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A Project Report On Kotak Mahindra Bank

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Table of Contents
Student declaration
Executive Summary
CHAPTER- 1: !TR"#$CT"!
A%out t&e ndu'try
A%out "rgani(ation) Com*any Profile
CHAPTER + ,: -iterature Review
Cu'tomer 'ati'faction
Swot Analy'i'
Re'earc& /et&odology of t&e 'tudy
Re'earc& "%2ective
#ata Collection Tec&ni3ue'
Sam*le 'i(e
CHAPTER- 6: 7!#!0S 5 S$00EST"!S
CHAPTER- 8: C"!C-$S"!
T & e * r o 2 e c t i ' % a ' e d o n t & e cu'tomer 'ati'faction f o r t & e <
a n k i n g * r o d u c t ' w i t & a ' * e c i a l r e f e r e n c e t o = " T A =
/ A H ! # R A < A ! = a n d t & e c o n ' u m e r * e r c e * t i o n a % o u t
t & e ' a m e >
7 i r ' t a n d 7 o r e m o ' t ? t & e * u r * o ' e o f = o t a k / a & i n d r
a < a n k i ' t o f u l f i l l t & e n e e d ' f o r i n v e ' t m e n t u n d e r o
n e r o o f >
T & i ' * r o 2 e c t ' & o w ' ? t & e c o m m o n m a n & a ' ' t a r t e d
c a * i t a l m a r k e t t e r m l i k e % u l l a n d % e a r e x * l o d e n e
w t i m e >
t g i v e ' t & e d e t a i l v i e w o f t & e r e g u l a t o r y f r a m e w o r
k f o r t & e = o t a k / a & i n d r a < a n k
T & e f o c u ' ' & i f t t o v a r i o u ' * r o d u c t ' o f = " T A =
/ A H ! # R A < A ! = t o c a t e r t o t & e n e e d ' ' u c & a ' r
e t u r n e x * l a n a t i o n ? f i n a n c i a l * o ' i t i o n ? r i ' k t o l e r a n c
e ? e t c >
T & e n e x t * & a ' e l o o k u * t & e i n v e ' t m e n t i n g r o w t &
o r i e n t e d ' t o c k w & i c & a r e a v a i l a % l e a t a t t r a c t i v
e r e l a t i v e v a l u a t i o n >

T&i' 'tudy &el*' in finding out t&e 'ati'faction of mo't im*ortant re'ource t&at i'
&uman re'ource in =otak /a&indra <ank>
T&i' al'o &el*' in finding t&e effect ne'' of &uman re'ource *olicie' in
T&e 'tudy *rovide' knowledge of variou' *roduct'5 inve'tment 'ervice' of =otak
/a&indra <ank
T&e 'tudy &el*' to learn of work culture of organi(ation>
T&e 'tudy of al'o &el*' to learn w&at a' t&e variou' %enefit' availa%le to t&e
advi'or in an organi(ation>
T&e 'tudy al'o &el*' t&e com*any to %e aware of im*ortant t&at it@' &a' to make in
it' incentive' *lan>
Chapter : 1
S!"e#$le# Ban%s &n In#&a
'A( S!"e#$le# Co))e*!&al Ban%s
'B( S!"e#$le# Coo+e*at&,e Ban%s
Here we more concerned a%out *rivate 'ector %ank' and com*etition among t&em> Today?
t&ere are ,9 *rivate 'ector %ank' in t&e %anking 'ector: 1A old *rivate 'ector %ank' and ;
new *rivate 'ector %ank'>
T&e'e new %ank' &ave %roug&t in 'tate-of-t&e-art tec&nology and Aggre''ively marketed
t&eir *roduct'> T&e Pu%lic 'ector %ank' are 7acing a 'tiff com*etition from t&e new *rivate
'ector %ank'>
T&e %ank' w&ic& &ave %een 'etu* in t&e 1AAB' under t&e guideline' of t&e !ara'im&am
Committee are referred to a' !EC PRDATE SECT"R <A!=S>
Ne- P*&,ate Se!to* Ban%s
Su*erior 7inancial Service'
#e'igned nnovative Product'
Ta**ed new market'
Acce''ed -ow co't !R fund'
0reater efficiency
T&e ndian %anking market i' growing at an a'toni'&ing rate? wit& A''et' ex*ected to reac&
$SE1 trillion %y ,B1B> An ex*anding economy? middle cla''? and tec&nological innovation'
are all contri%uting to t&i' growt&>
T&e country@' middle cla'' account' for over .,B million *eo*le> n correlation wit& t&e
growt& of t&e economy? ri'ing income level'? increa'ed 'tandard of living? and afforda%ility
of %anking *roduct' are *romi'ing factor' for continued ex*an'ion>
T&e ndian %anking ndu'try i' in t&e middle of an T revolution? 7ocu'ing on t&e
ex*an'ion of retail and rural %anking> Player' are %ecoming increa'ingly cu'tomer - centric
in t&eir a**roac&? w&ic& &a' re'ulted in innovative met&od' of offering new %anking
*roduct' and 'ervice'> <ank' are now reali(ing t&e im*ortance of %eing a %ig *layer and are
%eginning to focu' t&eir attention on merger' and ac3ui'ition' to take advantage of
economie' of 'cale and)or com*ly wit& <a'el regulation> Fndian %anking indu'try a''et'
are ex*ected to reac& $SE1 trillion %y ,B1B and are *oi'ed to receive a greater infu'ion of
foreign ca*ital?G'ay' Prat&ima Ra2an? analy't in CelentH' %anking grou* and aut&or of t&e
