Spy Glass
Spy Glass
Spy Glass
One-way observation glass
Spectrophotometric performance
Light reflectance
Light Solar radiant Shading
Solar factor
SGG SPYGLASS transmittance non-coated coated heat coefficient
% side % side % absorptance % SC
Glazing Maintenance
SGG SPYGLASS must always be installed During glazing, care must be taken to
in accordance with current national protect the treated face of the glass
regulations. SGG SPYGLASS is installed in from splashes (mortar, concrete,
the same way as SGG COOL-LITE glass, weld spatter).
see page 41. SGG SPYGLASS must be washed
immediately if it becomes dirty, and
• Interior applications: then regularly when work is complete,
SGG SPYGLASS can be installed as a as part of the normal maintenance
monolithic single-glazed screen. routine, using mild non-abrasive
• In façades: detergent or solvent solutions
SGG SPYGLASS double-glazed units
(isopropanol, etc). Cleaning products
must be installed the same way as which contain or may produce fluorine
SGG COOL-LITE double-glazed units.
or hydrofluoric acid salts should not be
used. Cleaning must be followed
immediately by rinsing with clean
water. The glass must then be dried
with a clean soft cloth.