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1 SelfStudyF95

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University of Cambridge

Department of Physics

Computational Physics

Self-study guide 2

Programming in Fortran 95

Dr. Rachael Padman
Michaelmas 2007


1.1 A very simple program 3
1.2 Running the program 4
1.3 Variables and expressions 5
1.4 Other variable types: integer, complex and character 8
1.5 Intrinsic functions 11
1.6 Logical controls 13
1.7 Advanced use of if and logical comparisons 15
1.8 Repeating ourselves with loops: do 16
1.9 The stop statement 17
1.10 Arrays 17
1.11 Array arithmetic 19
2.1 Readability 21
2.2 Self-checking code 22
2.3 Write clear code that relates to the physics 22
3.1 F95 statements for I/O 24
4.1 Plotting a data file 27
4.2 Getting help 28
4.3 Further examples 28
4.4 Printing graphs into PostScript files 29
5.1 Functions 31
5.2 Formal definition 33
5.3 Subroutines 34
5.4 Local and global variables 34
5.5 Passing arrays to subroutines and functions 35
5.5.1 Size and shape of array known 35
5.5.2 Arrays of unknown shape and size 35
5.6 The intent and save attributes 36
6.1 Modules 38
6.2 public and private attributes 41
7.1 Entering numerical values 42
7.2 Numerical Accuracy 42
8.1 A simple NAG example 44
8.2 A non-trivial NAG example: matrix determinant 44
9.1 The case statement and more about if 47
9.2 Other forms of do loops 48

This handout was originally prepared by Dr. Paul Alexander, and has been updated
and maintained by Dr Peter Haynes of the TCM group.
1. The Basics

In this section we will look at the basics of what a program is and how to make the
program run or execute.

The non-trivial example programs can be found in the directory:
$PHYTEACH/ par t _2/ exampl es

with the name of the file the same as that of the program discussed in this guide.

Some sections are more advanced and are indicated clearly indicated by a thick black
line to the right of the text. These can be skipped certainly on a first reading and
indeed you will be able to tackle the problems without using the material they discuss.

1.1 A very simple program

A program is a set of instructions to the computer to perform a series of operations.
Those operations will often be mathematical calculations, decisions based on
equalities and inequalities, or special instructions to say write output to the screen.
The program consists of source code which is stored in a text file. This code
contains the instructions in a highly structured form. Each computer language has a
different set of rules (or syntax) for specifying these operations. Here we will only
consider the Fortran 90/95 (F95 for short) programming language and syntax.

Using emacs enter the following text into a file called ex1. f 90, the . f 90 part
of the file name is the extension indicating that this is program source code written
in the Fortran 90/95 language

pr ogr amex1

! My f i r st pr ogr am
wr i t e( *, *) Hel l o t her e

end pr ogr amex1

This is a complete F95 program.

The first and last lines introduce the start of the program and show where it ends.
Between the first and last lines are the program statements. The lines beginning
with an exclamation mark are special statements called comments. They are not
instructions to the computer, but instead are there to enable us (the programmer) to
improve the readability of the program and help explain what the program is doing.

The line beginning wr i t e is a statement giving a specific instruction to print to the

Note that except within quotes:
Upper and lower case are NOT significant
(different from Unix commands and files)
Blank lines and spaces are not significant.

1.2 Running the program

Before we can run the program we must get the computer to convert this symbolic
language (F95) into instructions it can understand directly. This process is called
compilation. At the same time the computer will check our program source for
errors in the syntax, but not for errors in our logic! In general programs will be
assembled from source in many files; bringing all of these instructions together is
called linking. We perform both of these tasks using the Unix command f 95.

Type the following, the - o is an option saying where to place the output which in
this case is a program which is ready to run, we call this an executable. (The
default executable name is a. out ).
f 95 - o ex1 ex1. f 90
If you havent made any typing errors there should be no output to the screen
from this command, but the file ex1 should have been created. By
convention executable programs under Unix do not normally have a file
extension (i.e. no . xxx in the file name).

To run the program type:
. / ex1
Most Unix commands are files which are executed. The shell has a list of
directories to search for such files, but for security reasons this list does not
contain the current directory. The . / (dot slash) before ex1 tells the shell
explicitly to look in the current directory for this file.
The output should be the words Hel l o t her e.

What happens if you make an error in the program? To see this lets make a
deliberate error. Modify the line beginning wr i t e to read:
wr i t e( *, *) Hel l o t her e OK
Save the file, and compile again :
f 95 - o ex1 ex1. f 90
This time you get errors indicating that the syntax was wrong; i.e. you have
not followed the rules of the F95 language! Correct the error by changing the
source back to the original, recompile and make sure the program is working
1.3 Variables and expressions

The most important concept in a program is the concept of a variable. Variables in a
program are much like variables in an algebraic expression, we can use them to hold
values and write mathematical expressions using them. As we will see later F95
allows us to have variables of different types, but for now we will consider only
variables of type r eal . Variables should be declared before they are used at the start
of the program. Let us use another example to illustrate the use of variables.

Enter the following program and save it to the file ex2. f 90

pr ogr amver t i cal
! Ver t i cal mot i on under gr avi t y
r eal : : g ! accel er at i on due t o gr avi t y
r eal : : s ! di spl acement
r eal : : t ! t i me
r eal : : u ! i ni t i al speed ( m/ s)

! set val ues of var i abl es
g = 9. 8
t = 6. 0
u = 60

! cal cul at e di spl acement
s = u * t - g * ( t **2) / 2

! out put r esul t s
wr i t e( *, *) Ti me = , t , Di spl acement = , s

end pr ogr amver t i cal

Compile and run the program and check the output is what you expect
f 95 - o ex2 ex2. f 90
. / ex2

This program uses four variables and has many more statements than our first
example. The variables are declared at the start of the program before any
executable statements by the four lines:
r eal : : g ! accel er at i on due t o gr avi t y
r eal : : s ! di spl acement
r eal : : t ! t i me
r eal : : u ! i ni t i al speed ( m/ s)

After the declarations come the executable statements. Each statement is acted upon
sequentially by the computer. Note how values are assigned to three of the variables
and then an expression is used to calculate a value for the fourth (s).
Unlike in an algebraic expression it would be an error if, when the statement
calculating the displacement was reached, the variables g, t and u had not already
been assigned values.

Some other things to note:

1. Comments are used after the declarations of the variables to explain what each
variable represents.
2. The * represents multiplication
3. The ** is the operator meaning raise to the power of, it is called technically
4. In this program we have used single letters to represent variables. You may (and
should if it helps you to understand the program) use longer names. The variable
names should start with a character (A-Z) and may contain any character (A-Z),
digit (0-9), or the underscore (_) character.
5. Upper and lower case are not distinguished. For example therefore the variables T
and t , and the program names ver t i cal and Ver t i cal are identical.

The usefulness of variables is that we can change their value as the program runs.

All the standard operators are available in expressions. An important question is if we
have the expression
g * t **2

what gets evaluated first? Is it g*t raised to the power of 2 or t raised to the power
2 then multiplied by g? This is resolved by assigning to each operator a precedence;
the highest precedence operations are evaluated first and so on. A full table of
numeric operators is (in decreasing precedence)

Operator Precedence Meaning
** 1 Raise to the power of
* 2 Multiplication
/ 2 Division
+ 3 Addition or unary plus
- 3 Subtraction or unary minus

You can change the precedence by using brackets; sub-expressions within brackets
are evaluated first.

Lets look at ways of improving this program. An important idea behind writing a
good program is to do it in such a way so as to avoid errors that you may introduce
yourself! Programming languages have ways of helping you not make mistakes. So
lets identify some possible problems.

The acceleration due to gravity is a constant, not a variable. We do not wish its
value to change.
We want to avoid using a variable which is not given a value; this could happen if
we mistyped the name of a variable in one of the expressions.

Consider the following modified form of our program:

pr ogr amver t i cal
! Ver t i cal mot i on under gr avi t y
i mpl i ci t none

! accel er at i on due t o gr avi t y
r eal , par amet er : : g = 9. 8

! var i abl es
r eal : : s ! di spl acement
r eal : : t ! t i me
r eal : : u ! i ni t i al speed ( m/ s)

! set val ues of var i abl es
t = 6. 0
u = 60

! cal cul at e di spl acement
s = u * t - g * ( t **2) / 2

! out put r esul t s
wr i t e( *, *) Ti me = , t , Di spl acement = , s

end pr ogr amver t i cal

We have changed three lines and some of the comments. The line:
i mpl i ci t none

is an important statement which says that all variables must be defined before use.
You should always include this line in all programs.

