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The 'Leopold II' Concession System Exported To French Congo With As Example The Mpoko Company

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RBHC, XXXVI, 2006, 3-4, pp. 323-372
The 'Leopold II' concession system exported to
French Congo with as example the Mpoko

_______________ Visiting professor, Department of contemporary history Ghent University


Between 1899 and 1900, French authorities created a number of concession
companies in French Equatorial Africa (hereinafter referred to as French
Congo), taking inspiration from the 'Leopold system' that led in the Congo
Free State in a short period of time to huge profits. The system entailed
forced labour for the natives to bring in the rubber, hostage-taking of women
and children and a bonus system for the white employees based on yields.

The best known concession companies in the Congo Free State were the
Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company (ABIR) (Delathuy, 1989; Marchal,
1996; Vangroenweghe, 1985; 1986) and the so-called 'Anversoise'
(Vangroenweghe, 2005, 269-363), where the State in each case was the
majority shareholder. The same working method had been developed in the
Crown Domain around the Leopold II Lake, private property of Leopold of
Sachsen Coburg Gotha that was run by the civil service. In other rubber-
producing areas, rubber and/or ivory was harvested by State employees
(Vangroenweghe, 1985; 2005) or by private traders whose pay was based on
a similar bonus system.

This article starts with a general description of the French concession compa-
nies (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972; Kalck, 1977) that obtained a monopoly over
80 percent of the territory of French Congo and assumed the tasks of an
absent French administration. Before delving into the affairs of the French
concession companies in particular those of the Mpoko (Socit Anonyme
des tablissements Gratry) the general context of the French administration
of the territory is briefly discussed.
The Commission of enquiry under the

Subsequently abbreviated in Mpoko.
chairmanship of Brazza, established in 1905 by the French because of
rumours of irregularities in French Congo, will be the guiding principle.

Next there is an in depth discussion about the Mpoko concession company.
An extraordinary number of documents on this company have been preserved
in the 'Archives Nationales', section d'outre-mer, Aix-en-Provence. Taken
together with the Africa-Archives of the ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brus-
sels on the employees of the Congo Free State, these documents allow us to
conclude that Mpoko is one of the best documented concession companies of
French Congo. Mpoko, controlling an area equal to half the size of Belgium
and having adopted the Leopold exploitation system, was one of the few
profitable concession ventures in French Congo, as the import and export
figures below show.

But the links with the Congo Free State were not limited to the adoption of
the Leopold system, and this is the starting point of this paper. Nearly half of
the share capital was in the hands of Belgians, and the director in Africa
along with a significant portion of his first white employees were former
agents from the Crown Domain. Selected Africans were also imported from
the Crown Domain.

That violence was present in Mpoko was proven by the investigating magis-
trate Butel, who investigated one of the three areas and who documented
1,500 possible murders and 667 judicially proven murders of natives. Fur-
thermore, a thorough judicial enquiry proved that there was a constant ratio
between the use of cartridges and rounds of ammunition and the rubber
harvest. Each item has an entry in the accounts. The constancy of the ratio is
illustrated by the entries for the trading post at Yaka.

There was one big difference between Mpoko and the Congo Free State:
there was no collaboration (except later for the personal taxation) between the
State civil and military personnel and the concession company, for the simple
reason that there were no civil servants in Mpoko. In fact, there were hardly
any civil servants in French Congo. In the Congo Free State, in contrast, there
was a close partnership between the civil service and the people of the
concession companies. In spite of this fundamental difference, the end result
for the native population of French Congo was identical to that for natives in
the Congo Free State.


France started the exploitation period of its colony after the Brazza explora-
tion period ended in 1898.
Some sections of French society wanted to
emulate the unforeseen economic success of Congo Free State. The Socit
Anversoise paid out a dividend in 1898 of 1,000 Fr. per share of 500 Fr., and
the ABIR paid a dividend of 1,100 Fr. per share of 500 Fr.
Leopold II was
the major shareholder in both companies.

In 1899-1900 about forty concession companies were created in French
Congo. They received together 700,000 square km of the available 900,000
square km. French Congo was divided into four administrative regions:
Gabon, Middle Congo, Oubangui-Chari and Chad. In 1904 the four regions
together had an armed force of only 1,667 regulars, of which 545 were
stationed in Middle Congo. The number of civil servants was very small: in
1905 there were 101 in Middle Congo, and many of them were totally un-
suited for their task. There were no public works except in Brazzaville and
Libreville, and there was no state education system whatsoever. In the whole
of French Congo, which is two-and-a-half times the size of France, there
were only three doctors responsible for public health. Small pox and sleeping
sickness decimated the population. There was no cure for sleeping sickness at
that time, but also no efforts for a vaccination campaign against smallpox
which did happen in certain areas of the Congo Free State.

The concession companies contributed yearly a fixed fee to the State and had
to pay 15 percent of their profits. In return they received a monopoly and
began to invest where the French State refused to. Investments made were,
typically, in direct relationship with the exploitation. Free traders were not

The modus operandi of the concession companies was characterized by over
cropping on rubber and ivory harvested by the natives by cutting the rubber
Durable investment in raw materials and/or the local populations was

Mainly based on Coquery-Vidrovitch (1972, passim) unless mentioned otherwise.
Savorgnan de Brazza was commissioner-general of the French Congo from 1883 to 1898.
The French franc was at that time equivalent to the Belgian franc, and amounts to approxi-
mately 6 euros in 2006.
The natives were taken hostage and subjected to forced labour (the 'Leopold system').
not made. The low population of the area led to a shortage of labour. All this
discouraged durable initiatives.

Big French capital also was not very interested in developing concession
companies in French Congo. The shareholders and agents of many conces-
sion companies were Belgian agents, along with some with North French and
Dutch investors. The Belgians had directorships in twenty-nine of the forty
companies and had the majority of the shares in some. Capital for these
ventures often came from Antwerp. In this way the directors of the ABIR and
the Anversoise had more than half the directorships in six French Congo
concession companies and this despite the French law posing severe
restrictions for foreigners (Delathuy, 1989, 55 ff.; Marchal, 1996, 42 ff.).
Leopold's Congo also had investments worth 3 million Frs. (18 million euros)
in these concession companies out of a total of more or less 50 million Frs.
but that never was paid up in full.

In addition to directorships and capital there were energetic European veter-
ans from Leopold's Congo military who worked for the companies because of
their Congo experience and knowledge about rubber cropping. Some had
become persona non grata in Leopold's Congo. Also, former native soldiers
and workers from Leopold's Congo were found on the payrolls.

Only a couple of these French companies were profitable in the first colonial
phase (1900-1913): Mpoko (area: 13,900 square km) and the Compagnie des
Sultanats du Haut-Oubangui (S.H.O.) (area: 140,000 square km) (Coquery-
Vidrovitch, 1972, 341 ff.). Their profitability was no surprise: both compa-
nies had a policy of over cropping, learned by personal experience of the
Africa director and his agents in Leopold's Congo. Moreover, these two
companies were located in the best geographical areas and had access to
more capital. In addition to size, there was another big difference between the
two companies: in Mpoko the population was traditionally politically organ-
ized by village, while in the sultanates there was a centralized power struc-
ture. Neither company had many imports, and what was imported arms and
ammunition, for example was not always reported. Durable investments

These shares of Leopold's Congo were bought by front men and were not mentioned in the
list of movable and immovable goods when the Congo was annexed by Belgium in 1908. They
had to stay secret to avoid accusations of interference in the French Congo. They were passed
on secretly and ended up in the portfolio of the Ministry of Colonies. They were sold in 1926
and most likely the proceeds went to the Belgian Congo and not to Belgium (Stengers, 1957,
were minimal, and any imported goods were accounted for at a far higher
value by entering them on landed cost in the concession base (the purchase in
Europe, transport, customs and taxes). Total profits were underreported by 20
percent, even up to 35 percent, to avoid paying government taxes.

The costs of maintaining the Company headquarter were high. For S.H.O. in
1901 they were 654,620 Fr. The board directors each got 50,000 Fr. (300,000
euros). Only 3.6 million Frs. in capital was paid up out of the 9 million Frs.
authorized, but this was sufficient. The S.H.O. had an exceptionally good
political structure. In 1902 the sultan Bangassou gave S.H.O. freedom to
engage in any kind of trade, including the means of transport thereof, i.e., the
use of rowers and bearers (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972, 343; Grootaers, 1996,
Ch. 2). Rubber was transported straight from the chieftain's village to the
factory. In 1906 the sultan received a guarantee from the French State about
his borders in return for a yearly consideration of 18,000 Frs., payable in
rubber directly to S.H.O. The huge distances between government posts and
the immense shortage of civil servants to keep control in French Congo
ensured the State's non interference.

S.H.O. profits were generated by the purchase of rubber at a very low price
(0.57 Frs. per kilo wet rubber) and ivory at 2 to 6 Frs. per kilo. Sales prices in
Europe were ten to twenty times higher. Strictly speaking, there was no
purchase of rubber or forestry products, as they were the property of the
concession holder, although the natives received trinkets for the delivery of
the products by forced labour.

Some companies (such as the Lobaye Company and the Al-K-L, which
covered the right bank of the Congo between Lefini and Alima, an area of
35,000 square km, and was active until 1929) in French Congo always
operated at a loss but nonetheless were kept alive. Their survival cannot be
explained from an economic point of view, but an unconfirmed but likely
hypothesis holds that keeping these companies in place from a (Belgian)
Congo point of view stabilized the border areas (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972,

By 1910, twelve companies already had disappeared or were reconstructed,
sixteen had merged with permission of the French administration, and five
others had come together in a factual merger; only seven continued in reality
or on paper.
With hindsight one can say that forty companies were too many.
Some had an area of a Belgian province. Each had a registered office and
administration, and a merger could reduce costs by two thirds.

Not only the companies but also the State used force in French Congo,
collecting a head tax (from 1902 3 Fr.; from 1905 5 Fr. per head). The
government collected this tax indirectly through the concession companies. It
first was payable in kind to concession holders, and thus a symbol of the
collusion between trader and administrator. In 1905, less than 3 percent of the
native population paid this head tax, as some areas were still 'undiscovered'.
Due to the enormous shortage of civil servants to collect the tax, it would
take another couple of decades before most of the Congolese were subject to
this tax. Most natives considered this tax unjust, as they received nothing in
return for it, in the form of security, roads, justice or schools. The tax nearly
everywhere in the rubber areas was collected under great duress. Government
agents and concession holders did not shrink from taking women and
children hostage, at burning villages, at destroying plantations and chopping
down thousands of banana trees.

Civil servants made contracts with trade agents in areas around the trade
posts to collect the tax in kind. One kilo of rubber was worth one Fr. in the
calculation of the head tax, and this money was paid after deducting some
costs by the company to the local civil servant. The price per kilo was calcu-
lated to be five times cheaper than the price of the Brazzaville auction. The
companies also made an extra profit by paying for the rubber not in cash but
in kind (cloth and trinkets), with items that otherwise were not saleable. The
natives considered the trading agents as state agents. The civil servant now
was interested in collecting tax money (rubber) from the natives because his
promotion depended on it. A circular from Governor-General Gentil in 1904
"I will not conceal that in my assessment of you I will mostly base myself on your
results of your tax collection from the natives which should be the subject of your
constant preoccupation".
In the end, debates in the French parliament led Clmentel, Minister of
Colonies, to issue a decree on 22 February 1906 that mandated a review of
the Congo regime. Civil servants thus were forbidden to collect indirectly the

AEF. Q "Le rgime concessionnaire en Afrique franaise et son fonctionnement (1900-
1910)". ('Contrle des Concessions' s.d.; s.a., 132 pp., pp. 22-23).
native taxes as had been permitted and even encouraged by Gentil, although
in practice nothing much changed.