re*ort> FT&e %anking indu'try '&ould focu' on &aving a 'mall num%er of large *layer' t&at
can com*ete glo%ally rat&er t&an &aving a large num%er of fragmented *layer'>I
E'ta%li'&ed in 1A;4? T&e =otak /a&indra 0rou* &a' long %een one of ndia@' mo't
re*uted financial organi(ation'> n 7e% ,BB.? =otak /a&indra 7inance -td>? t&e grou*@'
flag'&i* com*any wa' given t&e licen'e to carry on %anking %u'ine'' %y t&e Re'erve <ank
of ndia JR<K>T&i' a**roval create' %anking &i'tory 'ince =otak /a&indra 7inance -td i'
t&e fir't com*any in ndia to convert to a %ank> T&e licen'e aut&ori(ing t&e %ank to carry
on %anking %u'ine'' &a' %een o%tained from t&e R< in tune wit& Section ,, of t&e
<anking Regulation Act 1A4A>
=/<- wa' *romoted %y /r> $day>S>=otak? =otak and Com*any -td and /r> Sidney
5A>A>Pinto under t&e name of =otak Ca*ital /anagement 7inance -td on ,1't !ov 1A;6
and o%tained a Certificate of Commencement of <u'ine'' on 11
7e% 1A;8>
T&e %ank cu'tomer' &ave acce'' to entire DSA network of 46BB AT/@S in ndia and
;BBBBBAT/@S worldwide acce*ted in more t&an 68BBB e'ta%li'&ment' acro'' ndia and
1B million worldwide> T&e cu'tomer al'o &a' acce'' to over ;BB AT/@' wit& '&aring
arrangement' wit& $T <A!=? of t&e'e 1,6 are in t&e !CR>
=otak /a&indra i' one of ndiaH' leading financial in'titution'? offering com*lete financial
'olution' t&at encom*a'' every '*&ere of life> 7rom commercial %anking? to 'tock %roking?
to mutual fund'? to life in'urance? to inve'tment %anking? t&e grou* cater' to t&e
financial need' of individual' and cor*orate>
T&e grou* &a' a net wort& of over R'>1? ;BB crore and em*loy' over 4?4BB em*loyee' in
it' variou' %u'ine''e'> Cit& a *re'ence in ;, citie' in ndia and office' in !ew 1ork?
-ondon? #u%ai and /auritiu'? it 'ervice' a cu'tomer %a'e of over 6? BB?BBB>
=otak /a&indra &a' international *artner'&i*' wit& 0oldman Sac&' Jone of t&e worldH'
large't inve'tment %ank' and %rokerage firm'K and "ld /utual Ja large in'urance? %anking
and a''et management conglomerateK
T&e =otak /a&indra 0rou* wa' %orn in 1A;6 a' =otak Ca*ital /anagement 7inance
-imited> T&i' com*any wa' *romoted %y $day =otak? Sidney A> Pinto and =otak 5
Com*any> ndu'triali't' Hari'& /a&indra and Anand /a&indra took a 'take in 1A;8?
and t&atH' w&en t&e com*any c&anged it' name to =otak /a&indra
7inance -imited> Since t&en itH' %een a 'teady and confident 2ourney to growt&
and 'ucce''>
/012 3 =otak /a&indra 7inance -imited 'tart' t&e activity of <ill
/014 : =otak /a&indra 7inance -imited enter' t&e -ea'e and Hire
Purc&a'e market
/005 : T&e Auto 7inance divi'ion i' 'tarted
/00/ : T&e nve'tment <anking #ivi'ion i' 'tarted> Take' over
7C"/? one of ndia@' large't financial retail marketing network'
/006 : Enter' t&e 7und' Syndication 'ector
/007 : <rokerage and #i'tri%ution %u'ine''e' incor*orated into a 'e*arate
com*any - =otak Securitie'> nve'tment <anking divi'ion incor*orated into a
'e*arate com*any - =otak /a&indra Ca*ital Com*any
/002 : T&e Auto 7inance <u'ine'' i' &ived off into a 'e*arate com*any -
=otak /a&indra Primu' -imited> =otak /a&indra take' a 'ignificant 'take in
7ord Credit =otak /a&indra -imited? for financing 7ord ve&icle'> T&e
launc& of /atrix nformation Service' -imited mark' t&e 0rou*@' entry into
information di'tri%ution>
/001 : Enter' t&e mutual fund market wit& t&e launc& of =otak
/a&indra A''et /anagement Com*any>
6555 : =otak /a&indra tie' u* wit& "ld /utual *lc> for t&e -ife
n'uranc %u'ine''>
=otak Securitie' launc&e' kotak'treet>com - it' on-line %roking 'ite> 7ormal
commencement of *rivate e3uity activity t&roug& 'etting u* of =otak /a&indra
Denture Ca*ital 7und>
6558 : =otak /a&indra 7inance -td> Convert' to %ank

Ke9 :*o$+ !o)+an& es an# t"e&* b$s &ness e
Kota% Ma"&n#* a Ban%
T&e =otak /a&indra 0rou*H' flag'&i* com*any? =otak /a&indra 7inance -td w&ic&
wa' e'ta%li'&ed in 1A;6? wa' converted into a %ank- =otak /a&indra <ank -td in /arc&
,BB. %ecoming t&e fir't ndian com*any to convert into a <ank> t' %anking
o*eration' offer a central *latform for cu'tomer relation'&i*' acro'' t&e grou*H'
variou' %u'ine''e'> T&e %ank &a' *re'ence in Commercial De&icle'? Retail 7inance?