The second change is to the line:
r eal , par amet er : : g = 9. 8

This in fact defines g to be a constant equal to the value 9.8; an attempt to reassign g
via a statement like the one in the original version (g = 9. 8 on a line by itself) will
now lead to an error. The syntax of this statement is as follows:

After the definition of the variable type r eal we give a series of options
separated by commas up until the : : after which we give the variable name with
an optional assignment.

It is an unfortunate legacy of older versions of Fortran that you could use variables without defining
them, and in that case Fortran supplied rules to determine what the variable type was.
We will meet more options later.

Try out these new ideas:
Make these changes and make sure the program compiles.
Now make some deliberate errors and see what happens. Firstly add back in the
line g = 9. 8 but retain the line containing the par amet er statement.
Compile and observe the error message.
Now change one of the variables in the expression calculating s, say change u
to v. Again try compiling.
Fix the program.
1.4 Other variable types: integer, complex and character

As we have hinted at, there are other sorts of variables as well as r eal variables.
Important other types are i nt eger , compl ex and char act er .

Lets first consider i nt eger variables; such variables can only hold integer values.
This is important (and very useful) when we perform calculations. It is also worth
pointing out now that F95 also distinguishes the type of values you include in your
program. For example a values of 3. 0 is a r eal value, whereas a value of 3
without the . 0 is an i nt eger value. Some examples will illustrate this.

Enter the following program:

pr ogr amar i t hmet i c
i mpl i ci t none

! Def i ne r eal and i nt eger var i abl es
r eal : : d, r , r r es
i nt eger : : i , j , i r es

! Assi gn some val ues
d = 2. 0 ; r = 3. 0
i = 2 ; j = 3

! Now t he exampl es
r r es = r / d
! Pr i nt t he r esul t , bot h t ext and a val ue.
! Not e how t he t ext and val ue ar e separ at ed by
! a comma
wr i t e( *, *) r r es = r / d : , r r es

! now some mor e exampl es
i r es = j / i ; wr i t e( *, *) i r es = j / i : , i r es
i r es = r / i ; wr i t e( *, *) i r es = r / i : , i r es
r r es = r / i ; wr i t e( *, *) r r es = r / i : , r r es

end pr ogr amar i t hmet i c


First some things to note about the program:
1. We can declare more than one variable of the same type at a time by
separating the variable names with commas:
r eal : : d, r , r r es

2. We can place more than one statement on a line if we separate them with a
d = 2. 0 ; r = 3. 0

Compile and run the program. Note the different output. The rule is that for
integer division the result is truncated towards zero. Note that the same rules
apply to expressions containing a constant. Hence:
i r es = 10. 0 / 3 ! val ue of i r es i s 3
r r es = 10 / 3 ! val ue of r r es i s 3. 0
r r es = 10. 0 / 3. 0 ! val ue of r r es i s 3. 333333

Make sure you are happy with these rules; alter the program and try other types of

Some expressions look a little odd at first. Consider the following expression:

n = n + 1

where n is an integer. The equivalent algebraic expression is meaningless, but in a
program this is a perfectly sensible expression. We should interpret as:
Evaluate the right hand side of the expression and set the variable on the left hand
side to the value evaluated for the right hand side.

The effect of the above expression is therefore to increment the value of n by 1. Note
the role played by the = sign here: it should be thought of not as an equality but
instead as an assignment.

The compl ex type represents complex numbers. You can do all the basic numerical
expressions discussed above with complex numbers and mix compl ex and other
data types in the same expression. The following program illustrates their use.

Enter the program, compile and run it. Make sure you understand the output.

pr ogr amcompl ex1
i mpl i ci t none

! Def i ne var i abl es and const ant s
compl ex, par amet er : : i = ( 0, 1) ! sqr t ( - 1)
compl ex : : x, y

x = ( 1, 1) ; y = ( 1, - 1)
wr i t e( *, *) i * x * y

end pr ogr amcompl ex1
The char act er data type is used to store strings of characters. To hold a string of
characters we need to know how many characters in the string. The form of the
definition of char act er s is as follows:

char act er ( l en = 10) : : wor d
! wor d can hol d 10 char act er s

We will meet character variables again later.

Rules for evaluating expressions

The type of the result of evaluating an expression depends on the types of the
variables. If an expression of the form a operator b is evaluated, where operator is
one of the arithmetic operations above (+, - , *, / , **) the type of the result is
given as follows with the obvious symmetric completion:

Type of a Type of b Type of result
i nt eger i nt eger i nt eger
i nt eger r eal r eal
i nt eger compl ex compl ex
r eal r eal r eal
r eal compl ex compl ex
compl ex compl ex compl ex

N.B. The result of evaluating an i nt eger expression is an i nt eger , truncating as
necessary. It is worth emphasising this again, although we met it above, since a very
common error is to write 1 / 2 for example, which by the above rules evaluates to
zero. This can lead to non-obvious errors if hidden in the middle of a calculation.

When a complex value is raised to a complex power, the principal value (argument in
the range -, ) is taken.

Assignments take the form variable = expression, where variable has been declared
and therefore has a type. If the type of the two do not agree, the following table
determines the result

Variable Expression Value assigned
i nt eger r eal truncated value
i nt eger compl ex truncated real part
r eal i nt eger convert to real
r eal compl ex real part
compl ex i nt eger real part assigned value, imaginary part zero
compl ex r eal real part assigned value, imaginary part zero

1.5 Intrinsic functions

So far we have seen how to perform simple arithmetic expressions on variables. Real
problems will involve more complicated mathematical expressions. As we shall see
later, F95 enables you to define your own functions which return values. However,
some functions are so common and important that they are provided for us as part of
the language; these are called intrinsic functions.

Let us consider a program to compute projectile motion. The program computes the
horizontal, x, and vertical, y, position of the projectile after a time, t:

x = u t cos a y = u t sin a - g t
/ 2

pr ogr ampr oj ect i l e
i mpl i ci t none

! def i ne const ant s
r eal , par amet er : : g = 9. 8
r eal , par amet er : : pi = 3. 1415927

r eal : : a, t , u, x, y
r eal : : t het a, v, vx, vy

! Read val ues f or a, t , and u f r omt er mi nal
r ead( *, *) a, t , u

! conver t angl e t o r adi ans
a = a * pi / 180. 0

x = u * cos( a) * t
y = u * si n( a) * t 0. 5 * g * t * t

vx = u * cos( a)
vy = u * si n( a) - g * t
v = sqr t ( vx * vx + vy * vy)
t het a = at an( vy / vx) * 180. 0 / pi

wr i t e( *, *) x: , x, y: , y
wr i t e( *, *) v: , v, t het a: , t het a

end pr ogr ampr oj ect i l e

Compile and run the program. It will wait. The statement r ead( *, *) is
requesting input from you. Enter three values for a, t and u. You should now get
some output.
Examine this program carefully and make sure you understand how it works.
Note especially how we use the functions cos, si n, at an and sqr t much as
you would use them in algebraic expressions. As always upper and lower case are

Common Intrinsic Functions

Name Action

ABS( A) absolute value of any A
ACOS( X) inverse cosine in the range (0,) in radians
AI MAG( Z) imaginary part of Z
AI NT( X [ , KI ND] ) truncates fractional part towards zero, returning r eal
ANI NT( X [ , KI ND] ) nearest integer, returning r eal
ASI N( X) inverse sine in the range (-/2,/2) in radians
ATAN( X) inverse tangent in the range (-/2,/2) in radians
ATAN2( Y, X) inverse tangent of Y/ X in the range (-,) in radians
CMPLX( X [ , Y] [ , KI ND] converts to compl ex X+iY; if Y is absent, 0 is used
CONJ G( Z) complex conjugate of Z
COS( W) cosine of argument in radians
COSH( X) hyperbolic cosine
EXP( W) exponential function
FLOOR( X) greatest i nt eger less than X
I NT( A [ , KI ND] ) converts to integer, truncating (real part) towards zero
KI ND( A) i nt eger function, returns the KI NDof the argument
LOG( W) natural logarithm: if Wis r eal it must be positive,
if Wis compl ex, imaginary part of result lies in (-,)
LOG10( X) logarithm to base 10
MAX( R1, R2. . . ) maximum of arguments, all of the same type
MI N( R1, R2. . . ) minimum of arguments, all of the same type
MOD( R1, R2) remainder of R1 on division by R2, both arguments
being of the same type (R1- I NT( R1/ R2) *R2)
MODULO( R1, R2) R1 modulo R2: ( R1- FLOOR( R1/ R2) *R2)
NI NT( X [ , KI ND] ) nearest i nt eger
REAL( A [ , KI ND] ) converts to r eal
SI GN( R1, R2) absolute value of R1 multiplied by the sign of R2
SI N( W) sine of argument in radians
SI NH( X) hyperbolic sine
SQRT( W) square root function; for complex argument the result
is in the right half-plane; a real argument must be
TAN( X) tangent of argument in radians
TANH( X) hyperbolic tangent