Because detailed information on this period comes mostly from the
Commission of enquiry under the chairmanship of Brazza for French Congo
in general, and from Mpoko in particular through the dedicated investigating
magistrates such as Butel, both are discussed extensively in the sections that


The direct cause of the establishment of the Commission of enquiry by the
Minister of Colonies on 3 March 1905 was a publication about three
territorial administrators in Fort Crampel, the crossroad for the carrying
service to Chad, in the Petit Parisien of 15 February 1905, a story taken up
the next day in Le Matin and Le Temps. The facts dated from 1903 and were
told as follows: State agent Proche had caused two natives, who had run
away when they saw his soldiers, to be executed without trial. What the
newspapers did not know was that the story was much worse: those sent to
headquarters for trivialities were simply shot. Toqu, another State agent, had
a native drowned for stealing some cartridges; and agent Gaud, to celebrate
the 1903 Bastille Day, had killed a native by putting sticks of dynamite
around his neck and in his rectum.
The story caught fire in part because the
Minister of Colonies already was under severe attack from E.D. Morel's
'Congo Reform Association over Belgian and French politics in Equatorial
Africa', as reported in all the big French newspapers, including the Socialist
group of the Cahiers de la Quinzaine (Charles Pguy and Pierre Mille).

For Proche (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972, 190) and Georges Toqu, Les massacres du
Congo. La terre qui meurt, la terre qui tue, 1907, rdition avec postface, Paris, 1996. During
his trial some documents were kept behind. Toqu had written reports on the acts of violence
in the region. The answer of his superiors was: "Conduct business, but do not write about it.
Inform your superior only orally". Gaud and Toqu were sentenced in Brazzaville to 5 years,
which outraged the whites in Brazzaville. They had only killed a couple of blacks! This
aggrieved Brazza who at the time of judgement was still in Brazzaville. Toqu's sentence may
have been juridically valid, but morally it was less legitimate. The Human and Citizen's Right
League supported Toqu's request for annulment (Autin, 1985, 260).
Charles Pguy (1873-1914) French author and intellectual, founded in 1900 Les Cahiers de
la Quinzaine. Pierre Mille (1864-1941) was a French author.
The Commission left Marseille on 3 April 1905 and was given six months,
including travel time, to accomplish its mission. This timeframe was much
too short for any serious work. Pierre Savorgan de Brazza was chair of the
Commission and was accompanied by a number of collaborators, amongst
others the Inspector General of Colonies Hoarau-Desruissaux, and two more
inspectors of the Ministry of Colonies. Flicien Challaye was there on
recommendation of Charles Pguy. He was the only non-civil servant and
thus the only one able to write freely about his findings after the enquiry.

Even before the departure, there was little collaboration from the Ministry of
Colonies. Suspicion, later justified, led Brazza to have a special travelling
trunk made at 'Vuillot's' with a double bottom to hide sensitive documents.
He was hindered severely in the Congo by the commissaire gnral Gentil
and by the State agents on the spot. It was unheard of that a commission with
very senior and experienced inspectors from the ministry, who should have
had access to all the documents, in fact did not receive vital evidence.

The Commission took the railroad from Matadi to Leopoldville in the Congo
State. The French minister of Foreign Affairs, Th. Delcass, had asked the
Belgian government for support for Brazza's mission, a request honoured
only very reluctantly.

After his arrival on location, Brazza discovered a later publicized incident
that had taken place in April or May 1904. State agent Culard, with encour-
agement from his superior and to pressure natives to pay taxes, had taken
hostage fifty-eight women and ten children in the Lobaye area and sent them
on to Bangui, a two to three day march away. There they were locked up in a
windowless cell. Forty five women and two children perished of exhaustion
within five weeks.
A passing doctor witnessed this because of the rotting
body odour. The enquiry following this incident came to nothing, as no
criminal proof was found, and Culard was promoted in the meantime.

Brazza found many similar incidents of women and children being taken
hostage. In reality, it was an everyday occurrence that provided the white

Archives nationales, Section d'outre-mer (S.O.M.), Aix-en-Provence, 16.1 ff. Cf. Autin
(1985, 244).
Toqu (G.), Les massacres du Congo. La terre qui meurt, la terre qui tue, 1907, rdition
avec postface, Paris, 1996.
Challaye (F.), Le Congo Franais. La question internationale du Congo, Paris, 1909, pp.
man with enough bearers, workers and oarsmen and enabled him to increase
production at will.

In April 1902 there were so many women and children hostages in Fort
Crampel that nearly all the females of one ethnic group in the neighbourhood
were taken. A secret telegram (no. 127 in cipher code) dated 26 June 1905
from Brazza to the Minister of Colonies says it all.
After describing the
incident of the fifty-eight women and the ten children, he continues:
"I found it my duty to draw your attention to the consequences which this affair can
have, as this is not an isolated incident. On the contrary, the taking hostage of
women in the native villages is an everyday occurrence to exact bearers for the road
from Fort de Possel to Fort Crampel (Gribingui today), if only to speak of the area I
visited myself. For the moment hostage-taking in this area is considered as the most
natural manner for any suppression or coercion. It is so true that as soon as they
heard of my mission to Congo there arrived in Fort Sibut (Krbedg today) 119
women originating from an expedition to suppress the population in the Haute-
Koumi area, six days away from Fort Sibut. All means were used during my
passage to stop me from finding out. Had I not, in spite of the obstructions, been
able to speak directly and personally to the natives in circumstances of which I shall
entertain you in person upon my return, the improbable fact would have arisen that
my arrival in the area would have been considered as the official sanction of France
of all the cruelty that had happened. What is more, there is no mention in the offi-
cial reports of repression in the Haute-Koumi and about the taking hostage of the
women, their removal to Fort-Sibut and their redistribution over the villages around
the post".
The impact of these abuses, which started in 1900-1901, on the population
was enormous. When Governor-General Gentil first crossed this northern
region he noticed immense plantations of millet and cassava which resulted
in abundance and wealth. A couple of years later, in 1905, Brazza found no
villages, only some huts near the trading posts; no plantations any more; and
bearers did not know where to buy food. Everywhere there was wilderness
and hunger. In June 1904 the twenty-four-year-old State agent Toqu was
ordered to recruit three thousand bearers monthly, otherwise the French
troops in Chad would have perished. This recruitment drive was character-
ized by slavery, raids on villages and concentration camps with female
hostages and a terrible treatment of prisoners.

For Brazza it was clear cut: these abuses were not local excesses of a blind
repression or to be blamed on some individuals but were consistent with a

Aix-en-Provence. S.O.M. Fonds Schefer, Gabon-Congo, XIX. Contrle et inspection.
system for which the general administration of the Congo and the govern-
ment carried a great responsibility. During his return to France, Brazza died
in Dakar on 14 September 1905. In France his report was completed by the
'Commission d'tudes du Congo' from 6 October to 19 December 1905. After
forty-seven corrections were made, ten copies were printed: 'Rapport de la
Commission d'Enqute sur le Congo, prsid par de Lanessan'.
Jean Marie
de Lanessan was a former minister and Member of Parliament (MP). It seems
strange that no author of this report was member of the Commission of
enquiry. I do not question the integrity of the authors. The Minister of
Foreign Affairs, who was consulted by the Minister of Colonies, asked
specifically in the name of national interest that the report, even after forty-
seven corrections, 'not bind the government or the decisions over the use they
would make of the report'.

Gustave Rouanet, a Socialist MP, asked already in July 1905 for a parlia-
mentary question, but this was continuously postponed. At the end of the
debate there was a vote to make public the report and all attachments and
documents of the Brazza Commission. This proposal was voted down 345 to
167. The report remained secret even after a complaint from the French
Human Rights and Citizen's League. The French government used a change
of government to declare itself not bound by the promises of President
Clmentel. The enquiry report can be classified from 'average' to good with-
out further mention. Many facts are understated or obscured. The report does
not mention specific instances and has no appendices. The responsibility of
commissaire gnral Gentil was questioned. According to the report he was
not criminally responsible and could stay on in his post. It was a hell of a job
to be commissaire gnral and not easy to eventually find a successor. Gentil
had to rule with little money and with few civil servants, many of whom were
more often than not unfit for the job. He had to supplement funds through the
head tax on natives.

Where Brazza concentrated himself on the functioning of the State and the
civil service, Guibet's Commission of enquiry into the affairs of Mpoko in
1907 would go to the bone. Nonetheless, neither Commission really brought
any improvement to the natives; it would take years before the greatest
crimes against them were curtailed. Europeans nearly always escaped pun-
ishment, and no high-placed person ever was criminally charged. In short,
there was class justice topped by race justice.

'Rapport de la commission d'enqute sur le Congo, prside par M. de Lanessan', Paris,
Imprimerie nationale, 1907, 115 p. (Tir dix exemplaires seulement). S.O.M. G.C., XIX-4 b.

Up to now a general picture has been drawn of French Congo and the conces-
sion companies. We now will analyze thoroughly the Mpoko Company: the
shareholders, the personnel in Africa, the export, the import and the profits,
as illustrated by the example of the trading post at Yaka.

4.1. Shareholders

The concession company Mpoko was created on 10 July 1899 before two
notary publics in Lille, with the purpose of working the concession granted
on 12 May 1899 that covered the basin of the Mpoko river and tributaries on
the Ubangui river. The concession was in the immediate neighbourhood of
Bangui (Fort de Possel) and had a surface of 13,900 square km, less than half
the size of Belgium. The registered office was in Lille. Authorized capital
was 2 million Fr.; called and paid up capital was 1.2 million Fr. in 20,000
shares of 100 Fr. each.

On 10 July the shareholders paid up 25 percent of their shares. Jules Gratry, a
textile magnate from Lille, was the main shareholder with 10,000 shares. A
document from Governor-General Gentil states that Gratry was front man for
the Belgian Bolle, who was responsible for recruiting white agents in
There is no real evidence, however, that Gratry was fronting for
Bolle. Of the other shares, 9,341 went to Belgians. Among the most
important was the 'Belgika Socit Anonyme' (2,600 shares), a Congolese
company established in Brussels that belonged to Leopold II and whose
directors were Adrien Hallet and Emile Vandenperre. Further shareholders
were the 'Banque Coloniale de Belgique' (Brussels) also with 2,600 shares;
Gustave Buyschaert, an Antwerp lawyer (1,200 shares); Emile Vandenperre,
brewer in Brussels (1,000); Nicolas Navaux, yarn spinner in Verviers (500);
Ernest Dubois, trader in Moucron (500); and Alos Verbeke, a Ghent

Concessions. A.P. 40. Lobaye. Gentil to the Minister of Colonies. 23 March 1905:"On
signale d'autre part des tentatives faites par les actionnaires belges pour accaparer les actions
de la Haute-Sangha, d'Ekela-Kadei-Sangha. Le groupe Gratry qui ne serait le prte-nom, acca-
pare la M'Poko, la Compagnie franaise du Congo []; les Sultanats sont belges. Le major
Thys intervient de plus en plus dans la Compagnie franaise (Trchot Frres)".
industrialist (300). There were some small holdings from Lille, altogether
some 659 shares.

Next to Jules Gratry, chairman of the board and managing director, there
were two vice-chairmen from Lille. There were two Belgian directors on the
board: the brewer Emile Vandenperre from Brussels; and the agricultural
engineer Adrien Hallet.

4.2. Personnel

4.2.1. European mainly Scandinavian personnel from
Leopold II's Congo
The European personnel, their contracts and the provenance of imported
native employees will be discussed in succession. The breakdown of
personnel is shown in Table 1.

Year Total
Number of
Number of
Number of
1900 10 7 + 2 1 ? (1 or 2)
1901 15 10 + 4 1 2
1902 12 9 + 3 0 2
1903 14 11 + 3 0 7
1904 15 10 + 3 2 4
1905 35 13 + 2 20 11
1906 39 9 + 1 29 11
1907 34 6 + 1 27 11
1908 ? ? ? ?
1909 8 0 8 4

Affaires Politiques, 38.
Number of non-French, 1900, 7+2: Two whose nationality cannot be retrieved. This also
goes for the other figures. Number of factories, 1900, 1 or 2: Coquery-Vidrovitch (1972, 290)
mentions 4 posts and 6 branches. The archives of Mpoko, which I have completely excerpted
(A.P. 38. Vranckx, Bimbo 22 June 1907), only mention two posts from 1901 on, viz. Konga
and Bad. The latter was already abandoned in 1902. Schitz had sailed up the Mpoko river at
the end of 1899 with agent Delvoie; he went by Badjungo, Konga and Bwali and planned to
found trading posts after his reconnaissance. Delvoie became the first factory chief in Konga.
Schitz returned to the headquarters Bimbo.
Some five posts mentioned above were abandoned and/or re-occupied. As of
1904-1906, there were six plantation posts and three transit posts. Without
exception these were run by Scandinavians who had experience in explora-
tion and rubber harvesting in Leopold's Congo. One of them, the Norwegian
Gullbrand Schitz, was director for Africa from the beginning of 1900 until
the end of 1907.
From 1894 until August 1900, he had been employed as
second-in-command in the Crown Domain of Leopold II situated around
Leopold II Lake. He served under Jacques (later baron Jacques de Dixmude).
He made reconnaissance, subjugated the 'savages' and made the natives
harvest rubber with an iron fist.

