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Atkins2011 PDF
Atkins2011 PDF
Chapter 6
*Correspondence to: Nancy J. Newman, MD, Neuro-ophthalmology Unit, Emory Eye Center, 1365-B Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta,
Georgia 30322, USA. Tel: 404-778-5360, Fax: 404-778-4849. E-mail:
Table 6.1 vessels, and disc hyperemia. More severe optic disc
Categories of optic nerve lesions edema manifests with intraretinal hemorrhages, retinal
nerve fiber layer infarcts (cotton-wool spots), and hard
Inflammatory exudates.
Infection Optic atrophy
Systemic diseases
Ischemic Chronic optic neuropathies ultimately produce pale,
Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy atrophic optic discs, regardless of the cause. Irrevers-
Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy ible damage to the optic nerve results in optic disc
Compressive/infiltrative pallor in 4–6 weeks; therefore, the appearance of disc
Neoplasm pallor indicates that the injury occurred at least 4–6
weeks earlier. A key clinical point is that optic disc
swelling may not develop if optic atrophy was already
Hereditary present prior to an acute insult (“dead axons don’t
Traumatic swell”). Ophthalmoscopic findings may be subtle, and
Direct asymmetry in disc color may be the only clue to early
Indirect optic atrophy. In this setting, measurement of the reti-
Mechanical nal nerve fiber layer thickness with optical coherence
Papilledema (" intracranial pressure) tomography (OCT) is helpful and shows decreased
Glaucoma (" intraocular pressure) average retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (Fig. 6.2A)
(Frohman et al., 2008). Optic atrophy may develop as
a result of injury at any point along the visual pathways
nerve anterior to the chiasm. The presence of a RAPD between the retinal ganglion cells and the lateral genic-
helps to distinguish optic nerve lesions from maculopa- ulate nucleus, including: (1) intraocular disease that
thies and other causes of monocular central vision loss damages the retinal ganglion cells, the nerve fiber layer,
(Sandbach and Newman, 2001). or the optic disc; (2) intraorbital, intracanalicular, or
intracranial optic nerve damage; and (3) the optic chiasm
or optic tract.
Optic disc edema
Although specific characteristic features of optic
Acute optic neuropathies may initially manifest with atrophy may have some localizing value, it is usually
swollen optic discs if the locus of pathology involves impossible to determine retrospectively the presumed
the anterior optic nerve. If the pathological process is mechanism of optic nerve injury in patients presenting
retrobulbar or posterior, the optic discs will appear with isolated optic atrophy. Helpful findings include:
normal acutely. Optic disc edema may result from (1) diffuse pallor, with a clear peripapillary nerve
any process that disrupts rapid axonal transport in the fiber layer, as seen in primary optic atrophy (atrophy
optic nerve. Stasis or congestion of axoplasmic flow with no prior disc edema) (Fig. 6.2B); (2) irregularity
often occurs anteriorly or at the level of the lamina of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer with associated
cribrosa, leading to optic disc swelling which is visible retinal pigment epithelium disruption, as seen in
by ophthalmoscopy. Early optic disc edema can be sub- secondary optic atrophy (atrophy with prior disc
tle and is characterized by blurring of the peripapillary edema) (Fig. 6.2C); (3) “bow-tie” optic atrophy
nerve fiber layer, obscuration of peripapillary blood from degeneration of axons of the retinal ganglion
Fig. 6.1. Optic nerve appearance: (A) normal; (B) swollen; (C) pale.
Microns 107 89
49 113
300 27 106 S
37 68 32 T N 78
200 OD
33 61 I
100 59 139
161 120 Signal Strength (Max 10) 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
35 33
34 28
Microns 38 43 40 N T 35
300 OS 41 33 I
52 28
38 39 Signal Strength (Max 10) 10
Fig. 6.2. Patterns of optic nerve pallor and atrophy. (A) Optical coherence tomography (OCT) with moderately decreased aver-
age peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in the right eye (OD) (average thickness 79.93 mm) and markedly decreased
average RNFL thickness in an atrophic nerve left eye (OS) (average thickness 36.65 mm) as indicated on the last row of the table.
(B) Primary optic atrophy; (C) secondary optic atrophy; (D) “bow-tie” optic atrophy; (E) optic disc cupping.
cells located nasal to the fovea as seen in optic tract disease and their clinical entities (see Table 6.1).
lesions (Fig. 6.2D); and (4) optic disc cupping with a Narrowing of the differential diagnosis depends on
normal-appearing neuroretinal rim, as seen in further clues yielded from a complete neuro-ophthalmic
glaucomatous optic neuropathy (Fig. 6.2E) (Trobe examination and on a number of historical and clinical
et al., 1980). factors (Table 6.2). These factors include patient charac-
teristics (age, gender, race, family history), the tempo of
optic nerve dysfunction (acute, subacute, chronic, pro-
gressive), the presence or absence of other neurological
or ocular findings (pain, proptosis, ocular motility dys-
Determination of the etiology of an optic neuropathy can- function), and on the results of appropriate ancillary
not be made on the appearance of the optic disc alone. testing (Van Stavern and Newman, 2001). For example,
Once pathology has been localized to the optic nerve, an acute optic neuropathy in an otherwise healthy
the best approach is to consider the main categories of 25-year-old white woman will most often be secondary
Table 6.2
Historical and clinical features of common optic neuropathies
Acute disc
Laterality Visual acuity Pain Visual field appearance Age (years) Gender Typical course
Idiopathic Unilateral Decreased Present Central defects Normal (2/3) or 20–30 More females Worsens over days
demyelinating swollen (1/3) to weeks, then
optic neuritis recovers
Inflammatory/ Unilateral Decreased Present Central defects Normal or swollen Variable Either Rapidly progressive
infectious optic
Nonarteritic anterior Unilateral Decreased Absent Altitudinal Disc edema with > 50 Either May worsen over
ischemic optic disc at risk in days, then
neuropathy unaffected fellow stabilize
Fig. 6.4. Visual fields in papilledema: (A) mild (Humphrey 24–2 Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) standard
visual fields showing enlarged blind spots, both eyes (OU)); (B) moderate (Humphrey 24–2 SITA standard visual fields showing
greater enlargement of blind spots with early constriction superiorly, left eye (OS)); (C) severe (Goldmann visual fields showing
constriction with small preserved islands of central vision, OU). OD, right eye.