F95 has a set of over a hundred intrinsic functions, those in the list above are the
most useful for scientific applications.
In this list A represents any type of numeric variable, R a r eal or i nt eger
variable, X and Y r eal variables, Z a compl ex variable, and Wa r eal or
compl ex variable.
Arguments in square brackets are optional. For an explanation of ki nd see
section 7.
1.6 Logical controls

So far all the programming statements we have met will simply enable us to produce
efficient calculators. That is useful, but there is a lot more to programming. In this
and Section 1.8 we introduce two crucial ideas. The first is the idea of taking an
action conditional upon a certain criteria being met. An example will help to
introduce this idea. For many years it was the case in Part IA of the Tripos that your
maths mark was only included if it improved your overall result. Let us write a
program to perform that simple sum. We read in four marks and output a final

pr ogr amt r i pos1
i mpl i ci t none

r eal : : p1, p2, p3, mat hs
r eal : : av1, av2

! r ead i n t he mar ks
r ead( *, *) p1, p2, p3, mat hs

! wor k out t wo aver ages
av1 = p1 + p2 + p3
av2 = av1 + mat hs
av1 = av1 / 3. 0 ; av2 = av2 / 4. 0

! use an i f st at ement
i f ( av2 > av1) t hen
wr i t e( *, *) Fi nal aver age = , av2
el se
wr i t e( *, *) Fi nal aver age = , av1
end i f

end pr ogr amt r i pos1

Compile and run this program and make sure you understand how it works.
Note how the statements are indented. We use indenting to help show the logical
structure of the program; indented statements are executed depending on the
output of the test done by the i f statement. The indenting is not essential, but it
leads to a program which is much easier to follow. If you choose this style you
can indent each level by any number of spaces as you wish.

The i f statement is the simplest, but most important, of a number of ways of
changing what happens in a program depending on what has gone before. It has the
general form:

i f ( logical expression) action

As another example we can use it to check for negative values:

i f ( x < 0) x=0 ! r epl ace negat i ve x wi t h zer o
The i f construct may also be used in more extended contexts (as above), such as:

i f ( logical expression) t hen
el se
end i f

Here if the condition is false the statements following the el se are executed. We
can also include additional tests which are treated sequentially; the statements
following the first logical test to be reached which is true are executed:

i f ( logical expression) t hen
el se i f ( logical expression) t hen
el se
end i f

Operators which may occur in logical expression are as follows:

. l t . or < less than
. l e. or <= less than or equal
. eq. or == equal
. ge. or >= greater than or equal
. gt . or > greater than
. ne. or / = not equal

. not . not
. and. and
. or . inclusive or

and of course, brackets. Using brackets and the . not . , . and. and . or . forms we
can build up complicated logical expressions.

As an exercise consider the following. Suppose the rules for Part IA of the Tripos
were changed so that:
1. The full maths course is always counted in the average
2. Quantitative biology mark is only counted if it improves the average
3. Elementary maths for biology is never counted.

Modify the program t r i pos1 to compute the average mark. One further piece
of information is required which is an i nt eger code indicating the type of
maths paper taken. This integer code can be assumed to take the values:
Full maths 1
Quantitative biology 2
Elementary maths 3
One possible solution is available in the examples directory as t r i pos2. f 90
i f clauses may appear nested, that is one inside another. Suppose we wish to
compute the expression
( ) a d b x / =
which fails if d < 0 or a is zero. If these were
entered by a user then they could (incorrectly) take on these values. A good program
should check this. Here is some code to do this which illustrates nested i f clauses

i f ( a / = 0. 0) t hen
i f ( d < 0. 0) t hen
wr i t e( *, *) I nval i d i nput dat a d negat i ve
el se
x = b * sqr t ( d) / a
end i f
el se
wr i t e( *, *) I nval i d i nput dat a a zer o
end i f

1.7 Advanced use of if and logical comparisons

In a large program it is likely that i f clauses will be nested, i.e. appear one within
another. This causes us no problems, but might make it less clear which end i f
goes with which i f . To overcome this we can name the i f clauses. An example
illustrates the syntax. Lets use the example we have just met:

out er : i f ( a / = 0. 0) t hen
i nner : i f ( d < 0. 0) t hen
wr i t e( *, *) I nval i d i nput dat a d negat i ve
el se i nner
x = b * sqr t ( d) / a
end i f i nner
el se out er
wr i t e( *, *) I nval i d i nput dat a a zer o
end i f out er

The names are out er and i nner ; note the syntax, especially the colon. Named i f
clauses are useful when you want to make your intention clear, but are not essential.

The logical expressions we have met in i f clauses can be used more generally with a
logical variable. Logical variables take on the value of . t r ue. or . f al se. . Here
is a simple example which illustrates their use.

l ogi cal : : l 1, l 2

l 1 = x > 0. 0
l 2 = y / = 1. 0
i f ( l 1 . and. l 2) t hen

This program fragment could equally well have been written
i f ( ( x > 0. 0) . and. ( y / = 1. 0) ) t hen

Using logical variables may make some things easier to understand.
1.8 Repeating ourselves with loops: do

Loops are the second very important concept needed in a program. If a set of
instructions needs to be repeated, a loop can be used to do this repetition. As we shall
see we have a lot of control over the loop and this makes them extremely powerful;
this is especially true when combined with the i f clauses we have just met.

The general form of the do loop is:

do var = start, stop [ , step]
end do

where as before the parts in square brackets are optional.
var is an i nt eger variable
start is the initial value var is given
stop is the final value
step is the increment by which var is changed. If it is omitted, unity is

The loop works by setting var to start. If var stop the statements up to the end do
are executed. Then var is incremented by step. The process then repeats testing var
against stop each time around the loop.
It is possible for the included statements never to be executed, for instance if
start > stop and step is 1.

This program is an example which computes factorials:

pr ogr amf act or i al
i mpl i ci t none

! def i ne var i abl es, some wi t h i ni t i al val ues
i nt eger : : nf act = 1
i nt eger : : n

! comput e f act or i al s
do n = 1, 10
nf act = nf act * n
wr i t e( *, *) n, nf act
end do
end pr ogr amf act or i al

Modify the f act or i al program as follows. Change 10 to 100 and insert the
following line before the end do.
i f ( n > 10) exi t
What output do you get? Why? The exi t command terminates the loop.

Write a program to calculate the binomial coefficient
. The program should
read in values from the user for n and r and write out the answer.
1.9 The stop statement

We have just seen how the exi t command can be used to terminate a do loop. If
you wish execution of your program to cease, you can insert a st op statement; this
can incorporate some text, which is output when your program halts and identifies
where this happened, e.g.

st op t hi s i s wher e i t al l ends up

1.10 Arrays

A great deal of scientific computation involves the manipulation of vectors, matrices
and more general arrays of numbers. In F95 we can have an array of variables set up
in the declarations statements.

How do we specify arrays? The simplest way is to give the dimension in parentheses.
r eal : : a( 3) ! a i s an ar r ay of 3 val ues: a vect or
r eal : : m( 3, 3) ! mi s a r ank 2 ar r ay: a mat r i x

We call the part in parentheses a shape. Each element of the array can be addressed
in the program using a similar notation. Here is a simple example:

pr ogr amvect or
i mpl i ci t none

r eal : : v( 3)
r eal : : x
i nt eger : : i

v( 1) = 0. 25
v( 2) = 1. 2
v( 3) = 0. 2

! comput e t he modul us squar ed of t he vect or
x = 0. 0
do i =1, 3
x = x + v( i ) *v( i )
end do
wr i t e( *, *) Modul us squar ed = , x

end pr ogr amvect or

Notice how we use a loop to compute the sum over all elements of the vector.

