Department of Mathematics MAL 250 (Probability and Stochastic Processes) Tutorial Sheet No. 1
Department of Mathematics MAL 250 (Probability and Stochastic Processes) Tutorial Sheet No. 1
Department of Mathematics MAL 250 (Probability and Stochastic Processes) Tutorial Sheet No. 1
) (n 1).
23. Suppose that n non identical balls are distributed in n urns, in such a way that all the n
possible arrange-
ments are equally likely. Find the probability that ONLY the rst urn is empty.
24. Find the probability that the sum of two randomly chosen positive real numbers(both 1) will not exceed
1 and that their product will be 2/9.
25. A batch of N transistors is dispatched from a factory. To control the quality of the batch the following
checking procedure is used; a transistor is chosen at random from the batch, tested and placed on one side.
This procedure is repeated until either a pre-set number n(n < N) of transistors have passed the test (in
which case the batch is accepted) or one transistor fails (in this case the batch is rejected). Suppose that the
batch actually contains exactly D faulty transistors. Find the probability that the batch will be accepted.
26. The rst generation of particles is the collection of o-springs of a given particle. The next generation is
formed by the o-springs of these members. If the probability that a particle has k o springs (splits into
k parts) is p
, where p
= 0.4, p
= 0.3, p
= 0.3, nd the probability that there is no particle in second
generation. Assume particles act independently and identically irrespective of the generation.
27. An aircraft has four engines in which two engines in each wing. The aircraft can land using atleast two
engines. Assume that the reliability of each engine is R = 0.93 to complete a mission, and that engine
failures are independent.
a) Obtain the mission reliability of the aircraft.
b) If at least one functioning engine must be on each wing, what is the mission reliability?