Application Note
Document Number: EB651
Rev. 1.2, 10/2006
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
The enhanced modular input/output subsystem (eMIOS)
found in the MPC5500 family of devices provides
multiple modes for each unified channel (UC), any of
which may be selected depending on the requirements of
the customer application. This bulletin provides a
supplementary reference for programming and using
certain modes.
Special attention is given to possible problems that may
occur if the details of the operation of the module
hardware are not fully understood. Where appropriate,
pseudocode examples illustrate the recommended usage.
In addition to this bulletin, see the reference manual for
the device being used.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Modes of Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 Input Pulse-Width Measurement (IPWM) . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Input Period Measurement (IPM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Output Pulse-Width Modulation (OPWM) . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Output Pulse-Width Modulation and
Frequency Modulation (OPWFM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 Single-Action Output Compare (SAOC) . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Double-Action Output Compare (DAOC). . . . . . . . 14
2.7 Modulus Counter (MC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.8 Output Pulse-Width Modulation
Center Aligned (OPWMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.9 Pulse Edge Count (PEC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.10 Pulse Edge Accumulate (PEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.11 Windowed Programmable
Time Accumulation (WPTA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3 Document Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Avoiding Unexpected Module Operation
by: Bill Terry
MCD 32-Bit Applications Engineering
J ohn West
MCD 32-Bit Systems Engineering
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Modes of Operation
Freescale Semiconductor 2
2 Modes of Operation
These sections contain information necessary for successful implementation of certain modes of operation.
Generally, there are three types of software action (or inaction) that can cause problems:
Counter wrap Updating a register match value to a value less than the current value of the
selected time base, can result in a UC output state that is static until the selected time base rolls
over and the new match value is reached. Depending on the time base selected, this roll-over time
can be as much as the time required for a 24-bit counter to roll over. In this document the time base
roll-over problem is referenced as a counter wrap.
Non-coherent A and B register values Reading the A match register on the same clock cycle
that the eMIOS hardware is attempting to update the A match register delays the update, resulting
in the application obtaining incoherent data from the A and B registers.
Volatile register/time base data In certain continuous input modes, the application has a finite
amount of time to read a value from the A and/or B registers or the UC internal counter before the
data is lost due to a subsequent update by the eMIOS hardware.
The MPC5553 and some later devices offer buffered modes for OPWM,
OPWFM, MC, and OPWMC modes (see Section2.3, Output Pulse-Width
Modulation (OPWM), Section2.4, Output Pulse-Width Modulation and
Frequency Modulation (OPWFM), Section2.7, Modulus Counter (MC),
and Section2.8, Output Pulse-Width Modulation Center Aligned
(OPWMC)). The buffered modes can eliminate some or all of the software
requirements described in the related sections and should be used if
available. Refer to the reference manual for your device.
2.1 Input Pulse-Width Measurement (IPWM)
The IPWM mode allows the measurement of the width of a positive or negative pulse by capturing the
counter value at the leading edge in register B and the counter value at the trailing edge in register A. The
pulse-width is obtained by subtracting B from A.
When an application reads the A register on exactly the same clock cycle as a trailing edge event occurs,
there is contention for access to the A register between the CPU and the eMIOS hardware. The CPU has
higher priority and will access the A register, and the eMIOS update to the A register is delayed. Figure1
shows the behavior in the error condition.
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Figure 1. IPWM Mode
2.1.1 Pseudocode
This section contains a pseudocode example to avoid the error condition shown in Figure1. The software
monitors the UC flag and performs multiple reads of the A and B registers to ensure coherent values are
Get I PWM:
i f f l ag not set
r et ur n;
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
set b1 = B r egi st er
set a1 = A r egi st er
set a2 = A r egi st er
set b2 = B r egi st er
cl ear UC f l ag
i f a1 ! = a2
i f b1 ! = b2
pul se wi dt h = a2 - b2
el se
pul se wi dt h = a1 - b1
el se
pul se wi dt h = a2 - b2;
i f pul se wi dt h < 0 t hen a r ol l over occur r ed
cor r ect pul se wi dt h by addi ng 0x1000000 t o
r est or e ol d MSR val ue
Input signal
Simultaneous read of A
register and trailing edge event
At this point, because the CPU read has higher priority, A holds the A
(0x000300), B holds the B
value (0x000400) and the pulse-width calculation is
counter bus
0x000100 0x000200 0x000300 0x000400 0x000500 0x000600
B =0x000200 B =0x000400
A =0x000300 A =0x000300
B value read at
the trailing edge.