A second example will show us how we can implement simple vector and matrix

pr ogr aml i nal g
i mpl i ci t none

r eal : : v1( 3) , v2( 3) , m( 3, 3)
i nt eger : : i , j

v1( 1) = 0. 25
v1( 2) = 1. 2
v1( 3) = 0. 2

! use nest ed do l oops t o i ni t i al i se t he mat r i x
! t o t he uni t mat r i x
do i =1, 3
do j =1, 3
m( j , i ) = 0. 0
end do
m( i , i ) = 1. 0
end do

! do a mat r i x mul t i pl i cat i on of a vect or
! equi val ent t o v2
= m
i j
do i =1, 3
v2( i ) = 0. 0
do j = 1, 3
v2( i ) = v2( i ) + m( i , j ) *v1( j )
end do
end do
wr i t e( *, *) v2 = , v2

end pr ogr aml i nal g

Enter this program, compile and run it. Make sure you understand the output.
Try modifying the program to multiply two matrices.

We can also have arrays of i nt eger , compl ex or any other data types declared in
analogous ways.

Arrays may be declared using other forms than those given above which can be useful
for different situations. The di mensi on option to the declaration may be used to set
a shape for all declared variables which do not have a particular shape specified for
them. The di mensi on statement serves several purposes in a F95 declaration. In
the following, note the critical nature of the punctuation, particularly , , : and
: : .

An example of the simplest form of an array declaration for a matrix might be:

r eal , di mensi on( 10, 11) : : a ! a i s a r ank 2 ar r ay

The array subscripts are assumed to start at unity, but this can be altered by using the
explicit form of the declaration in which the range of the array subscripts is given
separated by a colon:

r eal , di mensi on( 0: 9) : : a ! vect or of 10 el ement s
! st ar t i ng at 0

We can also declare a variable to be an array of unknown size. We do this as follows

r eal , di mensi on( : ) , al l ocat abl e : : a

and at an appropriate time, when it is known how big this array needs to be, we use
the following (say to create an array of 10 elements):

al l ocat e( a( m) )

where mis an i nt eger variable. When the use of the array in the program is
finished, the space can be released by using

deal l ocat e( a)

1.11 Array arithmetic

One very useful feature of F95 is the ability to work with whole arrays. In most
programming languages one can, say, add two arrays using a loop. For example

r eal : : a( 10) , b( 10) , c( 10)
i nt eger : : i

[some statements to setup the arrays]

do i =1, 10
c( i ) = a( i ) + b( i )
end do

F95 allows you to perform whole array operations in a natural way. Most of the
normal arithmetic operations can be carried out on arrays, where they apply in an
element by element fashion. The above example can be written as:

r eal : : a( 10) , b( 10) , c( 10)

[some statements to setup the arrays]

c = a + b

Here are some more examples which illustrate array arithmetic:

r eal , di mensi on( 3, 3) : : a, b
r eal , di mensi on( 3) : : x, y, z
i nt eger , di mensi on( 10) : : i dx

idx = 1 ! set all elements of idx to 1
a=b ! copi es t he ar r ay b i nt o a
x=y+1 ! x( i ) = y( i ) +1 f or i =1, 2, 3
z=at an2( y, x) ! z( i ) = at an2( y( i ) , x( i ) ) f or i =1, 2, 3

You can refer to a subset of an array and treat it as another array:
z( ( / 1, 3, 6/ ) ) a length 3 array with elements set toz( 1) , z( 3) , z( 6)
z( m: n) is an array of length ( n- m+1) formed from the elements of z
starting at mand ending at n
z( m: n: c) is an array of length ( n- m+1) / c formed from the elements of
z starting at mand ending at n incremented by c
x( 1: 5) = y( 2: 6) copies elements 2 to 6 of y into elements 1 to 5 of x
z( 1: 3) = y( 1: 5: 2) copies elements 1,3,5 of y into elements 1,2,3 of z
a( 2, : ) = z copies the vector z into the second row of a

There is a conditional, wher e, which operates on an array for simple function
forms e.g. to replace negative elements of an array z with their absolute values:
wher e ( z < 0. 0) z=- z

More generally it has the form:
wher e ( logical array test)
[ statements if test true]
el sewher e
[ statements if test false]
end wher e

For example to take the logarithm of the positive elements of an array:
r eal , di mensi on( 1000) : : a
wher e ( a > 0. 0)
a = l og( a)
el sewher e
a = 0. 0
end wher e

There are a number of intrinsic procedures taking array arguments e.g.
dot _pr oduct takes 2 arguments of rank 1 and the same size
and returns their inner product
mat mul performs matrix multiplication on 2
array arguments with compatible size and rank
maxval returns maximum element of an integer or real array
mi nval returns minimum element of an integer or real array
pr oduct returns the product of the elements of an array
sum returns the sum of the elements of an array
2 Good Programming Style

In section 1 we have covered some of the basics of programming. We will return to
programming later when we look in even more detail at F95.

In this section we will briefly consider some rules for good practice in developing
programs. When you come to tackle the computing exercise we will be looking for
how you have tackled some of the issues we shall now discuss.

2.1 Readability

Your program should be as easy to follow in terms of its logical structure as possible.
There are a number of ways we have already met that help us do this. Let us recap
some of them.

First use comments. A general rule for comments is that you should use a comment
when the F95 statements you write are not self explanatory. There is no need, for
example, to add comments to obvious computational expressions. However you may
want to add comments to the top of a block of expressions explaining how the
following code relates to the physical problem.

Similarly if you have a loop, a comment of the form below is of no help:

! l oop f r om1 t o 10
do i =1, 10

But a comment of the following form, say in a program calculating a binomial
might be very useful:
! l oop t o cal cul at e nCr
do k=1, r

So use comments sensibly to make the code understandable.

What we dont want to hear is:
I have written my program, now I just need to comment it before handing it in

This is bad practice because comments are part of the program and should be there
as much to help you follow your own intentions in programming as for the head of
class to follow it.

Another aspect of readability is indenting code blocks between do loops and in
i f clauses. This is very good practice. It uses the layout of the program to show
at a glance the logical structure. Our strong advice is to make good use of
indenting. Again it helps as much in program development as it does in
presenting the final program.

2.2 Self-checking code

We have already seen in some of the examples how we can use checks to avoid
numerical errors. There are a number of numerical operations which are poorly
defined. These include, among many others:
a) division by zero
b) taking the square root or logarithm of a negative r eal number

Alternatively we may know the range of possible allowed values for a variable and
can include checks to make sure this is not violated.

Sometimes we can be sure that variables cannot take on illegal values, other times we
cannot. For example values may be supplied to the program by a user and the values
may be wrong. Alternatively we may know that under certain conditions a variable
may, for example, become negative and all this really means is that it should be set
equal to zero; in fact the formula we are computing may explicitly state something

otherwise 0
0 ... x

In either case you must be careful to check arguments to make sure they are in
range. We have seen examples of this already and you should go back now and
revise these methods.

Once again it is essential in program design to be sensible. Do not check a variable if
it cannot be out of range; this just slows your code down. For example the following
would be bad programming style:

r eal : : x
[ some statements]

x = si n( y) + 1. 0
i f ( x >= 0. 0) z = sqr t ( x)

Here x can never be less than zero; the test is not wrong, but clearly unnecessary and
indicates a poor appreciation of the logic of the program.

2.3 Write clear code that relates to the physics

We are not aiming in this course to develop ultra-efficient programs or the shortest
possible program etc. Our aim is for you to learn the basics of computational physics.
Therefore you should aim to write your code so that it relates as clearly as possible to
the physics and computational physics algorithms you are using as possible. You can
split long expressions over many lines, for example, by using the continuation marker.

If the last character of a line is an ampersand &, then it is as if the next line was
joined onto the current one (with the & removed). Use this to lay out long
expressions as clearly as possible.

Another technique is to split long expressions using intermediate calculations. A
simple example would be replacing something like:

r es = sqr t ( a + b*x + c*x*x + d*x*x*x) + &
l og( e * f / ( 2. 345*h + b*x) )

t 1 = a + b*x + c*x*x + d*x*x*x
t 2 = E * F / ( 2. 345*h + b*x)
r es = sqr t ( t 1) + l og( t 2)

Think about the choice of variable names. You can make the variable names very
clear with names such as ener gy or moment um. This can be very helpful, but
also cumbersome in long expressions. A useful rule of thumb is that if there is an
accepted symbol for a physical quantity consider using that (e.g. E and p); use
longer more descriptive names if one does not exist.

