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Another Boardgame Player Aid By: Universal Head Design That Works

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Another boardgame player aid by

Download a huge range of popular boardgame rules summaries,

reference sheets and player aids at www.headlesshollow.com
Universal Head Design That Works www.universalhead.com
These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for
additional reference. Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher
and copyright holder, and does not benet nancially from these player aids. Artwork from the
original game is copyrighted by the publisher and used without permission. This PDF may not
be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.
Pub: Fantasy Flight Games (2009)
Page 1: Rules summary front
Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Play reference front and back
July 2009
Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.
Each player chooses a kingdom and takes his kingdom cards,
bidding tokens and plastic gures. He shufes his cards and
places them before him in a facedown deck. Each player takes
3 gold in gold tokens, and Stygia and Hyperborea also take 2
sorcery in sorcery tokens.
Place starting army units on the board: Aquilonia (red) and
Turan (yellow): 5 army units and 4 emissaries; Stygia (green)
and Hyperborea (purple): 4 army units and 4 emissaries.
Shufe the objective cards and place cards equal to the number
of players faceup on the board as the current objectives. Shufe
the strategy cards. Each player draws 2 cards from his kingdom
deck and 2 cards from the strategy deck to form his hand of
cards (kept secret from other players). Shufe the 3 artifact
cards (plus, in a 4 player game only, the Conan bonus card);
each player randomly draws a card.
Place Conan in the province of Cimmeria. Shufe the adventure
cards and place 4 cards facedown on the board as the adventure
deck for the current age. Reveal the top card and place it on the
current adventure space. Place the Conan destination marker in
the province indicated by the card.
Place the adventure tokens in a cup, draw a number indicated
by the current adventure card, and place them faceup in a row
to form the adventure track.
Bid to determine the Conan player. Each player draws 1 card
from the strategy deck. He then places 1 strategy card from
his hand facedown before him and chooses one of his bidding
tokens to place facedown on top of it. Reveal all cards and
tokens. Each player adds the number on his bidding token to
the adventure rating on his strategy card. The player with the
highest result is the Conan player and receives the Conan player
card. In a tie, the player with the lowest number of adventure
tokens wins; on another tie, the player whose home province
is closest to Conans current location wins (resolve further ties
randomly). Discard all strategy cards, and set aside all bidding
tokens that were used, faceup.
Game Turn
The game is played over 3 ages, each of which consists of 4 of
Conans adventures followed by an age change phase.
The Conan player rolls all 7 fate dice and places them in the
fate dice pool on the board. Starting with the Conan player and
proceeding clockwise, the players take their turns.
Conan Player Turn
On his turn, the Conan player may move Conan to any adjacent
province. If the move decreases the distance between Conan and
the destination marker (or if is already there and doesnt move),
the player takes the leftmost adventure token off the adventure
track, and keeps it facedown. If the move does not shorten the
distance, or he chooses not to move Conan, the rst adventure
token is discarded.
1. Play and Refresh Play-on-the-Table Cards
The player may play and refresh as many play-on-the-table
kingdom cards as he is able.
2. Use a Fate Die
The player must choose 1 fate die from the fate dice pool and
perform the action shown. The die is then removed from the pool.
When the pool is empty, the player whose turn is next rerolls
all 7 dice, places them in the pool, chooses one of them, and
performs the corresponding action.
If play is interrupted due to the ending of an adventure or an
age change phase, leave any unused dice in the pool. Once play
resumes, these must be used before the dice are rerolled.
A player may usually only choose one of the fate die action
options each time he takes an action.
Court + Conan
The player must perform the Conan action rst, then
select and perform a Court action option.
Conan Player: You may move Conan to an adjacent province,
and (before or after the move) may place a raider token in the
province he occupies, or in an adjacent province. Do not take an
adventure token.
Non-Conan Player: Take the leftmost adventure token from the
adventure track and place it facedown before yourself.
Select one of these options:
a. Draw 1 card from your kingdom deck and 1 card from the
strategy deck.
b. Draw 2 cards from the strategy deck.
c. Certain kingdom event cards require a court action to play.
You may play one such event.