B value read at
the trailing edge.
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2.2 Input Period Measurement (IPM)
The IPM mode allows the measurement of the period of an input signal by capturing the counter value on
two consecutive rising edges or two consecutive falling edges. When an application reads A on exactly the
same clock cycle as an edge event occurs, there is contention for access to the A register between the CPU
and the eMIOS hardware. The CPU has higher priority and will access the A register, and the eMIOS
update to the A register is delayed. Figure2 shows the behavior in the error condition.
Figure 2. IPM Mode
2.2.1 Pseudocode
Use the pseudocode example to avoid the error condition shown in Figure2. The software monitors the
UC flag and performs multiple reads of the A and B registers to ensure coherent values are obtained.
Get I PM:
i f f l ag not set
r et ur n;
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
set b1 = B r egi st er
set a1 = A r egi st er
set a2 = A r egi st er
set b2 = B r egi st er
cl ear UC f l ag
i f a1 ! = a2
i f b1 ! = b2
pul se wi dt h = a2 - b2
el se
pul se wi dt h = a1 - b1
el se
pul se wi dt h = a2 - b2;
i f pul se wi dt h < 0 t hen a r ol l over occur r ed
cor r ect pul se wi dt h by addi ng 0x1000000
r est or e ol d MSR val ue
Input signal
Simultaneous read of
A and trailing edge event
=0x100 B
At this point, because the CPU read has higher priority, A holds the A
(0x000300), B holds the B
value (0x000300) and the period calculation is invalid.
counter bus
0x100 0x200 0x300 0x400 0x500 0x600
(only 12 LSBs shown)
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2.3 Output Pulse-Width Modulation (OPWM)
The output pulse-width mode (OPWM) is typically used to generate a PWM output where the A match
register determines the leading edge, and the B match register determines the trailing edge. OPWM mode
may be configured for immediate update, where A and B values are updated as soon as they are written,
or next period update mode, where the B update value is buffered until the next period.
This mode requires an ordered match to operate properly. That is, an A match must always occur before a
B match can occur. Consequently, a match value written to the A (or B register if using immediate mode)
that is greater than the current counter value will cause a counter-wrap condition (with output either
asserted or unasserted) until the next match occurs. The application software should ensure that any
immediate updates to the A or B register are compared to the current UC counter value and force the
appropriate match if required.
If a next period update for the B register can be allowed by the application, the test for the B update value
against the current counter value is not required. Figure3 and Figure4 illustrate the behavior for
immediate updates to leading edge and trailing edge, respectively.
Figure 3. OPWM Mode Leading Edge Update (Immediate Update)
Counter Bus
0x000500 0x001000 0x001500 0x002000 0x002500
A =0x001250
(a) previous pulse
Write 0x001250 to A, but the counter is greater
than this value, so also force an A match.
(b) desired new pulse
(c) first pulse generated if updated when
(e) pulse without forced match if updated
B =0x002500
A =0x001750
B =0x002500 A =0x001250
counter =0x001500
(d) second pulse generated after update (c)
Match B Match A
is the desired pulse.
Write 0x001250 to A, but the counter is greater than this
value so the counter must wrap before
Match B
output is low
an A match can occur.
when counter =0x001500
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Figure 4. OPWM Mode Trailing Edge Update (Immediate Update)
2.3.1 Pseudocode
This section contains a pseudocode example to avoid the error conditions shown in Figure3 and Figure4.
Updates to both registers could be combined in a single function.
updat e OPWM l eadi ng edge:
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
wr i t e t he new A Regi st er val ue
i f new A val ue < cur r ent count er val ue
f or ce an A mat ch
r est or e MSR
updat e OPWM t r ai l i ng edge:
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
wr i t e t he new B Regi st er val ue
i f new B val ue < cur r ent count er val ue
f or ce a B mat ch
r est or e MSR
counter bus
0x000500 0x001000 0x001500 0x002000 0x002500
(a) previous pulse
Write 0x002000 to B, but the counter is greater
than this value, so also force a B match.
