bipolar cautery
should be available.
It is advisable to keep the eyes uncovered during
endoscopic surgery so that surgery can be stopped
immediately, if there is any indication of orbital swelling,
afferent pupillary defect or eyelid bruising. Direct optic nerve
injury should be suspected, if the pupil dilates rapidly during
surgery (either from globe ischemia or from damage to
pupillomotor nerves) or if, after surgery, there is severe
visual loss with a poorly reactive pupil and a relative afferent
pupillary defect.
Role of Conservative Management
Carta et al (2003)
have identified four negative prognostic
factors which may help in determining the eventual visual
prognosis in cases of traumatic optic neuropathy following
head trauma, which include:
Presence of blood within the posterior ethmoid cells
Age over 40 years
Fig. 2: Coronal CT scan of the paranasal sinuses showing a
type III optic nerve running through the Onodi cell
Fig. 3: Coronal CT scan of the paranasal sinuses showing a
type IV optic nerve running through the Onodi cell
Fig. 4: Intraoperative view of a left optic nerve (green arrow) coursing
through a dominant right sphenoid sinus (black arrow). The left
sphenoid is denoted by the white arrow
Fig. 5: Intraoperative endoscopic view showing the close proximity of
the optic nerve (black arrow) to the carotid artery (white arrow) within
the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus
Bachi T Hathiram et al
Loss of consciousness associated with traumatic optic
Absence of recovery of visual acuity after 48 hours of
steroid therapy.
Comparative data from the International Optic Nerve
Trauma Study (I ONTS) group show that neither
corticosteroid therapy nor optic canal decompression are
the gold standard for treatment of traumatic optic
neuropathy. However, on the other hand, Cook et al (1996)
in a meta-analysis reported that recovery of vision in patients
treated with megadosage steroids or surgical decompression
of the optic canal was significantly better than recovery in
patients receiving no treatment. The rationale for the use of
megadose methyl prednisolone for traumatic optic
neuropathy is based on the improvement seen with the same
in cases with acute spinal injuries; infact, similar doses have
also been recommended, i.e. a loading dose of 30 mg/kg
given intravenously, followed by a maintenance dose of 5.4
mg/kg/hr, with monitoring of visual acuity.
The timing is
crucial for starting this therapy, and there have been
numerous reports in literature as regards the importance of
initiating the therapy as soon as possible. There have also
been reports of megadose steroids causing deleterious effects
to the visual outcome, if started after 8 hours of trauma.
However, most centers in the world today have incorporated
this therapy as the initial definitive management; the
subsequent visual prognosis being the deciding factor for
further surgical intervention vs continuation of megadose
steroid therapy. The usual cut-off period after the initiation
of megadose steroids at which the decision for surgical
decompression may be undertaken is 48 hours;
thus failure
of improvement or even worsening of the visual status,
after initiation of megadose steroid therapy for 48 hours,
would warrant surgical optic nerve decompression.
There is again no consensus regarding the duration of
megadose steroid therapy, but an average minimum of 3 to
5 days is usually warranted, which may be followed up
with a lower maintenance dose for 7 to 10 days, with
continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels and the cardiac
status, besides the usual adjunctive measures, such as
calcium supplements, etc.
The initiation of steroid therapy would form the initial
line of therapy, regardless of the mechanism of traumatic
optic neuropathy. This may also buy time for radiological
investigations to be undertaken, besides being helpful in
reducing the primary and secondary ischemia of the optic
nerve due to edema within its bony canal. However, if the
radiological investigations suggest an obvious fracture with
fragment(s) impinging on the optic nerve, the 48 hours wait-
period should be waived, and an immediate surgical optic
nerve decompression be performed.
Surgical Management
The definitive role of surgery in the management of traumatic
optic neuropathy remains unclear until a protocol is adopted
on a multicenter level. Initiation of steroids for 24 to
48 hours affords sufficient time for consultations,
radiological studies and conference with the patient and
family prior to any surgical intervention.
A review of literature has documented that prognosis
following optic nerve decompression may be influenced by
patient age,
presence or absence of fractures.
preoperative vision,
grade of injury
and delay from
injury to surgery.
Surgical decompression of the optic nerve seeks to
relieve the compression on the nerve fibers. Such
compression may be either external (e.g. displaced fracture
or extraneural hematoma) or internal (e.g. secondary to
intraneural edema or hematoma and consequential
compartmental syndrome). Internal compression may not
be completely relieved by bony decompression alone and
would be better relieved by a further slitting of the optic
nerve sheath and the fibrous annulus of Zinn.