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Surgical treatment
No or mild
Headaches and diplopia
Fig. 6.5. Management of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) algorithm. CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ICP, intracranial pres-
sure. (Reproduced from Biousse and Newman (2009), with permission.)
Many inflammatory and infectious disorders can cause with a pronounced decrease in color vision. Both the
an optic neuritis (Table 6.3). The most common cause pain and the visual loss can be either mild or severe.
of optic neuritis is “isolated optic neuritis,” also called If it is a clinically isolated syndrome there should be
“idiopathic” or “demyelinating” optic neuritis. no other systemic or neurological symptoms.
On examination there is always a RAPD (if it is
Idiopathic demyelinating optic neuritis unilateral or asymmetrical). In the acute phase, fundus
examination shows a normal optic nerve in retrobulbar
Idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating optic neuritis is
optic neuritis (two-thirds of cases) or a swollen optic
the most common cause of optic neuropathy in the
nerve in anterior optic neuritis (one-third of cases).
young. Most patients are women (3:1 female-to-male
The macula and retina are normal with no exudates or
ratio) between 25 and 45 years of age, but optic neuritis
hemorrhages. Optic disc pallor develops 4–6 weeks
can occur in children and in older patients as well. It is
after onset. Visual field abnormalities are variable,
one of the clinically isolated demyelinating syndromes
but most often a central scotoma is present. Depending
suggestive of multiple sclerosis (MS). Isolated acute
on the quality of imaging, 50–90% of patients with
optic neuritis is often the first sign of MS, and many
optic neuritis show enhancement of the optic nerve
patients with MS develop optic neuritis during the
on orbital MRI; however, this finding is nonspecific
course of their disease.
(Fig. 6.6A).
The natural history of optic neuritis has been clari-
fied by a number of recent studies (Atkins et al.,
Idiopathic optic neuritis is usually rapidly progressive 2006). Among these, the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial
over a few days. It is typically unilateral but can be (ONTT) is the largest (Beck et al., 1992), but several
bilateral, especially in children. It is characterized by clinical trials involving immunomodulatory drugs have
pain with eye movements in more than 90% of cases, also contributed to our understanding of the natural
and by variably decreased central visual acuity, usually history of optic neuritis (CHAMPS Study Group, 2001;
Table 6.3 diminished intensity of light, and Uhthoff phenomenon
Causes of inflammatory optic nerve lesions (a transient exacerbation of vision loss with heat or
exercise) (Optic Neuritis Study Group, 2004).
Multiple sclerosis
Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s disease) Acute treatment options for acute idiopathic optic
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) neuritis include intravenous methylprednisolone or
Optic neuritis following vaccination observation alone. In the ONTT, a 3-day course of
Infection (*most common infectious causes) high-dose (1 g/day) methylprednisolone followed by an
Bacterial: syphilis*, cat-scratch disease (Bartonella 11-day course of low-dose (1 mg/kg/day) prednisone
henselae)*, Lyme disease, any bacterial meningitis, sped up visual recovery by a few weeks to a month;
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, tuberculosis, Whipple disease
however, the treatment had no effect on the final visual
Viral: herpes zoster*, herpes simplex, human
outcome (Beck et al., 1993). In patients with an abnor-
immunodeficiency virus, Epstein–Barr virus, adenovirus,
Coxsackie virus, cytomegalovirus, West Nile virus, mal baseline MRI, treatment with intravenous steroids
hepatitis A and B virus, measles, mumps, rubella may delay the onset of MS within the first 2 years
Parasitic: toxoplasmosis*, cysticercosis, toxocariasis, following an episode of optic neuritis, but has no effect
intraocular nematode infection on the long-term risk of MS. In the ONTT, the probabil-
Fungal: cryptococcosis*, aspergillosis, mucormycosis, ity of recurrence of optic neuritis in either eye was 35%
candidiasis, histoplasmosis at 10 years. Treatment with low-dose oral cortico-
Inflammation steroids was associated with a doubling of the risk of
Isolated: orbital pseudotumor, idiopathic recurrent optic recurrent optic neuritis, a risk maintained even at
neuritis, “autoimmune optic neuritis” 10-year follow-up (Volpe, 2008). A report of the Qual-
Part of other inflammatory disorders: sarcoidosis, systemic
ity Standard Committee of the American Academy of
lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, polyarteritis
nodosa, Wegener’s granulomatosis, inflammatory bowel
Neurology supported the use of high-dose intravenous
disease, other vasculitides, bee and wasp stings, Behçet’s steroids in patients requiring more rapid visual recov-
disease ery, but did not recommend low-dose oral corticoster-
Paraneoplastic disease oids in conventional doses of 1 mg/kg per day for
Small cell lung cancer with CRMP-5 antibodies patients with acute isolated optic neuritis (Kaufman
et al., 2000).
