A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India: Research Papers
A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India: Research Papers
A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India: Research Papers
ReviewOf Research
ROR (1),
Key words:, E-business, , Electronic Card
(debit,credit), E-payment, E-data interchange,
Electronic funds, E-services, E-trade,
1. Introduction
E-commerce stands for electronic
commerce. It means dealing in goods and services
through the electronic media and internet. As a
result of globalization and revolutionized
technology and in many ways its feature, the term
e-commerce represents the edge of success in this
modern age computers and technology On the
Internet, it relates to a website of the vendor, who
sell products or services directly to the customer
from the portal using a digital shopping cart or
digital shopping basket system and allows
payment through credit card, debit card or EFT
payments. E-commerce involves carrying on a
business with thehelp of the internet and by using
the information technology like Electronic
DataInterchange. In general words, Electronic
commerce is the activity of buying and selling of
the goods and services across the world through
the World Wide Web.
2. Need of the Study
Growth of E-Business in India is
tremendous but still has lot of barriers which are
the obstacles in the way of E business. It needs a
focus and should be prioritize to make the country
in the lines of E-Business. We should look into
these barriers and steps should be taken to address
them.In this paper I describe the definitions and
understanding of E-business, the differences
between E-Commerce and E-Business, its
advantages over traditional commerce, types, E-
Business in India. In this paper I present you list of
the factors and the reasons behind these factors
which affect the growth of E-business, proposed
solutions for some of these factors. Proposed
model address some of the problems faced by
enabling the traders, farmers and buyers can sell
and purchase their products respectively like
fruits, vegetables in quantities of metric tonnes
regularly which is not possible in existing B2B,
B2C, C2C websites. These programs must be
conducted by government organizations which
eliminates the need of brokers, commission
Research Papers
Future of ecommerce is very innovative in India with even the stock exchanges coming online
providing a online stock portfolio and status with a fifteen minute delay in prices. . Now country growing
awareness among the business community in India about the opportunities offered by Ecommerce. The main
factor of E-Commerce is adopting in India and the result of the study shows that the major problems facing E-
commerce in India. E-commerce stands for electronic commerce. E-commerce is improving standard among the
business community in worlds, about the opportunities offered by E-commerce. And its trading in goods and
services through the electronic medium. There are the issues of security and citizen's income and therefore the
implementation of sophisticated security measures could make a difference and change in Indian's mentality
about E-Commerce. E-Commerce has unleashed yet another revolution, which is changing the way businesses
buy and sell products and services. India is showing tremendous growth in the Ecommerce so now a day, low cost
of the PC and the growing use of the Internet.
Prof .Waghmare G .T.
A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India
Prof .Waghmare G .T.
Department of Commerce
Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya,
Vol.1,Issue.VII/April 2012;
ROR (2),
agents, and intermediaries and infuses trust in the
participants get into E-business.
3. External Global trends;-
Business models across the world also
continue to change drastically with the advent of
ecommerce and this change is not just restricted to
USA. Amongst emerging economies, China's
ecommerce presence continues to expand. With
384 million internet users, China's online shopping
sales rose to $36.6 billion in 2009 and one of the
reasons behind the huge growth has been the
improved trust level for shoppers. Other countries
are also contributing to the growth of ecommerce.
For example, the United Kingdom has the biggest
e-commerce market in the world when measured
by the amount spent per capita, even higher than
the USA. The internet economy in UK is likely to
grow by 12% between 2010 to 2016.
4.Types of E-Commerce:
B2B E-Commerce: Companies doing business
with each other such as manufacturers selling to
distributors and Wholesalers selling to retailers.
Pricing is based on quantity of order and is often
B2C E-Commerce: Businesses selling to the
general public typically through cataloes utilizing
shopping cart software. By dollar volume, B2B
takes the prize, however B2C is really what the
average Joe has in mind with regards to
ecommer ce as a whol e. f or exampl e
C2C E-Commerce: There are many sites offering
free classifieds, auctions, and forums where
individuals can buy and sell thanks to online
payment systems like PayPal where people can
send and receive money online with ease. eBay's
auction service is a great example of where
customer-to-customer transactions take place
every day.
G2G (Government-to-Government), G2E
(Government-to-Employee), G2B (Government-
to-Business), B2G (Business-to-Government),
G2C (Government-to-Citizen), C2G (Citizen-to-
Government) this all are forms of ecommerce that
involve transactions with the government--from
procurement to filing taxes to business
registrations to renewing licenses.