Schitz, together with some other Scandinavians (including Lindstrm, a
captain on the Leopold II Lake) did not renew his contract with the Congo

Schitz (1871-Oslo 1941). Cf. Biographie Coloniale Belge (1958, tome V, col. 739-740).
Captain-commander in Leopold's Congo from February 1894 till August 1900 where he was
second in command in the Crown Domain (district of Lake Leopold II) under Jules Jacques,
the future baron Jacques de Dixmude, who was the first commissioner-general from August
1895 until August 1898. Schitz founded the trading post Ibali. Both had to reconnoitre the
region and start the rubber harvest The Swedish lieutenant Knut Svensson mentioned in his
diary in 1895 that 527 natives were killed in four months because of the rubber harvest. The
Norwegian Halling reported in November 1899 that 245 natives had been killed during a
reconnaissance expedition. Jacques himself wrote to post chief Leyder in Inongo after inhabi-
tants of Inongo had chopped down rubber vines in Ibali (the capital of the Crown Domain):
"We have to beat them into complete subjection or into complete extermination. [Author's
remark: Can this be called a kind of ethnocide?]. With this prospect in mind I send you my boy
to retrieve his father to spare him an unpleasant awakening. Warn the people of Inongo a very
last time and carry out your plan to take them to the woods as quickly as possible, or gather
them in the village with a good club and address yourself to the proprietor of the first shack:
here is a basket, go and fill it with rubber. Go and disappear immediately in the woods. If you
have not returned within ten days with a basket of 5 kilos of rubber, I will burn down your
shack. And you will burn it as promised. You use the intervening time to force those who
refuse to leave the village into the woods. If you burn down the shacks one by one, I believe it
will not be necessary to go to the limit (sic). Warn them that if they chop down one more rub-
ber vine I will exterminate them to the last one".
Jacques was accused of homicide volontaire (voluntary man slaughter) in the territorial court
of Leopoldville. He appealed against this decision in Boma. The file with both sentences is
missing from the archives of the ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was probably destroyed already
at the time of the Congo Free State. The judicial documents of Leyder have been preserved
though (Archives Africaines. Ministry of F.O. Brussels. Tribunal d'Appel. Boma. GG. N 20).
Jacques brought charges to him and on appeal Leyder was sentenced to two times two and a
half years on account of homicides volontaires. One of the extenuating circumstances was the
order of his superior Jacques. On the cruelties of rubber exploitation in the Crown Domain and
the cover-up of the responsibility of white agents by governor Costermans, see
Vangroenweghe (1986; 2005). In 1901 Schitz became consul in Brazzaville for Norway and
Sweden with jurisdiction for the Congo Free State.
after two terms, and instead became director of Mpoko. Lindstrm became
captain of the SS. 'Jules Gratry' and, in early April 1901, together with
Schitz, went recruiting native labour for Mpoko in his old stamping
grounds, the Ibali post (on the shores of Leopold II Lake). Schitz had
received permission from Governor Wahis to visit his countrymen there, but
no permission to recruit labour. For this trip he had paid a tax of 1,795.20 Fr.
to chop wood to fuel his steam vessel. Wahis thought this an extravagant sum
of money just to visit some old Scandinavian friends like Lund and suspected
it was for a recruitment drive. He had Schitz tailed, but the authorities on the
lake could not catch him red-handed. Schitz managed to sail back to Bangui
unnoticed with thirty labourers and five women, plus his former mnagre
(housekeeper) after cutting the telegraph line on the river Congo between
Lukolela and Irebu. "Everybody in the Crown Domain knew about it, but was
understood to know nothing" he later stated.

Einar Lund, also Norwegian, was the founder in 1905 of the Bodera sector
and in February 1905 was promoted to zonal chief of Mpoko-North, until his
suicide on 1 August 1907. Schitz and Lund had been officers in Leopold's
Congo and had actively and energetically harvested rubber. Lund had worked
for six years in Congo, in, amongst other places, the rubber areas of Aruwimi
and Basoko, but had been fired because of a professional error. Lund got a
negative review when he applied in Paris with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
to go to Mpoko (probably to have as many as possible French nominated in
the concession companies), but upon the recommendation of inter alias
Schitz, also the then-Consul of Sweden and Norway in Brazzaville, permis-
sion was granted by the Ministry of Colonies on 26 September 1905 for him
to leave for Mpoko. Article 5 of the Berlin treaty had been invoked, which
bans all hindrance to the movement of persons.

Together with Lund, the following Scandinavians were employed: Wahlquist,
Lindstrm, Linsen, Saunders and Nergaard.
Next to them we had the

Schitz was first brought to trial before the territorial court of Leopoldville, which
annulled the preliminary investigation on the grounds of procedural mistakes. On appeal the
sentence was postponed from April to December 1902 on procedural grounds and it probably
ended without any consequences. For Schitz's expedition to Lake Leopold II, see: Archives
Africaines. Ministry of F.O. Brussels. Tribunal d'Appel. Boma, n 219.
The Swede Wahlquist (1900-1901). The Swedish captain Mauritz B. Lindstrm, a veteran
of the Crown Domain (1896 - December 1899) worked for Mpoko from 1900 to 1903. Linsen
(1901-1905), the Norwegian C.F.F. Neergaard (1902-1906) and the Swede G. Saunders former
agent of the Anversoise from the end of 1900 on, sentenced to six months and released on 1
following Belgians: Pierlot (1900-1903), Vranckx (1901-1907), Delvoie
(1900-1902), Wolf (1901-1908), Marc Flbus (1903-1907), Ganty (1903-
1907) and Vandenperre (1903-1904). De Henau was director of transit in

The native employees consisted of locally recruited men or imported Sene-
galese. In addition there were former military men from the Congo Free State
and the thirty initially imported labourers (who were engaged as "armed"
Schitz had brought the latter from the shores of Leopold II Lake
and he knew thoroughly that they were on the payroll.
4.2.2. Contracts

The agents had to sign a contract that included the following:
1. Agents committed themselves for a period of three years with a starting
salary of 2,000 Fr. in the first year; at the end of the term the agent received a
bonus of a half year's pay.
2. Pay was quarterly, but only up to half was paid in Africa or in kind,
money or by cheque issued by the company in Lille. The balance was kept as
a guarantee and paid 3 percent interest.
3. Board, lodging and medical attention were free, as was the first-class
train ticket from Matadi to the Stanley-Pool.
4. No compensation at all was paid to the agent or his heirs in case of
accident, sickness or death in any circumstance. Agents who returned ill
received no pay or indemnities from the day they left the concession. In case
of death, payments were halted.
5. Agents were vowed to silence on all subjects relating to the Company's
affairs, on penalty of at least 1,000 Fr. and immediate recall.
6. After leaving the company, the agent was not allowed to start on his
own account for two years in a radius of 500 km of the posts he was
employed. Breaking this rule would lead to a fine of at least 10,000 Fr.

March 1905. I would like to thank Espen Waehle from the national Museum in Copenhagen
for information concerning several Scandinavians.
In 1899 Arthur de Henau (1871 - 6 September 1901) became director of transit post in
Brazzaville. He set off on 20 July 1899. At that time he had six years experience in the armed
forces of Congo Free State. (Aix-en-Provence: Gabon, XV, 22. Gratry to the Ministry of Colo-
nies, 12.09.1899). For a biography cf. Biographie coloniale belge (1958, t. V).
They were called touroucous, meaning armed men or guards in the pay of the company.
The complete text in S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII. Copy made by Butel.
7. The Company could break the contract in case the employee ill-treated
the natives. The same went for disobedience, in which case the Company was
bound to pay a second-class return ticket.
8. Agents who managed a rubber factory also received 75 Fr. per 1,000
kilos of harvested rubber and 150 Fr. per 1,000 kilos of ivory. Sub-agents and
accountants could receive a bi-annual gratification for good services. Gratifi-
cations and indemnities were only paid at the end of the term upon the return
to Europe.
9. The company could tear up the contract any time it deemed necessary.

4.3. Export, import and profits

Tables 2 and 3 show export details by Customs and the value of imported
goods for the Mpoko and Brazzaville concessions.

As goods were also purchased locally in Brazzaville, there is a different way
to assess the concession companies' imported goods there in the period 1899-
1907, as shown in Table 4.

Ivory in kilos Rubber in kilos
Year Mpoko

Total Mpoko
1903 8,122 8,122 14,777 14,777
1904 7,445 7,445 84,928 84,928
1905 3,081 2,975 6,056 81,755 4,734 86,489
1906 996 3,339 4,335 58,249 8,109 66,358
1907 1,640 423 2,063 42,827 9,165 51,992
21,284 6,737 28,021 282,536 22,008 304,544

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII. Data of Vranckx handed to Butel on 19 September
1907. There was an official circular from 1901 that allowed taken women and children as
hostages if the men refused to work (Roberts, 1963, 354).
For 1901 and 1902 there are no Customs export figures, but only the collected export cus-
tom toll. For 1901: 2,551.42 Fr. and for 1902: 10,386.40 Fr. According to the company data
860 kilo of ivory was harvested in 1901 and no rubber; 1902: 512 kilo of ivory and 775 of
S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII, A.P.

Year Value in French Francs
1900 28,957
1901 78,442
1902 117,786
1903 96,648
1904 138,920
1905 190,260
1906 520,477
1907 (until 30 September) 190,206

Year Weight in kilo Monetary value in Fr.
1899/1900 great quantities for vitalizing and site mobilization
1901 12,702 4,059,439
1902 16,990 5,677,060
1903 18,958 5,187,800
1904 111,378 32,141,607
1905 171,835 49,261,516
1906 252,729 116,410,845
1907 (1 to 23 Jan.) 9,121 4,752,900
Total 593,713 217,491,167

Remark: the discrepancy between the European and native pay is a fact. Hard
facts over this are difficult to find in the concession companies. Therefore,
the figures for Mpoko are given as such without knowing the exact number
of natives. In September 1905, the budget for food for two Europeans of the
Bosakata post in the northern zone was 433.42 Fr., that for the natives 293.73
Fr. The salary of the zone manager was 600 Fr. and that of agent Quennepoix
310 Fr. The pay for the natives was together 708 Fr. For the whole of 1906,
the value of the barter merchandise of all the Mpoko posts for rubber and
ivory was slightly higher than the total remuneration and bonuses of the
European agents.
4.3.1. Guns and munitions and the rubber yield
First a global view is given of the number of guns in Mpoko on 1 November
These data are important because there is a constant correlation
between guns and the use of cartridges and bullets on the one side, and yields
in rubber on the other side. This becomes clear when discussing the unique
figure material of the Yaka post. The figure material for Salanga under
Vranckx has been published (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972, 181).

There were altogether 196 guns (model 874) and 4,635 cartridges in the
thirteen factories. This means that there were about 8 to 24 guns per post.
Every post also had hunting rifles and some tens of shells and had the use of
a revolver with 10 to 30 bullets. Only Bobolo had 444 bullets. The head post
Bimbo had 12 revolvers and 1,920 bullets.

The Yaka post

The Yaka post has left us some unique figures from 1903 until and inclusive
of 1907, of which details appear in Appendix. Its uniqueness is double:
munitions use by armed Europeans and native supervisors and the rubber
yield; and the correlation between rubbers delivered, payments in Fr. and in
piston guns, capsules and powder to the chiefs and harvesters. Table 5 gives
us an insight into the correlation between rubber yields and ammunition

Year Production in Kilo
Dried Rubber
Cartridges Shells Powder in
1903 6,845 384 170 900
1904 19,900 2,813 606 5,500
1905 18,270 2,694 703 8,750
1906 13,095 1,610 495 4,700
1907 1,645 454 30 1,200

Remark: The drop in usage during 1906 and 1907 was due to revolts and the
Butel enquiry.

