PPG Sigmashield 1200: Solvent-Free Phenolic Epoxy For Ultimate Protection in Extreme Conditions
PPG Sigmashield 1200: Solvent-Free Phenolic Epoxy For Ultimate Protection in Extreme Conditions
PPG Sigmashield 1200: Solvent-Free Phenolic Epoxy For Ultimate Protection in Extreme Conditions
We have produced a range of successful coatings for this You need to be certain that any coating you choose will
harsh environment for many years. Based on our unrivaled perform to the highest standards. The evidence of our
experience, we have invested extensive resources to PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating is that it is as good – if
develop a technology that will provide you with the most not better – than existing systems. It is unquestionably
effective protection for your vessels. superior in terms of gouge resistance (‘gouging’ being
a potential cause of serious damage where intense
The result is our PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating, the pressure points are exerted on a ship’s hull as it moves
latest development in reinforced, abrasion and impact through ice).
resistant coatings designed specifically for ice-going
service. This newest generation of the highly successful
solvent-free epoxy phenolic technology with proven Independent testing and approval
anticorrosive properties and very high polymer cross-link
density to improve abrasion resistance. The PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 product’s excellent
performance has been confirmed by Aker Arctic
Technology, a major independent testing institution,
Advanced technology outperforms all other systems which specializes in low temperature testing at the limits
of ice-going conditions. The coating has also passed
The PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 system delivers enhanced independent extreme low temperature ice testing
mechanical, impact and abrasion resistance, which developed and conducted by a leading shipyard.
outperforms market standard products in both key
laboratory tests and in service.
To ensure our solution meets all the challenges your 1200 Benchmark 1200 Benchmark
vessels will face, we focused on four key areas in the
development and testing of this advanced system:
When developing our systems, we also focus on making We understand the pressure that you face to manage
the application as simple as possible to reduce your operating costs wherever possible. That is why the
maintenance schedule and costs. efficient application of our coating was an integral part
of its development.
Under normal conditions, the PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200
coating can be applied by cold, single-feed airless spray The result is that our PPG SIGMASHIELD 1200 coating is
equipment, as opposed to the hot, twin-feed system so smooth that it has a lower frictional coefficient than the
specified and used by the benchmark technology. market standard. This means that your vessel will move
Available in standard and low temperature grades to through ice with less frictional resistance, reducing its fuel
broaden the application window, the coating is suitable and engine load, and consequently saving costs.
both for new-building block stage and dry
dock application.
Type of ice Friction coefficient
Independent testing confirms proven cost savings
To help you make your decision about the best system for
your vessel, the proof of any coating system for such harsh
operating conditions is how it performs when tested by
authoritative, independent testing organizations.
“ These values
demonstrate the very
low friction coefficient for
in ice resulting in higher
speed or lower fuel
consumption compared
to other hull coating
Aker Arctic Technology
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