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The Karlsruhe Physics Course

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Volume 1

(English version May 2006)
H e r r m a n n - J o b
T h e K a r l s r u h e P h y s i c s C o u r s e
Friedrich Herrmann and Georg Job
Der Karlsruher Physikkurs
A Physics Text Book for the Lower Secondary School
Volume 1
May 2006
With the colaboration of Karen Haas, Dr. Matthias Laukenmann, Dr. Loren-
zo Mingirulli, Dr. Petra Morawietz, Dr. Peter Schmlzle
Illustrations: F. Herrmann
Translation: GETS (German English Translation Services)
Robin Fuchs, Winterthur
Table of contents
1. Energy And Energy Carriers ................................................................................................9
1.1 Energy .................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Energy sources and energy receivers ...............................................................................10
1.3 Energy exchangers ............................................................................................................12
1.4 The energy current ............................................................................................................14
2. Flows of Liquids and Gases .................................................................................................17
2.1 Pressure .............................................................................................................................17
2.2 Air pressure, excess pressure, vacuum .............................................................................17
2.3 Pressure difference as driving force for a gas or liquid current .......................................18
2.4 Pumps ...............................................................................................................................19
2.5 Current intensity ...............................................................................................................19
2.6 Current and driving force .................................................................................................20
2.7 Current and resistance ......................................................................................................21
2.8 Hydraulic energy transfer .................................................................................................22
3. Momentum and Momentum Currents ...............................................................................25
3.1 Physical quantities ............................................................................................................25
3.2 Momentum and velocity ...................................................................................................26
3.3 Momentum pumps ............................................................................................................30
3.4 Momentum conductors and insulators ..............................................................................32
3.5 Drives and brakes .............................................................................................................33
3.6 Steady state........................................................................................................................35
3.7 Direction of momentum currents ......................................................................................35
3.8 Compressive and tensile stress .........................................................................................36
3.9 Momentum current circuits ..............................................................................................37
3.10 The strength of momentum currents .................................................................................39
3.11 Force .................................................................................................................................40
3.12 Measuring momentum currents ........................................................................................41
3.13 Momentum currents can be destructive ............................................................................43
3.14 Velocity ............................................................................................................................44
3.15 The relation between momentum, mass, and velocity .....................................................45
3.16 SI-units .............................................................................................................................48
4. The Gravitational Field ........................................................................................................49
4.1 Vertical motion .................................................................................................................49
4.2 Gravitational attraction the gravitational field ..............................................................49
4.3 What the Earths gravitational attraction depends upon ...................................................50
4.4 Free fall .............................................................................................................................51
4.5 Falling with friction ..........................................................................................................52
4.6 Weightlessness .................................................................................................................54
4.7 Density of materials ..........................................................................................................56
4.8 When a body floats and when it sinks ..............................................................................57
4.9 The relation between pressure and altitude in liquids and gases ......................................58
5. Momentum and Energy .......................................................................................................61
5.1 Momentum as an energy carrier .......................................................................................61
5.2 Mechanical energy storage ...............................................................................................63
5.3 The complex paths of energy and momentum .................................................................65
6. Momentum as a Vector ........................................................................................................67
6.1 Vectors ..............................................................................................................................67
6.2 Direction of flow and the direction of that which flows ..................................................68
6.3 Adding vectors ..................................................................................................................71
6.4 Satellites, moons, and planets ...........................................................................................73
6.5 Wheels ..............................................................................................................................74
6.6 Ropes ................................................................................................................................76
6.7 The junction rule for momentum currents ........................................................................77
7. Torque and Center of Mass .................................................................................................79
7.1 Pulley wheels and pulley blocks .......................................................................................79
7.2 The balance of energy in a pulley block ...........................................................................82
7.3 The law of the lever ..........................................................................................................83
7.4 Equilibrium .......................................................................................................................87
7.5 Center of mass ..................................................................................................................88
7.6 Stable equilibrium ............................................................................................................90
7.7 Center of mass and energy ...............................................................................................92
8. Angular Momentum and Angular Momentum Currents .................................................95
8.1 Angular momentum and angular velocity ........................................................................95
8.2 Angular momentum pumps ..............................................................................................97
8.3 Flywheels ..........................................................................................................................98
8.4 Angular momentum conductors .......................................................................................99
8.5 Angular momentum circuits ...........................................................................................101
8.6 Angular momentum as an energy carrier ......................................................................102
9. Compressive and Tensile Stress ........................................................................................103
9.1 The relation between pressure and momentum current ..................................................103
9.2 Stress in three directions .................................................................................................104
9.3 Pressure in liquids and gases ..........................................................................................106
9.4 Density ............................................................................................................................107
9.5 Hydrostatic pressure .......................................................................................................107
9.6 More complicated containers .........................................................................................110
9.7 Buoyant force .................................................................................................................111
9.8 Tensile stress in gases and liquids ..................................................................................112
9.9 Hydraulic transport of energy .........................................................................................114
10. Entropy and Entropy Currents .......................................................................................119
10.1 Entropy and temperature ................................................................................................119
10.2 Temperature differences as driving force for an entropy current ...................................120
10.3 The heat pump ................................................................................................................122
10.4 Absolute temperature ......................................................................................................123
10.5 Entropy production .........................................................................................................124
10.6 Entropy currents .............................................................................................................126
10.7 Thermal resistance ..........................................................................................................127
10.8 Transport of entropy by convection ...............................................................................129
11. Entropy and Energy .........................................................................................................131
11.1 Entropy as energy carrier ................................................................................................131
11.2 The relationsship between energy currents and entropy currents ...................................132
11.3 Entropy production by entropy currents .........................................................................133
11.4 Heat engines ...................................................................................................................135
11.5 Entropy sources for heat engines ....................................................................................136
11.6 Energy loss .....................................................................................................................137
11.7 The relationship between entropy content and temperature ...........................................139
11.8 The relation between adding energy and change of temperature ...................................140
12. Phase Transitions .............................................................................................................143
12.1 Phase transitions .............................................................................................................143
12.2 Boiling and evaporating .................................................................................................144
12.3 Phase transitions in nature and engineering ...................................................................145
13. Gases ..................................................................................................................................147
13.1 Gases und condensed substances ....................................................................................147
13.2 Thermal properties of gases ............................................................................................148
13.3 The operating mode of heat engines ...............................................................................150
13.4 Why the air above the Earths surface gets cooler with altitude ....................................152
13.5 Thermal convection ........................................................................................................152
14. Light ...................................................................................................................................155
14.1 Transport of entropy through empty space .....................................................................155
14.2 Types of light ..................................................................................................................155
14.3 Transport of entropy and energy with light ....................................................................156
14.4 The temperature of light ..................................................................................................156
14.5 Entropy and energy balances of the Earth.......................................................................157
14.6 The greenhouse effect......................................................................................................158
E n e r g y
1. 1 E ne rg y
Automobiles need gasoline, diesel locomotives
need diesel oil, and electric locomotives need
electricity. Every vehicle needs fuel, but not only
vehicles need it. If you walk or ride a bicycle, you
also use up fuel. A person walking or riding a
bicycle uses up food. All these fuels have
something in common: A vehicle or a person gets
energy through them. Energy is what is really
needed for transportation.
Energy has something to do with effort. If we pull a
wagon, we make an effort. We need energy to pull
the wagon. While we pull we are sending energy
into the wagon.
Energy is needed in order to move something.
Motion is not the only thing energy is needed for.
Many other processes take place only when energy
is constantly being supplied.
Some kind of fuel is always needed for heat
production, such as wood, coal, natural gas,
heating oil, and electricity. Again, energy is what
counts, and it is supplied together with the fuel.
Energy is needed for producing heat.
The propellants or fuels by which energy gets into a
motor or an oven are called energy carriers. Wood,
coal, gasoline, diesel oil, natural gas, and
electricity are energy carriers.
If one wishes to move something or to heat
something, only the energy is important. Which
carrier is used is often of no importance. But if it is
the energy which really matters, why then dont we
use energy without a carrier? You might think that
this would be easier. Unfortunately, it is
impossible because energy without a carrier does
not exist.
Fuels, propellants, food, and electricity are
energy carriers. There is no energy without a
Energy is a physical quantity. What does this
mean? It is possible to give it a number just as we do
with a length, a time span, or a temperature. It has a
unit of measurement just as length, time span, or
temperature do. The unit of measurement of
energy is the Joule, abbreviated to J. Large
amounts of energy are measured in Kilo-Joule (kJ)
or Mega-Joule (MJ):
1 kJ = 1000 J
1 MJ = 1000 kJ
Energy has a symbol just like other physical
quantities do. Just as the letter l is used for length,
and time is shortened to t , the letter E is used for
energy. If a cars fuel tank contains an amount of
energy of 800 Mega-Joule, one can briefly write:
E = 800 MJ.
Dont mix up the symbol E for energy with the
symbol J for its unit.
One can say that a kilogram of fuel contains a
certain amount of Joules, Table 1.1. The energy
content for food is often printed on the package. A
completely charged 4.5-volt battery contains about
10 kJ. A fully charged auto battery has around
2000 kJ, approximately the same as a bar of
chocolate. The engine of a freight train uses up
about 10,000 MJ per hour, a wristwatch with a
digital display uses 0.1 J.
To measure the amount of energy, different
methods are used for different energy carriers. To
determine the energy consumption of a car, we
simply multiply the quantity of gasoline used
(measured in kg) by the corresponding value in
Table 1.1. The energy delivered to a household by
means of electricity is measured by an electricity
Tab elle 1.1. Ene rgy cont ents of som e fuel s
1. Energy and Energy Carriers
coa l 30 000 kJ pro kg
bri que ts 20 000 kJ pro kg
fre shly cut woo d 8 000 kJ pro kg
pro pan e gas 46 000 kJ pro kg
heat ing oil 42 000 kJ pro kg
gas olin e 43 000 kJ pro kg
1.2 Energy sources and energy
Fig. 1.1 shows a section of a central heating unit.
Water is heated in the boiler which is usually in
the cellar. The heated water is pumped through
pipes to the individual radiators. Only a single
radiator is shown in Fig. 1.1. We call the boiler
the energy source and the radiator, the energy
receiver. The car in Fig. 1.2 obtains its energy
from the gas tank with the help of the energy
carrier gasoline. In this case, the gas tank is the
energy source and the engine is the energy
receiver. The energy for the light bulb in Fig. 1.3
comes from the power plant via the energy
carrier electricity. The power plant is the energy
source, the light bulb is the energy receiver.
When energy flows somewhere (with a carrier,
of course), what the source is and what the
receiver is can be found out. By following the
path of the energy carrier backwards to its
beginning, one finds the energy source. If the
path is followed forward to its end, one finds the
energy receiver.
The processes in the figures 1.1 to 1.3 have
something in common: In each case energy is
flowing together with its carrier from a source to
a receiver. If details are unimportant to us and
when we wish to express the similarity of the
devices and systems shown, then it is convenient
to represent the processes symbolically, as in the
figures 1.4 to 1.6. Energy source and energy
receiver are each represented by a box. The
boxes are connected by a thick arrow
Abb. 1.1. Energy flows from the boiler with the energy
carrier warm water to the radiators.
Abb. 1.2. The energy carrier gasoline carries energy from the
tank to the engine.
Abb. 1.3. The energy carrier electricity transports energy
from the power plant to the lamp.
Abb. 1.4. Energy flow diagram for Fig. 1.1
Abb. 1.5. Energy flow diagram for Fig. 1.2
Abb. 1.6. Energy flow diagram for Fig. 1.3
representing the energy, and by a thin arrow
representing the energy carrier. We call these
symbolic figures energy flow diagrams.
We wish to complete Figures 1.4 to 1.6 by
adding another aspect to them. The energy
carrier, along with the energy, goes from the
source to the receiver. After it has discharged its
energy, it generally leaves the receiver. This is
represented in Figures 1.7 to 1.9. You can see
that different things can happen to the energy
carrier after it has left the receiver.
In the case of a central heating unit, it is returned
to the source. The water flows through the feed
pipe to the radiator. It gives energy from there to
the room being heated, and in the process, it
cools down. It then flows back to the boiler
through the return pipe where it is reheated and
then recirculated. This is similar to a drink filled
into bottles with refundable deposits. After they
have been emptied, the bottles are returned to the
company where they came from. We will call
the water in central heating unit a refundable-
deposit-bottle energy carrier.
It is a different story with the energy transport in
Fig. 1.8. The gasoline burns in the motor and
transforms into exhaust. Naturally, this exhaust
gas is not returned to the gas tank. It goes out the
exhaust pipe, it is thrown away. This is similar
to one-way bottles, so we call gasoline a one-
way-bottle energy carrier.
It is easy to distinguish between the two kinds of
energy carriers. Refundable-deposit-bottle
energy carriers flow in a closed circuit. Energy
source and energy receiver are always connected
to each other by two conduits (pipes, wires, etc.).
The one-way-bottle energy carrier, on the other
hand, has only one conduit from the source to
the receiver.
Electricity must be a refundable-deposit-bottle
energy carrier because an electric cable has two
wires, Fig. 1.9.
Sometimes it is not easy to decide if one is
dealing with a one-way or a refundable-deposit
energy carrier.
An energy carrier we have not mentioned yet is
light. It carries the energy from the Sun to the
Earth, Fig.1.10. The energy receiver has no
outlet for the light. Therefore light is a one-way-
bottle energy carrier. We will go into this in
more detail later.
Hot air transports energy in exactly the same
way that warm water in central heating units
Abb. 1.10. Some energy flow diagrams
Abb. 1.7. Complete energy flow diagram for Fig. 1.1
Abb. 1.8. Complete energy flow diagram for Fig. 1.2
Abb. 1.9. Complete energy flow diagram for Fig. 1.3
transports energy from the boiler to the
radiators. This is put to use in heating
A jackhammer (pneumatic hammer) needs to be
connected to a compressor in order to work. It
receives its energy from the compressor. The
energy carrier is the compressed air. It is a one-
way-bottle energy carrier.
Liquids under pressure are also used as energy
carriers. A water turbine obtains its energy by
water under high pressure. The shovel and arms
of a shovel excavator get their energy from
hydraulic oil under high pressure.
Air and water can serve as energy carriers
without being warm or under pressure. It suffi-
ces that they are moving fast. A windmill, for
example, gets its energy through the energy
carrier moving air.
If the motor of a device (maybe a water pump),
is driven by a rotating shaft, then energy flows
from the motor through the shaft and to the
machine. The carrier by which the energy gets
through the shaft is called angular momentum.
There is always a return path for angular
momentum: It flows from the driven device
back to the motor through the foundation upon
which the device and motor are installed. It is
therefore a return-deposit-b ottle energy carrier.
This, too, we will go into later.
In Table 1.2, all these energy carriers are listed.
1 . Nam e thre e diff eren t ener gy rece iver s whi ch obta in ener gy
by mea ns of the ener gy carr ier elec tric ity.
2. Nam e thre e diff eren t ener gy sou rces whi ch emi t ener gy
with the ener gy carr ier angu lar mom entu m.
3. Nam e thre e retu rn- depo sit- bott le ener gy carr iers and thre e
one- way -bo ttle ener gy carr iers .
1. 3 En er gy ex ch an ge rs
Some of the energy sources we have listed are
made so that they never become empty: they
continuously obtain new energy, but with a
different carrier than the one they use for emitting
it. They are sources of energy with a carrier A and
receivers for energy with another carrier B. An
example would be a central heating boiler which
receives energy with the carrier heating oil and
gives it up with the carrier hot water. We say that
in the boiler energy is transferred from the carrier
heating oil to the carrier hot water. There are
still other ways of saying this, such as: the energy
carrier heating oil releases energy which is
picked up by the energy carrier hot water. The
boiler is then a so-called energy exchanger.
Correspondingly , in a car engine energy is
transferred from gasoline to angular momentum,
and in a light bulb, from electricity onto light. In
Fig. 1.11, some energy exchangers are represented
symbolically, and Table 1.3 contains a longer list
of energy exchangers with the corresponding
carriers at inlets and outlets.
One finds that for every device where energy is
transferred from a carrier A to a carrier B, there is
one that does just the opposite, meaning it transfers
energy from B to A. For instance, in an electric
motor, energy is transferred from the carrier
electricity to the carrier angular momentum. In the
generator it goes from angular momentum to
electricity. Similarly, light bulbs go together with
solar cells, or water turbines with water pumps.
Pro pell ants , fue ls, foo d
elec tric ity
ligh t
ang ular mom entu m
hot wat er, hot air
wat er and air und er pres sur e
mov ing wat er, mov ing air
Tab elle 1.2. Ene rgy carr iers
Abb . 1.11 . Ene rgy exch ange rs
Energy is often transferred several times in
succession from one carrier to another. Fig. 1.12
shows a light bulb powered by a hydro-electric
power plant.
If two energy exchangers are connected, the energy
carrier at the exit of the first one must match the one
at the inlet of the second. The rule for chaining
energy exchangers is the same as the rule for
playing dominos.
1. In Fig . 1.3, the nam es of the ener gy carr iers at the inle ts
and outl ets of both exch ange rs are mis sing . Com plet e the
figu re.
2. Ente r the nam es of the ener gy exch ange rs in Fig . 1.14 .
3. Ske tch a chai n of exch ange rs in whi ch at leas t thre e
diff eren t ener gy exch ange rs part icipa te.
4. Som e devi ces can be repr esen ted in diff eren t way s by
exch ange r sym bols . For inst ance , a vacu um clea ner can be
unde rsto od as a sing le exch ange r, and can be repr esen ted by a
sing le sym bol; or one can repr esen t it by two conn ecte d
sym bols . Dem ons trat e both of thes e pos sibi litie s.
5. In ord er to pow er a ligh t bulb with the help of a win dmi ll, an
addi tion al piec e of equi pme nt is nece ssa ry. Wha t is it? Ske tch
the flow diag ram .
6. Dev ice 1 tran sfe rs ener gy fro m carr ier A to carr ier B.
Dev ice 2 does just the oppo site , it tran sfe rs ener gy fro m carr ier
B to carr ier A. Giv e thre e pair s of ener gy exch ange rs that are
rela ted in this man ner.
Abb . 1.12 . Ene rgy bein g exch ange d thre e time s dur ing tran spo rt
ener gy exch ange r ener gy carr ier ener gy carr ier
inle t outl et
elec tric mot or elec trici ty ang luar mom entu m
ligh t bulb " ligh t
elec tric ove n " hot air
hot wate r heat er " hot wat er
elec tric pum p " wate r unde r pres sure
elec tric fan " mov ing air
Dies el com pres sor fuel com pres sed air
coal -fire d pow er plan t " elec trici ty
gaso line engi ne " ang ular mom entu m
petr oleu m lam p " ligh t
oil stov e " hot air
boil er " hot wat er
sola r cell s ligh t elec trici ty
Croo kes radi ome ter " ang ular mom entu m
sola r pane l " hot wat er
fore st " woo d
com pres sor ang. mom . com pres sed air
wat er pum p " wate r unde r pres sure
dyna mo, gene rato r " elec trici ty
prop elle r " mov ing air
wate r turb ine wate r unde r pres sure ang ular mom entu m
win d turb ine mov ing air ang ular mom entu m
Tab le 1.3. Ene rgy exch ange rs with the corr esp ond ing carr i-
ers at the inle t and outl et
Abb . 1.14 . Wha t are the ener gy exch ange rs here ?
Abb . 1.13 . Whi ch ones are the ener gy carr iers at the inle ts
and outl ets?
1. 4 Th e en er gy cu rr en t
In order to judge the energy consumption of a
device, one must find out how much energy flows
into the device during a determined time span. (The
energy must naturally flow out again.) A device
with a flow of 1000 J per second consumes more
energy than one with a flow of 500 J per second.
Imagine a device that consumes 25,000 Joules in
50 seconds. How can the energy consumption per
second be calculated from this? By dividing the
total energy of 25,000 J by 50 s. The device
therefore consumes 25,000 J / 50 s = 500 J/s.
The amount of energy divided by the time span is
called the energy current.
Energy current = Energy / time span
Using the abbreviations E for energy, t for time
span, and P for energy current, we have
Sometimes, the quantity P is also called power.
The unit of the energy current is Joule/second. A
Joule/second is called a Watt. In short:
W = J/s.
An energy current of 60 Watts flows into a standard
light bulb (with the carrier electricity). Therefore
P = 60 W.
P =
About 50 kW flow from the motor to the wheels of
a car (with the carrier angular momentum). A large
power plant delivers an energy current of
1000 MW carried by electricity.
The fraction of the energy current from the Sun that
reaches the earth is 1.7 10
MW; this is as
much as one hundred and seventy million large
power plants could deliver. When a person eats, he
or she receives energy, so an energy current flows
through the person. On average it measures about
100 W.
There are energy sources which can become
empty. Examples are car batteries, single-cell
batteries, or gas tanks. Energy can be stored in
these, so we call them energy storage units. Other
energy storage units would be a motor with a
windup mechanism, a fly wheel, a pumped
hydraulic plant, a night storage heater, a heating oil
tank, fluorescent paint, and the Sun.
A hair dry er with two sett ings has the insc ript ion:
Set ting 1: 500 W
Set ting 2: 100 0 W
Wha t does this mea n?
C u r r e n t s
Most excavation shovels, some building cranes and
many other machines are powered hydraulically .
This is easy to see by the pipes and hoses leading
from a central pump to various places in these
machines where something is to be set in motion.
There are also machines and equipment that are
driven pneumatically , for example a jackhammer.
Powering equipment pneumatically functions very
similarly to the hydraulic case, only the energy
carrier here is compressed air.
In this chapter we will investigate liquid and gas
flows as they are used in these machines. In so
doing, we will discover some simple rules. It is
worth it to take note of these rules. They are valid not
only here, meaning not only for flowing air and for
water currents. When the rules are slightly altered,
they also hold for totally different currents: for
electric currents, heat flows, and for co-called
momentum currents.
2. 1 Pr es su re
If a water faucet is turned on all the way, a strong
flow of water shoots out, Fig. 2.1. This happens
because the water in the pipes is under high
pressure. When the valve of a pumped up bicycle
tire or car tire is opened, the air comes rushing out.
This is because the air in the tires is under high
Pressure is a physical quantity just as weight, length
and energy are. The unit of pressure is called a bar .
The devices used for measuring pressure are
manometers , Fig. 2.2. Table 2.1 contains some
typical pressure values.
Another unit for pressure is the Pascal, shortened to
Pa. Here is the relation between these two units:
1 bar = 100,000 Pa.
The bar is more practical and handy than the Pascal.
The smaller unit Pascal has advantages for
physicists. The relation between pressure and other
physical quantities becomes simpler when the
Pascal is used. You will understand this better later.
2 .2 A ir pr es su re , ex ce ss pr es su re ,
va cu u m
The air around us has a pressure of almost exactly
one bar. This pressure is called standard pressure.
Air pressure is the result of the weight of the air
above pressing down on the air below it.
Because of this, air pressure decreases as altitude
increases in the atmosphere. It decreases quickly at
the beginning, and more slowly higher up. Fig. 2.3
shows the air pressure as a function of altitude above
sea level. At 4000 m, i.e., in high mountain areas, the
air pressure is about 0.6 bar.
Air pressure is not the same all the time. Its value
2. Flows of Liquids and Gases
Abb . 2.1. The wat er in the pipe s is unde r pres sur e. Abb . 2.2. Pre ssu re is mea sur ed with a pres sur e gaug e (ma no-
met er) .
Wat er pipe 2 5 bar
Aut omo bile tire 4 bar
Stea m in the boil er of a pow er plan t 150 bar
Hyd raul ic flui d of a pow er sho vel 150 bar
At the deep est part of the ocea n 100 0 bar
In a fille d oxy gen bott le 150 bar
In a full pro pane gas tank 8 bar
To crea te diam onds artif icial ly fro m
grap hite, the grap hite is put unde r
pres sur e of at leas t 15 000 bar
Ins ide the sun 221 000 000 000 bar
Tab elle 2.1. Typ ical pre ssu re valu es
changes according to the weather. The instrument
we use to measure the pressure of the air around us
has a special name. It is called a barometer.
We dont feel air pressure because it is pressing our
bodies from all sides. Even in the cavities of our
bodies, e.g., in our lungs or ears, the air is at the same
pressure as the air outside. Most manometers do not
show absolute pressure, i.e., real pressure, but the
so-called excess pressure . For example, when tire
pressure is checked, the manometer shows the
pressure difference between the air inside the tire
and the air outside.
It is possible to have a container of air that has lower
pressure than the outside air pressure. If there are no
air and no other substances in the container, then the
pressure is 0 bar. A space with no matter in it is
called a vacuum.