(b) desired new pulse
(c) first pulse generated if updated when
(e) pulse without forced match if updated when
B =0x002500
A =0x001250
B =0x002000
A =0x001250
counter =0x002250
(d) second pulse generated after update (c)
Match B Match A
is the desired pulse.
Write 0x002000 to B, but the counter is greater than this
value, and B match will not occur. The counter will wrap
before the B match occurs.
output is high
Match A
counter =0x002250
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2.4 Output Pulse-Width Modulation and Frequency Modulation
The output pulse-width and frequency modulation mode (OPWFM) is typically used to generate a PWM
output that may be dynamically controlled for variable period and pulse-width. In this mode, the A match
register is used to determine the pulse-width, and the B match register controls the period. The UC counter
resets at the end of every period (B match event). OPWFM mode may be configured for immediate update,
where A and B values are updated as soon as they are written, or next period update mode, where the B
update value is buffered until the next period.
This mode requires an ordered match to operate properly. That is, an A match must always occur before a
B match can occur. Consequently, a match value written to the A (or B register if using immediate mode)
that is less than the current counter value will cause a counter-wrap condition (with output either asserted
or unasserted) until the next match occurs (See Figure5 and Figure8). The application software should
ensure that immediate updates to the A or B register are compared to the current UC counter value and
force the appropriate match if required.
2.4.1 Pulse-Width Updates
Figure5 illustrates how the counter-wrap condition can occur with pulse-width updates, and how it can be
Figure 5. OPWFM Mode Asynchronous Pulse-Width Update (Part One)
Counter Bus
0x000500 0x001000 0x001500 0x002000 0x000000
A =0x001250
(a) previous pulse
Write 0x001250 to A, but the counter is greater
than this value, so also force an A match.
(b) desired new pulse
(c) first pulse generated if updated when
(e) pulse without forced match if updated when
B =0x002500
A =0x001750
B =0x002500 A =0x001250
Counter resets on B Match
counter =0x001500
(d) second pulse generated after update (c)
Match B Match A
is the desired pulse.
Write 0x001250 to A, but the counter is greater than this
value, and B match can not occur without an A match. The
counter does not reset, and will wrap before an A match.
Match B
output is low
counter =0x001500
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In case an update to the A register requires a forced match, care must also be taken that an impending B
match will not occur before the forced A match has time to complete, resulting in a missed, or very short,
pulse. Figure6 illustrates how a missed pulse can occur and how it can be avoided.
Figure 6. OPWFM Asynchronous Pulse-Width Update (Part Two)
To avoid the problem illustrated in Figure6a, the time in UC time base clocks that is required for the code
executing the Force A match to complete must be known. Section2.4.1.1, Calculating Code Execution
Time, contains example code illustrating the software method and the necessary calculations.
B Match
B Match
1) At this point software updates the A value and
because it is less than the current UC counter bus
value, a Force A match is also set.
2) Before the force A can take effect, a B match occurs,
resetting the counter and toggling the output pin.
3) The force A can now complete, and immediately
toggles the output pin again, resulting in either a very
short or missed pulse.
A Match
A Match B Match
Delayed force A match
counter bus
0x000000 0x000000 0x000000
B Match
B Match
1) At this point software updates the A value and
because it is less than the current UC counter bus
value, software then checks to see if there is an
impending B match.
2) A B match will occur before the force A match can
complete, so software does not set the force A match
and return. The new A match value becomes valid on
the next period.
3) The next B match occurs
A Match
B Match A Match
counter bus
0x000000 0x000000
a) Missed pulse due to a delayed force A match
b) Correct force A match procedure
Modes of Operation
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor 9 Calculating Code Execution Time
The subsequent code is an example of how a typical application may asynchronously update the OPWFM
Example Code
(UC time base is running at 20MHz, Fsys =80MHz):
Figure 7. OPWFM Pulse-Width Update Example Code
In the code example, LOOKAHEAD_BUF represents the time in UC time base clocks required for the force
match A code to complete execution. Line 23 compares the current counter value plus the
LOOKAHEAD_BUF value to the next B match value to see if the force A match will complete before the
next B match occurs. If it will complete, the force A match is issued, but if it will not, the code returns and
the new A match value will be in effect at the next period.
