Rahila Patel M.M.Raghuwanshi R.C.E.R.T., Chandrapur (m.s.), India NYSS College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur (m.s.), India rahila.patel@gmail.com m_raghuwanshi@rediffmail.com
Abstract: This paper gives a short review of real coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) used for multiobjective optimization. Handling of continues search space is very easy with RCGA and solution representation is very close to natural formulation of real-world problems. Because of the obvious reasons, most of real-world multi-objective optimization problems are solved using RCGA. The topics discussed in this paper include new algorithms, design issues of multi-objective optimization like efficiency, scalability, constraint handling and self-adaptation. This discussion suggests potential areas for future research, namely, design of new algorithm, new recombination operator and Pareto optimal front formation techniques.
1. Introduction Genetic algorithms are search and optimization tool inspired by principles of natural genetics. Various single objective and multi objective problems have been solved using genetic algorithm. John Holland, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, first conceived the concept of genetic algorithm [1,2]. In Real-coded GA, decision variables are used directly (without coding) to form chromosome-like structure. Chromosome represents a solution and population is a collection of such solutions. The operators (selection, recombination and mutation) modify the population of the solution to create new (and hopefully better) population. [3,4] Handling of continues search space is very easy with RCGA and solution representation is very close to natural formulation of real-world problems. Because of the obvious reasons, most of real-world multi-objective optimization problems are solved using RCGA.[4,5,6] The doctoral study on vector evaluated genetic algorithm (VEGA) by Dave Schaffer in 1984 [7] and Goldbergs suggestion for the use of non-dominated sorting along with a niching mechanism [1] generated an overwhelming interest on MOEAs. The two fundamental goals in MOEA design are guiding the search towards the Pareto set and keeping a diverse set of non-dominated solutions. It is also important to achieve these goals in a computationally fast manner. The first generation of MOEA was characterized by use of selection mechanism based on Pareto ranking. Fitness sharing was the most common approach to maintain diversity of the same. The second generation of MOEA can be characterized by an emphasis on efficiency and by the use of elitism. This generation also addresses the issue of test problems and different metrics to measure performance of MOEA. Attempts are made to develop theoretical foundation of MOEA[8]. MOEA literature contains number of survey articles describing the state-of-the-art [5]-[14]. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes basic principles of multiobjective optimization. Section 3 gives overview of Real coded Genetic Algorithm used for Multiobjective Optimization. Section 4 focuses on algorithm design issues and presents concepts and techniques that have been developed to deal with the additional complexity caused by multiple objectives. Section 5 is on conclusions and challenges as future tasks.
2. Multiobjective Optimization The Multiobjective Optimization problem in its general form can be described as follows: Minimize/Maximize m=1,2,..,M; ), (x f m Subjected to j=1,2,..,J; 0 ) ( x g j =0 k=1,2,..,K; ) (x h k , i=1,2,...,n. ) ( ) ( u i i L i x x x A solution x X that satisfy all the (J+K) constraints and all of the 2N variable bounds stated above is called feasible solution. X F S n R , where F is a feasible region in search space S. Objective space Z=f (X) is the image of the decision space X under the objective function f. The superiority (or dominance) of one solution over the other cannot be established with many objectives in mind. Objective vectors are compared according to the dominance relation defined below Definition 1 (Dominance relation): x, y n R then x is said to dominate y, denoted as y x iff for i i y x i .and j j y x j : Definition 2 (Pareto set): Let F n R be a set of vectors. Then the Pareto set F* F is defined as F*={x F | y F: y x}. Vectors in F* are called Pareto vectors of F. For given set F, the set F* is unique. Moreover, for a given set F, the set F* is of substantial size. Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 978-0-7695-4246-1/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2010.112 610 Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 978-0-7695-4246-1/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2010.112 610 Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 978-0-7695-4246-1/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2010.112 610 Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology 978-0-7695-4246-1/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2010.112 610 In the search space non-dominated solutions are known as Pareto-optimal solutions. The curve joining these solutions is known as a Pareto-optimal front. There are two goals in a multiobjective optimization: To find a set of solutions as close as possible to the Pareto optimal front and to find a set of solutions as diverse (or non- dominated) as possible.[4] 3. Real coded Genetic Algorithm used for Multiobjective Optimization In Real-coded GA, decision variables are used directly (without coding) to form chromosome-like structure. Real coded GA requires a special recombination and mutation operators. [8] [14] Here we present a short chronological survey of the real coded genetic algorithm used for multiobjective optimization during the last two decades in terms of non- elitist and elitist algorithms. 