1. If you have a baro mete r at hom e: Rea d the air pres sur e in
the mor ning and in the even ing for 7 days . Plo t it as a fun ctio n of
time .
2 . A driv er chec ks the air in her spa re tire . The man ome ter
sho ws 0 bar exce ss pres sur e. How high is the actu al pres sur e in
the spa re tire ?
2 .3 Pr es su re di ff er en ce as dr iv in g
fo rc e fo r a ga s or liq ui d cu rr en t
When the valve of a pumped up car tire is opened,
the air flows out. It flows out of the tire where the
pressure is high to the outside where the pressure is
lower. When a package of vacuum-packed pea-
nuts is opened, it hisses. Air flows in since the pres-
sure is lower inside than outside. In both cases air
flows from a place of higher pressure to a place of lo-
wer pressure. When we attach a long thin hose to a
faucet and turn the faucet on, water flows out. In the
pipes the water is under high pressure. At the end of
the hose there is low pressure, namely standard
pressure. Water flows from places of higher pressu-
re to places of lower pressure. This is true for other
gases and liquids as well.
Liquids and gases flow by themselves from
places of higher to places of lower pressure. The
pressure difference is the driving force for liquid
and gas currents.
A car tire is pumped up and connected by a hose to
another, empty tire, Fig. 2.4. One can hear the air
flowing through the hose but after a while, it stops.
We remove the hose and measure the pressure in
both tires. Result: the pressure in both tires is the
same. In the pumped up tire, where the pressure had
a higher value at the beginning, it has gone down. In
the other tire, the pressure has increased. What hap-
pened? The air flowed from the tire with higher
pressure into the one with lower pressure until the
pressure difference, meaning the driving force for
the current, disappeared. The end state in which the
air no longer flows (although the connection is still
there) is called pressure equilibrium .
Notice that the amount of air in the final state of both
tires is not identical. There is more air in the larger
It is obvious that not pressure, but pressure diffe-
rence is the driving force for the air flow. At equi-
librium, there is no longer any air flow even when
the pressure itself is very high.
The air pres sur e in a larg e tire is 1 bar and in a sma ll one, 4 bar.
The two tire s are conn ecte d to each othe r by a hos e, so that the
air in one can flow into the othe r.
(a) Wha t hap pen s?
(b) Is the fina l pres sur e near er to 1 bar or to 4 bar?
(c) Whi ch tire has mor e air at the end?
0 10 20
Abb . 2.3. Air pres sur e as a fun ctio n of altit ude abov e sea
leve l.
Abb . 2.4. Air flow s fro m the tire with high er pres sur e to the
one with low er pres sur e.
p (ba r)
h (km )
2.4 Pumps
Often it is necessary to transport a liquid or a gas
from a place of lower pressure to a place of higher
pressure. This is achieved by use of a pump. At the
outlet of the water pump in Fig. 2.5, the water has a
higher pressure than at the inlet.
There are various kinds of pumps. Fig. 2.6 shows a
rotary pump. The incoming water flows into the
middle between the blades of the propeller wheel.
Because the wheel is turning, the water must turn
with it. It is forced outward (like a passenger in a car
going around a curve) and is pressed out of the out-
let. Centrifugal pumps are used for pumping water
out of the washing machine, for example. In Fig.
2.7, you can see how a gear pump works. Gear
pumps are good for creating large pressure differen-
ces. A somewhat different version of this pump is
used as a hydraulic pump in power excavators.
Pumps with which gases are brought to high pressu-
re are called compressors.
Pumps transport gases and liquids from places
of lower pressure to places of higher pressure.
2.5 Current intensity
There are occasions when two currents, for example
two water currents, are to be compared. One could
ask Which of them is wider? or Which of them is
faster? but often we are not interested in the width
or the speed, but rather in the current intensity or
current in short. The water current is the amount
of water that flows by a certain point within a deter-
mined time span, divided by the time span:
The amount of water can be measured in liters or ki-
lograms. The unit of a current is therefore either 1/s
or kg/s. In the Rhine river, about 1,500,000 liters
flow each second beneath the bridge at Karlsruhe.
The current of the Rhine there is 1,500,000 l/s.
In the last chapter we got to know energy currents.
They tell us how many Joules per second flow by a
certain point.
It is easy to mistake a current for its speed. The river
in Fig. 2.8 has the same current everywhere. Howe-
ver, the speed at the narrow place is greater than at
the wider one.
In Fig. 2.9, a water current of 1 l/s flows from the left
through pipe A to the intersection or junction.
Through pipe B and pipe C, currents of 0.5 l/s and
0.2 l/s, respectively, are flowing away from the in-
water current =
amount of water
time span
Abb. 2.5. The water has higher pressure at the pumps outlet
than at its inlet.
Abb. 2.6. A rotary pump
Abb. 2.7. A gear pump
Abb. 2.8. The current is the same at every section of the river.
tersection. What is the current in Pipe D, and in
which direction is the water flowing? Since water
can neither disappear nor be created in the junction,
the quantity of water flowing toward the intersec-
tion every second must be the same as that flowing
away from it. For the balance of the amount of water
to be correct, 0.3 l/s of water must flow away from
the intersection through Pipe D:
Flo win g into the junc tion
1 l/s
Flow ing awa y fro m the junc tion
0,5 l/s + 0,2 l/s + 0,3 l/s = 1 l/s.
A place where several currents meet is called a junc-
tion . We have used the junction rule in calculating
the current of water in Pipe D.
The currents flowing into a junction are, in total,
equal to the ones flowing away from it.
1. A bath tub with a capa city of 120 l, fills up in 20 min utes .
Wha t is the curr ent of wat er flow ing into the tub?
2. The curr ent in a wat er pipe is 2 l/s. In anot her one it is
3 l/s. Is it pos sibl e, usin g this info rma tion , to dete rmi ne in whi ch
pipe the wat er flow s fas ter? Giv e your reas onin g.
3. Thr ee rive rs wit h cur ren ts of 5 m
/s, 2 m
/s, and 3 m
flow toge ther at a cert ain poin t. Wha t is the curr ent afte r the con-
flue nce ?
2. 6 C ur re nt an d dr iv in g fo rc e
You have turned on the water faucet full force but
not as much water is coming out as usual. What
could be causing this? Of course it is the pressure in
the pipes. The difference between the pressure in the
water pipes and the pressure outside (standard pres-
sure of 1 bar), is the driving force of the water cur-
rent coming out of the faucet. The higher the pressu-
re in the pipes, the greater the pressure difference
and therefore the greater the current.
We fill a plastic bag with air coming out of a pumped
up automobile tire, Fig. 2.10. We do the experiment
using a tire with 2 bar excess pressure, and then
again with one at 0.5 excess pressure. We notice that
in the first case, the plastic bag fills more quickly
with air than in the second. In this case, as well, a
higher pressure difference causes a greater current.
The greater the pressure difference between two
points (the greater the driving force), the greater
the current flowing from one to the other.
Wat er flow s thro ugh the pipe in Fig . 2.11 .
(a) The curr ent at the left end of the pipe is 10 l/s. Wha t is the cur-
rent at the righ t end of the pipe ? Giv e reas ons for your ans wer .
(b) The pres sur e diff eren ce betw een the left end and the narr o-
win g is 2 bar. Is the diff eren ce betw een the righ t end and the nar-
row ing grea ter or sma ller than 2 bar? Giv e reas ons for your ans -
wer .
Abb . 2.9. Eve ry seco nd, exac tly the sam e amo unt of wat er is
flow ing thro ugh pipe A to the inte rse ctio n as flow s awa y
fro m it thro ugh pipe s B, C, and D.
Abb . 2.10 . The grea ter the pres sur e in the tire , the fas ter the
plas tic bag fills up.
Abb . 2.11 . Is the pres sur e diff eren ce betw een the narr owi ng and the righ t end of the pipe grea ter or sma ller than 2 bar?
2. 7 C ur re nt an d re si st an ce
A 50 meter long garden hose is attached to a faucet
out of which a strong jet usually flows. If the faucet
is turned fully, the water jet at the outlet of the hose is
considerably weaker. The water current with the
hose is less than without it, Fig. 2.12. Why is this? It
cannot be because of the driving force, because that
is the same in both cases. The hose is responsible for
the reduction of current: It obstructs the current of
water. It puts up a resistance to it.
Again, we will do an experiment with a car tire and a
plastic bag. We fill the plastic bag twice, with the air
out of the same tire. For the first filling, we use the
shortest hose possible and for the second, a very
long one. Both hoses have the same diameter. In the
first case, the plastic bag fills up more quickly than
in the second one. The air current is stronger in the
first case than in the second. The long hose puts up a
greater resistance to the air than the short one does.
One could say that the long hose has a greater re-
We now compare the resistance of three hoses or pi-
pes that are of the same length, but have different
cross sections. We realize that the greater the cross-
sectional area of the hose, the smaller the resistance
will be.
Every conduit sets up a resistance to the gas or li-
quid current flowing through it. The smaller the
cross-sectional area of the pipe is, and the longer
it is, the greater the resistance is.
The current is therefore not only dependent upon the
driving force, but also upon the characteristics of the
pipe through which it flows.
The current of a gas or liquid in a pipe is greater
if the pressure difference is larger between the
two ends of the pipe, and if the resistance in the
pipes is smaller.
The relationships between current, pressure diffe-
rence, and resistance, as well as between resistance,
length, and cross-sectional area of the pipe are sum-
marized in Fig. 2.13.
Fig. 2.14 shows a longer water pipe upon which
pressure gauges (manometers) have been mounted
at even intervals. We want to understand the values
shown by these gauges. We can conclude from the
higher value shown by the manometer on the left,
that the water flows from left to right, meaning from
higher pressure to lower pressure. However, we see
that already between the first and second manome-
ters the pressure drops because the water needs a
driving force to move even this small distance. This
is also true for the distance between the second and
Abb . 2.13 . The rela tion betw een curr ent, pres sur e diff eren ce
and the char acte rist ics of the cond uit
Abb . 2.14 . The decr eas of pres sur e in the narr ow part of the pipe is grea ter than in the wid er part .
Abb . 2.12 . The hos e puts up a res ista nce to the wat er curr ent.
dep end s upo n
dep end s upo n
pressure difference
cross sectional area length
third manometers, and so forth. We realize that the
pressure differences between two neighboring pres-
sure gauges in the thin part of the pipe are the same,
namely 0.6 bar. The pressure differences between
two neighboring manometers on the thick part of the
pipe are equal as well, namely 0.2 bar. The pressure
difference between two neighboring manometers
on the thin part of the pipe are not the same as on the
thick part. This is easy to understand, though. In or-
der to press the same amount of water through the
thin pipe, a greater pressure difference is necessary
than to press it through the one with a larger diame-
2. 8. H yd ra ul ic en er gy tr an sf er
A power shovel is a versatile machine. It can
move, it can turn its upper section, it can swing
and bend its arm, and it can tip the shovel at the
end of its arm, Fig. 2.15. A system of hydraulic
circuits makes all these manipulations possible.
A diesel engine drives a pump. The pump presses
hydraulic oil through pipes and hoses to the va-
rious places where something is to be moved. The
oil flows back to the pump through a second pipe.
A hydraulic motor is located where something is
to be rotated such as the wheels of the power sho-
vel or its upper section. A hydraulic cylinder is
used where something is to be moved back and
forth, Fig. 2.16.
Fig. 2.17 shows a part of the hydraulic system of
the power shovel: the pump and one of the hy-
draulic motors. One sees that the hydraulic oil
flows in a closed circuit. It is under high pressure
on its way to the motor. On its way back to the
pump, the pressure is low.
Let us describe the processes from the point of
view of energy. The energy flows from the diesel
engine to the pump with the energy carrier angu-
lar momentum. In the pump it changes its carrier.
It is transferred over to the hydraulic oil. Along
with the oil in the high-pressure pipes, it reaches
the hydraulic motor where it is again transferred
to angular momentum. After it has given up its
energy, the oil flows back to the pump. Fig. 2.18
shows the corresponding flow diagram.
Abb . 2.16 . Hyd rau lic cyli nde r
Abb . 2.17 . Hyd raul ic circ uit
Abb . 2.18 . Ene rgy flow diag ram of a hyd raul ic engi ne
Abb . 2.15 . The pow er sho vel can roll , rota te its uppe r sect ion,
swi ng and bend the arm , and tip its sho vel.
M o m e n t u m
We begin with an extensive area of physics called
mechanics. Here is a definition of it for a start:
Mechanics deals with the motion of objects. With
time we will realize that this definition is too li-
mited, but for the moment it suffices.
Mechanics is the oldest field of physics. Its most
important laws have been known for 200 years.
For a long while it was the stated goal of physics
to interpret everything happening in nature me-
chanically, to base not only the processes repre-
senting obvious movement upon mechanics, but
thermal, optical, electrical, and chemical proces-
ses as well. This viewpoint saw the world as not-
hing more than a huge and very complicated me-
It has been known since the beginning of the 20th
century that this conception is unsound. Other
parts of physics are fully equal to mechanics, for
example electricity and thermodynamics. In a gi-
ven process, mechanics as well as electricity and
heat normally play a role and other phenomena of
physics do as well. In the following, when we
deal with mechanics we will look at only one as-
pect of processes, the mechanical one. When we
investigate an object, we will be interested in
whether and how it moves. We will not worry
about what temperature it has, if it is electrically
charged, or what color it is and we will naturally
not be interested in problems having nothing to
do with physics, such as how expensive the object
is or whether it is beautiful or ugly.
Before we begin with mechanics we must first le-
arn about one of the most important tools of a
physicist: the physical quantity. We will do this in
the next section.
3.1 Physical quantities
A characteristic of physics is that it describes na-
ture quantitatively. Quantitative means that
statements are expressed in numbers. A physicist
is not satisfied to know that an object has a high
temperature, a small mass or a low speed. He
wants to determine the values of temperature,
mass or speed. His goal might be to calculate or
determine by measuring, that the object has a
temperature of 1530C, a mass of 5.3 milligrams
or a speed of 882 meters per second.
Temperature, mass and speed are called physical
quantities . There are also many other physical
quantities. Many of them are already known to
you, and others you will learn about during your
physics classes.
Physical quantities are some of the most im-
portant tools of physicists.
We want to remind ourselves of some basic rules
for dealing with physical quantities. These are ru-
les that you already know well, but maybe you
are not aware of them and do not always follow
Each physical quantity is shortened to a letter.
These abbreviations have been established inter-
nationally. Table 3.1 shows some examples.
Notice that it is important whether the abbrevia-
ted symbol is a lower or upper case letter. A cer-
tain lower case letter often stands for a different
physical quantity than the corresponding upper
case letter. For example, v means velocity (speed)
and V stands for volume. Sometimes more than
one symbol is used for a quantity. In the case of
energy this is so. The symbol E is used for energy
as well as W .
As you already know, every quantity has a unit of
measurement. The unit for time is the second, for
energy it is the Joule and for pressure, the bar.
Table 3.2 gives some examples of units of measu-
Tabelle 3.1. Names and abbreviations of some physical
Name of the quantity Symbol
mass m
velocity v
time t
volume V
energy E or W
pressure p
3. Momentum and Momentum Currents
Tabelle 3.2. Names and units of some physical quantities
Name of the quantity Unit
mass kilogram
velocity meters per second
time seconds
volume cubic meters
energy Joule
pressure bar
A unit of measurement represents a determined
amount of the quantity. The value of a quantity is
always given in multiples or fractions of its unit.
When one says, the energy content of an object
is 1000 Joules, one means that the object has
1000 times the determined unit of 1 Joule.
We abbreviate the name of a unit of measurement
in exactly the same way we have done with quan-
tities. Hence, meter is shortened to m, Jou-
le to J, and second to s. In order not to
mix up the symbols for physical quantities with
those of units of measurement, the symbols for
quantities are written in italics. This means that m
is the physical quantity mass but m is the measu-
rement of the unit of measurement meter. Units of
measurement have also been defined internatio-
nally. The quantities we have discussed so far are
in table 3.3. The table contains the names of some
quantities, the abbreviations of these names, the
corresponding units and their abbreviations.
Thanks to abbreviations of names and units, it is
possible to write physical statements very com-
pactly. Instead of the speed is one hundred me-
ters per second, we can just write
v = 100 m/s.
In place of the energy is forty thousand Joules,
we can write
E = 40,000 J.
Important: 1. Do not confuse the names of quanti-
ties and units! 2. Do not mix up the symbols for
quantities and units!
We often have to deal with very large or very
small absolute values of physical quantities. In
these cases, it is possible to use a determined
multiple or fraction of the usual unit. One labels
these multiples and fractions by putting in an
identifying word before the usual name of the
unit. The definitions of these determinatives are
listed in Table 3.4. Every determinative has an
abbreviation. These are contained in Table 3.4 as
well. We have for example:
40 000 Joule = 40 kJ = 0.04 MJ,
0.000 002 m = 0.002 mm = 2 m.
1. Name four quantities (other than those in Table 3.1), their
units of measurement, as well as the symbols for the quanti-
ties and the units.
2. Write a shorter form of the following expressions by using
the determinatives in Table 3.4:
E = 12,000,000 J
v = 1,500 m/s
p = 110,000 Pa.
3. Give the speed v = 72 km/h in units m/s.
4. Name some units of measurement of quantities that are no
longer used today.
3.2 Momentum and velocity
According to our present definition, mechanics
deals with the motion of objects or, as we someti-
mes say, bodies .
In order to begin our physical description of moti-
on we need to create the tools necessary for doing
so. You remember that our most important tools
are physical quantities. Gradually we will get to
know quite a few of these quantities. For the mo-
ment though, two quantities are enough for us.
These characterize the state of motion of a body.
One of these is already well known to you, velo-
city, which is abbreviated by v . Many units of
measurement are used for velocity: kilometers per
hour, knots, millimeters per day, etc. In physics
the unit of measurement used is meters per se-
cond, abbreviated by m/s.
The second quantity we need as a physical quan-
tity that can be given a numerical value, is cer-
tainly unknown to you at this point although you
are already well aware of it. You will quickly get
to be so comfortable with it that you will be able
Tabelle 3.3. Names and units for some physical quantities
and their abbreviations
Name of the quantity (Symbol) Unit (Symbol)
mass ( m ) kilogram (kg)
velocity ( v ) meters per second (m/s)
time ( t ) seconds (s)
volume ( V ) cubic meters (m
energy ( E ) Joule (J)
pressure ( p ) bar (bar)
Tabelle 3.4. Prefixes that are used to denote multiples and
fractions of units
Prefix Abbreviation Meaning
kilo k thousand
mega M million
giga G billion
tera T trillion
milli m thousandth
mikro millionth
nano n billionth
pico p trillionth
to determine its values. Again, it is a quantity by
which motion can be described. For example, it
can be used to describe the difference between a
vehicle standing still and one that moves. It has a
special feature that velocity does not have: it re-
presents what is contained in a body when it is in
motion and what is not in it anymore when it co-
mes to rest. Everybody knows an expression for
describing exactly this property. Every one of us
says that a heavy rolling car has impetus. The
same car has no impetus when it is no longer mo-
ving. The characteristics described by this word is
very similar to the characteristics of the physical
quantity we are looking for. Actually, we could
use this name for this quantity, i.e., impetus.
Certain expressions have become standard,
though. This quantity is called momentum. Its
symbol is p . (Attention: this symbol is the same
as the one used for pressure).
A body in motion contains momentum. If it is
moving quickly or is heavy, it has a lot of mo-
mentum. When it is not in motion, it contains
no momentum.
Later on we will discuss how to quantitatively de-
termine how much momentum (impetus) a body
contains. Right now we will get to know the unit
of momentum. It is called a Huygens , abbreviated
to Hy and named for the physicist Christian Huy-
gens (1629-1695) who made important contributi-
ons toward creating the quantity called momen-
In the following, we will develop the most im-
portant characteristics of the quantity p . In doing
so, it is enough to always keep in mind that mo-
mentum is essentially what we usually call impe-
Two identically built cars are driving down the
street, one is faster than the other, Fig. 3.1. Which
car contains more momentum? (Which car has
more impetus?) The faster moving car, which has
a higher speed.
The greater the velocity of a body, the more
momentum it contains.
A truck and a car are moving at the same speed,
say 60 km/h, side-by-side. The trucks weight is
8,000 kg, and the car weighs 1,200 kg, Fig. 3.2.
Which of these two vehicles has more momen-
tum? Of course, it is the truck. The quantity we
measure in kg, the one that is usually call
weight, is called mass in the natural sciences.
The greater the mass of a body, the more mo-
mentum it contains.
We are now able to give the definition of the unit
Huygens for momentum:
A body with a mass of 1 kg and a speed of 1 m/
s contains 1 Hy.
In the following we will do several experiments
in which friction would interfere. We will there-
fore use cars that have good bearings. A bea-
ring with very little friction can be achieved by
using air cushions instead of wheels. Fig. 3.3
shows an air track, the kind often used in experi-
ments. The track has four rows of very fine holes
out of which air flows. The gliders do not touch
the track but float upon an air cushion.
A vehicle unimpeded by friction moves upon a
horizontal track. This vehicle could be an air gli-
Abb. 3.1. The two cars are built exactly the same. The one
moving faster has more momentum.
Abb. 3.2. The two vehicles are traveling at the same speed.
The heavier one has more momentum than the lighter one.
Abb. 3.3. An air track. The glider moves almost without fric-
der or possibly a train car (without an engine)
rolling on horizontal tracks. We observe the ve-
hicle at three different points in time, Fig. 3.4. At
the first point, Fig. 3.4a, the glider is moving at a
certain speed; it therefore contains a certain
amount of momentum. At the second point, Fig.
3.4b, the speed is the same and, finally, at the
third point Fig. 3.4c, it is also the same. The mo-
mentum contained in the glider at the first point is
still there at the second and third points. The mo-
mentum is still in the vehicle, similarly to a load
that it might carry without losing any of it.
If a vehicle has bad bearings, its charge of mo-
mentum decreases with time. Later we will inves-
tigate what happens to the momentum in this
case, and where it goes. At the moment, we will
only experiment with vehicles that have good be-
arings (or air cushions) where no, or almost no
friction occurs.
Fig. 3.5a shows two identical gliders. The one on
the left, glider A, moves to the right. Glider B is
at rest. A little later, Fig. 3.5b, A bumps into B
and one can observe that after the collision, A
stays still and B moves to the right. We will ex-
plain this process by stating what happens to the
momentum. At the beginning, meaning before the
collision, A had a certain amount of momentum,
say 12 Hy, and B had none. During the collision,
the entire amount of momentum transferred from
A to B. The entire 12 Huygens was transferred
from A to B so that after the impact, glider A had
no more momentum.
Momentum can go from one body to another.
In the experiment in Fig. 3.5, there was an elastic
spring buffer between the two gliders. We will
now repeat the experiment once again. However,
this time by use of a totally inelastic buffer. We
replace the spring buffer with a piece of putty,
Fig. 3.6. The experiment now proceeds very dif-
ferently. At first, glider A moves, and B is at rest.
After the collision, though, both gliders move at
the same speed to the right. This speed is smaller
than the speed of the glider on the left before the
collision. What is the explanation? This time, not
all of the momentum is transferred from the left
glider into the one on the right. The 12 Hy are
distributed half and half over A and B so that in
the end, each has 6 Hy.
Momentum can be distributed over several bo-
What happens to the momentum in Fig. 3.6 is
comparable to what happens to the water in Fig.
3.7. In Fig. 3.7a, all of the water is in the left hand
Abb. 3.5. Before the collision (a), the glider on the left moves
and the one on the right is at rest. Afterwards (b), the right one
moves and the left one is at rest.
Abb. 3.4. The wagon has very good bearings. It doesnt lose
any momentum.
Abb. 3.6. Before colliding (a), the left hand glider moves and
the right hand one is at rest. Afterwards (b), they both move
but at a lower speed.
Abb. 3.7. The water distributes over both containers similar-
ly to how the momentum in Fig. 3.6 distributes over the two
container. after the faucet is opened, exactly half
of the water flows into the container on the right.
The water is distributed over both containers
exactly like the momentum in Fig. 3.6. It distribu-
tes over both gliders after the collision.
We now let glider A (with the inelastic buffer)
collide with two coupled gliders B and C, Fig.
3.8. This time the momentum that A had at the
beginning is distributed evenly over A, B and C.
Each one has 1/3 of the amount of momentum
that A had at the beginning. If A had 12 Hy to
start with, then each glider would have 4 Hy after
the collision.
If A collides with 3, 4 or 5 gliders at rest, its mo-
mentum is distributed over 4, 5 or 6 gliders at im-
pact. The longer the train of gliders, the less
momentum each individual glider receives and
the slower the train moves.
Instead of with a train of gliders, we let A simply
collide with a buffer at the end of the air track,
Fig. 3.9. Glider A naturally comes to an immedia-
te stop. Where did the momentum go in this case?
What is actually the collision partner of A? Initi-
ally, the collision partner is the track. The mo-
mentum distributes over A and the track. Now the
track is firmly attached to the table. The momen-
tum, therefore, distributes over A, the track and
the table. Ultimately, the table stands upon the
ground so that the momentum is further distribu-
ted into the ground. In other words, the momen-
tum flows into the Earth, where it is so widely
distributed or diluted that it isnt noticeable
Another version of the experiment looks like this:
We set a glider in motion and before it reaches
the end of the tracks, we turn off the airflow. The
air cushion disappears and the glider comes to
rest upon the track. Again, its momentum has flo-
wed into the Earth. As long as the air cushion was
available, the gliders motion was frictionless. By
removing the air cushion, we have activated fric-
tion. We can conclude that:
If a vehicle has bad bearings so that it comes to
a stop by itself, its momentum is flowing into
the Earth.
A comparison of momentum with water is useful
here as well. A vehicle with bad bearings that
rolls to a stop, meaning that it gives its momen-
tum to the Earth, is comparable to a leaky pail,
Fig. 3.10. The water gradually dissipates into the
environment so that eventually no one is aware of
it anymore.
Bad bearings or bad air cushions, i.e., friction, re-
present a leak of momentum. A vehicle with good
bearings is comparable to a sealed pail.
We will do another experiment with two vehicles
(or gliders on an air track). The two vehicles have
an inelastic buffer and are propelled so that they
move toward each other at the same speed. They
collide and stop., Fig. 311. Again we ask the
question: where did the momentum go? Because
the gliders are on an air cushion, it cannot have
flowed into the Earth. By the way: two objects in
outer space that collide in this way would also
come to rest. In outer space there is no Earth to
have taken up the momentum. The answer to our
question must be that the momenta of our cars
have somehow cancelled each other out, but how
is this possible?
Abb. 3.8. At impact the momentum of A distributes over all
three gliders, A, B, and C.
Abb. 3.9. At impact, the gliders momentum flows into the
Abb. 3.10. A pail with a leak. The water distributes into the
environment so that there is nothing left of it to see.
The explanation is very simple if the momentum
of one body is considered positive and the other
negative. If one car had +20 Hy and the other one
-20 Hy before the collision, then the total momen-
tum already before the collision is 0 Hy. As the
experiment shows, it is 0 Hy after the collision,
and the balance is achieved. We conclude that:
Momentum can take positive and negative va-
Which of the two bodies in Fig. 3.11a has the po-
sitive and which the negative momentum? This
can be decided at will. You know from math class
that the positive x-axis is pointing to the right.
We do exactly the same in the case of momen-
tum. We establish that:
The momentum of a body is positive when the
body moves to the right and negative when it
moves to the left.
1. A vehicle containing 1,500 Hy of momentum, bumps into
four vehicles at rest. All of them are built identically and are
coupled after colliding. What is the total amount of momen-
tum of all five vehicles after the collision? How much is con-
tained in each one?
2. Two coupled wagons with a total momentum of 12,000
Hy, collide with a third one which initially does not move.
All the wagons are constructed identically and are coupled
after the collision. How much momentum does each wagon
have before colliding? How much momentum is contained in
each wagon after the collision?
3. Two identical gliders move toward each other at the same
speed. They are equipped with elastic buffers. The glider on
the left contains +5 Hy of momentum and the one on the
right contains 5 Hy. What happens with the momentum of
the gliders during the collision?
4. Two cars with a total of 500 Hy roll to the right and bump
into a third one coming the other way. The third one has -
200 Hy of momentum. (All three cars are built the same and
are connected after the collision). How much momentum
does each car have after the collision? In which direction do
the cars move?
5. A ball flies horizontally against a wall and bounces off of
it so that it flies off at equal but opposite speed. Its momen-
tum before the collision was 1 Hy. What is the momentum
after the bounce? What is the difference of the momentum
before and afterwards? Where did the missing momentum
3.3 Momentum pumps
We were just dealing with the question of where
the momentum goes from a body with decreasing
speed. We found that the momentum flows into
the ground. We now ask the opposite question:
Where does the vehicle get its momentum from
when it speeds up?
A wagon is set in motion as a result of someone
pulling on a rope attached to it, Fig. 3.12. While
the person pulls, the wagon picks up speed, mea-
ning that its momentum increases. Where does
the momentum come from? From the person pul-
ling? The momentum of the person would then
have to decrease, which it doesnt. The person is
at rest at the beginning and at the end. The mo-
mentum was and is 0 Hy.
Abb. 3.11. Two wagons move toward each other at equal
speeds. When they collide, they come to rest.
Abb. 3.12. The momentum of the wagon increases while the
person is pulling.
Abb. 3.13. The person sends momentum through the rope
from right to left.
We can change the experiment slightly so that the
momentum actually does come from the person,
Fig. 3.13. When the person here pulls on the rope,
the momentum of the wagon on the left increases.
The wagon on the right, including the person, is
put into motion, but to the left. She is receiving
negative momentum, or in other words: her mo-
mentum decreases. As long as one pulls, momen-
tum flows from the wagon on the right (plus per-
son) through the rope into the one on the left. The
person used her muscles to make sure that mo-
mentum flowed from right to left. She used her-
self as a momentum pump.
We also see what must have happened in the case
of Fig. 3.12: The person pumped momentum out
of the Earth, through the rope and into the wagon.
It is just as impossible to see that the momentum
of the Earth become negative as it is to see the in-
crease of momentum of the Earth when a vehicle
rolls to a standstill (thereby giving momentum to
the ground).
We consider some other examples of momentum
being pumped from one body into another.
The person in Fig.3.14 pulls the wagons A and B
towards himself so that they become faster. The
momentum of A increases and the momentum of
B takes increasingly negative values, (meaning
that it decreases). The momentum of the person at
the center is equal to 0 Hy and it does not change.
Therefore, the person transports momentum from
the right to the left wagon, The person stands on a
skateboard to ensure that there is no momentum
coming from or flowing into the Earth.
A car is traveling with increasing speed, meaning
that its momentum increases. In this case, the mo-
tor acts as the momentum pump. It transports mo-
mentum out of the ground over the drive wheels
(in cars these are mostly the front wheels) into the
car, Fig. 3.15.
A toy car with remote control is standing upon a
piece of cardboard under which rollers, say drin-
king straws or pencils, are placed, Fig. 3.16. The
car is set in motion so that it moves to the right.
Its momentum increases. At the same time, the
cardboard rolls to the left, meaning that its mo-
mentum becomes negative; it decreases. The cars
motor pumped momentum out of the piece of
cardboard into the car.
Two cars (or gliders on an air track) are connec-
ted by a thread, Fig. 3.17. One of the cars has a
spring buffer attached to it. The thread is so short
that the spring is compressed. When the thread is
cut, the cars are set in motion. The one on the
right moves to the right, and the one on the left
moves left. The right hand car has received (posi-
tive) momentum, the left hand one has lost (posi-
tive) momentum. The spring worked here as the
momentum pump. As long as it was expanding it
transferred momentum from the wagon on the left
to the wagon on the right.
Abb. 3.14. The person pumps momentum out of the wagon on
the right into the wagon on the left .
Abb. 3.16. The motor of the toy car pumps momentum out of
the cardboard into the car.
Abb. 3.15. The cars motor pumps momentum out of the
Earth, over the drive wheels into the car.
Abb. 3.17. The spring pumps momentum from the wagon on
the left into the one on the right.
3.4 Momentum conductors
and insulators
We saw that momentum can get from one body A
into another body B. We also say that momentum
flows from A to B, or we say that a momentum
current flows between bodies A and B.
A necessary requirement for momentum to flow
from A to B is that there be a connection between
A and B. Not just any connection is enough. It
must be able to transmit momentum. It must be a
momentum conducting connection. How do
such momentum conductors look? What kinds of
objects conduct momentum? What kind do not?
In Fig. 3.18a, a person is pressing a rod against a
wagon. The wagon becomes faster, its momen-
tum increases. The person is pumping momentum
out of the ground and into the wagon. Momentum
is flowing from left to right through the rod. In
Fig. 3.18b, a wagon is being charged with mo-
mentum but this time the person pulls the car with
the rod. In this case, momentum is flowing
through the rod from right to left. In both cases it
can be seen that the rod is a momentum conduc-
tor. It is also clear that the exact form of the rod
makes no difference, nor does the material it is
made of, which must only be solid. We conclude:
Solid materials conduct momentum.
Fig. 3.19 shows someone who believes in mi-
racles. She is trying to set the wagon in motion by
pressing on the air around it in the hopes that the
air will conduct momentum to the wagon. Even-
tually she is convinced that:
Air does not conduct momentum.
Later on we will see that this statement has only
limited validity. In the case of air cushions it is
useful: The air between the track and the gliders
prevents momentum from flowing from the gli-
ders into the track.
In Fig. 3.20, someone is investigating the mo-
mentum conductivity of a rope and finds that mo-
mentum flows easily from right to left, Fig. 3.20a,
but absolutely not from left to right, Fig. 3.20b.
Ropes conduct momentum in only one direc-
We will carry out an experiment that is not quite
as easy to interpret as those we just did. A magnet
A is attached to a small wagon, Fig 3.21. One
holds another magnet B up to it so that the poles
with the same sign face each other: north pole
facing north pole and south pole facing south
pole. If magnet B is held close enough to magnet
A, the wagon is set in motion, its momentum in-
Abb. 3.18. Momentum flows through the rod from the Earth
into the wagon. (a) The momentum flows through the rod to
the right. (b) The momentum flows through the rod to the left.
Abb. 3.20. In a rope, momentum can flow from right to left (a)
but not from left to right (b).
Abb. 3.19. The person tries unsuccessfully to send momen-
tum through the air.
Abb. 3.21. There is a magnetic field between the magnets.
The field is a momentum conductor.
creases. We have pumped momentum out of the
ground, through magnets B and A, and into the
wagon. The question is, how did the momentum
got from A to B? From our observations we assu-
me that there must be a connection between the
magnets. There must be an invisible entity betwe-
en them which can conduct momentum. This en-
tity, that surrounds every magnetic pole, is called
a magnetic field .
Magnetic fields conduct momentum.
Fig. 3.22 shows a person who is transferring mo-
mentum into a wagon by pushing a rod across the
top of it. It slides over the top of the wagon be-
cause it is not attached to it. It is actually possible
to get momentum into the wagon this way, but
not very effectively. One sees that transfer of mo-
mentum is the better the greater the friction bet-
ween rod and wagon. If the rod slides very lightly
over the wagon, the momentum current from the
rod to the wagon is very small. If the friction is
strong, for example if the rod and the wagon both
have rough surfaces, the transfer of momentum
works well. We conclude:
If two objects rub against each other, momen-
tum flows from one to the other: The stronger
the friction, the stronger the flow.
Basically we have always assumed the validity of
this rule: In order to make sure that the momen-
tum of an object does not flow into the ground,
one must make sure that there is no momentum
conducting connection between the object and the
ground. This means that one must ensure that the-
re is only very slight friction.
The most important apparatus we have for kee-
ping friction between an object and the Earth to a
minimum is the wheel.
Wheels help to insulate momentum.
There are definitely other methods to do this: air
in airtrack gliders, airplanes and helicopters, the
runners of sleds and blades of skates, and water in
the case of river boats and ships.
1. Ropes do not conduct momentum to the right, but only to
the left. Invent a device that conducts the momentum only to
the right and not to the left.
2. A car driver brakes sharply on ice. What happens? Mo-
mentum conduction plays an important role in the process of
braking. What can you say about this in the case of ice on the
3. A driver attempts to drive off quickly on ice, what hap-
3.5 Drives and brakes
Wheels are insulators for momentum only when
they spin freely. The propelled wheels of a car are
not insulators for momentum. They are connected
through the engine to the chassis and the body of
the car so that the engine can pump momentum
out of the ground and into the car.
It is often desirable to get rid of the momentum
stored in a car as quickly as possible, Fig 3.23.
Vehicles have brakes for this. In the process of
braking, the wheels' friction is greatly increased;
the wheels are transformed into good momentum
conductors so that the momentum of the vehicle
quickly flows into the ground. A brake is therefo-
re a pipeline for momentum that can be "turned
on and off", meaning it is a kind of valve or
switch for the momentum current.
A fast moving car not only loses momentum
through the friction of its wheels but also through
friction between its surface and the air. At speeds
above 80 km/h, this is actually the source of grea-
ter loss. In this process, the car's momentum first
flows into the air. The fact that the air actually
contains the momentum can be seen in that it is
still strongly moving shortly after the car has
gone by. Gradually it gives the momentum to the
ground, again by friction.
The experiment represented in Fig. 3.24 shows us
that momentum can be contained in air. A toy
balloon is mounted upon a small wagon. If the
balloon is opened and the wagon is let go, it will
Abb. 3.22. Transfer of momentum by friction.
Abb. 3.23. This car should get rid of its momentum quickly.
start to move. The skin of the balloon presses the
air out to the left. The air flowing out of the bal-
loon gets negative momentum and the wagon po-
sitive momentum.
In Fig. 3.24, the wagon's propulsion basically
functions like that of a rocket. A rocket also gets
momentum resulting from a gas being ejected
with great speed out of the rear of it. The space
inside the rocket is taken up mostly by two tanks,
Fig. 3.25. One contains the fuel, for example li-
quid hydrogen. The other tank contains liquid
oxygen. In the process of burning hydrogen, wa-
ter vapor at very high pressure is created. This va-
por flows out the back of the rocket with great
speed taking momentum with it. In this way the
rocket gets momentum having the opposite sign.
Ships are moved by propellers, Fig. 3.26, which
turn under water and are driven by the ship's engi-
ne. A propeller sets the water in motion back-
wards, charging it with negative momentum. The
corresponding positive momentum is given to the
ship. In other words, the propeller pumps positive
momentum out of the water and into the ship. If
the ship brakes, the propeller motion is reversed,
and momentum is pumped from the ship into the
Propulsion systems of airplanes work similarly to
those of ships, only here the momentum is taken
from the air instead of from the water.
An airplane with propellers uses them to pump
momentum out of the air and into the airplane. In
a jet, the jet engine does this. A jet engine is actu-
ally nothing more than a very strong fan hidden
inside the casing and driven by a turbine. The tur-
bine receives its energy with kerosene, a fuel si-
milar to gasoline (petrol).
Airplanes must brake very quickly after landing.
This means they must get rid of a lot of momen-
tum very quickly. One way to do this is through
the wheels into the ground, as an automobile
does. A more efficient method, though, is some-
thing called thrust reversal. In some airplanes one
can observe this well from inside through a
window. Two flaps are extended from each engi-
ne. These divert the air blown out of the rear, for-
ward, Fig. 3.27. In the process, the air receives
positive momentum from the airplane, meaning
that the airplane's momentum decreases (we have
assumed the airplane moves to the right).
Abb. 3.24. The air flowing out gets negative momentum, the
wagon gets positive momentum.
Abb. 3.25. How a rocket is constructed.
Abb. 3.26. The propeller pumps momentum out of the water
into the boat.
Abb. 3.27. A jet engine with the thrust reverser working: The
airplane gives momentum to the air.
Abb. 3.30. The object slides across the floor of a train car.
1. Where does a sailboat get its momentum from?
2. A ship is moving at a constant speed, meaning its momen-
tum doesn't change. Where does the momentum go which
the motor constantly pumps into the ship?
3.6 Steady state
An automobile accelerates: The engine conti-
nuously pumps momentum out of the ground and
into the car. The faster the car travels, the greater
is the air friction and the more momentum is lost.
At a certain speed, exactly the same amount of
momentum is pumped into the car as flows off by
friction. As a result, nothing is left to be stored
and the cars momentum no longer increases, Fig.
This situation always occurs when a car travels
along a level road at constant speed. The inflow
of momentum equals the outflow.
This situation is again comparable to another one
where water plays the role of momentum,
Fig.3.29. The pail with the hole is equivalent to
the car. The pail has a leak for the water just as a
car has a leak for momentum. There is a conti-
nuous flow of water into the pail, but exactly the
same amount of water is flowing out of the hole
so that the amount of water in it never changes.
A process where the current flowing out is adjus-
ted so that it is exactly as strong as the current
flowing in, is called steady state .
Steady state: The outflow is adjusted to equal
the inflow.
We often have a steady state when something
moves at a steady (constant) speed.
A bicyclist pumps momentum into a bicycle (and
into the person himself). A current of equal
strength flows off, due to friction, over the air and
wheels. This works correspondingly for airplanes
and ships.
1. Describe the following situations in the movement of a car
by showing what happens with momentum.
(a) The car starts moving.
(b) The car rolls slowly in neutral.
(c) The car brakes.
(d) The ca moves at a high and constant speed.
2. Earlier we found out about a process by which a body mo-
ves at constant speed although there is no steady state. Why
does the momentum stay constant in this case?
3.7 Direction of momentum currents
We can do the following experiment only in our
minds because we need a moving train for it.
An object G is thrown onto the floor of a train car
W traveling to the right, Fig. 3.30. It is thrown so
that it slides across the floor to the right. The
speed of G immediately after hitting the floor is
greater than that of the train. The object comes
quickly to rest, though. By rest, we mean that it
Abb. 3.28. A car traveling at constant speed. Due to friction,
all of the momentum that the motor pumps into the car flows
back out into the environment. .
Abb. 3.29. The same amount of water flowing into the pail is
flowing out of the hole in it. The amount of water in the pail
stays constant.
no longer moves relative to the train. In other
words: it moves exactly a fast as the train. While
it was sliding, the momentum of G decreased.
The momentum flowed from G to W.
Again, we toss G onto the floor, but this time so
that it slides to the left. At first, its speed is lower
than that of the train. Again, the two speeds
quickly even out. This time, the momentum of G
increases during sliding. Momentum flows from
train car W to object G.
Have you noticed that there is a simple rule for
the direction of the momentum current? In both
cases, momentum flows from the body with the
greater speed to the body with the lower speed: In
the first case, from G to W and in the second,
from W to G. This rule always holds when mo-
mentum flows because of friction. In the example
of a car rolling to a stop, Fig. 3.31, momentum
flows from the body with the greater speed (the
car) into the body with lower speed (into the
ground which has speed of 0 km/h).
Whenever momentum should flow in the opposite
direction, meaning from a body with lower to a
body with higher speed, a momentum pump is ne-
We therefore have the rule:
Momentum flows by itself from a body of hig-
her speed into a body of lower speed. A mo-
mentum pump (engine, person) transfers it in
the opposite direction.
3.8 Compressive and tensile stress
In Fig.3.32a, someone sets a wagon in motion.
Momentum flows through the rod from left to
right. In Fig. 3.32b, the wagon rolls on alone. Its
momentum remains unchanged (except for loss
through friction). Therefore, no momentum is flo-
wing through the rod in Fig. 3.32b. In Fig.32c,
momentum flows through a rod from right to left.
Put yourself in the position of the rod. Would you
feel any difference in these three situations? Of
course. One can actually consider the persons
arms as extensions of the rod. One can feel with
ones arms the differences in the three situations.
In the first, there is compressive stress, in the
third one feels tensile stress, but in the second
there is neither pressure nor tension.
These statements can be used for the rod as well.
In the first case, the rod is under compressive
stress, in the second, it is under no stress at all,
and in the third, it is under tensile stress. We then
have the following rule:
Momentum flow to the right:
compressive stress
Momentum flow to the left:
tensile stress
We will convince ourselves of the validity of this
rule by using a further example. Fig. 3.33a shows
a truck just driving off. The trucks engine pumps
momentum out of the ground into the truck, and
across the coupling to the left into the trailer. We
know that the coupling rod is under tensile stress
in agreement with our rule.
Abb. 3.31. A car slows down. The momentum flows from the
body with higher velocity into the one with lower velocity.
Abb. 3.32. (a) Momentum flows to the right in the rod. (b) No
momentum flows in the rod. (c) Momentum flows left in the
Abb. 3.33. A tractor-trailer starts off to the right (a) and then
to the left (b). In both cases, the coupling rod is under tensile
stress, and both times the momentum current is flowing to the
We now consider a truck starting to move to the
left, Fig. 3.33b. In this case, the motor pumps ne-
gative momentum into the truck, meaning it
pumps positive momentum out of it. Therefore,
(positive) momentum flows through the coupling
rod to the left. The coupling rod is, naturally, un-
der tensile stress. Our rule also holds here.
A rod does not show whether it is under compres-
sive or tensile stress or even whether or not it is
under any stress at all. One also does not actually
see whether or not, nor in which direction, mo-
mentum flows in it. However, there are objects
that show very clearly their stress states. They all
deform elastically. Examples of these would be
rubber bands or steel springs.
Such objects lengthen by applying tensile stress
and shorten by applying compressive stress. One
sees whether or not and in which direction a mo-
mentum current flows through it, Fig. 3.34 and
Tensile stress, momentum current flows to
the left
Compressive stress, momentum current
flows to the right
1. A car traveling to the left, suddenly brakes. From where to
where does the momentum flow? In this case, is the rule
obeyed that states that momentum flows by itself from a
body with greater speed to a body with smaller speed?
2. A person accelerates a car to the left by pushing it. In the
process, her arms are under compressive stress. In what di-
rection does the momentum current flow in her arms?
3. A truck travels to the right at a constant high speed. Under
what kind of stress (compressive or tensile) is the trailer cou-
pling? Sketch the path of the momentum.
3.9 Momentum current circuits
It can happen that a momentum current flows,
and in spite of this, the amount of momentum
does not change anywhere. Fig. 3.36 shows an
example: A person pulls a crate across a floor at a
constant speed.
The person could just as well be pulling a car at a
constant speed instead of the crate. For our purpo-
ses, the crate has the advantage of showing very
clearly the place where friction occurs, on the sur-
face between crate and floor. In the case of
wheels, friction not only occurs in the bearings
but in the rubber tire and the point of contact bet-
ween the tire and the ground as well.
We again ask the old question: What is the path
taken by the momentum? Hopefully, the answer
isnt too difficult. The person pumps momentum
out of the ground, through the rope and into the
crate. It flows out of the crate and back into the
ground because of friction between the bottom of
the crate and the ground. In this case, we can say
that the momentum flows in a circuit, even if
we dont exactly know the path it takes back
through the ground.
Again, a water current gives us a good image of
this situation. Do you know how?
Fig. 3.37 shows a variation of the experiment in
Fig. 3.36: Here, the crate is pulled, not across the
Abb. 3.34. A momentum current is flowing to the left through
the rubber cord. The cord is under tensile stress and it
Abb. 3.35. A momentum current flows to the right through
the spring. The spring shortens.
Abb. 3.36. Although a momentum current flows, momentum
isnt building up anywhere.
ground, but across a board mounted upon rollers.
The path of the momentum is even simpler. Be-
cause the board is mounted upon rollers, the mo-
mentum cannot flow back into the ground, and
the person cannot pump any momentum out of
the ground. The person pumps momentum out of
the board. The momentum then flows through the
rope into the crate. It then flows out of the crate
back into the board, from where it continues to
flow to the right to the person. Here again, the
current flows in a closed circuit, and this time the
path is clearly visible everywhere. One could say
that the momentum current creates a circuit in
this case.
The fact that momentum really flows to the left in
the rope and to the right in the board, can be de-
monstrated in a further variation of the experi-
ment, Fig. 3.38. The rope and the board are each
split by a spring. The springs show the direction
in which momentum is flowing. The spring in the
rope is stretched, it is under tensile stress. This
means that momentum is flowing to the left. The
spring between the two halves of the board is
compressed, it is under compressive stress. This
means that momentum is flowing to the right.
Momentum can flow in a closed circuit. Mo-
mentum therefore never increases or decrea-
ses. A part of every momentum circuit is under
compressive stress and the other part is under
tensile stress.
We again change the experiment, this time in two
steps. First, we block the crate, Fig. 3.39. The
person pulls again, but the crate cannot move
anymore. We conclude that we do not actually
need the person: It is enough to just attach the
tensed rope somewhere on the right, Fig. 3.40. As
before, the rope is under tensile stress, and the
board is under compressive stress. This means
that the momentum current flows in a circuit as it
did before, even though nothing is moving and
even though we have no momentum pump at
It will surprise you that something can flow wi-
thout a driving force. After all, earlier in Chapter
3 we learned that a driving force is necessary to
make a current flow. We now see that this rule
doesnt always hold. There are currents without
driving forces. The fact that a driving force is not
necessary just means that the current meets no re-
Later on you will see that electric currents usually
need a driving force as well, but that there are
electric conductors that have no resistance. These
are the so-called super conductors . Electric cur-
rents can flow without any driving force in an
electric circuit made of super conducting materi-
Electric circuits without resistance are rare but
non-resistant momentum current circuits are com-
mon. Figures 3.41 and 3.42 show two examples.
Abb. 3.37. A closed momentum current circuit.
Abb. 3.38. The springs show the direction of the momentum
Abb. 3.39. The crate does not move. Even through, a momen-
tum current is flowing.
Abb. 3.40. Momentum current without a driving force.
3.10 The strength of momentum
A momentum current flows at a constant rate
from the tractor in Fig. 3.44 into the trailer. A cer-
tain number of Huygens per second flow through
the coupling rod. The amount of momentum flo-
wing through a conductor divided by the time
span is called the strength of the momentum cur-
rent (or simply the momentum current).

This equation can be written much more briefly if
the symbols for the quantities are used:
p = momentum
F = momentum current
t = time
Therefore we have
If, for example, 500 Hy per second flow through
the trailer coupling as in Fig. 3.11, then
F = 500Hy/s.
The name Newton (N) is used for the unit Hy/s:
We can then write our momentum current so:
F = 500 N.
The unit of momentum currents is named for Isa-
ac Newton (1643-1727). Newton gave mechanics
the basic form we learn it in today. Among other
equations, Newton gave us the equation F = p/t.
Momentum currents are easy to measure. A so-
called force sensor is used for this, Fig. 3.45. A
force sensor consists of a steel spring that elonga-
tes according to the strength of the momentum
momentum current =
time interval

F =

N =
Abb. 3.44. A momentum current that is constant in time flows
from the truck to the trailer.
1. In Fig. 3.43a, a tractor tries to pull a tree out of the
ground. Sketch the path of the momentum current.
2. Fig. 3.43b shows a taut clothesline. Sketch the path of the
momentum current. Where do we find the tensile stress and
where is the compressive stress?
3. How can a non-resistant current of matter be realized?
Does such a thing exist in nature?
Abb. 3.41. A closed momentum current circuit.
Abb. 3.43. For Exercises 1 and 2 .
Abb. 3.42. A closed momentum current circuit.
3.43 For Exercises 1 and 2.
current flowing through it. The scale is calibrated
in Newtons.
Fig. 3.46 shows how to use a force sensor. The
strength of the momentum current flowing
through the rope in Fig. 3.46a is to be measured.
The rope is cut at an arbitrarily chosen position
and the newly created ends are connected to the
two hooks of the force sensor, Fig. 3.46b.
In Fig. 3.47a, the strength of the same momentum
current is measured twice successively. Of cour-
se, both force sensors show the same reading.
They also show exactly what just one force sen-
sor would show.
Momentum currents can branch just like water
currents do. Fig. 3.47b gives an example. The
sum of the currents in ropes A and B must equal
that of C. Here we have used the junction rule
that you already know from water currents (see
section 3.5):
The sum of the currents flowing into a juction
equals the sum of the currents flowing out of
1. A constant momentum current flows into a wagon with
perfect bearings. Within 10 seconds, 200 Huygens of mo-
mentum has collected. What was the current?
2. A truck is starting to drive off and a momentum current of
6,000 N flows through the coupling to the trailer. What is the
momentum of the trailer after 5 s? (Friction loss by the trai-
ler can be ignored).
3. In Fig. 3.48a, what do the force sensors C and D show?
4. The boxes in Fig. 3.48b are pulled at constant speed across
the floor. What is the momentum current flowing from the
box on the left into the ground? What is the current into the
ground in the case of the one on the right?
5. A constant momentum current of 40 N flows into a ve-
hicle (friction can be ignored). Represent the momentum as a
function of time.
3.11 Force
In this section we will do nothing other than learn
a new word for a well-known concept.
The name momentum current for the quantity F
has only existed since the beginning of the 20th
century. The quantity itself, though, has been
Abb. 3.45. A force sensor.
Abb. 3.46. (a) The strength of the momentum current in a
rope is to be measured. (b) The rope is cut and the force sensor
is attached to the newly created ends.
Abb. 3.47. (a) A current flows consecutively through two
sensors. (b) A branched momentum current.
Abb. 3.48. (a) For exercise 3 . (b) For exercise 4 .
around since Newtons time, or for about 300 ye-
ars. At that time the quantity was given another
name: it was called force . The F is the first letter
in the word force. The name force for the quan-
tity F is still widely used. In fact it is more often
used than the name momentum current. We must
therefore get used to using it, although there is a
problem in doing so: Even though force descri-
bes the same physical quantity as momentum
current, the two words are dealt with very diffe-
rently. We will call a description using momen-
tum currents the momentum current model and
one with force, the force model .
You already understand why our measuring de-
vice for momentum currents is called a force
We will illustrate handling a force model by
using Figures 3.49 and 3.50. In Fig. 3.49, a per-
son pulls a wagon with good bearings and sets it
in motion to the right. Remember the description
in the momentum current model: The person
pumps momentum out of the Earth over the rope
into the wagon. In doing so, the wagons momen-
tum increases. The force model describes the
same process in this way: A force is working
upon the wagon, thereby increasing its momen-
It gets a bit more difficult in the description of
Fig. 3.50. Here, there are two springs, A and B,
pulling on a car. A pulls to the left and B pulls to
the right. Naturally, both force sensors show the
same thing. Let us assume it is 50 N. We will
once again describe the situation in the momen-
tum current model: A momentum current of 50 N
flows out of the ground through spring B, and
into the car from the right. From there it flows
through A and back into the ground. A force mo-
del would describe it as follows: Spring A applies
a force of 50 N pointing to the left toward the car,
Spring B applies the same force pointing to the
right (50 N) toward the car. Because the forces
have the same absolute value, but act in opposite
directions, the momentum of the car does not
3.12 Measuring momentum currents
We wish to build a device for measuring currents
(a force sensor) ourselves. We pretend that the
spring force sensor has not been invented yet, and
that the unit of measuring momentum currents
has not yet been determined.
We will start by deciding what our unit of measu-
rement will be. To do this, we need a large num-
ber of identical rubber bands. We hold one of
them up to a ruler so that it is stretched out but
not beyond its normal length, Fig. 3.51, and
measure its length. Lets assume we find a length
of 10 cm = 0.1 m. Because the rubber band is
slack, no momentum current is flowing through it
yet. We stretch it until it is 0.15 m long. Natural-
ly, a momentum current is flowing through it
now. We declare the strength of this momentum
current to be our unit of current. (Because the
band is made up of two parallel rubber threads,
only half of the unit of momentum current flows
through each thread.)
Now we can create as many units of momentum
current as we wish with other rubber bands. This
means that we can create multiples of our unit of
momentum current. For example, if we connect
Abb. 3.49. The person is exerts a force upon the wagon. The
momentum of the wagon changes because of this.
Abb. 3.50. Spring A exerts a force to the left and spring B a
force to the right upon the wagon. Because the forces are of
the same magnitude, the wagons momentum doesnt
Abb. 3.51. How to determine a momentum current unit of
strength. (a) The rubber band is laid out but not stretched. (b)
The rubber band is stretched by 5 cm.
elastic cord: It is linear. The springs lengthening
s and momentum current F are proportional to
each other. One says that the spring follows Hoo-
kes law, which can be formulated as follows:
F = D s
D is a constant for a given spring. D is called the
spring constant. Its unit is N/m. In general, the
spring constant has different values for different
springs. Fig. 3.55 shows the relation between F
and s for two different springs. D has a greater
value for spring A than for spring B. If spring A
and spring B are both stretched by the same
amount, the momentum current in A is greater
than the one in B. Stronger momentum current
means greater tensile stress. The spring with the
higher spring constant is the harder spring.
Many springs can have tensile stress as well as
compressive stress. Hookes law holds for such
springs, meaning the linear relation between
change of length and momentum current, for
lengthening (positive values of s) as well as for
shortening (negative values of s).
three uniform rubber rings together in parallel,
three units of momentum current flow through all
three of them.
With the help of our supply of rubber bands, we
can now calibrate another elastic object such as
an elastic cord, Fig. 3.52. To do this, we allow
one or more units of momentum current to flow
through the cord, all the time measuring the chan-
ges in its length as compared to its relaxed state.
In Fig. 3.53, the momentum current is shown as a
function of the stretching. This curve represents
the calibration curve of the expandable cord. If
we now wish to measure a momentum current,
we can forego our rather cumbersome process
with the uniform rubber bands, and use the rubber
cord instead.
For example, we wish to measure the strength of
the current flowing into a wagon we are pulling.
To do this, we pull the wagon by the elastic cord
and measure by how much the cord lengthens. If
the amount of stretching is 0.25 m, we can see
from the calibration curve that the momentum
current has a value of 4 units.
Now we will take another object to show the rela-
tionship between lengthening and momentum
current: a steel spring. The result is shown in Fig.
3.54. The relation here is simpler than with the
Abb. 3.53. The calibration curve of the expander: The mo-
mentum current is given as a function of the stretching of the
Abb. 3.52. The cord of an expander is calibrated using the
rubber band unit.
Abb. 3.55. The spring constant of spring A is greater than that
of spring B. Spring A is harder than spring B.
Abb. 3.54. In a steel spring, the relation between momentum
current and stretching is linear.
s (m)
0 0,1 0,2 0,3
6 F
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. A springs spring constant is D = 150 N/m. How much
does it lengthen when a momentum current of
a) 12 N
b) 24 N
flows through it?
2. The F s relation for the rope represented in Fig. 3.56 is
a) By how much does the rope stretch when a momentum
current of 15 N flows through it? How much will it stretch
for a momentum current of 30N?
b) If the rope lengthens by 20 cm, what is the momentum
c) What does one feel when one pulls the rope at each end
with both hands? Compare it to the steel spring.
3 . How would a device be made whose F-s relation looks
like the one in Fig. 3.57?
4 . Two springs are hooked up to each other and inserted into
a rope through which a momentum current flows. One spring
stretches four times as much as the other. What is the relati-
on between the two spring constants?
3.13 Momentum currents can be
If a momentum current becomes to great, the con-
ductor it flows through can break, Fig. 3.58.
Mostly this is undesirable. However, sometimes
one wishes to break, tear or crumble something.
We will discuss examples of both cases.
Towing a car
The towing rope in Fig. 3.58 has torn. How could
this have been avoided? Try to bring a heavy car
up to a certain speed by pulling on it with a thin
thread. If you pull too hard, i.e., if you let a mo-
mentum current flow that is too strong, the thread
will snap. However, it is possible to charge the
car with the desired amount of momentum. One
must allow a momentum current that is weak
enough but flows over a longer time span. In
other words: You need to pull less strongly, but
for longer. In the case of towing a car this means
that one must start off slowly so that the momen-
tum current in the rope is not too great.
Catching a stone
A stone hitting a window pane transfers its mo-
mentum to the window pane very quickly. The
current is very strong, and the glass breaks. If you
catch a stone with your hands, you follow the mo-
tion of the stone with your hands while stopping
it. In doing so, the duration for the momentum to
flow out of the stone is increased and the momen-
tum current is decreased. No damage is done.
A hammer
Sometimes one wishes to break something, a
brick, perhaps. A hammer could be used for this.
At first, the hammer is charged with momentum
relatively slowly when it is put into motion by a
hand. When it hits the stone, its momentum flows
in a sort span of time. The momentum current is
very strong and the stone breaks.
Abb. 3.58. If the momentum current is very large, the conduc-
tor can break.
Abb. 3.56. For exercise 2 .
Abb. 3.57. For exercise 3 .
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
s (m)
F (N)
Whether or not a momentum current is destructi-
ve does not only depend upon its strength. It is
clear that it is possible to avoid the tearing of the
towrope in Fig. 3.58 by other means, say by using
a thicker rope. One sees that for tearing, not only
a strong momentum current but a strong momen-
tum current through a small cross sectional area is
decisive, and not just a strong momentum current.
Rope A in Fig. 3.59 tears when a current of 50 N
flows through it. Rope B, with double the cross
sectional area, does not tear. This is easy to un-
derstand. If rope A has a cross sectional area of 1
and rope B has one of 2 cm
. one can imagi-
ne rope B as two parallel ropes of 1 cm
sectional area each where 25 N flows through
each one. They are stressed less strongly. The
stress of the material of a conductor can be redu-
ced by making the conductor thicker. Here are
some more examples of this.
Nails, thumb tacks, knives, chisels
These can be used to destroy things (making a
hole in a wall is a kind of destruction). In each
case, a momentum current is conducted through a
tip or other narrow point into the material being
worked upon. The stress of the material at this
point is so great that it breaks.
Seat belt and air bag
A car comes to an abrupt stop during an accident.
It transfers its momentum very quickly: to a tree,
a guard rail, or another car. The people in the car
also have momentum and must get rid of it during
the accident. The strong momentum currents
which flow during the process lead to the destruc-
tion of the car and injuries of the passengers in-
volved. In vehicle construction, a so-called crush
zone is included in order to reduce some of the
momentum currents. At impact, the car folds up
somewhat. As a result, the process of transfer of
momentum is prolonged, and the momentum cur-
rents become weaker.
Seat belts have several functions.
First, they stretch out somewhat at impact. In the
process, the transfer of momentum from passen-
ger to the car is prolonged and the current is made
Second, because seat belts are wide, the momen-
tum current flowing out of the person is distribu-
ted over a large surface. As we have seen, the de-
structive effects of the currents are reduced by
this kind of momentum distribution. Without the
belt, the passengers might be thrown against
some pointed object inside the car.
Finally, the momentum currents are conducted
through parts of the passengers body that are less
in danger of being injured. It would be much wor-
se if the passenger transferred his momentum via
his head.
The situation is even better with an air bag. The
surface to which the passengers momentum
flows is still greater.
A car needs to tow another one. A momentum current of
2000 N may be expected for accomplishing this. Unfortuna-
tely, the drivers do not have a towrope with them. They fi-
nally locate a big roll of string that can take a momentum
current of only 100 N. What do you suggest they do?
3.14 Velocity
The physical quantity that indicates how fast a
vehicle or anything else moves, is called velocity ,
abbreviated to v .
The driver of a car must always know how fast he
is driving, he must know the velocity of his ve-
hicle. For this purpose, every car has a measuring
device for velocity: the speedometer . It shows the
Abb. 3.59. The cross sectional area of rope B is double that of
rope A.
Abb. 3.60. Tachograph record of a truck. The speed is given as a function of time.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
v (km/h)
t (min)
velocity in the unit of kilometers per hour, abbre-
viated to km/h.
Fig. 3.60 shows the record of a tachograph: The
velocity of a truck is automatically recorded over
time. We will try to interpret the diagram. The
truck moves off at time t = 0 minutes. After 4 mi-
nutes, it must stop shortly and after 9 minutes,
this happens again. Probably it came to traffic
lights on red. From the 12
to the 16
it drove rather slowly, at 35 km/h. Maybe it was
traveling uphill or there was a lot of traffic. From
the 18
minute onwards, it drove at a constant
high speed of 85 km/h. Apparently, it had left the
city limits.
As long as a body moves at constant speed, there
is a simple relation between the velocity, the dis-
tance to be covered and the time needed to cover
A car moving at a constant velocity needs half an
hour to cover 60 km. It therefore needs 0.75 hours
to cover 90 km, 1 hour to cover 120 km, 2 hours
to cover 240 km, etc. (see table 3.5). The distance
s is proportional to the time t:
s ~ t
In Fig. 3.61, the relation is represented graphical-
ly. Another way of expressing the same facts
would be: The quotient s/t is constant. It is
and this quotient equals the velocity
v = 120 km/h. Therefore, in the case of constant
velocity, we can write:
Similarly to various other quantities, velocity can
have many units. For example, a cars velocity is
given in km/h, a ships in knots. The international-
ly agreed upon physical unit is meters per second,
abbreviated to m/s.
0, 75h
= ...
v =
We convert the unit km/h into m/s:
1. A bicyclist needs 40 minutes to cover a distance of 10
km. What is his speed (in km/h)?
2. A train travels at constant speed for 1 h 32 min covering a
distance of 185 km. What is its velocity? Give the result in
km/h and m/s.
3. A car drives at 90 km/h for 10 minutes. How many km
does it cover in this time?
4. An airplane traveling at 800 km/h flies 1600 km. How
long is the flight?
5. The speed of light is 300,000 km/s. The distance from the
Earth to the sun is 150,000,000 km. How long does light
from the sun take to reach the Earth?
3.15 The relation between
momentum, mass, and velocity
The heavier and the faster an object is, the more
momentum it has. This sentence makes a state-
ment about the relation between three physical
quantities: momentum p, mass m and velocity v.
We will now investigate this relationship by loo-
king for a quantitative expression.
We ask about the dependence of momentum upon
the two other quantities. Solving our problem will
be much easier if we separate it into two parts.
First we will investigate how the momentum rela-
tes to the mass of the object in question. After
that, we will look into how it depends upon the
In order to obtain the influence of mass upon mo-
mentum we consider several bodies of varying
masses, all moving at the same velocity. Our
problem becomes clear if we choose bodies like
those shown in Fig. 3.62. Body A is a glider on
an air track and body B is composed of two cou-
= 0,2778m/ s.
Abb. 3.61. Distance-time relation of a car.
s in km t in h s/t in km/h
60 0,5 120
90 0,75 120
120 1 120
180 1,5 120
240 2 120
Table 3.5. Covered distance, time necessary to cover that di-
stance, and quotient of distance and time for a car that moves
with constant velocity.
0 1 2 3
t (h)
s (km)
pled gliders each of which is exactly as heavy as
body A. The mass of B is double that of A:
= 2 m
Body C is composed of three such gliders, it the-
refore has three times the mass of A:
= 3 m
We could continue in this way with more bodies
of four times the mass, five times the mass, etc.
A, B, C, etc., should all be moving at the same
velocity. How do their momenta relate to each
other? Body B is nothing more than two coupled
bodies A. If A has momentum p
then B must
have twice the momentum p
= 2 p
C is composed of three coupled A-type bodies.
Each of these moves exactly as fast as body A,
meaning that C must have three times the mo-
mentum of A:
= 3 p
We recognize the following relationship: The mo-
menta of two bodies differ by the same factor as
their masses. In other words, momentum and
mass are proportional:
p ~ m at v = const
This was the first of the relations we are looking
for. We will need to do a bit more to find our se-
cond one, the relationship between momentum
and speed.
Our approach will be to lower the momentum of a
body to half and then measure by how much the
velocity changes. Next, we will lower the mo-
mentum down to a third and check again how v
changes, etc. Fig. 3.63 shows how the experiment
Body A moves to the right and towards body B,
which is at rest. A hits B and couples to it so that
A and B, together, move further to the right. We
measure the velocity of A before and after im-
pact. (After impact, it is naturally exactly as great
as that of B.) We now seek the momentum and
velocity values of body A both before and after
We call the momentum before impact p
, and the
momentum afterwards p
. Because at impact, p
distributes evenly over both bodies A and B, body
A has exactly half as much momentum after im-
pact as it did before impact. Therefore:

= (1/2) p
The velocities before and after the collision are
found by experiment. It demonstrates that the ve-
locity v
after the impact is half that of the veloci-
ty v
before it:
= (1/2) v
If a body A is allowed to collide with two bodies
B and C at rest, Fig. 3.64, the momentum distri-
butes over all three bodies and we have

= (1/3) p
In this case measuring velocities yields
= (1/3) v
We conclude from this that for a body, i.e., for
constant mass, momentum and velocity are pro-
p ~ v for m = const
Now we have the two relations individually: the
one between p and m, as well as the one between
p and v . We will write them once again:
p ~ m for v = const (1)
p ~ v for m = const (2)
Mathematics tells us that we can combine these
two relations into one:
p ~ m v (3)
Abb. 3.62. Body B has twice, body C three times, the mass of
body A. B also has twice, and body C, three times the momen-
tum of A.
Abb. 3.63. The momentum of body A decreases by half at im-
pact. Measurement shows that the speed also reduces to half.