5. E-commerce Status and Utilisation in India.
Today E-commerce is a backbone in Indian
society and it has become an integral part of our
daily life. There are websites providing any
number of goods and services. Then there are
those, which provide a specific productalong with
its allied services Multi-product e-commerce-
A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India
These Indian E-commerce portals provide goods
and services in a variety of categories, for
1) Stocks and shares and e-commerce- In India
today, we can even deal in stocks and shares
through e-commerce. Some of the services offered
to registered members are: Online buying/selling
of stocks and shares, Market analysis and research,
Company information, Comparison of companies,
Research on Equity and Mutual Funds.
2) Real estate and e-commerce- They provide
information on new properties as well as
properties for resale. One can deal directly with
developer through consultant. Allied services:
Housing Finance, Insurance companies,
Architects & Interior Designers, NRI services,
Packers &Movers.
3) Hobbies and e-commerce- The most popular
hobbies from time immemorial are reading, music
and films. The books cover a wide range of topics
like Business, Art, Cookery, Engineering,
Children's Stories, Health, Medicine, Biographies,
Horror, Home & Garden, etc.
4) Employment and e-commerce- Two major
portals like www.Monsterindia.com and
www.naukri.com (meaning job.com in Hindi) are
instrumental in providing job seekers with suitable
employment at the click of a mouse. The service
for job seekers is free and for Employers they
charge a nominal fee. Jobs are available online in
fields ranging from secretarial to software
development, and from real estate to education.
5) Travel & tourism and e-commerce- India has
a rich history and heritage and e-commerce is
instrumental, to a large extent, in selling India as a
product, encouraging Indians as well as foreigners
to see its multifaceted culture and beauty. The
tourist destination sites are categorized according
to themes like: Adventure - trekking, mountain
climbing etc, Eco-Themes pertains to jungles,
flora and fauna.
6. International Authorities for E-trade
Regulation ;-
There is also Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 with
the vision of achieving stability, security and
prosperity for the region through free and open
trade and investment. APEC has an Electronic
Commerce Staring Group as well as working on
common privacy regulations throughout the APEC
region. Internationally there is the International
Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network
(ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an
informal network of government customer fair
ReviewOf Research
Vol.1,Issue.VII/April 2012;
ROR (3),
trade organisations. The purpose was stated as
being to find ways of co-operating on tackling
consumer problems connected with cross-border
transactions in both goods and services, and to help
ensure exchanges of information among the
participants for mutual benefit and understanding.
7. Benefits of E-Commerce to Businesses.
There is a growing awareness among the
business community in India about the
opportunities offered by e-Commerce. Safe and
secure payment modes are crucial too along with
the need to invent and popularize innovations such
as Mobile Commerce. The other reports available
on India Reports are on retail, outsourcing,
tourism, food and other emerging sectors in India.
1.Unlimited shelf place for products and services
2.The young population find online transactions
much easier
3.Easy reach to a fast growing online community
4.Improved fraud prevention technologies that
offer a safe and secure business environment and
help prevent credit card frauds, identity thefts and
5.Bigger web presence of SME's and Corporate
because of lower marketing and infrastructure
6.Fuse the global geographical and time zone
7.Rapidly increasing Internet user base
8.Technology advancements such as VOIP
(Voiceover-IP) have bridged the gap between
buyers and sellers online
9.The emergence of blogs as an avenue for
information dissemination and two-way
communication for online retailers and E-
commerce vendors
There are various user of E-Commerce in
8. Ecommerce Barriers are most follow in
Some of the infrastructural barriers
responsible for slow growth of ecommerce in India
are as follows. Some of these even present new
business opportunities.
A. Payment Cash And Collection: When get paid
by net banking one has to end up giving a
significant share of revenue (4% or more) even
with a business of thin margin. This effectively
A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India
means y parting away with almost half of profits.
Fraudulent charges, charge backs etc. all become
merchant's responsibility and hence to be
accounted for in the business model.
B. Vendor Management: However advanced
system may be, vendor will have to come down
and deal in an inefficient system for inventory
management. This will slow down drastically.
Most of them won't carry any digital data for their
products. No nice looking photographs, no digital
data sheet, no mechanism to check for daily prices,
availability to keep your site updated.
C. Taxation: Octroi, entry tax, VAT and lots of
state specific forms which accompany them. This
can be confusing at times with lots of exceptions
and special rules.
D. Logistics: You have to deliver the product, safe
and secure, in the hands of the right guy in right
time frame. Regular post doesn't offer an
acceptable service level; couriers have high
charges and limited reach. Initially, you might
have to take insurance for high value shipped
articles increasing the cost.
E. Multiple issues of trust and lack of payment
gateways: privacy of personal and business data
connected over the Internet not assured; security
and confidentiality of data not in place.
