Promissory Note
Promissory Note
Promissory Note
Dear Ma'am/Sir,
I, Shaira C. Palarion, make a commitment to pay the University of Cebu, the sum of Php 10,149.00
which represents the unpaid school account balance as follows:
Name of Student: Shaira C. Palarion
ID Number: 19063064
Course and Year: BSN - 2B
Reason for not paying in full: Financial problem
Promise Date: June 20, 2023
Balance as of 2nd Semester S.Y, 2022 - 2022 ₱10,149.00
Partial payment: ₱ 10,000.00
Remaining Balance: ₱10,149.00
This promissory note is applied for final examination of 2nd Semester S.Y. 2022-2023. Thank you and
more power.
Respectfully yours,
Shaira C. Palarion