The correctness of this proportionality can be
seen in that the two relations (1) and (2) result
from it. If one leaves v constant and only changes
m , then relation (1) results from (3). If, on the
other hand, m is left constant and v is changed,
then the result is (2).
We still cannot calculate the momentum of a
body from its mass and its velocity by using (3).
To do this, we still need a factor of proportionali-
ty in (3). We are lucky here: We dont need such
a factor because the unit of momentum (Huygens)
sets this factor to one if we set the mass in kg, and
the velocity in m/s. Therefore:
p = m v
This is our desired result. Now we have a very
useful formula. We can calculate the momentum
of a body if we know its mass and speed. Mass
and speed are easily measured quantities. Thus,
we have learned a simple method of determining
values of momentum. Remember that in this for-
mula, momentum has the unit Hy only if the mass
is given in kg and the velocity in m/s.
The momentum of a body is proportional to its
mass and its velocity.
We consider the equation p = m
v from a diffe-
rent viewpoint. Imagine two bodies A and B with
strongly differing masses:
= 1 kg
= 1000 kg.
Each of these bodies is given 1 Hy of momentum.
How do the bodies react? Of course, they are set
in motion, but differently. From
p = m v

v =
The resulting velocity for body A is
and for body B it is
A is 1000 times as fast as B. It is easier to set a
body of small mass in motion than one with more
mass. A general statement about this would be:
It is easier to change the velocity of a body
with small mass than to change the velocity of
a body with greater mass.
We also say that a heavy body has more inertia
than a light one.
The mass of a body is responsible for its iner-
1. A truck weighing 12 t (12,000 kg) travels at a speed of 90
km/h. What is its momentum?
2. A goalie catches a ball which comes at a velocity of 20 m/
s. What is the momentum that flows over the goalie into the
ground? (The ball weighs 420g.)
3. A tennis ball is hit at a right angle against a wall. Its velo-
city is 30 m/s. What is the momentum that flows into the
wall? (The tennis ball weighs 50g.)
4. A person accelerates a car with good bearings by pulling
on it. A force sensor shows the momentum current flowing
into the car. The person pulls for 5 seconds. What is the re-
sulting speed? (The car weighs 150 kg, the force sensor
shows 15 N.)
5. A locomotive pulls a train. A momentum current of 200
kN flows through the coupling between the locomotive and
the train cars. What is the trains momentum (without the lo-
comotive) after 30 seconds? The train now has a speed of 54
km/h. What does the train weigh?
6. A wagon at rest and weighing 42 kg is accelerated. The
momentum current through the rod pulling the wagon is 20
N. How much momentum flows into the wagon in 3 se-
conds? At this point, its velocity is 1.2 km/s. What is its mo-
mentum? Where did the missing momentum go?
7. Water flows at a speed of 0.5 m/s in a long straight pipe
having a length of 2 km and a diameter of 10 cm. The water
is blocked off at one end by a valve. Calculate the momen-
tum given up by the water. Where does this momentum go?
The blocking lasts 2 s. What is the force of the water upon
the valve (the momentum current)? Hint: First calculate the
water volume in liters. 1 l of water has a mass of 1 kg.
1 Hy
1 kg
= 1 m / s

1 Hy
1000 kg
= 0 , 001 m / s.
Abb. 3.64. At impact, momentum and speed of body A both
reduce to one third of their initial values.
3.16 SI-units
In the part of physics that you have gotten to
know, the statement we made about mechanics
has proven true: Physical quantities are needed in
order to describe the world physically. An im-
portant goal of physics, if not the most important
goal, is to find relationships between these quan-
In Table 3.6, we have put together some of the
quantities we have encountered so far.
You know that every quantity has a unit. Most
quantities, though, have more than one unit, Tab-
le 3.7. There are various reasons for one and the
same quantity having more than one unit. Often,
different units of measuring were defined within
the different fields of science, technology, or han-
dicrafts: A tailor uses the cubit, the plumber, the
inch, and the physicist, the meter. People agree on
one unit in one country perhaps, but unfortunate-
ly, in other countries there will be other units. In
most of Europe, mass is measured in grams, but
in the USA the pound is used. The Systme Inter-
national was finally agreed upon as the binding
system for units. According to this system, each
quantity (with few exceptions) has only one unit.
We call these units SI-units .
The units in Table 3.6 behind the names of the
quantities are SI-units.
Use of SI-units has not only the advantage of ma-
king international communication easier. It is also
a unit system that makes physical formulas as
simple as possible. If the values of the quantities
on the right side of the formulas that you already
know are entered in SI-units, the result (meaning
the value of the quantity on the left) is also in SI-
units. If, on the other hand, the values on the right
were inserted in different units, the result would
probably be in a unit not commonly used. We
will look at two examples.
The equation P = E/t can be used to calculate the
energy current from energy and time. If the
energy is given in Joules, and the time in seconds,
the resulting energy current is Joules per second.
Now, 1 J/s is exactly equal to 1 Watt. We therefo-
re obtain the SI-unit Watt. If we had given the
energy in calories and the time in minutes, we
would have gotten calories per minute. This
would have been a totally inappropriate unit.
We have learned the following:
If you want to solve a problem, and the initial
values are not in SI-units, convert them to SI-
units immediately.

Tabelle 3.7. Die meisten Gren haben auer der SI-Einheit
noch andere Einheiten
Name of the quantity Einheiten
pressure Pascal, bar, atmosphere
energy Joule, calorie
energy current Watt, horsepower
time second, minute, ... year
momentum current,
force Newton, dyne
velocity meters per second, kilometers
per hour, knots
distance meter, inch, light year
mass kilogram, pound
Tabelle 3.6. Names and SI-units of some physical quantities
and their abbreviations
Name of the quantity (symbol) SI-unit (symbol)
pressure ( p ) Pascal (Pa)
energy ( E ) Joule (J)
energy current ( P ) Watt (W)
time ( t ) seconds (s)
momentum ( p ) Huygens (Hy)
momentum current ( F ) Newton (N)
velocity ( v ) meters per second (m/s)
distance ( s ) meter (m)
mass ( m ) kilogram (kg)
4.1 Vertical motion
In the following sections we will deal with the
concepts of gravity, gravitational force, and ob-
jects that fall to the ground. Previously, we
looked at horizontal motion, now we will con-
sider vertical motion. Moreover, everything we
learned about horizontal movement we can trans-
fer to our description of vertical movement. We
need only to turn our x-axis 90 degrees so that it
is vertical and its positive side points downward.
This means:
A bodys momentum is positive when the body
moves downward, and negative when it moves
In section 3.8 we learned the following rule:
Momentum current to the right: compressive
Momentum current to the left: tensile stress
Because what was to the right is now down, and
what was to the left, is now up, the new rule is:
Momentum current downward: compressive
Momentum current upward: tensile stress
We take the closed momentum current circuit of
Fig. 4.1 as an example.
4.2 Gravitational attraction
the gravitational field
Every object is attracted by the Earth. Two phe-
nomena show this:
1. If you take an object into your hand and then
let it go, it drops downward.
2. Every object has a weight.
Both of these phenomena show that the object re-
ceives momentum from the Earth. A falling body
gets faster the longer it falls. Its momentum in-
A body that is not falling also gets momentum.
This can be seen, for example, if it is hung from a
spring scale, Fig. 4.2. The spring shows that a
continuous momentum current flows out of the
body, over its mounting and into the Earth. The
momentum must be supplied continuously. There
is a constant momentum current flowing into the
body. However, it flows through a connection be-
tween the body and the ground which is invisible.
We have already gotten to know a similar mo-
mentum conductor, a connection that cannot be
seen: the magnetic field. In the case we want to
consider at the moment though, we cannot use a
magnetic field, because that would mean that
only magnets or iron bodies would be attracted to
the Earth. The connection is composed of an en-
tity that is not a magnetic field but is similar to a
magnetic field. It is called a gravity field, or
gravitational field. All entities that have a mass,
that means all bodies, are surrounded by a gravi-
tational field in exactly the same way that a mag-
netic pole is surrounded by a magnetic field. The
greater the mass of the body, the denser this field
Every body is surrounded by a gravitational
field. The greater the mass of the body, the
denser the field. Momentum flows from one
body to another through the gravitational
field. The Earths gravitational pull results
from the momentum current from the Earth to
the object in question.
Fig. 4.1. Closed momentum current circuit with vertical x-
Fig. 4.2. The momentum which continuously flows through
the spring scale and the mounting into the ground, reaches
the body through an invisible connection.
4. The Gravitational Field
4.3 What the Earths gravitational
attraction depends upon
Let us try an experiment. First we hang a piece of
iron with a mass of 1 kg on a spring scale, i.e, a
force sensor, and then we hang a 1 kg piece of
wood on it. The force sensor shows the same
thing both times. Is this a surprise? Of course not.
How does one find out whether a piece of iron or
a piece of wood has a mass of 1 kilogram, any-
way? By putting it on a scale. Most scales func-
tion like our spring scale. Using the scale or the
force sensor, we can define what we mean by two
equal masses: If two bodies show the same read-
ing on a force sensor, they have the same mass.
We can say this in another way as well: If the mo-
mentum currents flowing out of the Earth and
into two bodies have the same strength, the bod-
ies have the same mass.
We now take two bodies, each with a mass of 1
kg. If we put them together, we can consider them
as one body with a mass of 2 kg. A momentum
current flows into both of them which is twice as
strong as the current that would flow into just one
of them. This may seem obvious to you. You
could probably imagine, though, that the momen-
tum current into the first body is influenced by
the addition of the second body.
How strong is the momentum current flowing
into the 1 kg body? The force sensor shows that it
has a strength of about 10 N. A more exact meas-
urement gives us 9.81 N. Accordingly, 2 9.81 N
= 19.62 N flows into a body of 2 kg mass, and
98.1 N flows into a body of 10 kg mass. Again,
we are dealing with proportionality: the strength
of the momentum current flowing from the Earth
into a body is proportional to the mass of the
F ~ m
The factor of proportionality has a value of 9.81
F = m 9.81 N/kg
We are not quite finished with our considerations.
A kilogram of iron weighs exactly as much as a
kilogram of wood, but a kilogram of iron doesnt
weigh as much on the Moon as it does on Earth.
We will do the following thought experiment. We
take an object with a mass of 1 kg and weigh it at
different locations: here at home, at the north
pole, at the equator, on the Moon, on Mars, on the
surface of the Sun and finally, on a neutron star.
The results are compiled in Table 4.1.
At every location, the following proportionality is
F ~ m.
However, the factor of proportionality has a dif-
ferent value for each location. The values vary
only slightly at different locations on the surface
of the Earth. They deviate greatly, though, on the
other celestial bodies from those on Earth. For
this reason, we will write the relation between F
and m in a general form
F = m g.
Because the proportionality factor g is dependent
upon where the body having the mass m is to be
found, it is called the strength of the gravitational
field, or simply, the gravitational field.
The momentum current from the Earth into a
body equals the product of the mass of the
body, and the gravitational field. The strength
of the gravitational field on the surface of the
Earth has a value of 9.81 N/kg 10 N/kg.
Here is a description of the Earths gravitational
pull in the force model: The quantity F is called
force of gravity or weight. One can also say that
the gravitational force acts upon a body.
What do we actually mean when we say that an
object is very heavy? It probably means that it is
difficult to lift it off the ground. Do we mean that
it has a big mass? Probably not. On the Moon it
wouldnt be difficult at all to lift this heavy ob-
ject. The word heavy rather means that a strong
momentum current is flowing into the body. In
other words, the gravitational force acting upon it
is great. The same object can be light or heavy
depending upon where it happens to be.
1. What is the momentum current that flows out of the Earth
into your own body? (What is the gravitational force acting
upon your body?) What would this momentum current be on
the Moon? What would it be on a neutron star?
2. During an expedition to the Moon, astronauts using a
force sensor determine the gravitational force acting upon a
body. They find that F = 300 N. What is the bodys mass?
Table 4.1. Values of gravitational fields at various locations
Location g in N/kg
Central Europe 9.81
North and South Poles 9.83
Equator 9.78
Surface of the Moon 1.62
Surface of Mars 3.8
Surface of the Sun 274
Surface of a neutron star 1 000 000 000 000
4.4 Free fall
We take an object into our hands and let go of it.
It falls to the ground. We can now explain this
phenomenon: A momentum current of m g flows
into the object. Therefore, its momentum continu-
ously increases. The longer it falls, the faster it
Something here is odd, though. If two objects,
one heavy and one light, are let go at the same
time from the same height, they reach the ground
at the same time. Shouldnt the heavier one hit
the ground earlier since it receives more momen-
tum from the Earth?
We will calculate how the momentum of the two
bodies increases. We assume that the mass of the
heavier body is 4 kg, and that of the lighter one is
1 kg. We insert
F = m g
p = F t
and obtain
p = m g t (1)
Here we insert the mass and the gravitational
field for the heavier body and get
p = 4 kg 10 N/kg t = 40 N t
and for the light body
p = 1 kg 10 N/kg t = 10 N t
These p-t-relations are represented in Fig. 4.3.
The figure shows that the momentum of both ob-
jects increases uniformly. However, the momen-
tum of the heavier body increases more quickly
than the momentum of the light one. At any given
moment, the heavier one has four times the mo-
mentum of the lighter one.
Why do both the bodies fall at the same velocity,
then? To answer this question, we need the for-
p = m v (2)
We conclude from it that four times the momen-
tum is needed in order to bring the heavy body up
to a certain velocity than is needed to bring the
light one to the same velocity. The body with
greater mass has greater inertia than the one with
smaller mass.
A simple calculation yields the same result. We
equate the right sides of (1) and (2) and obtain
m g t = m v
Dividing both sides of this equation by m yields
v = g t (3)
This equation demonstrates that the velocity of a
falling body increases uniformly. Because the
mass plays no role anymore, it also tells us that
the velocity with which a body falls, is not de-
pendent upon the bodys mass. In Fig. 4.4, the
speed of an arbitrary freely falling object is repre-
sented as a function of time.
The fact that the gravitational field appears in
Equation (3) means that the velocity of free fall
depends upon exactly where the falling object is
located. For example, objects on the Moon fall
six times as slowly as on Earth.
We have so far assumed that a falling body gets
momentum only from the Earth and that it does
not lose momentum while falling. We have rather
simplified the situation by making this assump-
tion. A falling body actually does lose momentum
through friction with the air. If a body is not too
light and falls only a short distance, then our sim-
plification is justified. This situation is called free
fall. However, if a body is very light and has a
large surface as well, our considerations become
Three rules for falling bodies:
If a body A has twice the mass of a body B, it
receives double the amount of momentum per
second from the Earth. It also needs twice the
momentum to reach the same velocity as body
Fig. 4.3. Momentum as a function of time for two falling
bodies of different weights.
Fig. 4.4. The velocity of a freely falling body increases line-
arly with time.
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
t (s)
p (Hy)
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
t (s)
v (m/s)
-0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4
The velocity of falling bodies increases uni-
All bodies fall equally fast.
We will now consider a variant of free fall. We
dont let an object fall from a state of rest, but we
throw it vertically up into the air. At the begin-
ning, it has negative momentum. Like before, it
constantly receives new positive momentum from
the Earth, leading to a gradual reduction of its
negative momentum. It becomes slower and
slower, comes to rest and finally begins to move
in the positive direction (downward).
Upward motion is the mirror image of downward
motion. In the process of falling down, the mo-
mentum of an object increases uniformly. In the
process of moving upward, the negative momen-
tum of an object decreases uniformly. The
equivalent is true for the velocity: The negative
velocity decreases linearly with time during up-
ward movement, and when an object falls down-
ward, its (positive) velocity increases linearly
with time.
Fig. 4.5 shows the velocity as a function of time.
We have set the point of reversal as the zero point
of the time axis. The toss up into the air takes
place at the time minus 4 seconds. One sees in
the figure that the object needs the same amount
of time to fly upward as it does to fall back down.
1. You jump from a 3-meter diving board into water. The
free fall lasts 0.77 s. What is your momentum when you hit
the surface of the water? What is your speed?
2. What is the velocity of a freely falling body after 1/2 sec-
onds on Earth, on the Moon and on the Sun?
3. A stone is thrown upward. Its initial speed is 15 m/s. How
long does it take to hit the ground?
4. A stone is shot upward by a slingshot. After 5 seconds it
hits the ground. What was its initial speed?
4.5 Falling with friction
We cannot always ignore friction. How great it is
depends upon
1. the form of the body
2. the velocity of the body.
You already know from cars that:
1. One tries to keep air friction to a minimum by
designing the car body accordingly.
2. If you drive fast, friction and gas usage (per
kilometer) are much higher than if you drive
Figs 4.6 and 4.7 show that friction, meaning the
momentum current that flows into the air, grows
very fast with increasing speed. Both figures
show the momentum loss due to friction as a
function of speed. In Fig. 4.6, this is for a typical
automobile, and in Fig. 4.7, for a much smaller
object, a ball with a diameter of 30 cm.
We have seen that if we didnt have this friction
loss, or as long as it could be ignored, all bodies
Fig. 4.5. The speed of a body thrown upward. During
upward motion the velocity is negative, for downward
motion, it is positive.
Fig. 4.6. Air resistance for a typical automobile: The
momentum current flowing into the air as a function of the
Fig. 4.7. The momentum current which flows off into the air
as a function of velocity, in the case of a sphere with a
diameter of 30 cm.
t (s)
v (m/s)
Hit ground
0 5 10 15 20
v (m/s)
F (N)
0 40 80 120 160
v (km/h)
F (N)
fall at the same velocity. How does the velocity
of a falling body behave when friction cannot be
ignored any longer?
We let a large and very light ball fall (Fig. 4.8, on
the left). Its mass is
m = 100 g = 0.1 kg,
and its diameter is 30 cm = 0.3 m. A momentum
current flows continuously from the Earth into the
ball. It is
F = m g = 0,1 kg 10 N/kg = 1 N.
When it starts to fall, its speed is small as is its
momentum loss to the air. At a speed of 2 m/s,
the momentum current flowing into the air is less
than 0.1 N (see Fig. 4.7). The loss is still small
compared to the momentum current of 1 N com-
ing out of the Earth. However, the loss quickly
becomes greater until finally the ball loses exactly
as much momentum per second to the air as it re-
ceives from the Earth. From this point on, its mo-
mentum does not increase anymore. Fig. 4.7
shows that the ball then has a velocity of about 7
Fig. 4.9 shows the velocity of our ball as a func-
tion of time: At the beginning, its speed increases
linearly with time. It behaves like a freely falling
ball. Gradually the loss becomes greater though.
Finally, when the currents flowing into and out of
it become equal, its momentum and therefore its
velocity, do not increase any longer. It has
reached its final or terminal velocity. The ball is
now in a steady state.
We let another ball fall. It has the same diameter
(30 cm), but it is four times as heavy as the first
ball, Fig. 4.8, on the right:
m = 0.4 kg.
A momentum current of
F = m g = 0.4 kg 10 N/kg = 4 N
flows from the Earth, through the gravitational
field, and into the ball.
Fig. 4.8. A light sphere (left) and a heavy sphere (right) fall
to the ground. The light one reaches its terminal veloc-ity
earlier than the heavy one.
Fig. 4.9. If there is air friction, the velocity of a falling body
increases until it reaches a terminal velocity.
0 1 2 3
t (s)
v (m/s)
At which speed does this ball stop becoming
faster? Lets take another look at Fig. 4.7. The
momentum current loss is exactly the same as the
momentum current flowing in from the Earth
when the velocity is 14 m/s. The heavy ball
reaches steady state at a higher speed than the
lighter one.
At high velocities, friction cannot be ignored.
The speed of a falling body increases only to a
terminal velocity. The terminal velocity of an
object depends upon its form, and it is greater
for heavy bodies than for light ones.
An interesting application of our considerations
would be parachute jumping. The parachutist
jumps out of an airplane and reaches her terminal
velocity of 50 m/s within a few seconds. She then
falls at this speed for quite a while. The mo-
mentum current flowing through the gravitational
field and into the person has the same strength as
the one flowing out due to friction.
The parachute opens up at about 400 m above
ground. The opening of the parachute means that
air friction increases abruptly and strongly. The
momentum current flowing off is suddenly much
greater than the one flowing in. In the process, the
momentum decreases. Along with the momen-
tum, the velocity decreases, and with it, the loss
by friction. Finally the momentum current due to
friction reaches the same value as the gravita-
tional momentum current, although at a relatively
low speed: at about 4 m/s. The parachute, with its
passenger, now floats at a constant low speed to
the ground. Fig. 4.10 shows the speed of the para-
chutist as a function of time.
Our considerations of the terminal velocity be-
come invalid if there is no air or any other resis-
tive medium involved. The Moon has no atmos-
phere. For this reason, all objects there fall at the
same velocity: a sheet of paper falls just as
quickly to the ground as a large stone. This can
also be observed on Earth. The experiments must
be carried out in a container from which the air
has been removed. We let some small objects
having different mass fall in an evacuated glass
pipe. As expected, they all fall equally fast.
What terminal velocity does a falling sphere with a diameter
of 30 cm and a mass of 0.8 kg reach?
4.6 Weightlessness
The man in Fig. 4.11a feels heavy. His body must
carry the weight of his heavy head, and his feet
have it even worse. They must carry the weight of
his whole body. The man has an idea, see Fig.
4.11b. His legs are relieved of their burden, but
now his arms must support his entire weight. In
Fig. 4.11c, the man makes a third try at ridding
himself of his weight, but he fails again.
The man in Fig. 4.11 is bothered by the feeling
of gravity. We will try to define this feeling
physically. In each of the three cases, what the
man is feeling are momentum currents flowing
through his body. Momentum flows through the
gravitational field into every part of his body and
must be conducted off: it must flow back into the
ground. In Fig. 4.12, these currents have been
sketched for a standing person. Momentum flows
into the head, into the arms, into the upper body,
etc. All of it must flow downward through the
legs and feet and into the ground. The momentum
current in the feet is therefore the strongest.
In the following we will consider a model of a
person. It is composed of two blocks, one on top
of the other (upper body and lower body), Fig.
Fig. 4.10. The velocity of a parachutist as a function of time.
Fig. 4.11. No matter what he does, the man cannot get rid of
his feeling of weight
0 50 100 150
t (s)
v (m/s)
a b c
4.13. One sees that the momentum current on the
bottom side of the lower block is twice that on the
bottom of the one above.
We will now put our model into a state of weight-
lessness: a state where no momentum flows
through it. In other words, a state in which no part
of it is under compressive or tensile stress.
You probably think that it would be necessary to
bring the model of a person very far away from
the Earth to a place where the Earths gravita-
tional field has no more influence. There would
not be any momentum flowing into our model
there. There wouldnt be any momentum flowing
through it either. This would be a possibility in-
deed. There is another, simpler method though.
We let momentum flow into the model, but not
back out again. When there isnt any momentum
flowing through it, it feels weightless.
How can this be done? Very simply. It is enough
to interrupt the connection to the ground so that
the momentum cannot flow out of the model and
back into the Earth. We must just let our person
fall freely, Fig. 4.14. Now momentum is flowing
from the gravitational field into each block (into
every part of the person), and into every part of
each block. It doesnt flow within the blocks
though. In particular, no momentum flows from
one of the blocks into the other. The result: There
is no more compressive or tensile stress. The
block below does not feel the weight of the one
For you, meaning a real person, the same holds: If
you jump down from somewhere, you are weight-
less as long as you are falling. Even when you
jump upward, you are weightless as soon as you
lose contact with the ground. You remain so until
you touch down again.
Now the time spent falling through the air is too
short for one to really notice the feeling of
weightlessness. We will therefore do an experi-
ment with our model person, Fig. 4.15. The two
blocks stand upon a platform. This platform
hangs from strings similarly to a scale. There is a
thin board between the two blocks attached to a
taut rubber band connected to the wall. The rub-
ber band would pull the board out if it wasnt
held in place between the two blocks because of
the weight of the upper block.
Now the experiment: We cut the string holding
up the whole arrangement. At the same time,
pulled by the rubber band, the board shoots out
from between the blocks. Why? The stack of
blocks was in free fall for a short moment. During
this short period, it was weightless. The upper
block was not pressing down upon the lower one.
It let go of the board.
You know that astronauts feel weightless in their
space ship. What is the explanation for this? Is it
Fig. 4.12. The momentum currents flowing through the
gravitational field into a person must also flow out again.
Fig. 4.14. A freely falling body is weightless. There are no
momentum currents flowing within it.
Fig. 4.13. A model person. It is composed of an upper and
lower body.
Fig. 4.15. During free fall, the blocks are weightless. The
board between the blocks is released.
because they are so far away from the Earth? Not
at all. The Space Shuttle flies at an altitude of
about 250 km. Compared to the Earths radius,
this is not very high. Actually, it flies very close
to the Earths surface, Fig. 4.16. The gravitational
field up there is almost exactly as dense as down
here where we are: The strength of the field at
250 km altitude is g = 9.08 N/kg. This is hardly
smaller than on the Earths surface.
There must be another reason for weightlessness
then. It is exactly the same as the one we have for
falling objects: As soon as the propulsion rockets
have burned their fuel, the space ship becomes a
freely falling body. Why doesnt a space ship or a
satellite fall to Earth? Now this is exactly what it
does. However, it has a lot of horizontal momen-
tum. It falls like a stone thrown sideways. It falls
so far away that it always falls behind the
Earth. It falls in a continuous circle and never
touches the Earths surface.
Freely falling bodies are weightless.
1. An astronaut has two identical looking objects of different
mass before him. Can he find out which of them has the
greater mass? If yes, how?
2. A space ship is so far away from Earth that there is almost
no gravitational field. The astronauts would like to feel their
weight. How can they do this without returning to the Earth
or flying to another celestial body?
4.7 Density of materials
Which is heavier: 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of wood?
We have all heard this question. It is asked to
trick someone. The right answer is naturally:
Both are equally heavy. However, someone not
listening carefully, and not noticing the word
kg, would probably say that the iron is heavier.
We see that the words heavy and light can be
understood in two somewhat different ways:
First, to represent a weight or mass: 1.5 kg of
sugar is heavier than 0.8 kg of flour.
Second, to express a characteristic of the sub-
stance: One says that iron is heavier than wood
because a piece of iron has greater mass than a
piece of wood of exactly the same volume.
This second definition of heavier and lighter
is expressed quantitatively by the density of the
material. We understand the density of a mate-
rial to be the ratio of mass m and volume V. In
short, the mass per volume:
The resulting SI-unit is kg/m
. The densities of
various materials are given in Table 4.2.
Here is another point to consider: Some sub-
stances, namely gases, can be easily compressed.
For this reason, their densities can be changed by
just altering the pressure or temperature. If the
density is given, the corresponding pressure and
temperature must also be given. This effect is
very small for solid and liquid substances,
though. The values in the Table are based upon
standard conditions: They are valid for p = 1 bar
and = 20C. The densities of gases in the table
are noticeably much smaller than those of liquids
Fig. 4.16. The space shuttle flies at an altitude of only 250
km. The strength of the gravitational field is hardly smaller
here than upon the surface of the earth.
Beech wood 600 900
Granite 2600
Aluminum 2700
Iron 7800
Copper 8960
Gold 19300
Gasoline 720
Ethyl alcohol (standard alcohol) 790
Water 998
Trichloroethylene 1460
Mercury 13550
Hydrogen 0.090
Nitrogen 1.25
Air 1.29
Oxygen 1.43
Carbon dioxide 1.9
Table 4.2.
Density of some substances at p =1bar and =20C
and solids. We will keep in mind a basic rule-of-
Under standard conditions, the density of liq-
uids and solids is about 1000 times that of
In order to measure the density of a substance,
one takes an arbitrary amount of it and deter-
mines its mass m and its volume V, and then di-
vides m by V.
Sometimes it is easy to measure m and V, some-
times it is not. For example, to determine the den-
sity of gasoline, it is enough to weigh 1 l = 0.001
. One finds m = 0.72 kg. This leads to the fol-
lowing density:
It is more difficult to determine the volume of a
solid substance if it has an irregular form. Fig.
4.17 shows how one might approach this prob-
lem. The object is submerged in water and the
amount of water it displaces is measured.
Finding the mass of gases is the more difficult
part of determining their density. Let us find the
density of air. We take a container that can be
sealed, having a volume of 1 l, which we weigh.
We then pump the air out of it with a vacuum
pump and weigh it again. The difference of the
two results is the mass of the air that was in the
container at the beginning.
1. The weight of 1.6 liters of a liquid is determined. One
finds m = 1.3 kg. What is the density of the liquid?
2. A granite paving stone weighs 2.2 kg. What is its volume?
3. The capacity of a cars gas tank is 40 l. How much does
the gas of a full tank weigh?
4. A copper sheet is 120 cm long and 80 cm wide. It weighs
8.2 kg. How thick is it?
5. What is the mass of the air in your living room?