Comi et al., 2001; Kappos et al., 2007). Spontaneous
visual recovery begins within 3 weeks in approximately
80% of patients and continues for up to 1 year. If at
least some improvement does not occur within 5 weeks, Several older studies had emphasized the risk of devel-
the diagnosis of idiopathic optic neuritis should be oping MS following an episode of isolated optic neuri-
questioned. In the ONTT, at 1-year follow-up almost tis (Atkins et al., 2006). Since the advent of MRI,
all patients had visual acuity in the affected eye of subsequent studies have shown that brain MRI is the
better than 20/40 and half of patients had visual acuity most powerful predictor of development of MS in
of at least 20/20. Nevertheless, a majority of patients patients with acute idiopathic optic neuritis (Atkins
continued to complain of permanent visual dysfunc- et al., 2006). The 15-year cumulative probability of
tion, including impaired contrast sensitivity, decreased developing MS after an episode of idiopathic optic
color vision, difficulty with motion perception, neuritis is 25% with no lesions on MRI, 65% with 1–2
Fig. 6.6. Magnetic resonance imaging in optic neuritis. (A) T1 postcontrast image with fat suppression showing left optic nerve
enhancement (arrow); (B) T2 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image showing a single typical multiple sclerosis lesion in the
corpus callosum; (C) temporal pallor of the optic nerve 3 months after optic neuritis.
lesions on MRI, and 78% with 3 or more lesions on infection are most often present, prompting further
MRI (Optic Neuritis Study Group, 2008). For patients investigations, including MRI, CSF studies, and blood
with no brain lesions on MRI at onset, the risk of devel- tests, to help elucidate the underlying cause. Infection
oping future MS was greatest in the first 5 years, and with Bartonella henselae (cat-scratch disease), toxo-
if MS did not develop in the first 10 years the risk plasmosis, and others can cause an isolated infection
during the period between 10 and 15 years was only of the optic nerve, but there is usually both optic disc
2%. The presence of oligoclonal bands is an indepen- and retinal involvement (see section on neuroretinitis,
dent risk factor that increases almost by twofold the below). Monocular or bilateral optic neuritis can be
risk of having a second attack in all patients, regardless caused by syphilis which should systematically be
of MRI findings; however, this is clinically relevant considered, particularly when there is associated intra-
only for those patients with a normal baseline MRI ocular inflammation. Antibiotic therapy is associated
(Tintoré et al., 2008). with recovery, but relapse is common. Lyme disease
Several important studies with disease-modifying may rarely cause anterior optic neuritis with disc
therapies have defined the risk of developing MS fol- edema. Meningitis and encephalitis can be compli-
lowing a clinically isolated syndrome, and evaluated cated by optic neuritis either as a direct effect of the
the extent to which early intervention with disease- infectious organism or from a secondary vasculitis.
modifying therapies can decrease the risk of progres- For example, optic neuritis has been reported in asso-
sion to clinically definite MS (Coyle, 2008). Results of ciation with herpes virus infection, and in meningitis
the CHAMPS, ETOMS, and BENEFIT studies suggest from West Nile virus infection (Garg and Jampol,
that patients with optic neuritis and abnormal baseline 2005). Tuberculosis and cryptococcus are classical
MRI (“high-risk patients”) should be considered for causes of chronic meningitis, in which case optic nerve
interferon-beta therapy (CHAMPS Study Group, 2001; involvement may be the primary manifestation.
Comi et al., 2001; Kappos et al., 2007). The PRECISE Sarcoidosis affects the optic nerve in about 5% of
study suggested that glatiramer acetate could also be cases and can present with clinical features similar to
considered as an early treatment option (Coyle, 2008). those of isolated optic neuritis. The granulomatous infil-
The CHAMPIONS study even suggested that such tration of sarcoid sometimes produces a nodular appear-
treatment should be initiated early after the first occur- ance to the optic disc and intraocular inflammation is
rence of optic neuritis (CHAMPIONS Study Group, common. MRI with gadolinium enhancement usually
2006). shows areas of enhancement and nerve thickening that
At present, MRI continues to be the most impor- may be generalized, nodular, or meningeal, and there
tant paraclinical modality for assessing the risk of may be other T2 signal abnormalities elsewhere on
future MS and for monitoring disease progression MRI. Corticosteroid treatment often results in visual
in patients with acute demyelinating optic neuritis recovery, but relapsing vision loss following a short
(Fig. 6.6B, C). However, newer imaging strategies, course of corticosteroids suggests sarcoidosis.
including magnetization transfer MRI, diffusion tensor Optic neuritis is a rare manifestation of other
MRI, and OCT, are being used alone and in combination systemic inflammatory or connective tissue diseases
for earlier detection of clinical impairment, monitoring (see Table 6.3) and usually occurs in the setting of an
disease progression, predicting disability, and ascertain- established diagnosis. The mechanisms and presenta-
ing the effects of experimental neuroprotective therapies tions of optic nerve involvement vary with the disorder.
(Glisson and Galetta, 2009). OCT in particular can Optic nerve involvement occurs very rarely in patients
provide rapid, reproducible, high-resolution images of with systemic lupus erythematosus and visual loss
retinal anatomy, and is increasingly being used to model may be due to either vasculitis or ischemia secondary
the axonal and neuronal degeneration that is now recog- to antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Optic neuritis
nized as part of the disease process that contributes to may also be a symptom of Sjögren’s syndrome, in the
permanent disability in MS (Frohman et al., 2008). setting of additional features of the sicca syndrome.
Inflammation in the sinus and parasinus areas can
extend to the optic nerve in Wegener’s granulomatosis,
Causes of optic neuritis other than
and other orbital signs are a clinical clue. Optic neuritis
primary demyelination
is also a complication of Behçet’s disease, which should
Although most cases of inflammatory optic neuritis are be considered in the right clinical setting along with
idiopathic or demyelinating in origin, other inflamma- other manifestations of Behçet’s. There is a higher than
tory and infectious conditions need to be considered expected incidence of optic neuritis in inflammatory
in the differential diagnosis (see Table 6.3). In these bowel disease, possibly reflecting coincidence of auto-
conditions other symptoms and signs of underlying immune diseases (Fadil et al., 2007).
BILATERAL OPTIC NEURITIS of NMO (Wingerchuk et al., 2006). Bilateral or recur-
rent optic neuritis and chronic relapsing inflammatory
Bilateral inflammatory optic neuritis may be due to
optic neuropathy are clinical phenotypes associated
demyelination, infectious causes, systemic connective
with NMO-IgG positivity, but which may not fulfill
tissue disease, and other local or systemic inflamma-
the diagnostic criteria for NMO. Visual loss in patients
tory conditions (see Table 6.3). Postviral optic neuritis
with NMO is the result of a failure to recover from
is often bilateral, and has been associated with measles,
the initial attack or subsequent relapses. Preventing
mumps, chickenpox, influenza, and Epstein–Barr virus.
relapses is therefore an important goal, and patients
Postviral optic neuritis typically follows the clinical
with NMO-IgG seropositivity at the initial presentation
infection by 1–3 weeks. It also can occur as a postvacci-
are at high risk for developing future episodes of recur-
nation phenomenon. It is more common in children
rent optic neuritis (Fig. 6.7).
than adults and an immune-mediated process is likely.