We will return to the topic of programming style later when we consider how the
program can be broken up into smaller units. This will be the main job in the next
section of the course.

3. Input to and output from a F95 program

We have already seen some examples of outputting information from a program
(wr i t e) and reading information from the terminal (r ead). In this section we will
look in detail at input and output and explain those strange *s. To save some
writing lets introduce some jargon: we will call input and output I/O.
3.1 F95 statements for I/O

Input and output to a F95 program are controlled by the r ead and wr i t e statements.
The manner in which this is done is controlled by format descriptors, which may be
given as character variables or provided in a f or mat statement. For economy of
effort we will only outline the latter method, together with the default mechanism.

The form of the I/O statements is as follows:

r ead( stream, label [ , end=end] [ , er r =err] ) list
wr i t e( stream, label) list


stream is a number previously linked to a file, or a character variable, or *, where
* here indicates the default value, usually the screen of a terminal session. If
stream is a character variable, the result of the wr i t e is stored in that variable,
and can be manipulated as such within the program.
label is the number of a f or mat statement, or * for free format.
list is a list of items to be transferred, separated by commas, possibly including
text strings enclosed in quotation marks.
The optional items end and er r are so that you can provide statement labels end
and err to which control moves in the event that the end of data is reached
prematurely (end) , or some error is encountered (er r ).

The precise details of how the output should look are governed by the format
definition. This takes the form:

label f or mat ( format descriptors)

label is an integer, corresponding to the label appearing in the r ead or wr i t e
statement. More than one r ead or wr i t e can refer to the same label.
format descriptors is a comma-separated list of items describing how the output is
to be presented, possibly including text items. The latter should be enclosed in
single quotation marks as in character strings.

Possible formats for numeric items are
nI w to output i nt eger s
nFw. d to output r eal or compl ex in fixed-point form
nEw. d to output r eal or compl ex in floating-point form

n is an optional repeat count (how many of each item is in the I/O list).
w is the total number of characters per number, including signs
and spaces: the field width.
d is the number of decimal digits to be output within w.

For non-numeric items the descriptor
Aw is available, which causes the next w char act er s to be output

To access a file for input or output you can use the open statement:

open( [ uni t =] stream, er r =escape, act i on=action, f i l e=name)

There are further possible arguments which should not be needed for this course, but
which you may look up in a text book.

stream is the identifier which appears in the r ead or wr i t e statement
escape is a statement label, to which control is transferred if there is a
problem opening the file.
action is one of r ead, wr i t e or r eadwr i t e, depending how
you intend to use the file.
name is the name of the file (in quotes) and may be held in a character

Having opened a file, linking it to a stream, and read through it, you can move back to
the beginning using:
r ewi nd( stream)

When you have completed I/O to a particular file, you can use the cl ose instruction
to close the file and tidy things up:
cl ose( stream)

Try entering the following example, compile and run it and examine the output

pr ogr amf or mat 1
i mpl i ci t none
i nt eger : : i

do i =1, 20
wr i t e( *, 1) i , i *i , i **3
end do
1 f or mat ( i 4, i 6, i 8)

end pr ogr amf or mat 1
Modify the program to use free-format output and compare the results (you
could output both in one program for comparison of course).

The next example illustrates how to send the output from your program to a file

pr ogr amf i l ei o
i mpl i ci t none
i nt eger : : i

open( 20, f i l e= cubes. dat )
do i =1, 100
wr i t e( 20, 1) i , i *i , i **3
end do
cl ose( 20)
1 f or mat ( i 4, i 6, i 8)

end pr ogr amf i l ei o

Modify the program to send a copy of the output to two files simultaneously.

4 Graphics and Visualisation

There are many ways in which to plot data. It is very difficult to write graphics
applications in F95, so generally it is easier (and better) to use an application. One
such application is gnupl ot , which is a free plotting program that can plot data files
and user-defined functions. It cant do everything you might possibly want, but it is
very easy to use. We introduce gnupl ot here there is documentation available via
hel p within the program and on the course web site.

gnupl ot is a command-line driven program. Typing gnupl ot at the terminal you
will see that the prompt changes. You will want to use the hel p command to find
out more information. You will also be able to output graphs from gnupl ot in a
form you can import into, say, Microsoft Word, when you produce your report.
4.1 Plotting a data file

gnupl ot expects data to be arranged in columns in an ordinary text file, e.g.

# Gnu popul at i on i n Ant ar ct i ca si nce 1965
1965 103
1970 55
1975 34
1980 24
1985 10

You can have as many columns as you like. Comments are indicated by #. The
recommended way you use gnupl ot to produce results from your F95 program is
therefore to write out results to a file and use gnupl ot to plot them. Lets look at a
simple F95 program to do just that.

pr ogr amout put dat a
i mpl i ci t none
r eal , di mensi on( 100) : : x, y
i nt eger : : i

! set up x and y wi t h some dat a
do i =1, 100
x( i ) = i * 0. 1
y( i ) = si n( x( i ) ) * ( 1- cos( x( i ) / 3. 0) )
end do

! out put dat a t o a f i l e
open( 1, f i l e= dat a1. dat , st at us= new )
do i =1, 100
wr i t e( 1, *) x( i ) , y( i )
end do
cl ose( 1)

end pr ogr amout put dat a
The file dat a1. dat should contain the two columns of numbers, exactly the format
needed by gnupl ot . To plot the data is very easy:

Enter this program, compile and run it and produce the data file dat a1. dat .
Start up gnupl ot .
Within gnupl ot give the command:
pl ot dat a1. dat

4.2 Getting help

You can get help by typing ? or hel p within gnupl ot . The on-line help is very
good. You can also abbreviate commands to save typing.

4.3 Further examples

As well as plotting data we can plot functions in gnupl ot .

For example to plot one of the trigonometric functions type the following:
pl ot si n( x) *cos( x)

In fact, gnupl ot lets us define a function:
pop( x) = si n( x) *( 1- cos( x/ 3. 0) )

Then we can plot this function, for 0 x 10, say, as follows:
pl ot [ 0: 10] pop( x)

To plot the data file created using the F95 program of the previous section we can
pl ot dat a1. dat

And you can also plot both the function and the data together:
pl ot [ 0: 10] dat a1. dat , pop( x)

By default, data files are plotted point by point. If you want lines joining the
pl ot dat a1. dat wi t h l i nesp

If you want lines only:
pl ot dat a1. dat w l i nes

To control which colour each set of lines and points comes out, see hel p pl ot .
For example, to make the data come out with colour 2 (dotted lines), and pop( x)
with colour 1,
pl ot [ 0: 10] dat a1. dat w l i nes 2 2, pop( x) \
w l i nes 1 1

The backslash enables you to continue on to another line if the commands become

To plot column 4 of f l i b. dat against column 2 of the same file:
pl ot f l i b. dat u 2: 4 w l i nesp

this gives column 2 on the x axis and 4 on the y axis. You can also plot points
with error bars. The following command plots column 4 versus column 2, with
columns 5 and 6 defining the upper and lower error bars:
pl ot f l i b. dat u 2: 4: 5: 6 w er r or bar s

4.4 Printing graphs into PostScript files

The following sequence changes the terminal type to PostScript and replots the
most recent plot to a file called f i l e. ps:
set t er mpost
set out put f i l e. ps
r epl ot

Dont forget to set the terminal type back to X11 when you are done plotting to
the file.
set t er mX

In order to get graphs that are readable when included in papers, I recommend:
set si ze 0. 6, 0. 6

before plotting to the file. This reduces the size of the graph while keeping the
font size and point size constant.

There are other output types from gnupl ot . In particular you may want to use the
CGM terminal type instead of the PostScript terminal type as above (use cgminstead
of post ). This produces a file which can be read directly into Microsoft Word and
converted to a Word drawing.


Suggested Exercise 1

Modify the projectile program to output the path of a projectile launched from the

The program should read in the initial speed, the angle to the horizontal and a time
interval at which to output a series of x,y values (as two columns) suitable for plotting
with gnupl ot . Points should be output until the projectile reaches the horizontal
plane in which it was launched.