The definitive indications for traumatic optic nerve
decompression would include as follows:
Radiologically, evident bony fracture fragment impinging
on the intracanalicular portion of the optic nerve in the
lateral wall of the related sphenoid sinus (Fig. 6), or an
optic nerve sheath hematoma (as seen on MRI), in a
patient with traumatic optic neuropathy with a vision of
<6/60 at presentation.
Failure to improve/deterioration of vision after 48 hours
of megadose steroid therapy in a patient with traumatic
optic neuropathy with vision <6/60 at presentation, with
no obvious radiological evidence of compromise in the
volume of the optic canal by a hematoma or fracture
fragment impingement. This may include any probable
canal injury
in patients with a similar clinicoradiological
profile, indicated by the presence of fluid levels in the
posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, and/or the
presence of fractures of the ethmoids, orbital apex and
Today, transnasal endoscopic optic nerve
decompression is the gold standard due to a decrease in
the morbidity associated with the erstwhile external and
transcranial approaches to the nerve. However, there
are certain potential complications associated with this
procedure, some of which may be a consequence of
the trauma causing the optic neuropathy and some may
be due to certain anatomical variations and considerations
discussed above which should be kept in mind. The
ophthalmic artery usually runs through the postero-
inferior quadrant of the optic nerve, but may sometimes
run around the latters lower edge and into the surgical
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, September-December 2011;3(3):188-196
The risk of damage to this artery may be
minimized by incising the nerve sheath in its upper medial
Concomitant damage to the base of the
skull with a resultant CSF leak may occur as a result of
the trauma or may occur iatrogenically, while
decompressing the optic nerve. In any case, once
detected, it should be managed simultaneously endos-
copically by sealing the site of leak using a connective
tissue either as a bath-plug or a carpetgraft in a
multilayered closure (Figs 7 and 8). Use of nasal packs
is to be avoided to prevent pressure on the decompressed,
bare optic nerve, however, some centers advocate the
use of tissue glue to keep the connective tissue used for
repair of the leak in place.
There is considerable controversy surrounding the
question of slitting the sheath of the nerve in addition to
decompressing the bony canal. Proponents of decom-
pression of the nerve sheath note that the post-traumatic
compartmental syndrome is best relieved by releasing the
constricting sheath enveloping the nerve.
Detractors of
nerve sheath slitting, however, doubt its efficacy and also
note that this may cause an occasional cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) leak, may potentially disrupt the pial vessels
contributing to nerve vascularity, may disrupt the nerve
fascicles and may also risk injury to the ophthalmic artery
coursing in the optic canal.
The layers of the optic nerve
sheath as viewed from a medial transsphenoidal approach
include the periosteal and dural layers of the duramater,
arachnoid sheath, subarachnoid space and the pial sheath
which is adherent to the nerve. Nerve sheath incisions may
potentially be limited to the superficial dura mater alone and
may not violate the subarachnoid CSF space.
The best timing for nerve decompression is yet a
controversial topic. However, it is logical to assume that
early surgical decompression would be more efficacious in
reversing pathology than decompression that has been
delayed by a few weeks. Of course, if there are fractured
bony spicules seen on CT scan which are impinging on the
optic nerve along its course, or the presence of a nerve
sheath hematoma seen on the MRI scan, endoscopic
decompression must not be delayed. But, in the event of
absence of any positive findings radiologically, surgically
decompressing the nerve whether justified and if so, which
is the best time to do so, is still one of the gray areas in our
field, with conflicting reports in literature. Early surgical
decompression, however, has not been proved to be more
efficacious than early treatment with steroids in conventional
doses or megadoses.