Cor*orate <anking? Trea'ury and Hou'ing 7inance>
Kota% Ma"&n#* a Ca+&tal Co)+an9
=otak /a&indra Ca*ital Com*any -imited J=/CCK i' ndiaH' *remier nve'tment <ank>
=/CCH' core %u'ine'' area' include E3uity ''uance'? /erger' 5 Ac3ui'ition'?
Structured 7inance and Advi'ory Service'>
Kota% Se!$* &t&es
=otak Securitie' -td> i' one of ndiaH' large't %rokerage and 'ecuritie' di'tri%ution
&ou'e'> "ver t&e year'? =otak Securitie' &a' %een one of t&e leading inve'tment %roking
&ou'e' catering to t&e need' of %ot& in'titutional and non-in'titutional inve'tor categorie'
wit& *re'ence all over t&e country t&roug& franc&i'ee' and coordinator'> =otak Securitie'
-td> offer' online and offline 'ervice' %a'ed on well-re'earc&ed ex*erti'e and financial
*roduct' to non-in'titutional inve'tor'>
Kota% Ma"&n#* a P* &)e
=otak /a&indra Prime -imited J=/PK Jformerly known a' =otak /a&indra Primu'
-imitedK &a' %een formed wit& t&e o%2ective of financing t&e retail and w&ole'ale
trade of *a''enger and multi utility ve&icle' in ndia> =/P offer' cu'tomer' retail finance
for %ot& new a' well a' u'ed car' and w&ole'ale finance to dealer' in t&e automo%ile
trade> =/P continue' to %e among t&e leading car finance com*anie' in ndia>
Kota% Ma"&n#* a Ass et Mana:e)ent Co)+an9
=otak /a&indra A''et /anagement Com*any =otak /a&indra A''et /anagement
Com*any J=/A/CK? a 'u%'idiary of =otak /a&indra <ank? i' t&e a''et manager for
=otak /a&indra /utual 7und J=//7K> =//7 manage' fund' in exce'' of R' ,B?;BB
crore and offer' 'c&eme' catering to inve'tor' wit& varying ri'k-return *rofile'> t wa' t&e
fir't fund &ou'e in t&e country to launc& a dedicated gilt 'c&eme inve'ting only in
government 'ecuritie'>
Kota% Ma"&n#* a Ol# M$ t$ al L&fe Ins $* an!e L&)&te#
=otak /a&indra "ld /utual -ife n'urance -imited i' a 2oint venture %etween =otak
/a&indra <ank -td> and "ld /utual *lc> =otak -ife n'urance &el*' cu'tomer' to take
im*ortant financial deci'ion' at every 'tage in life %y offering t&em a wide range of
innovative life in'urance *roduct'? to make t&em financially inde*endent>
/r> =>/>0&erda + Executive C&airman
/r> $day =otak +Executive Dice C&airman and /anaging #irector
/r> Anand /a&indra +Co Promoter of =otak /a&indra <ank and
Dice C&airman and /anaging #irector of /a&indra and /a&indra
/r> Cyril S&roff +Co Promoter
/r> Pradee* ! =otak +Agri #ivi'ion of =otak and Com*any -imited
#r> S&anker Ac&arya
/r> S&iva2i #am +/anaging #irector =otak /a&indra "ld /utual
o -ife n'urance -imited
/r> C>Layaram +Executive #irector
/r> #i*ak 0u*ta +Executive #irector
Chapter : 2
C$sto)e* sat&sfa!t&on
A term fre3uently u'ed in marketing? i' a mea'ure of &ow *roduct' and 'ervice' 'u**lied
%y a com*any meet or 'ur*a'' cu'tomer ex*ectation> Cu'tomer 'ati'faction i' defined a'
It&e num%er of cu'tomer'? or *ercentage of total cu'tomer'? w&o'e re*orted ex*erience
wit& a firm? it' *roduct'? or it' 'ervice' Jrating'K exceed' '*ecified 'ati'faction goal'> n a
'urvey of nearly ,BB 'enior marketing manager'? 91 *ercent re'*onded t&at t&ey found a
cu'tomer 'ati'faction metric very u'eful in managing and monitoring t&eir %u'ine''e'>
t i' 'een a' a key *erformance indicator wit&in %u'ine'' and i' often *art of a <alanced
Scorecard> n a com*etitive market*lace w&ere %u'ine''e' com*ete for cu'tomer'? cu'tomer
'ati'faction i' 'een a' a key differentiator and increa'ingly &a' %ecome a key element of
%u'ine'' 'trategy>
Cit&in organi(ation'? cu'tomer 'ati'faction rating' can &ave *owerful effect'> T&ey focu'
em*loyee' on t&e im*ortance of fulfilling cu'tomer'@ ex*ectation'> 7urt&ermore? w&en
t&e'e rating' di*? t&ey warn of *ro%lem' t&at can affect 'ale' and *rofita%ility> > > > T&e'e
metric' 3uantify an im*ortant dynamic> C&en a %rand &a' loyal cu'tomer'? it gain' *o'itive
word-of-mout& marketing? w&ic& i' %ot& free and &ig&ly effective>
T&erefore? it i' e''ential for %u'ine''e' to effectively manage cu'tomer 'ati'faction> To %e
a%le do t&i'? firm' need relia%le and re*re'entative mea'ure' of 'ati'faction>
In re'earc&ing 'ati'faction? firm' generally a'k cu'tomer' w&et&er t&eir *roduct or 'ervice
&a' met or exceeded ex*ectation'> T&u'? ex*ectation' are a key factor %e&ind 'ati'faction>
C&en cu'tomer' &ave &ig& ex*ectation' and t&e reality fall' '&ort? t&ey will %e
di'a**ointed and will likely rate t&eir ex*erience a' le'' t&an 'ati'fying> 7or t&i' rea'on? a
luxury re'ort? for exam*le? mig&t receive a lower 'ati'faction rating t&an a %udget motelM
even t&oug& it' facilitie' and 'ervice would %e deemed 'u*erior in Ha%'oluteH term'>