It is a good idea to show this program to a demonstrator or head of class and discuss
with them how it might be improved.

You can find a solution to this problem in the examples directory

$PHYTEACH/ par t _2/ exampl es/ exer ci se1. f 90

5. Program Organisation: Functions and Subroutines

In this section we will consider ways to structure your program, and in particular the
use of functions and subroutines. We shall start off by assuming that the functions are
to be defined in the same file as the main program. However this is rather
cumbersome for a large program, and in the next section we will consider how to split
the program between multiple files. Splitting the program in this way results in
different program segments.

Subroutines and functions are the main way in which you can structure your F95
program. The main difference between them is that a function returns a value through
its name, while the subroutine does not (a function must have at least one argument,
while a subroutine may have none). The type of the function name must be declared
both where it is defined and in the segment from which it is called. The function is
used like any of the intrinsic functions while the subroutine is accessed via a cal l
statement as we shall see below. We will use the term routine to refer to both
subroutines and functions.

Direct communication between one program segment and a routine is through the
arguments. Operations coded in the routine act directly on the variables referred to
via the arguments in the calling statement. Other variables declared within the routine
are local to that routine and not in general accessible elsewhere, or indeed in a
subsequent call to the routine.

In what follows we will introduce functions and subroutines and then discuss how
grouping functions and subroutines in different files can be an additional way of
structuring your program.

5.1 Functions

We have already met the idea of functions in the form of intrinsic functions, i.e.
functions which are part of F95 and which are used to calculate standard
mathematical functions. We can also define our own functions for use in a program;
this is a very powerful feature of all programming languages. Using functions has a
number of advantages:

1. The code to implement the calculation can be written just once, but used many
2. The functions can be tested separately from the rest of the program to make sure
they give the correct result; we can then be confident when using them in the
larger program.

Lets consider an example where we define two functions; in fact this is a simple
program to find the root of an equation using Newtons method.

The functions we define are for the mathematical function we are seeking the root of
and its first derivative.

pr ogr amnewt on
! Sol ves f ( x) = 0 by Newt on s met hod

i mpl i ci t none

i nt eger : : i t s = 0 ! i t er at i on count er
i nt eger : : maxi t s = 20 ! maxi mumi t er at i ons
i nt eger : : conver ged = 0 ! conver gence f l ag
r eal : : eps = 1. 0e- 6 ! maxi mumer r or
r eal : : x = 2 ! st ar t i ng guess

! i nt r oduce a new f or mof t he do l oop
do whi l e ( conver ged == 0 . and. i t s < maxi t s)
x = x - f ( x) / df ( x)
wr i t e( *, *) x, f ( x)
i t s = i t s + 1
i f ( abs( f ( x) ) <= eps) conver ged = 1
end do
i f ( conver ged == 1) t hen
wr i t e( *, *) Newt on conver ged
el se
wr i t e( *, *) Newt on di d not conver ge
end i f

cont ai ns
f unct i on f ( x)
r eal : : f , x
f = x**3 + x - 3. 0
end f unct i on f

f unct i on df ( x)
! f i r st der i vat i ve of f ( x)
r eal : : df , x
df = 3 * x**2 + 1
end f unct i on df
end pr ogr amnewt on

There are lots of things to notice about this example.

We have introduced a modified form of the do statement. Instead of looping a
fixed number of times we loop while a condition is true. We shall return to this
The functions f and df are defined. They appear in the program after the word
cont ai ns. cont ai ns marks the end of the main code of the program and
indicates the start of the definition of f unct i ons and, as we shall see in a
moment, subr out i nes.
Each function starts with the keyword f unct i on and ends with
end f unct i on and the function name; this is quite like the syntax we have
already met introducing the program itself.
Notice how within the f unct i on the function name is treated like a variable; we
define its type and assign it a value; this is the value returned from the f unct i on
and used when the f unct i on is called.
The functions defined in this way are called internal functions since they are
defined within the program itself. We shall see the nature of this in a little while.
Values are supplied to the f unct i on via its arguments, i.e. the variables
specified in parentheses (the x in this example); note each argument must have its
type specified.

Enter this program, compile and run it. Try to understand the output. Modify
the functions to some other form to find the roots of different functions using
Newtons method.

5.2 Formal definition

The structure of a routine is the same as for a main program, except that the first line
defines the routine name. Thus the form for a function is:

function name(arg1, arg2, ....)
[ declarations, including those for the arguments]
[ executable statements]
end function [name]

and for a subroutine:

subroutine name(arg1, arg2, ....)
[ declarations, including those for the arguments]
[ executable statements]
end subroutine [name]

Additionally for functions name must occur in a declaration statement in the function
segment itself. The value the function takes is defined by a statement where name is
assigned a value just like any other variable in the function segment.

The arguments must appear in the declarations as will any local variables; if you
change the value of one of the arguments then the corresponding variable in the
program calling the function or subroutine will also change. For this reason it is
imperative that the type of dummy arguments agree with that of the variables in the
call of the routine.

If you wish to terminate execution of a f unct i on or subr out i ne before the last
statement in the subroutine (e.g. you may test some condition with an i f clause and
decide there is no more to do) then you can use the r et ur n statement to terminate
the routine.
5.3 Subroutines

Subr out i nes are very similar to f unct i ons except that they do not return a
value. Instead they have an effect on the program in which they are invoked by
modifying the arguments to the subr out i ne. Here is a simple example which
defines a subroutine called swap which swaps the values of its two arguments:

pr ogr amswapmai n
i mpl i ci t none

r eal : : a, b

! Read i n t wo val ues
r ead( *, *) a, b

cal l swap( a, b)
wr i t e( *, *) a, b

cont ai ns
subr out i ne swap( x, y)
r eal : : x, y, t emp
t emp = x
x = y
y = t emp
end subr out i ne swap
end pr ogr amswapmai n

Compile this program and see what happens to the values typed in. You should
find the values are interchanged.
Note how the subr out i ne is called and that its action is to modify its
One important difference between a f unct i on and subr out i ne is that a
f unct i on must always have at least one argument, whereas a subr out i ne
need not have any.

5.4 Local and global variables

Variables that are defined within a given routine (and are not arguments to the
routine) are local to that routine, that is to say they are only defined within the routine
itself. If a variable is defined in the main program then it is also available within any
internal routine (i.e. one defined after the cont ai ns statement).

We say that these variables are global.

Here is a simple example:

pr ogr amset
i mpl i ci t none
r eal : : a, b

! Read i n val ue of a
r ead( *, *) a

cal l set val ( b)
wr i t e( *, *) b

cont ai ns
subr out i ne set val ( x)
r eal : : x
x = a ! val ue of a i s f r ommai n pr ogr am
end subr out i ne set val
end pr ogr amset

This program is very contrived, it simply sets the value of the argument of the call to
set val to the value of the variable a in the main program. In this example a is a
variable global to the main program and the subroutine set val .

5.5 Passing arrays to subroutines and functions

Arrays can of course be used as arguments to subr out i nes and f unct i ons,
however there are one or two special considerations.
5.5.1 Size and shape of array known

If the size and shape of the array are known, one can simply repeat the definition in
the subroutine when the arguments are declared. For example, if v and r are vectors
of length 3 a subr out i ne declaration in which they are passed would look like:

subr out i ne ar r 1( v, r )
r eal : : v( 3)
r eal : : r ( 3)

and of course you could have used the alternative form using di mensi on instead:

subr out i ne ar r 1( v, r )
r eal , di mensi on( 3) : : v, r

5.5.2 Arrays of unknown shape and size

The problem is how to deal with arrays of unknown length. This is important when
for example we wish to write a subr out i ne which will work with arrays of many
different lengths. For example, we may wish to calculate various statistics of an
array. We can in this case use the following definition:

subr out i ne st at s( y, ybar )

r eal , di mensi on( : ) : : y
r eal : : ybar

! l ocal var i abl es
i nt eger : : i , n

n = si ze( y)
ybar = 0. 0
do i =1, n
ybar = ybar + y( i )
end do
ybar = ybar / n

end subr out i ne st at s

Here we have declared the array y to be of unknown size, but of an assumed
shape; that is it is a vector and not a matrix. The intrinsic function si ze returns
the number of elements in the array i.e. the length of the vector.
We can do the same for a two-dimensional array, a matrix. The corresponding
definition would be:

r eal , di mensi on( : , : ) : : a2d

If you use this form for passing arrays and declare the subr out i nes in a different
file from the calling program, it is essential that you use the concept of modules
discussed in the section 6.

