Multiple Intelligences Test
Multiple Intelligences Test
Multiple Intelligences Test
Where does your true intelligence lie? This quiz will tell you where you stand and
what to do about it. Read each statement. If it expresses some characteristic of yours
and sounds true for the most part, ot down a !T.! If it doesn"t, mar# an !$.! If the
statement is sometimes true, sometimes false, lea%e it blan#.
&. ''''' I"d rather draw a map than gi%e someone %erbal directions.
(. ''''' I can play )or used to play* a musical instrument.
+. ''''' I can associate music with my moods.
,. ''''' I can add or multiply in my head.
-. ''''' I li#e to wor# with calculators and computers.
.. ''''' I pic# up new dance steps fast.
/. ''''' It"s easy for me to say what I thin# in an argument or debate.
0. ''''' I enoy a good lecture, speech or sermon.
1. ''''' I always #now north from south no matter where I am.
&2. ''''' 3ife seems empty without music.
&&. ''''' I always understand the directions that come with new gadgets or
&(. ''''' I li#e to wor# puzzles and play games.
&+. ''''' 3earning to ride a bi#e )or s#ates* was easy.
&,. ''''' I am irritated when I hear an argument or statement that sounds illogical.
&-. ''''' 4y sense of balance and coordination is good.
&.. ''''' I often see patterns and relationships between numbers faster and easier
than others.
&/. ''''' I enoy building models )or sculpting*.
&0. ''''' I"m good at finding the fine points of word meanings.
&1. ''''' I can loo# at an obect one way and see it sideways or bac#wards ust as
(2. ''''' I often connect a piece of music with some e%ent in my life.
(&. ''''' I li#e to wor# with numbers and figures.
((. ''''' 5ust loo#ing at shapes of buildings and structures is pleasurable to me.
(+. ''''' I li#e to hum, whistle and sing in the shower or when I"m alone.
(,. ''''' I"m good at athletics.
(-. ''''' I"d li#e to study the structure and logic of languages.
(.. ''''' I"m usually aware of the expression on my face.
(/. ''''' I"m sensiti%e to the expressions on other people"s faces.
(0. ''''' I stay !in touch! with my moods. I ha%e no trouble identifying them.
(1. ''''' I am sensiti%e to the moods of others.
+2. ''''' I ha%e a good sense of what others thin# of me.
6lace a chec# mar# by each item you mar#ed as !true.! 7dd your totals. 7 total of
four in any of the categories 7 through 8 indicates strong ability. In categories $ and
9 a score of one or more means you ha%e abilities as well.
M usical
7 ___ 4 ___ 2 ___ 1 ___ 6 ___ 26 ___ 27 ___
8 ___ 5 ___ 3 ___ 9 ___ 13 ___ 28 ___ 29 ___
14___ 12 ___ 10 ___ 11___ 15 ___ 30 ___
18 ___ 16 ___ 20 ___ 19___ 17 ___
25 ___ 21 ___ 23 ___ 22___ 24 ___
Totals: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
The Seven Multiple Intelligences in Children
Children who
are strongly:
Think Love Need
Linguistic in words
reading, writing,
telling stories, playing
word games, etc.
books, tapes, writing tools paper
diaries, dialogues, discussion,
debate stories
by reasoning
questioning, figuring
out puzzles,
calculating, etc.
things to explore and think about,
science materials, manipulatives,
trips to the planetarium and
science museum
Spatial in images designing, drawing, art, LEGs, video, movies,
and pictures
visualizing, doodling,
slides, imagination games,
mazes, puzzles, illustrated
books, trips to art museums
dancing, running,
!umping, building,
touching, gesturing,
role play, drama, movement,
things to build, sports and
physical games, tactile
experiences, hands"on learning
via rhythms
and melodies
singing, whistling,
humming, tapping
feet and hands,
listening, etc..
sing"along time, trips to concerts,
music playing at home and
school, musical instruments
by bouncing
ideas off
other people
leading, organizing,
relating, manipulating,
mediating, partying,
friends, group games, social
gatherings, community events,
clubs, mentors#apprenticeships
deeply inside
setting goals,
meditating, dreaming,
being quiet,
secret places, time alone, self"
paced pro!ects, choices
:ame of ;tudent< '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
In each of the following categories, chec# all items that apply.