T&e im*ortance of cu'tomer 'ati'faction dimini'&e' w&en a firm &a' increa'ed %argaining
*ower> 7or exam*le? cell *&one *lan *rovider'? 'uc& a' AT5T and Deri(on? *artici*ate in
an indu'try t&at i' an oligo*oly? w&ere only a few 'u**lier' of a certain *roduct or 'ervice
exi't> A' 'uc&? many cell *&one *lan contract' &ave a lot of fine *rint wit& *rovi'ion' t&at
t&ey would never get away if t&ere were? 'ay? a &undred cell *&one *lan *rovider'? %ecau'e
cu'tomer 'ati'faction would %e way too low? and cu'tomer' would ea'ily &ave t&e o*tion of
leaving for a %etter contract offer>
T&ere i' a 'u%'tantial %ody of em*irical literature t&at e'ta%li'&e' t&e %enefit' of cu'tomer
'ati'faction for firm'>
A %u'ine'' ideally i' continually 'eeking feed%ack to im*rove cu'tomer 'ati'faction>
ICu'tomer 'ati'faction *rovide' a leading indicator of con'umer *urc&a'e intention' and
loyalty> Cu'tomer 'ati'faction data are among t&e mo't fre3uently collected indicator' of
market *erce*tion'> T&eir *rinci*al u'e i' twofold:
1> ICit&in organi(ation'? t&e collection? analy'i' and di''emination of t&e'e data 'end
a me''age a%out t&e im*ortance of tending to cu'tomer' and en'uring t&at t&ey
&ave a *o'itive ex*erience wit& t&e com*any@' good' and 'ervice'>I
,> IAlt&oug& 'ale' or market '&are can indicate &ow well a firm i'
*erforming currently? 'ati'faction i' *er&a*' t&e %e't indicator of &ow likely it i'
t&at t&e firm@' cu'tomer' will make furt&er *urc&a'e' in t&e future> /uc& re'earc&
&a' focu'ed on t&e relation'&i* %etween cu'tomer 'ati'faction and retention> Studie'
indicate t&at t&e ramification' of 'ati'faction are mo't 'trongly reali(ed at t&e
extreme'>I "n a five-*oint 'cale? Iindividual' w&o rate t&eir 'ati'faction level a' H6H
are likely to %ecome return cu'tomer' and mig&t even evangeli(e for t&e firm> JA
'econd im*ortant metric related to 'ati'faction i' willingne'' to recommend> T&i'
metric i' defined a' IT&e *ercentage of 'urveyed cu'tomer' w&o indicate t&at t&ey
would recommend a %rand to friend'>I C&en a cu'tomer i' 'ati'fied wit& a *roduct?
&e or '&e mig&t recommend it to friend'? relative' and colleague'> T&i' can %e a
*owerful marketing advantage>K Individual' w&o rate t&eir 'ati'faction level a' H1?H
%y contra't? are unlikely to return> 7urt&er? t&ey can &urt t&e firm %y making
negative comment' a%out it to *ro'*ective cu'tomer'> Cillingne'' to recommend i'
a key metric relating to cu'tomer 'ati'faction>
"rgani(ation' need to retain exi'ting cu'tomer' w&ile targeting non-cu'tomer'> /ea'uring
cu'tomer 'ati'faction *rovide' an indication of &ow 'ucce''ful t&e organi(ation i' at
*roviding *roduct' and)or 'ervice' to t&e market*lace>
ICu'tomer 'ati'faction i' mea'ured at t&e individual level? %ut it i' almo't alway' re*orted
at an aggregate level> t can %e? and often i'? mea'ured along variou' dimen'ion'> A &otel?
for exam*le? mig&t a'k cu'tomer' to rate t&eir ex*erience wit& it' front de'k and c&eck-in
'ervice? wit& t&e room? wit& t&e amenitie' in t&e room? wit& t&e re'taurant'? and 'o on>
Additionally? in a &oli'tic 'en'e? t&e &otel mig&t a'k a%out overall 'ati'faction Hwit& your
A' re'earc& on con'um*tion ex*erience' grow'? evidence 'ugge't' t&at con'umer' *urc&a'e
good' and 'ervice' for a com%ination of two ty*e' of %enefit': &edonic and utilitarian>
Hedonic %enefit' are a''ociated wit& t&e 'en'ory and ex*eriential attri%ute' of t&e *roduct>
$tilitarian %enefit' of a *roduct are a''ociated wit& t&e more in'trumental and functional
attri%ute' of t&e *roduct J<atra and At&ola 1AABK>
Cu'tomer 'ati'faction i' an am%iguou' and a%'tract conce*t and t&e actual manife'tation of
t&e 'tate of 'ati'faction will vary from *er'on to *er'on and *roduct)'ervice to
*roduct)'ervice> T&e 'tate of 'ati'faction de*end' on a num%er of %ot& *'yc&ological and
*&y'ical varia%le' w&ic& correlate wit& 'ati'faction %e&avior' 'uc& a' return and
recommend rate> T&e level of 'ati'faction can al'o vary de*ending on ot&er o*tion' t&e
cu'tomer may &ave and ot&er *roduct' again't w&ic& t&e cu'tomer can com*are t&e
organi(ationH' *roduct'>
Cork done %y Para'uraman? Peit&aml and <erry J-eonard -K %etween 1A;6 and 1A;;
*rovide' t&e %a'i' for t&e mea'urement of cu'tomer 'ati'faction wit& a 'ervice %y u'ing t&e
ga* %etween t&e cu'tomerH' ex*ectation of *erformance and t&eir *erceived ex*erience of
*erformance> T&i' *rovide' t&e mea'urer wit& a 'ati'faction Iga*I w&ic& i' o%2ective and
3uantitative in nature> Cork done %y Cronin and Taylor *ro*o'e t&e
Iconfirmation)di'confirmationI t&eory of com%ining t&e Iga*I de'cri%ed %y Para'uraman?