1. This code example is not intended to replace user application code. It is provided only as an illustration. Actual application code
may require additional functionality not included in this code.
1 #def i ne LOOKAHEAD_BUF 8
3 updat e_pul se_wi dt h( ui nt 32_t new_A ) {
5 ui nt 32_t t emp;
7 / * di sabl e i r qs i f enabl ed */
8 asm( " wr t eei 0" ) ;
10 / * wr i t e t he new A val ue */
11 EMI OS. CH[ 21] . CADR. R = new_A;
13 / * r ead t he cur r ent count er val ue */
14 t emp = EMI OS. CH[ 21] . CCNTR. R;
16 / * i f t he A mat ch has been mi ssed */
17 i f ( t emp > new_A ) {
18 /*>>>> start counting system clks here.
19 t hi s i s t he code t hat wi l l onl y r un
20 on a possi bl e For ce A mat ch. >>>>>>*/
21 / * i f t oo cl ose t o upcomi ng B mat ch */
22 i f ( t emp + LOOKAHEAD_BUF > EMI OS. CH[ 21] . CBDR. R) {
23 / * j ust r et ur n */
24 r et ur n;
25 }
26 el se{
27 / * el se f or ce mat ch A */
28 EMI OS. CH[ 21] . CCR. R | = 0x2000;
29 }
30 }
31 / * r eenabl e i r qs i f t hey wer e di sabl ed i n l i ne 9*/
32 asm( " wr t eei 1" ) ;
33 /*>>>> stop counting system clks here >>>>>> */
34 }
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Modes of Operation
Freescale Semiconductor 10 Calculating LOOKAHEAD_BUF
LOOKAHEAD_BUF represents the required time for a force match A to be completed. The
LOOKAHEAD_BUF value is not in measured in system clocks, but rather counter ticks for the selected
channel time base. The value depends on how the update function code is written (number of system clocks
required to execute), which compiler is used and how the compiler optimization options are set, and how
the prescalers in the eMIOS are configured. A change in any of the above dependencies requires a
recalculation of the LOOKAHEAD_BUF value.
This formula can be used to calculate the LOOKAHEAD_BUF value, where:
Fsys =system clock frequency
Fchan =UC counter time base frequency
funcClks =number of Fsys clocks for the force match A code to execute (see code example).
Eqn. 1
Referencing the example code in Figure7, measurement showed that 26 system clocks were required to
execute the el se case with the force match A (line19 through line 34). Rounding up to 30 clks to provide
a small safety margin and calculating the LOOKAHEAD_BUF time using Equation1:
LOOKAHEAD_BUF =(30 * 20MHz)/ 80MHz =7.5
Rounding up to an integer value results in a LOOKAHEAD_BUF of 8. Maximum pulse-width
The size of the LOOKAHEAD_BUF will cause a limit on the maximum pulse duration:
PulseWidth <(B register value LOOKAHEAD_BUF)
Examples of the effect of the workaround on maximum pulse-width at various PWM frequencies are
shown in Table1.
Table 1. Maximum Pulse-Width UC Counter Running at 20 MHz
Channel PWM Frequency
Fsys LOOKAHEAD_BUF 100Hz 1kHz 100kHz
80 MHz 8 (B=200,000)
Max PW = 99.996%
Max PW = 99.96%
Max PW = 96%
132 MHz 5 (B=1,320,000)
Max PW = 99.9996%
Max PW = 99.996%
Max PW = 99.6%
funcClks Fchan
-------------------------------------------- =
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2.4.2 Period Updates
Figure8 illustrates how the counter-wrap condition can occur with period updates, and how it can be
Figure 8. OPWFM Mode Asynchronous Period Update
If a next period update for the B register can be allowed by the application, the test for the B update value
against the current counter value is not required. Pseudocode
This section contains a pseudocode example to avoid the error conditions shown in Figure5, Figure6, and
Figure8. Updates to both registers may be combined in a single function.
updat e OPWFM pul se wi dt h:
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
wr i t e t he new A Regi st er val ue
i f new A val ue < cur r ent count er val ue
i f count er val ue + buf f er > B val ue
j ust r et ur n
el se f or ce an A mat ch
r est or e MSR
updat e OPWFM per i od:
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
counter bus
0x000500 0x001000 0x001500 0x000000 0x000500
(a) previous pulse
Write 0x002000 to B, but the counter is greater
than this value, so also force a B match (counter resets).