Linguistic Intelligence
''''' writes better than a%erage for age
''''' spins tall tales or tells o#es and stories
''''' has a good memory for names, places, dates, or tri%ia
''''' enoys word games
''''' enoys reading boo#s
''''' spells words accurately )preschool< does de%elopmental spelling that is
ad%anced for age*
''''' appreciates nonsense rhymes, puns, tongue twisters, etc.
''''' enoys listening to the spo#en word )stories, commentary on the radio, tal#ing,
''''' has a good %ocabulary for age
''''' communicates to others in a highly %erbal way
=ther 3inguistic ;trengths<
L#gic$l%M$the&$tic$l Intelligence
''''' as#s a lot of questions about how things wor#
''''' computes arithmetic problems in his>her head quic#ly )preschool< math
concepts are ad%anced for age*
''''' enoys math class )preschool< enoys counting and doing other things with
''''' finds math computer games interesting )no exposure to computers< enoys other
math or counting games*
''''' enoys playing chess, chec#ers, or other strategy games )preschool< board
games requiring counting squares*
''''' enoys wor#ing on logic puzzles or brain teasers )preschool< enoys hearing
logical nonsense such as in 7lice"s 7d%entures in Wonderland*
''''' enoys putting things in categories or hierarchies
''''' li#es to experiment in a way that shows higher order cogniti%e thin#ing
''''' thin#s on a more abstract or conceptual le%el than peers
''''' has a good sense of cause?effect for age
=ther 3ogical?4athematical ;trengths<
Sp$ti$l Intelligence
''''' reports clear %isual images
''''' reads maps, charts, and diagrams more easily that text )preschool< enoys
%isuals more than text*
''''' daydreams more than peers
''''' enoys art acti%ities
''''' draws figures that are ad%anced for age
''''' li#es to %iew mo%ies, slides, or other %isual presentations
''''' enoys doing puzzles, mazes, Where"s Waldo? or similar %isual acti%ities
''''' builds interesting three?dimensional constructions for age )e.g., 389=
''''' gets more out of pictures than words while reading
''''' doodles on wor#boo#s, wor#sheets, or other materials
=ther ;patial ;trengths<
'#dil(%Kinesthetic Intelligence
''''' excels in one or more sports )preschool< shows physical prowress ad%anced for
''''' mo%es, twitches, taps, or fidgets while seated for a long time in one spot
''''' cle%erly mimics other people"s gestures or mannerisms
''''' lo%es to ta#e things apart and put them bac# together again
''''' put his>her hands all o%er something he>she"s ust seen
''''' enoys running, umping, wrestling, or similar acti%ities )older< show this in a
more restrained! way, e.g., woodwor#ing, sewing, mechanics* or good fine?motor
coordination in other ways
''''' has a dramatic way of expressing himself>herself
''''' reports different physical sensations while thin#ing or wor#ing
''''' enoys wor#ing with clay or other tactile experiences )e.g., finger?painting*
=ther @odily?Ainesthetic ;trengths<
Music$l Intelligence
''''' tells you when music sounds off?#ey or disturbing in some way other way
''''' remembers melodies of songs
''''' has a good singing %oice
''''' plays a musical instrument or sings in choir or other group )preschool< enoys
playing percussion instruments and>or singing in a group*
''''' has a rhythmic way of spea#ing and>or mo%ing
''''' unconsciously hums to himself>herself
''''' taps rhythmically on the table or des#s as he>she wor#s
''''' sensiti%e to en%ironmental noises )e.g., rain on the roof*
=ther 4usical ;trengths<
Interpers#n$l Intelligence
''''' enoys socializing with peers
''''' seems to be a natural leader
''''' gi%es ad%ice to friends who ha%e problems
''''' seems to be street smart
''''' belongs to clubs, committees, or other group organizations )preschool< seems
to be part of a general education social group*
''''' enoys informally teaching other #ids
''''' li#es to play games with other #ids
''''' has two or more close friends
''''' has a good sense of empathy or concern for others
''''' others see# out his>her empathy or concern for others
''''' others see# out his>her company
=ther Interpersonal ;trengths<
Intr$pers#n$l Intelligence
''''' displays a sense of independence or a strong will
''''' has a realistic sense of his>her strengths and wea#nesses
''''' does well when left alone or to play or study
''''' marches to the beat of a different drummer in his>her style of li%ing and
''''' has an interest or hobby that he>she doesn"t tal# much about
''''' has a good sense of self?direction
''''' prefers wor#ing alone to wor#ing with others
''''' accurately expresses how he>she is feeling
''''' is able to learn from his>her failures and successes in life
''''' has high self?esteem
=ther Intrapersonal ;trengths<
8xcerpted from 7rmstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, 7lexandria, Birginia,
7ssociation for ;uper%ision and Curriculum De%elopment )&11,*.
