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Jer Shiexxxx

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Jershie T.

Biadnes BSA-2 MWF 4-5pm SA317

- sometimes called dynamic monarchianism, is a minority Christian belief that Jesus
was adopted as God's Son either at his baptism, his resurrection, or his ascension. According
to Epiphanius's account of the Ebionites, the group belieed that Jesus was chosen because
of his sinless deotion to the will of God.
- was declared heresy at the end of the !nd century and was re"ected by the Synods of
Antioch and the #irst Council of $icaea, which defined the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity and
identified the man Jesus with the eternally begotten Son or %ord of God.
- is one of two main forms of monarchianism &the other is modalism, which regards
'#ather' and 'Son' as two historical or soteriological roles of a single diine (erson).
- denies the eternal pre-e*istence of Christ, and although it e*plicitly affirms his deity
subse+uent to eents in his life, many classical trinitarians claim that the doctrine implicitly
denies it by denying the constant hypostatic union of the eternal ,ogos to the human nature of
Jesus. -nder Adoptionism, Jesus is currently diine and has been since his adoption,
although he is not e+ual to the #ather, per 'my #ather is greater than .' &John /01!2) and as
such is a 3ind of subordinationism.
- 4elief that Jesus was born as a mere &non-diine) man, was supremely irtuous and
that he was adopted later as 'Son of God' by the descent of the Spirit on him.
- was a iew proposed by Apollinaris of ,aodicea &died 567) that Jesus could not hae
had a human mind8 rather, that Jesus had a human body and lower soul &the seat of the
emotions) but a diine mind.
- 4elief that Jesus had a human body and lower soul &the seat of the emotions) but a
diine mind. Apollinaris further taught that the souls of men were propagated by other souls,
as well as their bodies.
- 9eclared to be a heresy in 52/ by the #irst Council of Constantinople.
- is the iew that God the #ather suffers &from ,atin patri- 'father'
and passio 'suffering'). .ts adherents beliee that God the #ather was incarnate and suffered
on the cross and that whateer happened to the Son happened to the #ather and so the
#ather co-suffered with the human Jesus on the cross.
- is opposed to the classical theological doctrine of diine apathy. According to
classical theology it is possible for Christ to suffer only in irtue of his human nature. :he
diine nature is incapable of suffering. :here is no consensus that the early church
considered this a heresy or not.
- asserts that God the #ather;rather than God the Son;became incarnate and
suffered on the cross for humanity's redemption. :his not only denies the personhood of God-
the-Son &Jesus Christ), but also distorts the spiritual transaction that was ta3ing place at the
cross, which the Apostle (aul described as follows1 'God <the #ather= was reconciling the
world to himself in Christ <the Son=, not counting people>s sins against them. . . . God <the
#ather= made him who had no sin <God-the-Son= to be sin for us, so that in him <the Son= we
might become the righteousness of God <the #ather=.' &! Corinthians ?1/6, !/)

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