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII, passim.
Details of the rewards of the chiefs and/or harvesters as read in Appendix
teach us the following. Powder, shells and piston guns were given to the
chiefs mainly to put pressure on nearby villages to harvest the rubber. The
chiefs committed themselves to make available to the Company harvesters,
who would be paid certain compensation. One contract survived. Chief M'pa
from the Bokomo promised to supply twenty rubber harvesters to the service
of the Mpoko Company, and they were supposed to produce weekly a
minimum of thirty kilos of non-dried rubber. The price was fixed at 0.40 Fr.
per kilo of rubber and 0.08 Fr. for the chief. In the original document there
was first mention of 0.32 and 0.08 Fr. One must observe that money never
changed hands, that valuation and payment was in kind. The document was
signed by the post manager Ganty in Yaka and dated 1 August 1905.

Year Kilos Dried
Shells Powder
in Grams
1903 6,845 6 270 3,600
1904 19,900 15 685 8,300
1905 18,270 1 1,310 8,750
1906 12,095 0 335 3,100
1907 1,645 0 0 0

From 1906 onwards, piston guns were seized during the judicial enquiry as
the natives were not allowed to receive them as reward. Production fell to
nothing in 1907.

4.4. Profits from Mpoko

There were 20,000 shares of 100 Fr. and 20,000 preferential shares. Profit
was distributed as follows: 15 percent for the government, 10 percent for the
Board, with the remaining shares divided among share capital holders (75%)
and preferential shareholders (25%). As Table 7 indicates, the first time there
was profit was in 1904.

Only some data are mentioned here. A comprehensive study requires an examination in
the archives of the Crdit Lyonnais which has preserved all balance sheets.

Year Profit Dividend
1904 first year with profit 10 Fr. per share of 100 Fr. (worth 250 Fr.
on the free market at that moment)
1905 539,880.20 Fr Distribution of 6,750 Fr. coupons and
49,636.5 Fr. Rights issue
1906 403,511.40 Fr coupon of 10 Fr. to the share holders and
1.66 2/3 to the preferential share holders
1907-1909 no data found
1910-1911 289,855.25 Fr
share coupon: 21.20 Fr. net
421,267.75 Fr
coupon preferential shares: 5.30 Fr. net

The Mpoko coupons could be cashed in Paris, Antwerp or Brussels. In 1910
Mpoko's title was declared lapsed because of the committed crimes. On 21
February 1911, Mpoko went into liquidation, which ended on 21 February
1914. Profits during liquidation came mainly from the sale of 22,000 shares
Mpoko had acquired in the 'Compagnie Forestire Sangha Oubangui', which
netted 1,521,926 Fr. Thus Mpoko shareholders received a final dividend of
7.80 Fr., and the preferential shareholders a net coupon of 8.20 Fr.

5.1. Introduction

Schitz, the then director of Mpoko, reported on 10 May 1906 that a rebel-
lion had started among the people of Less, and he demanded the quick
occupation of this territory in the Mpoko concession by the French admini-
On 1 June, captain Desclaux, commanding officer of the Moyen-

The net profit in 1910-1911.
Money in an interim account in 1910-1911.
Archives Aix-en-Provence. Contrle des Concessions. Brazzaville, 15.11.1909. Note.
Affaires dites de la M'Poko. Exposition des faits. Enqutes de MM. Guibet et Michellet.
Confidentiel. This 25 pages memorandum was handed to the procureur of the Republic on his
own request.
Oubangui, wrote to the commissaire gnral in Brazzaville that the rebellion
was growing and that immediate and strong measures were required. "These
attacks by the natives are reprisals against the armed workers from the
concession company who from the beginning have shown the least human

In October 1906 (one year after the Brazza Commission had been there) an
inspection trip to Bangui was made by Governor-General Gentil, and he
sensed the necessity of occupying the area that up to now had escaped any
form of control because of its geographical situation and the shortage of
military in the local administration. He therefore created by decree dated 22
November the 'Cercle de la Mpoko', with the deputy administrator Guibet as
director. Guibet in turn was ordered to build a residence in Bimbo, the
Mpoko headquarters. He built a house sixty yards away from that of Mpoko
director Schitz, who immediately called upon him to protest, as the Ministry
of Colonies in Paris had promised that the civil service would not interfere in
the affairs of the Company. Schitz boasted his political connections and
offered Guibet an envelope with money, but Guibet did not take the bribe
(Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972, 178). At that very moment the chief of Boukiri
(in Mpoko) complained to Guibet about the atrocities in his village because
of rubber harvesting.

Guibet alerted the judicial authorities in January 1907, and soon Guibet and
twenty soldiers were accompanying Butel, who was in charge of the inspec-
tion and was accompanied in turn by his deputy Gillon and Judge Michelet.
After a couple of months, Michelet sentenced the Mpoko agent Darney to
two years of imprisonment for the murder of one of Darney's bearers. They
scoured the concession during the first semester of 1907.

Butel wrote various extensive reports that arrived at the Ministry of Colonies
in Paris. The complete file weighed 11.95 kilos and contained 23 dossiers and
900 documents. The summary indicted 236 persons, 17 of whom were
Of that total, about 80 natives and just a couple of Europeans

What follows is based on the reports of Butel and the several hundreds of testimonials in
the files. Report by Butel 3 August and 19 November 1907. In S.O.M., AEF, Concessions
XXXVIII, A (2). In 1908 the condition of Europeans involved in lawsuit in Mpoko was as
follows: Bouvier, Castelein, Collier, Delvoie, Flbus, Sailly, Ganty, Linsen, Dendoncker,
Schitz, Havequez, Deguitre, Vande(n)perre, Wolf and Vranckx had all returned to Europe.
Meanwhile, Darney, who had been previously sentenced and who had served his time, had
also returned to Europe. Only Guittet and Guittard remained in the French Congo. The French
authorities did not know the whereabouts of Faure and Pierlot. Schitz was charged later than
were in custody. In the southern zone alone there were 1,500 probable
murders and 667 (sic)
established murders: 106 in Salanga, 283 in Sabokiry,
Yambourou and Bimbo, and 275 in Yaka, all posts not thirty km from the
Bimbo headquarters where Schitz resided.
The figures were identical for
the northern zone. These murders were committed without exception by
armed men (touroucous) in service of the Company and with the cognizance
of the Europeans. There is no way that the Company could not be aware of
this. The impounded correspondence between Schitz and Lund indicates
that both were in the know.

This special system worked as follows: "at dawn the factory men beat the
tom-tom to call the workers from the villages. Those who did not turn up at
roll-call or those who had underperformed the day before were ruthlessly
punished. Whippings in front of other workers brought a better sense of duty
to all. In case this form of punishment was not stimulating enough, the
touroucous tied the culprit to a tree and shot him. The touroucous drove the
labour to the plantation after roll-call and inspection of the previous day's
work and were merciless for who did not perform. On Sunday the rubber was
taken to the factory and paid for in kind to the value of 0.40 to 0.50 Fr. per
kilo". Butel put it as follows: "crime had become a system and was
performed in cold blood and chosen from a catalogue of coercion methods
according to what was seen to be the most productive".

5.2. Mpoko's ups and downs in rubber and ivory

Bar some exceptions, most purchases of rubber or ivory were conducted
whilst supplying piston guns or shells and gunpowder to the native chiefs.
These transactions were neatly recorded in the monthly returns that the
investigators managed to see and copy after a lot of insistence. The company
could not pretend further that the shells and guns only served for the personal
protection of its agents.

those 17, but I have not found more precise information. In other letters 27 persons are men-
tioned. This is probably due to the fact that other persons were charged after those 17, among
whom Schitz.
667 according to the archives instead of 664 if the other numbers are correct in the
Confidential letter of 15 November 1909 from the inspector of the concessions to the
procureur of the Republic, in which he quoted Butel.
From the beginning of the occupation of the concession there had been
violence. Schitz, when first reconnoitring in 1899 and accompanied by one
or two agents, amongst whom was Delvoie, steamed up the Mpoko River and
was enthusiastically welcomed at the first contact with the villagers, who
brought him and his escort food. Schitz at this first contact immediately
demanded that the natives bring rubber, and he refused to hear any excuses.
When he returned to Bimbo, the company's headquarters, he left Delvoie be-
hind in Konga to start and run a factory.

First Delvoie threatened to put the village chiefs into chains if they did not
supply a number of workers to harvest rubber under escort of armed instruc-
tors. This did not seem very efficient, so Delvoie introduced the system of
direct production through the villages themselves. He ordered an armed gang
of Haussas to go to Bombele in the Burusse area and force the natives to
harvest rubber. This gave no results, so Delvoie ordered the touroucous to
take female hostages and shoot any natives who tried to oppose this.

Delvoie set an example himself by killing two women and also a child by
flogging with a whip. The touroucous then went to Bombele to take four
women hostage and kill two men whose arms they cut off as proof for
Delvoie. The four women hostages were tortured the same day by Delvoie,
by whipping, and then shot with his revolver. The same happened in Bimbo,
where the natives refused to deliver rubber; eight natives were killed of
which five were taken to Delvoie. All were butchered and given to the Konga
natives to eat.

Another example is just as characteristic: Delvoie launched, in agreement
with Schitz according to hearsay, an expedition with thirty armed men
carrying modern rifles and twenty partisans from the Konga carrying piston
guns when one of his guides was killed in N'Dobo. Pierlot, another agent of
the first hour, joined the expedition. Six natives were killed. Delvoie had
them decapitated and took the heads to Konga, from where they were brought
the next day to Schitz in Bimbo. The partisans from Konga, who were
cannibals, got the bodies. Delvoie thereafter was called to Bangui because the
families of the Bombele murdered appealed to the administrator. Delvoie left
for Brazzaville, probably in 1903, because his name does not appear on the
personnel list of 1904. Nothing is found in the archives about censure,
probably because of lack of proof. Delvoie probably was advised to leave the

Some agents would 'surpass' even Delvoie. The same working methods were
used all over Mpoko: expeditions against villages, followed by murder and
more or less long-time hostage-taking of women. After an initial period in
1902, the systematic organization to harvest rubber was intensified. Armed
men were stationed in practically every village, and women were taken pris-
oner and hostages and released in scanty measure against the supply of
rubber after being abused by the armed men stationed in the villages and by
the Europeans. Corporal punishment and murder were daily fare. The female
hostages were forced to work on the roads and on the plantations. Children
also were put to work to cut the rubber for drying. The men were not only put
to harvesting but also had to carry the rubber where the rivers were too
shallow to the guarded transit posts, and others were made to row.

Practically all the touroucous there were about 400 in the heyday of Mpoko
killed natives because of rubber. When the villagers fled and refused to
harvest rubber, they were taken prisoner or shot. Their womenfolk were taken
hostage until sufficient rubber was brought in. The whites condoned this and
replaced any ammunition expended for rubber collection. If ammunition was
used for other purposes and the chiefs complained to the white agent, the
black men of arms were whipped and transferred to another post. The above
procedures were common practice and were applied with a certain severity
according to the temperament of the European factory boss. To increase the
yield in distant villages, some chiefs were given permission to wage war
upon their neighbours and were promised piston guns and shells in return.
The attacking chief could gather thus his own booty.

Butel stated in a report that the claim of legal self-defence invoked by the
agents was untenable.
One sees that it is the agents themselves that attack the natives and that the
natives are so pacific that a handful of gunmen suffice to spread terror in the
area; that the production is maintained by means of murder and hostage-
taking without a general uprising and without a reaction of the population
against this violence, bar some isolated attacks on the killers, and even this is
reprisal from the natives against the armed company employees, who are
always the first proceed in the most inhuman way.

Vranckx, who succeeded Schitz as director in 1907, together with a couple
of European agents demanded, as head of post in Salanga (southern zone),
the greatest efforts from the natives. As Table 8 indicates, he succeeded in
harvesting a monthly average of 6,716 kilos of fresh rubber from the end of
1903 to June 1904, with a population of some ten hamlets and twenty-one
chiefs. This equals 4,483 kilos of dried rubber (drying losses count for one
third); in the first half of 1904 he had a total of 40,300 kilos, 26,900 kilos
dried, for which was paid 11,742 Fr. This came to 0.29 Fr. for wet and 0.43
Fr. for dried prime quality rubber.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Total
30 80 100 100 80 20 410
10 30 50 60 150
20 20 40
15 15 30
40 110 150 195 80 55 630

One cannot forget that payment was, for a large part, in hugely overvalued
cloth, which was supplied by the Gratry Company. A thrifty worker could
collect a kilo of rubber in four days. The production required without fail
eight hundred to one thousand workers, probably the entire population of
working age (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972, 182).