Peit&aml and <erry a' two different mea'ure' J*erce*tion and ex*ectation of *erformanceK
into a 'ingle mea'urement of *erformance according to ex*ectation>
T&e u'ual mea'ure' of cu'tomer 'ati'faction involve a 'urvey wit& a 'et of 'tatement' u'ing
a -ikert Tec&ni3ue or 'cale> T&e cu'tomer i' a'ked to evaluate eac& 'tatement and in term
of t&eir *erce*tion and ex*ectation of *erformance of t&e organi(ation %eing mea'ured>
T&eir 'ati'faction i' generally mea'ured on a five-*oint 'cale>
ICu'tomer 'ati'faction data can al'o %e collected on a 1B-*oint 'cale>
IRegardle'' of t&e 'cale u'ed? t&e o%2ective i' to mea'ure cu'tomer'@ *erceived 'ati'faction
wit& t&eir ex*erience of a firm@' offering'> t i' e''ential for firm' to effectively manage
cu'tomer 'ati'faction> To %e a%le do t&i'? we need accurate mea'urement of 'ati'faction>
0ood 3uality mea'ure' need to &ave &ig& 'ati'faction loading'? good relia%ility? and low
error variance'> n an em*irical 'tudy com*aring commonly u'ed 'ati'faction mea'ure' it
wa' found t&at two multi-item 'emantic differential 'cale' *erformed %e't acro'' %ot&
&edonic and utilitarian 'ervice con'um*tion context'> According to 'tudie' %y Cirt( 5 -ee
J,BB.K? t&ey identified a 'ix-item 9-*oint 'emantic differential 'cale Je>g>? "liver and Swan
1A;.K? w&ic& i' a 'ix-item 9-*oint %i*olar 'cale? t&at con'i'tently *erformed %e't acro''
%ot& &edonic and utilitarian 'ervice'> t loaded mo't &ig&ly on 'ati'faction? &ad t&e &ig&e't
item relia%ility? and &ad %y far t&e lowe't error variance acro'' %ot& 'tudie'> n t&e
'tudy? t&e 'ix item' a'ked re'*ondent'@ evaluation of t&eir mo't recent ex*erience wit&
AT/ 'ervice' and ice cream re'taurant? along 'even *oint' wit&in t&e'e 'ix item': F*lea'e
me to di'*lea'ed meG? Fcontented wit& to di'gu'ted wit&G? Fvery 'ati'fied wit& to very
di''ati'fied wit&G? Fdid a good 2o% for me to did a *oor 2o% for meG? Fwi'e c&oice to *oor
c&oiceG and F&a**y wit& to un&a**y wit&G>
A 'emantic differential J4 item'K 'cale Je>g>? Eroglu and /ac&leit 1AABK? w&ic& i' a four-
item 9-*oint %i*olar 'cale? wa' t&e 'econd %e't *erforming mea'ure? w&ic& wa' again
con'i'tent acro'' %ot& context'> n t&e 'tudy? re'*ondent' were a'ked to evaluate t&eir
ex*erience wit& %ot& *roduct'? along 'even *oint' wit&in t&e'e four item':
F'ati'fied to di''ati'fiedG? Ffavora%le tounfavora%leG? F*lea'ant to un*lea'antG and F like it
very muc& to didn@t like it at allG>
T&e t&ird %e't 'cale wa' 'ingle-item *ercentage mea'ure? a one-item 9-*oint %i*olar 'cale
Je>g>? Ce't%rook 1A;BK>
Again? t&e re'*ondent' were a'ked to evaluate t&eir ex*erience
on %ot& AT/ 'ervice' and ice cream re'taurant'? along 'even *oint' wit&in
Fdelig&ted to terri%leG
t 'eem' t&at de*endent on a trade-off %etween lengt& of t&e 3ue'tionnaire and 3uality of
'ati'faction mea'ure? t&e'e 'cale' 'eem to %e good o*tion' for mea'uring cu'tomer
'ati'faction in academic and a**lied 'tudie' re'earc& alike> All ot&er mea'ure' te'ted
con'i'tently *erformed wor'e t&an t&e to* t&ree mea'ure'? and)or t&eir *erformance varied
'ignificantly acro'' t&e two 'ervice context' in t&eir 'tudy> T&e'e re'ult' 'ugge't t&at more
careful *rete'ting would %e *rudent '&ould t&e'e mea'ure' %e u'ed>
7inally? all mea'ure' ca*tured %ot& affective and cognitive a'*ect' of 'ati'faction?
