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Uv2800 3800 4800

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UV/Visible Spectrophotometers


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Unico is proud to introduce the all new complete SpectroQuest line of UV-Visible spectrophotometers. The new SpectroQuest line
consists of four distinct series to meet the broad requirements of education, industrial and research applications:
UV-2800 Series Single Beam 4nm UV/Vis spectrophotometer
UV-2802 Series Single Beam 1.8nm or variable slits UV/Vis spectrophotometer
UV-3802 Series Split Beam 1.8nm UV/Vis spectrophotometer
UV-4802 Series Double Beam 1.8nm UV/Vis spectrophotometer
All SpectroQuest spectrophotometers features high performance sealed optics mounted on a stable machined platform. The inno-
vative optical layout and state of art monochromator with high grade blazed holographic grating ensure accuracy. Its integrated
design assures long term stability and durability. The precisely aligned detector and quality deuterium and halogen lamps enhance
the precision across the UV/Vis spectrum starting from 190nm and into the near-infrared (NIR) 1100nm. The comprehensive
features, sophisticated powerful software, variety of accessories and model configurations will meet or exceed your expectations
for performance and value.
Features at a Glance:
Choice of single beam, split beam or double beam designs
Fixed or variable slits (bandwidths)
PC models or Stand-alone models with large LCD display
Non-volatile memory storage and one-button easy recall
Sealed and solvent-resistant tactile keypad with alpha-numeric
entry for user file names and user entry of units
Pre-aligned deuterium lamp for easy lamp replacement. Lamp
usage and the status of the lamps may be monitored
Powerful built-in or PC Windows

software including sophis-
ticated utility programs
Data Download-to-PC software for stand-alone mod-
els (optional)
Online software upgrade capability via Internet (for
stand-alone models)
Full A4 print-outs of graphs and tables of results with
popular inexpensive printers such as HP or Epson
Real-time clock for date and time stamping of results
Performance validation and report (GLP compliance)
Full CE compliance

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SpectroQuest: The Comprehensive Spectrophotometer
UV-2800 Single Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
UV-2800 is the most economic general-purpose design in the SpectroQuest line. It is a
stand-alone model with 4nm fixed bandwidth and has all the features that SpectroQuest
line offers for a stand-alone unit. It provides excellent performance for measurements in the
range of 190nm to 1100nm. It has a large angled LCD screen with contrast adjustment for
comfort viewing. The large sample compartment accommodates a wide range of cell hold-
ers and accessories including peristaltic sipper and peltier system. Optional PC download
software and PC Windows

application software make this instrument very versatile.

UV-2802 Series Single Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometers
UV-2802 series is an advanced single beam design consisting of four models: Stand-alone
model UV-2802 with 1.8nm fixed bandpass and model UV-2802S with variable slits (0.5nm,
1nm, 2nm and 4nm); PC model UV-2802PC with 1.8nm fixed bandpass and PC model
UV-2802PCS with variable slits (0.5nm, 1nm, 2nm and 4nm). UV-2802 has all the features
that SpectroQuest line offers in a stand-alone unit. The PC models come standard with

based application software (PC not included).

All instruments provide excellent performance for measurements.
The large sample compartment accommodates a wide range of cell holders and accessories
including peristaltic sipper and peltier system.
UV-3802 Split Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
UV-3802 is a split beam design. It is a stand-alone model with 1.8 nm fixed bandwidth and
has all the features that SpectroQuest line offers in a stand-alone unit. The second detector
is simultaneously monitoring the system stability to optimize measurement accuracy. It
provides excellent performance for measurements in the range of 190nm to 1100nm. It has
a large angled LCD screen with viewing contrast adjustment. The large sample compart-
ment accommodates a wide range of cell holders and accessories including peristaltic sipper
and peltier system. Optional PC download software and PC Windows

application soft-
ware make this a versatile instrument.
UV-4802 Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometers
UV-4802 is a double beam design. It is a stand-alone model with 1.8 nm fixed bandwidth
and has all the features that SpectroQuest line offers in a stand-alone unit. The two detec-
tors are measuring sample and reference respectively and simultaneously for optimizing
measurement accuracy. It provides excellent performance for measurements in the range
of 190nm to 1100nm. It is suitable for pharmaceutical, biochemical and clinical lab applica-
tions as well as routine applications such as quantitative analyses, kinetics, spectrum scan-
ning, multiple components and DNA/Protein. Optional PC download software and PC

application software make this instrument versatile.