In all villages supplying Salanga, men were killed and women were continu-
ously taken hostage under instructions from Vranckx and his successors
Flbus and Dendoncker.
These practices were clearly part of a system. The same procedures were
applied everywhere. The same hostage method had been practiced by the
Anversoise and the ABIR rubber companies in Leopold's Congo and his
personal Crown Domain.

Butel surmised that it would stand to reason that a so small an area like
Salanga, only counting twenty or so villages and having harvested in three
years time 100,000 kilos of dried rubber, would have enriched itself with the
produce of their forced labour for the Mpoko company. On the contrary.
When Butel arrived in Salanga from Bobassa, a village on the Ubangi river
that had escaped the rubber slavery, he was painfully surprised. While the
Bobassa population had been well-dressed in cotton loincloths and easily
paid up their State tax, the Salanga population was still clothed in bark. The
first lot had plenty of chickens and big banana groves; the Salanga had
nothing. Since the raids by the Europeans and their armed gangs, they had
been robbed of poultry and goats. It was impossible for them to tend food
crops, because the men were forced to harvest rubber non stop and often far
away from their fields, and the women were forced to mend the roads or were
continuously incarcerated in the factories as hostage to ensure the rubber
supply. They thus became dependent for their food supply on the river
villages like Bobassa, which managed to escape the rubber draft by calling
upon the administration in Bangui for protection. The cotton loincloths and
trinkets the Salanga received for the 100 tons of rubber they supplied for the
Company were just enough to keep them from starvation during those three
years. In some places, as doctor Doumenjou, who accompanied Judge
Michelet in the aforementioned Darney case observed, the natives were
forced to eat the trunks of the banana trees. In Leopold's Congo, the natives
refer to the ABIR, the Anversoise and the Crown Domain rubber period as
that of the 'big starvation'.

In the end, the natives went to Bangui to complain to Guibet and ask for a
couple of months of postponement of rubber harvesting in order to tend their
fields. From then onwards the rubber production declined, a trend that had
started already in 1905 because of the progressive disappearance of rubber
trees and vines.

A couple of months later, Butel was on the steamer to Brazzaville together
with administrator Guibet. He overheard Schitz, the Mpoko director,
reproaching Guibet for having given the natives of Salanga permission to
plant new fields. Schitz added: "As soon as the natives have food they will
not harvest rubber any more".

To calculate the decline in population is a difficult task; French Congo until
the thirties, and really until independence, remained a neglected area as to
investments, education and so on. In the intensely exploited rubber areas, I
estimate the decline in population from late 1890 to 1930 at considerably
more than 20 percent, 30 percent or more to be more realistic.
The follow-
ing elements played a part: the carrying, the rowing (an extremely heavy
task), the harvesting of the rubber, the hostage-taking, the expelling of the

This remains a difficult matter, but in the otherwise excellent study by Sautter (1966) there
are large gaps as far as demography is concerned. Sautter knew too little of the early history
and he consulted too few archives. He could not have read Coquery-Vidrovitch (1972) and
Kalck (1974). His monographs of five regions in this study do not mention analogous rubber
regions such as Mpoko and no regions north of Bangui where recruitment of carriers for Tchad
literally decimated the population. Consequently, Sautter has underestimated the impact on
natives from their villages, the destruction of the crops and the shooting of
thousands even in a small concession like Mpoko, with few European
agents (their numbers rose from ten in 1900 to thirty in 1907). Traditional
society was dislocated. Sleeping sickness and smallpox combined with
malnutrition and privation, and abortion mentioned here and there in the
archives took their toll.

5.3. A look behind the scenes: the private correspondence
between Schitz and Lund

The private correspondence (7 July 1906 - 8 April 1907) between Schitz and
Lund, the head responsible man in the northern zone, is most instructive. It
provides an overview of their realization of the dramatic demise of the
Company and helps us understand the defensive stance before the Court of
seventeen (one source speaks of twenty-seven) agents against whom warrants
of arrest were issued.

This correspondence, conducted in Norwegian, was seized on 1 August 1907
the morning Lund committed suicide. The translation under oath was made
by Svendson, probably Hjalmar Svendson, a Danish shipwright working for
Mpoko. This correspondence is summarized chronologically in the subse-
quent paragraphs.

In July 1906, Lund reported the Boyili incident, where the natives captured
guns. Schitz regretted this and hoped that Lund would retrieve them.
"Be careful on the left bank, because you'll have to do with people who killed one
or two dozen men from the Maison Hollandaise (N.A.H.V. Nieuw Afrikaanse
Handels Vennootschap) and were punished by the Krebedje administrator. They are
not very eager to become the white man's friend."
On 25 July 1906, Schitz wrote that the Mpoko business was below expecta-
tions. Europe sent sub-standard personnel, and agent Dendoncker had re-
turned home: there was a shortfall of 5,000 kilos of rubber in his store.

There were goods missing to the tune of 8,000 to 9,000 Fr. with the French
agent Dickson, who was employed in 1905 and 1906.

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII. Copie de la traduction des lettres de Schitz Lund
par Swensen (sic), capitaine du 'Commandant Lang'.
Did he sell it for hard money to the Maison Hollandaise?
In Baba, 500 kilos of rubber were set alight.

Concerning Lund's report about Bodera, Schitz did not quite understand that
if he undertook a trip nothing happened and that a palaver started as soon the
two boys arrived (probably agents Wolf and Deguitre). Now follows a very
important passage in Schitz's letter:
"We have no right to 'dispense' justice or to make ourselves respected. We have to
content ourselves with 'lawful self-defence'. As such, no report should mention
attacks but only defence. Words as tirailleurs and sentinelles [guards] and 'subdue
the chiefs' etc. should be avoided in reports. Use the word worker or guard instead
of manduko [armed worker] and never use the word bassendji [term of abuse for a
native], as in Europe one thinks it refers to a tribe. Compile as many reports as
possible on attacks by the natives and explain that, after your efforts in vain to
avoid violence, you had to resort to the use of weapons to save the factory and your
personnel. Do not forget that any loose word can be used against somebody in this
country. Don't trust anybody. I paid a heavy price in these matters (probably in the
Congo Free State)".
The recommendations sent by Schitz to Lund did not fall on deaf ears, as
will appear later on in the records of the interrogation of the agents who
consistently maintained they were attacked and never took the initiative

On 29 October 1906, Schitz sent another letter from Bimbo. He complained
about the poor situation in 'zone 3':
"Because of the interference of the Bangui administrator, the chiefs refuse to har-
vest rubber. Instead of 3 to 4 tons of ivory there are barely 2 tons in three factories.
It goes badly everywhere. All hope lying on the northern zone. I'm expecting six
agents. In Baba the administrator interfered and the rubber harvest has already
fallen to a third from the quantities before. I wrote to the administration in Bangui
on 18 October threatening the whole evacuation of zone 3. I have not received a
reply yet".
On 2 November 1906, Schitz wrote again a very hard letter to the adminis-
trator and expected to receive an answer this time. Schitz expected in a letter
to Lund dated 11 November that there would be an inspection, because the
situation had become untenable. "Very soon we will be considered as beings
inferior to the blacks". Schitz also did not forget to give practical advice:
"Do not forget that small posts (where armed guards were) are not allowed. Call
them agricultural posts where it is normal to have an armed guard. So if you create
a small post, create at the same time a pro forma rubber plantation, however small,
it does not matter. Consistently call them agricultural posts and therefore require
armed guards. Take care that your white and black employees do not molest the
natives. There is no question yet of a trip to Baba, the inspection is still investigat-
ing in the Lobaye concession. If agent Havequez does not change his brutal manner
I will have to fire him. Havequez is not allowed to send out his men any more, as
they cannot do so without shooting. I do not want to hear about the amount of
ammunitions he uses. Havequez wrote me about two labourers killed by the natives,
but people in Bimbo told me it was Havequez who did the killing. To be investi-
Apparently Lund did not warn his white subordinates strongly enough or they
did not take his remarks seriously enough, because on 22 January
Quennepoix wrote to Lund from Bossakala:
"Because chief Cagla did not cooperate I have sent Maromani to take a couple of
specimens of the opposite sex prisoner. Maromani has not returned to his station yet
and I will place him there in March, because the whole of next month I will be
waking up the villages in the west (who did not supply enough or no rubber at all).
Once the cleanup finished I will install three new posts with armed men".
Instead of Lund or Schitz, it was Butel who did the investigation. The
results are summarized here before continuing to discuss the Schitz/Lund
correspondence. Havequez had Chief Kadouma of Bodera flogged and beaten
to death. Chief Schimaschi, who had refused to supply bearers to carry
Havequez sedan-chair, was shot along with two other people. On the same
occasion Havequez himself shot and killed a native with his revolver. The
situation did not improve when Deguitre succeeded agent Havequez.
Deguitre took the station in March 1907, and, in July 1907 when Butel came,
he boasted seven expeditions, a couple of which Lund attended. Fifty-five
natives were killed, including seven children and fifteen grownups, in
revenge for the slaying of one touroucou. In the seventh expedition, which
took eleven days, every village they passed was raided for people (twenty
dead), goats and chickens.

Schitz had reason to be displeased with Havequez' reports: "I want to hear
nothing more of armed patrols in the villages". Schitz finished this letter by
mentioning that Bobichon (the French administrator) had written to him that
the director would be held responsible for the behaviour of his agents and that
the shootings had to stop. In a last recommendation, Schitz advised Lund to
not forget that the natives still had guns stolen from the Maison Hollandaise
and warned that it was up to him to be sure that no shells fell into their hands.

In January 1907, Schitz reported that the rubber harvest for 1906 was 55
tons, less the 5 tons missing with Dendoncker and the 500 kilos burned at
Baba. This was 20 tons less than in 1905. He had just received a telegram
from Europe that stated: "We are relying on a great effort for this year". He
further wrote that 1907 would be better if they were not frustrated by the
administration and if Europe sent him capable people. "They have to stop
putting all the blame on the director".

On 9 February 1907, Schitz again wrote to Lund:
"Since the appointment of an administrator as commander of the 'Cercle de la
Mpoko', things will not improve. The case of Kongabuka means that a lot of our
armed people have been interrogated. The interrogation in Bokiri has led to the
whites (amongst others Sailly and Flbus) being acquitted supposedly because of
lack of proof. This was in reality because of ministerial pressure from Paris, for
reasons of state according to administrator Guibet, that no convictions followed.
The man Kongabuka had committed 30 murders according to Guibet.
This can
become a disgusting affair for the company. Believe me, it is not always a joke
being director of Mpoko".
A next letter followed on 16 March:
"The half caste I am sending you [probably Marc Hamac, an independent planter
who had worked in Leopold's Crown Domain and who had just been recruited by
Schitz] received an annual salary of 2,400 Fr. and an annual indemnity of 1,800
Fr., but no percentage on the produce. I think it will be a good harvest. I am going
to visit the concession company La Bretonne (taken over by Mpoko) and the north-
ern zone after that and I hope to return to Europe on 30 April or 21May. Bolle, the
head of personnel in Europe, has asked me to come back for one term. I have not
made my mind up yet, but it probably will be a short stay to allow Vranckx to take
some leave. I will write before I leave to make sure that you arrive in Broy (Nor-
way) at the same time as myself. I am expecting a lot of problems with the Congo-
lese administration. I wish I was home because this is starting to get on my nerves.
Nevertheless I am feeling not bad and I am weighing 88 2/10 kilo".
On 8 April, Schitz writes his last letter to Lund to tell him that he probably
would nominate him as Mpoko's representative for the delimitation of the
northwest of the concession, the only unnatural border. He also mentioned