The following list pro%ides a sur%ey of the techniques and materials that can be
employed in teaching through the multiple intelligences.
Linguistic Intelligence
lectures, debates
large? and small?group discussions
boo#s, wor#sheets, manuals
writing acti%ities
word games
sharing time
storytelling, speeches, reading to class
tal#ing boo#s and cassettes
extemporaneous spea#ing
ournal #eeping
choral reading
indi%idualized reading
memorizing linguistic facts
tape recording one"s words
using word processors
publishing )e.g., creating class newspapers*
L#gic$l%M$the&$tic$l Intelligence
mathematical problems on the board
;ocratic questioning
scientific demonstrations
logical problem?sol%ing exercises
creating codes
logic puzzles and games
classifications and categorizations
quantifications and calculations
computer programming languages
science thin#ing
logical?sequential presentation of subect matter
6iagetian cogniti%e stretching exercises
Sp$ti$l Intelligence
charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps
%ideos, slides, and mo%ies
%isual puzzles and mazes
+?D construction #its
art appreciation
imaginati%e storytelling
picture metaphors
creati%e daydreaming
painting, collage, %isual arts
idea s#etching
%isual thin#ing exercises
graphic symbols
using mind?maps and other %isual organizers
computer graphics software
%isual awareness acti%ities
optical illusions
color cues
telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars
%isual awareness acti%ities
draw?and?paint>computer? assisted?design software
picture literacy experiences
'#dil(%Kinesthetic Intelligence
creati%e mo%ement, mime
hands?on thin#ing
field trips
the classroom teacher
competiti%e and cooperati%e games
physical awareness and relaxation exercises
all hands?on acti%ities
body maps
use of #inesthetic imagery
coo#ing, gardening, and other !messy! acti%ities
%irtual reality software
#inesthetic concepts
physical education acti%ities
communicating with body language> hand signals
tactile materials and experiences
body answers
Music$l Intelligence
musical concepts
singing, humming, whistling
playing recorded music
playing li%e music on piano, guitar, or other instruments
group singing
mood music
music appreciation
playing percussion instruments
rhythms, songs, raps, chants
using bac#ground music
lin#ing old tunes with concepts
creating new melodies for concepts
listening to inner musical imagery
music software
supermemory music
Interpers#n$l Intelligence
cooperati%e groups
interpersonal interaction
conflict mediation
peer teaching
board games
cross?age tutoring
group brainstorming sessions
peer sharing
community in%ol%ement
academic clubs
interacti%e software
parties > social gatherings as context for learning
people sculpting
Intr$pers#n$l Intelligence
independent study
feeling?toned moments
self?paced instruction
indi%idualized proects and games
pri%ate spaces for study
one?minute reflection periods
interest centers
personal connections
options for homewor#
choice time
self?teaching programmed instruction
exposure to inspirational> moti%ational curricula
self?esteem acti%ities
ournal #eeping
goal setting sessions
Multiple Intelligences Chec*list
This checklist is adapted from one de%eloped by Thomas Armstrong, which appears
in Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, a 1994 publication of the Association for
Superision and Curriculum !eelopment, Ale"andria, #A$
Linguistic Intelligence Music$l Intelligence
Interpers#n$l Intelligence
Sp$ti$l Intelligence Intr$pers#n$l Intelligence
:ote that you will not be able to actually input your answers onto this chec#list. Fou
will need to #eep a record of the items that apply to you, and then tally them for a
total for each intelligence.