Unfortunately, there is currently no evidence from
Visual recovery is usually excellent, even with no treat-
clinical trials to guide treatment or to prevent relapses in
ment. Corticosteroids may or may not hasten recovery,
NMO. Treatment is different from that for MS, and
but this treatment is reasonable to consider, particularly
interferon-beta therapy does not have a role in treating
in cases of bilateral severe visual loss. Some consider
NMO. Acute, severe attacks in patients with NMO may
this a forme fruste of acute disseminated encephalitis.
require plasma exchange to hasten recovery. Some advo-
Paraneoplastic optic neuritis has been described, usu-
cate therapy with corticosteroids followed by mainte-
ally in association with paraneoplastic encephalo-
nance therapy with long-term immunosuppressive
myelitis or retinitis and small cell lung cancer, and
therapy (Giovannoni, 2008).
the presence of the CRMP-5 antibody (Bataller and
Dalmau, 2004).
On occasion there can be signs of both optic nerve and
retinal involvement in a variant of optic neuritis known
Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a rare but important as “neuroretinitis.” Although initially the appearance of
cause of bilateral or recurrent optic neuritis which the optic nerve is suggestive of an anterior optic neuri-
is clinically and pathologically distinct from MS (see tis with disc edema, after about 1–3 weeks a macular
Table 6.3). In NMO, there is antibody-mediated loss star develops which may persist after the disc swelling
of the aquaporin-4 water channel protein on astrocytes, resolves (Fig. 6.8). The presence of a macular star is
which may cause secondary demyelination in the cen- characteristic of neuroretinitis, and these patients are
tral nervous system, including the optic nerves. Patients not at risk for MS. Neuroretinitis is most commonly
presenting with recurrent or bilateral optic neuritis, or caused by cat-scratch disease, an infection with Barto-
who have poor recovery from unilateral isolated optic nella henselae, but has been associated with other
neuritis, should be tested for NMO-IgG. NMO-IgG infectious causes (see Table 6.3). This disorder is usually
positivity is included in the revised diagnostic criteria self-limited, but it can be treated with an antibiotic
Fig. 6.7. T1 postcontrast magnetic resonance image showing an enhancing lesion of the spine extending for more than
five consecutive spinal levels (arrows), and optic atrophy 5 months after optic nerve demyelination in neuromyelitis optica
(Devic’s disease).
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
AION results from ischemic damage to the anterior
portion of the optic nerve, which is primarily supplied
by the posterior ciliary artery circulation. Since the ante-
rior portion of the optic nerve is visible as the optic disc,
AION always presents with optic disc edema acutely.
AION is generally divided into two types: arteritic AION
(or AAION), resulting from ischemia secondary to vas-
culitis (usually giant cell arteritis (GCA)) (Melson et al.,
2007), and NAION, resulting from ischemia secondary
to noninflammatory small-vessel disease (Luneau et al.,
2008) (Table 6.4).
Pathogenesis of NAION
Small-vessel circulatory insufficiency of the optic nerve
head is the most widely accepted pathophysiology of
NAION, but the location of the associated vasculopathy
and mechanism of ischemia remain uncertain. Patients
with a small cup-to-disc ratio (disc at risk) are predis-
posed to NAION. In normal eyes there is ample room
Fig. 6.9. Fundus appearance in anterior ischemic optic neu- for the optic nerve to exit the eye; however, in patients
ropathy from giant cell arteritis with chalky-white optic disc with structurally small scleral openings there is no
swelling. margin of safety to accommodate swelling. If swelling
occurs for any reason within the confines of a crowded
from GCA requires emergency intervention to prevent small optic disc, it may contribute to a compartment
irreversible severe visual loss. High doses of steroids syndrome, in which mild swelling induces a vicious
must be instituted immediately. There is anecdotal cycle of disc edema and peripapillary hemorrhages
evidence to suggest that early use of high-dose intrave- (Hayreh and Zimmerman, 2007). Optic nerve head
nous steroids may allow for some improvement in the ischemia/hypoxia may then cause secondary axoplasmic
involved eye in addition to better protection for the flow stasis within the optic nerve. Caucasians are sig-
fellow eye. Temporal artery biopsy must be obtained nificantly more predisposed to develop the disease than
to confirm the diagnosis, but it should not delay the Black or Hispanic people, and this is most likely
initiation of steroids. Biopsies are likely to remain posi- because Caucasians tend to have smaller cup-to-disc
tive even after 14 days of steroid therapy (Melson et al., ratios with more crowding of optic nerve head axons.
2007; Fraser et al., 2008). Other optic nerve anomalies causing crowding, such
as optic disc drusen and papilledema, are also asso-
Vasculopathic risk factors
NAION is an acute optic neuropathy presumably result-
ing from small-vessel infarction of the anterior optic Diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia are
nerve. NAION represents 95% of all AION, and is the well-known risk factors for ischemic small-vessel
most common cause of acute optic neuropathy in peo- disease. Arteriosclerosis or lipohyalinosis is often sus-
ple over the age of 50, affecting somewhere between pected in the pathogenesis of NAION, but no histo-
2 and 10 individuals per 100 000 (approximately 1500– pathological confirmation is available to date. In the
6000 new cases per year in the USA). The mean age Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial, 60%
of onset is in the range of 57–67 years, but it can occur of NAION patients had at least one vasculopathic risk
at any age (Preechawat et al., 2007). Symptoms include factor, 47% had hypertension, and 24% had diabetes
acute, unilateral, usually painless visual loss that can (Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial
evolve over several hours to several days. Visual acuity Research Group, 1995). Another study also showed that
varies from 20/20 to no light perception, but remains hypertension was present in up to 49% and diabetes in
better than 20/200 in about two-thirds of patients. up to 26% of patients with NAION (Hayreh et al.,
Because it is an optic neuropathy, a RAPD is invariably 1994). Association with other vascular risk factors has
present in unilateral forms. An arcuate or altitudinal been inconsistent. Tobacco smoking does not appear
defect, particularly in the inferior region of the visual to be an independent risk factor (Hayreh et al., 2007).