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All software methods are included as built-in standard, thus
eliminating the need for software options.
Online software upgrade via Internet helps to keep your soft-
ware up-to-date.
Data Download-to-PC software expands the data storage to
1. Basic Mode
Absorbance, %T or Con-
centration measurements.
2. Quantitative
Establish or use stored calibration equation to measure the
concentration of unknowns.
3. WL scan
Spectrum scan of sample
at any selected wave-
length range with choice
of scanning speed and
wavelength interval.
4. Kinetics
Measurement of absor-
bance changing vs. time
with reaction rate calcula-
tion function.
5. DNA/Protein
Calculation of concentra-
tion and DNA purity. Ra-
tio at other wavelengths
can be measured.
6. Multi Wavelength
Measurement at multiple
wavelengths to analyze
and determine the compo-
sition of the mixtures.
7. Utility - GLP
Utility programs offer wavelength and photometric accuracy
validation for GLP compliance. It contains useful programs and
tools such as re-set dark current, re-set lamp change-over wave-
length, lamp usage set, set clock, etc.
8. Defined Test
This is an open platform
for user defined pro-
Easy to Operate Local Control Software (Stand-alone Version)
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Basic Photometric Mode
Measures Absorbance, %T and Concentration with entry of Concentration Factor or the Concentration of the standard.
Units such as ug/mL, mg/mL, mg/L, g/L, ppb, ppm, %, I.U., mM/L, M/L may be selected or other units may be entered via the
keypad. Continuous display of the result means there is no need to press a button to read.
Up to 10 standard solutions may be used to establish calibration equation curve.
There is a choice of four methods for fitting a curve through the calibration points: Linear fit.
Linear fit through zero, square fit and cubic fit.
There are three kinds of correction method:
1. Single wavelength method
2. Iso-absorbance (two wavelength method):
The absorbance at the measurement (peak) wavelength is measured relative to the absorbance at a second (valley) wavelength.
This minimizes the effects of cell difference and turbidity
3. Three-point:
The absorbance of the peak itself is measured by subtracting the calculated tangent joining the valleys on each side of the peak.
Powerful Integrated Software for Data Acquisition (stand-alone)
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Wavelength Scanning
The wavelength scan intervals are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5nm, and Hi, Medium and Low scan speeds are avail-
able. Scan speeds vary from 100 to1000 nm/min. Wavelengths are scanned from high to low so that the
instrument waits at high wavelength. This minimizes the degradation of UV sensitive samples. Precise control
of filter and lamp changes means that their effects are not seen on the final scan. Post-run manipulation
includes re-scaling axes, curve tracking and peak picking.
This mode may be used for time course scanning or reaction rate calculations. Abs. vs. time graphs are
displayed on the screen in real time. Wait time and measurement time up to 12 hours may be entered with time
intervals of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 secs and 1 min. Post-run manipulation includes re-scaling, curve tracking and
selection of the part of the curve required for the rate calculation. Rate is calculated using a linear regression
algorithm before multiplying by the entered factor.

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Concentration and DNA purity are calculated:
Absorbance ratios 260nm/280nm or 260nm/230nm
With optional subtracted absorbance at 320nm
DNA Concentration =62.9 x A260 36.0 xA280 or 49.1 x A260 3.48 x A230
Protein Concentration =1552 x A260 757.3 x A280 or 183 x A260 75.8 x A230
Other wavelengths and factors may be entered.
Up to 10 wavelengths may be entered, allowing the measurement of multiple wavelengths on a series of samples.