Select one of these options:
a. Redeploy 2 times to adjacent, friendly provinces.
b. Redeploy once and then attack.
c. Place an army unit in up to 2 separate friendly provinces
from your reserves, if you have less than 18 units in play.
Select one of these options:
a. Move up to 2 of your emissaries.
b. Move 1 of your emissaries, then you may start 1 intrigue contest
in a neutral or enemy province with 1 of your emissaries.
c. Move 1 of your emissaries, then collect gold in an enemy
province containing 1 of your emissaries by removing the
emissary from the board and taking gold from the communal
gold pool equal to the rating of the province he occupied.
d. Build an emissary from your pile on any friendly province on
the board, if you have less than 6 emissaries in play.
Military / Intrigue
Choose to perform a Military or Intrigue action.
You may never use a military/intrigue die to perform a Military
action if a military die is available in the fate dice pool; or to
perform an Intrigue action if an intrigue die is available.
Choose either a Military, Intrigue or Court action.
For the Court action, choose only one of the Court options. You
may never choose an action that would have been available had
you selected a different available fate die.
Play-on-the-table cards may only be played at the beginning of
a players turn and their cost in gold must be paid. Once played,
turn the card facedown; it cannot be used again unless its cost
is paid again in a future turn and it is refreshed.
All play-on-the-table cards are automatically refreshed during
the age change phase without any cost in gold.
Event cards can be played with the Court action from a fate die.
Instant cards may be played without gold or using a Court die.
Event and Instant cards are placed in a players discard pile
after use. Reshufe and reuse the discards if necessary.
army mOvemenT
When you redeploy an army, you may move a group of one or more
army units in the same province to an adjacent friendly province.
You may redeploy the same army units if you redeploy twice.
The stacking limit is 5 units in a province (immediately remove
extras if this limit is exceeded). A player may have more than 5
army units in his home province. Army units may never enter or
attack another players home province.
When you attack with an army, you may move one or more of
your army units from a province to an adjacent neutral or enemy
province to start or continue a military contest; or start a military
contest with an army already engaged in a neutral province.
emISSary mOvemenT
An emissary may move to an adjacent province. If that province
is friendly, or contains another of his emissaries, the emissary
may move again into another adjacent province. Otherwise, the
emissary stops moving.
Emissaries are moved one at a time, so you can create a bridge
of them. Any number may occupy a province. An emissary may
enter another players home province, but may never start an
intrigue contest or collect gold there.
A military contest may be either directed against a province
or against another players army. An intrigue contest is always
directed against a province.
All contests have an attacker (the player starting the contest),
and a defender (another player or a neutral province). If the
defender is a neutral, uncontrolled province, any decisions or
dice rolling is handled by the player to the attackers left.
If a player is required to remove one of the army units,
emissaries, or control markers involved in the contest, he takes
it from the board and returns it to his reserve pile.
The Contest Roll The attacker rolls rst, then the defender, and
results are compared. The maximum number of dice a player
may roll during a contest is 6. The player with the most number
of successful die rolls wins the contest. If two players roll the
same number of successes, the defender wins.
Hit: Always counts as a success.
Hit+Conan: Counts as 1 success for a non-Conan player,
or 2 successes for the Conan player, if Conan is present
where the contest is taking place.
Hit (Attacker): Only counts as a success if the player
rolling the dice is the attacker.
Shield: Normally counts as a failure, though certain
cards or rules may modify it into a success.
Axe: Normally counts as a failure, though certain cards
or rules may modify it into a success.
Miss (Blank): Always counts as a failure.
Raider Tokens If a neutral contested province contains raider
tokens, the defender counts axe results in a military or intrigue
contest roll as successes. Discard 1 token after each roll.
Using Strategy Cards in Contests
A player in a contest involving his army units, emissaries, or a
province he controls, may play 1 strategy card from his hand
before any dice are rolled. After being played, it is discarded.
If the defender is a neutral province, the player rolling for the
defender may not use a card to modify his roll.
Using a strategy card in a military contest: if a terrain icon on
the card is not greyed out, the card may be played to affect a
military contest on that terrain type.