inde*endent of t&eir 'cale anc&or'> Affective mea'ure' ca*ture a con'umer@' attitude
Jliking)di'likingK toward' a *roduct? w&ic& can re'ult from any *roduct information or
ex*erience> "n t&e ot&er &and? cognitive element i' defined a' an a**rai'al or conclu'ion
on &ow t&e *roduct@' *erformance com*ared again't ex*ectation' Jor exceeded or fell '&ort
of ex*ectation'K? wa' u'eful Jor not u'efulK? fit t&e 'ituation Jor did not fitK? exceeded t&e
re3uirement' of t&e 'ituation Jor did not exceedK>
St*en:"t 3
8 Q intere't on 'aving %ank a)c>
Priviledge rate' on term de*o'ite account>
7ree &ome %anking>
!o *enalty on term de*o'ite %reaking %efore due date'>
Exclu'ive offer' on women a)c>
;ea%ness 3
-e'' ex*o'ure in rural %anking>
Con'ervative a**roac& in giving loan and credit facilitie' from ot&er %ank>
O++o*t$n&t9 3
$niver'al %anking to cater ma'' affluent cu'tomer'>
Cu'tomer' w&o are not getting good facilitie' from ot&er %ank>
Ex*loring 'u%-ur%an and rural 'ide of t&e country>
T"*eats 3
Com*itetion from nationali(ed %ank'>
Com*etition from ot&er *rivate *layer' w&o deal' in ma'' %anking and ndfc@'>
Chapter : 3
Re'earc& i' an art of 'cientific inve'tigation t&roug& 'earc& for new fact' in any %ranc& of
knowledge> t i' a moment from known to unknown>
Re'earc& alway' 'tart' wit& a 3ue'tion or a *ro%lem>t' *ur*o'e i' to find an'wer' to
3ue'tion' t&roug& t&e a**lication of t&e 'cientific met&od>
t i' a 'y'tematic and inten'ive 'tudy directed toward' a more com*lete knowledge of t&e
'u%2ect 'tudied>
A' marketing doe' not addre'' it'elf to %a'ic or fundamental 3ue'tion? it doe' not 3ualify a'
%a'ic re'earc&> "n t&e contrary? it tackle' *ro%lem'? w&ic& 'eem to &ave immediate
commercial *otential> n view of t&e ma2or con'ideration? marketing re'earc& '&ould %e
regarded a' a**lied re'earc&>
Ce may al'o 'ay t&at marketing re'earc& i' of %ot& ty*e' *ro%lem 'olving and *ro%lem
oriented> /arketing re'earc& i' a' 'y'tematic and o%2ective' 'tudy of t&e *ro%lem'
*ertaining to t&e marketing of t&e good' and 'ervice'> t may %e em*&a'i(ed t&at it i' not
re'tricted to any *articular area of marketing? %ut i' a**lied to all t&e *&a'e' and a'*ect'>
/( Data to be !olle!te#<
#ata include' fact' and figure'? w&ic& are re3uired to %e collected to ac&iever t&e o%2ective'
of t&e *ro2ect> n order to determine t&e *re'ent *o'ition and 'ati'faction of cu'tomer of
kotak /a&indra -ife n'urance>
aK Primary #ata
T&e data t&at i' %eing collected for t&e fir't time or to *articularly fulfill t&e
o%2ective' of t&e *ro2ect i' known a' *rimary data>
T&e'e ty*e' of data were?
T&e market '&are of =otak /a&indra -ife n'urance>
T&e market '&are of ot&er %rand' availa%le in t&e market>
Re'*on'e' of con'umer>
dentifying *ro' and con' of t&e %rand>
T&e a%ove *rimary data were collected t&roug& re'*on'e' of con'umer wa'
conducted t&roug& 3ue'tionnaire' *re*ared for t&em>
%K Secondary #ata
Secondary data are t&at ty*e of data? w&ic& are already a''em%led and need
not to collected from out'ide> T&e'e ty*e' of data were
iK Com*any Profile
iiK Product Profile
iiiK Com*etitor' Profile
T&e afore'aid data were collected t&roug& nternet and com*any ' financial
<6( Data Colle!t&on Met"o#
7or given *ro2ect? t&e *rimary data? w&ic& needed to collect for t&e fir't time? were muc&
'ignificant> T&i' ty*e of information gat&ered t&roug& Survey tec&ni3ue? w&ic& i' t&e mo't
*o*ular and effective tec&ni3ue for correct data collection> T&e 'urvey wa' com*leted wit&
t&e u'e of 3ue'tionnaire'>
:ue'tionnaire for con'umer>
8( Sa)+l&n:
Sam*le i' t&e 'mall grou* taken under con'ideration from t&e total grou*> T&i' 'mall grou*
re*re'ent' t&e total grou*> n t&e *ro2ect ? w&ic& wa' a'k to %e 'tudied wa' del&i cu'tomer'
market %ut a' it wa' *o''i%le to a**roac& all t&e re'*ondent ' cu'tomer of t&e city? &ence a
'am*le wa' 'elected w&ic& re*re'ent' t&e w&ole city> T&e area' 'elected for t&e 'am*le are
*re'ent furt&er in t&e a**endix> Sam*le 'i(e of cu'tomer li't wa' taken from =otak
/a&indra %ank cu'tomer data %a'ic>
=( Data E,al$at&on
After t&e data &ave %een collected? t&e next ta'k i' to analy(e t&em> &ave done t&e
com*arative analy'i' of t&e organi(ation' t&at &ave %een vi'ited> T&e'e organi(ation' &ave
%een com*ared again't t&e *re-decided *arameter'>
Dariou' "%2ective' for conducting t&e re'earc& and analy'i' are li'ted a' under:
Study t&e im*act of a cu'tomer centric a**roac& %eing followed %y t&e <ank? and
w&at i' it' %enefit>
Study t&e 'ervice' offered %y =otak /a&indra <ank and t&e cu'tomer@' 'ati'faction
level of t&e 'ame? and to acce'' w&ere t&e <ank &a' to im*rove>
Con'ideration of variou' *romotional and marketing and adverti'ing 'trategie' of
=otak /a&indra to t&e 'ati'faction among it' ultimate u'er' and con'umer'
7inally to draw t&e variou' conclu'ion and recommendation' on t&e %a'i' of t&e
'tudy conducted on '*ecifically taking to con'ideration t&e 'ervice'? adverti'ing and
marketing 'trategie' of t&e <ank>

S$*,e 9 Con#$!t e# on 75 Res +on#ant s
T&e 'tudy of 6B =otak /a&indra <ank re'*ondent' con'i'ted of a ma2ority of
cu'tomer' w&o &ad %een wit& t&e <ank for a rea'ona%le amount of time> T&i' i' good a'
t&e'e cu'tomer' &ave &ad t&e o**ortunity to *ro*erly acce'' t&e 'ervice level of t&e <ank?