5.6 The intent and save attributes

We have seen how subr out i nes can modify their arguments, but often we will
want some of the arguments to be modifiable and others just values supplied to the
routine. Recall how we discussed the use of par amet er s as a way of protecting us
from misusing something which should be a constant. In a similar way F95 provides
a way of stating which arguments to a routine may be modified and which not. By
default all arguments can be modified. The extra syntactic protection offered is by the
i nt ent attribute, which can be added to the declaration. It can have the values out ,
i nout or i n depending on whether you wish to modify, or not, the value of the
argument in the routine call. This is another example of an option to a declaration
statement (again c.f. the par amet er definition earlier).

Here is the specification:

subroutine name(arg1, arg2, .....)
real, intent(in) :: arg1
real, intent(out) :: arg2

in the following example any attempt to change the variable x would result in a
compiler error.

subr out i ne set val ( x, y)
! set y t o val ue of x

r eal , i nt ent ( i n) : : x
r eal , i nt ent ( out ) : : y

y = x

end subr out i ne set val

Modify the set val example above to use this subr out i ne.
Deliberately introduce an error and within the subr out i ne attempt to change
the value of the first argument; try compiling the program and see what happens.

Local variables which are declared within a routine will in general not retain their
values between successive calls to the routine. It is possible to preserve values after
one return into the next call of the routine by specifying the save attribute in the
declaration of that variable, e.g.

real, save :: local

This of course cannot be used for the arguments of the routine.

6. Using Modules

As programs grow larger it becomes less convenient to use a single file for the source
code. Also it is very often the case that the f unct i ons and subr out i nes you
have written can be used in more than one program. We need a way to organise the
source code to make this easy to do. In this section we will look at modules which
enable the program to be split between multiple files and make it easy to re-use the
code you write in different programs.

6.1 Modules

Modules are a very useful tool when we split programs between multiple files.
Modules give us a number of advantages:
1. The module is useful for defining global data, and may be used as an alternative
way of transmitting information to a routine.
2. The variables, etc., declared in a module may be made available within any
routines at the choice of the programmer.
3. Modules can be imported for use into another program or subroutine. Functions
and variables defined in the module become available for use. The compiler is
also able to cross-check the calls to subroutines and functions and use of variables
just as if they had been defined as internal routines.

The definition of a modul e is

modul e name
[ statement declarations]
[ cont ai ns
[ subroutine and function definitions] ]
end modul e [ name]

The module is incorporated in the program segment or routine in which it is to be
used by the use statement:

use name

You can have as many different modules as you like. Each module will be
contained in a separate file and may be compiled (and checked) separately.

Modules can be re-used between different programs and may be used multiple
times in the same program.

The variables declared in the modul e before the cont ai ns statement are global
to the module and become global variables in any routine in which the use
statement appears.

The use statement can appear in the main program or any other subr out i ne or
modul e which needs access to the routines or variables of another module.
We should now have a look at some examples. Lets return to the swapmai n
program from section 5.3 and implement this in two files using modules. First edit
the file swapmai n. f 90 and to contain:

pr ogr amswapmai n

use swapmod ! use st at ement s must come f i r st

i mpl i ci t none

r eal : : a, b

! Read i n t wo val ues
r ead( *, *) a, b

cal l swap( a, b)
wr i t e( *, *) a, b

end pr ogr amswapmai n

Now in the second file, called swapmod. f 90 the module is defined:

modul e swapmod

i mpl i ci t none ! you need t hi s i n ever y modul e
! Gl obal decl ar at i ons woul d appear her e i f any
cont ai ns
! r out i nes pr ovi ded by t hi s modul e
subr out i ne swap( x, y)
r eal : : x, y, t emp

t emp = x
x = y
y = t emp

end subr out i ne swap
end modul e swapmod

Now compile the swapmod. f 90 file:
f 95 - c swapmod. f 90

The c option is a request to compile only and not try to produce an
executable program.
Use l s to see what files you have. You should have swapmod. mod and
swapmod. o files.
The swapmod. o file contains the compiled code for all the routines in the
swapmod. f 90 file. When you compile a module an extra file called name. mod is
created. This file is needed for as long as you want to include the module in programs.

Now compile the complete program, making available the compiled code from the
swapmod module so that the linker can bring together all the machine
instructions necessary to define a complete working program. This is done by
giving the name of the compiled routine on the f 95 command line:
f 95 - o swap swapmai n. f 90 swapmod. o

Run the program and check the output.

Within the module you may define as many routines as you like; they are all included
with the same use statement.

Let us now look at an example which makes use of modules to provide global data.
Again this is a rather contrived example designed to illustrate as simply as possible
the use of modules. This time lets have three files.

Lets start with a file called gd. f 90 which defines a module called gd; this
defines some global data but no routines:

modul e gd
i mpl i ci t none

! def i ne gl obal dat a
r eal : : a_g, b_g

end modul e gd

Note how we include an i mpl i ci t none statement in the module; each
program element (main program and each module) must have the
i mpl i ci t none statement.

Now the second file, set val . f 90 defines a set v routine which is part of a
module set val

modul e set val
! make t he gl obal dat a avai l abl e
use gd
i mpl i ci t none
cont ai ns
subr out i ne set v( a, b)
r eal : : a, b

! set ar gument s t o gl obal val ues
a = a_g; b = b_g
end subr out i ne set v
end modul e set val
Finally the main program t est set . f 90

pr ogr amt est set

! i ncl ude gl obal dat a
use gd
! make avai l abl e t he set val r out i ne
use set val

r eal : : x, y

! r ead val ues f r omt er mi nal
r ead( *, *) a_g, b_g

! set x and y and check out put
cal l set v( x, y)
wr i t e( *, *) x, y

end pr ogr amt est set

Compile the two modules:
f 95 - c gd. f 90
f 95 - c set val . f 90

Now the main program, creating an executable program:
f 95 - o t est set t est set . f 90 gd. o set val . o

Run the program and check the output.

These two examples, although simple, illustrate the usefulness of modules.

6.2 public and private attributes

The examples of modules in the previous section were quite simple. In general you
are likely to want a module which not only declares some global data, but also defines
routines in the same module. However we may want to differentiate variables which
are global and available in all routines in which the module is used, as we saw in the
last section, and variables which are to be global only within the module (i.e. used by
all the routines in the module, but not available in the routines or program segments
which include the module via the use statement). We can in fact achieve this using
the pr i vat e and publ i c attributes. For example the variable a_g in the
following will be available in all program segments including the module in which
this definition occurs, whereas the variable b is a global variable only within the
current module

r eal , publ i c : : a_g
r eal , pr i vat e : : b

The default is for variables is to be publ i c.
7 Numerical precision and more about variables
7.1 Entering numerical values

We have already seen how to enter simple numerical values into a program. What
happens if the values need to be expressed in the form a 10
? F95 provides a way
of doing it. For example the numbers on the left of the following table are entered in
the form indicated on the right:

1.345 1. 345
2. 34e7 or 2. 34d7
2. 34e- 7 or 2. 34d- 7

7.2 Numerical Accuracy

Variables in any programming language use a fixed amount of computer memory to
store values. The real variables we have discussed so far have surprisingly little
accuracy (about 6-7 significant figures at best). We will often require more accuracy
than this, especially for any problem involving a complicated numerical routine (e.g. a
NAG routine). In that case you will need to use what is called a double precision
variable. Such variables have twice the accuracy of normal r eal s.

F95 in fact provides a very flexible system for specifying the accuracy of all types of
variables. To do this it uses the idea of ki nd; this really means the accuracy of a
particular type of variable. You do not need to go into this in much detail, we will
give a recipe for obtaining high precision, double precision, variables.

Each variable type may have a number of different ki nds which differ in the
precision with which they hold a number for r eal and compl ex numbers, or in the
largest number they can hold for i nt eger variables. When declaring variables of a
given type you may optionally specify the ki nd of that variable as we shall see
below. A few intrinsic functions are useful:

ki nd( x) Returns the ki nd (an i nt eger variable)
of the argument x. x may be any type.
sel ect ed_i nt _ki nd( n) Return the kind necessary to hold an
i nt eger as large as 10
sel ect ed_r eal _ki nd( p[ , r ] ) Return the kind necessary to hold a r eal in
the range 10
- r
to 10
with precision p
(number of significant decimals).