Using a strategy card in an intrigue contest: in a 4 player
game, the card may be only used to affect an intrigue contest
in the map area labeled 2-4. In a 2 or 3 player game, the card
may be used to affect an intrigue contest occurring in either
the map area labeled 2-4 or the area labeled 2-3.
Using Sorcery Tokens in Contests
You may use a sorcery token to reroll your results in
intrigue or military contests. A defending neutral
province may not use a sorcery token. Discard 1
token immediately after rolling your contest dice and
before your opponent rolls, then reroll all of your dice. All
modiers still apply. Only 1 token may be used per roll.
Conan in a Contest
If the Conan player is in a contest in a province with Conan
present, he gets to add an additional die to the number of
contest dice he rolls (up to the usual 6 maximum). Additionally,
any Hit+Conan results count as 2 successes.
If a non-Conan player is attacking a neutral province with Conan
present, the defender adds an additional die to the number of
contest dice he rolls (up to the usual 6 maximum). Additionally,
any Hit+Conan results count as 2 successes.
If 2 non-Conan players in an opposed contest roll are in a neutral
province with Conan present, Conan does not affect any rolls.
The mIlITary COnTeST
A campaign is fought when a player uses an army to subjugate
a neutral province.
A provinces campaign track icons represent terrain types:
plains, woods, hills, and urban. The number of icons is the
number of battles in the campaign. When an army starts a
campaign, place one of its units on the leftmost icon, then
resolve a military contest.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: number of units in attacking army.
#Dice Defender Rolls: neutral provinces rating.
The attacker may play a strategy card; the current terrain icon
must match one of the icons on the card.
Attacker wins: Attacker moves his army unit on the campaign
track one icon to the right and his turn ends.
Attacker loses: Attacker must remove 1 unit from the army, the
army unit does not move on the track, and his turn ends.
In either case the attacker may still use a military action in
a subsequent turn to continue his campaign. If an attackers
unit occupies the rightmost icon and he wins the contest, the
province has been subjugated.
The attacker removes 1 unit from his army to place 1 fort there
and receives empire points equal to the provinces rating. The
province is now friendly towards him.
Forced March After the roll the attackers turn ends. However
he may decide to immediately continue his campaign by
performing a forced march (whether he won or not).
He removes 1 unit and then immediately ghts another military
contest as if he had taken another military action. A forced
march may be performed more than once in the same turn, but
may not be performed if there is only 1 army unit.
A siege is fought when a player uses an army to attack a
province controlled by another player.
A home province, or a friendly province containing one of your
own tower control markers, may never be attacked. A player may
never move through another players province without attacking.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: number of units in the attacking army.
#Dice Defender Rolls: the number of his units occupying the
province, or the provinces rating, whichever is higher.
Both players may use strategy cards, kingdom cards, and
sorcery. To play a strategy card, the rst terrain icon on the
provinces track must match one of the icons on the card.
Attacker wins: Defender removes one of his army units from the
province. If there are none, the control marker (fort, tower, or
city) must be removed (a city is considered 1 marker, not 2).
Attacker loses: Attacker must remove 1 army unit from his army
in the province.
The attacker then chooses whether he wants to immediately
retreat his army to the province it previously occupied. If he
does not, ght another siege contest.
Successive contests continue until the attacker decides to
retreat, the attacking army is completely eliminated, or the
defending army and control marker are eliminated.
The attackers turn does not end until the siege is completed.
The defender can never retreat from a siege.
After the Siege
If all units in the defending army and the defending control
piece are eliminated, the province reverts to neutral status. A
unit from the attacking army is placed on the leftmost icon of
the provinces track.
In a later turn, the attacker can decide to start a campaign (or
he may do so immediately by performing a forced march).
If all units in the attacking army are eliminated or retreat, the
defender remains in control of the province.
An attacker who successfully completes a
siege receives a Crom, count the dead! token.
If the attacking army is eliminated or retreats, the
defender receives a Crom, count the dead! token.
Battles are mandatory when the armies of two players meet in a
neutral province.
The player who moved his army is the attacker, and the player
whose army was already there is the defender.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: number of units in the attacking army.
#Dice Defender Rolls: number of units in the defending army.