gasoline 3
kg / m = =
0 72
4.8 When a body floats and when it
A piece of wood, some gasoline, or a drop of oil
float on water. Iron, copper or aluminum sink.
What about a drop of water in water? Does it
float or sink? A silly question, you may think.
You cannot distinguish one drop of water from
the rest of it! However, it is really not difficult to
do this. Just dye it a color. The result: It doesnt
float and it doesnt sink, it is suspended.
Whether or not a body floats upon a liquid de-
pends upon how heavy the body is. What do
heavy and light mean here though? Surely
not the mass. A piece of wood floats upon water
no matter how great its mass. Density is impor-
tant in this case. A body floats upon a liquid if its
density is less than the density of the liquid. If it
has greater density, it sinks. If the densities of the
body and the liquid are the same, the body is sus-
(We have created an alternative use of the word
body. It can also mean a portion of a liquid.)
We will test this once more with water and gaso-
line. If we put a drop of water into a container of
gasoline, it sinks. Gasoline dripped onto a con-
tainer filled with water spreads out over its sur-
Both cases deal with the same phenomenon. This
can be clearly seen in the following experiment:
Several liquids of differing densities are poured
into a glass. These might be trichloroethylene,
water, and gasoline. The three liquids arrange
themselves in layers with the one with greatest
density at the bottom. Just on top of it is the one
with the next greatest density, etc. (Fig. 4.18).
Now a few solid bodies can be put into the glass.
A metal body sinks to the bottom; a body of hard
rubber ( = 1200 kg/m
) floats upon the trichloro-
ethylene but not upon the water. A body of light
plastic ( = 900 kg/m
) floats upon the water, but
not upon the gasoline. Finally at the top, a piece
of wood floats upon the gasoline. The seven dif-
ferent substances have arranged themselves ac-
cording to their densities.
Because gases have lower densities than liquids,
all gases float upon all liquids. This is why an
air bubble in water or a carbon dioxide bubble in
cola rise to the top.
So far we have asked what types of bodies float
upon liquids. The same question could be asked
for a gas. Of course all liquids and solids sink in
gases. Water drops or solid particles fall down-
ward through the air. In a glass, though, one gas
can float upon another. This phenomenon is put
to use by balloons. If a balloon is filled with a gas
with a lower density than that of air, say hydro-
gen, the balloon will rise upward (assuming that
the balloons shell is not too heavy because the
hydrogen must lift it as well). The dirigibles
Fig. 4.17. In order to determine the volume of a solid body,
the volume of the displaced water is measured.
popular at the beginning of the 20
century func-
tioned by this principle.
We sum up:
A body with a density lower than that of its en-
vironment, rises upward. If its density is
higher than that of its environment, it sinks.
1. Is there a liquid upon which iron would float? Give rea-
2. A balloon is filled with carbon dioxide. Does it rise or
fall? Give reasons!
4.9 The relation between pressure
and altitude in liquids and gases
One feels pressure in the ears when diving into
a swimming pool or when an elevator rises or
moves downward quickly in a tall building.
In both cases, the pressure changes. Ears are our
most sensitive sense organs for detecting changes
of pressure.
We fill a tall container with water. The container
has holes on its side at three different levels, Fig.
4.19. The water sprays out of all three holes. The
pressure forcing the water out is called hydro-
static pressure. It is created by the weight of the
water. The water jet at the bottom sprays the far-
thest, so the pressure there must be the greatest.
The jet at the top is the weakest, so the pressure
there must be the lowest. Hydrostatic pressure of
water increases with depth.
This increase of pressure can be measured. One
finds that hydrostatic pressure increases 1 bar per
10 m water depth. At the deepest part of the
ocean (about 10,000 m below sea level) pressure
is at 1000 bar. You can now see why diving cap-
sules that go to these depths need to have such
thick walls.
Hydroelectric power plants are often constructed
as shown in the schematic in Fig. 4.20. At a high
altitude in the mountains there is a water reser-
voir: a storage lake for water coming from vari-
ous rivers and streams. Several thick pipes lead
from this reservoir down into the valley below to
the actual power plant with its turbines and gen-
erators. If, for example, the reservoir lies 500 m
above the turbines, the pressure at the entrance to
the turbines is 50 bar.
This increase of pressure with depth can also be
observed in the Earths atmosphere, or in other
words, in the sea of air surrounding the Earth.
On the floor of this sea, meaning at the Earths
surface, the hydrostatic pressure is about 1 bar, as
you know. It decreases in the upward direction.
Close to the Earths surface it decreases at about
1 mbar per 10 m. Not only does the pressure grow
smaller in an upward direction, but the pressure
change per altitude difference does as well (also
see Section 2.2).
The hydrostatic pressure of liquids and gases
increases with depth.
Fig. 4.18. The 7 bodies (liquid and solid) arrange themselves
according to their densities. (Wood, Gasoline, Plastic, Water,
Hard rubber, Trichloroethylene, Brass.)
Fig. 4.19. Water pressure increases with depth.
Fig. 4.20. The pressure at the entrance to the turbine depends
upon the difference in height between the turbine and the
water reservoir.
5. 1 M om en tu m as an en er gy ca rr ie r
Physical effort uses up energy. What is meant here
by uses up? For example, one needs to eat a lot in
order to keep up his or her exertions. One receives
energy through food, and gets rid of this energy
through physical activity. You use a lot of energy
actually means A lot of energy is flowing through
you, you take in a lot of energy and you get rid of a
lot of energy.
The person in Fig. 5.1 is pulling a box across a floor.
(Of course there are less exhausting ways to
transport it, but then we wouldnt be able to discuss
our problem so well.) She exerts herself, she is
getting rid of energy. Where does this energy go? It
goes to the bottom surface of the box, creating heat
there. Then it distributes into the environment to-
gether with the heat.
We now wish to investigate the transport of energy
between the person and the box. The first point to be
dealt with is: Which one is the energy carrier? In the
rope between the person and the box, a momentum
current flows simultaneously with the energy
current. We suspect that the energy carrier we are
looking for is momentum.
Momentum is an energy carrier.
However, we immediately see that not every
momentum current is accompanied by an energy
current. The momentum current in Fig. 5.1 flows, as
we know, from the box through the ground and back
to the person. The energy takes its own course from
the bottom of the box. Therefore, the momentum
flowing back does not carry any energy.
What does the strength of the energy current depend
upon? Put more generally: What do we need to do in
order to transport as much energy as possible
through a rope or a rod?
If we attach a taut rope to a wall, Fig. 5.2, a
momentum current flows, but no energy current
flows because nothing is being heated and nothing
Fig. 5.1 The mom entu m flow s in a clos ed circ uit. The ener gy
flow s fro m the pers on s mus cles to the unde rsid e of the crat e.
is moving. What is the difference between the ropes
in Fig. 5.1 and Fig. 5.2? The first rope is moving, the
second one is not. We see that in energy transport,
the speed with which the momentum conductor
moves is important.
In addition, the strength of the energy current is
dependent upon the strength of the momentum
current. If a rope is not under mechanical tension, no
energy can be transported by it.
We draw an important conclusion:
The strength of the energy current P through a
rope depends upon
the strength F of the momentum current in
the rope and
the velocity v of the rope.
We want to see how the relation looks
quantitatively. What kind of equation relates the
three quantities P , F , and v ?
The dependence of the energy current P upon the
momentum current F is easy to find. Fig. 5.3 shows
from above how two identical boxes are pulled
across a floor. We compare both pieces of rope A
and B. Both move at the same velocity. The
momentum current as well as the energy current
split evenly at the node P. The momentum current in
B is half that of A. This is also true of the energy
current. Therefore we see that at constant speed the
energy current is proportional to the momentum
P ~ F
We will do an experiment in order to find the
relation between P and v . A box is pulled with the
help of a pulley, Fig. 5.4. We compare ropes A
and B. A first comment about the energy current:
All of the energy that flows into rope B from the
right goes through the pulley and through rope A.
No energy can flow in rope C because C does not
move. We therefore have
Fig. 5.2. No ener gy curr ent flow s alth oug h a mom entu m
curr ent is flow ing.
5. Momentum and Energy
P A = P B
Next we compare the velocities of A and B. If the
box, and rope A along with it, moves a certain
distance to the right, the right end of B moves twice
this distance to the right. Let us assume that the box
moves 10 cm to the right. The pulley also moves
10 cm to the right. If rope B was not rolled over the
pulley, but attached to the right end of A, then B
would also move 10 cm to the right. However, rope
C becomes 10 cm shorter because of the pulley, and
rope B takes these 10 cm coming from rope C. B
becomes 20 cm longer and this means that the
velocity of B is always twice that of A. Therefore:
v B = 2 v A
Finally, we will compare the momentum currents in
A and B. We can only do this by measuring. Our
measurements show that the momentum current in
B is half that in A. (In C it is exactly the same as in B,
so the junction rule is satisfied). We can then write:
F A = 2 F B
All of these results together can be written as
P ~ v F
This proportionality tells us that P is proportional
to F if the velocity is kept constant. It also tells us
Fig. 5.4. The mom entu m curr ent in rop e A is twic e that in
rop e B. The velo city of rop e A is half that of rop e B.
Fig. 5.3. Tw o crat es are pull ed acro ss the floo r. Vie w fro m
abo ve.
that if v is doubled and F is halved, P stays constant.
This is what we have found in our experiment with
the pulley.
If energy is transported by the energy carrier
momentum, the strength of the energy current is
proportional to the strength of the momentum
current and to the velocity with which the
conductor moves.
In order to form an equation out of this
proportionality, we should introduce a factor of
proportionality. Fortunately, the SI-units of the
three quantities have been so chosen that the
following is valid:
P = v F
This is the desired result. We can use it to calculate
the energy current in our rope if we know the
momentum current through it and its velocity.
An example: We pull on a rope with a force sensor
mounted into it. The force sensor shows 120 N and
the rope moves at 0.5 m/s. The resulting energy
current is:
P = v F = 0,5 m/s 120 N = 60 W.
Remember that velocity must be given in m/s and
momentum current in N so that the energy current is
given in the SI-unit Watt.
The formula
P = v F
can be transformed into an equation that is handier
for some problems. We replace P by E/t and v by
s/t :
and multiply both on the right and the left by t . The
result is:
E = s F
The equation tells us, for example, that if one pushes
against a rod and the rod moves a distance s , the
amount of energy flowing through the rod is s F .
Here, F is the momentum current flowing through
the rod being pushed.
An example: We pull on a rope so that we have a
momentum current of 120 N and the rope moves
2 m. How much energy is transported through the
rope? We apply our new formula. With F = 120 N
and s = 2 m, we have
E = s F = 2 m 120 N = 240 Nm = 240 J
" F
1. A trac tor pull s a trai ler on a hor izon tal stre et at a spe ed of
20 km/ h. A mom entu m curr ent of 900 N flow s thro ugh the
trai ler coup ling . Wha t is the ener gy use d by the trai ler? (Wh at is
the ener gy curr ent fro m the trac tor to the trai ler? ) Whe re does
the mom entu m that flow s thro ugh the trai ler go? Whe re does
the ener gy go?
2. A truc k is pull ing a trai ler alon g a hor izon tal stre et fro m
one city to anot her. The dist ance betw een the two citie s is 35
km. A mom entu m curr ent of 900 N flow s thro ugh the coup ling .
How muc h ener gy in all has flow n fro m the truc k to the trail er?
3. The driv e belt of a mac hine run s at a spe ed of 10 m/s . The
ener gy curr ent tran spo rted by the driv e belt has a stre ngth of
800 W. Wha t is the for ce of the belt upon the belt pull ey? (Wh at
is the mom entu m curr ent in the belt ?)
4. A cran e lifts a wei ght of 50 kg at a velo city of 0.8 m/s .
Wha t is the ener gy curr ent thro ugh the cran e cabl e? The wei ght
is lifte d 5 m high . How long does this take ? How muc h ener gy
flow s thro ugh the cabe l dur ing this pro cess ?
5. 2 M ec ha ni ca l en er gy st or ag e
a) Elastically deformed bodies as energy stores
We stretch a long, strong spring, Fig. 5.5. This is
tiring because energy is used for this. We consider
the right end of the spring (point A in Fig. 5.5). This
end of the spring is under mechanical tension,
meaning a momentum current F is flowing through
it, and it is moving at a velocity v . According to
our formula, P = v F , an energy current is flowing
through it as well. Now we look at its left end (point
C). The momentum current here is the same as at A,
but because C does not move, no energy current
flows. The energy flowing in at A does not flow out
again at C but is stored in the spring.
We can check the currents at other points of the
spring, for example, in the middle. There the
momentum current is exactly the same as at A and at
Fig. 5.5. Ene rgy flow s into the spr ing fro m the righ t whe n it is
stre tche d.
C. The velocity at the middle of the spring is exactly
half that at point A. Therefore the energy current
flowing at point B is only half that flowing into the
spring at point A. This is understandable: Half the
energy is stored in the right half of the spring and the
rest flows further to the left half. This idea can be
taken further: A third of the energy is stored in each
third of the spring. In every quarter of the spring, a
quarter of the energy is stored, etc. In short: The
energy distributes evenly over the entire length of
the spring.
If a spring can be compressed so that it doesnt
expand sideways, this method can be used to store
energy as well.
A spring is an energy storage unit. The more a
spring is expanded or shortened, the more
energy it contains.
Of course, these considerations are not only valid
for springs but for any other elastically deformable
object as well. An extended expander contains
energy in the same way a slingshot does, a bent
diving board or a dented football, Fig. 5.6.
b) Moving bodies as energy stores
We charge a car which is unimpeded by friction,
with momentum. We have done this often in the
past, Fig. 5.7, but this time we know that not only
momentum but also energy flows in the rope. The
energy cannot leave the wagon any more than the
momentum can. In the process of pulling, the wagon
accumulates momentum and energy.
A moving body contains energy. The greater its
speed, the more energy it contains.
When a moving car rolls to a stop, its momentum
flows into the ground. The energy takes another
path. It is used to create heat. Wherever we have
friction, heat is produced. In the process, the energy
is distributed into the environment: a part goes into
the ground, and a part goes into the wagon and into
the air.
Fig. 5.6. Ene rgy is stor ed in a stre tche d expa nder , in a
stre tche d slin gsh ot, in a bent divi ng boar d and in a dent ed
foo tbal l.
The energy contained in a moving car can also be
put into a spring and stored there. To do this, a car
pulls a spring, Fig. 5.8. The car comes to a stop.
There are two ways to pull the spring. Either its left
end is attached to the wall, and its right end is pulled
to the right by the wagon, or the right end is attached
to the wall, and the left end is pulled to the left. In
both cases the result is identical: a taut spring
charged with energy. In the first case, the energy
came from a car with positive momentum and in the
second case, from a car with negative momentum.
However, both cars have positive energy.
No matter in what direction an object is moving,
its energy is positive.
c) The gravitational field as energy store
In Fig. 5.9, a heavy body is pulled upward. Again,
energy is flowing in the rope along with momentum.
The momentum comes out of the Earth, over the
gravitational field into the body.
The gravitational field can be pictured as an
invisible spring pulling on the body. When the
object is lifted, energy is stored in the gravitational
field exactly as energy is stored in a spring by
expanding it. When the object is lowered again, the
energy is given back from the gravitational field.
Fig. 5.7. Ene rgy as wel l as mom entu m flow s into a car whe n it
acce lera tes.
Fig. 5.8. A mov ing wag on give s its ener gy to a spr ing. (a) The
wag on mov es to the righ t. (b) The wag on mov es to the left .
It takes more energy to lift a heavy object than to lift
a light one. The heavier the object being lifted, the
more energy is stored in the field.
The gravitational field is an energy storage unit.
The higher an object is lifted, and the heavier it
is, the more energy is put into the gravitational
The energy of the gravitational field is put to use in
hydroelectric plants, Fig. 5.10.
Water from streams and rivers is collected at high
elevations and piped downward. In the process of
falling, water takes energy out of the gravitational
field. It then flows through the turbines of the power
plant and gives its energy up there. Energy flows
into the turbines with the energy carrier water.
From the turbines, the energy continues to the
generator carried by the energy carrier angular
Fig. 5.10 . Hyd roel ectr ic pow er plan t. Whi le flow ing
dow nwa rd, the wat er take s ener gy out of the grav itati onal
fiel d. It give s it up agai n in the turb ine.
Fig. 5.9. Ene rgy is stor ed in the grav itati onal fiel d whi le the
obje ct is bein g hois ted.
5 .3 Th e co m pl ex pa th s
of en er gy an d m om en tu m
In the following, we will investigate to processes
of motion: The motion of a stone thrown upward,
Fig. 5.11, and the motion of a body oscillating
between two springs, Fig. 5.12. In both cases we
ask the same questions:
What path does the energy take?
What path does the momentum take?
a) The stone thrown upward
When a person throws a stone up into the air,
energy goes from his muscles and into the stone.
While the stone is moving upward, the energy
flows into the gravitational field. At the
turnaround point, it has completely left the stone.
During the descent it flows out of the field and
back into the stone. When the stone hits the
ground, heat is created. The energy is distributed
into the environment, i.e., into the stone, the
ground and the air, along with the heat.
In the act of throwing the person pumps
negative momentum from the ground into the
stone. While the stone is traveling upward,
positive momentum flows out of the Earth,
through the gravitational field, and into the stone.
In the process, the negative momentum of the
Fig. 5.11 . The path of ener gy and mom entu m for an obje ct
that is thro wn upw ard.
Fig. 5.12 . The path of ener gy and mom entu m for an
osc illat ing obje ct.
stone decreases. At the turnaround point, the
entire negative momentum of the stone is
compensated. The inflow of positive momentum
does not stop here though. The stone now takes
the positive direction (downward) and its positive
momentum increases with falling. At impact with
the ground it gives the momentum back to the
b) The oscillating object
The air cushion glider in Fig. 5.12 moves back
and forth, performing a so-called oscillation. You
have certainly seen a lot of other cases of
oscillatory motion. In many of these processes,
the paths of energy and momentum are very
similar to those in Fig. 5.12. We will therefore
look a little closer at the glider in Fig. 5.12. We
push the glider to the left a bit out of the
equilibrium position and then let go of it.
At the moment of release, both springs are
charged with energy: the left one because it is
compressed, and the one on the right because it is
stretched. The glider now starts moving to the
right receiving energy from both springs because
both of them relax. If the glider reaches the
middle, both springs have given up their energy.
All the energy is in the glider. The glider
continues moving to the right gradually becoming
slower. It now gives its energy to both springs. At
the reversal point on the right, all the energy is in
both springs again, and the whole process starts
all over in the opposite direction.
At the moment the glider is released, the left hand
spring is under compressive stress and the right
hand one under tensile stress. In the one on the
left, a momentum current is flowing to the right.
In the right hand one, it is flowing to the left. In
total, two momentum currents are flowing from
the ground into the body. The bodys momentum
increases until it has reached the middle. Now the
springs are relaxed and momentum has ceased to
flow. However, as soon as the glider moves
beyond the middle point, the springs begin to be
stressed again, but now the right one is under
compressive stress and the left one is under
tensile stress. The momentum is flowing in the
opposite direction than before: out of the body, in
both directions, and into the ground.
1. A trai n car roll s agai nst an elas tic spr ing buf fer. Wha t path
do ener gy and mom entu m take ?
2. A ball fall s to the gro und and bou nces back up. Wha t path
do ener gy and mom entu m take ?
3. An obje ct hang s fro m a ceili ng on a rub ber band so that it
can osc illat e up and dow n. Des crib e the path of ener gy and
mom entu m.
6. 1 V ec to rs
There is thick fog in an area with a lot of ship traffic.
Captain Amundsen gets the positions and speeds of
the ships in the surroundings from his radio opera-
tor: At a distance of 5.6 miles northeast of the Gi-
gantic, a tanker is traveling at a speed of 35 knots (65
km/h). Is this information enough to let Captain
Amundsen avoid a collision? Of course not, Fig.
6.1. What direction is it traveling in? he asks. He
knows that if the tanker is traveling westward, it will
become dangerous. He would have to carry out an
evasion maneuver. If the tanker is traveling east-
ward, there is no danger.
In order to unambiguously describe the motion of a
body (in this case, the tanker), one needs the follo-
wing information:
how fast the body is traveling, for example,
65 km/h;
in which direction the body is moving, for
example, east.
Both statements are about velocity. 65 km/h alone
does not determine the velocity. Determining the di-
rection of the motion is also a part of this.
Velocity has a magnitude and a direction . In the
case of our tnaker we have:
magnitude of the velocity: 65 km/h;
direction of the velocity: eastward.
There are other quantities that can only be defined
through their magnitudes and directions. Momen-
tum is one of these quantities.
Both the cars in Fig. 6.2 have a momentum of
2000 Hy. In spite of this, their momenta are not the
same. The cars are not moving in the same direction.
Car A is traveling in direction x and car B is traveling
transversely to it.
In order to identify the momentum of a body, the
magnitude and the direction must be given, as for
velocity. In our example this means:
Momentum of car A
Magnitude: 2000 Hy
Direction: x
Momentum of car B
Magnitude: 2000 Hy
Direction: transverse to x
Two momenta are identical only when they have the
same magnitudes and the same directions.
Physical quantities defined in this way are called
vectors .
A vector is determined by its magnitude and its
Velocity and momentum are vectors.
Normal physical quantities, meaning those that
can be defined by just a number, are called sca-
lars .
To say that the mass of a body is
m = 5 kg
is unambiguous. To give a direction in this case
would be silly. The mass is therefore a scalar. Other
examples of scalars are energy, electric current, and
How do you communicate the value of a vector
quantity, say the momentum of a body? For examp-
le, like this:
magnitude of momentum: 200 Hy;
direction of momentum: 35 degrees to the x
Fig. 6.1. The pos ition s of the Gig anti c and a tank er. The
tank er sail s east war d. The re is no dang er.
6. Momentum as a vector
Fig. 6.2. The mom enta of both cars are diff eren t.
There is an even easier way to describe the momen-
tum (or any other vector quantity): by a sketch. The
scale must be set first, say:
1 cm in the sketch corresponds to 50 Hy.
The momentum can now be represented by an ar-
row. The length of the arrow indicates the magnitu-
de of momentum, the direction of the arrow is the
momentums direction.
In Fig. 6.3, the momenta of three bodies are repre-
sented. Note that 1 cm corresponds to 50 Hy.
To make things a little easier for us, we will give the
three types of momentum in Fig. 6.3 different na-
mes. The one in body A we will call 0-degree mo-
mentum because the momentum arrow makes a 0
degree angle to the x -axis. Body Bs momentum
we call 45-degree momentum because its arrow
forms a 45-degree angle to the x -axis. We accor-
dingly name the momentum of C 270-degree
The fact that a quantity is a vector quantity is also
expressed by its symbol: An arrow is written over
the letter symbol. The symbol for the velocity vector
is v
and the symbol for the momentum vector is
. These symbols were used in Fig. 6.3.
1. Sho w the foll owi ng mom entu m valu es grap hica lly.
Bod y P: mag nitu de of mom entu m: 20 Hy
dire ction of mom entu m: 270 degr ees to the
x -dir ecti on
Bod y Q: mag nitu de of mom entu m: 120 0 Hy
dire ction of mom entu m: 10 degr ees to the
x -dir ecti on
2. In the for mer chap ters , we deal t only with mot ion para llel
to one axis . In thos e case s pos itive and nega tive mom entu m
valu es appe ared . Sho w the mom entu m valu es p
= 3,5 Hy
und p
= 4,5 Hy as arro ws.
3. Wha t are the mag nitu des and dire ctio ns of the mom enta
repr esen ted as arro ws in Fig . 6.4?
6 .2 D ir ec tio n of flo w an d th e
di re ct io n of th at w hi ch flo w s
Someone is standing at the edge of a pond trying to
move a raft with the help of a pole. The Figs. 6.5a to
6.5c show three different scenes from above. We
will describe what is happening.
In order to make things a bit easier, we have drawn
in the x -axis. We always give the direction of
momentum in relation to this direction.
In Fig. 6.5a, the person pushes the raft to the right, in
the direction of the positive x -axis. We assume that
he is pushing so that 150 Huygens per second flows
into the raft. The momentum current is 150 Hy/s =
150 N. In Fig. 6.5b, he pushes the raft away from
himself so that it moves toward the center of the
pond. Again, he is pushing so that 150 Hy per
second flows into the raft. In Fig. 6.5c, he pushes
diagonally forward and to the right with 150 N.
Although the same number of Huygens per second
is flowing in all three cases, the momentum currents
are different in each case, because what is flowing is
not the same.
In the first case, the raft gets 0-degree momentum.
0-degree momentum flowed through the pole. In the
second, the raft received 90-degree momentum, so
90-degree momentum must have been flowing
through the rod. In the third case, 45-degree
momentum flowed through the rod.
The momentum flowing from the person to the raft
is represented by the arrows on the left of the pole.
You can imagine each arrow as a portion of the
momentum flowing from the person to the raft.
The long dashed line shows the path the momentum
You can tell that momentum currents present us
with the same situation as momentum does. We
need more than just a number to specify a
momentum current. A momentum current is
specified only if we give the direction of the flowing
momentum (0 degrees, 90 degrees, or 45 degrees) in
addition to its magnitude (here: 150 N).
A momentum current is a vector.
Fig. 6.3. Mo men ta of thre e bod ies A, B, and C, repr esen ted by
arr ows .
Fig. 6.4. For exer cise 3 .
Ab b. 6.5. (a) 0 mom entu m, (b) 90 mom entu m and (c) 45 mom entu m flow s tow ard the raft , mea ning in the rod fro m
bott om to top.
We can represent his vector by an arrow, just as we
did with other vectors. Length and direction have
the following meanings:
Length of the arrow: Magnitude of momentum
Direction of the arrow: The direction of the
momentum flowing through the conductor.
We use F
as the symbol for the momentum current
Fig. 6.6 shows the vectors of the currents belonging
to Figs. 6.5a-c.
We now consider Fig. 6.7 and compare it to Fig.
6.5c. In Fig. 6.7, 45-degree momentum is flowing to
the raft. In contrast to Fig. 6.5c though, it is flowing
not through a straight pole but through one that is
bent. The momentum must flow through an s-
shaped path. In both Figures, the same momentum
is flowing, and in both figures 150 Hy/s is flowing. It
is flowing once through a straight conductor and
once through a curved one. The vector arrows
representing the situations in Figs. 6.5c and 6.7, are
therefore the same.
The path the momentum takes is represented by the
dashed lines in Figs. 6.5a-c and Fig. 6.7.
Dont mistake the direction of the path with the
direction of the momentum being transported.
In our descriptions of the three processes in Figs.
6.5a to 6.5c, we have said what kind of momentum
and how much of it flows from the ground to the raft .
We can also describe these processes by saying
what kind of momentum and how much of it flows
away from the raft, meaning to the Earth . Both
descriptions are equivalent.
x Huygens of momentum of a given direction
flow per second from the ground to the raft means
the same as x Huygens of momentum of the op-
posite direction flow per second to the ground.
Fig. 6.8 shows the same process as in Fig. 6.5a, but
here it is described differently. Fig. 6.8 does not
show what kind of momentum is flowing into the
raft, but the kind of momentum that is flowing to the
Earth. This is 180-degree momentum.
Notice that the arrows representing the current
vectors in the two descriptions must point in
opposite directions.
The following statements are equivalent:
Fig. 6.6. Cur rent vect ors for mom entu m flow ing tow ard the
raft in Figs . 6.5a -c.
150 Hy/s of 0-degree momentum flow from the
Earth to the raft;
150 Hy/s of 180-degree momentum flow from
the raft to the Earth.
1. 300 N flow s in a rod betw een a trac tor and its trai ler, Fig .
6.9. Wha t kind of mom entu m is flow ing into the trai ler?
Rep res ent the mom entu m curr ent by an arro w. Des crib e the
sam e pro cess by givi ng wha t kind of mom entu m and how muc h
of it flow s thro ugh the rod awa y from the trai ler .
2. Som eone pus hes a wag on with a spir al rod in the pos itive
x -dir ectio n, Fig. 6.10 . A mom entu m curr ent of 25 N flow s.
a) Wha t kind of mom entu m is flow ing into the wag on?
b) Ske tch the path of the mom entu m in Fig . 6.10 .
c) Dra w the arro w repr esen ting the curr ent vect or.
3. In Fig . 6.11 , an appl e fall s to the gro und . Mo men tum
flow s into the appl e. (It com es fro m the Ear th and trav els
thro ugh the grav itati onal field .) The appl e wei ghs 300 g.
a) Wha t is the mag nitu de of the mom entu m curr ent?
b) Wha t kind of mom entu m flow s into the appl e? (Gi ve the
angl e in a vert ical plan e).
c) Dra w the arro w repr esen ting the curr ent vect or.
Fig. 6.7. 45- degr ee mom entu m flow s thro ugh a bent rod to
the raft .
Ab b. 6.8. The sam e pro cess as in Fig . 6.5a , but des crib ed
diff eren tly: 180- degr ee mom entu m flow s into the gro und.
Fig . 6.9. For Exe rcis e 1
Fig. 6.10 . For Exe rcis e 2
Fig. 6.11 . For Exe rcis e 3
6. 3 A dd in g ve ct or s
Again we take the example of the pond with the raft,
Fig. 6.12. The raft has momentum to the right.
Physically speaking: It has 0-degree momentum,
say 500 Hy. The person pushes the pole against the
raft from below (in the figure). He presses so that 50
Huygens per second of 90-degree momentum go
into the raft. He pushes for three seconds. How
much momentum does the raft have at the end?
It now has 500 Hy of 0-degree momentum and 3 "
50 Hy of 90-degree momentum. How much is this in
all? What kind of momentum is it?
You can imagine that the raft moves neither parallel
nor transverse to the x -direction, but somehow
diagonally (upward and to the right in our figure).
The total momentum is neither 0-degree nor 90-
The question of how much total momentum there is
can be reformulated as follows: How do you add up
vectors? How do you add up 500 Hy of 0-degree
momentum und 150 Hy of 90-degree momentum?
It is easy to find the answer if the arrow
representation of the momentum vectors are used.
We represent each momentum by an arrow, Fig.
6.13a. We call the arrows p
. and p
. We now
connect them in such a way that the starting point of
coincides with the tip of p
, Fig 6.13b. Then
we draw a third arrow p
whose starting point
coincides with the initial point of p
and whose
tip coincides with the tip of p
. Arrow p
the total momentum we are looking for.
We call what we just did vector addition .
Symbolically it is expressed by
+ p
= p
One obtains the same result if p
is attached to
as one does by attaching p
to p
, Fig. 6.14.
Like usual addition, vector addition is commutati-
A 0.5 kg stone is thrown horizontally, Fig. 6.15. Just
after being thrown it has 3 Hy of 0-degree
momentum. Because of its gravity, it constantly
receives momentum from the Earth. This is 270-
degree momentum. How much and what kind of
momentum does it have after 2 seconds?
We calculate the momentum current from the Earth:
F = m " g = 0.5 kg " 10 N/kg = 5 N
The stone receives a momentum current of 5 Hy per
second from the Earth. The momentum coming
from the Earth in 2 seconds is
Fig . 6.12 . The raft has 500 Hy of 0-d egre e mom entu m and
rece ives 150 Hy of 90-d egre e mom entu m.
Fig . 6.13 . Vec tor addi tion
Fig. 6.15 . At the begi nnin g, the ston e has 0-d egre e
mom entu m. It cons tant ly rece ives 270 -deg ree mom entu m
thro ugh the grav itati onal fiel d.
Fig. 6.14 . Vec tor addi tion is com mut ativ e .
p = F " t = 5 Hy/s " 2 s = 10 Hy
Now we add
+ p
= p
: 3 Hy of 0-degree momentum
: 10 Hy of 270-degree momentum
Fig. 6.16 shows the solution. We can find the
magnitude of the total momentum from Pythagoras
Two people pull a boat through a canal. One person
is on one bank and the other person is on the
opposite bank, Fig. 6.17. The ropes are at 30-degree
angles to the canal. (Or better: the upper rope in the
figure creates a 30-degree angle and the lower one a
330-degree angle). A momentum current of 90 N
flows in each rope. How much momentum per
second does the boat receive? What kind of
momentum is it?

Magnitude of
= ( 3 Hy)
+ ( 10 Hy)
= 9 + 100 Hy
= 10, 44 Hy.
In the upper rope, 90 N of 30-degree momentum
flows, and in the lower one, 90 N of 330-degree
momentum flows. In Fig. 6.18, the two current
vectors have been combined. The total current into
the boat is the sum of the vectors. From the drawing
we see that:
Total current: 156 N of 0-degree momentum.
A car drives around a 90-degree curve, Fig. 6.19a.
The magnitude of its momentum is the same before
and after, namely, 30,000 Hy. While going through
the curve, the car receives momentum from the
ground. We have the following rule: initial
momentum of the car + momentum from the ground
= final momentum of the car. The plus sign
symbolizes addition of vectors.
Fig. 6.19b shows how the vector of momentum
coming from the Earth is constructed. The direction
of the momentum coming from the Earth is the
direction that bisects the angle between the initial
and final directions of the street. According to the
Pythagorean law, its magnitude is about 42,000 Hy.
Fig . 6.17 . The boat rece ives 30- degr ee mom entu m fro m one
pers on, and 330- degr ee mom entu m fro m the othe r pers on.
Fig. 6.16 . Vec tor arro ws of the toss in Fig . 6.15 .
Fig. 6.19 . (a) An auto mob ile driv es thro ugh a 90 curv e. (b)
Vec tor cons truc tion of the mom entu m rece ived by the auto
fro m the grou nd.
a b
Fig. 6.18 . The curr ent vect ors for Fig . 6.17 .
1. A ston e wei ghin g 100 g is thro wn hor izon tally off a tow er.
Its initi al mom entu m is 0.5 Hy.
a) How muc h and wha t kind of mom entu m does it rece ive fro m
the Ear th with in one seco nd?
b) Con stru ct the vect or of the mom entu m of the ston e one
seco nd afte r bein g thro wn.
c) Wha t is the mag nitu de of the mom entu m in the ston e one
seco nd afte r bein g thro wn?
2. A 0.3 kg ston e is thro wn hor izon tally fro m a tow er. Its
initi al velo city is 5 m/s .
a) Wha t is the mag nitu de of its initi al mom entu m?
b) At a cert ain poin t, the angl e at whi ch the ston e fall s is 45 to
the vert ical. How muc h mom entu m has the ston e rece ived fro m
the Ear th unti l this poin t? Dra w the vect or diag ram . Wha t is the
mag nitu de of the mom entu m at this poin t?
3. A sph ere havi ng a mas s of 3 kg is pus hed diag onal ly
upw ard at a 45 angl e. At the begi nnin g, it has 12 Hy of
mom entu m. Aft er wha t amo unt of time does it mov e diag onal ly
dow nwa rds at an angl e of 45 ?
4. A trai n with a mas s of 1,20 0 t and a spe ed of 70 km/ h,
goes arou nd a 30 curv e. Con stru ct the vect or of the mom entu m
rece ived by the trai n fro m the Ear th.
5. A car goes arou nd a 90 curv e. Its spe ed befo re goin g
arou nd the curv e was 30 km/ h, afte rwa rds it is 50 km/ h. The
car s mas s is 1,40 0 kg. Dra w the vect or of the mom entu m goin g
into the car whi le it is trav elin g arou nd the curv e. Wha t is the
mag nitu de of this mom entu m?
6. The goal ie thro ws the ball out onto the fiel d. A play er
kick s it righ t back to the goal . Use wor ds to des crib e whe re the
ball gets its mom entu m fro m or to whe re it lose s it on its way .
Tak e air fric tion into acco unt.
6. 4 Sa te lli te s, m oo ns , an d pl an et s
We have seen that an object near the Earths surface
receives 270-degree momentum. If it is let go from a
state of rest, the 270-degree momentum increases
and the object moves towards the Earth.
If the object is not only let go, but thrown
horizontally, it also falls to the Earth, Fig. 6.15.
Imagine that we throw the object off a high
mountain in such a way that it receives a lot of 0-
degree momentum. Fig. 6.20 shows the flight path
for three different values of the initial 0-degree
The body travels so far that the curvature of the
Earth becomes noticeable. Now something
remarkable happens: Near the starting point, the
body receives 270-degree momentum. During the
bodys flight, the direction of the new momentum
flowing into it, changes. At the end of the trajectory
c, the body in Fig. 6.20 receives 240-degree
momentum instead of 270-degree momentum.
If we manage to give the initial momentum a very
large value, the situation as seen in Fig. 6.21 will
occur. The body falls and falls but in spite of this,
never approaches the Earth.
At point A it receives 270-degree momentum, at B it
receives 225-degree momentum, at C 180-degree
momentum, at D 90-degree momentum, at E 0-
degree momentum, etc. The momentum flowing in
causes the path of the body to be bent toward the
Earth at every point. If the initial momentum is cho-
sen appropriately, the body will describe a circular
The direction of the momentum flowing into the
body at each moment is at a right angle to the
direction of the momentum that it has at that
moment. The body at location B contains 315-
degree momentum and it receives 225-degree
momentum. At C it has 270-degree momentum and
it receives 180-degree momentum, etc.
Hopefully you have noticed that we have not
discussed a silly and totally unrealistic thought ex-
When it is said that a satellite has been brought into
its orbit, this means
that it has been brought to a certain altitude, and
that it has been given the right amount of
horizontal momentum so that it travels around a
circular orbit.
Fig. 6.20 . An obje ct is thro wn fro m the top of a high
mou ntain . The thre e traj ecto ries corr esp ond to thre e diff eren t
valu es of the initi al mom entu m.
Fig. 6.21 . The dire ctio n of the mom entu m com ing fro m the
Ear th is tran sve rse to the dire ctio n of the mom entu m alre ady
in the flyi ng obje ct.
If the satellite receives too little momentum, it falls
to the Earth like the one in Fig. 6.20. If the body
receives too much momentum for the circular orbit,
it flies out further: It then takes an elliptical path,
Fig. 6.22.
Only at a much greater initial momentum does it
actually fly away from the Earth. If this happens, it is
no longer a satellite, but a space probe . (A very
successful space probe was Voyager 2. After about
ten years in flight, it left the solar system.)
Satellite movement is not something that people
invented. It existed in nature long before people
ever did. The motion of our natural satellite, i.e.,
that of the Moon, around the Earth is the same as the
motion of artificial satellites. However, the Moon is
much further away. Satellites move at an altitude of
between 200 km and 40,000 km from the Earths
surface, while the Moon is at a distance of almost
400,000 km.
You probably know that not only the Earth, but
other planets as well, have moons.
The movement of the Earth and of the other planets
around the sun is of the type you just learned about.
The Earth and the other planets constantly receive
momentum from the Sun. The direction of the
momentum that the Earth receives at any moment is
transverse to the momentum it already has at that
6. 5 W he el s
We were dealing with momentum conductors and
insulators before we knew that momentum is a
vector. At that point, there was only one sort of
momentum and we observed motion in only one
direction. We discovered the rule that tells us that
wheels serve the purpose of momentum insulation.
This rule becomes more complicated when
momentum of different directions flows.
Fig. 6.23 shows once again how wheels hinder the
flow of momentum into the ground. The person
pulls and momentum flows through the rope and
into the wagon. It builds up in the wagon because it
cannot flow out through the wheels into the Earth.
The wagon then picks up speed.
In Fig. 6.24, a person is also pulling on a wagon. In
spite of the wheels, the momentum does not stay in
the wagon. It flows off and the wagon remains still.
The difference to what is happening in Fig. 6.23, is
that the momentum flowing into the wagon is
transverse to the wheels. So:
Wheels let transverse momentum flow into the
Earth. Lengthwise momentum is not allowed to
We have perhaps been a bit too black-and-white in
our description here. Actually, a little lengthwise
momentum flows into the Earth due to friction. It is
also possible, by pulling very strongly (producing a
very strong momentum current), to make the
conducting connection for the transverse
momentum in Fig. 6.24 break down, Fig. 6.25.
The car in Fig. 6.26 that is going around a curve,
needs to get rid of its 0-degree momentum. This
works because the tires let the transverse
momentum flow into the ground, except in the case
Fig . 6.22 . If the initi al mom entu m is grea ter than need ed for a
circ ular orbi t, the sate llite mov es in an ellip tic orbi t.
Fig. 6.23 . The wag on is insu lated fro m the gro und by the
whe els so the mom entu m com ing fro m the pers on cann ot
flow off . It buil ds up in the wag on.
Fig. 6.24 . The mom entu m com ing fro m the pers on flow s into
the gro und. Tra nsv ers e mom entu m is not reta ined by the
whe els.
of an icy road when tires are insulators for
momentum of every direction. Vehicles on tracks
are safer in that situation. Transverse momentum
can always be conducted off by them very well.
The conditions are much less clear with a ship.
Lengthwise momentum does not flow off into water
as well as transverse momentum does, but the
difference is not as great as with vehicles on land.
Sometimes a vehicle is not supposed to lose
lengthwise momentum or transverse momentum to
the ground. A method to achieve this is to attach the
wheels so that they can change their direction. You
probably have tables for experiments in your
physics classroom that move on these kinds of
wheels, Fig. 6.27.
Are we finished with wheels yet? Not quite. We
have observed motion on the surface upon which
the wagon rolls. The third direction is still missing.
Take a little car and press it from above against a
tabletop. Of course it does not move. Lift it
vertically upward and it moves upward. Do the
same thing again but this time against a wall instead
of the tabletop. If the wagon is pressed against the
wall it doesnt move, momentum flows off, Fig.
6.28. If you pull it away from the wall, it starts to
move, momentum is not flowing out. By the way,
the wheels were totally unnecessary in this experi-
A 20 kg wagon stands upon a sloping street and the
brakes are then released, Fig. 6.29. What does the
wagon do? Through the gravitational field, 270-
degree momentum continuously flows into the
wagon. The magnitude of the momentum current is
F = m ! g = 20 kg ! 10 N/kg = 200 N
What happens with this momentum? Does it flow
into the ground? Does it build up?
We do not know what happens with the 270-degree
Fig. 6.25. If the momentum current is too strong, the
conductive connection breaks down.
Fig. 6.26. Going around the curve, the car must give its 0-
degree momentum to the ground and receive 90-degree
momentum from the ground.
Fig. 6.27. The wheels pivot. They allow neither longitudinal
momentum nor transverse momentum to pass through.
Fig. 6.28. Momentum that is transverse to the platform of
the car, is conducted into the wall.
Fig. 6.29. 270-degree momentum flows into the wagon. This
is divided into a portion flowing into the Earth and a portion
that builds up in the wagon.
momentum, but we do know what happens with the
momentum that is parallel to the bottom of the car
and the momentum that is perpendicular to its
The lengthwise momentum of the wagon is 345-
degree momentum. It cannot flow off, so it has to
build up in the wagon.
The momentum that is transverse to the cars
bottom is 255-degree momentum. It flows entirely
into the ground.
All we have to do is decompose the 270-degree
momentum current F
coming in, into a 345-degree
current F
lon g
, and one of 255-degree current F
tran s
Fig. 6.30. From the figure, we can extract that
lon g
= 50 N
tran s
= 190 N
Therefore: 190 Hy per second flow into the Earth,
and the momentum of the wagon increases by 50
1. A cyli ndr icall y for med hand le Z can slid e with out fric tion
alon g a rod S, Fig . 6.31 a. Wha t kind of mom entu m can pas s
thro ugh the conn ectio n betw een hand le and rod ? Whi ch mo-
men tum cann ot pas s?
2. Cyli nder Z1 can glid e alon g the rod S and cyli nder s Z2
and Z3 can glid e back and for th on the fram e R, Fig . 6.31 b.
Whi ch kind of mom entu m can pas s thro ugh the conn ectio n
betw een Z1 and the fram e? Whi ch one cann ot pass ?
6. 6 R op es
Here is an old rule we still have to complete: Ropes
conduct momentum in only one direction.
It isnt easy to see what is happening in Fig. 6.32:
The person is trying to set the wagon in motion
sideways with the help of the rope. Of course he
doesnt succeed. Using momentum for a descripti-
on: He tries to send 90-degree momentum through a
rope lying in 0-degree direction. This doesnt work
because ropes are choosy.
Only momentum lying parallel to a rope can be
sent through it, and in only one direction.
We want to apply this newly formulated rule. Fig.
6.33 shows a wagon from above that is being pulled
by a rope. It is not being pulled forward, but a bit to
Fig. 6.30 . The curr ent vect or of 270 -deg ree mom entu m
deco mpo sed into com pone nts of 255- degr ee and 345- degr ee
mom entu m.
Fig. 6.31 . (a) For Exe rcis e 1 . (b) For Exe rcis e 2 Fig. 6.33 . Wag on with rop e, seen fro m abov e. The rop e is
pull ed. The 0-d egre e mom entu m of the wag on incr ease s.
Fig. 6.32 . Som eone is tryi ng to mov e a wag on tran sve rse ly to
the dire ctio n of the rop e.
the side. A momentum current of 40 N flows
through the rope. What is the change of momentum
per second of the wagon? How much momentum
flows into the ground?
The momentum flowing through the rope must have
the same direction as the rope. We call the
corresponding current vector F
, Fig. 6.34. It is
decomposed into two components:
a component F
tran s
, which lies transverse to the
wagon and flows off over the wheels;
a component F
lon g
, which lies in the direction
of the wagon and causes the increase of the
wagons momentum.
We extract from the Figure that:
tran s
= 20 N
lon g
= 34 N.
As a result, 20 Hy of transverse momentum flows
into the Earth, and the longitudinal momentum of
the wagon increases by 34 Hy.
1. A toy car is pull ed by a rop e acro ss a hor izon tal floo r. The
rop e run s diag onal ly upw ard betw een the pers on and the car,
Fig . 6.35 . A mom entu m curr ent 20 N flow s thro ugh the rop e.
How larg e is the part that cont ribu tes to the for war d mot ion of
the car ?
2. One car tow s anot her. The cars trav el in the sam e dire ction ,
but shif ted side way s by 1 m, Fig . 6.36 . The tow rop e is 3 m long .
A mom entu m curr ent of 500 N flow s thro ugh the rop e. Whi ch
mom entu m curr ent cont ribu tes to the mot ion of the car?
6 .7 Th e ju nc tio n ru le fo r m om en tu m
cu rr en ts
A lamp is hung by ropes from the walls of two
neighboring houses, Fig. 6.37. It has a mass of
3.5 kg. How are the hooks on the walls stressed?
Hopefully you have noticed that the momentum
current vectors in ropes B and C are asked for here.
We can easily find the momentum current in rope A.
270-degree momentum flows through the
gravitational field into the lamp. The magnitude of
the corresponding current is
F = m " g = 3.5 kg " 10 N/kg = 35 N
This momentum current flows through rope A to
junction K. How does it travel from K?
Fig. 6.34 . The mom entu m curr ent vect or of the rop e is de-
com pos ed into long itud inal and tran sve rsa l com pone nts.
Fig. 6.35 . For Exe rcis e 1
Fig. 6.37 . How stro ngly are the two wal ls of the buil ding s
stre sse d by the lam p?
Fig. 6.36 . For Exe rcis e 2
junction K. How does it travel from K?
Because B is a rope, the only momentum that can
flow here is the momentum lying parallel to B. The
corresponding holds for C. Therefore, we must
decompose vector F
into two vectors. One, F
lying parallel to B and the other, F
, lying parallel to
C. The total current in B and C must be equal to that
in A. This means that
= F
+ F
Fig. 6.38 shows the decomposition. F
is parallel
to rope A, F
is parallel to rope B, and F
parallel to rope C. By measuring the lengths of the
vectors F
and F
we find
= 9 N
= 33 N.
Have you noticed that we are dealing with an old
friend here? We have used a junction rule. The
junction rule for momentum currents is:
The total of momentum currents flowing into a
junction are equal to the ones flowing out of it.
A junction is a location where three or more
momentum currents meet. The currents are
combined according to the rules of vector addition.
1. Tw o tugb oats tow a ship , Fig . 6.39 . Eac h tugb oat pull s
with 15,0 00 N. Wha t is the mom entu m curr ent thro ugh the
piec e of rop e attac hed to the ship ?
2. A 10 kg obje ct is to be hung fro m the hook s in Fig . 6.40 .
The rop e can take a mom entu m curr ent of up to 200 N. Bey ond
this , it will tear . Wha t happ ens ? Can it take the wei ght or not?
Fig. 6.38 . The mom entu m curr ent flow ing in rop e A to nod e
K is equa l to the mom entu m curr ents flow ing awa y thro ugh
rope s B and C.
Fig. 6.39 . For Exe rcis e 1
Fig. 6.40 . For Exe rcis e 2
7. 1 Pu lle y w he el s an d pu lle y bl oc ks
Wheels that are turned by chains or drive belts are
very important in technology. We see wheels with
ropes as deflection sheaves in cranes or pulleys
(pulley blocks). You know chain wheels from
bicycles and motorcycles. Often there are wheels
with v belts hidden inside machines. Large drills
would be an example of this. Flat belts were very
often used for driving machines in the factories of
earlier times.
In the following, we will deal with the flows of
momentum and energy through such wheels. The
first wheels we will consider are freely rotating
ones: so-called rollers, pulley wheels, or simply
wheels . They are not fixed to an axle driving
something but are mounted in such a way that they
spin easily.
Fig. 7.1 shows a wheel with a rope around it. There
is a force sensor inserted into each of the ropes A, B,
and C. They measure the strength of the momentum
current through the corresponding rope. The loop at
the right end of rope A is pulled so that the force
sensor shows 12 N. What do the sensors on B and C
We can predict the answer. We know that the
momentum current flowing through rope A flows
further through B and C. Therefore
= F
+ F
Because the whole arrangement is symmetrical, the
following is also valid:
= F
As a result we have
= F
= F
If F
= 12 N, then F
= 6 N und F
= 6 N.
The dashed lines in Fig. 7.2 show the paths of the
momentum in the ropes. The arrows next to the lines
show the directions of the momentum. These
arrows are parallel to the ropes.
The loop can be pulled more strongly or less
strongly. The force sensor in rope A will then show
greater or smaller values. However, the magnitudes
of the momentum currents in ropes B and C also
change so that
= F
= F
is always valid.
Of course, nothing changes if ropes B or C are
pulled instead of A, Fig. 7.3.
We will now deal with a more complicated case,
Fig. 7.4.
We pull on rope A and find out that no matter how
hard we pull, the sensor in A shows the same as the
one in B. In spite of this, the momentum currents in
A and B are not the same. They have the same
Fig. 7.1. Sen sor A sho ws twic e as muc h as B or C do. Fig. 7.2. The mom entu m curr ent com ing fro m the righ t
bran ches at the whe el into two equa l part s.
7. Torque and center of mass
magnitude but different directions. Momentum
always has the same direction as the rope it flows in.
In rope A, 30-degree momentum flows toward the
pulley wheel, and in rope B, 0-degree momentum
flows toward the pulley wheel.
The sum of both types of momentum flows through
the mounting of the wheel, and into the ground. By
sum we mean the sum of the vectors, Fig. 7.5.
Because the magnitudes of vectors F
and F
the same, F
has the direction of the bisectrix of
the angle between the two ropes.
Fig. 7.6 shows a variation of the situation in Fig. 7.4.
Because the pulley wheel is attached to the wall by a
rope (and not rigidly fixed), Conductor C must have
the same direction as the momentum flowing there.
This is noticed when A is pulled. Rope C adjusts
itself so that the direction is the bisectrix of the angle
between A and B.
The three spring force sensors show that
= F
+ F

= F
We summarize:
If a rope runs over a freely rotating wheel (a
pulley wheel), the momentum currents in both
parts of the rope are of equal magnitudes.
The rule emphasizes the fact that the wheel must
spin freely. Do you know why? Imagine that the
wheel in Fig. 7.4 is blocked and the rope cannot slide
over it. Rope A could be pulled without rope B
noticing anything: The currents F
and F
do not
have the same magnitudes anymore.
What can be done with pulleys?
A weight is to be hoisted by a motor, Fig. 7.7. The
rope the weight is hanging from is attached to the
motor over two pulley wheels. In all three parts of
the rope, the magnitude of the momentum current is
the same, but the direction is not.
This application of pulleys is so simple that we do
not need to use any complicated physical
considerations to understand it. However, there are
more difficult applications.
Again a weight is lifted by a motor, Fig. 7.8. The
rope moves differently than before though.
The momentum current flowing in rope C is
Fig. 7.4. Her e, as wel l, the sen sor s A and B sho w the sam e va-
lue. How ever , the curr ents are not equa l.
Fig. 7.3. It does nt matt er if you pull A, B or C. Fig. 7.5. Vec tor addi tion of mom entu m curr ents in the rop es
of Fig . 7.4.
Fig. 7.6. Rop e C adju sts itse lf so it is the bise ctri x of the angl e
betw een A and B.