3.1 Non-Elitist Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms Schaffers vector-evaluated genetic algorithm (VEGA): Schaffer modified the simple three-operator genetic algorithm (with selection, crossover and mutation) by performing independent selection cycles according to each objective. The selection method is separated for each individual objective to fill up a portion of the mating pool. Then the entire population is thoroughly shuffled to apply crossover and mutation operators. The algorithm worked efficiently for some generations but in some cases suffered from its bias towards some individuals or regions.[7] Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA):This algorithm is suggested by Fonseca and Fleming in [15]. In MOGA, the rank of a certain individual corresponds to the number of chromosomes in the current population by which it is dominated. All non-dominated individuals are assigned the highest possible fitness value, while dominated ones are penalized according to the population density of the corresponding region to which they belong (i.e., fitness sharing is used to verify how crowded is the region surrounding each individual). Niched-Pareto Genetic Algorithm (NPGA): This algorithm is suggested by Horn, Natpliotis and Goldberg in [16]. The NPGA uses a tournament selection scheme based on Pareto dominance. The basic idea of the algorithm is: two individuals are randomly chosen and compared against a subset from the entire population (typically, around 10% of the population). If one of them is dominated (by the individuals randomly chosen from the population) and the other is not, then the non- dominated individual wins. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA):The algorithm is suggested by Srinivas and Deb [17]. Before selection is performed, the population is ranked on the basis of non-domination: all non-dominated individuals are classified into one category. To maintain the diversity of the population, these classified individuals are shared with their dummy fitness values. The algorithm of the NSGA is not very efficient, because Pareto ranking has to be repeated over and over again. 3. 2. Elitist Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms The elitist EMO methodologies include an elite- preservation mechanism in their procedures. The wide development of EMOO algorithms in the recent years has begun after the works of Eckart Zitzler [18], due to it the elitism has become a standard mechanism in the development in this direction. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II): NSGA-II is introduced by Deb and Agarwal [19] as an improved version of the NSGA . In NSGA-II. for each solution one has to determine how many solutions dominate it and the set of solutions to which it dominates. The NSGA-II estimates the density of solutions surrounding a particular solution in the population by computing the average distance of two points on either side of this point along each of the objectives of the problem. This value is the so-called crowding distance. During selection, the NSGA-II uses a crowded-comparison operator which takes into consideration both the non-domination rank of an individual in the population and its crowding distance. The elitist mechanism of the NSGA-II consists of combining the best parents with the best offspring obtained. Its mechanism is better. Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA): This algorithm is introduced by Zitzler and Thiele in [18]. SPEA uses an archive containing non-dominated solutions previously found. At each generation, non- dominated individuals are copied to the external nondominated set. For each individual in this external set, a strength value is computed. Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA 2):Proposed by zitzler, it has three main differences with respect to its predecessor SPEA: (1) it incorporates a fine- grained fitness assignment strategy which takes into account for each individual the number of individuals that dominate it and the number of individuals by which it is dominated; (2) it uses a nearest neighbor density estimation technique which guides the search more efficiently; (3) it has an enhanced archive truncation method that guarantees the preservation of boundary solutions. [20] Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) Algorithm: This algorithm is introduced by Knowles and Corne [21]. PAES consists of a 1 + 1 evolution strategy (i.e., a single parent that generates a single offspring) in combination with a historical archive that records the non-dominated solutions previously found. A special feature of this algorithm is the procedure used to maintain diversity, which consists of a crowding procedure that divides objective space in a recursive manner. Since the procedure is adaptive, no extra parameters are required. Pareto Envelope based Selection Algorithm (PESA) : Corne et al. [22] suggested an algorithm known as PESA, which combines the good aspects of SPEA and PAES. Like SPEA, PESA carries two populations (a smaller EA population and a larger archive population). Non-domination and the PAES crowding concept is used to update the archive with the newly created child solutions. 