Both players may use strategy cards, kingdom cards, and sorcery.
To play a strategy card, the terrain icon on the provinces track
the defending army currently occupies must match one of the
icons on the card.
Attacker wins: Defender removes 1 unit from his army.
Defender wins: Attacker removes 1 unit from his army.
After the roll, the attacker may choose to immediately retreat to
the province he previously occupied, if it is friendly (otherwise
he cannot retreat).
If he does not retreat, the defender may retreat to any adjacent
friendly province (if there are none, he may not retreat).
If neither side retreats, new battle contests are fought until a
side decides to retreat, or an army is completely eliminated.
The attackers turn does not end until the battle is completed.
After the Battle
If the attacker eliminates the entire defending army or forces it
to retreat, he places a unit from his army on the leftmost icon of
the provinces track.
In a later turn, he can decide to start a campaign (or he may do
so immediately with a forced march).
If the defender eliminates the entire attacking army or forces
it to retreat, his army remains in its position on the track. In a
later turn, he may continue his campaign.
If either the attacker or defender successfully
eliminates his opponents army or forces it to
retreat, he receives a Crom, count the dead! token.
The InTrIGue COnTeST
A player must have an emissary in a province where he wants
to perform an intrigue contest, and can never attempt one in
a savage province (crossed bones icon), a home province, or a
province that contains an enemy fort, city, or enemy army.
A player can start an intrigue contest in a neutral province to
convert it to a friendly province, or start an intrigue contest in
an enemy province to return it to neutral status.
The player initiating an intrigue contest is the attacker, and the
neutral province or the player controlling the province is the
The contest is a single contest dice roll. To play a strategy card,
the area on the card appropriate to the number of players must
contain the contested province.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: 1, plus the number of provinces adjacent
to the that are either friendly or contain a friendly emissary.
#Dice Defender Rolls: If the province is neutral, roll dice equal
to the province rating. If the province is the attackers enemy,
rolls dice equal to the provinces rating +1.
Establishing alliance with a neutral province
Attacker wins: The province is now friendly to you; return the
emissary to your reserve and place a tower control marker in the
province. Receive gold equal to the provinces rating.
Attacker loses: Emissary remains in the neutral province and
nothing happens.
Canceling enemy alliance and reverting province to neutral
Attacker wins: The province is now neutral; defender removes
his tower control marker, and the attackers emissary remains.
Attacker loses: Emissary is removed from the board.
COnan S aDvenTureS
Adventure tokens are either monsters, treasures or women
tokens. Players receive them from the adventure track as follows:
a. The Conan player takes 1 token when he moves Conan closer
to the destination on the adventure card.
b. Non-Conan players take 1 token each time they use a
Court+Conan fate die.
Players keep their tokens facedown and usually do not reveal
them, but may look at their own tokens at any time.
When received, and at no other time, a token may be
immediately traded for gold or sorcery equal to the type and
number of icons on the token. The traded token is discarded
and returned to the token pool only if the pool is emptied.
When any player takes or discards the last token on the
adventure track, that adventure ends. The player currently
taking a turn nishes, and then the adventure is resolved.
If Conan is in the same province as the destination marker, the
adventure is successfully completed. The Conan player draws 1
adventure token from the adventure token cup as a reward. He
may keep the token or trade it for gold or sorcery as he chooses.
If Conan is not in the same province as the destination marker,
he is immediately moved to that province. The Conan player
does not receive an adventure token.
In both cases, the current adventure card is discarded and not
used again. A new card is drawn and a number of adventure
tokens equal to the adventure length on the card drawn and
placed on the adventure track. The players then bid to assume
the role of Conan player during the next adventure.
Bid Tokens
A players used bid tokens cannot be used again until he uses
his 0 token in a bid. After the bid, any player who used his 0
token retrieves all of his used bid tokens (except the 0 token). If
a player uses his 3 token to bid, he does not discard it after the
bid phase is over. A player is always able to bid his 3 token.
The aGe ChanGe phaSe
When the last of the 4 adventure cards in the adventure deck
have been resolved, the Age Change phase occurs after the
current player completes his turn.