= m " g = 50 kg " 10 N/kg = 500 N.
What is the current in A and B?
According to our rule, the momentum currents in A
and B are the same. The ropes run parallel to each
other, so not only the magnitudes but also their
directions are the same. Therefore:
= F
+ F
= F

we have
= F
= F
Each of the ropes A and B has only 250 N flowing
through it. This is interesting because in order to lift
the weight, the motor only needs to be half as strong
as it would need to be if the pulley wheel wasnt
This trick, used for reducing the momentum current
in a rope, is even more effectively applied by using a
pulley (or rather, an entire pulley block).
Fig. 7.9 shows a somewhat unusual but easy to
understand version of a pulley block.
The bearing supports of the four pulleys are
attached to the ceiling. The ones below are attached
to a rod. The weight is hanging from this rod. The
first eight parts of the rope are numbered
consecutively from 1 to 8. The traction rope has the
letter Z and the weight is labeled L.
In order to raise the weight, Z must be pulled. What
is the momentum current in Z?
We work step by step toward a solution. Rope
sections 1 and 2 belong to one rope running over a
wheel (wheel on the left, below), the currents in
these parts must therefore be the same:

= F
You see how it continues. We then have:

= F

= F
= F
= F

= F
= F
= F

= F
Our next step is to consider the rod where the lower
wheels rotate, as a node or junction. The momentum
current F
coming from the weight, flows into the
rod, and the currents F
to F
flow out. The junction
rule now tells us that:

= F
+ F

+ F

+ F
+ F

+ F

+ F
+ F
Because the currents F
to F
are all the same, the
following is valid:

= F

= F
= F
= F

= F
= F

= F

= F
F Z has the same magnitude as F
through F

= F
Only 1/8 of the momentum current flowing through
the weight is needed to lift it. Lifting something with
a pulley block is much easier than without it.
A real pulley block is hardly different from the one
we have just investigated, Fig. 7.10. The upper
pulley wheels are all on a common axis. Each wheel
spins freely. The same is true for the lower pulley
These kinds of pulley blocks can be seen at freight
harbors where cranes lift very heavy weights.
Fig. 7.8. The mom entu m curr ent in the pull -ro pe is half that in
the rop e carr ying the wei ght.
Fig. 7.7. The mot or is unde rnea th. In ord er to rais e the load ,
the rop e is loop ed arou nd tow whe els.
Fig. 7.9. An imp ract ical but clea rly arra nged pull ey bloc k.
A pulley block is a very useful thing. We gain
something: Out of a small momentum current we
have created a large one.
However, as far as energy goes, we have not gained
In the next section we will deal with the energy
balance of a pulley block.
1. Ske tch a pull ey bloc k whe re the mom entu m curr ent thro ugh
the hook hold ing the wei ght is fou r time s as larg e as in the pull
rope .
2. Wha t is the mom entu m curr ent in the pull rop e of the
pull ey in Fig. 7.11 ?
3. Wha t is the disa dvan tage of the pull ey bloc k in Fig . 7.12 ?
7 .2 Th e ba la nc e of en er gy
in a pu lle y bl oc k
The traction rope in Fig. 7.9 is pulled in such a way
that its end moves the distance s Z . According to
our old formula, the amount of energy sent through
the rope is:
= s
" F
. (1)
Energy comes out of the pulley where the weight
hangs from the rope. The amount is
= s
" F
. (2)
We want to compare E
and E
. To do this, we
use the relation

= F
/8. (3)
We must also find the relation between s
and s
We ask: By what distance s
does the weight move
upward when the traction rope is pulled so that its
end moves downward by the distance s
When Z is pulled, the rope sections 1 to 8 all shorten
by the same amount. Each part contracts by s
Each rope gets shorter by the distance s
which the weight is lifted. Therefore
= 8 s
. (4)
We now insert (3) and (4) into (1) and obtain:
= 8 s
" F
/8 = s
" F
The amount of energy E
, which is put into the
pulley through the traction rope Z, is equal to s
" F
According to equation (2), it is equal to the amount
of energy E
The energy we put in at Z comes out again at L. This
doesnt surprise you, does it?
In other words, the price we pay for a small
momentum current is a longer path. If we want to lift
a weight 1 m, we must pull 8 meters of rope out of
the pulley block.
Fig. 7.10 . Pul ley bloc k.
Fig. 7.11 . For Exe rcis e 2
Fig. 7.12 . For Exe rcis e 3
1. In Fig . 7.11 , we lift a 100 kg wei ght 1 m with a pull ey
bloc k. How man y mete rs mus t the rop e be pull ed? How muc h
ener gy is nece ssa ry?
2. The trac tion rop e Z in Fig . 7.13 is mov ed 1 m upw ard.
How muc h ener gy flow s thro ugh the pull ey bloc k in the
pro ces s?
3. Fig . 7.14 sho ws how a wei ght can be lifte d by usin g two
mot ors . The wei ght is 200 kg. The mot or on the left pull s so that
the trac tion rope Z
mov es at 0.2 m/s . The one on the righ t
pull s so that rope Z
mov es at 0.4 m/s . Wha t are the
mom entu m curr ents in Z
and Z
? Wha t are the ener gy
curr ents in each of the rop es?
7. 3 Th e la w of th e le ve r
We know a lot about pulley wheels. We know that in
Fig. 7.15, the momentum current flowing through A
branches off into two equal parts. Because in this
case nothing is moving, we could just as well be
using a rod instead of a pulley wheel. Nothing
would change about the momentum currents, Fig.
Here, too, the following is valid
= F
= F
If this still isnt clear to you, test it experimentally.
We change the setup still more. We attach rope A
asymmetrically instead of in the middle, as in Fig.
7.17. We call r
and r
the lengths of the lever
arms . As before, the current which comes from A
must be distributed over B and C. However, this
time it does not divide into equal parts.
Direct measurement yields
" F
= r
" F
This can be changed into
Fig. 7.13 . For Exe rcis e 2
Fig. 7.14 . For Exe rcis e 3
Fig. 7.15 . The mom entu m curr ent com ing in at A bran ches at
the whe el into two equa l part s.
Fig. 7.16 . The whe el can be repl aced by a rod with out the
mom entu m curr ent chan ging .
Fig. 7.17 . The mom entu m curr ent com ing in thro ugh rop e A
bran ches into two part s of diff eren t valu es.
In words:
The momentum currents are inversely
proportional to the lever arms.
That is the law of the lever .
In the case of Fig. 7.17,
= 0,3 m
= 0,6 m.
This means that F
= 2 " F
In addition, because
+ F
= 120 N
it follows that
= 80 N
= 40 N
The lever rule can be put into a simpler form. To do
this we will once again describe the arrangement in
Fig. 7.17 but in somewhat different words and with
other letter symbols, Fig. 7.18.
We have a rigid, unmoving rod. Momentum
currents flow into the rod at three points. One of
these points we call the pivot . We label it by P. The
distances of the two other points from P are the lever
arms. We refer to them as r
and r
. The strengths of
the currents flowing over the outer inlets we call
and F
. Up to now there is nothing new to us.
0 . 6 m
0 . 3 m
= 2 ,
Now here is an important new concept: The
products r
" F
and r
" F
are called torques.
" F
is the right torque and r L " F L is the left
torque .
Why do we use the names pivot and torque? What
does our problem have to do with rotation? The rod
is mounted at P so that it can rotate. Lets imagine
that the rope below is not there. The upper one
would set the rod in a rotation to the left. This is
where the name left torque comes from. If we
imagine the upper rope not to be there, then the rod
would be set into a rotation to the right by the lower
Using the new letter symbols, the lever rule looks
like this:
" F
= r
" F
and in words:
Right torque equals left torque.
If the lever rule is so formulated, it can be applied to
the rod in yet another way, Fig. 7.17. To do so you
should know that it doesnt matter where you set P.
Fig. 7.19 shows the same rod as in Fig. 7.17.
However, here the pivot is set at the lower inlet.
Rope A tries to turn the rod to the right at the new
pivot and rope B tries to turn left. The lever arms are
= 0.6 m and r
= 0.9 m.
We already know the momentum currents. They are
= 120 N and F
= 80 N.
The right torque
" F
= 0.6 m " 120 N = 72 Nm
is indeed equal to the left torque
" F
= 0.9 m " 8 0 N = 72 Nm.
Notice that the unit for torque is the Nm (Newton-
Finally, we set the pivot at the upper inlet, Fig. 7.20.
Now rope C tries to turn to the right and rope A tries
Fig. 7.19 . Rop e A wou ld like to rota te the rod to the righ t
arou nd pivo t P, rop e B wan ts it to rota te to the left .
Fig. 7.18 . As in Fig . 7.17 ; only the nam es have chan ged.
to turn left. The lever arms are correspondingly
= 0.9 m and r
= 0.3 m.
The corresponding momentum currents are
= 40 N and F
= 120 N.
The resulting right torque is
" F
= 0.9 m " 4 0 N = 36 Nm
and the left torque is:
" F
= 0.3 m " 12 0 N = 36 Nm.
Again, the torques are equal and the law of the lever
has been fulfilled.
Example: A stressed rod
A heavy body ( m = 80 kg) hangs from a horizontal
rod, Fig. 7.21. The rods weight is so small
compared to that of the body that we do not need to
take it into account. How strongly stressed are the
supporting points of the rod?
We choose the point on the rod from which the
object hangs to be the pivot.
The momentum current from the object to point P is
= m " g = 80 kg " 10 N/kg = 800 N.
Support C tries to turn the rod to the left and support
B tries to turn it to the right. Therefore the lever arms
= 4.5 m and r
= 1.5 m.
The lever rule yields
Hence: F
= 3 F
The current of 800 N flowing into the rod at P
divides so that the momentum flowing to support C
is three times that flowing to B.
In order to satisfy F
= F
+ F
, one must have
= 200 N
= 600 N .
Example: Pliers
Pliers are made up of two levers connected by a
hinge, Fig. 7.22. We will consider one of these, the
lever 1. In order to cut a nail, the handles of the pliers
are pressed together 20 cm from the hinge. A
momentum current of 30 N flows into the handles.
The cutting edges of the pliers are 3 cm from the
hinge. We set P at the hinge so that
= 0.2 m, r
= 0.03 m and F
= 30 N .
The momentum current at the nail calculates to
A lever can make a large momentum current out
of a small one.
The law of the lever can be used in completely
different situations as well: The inlets do not need to
be in a straight row and the three vectors of the
momentum currents do not need to be parallel.
4 .5m
1 .5m
= 3 .
0 .2m
0 .03m
" 30 N = 200 N.
Fig. 7.20 . Rop e C trie s to rota te the rod to the righ t arou nd
pivo t P, rope A tries to rota te it to the left.
Fig. 7.21 . The mom entu m curr ent flow ing fro m P to C is thre e
time s as stro ng as the one flow ing to B.
Abb .7.22 . Plie rs are mad e up of two leve rs. Eac h of thes e has
one sho rt and one long arm .
Fig. 7.23 shows a body with three momentum
currents leading into it. We set the pivot at the
support attached to the wall. The upper rope tries to
create a turn to the left and the lower one attempts a
rotation to the right.
What are the lever arms here? One draws a straight
line through each of the two points where the ropes
are attached so that their directions are the same as
the corresponding current vectors, Fig. 7.24.
The lever arms are now simply the distances
between the straight lines from pivot P.
Example: A relay arm
What is the momentum current in the horizontal
rope in Fig. 7.25?
We arbitrarily choose the point where the relay arm
is attached to the wall as our pivot, Fig 7.26. The
horizontal rope tries to create a rotation to the right,
the vertical one tries to create a rotation to the left
around P. In Fig. 7.26, auxiliary lines and the lever
arms are drawn. From the Figure we see that:
= 0.2 m and r
= 0.4 m.
The momentum current in the vertical rope is:
= m

g = 24 kg

10 N/kg = 240 N.
Using the lever rule we have
One could ask how strongly stressed the mounting
is or in other words, what the momentum current at
P is. Because the current vectors in both ropes are
not parallel to each other, we cannot simply add up
and F
. We must add up the vectors:

= F

+ F


0.2 m
0.4 m
= = = 0 5 . .
Fig. 7.23. The inlets of the momentum currents do not need to
lie in a straight line, and the current vectors do not need to be
parallel to each other.
Fig. 7.25. Deflection lever.
Fig. 7.24. As in Fig. 7.23, but with auxiliary lines and lever
Fig. 7.26. Enlarged section of Fig. 7.25, with auxiliary lines
and lever arms.
1. Fig . 7.27 sho ws part of a vehi cle brak e. One pull s a leve r
on a rod . The leve r is conn ecte d to a rop e that pull s on the
brak es attac hed to the whe els. Wha t does the mom entu m
curr ent in the pull ing rod need to be so that a curr ent of 50 N
flow s into the brak e rop e?
2. The over head cran e in Fig . 7.28 spa ns the enti re 12 m
wid e fact ory spa ce. 9 tons is hang ing fro m the cran e (1 ton =
100 0 kg) . How stro ngly stre sse d are the two trac ks on eith er
side (in addi tion to the wei ght of the cran e) whe n the wei ght
is hang ing in the mid dle? How stro ngly are they stre sse d
whe n the wei ght hang s fou r mete rs fro m the trac k on the
lef t?
3. The hand les of the nutc rack er in Fig . 7.29 are pres sed
toge ther 15 cm fro m the nut. In ord er to crac k the nut, a
mom entu m curr ent of 80 N mus t flow thro ugh it. How hard
do we have to pre ss?
4. A wei ght hang s fro m a hor izon tal pole . The pole is
mou nted at two plac es, Fig . 7.30 . The pole pres ses dow n at
A and pres ses up at B. This mea ns that the mom entu m
curr ent vect ors in A and B lie vert icall y, just as in the rop e
hold ing the wei ght does . How stro ngly stre sse d are poin ts A
and B? (Wh at are the mom entu m curr ents that flow out of
the pole at A and B?) Set the pivo t in A in ord er to calc ulat e
the mom entu m curr ent at B and set it in B to calc ulat e the
mom entu m curr ent at A.
5. A pole sup por ted by a rop e hold s a lamp wei ghin g 8 kg,
Fig . 7.31 . Wha t is the mom entu m curr ent flow ing thro ugh
the rop e? Set the pivo t at the plac e whe re the pole is attac hed
to the wal l.
6. Wha t is a scr ew wre nch goo d for ? Why does nt one
sim ply tigh ten the nut with one s hand s?
7. 4 E qu ili br iu m
In Fig. 7.32, everything is in order. A momentum
current of 50 N flows from the right and 50 N flows
from the left into the rod. At P, 100 N flow out. The
lever rule
" F
= r
" F
is obeyed.
We will now try to break the law of the lever. No one
can stop us from hanging objects of two different
weights from the rod, Fig. 7.33a. However, nature
defends itself when we try to break the lever rule. As
Fig. 7.27 . For Exe rcis e 1
Fig. 7.29 . For Exe rcis e 3
Fig. 7.30 . For Exe rcis e 4
Fig. 7.28 . For Exe rcis e 2 Fig. 7.31 . For Exe rcis e 5
you probably predicted, Fig. 7.33b shows what
actually occurs. The objects along with the rod are
set in motion. In other words, the arrangement does
not stay in equilibrium , as opposed to the
arrangement in 7.32.
In Fig. 7.34, the lever rule is followed and the
arrangement stays in equilibrium but this time with
lever arms of different lengths.
We can now make a more exact formulation of the
lever rule:
A suspended body capable of rotation is in
equilibrium when the right and left torques are
1. Calc ulate the righ t and left torq ues for the rod in Fig . 7.35 .
Is it in equi libr ium ?
2. A girl trie s to lift a 500 kg ston e by a leve r in Fig . 7.36 .
Ass ume that half the mas s of the ston e is res ting on the leve r.
Will the girl man age to do it? (Sh e wei ghs 50 kg.)
7. 5 C en te r of m as s
The rod in Fig. 7.37a is in equilibrium. Compare it to
the situation in 7.37b. The only thing to change is
that the balls dont hang from two strings anymore,
but are attached to the rod. In combination with the
rod, they make up one body, a kind of dumbbell.
This dumbbell is also in equilibrium. Two
momentum currents are flowing into the ends of the
dumbbell. (They come from the Earth and through
the gravitational field). The momentum currents
meet at the pivot and leave the dumbbell at that
Fig. 7.32 . The law of the leve r is sati sfie d. The rod is in equi li-
briu m.
Fig . 7.33 . (a) An attem pt to brea k the law of the leve r. (b)
Bod ies and rod are set in mot ion.
Fig. 7.34 . Equ ilibr ium with leve r arm s of diff erin g leng ths.
Fig. 7.35 . For Exe rcis e 1
Fig. 7.36 . For Exe rcis e 2
In other words: We have suspended a body at one
point so that it could rotate and this body is in
equilibrium. It does not start to rotate by itself.
We turn the dumbbell a little, Fig. 7.38. What
happens when we let it go? Nothing. It stays in its
new position. It is in equilibrium again.
This can be seen in Fig. 7.38b. The inlets of both
momentum currents from the Earth are where the
two balls are. The current vectors lie vertically. That
is why the auxiliary lines are vertical. The two lever
arms r
and r
are shorter than in part a of the
figure. They have shortened by the same amount,
though: r
has shortened by half by turning and
so has r
and F
stayed the same during rotation, naturally.
The torques r
" F
and r
" F
have reduced to
half of their previous values. As before, this means
" F
= r
" F
is valid. The dumbbell has stayed in equilibrium.
We can rotate the dumbbell any way we wish and it
will always stay in equilibrium.
If the mounting at the pivot allows, we can also
rotate it in the third dimension, Fig. 7.38, out of the
plane of the drawing. This also changes nothing. It
stays in equilibrium.
We take the same dumbbell again, Fig. 7.39a, but
with a different pivot this time. Of course it is no
longer in equilibrium, nor is that the case in Fig.
7.39b. There is only one pivot for which it stays in
equilibrium no matter what its orientation. This
point is called the center of mass .
Not just dumbbell shaped bodies have centers of
mass. Every object has a single center of mass. If the
object is suspended at that point so that it can rotate,
it is in equilibrium and stays there no matter how it is
An objects center of mass is often inside the object.
How can a body be suspended to rotate around a
point like this?
One drills a hole through the point of center of
gravity and puts an axle through the hole. The axle is
mounted so it can rotate. The body is now in
equilibrium, no matter how it is rotated, Fig. 7.40.
There are many possibilities for drilling such holes.
It is unimportant how the holes are drilled, but they
must pass through the center of mass, Fig. 7.41.
In summary:
Every body has exactly one center of mass. If it is
suspended to rotate around its center of mass,
the body stays in equilibrium, no matter what
direction it is turned in.
Fig . 7.37 . (a) The rod is in equi libr ium . (b) The dum bbel l
sha ped body is in equi libr ium .
Fig. 7.39 . Aga in, the body of Fig . 7.37 b. Onl y the pivo t poin t
has chan ged.
Fig. 7.38 . By turn ing, the leve r arm s have sho rten ed to half . Fig. 7.40 . The axis run s thro ugh the cent er of mas s. The bod y
is in equi libr ium no matt er wha t pos ition it is in.
If an object is highly symmetrical, the location of
the center of mass is easy to predict.
For a sphere, a cube, a cylinder or a cuboid it is sim-
ply the geometrical center, Fig. 7.42, provided that
the mass in the body is distributed evenly. If half of a
cube is composed of lead and half of aluminum, Fig.
7.43, its center of mass C is not in its geometrical
center but shifted toward the part with the lead.
For many objects, the center of mass C lies outside
the material making up the body. Examples would
be a circular ring or a U shaped object, Fig. 7.44.
1. Where is the center of mass of a bicycle wheel?
2. Where is the Earths center of mass?
3. Take a few different objects and try to find their centers of
mass by holding them between your middle finger and thumb so
that they can rotate.
4. The Earth and the Moon can be considered a kind of
dumbbell with the rod between them being the gravitational
field. Where is the center of mass of this object? (Earths mass:
about 100 times the mass of the Moon, distance from Earth to
Moon = 380,000 km).
7.6 Stable equilibrium
We suspend an object so that it can rotate and inten-
tionally do not set the pivot at the center of mass. For
simplicity, we again take a dumbbell for this. To
prevent the pivot from coinciding with the center of
mass C, we bend the dumbbell, Fig. 7.45.
What happens when the dumbbell is turned into the
position shown in Fig. 7.46a? Your feelings surely
tell you that it will not remain hanging like that: It
will begin to rotate and gradually level off to the
position shown in Fig. 7.45.
You do not need to rely upon your feelings to come
to this conclusion, though. Fig.7.46b shows that the
lever arm r
is longer than r
. Because the two
spheres are of equal weight, this means that the left
torque is greater than the right torque. For this
reason, the dumbbell begins to rotate to the left. In
the process of rotating, the lever arms change
length. When the dumbbell has reached the position
shown in Fig. 7.45, the two arms are equally long.
This is the position of equilibrium. At first, the
dumbbell will swing out past this position of
equilibrium, but it will gradually settle down there.
What is the center of mass doing during all this? It is
moving downward.
Fig. 7.41. Various axes through the center of mass. The body
is always in equilibrium.
Fig. 7.43. The center of mass C is not the geometric center of
the cube.
Abb.7.42. The center of mass C in these bodies is the
geometric center.
Fig. 7.44. In both of these cases, the center of mass C lies out-
side the body itself.
If we rotate the body out of the position of
equilibrium, the position of the center of mass rises.
It does not matter if we turn the body to the right or to
the left. In equilibrium the center of gravity is
obviously in the lowest possible position.
Moreover, it lies directly underneath the pivot.
There is still another position of equilibrium for the
dumbbell: when the center of gravity is directly
above the pivot, Fig. 7.47. If it is rotated just slightly
out of this position, it doesnt return to it by itself,
but removes itself more and more from it and
eventually settles down in the lower position of
equilibrium. The upper position of equilibrium is
unstable and the lower one is stable.
A body is suspended so that it can rotate. If the
pivot is vertically above the center of gravity, the
body is in stable equilibrium. If it is rotated out of
this position, it finds its way back there by itself.
We now have a very simple way of determining the
center of mass of a body. One suspends the body
from an arbitrary point, so that it can rotate, Fig.
7.48. It settles down so that its center of mass is
vertically below the pivot. We then have a first
straight line that the center of mass must be lying
upon. We then suspend it again to rotate, but from
another point, and let it settle down. Again, we
obtain a straight line through the center of mass. The
bodys center of mass must be at the intersection of
these two straight lines.
1. Try to find the centers of mass for a few different objects
by suspending them from two different points on or in them so
they can rotate.
2. Two forks are stuck into a cork. The cork is mounted onto
the point of a nail, Fig. 7.49. Why doesnt the cork with the forks
fall down?
Fig. 7.45. The pivot point P does not coincide with the center
of mass C. The body is in stable equilibrium.
Fig. 7.47. Unstable equilibrium.
Fig. 7.46. (a) The body does not stay in this position. (b) One
lever arm is longer than the other.
Fig. 7.48. The body adjusts in such a way that its center of
mass lies vertically under the pivot point.
7. 7 C en te r of m as s an d en er gy
It takes energy to bring a body out of a position of
stable equilibrium. This is because the bodys
center of mass must be moved upward.
This is similar to how an object is lifted, Fig. 7.50.
Also in that case, the center of mass is shifted
upward, and this needs energy.
Energy is needed to move the center of mass of a
body upward.
This energy is stored in the gravitational field.
When the body starts moving downward again, the
gravitational field gives the energy back.
Why does the process shown on the left in Fig.7.51
happen on its own and the one on the right does not?
Why does the process on the left in 7.52 happen on
its own and the one on the right does not?
The reason for this is that it is always easier to get rid
of energy than it is to obtain it. (Energy and money
are similar in this way). The energy that is given up
in the transition to the stable state of equilibrium is
used to create heat. This process cannot be reversed.
Heat cannot be destroyed. For this reason the
transition from equilibrium to a state not in
equilibrium does not happen by itself. We must
supply the energy from elsewhere.
We will use a couple of examples to observe the
transition to a state of equilibrium.
In Fig. 7.53a, a sphere rolls down to the lowest point.
Its center of mass finds the lowest possible position.
The vehicle in Fig. 7.53b shifts into a horizontal
position. The wheels on the left need to move a bit
upwards to achieve this. In the process, the center of
mass moves downward, though. The crate in Fig.
7.54a cannot remain in that position. It tips to the
left. In doing so, its center of mass moves
downward. The object in Fig. 7.55a cannot remain
like that because its center of mass can move further
downward, Fig. 7.55b.
Fig. 7.50 . It take s ener gy to mov e the cent er of grav ity of an
obje ct upw ards .
Fig. 7.52 . The pro cess on the left occu rs by itse lf, the one on
the righ t does not.
Fig. 7.49 . For Exe rcis e 2
Abb .7.51 . The pro cess taki ng plac e on the left happ ens by
itse lf, the one on the righ t does not.
Abb .7.5 3. (a) The sph ere roll s to the deep est poin t of the
depr ess ion. (b) The vehi cle adju sts so that it is hor izon tal.
Sometimes one needs to lift a bodys center of mass
only slightly to put it into a position where it can
move much further downward by itself. In other
words: Very little energy needs to be introduced
into the body to make a lot of energy come out of it.
Fig. 7.56 shows such a situation. Very little energy
is needed to move the sphere up the small ridge.
After that, it rolls by itself down the outer side of the
mountain. Another well-known example is an
object that is easily tipped, Fig. 7.57. In this case, as
well, the center of mass need only be brought
slightly upwards, bringing the vase into a position
from where the center of mass goes much further all
by itself.
We now have a method for determining the mass of
a body. Fig. 7.58 shows an old balance. The middle
pivot lies somewhat higher than the two pivots
holding the scales.
If the scales have equal weights on them, the balance
eventually levels off and the bar holding them
becomes horizontal. The center of mass is then at its
lowest point.
There is a set of weights for scales: A set of bodies of
known mass, from which various quantities of mass
can be compiled. This is similar to different
amounts of money that can be put together using dif-
ferent coins and bills.
In order to weigh an object, it is put onto one of the
scales. On the other side, weights are placed so that
the bar holding the two scales is horizontal. Now,
the mass of the object is equal to the total mass of the
Fig. 7.55 . The obje ct tips to the righ t beca use ther eby its
cent er of mas s low ers .
Abb .7.54 . The crat e tips to the left . In the pro cess , the cent er
of mas s mov es dow nwa rd
Fig. 7.56 . Ver y little ener gy is need ed to roll the ball over the
edg e.
a b
a b
Fig. 7.57 . Ver y little ener gy is nece ssa ry to mak e the vas e fall
ove r.
Fig. 7.58 . A bala nce. The mid dle pivo t poin t lies som ewh at
high er than the oute r pivo t poin ts.
1. If a bod ys cent er of mas s keep s its heig ht whe n the bod y
is mov ed, the body is in so- calle d indi ffer ent equi libr ium . In
this case , the body is in a stat e of res t no matt er whe re it is put.
Giv e exam ples of this .
2. A bicy cle that is not sup por ted tips over . A car does not.
Wh y?
3. Is the body in Fig . 7.59 in a stab le stat e of equi libr ium ? If
not, in whi ch dire ctio n does it star t mov ing?
4. Doe s the obje ct in Fig. 7.60 tip over ?
5. Bala nces can have arm s of diff eren t leng th, Fig . 7.61 . The
wei ghts are put onto the scal e hang ing fro m the long er arm .
How does one find the mas s of the obje ct to be wei ghed ? Wha t
adva ntag e does this bala nce have over one with arm s of equa l
leng th?
Fig. 7.59 . For Exe rcis e 3
Fig. 7.61 . For Exe rcis e 5
Fig. 7.60 . For Exe rcis e 4
This chapter deals with a special type of motion
called rotational motion. It will become clear to you
that rotational motion occurs in many situations and
is especially important.
We will make an interesting discovery: Describing
rotation is very similar to describing linear motion.
One could say that there is an analogy between the
corresponding fields of mechanics. This analogy
allows us to save ourselves a lot of work.
8.1 Angular momentum and
angular velocity
A wheel is mounted upon an engine shaft, the motor
is turned on and the wheel rotates uniformly, Fig.
8.1. What does uniformly mean? With constant
speed, you might say. What is the speed then? Point
B at the edge of the wheel moves very fast, point A,
near the axle, moves more slowly. This shows that
there really is no uniform speed at all. What we are
looking for is a reasonable way to measure the speed
of a rotation.
A sensible way of measurement is to use the angle
which is passed over per second by a radius,
Fig.8.2. The angular speed or angular velocity is the
ratio of the angle and the interval of time needed by
the wheel to turn by this angle.
Various units measurements are used for the angle
itself. The best known of these is the degree. For our
purposes, though, it is more practical to take the full
rotation of 360 degrees as the unit. We give the
angular speed in rotations per second.
angular velocity =
time interval
We consider a freely turning wheel on good ball
bearings. For example, the wheel of an overturned
bicycle, Fig.8.3. It turns at a determined speed, i.e.,
at a certain number of rotations per second. We can
ascertain the value of the angular speed with a
stopwatch. We have now described rotational
motion of a wheel.
Angular velocity is to rotation what usual velocity is
to linear motion. For the description of linear moti-
on we have introduced a second quantity:
momentum. It is a measure of the bodys impetus.
In the same manner, it is possible to say our rotating
wheel has impetus: something that is put in when it
is set in rotational motion and that comes out again
when the wheel brakes. This type of impetus is
called angular momentum.
Angular momentum and usual (linear) momentum
are not the same. If the wheel in Fig. 8.4a had usual
momentum, it would move like the one in Fig. 8.4b.
Let us investigate the characteristics of angular
momentum. What does it depend upon? What paths
does it take in different processes?
Fig. 8.1. Point B at the edge of the wheel moves faster than
point A.
Fig. 8.2. The angular velocity is the angle covered by the
radius r divided by the time span.
8. Angular Momentum and Angular Momentum Currents
Fig. 8.3. The rotating wheel has a certain amount of angular
Two identically built wheels rotate at different
speeds (at different angular velocities), Fig. 8.5.
Which of the wheels has more angular momentum?
The faster one, of course.
The greater the angular velocity, the more
angular momentum is contained in a body.
The two wheels in Fig. 8.6 have the same form, but
they are made of different materials. One of them is
very light and the other is very heavy. They are set in
motion so that they rotate at the same angular velo-
city. Which one has more angular momentum? It is
the heavier one of course.
The greater the mass of a body, the more angular
momentum it contains.
Two bodies can have the same mass, rotate at the
same speed and nevertheless contain different
quantities of angular momentum. We will see how
this is possible when we have a bit more experience
in dealing with angular momentum.
We now consider a simple experiment, Fig. 8.7. We
need two wheels, the axle of one of them is fixed to a
table and the other one can be carried around. The
two wheels can be connected to each other by a kind
of friction clutch where one wheel takes the other
along with it.
At first the two wheels are separate. One of them is
made to rotate, the other is not. The clutch discs are
brought into contact with each other. What
The rotating wheel becomes slower and the other,
which was not rotating before, starts to rotate. After
the clutch discs have slipped relative to each other
for a while, the wheels reach the same angular velo-
That was the observation. What is the explanation?
What happened with angular momentum during
this process?
The angular momentum stored in the wheel that was
turning at the beginning, was reduced. The angular
momentum of the wheel that was not turning at the
beginning, increased. Angular momentum must
have been gone from one to the other.
Angular momentum can go from one body to
The angular momentum that was stored in only one
wheel at the beginning, distributed evenly between
the two wheels.
Angular momentum can be distributed over
several bodies.
Again, we consider a single wheel fixed to an axle.
The axle has good ball bearings. The wheel is set in
rotational motion, it is charged with angular
momentum. Now one grasps the rotating axle and
brakes the motion, Fig. 8.8. After a while, the
wheel comes to rest. Where did the angular
momentum go?
Fig. 8.6. The whe els have the sam e for m but diff eren t
wei ghts . Whi ch one has mor e angu lar mom entu m?
Fig. 8.4. (a) The whe el has angu lar mom entu m. (b) The whe el
has the line ar mom entu m.
Fig. 8.7. As soo n as the clut ch disc s touc h, the angu lar
mom entu m begi ns to flow fro m the whe el on the righ t to the
one on the left.
Fig. 8.5. The whe els rota te at diff eren t spe eds . Whi ch one has
mor e angu lar mom entu m?
This is very similar to a situation you are already
familiar with when an automobile moving straight
along, brakes. The momentum of the car flows into
the ground in exactly the same way that the angular
momentum flows into the ground.
The same would have happened if we had not
stopped the wheel deliberately. The angular
momentum would have flowed through the ball
bearings to the ground, but more slowly.
You see what wheel bearings are good for: They
should hold an axle without allowing angular
momentum to flow into the ground.
If a wheel has bad bearings so that it comes to rest
on its own, the angular momentum is flowing out
of it and into the ground.
We go back now to the experiment with the two
wheels, Fig.8.7. We set the wheel attached to the
table in rotational motion. We then also set the
movable wheel in rotational motion, but in the
opposite direction. We set the number of rotations
per second equal for both wheels.
Again we bring the two wheels into contact by
clutch discs. How does the final state look this time?
Both wheels stand still. The explanation? There was
angular momentum before, but where is it now?
At the beginning, each wheel had a quantity of
angular momentum not equal to zero. If the quantity
of angular momentum of one wheel is given the
opposite sign of the other, then the total amount of
angular momentum at the beginning was already
zero. We can conclude from the experiment that:
Angular momentum can have positive and
negative values.
We can arbitrarily choose which value we wish to be
positive and which is said to be negative. How do we
reach such a decision, though? A practical
possibility would be the right-hand-rule , Fig. 8.9:
One grasps the rotational axis with the right
hand so that the bent fingers point in the
direction of the rotation. If the thumb then points
in the positive x- direction, the angular
momentum is positive. If it points in the negative
x- direction, the angular momentum is negative.
Fin d the rule s wri tten in bold for line ar mot ion in sect ion 3.2 of
this book that corr esp ond to the rule s wri tten in bold in the
sect ion we have just com plet ed. Put them into a tabl e to
com pare them .
8. 2 A ng ul ar m om en tu m pu m ps
Angular momentum flows out of a rotating wheel
by itself. It flows over the bearings (which are never
perfect) and into the ground. In order to put angular
momentum into the wheel, effort is needed. The
wheel will not start turning by itself.
A wheel can be charged with angular momentum by
hand turning it with a crank. Another possibility
would be to use a motor, Fig. 8.10.
In both cases, something is used that forces the
wheel to be charged with angular momentum: an
angular momentum pump . In the first case, the
person works as an angular momentum pump, in the
second case it is the motor.
Fig. 8.9. The righ t-ha nd rule .
Fig. 8.8. The angu lar mom entu m flow s into the grou nd.
Fig. 8.10 . (a) The pers on acts as a pum p for angu lar
mom entu m. (b) The mot or acts as an angu lar mom entu m
pum p.
a b
Where does the angular momentum pump get its
angular momentum? It is the same as with linear
momentum: It can be gotten from the Earth. An
experiment shows this clearly.
We set the x -axis vertically upwards. We need a
revolving chair and a large wheel with good
bearings that can be comfortably held by its axis.
The person doing the experiment stands next to the
revolving chair, holds the wheel so that the axis is
vertical and sets it in motion. Then he sits on the
chair, Fig. 8.11, and slows the wheel down until it
stops rotating. One sees that in the process, the chair
with him on it begins to rotate. The explanation:
During the process of braking, angular momentum
flows out of the wheel and into the person and the
revolving chair. It flows no further than this. It could
not flow into the ground because the chair is
insulated from the ground by its bearings.
If the persons feet are on the floor while he is
braking the wheel, the angular momentum flows
directly into the ground.
Now we will try a variation of this experiment. The
person sits in the revolving chair and holds the
wheel, Fig. 8.12. Chair and wheel are at rest. The
person now sets the wheel in motion. What
happens? When the wheel starts rotating, the chair
with the person on it begins turning as well.
However, it rotates in the opposite direction of the
Obviously the person pumped angular momentum
out of the chair and out of himself and into the
wheel. The person and the chair now have negative
angular momentum.
If the person puts his feet on the ground while
charging the wheel, the chair will not rotate. The
angular momentum must have been pumped
directly out of the Earth and into the wheel.
The pers on in Fig . 8.13 hold s a rota ting whe el in each hand , with
the axes poin ting upw ard. The whe els are iden tical . The y have
the sam e amo unt of angu lar mom entu m but thei r dire ctio ns of
spin are opp osit e to each othe r. The pers on brak es the whe els
sim ultan eous ly whi le sitti ng on the revo lvin g chai r. Wha t
happ ens ? Wha t wou ld happ en dur ing brak ing if the two whe els
had rota ted in the sam e dire ctio n befo re?
8. 3 Fl yw he el s
A rotating wheel contains angular momentum. It is a
storage device for angular momentum. Some
wheels have the sole purpose of storing angular
momentum. These are called flywheels .
What are flywheels be used for? Steam engines and
combustion engines (automobile engines) do not
pump angular momentum evenly, but
intermittently. An automobile engine produces
about 50 thrusts of angular momentum per second.
There are short time intervals between these thrusts
when it is not pumping. It has a flywheel in order to
override these idle times. While the engine is
running, part of the angular momentum goes into
the flywheel. It comes out again during the pauses.
In this way, the engine shaft creates a more or less
constant current of angular momentum.
How can the maximum amount of angular
momentum be put into a flywheel? We have already
seen that the faster a body rotates, and the heavier it
is, the more angular momentum it contains.
Therefore, a flywheel must rotate fast and have a
large mass.
We will consider a simple and somewhat crude way
of comparing amounts of angular momentum. The
Fig. 8.12 . (a) Whe el, pers on, and chai r with out angu lar
mom entu m. (b) Ang ular mom entu m is pum ped out of the
pers on and chai r into the whe el.
Fig. 8.11 . (a) Onl y the whe el has angu lar mom entu m. (b)
Ang ular mom entu m flow s out of the whe el into the pers on
and chai r.
a b
a b
Fig. 8.13 . For the exer cise .
body we wish to investigate sits upon an axis with
good bearings, Fig. 8.14. We take the axis between
our thumb and forefinger and brake as strongly as
we can. It takes a certain interval of time for the body
to come to a stop. The more angular momentum it
has, the longer it takes for all of the angular
momentum to flow out.
We will now compare two rotating bodies in each of
the following cases.
1. The bodies are built identically. One rotates
quickly and one slowly. Of course it takes longer to
bring the quickly rotating one to a stop than it does
the other one because it contains more angular
2. The bodies rotate at the same speed but have dif-
ferent masses. It takes longer to brake the heavier
one than it does to brake the lighter one because the
heavier one has more angular momentum.
3. We now compare two bodies with the same mass
and the same angular velocity. The only difference
is that a part of the mass of one body is further out
than the others, Fig. 8.15. The result is noticeable:
It takes longer to slow down the one whose mass is
further out. It contains more angular momentum
than the other one.
We have found a new relationship:
The further out the mass of a body is, the more
angular momentum it contains.
We have discovered a rule that must always be taken
into account when constructing a flywheel: The
mass must be as far out as possible. A flywheel with
a large storage capacity would look like this: A large
and heavy ring with thin spokes attached to its hub,
Fig. 8.16.
1. Whe els can have diff eren t fun ctio ns. Sto ring angu lar
mom entu m is just one of thes e. Wha t else are whe els use d for ?
Nam e sev eral diff eren t use s for them .
2. Nam e som e exam ples of use s for flyw heel s.
3. It is not pos sibl e to stor e an unli mite d amo unt of angu lar
mom entu m in a flyw heel just by mak ing it rota te fas ter and
fas ter. Why not?
8. 4 A ng ul ar m om en tu m co nd uc to rs
Fig. 8.17 shows how a flywheel is charged with
angular momentum. The angular momentum is
drawn from the ground by the motor. It then flows
over the axle and into the flywheel. We see that
axles serve to transport angular momentum. They
are angular momentum conductors.
Fig. 8.14 . The long er it take s for the rota ting bod y to com e to
res t, the mor e angu lar mom entu m it cont ains .
Fig. 8.15 . The bod y who se mas s is fur ther out, cont ains mor e
angu lar mom entu m.
Fig. 8.16 . Flyw heel . The spo kes hold a heav y ring .
Fig. 8.17 . The angu lar mom entu m flow s thro ugh the driv e
sha ft to the flyw heel .
What is the property of the axle that enables it to
conduct angular momentum? What material must it
be made of? The only requirement is that it be a solid
material. Any kind of solid axle can be used as an
angular momentum conductor.
Solid materials conduct angular momentum.
We will now look at a couple of other devices that
have to do with transporting angular momentum.
A bearing serves to hold an axle in place so that no
angular momentum flows into the ground.
Bearings serve as angular momentum insula-
Fig. 8.18 shows a clutch. The connection between
the motor and the flywheel can be opened or closed
by a lever.
An angular momentum conductor can be
interrupted by using a clutch.
Every automobile has a clutch. It can be found
between the motor and the gearbox, Fig. 8.19. When
the clutch pedal is pressed on (far left in a car) it
takes the car out of gear and the connection between
the motor and the gearbox is interrupted.
One needs to declutch before changing gears. If this
is not done, the strong angular momentum current
from the motor to the tires will damage the gearing
We allow angular momentum to flow through an
axle to a flywheel. Does it make any difference to
the axle whether or not an angular momentum
current is flowing? Does the axle feel the angular
momentum current? Does it matter if it flows right
to left or left to right?
If it is a thick axle, you cannot tell by looking at it.
Therefore, we will use a bendable, elastic object for
this, possibly a plastic ruler, Fig. 8.20a. How does
the ruler react when an angular momentum current
flows through it? It twists because it is under a
special kind of stress. We call this torsion stress .
Even a solid object where no twisting can be seen
when angular momentum is flowing through it, is
under torsion stress.
The direction of twist depends upon the direction of
the flow of angular momentum. In Fig. 8.20a, the
wheel is charged with positive angular momentum.
This means that the angular momentum in the ruler
is flowing from left to right.
The wheel in Fig. 8.20b also has positive angular
momentum flowing into it. In this case it is coming
from the right and is flowing to the left. What is the
difference between the two rulers?
The edges of both rulers make a spiral. As you might
already know, there are two types of spirals: right
spirals and left spirals, Fig. 8.21. A right spiral is the
kind that looks like a corkscrew, or a normal screw
thread. A left spiral makes a so-called left-handed
thread, or a mirror image of a corkscrew.
Now, back to our angular momentum currents. In
Fig. 8.20a, angular momentum flows from left to
right. The ruler is twisted like left-handed thread. In
Fig. 8.20b, the angular momentum flows from right
to left. The ruler is twisted like a right-handed
Angular momentum to the right: conductor is
twisted like a left-handed thread;
Angular momentum to the left: conductor is
twisted like a right-handed thread.
Fig. 8.19 . Part of the engine system of an
Fig. 8.18 . The conn ectio n betw een mot or and flyw heel can be
inter rupt ed by the clutc h.
Fig . 8.20 . (a) Ang ular mom entu m flow s fro m left to righ t.
(b) Ang ular mom entu m flow s fro m righ t to left .
1. Des ign an expe rim ent to sho w whe ther or not wat er cond ucts
angu lar mom entu m.
2. Des ign an expe rim ent to pro ve that mag netic fiel ds cond uct
angu lar mom entu m.
3. Air cond ucts alm ost no angu lar mom entu m. Des crib e an
expe rim ent or nam e a devi ce that sho ws that air does cond uct
angu lar mom entu m a little bit.
4. Axl es are angu lar mom entu m cond ucto rs. A car has a
num ber of axle s. The y have diff eren t nam es for each fun ction .
Nam e som e of thes e. Wha t pur pos e do they ser ve?
5. Why are som e axle s thic ker and som e thin ner?
8. 5 A ng ul ar m om en tu m ci rc ui ts
Fig. 8.22 shows how a coffee grinder is constructed.
A real coffee grinder is a little more compact, but
essentially, it looks like the one in the figure.
The grinder is powered by an electric motor. The
motor pumps angular momentum through an axle to
the grinder. Does the angular momentum increase
in the grinder? No, because it would need to rotate
faster and faster which it does not do.
Where does the angular momentum go? It must
flow out of the grinder. This is no surprise. After all,
there is a lot of friction between the rotating inner
part of the grinder and the unmoving outer part of it.
Friction is like a very bad bearing, meaning one that
lets angular momentum flow off easily.
This means we have a closed angular momentum
circuit: The motor pumps angular momentum out of
the casing of the engine, through the axle and to the
grinder. From there it goes to the casing of the grin-
der. It flows from there back to the motor.
Of course the motor as well as the grinder must be
well mounted to the casing.
The situation is very similar to the turbine and
generator in a power plant, Fig. 8.23.
Fig. 8.24a shows how someone drills a hole in a
board. Angular momentum flows out of the Earth,
through the man, over the drill and into the board.
From there it flows over the vise and back into the
Fig. 8.24b shows what happens when the angular
momentum circuit is not closed. The board was
taken out of the vise. The angular momentum
cannot flow off anymore. The motor runs but it
doesnt pump anymore. The board rotates but it
doesnt get faster; it does not get any new angular
1. Wha t path does the angu lar mom entu m take in an elec tric
fan ?
2. Som eone sha rpen s a penc il. Wha t path does the angu lar
mom entu m take ?
Fig . 8.21 . (a) Spi ral to the righ t. (b) Spi ral to the left . (c)
Cor ksc rew and mir ror ima ge.
a b c
Fig. 8.22 . Cof fee grin der. The angu lar mom entu m flow s in a
clos ed circ uit.
Fig. 8.23 . Tur bine and gene rato r in a pow er plan t. The
angu lar mom entu m flow s in a clos ed circ uit.
Fig. 8.24 . (a) The angu lar mom entu m curr ent circ uit is
clos ed. (b) The angu lar mom entu m curr ent circ uit is
inte rru pted (op en).
a b
8. 6 A ng ul ar m om en tu m as
an en er gy ca rr ie r
We will now consider the coffee grinder again, but
will take a new viewpoint: We will perform an
energy balance. The motor receives energy and
gives it to the grinder. What are the energy carriers?
Electricity is the carrier by which the energy reaches
the motor.
It is now clear how it continues. In addition to
energy, angular momentum flows between the
motor and the grinder. In this case, angular
momentum must be the energy carrier, Fig. 8.25.
Angular momentum is an energy carrier.
In other words: In an electric motor, the energy is
transferred from the carrier electricity to the carrier
angular momentum. Energy travels from the motor
to the grinder along with angular momentum.
Within the grinder, the energy leaves the angular
momentum and the angular momentum travels back
to the motor via the casing. Fig. 8.26 shows the flow
diagram of a hydroelectric plant.
We will now apply the balance of angular
momentum and energy to a flywheel. The flywheel
in Fig. 8.27 is charged with angular momentum.
This means that the motor pumps angular
momentum out of the ground, over the axle and into
the flywheel.
By now we have realized that not only angular
momentum but also energy flows through a rotating
axle. Where does this energy go? Because the
flywheel has no outlet for the energy, the energy
must also accumulate in it. The flywheel stores
angular momentum and energy simultaneously.
A rotating flywheel, meaning one that has been
charged with angular momentum and energy, can
be used to drive a dynamo, for example, Fig. 8.28.
Of course you have seen toy cars with flywheel
drives. They just need to be pushed strongly once
across the floor. In the process, the flywheels get
charged with angular momentum and energy. The
cars can then travel a while on their own using the
energy in the flywheel.
1. Ske tch the flow diag ram s of a wat er turb ine, a win dmi ll, a
wat er pum p and the blad es of a vent ilato r.
2. Nam e som e ener gy sou rces that give up ener gy with the
carr ier angu lar mom entu m. How do you reco gniz e them ?
3. Nam e som e ener gy reci pien ts that rece ive ener gy with the
carr ier angu lar mom entu m.
4. How do you reco gniz e devi ces whi ch rece ive ener gy fro m
a pers on by the carr ier angu lar mom entu m?
Fig . 8.25 . Ene rgy gets with the carr ier angu lar mom entu m to
the grin der .
Fig . 8.27 . A flyw heel is bein g char ged with ener gy and angu -
lar mom entu m.
Fig . 8.26 . Flo w diag ram of a hydr oele ctri c pow er plan t.
Fig. 8.28 . A flyw heel is driv ing a dyna mo.
9.1 The relation between pressure
and momentum current
A block K is clamped between two walls by a spring
F, Fig. 9.1. A momentum current flows through this
setup. Whenever a momentum current flows, the
conductor is under mechanical stress: Either
compressive or tensile stress. You remember our
rule that momentum flow to the right means
compression and momentum flow to the left means
Let us consider the stress in our block. Because the
momentum current is distributed over the entire
block, every part of it is under compressive stress.
Every part of it feels the pressure, Fig. 9.2.
In Fig. 9.3, we compare blocks K1 and K2. The two
springs are totally identical and the same
momentum currents flow in each of them. Lets
assume that this current is 200 Hy/s = 200 N. Block
K2 has a larger cross sectional area than K1. The
momentum current distributes over a larger surface
here. The momentum current per surface area is
therefore smaller. In block K1
flow through each square centimeter of the surface
area, and
flows through each square centimeter of the cross
sectional area of K2.
This means that any given part of the material of K1
feels a higher pressure than a corresponding piece
of K2.
We see that in order to characterize the mechanical
stress at a point somewhere inside a body, the
momentum current per surface area can be used.
8 Hy/ s N =
2 Hy/ s N =
This quantity, i.e., the ratio of the momentum
current to the surface through which it flows, is
called pressure. It is the same quantity we have
already been introduced to in a different way.
Because pressure is expressed by p, we have
If the momentum current is given in Newtons (N)
and the surface area in m
, the resulting unit for
pressure is N/m
. This unit is called a Pascal,
abbreviated to Pa. Therefore
= .
Fig. 9.1. Block K is under compressive stress.
Fig. 9.3. The momentum currents in K1 and K2 are the same.
The momentum current per cross sectional area (pressure) is
greater in K1 than in K2.
Fig. 9.2. The momentum current distributes over the entire
cross section of the block.
9. Compressive and Tensile Stress
A negative stress value means tensile stress.
Pressure equals momentum current per surface
1. A car is being towed. Fig. 9.5 shows the hook on the car being
towed, a piece of metal wire and a piece of plastic rope knotted
to it. A momentum current of 420 N flows into the car. Calculate
the stress in the ropes at locations 1, 2, and 3. Watch for the
algebraic sign: compressive or tensile stress?
2. The ropes in Fig. 9.6 have a cross section of 1.5 cm
. The
crate has a mass of 12 kg. Calculate the tensile stress at locations
1, 2, and 3.
3. You push a thumbtack into a wooden board. Estimate
what the pressure is at the middle of the nail halfway up. What is
the pressure at the tip of the thumbtack?
4. Estimate the compressive stress at the tip of a nail being
hit by a hammer.
9.2 Stress in three directions
We wish to put a body under both compressive and
tensile stress. You might think that this cannot be
done, that a body can only be under either
compressive or tensile stress and that to put a body
under both is impossible. We will try anyway and
find we are successful.
We take the object, a sponge, for example, in both
hands and press our fingers together. At the same
time, we pull apart with our hands, Fig. 9.7. The
interior of the sponge actually feels both
compressive and tensile stress: compressive stress
in the horizontal direction and tensile stress in the
vertical direction. Fig. 9.8 shows a similar situation.
Block K is under tensile stress in the horizontal
direction and under compressive stress in the
vertical. It is, of course, possible to put it under
tensile stress in both directions and under
1 Pa is a very small pressure. Larger units are often
used instead
1 kPa = 1000 Pa
1 MPa = 1 000 000 Pa
or the bar:
1 bar = 100 000 Pa.
Now back to our blocks. The pressure, or the
compressive stress, in block K1 is
The result for block K2 is
(The areas A
and A
must be expressed in m
the resulting pressure unit to be Pa.)
In Fig. 9.4, a momentum current of 200 N flows in
the negative direction through body K. In
calculating the quantity p, this is taken into account
by putting a minus sign in front of the current value.
. =
0 0025
80 000 80 = = = =
. m
Pa kPa .
0 01
20 000 20 = = = =
. m
Pa kPa .
p =