field, is most common; however, as is often the case NAION has not been associated with ipsilateral carotid
with optic neuropathies, any region of the visual field artery stenosis, and embolic AION is extremely rare
Fig. 6.10. Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. (A) Disc at risk with small cup-to-disc ratio compared to normal and
large cup-to-disc ratio. (Reproduced from Biousse and Newman (2009), with permission.) (B) Superior disc edema;
(C) superior segmental atrophy; (D) inferior arcuate/altitudinal visual field defect.
(Fry et al., 1993). Sleep apnea, generalized hypoper- The visual acuity does not appear to worsen once the
fusion, vasospasm, microembolization from a remote disc edema has resolved (Hayreh and Zimmerman,
source, failure of autoregulation, severe anemia, and 2007). Compared with GCA patients with AION,
nocturnal hypotension are all included among the patients with NAION may have relatively good pre-
potential, but unproven, contributory pathogenetic fac- served visual acuity, with up to 56% of patients retain-
tors for NAION. Some drugs have been associated with ing acuity of 20/60 or better. Recurrence of NAION
the development of NAION, including amiodarone in the affected eye is rare, and occurs in less than 5%
(Murphy and Murphy, 2005) and erectile dysfunction of cases (Newman et al., 2002). A likely pathological
agents (Lee and Newman, 2005), but no definite causal explanation for the low rate of recurrence is that the
relationship has been established. atrophy of the optic nerve that follows NAION relieves
crowding of the nerve.
In the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression
Clinical course
Trial, approximately 15% of patients developed NAION
In most cases of NAION, vision worsens progressively in the fellow eye within 5 years (Newman et al., 2002).
over 2 weeks, and then remains stable over time. Presumably the other eye is exposed to the same risk
factors for small-vessel disease, and also has the same (2) have hypotensive episodes (such as those on chronic
structural vulnerability inherent in small cup-to-disc hemodialysis). High-grade carotid stenosis may be an
ratios. In the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompres- additional predisposing risk factor. The visual loss is
sion Trial, risk of fellow eye involvement was related usually severe, anterior or posterior (i.e., with or without
to poor baseline visual acuity in the first eye and to disc edema), and onset may be acute or subacute.
diabetes, but not to age, gender, smoking history, or Endogenous vasoconstrictors released during acute
aspirin use (Newman et al., 2002). In younger patients, hypotensive episodes may play a role (Hayreh, 2004).
the risk of fellow eye involvement seems to be higher Spine surgery with maintenance of the prone position
than in older patients, with 35% involvement of the for several hours is a reported cause of bilateral PION,
second eye within 7 months (Preechawat et al., 2007). as is coronary artery bypass surgery (Newman, 2008).
There is no definite evidence that NAION is associated
with an increased risk of subsequent myocardial or Radiation optic neuropathy
cerebral infarction, but no sufficiently large studies
In 10–15% of cases where the optic nerve has been
have been done. Given that 60% of NAION patients
exposed to 50 Gy of radiation or more, a radiation-
have at least one vascular risk factor, the risk of other
induced optic neuropathy can occur. The threshold for
systemic vascular events should still be considered
radiation-induced optic neuropathy is lower in diabetics
and vascular risk factors should be managed according
and in patients receiving chemotherapy. Transient acute
to evidence-based guidelines. There is no proven treat-
swelling of the optic nerve can occur during the
ment for NAION, and even antiplatelet agents for the
radiation therapy, and this acute form is responsive to
secondary prophylaxis of fellow eye involvement remain
steroids. However, most cases of radiation-induced
controversial (Atkins et al., 2010).
optic neuropathy are delayed, occurring 1–8 years later.
The discs may initially appear normal at the time
Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy
of onset of visual loss, but eventually become pale.
The posterior optic nerve can be selectively affected by Enhancement of the optic nerves on MRI is characteris-
ischemia, since it has a distinct blood supply separate tic (Fig. 6.11). For the delayed-onset type of radiation-
from that of the anterior portion of the optic nerve. The induced optic neuropathy there is no proven effective
syndrome of posterior ischemic optic neuropathy (PION) treatment. Corticosteroids, anticoagulants, and hyper-
includes acute visual loss and, if unilateral, a RAPD. baric oxygen are advocated by some, but results are
PION is often bilateral. There is no associated disc not convincing (Danesh-Meyer, 2008).
edema, but optic atrophy eventually develops. PION
generally occurs in either the perioperative setting
or in the setting of GCA or other vasculitides, and
laboratory investigations for GCA must be obtained
(Newman, 2008). Orbital imaging is indicated, since
the differential diagnosis includes compressive and
infiltrative optic neuropathies; however, the onset of
visual loss is more abrupt in PION, and there should
be no associated ophthalmoplegia. Nonarteritic PION
can rarely occur in patients who share the common
vascular risk factors seen in NAION (Sadda et al.,
2001), but the disc at risk is not a factor. Nonarteri-
tic PION should not be mistaken for retrobulbar
optic neuritis, since PION occurs in older age groups
and there is no pain with eye movements and no
enhancement of the optic nerve on imaging.