Data Download Software (Cat No. 2800-405)

The data download software is designed to download data stored in the spectrophotometer memory to a PC in text file format for
easy exporting into a spreadsheet.
Performance Validation
for the GLP compliant laboratory
SpectroQuest spectrophotometers may be automatically self-calibrated on
switch-on, using the 656.1nm deuterium emission line. This function may be
repeated at any time.
The wavelength accuracy may be checked using the WL Validity program
(wavelength calibration standards required).
The absorbance accuracy at several wavelengths may be checked using the
Accu Validity program.
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The SpectroQuest Windows

-based PC application
software takes the best features of the stand-alone
version plus more powerful data processing and
expanded data collecting and storage capability. It
comes standard with SpectroQuest PC models and
is optional to stand-alone models.
It can import the saved data from the standalone
spectrophotometer and do post-run processing.
Up to 32 wavelengths can be selected and multiple
samples can be measured. (Auto cell changer is required
to run multiple samples automatically).
Quantitative (Standard Curve)
Use up to 32 standards to establish standard curve.
Four methods for fitting a curve:
1. Linear fit
2. Linear througn zero
3. Square fit
4. Segmented
Powerful Windows

- Based Application Software (PC Version)

The PC application software offers:
1. Abs/%T/Conc Test 4. Multi-wavelength Test
2. Quantitative (standard curve) 5. Wavelength Scanning
3. Kinetics 6. DNA/Protein
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Wavelength Scanning
Automatically record peaks and valleys. Eight chan-
nels can simultaneously store up to 8 curves.
Post-run manipulation and processing includes:
1. Re-scaling axes, curve
2. Smoothing, combination, zooming, overlap
3. 1
to 4
Kinetics (Abs vs. Time)
The Kinetics mode may be used for time course scan-
ning or reaction rate calculations. Abs. vs. time graphs
is displayed on the screen in real time.
Wait time, measurement time and time intervals may
be entered.
Post-run manipulation includes re-scaling, curve track-
ing and selection of the part of the curve required for
the rate calculation. Rate is calculated using a linear
regression algorithm before multiplying by the entered
Concentration and DNA purity are Quickly and easily
calculated: Absorbance ratios 260nm/280nm with op-
tional subtracted absorbance at 320nm.
DNA Concentration =62.9 x A260 36.0 x A280
Protein Concentration =1552 x A260 757.3 x A280
Other wavelengths and factors may be entered.