The player who would have had the next turn takes the rst
player token as a reminder that he will take the rst turn when
the phase is completed. Any remaining fate dice in the pool are
left to be used when the game resumes.
All players complete each of the following steps before moving
on to the next, starting with the player with the rst player token
and moving clockwise.
1. Resolve Raids
Each player may remove one of his army units in any number of
friendly provinces to discard all raider tokens in that province.
Each player then counts how many raider tokens are still
present in his friendly provinces and loses an equal number of
empire points (if he has none, he loses nothing). Then remove
all raider tokens from the board.
2. Receive Gold and Objective Prizes
Each player receives 5 gold, plus 2 gold for each of his tower or
city control markers on the board.
Check the objective cards in play. If a player has completed an
objective, he receives the empire points reward on the card. If
multiple players complete an objective, all receive the reward.
If no player completes an objective, it remains in play during the
next age; otherwise, it is discarded and a new objective drawn.
3. Build Cities and Raise Troops
A player may place 1 army unit from his reserve in each friendly
province containing a fort or city, and his home province.
Instead of placing an army unit in a friendly province with
a fort, a player may choose to upgrade the fort to a city, by
placing a tower control marker on top of the fort control marker
to form a city control marker.
4. Spend Gold
1 emissary 2 gold
1 army unit 2 gold
1 kingdom card and 1 strategy card 2 gold
1 strategy card 1 gold
Units are placed in any friendly province(s). Players may
purchase multiple gures and cards, and gold can be saved for
later use.
5. Assign Artifacts and Conan Bonus Card
Players compete to control the 3 artifacts. Players who
previously controlled them give them up, and they are made
available to all players.
Each player secretly selects any quantity of his adventure tokens
in one category, thus determining the artifact he is competing
for. The chosen tokens are then simultaneously revealed and
values tallied (only revealed tokens count).
The Sword of Atlantis goes to the player with the highest value
in monsters, the Cobra Crown to the player with the highest
value in treasures, and the Heart of Tammuz to the player with
the highest value in women. In the case of ties, the artifact is
not given to any player.
The revealed adventure tokens are then returned to their
owners adventure token pools, facedown. Unassigned artifacts
are set aside until the next age change phase.
During the age change phases between the rst and second
ages and the second and third ages, after artifacts are assigned,
the player with the lowest score in empire points receives the
Conan bonus card. In case of a tie, it goes to the tied player
with the lower number of adventure tokens. If there is a further
tie, the card is not assigned.
6. Create the Adventure Deck
Players create a new adventure deck in the same manner as at
the beginning of the game. Draw 4 adventure cards from those
set aside at the beginning of the game and shufe them into a
new adventure deck. The deck is placed on the board and the
top card drawn and placed into play.
Players then participate in a round of bidding to become the
new Conan player as normal.
7. Refresh Play-on-the-Table Cards
All play-on-the-table cards in play are automatically refreshed
(turned faceup) without players spending gold, and can now be
used again.
Play then resumes, the player with the rst player token taking
the rst turn.
WInnInG The Game
The winner is the kingdom with the most empire points at the
end of the game. In a tie, the winner is the player with the
highest total value of adventure tokens. If there is still a tie, the
game ends in a tie. A players empire points may never go below
0. Players receive empire points in 2 ways:
1. A player conquering a province through a military contest
receives empire points equal to the provinces rating.
2. A player completing an objective receives the number of
empire points listed on the card.
The game may end in 2 ways:
1. When the fourth adventure of the third age is completed, the
game ends when the current player completes his turn.
2. At the end of any adventure of the third age (including
the last one), the game ends if a player makes an attempt
(successful or not) to crown Conan.
Crowning Conan
If, at the end of a turn in which one of the adventures of the
third age is concluded, Conan is in the home province of the
Conan player, that player may attempt to crown Conan king.
The Conan player announces his attempt to crown Conan before
the new adventure card is revealed (or before the end game
scoring starts, if at the end of the fourth adventure). If he does
not make the attempt, and the adventure deck is not empty, a
new card is drawn and a new bid for Conan takes place normally.