(b) desired new pulse
(c) first pulse generated if updated when
(e) pulse without forced match if updated when
B =0x002500
A =0x001250
B =0x002000
A =0x001250
Counter resets on
B Match
counter =0x002250
(d) second pulse generated after update (c)
Match B Match A
is the desired pulse.
Write 0x002000 to B, but the counter is greater than this
value, and B match will not occur. The counter does not reset
and will wrap before the B match occurs.
output is high
Match A
(as in case (d))
counter =0x002250
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di sabl e i nt er r upt s
wr i t e t he new B Regi st er val ue
i f new B val ue < cur r ent count er val ue
f or ce a B mat ch
r est or e MSR
2.4.3 Hazards Associated with 0% Duty Cycle
A UC running OPWFM mode may be configured to generate a 0% duty cycle by setting the A and B
registers to the same value. In this mode, the output of the channel is controlled by the EDPOL bit in the
UC channel control register. If EDPOL =0, the output will be continuously low, and conversely if EDPOL
=1 the output will be continuously high. The subsequent sections describe timing hazards that should be
avoided when using OPFWM configured for 0% duty cycle. Setting the A and B Registers to Create 0% Duty Cycle
A potential timing hazard occurs when updating a UC to start 0% duty cycle and a new A and B value are
written (so that A now equals B). Under certain timing sequences associated with the update of the
registers, there may be a final pulse with an indeterminate duty cycle before the UC begins the 0% duty
cycle. Updating the Period During a 0% Duty Cycle
Even though a UC may be running OPWFM in a 0% duty cycle mode, the application may require that the
period of the PWM be updated in preparation for the next time the UC is enabled at some non-zero duty
cycle. If A and B registers are updated asynchronously, while A =B and the channel is in OPWFM mode,
there is a possibility that a spurious pulse of indeterminate length may be generated. Pseudocode
There are two methods that avoid the hazards described in Section2.4.3.1, Setting the A and B Registers
to Create 0% Duty Cycle, and Section2.4.3.2, Updating the Period During a 0% Duty Cycle. One may
be used when the UC time base may be cleared and disabled and interrupts or flags are not needed, and
one may be used when the UC must generate interrupts or flags and the internal counter must continue to
When the internal counter must continue to increment, and/or flags or interrupts must be generated:
After it is configured for A =B, the channel is returned to OPWFM mode so that matches will
continue to generate flags and/or interrupts. Note that in addition to the force match A, the physical
pin is disconnected from the channel during the update. Also note that the internal counter is
cleared and stopped when GPIO output mode is entered, and then restarts when OPWFM mode is
set _dut y_0( x )
Put UC i n GPI O out put mode
Set A = B = x
Usi ng SI U
, di sconnect UC f r omout put pi n
Set UC f or OPWFM mode ( f l ags/ i nt er r upt s ar e now gener at ed i f enabl ed)
1. SIU is System Integration Unit, See MPC5500 Reference Manual for your device.
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For ce an A Mat ch
Usi ng SI U, connect UC t o out put pi n
When using the SIU to disconnect and re-connect the UC to the output pin,
the pin state while the UC is disconnected is determined by the PCR WPE
and WPS bits and the state of the WKPCFG pin during system boot. The
PCR must be configured so the output assumes the desired state while the
UC is disconnected.
Pseudocode (when flags or interrupts are not needed)
In this pseudocode example, the output of the UC is set to 0% duty cycle by putting the UC in GPIO
output mode and setting the EDPOL bit to the desired state. The internal counter is cleared and
disabled and no flags and/or interrupts are generated while the UC is in GPIO output mode. After
it is in GPIO output mode, updates may be made to A and B match registers at any time before the
UC is returned to OPWFM mode.
set _dut y_0_no_f l ags( x )
Put UC i n GPI O out put mode
Set EDPOL t o desi r ed out put st at e
2.5 Single-Action Output Compare (SAOC)
This mode allows a UC to be configured to generate a defined output based on the match of a value in the
A register. The selected UC time-base is compared to the A register.