and can com*are t&eir ex*erience' of =otak /a&indra <ank wit& %ank' t&ey &ave
*reviou'ly and are currently dealing wit&>
"ut of t&e total re'*ondent' only .Q &ave %een wit& t&e <ank for le'' t&an 8
mont&'? t&e re't A9Q &ave &ad t&e o**ortunity to know a%out t&e 'trengt&' and
weakne''e' of t&e <ank>
Anot&er inference t&at we can draw from t&i' 'tudy i' t&at cou*le of year' t&e <ank
&a' %een actively ac3uiring new cu'tomer' a' from t&e 'urvey we can 'ee t&at a%out ;BQ
of t&e cu'tomer' &ave o*ened t&eir account' during t&e *a't two year'> T&e rea'on
for t&i' could %e t&at during t&e *a't two year' t&e <ank &a' %een a%le to convince
many *ro'*ective cu'tomer' a%out t&e 'u*erior 'ervice it i' a%le to offer in com*ari'on to
com*eting <ank'> Anot&er rea'on could %e t&at t&e cu'tomer %a'e of t&e <ank &a'
increa'ed due to '&eer word of mout& of t&e <ank' million' of 'ati'fied cu'tomer'>
T&e 'tudy could not %e made t&at com*re&en'ive due to time con'traint'> Some cu'tomer'
feel uncomforta%le to reveal 'ome *er'onal information relating to income etc> it mig&t
&ave &a**ened t&at 'ome more e''ential information could &ave %een collected>
Time con'traint>
<ia'e' and non-coo*eration of t&e re'*ondent'>
7inancial con'traint>
0eogra*&ical 'electivity in 'tudy limiting to #el&i city only>
Chapter : !
Pe*sonal #eta&l
Classes 'A:e( No of Res+on#ents
/1@6= =
6=@87 /0
87@=7 /2
=7@77 1
77@27 8
Here ma2ority of cu'tomer %elong to t&e grou* ,6-.6 year'>
/<7 LAKH TO 8 LAKH =7A
/ore t&an 6BQ of t&e cu'tomer' feel' t&at 'ervice' *rovided %y t&e <ank are more
'ati'factory t&an ot&er <ank@' *roduct >
A%out ;6Q of Cu'tomer' felt t&at t&e com*any i' growing at a very fa't rate>
Around 64>6Q of t&e cu'tomer' felt t&at t&e market *o'ition of t&e com*any i' %ecoming
'tronger %ut t&e re't feel' t&at com*any &a' to make more effort'>
/ore t&an AB cu'tomer' felt t&at t&e infra'tructure of t&e <ank i' getting %e't>
1> AT/ 7acility i' more widely u'ed %y cu'tomer' %elonging to
Private)7oreign <ank' a' com*ared to 0overnment <ank'>
,> Cu'tomer' value Efficient Service over every ot&er a'*ect? t&i' i' far more
im*ortant t&an t&e num%er of AT/ mac&ine'? Staff? #Rcor of <ank>
.> Re*utation of <ank i' mo't im*ortant w&en it come' to c&oo'ing e'*ecially a
Private <ank>
4> T&e general *erce*tion i' t&at Private <ank' *rovide' %etter 'ervice' a' com*ared to
a 0overnment <ank>
6> Peo*le reali(e t&at Private <ank' are a' 'afe a' com*ared to 0overnment
8> Adverti'ement' and 7ree%ie' can %e u'ed to attract more cu'tomer'>
Chapter : $
1> =otak /a&indra <ank i' -eading <ank in t&e country? it *rovide' a variety of
*roduct' and 'ervice' to different 'egment' of cu'tomer'>
,> T&e <ank aim' to 'erve cu'tomer' from teenager' to 'enior citi(en'? &ence different
*roduct' de'igned to 'uit '*ecific re3uirement' of t&e a%ove>
.> Aim' to 'erve all cla''e' of t&e 'ociety from t&e 'alaried middle cla'' to t&e &ig&
income %u'ine'' cla''>
Cu'tomer' are categori(ed and 'egmented according to t&eir re3uirement'
and need'>
7or Exam*le? t&e E#0E Saving Account aim' to 'erve middle cla'' cu'tomer'
'o minimum %alance re3uired to %e maintained i' R'> 1BBBB> C&ile t&e PR"
and ACE Saving Account' are targeted at &ig& income cu'tomer'? t&e minimum
%alance re3uirement i' R'> ,BBBB and R'> 96BBB>
4> Cu'tomer' w&o are more *rofita%le to t&e <ank JHig& Dalue Cu'tomer'K are
*rovided '*ecial facilitie'> Priority <anking i' meant to 'erve t&e'e &ig& value cu'tomer'>
6> T&e <ank *ride' it'elf wit& t&e a%ility to *rovide differentiate *roduct' in t&e
crowed market of 'aving account'> <ank offer' t&e free &ome %aking? '*ecial co-