To crown Conan, choose one category of adventure tokens. All
players reveal all of their tokens in that category. If the Conan
player has the highest combined value, he successfully crowns
Conan as his kingdoms king. He is the only player who may
receive empire points for having the most adventure tokens in
each of the 3 categories (if another player would have received
one of the bonuses, nobody gets it).
If another players total equals or exceeds the Conan players
value, the attempt fails and the Conan player automatically loses.
In either case, the game is over; calculate nal scores.
Final Scoring
Players rst resolve the effects of any raider tokens as if they
were participating in an age change phase.
Then each player receives gold equal to the combined ratings of
all provinces where he has towers or cities, and empire points
equal to the total ratings of all provinces where they have forts or
cities, and for any objectives in play they have accomplished.
Circumstance Highest Tied Highest
Richest kingdom +3 +1
Crom, count the dead! +3 +1
Crowning Conan +3 -
Adventure token dominance
in each category +5 +2
The aGe ChanGe phaSe
The player who would have had the next turn takes the rst
player token. Complete each step before the next, starting
with the player with the FP token and going clockwise.
1. Resolve Raids
If raider tokens are in a friendly province, players must
remove 1 army unit there to remove them all, or lose 1
empire point for each token. Then remove all raider tokens
from the board.
2. Receive Gold and Objective Prizes
Players receive 5 gold, plus 2 gold for each tower or city
control marker they have on the board. Players receive
empire points for any objective cards they have fullled.
3. Build Cities and Raise Troops
A player with a fort or city in a province may place 1 new
army unit there, or choose to upgrade the fort to a city. Each
player also places 1 new army unit in his home province.
4. Spend Gold
1 emissary 2 gold
1 army unit 2 gold
1 kingdom card and 1 strategy card 2 gold
1 strategy card 1 gold
Units are placed in any friendly province(s).
5. Assign Artifacts and Conan Bonus Card
All artifacts are made available. Each player selects 1 of the
3 categories of adventure tokens and reveals some or all of
his tokens in that category.
The player with the highest total in a category receives the
artifact (monsters = Sword of Atlantis; treasures = Cobra
Crown; women = Heart of Tammuz).
The player with the lowest score in empire points receives
the Conan bonus card.
6. Create the Adventure Deck
Draw 4 unused adventure cards to form a new adventure
deck, then drawn the top card and place it into play. Players
bid to become the new Conan player.
7. Refresh Play-on-the-Table Cards
All play-on-the-table cards in play are refreshed without
spending gold.
Campaigns subjugate a neutral province.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: # units in the attacking army.
#Dice Defender Rolls: neutral provinces rating.
Strategy Card Use: current terrain icon.
Attacker wins: Attacker advances 1 icon to the right.
Attacker loses: Attacker removes 1 unit.
Attacker may decide to immediately continue his campaign
with a forced march. Remove a unit and immediately ght
another military contest.
If the unit is on the rightmost icon and the attacker wins,
the province is subjugated and friendly. The attacker
removes 1 unit from his army to place 1 fort there and
receives empire points equal to the provinces rating.
Sieges turn an enemy province into a neutral province.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: # units in the attacking army.
#Dice Defender Rolls: # units occupying the province,
or the provinces rating, whichever is higher.
Strategy Card Use: rst terrain icon.
Attacker wins: Defender removes 1 army unit. If there
are none, remove the control marker.
Attacker loses: Attacker removes 1 army unit.
Attacker may then retreat or ght a new contest. This
continues until either opponent is destroyed or the attacker
retreats. If the attacker wins, he may force march to
immediately start a campaign.
The winner takes a Crom, count the dead! token.
Battles attack an enemy army in a neutral province.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: # units in the attacking army.
#Dice Defender Rolls: # units in the defending army.
Strategy Card Use: terrain icon defending army occupies.
Attacker wins: Defender removes 1 unit.
Defender wins: Attacker removes 1 unit.
Attacker may then retreat to the province he previously
occupied, if friendly. The defender may then retreat to any
adjacent friendly province. New contests are fought until
either army retreats or is destroyed. If the attacker wins,
he may force march to immediately start a campaign.
The winner takes a Crom, count the dead! token.