Fig. 6.15. Goldmann visual fields in a prechiasmal junctional compressive lesion from a pituitary tumor, with a central scotoma
on the side of the lesion (OS: left eye) and a contralateral superior defect (OD: right eye).
can be confused with retrobulbar optic neuritis or PION. RAPD is not typically present. The differential diag-
Neuroimaging should be obtained in all such cases and nosis also includes hereditary optic neuropathies and
treatment is specific to the disease process. There gener- bilateral compressive or infiltrative lesions of the
ally is a role for surgical decompression or reduction optic nerve, and in all cases neuroimaging should be
of the size of the mass lesion through medical or radia- obtained. Some suspected toxicities or deficiencies
tion therapy. Visual recovery following decompression may be confirmed through serum and urine analysis,
depends on how long symptoms have been present, on and serum B12 levels should always be obtained. Visual
the degree of optic atrophy, and on the severity of the loss may be reversible if the offending toxin is
visual loss before treatment. Recent studies have sug- removed, or if the deficient vitamin is replenished.
gested a role for measuring retinal nerve fiber thickness Even when there is severe loss of the nerve fiber layer
with OCT in predicting visual recovery in patients with and marked temporal optic disc pallor, visual recovery
compressive optic neuropathies from pituitary tumors may be dramatic. With certain toxins (most notably
(Danesh-Meyer et al., 2008). ethambutol), visual recovery may be delayed for
6–12 months after discontinuation of the medication.
OPTIC NERVE LESIONS Specific nutritional causes
Toxic and nutritional optic neuropathies are relatively The most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is
uncommon in the USA, but in the past this form of optic pernicious anemia. Gastric surgery and infection with
neuropathy was far more common, and physicians have Diphylobothrum latum (fish tapeworm) can also inter-
recognized visual loss from toxic and nutritional causes fere with absorption, but dietary B12 deficiency is only
for centuries. In most cases the pathogenesis remains found in strict vegans. Optic nerve lesions have been
unknown. The cause is complex and multifactorial, but identified in patients with vitamin B12 deficiency on post-
there is likely a shared metabolic mechanism of optic mortem examination. In primate models, optic nerve
nerve injury. Other unknown factors must influence lesions precede both the anemia and the spinal cord
expression, since not all patients treated with known lesions. Therefore it is not surprising that, in humans,
toxic agents or with long-standing nutritional deficien- optic neuropathy may be the presenting symptom.
cies will suffer optic nerve damage. A thorough history If the serum B12 level is normal, and the clinical suspi-
is the most effective means of establishing exposure to cion remains high, additional testing of homocysteine
toxins or identifying possible nutritional deficiencies, and methylmalonic acid levels should be performed,
and toxic and nutritional optic neuropathies generally since these are more sensitive markers of deficiency,
share a similar clinical profile (Table 6.7). and will be elevated if there is dysfunction in the
The clinical presentation includes slowly progres- metabolic pathway of vitamin B12. Visual loss may be
sive, bilateral, painless, symmetrical central visual reversible with intramuscular injections of vitamin B12
loss, reduced perception of color, central or cecocen- if administered prior to the onset of optic atrophy.
tral scotomas on visual field testing with sparing of Although there is no proof that thiamine, folate, pyri-
the peripheral visual field, and optic disc pallor which doxine, riboflavin, or niacin deficiencies cause optic
corresponds to loss of nerve fibers in the papilloma- neuropathy, in patients who are generally malnourished
cular bundle. Since the process is usually bilateral, a and who have visual loss it seems reasonable to replace
all vitamins in which they may be deficient.
Fig. 6.16. Amiodarone toxic optic neuropathy with bilateral disc edema. OD, right eye; OS, left eye.
Combined nutritional–toxic optic or pedigrees. Many molecularly confirmed patients
nerve lesions are outside the common age range, do not exhibit the
classical fundus findings, and do not know of any
Combined nutritional–toxic deficiencies are presumed
family members with visual loss (Newman, 1996).
to have played a role in endemic optic neuropathy
Therefore, the diagnosis of hereditary optic neuropa-
reported under conditions of deprivation (e.g., Cuba
thy should be considered in any patient with unex-
in the 1990s, and Southeast Asia during World War II)
plained, sequential or bilateral, painless, central
(Newman, 1996). Most nutritional optic neuropathies
visual loss, regardless of age, tempo, gender, family
appear to be exacerbated by tobacco use. Tobacco–
history, or fundus appearance.
alcohol amblyopia is an often invoked but poorly
understood disease. It historically has been attributed
Monosymptomatic hereditary
to the toxic effects of tobacco smoking alone, to the
optic neuropathies
combined effects of tobacco and alcohol, to nutritional
deficiency, and to combined toxic and nutritional LEBER’S HEREDITARY OPTIC NEUROPATHY
influences. More recent work has suggested that the
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a mater-
tobacco–alcohol amblyopia syndrome may in fact
nally inherited optic neuropathy that occurs predomi-
simply reflect a nutritional optic neuropathy. Convinc-
nantly in otherwise healthy young adults, although it can
ing cases of pure tobacco amblyopia are still encoun-
occur at any age. Both men and women can be affected,
tered, particularly in middle-aged and elderly men
but men are affected about eight times more frequently
who smoke pipes and cigars; however, the history of
than women. Painless visual loss occurs in one eye, and
epidemic optic neuropathies suggests combined influ-
in most cases is followed by painless visual loss in the
ences of nutritional deficiencies and toxic effects
other eye within 1 month. Visual loss can also be bilateral
of tobacco (Newman, 1996). Early vitamin supplemen-
and simultaneous in up to half of cases. Visual acuity
tation and smoking cessation have been anecdotally
typically deteriorates over a 3–6-month period to a nadir
associated with visual recovery.
of 20/200 or worse. The rate of deterioration is slower
than in demyelinating optic neuritis, but faster than in
HEREDITARY OPTIC NERVE LESIONS compressive lesions. In some cases with specific muta-
tions, spontaneous recovery of vision can occur even
The hereditary optic neuropathies are disorders in
years later. At onset there is marked loss of color vision,
which the underlying cause of optic nerve dysfunction
and central or cecocentral defects are seen on visual field
appears to be inherited, based on familial expression
testing, with preservation of the peripheral visual field
and/or genetic analysis. Genetic analysis has facilitated
in most cases. During the acute phase of visual loss, the
the diagnosis of hereditary optic neuropathies, broad-
funduscopic appearance may be normal, or the triad
ened our view of the clinical phenotypes, and furthered
of: (1) hyperemia and “pseudoedema” of the optic disc;
our understanding of inherited optic nerve disease.