Linguistic Intelligence)
I +++
''' write well and enoy putting thoughts on paper )or in the
''' enoy telling stories or o#es.
''' can remember names, places, dates or tri%ia.
''' enoy word games.
''' enoy reading boo#s and magazines.
''' am a good speller.
''' enoy nonsense rhymes, limeric#s, puns, etc.
''' enoy listening to the spo#en word.
''' ha%e a good %ocabulary.
''' enoy communicating by tal#ing or writing.
T#t$l ,,,,,,,
L#gic$l%M$the&$tic$l Intelligence)
''' as# questions about how things wor#.
''' can do arithmetic problems in my head.
''' enoy math classes.
''' enoy math games, e.g., computer math games.
''' enoy chess, chec#ers, or other strategy games.
''' enoy logic puzzles or brainteasers.
''' li#e to put things in categories or hierarchies.
''' li#e to use a %ariety of thin#ing s#ills to figure things out
''' am good at thin#ing on an abstract or conceptual le%el.
''' clearly see cause?effect relationships.
T#t$l ,,,,,,,
Sp$ti$l Intelligence)
I +++
''' can %isualize things clearly in my mind.
''' li#e maps, charts and diagrams better than words.
''' often daydream.
''' enoy artistic acti%ities.
''' good at drawing things.
''' li#e mo%ies, pictures and other %isual presentations.
''' enoy mazes, igsaw puzzles, and Rubi#"s Cubes.
''' can manipulate three dimensional drawings in my head.
''' frequently doodle or s#etch.
''' enoy creating designs on paper or by computer.
T#t$l ,,,,,,
'#dil(%Kinesthetic Intelligence)
I +++
''' am good at sports.
''' fidget when as#ed to sit for %ery long.
''' am good at mimic#ing others" gestures.
''' li#e ta#ing things apart and putting them bac# together.
''' li#e touching>holding obects and mo%ing them around.
''' enoy being on the goG running, umping, mo%ing, wrestling.
''' li#e wor#ing with my hands, e.g., sewing, repairing, ma#ing
''' use many gestures when expressing myself
''' experience different physical sensations when thin#ing or
''' enoy expressing myself through mo%ement, e.g., dance
T#t$l ,,,,,,
Music$l Intelligence)
I ...
''' can distinguish among different sounds>tones.
''' remember melodies easily.
''' can carry a tune.
''' can play a musical instrument.
''' often hum or sing to myself.
''' am sensiti%e to noises, e.g., rain, traffic.
''' li#e doing things in a rhythmic way.
''' can hear music in my head.
''' enoy reading music.
''' can #eep time to a %ariety of music.
T#t$l ,,,,,,
Interpers#n$l Intelligence)
I +++
''' enoy socializing
''' am a natural leader.
''' am a good listener when friends ha%e problems.
''' ma#e friends easily.
''' enoy clubs, committees and organizations.
''' li#e teaching things to others.
''' ha%e many good friends and close acquaintances..
''' am good at seeing another person"s point of %iew.
''' enoy tal#ing to groups.
''' enoy exchanging ideas with others.
Total ''''''
Intr$pers#n$l Intelligence)
I +++
''' #now how to set goals and reach them.
''' clearly #now my strengths and wea#nesses.
''' am comfortable with myself and enoy my own company.
''' feel good about who I am and what I stand for.
''' would be described as someone who !has their act together.!
''' stand up for what I belie%e, regardless of what others thin#.
''' am continually learning from my successes and failures.
''' am not much concerned about fads, fashion or what is !in.!
''' am always honest and up front about how I am feeling.
''' almost ne%er feel bored or !down.!
T#t$l ,,,,,,