The InTrIGue COnTeST
Use an intrigue contest to ally with a neutral province (not
savage), or break an alliance.
Strategy Card Use: area on the card appropriate to the
number of players must contain the contested province.
#Dice Attacker Rolls: 1, plus the number of adjacent
provinces that are either friendly or contain a friendly
#Dice Defender Rolls: Province rating, +1 if the province
is an enemy.
Attacker wins: If the province is neutral, it is now friendly;
remove the emissary and place a tower control marker in the
province. Receive gold equal to the provinces rating.
If the province is an enemy, it is now neutral; remove the
enemy tower and leave your emissary.
Attacker loses: If the province is neutral, leave your emissary.
If the province is an enemy, remove your emissary.
Court + Conan
Perform the Conan action, then select and perform
a Court action option.
Conan Player: May move Conan to an adjacent province and
(before or after the move) may place a raider token in the
province he occupies, or in an adjacent province. Do not take
an adventure token.
Non-Conan Player: Take the leftmost adventure token from
the adventure track.
Select one of these options:
a. Draw 1 card from your kingdom deck and 1 from the
strategy deck.
b. Draw 2 cards from the strategy deck.
c. Play a kingdom event card.
Select one of these options:
a. Redeploy 2 times to adjacent, friendly provinces.
b. Redeploy once and then attack.
c. Place an army unit in up to 2 separate friendly provinces
from your reserves, if you have less than 18 in play.
Select one of these options:
a. Move up to 2 of your emissaries.
b. Move 1 of your emissaries, then may start 1 intrigue contest
in a neutral or enemy province with 1 of your emissaries.
c. Move 1 of your emissaries, then collect gold in an enemy
province containing 1 of your emissaries equal to the
province rating. Remove the emissary.
d. Build an emissary on any friendly province on the board,
if you have less than 6 in play.
Military / Intrigue
Choose to perform a Military or Intrigue action.
You may never choose an action that would have been
available had you selected a different fate die showing a
military or intrigue icon.
Choose either a Military, Intrigue or Court action.
For the Court action, choose only one of the Court options.
You may never choose an action that would have been
available had you selected a different fate die that is not
another wild die.
Conan Player Turn On his turn, the Conan player may move
Conan to any adjacent province. If closer to the destination
marker, he takes the leftmost adventure token. If Conan is
not moved closer, the rst adventure token is discarded.
Play and Refresh Play-on-the-Table Cards Play and refresh
as many play-on-the-table kingdom cards as desired.
Use a Fate Die Choose 1 fate die and perform your action.
At the end of a turn, if the adventure track is empty:
If Conan is in the destination province, the Conan player
draws an adventure token. If Conan is not in the destination
province, he is moved there and no adventure token is drawn.
Draw a new adventure card and ll the adventure track.
Players then bid for Conan. If there are no more adventure
cards in the adventure deck, the age ends and the Age
Change phase begins.
The maximum dice a player may roll during a contest is 6. If
two players tie for successes, the defender wins.
Hit: Always counts as a success.
Hit+Conan: Counts as 1 success for a non-Conan
player, or 2 successes for the Conan player, if Conan
is present where the contest is taking place.
Hit (Attacker): Only counts as a success if the player
rolling the dice is the attacker.
Shield: Normally counts as a failure, though certain
cards or rules may modify it into a success.
Axe: Normally counts as a failure, though certain
cards or rules may modify it into a success.
Miss (Blank): Always counts as a failure.
If a neutral contested province contains raider tokens, the
defender counts axe results in any contest roll (military or
intrigue) as successes. Discard 1 token after each roll.
A player may use 1 sorcery token per roll to reroll all his
dice during a contest. All modiers still apply.
Conan in a Contest
If the Conan player is in a contest in a province with Conan,
he may add an additional die to his contest dice. Also, any
Hit+Conan results count as 2 successes.
If a non-Conan player is attacking a neutral province with
Conan, the defender adds an additional die to his contest
dice. Also, any Hit+Conan results count as 2 successes.
If 2 non-Conan players in an opposed contest roll are in a
neutral province with Conan, Conan does not affect any rolls.

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