611 611 611 611 In an extended version of PESA [23], instead of applying the selection procedure on population members, hyper boxes in the objective space are selected based on the number of solutions residing in the hyper boxes. This region-based selection procedure has shown to perform better than the individual-based selection procedure of PESA. 4. Design issues of Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm The primary questions when developing genetic algorithms for multi-objective problems are how to evaluate fitness, how to determine which potential solution points should be passed on to the next generation, and how to incorporate the idea of Pareto optimality. The approaches that are described in this subsection collectively address these issues. Fitness assignment : There are various strategies for fitness assignment. The aggregation-based strategy, aggregate the objectives into a single parameterized objective e.g. weighted-sum aggregation. Criterion based methods switch between the objectives during the selection phase. Pareto dominance based methods use different approaches like dominance rank, dominance depth and dominance count. The dominance count is the number of individuals dominated by a certain individual.[8] Selection: Selection operator has got the force that may pull the search to a narrow area of search space or it may lend the algorithm to search the entire search space. Most MOEAs try to maintain diversity within the current Pareto set approximation by incorporating density information into the selection process. The NPGA uses binary tournament selection. The NPGA never ranks an individual with respect to the entire population. This results in a faster algorithm. Another remarkable work in the same direction of the NPGA is the improved ranking procedure proposed by Jensen [24], which significantly reduces the computational complexity of the NSGA-II. Objective reduction: Nowadays, a more common research trend has been to focus on the design of MOEAs that reduce the number of objective function evaluations performed, under the assumption that such evaluations may be very expensive in some real-world applications. For that sake, MOEA researchers have been adopting techniques such as surrogate models, which have long been used in engineering [25]. The main idea of surrogate models is to build an approximate model of the problem, which is cheap to evaluate. Scalability: The deterioration of the performance of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) with increasing number of objectives has already been identified and reported in literature [26]. It is recognized that with an increase in the number of objectives, there is a substantial reduction in the number of fronts, with each front becoming denser. Given this, most solutions are assigned the same rank of non-dominance and Pareto selection weakens since it has to discriminate mostly based on the diversity of solutions. The remedial approaches proposed are collectively referred as preference ordering based approaches. These approaches primarily include: Relaxed form of Pareto-dominance [26] Controlling the Dominance Area [27] Modification of rank definition [28] Utilization of Scalarizing fitness functions [29] Indicator based EMO algorithm [30] Substitute distance metrics [31] Constraint-handling: One of the research areas that has attracted a lot of interest in recent years has been the use of multi-objective optimization concepts to design constraint-handling mechanisms for EAs [32]. Most of the current work has focused on extending the Pareto optimality relation in order to incorporate constraints. Also, the use of penalty functions that punish a solution for not being feasible are easy to incorporate into a MOEA. Incorporation of users preferences: In practical applications of MOEAs, users are normally not interested in a large number of nondominated solutions. Instead, they are usually only interested in a few types of tradeoffs among the objectives. Thus, if such users preferences are incorporated into the selection mechanism of a MOEA, the search can be much more efficient and the results more meaningful. Although some research has been done in this direction [33], it is still relatively uncommon to report results of a MOEA that incorporates users preferences. Self- adaptation: The design of mechanisms that allow an automated control of the parameters of a MOEA (by using, for example, self-adaptation [34], so that the MOEA can adapt its parameters without any human intervention) has been scarcely explored by EMO researchers. 5. Conclusion This paper has reviewed multi-objective optimization using real-coded genetic algorithm. Right from historical analysis of the development to the design issues, challenges and new techniques of multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithms are discussed here. We discussed various methods and theory on MOEA. Basic principles of multiobjective optimization and EA are presented and various algorithmic concepts such as fitness assignment, diversity preservation and elitism are discussed. Nothing much has been found in the literature about use of different recombination operator. This survey suggests a number of tasks, which are outline in the following: 1. Design of new schemes of sub population (niche) formation for multiobjective optimization real-coded genetic algorithm 2. Use of more efficient data structures to store non- dominated vectors. 3. Design and implementation of niching genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization problems 5. Study on why when and how multi-parent recombination works better than two parent recombination for multiobjective optimization real-coded genetic algorithm 612 612 612 612
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