If the software updates the A register to a value that is less than the internal counter value, the counter will
continue counting until it wraps before finally hitting the new register A value. This will result in a stuck
pin state. In most cases, it is preferred to immediately trigger a match event if a value written to match
register A is less than the current counter value.
Figure9 illustrates the possible output behavior under the conditions discussed.
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Figure 9. SAOC Mode
2.5.1 Pseudocode
This section contains a pseudocode example to perform the updated match value and counter value check
illustrated in Figure9.
updat e_saoc:
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
wr i t e new mat ch val ue t o A r egi st er
i f ( new val ue < t he count er val ue)
f or ce a mat ch now
r est or e MSR
2.6 Double-Action Output Compare (DAOC)
The double-action output compare (DAOC) mode is used to generate a one-shot pulse, with pulse-width
and timing determined by the A and B match registers. If either of the match registers are updated with a
value less than the current UC counter value, a match will not occur until the counter has wrapped and
again reaches the programmed match value.
Figure10 illustrates the possible output behavior under the conditions discussed.
counter bus
A Match
0x000500 0x001000 0x001500 0x002000 0x002500
Write 0x001000
to A
A value
0x001000 0x001250
(a) previous pulse
Write 0x001250 to A, but the counter is greater
than this value so also force a match.
(b) desired new pulse
(c) pulse generated with forced match if
(d) pulse generated without forced match if
updated when counter =0x001500
updated when counter =0x001500
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Figure 10. DAOC Mode
2.6.1 Pseudocode
The pseudocode example illustrates a method for updating the A registers. A similar routine should be used
to update B or the two updates can be combined into one function.
updat e DAOC A:
save MSR ( machi ne st at e r egi st er )
di sabl e i nt er r upt s
wr i t e t he new A Regi st er val ue
i f new val ue < cur r ent count er val ue
f or ce an A mat ch
r est or e MSR
2.7 Modulus Counter (MC)
The MC mode can be used to provide a time base for a counter bus or as a general-purpose timer. The
internal counter counts up from the current value until it matches the value in register A. Register B is
cleared and is not accessible to the MCU. Up mode or up/down mode may be selected.
If the software updates the A register to a value less than the current value of the internal counter, and the
counter remains counting up, it will continue counting up until it wraps and finally hits the new register A
value. This creates errant behavior in any UC that is using the MC as a time base.
To avoid this problem, the A match flag event should be configured to generate an interrupt that updates
the A register before the next A match occurs. Asynchronous writes to match register A are not
counter bus
A Match
0x000500 0x001000 0x001500 0x002000 0x002500
Write 0x001000
to A
A value 0x001000 0x001250
(a) previous pulse
Write 0x001250 to B, but the counter is greater
than this value so also force a match.
(b) desired new pulse
(c) pulse generated with forced match if
(d) pulse generate without forced match if
A =0x001000 B =0x002500
A =0x001000 B =0x001250
updated when counter =0x001500
updated when counter =0x001500
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Modes of Operation
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recommended. If the A value does not need to be updated on a regular basis, the FEN bit may be used to
trigger an update as needed. This avoids the overhead of servicing the interrupt once every MC period.
Figure11 shows the suggested method of updating to the A register in MC mode. There is limit to how
short the programmed period can be and allow enough time for the interrupt-driven update to occur. The
software designer must ensure that this minimum period time is known and any period selected is greater
than this minimum.
Modes of Operation
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
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Figure 11. MC Modes
Set Event
MODE[4] =0
A Match
A Match
Write 0x00200 to A
during interrupt
A =0x000303
A Match A Match
Set Event
MODE[4] =1
A Match
Write 0x00200 to A
during interrupt
A =0x000303
A Match
Up Mode
Up/Down Mode
Set Event
MODE[4] =0
A Match
A Match
Write 0x00200 to A
UC internal counter =0x000303
A Match
Up Mode (counter wrap error)
Counter wraps here
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Modes of Operation
Freescale Semiconductor 18
2.7.1 Pseudocode
The pseudocode illustrates a method for updating the A register as needed.