(2) peripapillary telangiectatic engorged microvessels
There are monosymptomatic syndromes in which visual
(Fig. 6.17); and (3) absence of leakage on fluores-
loss is the primary manifestation, and multisympto-
cein angiography, may be seen. The presence of retinal
matic syndromes with widespread involvement of other
hemorrhages or exudates should suggest an alternate
organ systems (Table 6.8). Molecular genetic techni-
diagnosis. The telangiectatic vessels eventually disappear,
ques can help establish the diagnosis in atypical patients
the pseudoedema resolves, and ultimately the optic nerve
pallor and loss of the retinal nerve fiber layer develop,
Table 6.8 predominantly in the papillomacular bundle.
The mitochondrial DNA mutations at positions 11778,
Hereditary optic neuropathies
3460, and 14484 are the three mutations considered pri-
Monosymptomatic mary in LHON. The 11778 mutation accounts for approx-
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) imately 3 of every 4 cases overall, but its frequency can
Dominant optic atrophy (OPA1) range from as low as 31% to as high as 90% in distinct
Multisymptomatic populations. The 3460 mutation accounts for 8–15% of
Leber’s plus cases, and the 14484 mutation for 10–15%, although these
OPA1 plus
percentages can also vary depending on ethnic origin.
Wolfram syndrome (DIDMOAD)
Recessive optic atrophy (OPA3)
(Newman, 2008). Among the three primary LHON muta-
tions, one phenotypic distinction is that patients with
DIDMOAD, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and the 14484 mutation have a substantially greater chance
deafness. for spontaneous recovery of vision (up to 70%) and for
Fig. 6.17. Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy with pseudoedema, hyperemia, and telangiectasia of the right eye (OD), and
optic nerve pallor of the left eye (OS: previously affected eye).
having better final visual acuities. On the other hand, prevalence of 1:50 000. Usual onset is in the first
only about 4% of patients with the 11778 mutation decade of life, but it is often imperceptible in child-
improve. Good visual outcome strongly correlates with hood, and the mild degree of visual dysfunction slowly
age younger than 20 years at onset. progresses, with an estimated loss of one line on
Since LHON is a maternally inherited mitochondro- the Snellen visual acuity chart per decade. DOA is
pathy involving extranuclear DNA, only female family clinically characterized by symmetrical, insidious visual
members pass on the risk of the disease to all of their loss, decreased color vision, cecocentral scotomas,
offspring. However, the presence of a primary LHON and wedges of temporal optic disc atrophy, often with
mutation does not necessarily mean that a patient a triangular, excavated appearance (Fig. 6.18). Visual
will lose vision, and only about 20% of patients with loss is variable even within families, and ranges from
pathogenic LHON mutations become symptomatic. The 20/20 to 20/200, but usually not worse. Other neuro-
determinants of expression in LHON are poorly under- logical abnormalities are uncommon, although pedi-
stood, as is the specificity for optic nerve dysfunction. grees exist with prominent deafness. The majority of
Other contributing genetic factors may include: (1) the DOA pedigrees have an abnormality of the OPA1 gene
relative quantity of mutant mitochondrial DNA in indi- localized on chromosome 3 (Eiberg et al., 1994). Muta-
viduals and in specific tissues (heteroplasmy); (2) the tions in the OPA1 protein affect mitochondrial integrity
presence of other mitochondrial DNA abnormalities; and presumably lead to insufficient energy supply in
and (3) nuclear DNA influences. Intrinsic and extrinsic the highly energy-dependent neurons of the optic nerve,
environmental factors may also play a role in expres- likely causing blindness by compromising axonal trans-
sion, including systemic illness, nutritional deficiencies, port to and from the retinal ganglion cells. So far over
and toxic exposures. Tobacco use, environmental tox- 100 different missense and nonsense mutations, dele-
ins, and metabolic stress all place excess demands on tions, and insertions in the OPA1 gene have been found
compromised mitochondrial function and may tip the in affected families. A positive molecular genetic test
balance towards phenotypic expression. Therefore, it helps confirm the diagnosis, but a negative result does
is reasonable to counsel the at-risk patient to avoid not rule it out, since our current molecular diagnostics
agents that may stress mitochondrial function. Since can only identify approximately half of cases.
cardiac arrhythmias may be associated with LHON,
obtaining an electrocardiogram for all patients is essen-
Multisymptomatic hereditary
tial. There is no definitive treatment for LHON. Some
optic neuropathies
have suggested that idebenone may be helpful, and
others have suggested various vitamin or enzyme thera- LEBER’S-PLUS SYNDROMES
pies, but none has been proven effective.
Some patients with LHON also have cardiac conduction
abnormalities, minor neurological abnormalities, or dis-
ease clinically indistinguishable from MS. Several
Dominant optic atrophy (DOA), or Kjer’s disease, is "Leber’s-plus" pedigrees are described with maternally
the most common hereditary optic neuropathy, with a related members with LHON-like optic neuropathy
Fig. 6.18. Typical optic nerve appearance in dominant optic atrophy with temporal wedge of pallor and excavated appearance
temporally in both eyes. OD, right eye; OS, left eye.
plus more severe neurological manifestations, includ- Moderate to severe bilateral visual loss manifests within
ing dystonia and basal ganglia lesions, encephalopathic the first decade of life, but usually does not progress
episodes, spasticity, and psychiatric disturbance. after childhood. The identification of methylglutaconic
aciduria (Costeff syndrome) in several pedigrees led
to the mapping of the OPA3 gene on chromosome 19.