F. Multiple gaps in the current legal and regulatory
G. Multiple gaps in the current legal and regulatory
H. Limited Internet access among customers and
I. Poor telecom and infrastructure for reliable
9. Impact on markets and retailers.
Economists have theorized that e-
commerce ought to lead to intensified price
competition, as it increases consumers' ability to
gather information about products and prices.
Research by four economists at the University of
Chicago has found that the growth of online
shopping has also affected industry structure in
two areas that have seen significant growth in e-
commerce, bookshops and travel agencies.
Generally, larger firms have grown at the expense
of smaller ones, as they are able to use economies
of scale and offer lower prices. The lone exception
to this pattern has been the very smallest category
of bookseller, shops with between one and four
employees, which appear to have withstood the
10. Various roll of Ecommerce in India.
Today, we are talking about e-commerce
ReviewOf Research
Are Using
In Business
Vol.1,Issue.VI/March 2012;
ROR (4),
progress level of India, the seventh-largest by
geographical area, the second-most populous
country, and the most populous democracy in the
world. Indian E-commerce space percentage is
getting higher as more and more online retailers
enter the market. Although this level of entry in the
e-commerce market is good from a long term
perspective, the challenge is that most
entrepreneurs don't have the resources or capital to
wait for years before they can get profits. The past
3 years have seen a rise in the number of
companies' embracing e-commerce technologies
and the Internet in India. Most E-commerce sites
have been targeted towards the NRI's with Gift
del i ver y s er vi ces , books , Audi o and
videocassettes. Major Indian portal sites have also
shifted towards E-commerce instead of depending
on advertising revenue. The web communities
built around these portal sites with content have
been effectively targeted to sell everything from
event and movie tickets the grocery and
computers. This is not to say that the E-commerce
scenario has been bad in India as highly successful
E-business like baba bazaar and India mart have
proved. Indian Banks too have been very
successful in adapting EC and EDI Technologies
to provide customers with real time account status,
transfer of funds between current and checking
accounts, stop payment facilities. ICICI Bank,
AND UTI-Bank also have put their electronic
banking over the internet facilities in place for the
upcoming e-commerce market speed post also
plain to clone the federal express story with online
package status at any moment in time.The day
cannot be far when with RBI regulations will able
to see stock transfer and sale over the Net with
specialized services.
11. Business applications use under E-
Commerce; There are some common
applications related to electronic commerce are
the following;
1. Document automation in supply chain and
2. Domestic and international payment
3. Enterprise content management
4. Group buying
5. Automated online assistants
6. Instant messaging
7. Newsgroups
8. Online shopping and order tracking
9. Online banking
10. Online office suites
11. Shopping cart software
A Business Review of E-COMMERCE in India
12. Teleconferencing , Electronic tickets
12. Conclusion
A developing country can become
industrialized and modernized if it can extensively
apply IT to enhance productivity and international
competitiveness, develop ecommerce and e-
governance applications. An information-based
society or knowledge based society is composed of
IT products, IT applications in society
andeconomy as a whole. Many countries in Asia
are taking advantage of E-commerce through
opening of economies, which is essential for
promoting competition and diffusion of Internet
technologies. Large enough to have a critical mass
of 10 to 20 million users to be able to make an
impact on e-commerce and e-governance. In the
next 3 to 5 years, India will have 30 to 70 million
Internet users which will equal, if not surpass,
many of the developed countries. Internet
economy will then become moremeaningful in
India. With the rapid expansion of internet, E-
commerce, is set to play a very important role in
the 21st century, the new opportunities that will be
thrown open,will be accessible to both large
corporations and small companies. The role of
government is to provide a legal framework for E-
Commerce so that while domestic and
international trade are allowed to expand their
horizons, basic rights such as privacy, intellectual
property, prevention of fraud, consumer protection
etc are all taken care of.
13. References.
1. P T Joseph, text book on E-Commerce in India.
2. Electronic Banking Group of the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision, Risk.
Management Principles for Electronic Banking,
July, 2003.
3. Electronic commerce from Wikipedia-the free
4. Department of Electronics 1999, Information
technology Bill along with cyber laws,govt of
5. Sinha (April 2009), Ecommerce in India The
Real Challenges
6. Kapurubandara, M. Arunatileka, S. Gnige
"Application of e-business strategies for SMEs in
developingcountries", 2004, International
conference on e-Commerce and e-Service
7. Rastogi, Rajiv; Country's report on E
Commerce Initiatives.
8. Zorayda Ruth Andam (2003) "e-Commerce and
e-Business" in e-ASEAN task force.
ReviewOf Research