Kongabuka, originating from Leopold's Congo, worked for Mpoko as an armed guard.
AEF 8/Q 64. letter 56b 1906: "Au dbut de l'anne 1906 Lund arriva. Les tueries (aprs
Sydney, Quinquepoix, Deguitre et Wolf) loin de cesser ne font qu'augmenter Bossakala".
Follows a whole page with the exploits of Lund until June 1907 when the commission was
already in the (head office) Bimbo since March.
the fierce arguments with administrator Guibet, who was very friendly
afterwards. There follows underlined:
"Unfortunately he threatened to make a trip to the north. I hope he will not do so. I
will have you and Vranckx warned in any case. I am now on my way to the home-
land (Europe) and am leaving here in two days".
On 25 July, agent Wolf wrote from his post Bosakala to Lund, who was
residing in Bongangolo, to inform him that administrator Guibet was on
inspection. Wolf had just returned after establishing a new factory 42 km
west from Bosakala:
"The rubber harvest is progressing well but the Board of enquiry is arriving. It left
Baba on 18 July and is now in Boyombi. It is possible that they come to Bongan-
golo. The natives tell me that they interrogated the chiefs in the neighbourhood of
Baba about the number of dead in their villages. One chief spoke of 24, another of
28, and when one chief said none at all, he was accused of lying by Guibet. Our
armed men were also interrogated if the rubber had been paid for, if people were
whipped and if women were taken hostage".
Lund received a letter in July 1907 from inspector Butel of the local inspec-
torate with a whole list of questions. Lund replied to this letter on the 31st

with the following:
"Since the establishment of Bongangolo until and including the 25th of July 1907,
goods worth 7,596 were distributed. In 1906, 944 Fr. were paid for 1,370 kilos of
rubber. In 1907 this amount was 3,289 Fr. for 5,325 kilos. To establish the post, 80
cartridges for Gras guns were used, and 171 in total for this year until 11 January
1907. 117 cartridges were used in the first half of 1907: 18 for game shooting, the
balance in conflicts with the natives".
This was Lund's last letter. Together with agent Montvert he finished a half a
bottle of brandy, and each went to sleep in one's own house. Wolf found a
dying Lund the next day. Help was of no avail. They found two recently
opened vials of laudanum. Lund had committed suicide to escape his immi-
nent arrest, which was bound to follow based on the facts unearthed by the
inspection and that clearly pointed the finger at him.
Butel arrived earlier
than Lund had expected. Butel immediately found and impounded the corre-
spondence between Schitz and Lund.

Montvert was interviewed on 4 August. He testified that every time a village
would not cooperate, i.e., whenever the rubber harvest diminished, Lund

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII. Butel. Rapport de tourne, 03.08.1907.
regularly would take women prisoner. The women were held for two weeks
on average and were released only when the rubber production rose. The
women were put in chains for the first two to three days and had to work.
They received rations and were not beaten. Montvert confirmed when ques-
tioned that Lund knew the Boffe post and its surroundings outside the Mpoko
territory. "He did not want to occupy them but sent armed gangs to ensure the
output". The women prisoners in Bobatoa who had been there already for a
week and a half were released one week before Butel's arrival even though
the villages had not delivered any rubber. The news of Butel's arrival had
provoked their freeing.

There were in fact exactly three men and two children prisoner and four
women of which two were breastfeeding newly borne. They were shackled
and stayed with the armed guards. Montvert knew that two of the women had
been raped. Next to the hostages there were heaps of weapons, arrows and
shields seized and put to the torch. "Under Lund even the armed men re-
ceived corporal punishment (whippings) in a regular fashion", said Montvert,
"frequently twenty-five lashes, sometimes only fifteen".

Butel once marched 55 km in one-and-one-half days to prevent the natives
whom he wished to interrogate from being bribed to give false statements by
the agents. Butel did a thorough job. On 19 November 1907 he wrote:
"Everywhere were witness statements thoroughly checked, minutely and sur-
rounded by all guarantees, out of precaution for a press campaign as for the im-
mense stakes involved".

Butel wrote on 6 August to Wolf that he noticed that shells had been sold to
the chiefs and that stolen goats had been returned to the chiefs because he
was coming to inspect.
"I am bound to impound the shells and the piston guns that were given to the chiefs
and were asked to be returned in view of my inspection. These guns were intro-
duced in the colony exclusively for the protection of the agents and company posts.
Under no circumstances could they be put at the disposal of native chiefs as reward
for the continuous supply of rubber".
Wolf answered that he had 'bought' forty goats in the villages. On the 65-km-
long road between Baba and Bossakala there were no more villages, only
ruins. The villages had moved to more tranquil areas.

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII, A2.
Schitz had left just in time for Europe. The opinion of inspector Butel was
devastating. Schitz carried a crushing responsibility, as was established
during the debates in a complete and unquestionable manner.
Butel there-
fore renewed his request to have the Mpoko concession terminated. Butel put
in the summary of his voluminous report that in some three years 667 people
were killed in the southern zone of Mpoko alone, in the immediate
neighbourhood of Schitz's headquarters. The names or the numbers of the
killed in the other zones remains unknown. It is proven beyond doubt that the
company was aware of the murders, however, because whilst reporting, the
agents every time spoke about armed expeditions for the rubber and because
there was a direct correlation between the number of armed men and rubber
output. This is formulated in a typically terse fashion by the commissaire
gnral ad interim of French Congo and borrowed from a monthly report by
Lund of September 1903: "The more men with guns, the more rubber".

It was clear that the Company was in breach of Article 31 of the Cahiers de
charges for concession companies. This article states that notice of termina-
tion can be served if the Company, whilst running the concession, in this case
for rubber and ivory, uses means considered against the public order.


Flbus was apprehended in 1907 and placed under arrest on a warrant from
the judge in Bangui. Sailly escaped, and the warrant was sent to France.
Brazzaville, however, the prosecutor released Flbus after interrogation under
bail of 9,000 Fr. Flbus and Sailly were accused of illegal detentions and

Butel. Bimbo (20 October 1907). Compte-rendu de tourne de la rgion de Bossakala.
AEF 8/Q 64 letter 56b: "Au dbut de l'anne 1906 Lund arriva. Les tueries (aprs Sidney,
Quinquepoix, Deguitre et Wolf) loin de cesser ne font qu'augmenter Bossakala"; Follows a
whole page with the exploits of Lund until June 1907 when the commission was already in the
(head office) Bimbo since March.
Quoted in a memorandum added to the letter of 16 July 1908 to the director of Political
and Administrative Affairs. Ministry of Colonies. Paris. The memorandum dealt with the pro-
ject for the expiry of the Mpoko concession.
The native terms are telling. Ganty: "je m'en fous". A phrase he used when chiefs com-
plained. Vandenperre (whether he was related to a director I do not know): "Guitambi", the cry
of pain of people he had tortured. The Frenchman Fery: "Matabiche pour toi", words he said
when he hits his boys. Sailly: "Mamoassa", a small rodent that attacks chickens. Lund:
"Mbongo", small.
sequestration. In a decision of the criminal court on 11 January 1908, both
were acquitted. All the charged natives received five years of custody up to
twenty years of hard labour (the man Kongabuka). The acquittal of both
Europeans was an attempt at a cover-up by highly placed people in Brazza-
ville and Paris. There had been major pressure to have the Mpoko case dis-
missed and let the Europeans simply return home. On 30 September 1907,
the business of the northern zone of Mpoko was communicated to the then
president of the French Republic, to the State council and to the minister of
the Interior by the Minister of Colonies. As soon as Judge Michelet heard of
the acquittal of the two Europeans, he asked for his own repatriation.

The five of Mpoko charged at a later stage Vranckx, Ganty, Wolf, Guittet
and Guitard also were let out on bail. The first three left immediately for
Europe upon advice of the Medical Council dated 11 July 1908. The
Governor-General ad interim wrote to the head of the justice department in
Brazzaville on 1 September 1908:
"It appears from the analyses of different documents that the procedure [about the
Europeans charged in connection with Mpoko] that has been followed was in the
spirit of extreme tolerance towards the accused. Amongst those that returned there
were genuine cases of ill health. The file does not inform us if they were suffi-
ciently sick to justify this measure. The other accused were taken under arrest from
Bangui to Brazzaville where they got bail in August. It is impossible to glean from
the file if a commission of enquiry was sent to France to interrogate those who left".
This diplomatic language is in fact a strong indictment of the head of Justice.
He was indeed hiding behind a load of excuses. But the Governor-General ad
interim only could regret that a case with 667 proven murders and 1,500
probable murders in one zone was not conducted with more method and at a
faster pace. "I will report this to the ministry". Commissaire gnral
Martineau wrote on 28 May to the Minister of Colonies amongst others:
"In name of thousands of murdered natives I demand justice. And I have too much
confidence in your sense of Justice, Minister, to know that you will find a formula
which will reconcile this principle with that of the needs of colonization. This
confidence in the minister proved to be misplaced".
Judge Michelet also wrote to the president of the court after the acquittal of
Sailly and Flbus:
"I will not conceal that I find the verdict by the criminal court in Brazzaville
disgusting. The acquittal of those two Europeans accused of being accessories to
murder, together with the punishments meted out against the touroucous has left an
extremely painful impression and has provoked genuine censure".

Cougoul, head of the justice department, wrote an extensive report on 27 July
1908 upon request from his minister. A couple of sentences of this report
make us aware of the reality:
"If in France there was one hundredth of the cruelty perpetrated like that in Mpoko,
there would be such indignation that it would stop short any sympathy for the
accused... Does one want at random any incident from the file?"
He continues in his letter.
"Take the boy of a touroucou who escapes his master's cruelty. A touroucou has
him taken prisoner, attaches him to a pole and [has him] promptly shot. He then
immediately negotiates with the villagers about the sale of the body that is eaten the
same day.
Another incident: when the touroucous in charge of the recruitment of
labourers did not have enough food to feed them, they killed passers-by with their
guns to give to the men. The file contained hundreds of examples. The order was
always to kill, if the villages were abandoned, even if the natives had fled, even if
the quantity of rubber was obtained".
Sometimes there was a complete turn-around. On 20 July the concession
Commission found that the crimes of the Mpoko employees did not legally
warrant the termination of the company. The commissaire gnral ad interim
no longer urged justice in his letters to the minister. Soon Mpoko was
acquired by the concession company of the Haute Sangha, with the help of
the minister.

Hector Coullet, as head of the legal department in service of the Governor-
General, recorded that on 29 April the prosecutor issued a verdict of general
acquittal (non-lieu gnral) for all crimes of Mpoko.
He informed the
minister by telegram on 10 May 1909. All the Europeans were acquitted. He
also reported this in a letter of 6 August to the Governor-General. This letter
is relevant in that the accused natives admitted their crimes but said they were
obeying orders from European agents, who in turn referred to the instructions
from the Company. The letter expressed an appreciation for the workings of
justice in Congo, which was rather surprising coming from the head of the

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII. Letter n 144 (25.5.1908) from Michelet quoted in a
letter of the chef judiciaire to the Lieutenant-Governor of Gabon n 324 (8.8.1908).
These were anthropophagi who did not recoil from eating members of their own group.
In 1908 Hector Coullet was substitute judge at the court of first instance in Brazzaville and
President ad interim of the same court, as well as President of the Cour Criminelle.
legal department. He noticed that the acquittal of Flbus and Sailly along
with the return to Europe of the last accused agents, at a moment when the
affair was being resumed and solved on the spot for reasons of ill health and
this with "a threefold approval from justice, from the administration and from
the medical corps" makes it difficult for him to establish a Prosecuting
chamber, after acting as a high chief of the court and pronouncing himself
without appeal or objection about a case that is not mine'. He continues:
"In the presence of the following two alternatives:
1 have the Congo in a state of commotion for many years, make a lot of expenses
and have a stream of differing opinions rife in France with a supplementary
enquiry; or
2 act arbitrarily when choosing the guilty party,
the chief of the legal department thinks it is in conformity with wise administration
of justice to have a case relegated to oblivion, a case that surprises by its propor-
tions, as it cannot surprise for other motives in a country where the facts of the
same nature are innumerable and continuously happen".
From then onwards colonial justice would behave in "a spirit of exaggerated
tolerance towards accused Europeans" as the ministry in Paris put it.

By the end of 1908 not a single one of the twenty-seven accused Europeans
remained in Congo. The affair had been hushed up by order of, amongst
others, the same minister who had asked Guibet to shut up in the name of the
colonial prestige of France (Coquery-Vidrovitch, 1972, 182).