A syndrome of autosomal-dominant optic atrophy and
This syndrome consists of a combination of autosomal- cataracts has been described with mutations in the
dominant optic atrophy with progressive external OPA3 gene localized on chromosome 19 (Reynier
ophthalmoplegia, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, deaf- et al., 2004).
ness, and ragged red fibers. The clinical features are
similar to those of the mitochondrial encephalomyo-
pathies associated with multiple mitochondrial DNA TRAUMATIC OPTIC NERVE LESIONS
deletions, suggesting mitochondrial DNA instability in Clinical assessment
critical tissues together with a second mechanism
directly linked to OPA1 dysfunction (Amati-Bonneau Visual loss is common after traumatic brain injury, but
et al., 2008). its diagnosis can be delayed. Patients may be uncon-
scious and unable to provide a clinical history, and
may be unaware of their visual loss at the time. Exami-
nation can be limited by lack of cooperation, physical
The autosomal-recessive optic neuropathies are a less injuries, sedative medications, and decreased level of
common, more heterogeneous group of disorders. They consciousness. The traumatic event may seem minimal
are frequently associated with systemic and neurological in relation to the visual loss, and the patient may be
abnormalities, and visual loss is typically severe. Genetic otherwise neurologically intact. A careful examination
analysis has yet to define adequately most of these combined with appropriate neuroimaging should eluci-
diseases. One particular phenotype, Wolfram syndrome, date the nature of the visual loss and guide initiation
or DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, of optimal management (Atkins et al., 2008).
optic atrophy, and deafness), may prove, in some
cases, to represent a disorder of mitochondrial function Direct traumatic optic neuropathy
caused by defects in either mitochondrial or nuclear
DNA. Linkage analysis has suggested localization of In most cases, traumatic visual loss is related to direct ocu-
the Wolfram gene to the short arm of chromosome 4 lar injury and occurs in the setting of severe head trauma
in some families, but not in others. associated with loss of consciousness. Ocular trauma such
as hyphema or ocular penetrating injuries and foreign
body may require urgent ophthalmological treatment. Less
common is unilateral or bilateral visual loss with normal
Complicated autosomal-recessive infantile optic atrophy ocular appearance, suggesting trauma to the optic nerve
or Behr’s syndrome begins in early childhood and is or intracranial visual pathways. Traumatic optic neuropa-
associated with variable pyramidal tract signs, ataxia, thy has traditionally been separated into direct and indi-
mental retardation, urinary incontinence, and pes cavus. rect. Direct traumatic optic neuropathy refers to direct
injury of the optic nerve causing functional and anato- suggest that very-high-dose steroids may actually prove
mical disruption. Direct optic nerve injury is often the harmful in this setting, especially if given more than
result of projectile injuries or penetrating stab wounds 8 hours after injury (Steinsapir, 2006).
to the orbit. The intraocular and intraorbital segments
of the optic nerve typically are involved. This form GLAUCOMA
of optic nerve injury is less common because of protec-
The term “glaucoma” refers to a group of diseases that
tion by the bony orbital walls.
have a characteristic pattern of optic nerve head cup-
ping with associated visual field loss; intraocular pres-
Indirect traumatic optic neuropathy
sure is usually elevated. Glaucoma is by far the most
Indirect traumatic optic neuropathy refers to the trans- common optic neuropathy, affecting more than 100
mission of force distant from the optic nerve, preserv- million people worldwide. It should not be missed by
ing ocular and cerebral tissue plane integrity, but neurologists evaluating a patient with an abnormal
indirectly causing optic nerve dysfunction. Indirect optic nerve or visual field defects. The clue to the diag-
traumatic optic neuropathy is suggested when the nosis is the enlargement of the central cup within the
neuro-ophthalmological examination shows: (1) unilat- optic nerve, classically a vertical elongation, with pres-
eral decreased visual acuity; (2) unilateral decreased ervation of the normal color of the rim of peripheral
color vision; (3) an ipsilateral RAPD; (4) a normal- optic nerve surrounding the cup (Fig. 6.19). Glaucoma
appearing fundus or mild optic nerve edema acutely; is important in the differential diagnosis of optic neuro-
and (5) no apparent intraocular pathology. The affected pathies and requires aggressive treatment by an
optic nerve becomes pale 4–6 weeks after injury (optic ophthalmologist.
nerve pallor at the time of trauma suggests pre-existing
optic neuropathy). The diagnosis of traumatic optic CONCLUSION
neuropathy is clinical and neuroimaging is only useful
As experts on the central nervous system, neurologists
to rule out compression of the optic nerve by a bone
are expected to be familiar with the many conditions
fragment or hemorrhage (Atkins et al., 2008).
that can result in visual loss arising from lesions of the
optic nerve. Since the optic nerve contains approximately
Treatment of traumatic optic nerve lesions
38% of the axons entering or leaving the brain, neurolo-
Although spontaneous visual recovery can rarely occur gists will frequently encounter patients with complaints
after direct traumatic optic neuropathy, surgical of neurogenic visual impairment. In this chapter, we
decompression of the optic nerve may be performed have highlighted the importance of being able to identify
when there is an orbital fracture and compression of the historical and clinical features that will enable neu-
the optic nerve by a bone fragment on imaging. Orbital rologists to narrow down the broad differential
hemorrhages with compartment syndrome presenting
with acute proptosis, chemosis, and elevated intra-
ocular pressure require emergent decompression
(Atkins et al., 2008).
Management of indirect traumatic optic neuropathy
is controversial. Some investigators have proposed pre-
vention of delayed visual loss through optic canal
decompression. Others have argued that the early use
of high-dose corticosteroids may prevent swelling and
compression of the optic nerve within the intracanalicu-
lar space. Still others have argued that close observation
may be the best option, since proposed treatments are
not completely benign, and spontaneous recovery can
occur (Atkins et al., 2008). The International Optic
Nerve Trauma Study, published in 1999, compared the
visual outcomes of traumatic optic neuropathy treated
within 7 days of injury with variable uncontrolled doses
of corticosteroids, optic canal decompression, or obser-
vation alone, and no significant difference between any Fig. 6.19. Glaucomatous cupping of the disc with vertical
of the treatment options was found (Levin et al., 1999). elongation of the cup, but with preservation of the neuro-
More recent animal and human spinal cord studies retinal rim.
diagnosis of optic nerve lesions. We have repeatedly Eiberg H, Kjer B, Kjer P et al. (1994). Dominant optic atro-
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