= =
0 01
20 000 20
. m
Pa kPa .
Fig. 9.4. The block is under tensile stress. The pressure is ne-
Fig. 9.6. For Exercise 2.
Fig. 9.5. For Exercise 1.
compressive stress in both directions. The
compressive and tensile stresses in the horizontal
and vertical directions can also have different
In the case of Fig. 9.9, the horizontal pressure has
the value
and the vertical one is
1 2
0 01
5000 5 = = =
. m
Pa kPa
Finally, it is possible to put the block under
compressive or tensile stress in a third direction as
well, Fig. 9.10. For example, this could be
= 5000 Pa
= 2000 Pa
= 40 000 Pa.
You might ask whether it is possible to just continue
in this way, to create more and more compressive
stress values in more and more spatial directions.
Why not five different compressive or tensile
stresses in five different directions, Fig. 9.11?
Because it is not possible. It is difficult to show the
proof of this so we will just have to accept it:
It is possible to fix independent compressive or
tensile stress values in three mutually
perpendicular directions.
As soon as you try to change the stress in a fourth
direction, the stresses in the first three directions
automatically change.
This statement is valid for every point inside of a
body. However, mechanical stress can change from
location to location. In the case of the pressed
sponge in Fig. 9.7, the stresses in the middle are
2 2
0 015
20 000 20 = = =
. m
Pa kPa.
Fig. 9.7. The sponges interior is under tensile stress vertical-
ly and under compressive stress horizontally.
Fig. 9.10. Pressure can be given in three mutually perpendi-
cular directions.
Fig. 9.8. The block is under compressive stress vertically and,
horizontally, under tensile stress.
Fig. 9.11. No more than three pressures are allowed in three
dimensions (in two dimensions, only two).
Fig. 9.9. The pressures differ vertically and horizontally.
different from those at the upper and lower ends of
If the pressure in three mutually perpendicular
directions has the same value, say 12 kPa, then the
pressure is equal to 12 kPa in all other spatial
Every material has only a certain tolerance for
compressive or tensile stress. It is often so that a
material can be put under higher compressive stress
than under tensile stress.
Concrete, for example, tolerates a compressive
stress of about 50 MPa, but only 1/20th of this value
as tensile stress. Sometimes a concrete support is
expected to take tensile stress at certain points. Fig.
9.12 shows a concrete support mounted at both ends
and carrying a load in the middle. This is a typical
situation. The concrete on the upper part of the
support is under horizontal compressive stress. The
lower part is under horizontal tensile stress. Since it
cannot tolerate the high tensile stress it is reinforced
by steel. Steel tolerates high tensile stress.
For the same reason, some synthetic materials are
reinforced with carbon fibers in order to raise their
tensile strength. Such materials are used in the
manufacturing of skis, diving boards for swimming
pools, and for gliders.
There are many materials that cannot tolerate the
same stress in different directions. A good example
of this is wood. Pine can tolerate a tensile stress of 10
MPa in the direction of its grain, but only 1/20th of
that in the perpendicular direction.
1. Name some materials which have high tolerance for tensile
stress but low tolerance for compressive stress.
2. Name some materials having high tolerance for compressive
but low tolerance for tensile stress.
3. Name some materials that tolerate strongly different
compressive and tensile stresses in different directions.
9.3 Pressure in liquids and gases
Up to now we have only considered mechanical
stress in solid objects. (A sponge is a solid object
because it is neither liquid nor gaseous.) Now we
wish to put a liquid, e. g. water, under pressure. At
first we will do this awkwardly and try to proceed as
we did with the block in Fig. 9.1. We press from
above in the middle of the water, Fig. 9.13. The
result is as expected: the water moves sideways.
We then try a new approach and contain the water in
such a way that it cannot move sideways, Fig. 9.14.
If the piston has a cross sectional area of A = 5 cm
and the momentum current is F = 200 N, a pressure
results in the horizontal direction.
The water tries to move in the direction transverse to
the direction of pressure, thus creating a
compressive stress in this transverse direction. This
stress has the same value as the one in the direction
of the piston. In every other direction, as well, the
pressure has the same value.
= = = =
0 0005
400000 0 4
. m
Pa . MPa
Fig. 9.12. The upper part of the support is under compressive
stress in the horizontal direction; in the lower part, there is
tensile stress.
Fig. 9.13. Water cannot be put under pressure in this manner.
It gets out of the way sideways.
Fig. 9.14. The piston is under pressure only horizontally, but
the water is under pressure in all directions.
The experiment shown in Fig. 9.15 shows this very
At any location in a liquid, the pressure is the
same in every direction.
The same holds for gases because they also move si-
deways if they are not prevented from doing so.
9.4 Density
We consider a body of uniform composition. It has a
mass m and a volume V. The ratio of mass to volume
is the density :
An object made of iron has a greater density than
one made of wood, since a cubic meter of iron has a
greater mass than a cubic meter of wood. Density is
independent of the objects size and shape because
it is the mass divided by its volume. It depends only
upon the material it is made up of. It is a material
This is why we do not need to say that the iron object
has a density of 7800 kg/m
. It is enough to say
that iron has a density of 7800 kg/m
In order to have something concrete to think about
here, we have spoken about solid bodies. The ratio
m/V can just as well be used to characterize a li-
quid or a gas.
There are a lot of other material characteristics that
can be expressed as numerical values such as
electric conductivity, thermal conductivity, the abi-
lity to be heated, the ability to be magnetized, color,
9.5 Hydrostatic pressure
Remember: the pressure at any given location in a
liquid is the same in all directions. However, this
does not mean that the pressure must be the same at
every location. We will get to know a situation
where the pressure changes from place to place.
Fig. 9.16 shows a cylindrical container filled with
water. The pressure of the water increases from top
to bottom. We wish to measure the pressure at a
distance h from the waters surface.
In our minds, we make a cut S through the water.
The surface area of the cut is A. Our first question is
how strong the momentum current through this area
This momentum current comes from two different
1. Because the pressure of the air above the waters
surface is
= 1 bar = 100 000 Pa,
a momentum current of
= p
flows into and through the water.
2. According to our old equation
F = m g (1)
a momentum current flows through the gravitatio-
nal field into every part of the water, and it flows
down through the water as well (m = mass, g =
strength of gravitational field). The entire
momentum current flowing into the water from
above flows through our cross section. To calculate
this momentum current we have to use the mass of
the water above the cut in Equation (1):
= m
g (2)
The mass m
can be calculated easily. To do
this, we solve the relation
Fig. 9.15. Water sprays in all directions because there is pres-
sure in all directions.
Fig. 9.16 Pressure increases from top to bottom.
for m and put for the density of the water and for V
for the volume of that part of the water which is abo-
ve the cross section:
Now we have
= A h,
A h.
Inserting this into equation (2) yields
= m
g =
A h g.
The total momentum current F is comprised of both
and F
F = F
+ F
= p
A +
A h g
= (p
g h) A
We can now calculate the pressure at the height of
the cross section by using p = F/A:
The pressure at distance h from the waters surface
is therefore:
p = p
g h (3)
Since the momentum current is made up of two
parts, also the pressure is made up of two parts:
of the airs contribution p
above the water;
of the contribution p
g h , which has
its origins in the weight of the water. The water
below feels the weight of the water lying above it.
This contribution p
is called the hydrostatic
pressure of the water.
The calculated pressure is actually a vertical
pressure. Because we have considered a liquid here,
the same pressure must rule in the horizontal
directions as well.
Of course these considerations are valid for other
liquids as well, not just for water. It is only necessary
to use the density of the liquid being considered
in place of the density of water (
). In general
we have
The hydrostatic pressure in a liquid is:
= g h
Let us calculate the hydrostatic pressure in water
numerically. We set
= 1000 kg/m
und g = 10 N/kg
and obtain
= 1000 kg/m
10 N/kg h
= 10 000 h N/m
p g h A
p g h
= =
= +
( )
air water
air water

If the distance to the waters surface is

h = 10 m,
= 100 000 N/m
= 100 000 Pa = 1 bar.
The total pressure is
p = p
+ p
= 1 bar + 1 bar = 2 bar.
At 10 m below the surface of the water, the pressure
is 1 bar higher than at its surface. At 20 m depth, it is
2 bar higher, etc.
Fig. 9.17 shows the pressure as a function of the
depth h. The zero point of h is at the waters surface.
Just as the pressure of water decreases upwardly, air
pressure also decreases upwardly from the Earths
surface. The pressure of the air around us is the
hydrostatic pressure of the air. In this case though,
the reduction in pressure with altitude is not linear.
We cannot calculate air pressure with altitude using
the formula
= g h
any longer, because the density of the air decreases
with altitude. Fig. 9.18 shows the (hydrostatic)
pressure of the air as a function of altitude. Notice
that the height axes of Fig. 9.17 and 9.18 have
different units.
Fig. 9.17. Pressure as a function of the depth of water. The
zero point of depth lies at the waters surface.
Fig. 9.18. Air pressure as a function of altitude. The altitude is
counted positive in the upward direction.
0 10 20
p (bar)
h (km)
-100 -50 0

p (bar)
h (m)
0 500 1000
Fig. 9.19 shows the pressure as a function of the
height above and below the oceans surface. The
vertical scale begins 100 m below the waters
surface. At this point, the pressure is 11 bar. At the
surface, the pressure reduces to 1 bar. This is the
hydrostatic pressure of air at sea level. This pressure
decreases as one goes on moving upward. However,
it decreases slowly because air has a low density.
1. What is the hydrostatic pressure of water at the bottom of
a swimming pool of 4 m depth? What is the total pressure?
2. At its lowest point, the ocean is 11 000 m deep. What is
the pressure there?
3. What is the pressure at the bottom of the container in Fig.
9.20? The piston dividing the two liquids can be moved easily.
It is so small and light that its influence upon the pressure at the
bottom can be ignored. Mercurys density is 13,550 kg/m
Fig. 9.20. For exercise 3.
Fig. 9.19. Pressure as a function of the altitude above and below the oceans surface. The zero point lies at the oceans sur-
p (bar)
h (m)
9.6 More complicated containers
In order to find the formula
= g h
we considered a container with vertical walls. We
might conclude that our formula holds only for this
type of container.
Fig. 9.21a shows a container made up of two parts.
The parts are connected by a pipe. What is the
hydrostatic pressure at A and what is it at B? We
apply our formula and find that
at A: p
g h
at B: p
' =
g h
The pressure values which we have calculated, are
correct. However, it must understand what kind of
pressure has beencalculated. For the moment, we
will ignore the fact that air presses down with 1 bar
upon the surface of the water.
is the hydrostatic pressure caused by the water
in the upper container at location A. What about
'? p
' is the hydrostatic pressure at B as a
result of the water in the lower container. However,
we must also take into account that the water in the
container above presses upon the water in the
container below through the thin pipe connecting
them. This means that the pressure in B is not only
determined by the water in the lower container.
Because of the connecting pipe, it is influenced by
the water in the upper one as well.
Instead we can say that the pressure at B is the
hydrostatic pressure of all of the water, that in the
higher container plus that in the lower container:
= p
+ p

g (h
+ h
g h
The pressure at B is the same we would find if we
had a unique container of height h
, Fig. 9.21b. In
other words: The height h which we must use in
the equation
= g h
is the vertical distance to the waters surface. It does
not matter if the surface lies above the considered
point or if it is displaced from it, and it does not
matter how large the surface is.
At any point in the water at a given depth below the
surface, the pressure is the same. This is shown in
Fig. 9.22.
The fact that the pressure in a liquid is the same
everywhere at a certain depth holds only if there are
no currents in it. If the liquid (or gas) flows, the
pressure is no longer constant because a current is
produced by a pressure difference.
We conclude:
In liquids and gases at rest, the pressure is the
same at every point on a horizontal level.
This principle agrees with something everyone has
seen: In connected containers, the water levels are
the same, Fig. 9.23.
The hydrostatic pressure of both water surfaces is 0
Pa, meaning the values are the same. Our rule tells
us that the surfaces must be lying at one and the
same level.
Fig. 9.21. The pressure at point B in the container on the left is
the same at that at point B in the one on the right.
a b
Fig. 9.22. In a continuous amount of fluid, the pressure is the
same at all points on a horizontal plane.
Fig. 9.23. In communicating containers, the surfaces of the li-
quid have the same heights.
1. What happens if the valve in Fig. 9.24 is opened? Why?
2. In Fig. 9.25, there is water in the container on the left and
alcohol on the right. They border between the liquids lies in the
horizontal pipe. The level of the alcohol in the container on the
right is higher than the water level in the container on the left.
Why? What is the level difference? (
= 790kg/m
9.7 Buoyant force
A ball is pressed down into water. One feels that the
ball wants to come up. Why is this so? The water
is pressing upon all sides of the ball. However, water
pressure increases with depth, so the pressure at the
bottom of the ball is stronger than at its top. The
result is the ball being pushed upward, Fig. 9.26.
Not only very light objects (like a ball) experience a
buoyant force, but every other body put into a liquid
does as well.
A piece of iron is hung from a scale and then
immersed in water, Fig. 9.27. The reading of the
scale decreases. The water pushes the piece of iron
upward, and it seems to become lighter.
A momentum current of
F = m
flows through the gravitational field into the piece
of iron. In Fig. 9.27a, the momentum arriving in the
body leaves again through the string. In Fig. 9.27b,
only a part of this momentum current flows off
through the string. The rest of it flows into the water.
The strength of the momentum current flowing
through the water is called buoyant force. We will
calculate it.
In order to do this, we first consider the water
without any object immersed in it, but we imagine
the space the object would occupy in it. (You could
imagine this part of the water being separated from
the rest by a thin plastic bag.) This body of water is
suspended, it does not float to the surface nor does it
sink to the bottom. This means that it does not
receive or lose any net momentum.
The total momentum current of
= m
flowing in (the object receives it through the
gravitational field) flows off again through its
surface into the surrounding water and from there,
into the Earth. Therefore, the momentum current
flowing away, must be equal to
= m
We now replace our phantom body made of water
with the original one of iron. A momentum current
= m
flows into the iron body.
The same current flows away from it as before
Fig. 9.24. For exercise 1.
Fig. 9.25. For exercise 2.
Fig. 9.26. The pressure is higher at the underside of the ball
than on its upper side.
Fig. 9.27. A piece of iron hanging from a scale is immersed in
water. It appears to be lighter.
because the pressure distribution on the surface of
the iron body is the same as on the surface of the
phantom water body. Therefore, a current of
= m
flows away. This time net current is not zero, but
= F

= (m
) g (1)
The net momentum current is reduced by m
as a result of the immersion. This is the buoyancy
force FA we are looking for:
= m
We remember what m
means: It is the mass of
our phantom body made of water, or in other words,
the mass of the water displaced by the iron body.
These considerations are also valid when our
immersed body is not made of iron and our liquid is
not water. In Equation (1), we use m
instead of
for the mass of the body, and m
instead of
for the liquid. We obtain:
= (m
) g. (2)
The buoyant force is the part subtracted from m
so that:
= m
We can also express it this way:
The apparent mass is smaller than the actual
mass by the mass of the liquid displaced.
We will change Equation (2) to a more convenient
form. We replace the two masses m
and m
the help of the equation
m = V,
which results from
= m/V.
V (3)
V (4)
The volume V of the body is the same as that of
the displaced liquid.
Introducing Equations (3) and (4) into (2) yields:
= (

) V g.
This equation tells us that the net momentum
current is positive when
is greater than
. It
is negative when
is smaller than
. A positive
net momentum current into a body means that the
body begins to move downward: It sinks. A
negative net momentum current means that it
begins moving in the negative direction, meaning
upward: It rises, it floats. Only when
, is
= 0, and the body remains suspended.

: The body sinks.

: The body floats.

: The body is suspended.
1. Calculate the buoyant force F
of a piece of iron having a
volume of 5 cm
, that is totally submerged in mercury. Does
the iron float or sink? By how many grams does the mass of the
piece of iron seem to be reduced? (Density of iron: 7900 kg/m
density of mercury: 13,550 kg/m
2. A granite boulder with a mass of 150 tons lies at the
bottom of the ocean (Density of granite: 2600 kg/m
). What
is the buoyant force? How much smaller does its mass appear to
be than it would be on dry land?
3. A stone with a density of 2400 kg/m
lies at the bottom of
a swimming pool. In the water, it weighs 1.4 kg. What is its
real mass?
4. The density of wood is less than that of water. This is why
a piece of wood submerged in water rises to the top. When a
piece of the wood protrudes out of the water, it stops rising.
5. A ship weighs 15,000 tons. What is the mass of the displaced
6. First, a ship sails down a river and then out to sea. The
density of seawater is somewhat greater than the density of the
river water. What consequences does this have for the ship?
9.8 Tensile stress in gases
and liquids
When you drink soda through a drinking straw, you
have the feeling of pulling on the soda, Fig. 9.28.
How else could it rise through the straw? When you
start to drink, there is still air in the straw. You suck
and the soda rises. It looks like you could also pull
on the air.
We will see that this is an erroneous conclusion.
You cannot pull on either air or on the soda. More
Gases and liquids cannot be put under tensile
Why do we draw the wrong conclusion here? How
does the soda get into our mouths if not by pulling?
The air in the cylinder in Fig. 9.29a is under normal
pressure: p = 1 bar. The air outside, though, is un-
der pressure of 1 bar as well. Although the air inside
presses against the piston, we do not need to hold it
in place because the air pressure from outside pres-
ses exactly as strongly and balances out the pressure
from inside.
We now pull the piston a little to the right and hold it
there, Fig. 9.29b. The pressure inside decreases, but
of course, the pressure outside does not. We have
the impression of the piston being pulled left and we
need to hold onto it. Actually, it is only being
pressed to the left by the air outside. In the interior,
the pressure remains positive, but it is smaller than
before. There is no tensile stress.
You could think that it might be possible to produce
a tensile stress inside if you pull far enough, if the
piston is moved far enough to the right, Fig. 9.30.
The experiment shows that this doesnt work. The
pressure decreases, but more and more slowly. It ne-
ver reaches the value of 0 bar. It always remains po-
Instead of pulling a piston, a vacuum pump could be
attached to the cylinder, Fig. 9.31. The pressure de-
creases as the pump runs and only after all the air has
been pumped out does the pressure reach the value
0bar. Pumping more does not produce a negative
pressure. No wonder: When all the air is gone, not-
hing more is there to be under tensile stress.
Something else happens when one tries to pull on a
liquid, water for example, Fig. 9.32. The piston can-
not be pulled outward as easily as it would be with a
gas. Again, th reason is not a tensile stress inside, but
the outside air pressure upon the piston. If one pulls
hard enough and overcomes the outside air pressu-
re, the piston will move indeed. However, it can be
seen that the liquid does not expand like the air does
in Fig. 9.29. Rather, a bubble forms, a space where
there is no liquid water. This cannot be an air bubble.
Where would the air come from? Actually, this spa-
ce is almost totally empty. A close investigation
shows that it is not quite empty: There is a slight
amount of water vapor (water in the form of gas) in
Now back to our soda. By sucking on a drinking
straw, one removes air from it. The pressure in the
air in the straw decreases. The air pressure outside
presses upon the soda and it rises in the straw. The
soda is not pulled up the straw, it is pushed up.
A suction pump functions similarly to this, Fig.
9.33. The pump appears to pull the water upward.
Actually, it is only lowering the pressure at the top
so that the outside air pressure can push the water

1. A glass is pressed under water with its opening downward.
Why doesnt it fill up with water?
2. A glass is held under water so that it fills with water. It is
then pulled out of the water with the opening pointing down-
ward, Fig. 9.34. Why does the water stay in the glass?
3. In Fig. 9.35, what is the pressure of the water at A? What
is the pressure at B? What happens if the faucet is opened?
Fig. 9.28. The soda in the drinking straw is pushed upward,
not drawn upward.
Fig. 9.29. Air presses from inside and from outside on the pi-
ston. (a) The pressure is the same inside and outside. (b) The
pressure outside is greater than inside.
Fig. 9.31. A vacuum pump cannot create negative pressure
Fig. 9.30. No matter how far the piston is pulled outward, the
pressure in the cylinder stays positive.
9.9 Hydraulic transport of energy
We are now able to understand why hydraulic ma-
chines are so practical.
We will first investigate the simplest hydraulic
transport of energy imaginable, Fig. 9.36. This is a
pipe with a piston at each end and a liquid between
them. You can think of water as the liquid, but oil is
normally used. The advantages of oil are obvious: It
freezes at much lower temperatures than water, and
it lubricates the pistons.
If the piston on the left is pushed to the right, the pis-
ton on the right moves as well. If the right-hand pis-
ton is able to move freely, almost no energy is trans-
ported. The small amount of energy put into the left
side is necessary to overcome friction.
If the piston on the right is driving something, mo-
ving the one on the left becomes more difficult.
Energy is put in on the left and it comes out again on
the right.
We wish to calculate the strength P of the energy
current from left to right. This means we will ex-
press it by easily measured quantities. We wish to
find the energy current flowing through the imagi-
ned cross-section S. How many Joules are flowing
through this area per second?
The liquid moving in the pipe is equivalent to a rod,
and the energy current for a rod is
P = v F
Here, v is the velocity with which the rod moves,
and F is the momentum current in it.
This formula is also valid for hydraulic liquids. The
velocity at which the liquid moves is v. F can be
expressed by the pressure p and the cross sectio-
nal area A of the pipe:
F = A p
The energy current is then
P = v A p
This formula is very useful because it can be used to
calculate the energy current at every location in a
pipe of any form and diameter.
We consider a pipe that is somewhat more compli-
cated: A pipe whose cross sectional area increases
Fig. 9.32. There is water in the cylinder. When the piston is
pulled, a bubble containing water vapor forms.
Fig. 9.33. The pump reduces the positive pressure at its inlet.
The air over the waters surface pushes the water upward
through the pipe.
Fig. 9.34. For exercise 2.
Fig. 9.35. For exercise 3.
from A
to A
, Fig. 9.37. We also compare the
energy currents at locations 1 and 2. At 2, the liquid
flows more slowly than at 1. This means that v
smaller than v
. It is not difficult to find the relati-
on between v
and v
If the piston on the left is moved a distance !x
, a
liquid volume of
= A
" !x
is pushed to the right. The piston on the right must
now make space for the same amount of liquid that
the piston on the left displaced. This means that
= !V

" !x
= A
" !x
. (1)
Now, if the left hand piston is moved at a constant
rate and the time needed to push it a distance !x
!t, then the velocity of the left hand piston is v

and the velocity v
of the right hand piston is
We divide both sides of equation (1) by !t and
Using Equations (2) and (3), we get
" A
= v
" A
We now multiply both sides of this equation by the
pressure p of the liquid which is the same on the
right and the left:
p " v
" A
= p " v
" A
We saw before that the energy current is
P = v " A " p (5)
In Equation (4), the strength of the energy current on
the left is the one at section 1, and on the right, it is
the one at section 2. The equation tells us that both
are equal: The energy put in on the left comes out on
the right. This surely doesnt surprise you.
The energy current is the same everywhere in the
pipe. The place where the cross sectional area is
smaller, the fluid velocity is greater and where the
cross sectional area is larger, the fluid velocity is
smaller. The energy current, though, is the same
Equation (5) shows us how to transport a lot of
energy (per second). We need a high pressure, a lar-
ge cross sectional area for the pipe, and a high velo-
city. All of these factors have their limitations,
though. If the pressure is too high, the pipe or hose
will break. A large cross sectional area can be im-
practical because the hose would be too clumsy to
handle. High velocity has the disadvantage of large
energy losses by friction.
For these reasons, one seeks a compromise where
the disadvantages are acceptable. We consider a ty-
pical example: The energy transfer from the pump
to the arm of a power shovel. The pressure in the po-
wer shovels hoses is about 150 bar = 15 MPa, the
cross sectional area of the hose is 6 cm
= 0.0006
and the flow velocity is 0.5 m/s. The resulting
energy current is
P = v " A " p = 0.5 m/s " 0.0006 m
" 15 MPa
= 4500 W.
It is possible to transport energy easily by using hy-
draulic equipment. Such equipment also has other
advantages. We will look at one of them.
The momentum current in piston 1 in Fig. 9.38 is
= A
" p,
and in piston 2, it is
= A
" p.
Combining the equations, we obtain
Fig. 9.36. Energy transport with a flowing liquid. Fig. 9.37. Energy transport in a pipe with an increasingly lar-
ge cross sectional area.
By pushing on the left hand piston, a momentum
current is produced in the right hand piston which is
stronger by a factor of A
. This effect can be
used to lift heavy charges. The car in Fig. 9.39 is lif-
ted by hand but with the help of hydraulics. Dont
forget, though, energy is not gained as a result of
this. Lifting the car is easier with hydraulics than it
would be if you tried it the direct way, Fig. 9.40, but
it takes longer.
1. There is a pressure of 150 bar in the hose of a power exca-
vators hydraulic system. The cross section of the hose is 5 cm
and the velocity of the hydraulic oil is 20 cm/s. How much
energy is being transported? How strong is the momentum cur-
rent in the hose?
2. At the entrance to a water turbine there is a pressure of
80bar. The diameter of the pipe is 1 m. The turbine receives
12MJ of energy per second. How fast is the water flowing in the
= .
Fig. 9.39. It is easy to lift a car by hand.
Fig. 9.38. A stronger momentum current flows in the piston
on the right than in the one on the left.
Fig. 9.40. It is difficult to lift a car by hand.
E n t r o p y
The second main area of physics that we will now
turn to is thermodynamics the science of heat. The
name already gives away what the subject is all
about: the phenomena having to do with an object
being hotter or colder. Similarly to how we accoun-
ted for momentum in mechanics, we will learn to
count quantities of heat in thermodynamics, i.e., we
will make use of a law of balance for heat.
Thermodynamics is important for understanding
natural phenomena as well as technical devices and
Life on Earth is possible only because of the huge
current of heat coming from the Sun. Climate and
weather on Earth are determined essentially by ther-
mal processes. (By thermal we mean having to do
with thermodynamics.)
Countless machines function according to the prin-
ciples of thermodynamics. Some of these are auto-
mobile engines, steam turbines in power plants, and
heat pumps in refrigerators.
Heat loss and the sources of heat in heating systems
of houses can be quantitatively described by using
Heat also plays an important role in chemical reacti-
Thermodynamics deals with different phenomena
than mechanics does. For this reason, thermodyna-
mics uses different physical quantities. However,
this does not mean that we can forget about mecha-
nics completely when working with thermodyna-
mics. For one, there are quantities that are common
to both subjects such as energy and energy currents.
There are also principles, relationships and rules in
mechanics that have corresponding ones in thermo-
dynamics. It is not necessary to begin learning all
over again in order to understand thermal physics.
10.1 Entropy and temperature
As always, when we begin with a new field of phy-
sics, we must get to know our most important tools:
the physical quantities we will be working with. In
mechanics we began with two quantities to describe
the state of motion of a body. These were velocity
and momentum. Similarly, we can use two quanti-
ties to describe the thermal state of a body.
You already know one of these quantities, tempe-
rature. It is abbreviated by a Greek letter called
Theta and looks like this: . Temperature is mea-
sured in the unit C (degrees Celsius). The sentence
The temperature is 18 degrees Celsius can be
shortened to = 18C.
The second quantity is also known to you, but by
another name than the one used in physics. This is
what in everyday language we call quantity of heat
or just heat. We will make a simple experiment to
show the difference between quantity of heat and
temperature, Fig. 10.1. Glass A contains 1 l of water
at 80C. We pour half of this water into another
empty glass B. What happens with the temperature
and the amount of heat? The temperature of the wa-
ter in glasses A and B is the same as it was in glass A
before it was poured. However, the amount of heat
was distributed over the water in both glasses after
pouring. If there were 10 units of heat in glass A at
the beginning, afterwards there are 5 units in A and 5
units in B.
We see that temperature describes the state of being
warm (or cold) of a body, independent of its size.
The quantity of heat is what is contained in the body.
10. Entropy and Entropy Currents
Abb. 10.1. Half of the water in container A is poured into con-
tainer B.
What we call quantity of heat in everyday langua-
ge, has a special name in physics. It is called entro-
py. The symbol used for entropy is S and its unit
is the Carnot, abbreviated to Ct. If a body contains
20 Carnot of entropy, it can be written like this:
S = 20 Ct.
This unit is named after Sadi Carnot (1796 1832),
a physicist who made important contributions to-
ward the discovery of entropy.
In the following, when we are investigating the pro-
perties of entropy, just remember that it deals with
what we call heat in everyday language.
We compare the two water glasses in Fig. 10.2. Both
contain the same amount of water. The water in the
glass on the left is hot, having a temperature of 70C.
The water in the glass on the right is cool. It has a
temperature of 10C. Which glass contains more
entropy? (In which glass is more heat?) Of course, it
is the one on the left.
The higher the temperature of an object, the
more entropy is contained in it.
Now we will compare the water glasses in Fig. 10.3.
In this case, the temperatures are the same, but the
mass of the water is different in each glass. Which
glass contains more entropy? Again, it is the one on
the left.
The greater the mass of an object, the more
entropy is contained in it.
Which of the glasses in Fig. 10.4 contains more
entropy cannot be determined yet.
We will consider an experiment like the one in Fig.
10.1. In glass A, there is 1 l of water with 4000 Ct of
entropy. We pour 1/4 of the water, or 250 ml, into
the other empty glass B. How much entropy is in A
after pouring? How much is in B? Entropy is distri-
buted according to the ratio of the amounts of water.
This means that glass B received 1000 Ct, and 3000
Ct stayed in A.
Exactly what is 1 Carnot? Is this a lot or a little entro-
py? 1 Carnot is a very handy unit: 1 cm
of water
at 25C contains 3.88 Ct. A general rule:
1 cm
of water at normal temperature contains
about 4 Ct.
1. The air in a room A having a volume of 75 m
has a tem-
perature of 25C. The air temperature in another room B having
a volume of 60 m
is 18C. Which room contains more entropy?
2. There is 3900 Ct of entropy contained in the coffee in a
full coffee pot. Coffee is poured into three cups. Each cup then
has the same amount of coffee and the pot is half full. How much
entropy is contained in the pot after pouring into the three cups?
How much is contained in each cup?
10.2 Temperature differences
as driving force for an entropy
We place a container A with hot water into a con-
tainer B with cold water, Fig. 10.5. We will ob-
serve what happens and then explain our observa-
Abb. 10.3. The water in the glass on the left contains more
entropy than the one on the right.
Abb. 10.2. The water in the glass on the left contains more
entropy than the one on the right.
Abb. 10.4. It is not easy to decide which of these glasses con-
tains more entropy.
First the observation: The temperature of the wa-
ter in container A decreases, and the temperature
in B increases. The temperatures approach each
other and finally become equal. The temperature
of B increases, but not beyond that of A.
Now the explanation: Entropy flows from A to B
and does so until the temperatures become equal.
This experiment can be repeated with other types
of containers, Fig. 10.6a and b. The water tempe-
rature will always be the same in both containers
in the end. In the case of Fig. 10.6b, the end tem-
perature is closer to the initial temperature of A.
In every case, the final result is that

Of course it is possible to begin with the inner
container A having the lower temperature and the
outer container B having the higher one. In this
case, as well, the temperatures approach each
other and finally reach the same value. We con-
clude that:
Entropy flows by itself from places of higher
temperature to places of lower temperature.
This sentence is certainly familiar to you. If you
look back in this book you will find two more
versions of it. (We will meet it again further on,
as well.) A temperature difference