A termination procedure was initiated to remove Mpoko as a concession
company. In a telegram from 28 November 1907, Governor-General Gentil
asked for such a measure, even if there were legal objections. "It is a question
of justice. And it is better that way, even if we run the risk of having to pay
compensation". The minister answered that first the legal procedures against
the agents had to be completed.

Except for Mpoko this procedure never worked, although a special 'Commis-
sariat spcial du Gouvernement prs des Socits concessionnaires' was
established in 1901. The committee became operational only in 1905 and
became a lame duck in 1907 by putting it under command of the Governor-
General. Ten concessions were vulnerable to termination according to this

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXVIII. Note pour le Ministre. 2.11.1908.
In AEF 8Q 64 n 66 there is a small note from Cureau: "Procureur de la Rpublique du
service judiciaire rend compte que par ordonnance du 21 avril (1908) que son parquet a fait
non-lieu gnral des affaires criminelles dites de la M'Poko".
commissariat, but in practice, nothing happened. Independent or not, the
commissariat was powerless because, by virtue of the charter of the conces-
sion companies, once a company forfeited its concession, an immediate
public adjudication was to take place of the terminated concession.

Another reason for termination was not an option because all Europeans were
discharged. The companies could appeal the termination to the 'Conseil de
l'tat' in Paris, however, with a great chance of success. Ministers, judges and
civil servants were put under great pressure; even journalists were appointed
to board positions to ensure a good press.


First we look at the role of the national and/or international press in the
setting up of the boards. We then scrutinize the differences and similarities of
the enquiry proper and the results. And finally we review the prosecutions
that took place after the boards of enquiry.

7.1. The press and the comparison between both boards
of enquiry

The role of the press in establishing the boards cannot be underestimated. In
French Congo, it was mainly the national press; in Leopold's Congo, the
international press and the big powers.

The Brazza Commission was established on 3 March 1905 for a duration of
six months, as a result of the Gaud and Toqu scandal hitting the French
papers. Neither the international press nor the big powers played any role.
The longstanding financial dispute with the English companies, who had
operated for scores of years on the French Congolese coast before it became a
French colony and was about the monopoly position of the French
concession companies, was being solved through discrete diplomatic and
legal negotiations. It did not give rise to any commotion in the international
press, although E.D. Morel did write a book on the subject in 1903: The
British Case in French Congo.
That Morel ceased publishing much on the
subject probably had more to do with the lack of informants on the spot. The
German press was more lenient, since Germany had no interest in
embarrassing France.

In Leopold's Congo, the international press in England, Germany and the
U.S.A. played a big part in the establishment of Leopold's Board of enquiry
in 1904. The French press and the French politics spared Leopold, although
France had a right of pre-emption on Leopold's Congo in case it went
bankrupt. Likewise the Belgian Worker party and questions by Vandervelde
and Lorand in the Chamber of Deputies played a considerable part in the
establishment of Leopold's Board.

The protest began in England with articles in the press by Protestant
missionaries and parliamentary questions in the Lower House. Her Majesty's
government instructed Casement, consul in Boma, to make an inspection in
Upper Congo and to report back.
This 1903 report was sent to all fourteen powers of the Berlin Conference
of 1885 who had recognized Leopold's Congo (Casement, 1985). Not a single
country responded except The Congo Independent State, which was one of
Leopold's greatest personal diplomatic mistakes. The 1903 report resulted in
the creation of the Congo Reform Association by E.D. Morel, the first real
humanitarian action of the twentieth century. The investigative journalism of
Morel analysing the system as such, and the publication of the many true
horror stories for the consumption of the masses given to him by the
Protestant missionaries of Leopold's Congo, brought about a chain reaction.
The British Lower House forced the British government to act. In the end it
was Leopold who initiated a Board of enquiry, which was international only
because he incorporated an Italian and a Swiss on the board nominated by
himself. No member had experience in the Upper Congo, the area of the
worst abuses. Brazza, in contrast, had years of experience as explorer and as
commissaire gnral of French Congo.

Both boards stayed in Congo only for some months and visited only a couple
of areas. Gentil, the Governor General of French Congo, boycotted the
Brazza Commission.

Edmund D. Morel, The British Case in French Congo. The story of a Great Injustice, its
Causes and its Lessons, London, 1903.
Leopold's Commission received more support from Vice Governor
General Costermans, but received fewer documents from the Congolese
government in Brussels and no insight in the finances.

Ten copies of the French report were printed in 1907 but never published for
reasons of state. This report, which became accessible only ten scores year
later, disclosed the abuses of the system. According to Brazza, these abuses
were inherent to the system, and the general administration of French Congo
and the government of France were greatly responsible for them.
Nevertheless, Flicien Challaye, the only board member without an official
function and thus exempt of confidentiality, wrote a book in 1909: Le Congo
Franais. La question internationale du Congo. Leopold's Board of enquiry's
report, after many corrections suggested by Leopold himself, finally was
published in the official Gazette (Bulletin Officiel du Congo) in November
1905. For the legal community it was a completely damning report, but
because there was not a single attachment and not a single witness statement
from the more than three hundred witnesses, the impact on the great public
was negligible. The report did not address the system itself. In 1906 two
books were published on the Congo, one written by F. Cattier, professor at
the Brussels University and associate member of the international colonial
institute, and another by A. Vermeersch, a Jesuit and doctor at law and
political and social sciences. Ultimately, the report of the Commission of
Enquiry demanded by Leopold II due to international pressure and the
reactions to it led to the annexation of the Congo by Belgium in 1908, i.e.,
during Leopold's lifetime. The king of England was so disgusted with
Leopold, a family member, that he forbade any official state visits by
Leopold to England. Only a week after Leopold II's death was the ban lifted.

7. 2. Judicial consequences

Judges were not appointed for life in Leopold's Congo, unlike in Belgium.
Judges in Congo who did not show enough 'flexibility' got never a second
term or were just sent away. In French Congo, judges were appointed as they
were in France. This did not mean that for big cases with international reper-
cussions these were the heydays of French nationalism there was no
political influence. Plenty of Europeans were found guilty after the thorough
investigation in the Mpoko case, but they all benefited from a general non-
lieu under pressure from the French ministry. There was a more thorough
investigation in French Congo by Butel, Guibet and Michelet, all three with
much experience, in comparison with the one conducted into the affairs of the
rubber companies ABIR or the Anversoise in Leopold's Congo. In the king's
Crown Domain there was no real enquiry, although crimes were legion. In
the Mpoko enquiry, Butel and the special Commission made a scrupulous
investigation and took all possible guarantees against a possible press
campaign to cover themselves against the huge interests in play.
attention also was given to the native witnesses on location in contrast to that
of the Europeans.

All the higher civil servants of Leopold's Congo and/or the traders escaped
prosecution or left the Congo in time. In French Congo, twenty-seven Euro-
peans were released or not prosecuted on orders from above. In Leopold's
Congo, some lower-ranking Europeans were taken to court and convicted
under pressure from the Belgian Chamber of deputies and the few anti-Congo
newspapers (Vangroenweghe, 2004, 355-356). Quite a number of papers in
Belgium and abroad were bribed by Leopold's Bureau de Presse, whilst in
France a number of journalists sat on the boards of the concession companies.
But by 1908, the year of the Belgian annexation, there was not a single
European left in the Boma jail, although some had been convicted and had
received terms of ten to twenty years. The native employees got far longer
prison terms in both Congos.


The profitable concession companies in Leopold's Congo (ABIR and Anver-
soise) were the model for the French government to found 40 concession
companies in the French Congo in 1899-1900. In those companies almost
half of the shares were in Belgian hands, some belonged to the Congo Free
State through front men. Precise details were seldom published.

An analysis of the French concession company M'Poko; Socit anonyme des
tablissements Gratry (abbreviated: Mpoko) fills this lacuna and sheds new
light on the intense direct and indirect influence of the Congo Free State on
Mpoko. This company, barely 13,900 km, was situated south-west of Bangui
on the river Mpoko, a tributary of the Ubangi river.

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions, XXXVIII, A, 2.
The Belgians were not only shareholders, they also contributed competent
personnel. In the early years European and indigenous employees came
almost exclusively from Leopold's Congo. The first director in Africa from
1900 to 1907 was the Norwegian Gullbrand Schitz, a captain-commander
who had worked six years in Leopold's Congo, of which 4 years (1897-1900)
in his private Crown Domain to harvest rubber. In total there were seven
Scandinavians and as many Belgians. From 1900 to 1904 the European
personnel amounted to between 10 and 15 (of which only one Frenchman).
The number of trading posts rose very gradually from two to eleven from
1905 on. The first thirty armed surveyors came from the Crown Domain as
well and were former employees of Schitz. Mpoko became a lucrative

In Leopold's Congo and in the French Congo Commissions of inquiry were
established in resp. 1904 and 1905 under pressure of the national and/or
international press and of the international powers. This paper has analysed
the similarities and differences between the both. The first Commission of
which no member had any experience in the Upper Congo and which was
under enormous foreign pressure published its report in very juridical
terms, excluding the witness reports and without establishing the link
between the system and the king. The report of the French Commission,
headed by the very experienced Brazza and by some state inspectors, was
never published because of the raison d'tat. But both Commissions
indirectly resulted in judicial inquiries, especially under the pressure of
members of Parliament and the press.

The judicial inquiry of Butel in Mpoko in 1907 yields unique material on the
founding of trading posts, the collaboration of chiefs, the methods of rubber
exploitation (terror, the taking of hostages, murder), anthropophagy and the
correlation between the rubber harvest and the use of weapons. Butel and his
collaborators could confiscate the accounting books per post, figures on the
use of cartridges and the private correspondence of the zone chief and the
Africa director. They also questioned hundreds of native witnesses on the
scene and the Europeans who were still present. In general their enquiry was
more professional than in Leopold's Congo.

On Leopold's Congo and the rubber harvest some thorough studies have been
published (among others by the present author), but for no concession
company (ABIR, Anversoise), nor for the East Congo nor for the private
Crown Domain so many and so detailed documents have been preserved as
for Mpoko.

In Mpoko the correlation between the rubber harvest and the use of cartridges
is irrevocably and juridically ascertained by the details per month on Salanga
and on the post Yaka (see Appendix) and by the correspondence.

For those who doubt that so few Europeans could have killed so many
natives, Mpoko is the irrefutable proof. The judicial inquiry charged seven-
teen Europeans and more than 200 natives. In one examined zone of the three
(a scarcely populated zone with barely the surface of a Belgian province) 667
juridically proven murders and 1,500 probable murders were documented.
The health of the population was dreadful, as well as the demographic
decline. The reasons were murder, illness, malnutrition and hunger because
the people were not granted any time to cultivate fields and because all small
live stock was stolen by Europeans and armed native surveyors. Additional
factors include: the enormous pressure to harvest as much rubber as possible
far away from home, the fact that women and children were taken hostage,
the work of women on the rubber plantations, and playing villages off against
each other by arming one chief.

The charged Europeans, of which many could escape the Congo with the
consent of the authorities, were granted a 'non-lieu gnral des affaires crimi-
nelles dites de la Mpoko' by order of the French state because of the raison
d'tat. The native perpetrators however were sentenced, some of them to 10-
20 years actually served. Justice was evidently class and race biased.

In Leopold's Congo some subordinate whites who had not left for Europe in
time, were prosecuted, but in 1908 when the Congo was annexed to Belgium
none of them was still in jail.