Here we want to specify variables of high precision and there is an easy way of doing
this. The notation for a double precision constant is defined; so that for instance 1. 0
is designated 1. 0d0 if you wish it to be held to twice the accuracy as ordinary single
precision. To define variables as double precision, you first need to establish the
appropriate ki nd parameter and then use it in the declaration of the variable. Here is
a useful recipe:

! f i nd t he ki nd of a hi gh pr eci si on var i abl e, by f i ndi ng
! t he ki nd of 1. 0d0
i nt eger , par amet er : : dp=ki nd( 1. 0d0)

! use dp t o speci f y new r eal var i abl es of hi gh pr eci si on
r eal ( ki nd=dp) : : x, y

! and compl ex var i abl es
compl ex( ki nd=dp) : : z

! and ar r ays
r eal ( ki nd=dp) , di mensi on( 30) : : t abl e

The integer parameter dp can now also be used to qualify constants in the context of
expressions, defining them as double precision, e.g. 0. 6_dp

8 Use of numerical libraries: NAG

There are many libraries of subroutines performing mathematical and graphics
operations. The library you are encouraged to use here is the NAG library, which has
an on-line documentation system. One important feature of the NAG library in
particular is that all the variables are of double precision type, and all arguments must
be declared as such when NAG routines are called. The on-line information is
available via the link on the course web page.

When using the NAG library you must tell the linker where to find the library code.
This is done by adding some extra information to the f 95 command line; e.g. lets
imagine we were compiling and linking (to form an executable program) a simple
program in the file ex. f 90. The command we need is:

f 95 - o ex ex. f 90 - l nag

The - l nag tells the linker to search the NAG library file for the code that it needs.

8.1 A simple NAG example

Enter this simple program and try compiling and running it; it should report some
information about the NAG library we are going to use

pr ogr amnagi nf o

use nag_f 77_a_chapt er
i mpl i ci t none

wr i t e( *, *) Cal l i ng NAG i dent i f i cat i on r out i ne
wr i t e( *, *)
cal l a00aaf

end pr ogr amnagi nf o

8.2 A non-trivial NAG example: matrix determinant

Use the link on the course web page to bring up the NAG documentation. Find the
documentation for the routine F03AAF.

The first page of the documentation appears slightly cryptic:


F03AAF NAG Fortran Library Routine Document

Note. Before using this routine, please read the Users Note for your implementation to check the interpretation of
bold italicised terms and other implementation-dependent details.

1 Purpose

F03AAF calculates the determinant of a real matrix using an LU factorization with partial pivoting.

2 Specification

real A( I A, *) , DET, WKSPCE( *)

3 Description
This routine calculates the determinant of A using the LU factorization with partial pivoting, PA = LU,
where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular and U is unit upper triangular. The determinant
of A is the product of the diagonal elements of L with the correct sign determined by the row

4 References
[1] Wilkinson J H and Reinsch C (1971) Handbook for Automatic Computation II, Linear Algebra

5 Parameters
1: A(IA,*) real array Input/Output
Note: the second dimension of A must be at least max(1,N).
On entry: the n by n matrix A.
On exit: A is overwritten by the factors L and U, except that the unit diagonal elements of U are not

On entry: the first dimension of the array A as declared in the (sub)program from which F03AAF is
Constraint: IA max(1,N).

3: N INTEGER Input
On entry: n, the order of the matrix A.
Constraint: N 0.

4: DET real Output
On exit: the determinant of A.

5: WKSPCE(*) real array Workspace
Note: the dimension of WKSPCE must be at least max( 1, N) .

6: IFAIL INTEGER Input/Output
On entry: IFAIL must be set to 0, -1 or 1.
On exit: IFAIL = 0 unless the routine detects an error (see Section 6).

The note at the beginning draws attention to the bold italicised term real, which you
should simply interpret as double precision or r eal ( ki nd( 1. 0d0) ) in all NAG

One would expect a subroutine which calculates a determinant to need arguments
including the array in which the matrix is stored, the size of the matrix, and a variable
into which to place the answer. Here there are just a couple extra.

Because the library is written in Fortran 77 (F77, an earlier version of Fortran than
we are using), which does not support dynamic memory allocation, it is often
necessary to pass workspace to a routine. The routine will use this space for its
own internal temporary requirements. Hence WKSPCE( *) .

Array dimensions of unknown size are denoted by a *, not a : .

Most NAG routines have the i f ai l argument which is used to control error
handling and communicate error information back to the calling routine. In
general you should set i f ai l = 0 before calling a NAG routine, and test it on
return (zero indicates success).

Here is the example, enter this program compile and test and make sure it gives the
result you expect!

pr ogr amnagdet

! we make avai l abl e t he chapt er f modul e of nag
use nag_f 77_f _chapt er

i mpl i ci t none

! var i abl es used i n t he pr ogr am
r eal ( ki nd( 1. 0d0) ) : : m( 3, 3) , d, wr k( 2)
i nt eger i , n, i f ai l

! assi gn val ues t o onl y t he upper 2x2 por t i on of
! t he 3x3 ar r ay
m( 1, 1) =2 ; m( 1, 2) =0
m( 2, 1) =0 ; m( 2, 2) =2

! set up i nput val ues and cal l t he NAG r out i ne
! not e t he di f f er ence bet ween i and n val ues
i =3 ; n=2 ; i f ai l =0
cal l f 03aaf ( m, i , n, d, wr k, i f ai l )
i f ( i f ai l == 0) t hen
wr i t e( *, *) Det er mi nant i s , d
el se
wr i t e( *, *) F03AAF er r or : , i f ai l
end i f

end pr ogr amnagdet

Further examples of F95 programs calling the NAG library can be found in the lecture
handout on the Physics of Computational Physics.
9 Some more topics

This section can be skipped at a first reading.
9.1 The case statement and more about if

If you have several options to choose between in a program, you can use the case
statement, which takes the form:

sel ect case ( expr essi on)
case( val ue1, val ue2)
case( val ue3)
case def aul t
end sel ect

expr essi on must be an expression which evaluates to an i nt eger ,
char act er or l ogi cal value.
val ue1, val ue2, must be possible values for the expression.
if the expression matches either of val ue1 or val ue2 then the code following
the case statement listing that value is executed.
If no match is found, the code following the optional case def aul t statement
is executed.

A simple example is the use of a case statement to take action on user input to a

program choice
implicit none
char act er ( l en=1) : : x

wr i t e( *, *) Sel ect a or b
r ead( *, *) x

sel ect case( x)
case( A , a )
wr i t e( *, *) A sel ect ed
case( B , b )
wr i t e( *, *) B sel ect ed
case def aul t
wr i t e( *, *) Er r or : unknown opt i on
end sel ect
end pr ogr amchoi ce


The same outcome could have been achieved using an i f clause as follows:

i f ( logical expression) t hen

el se i f ( logical expression) t hen

el se i f ( logical expression) t hen

el se

end i f

Try writing the above case statement using this form of the i f clause. Ask a
demonstrator to check that it is correct.

9.2 Other forms of do loops

We have already met the do loop in which the number of times round the do loop we
go is determined at the start:

[ name: ] do var = start, stop [ , step]
end do [ name]

There are two other forms of the do loop which are useful; one we have seen already
in a example:

[ name: ] do whi l e (logical expression)
end do [ name]

Here the loop is repeated while the logical expression evaluates to . t r ue. .

The final form of the do loop requires that you use an exi t statement somewhere
within it, as the do loop is set up to loop indefinitely:

[ name: ] do
need some test which will result in an exi t
end do [ name]


Suggested Exercise 2

Write a program which initialises two arrays

r eal ( ki nd( 1. 0d0) ) : : x( 128) , y( 128)

as the real and imaginary parts of a complex vector. The real part x should contain
x(i) = sin(i/a) where a is a parameter to be read in. The imaginary part, y, should be
initialised to zero. The arrays should be initialised in a subroutine called from the
main program.

Now extend the program to use a NAG routine to take the Fourier transform of the
values and write the result out to disc so that the data can be plotted in gnupl ot .
For the purposes of this exercise you can simply adopt an arbitrary scale for the

You can find a solution to this problem in the examples directory

$PHYTEACH/ par t _2/ exampl es/ exer ci se2. f 90


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