can be
understood as the driving force for an entropy
A temperature difference is the driving force
for an entropy current.
It is now easy to understand why the entropy cur-
rents finally stopped flowing in Figs. 10.5 and
10.6. As soon as the temperatures became equal,
the driving force for the entropy current vanished.
The state of equality of temperatures reached at
the end is called thermal equilibrium.
You have a cup of tea in front of you. The tea is
still too hot to drink so you wait for it to cool off.
What actually happens in cooling? Because the
temperature of the tea is higher than that of the air
or the table, an entropy current flows from the tea
into the environment. Does the environment be-
come warmer because of this? To be precise: yes,
it does. However, the entropy that comes from the
tea distributes so widely and is so diluted that we
hardly notice it.
Touch various objects in your classroom. Some
feel cool: the metal of the furniture, pillars made
of concrete. Others seem to be less cool to the
touch, for instance, a wooden chair. Others seem
almost warm: a woolen glove or a piece of styro-
foam. The temperature of a metal object appears
to be lower than one made of wood. This state-
ment should get your attention. We just stated
that Entropy flows by itself from a place of hig-
her to a place of lower temperature. According
to this, entropy should continually flow from the
wooden parts to the iron parts of a chair in the
classroom. By doing so, the iron would become
warmer and the wood cooler until....? Until the
temperatures became equal.
Before we speculate any further, we will determi-
ne the temperatures of various objects in the room
by measuring them. This way, we do not have to
rely only upon our feelings. The result is surpri-
sing. All of the temperatures are the same. Iron,
wood, and styrofoam all have the same tempera-
ture assuming that they were in the room long
enough for their temperatures to have become
Only in winter do the objects that are higher up in
the room have a slightly higher temperature than
the ones below. This is due to the heated air rising
upward. The adjustment to thermal equilibrium is
constantly disturbed by heating. In summer, equi-
librium is generally easy to accomplish. We come
to the following conclusion: Our feeling for
warm and cold misled us. How this happens,
and that we are actually not misled, will become
clear in the next section.
Abb. 10.5. Entropy flows out of the inner container A into the
outer container B.
Abb. 10.6. In both cases, entropy flows from the inner to the
outer container.
a b
1. (a) Entropy goes from the hot plate into the pot when you
cook something. Why? (b) The pot is put on a mat on the table.
Entropy then goes from the pot into the mat. Why? (c) A cooled
soda bottle is placed upon a table. The place on the table where
the bottle is standing becomes cold. Why?
2. A big metal block A has a temperature of 120C, a smaller
block B, made of the same metal, has a temperature of 10C.
The blocks are brought into contact with each other so that the
entropy from one of them can flow into the other one. From
where to where does it flow? Is the final temperature closer to
120C or 10C?
3. You have a small hot metal block and a larger cooler block in
front of you. (a) Can you say which one contains more entropy?
(b) You bring the two blocks into contact with each other. What
happens with temperature and entropy? (c) At the end, which
block contains more entropy?
10.3 The heat pump
The fact that entropy flows by itself from an object
of higher to an object of lower temperature does not
mean that it cannot flow in the opposite direction as
well, meaning from cold to hot. It can, but not by it-
self. To achieve this, you must force it: An entropy
pump is necessary. The customary name for such a
device is heat pump.
Nowadays every house has a heat pump. It is part of
the refrigerator and serves to transport the entropy
from inside to outside. Before we take a closer look
at a refrigerator, we must first get to know some
principal aspects of heat pumps.
Like any other pump, a heat pump has two connecti-
ons for whatever is being pumped: an intake (or in-
let) and an outlet. A water pump has an intake and an
outlet for water and a momentum pump has an inlet
and an outlet for momentum. Correspondingly, a
heat pump has an intake and an outlet for entropy,
Fig. 10.7. The inlet and the outlet are both made up
of coiled metal pipes through which a liquid or a gas
flows. In this way, entropy is transported into or out
of the pump.
A heat pump transports entropy from a place of
lower to a place of higher temperature.
Cooling an object means that entropy is removed
from it; heating an object means that entropy is int-
roduced into it. Fig. 10.7 shows that a heat pump can
be used to cool as well as to heat. In fact, heat pumps
are used for both purposes.
We look more closely at the refrigerator, Fig. 10.8.
The heat pump itself is at the bottom toward the back
of the refrigerator. The entropy outlet can also be
seen at the back. It is the coiled pipe taking up most
of the backside of the refrigerator. A metal grating is
placed between the pipes in order to better help the
entropy to go into the air. As long as the refrigerator
is running, these coiled pipes stay warm and we can
tell that entropy is flowing out of the refrigerator.
The intake for entropy is inside the refrigerator. It is
a coiled pipe inside the walls of the freezer compart-
Some houses are heated with a heat pump. Entropy
is taken from the air outside or from a stream or river
flowing nearby. The water in some indoor swim-
ming pools is also heated in this way.
An air-conditioner is another device that makes use
of a heat pump. An air-conditioner sets a certain
temperature and a certain humidity inside a buil-
ding. One of its functions is to cool the air inside. It
does so by use of a heat pump. Fig. 10.9 shows a
simple climate control unit that can only cool the air
inside a room.
1. Examine the refrigerator you have at home. Look for the
heat pump and the intake and outlet for the entropy. Hold your
hand on the coiled pipe of the entropy outlet.
2. What happens to the entropy when the refrigerator door is
left open for a long time?
Abb. 10.7. The heat pump has an inlet and an outlet for entro-
Abb. 10.8. A refrigerator seen from behind, showing the heat
pump and the coils, through which the heat leaves the refrige-
10.4 Absolute temperature
How much entropy can be pumped out of an object?
How much entropy does it contain?
We must be clear about the fact that these are two
different questions.
If only positive entropy exists, only as much entropy
can be pumped out of the object as there is in it. In the
same manner, only as much air can be pumped out
of a container as it contains to begin with.
It would be different if there were such a thing as ne-
gative entropy. Then it would be possible to take out
entropy even when the entropy content were at zero
Carnot. For example, if a further 5 Ct were pumped
out, the resulting entropy content would equal mi-
nus 5 Carnot. That this is conceivable, we know
from our observations of momentum. Momentum
can be taken out of a body at rest (a body with mo-
mentum of zero Huygens). Its momentum then be-
comes negative.
We will now replace the questions we asked at the
beginning with another one: Is there such a thing as
negative entropy? (It might be said that negative
entropy is what is called coldness or quantity of
coldness in everyday language).
Actually, the answer to this question is easy to find.
All that is needed is a very good heat pump. One ta-
kes an object, a brick for example, and pumps the
entropy out of it for as long as possible. Let us try it
with the refrigerator. The bricks temperature sinks
to perhaps 5C. It can go no further because the re-
frigerators heat pump cannot do more. More entro-
py can be extracted from the brick if it is put into the
freezer compartment: The temperature decreases
down to 18C. Better and more expensive heat
pumps do exist and even lower temperatures can be
achieved with them. These kinds of heat pumps are
called refrigerating machines. Some types of refri-
gerating machines are able to bring the temperature
of our brick down to 200C. Air is in liquid form at
these temperatures. Such machines are used to li-
quefy air. There are refrigerating machines that can
take even more entropy out of our brick. Further de-
crease of the temperature is proof of this. It is pos-
sible to keep decreasing to 250C, and then to
260C, etc. With even greater effort, the tempera-
ture can fall all the way down to 273.15C. At that
point, however, it stops. No matter how great the ef-
fort made, this is the lowest the temperature can go.
The explanation for this is simple:
1) At this temperature, our brick does not contain
any entropy anymore.
2) Entropy cannot have negative values.
The lowest temperature that an object can have
is 273.15C. The object contains no entropy at
this temperature.
At === = 273.15C, S = 0 Ct.
After discovering that a lowest possible tempera-
ture exists, it was considered sensible to introduce a
new temperature scale. This new absolute tempera-
ture scale is shifted with respect to the Celsius scale
Abb. 10.9. A simple air conditioner. The fans inside and out-
side are there to improve heat exchange with the air.
Abb. 10.10. The Celsius
scale and the absolute
temperature scale.
so that its zero point is at 273.15C. The symbol for
absolute temperature is T and its unit is Kelvin, ab-
breviated to K. Fig. 10.10 shows the relation betwe-
en the two scales. Notice that a temperature diffe-
rence of 1C equals a temperature difference of 1K.
The boiling temperature of water on the Celsius sca-
le is
= 100C.
And on the absolute scale, it is
T = 373.15 K.
On the absolute scale, zero is at 273.15C. The
unit of absolute temperature is the Kelvin.
Fig. 10.11 shows the relation between the tempera-
ture of and the amount of entropy contained in a pie-
ce of 100 g of copper.
1. Convert the following Celsius temperatures into absolute
0C (melting point of water)
25C (standard temperature)
100C (boiling point of water)
183C (boiling point of oxygen)
195,8C (boiling point of nitrogen)
268,9C (boiling point of helium)
273,15C (absolute zero point)
2. Convert the following absolute temperatures into Celsius
13,95K (melting point of hydrogen)
20,35K (boiling point of hydrogen)
54,35K (melting point of oxygen)
63,15K (melting point of nitrogen)
3. How much entropy does 1 kg of copper at a temperature
of 20C contain? Use Fig. 10.11 to answer the question.
10.5 Entropy production
A heat pump can be used to heat a room: Entropy is
brought in from outside the house. In fact, most
room heaters dont do this. They burn fuels, for
example heating oil, coal, wood or natural gas. Bur-
ning is a chemical reaction by which the combustib-
le fuel and oxygen change into other substances,
mostly carbon dioxide and water in gaseous form.
Where does the entropy that is given off by the fla-
mes come from? It was neither in the fuel nor in the
oxygen at the beginning because both of them were
cold. Apparently, it comes into being during bur-
ning. Entropy is created in the flames, Fig. 10.12.
Another type of heating is electrical. A strong
electric current is sent through a thin wire and the
wire is heated up. Entropy is created in the wire,
Fig. 10.13. Many electrical appliances operate on
this principle. Some examples of these would be hot
plates, irons, immersion heaters, night storage hea-
ters, hair-dryers, and light bulbs.
Abb. 10.11. Temperature as a function of the entropy content
for 100 g of copper.
Abb. 10.12. Entropy is produced in the flame. Abb. 10.13. An electric current flows through the wire, pro-
ducing entropy.
S (Ct)
T (K)
0 20 40 60 0
You know another way of creating entropy, namely,
mechanical friction. If you slide down a rope han-
ging from the ceiling, you feel the creation of entro-
py in a very unpleasant way. It is noticeable when
one tries to drill with a dull drill, or uses a dull saw.
Entropy is produced at the contact surface of two
objects rubbing against each other.
In all of these processes, entropy is newly created
and not brought from somewhere else.
Entropy can be created
by chemical reactions (for example, burning);
in a wire with an electric current;
by mechanical friction.
Actually, all of these processes can be looked at as
kinds of friction. Whenever something flows
through a conductor which poses a resistance to the
current, there is friction. In mechanical friction,
momentum flows from one body to another one
through a connection which is a bad conductor.
Electric heating appliances have electricity flowing
through a wire that resists the electric current. A
kind of friction which is called reaction resistance
needs to be overcome in chemical reactions.
We have discussed the question of where we get the
entropy to heat a room or an object. Now we deal
with the opposite problem of cooling an object. We
already know one method. We pump entropy out of
the object with a heat pump.
A second method works when the object is warmer
than its environment (when its temperature is hig-
her). What does one do when tea is too hot? One
simply waits. The entropy flows off by itself.
In both cases, meaning with and without a heat
pump, the entropy that disappears from the object
being cooled appears again at another place. Would
it be possible to somehow make the entropy disap-
pear altogether? Can it be made to disappear so that
it does not reappear somewhere else? Can it be de-
stroyed? After all, we saw before that it can be
created out of nothing.
Many inventors and many scientists have tried un-
successfully to do this. Today, we firmly believe
that entropy cannot be destroyed.
Entropy can be created but not destroyed.
At this point we will remind ourselves of two other
quantities: energy and momentum. We have taken
for granted the fact that these quantities can neither
be created nor destroyed. When the amount of
energy increases at a location, it decreases at
another place, and if it decreases somewhere, it in-
creases somewhere else. This is true of momentum
as well.
Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.
Momentum can be neither created nor de-
The fact that entropy can be produced poses interes-
ting questions and has curious consequences.
Here is a first problem. Entropy can be created and is
newly produced in countless processes that take
place on Earth. An especially productive source of
entropy is burning. Remember, burning not only ta-
kes place in ovens, heating boilers and car engines.
It happens on a much larger scale in nature. In every
form of life, from microbes to mammals, constant
oxidation (burning) processes are going on, and
thereby entropy is created.
Wouldnt the Earths amount of entropy constantly
increase because of this and wouldnt the Earth gra-
dually become warmer? Actually, except for very
small fluctuations, the temperature of the Earth has
remained constant for millions of years. For an ex-
planation it is not enough to consider only the Earth.
First, it perpetually receives entropy with the light
from the Sun. (In this case, entropy flows from a
place of higher to a place of lower temperature: The
sun has a surface temperature of about 6000 K, and
the Earths surface temperature is around 300 K.)
Second, the Earth constantly gives entropy to outer
space. (Again, entropy flows from a higher to a lo-
wer temperature. Space has a temperature of about 3
K.) The entropy given off by the Earth is carried by
light, but in this case it is invisible infrared light.
This infrared light carries off exactly the amount of
entropy needed to keep the temperature of the Earth
nearly constant. The question remains of what hap-
pens to space if its entropy constantly increases.
This question remains unanswered. It is actually a
small problem compared to the unanswered questi-
ons concerning structure and development of the
There is another odd consequence of the fact that
entropy can be created but not destroyed. If you are
shown a silent film, but no one tells you if it is run-
ning backwards or forwards, can you tell what di-
rection it is running in? If you observe it in the right
direction, the film in Fig. 10.14 shows a burning
candle. Observed in the wrong direction, it shows
something that is impossible in the real world: a
candle that becomes larger by itself. The film shows
an irreversible process. Why is this process irrever-
sible? Because entropy can only be created. A rever-
sal would mean that entropy is destroyed and that is
Another irreversible process is shown in the series
of pictures in Fig. 10.15. A person slides down a
rope. This process is also irreversible because entro-
py is created.
There are processes that run forwards as well as
backwards. These are processes where entropy is
not created. Fig. 10.16 shows a ball flying by a
window. Does the ball move from left to right as
shown in the film? Or is the film running backwards
and the ball was actually moving from right to left?
Processes that produce entropy are irreversible.
1. A lamp is connected to a battery. The lamp burns and the
battery slowly empties. Describe the opposite process. (Assu-
me that it is not forbidden to destroy entropy.)
2. Describe in detail which processes would take place if we
reversed the process of a car driving along a street (allow entro-
py to be destroyed).
3. A person riding a bicycle brakes. What would happen, in
detail, if the process ran backwards? (Assume that entropy can
be destroyed.)
10.6 Entropy currents
The left end of the metal rod in Fig. 10.17 is heated
and the right end is cooled. In other words, entropy
flows into the rod from left to right, from a higher to
a lower temperature. We say that an entropy current
is flowing. The number of Carnot flowing per se-
cond through the rod gives us the entropy current
We use the symbol I
for the entropy current. Using
it we can write:
The unit for entropy currents is Carnot per second,
abbreviated to Ct/s.
What does the strength of the entropy current bet-
ween two points A and B depend upon? Let us take a
entropy current strength =
time interval
= .
Abb. 10.14. The burning down of a candle is an irreversible process.
Abb. 10.15. Are the pictures here in the right order?
Abb. 10.16. The process of the ball flying by is reversible.
Abb. 10.17. An entropy current flows from the hot end to the
cold end of the rod.
look at Fig. 10.18. In the arrangement above, the
temperature difference between A and B is greater
than in the setup below. Otherwise everything is the
same. The driving force for the entropy current is
greater above than below, so the current is stronger
there as well.
The greater the temperature difference between
two points (the greater the driving force), the
stronger the entropy current flowing from one to
the other.
10.7 Thermal resistance
Entropy currents can be different when the tempera-
ture difference is the same. It does not depend only
upon the difference of temperature, but also upon
the type of connection, i.e., upon the thermal resis-
tance of the connection, Fig. 10.19. What does
the thermal resistance of a connection depend upon
Fig. 10.20 shows two entropy conductors, a and b.
There is the same temperature difference of 60 K
between the ends of each of them. The cross section
of conductor b is twice the size of the cross section of
conductor a. In each half of conductor b (i.e., in the
upper half and the lower half) as much entropy is
flowing as in conductor a. This means that in both
halves of b together, twice the amount of entropy is
flowing as in conductor a.
Again, two conductors a and b are represented in
Fig. 10.21. In this case, conductor b is twice as long
as conductor a. We compare one half of b, say, the
left side, to conductor a. They are both built identi-
cally, but there is a greater temperature difference in
a than in the half we have chosen of b. Therefore, a
weaker entropy current is flowing through b than
through a. The other half of b has a weaker entropy
current flowing through it as well.
Fig. 10.22 shows two conductors that are of the
same length and have the same cross sectional areas.
The temperature difference between their ends is
also the same. In spite of this, a smaller entropy cur-
rent flows through b than through a. This is because
b is made of wood and a is made of copper.
Every conductor has resistance to the entropy
current flowing through it. The smaller the cross
section of the conductor, and the longer it is, the
greater the thermal resistance. The resistance
also depends upon the material the conductor is
made of.
Fig. 10.23 is a summary of what entropy currents
and thermal resistance depend upon.
We will now investigate some materials to see whe-
ther they have a low or a high thermal resistance,
80C 20C
Abb. 10.18. In the upper arrangement, the temperature diffe-
rence between bodies A and B is larger.
Abb. 10.19. Connections with different thermal resistances.
80C 20C
Abb. 10.21. A stronger entropy current flows through the
shorter conductor.
80C 20C
Abb. 10.20. A stronger entropy current flows through the
thicker conductor.
i.e., if they are good or bad thermal conductors. We
hold a small rod made up of a certain material in our
fingers. We hold the other end in a flame, Fig. 10.24.
Depending upon the thermal resistance of the mate-
rial the rod is made up of, we will feel it getting hot
more quickly or more slowly.
We notice that wood, glass and plastic have a rather
high thermal resistance. Metals, on the other hand,
have a low thermal resistance. They are good ther-
mal conductors. Air and other gases have a very
high thermal resistance. This is why materials with a
high air content, such as bricks with cavities, gas-
aerated concrete, frothed plastic and fibrous insula-
tion material, are used for insulating buildings. A
wool pullover keeps us warm because wool con-
tains so many cavities filled with air.
We can now find out why a metal object feels colder
than a wooden one.
First we want to state that this observation only
holds for low temperatures. We put a piece of wood
and a piece of metal into boiling water, so that they
both reach a temperature of 100C. We take both of
them out of the water and touch them with our fin-
gers. The metal one feels hotter than the wooden
one. How can this be explained?
Touch a piece of wood and then a piece of metal,
both at a temperature of 10C, with your 25C fin-
gers. At first, entropy flows from your fingers to the
object, Fig. 10.25. The wood becomes warm
quickly at the place you touch it. It takes the tempe-
rature of your finger because it cannot conduct the
entropy away. On the other hand, in the metal the
entropy flows away into it from the point being tou-
ched, and the place being touched warms up only
very little.
If you touch an object that is a bad conductor, you do
not feel the temperature it had before you touched it.
You feel the temperature it takes from your fingers
touching it.
1. How should a house be built so that the heat loss (entropy
loss) is kept as small as possible?
2. In a radiator of a central heating unit, the entropy should
flow as easily as possible from the water inside the radiator to
the outside. How can this be achieved? Name some other ob-
jects where good heat conduction is of interest.

Abb. 10.22. A stronger entropy current flows through the
conductor made of copper than through the one made of
Abb. 10.23. Relation between current, temperature diffe-
rence, and characteristics of the conductor.
Abb. 10.24. The right end of the little rod will become hot
more or less quickly depending upon its thermal resistance.
Abb. 10.25. The two objects have the same temperature befo-
re they are touched, but not afterwards.
energy current strength
depends on
thermal resistance
depends on
cross section length material
10.8 Transport of entropy
by convection
A temperature difference is the driving force for
an entropy current. If entropy should flow from A
to B, it is enough to make sure that A has a higher
temperature than B. This kind of entropy trans-
port is called conduction of heat. It is, so to speak,
the normal way for entropy to get from A to B.
If we observe our environment carefully, we can
see that most entropy transports, and especially
transports of entropy over large distances, are not
accomplished this way. There is another way of
transporting entropy called convective entropy
transfer or simply convection.
A liquid or a gas is heated and transported from A
to B by means of a pump. The entropy is carried
along with the substance being transported. In
this case, no temperature difference is necessary
as the driving force, but a driving force for the li-
quid or gas currents is needed.
An example of convective transport of entropy is
a central heating unit, Fig. 10.26. Water is heated,
possibly by burning oil, in the boiler which is
usually in the cellar of the house. The heated wa-
ter is pumped through pipes to the radiators in the
various rooms. It gives off a part of its entropy in
the radiators and then flows back through pipes
and to the boiler again.
It is much easier to realize convective entropy
transports than the usual kind driven by tempera-
ture differences. The reason for this is that there
are no really good thermal conductors. Even cop-
per, which is generally considered to be a rela-
tively good conductor, is actually a very bad ther-
mal conductor. For example, it would be impos-
sible to transport the entropy with copper rods
from the boiler in the cellar into the various
rooms of the house. By contrast, it is absolutely
no problem to transport air or water together with
their entropy over large distances.
Convective entropy transport: Entropy is ta-
ken along by the flowing liquid or flowing gas.
No temperature difference is needed to trans-
port entropy convectively.
There are many examples of convective entropy
currents in nature and in technology.
Entropy should distribute over a room being hea-
ted by a radiator or space heater. How can this
happen? Air is actually a very bad thermal con-
ductor. Here, entropy is transported convectively
with the air. In this case, the air moves without
needing a pump. Heated air rises from a heater
because warm air has a lower density than cold
air, Fig. 10.27.
Every automobile engine needs to be cooled, me-
aning that entropy must be taken away from it,
Fig. 10.28. Most car engines are water cooled.
The entropy is transported with water from the
motor to the radiator, similar to the process in
central heating units. The water is circulated by a
cooling water pump. The entropy is given off in
the radiator to the air flowing by.
Abb. 10.26. Central heating unit. The entropy reaches the ra-
diators convectively from the boiler.
Abb. 10.27. Entropy is distributed in the room convectively.
Abb. 10.28. Cooling of a car engine. The entropy goes con-
vectively from the motor to the radiator.
All of the large transports of entropy in nature,
those that determine our weather, are convective
transports. Entropy is moved over very large dis-
tances in the atmosphere by winds, i.e., by mo-
ving air.
The gulf stream is another very good example of
convective entropy transfer. It brings entropy
from the Caribbean to Europe, Fig. 10.29. The re-
sult of this is a milder climate in Europe than
would be expected by considering its geographic
We will once more contrast transport of entropy
by conduction to convective transport by follo-
wing the path of the entropy in a house with cen-
tral heating. The entropy produced in the flames
reaches the outer wall of the boiler by convection.
It moves through this wall in the normal way, dri-
ven by a temperature difference. It then flows
with the water convectively to the radiators. It
must, once again, flow through the radiator wall
in the normal way. It flows further, convectively,
from the surface of the radiator with the air to dis-
tribute over the room. We see that on its long way
from the flames of the boiler into the room being
heated, only tiny distances of a few millimeters
are bridged by normal thermal conduction.
All transport of entropy over large distances is
done convectively.
1. Describe the paths along which a house loses heat. Which
losses are due to thermal conduction and which are due to con-
2. Describe the path of entropy from inside a car engine until it
reaches the air in the environment. Where on its path does the
entropy flow because of a temperature difference, where does it
flow convectively?
3. How does the heating in a car work? Describe the path of the
Abb. 10.29. The gulf stream. Entropy is brought from the Ca-
ribbean to Europe by a flow of water.
11.1 Entropy as energy carrier
We will consider the laws of balance for an electric
heating unit. An electric heater is nothing more than
a wire through which electricity flows, making it
warm. As you know, this type of heating has many
applications: hot plates, irons, light bulbs...
We know that a heater produces entropy. While it is
running, the heater gives up entropy. We also know
that a heater uses energy, meaning that the energy
flows into the heater through the electric cable. The
carrier for the energy flowing in is electricity.
The energy flowing continuously into the device
with electricity must come out again. We ask the
question we have asked so often before: What is the
carrier of this energy?
The answer is self-evident. Along with the energy,
entropy flows out of the heater. This entropy is the
carrier we are seeking. We can make a general
statement about this: Wherever and whenever an
entropy current flows, an energy current is flowing.
Entropy is an energy carrier.
Electric heaters belong to the category of devices
that we earlier called energy transfer devices or
energy exchangers. The energy goes into the
appliance with the carrier electricity. Entropy is
produced in the appliance, and the energy leaves it
with this entropy. The energy is transferred from
electricity to entropy. Fig. 11.1 shows a schematic
of our heater.
In one aspect, the flow diagram is incomplete. The
carrier of the energy flowing in (the electricity)
must also come out of the heater, because electricity
can be neither produced nor destroyed. For this
reason, in Fig. 11.2, the electricity has an outlet as
well as an inlet. Notice that energy and electricity
both have an inlet and an outlet, while entropy has
only an outlet. Another way of saying this would be:
In an electric heater, energy is transferred to the
newly produced entropy.
The results of these considerations can be carried
over to other processes where entropy is produced.
Fig. 11.3 shows the flow diagram of an oil heater.
Energy flows into the heater with the carrier
heating oil plus oxygen. When the energy is
released, the oil and oxygen transform into exhaust
gases (water vapor and carbon dioxide). Entropy is
produced during combustion, and the energy leaves
the heater with this entropy.
11. Entropy and Energy
Abb. 11.1. Energy flow diagram of an electric heater. Abb. 11.3. Energy flow diagram of an oil burner.
Abb. 11.2. A more complete energy flow diagram of an
electric heater.
1. Sketch the energy flow diagram for the process of friction
in Fig. 11.4. Hint: The energy exchanger is the bottom of the
crate rubbing against the floor.
2. A tower of building blocks collapses. During which part of
this process is entropy produced? Where does the energy
needed for this come from?
11.2 The relationsship between
energy currents and entropy
Every entropy current is accompanied by an energy
current. How do the strengths of these currents
relate to each other? A partial answer to this
question is easy: A strong entropy current is related
to a strong energy current. This can be expressed
more precisely. Two entropy currents of the same
strength carry twice the amount of energy that only
one of them does. In mathematical terms:
P ~ I
. (1)
Of course, this is not the complete relation between
P and I
. In order to find the still missing part we
will again consider laws of balance. However, this
time we will not do this for an electric heater, but for
an electric heat pump. It is better suited to what we
are doing for the moment.
Fig. 11.5 shows a flow diagram of this energy
exchanger. This time, for every current flowing out
of it there is one of the same strength flowing in.
This holds for the entropy current as well. Energy
flows with the carrier electricity into the appliance.
The electricity leaves the appliance again after it has
released its energy. The energy arriving with the
electricity is transferred to the entropy flowing into
the heat pump. This energy leaves the heat pump
with the entropy flowing out.
We will take a closer look at the right side of the flow
diagram. The energy arrow on the right represents
only the energy taken over from the electricity. The
right side of the diagram could be depicted in more
detail, as in Fig. 11.6. The entropy flowing into the
heat pump also carries energy. However, the
entropy flowing out carries more energy than the
entropy flowing in because it carries the energy
taken over from the electricity as well. Fig. 11.5
shows only the net energy current.
We see in Fig. 11.6 that two entropy currents of the
same strength can carry different amounts of
energy. The one flowing in carries little energy, and
the one flowing out carries a lot of energy. This
means that the energy current depends upon more
than just the strength of the entropy current.
What is the difference between the entropy inlet and
the entropy outlet? It is the temperature. Therefore,
the energy current depends upon the temperature of
the conductor through which the entropy is flowing.
We could also say that the factor of proportionality
which makes relation (1) into an equation, depends
upon the temperature.
We have expressed the facts in an unnecessarily
complicated way. Actually, the factor of
proportionality is just the absolute temperature
P = T I
. (2)
A coincidence? Absolutely not. The temperature
scale that everyone uses and that we have already
used a lot is defined by equation (2).
Abb. 11.4. For Exercise 1. Entropy is produced on the
underside of the crate.
Abb. 11.5. Energy flow diagram of a heat pump. Abb. 11.6. A heat pump. The energy currents flowing with
the entropy are individually represented.
An entropy current I
carries an energy current
Equation (2) shows that the temperature can be
interpreted in the following way:
The temperature specifies how much an entropy
current is charged with energy.
We can now establish an exact, quantitative energy
balance for the heat pump. We call the high
temperature at which the entropy is flowing out of
the machine T
, and the low temperature at which
the entropy is flowing in, T
. An energy current
= T


flows in along with the entropy at low temperature.
At the exit (high temperature) the energy current is
= T


The resulting net energy current is
P = P
= T
Or otherwise expressed
P = (T
) I
. (3)
This net current must be equal to the energy current
flowing over the electric cord and into the heat
pump. Equation (3) gives the energy used by the
heat pump. We interpret equation (3) as follows:
The more entropy the heat pump must transfer,
the more energy it uses.
The greater the temperature difference to be
overcome, the more energy is used.
Example: A heat pump heating a house transfers
30Ct per second from the outside to the inside of the
house. The temperature outside is 10C. The
temperature inside the house is 22C. What is the
energy consumption (the power) of the pump?
In this case, we do not need to convert the Celsius
values to absolute ones, because the differences are
the same on both scales. We have T
= 12 K.
From this we obtain
P = (T
) I
= 12 K 30 Ct/s = 360 W.
We will now assume that the same house is heated
with a standard electric heater. This means that
entropy is not pumped in from outside, but is
produced in the house. Again, the temperature in the
house should be 22C, and of course we need 30 Ct/s
again in the house because exactly this amount is
lost through its walls. The energy current coming
out of the electric heater is calculated with equation
(2), where T = (273 + 22) K = 295 K and I
P = T I
= 295 K 30 Ct/s = 8850 W.
According to our calculations, the energy consump-
tion by a normal electric heater is much greater than
that of a heat pump. In reality, the difference is not as
great as it appears though, because in every heat
pump there is some entropy production due to fric-
tion and electrical resistance.
1. A house heated by an oil heater to a temperature of 20C,
loses heat at 35 Ct/s. What is the energy consumption of the
2. A cars radiator has a temperature of 90C. It emits 60 Carnot
per second into the air. What is the energy current flowing out of
the radiator into the air?
3. The temperature on the sole of a 1000-W iron is 300C.
How much entropy per second is coming out of the iron?
4. A swimming pool is heated by a heat pump. The heat pump
takes entropy out of a stream flowing nearby. The temperature
of the water in the stream is 15C, and the water in the
swimming pool is 25C. The water in the swimming pool
continuously loses entropy at a rate of 500 Ct per second into the
environment. In order to keep this temperature, the heat pump
must continuously replace the lost entropy. What is the energy
consumption of the heat pump?
5. (a) A house is heated with a heat pump. The temperature
outside is 0C and the temperature inside is 25C. The heat
pump transfers 30 Ct/s. What is the energy consumption?
(b) The same house is heated by a standard electric heater. This
means that 30 Ct/s are produced inside the house, rather than
pumped in from the outside. What is the energy consumption?
11.3 Entropy production by entropy
An entropy current flows through a rod made of a
well conducting material, Fig. 11.7. The current is
sustained by a temperature difference. The sides of
the rod are insulated so that they do not lose entropy
there. At the beginning of the experiment, the
temperature will change at points along the rod.
After a while these changes stop and the so-called
steady-state is attained.
Abb. 11.7. More entropy comes out at the right end of the rod
than flows in at the left.
The equation relating the entropy and energy
current to each other leads us to a surprising
statement here.
We observe three different locations on the rod: The
cold right end, the middle, and the hot left end. The
values related to these three locations are indicated
by a 1, a 2, and a 3. An energy current having
a value P3 flows into the rod from the left. Because
steady-state has been attained, energy does not
build up anywhere in the rod. The energy current
must have the same value everywhere:
= P
= P
Now we know that the energy current P is related
to the entropy current I
P = T I
We replace the energy currents in equation (4) with
help from equation (5) and obtai
. I
= T
. I
= T
. I
. (6)
We know that the temperature T
is greater than
, and T2 is greater than T
> T
> T
In order for equation (6) to be valid, we must have
< I
< I
Thus, the entropy current increases to the right. On
the right, where the water cools the rod, more
entropy is flowing out than is flowing in at the left,
where the flame is. This must mean that entropy is
being produced in the rod. How is this possible?
Basically, this result isnt as surprising as it may
appear at first. We learned earlier that entropy is
always created when some sort of frictional process
occurs, when a current meets some resistance.
Exactly this is going on here. In this case though, no
gas or liquid is flowing, nor are momentum or
electricity, but the entropy itself. When entropy
flows through something having a thermal resistan-
ce, entropy is created.
In our minds, we can divide the entropy at the exit of
the rod (at the right end), into two parts. We have the
part that flowed in from the left, and the part that was
newly created on the path from left to right.
= I
+ I
S produced
The amount of entropy produced per second in the
rod is represented by I
S produced
If entropy flows through a thermal resistor,
additional entropy is produced.
Example: The heating wire of a 700-W immersion
heater, Fig. 11.8, has a temperature of 1000 K
(727C). The entropy current coming out of the wire
has a value of
The surface of the immersion heater has the same
temperature as the water. We assume that the water
temperature is 350 K (77C). The entropy current at
the surface of the heater is therefore
On the short path from the heating wire to the
surface of the immersion heater
(2 0.7) Ct/s = 1.3 Ct/s
are created. 0.7 Ct/s are created in the wire by the
electric current. More is produced by the entropy on
its way to the outside than is created by the electric
1. A house is heated with 20 kW. The temperature inside is
20C, the temperature outside is 5C.
(a) What is the entropy current flowing out of the house at its
inner wall?
(b) What is it at the outer wall?
(c) How much new entropy is produced per second as a result of
the entropy flowing out?
2. The heating wire of a 1000-W hot plate has a temperature
of 1000 K.
(a) How much entropy is produced per second in the wire?
(b) A pot of water with a temperature of 373 K is on the hot plate.
How much entropy per second flows into the water?
(c) How much entropy is produced on the way from the heating
wire to the water?
= = =
Ct / s 0 7 , .
= = =
Ct / s 2 .
Abb. 11.8. An immersion heater. A cross section on the right
(simplified and enlarged).
11.4 Heat engines
An energy flow diagram best explains what a heat
engine is, Fig 11.9: It is an energy exchanger which
receives energy with the carrier entropy and gives it
away with the carrier angular momentum. The fact
that the energy carrier at the exit of the machine is
angular momentum means that the energy comes
out through a rotating shaft. The machine is there to
drive something.
The following belong to the category called heat
steam turbines;
reciprocating steam engines;
all combustion engines (Otto and Diesel engi-
jet engines;
other, less used engines.
Later we will see how these engines work in detail.
For the moment, we will consider only what all heat
engines have in common. We will begin with a little
Fig. 11.10 shows an energy flow diagram of a water
turbine. This isnt a heat engine. Water at high
pressure flows into the water turbine, and flows out
again at a low pressure. The water at high pressure
carries a lot of energy, the water at low pressure
carries little. While the water in the turbine is fal-
ling from high to low pressure, it releases energy.
This energy leaves the turbine through the shaft
with angular momentum as the energy carrier.
A comparison of Fig. 11.10 and Fig. 11.9 shows that
the heat engine and the water turbine both have
something in common. Entropy flows at a high
temperature into the heat engine. This is entropy
carrying a lot of energy. The same entropy flows out
of the device at a low temperature, meaning it has
little energy. While the entropy in the machine
falls from a higher temperature to a lower
temperature, energy is released. This energy also
leaves through a rotating shaft. This means that it
comes out with the carrier angular momentum.
In a heat engine, energy is transferred from the
energy carrier entropy to the energy carrier
angular momentum.
We will calculate the energy emitted per second by a
heat engine. At the entrance for the entropy, the ma-
chine receives an energy current of T
at the
high temperature T
. At the entropy exit, it then
emits an energy current of T
at the low
temperature T
. The difference is the current of
the energy transferred to the angular momentum.
An energy current having a value of
P = T
= (T
leaves the engine with the angular momentum.
The stronger the entropy current flowing
through the engine, and the higher the
temperature gradient through which the
entropy current flows down in the engine, the
more energy will be given up by the heat engine
together with the angular momentum.
In most electricity plants, the generator is driven by
a heat engine. The flow diagram of the devices
connected to each other is shown in Fig. 11.11. The
two energy exchangers can be represented by just
one box, Fig. 11.12. Compare this flow diagram to
the one of the electric heat pump, once again shown
in Fig. 11.13. (It is the same as the one in Fig. 11.5.)
The only difference in the two flow diagrams is the
direction of the arrows.
Abb. 11.9. Energy flow diagram of a heat engine. Abb. 11.10. Energy flow diagram of a water turbine.
Abb. 11.11. Energy flow diagram of a thermal power plant.
The power plant does exactly the opposite of what a
heat pump does. While the electric heat pump
transfers energy from the carrier electricity to the
carrier entropy, in the power plant in Fig. 11.12, the
energy is transferred from entropy to electricity.
A thermal power plant transfers energy from
entropy to electricity. Such a power plant is a large
and complicated construction. There are some
devices that do exactly the same thing, namely,
transfer energy from entropy to electricity, but they
are small, handy, and robust at the same time. They
are called Peltier devices.
A Peltier device can even run in reverse, as a heat
pump. It is a heat pump which is uncomplicated,
rather inexpensive, and compact all at the same
Unfortunately, Peltier devices lose a lot of energy.
For this reason, they are only appropriate for
applications where loss is not considered important.
11.5 Entropy sources for
heat engines
There are always two problems to solve when a heat
engine is to be operated:
1) A source of entropy at a high temperature is
2) It must be possible to get rid of the entropy at a
lower temperature. There must be a so-called trash
dump for the entropy.
These problems can be solved in different ways.
Natural sources of entropy
This is the solution least damaging to our
environment: Natural sources of entropy at high
temperatures are exploited.
There are places on Earth where hot steam is
contained in layers of rock at depths that are not too
great. This steam is allowed to flow to the Earths
surface through drilled holes and can be used to
drive power plants. Unfortunately, there are not
many such sources of this geothermal energy.
The huge amounts of entropy at very high
temperatures received by the Earth with sunlight
provide another possibility. This entropy is already
being exploited in some solar power plants.
Although this entropy source is inexhaustible, it
presents us with some problems that are not easy to
solve. One of these is that sunlight is thinly
distributed. This means that the entropy, and the
energy with it, is strongly diluted. It must therefore
be collected on large surfaces that the Sun shines
upon. This collecting can be accomplished by
erecting mirrors so that the light is concentrated on a
boiler. Another problem related to solar energy is
that the Sun does not always shine. It does not shine
at all in the night, and in winter, when energy is most
needed, it shines only weakly.
Artificial entropy sources
Most of the entropy used to drive heat engines today
is acquired in a less elegant manner: It is produced
by burning fuels or by nuclear fission.
Heat engines are widely used, and present not only
the problem of how to acquire entropy but also the
problem of thermal trash. We will see how these
problems are solved for the most important heat
Thermal power plants
Most power plants operate with steam turbines. In
coal-fired power stations, entropy is produced in a
steam boiler by burning coal. Entropy is produced in
nuclear power plants by splitting the atomic nuclei
of uranium and plutonium.
When entropy leaves the power plant, its
temperature is only slightly higher than the
temperature of the surrounding environment. The
entropy is mostly released into the water of a large
river. If no river is available, or if a rivers water
does not suffice, the entropy is given up to the air in
cooling towers.
Abb. 11.13. Energy flow diagram of a heat pump.
Abb. 11.12. Energy flow diagram of a thermal power plant.
Turbine and generator are represented by a single symbol.
Combustion engines
Entropy is created by burning gasoline or diesel oil
inside an engine. Most of it leaves the engine with
the exhaust fumes. The flow diagram in Fig.11.9
doesnt actually describe a combustion engine
because the entropy is not introduced to the engine
from outside.
Piston steam engines
These were the most important engines before
electric and combustion engines were invented.
They were used in steam locomotives, steam ships,
steam rollers, and steam plows. They also drove
threshing machines. Piston steam engines were
used to drive the machines in many factories as well.
Entropy was produced for these engines in the
boiler by burning coal. The steam driving the engine
was commonly allowed to escape into the air after it
had done its job. The entropy escaped to the air with
the steam.
Jet engines
These are used to drive almost all large airliners. Jet
engines do not exactly satisfy our definition of a
heat engine. They dont give up their energy
through a shaft with angular momentum, but
together with momentum, Fig. 11.14. These
engines pump momentum out of the air and into
the airplane.
As with combustion engines, the entropy is
produced in the engine by burning fuel, and it leaves
the jet engine with the exhaust gases.
1. An entropy current of 100 Ct/s flows through a heat engine.
At the entrance, the temperature is 150C, at the exit it is 50C.
How much energy per second does the engine emit with the
energy carrier angular momentum?
2. A power plant gives off an energy current of 1000 MW with
electricity. The temperature of the steam at the entrance to the
turbine is 750 K, at the exit it is 310 K. What is the entropy
current that flows away with the cooling water? What is the
energy current carried by this entropy current?
3. Think of some possibilities for applications of entropy with
high temperature found in nature. Also discuss possibilities you
might consider unrealistic.
11.6 Energy loss
On the way from the faucet to the nozzle, Fig. 11.15,
water is lost. 2 liters per second come out of the
faucet but only 1.8 liters per second get to the
nozzle. The difference, i.e., 0.2 liters per second,
flows out of the hole in the hose. We have a loss
of 0.2 l/s. Usually, loss is expressed as a percent of
the original quantity. The loss, which we express as
a percentage, is symbolized by V. Therefore, in our
In most devices, where energy is transferred from
one carrier to another, and in most conductors for
transferring energy, energy gets lost. What does this
mean? Energy cannot be destroyed! It is similar to
the water in Fig. 11.15. A part of the energy does not
get where it should go. It seeps out, so to say.
Energy loss is almost always connected to creation
of entropy. We consider a water turbine. So far, we
have sketched the flow diagram of a water turbine
like the one shown in Fig. 11.16 (also see Fig.
11.10). This is actually a perfect, idealized turbine
as we would never see it in the real world because in
every real turbine, entropy is produced
unintentionally. This happens at various locations:
by friction created by the water rubbing against the
walls of the pipe, by water rubbing against itself
(inner friction) and by friction in the bearings of
the turbine shaft. The entropy produced also leaves
the turbine by various paths: partly in the water
flowing away and partly into the surrounding air.
V = =
0 l / s
l / s
% %.
100 10
Abb. 11.14. Energy flow diagram of a jet engine. Abb. 11.15. Water gets lost through the hole in the hose.
Energy flows away with this entropy. Fig. 11.17
shows the energy flow diagram of a real turbine. The
strengths of the currents are indicated by the
thicknesses of the energy arrows.
The value of the energy current due to loss is called
. The relation between the produced entropy
and the lost energy is then
= T
S produced
and the devices percentage loss is
The energy current flowing into the engine is
indicated by P
Fig. 11.18 shows the energy flow diagram of a real
(not idealized) electric engine. Here as well, entropy
is created unintentionally. A part of this entropy is
created in the wires (entropy is always produced
when an electric current flows through a wire).
Another part is created in the bearings.
The energy loss in a simple electric cable is also
calculated with Equation (7).
We have seen that energy loss depends upon
entropy production. Of course one would wish to
avoid this loss. Therefore remember:
Avoid creating entropy.
The loss in some energy exchangers is very large.
Table 11.1 shows some typical values.
You probably wonder about the high losses in
power plants. This is due only to a small extent to the
losses in steam turbines and the generator. They
occur mostly because of the entropy produced in the
burner or in the reactor. How can we define loss in
this case? Dont we need to create this entropy in
order for the power plant to run? Not necessarily.
It is possible to transfer the energy of coal (or maybe
uranium) directly to electricity without taking the
detour through entropy and angular momentum.
The devices that do this are called fuel cells. A fuel
cell functions similarly to a battery. It actually
represents a kind of battery where the substances
being used up are constantly renewed. Up until now,
fuel cells have worked only with fairly pure liquid
and gaseous fuels, and not with coal. Moreover, the
life span of these fuel cells is not yet long enough for
them to compete with the power plants in use today.
1. An automobile engine emits 20 kW through its shaft. Only
18 kW reach the wheels because entropy is produced (by
friction) in the bearings and the gearbox. What is the percentage
2. An electric motor with a loss of 40% uses 10 W. How much
energy does it emit with angular momentum? How much
entropy is produced per second? (The ambient temperature is
Abb. 11.16. Energy flow diagram of an ideal water turbine.
Abb. 11.17. Energy flow diagram of a non-idealized water
Abb. 11.18. Energy flow diagram of a non-idealized electric
Large steam turbine 10 %
Large electric motor 10 %
Toy electric motor 40 %
Solar cell 90 %
Coal fired power plant 57 %
Nuclear power plant 67 %
Tabelle 11.1. Typical values of energy loss
3. A generator with a loss of 8% gives up an energy current
of 46 kW with the electricity. What is the energy current that
flows over the engine shaft into the generator? What is the
energy current due to loss? What is the current of the produced
entropy? (Ambient temperature is 300K.)
11.7The relationship between
entropy content and
If entropy is added to a body, its temperature rises.
At least, this was the case of the objects we have
dealt with so far. Later on we will get to know cases
where things are different.
What factors determine how much the temperature
of a body will rise if it is given a certain amount of
The first factor is naturally the size of the body, or
rather, its mass. Its influence can be expressed in
this way: Two bodies A and B are made of the same
material. A has twice the mass of B. At the same
temperature, A has twice the entropy of B.
Second, the entropy content also depends upon the
material the object is made of. Fig. 11.19 shows how
the temperature increases with the entropy content
for a body of copper and one of aluminum. They
both have a mass of 1 kg. We see in the figure that
less entropy is needed to bring copper up to a certain
temperature than is needed for aluminum. For
example, at a temperature of 300 K, copper contains
500 Ct, but aluminum contains 1000 Ct, i.e., twice
that of copper.
The diagram shows that, with a given amount of
entropy, copper warms up more than aluminum.
With 500 Ct, copper reaches a temperature of 300 K,
but aluminum reaches only about 150 K.
If we are only interested in what happens in the
vicinity of normal ambient temperature, it is more
useful to use a graph where the axis does not start at
zero, i.e., an enlarged section of the original figure.
Fig. 11.20 shows such a section for 1 kg of various
materials: copper, iron, aluminum, heating oil, and
water. The steeper the curve, the less entropy is
needed to produce a given temperature change.
1. A kilogram of copper and a kilogram of aluminum with initial
temperatures of 25C each receive 80 Ct. Which material heats
up more? By what factor do the temperature changes differ?
2. How much entropy is needed to heat 100 l of water from
20C to 100C? (1 l of water has a mass of 1 kg).
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0
Abb. 11.19. Temperature as a function of the entropy content for 1 kg of copper and 1 kg of aluminum.
T (K)
S (Ct)
2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
500 600
500 600
11.8 The relation between adding
energy and change
of temperature
If water is to be heated, entropy must be added.
Energy also goes into the water with the entropy.
This fact is probably known by most people: It
costs money to heat water, and one pays for the
We will now set up a formula that gives us
information about energy use in heating water.
We call the amount of energy added to the water
in the heating process E. This should not be
mistaken for the total amount of energy contained
in the water. In order to heat 1 kg of water from
20C to 100C, a certain amount of energy is
necessary. We need double this amount of energy
to heat 2 kg of water from 20C to 100C.
E ~ m.
The energy needed for heating is proportional to
the mass of the water.
Abb. 11.20. Temperature as a function of the entropy content for 1 kg of: (a) copper, (b) iron, (c) aluminum (d) heating oil, and (e)
water. The entropy scales do not begin at S = 0 Ct. The temperatures do not begin at absolute zero, but at zero on the Celsius
S (Ct)
S (Ct)
S (Ct)
S (Ct)
3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600
heating oil
1000 1200
S (Ct)
Moreover, the energy E also depends upon by
how much we wish to increase the temperature. If
the temperature is to be raised by 20C, more
energy is needed than would be if it should only
increase by 10C. We put an immersion heater
into a given amount of water and measure the
increase of temperature T as a function of the
added energy E. We find that T is proportional
to E :
E ~ T.
This relation is no longer valid at very high or
very low temperatures although it is satisfied
between 0C and 100C. Together with the
previous proportionality, we have:
E ~ m

In order to make an equation out of this proportional
relation, we insert a factor of proportionality c :
E = c


c is called the specific heat. In order for the left and
right sides of the equation to both have the same
unit, c must be measured in J/(kg).
The value of c still depends upon the material of
the body being heated or cooled. For water it is
c = 4180 J/(kg K).