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Optional SpectroQuest

Test Tube Holder (Cat No. UV-2800-101P)
Test tube holder kit for 8-20mm diameter test tubes. Includes universal base, V-type tube holder.
The maximum tube height is 100 mm.
4-Cell 100mm Long Path Cell Holder (Cat No. UV-2800-102P)
Rectangular long path cell holder kit for 4 cells up to 100mm pathlength.
4-Cell 50mm Long Path Cell Holder (Cat No. UV-2800-102-50)
Rectangular long path cell holder for 4 cells up to 50mm pathlength.
Cylindrical Cell Holder (Cat No. UV-2800-104P)
Cylindrical cell holder kit for single cell up to 100mm pathlength (20mm dia.). Includes universal
base and one holder.
Water-Jacketed Cell Holder (Cat No. UV-2800-105P)
Water-Jacketed single cell holder kit including universal base and one water-jacketed cell holder.
It maintains desired temperature by circulating constant-temperature water from water bath
(water bath required and not included).
Micro Cell Holder (Cat No. UV-2800-106P)
Measure a sample with volume of 100uL using micro cell holder. The x-y adjustable mechanism
is used to align cell with optical beam for optimized results.
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Peltier Unit (Cat. No. UV-2800-107P)
Peltier unit for continuous temperature control from 15 to 40 C. The x-y adjustable mecha-
nism is used to align cell with optical beam for micro cell setup. The temperature display
resolution is 0.1C. The unit consists of a controller a thermoelectrically controlled cell holder.
Ambient Sipper Unit (Cat. No. UV-2800-108P)
Sipper system for single cell flow thru. The x-y adjustable mechanism is used to align cell with
optical beam for micro flow cell setup. The sipper unit consists of a flow-thru controller with
peristaltic pump and flow-thru front panel (flow cell and tubing not included).
Note: Requires flow cell and proper tubing to complete flow thru setup.
Peltier/Sipper System (Cat. No. UV-2800-109P)
Peltier/Sipper system for single cell flow thru and continuous temperature control from 15 to 40 C. The x-y adjustable mechanism
is used to align cell with optical beam for micro flow cell setup. The temperature display resolution is 0.1C. The unit consists of
a Peltier/Sipper controller with peristaltic pump and a thermoelectrically temperature controlled cell holder with panel. The unit can
be used as flow thru only or temperature control only.
Note: Requires flow cell and proper tubing to complete flow thru setup.
8-position Auto Cell Changer (Cat No. UV-2800-121)
Eight-position automatic cell changer designed for UV-2800/2802/3802
series sepctrophotometers.
6-position Auto Cell Changer (Cat. No. UV-4802-120)
Six-position automatic rotating cell changer designed for UV-4802 series
Reflectance Measurement Attachment (5 incident angle) (Cat No. UV-2800-122)
The technique of reflectance measurement is used for evaluation of
materials relative to a reflectance surface. The minimum sample is
(L) 30 x (W) 30 mm.
A large variety of cuvettes available including standard square glass
cells, quartz cells, long path cells, semi-micro and micro cells, short
path cells, cylindrical cells and flow thru cells.

SpectroQuest Spectrophotomenter Specifications

United Products & Instruments, Inc.
Wavelength Range
Spectral Bandwidth
Optical System
Wavelength Accuracy
Wavelength Resolution
Wavelength Repeatability
Photometric Range
Photometric Accuracy
Photometric Repeatability
Stray Light
Baseline Flatness
Scanning Speed
Light Source
Keyboard Control
Sample Compartment
Power Requiremen
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Shipping Dimensions
Shipping Weight
Model UV-2800 UV-2802/2802S UV-2802PC/2802PCS UV-3802 UV-4802
1.8nm (UV-2802)
0.5, 1, 2, 4nm (UV-2802S)
1.8nm (UV-2802PC)
0.5, 1, 2, 4nm (UV-2802PCS)
Single Beam,
Grating 1200 lines/mm
Split Beam,
Grating 1200 lines/mm
Double Beam,
Grating 1200 lines/mm
0.8nm 0.3nm
0.5nm 0.2nm
0-200%T , -0.3-3A , 0-9999Conc.
Better than 0.3%T
0.002A/h @500nm
Better than 0.2%T
0.002A/h @500nm
0.002A/h @500nm
0.001A/h @500nm
0.001A/h @500nm
Hi, Med., Low.
Max. 1000nm/min
Hi, Med., Low.
Max. 1000nm/min
Halogen, Deuterium (pre-aligned)
Graphic LCD (320x240 )dots No LCD Graphic LCD (320x240 )dots
29 Membrane keypad

29 Membrane keypad
RS-232C port Parallel Port (printer)
HP, Epson Selected models HP, Epson Selected models Epson Selected models
220V-240V/50Hz, 110V-120V/60Hz Switchable
550 x 420 x 270mm
20kg / 44 lbs
650 x 540 x 390mm
24kg/53 lbs
620 x 400 x 280mm
22kg / 48 lbs
26kg / 57 lbs
24kg / 53 lbs
28kg / 62 lbs
23kg / 50 lbs
27kg / 59 lbs
24kg / 53 lbs
28kg / 62 lbs
720 x 525 x 370mm
Accommodates 100mm pathlength cuvette with optional holder

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