i f ( updat e_needed)
l oad var wi t h new A val ue
wr i t e t he FEN bi t t o enabl e i r q
. . .
on mat ch A i r q:
wr i t e var t o A r egi st er
cl ear FEN bi t t o di sabl e f ur t her i r q
cl ear UC Fl ag
2.8 Output Pulse-Width Modulation Center Aligned (OPWMC)
The output pulse-width modulation center aligned (OPWMC) operating mode generates a center-aligned
PWM with dead-time insertion at the leading or trailing edge. The selected counter bus must be running
in up/down mode. Register A contains the ideal duty cycle for the PWM signal and is compared with the
selected time base. Register B contains the dead-time value and is compared with the internal counter.
If an update to the A value is written to a value less than the current counter value, while the counter is
counting up, a counter wrap occurs before the next match can take place. Additionally, if the A register
value is updated to a value greater than the current time base count while the counter is counting down,
the trailing edge will not be generated on the current down count, but rather on the next up count, so a
trailing edge becomes a leading edge. The results of asynchronous writes to the A register can create
erroneous counter behavior.
To avoid these potential problems, the A value (duty cycle) should only be updated during an interrupt at
the trailing edge of the pulse, and must be greater than the current counter value to avoid an early match
see Figure12). Ensure that the update will complete before the next A match will occur.
Modes of Operation
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Figure 12. OPWMC Mode
2.8.1 Pseudocode
i f ( updat e_needed)
l oad var wi t h new A val ue
wr i t e t he FEN bi t t o enabl e i r q
. . .
on mat ch A i r q:
i f var i s >= t o UC t i me base count
wr i t e var t o A r egi st er
cl ear FEN bi t t o di sabl e f ur t her i r q
cl ear UC Fl ag
el se l eave i r q enabl ed and r et ur n
Selected time base
set event
MODE[5] =0
A Match
Write 0x00300 to register A when
counter is counting down at 0x00250
A =0x000200
A Match A Match
Desired output
Selected time base
set event
MODE[5] =0
A Match
Write 0x00300 to A during interrupt
(update value must be greater than current counter value)
A =0x000200
A Match
A Match
A Match
Output signal
Errored output
A =0x000200
A =0x000300 A =0x000300
so no match occurs at 0x00200.
OPWMC Error Example
OPWMC Preferred Register A Update Method
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Modes of Operation
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2.9 Pulse Edge Count (PEC)
The PEC mode is used to count the number of pulses or edges detected on the input over a desired time
window, as defined by the A and B register values programmed by software. The mode may be set to
collect data continuously, or in a single shot operation.
If continuous operation is selected, the B match flag should be configured to generate an interrupt so that
the service routine will read the count value from the UC counter register before the next A match occurs
(see Figure13). You must ensure that the interrupt service routine has time to run to completion before the
next A match event. Asynchronous reads of the event counter are not recommended.
Updating the A and/or B registers while the time window is active (after a Match A, but before a Match
B) will cause the time window change to take place immediately and may result in an erroneous time count
in the internal counter. Asynchronous writes to the A and B registers are not recommended, and could be
incorporated into the interrupt handler shown in the pseudocode below.
Figure 13. PEC Continuous Mode
2.9.1 Pseudocode
The pseudocode illustrates an interrupt-based method to ensure valid reading of the edge count value when
in PEC continuous mode as illustrated in Figure13.
i f edge count i s needed
wr i t e t he FEN bi t t o enabl e i r q on B mat ch
. . .
on mat ch B i r q:
r ead UC i nt er nal count er
opt i onal : updat e A and B i f needed
cl ear FEN bi t t o di sabl e f ur t her i r q
cl ear UC Fl ag
2.10 Pulse Edge Accumulate (PEA)
The PEA mode is used to measure a time required for a defined number of events to occur. Like PEC mode,
PEA mode may be configured for continuous or single- shot mode. The measured time is available by
reading the A and B registers, where the B register holds the beginning time at zero event counts, and the
A register holds the ending time when the desired event count is reached.
counter bus
0x000500 0x001100 0x000500 0x001100
Match A Match B
Match A Match B
Internal counter
is counting events.
Internal counter
is counting events.
count resets
count resets count stops
count stops
The event count stored in the
internal counter must be read
within this time frame.