%randed de%it card' JSmart fill #e%it CardK w&ic& make' it' *roduct uni3ue>
8> T&e <ank i' al'o involved in marketing activitie' w&ic& 'erve' a' a medium of
adverti'ement for t&e <ank> T&e'e are a' follow':
Extended &a**y &our' at certain *u%' in #el&i for t&e <ank@' account &older'>
0ift Douc&er' on making utility *ayment'? 'uc& a' cell *&one'? electricity and
/T!- %ill'>
7ree 0ift' like ca*'? *en')wollet' to it' cu'tomer'> 7ree add-on card' for relative'>
9> T&e <ank want' it@' cu'tomer' to tran'act more t&roug& nternet <anking and
AT/? Rat&er t&an t&e cu'tomer' u'ing t&e %ranc&>
;> T&e #e%it Card' *rovided %y t&e <ank are nternationally Acce*ted around t&e
world? &ence giving t&e cu'tomer' t&e convenience to tran'act anytime? anyw&ere>
A> T&e <ank &a' tied u* wit& ot&er <ank' 'o t&at it@' cu'tomer' can u'e ot&er <ank@'
AT/ facility for free tran'action'
1B> T&e <ank al'o *rovide' #E/AT account and al'o 'ell' /utual 7und'? t&i' *rovide'
t&e <ank and 0overnment additional revenue>
11> T&e <ank &a' %een very 'ucce''ful in enlarging it' cu'tomer %a'e during t&e
la't cou*le of year'>
1,> T&e !um%er "ne Rea'on of *eo*le c&oo'ing =otak /a&indra <ank i' t&e <rand
!ame)Re*utation of t&e <ank> Hence it '&ould %e careful t&at t&e <rand name and
0oodwill t&e <ank &a' earned i' not diluted>
1.> T&e <igge't com*etitor' of t&e <ank are CC <ank and H#7C <ank and
14> AT/ 7acility i' mo't *o*ular way to tran'act wit& t&e <ank>
16> "verall t&e cu'tomer' a**reciate t&e 'ervice and *roduct' offered %y t&e <ank and
are willing to recommend t&e <ank to t&eir ac3uaintance' ? <ut more attention &a' to
*aid toward':
Chapter : ,
T&ere wa' immen'e need and flow of t&e information w&ile conducting t&e analy'i' a' well
a' w&ile writing t&e t&e'i' re*ort? w&ic& wa' gat&ered t&roug& variou' 'ource' mentioned
Va*&o$s Ma:aB&nes an# Ne-s+a+e*s s$!" as 3
7inancial Time'
T&e Economic Time'
T&e Time' of ndia
T&e Hindu'tan Time'
Ot"e* Refe*en!es 3
:ue'tionnaire'? Lournal'? <roac&er' and variou' ot&er document' gat&ered and collected
from %ank and variou' ot&er 'ource' 'uc& a' AT/ center' and a''ociate'>
Inte*net 3
www> =otak /a&indra <ank> com
www> =otak /a&indra <ank>co>in
Chapter : -

<elow ,6 year' ,6 to 4B 4B to 66
A%ove 66 year'
<u'ine'' Profe''ional Service
Student "t&er'
-e'' t&an 1>6 -ak& 1>6 -ak& to . -ak& . -ak&
to 4>6 -ak& a%ove 6 -ak&
/< Do 9o$ "ol# a sa,&n: a!!o$ntE
1e' !o
6< If 9es &n -"&!" ban%s<
8< O$t of t"e abo,e a!!o$nts -"&!" #o 9o$ $se )ost f*eF$entl9
=< A+a*t f*o) sa,&n: &n a ban% a!!o$nt -"e*e #o 9o$ &n,est 9o$*
Ca*ital market' J'&are'? mutual fund'? etcK
"t&er' J*lea'e '*ecifyK
7< Do 9o$ :et an ATMG#eb&t !a*# fa!&l&t9 f*o) 9o$* ban%E
1e' !o
2< Ho- )an9 t&)es a -ee% #oes 9o$ $se 9o$* ATMGDeb&t Ca*#E
-e'' t&an , time a week
, to 4 time' a week
/ore t&an 4 time a week
4< ;"at &s 9o$* )ost f*eF$ent +o&nt of &nte*a!t&on -&t" t"e ban%E
Di'it <ranc&
P&one <anking
#ro* <ox
nternet <anking
1<Do 9o$ bel&e,e t"at P*&,ateGFo*e&:n ban%s +*o,&#e s$+e*&o* se*,&!es
t"an nat&onal&Be# ban%sE
1e' !o
0< Do 9o$ a:*ee -&t" t"e ,&e- t"at 9o$* )one9 -o$l# be safe* &n a
nat&onal&Be# ban% *at"e* t"an a fo*e&:n ban%E
T Strongly Agree
T Agree
T !eit&er Agree nor #i'agree
T #i'agree
T Strongly #i'agree
/5< A*e 9o$ &nfl$en!e# b9 a#,e*t&se)ents &n 9o$* !"o&!e of ban%E
1e' !o
//< Do a##&t&onal s!"e)esGbenef&ts 'f*ee &ns$*an!eH f*ee #eb&t !a*#H
+*&,&le:esG#&s!o$nts on $se of #eb&t !a*#H et!<( offe*e# b9 ban%s "a,e a
bea*&n: on 9o$* #e!&s&on -"en 9o$ o+en a sa,&n: ban% a!!o$ntE
1e' !o

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