Remuneration Use of cartridges by armed natives
and whites





















Aug. 740 520 385 1
520 364 144 1 35 1000 40
Sep. 2000 1400 462 2 40 800 35 20 200
Oct. 666 467 422
1922 1345 440 2 70 500 90 40 200
Nov. 215 150 82
2150 1500 400 75 800 100 50 300 30
Dec. 1600 1100 365 ? 50 500 119 60 200
Jan. 1750 1200 414 3 80 1000 270 45 300 20
Feb. 2160 1500 509 4 100 500 170 40 200
Mar. 2575 1800 601 2 70 145 30 30
Apr. 3150 2200 770 1 100 1000 294 75 500
May 2170 1500 547 1 50 1000 425 50 500
Jun. 2860 2000 730 2 80 1000 178 50 500 15
Jul. 2575 1800 719 1 70 326 60 500 23
Aug. 2430 1700 736 70 500 360 80 500 10
Sep. 2860 2000 878 70 800 190 66 1000

S.O.M., AEF, Concessions XXXIII.
Remuneration Use of cartridges by armed natives
and whites





















Oct. 2572 1800 789 50 700 120 30 500 15
Nov. 2155 1500 661 50 800 110 30 500
Dec. 2715 1900 854 1 195 1000 225 50 500
Jan. 1800 1260 567 90 500 270 60 500
Feb. 1144 800 358 50 500 225 50 500
Mar. 100 70 49
1144 800 361 80 500 245 80 500
Apr. 1860 1300 611 190 750 305 90 750
May 1715 1200 551 190 750 350 100 750
Jun. 2572 1800 896 270 1250 304 100 1250
Jul. 2486 1740 971 60 500 145 13 500
Aug. 2572 1800 1029 15 500 165 20 500
Sep. 3000 2100 1380 25 500 230 50 500
Oct. 2715 1900 1220 90 1000 310 100 1000
Nov. 2143 1500 975 1 75 1000 235 75 1000
Dec. 2858 2000 1305 75 1000 310 75 1000
Jan. 2858 2000 1305 75 1000 190 75 500
Feb. 1858 1300 966 50 320 50
Mar. 1286 900 908 50 500 160 50 500
Apr. 1286 900 921 50 500 130 50 500
May 1217 850 857 50 500 60 50 500
Jun. 1393 975 945 140
Jul. 1200 840 864 50 500 80 50 500
Aug. 1315 920 921 145 50 1000
Sep. 1430 1000 983 100 50 500
Oct. 1123 730 728 100 50 500
Nov. 1260 820 823 90 10
Dec. 1329 860 872 10 100 95 20 200
Remuneration Use of cartridges by armed natives
and whites





















Jan. 1352 810 812 60 30 1200
Feb. 1850 110 1104
Mar. 300 567 84
Apr. 142 85 100 126

May 142 85 97 45
Jun. 164 100 72 114
Jul. 98 60 47 25 10
Aug. 114 70 54 10 10
Sep. 41 25 69 16

Oct. 7

Salary and remuneration. Calculated in franc but paid in kind.
Used for fresh meat.
Gratifications to Senegalese soldiers with consent of the board.
caps.* = capsules
gunp.* = gunpowder


______________________ ABBREVIATIONS ______________________

ABIR Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company
AEF Afrique Equatoriale Franaise
A.P. Affaires Politiques
ANVERSOISE Socit anversoise du commerce au Congo
Conc. Fonds Concessions (srie AEF) Aix-en-Provence
MP Member of Parliament
MPOKO M'Poko, Socit anonyme des Etablissements Gratry
N.A.H.V. Nieuw Afrikaanse Handels Vennootschap
S.H.O. Compagnie des Sultanats du Haut-Oubangui
S.O.M. Archives nationales, Section d'outre-mer, Aix-en-Provence




Archives nationales, Section d'outre-mer, Aix-en-Provence. Srie AEF
a. AEF. Srie 8 Q. Compagnies concessionnaires. Dossiers non classs de diverses socits
b. AEF. Fonds Concessions: AEF. XV. Gabon; AEF. XXXVIII, socit M'Poko; AEF. XL.
c. AEF. Srie D. Missions d'inspection 1892-1950. e.a. Bobichon dans le Haut Congo (1904);
Brazza (1905).

Archives du Ministre des Affaires trangres, Section Archives Africaines. Bruxelles.

CATTIER (F.), tude sur la situation de l'tat Indpendant du Congo, Bruxelles, Paris, 1906.
CHALLAYE (F.), "Le Congo Franais", Cahiers de la Quinzaine, 7
srie, 12
cahier, 10 fvr.
CHALLAYE (F.), Le Congo Franais. La question internationale du Congo, Paris, 1909.
MOREL (E.D.), The British Case in French Congo. The story of a Great Injustice, its Causes
and its Lessons, London, 1903, (+map of French Congo).
TOQU (G.), Les massacres du Congo. La terre qui meurt, la terre qui tue, 1907, rdition
avec postface, Paris, 1996.
VERMEERSCH (A.), La question congolaise, Bruxelles, 1906.


AUTIN (J.), Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, Paris, 1985.
Biographie Coloniale Belge, Belgische Koloniale Biografie, Bruxelles, 1958.
CASEMENT (R.), Rapport de R. Casement, consul britannique, Introduction et notes par D.
Vangroenweghe, Prface et rgles d'dition par J.L. Vellut, Enqutes et Documents
d'Histoire Africaine, 1985, no. 6, Centre d'Histoire de l'Afrique, UCL.
COQUERY-VIDROVITCH (C.), Le Congo au temps des grandes compagnies
concessionnaires, 1898-1930, Paris, La Haye, 1972.
DE DAMPIERRE (E.), Un ancien royaume Banda du Haut-Oubangui, Paris, 1967.
DELATHUY (A.M.) (Jules Marchal), E.D. Morel tegen Leopold II en de Kongostaat.
Antwerpen, 1985.
DELATHUY (A.M.), De Kongostaat van Leopold II, Antwerpen, 1989.
GROOTAERS (J.), A history and ethnography of modernity among the Zande (Central African
Republic), non published Ph.D. thesis, Chicago, Illinois, 1996.
KALCK (P.), Histoire Centrafricaine des origines nos jours, Thse de doctorat d'tat, Paris,
1970. Lille, service de reproduction des thses, 1973.
KALCK (P.), Histoire de la Rpublique Centrafricaine. Paris, 1974.
Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (ed.), Het geheugen van Congo. De koloniale tijd,
(Wetenschappelijke leiding J.-L. Vellut) Selectie van de expoteksten, Tervuren, 2005.
MARCHAL (J.), E.D. Morel contre Lopold II, (2 vols), Paris, 1996.
MARKSTAHLER (J.), Die franzsische Kongo Affre 1905-1906, Wiesbaden, 1986.
ROBERTS (S.H.), The History of French colonial Policy 1870-1925, London, 1929, reissue
SAUTTER (G.), De l'Atlantique au fleuve Congo. Une gographie du sous-peuplement.
Rpublique du Congo, Rpublique Gabonaise, Paris, 1966.
STENGERS (J.), Combien le Congo a-t-il cot la Belgique?, Bruxelles, 1957.
VANGROENWEGHE (D.), Rood Rubber. Leopold II en zijn Kongo, Brussel-Amsterdam,
VANGROENWEGHE (D.), Du sang sur les lianes. Lopold II et son Congo, Bruxelles, 1986.
VANGROENWEGHE (D.), Rood Rubber. Leopold II en zijn Kongo, Leuven, 2004, (revised
VANGROENWEGHE (D.), Voor rubber en ivoor. Leopold II en de ophanging van Stokes,
Leuven, 2005.
VELLUT (J.-L.), "Beelden van de koloniale tijd" in: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika
(ed.), Het geheugen van Congo de koloniale tijd, Tervuren, 2005, pp. 11-21.

De export van het concessiesysteem in Leopolds Congo naar Frans
Congo, gellustreerd door de Mpokomaatschappij


______________________ SAMENVATTING ______________________

In deze bijdrage wordt eerst een algemene schets gegeven van 40 in Frans-
Congo (1899-1900) opgerichte Franse concessiemaatschappijen, die samen
80% van het territorium bestreken. Deze maatschappijen waren door de Fran-
sen gemodelleerd naar de winstgevende rubbermaatschappijen uit Leopold
II's Congo: de ABIR, de Anversoise en het privgebied van Leopold II, het
Kroondomein geheten.

Dan volgt een algemene schets van het koloniale bestuur in Frans-Congo met
als leidraad de onderzoekscommissie onder de leiding van Brazza uit 1905.
Deze commissie werd opgericht wegens geruchten in de Franse pers over
onregelmatigheden in Frans-Congo.

Het hoofdthema is de Franse concessiemaatschappij M'Poko, Socit
anonyme des tablissements Gratry (afgekort als Mpoko). Deze in de nabij-
heid van Bangui gelegen winstgevende maatschappij had een oppervlakte van
13.900 km. De gelijkenissen tussen Mpoko en de maatschappijen in Leo-
polds Congo blijken veel groter dan tot nu toe gedacht. Zo waren bijna de
helft van de aandelen in Belgische handen en waren de directeur in Afrika, de
Noor Schitz, en zijn eerste Europese agenten (meestal uit Scandinavische
landen) allen oudgedienden uit Congo Vrijstaat, meestal uit het Kroon-
domein. Ze hadden allen veel ervaring in rubberwinning. Ook de eerste dertig
inlanders waren uit het Kroondomein afkomstig. Het 'leopoldiaanse systeem'
van rubberwinning werd ook overgeplant naar Mpoko: dwangarbeid, terreur,
gijzelneming van vrouwen en kinderen, excessief geweld en massaal gebruik
van vuurwapens vormden de basis van dit systeem. De maandelijkse statis-
tieken van de factorij Yaka illustreren de correlatie tussen wapens en rubber-

In 1907 vond een rechterlijk onderzoek plaats. Meer dan tweehonderd in-
landse opzichters en 27 Europeanen werden aangeklaagd. In n van de drie
zones van Mpoko hadden 667 juridische bewezen moorden en 1.500 waar-
schijnlijke moorden plaatsgevonden. Het parket te Brazzaville vaardigde
onder druk van de Franse minister van Kolonies in 1909 een ordonnantie uit
met een algemene vrijspraak voor alle Europeanen. De inlanders werden
allesbehalve clement behandeld en kregen zware straffen opgelegd.

Tenslotte worden de gelijkenissen en verschillen tussen de onderzoekscom-
missies in beide Congo's en de rechterlijke gevolgen behandeld.

Le systme concessionnaire de Lopold II export au Congo franais. Le
cas de la Mpoko, Socit Anonyme des tablissements Gratry


__________________________RSUM __________________________

L'article fournit un aperu gnral de quarante socits concessionnaires fon-
des au Congo franais en 1899-1900 qui ont pris comme modle les socits
caoutchouc lucratives du Congo de Lopold II: l'Anglo-Belgian India
Rubber Company, l'Anversoise et le Domaine de la Couronne (proprit
prive du roi).

Les conclusions de la Commission d'enqute mene par Brazza en 1905
permettent d'avoir une ide du fonctionnement de l'administration coloniale
au Congo franais. Cette Commission a t cre suite aux rumeurs qui
circulent dans la presse franaise au sujet d'irrgularits commises dans ce
pays d'Afrique.

Le thme principal de l'article a pour objet la socit concessionnaire fran-
aise M'poko, Socit anonyme des tablissements Gratry (en abrg
Mpoko). Situe aux alentours de Bangui, cette socit trs rentable s'tend
sur une superficie de 13.900 km. Les ressemblances entre Mpoko et les
socits du Congo de Lopold II sont plus fortes qu'il n'y parat: presque la
moiti des actions appartiennent des Belges; le directeur de la socit, le
Norvgien Schitz ainsi que les premiers agents commerciaux europens
(pour la plupart des scandinaves) sont des anciens du Domaine priv du
Congo lopoldien; trente indignes travailleurs/militaires ont une large exp-
rience dans la rcolte de caoutchouc tel point que l'on peut affirmer que le
rgime, mis en place par Lopold II, est transplant dans la socit M'poko. Il
se caractrise par le travail forc, la terreur, la prise en otage d'hommes, de
femmes et d'enfants, la brutalit excessive et l'emploi frquent d'armes feu.
Les statistiques mensuelles de la factorerie de Yaka montrent bien la corrla-
tion entre l'emploi des armes feu et la production de caoutchouc.

Une enqute juridique est mene en 1907. Plus de deux cents indignes qui
servaient de sentinelles armes et vingt sept Europens ont t mis en accu-
sation. Dans une des trois zones de la Mpoko six cent soixante-sept meurtres
ont t tablis avec certitude et mille cinq cents d'une faon probable. Sous
pression du Ministre franais des Colonies le parquet de Brazzaville a or-
donn un non-lieu gnral pour tous les Europens. Aucune clmence n'ayant
t accorde aux indignes ils ont t svrement punis.

L'article se termine par la comparaison entre les conclusions de la Commis-
sion d'enqute mene au Congo franais et celles de la Commission mise en
place au Congo lopoldien.

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