A =0x000500
B =0x001100
Modes of Operation
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Freescale Semiconductor 21
There are two potential problems when using PEA in continuous mode. If a value is written to the A
register while a measurement is in progress, that is, the internal counter is already counting events, and the
new A register value is less than the current internal counter value, an A match will not occur and the
counter wrap condition will exist. Additionally, reading the A register on exactly the same clock cycle that
the eMIOS hardware is attempting to update it can result in non-coherent A and B register values.
To avoid the counter wrap problem above, asynchronous writes to the A register are not recommended. To
avoid the coherency issue, the methods shown in Section2.1.1, Pseudocode, and Section2.1.1,
Pseudocode, could be used, however with those methods it could be possible to miss a measurement
period while polling the UC flag. Instead, the A match flag event must be configured to generate an
interrupt so that the service routine will read the time base counter values from the A and B registers
coherently before the next A match event occurs. This ensures true continuous mode operation.
Asynchronous reads of the A and B registers are not recommended.
Figure 14. PEA Continuous Mode
2.10.1 Pseudocode
The pseudocode illustrates an interrupt-based method to ensure valid reading of the time base count values
from the A and B registers when in PEA continuous mode. If the input events are occurring at a rapid rate,
there may be a very short time to read A and B values coherently. The software designer must ensure the
interrupt service routine will have time to run to completion before the next A match occurs.
i f t i me count i s needed
wr i t e t he FEN bi t t o enabl e i r q on A mat ch
. . .
on mat ch A i r q:
r ead UC A and B r egi st er s
( A r egi st er coul d be updat ed her e)
cl ear FEN bi t t o di sabl e f ur t her i r q
cl ear UC Fl ag
2.11 Windowed Programmable Time Accumulation (WPTA)
The WPTA mode accumulates the sum of the total high time or low time of an input signal over a
programmable interval (time window) set by the A and B register values. WPTA mode is always
Counter Bus
0x000500 0x001100 0x00F100 0x00F500
Internal counter
is counting events.
Internal counter
is counting events.
A match
Write A with
number of events
to measure for time.
B =0x000500 A =0x001100
B =0x00F100 A =0x00F500
Next event at input occurs.
A match
After it is written, the A register value
should not be rewritten asynchronously
during a measurement period.
The time counts are read from the
from the A/B registers within
this time frame.
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
Modes of Operation
Freescale Semiconductor 22
continuous, so the B match flag should be configured to generate an interrupt so that a service routine will
read the count value from the UC counter register before the next A match occurs (see Figure13). The
software designer must ensure the interrupt service routine will have time to run to completion before the
next A match event.
Updating the A and/or B registers while the time window is active (after a Match A, but before a Match
B) will cause the time window change to take place immediately and may result in an erroneous time count
in the internal counter. Asynchronous writes to the A and B registers are not recommended, and could be
incorporated into the interrupt handler shown in the pseudocode below.
Figure 15. WPTA Mode
2.11.1 Pseudocode
This pseudocode illustrates an interrupt based method to ensure valid reading of the UC internal counter
value when in WPTA mode. The interrupt service routine must have time to run to completion before the
next A match event occurs.
i f hi or l ow t i me count i s needed
wr i t e t he FEN bi t t o enabl e i r q on B mat ch
. . .
on mat ch B i r q:
r ead UC i nt er nal count er val ue
opt i onal : updat e A and B i f needed
cl ear FEN bi t t o di sabl e f ur t her i r q
cl ear UC Fl ag
counter bus
0x000500 0x001100 0x000500 0x001100
Match A Match B
Match A Match B
Internal counter
is counting high or
count resets
count resets count stops
count stops
The high/low time count must be read
from the internal counter within
this time frame.
low time.
Input signal
Internal counter
is counting high or
low time.
Document Revision History
MPC5500 eMIOS, Rev. 1.2
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3 Document Revision History
Table 2. Document Revision History
Rev. No. Substantive Change(s) Date
1.0 Initial release. 07-21-05
1.1 Updated OPWFM pulse-width update method to avoid missed pulses. 07-15-06
1.2 Added Section 2.4.3 - OPWFM, 0% duty cycle cases 10-06-06
Document Number: EB651
Rev. 1.2
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