1. A half liter of water is to be heated by a 500-W immersion
heater from 25C to 100C. How much time is needed for this?
(1 l of water has a mass of 1 kg.)
2. How much energy is used in a five minute shower?
First calculate how many l liters of warm water are used during
the five minutes.
Assume that 0.1 l per second of water comes out of the shower
head. Also assume that the water flows into the water heater at
15C and flows out again at 45C.
12.1 Phase transitions
We put an immersion heater in a glass of water, turn
it on and measure the temperature of the water, Fig.
12.1. While the immersion heater is delivering
entropy to the water, the waters temperature in-
creases, at least at first. When the temperature re-
aches 100C, the water begins to boil. The tempera-
ture does not increase anymore although the immer-
sion heater continues to emit entropy. Why is that?
When water boils, liquid water transforms into ga-
seous water, or steam. The steam has the same tem-
perature as the boiling liquid water, that is 100C.
The entropy added to the water is apparently used to
vaporize the water. We conclude that steam con-
tains more entropy than liquid water.
Steam can be further heated. To do so, it is conduc-
ted through a pipe which is heated from outside, Fig.
In Fig. 12.3, the temperature of 1 kg of water is plot-
ted as a function of the entropy content of the water.
This is over a larger span of temperatures than in
11.20(e). From the curve, we see that 1 kg of steam
contains about 6000 Ct more than 1 kg of liquid wa-
1 kg of steam contains about 6000 Ct more entro-
py than 1 kg of liquid water.
The diagram also shows that a similar phenomenon
occurs during the change from the solid to the liquid
phase. Liquid water contains around 1200 Ct more
than solid water (ice). It is necessary to add 1200 Ct
of entropy to transform 1 kg of ice at 0C into 1 kg of
liquid water at 0C (in other words, to melt the 1 kg
of ice). The opposite is also true: In order to trans-
form 1 kg of water into 1 kg of ice, 1200 Ct must be
1 kg of liquid water contains about 1200 Ct more
entropy than 1 kg of ice.
A comment about wording: It is said that a substan-
ce appears in various phases. Water has a solid, a
liquid and a gaseous phase. The gaseous phase is
called steam, or vapor. Steam is water in its gaseous
form. There are also special words for the transiti-
ons between phases:
solid liquid: melting;
liquid solid: solidifying or freezing;
liquid gas: vaporizing;
gas liquid: condensing.
Water is not the only substance that has various pha-
ses. Other substances have too. You are already
aware that metals can melt. They can even be vapo-
rized. All substances normally appearing in gaseous
form can be liquefied and brought into the solid pha-
se. Table 12.1 shows the melting temperatures and
boiling temperatures of some substances.
There are many more phases than just solid, li-
quid, and gaseous. Substances usually have se-
veral solid phases that differ from each other in
many of their characteristics. Some substances have
many liquid phases with very distinct characteris-
Fig. 12.2. The water vapor (steam) that has an initial tempera-
ture of 100C, is further heated.
Fig. 12.1. Despite continued supply of entropy, the tempera-
ture stops increasing at 100C.
12. Phase Transitions
1. Using Fig. 12.3, find out how much entropy is in 1 kg of
steam at 100C and how much entropy is in 1 kg of liquid water
at 100C. By what factor is the value for the steam greater than
the one for the liquid?
2. How much entropy is needed to transform 10 l of liquid
water at 90C into steam at 100C?
3. 6000 Ct is necessary to melt an ice block. What is the mass of
the ice block?
4. A quarter of a liter of carbonated water is cooled from
20C to 0 C by using ice cubes. How much of the ice melts in
the process? (Carbonated water is mainly water.)
5. The steam jet of an espresso machine is used to heat a
glass of milk (0.2 l) from 15C to 60C. How many grams of
steam are used? (Milk is essentially water.)
12.2 Boiling and evaporating
We have seen that water begins to boil at 100C. It
transforms to the gaseous state at lower temperatu-
res as well, but more slowly. This process is called
evaporation. Here are the different expressions
again: The change from liquid to gas is always cal-
led vaporization. If the vaporization occurs at boi-
ling temperature, meaning that it happens quickly, it
is called boiling. If it happens below boiling tempe-
rature, meaning more slowly, it is called evaporati-
Why does vaporization by boiling go quickly and
vaporization at lower temperatures more slowly?
How do the processes differ? We consider a water
surface at various temperatures, Fig. 12.4.
At a temperature of 20C, there is a slight amount of
water vapor just above the waters surface. In order
for the process of vaporization to take place, this wa-
ter vapor must disappear upward. It must move up to
where the air contains less water vapor. The process
by which a gas (in this case water vapor) pushes
Tabelle 12.1. Some melting and some boiling temperatures
substance melting boiling
temperature (C) temperature (C)
Aluminum 660 2450
Copper 1083 2590
Iron 1535 2880
Water 0 100
Ethanol - 114,5 78,3
Oxygen - 218,8 - 183
Nitrogen - 210 - 195,8
Hydrogen - 259,2 - 252,2
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0
Fig. 12.3. Temperature as a function of entropy content for 1 kg of water at p=1bar.
Fig. 12.4. When water boils, the steam pushes the air above its
surface away.
T (K)
S (Ct)
through another one (in this case air) is called diffu-
sion. The second gas represents a great resistance
to the motion of the first one. In our case this means
that the water vapor can hardly move away from the
waters surface.
When the temperature is higher, there is more water
vapor above the surface of the water. The driving
force for the process of diffusion is greater and the
water vapor moves away more quickly. Therefore,
the liquid water can replace it more quickly and eva-
poration goes faster.
Finally, at 100C there is only pure steam directly
above the surface of the water. In order for this
steam to move away from the surface of the water, it
does not need to push through the air any longer. It
does not need to diffuse, but can freely flow like wa-
ter in a pipe or air moved by the wind. The vapor mo-
ves as quickly now as it can be replaced by the liquid
water, and the water does this as quickly as it recei-
ves the necessary entropy for vaporization from the
We can now understand an interesting phenome-
non. If air pressure is less than 1 bar (normal pressu-
re), water boils at a temperature lower than 100C. If
air pressure is lower, the steam coming off of the
waters surface can completely displace the air soo-
ner, i.e., at a lower temperature.
This phenomenon can be observed in the moun-
tains. On a high mountain where air pressure is lo-
wer, the boiling temperature of water is lower than
100C. Air pressure is about 0.5 bar at an altitude of
5400 m. The boiling temperature of water at this
altitude is 83C.
12.3 Phase transitions in nature and
During a phase transition, a substance absorbs
entropy at a constant temperature, or it emits it, de-
pending upon the direction of the transition. This
fact is often applied in technology. It is also the ex-
planation for some interesting natural phenomena.
Latent heat and evaporative cold
When you climb out of a swimming pool, and espe-
cially when the surrounding air is moving, you are
chilly. The water on your skin is evaporating. It
needs entropy to do this and this is taken from your
body. The evaporation goes more quickly when the
water which evaporates is carried away by the mo-
ving air around you.
Hot steam is more dangerous than hot water
It isnt really a problem when you get a little bit of
100C water on your finger. It is worse if you get
100C steam on it. In both cases, entropy is trans-
ported to the finger causing possible burns. Steam is
more dangerous because the steam condenses on the
finger giving up an additional amount of entropy to
the finger.
Freezing mixtures
Salt water freezes at lower temperature than stan-
dard, pure water. We put a small piece of crushed ice
(or snow) in a glass. We measure the temperature
and find (as expected) 0C. We now put a large
amount of salt into it and stir. The temperature sinks
to below 10C.
With the addition of the salt, the melting tempera-
ture lowers. A part of the ice melts. Entropy is nee-
ded for this. Because we do not supply entropy from
outside, the ice-water mixture cools down. More ice
melts and the temperature decreases further. This
process continues until the temperature reaches the
new melting temperature and then comes to a stop.
Entropy storage
It is possible to store entropy by heating an object.
When the entropy is released from the object, it
cools down. This method is used in so-called night
storage heaters, Fig. 12.5. A night storage heater is
composed mostly of ceramic stones. At night, when
energy is cheaper, the stones are charged with entro-
py. They heat up to over 600C. During the day, the
entropy is retrieved by blowing air past the hot sto-
It would be desirable to store the entropy, which is
available abundantly in summer for use in winter.
The night storage heater method is not suitable for
this because the stones cannot store much entropy.
A method with more potential makes use of a phase
transition. A substance is chosen whose phase tran-
sition from solid to liquid takes place at an acceptab-
le temperature. About 50C would be convenient.
(A phase transition of liquid to gaseous cannot be
used because gases take up too much room.) A large
amount of the substance is melted during the sum-
mer months by solar entropy (and energy). In win-
ter, the entropy is retrieved to heat a house.
Fig. 12.5. Night storage heater.
When the price for energy strongly increases in the
future, this method for using solar energy could be-
come a competitive alternative.
Cooling drinks with ice
A soda can be cooled in a refrigerator. The entropy
of the soda is pumped out by the refrigerators heat
pump. Sometimes we wish to cool a soda, or at least
keep it cool, while it is standing on a table. You
know how it is done: You throw an ice cube in. Why
dont you just pour some cold water into the soda?
This would be much less effective. The ice in the
soda melts. In order to melt, it needs entropy and it
gets it from the soda. The melting process takes as
long as needed for the soda to reach 0C (assuming
there is enough ice in the glass).
Liquid nitrogen
If something must be cooled to a much lower tempe-
rature, but there is no appropriate refrigeration ma-
chine available, liquid nitrogen can be used. It is
also inexpensive.
The boiling temperature of nitrogen is 77 K
(196C). How can liquid nitrogen exist when the
ambient temperature is much higher? It is stored in
well insulated containers. The slight amount of
entropy that escapes through the insulation results
in a constant very slow boiling of the nitrogen. The
temperature of the liquid nitrogen remaining in the
container always stays at 77 K, exactly in the same
way that boiling water remains at a temperature of
100C. Liquid nitrogen can be stored for days like
Transport of entropy with phase changes
Earlier we saw that transport of entropy by convec-
tion is more effective than by conduction. There is,
however, a means of transport that works even bet-
ter than normal convection, Fig. 12.6. The substan-
ce in the pipes is vaporized on the left by the entropy
source. In the process it absorbs a lot of entropy. It
then flows to the right through the upper pipe. It con-
denses in the coil on the right and gives up the entro-
py it had absorbed. Earlier central heating units
functioned with this principle and were called steam
heaters. They had some disadvantages though:
They were hard to control and unpleasant noises
occurred in the radiators during condensation of the
Today, this method is mostly used by heat pumps, as
they are found in refrigerators. The coolant vapori-
zes in the coiled pipe inside the refrigerator, absor-
bing entropy in the process. In the coil on the outside
it condenses and emits the entropy. (In order for
condensation to occur where it is hotter, and evapo-
ration where it is colder, a compressor is used to
keep the pressure higher at the warm side, and lower
at the cold side.)
Nature also uses this way of transporting entropy.
Constant evaporation and condensation processes
take place in the atmosphere. When water evapora-
tes, the temperature decreases. The vapor is carried
away by winds to another place where it condenses
making that place warmer.
Fig. 12.6. On the left, a substance is vaporized. In the process,
it absorbs a lot of entropy which it emits during condensation
on the right.
Gases fill the entire space available to them, con-
densed substances do not.
Simplification is often necessary when something
should be expressed briefly. The sentence above in
bold is just such a simplification. The statement is
valid most of the time, but not always. For instance,
it is invalid for the air above the surface of the Earth.
In theory, this air could disperse into all of outer spa-
ce but it does not leave the Earth. Why not?
There is air in a cylindrical container with a movable
piston. When the piston is pushed in, the air is com-
pressed, Fig. 13.3a. If there is water in the container
instead of air, Fig. 13.3b, the piston cannot be pus-
hed in. Water cannot be compressed. However, if
you look very carefully, you can make out a tiny
amount of compression that is so small it can be ig-
nored for most purposes.
13. Gases
Fig. 13.1. Two types of classification of substances.
Fig. 13.2. Gases take up all the room available to them. Li-
quids do not.
Fig. 13.3. Gases (a) are compressible, liquids (b) and solid
substances (c) are not.
13.1 Gases and condensed substances
Substances can be solid, liquid or gaseous.
The liquid and the gaseous phases have something
in common: Liquid and gaseous substances can
both flow. When the wind blows, when a fan or hair-
dryer is running, air flows. Water flows in rivers and
streams as well as in the oceans. It flows when we
turn on the water faucet. Because liquid and gas
flows have a lot in common, they have been combi-
ned into one class of substances called fluids. Flu-
ids are considered the opposite of solids.
However, solid substances have some characteris-
tics in common with liquids. These are characteris-
tics which differentiate them from gases. As we
have learned earlier, solid and liquid substances
have much higher densities than gases. For this rea-
son, solid and liquid substances are often classified
together and are called condensed substances. Con-
densed substances are the opposite of gases, Fig.
In the following, we will be interested in further cha-
racteristics which differentiate gases and conden-
sed substances.
The tendency to disperse
We pump the air out of a glass container and drip a
little water into it, Fig. 13.2. The water falls down-
ward just as it would in a non-evacuated container.
We repeat the experiment but let air instead of water
into the container. In order to see where the air goes,
we let it flow through a cigarette first (finally, some-
thing a cigarette is good for). These experiments

solid liquid gaseous


Even when a solid object is also put in the water, Fig.
13.3c, the piston cannot be pushed in because solid
objects are (almost) incompressible. Some solid bo-
dies give the impression of being slightly compres-
sible. Foam is an example of this. but it is the air in
the pores of the foam and not the solid substance it-
self that is compressed.
We summarize our observations as follows:
Gases can be compressed, condensed substances
hardly at all.
Compression means that the volume of a given
amount of substance is reduced while retaining the
same mass. The formula = m/V shows that the
density of a substance increases when it is com-
pressed. It is possible to increase the density of a
compressible substance by raising the pressure. If a
substance is incompressible, raising the pressure
will not result in any change of density. We can
summarize this as follows:
The density of gases increases with increasing
pressure, the density of condensed substances
does (almost) not.
This fact has interesting consequences. For examp-
le, the density of water in a lake does not increase as
one goes downward although the pressure does. The
density of the water is just about the same no matter
what the depth is. This is about 1000 kg/m
. It is a
different story, however, with the air above the
Earths surface. Air pressure decreases with altitu-
de, and as a result, so does the density. For this rea-
son, breathing becomes more and more difficult for
people climbing high mountains.
Thermal expansion
Gases and condensed substances react differently
when entropy is added to them.
If a solid body is heated, its volume hardly changes.
The same is true for liquids. It is different with ga-
ses, though. If air is heated in a container open at the
top, Fig. 13.4a, it expands strongly and over-
flows. Because air is invisible, this overflowing
cannot be seen. However, a trick can be used to
make it visible, Fig. 13.4b.
Gases expand when entropy is added to them,
condensed substances hardly at all.
1. Why do bicycles have tires filled with air? Why arent the
tires filled with water?
2. Fig. 13.5 shows a hot air balloon. The balloon is open at
the bottom. The air in it is heated by a gas flame. Why does the
balloon rise upward?
13.2 Thermal properties of gases
In the previous section we have compared gases to
condensed substances. From now on we will deal
only with gases. They are more interesting than con-
densed substances with regard to thermal proper-
First we will again add entropy to a gas. This time
we hinder it from expanding by keeping it in a con-
tainer with a fixed volume, Fig. 13.6. The manome-
ter shows that the pressure increases while entropy
is being added. We can summarize this observation
and the last one from the previous section as fol-
If entropy is added to a gas at constant pressure,
the volume increases.
If entropy is added to a gas with constant volume,
the pressure increases.
The temperatures of the gas increases in both cases.
These processes can be symbolically described by
indicating whether the four quantities, entropy,
temperature, volume, and pressure, stay constant,
decrease, or increase:
S T V p = const (1)
S T V = const p (2)
Fig. 13.4. Gases expand when entropy is added to them. In the
experiment on the right, overflowing of air from a container is
shown visually.
Fig. 13.5. Hot air balloon (for Exercise 2)
a b
Once again, we compress the air in a cylinder. This
time we measure the temperature, Fig. 13.7. We
find that the temperature increases as the air is com-
pressed. If the air is allowed to expand, the tempera-
ture goes down again.
This behavior is plausible because the entropy in the
air is compressed into a smaller space as well. A lot
of entropy in a small space means a high tempera-
The temperature of a gas increases if its volume
is reduced.
Expressed in symbols, the result is
S = const T ! V " p ! (3)
The expressions (1) to (3) describe various proces-
ses that can be carried out with gases. Of course, the
reverses of these three expressions are also true. The
reverse of (1) is:
S " T " V " p = const
In each of the processes (1) to (3), a different quanti-
ty is kept constant. In (1), it is the pressure, in (2) the
volume, and in (3) the entropy. The only process
missing is the one where the temperature stays con-
stant. This process is also easy to perform. It is
enough to compress the gas of Fig. 13.7 very slowly,
Fig. 13.8. Actually, the compression would cause a
rise in the temperature but if we push only very
slowly, the temperature can constantly adjust to the
temperature of the environment. In the process,
entropy flows from the gas into the environment.
Therefore, there is less entropy in the air at the end
than before. Expressed in symbols, we obtain:
S " T = const V " p ! (4)
This statement is also interesting. It fits together
with something we experienced earlier: The larger
the volume of a portion of a substance is (at constant
mass and temperature), the more entropy it con-
tains. We encountered this behavior with the phase
transition from liquid to gas. At the same tempera-
ture, the gas (large volume) contains more entropy
than the liquid (small volume).
In Fig. 13.9, the four processes (1) to (4) are once
again summarized along with their reverse proces-

1. We need a bottle that can be well sealed and a bowl with
hot water and a bowl with cold water (the two sections of a kit-
chen sink will do).
a) The air in the open bottle is cooled by the cold water. Then the
bottle is sealed and pushed down into the hot water. The cap on
the bottle is slightly loosened so that it no longer sealed. What
happens? What is your explanation?
Fig. 13.6. If entropy is added to a gas at constant volume, the
pressure increases.
Fig. 13.7. When a gas is compressed, its temperature increa-
Fig. 13.8. When the piston is pushed very slowly into the cy-
linder, entropy escapes from the gas.
S ! T ! V ! p = const (1a)
S " T " V " p = const (1b)
S ! T ! V = const p ! (2a)
S " T " V = const p " (2b)
S = const T ! V " p ! (3a)
S = const T " V ! p " (3b)
S " T = const V " p ! (4a)
S ! T = const V ! p " (4b)
Fig. 13.9. Symbolic representation of four processes. In each
of them, one of the four quantities S, T, V, and p is kept con-
b) The air in the open bottle is heated by the hot water. Then
the bottle is sealed and pushed down into the cold water. The
cap on the bottle is slightly loosened so that it is no longer sea-
led. What happens? What is your explanation?
2. There are equal amounts of the same gas at the same tem-
perature in two containers. The same amount of entropy is ad-
ded to both the gases. In one case the volume is kept constant,
and in the other one the pressure is kept constant. Is the change
of temperature in both gases the same? If not, which container
has the greater change of temperature? Does the temperature go
up or down? Give reasons!
3. How can the temperature of a gas be lowered even when
entropy is being added to it?
13.3 The operating mode of heat
In section 11.4 we saw that in a heat engine, entropy
goes from a higher to a lower temperature and in the
process drives something. This is similar to how
water in a water turbine goes from high to low pres-
sure and drives something.
How can entropy be brought from a higher to a lo-
wer temperature in order to set something in moti-
It is no problem to bring entropy from a higher to a
lower temperature without driving anything. This
tends to happen by itself. One lets entropy simply
slide down a heat conductor from a higher to a lo-
wer temperature (see Section 11.3). The energy that
one would like to transfer to a useful energy carrier,
angular momentum, for example, goes away along
with the newly produced entropy. It is wasted.
How can we bring entropy from a high to a low tem-
perature without producing more entropy? Since we
know the thermal characteristics of gases, this is no
longer a problem for us. Fig. 13.10 shows how it is
The entropy is put into a compressed gas, and then
the gas is allowed to expand. According to line (3b)
in Fig. 13.9, the temperature falls and at the same
time, the piston is pushed outward. The energy re-
leased by the entropy exits through the rod of the
piston and to a crank that sets a drive shaft in motion.
A gas is allowed to expand in a heat engine. In the
process, the pressure and temperature of the gas
go down and the gas supplies energy.
This is the basic idea behind all heat engines. There
are a number of various technical implementations
of this idea: steam engines, steam turbines, gasoline
engines, diesel motors, jet engines, and more.
We will take a closer look at two of these machines.
First, the steam engine because it has played a very
important role in the past, and second, the gasoline
motor because most cars are driven by one.
The reciprocating steam engine
The biggest problem to be solved in the realization
of a machine built upon the principle of Fig. 13.10,
is getting the entropy into and out of the machine
quickly. In no way does it function as suggested
in Fig. 13.10, namely that entropy is let flow by nor-
mal heat conduction into the cylinders. That would
go much too slowly. We already know a trick for
getting entropy quickly from one place to another
which is convection. It is done just this way in steam
The gas is heated up outside the cylinder and then al-
lowed to flow along with its entropy into the cylin-
der. It expands there, at the same time supplying
energy to the piston. Afterwards, it is released from
the cylinder together with its entropy.
Fig. 13.11 shows the details of this process for a
steam engine. The gas used is steam. The steam is
produced in a boiler and then ,overheated. The sli-
de valve controls the steam inlet and outlet of the cy-
linder. At first, the piston is all the way on the left
(Fig. 13.11a). New hot steam flows from the left
into the left-hand part of the cylinder. After the pis-
ton moves a little to the right (Fig. 13.11b), the
steam inlet is closed. The steam pushes the piston
further to the right expanding as it does so. Pressure
and temperature both go down. The piston reaches
the right-hand turnaround point (Fig. 13.11c), and
begins to move back. In the meantime, the outlet has
been opened. The expanded, cooled steam is pushed
out along with its entropy.
Corresponding processes take place on the right-
hand side of the piston. The steam on the right side
pushes the piston to the left.
The parts of such a steam machine are easily recog-
nizable in a steam locomotive, Fig. 13.12.
Fig. 13.10. Operation mode of heat engines. (a) Entropy is in-
troduced into a compressed gas. (b) The gas relaxes, its tem-
perature goes down and it supplies energy. (c) The entropy is
given away at a lower temperature.
The Otto engine
In this case, the trick of getting entropy quickly into
the cylinder is to produce it there by burning a mix-
ture of gaseous gasoline and air. This combustion
takes place explosively or in other words, very fast.
The cylinder must first be filled with the combustib-
le gasoline and air mixture. This can be done by ini-
tially letting the engine work as a pump for one revo-
Each half revolution of the drive shaft is called a
stroke. Charging the engine or pumping, takes two
strokes. During the aspiration stroke, the gasoline
and air mixture is sucked into the cylinder, Fig.
13.13a. It is then compressed during the compressi-
on stroke, Fig. 13.13b. At this point, the piston is at
the upper dead center position and it is ready to
work, Fig. 13.13c. The gasoline and air mixture is
ignited by an electric spark produced by the spark
plug. It burns instantly. Entropy is produced in the
process and temperature and pressure strongly in-
crease. Now the hot gases push the piston down-
ward whereby temperature and pressure decrease.
This stroke is called the working stroke, Fig. 13.13d.
Afterwards, during the exhaust stroke, the exhaust
gases are pushed out the exhaust pipe along with
their entropy, Fig. 13.13e.
Such a single cylinder engine works only one quar-
ter of the time, as you see, i.e., during the working
stroke. The three other strokes run on momentum.
An Otto engine works more smoothly when it has
several cylinders that work alternately. Most car en-
gines have four cylinders. When this kind of engine
is running, at any given moment one of the cylinders
has its working stroke.
An Otto engine needs a series of auxiliary devices:
A carburetor where the gasoline is evaporated
and mixed with air;
the fuel pump that transports the gasoline from
the tank to the carburetor;
Fig. 13.11. A reciprocating steam engine at three different
points in time.
Fig. 13.13. An Otto engine at five points of its working cycle.
Fig. 13.12. A steam locomotive
spark coils and interrupters for producing the
high electric voltage needed for the spark;
the ignition distributor which sets the high vol-
tage for the correct spark plug.
1. Imagine the working substance in the heat engine of
Fig. 13.10 is not a gas but a liquid. Would the engine work? Give
2. A diesel engine is built very similarly to an Otto engine.
The difference: It has no spark plugs. The diesel fuel/air mixture
ignites by itself. How is this possible?
3. Instead of closing the steam inlet of the cylinder of a reci-
procating steam engine after it has moved a little to the right, it
could be left open until the piston has moved all the way to the
right. The engine would be stronger and would give off more
energy. This mode of operation is possible in steam locomoti-
ves. It is used to start motion and to move uphill. What is the di-
sadvantage of this mode of operation?
13.4 Why the air above the Earths
surface gets cooler with altitude
It is colder on top of a high mountain than down in
the valley. The higher one climbs, the lower the tem-
perature. For every 100 meters of altitude gained,
the temperature sinks about 0.6 C. In airplanes, the
captain often announces impressively low outside
temperatures. For an airplane at 10,000 m altitude, it
is about 55C.
How can these low temperatures be explained?
Shouldnt the temperature differences above and
below balance out? As we know, entropy flows
from places of higher temperature to places of lower
temperature. There is an obstacle in this case,
though. Entropy flows only when the resistance is
not too great, and air is a highly insulating material.
A few millimeters of air between the layers of glass
in a double glazed window is already very effective.
There is a layer of air between the upper and lower
parts of the Earths atmosphere which is several ki-
lometers thick. Temperature equalization by heat
conduction is practically impossible because of
How does this temperature difference come about?
We must apply our knowledge of the thermal cha-
racteristics of gases. The air in the Earths at-
mosphere is in constant motion. In the next section
we will see what causes this. For the moment, let us
just imagine that someone is constantly stirring it
We consider a certain portion of the air that is mo-
ving downward. It is compressed because pressure
increases in the downward direction. Because the
amount of entropy in the portion of air remains the
same, the temperature must rise according to line
(3a) of Fig. 13.9.
Exactly the opposite would happen with a portion of
air that is moving upward: the temperature goes
A certain amount of air with a certain amount of
entropy changes temperature by moving upward or
downward. Further up, it is cooler, and further
down, it is warmer. To every altitude belongs a cer-
tain temperature.
13.5 Thermal convection
Warm air rises, as everyone knows. Why is this?
The explanation is easy now that we have become
experts on the thermal properties of gases. We con-
sider the radiator of a central heating unit. The air
near the radiator is heated and expands (see section
13.2). In the process, its density becomes less than
that of the unheated air around it. The heated air
tends to move upward (see section 4.8). That is basi-
cally all there is to it.
Now, after the air has moved upward, something
more happens with it. It gradually gives its entropy
into the surrounding unheated air and objects in the
room, cooling down while doing so. Its density in-
creases again, and it is displaced by the freshly hea-
ted air rising upward. It flows downward again and
replaces the warm, rising air. In short: It circulates,
Fig. 13.14. This kind of constant flow process is cal-
led thermal convection.
Thermal convection is responsible for many entro-
py transports in nature and technology. We have just
looked at an example of this. Thermal convection
makes sure that the entropy emitted by the radiator
is distributed over the entire room.
Thermal convection plays an important role in the
creation of winds. Some wind systems are produced
in very complicated ways, but in other cases, simple
thermal convection is responsible.
An example is a sea breeze. This is a wind that blows
from the ocean to land during the day. Solar radiati-
on greatly increases the temperature on land, but the
temperature of the water only rises a little. This is
because the entropy distributes over a much greater
depth in water than on land. The air over land ex-
pands, becoming less dense and rising Fig. 13.15.
Air flows from the ocean (where it is not expan-
ding), in the direction of land. The air from land
flows back to the ocean at a few hundred meters ele-
vation where it sinks again. The Earths surface
which is heated by the Sun corresponds to the radia-
tor in our last example.
Temperature differences that lead to different hea-
ting of air are not only to be found between land and
ocean, but on many other places on the surface of the
Earth. Wherever there is a place where the Earth is
warmer than its surroundings, an updraft occurs. If
the place is cooler than its surroundings, there is a
The updrafts that occur in warm places (so called
thermals) are often used by birds and gliders for ri-
sing through the air.
Trade winds are an example of thermal convective
flow, Fig. 13.16. Air is strongly heated near the
equator. It rises and flows at a high elevation to the
north and to the south, in other words, to areas that
are cooler. Near the 30th parallel (north and south),
it sinks again and flows back to the equator. This
back-flow in the direction of the equator constitutes
the trade winds.
Now we want to look at thermal convection from
another viewpoint. Air at a low elevation absorbs
entropy and then rises. The temperature of the rising
air decreases upwardly because its density decrea-
ses. It then gradually releases its entropy because it
is at a higher temperature than its surroundings. It
now emits its entropy at a lower temperature than
the one at which it absorbed it.
The same thing happens with the air as with the
working fluid in a heat engine. Entropy is absorbed
at a high temperature and released at a lower one.
Every thermal convective flow can be considered a
heat engine where no drive shaft is set in motion but
air is moved.
Finally, energy is often taken out of moving air by
windmills, wind turbines, and sailboats. The energy
of convective flow in a room could be used to turn a
pin wheel.
1. Liquids expand only very slightly when entropy is added
to them. However, this slight expansion is enough to set thermal
convective flows in motion. Give an example. Where is entropy
added to the liquid, and where is it removed?
2. Why does the flame of a candle point upward from the
wick and not downward?
Fig. 13.14. Thermal convection in a heated room. Fig. 13.16. How the trade winds are created.
Fig. 13.15. The Sun heats up the land mass greatly, but the
ocean only a little. Convective currents are created.
14.1 Transport of entropy through
empty space
A hot object normally cools down all by itself. Its
entropy flows into the surroundings: into the air and
whatever it is standing upon. We now wish to pre-
vent this cooling. One might think this is very easy.
We only need to put the object into a vacuum, Fig.
14.1. Entropy cannot leak out through the air, be-
cause there is no air. We hang the object (we will call
it G) from long thin threads leading only to a very
slight heat leak.
We now observe something remarkable. First, the
bell jar becomes noticeably warmer and second, ob-
ject G cools down (which we can confirm if we take
G out of the bell jar). In other words: The entropy
has left the hot object although no heat conductor
was available.
Actually, the experiment could be done by placing
G into empty outer space. It would cool down there
The entropy is apparently able to move through
empty space through some invisible connection or
with an invisible carrier. It is easy to discover how
this occurs and what the carrier is, if G is heated until
it glows. When it glows, it emits something we all
know, light. Light passes through empty space par-
ticularly easily. For example, it travels the 150 mil-
lion kilometers between the Sun and the Earth with
almost no loss. The light from the object carries the
entropy. Therefore, the radiating object constantly
emits entropy.
However, our problem is not quite solved yet. Ob-
ject G wasnt glowing. It wasnt radiating any light.
Or was it?
We must now learn a few things about light.
14.2 Types of light
We send a thin ray of sunlight (or the light of a strong
light bulb or an arc lamp) through a glass prism; then
we let it fall on a white screen behind the prism.
What we see there is not a white spot, as might be ex-
pected, but a colorful stripe, a spectrum, Fig. 14.2.
The light of the Sun and the light of the lamp are
made up of various kinds of light. These various
kinds of light create different color perceptions in
our eyes. When all types of light mix in our eyes, we
see white.
The prism diverts these different types of light more
or less strongly thus splitting the light. Red light is
the least diverted followed by orange, yellow,
green, and then blue. Violet light is the most stron-
gly diverted.
The light that we can make out with our eyes is only
a very small portion of all the kinds of light that
occur in nature and that people can create with tech-
nology. There are many other kinds of light than vi-
sible light. We just have no sensory organ to detect
them. All of these kinds of radiation, visible and in-
visible, are called electromagnetic radiation.
Even sunlight and lamplight contain invisible radia-
tion. It is also diverted by the prism. It can be detec-
ted with special devices. One finds that there is
light that is more strongly diverted than violet.
This is called ultraviolet radiation. There is also
light which is less diverted than red. It is called
infrared radiation.
The temperature of a body determines what types of
light it radiates and how much it radiates.
The hotter an object is (the higher its temperature)
the more light it radiates. Only at a temperature of
0K does it cease to radiate.
14. Light
Fig. 14.2. White light is divided into its components by means
of a glass prism.
Fig. 14.1. Object G cools although it is in a vacuum.
Moreover, the composition of the radiation shifts
when the temperature of the radiating body is chan-
ged. The Suns surface has a temperature of around
5800 K. The light it radiates is mostly visible light.
The filament of a light bulb has a temperature of
about 3000 K. The fraction of infrared light in its ra-
diation is larger than the visible one. If a body has a
temperature of 1100 K (about 800C), it is red hot.
Only red remains of visible light, most of the light is
infrared. Below 900 K (about 600C), the object
emits only infrared light.
The higher the temperature of a body, the more
electromagnetic radiation it emits.
At the temperature found on the Suns surface
(5800 K), most of the radiation is made up of vi-
sible light. The lower the temperature of the ra-
diating body, the lower the portion of visible light
and the greater the fraction of infrared light. Be-
low 900 K it emits only infrared light.

14.3 Transport of entropy and
energy with light
We return again to our body G which is cooling in a
vacuum. We have stated that G emits visible or invi-
sible light that is able to transverse the vacuum. The
entropy emitted by G in cooling, must be carried
away with the light.
We already know that entropy is an energy carrier.
Whenever and wherever entropy flows, energy is
also flowing. The cooling body emits entropy as
well as energy with the light.
Light (visible and invisible) carries entropy and
One might draw a wrong conclusion from the obser-
vations we just made. If every body radiates entropy
as long as its temperature is greater than 0 K, it
should continuously cool down until reaching 0 K
(if it is in a vacuum). This does not happen. In fact,
just the opposite does. If the temperature of body G
is brought to a temperature less than the temperature
of its surroundings and is then put into a vacuum (as
in Fig. 14.1), it does not cool down but warms up.
It heats up although it is emitting entropy. How can
this be explained? We have forgotten to take some-
thing into account. It is not only our object that radi-
ates, but so do the objects in the surroundings. G
emits entropy along with the radiation but it also ab-
sorbs entropy with the radiation emitted by the ob-
jects surrounding it. If Gs temperature is higher
than that of its surroundings, it emits more entropy
into the surroundings than it receives, Fig. 14.3a. If
its temperature is lower than that of the objects ne-
arby, it receives more entropy than it emits, Fig.
14.3b. In both cases, the final state is the same: The
temperatures equalize, reaching thermal equilibri-
Even when transport of entropy occurs with
electromagnetic radiation, the (net) entropy cur-
rent flows from places of higher to places of lo-
wer temperature.
A body K is put between two parallel walls A and B. These walls
have different temperatures T
and T
, see Fig. 14.4. T
higher than T
a) What can be said about the temperature that K reaches?
b) What can be said about the energy currents between the
walls themselves and between the walls and K?
14.4 The temperature of light
The light emitted by a body has the same tempera-
ture as the body itself. This means that the light co-
ming from the surface of the Sun has the same tem-
perature as the surface of the Sun, about 6000 K.
This statement appears implausible at first because
if sunlight has this temperature, wouldnt it immedi-
ately burn everything exposed to it? If it has this
temperature, it should be measurable by putting a
thermometer in the sunlight.
In order to solve this problem, we must look more
closely into how to use a thermometer correctly.
The object or substance we wish to measure the tem-
perature of must be put in contact with the thermo-
meter. If we put a thermometer in the solar radiation,
the thermometer is in contact with the sunlight. The
sunlight touches the thermometer, but the ther-
mometer is also touched by other things.
First, there is the air. The air, as well, touches the
thermometer. Whose temperature does the thermo-
meter show? That of the air or that of the sunlight?
The thermometer makes a compromise and shows a
temperature that is neither that of the air nor that of
the sunlight.
Fig. 14.3. Even in a vacuum, the bodies adjust to a thermal
One can try to help the situation by putting the ther-
mometer in a transparent vacuum container. The
temperature it now shows is still far from the expec-
ted 6000 K. This is not surprising because we have
forgotten something else. The thermometer again
makes a compromise. The thermometer is in contact
with not only the sunlight, but also with the infrared
radiation of the environment. This radiation has the
temperature of the surrounding area, about 300 K.
While the Suns radiation falling upon the thermo-
meter comes from only a narrow direction, the
300 K light comes from almost all directions, Fig.
14.5. It is normal that in this case as well, the measu-
rement greatly favors the ambient temperature.
How then can we measure the temperature of sun-
light? One must make sure that the sunlight falling
upon the thermometer does not only come from one
narrow direction, but from every direction. This can
be achieved with the help of lenses or mirrors, Fig.
14.6. If the Sun can be seen in every direction from
the thermometer, it will show the temperature of the
Sun. Naturally, our standard thermometers are use-
less for this.
You know that very high temperatures can be gene-
rated with a lens or so-called burning glass by con-
centrating sunlight onto a small spot, possibly on a
piece of wood. The process can be described as fol-
lows: One attempts to expose all sides of the wood to
the light so that the wood takes upon the temperature
of the light. Actually, the light coming from a bur-
ning glass does not reach the wood from all sides.
The wood reaches a very high temperature, but not
anywhere near that of the light.
14.5 Entropy and energy balances of
the Earth
The Earth constantly receives entropy and energy
with the light from the Sun.
The intensity of the energy current coming from the
sun and falling upon one square meter of the Earth is
an important number which is easy to remember. It
is just about 1 kW. The solar constant is said to be
1 kW/m
. The 1 square meter surface being consi-
dered must be perpendicular to the direction of the
sunlight, Fig. 14.7. If this surface is at an angle, it
will naturally receive less than 1 kW. This solar con-
stant value only holds for a cloudless sky.
Solar constant: 1 kW/m
If the Earth did not emit any entropy or energy, it
would continuously warm up, but it does not warm
up. It is easy to see how the Earth keeps its tempera-
ture constant. The Earths temperature is not 0 K, so
it emits infrared light that carries entropy and
energy away with it.
Sunlight reaches Earth from just one side, while the
Earth itself radiates in all directions, Fig. 14.8.
The Earth does not heat up or cool down so the
energy current flowing out must be exactly as strong
as the one flowing in:
= P
It isnt as simple with entropy, however. A lot of
entropy is created on Earth. This means that the light
radiating from the Earth must carry more entropy
than the sunlight falling upon it does. The infrared
light being radiated into outer space must carry
away not only the entropy coming from the Sun but
the entropy created on Earth as well. In this way the
Fig. 14.5. The sunlight comes only from a narrow domain of
directions. From all the other directions infrared light arrives.
Fig. 14.6. The parabolic reflector makes sure that sunlight of
all directions falls on the thermometer.
Fig. 14.4. For the exercise at the end of Section 14.3.
amount of entropy on Earth remains constant:
S out
= I
S in
+ I
S produced
The energy and entropy balances of Earth are
described by the same equations that were used for
the balances of the rod in Fig. 11.7 in section 11.3.
The Earth can also be compared to a heated house.
The heater constantly delivers a certain energy cur-
rent and a certain entropy current. The entire energy
current flows out of the house again through leaks.
Both the entropy created by the heater and the entro-
py created in the house and in the walls flow out with
the energy current.
The fact that the entropy current flowing away from
the Earth or house adjusts to a value which is con-
stant over time, means that we have a steady-state.
14.6 The greenhouse effect
As we know, the atmosphere allows visible light to
pass through. (If this was not the case, it would be
dark both night and day). Infrared radiation has a
much harder time getting through the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide (present in small amounts) is at fault
for this. Carbon dioxide, in chemical symbols CO
is a kind of insulating material for infrared radiation.
We will now investigate what would happen if the
amount of CO
in the atmosphere were to rise for
some reason.
The sunlight coming in would be untouched by this.
The Earth would be heated by the Sun as before.
However, heat loss would be lessened because the
radiation cannot flow out as well as before, and the
temperature would increase. Higher temperatures
mean more radiation. The radiation would gradual-
ly increase for as long as needed to reach the old va-
lue, i.e., until the energy currents flowing in and out
are again the same. The new steady-state would
differ from the old one (before the CO
content was
raised) in its temperature. The temperature would
now be higher.
The higher the CO
content of the atmosphere, the
higher the average temperature the Earth adjusts to.
To make this clear, we will once again compare the
Earth to a heated house. If the insulation of the house
is made better, but the house is heated like before,
the house will reach a higher temperature. At this
higher temperature, the energy current flowing out
of the house through the heat leaks is exactly as
strong as the energy current emitted by the radiators.
The CO
content of the atmosphere is about 0.03%
(0.03% of air molecules are CO
molecules). Pre-
sently, the fraction of CO
is increasing greatly.
This is a result of burning coal at power plants, from
heating oil in central heating units of houses and
from fuels (gasoline and diesel oil) for automobiles.
Carbon dioxide is used up by plants. In the process
they produce oxygen. This decomposition process
by plants is currently decreasing because the tropi-
cal rain forests are being continually deforested. For
these reasons, it can be expected that the Earths
temperature will increase in the next decades. Even
when this increase is only a few degrees, it can have
devastating consequences. It could happen that
parts of the polar ice caps melt resulting in a higher
sea level. The ocean would then flood large areas of
When the atmosphere lets sunlight through unhin-
dered, but does not let the infrared radiation from the
Earth through, we have what is called the green-
house effect. The same thing happens in greenhou-
ses. In this case, though, glass plays the role of the
atmosphere. Glass also allows visible light to pass
through, but not infrared radiation. It holds back
most of the infrared radiation produced in the green-
house, creating a higher temperature than the one it
would have if the infrared radiation could pass
through it.
If the CO
content of the Earth changes, the Earth adjusts to
a new temperature. We had a very similar situation in Chapter 4.
The air resistance of a body was changed. As a result, the veloci-
ty of the body adjusted to a new velocity. What process was ta-
king place? Compare both phenomena.
Fig. 14.7. An energy current of 1 kW hits a one square meter
surface perpendicular to the direction of the sunlight.
Fig. 14.8. The Earth gets sunlight from a very narrow domain
of directions, and it radiates in all directions.
Absolute temperature 123
Air bag 44
Air-conditioner 122
Amount of heat 119
Angular momentum 12, 95 f.
Angular momentum as energy carrier 102 f.
Angular momentum circuit 101 f.
Angular momentum conductor 99 f.
Angular momentum current 95 f.
Angular momentum pump 97
Angular velocity 95
Bar 17
Barometer 18
Boiling 144
Boiling temperature 143
Brake 33
Buoyant force12 111 f.
Carnot 120
Center of mass 88 f., 92 f.
Central heating 10, 129
Chemical reaction 124
Circuit 11
Coal-fired power station 136
Combustion engine 137
Compressibility 147
Compressive stress 36 f., 103
Compressor 12
Condensing 143
Convection 129
Convective entropy transport 129
Current intensity 19 f.
Density 56 f., 107, 148
Diesel engine 152
Diffusion 145
Driving force 18, 20, 120
Electricity 9 f.
Energy loss 137 f.
Energy source 10
Energy 9 f.
Energy carrier 9 f., 61 f., 102 f., 131 f.
Energy current 14
Energy exchanger 12 f.
Energy flow diagram 11
Energy receiver 10
Energy storage unit 1414
Energy store 63 f.
Entropy 119 f.
Entropy a energy carrier 131 f.
Entropy content 139
Entropy current 119 f.
Entropy current strength 126
Entropy production 124, 133, 138
Entropy source 136
Entropy storage 145
Equilibrium 87
Equilibrium, stable and unstable 91
Evaporating 144
Evaporative cold 145
Excess pressure 17
Falling with friction 52
Floating 57, 112
Fluid 147
Flywheel 98
Force 40
Force of gravity 50
Force sensor 39
Fraction of units 26
Free fall 51
Freezing mixture 145
Friction 28, 33
Fuel 9
Gas 147 f.
Generator 12
Gravitational field 49, 64
Gravitational field 50
Gravitational force 50
Greenhouse effect 158
Gulf stream 130
Heat 119
Heat engine 135 f., 150
Heat pump 122, 132
Hookes law 42
Huygens 27
Hydraulic energy transfer 22, 114
Hydroelectric power plant 64
Hydrostatic pressure 107 f.
Infrared radiation 155
Irreversible process 125
Jackhammer 12
Jet engine 34, 137
Joule 9
Junction 20
Junction rule 20
Junction rule for momentum currents 40, 77
Kelvin 124
Law of the lever 84
Lengthwise momentum 74
Lever arm 83
Light 155 f.
Magnetic field 33
Manometer 17
Mass 27
Mechanical stress 103
Momentum 25 f.
Momentum as energy carrier 61 f.
Momentum conductor 32
Momentum current 32
Momentum current circuit 37
Momentum current strength 39 f.
Momentum insulator 32
Momentum pump 30 f.
Moon 74
Multiples of units 26
Newton 39
Nuclear power plant 136
One-way-bottle energy carrier 11
Oscillation 65
Otto engine 151
Parachutist 54
Pascal 17
Phase transition 143 f.
Physical quantity 9, 25
Planet 74
Pliers 85
Power plant 10
Power shovel 22, 115
Pressure 17, 103 f.
Pressure equilibrium 18
Pulley 79
Pulley block 81
Pump 19
Radiator 129
Reaction resistance 125
Refrigerating machine 123
Refrigerator 122, 146
Resistance 21
Right-hand-rule 97
Rocket 34
Rope 32, 76 f.
Satellite 73
Seat belt 44
Shovel excavator 12
SI-units 48
Sinking 57, 112
Solar cell 13
Solar constant 157
Solar power plant 136
Space probe 74
Specific heat 141
Speedometer 44
Spring 42, 63
Spring constant 42
Standard pressure 17
Steady state 35, 53, 158
Steam engine 137, 150
Storage lake 58
Super conductor 38
Systme International 48
Temperature 119 f.
Tensile stress 36 f., 103
Terminal velocity 53
Thermal convection 152
Thermal equilibrium 121
Thermal expansion 148
Thermal power plant 136
Thermal resistance 127, 134
Thrust reversal 34
Torque 84 f.
Torsion stress 100
Transverse momentum 74
Turbine 135 f.
Twist 100
Ultraviolett radiation 155
Vacuum 17
Vector 67 f.
Vector addition 71
Velocity 26, 44
Water turbine 12
Watt 14
Weightlessness 54 f.
Wheel 33, 74

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