Moreover, optic nerve injury may
be associated with other life-threatening and progressive
injuries and also injury to the internal carotid artery,
these scenarios, medical management is perceived as the
safer initial treatment option. We therefore prefer initial
Fig. 6: Coronal CT scan of the paranasal sinuses showing the bony
fracture fragment impinging on the left optic nerve with a left sphenoid
Fig. 7: A traumatic CSF leak in the skull base repaired using a
connective tissue (fat) by the bath-plug technique
Fig. 8: Multiple hair-line fractures in the skull base repaires using a
connective tissue (facia lata) carpet graft (short black arrow). The
decompressed left optic nerve is denoted by the long black arrow
Bachi T Hathiram et al
treatment with megadoses of steroids, and recommend
surgical decompression only for patients who, despite such
medical treatment, continue to have poor vision or whose
vision progressively deteriorates. The efficacy of this
treatment policy has been previously documented in the
and many other studies have noted the potential
of the nerve to recover even if surgery is delayed by a few
Currently, there is no validated approach to the management
of traumatic optic neuropathy. The rationale for intravenous
corticosteroids in the treatment of traumatic optic
neuropathy was derived from the results of the National
Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study 2 (NASCIS 2). The NASCIS
2 was a multicenter clinical trial that evaluated patients with
acute spinal cord injury treated with placebo, methyl-
prednisolone or naloxone. Pharmacologically, cortico-
steroids are considered to reduce microvascular spasm and
soft tissue edema via stabilization of the microvascular
circulation and calcium homeostasis, thereby enhancing
bloodflow and reducing cell death. The study showed that
methylprednisolone started within 8 hours of injury was
associated with a significant improvement in both motor
and sensory function compared to patients treated with a
placebo. Although widely accepted, the question whether
corticosteroids are of similar effect in the treatment of
traumatic optic neuropathy is unproven. The majority of
case reports and series with corticosteroids in traumatic
optic neuropathy are retrospective, nonconsecutive,
nonrandomized and uncontrolled. Meanwhile, several
nonclinical studies have questioned the therapeutic benefit
associated with corticosteroids in acute traumatic optic
The results from the CRASH trial indicated
an even higher risk of mortality in patients with head injury
treated with high-dose corticosteroids, thus, making the
modality of management of this condition all the more
precarious. However, it would be justified to speculate that
the pure white matter optic nerve is not pharmacologically
affected in the same manner as the mixed white and gray
matter spinal cord.
The International Optic Nerve Trauma Study
initiated to compare the visual outcomes of patients observed
without treatment with those of patients treated with
corticosteroids and of patients treated with optic canal
decompression surgery. This multicenter, comparative,
interventional but nonrandomized trial comprised 133 patients
with traumatic optic neuropathy from 16 countries.
Treatment decisions were according to the investigators
customary practice and no specific protocols for corti-
costeroid treatment or surgical technique were followed.
The results showed that visual acuity improved in 32% of
patients treated with surgery, in 52% of patients treated
with corticosteroids, and in 57% of untreated patients. Thus,
there was no clear benefit observed with either cortico-
steroid therapy or optic canal decompression. The results
further showed that neither the dosage or timing of
corticosteroid treatment nor the timing of optic canal
decompression were associated with an increased probability
of improved visual acuity.
We personally feel (see Table 1: Our experience) that
neither corticosteroid therapy nor optic canal decompression
should be considered the standard of care for patients with
traumatic optic neuropathy and that therapeutic decisions
should be made on an individual patient basis. Given the
relatively high rate of spontaneous visual recovery, some
studies concluded that there is no evidence that surgical
decompression of the optic nerve provides any additional
However, in selected cases in which orbital bone
fragments or foreign bodies impinge on, but do not transect
the optic nerve, surgical intervention may be indicated. In
any case, one should be aware of the fact that surgical
intervention carries a definite risk of complications, such
as collateral damage to structures of the orbital apex as well
as other intracranial structures or iatrogenic direct and
indirect optic nerve damage, the latter via disruption of the
pia as well as postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks and
Similar to corticosteroids, the use of surgery in traumatic
optic neuropathy remains controversial and each case needs
to be individually assessed for treatment options and the
management protocols individualized for each patient.
Table 1: Management of traumatic optic neuropathy (2005-12)
Sr. No. Indication No. of patients No visual recovery Partial visual recovery Complete visual
Endoscopic decompression
1 Accidental trauma 18 6 8 4
2 Iatrogenic trauma 1 1
Medical therapy only
3 Accidental trauma 22 2 17 3
Total 41 8 26 7
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal, September-December 2011;3(3):188-196
There is most definitely a need for a large, prospective,
multicentric, randomized controlled trial to assess the
different therapeutic approaches in traumatic optic
neuropathy but such a trial may be challenging given the
low frequency of the condition, and the difficulties inherent
in randomizing patients.
We would like to thank the Dean, TN Medical College and
BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, for permission to publish this
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